OPEN SESSION: There were 3 people present who wished to speak in respect of Grant Aid applications. MINUTES OF THE POLICY & FINANCE COMMITTEE Held on 19th November 2014 at 7.00pm PRESENT: Cllr J D Heron (Chairman) Cllr W S Rippon-Swaine (Vice Chairman) Cllr L C Ford Cllr M Steele Cllr S Stokes Cllr B H Terry Cllr M H Thierry Cllr G J O’Reilly Cllr A C Wiseman IN ATTENDANCE: Steve Nash, Town Clerk Rory Fitzgerald, Finance Manager Nicola Vodden, Meetings Administrator Ellie Steeden, Student Advisor Fraya Reynolds-Lee, Student Advisor The Town Clerk reported that apologies for absence had been received from Cllr Woodifield and Cllr Burgess-Kennar. F/5180 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Cllr Stokes and Cllr Rippon-Swaine declared an interest in Item F/5182 Grant Aid application for Forest Forge and Cllr Thierry declared an interest in F/5182 Grant Aid application for Ringwood First Responders. F/5181 MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 15th October 2014, having been circulated, be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record. With the agreement of members, Item 4- Grant Aid applications, was brought forward for the benefit of those wishing to speak. F/5182 GRANT AID APPLICATIONS The Committee considered 5 applications for Grant Aid from Victim Support, Forest Forge Theatre Company, Ringwood Rotary Club, Ringwood First Responders and Vitalise (Annex A). Victim Support - Kate Ross, Delivery Services Manager from Victim Support made an application for £200, to help in the recruitment and training of volunteers to support victims in the Ringwood Area and to assist in payment of volunteers expenses. This is a National Charity, offering practical and emotional support to victims of crime and in the last year has helped 137 people in the Ringwood area. Cllr Thierry and Cllr Heron made observations in relation to accounts provided with the application, compared to the figures on the website Page 1 of 4 and that Victim Support had made grants to other organisations. Cllr Wiseman queried whether any grant would be specifically used locally or returned to a central fund. It was indicated that Ringwood was managed by Hampshire and Isle Of Wight area, that there was a need to recruit in Ringwood and they would aim to recruit where there was a shortage of volunteers. The Committee agreed that any decision on this application be deferred until the accounts are clarified. Cllr Stokes declared a pecuniary interest in the Forest Forge Grant Aid application as she is the Vice Chairman and Cllr Rippon-Swaine declared a pecuniary interest as he is on the Board of Trustees. They remained in the room however, they took no part in the discussion. Forest Forge Theatre Company – Miranda Whitehead – Chair of the Board of Trustees, made an application for £1000 to support the continued work of Forest Forge with Ringwood events, productions and workshops. Funding from the Arts Council was lost in 2012/13 and the company was surviving with the assistance of various grants and sponsors. Other sponsors have reduced their grants by approximately 10% year on year, which has been budgeted for. Cllr Heron indicated that Forest Forge, as a prominent Ringwood organisation, was something the town should be proud of and should support. The Committee was in agreement that £1,050 should be awarded. Ringwood Rotary Club – The Committee considered an application for £150 to cover expenses for Christmas Eve Festivities in Ringwood Market Place. All members agreed that a grant of £150 be awarded. Cllr Thierry declared a pecuniary interest in Ringwood First Responders Grant Aid application and left the meeting at 7:22pm. Ringwood First Responders – Denis Hann – Co-Ordinator for Community First Responders made an application for £5000, to purchase new life saving equipment for Community First Responders to utilise. He indicated that the local volunteer team had responded to around 300 999 calls this year. He explained that the kit costs £1,600 and they were looking to purchase 3 kits, as there were currently 2 kits being shared between 6 volunteers. They were hoping to recruit 4 new volunteers. The Committee agreed that a grant of £1,000 be awarded. Cllr Thierry returned to the meeting at 7:30pm. Vitalise – The Committee considered an application for £692 to contribute towards the cost of supporting Ringwood Residents who benefit from Vitalise care. It was noted that this was a National Charity and from the accounts that there were £6 million in reserves. The Committee felt that with limited resources, any grants awarded should be to local organisations and that, for this application, no grant be awarded. The RFO confirmed that the Grant Aid balance was £720, which was for the current year. Cllr Theirry questioned what would happen if a Grant Aid application was received which the Committee wanted to support, but there were not enough funds. The Chairman indicated a proposal could be made to the next Full Council meeting to increase the budget provision for an extra specified amount, but he would prefer that applications are dealt with as they are received. Any grant the Committee were to recommend, beyond the outstanding balance, would be passed to Full Council for agreement. RESOLVED: 1) That any decision in relation to the Victim Support Grant Aid application be deferred until the accounts are clarified 2) That under Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972, Page 2 of 4 a) a grant of £1,050 be awarded to Forest Forge Theatre Group to support the continued work with Ringwood events, productions and workshops b) a grant of £150 be awarded to Ringwood Rotary Club to cover expenses for Christmas Eve Festivities in Ringwood Market Place c) a grant of £1,000 be awarded to Ringwood First Responders for lifesaving kit 3) That no grant be awarded to Vitalise as it is a National Charity and as the Grant Aid fund was limited, the Committee decided that grants should be awarded locally. ACTION A Greenfield F/5183 MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORTS Members considered the Monthly Financial Reports attached to these minutes as Annex B. The RFO noted that there was expenditure for vandalism to a bus shelter and that the Committee should perhaps consider increasing the vandalism provision for 2015/16. The Town Clerk explained why a Southampton company had been used to supply certain road signs, as it was usual to engage local companies where possible. RESOLVED: 1) That the list of cheque payments on the Imprest account for October 2014 be authorised. Cllrs Heron and Rippon-Swaine signed the report. 2) That the list of Petty Cash payments for October 2014 be authorised. Cllrs Heron and Rippon-Swaine signed the report. 3) That the Statement of Town Council Balances be received and noted. 4) That the Inter Account Transfer be authorised. As there were no entries this month the report was noted but not signed.. 5) That the list of Petty Cash Food Purchase and Sales for the Drop In be noted. ACTION R Fitzgerald F/5184 BUDGET 2015/16 The RFO provided a document on new expenditure proposals for 2015/16 (Annex C) for the Committee to consider. Comments were made as follows:The RFO indicated that currently, for this year, there was an expected modest overspend from a predicted £234,000 to £238,000, due to unplanned work on Greenways, which has been offset by savings made. Any further unplanned expenditure will be taken from reserves, which are tight for this year. The reserve should however be in a better position next year, when expenditure is expected to reduce to £230,000. Item 2 – Replacement tractor – issues with the current tractor identified including breaking down, maintenance costs and whether it’s fit for purpose. Cllr Thierry asked for more detail Page 3 of 4 on the amount of time the tractor is not fit for purpose, as it may be more cost effective to hire a contractor to do that work. Item 3 – Skatepark – Funding to be confirmed. Estimated running and maintenance costs to be built into new budget. Item 4 and 5 – Additional £1000, £800 and £300 for training Item 8 – Drop In running costs - Provision for staff time and support. A further provision may be required for building maintenance and running costs. Item 10 – Reliant on significant funding, maintenance may be a factor to be considered in the future, however an all-weather pitch may reduce maintenance required with savings potentially being made. Item 14 – Tipper Truck –The Town Clerk would report back on the assessment given and the figures involved. The RFO indicated that an outright purchase would be a lower cost in the long run compared to leasing. There was an alternative solution of obtaining a second hand truck from HCC. Item 20 – Crow Lane – Ref P/5168 explains that this is covered by developers contributions for the next 3 years. Cllr Thierry enquired about microphones in the Committee room. The chairman confirmed that monies within the building fund were available to fund the recording/amplification system proposed. HCC were liaising with suppliers and the Town Clerk would enquire about an installation date. Cllr Thierry asked for confirmation of the amount in developers contributions. The Town Clerk confirmed that the amount was currently £635,000, with additional funding expected from outstanding applications. The Chairman indicated that CIL(Community Infrastructure Levy) comes in in April and expenditure of developers contributions needs to be agreed by then, however there are sufficient schemes, with outline consent, to ensure that the money is used and not sacrificed. RESOLVED: That the comments on the new expenditure proposals be noted ACTION S Nash/R Fitzgerald F/5185 YOUTH PROVISION WORKING PARTY Members considered the notes of the meeting of the Youth Provision Working Party held on 3rd November 2014 (Annex D). RESOLVED: That the notes of the Youth Provision Working Party held on 3rd November 2014, be received and the proposals therein, be approved. There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 8:17pm. Note: The text in the Action Boxes above does not form part of these minutes. RECEIVED 26th November 2014 APPROVED 10th December 2014 TOWN MAYOR COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN Page 4 of 4 RINGWOOD TOWN COUNCIL B^ POLICY & FINANCE COMMITTEE 19TH NOVEMBER 2014 GRANTS 2014/2015 GRANTS REQUESTED PREVIOUS GRANTS PAID 2011/12 £ 200 800 150 0 50 Victim Support Forest Forge Rwd Rotary Club for Christmas Eve Festivities Ringwood First Responders Vitalise 2012/13 £ 200 800 200 0 0 2013/14 £ 200 1000 150 0 0 Total REQD £ 200 1,000 150 5,000 692 7,042 2014/15 FUNDS AVAILABLE £ 2014/15 Budget 6,000 Total Funds available 6,000 Less Paid 2,920 Total Unspent @ 19/11/14 3,080 SECTION 137 £ 2014/15 GRANTS PAID TO DATE Min Ref Teddy Bears Pre School Ringwood School - Achievement Award 3 Troop Fordingbridge Ringwood Town Youth Football Club Age Concern Hampshire Avon Valley Concerts Ringwood Meeting House Association New Forest Disability Information Service TOTAL £ 100 120 1,000 400 400 400 250 250 100 120 1,000 400 400 400 250 250 2,920 2,920 2014/15 GRANTS REJECTED TO DATE Meeting Scarf Greyfriars Min Ref Reason 16/07/14 F/5160(1) Not Specific to Ringwood 16/07/14 F/5160(2) Grants for maintenance not made SECTION 145 £ 0 sáÅíáã=pìééçêí = cçêÉëí cçêÖÉ oçí~êó `äìÄ `çããìåáíó cáêëí oÉëéçåÇÉêë Ringwood Gateway, The Furlong, Ringwood, Hampshire, BH24 1AT Tel: 01425 473883. Email: [email protected] APPLICATION FOR GRANT AID Applicant’s Details Name of Organisation requesting grant Ringwood Community First Responders Postal Address Unit 3 Carvers Industrial Estate Ringwood BH24 1JR Denis Hann Name of Contact Contact’ s telephone number 07740409377/01425 477695 Contact’ s email: [email protected] Details of Grant Request Amount requested £ 5000 What is the purpose of the grant? To purchase new life saving equipment for Community First responder to utilise. How would the people of Ringwood benefit from your receiving this grant? These will provide lifesaving support to the people of Ringwood. Any resident require lifesaving assistance. How many Ringwood people would benefit? Total cost of project £ If the organisation were to be successful in securing a grant, to whom should the cheque be payable? On going South Central Ambulance Charitable trust, CO Ringwood First Responders Information about your Organisation What facilities do you provide? Membership: Charity Reg number: 1049778 Subscription: £ Names of competing or similar organisations N/A Funds available to your organisation (apart from this grant application) Cash in hand: £ Annual income: £ Other sponsoring bodies and amounts donated by them Ringwood Carnival £500.00 Clover Ladies £ 600.00 £ Have you applied, or do you intend to apply, to any other sponsoring bodies for funding? If so, please give details. No further funding. Signature of Applicant J. Crowley Position within the Organisation: Community First responder Date 11/11/2014 Next Policy & Finance meeting where grant applications will be considered Date by which all documentation should be received to be included on the Agenda for the above meeting Please refer to the separate Notes for Applicants document. If you wish to attend the Committee meeting at which your application will be considered, please contact us. Office use only sáí~äáëÉ Ringwood Gateway, The Furlong, Ringwood, Hampshire, BH24 1AT Tel: 01425 473883. Email: [email protected] APPLICATION FOR GRANT AID Applicant’s Details Name of Organisation requesting grant Vitalise Postal Address 212 Business Design Centre 52 Upper Street London N1 0QH Name of Contact Clare Ellisdon Contact’ s telephone number Contact’ s email: 020 7288 6873 [email protected] Details of Grant Request Amount requested What is the purpose of the grant? How would the people of Ringwood benefit from your receiving this grant? £692 £692 To contribute towards the cost of supporting Ringwood residents who are benefiting from Vitalise breaks with care. Your local residents, all living with a severe disability, are able to take advantage of our 3 fully accessible centres across the UK each providing 24 hour nursing and care staff, social support volunteers, full board& accommodation in our fully equipped en suite bedrooms, entertainment & excursions. On average Ringwood residents and their carers benefit from 4 Vitalise care breaks each year. They have all chosen to benefit from staying with us to help provide a much needed break for themselves and their carers. Disabled people from Ringwood are able to choose a break with care that supports their often very individual needs. Carers from Ringwood are able to have a guilt free rest from their caring role knowing that their loved one is being well cared for. How many Ringwood people would benefit? Total cost of project £ If the organisation were to be successful in securing a grant, to whom should the cheque be payable? 2 disabled people and their carers 1,384 Vitalise Information about your Organisation What facilities do you provide? Membership: Subscription: £ Vitalise has three fully accessible centres around the UK. Your local centre is Vitalise Netley Waterside in Southampton. We offer socially inclusive breaks with care that inspire confidence for disabled people and their families Names of competing or similar organisations None that we are aware of. Funds available to your organisation (apart from this grant application) Cash in hand: £18,000 Annual income: £7,724,000 Other sponsoring bodies and amounts donated by them Vitalise operates an on going fundraising programme and holds local and national events. We receive numerous grants and donations and the occasional legacy Have you applied, or do you intend to apply, to any other sponsoring bodies for funding? If so, please give details. Not specifically for this purpose but see also above. Signature of Applicant Position within the Organisation: £ Date th 11 November 2014 Business Development Officer Next Policy & Finance meeting where grant applications will be considered Date by which all documentation should be received to be included on the Agenda for the above meeting 19/11/2014 12/11/2014 Please refer to the separate Notes for Applicants document. If you wish to attend the Committee meeting at which your application will be considered, please contact us. Office use only Vitalise 212 Business Design Centre 52 Upper Street London N1 0QH Alyson Greenfield – Finance Officer Ringwood Town Council The Furlong Ringwood BH24 1AT 13 November 2014 Tel: 0303 303 0147 Fax: 0207 288 6899 [email protected] Dear Alyson, Vitalise has been providing breaks with care for people with disabilities and their carers for over 50 years! We are a unique charity and believe that people with disabilities should have the same rights, freedom and quality of life as able bodied individuals. In turn, carers benefit from time to address their own emotional and physical needs and are better able to cope during the rest of the year. Securing the support of volunteers in providing companionship for guests during their break is also a vital part of our service. Our accessible centres employ fully trained nursing and care staff, who are helped by volunteers from all walks of life, to provide 24 hour on call care and companionship to each guest. This enables our guests to enjoy all aspects of their break including daily events and activities and the chance to make new friends. On average disabled residents from Ringwood benefit from four Vitalise breaks with care each year. By providing our services Vitalise not only improves the lives of people with disabilities and their carers but delivers direct savings to families, local councils and social care providers. It costs Vitalise an average of £1,384 each year to support your local residents. We are determined to continue providing breaks with care for those in most need and we are seeking your support in 2015. A contribution of £692 would make a positive impact to local disabled people and carers. Yours sincerely, Clare Ellisdon Business Development Officer [email protected] Chairman Mindy Sawhney Chief Executive Chris Simmonds Patron Samantha Cameron Vice Presidents: Sir Andrew Buchanan Bt, The Rt. Hon. The Lord Crawshaw, Dame Judi Dench CH DBE, Denis Green, Hugh Kemsley OBE, David Mills, Esther Rantzen CBE, Arthur Smith, John Spence OBE Vitalise Registered Charity No. 295072. A Company Limited by Guarantee Reg. No. 2044219. Registered and administration office: 212 Business Design Centre, 52 Upper Street, London, N1 0QH. Tel: 0303 303 0147 Fax: 020 7288 6899 B RINGWOOD TOWN COUNCIL FINANCIAL REPORTS FOR POLICY & FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING 19TH NOVEMBER 2014 RINGWOOD TOWN COUNCIL (a) POLICY AND FINANCE COMMITTEE 19TH NOVEMBER 2014 LIST OF PAYMENTS FROM IMPREST BANK ACCOUNT FOR THE PERIOD 1ST TO 31ST OCTOBER 2014 Date Oct Voucher No 2014‐10‐07 2014‐10‐13 2014‐10‐13 2014‐10‐13 2014‐10‐13 2014‐10‐13 2014‐10‐13 2014‐10‐13 2014‐10‐13 2014‐10‐13 2014‐10‐13 2014‐10‐13 2014‐10‐13 2014‐10‐13 2014‐10‐13 2014‐10‐13 2014‐10‐13 2014‐10‐14 2014‐10‐14 2014‐10‐14 2014‐10‐14 2014‐10‐14 2014‐10‐14 2014‐10‐20 2014‐10‐21 2014‐10‐21 2014‐10‐23 2014‐10‐23 2014‐10‐23 2014‐10‐23 2014‐10‐23 2014‐10‐23 2014‐10‐23 2014‐10‐23 2014‐10‐23 2014‐10‐23 2014‐10‐01 2014‐10‐01 2014‐10‐01 2014‐10‐08 2014‐10‐10 2014‐10‐30 2014‐10‐20 2014‐10‐20 2014‐10‐20 2014‐10‐20 2014‐10‐14 2014‐10‐22 2014‐10‐15 2014‐10‐24 2000558 2000571 2000589 2000590 2000591 2000574 2000585 2000579 2000586 2000587 2000588 2000583 2000582 2000575 2000580 2000573 2000577 2000601 2000599 2000598 2000600 2000576 2000584 2000597 2000606 2000596 2000613 2000609 2000610 2000612 2000608 2000607 2000605 2000604 2000602 2000603 DD DD DD DD DD DD Lloyds CC Lloyds CC Lloyds CC Lloyds CC BGC On‐Line On‐Line Telepay Details New Forest District Council HAGS‐SMP Ltd Swintex Ltd Sembcorp Bournemouth Water Ltd Solent NHS Trust Ringwood Pest Control Peter Noble Hampshire County Council Elliott Brothers Ltd Elliott Brothers Ltd Elliott Brothers Ltd Lamps & Tubes Illuminations Ltd Newlands Training Swintex Ltd Queensbury Shelters Ltd Edwards Sports Products Ray Drury Design The Tree Management Company New Forest Farm Machinery Ltd ITEC PBSA Ltd Brewers Frank Hutchins Vodaphone Post Office Ltd Barbara Woodifield Central Computer Management Ltd Sembcorp Bournemouth Water Sembcorp Bournemouth Water Sembcorp Bournemouth Water Aivly Country Stores Bob Tonks Ringwood Carnival G Farwell Ltd Royal British Legion David Ogilvie New Forest D.C TLC On‐line Aviva UK Fuels Southern Electric British Gas NFDC Screwfix WH Smith Archers Signs WSB Inland Revenue Hampshire C.C. Staff Location Description Groundsmen Play Park Open Spaces Open Spaces Drop In Centre Churchyard/Carvers/Cemetery Vehicles Gateway Travellers Drop In Centre Drop In Centre Gateway Groundsmen The Bickerley Southampton Road Bus Shelter Bernie Guy's Field Christmas Celebrations Toad Corner Machinery Gateway Christmas Celebrations Christmas Celebrations Long Lane Groundsmen Vehicles Gateway Gateway Mount Pleasant Bowls Club/Drop In Centre Allotments ‐ Long Lane Open Spaces Carvers Ringwood Carnival Crow Stream War Memorial War Memorial Cemetery Gateway All Areas All Areas Carvers Greenways New Youth Centre Christmas Celebrations Allotments Christmas Celebrations Gateway Gateway Gateway Gateway Amount £ Training ‐ HAVS, Noise Awareness and Manual Handling Maintenance Dog and litter bins Hire of standpipe w/e 28.9.14 Sexual Health Training/Conference ‐ J Critchlow/G Stevens Remove wasps nests and advice on foraging bees Replace spring in water pump Stationery Bags of Tarmac for footpath after installation of new bollard Bolts Nuts, washers, bolts and locks Storm Lantern for use as Remembrance Lantern Brush cutter/Strimming training for Bernie Gilpin Replacement green litter bin due to vandalism Replacement glass and allen key Replacement Goals Switch on Banner Tree works Stihl Hedge Trimmer ‐ service and repair Photocopies and Gold support service Mervin Moose costume Paint for Christmas Grotto Supply and fit two heaters with guards in new toilet block Mobile phone bill to 8 Oct 2014 Road tax for Cabstar KG02 AFF Mayor's Allowance (Part) Payroll services Water ‐ 02/04/14‐06/10/14 Water ‐ 02/04/14‐06/10/14 Water ‐ 04/04/14‐08/10/14 Chlorine Hypochlorite Fit outside tap with guard and repair sink waste Publicity and promotion Improvements Type B Poppy Wreath World War 1 commemorative seat Rates October 2014 Web Site Maintenance ‐ October 2014 Business Insurance ‐ October 2014 Machinery & Vehicles ‐ September 2014 Street Lighting Qtr2 2014/15 16/05/14‐11/08/14 Non Material Minor Amend for Youth Provision/03626111 Expanding foam for Grotto Competition vouchers Road signs Southampton Road ‐ Agents Fees October 2014 September 2014 Pension September 2014 October 2014 TOTAL AUTHORISATIONS ------------------------------- DATE 19th November 2014 ------------------------------- 19th November 2014 92.00 351.00 378.84 55.20 40.00 124.00 16.20 83.41 11.18 9.74 36.39 162.00 192.00 81.84 199.51 1,183.30 60.00 1,056.00 78.00 81.13 654.00 277.75 190.00 77.62 225.00 660.00 276.67 63.69 363.16 600.76 16.95 95.00 500.00 31,917.60 22.00 756.00 344.00 80.00 818.99 52.15 64.72 39.64 97.50 69.80 230.00 360.54 196.45 5,036.26 5,099.24 20,748.50 74,225.73 (b) POLICY AND FINANCE COMMITTEE 19TH NOVEMBER 2014 LIST OF PAYMENTS FROM PETTY CASH RTC ACCOUNT FOR THE PERIOD 1ST TO 31ST OCTOBER 2014 Date Voucher No Details Location Description Amount £ Oct 2014-10-01 2014-10-07 2014-10-07 2014-10-10 2014-10-10 2014-10-10 2014-10-12 2014-10-13 2014-10-14 2014-10-16 2014-10-17 2014-10-21 2014-10-23 2014-10-28 10/01 10/02 10/03 10/04 10/05 10/06 10/07 10/08 10/09 10/10 10/11 10/12 10/13 10/14 UK45A Mr Harvey Waitrose UK46A Mr Wharton AJR Shoe Repairs Screwfix Tesco Tesco Waitrose Waitrose Waitrose Waitrose McColls Sainsburys Waitrose Allotments Gateway Allotments Long Lane Toilets War Memorial Gateway Gateway First Aid Training First Aid Training Project Board Meeting Gateway Cemetery Gateway Gateway Key Deposit Return Dishwasher Tablets, Milk & Sugar Key Deposit Return Keys x 2 Seat Fixings Coffee Coffee Mate Refreshments Refreshments Biscuits Milk,Tea,Coffee Cleaning Products Milk Milk 10.00 11.77 10.00 11.90 17.98 3.00 2.25 23.99 5.29 4.00 9.07 1.99 1.78 1.00 TOTAL 114.02 LIST OF PAYMENTS FROM PETTY CASH YOUTH ACCOUNT FOR THE PERIOD 1ST TO 31ST OCTOBER 2014 Date Voucher No Details Description Amount £ Oct 2014-10-03 2014-10-13 2014-10-22 2014-10-31 10/01 10/02 10/03 10/04 Sainsburys Morrisons Morrisons Morrisons Drop In Centre Drop In Centre Drop In Centre Drop In Centre Food Purchases To Be Sold Food Purchases To Be Sold Food Purchases To Be Sold Food Purchases To Be Sold 5.00 21.97 2.86 3.29 TOTAL AUTHORISATIONS ------------------------------- DATE 19th November 2014 ------------------------------- 19th November 2014 33.12 RINGWOOD TOWN COUNCIL (c) POLICY AND FINANCE COMMITTEE 19TH NOVEMBER 2014 BANK BALANCES Account Name Year Ended 31/03/2014 £ As At 30/09/2014 As At 31/10/2014 £ £ Imprest (Current) Account Business Account Investment Account Ground Floor G/Ways Rent Deposit Petty Cash ‐ Imprest Petty Cash ‐ Youth VIC Change Float Information Desk Float 6,287 142,313 150,000 7,011 87 50 50 0 520,786 102,448 0 7,015 102 50 50 75 63,722 110,469 400,000 7,016 152 50 50 75 TOTAL BANK BALANCES 305,798 630,526 581,534 Note 1. The bank accounts were reconciled as at 31st October 2014. 2. With reference to the Ground Floor Greenways Rent Deposit Account, the initial balance of £7,000 plus interest accrued will be paid over to the tenant at the end of the tenancy subject to the Council having no cause to claim funds due to damages. 3. A temporary nominal account has been implemented to act as a change float for the VIC. This will be in operation only for the period when the VIC is open during the spring and summer at weekends and bank holidays 4. A nominal account has been implemented to reflect the float held by the Information Desk. RINGWOOD TOWN COUNCIL (d) POLICY AND FINANCE COMMITTEE 19TH NOVEMBER 2014 INTER ACCOUNT TRANSFER AUTHORISATIONS £ IMPREST ACCOUNT TO BUSINESS ACCOUNT 0 BUSINESS ACCOUNT TO IMPREST ACCOUNT 0 INVESTMENTS & RE-INVESTMENTS AUTHORISATIONS DATE --------------------------19th November 2014 --------------------------19th November 2014 (e) POLICY AND FINANCE COMMITTEE 19TH NOVEMBER 2014 Drop In Centre Petty Cash (Food Purchases & Sales) April May June July August September October November December January February March Total Food Purchases £ 82.40 125.34 36.79 75.05 62.14 97.20 33.12 512.04 Food Surplus/ Cumulative Surplus/ (‐ sales (‐Deficit) Deficit) £ £ £ 98.00 15.60 15.60 100.00 ‐25.34 ‐9.74 61.60 24.81 15.07 67.00 ‐8.05 7.02 56.00 ‐6.14 0.88 182.00 84.80 85.68 0.00 ‐33.12 52.56 0.00 52.56 0.00 52.56 0.00 52.56 0.00 52.56 0.00 52.56 564.60 52.56 NB Due to the break in at the Drop In Centre, it was necessary to replenish food stocks in May New Expenditure Proposals 2015/16 onwards No. Description 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Election May 2015 Replacement Tractor Skatepark Staff Training - Office Staff Training - Groundsmen Playground inspections Rent land adjoining 61 N Poulner rd Drop In Centre - Build Drop In Centre - Running Costs Poulner lakes Access Improvements Longlane Improvements including an all weather pitch Southampton Road redecoration Carvers Play Area - upgrading play equipment Wifi provision in Gateway Tipper Truck Bins @ Carvers x 2 Light weight Breaker Chisels for above Metal door and posts for machine sheds Sandbags Crow Lane Drainage Improvements Tennis court improvements Expenditure one off recurring £ £ 8,000 17,000 140,000 ? 1,000 800 300 103 597,743 13,550 60,000 500,000 5,000 25,000 ? 28,981 350 600 46 800 ? ? 6,000 2,150 2000 0 Funding Notes: Provision Provision? Dev Cons Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Grant Revenue Dev Cons Dev Cons Provision Provision Provision Provision Provision Provision Provision Provision Revenue Dev Cons Provision cost based on estimates provided by NFDC. Provision of £7,000 currently exists + £2,900 in 14/15 net cost assuming £12k receipt for disposal of the New Holland tractor Funding to be confirmed. Estimated maintenance costs to be provided per SN October 2014 loss of income as land is to be sold Funding agreed in principal from HCC and applications made to NFDC & P&CC note this is staff time and support. A further provision may be required for building maintenance/running costs Costs and funding to be confirmed. Estimated maintenance costs to be provided no current provision current balance for play equipment in provisions is £43,230 (but £40k reallocated to the drop in) Provision of £12,900 exists for IT & Equipment machinery replacement reserve £11k. Possibility of 2nd hand @ £9k machinery replacement reserve £11k. machinery replacement reserve £11k. provision of sandbags to residences in response to NFDC removing this facility use the remaining balance from the play equipment provision note this list excludes any items which may slip from 2014/15 ` a Ringwood Town Council Ringwood Gateway, The Furlong, Ringwood, BH24 1AT Youth Provision Working Party Notes of meeting held on Monday 3rd November 2014 at Ringwood Gateway, Ringwood Present: Ringwood Town Council - Cllr J Heron (Chairman), Cllr S Burgess-Kennar, Cllr Steve Rippon-Swaine. Ringwood Youth Club – Graham Hastie, Sheerin Bettle – Kevin Jones, Carol Kerley Student Advisors – Sam Whittingham, Suzanne Cox, Anna Cosgrove, Matt Higham In attendance: S Nash – Town Clerk, Jenny Critchlow – Youth Co-ordinator, Gill Stevens Apologies: Sue Joy, Ian Mason-Smith, Sadie McMaster, James Dutton 1. NOTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING AGREED The notes of the meeting held on 6th October 2014 be approved. 2. REPORTS AND UPDATES i) Student Advisors Suzie raised the possibility of students providing some type of Christmas decoration for the event on 6th December. Everyone thought it was a great idea and Suzie will co-ordinate with the Town Clerk on a possible location once the design of the decoration is confirmed. ii) Youth Co-ordinator Jenny gave a verbal report outlining improved relations with one of the 3 previously mentioned young people who had been causing issues at the Drop In. She is hopeful that the newly installed CCTV camera will also help in reducing anti-social behavior at Carvers. Jenny will be attending some Sexual Health training along with Gill in the future and the Town Clerk suggested the possibility of attending a Trauma Therapy course which was being providing in Southampton in a week’ s time. Jenny also reminded everyone that Emily was still on maternity leave and would need to inform the ouncil of her status in January as to whether she will return to work or not. 3. BUILDING DESIGN i) To receive update from Architects on building specification Kevin had undertaken an evaluation of each of the tenders received to compare the breakdown of costs. He confirmed that he was happy with costings provided being accurate and how each balanced against the next. It was confirmed that Drews had provide the lower quote and Kevin was confident that they are a capable company. ii) To consider time scales for delivery of the project Kevin asked what the likely time scale would be so that he could prepare a letter of intent. Cllr Heron confirmed that funding still had to be agreed at Hampshire Council but it should be imminent, he also asked Cllr Rippon-Swaine if he could chase up the County to confirm a confirmation date. It was suggested that the project could move forward before Christmas if confirmed this month with a build time at around 20 weeks. Page 1 of 2 The Town Clerk confirmed that during the interim period of disposal of the cabin and building of The Place that the Pavilion would be used as a temporary home for youth activities. 4. CONSTITUTION i) Charitable Status and Trustees The Clerk will make an on line application to the Charity Commission once the bank account is open and we have the confirmed funding of £5000 in place. iii) Management Committee This had previously been agreed 5. FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS i) Update on obtaining bank account The Chairman confirmed that he had been talking to Lloyds and they confirmed that they now have all the details they need to open the account. This should mean we will have account details very shortly and be able to provide the evidence of income to the Charity Commission. 6. DATE OF NEXT MEETING Monday 1st December 2014 Town Council Members Cllr Jeremy Heron Cllr Sophie Burgess-Kennar Cllr Steve Rippon-Swaine Ringwood Youth Club Management Committee Ian Mason-Smith Graham Hastie Sue Joy Student Advisors Sue Cox Sam Whittingham Mathew Higham Ringwood Drop-in Jenny Critchlow Gabrielle Dunn Sadie McMaster Page 2 of 2
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