Program at a Glance 11 28 29

11 / 28 (Fri.)
201 BC
Workshop: Foot
Orthosis Symposium
Workshop: rTMS
& Introduction and
Coffee Break
11 / 29 (Sat.)
201 DE
Coffee Break
Workshop: Foot
Orthosis Symposium
& Introduction and Workshop: BMCA
201 DE
Workshop: PractiWorkshop: Foot
cal Interventional
Orthosis Symposium
Physiatry in the
& Hands-on Training
Outpatient Setting
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
201 BCDE
Opening Ceremony (08:30-09:00)
201 BCDE
* Plenary Lecture (09:00-09:30)
* Scoliosis (09:30-10:30)
* Central Pattern
Generator of
Spinal Cord
KD Socket Workshop (Otto Bock)
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
* Scoliosis
* Motor Control
and Swallowing
*Silicon Liner Carbon
Artiicial Leg
*Medical Pad System for Foot Plate
Lunch Symposium
TOMEI BRACE CO.,LTD (3F Banquet Hall)
Title: How to use orthosis and other instruments for
gait exercise for hemiplegia
Speaker: Koshiro Sawada
Chair: Eiichi Saitoh
201 BC
11 / 30 (Sun.)
201 BCDE
201 BC
Coffee Break
201 DE
* Foot and Ankle * Motor Control and *Pediatric RehabiliProblem
Robotic Training
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
* Osteoarthritis & Osteoporosis
Coffee Break
Workshop: Ul* TBI & Theraputi- trasound Guided
cal Exercise
Injection for Botuli(08:30-10:10)
num Toxin Type A
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
* Osteoarthritis & Osteoporosis
Annual Meeting of
Prosthetics and Orthotics
* rTMS for Stroke Society of Taiwan &
Patients and Neu- International Society
for Prosthetics and Or(10:30-12:10) thotics - Chinese Taipei
Lunch Symposium
Lily (3F Banquest Hall)
Osteoarthritis & Osteoporosis
Speaker: Fang-Ping Chen & Carl Chen
Lunch Symposium
BenQ (4F VIP Room)
Title: Application of Ultrasound
in Rehabilitation medicine
Speaker: Tyng-Guey Wang
201 BC
201 DE
* Diabetic Foot
*New Technology
in Rehabilitation
* Drug Treatment
for Spasticity
* Stroke Rehabilitation and Neurophysiology
Workshop: Foot Workshop: Kinesio * New Approach in
* Stroke Rehabili* EEG and Orthosis * Musculoskeletal * Motor Control in
Orthosis Symposium Taping Method for Foot Orthotic and
tation and Neuroin Stroke
Spinal Cord Injury
& Hands-on Training Swallowing Training Biomechanics
*Medical Pad System for Foot Plate
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
*Gait & Exercise
*Postacute and
Long Term Care
Coffee Break
Welcome Dinner 18:30-21:00
3F, Gloria Prince Hotel Taipei
Asian Prosthetic and Orthotic Scientific Meeting 2014 in conjunction with The Second Meeting of the International Society for Restorative Neurology
Program at a Glance
Scientiic Program
Asian Prosthetic and Orthotic Scientific Meeting 2014 in conjunction with The Second Meeting of the International Society for Restorative Neurology
November 28, 2014 ( Friday )
201 BC
Opening Remarks
I-Nan Lien, Honorary President, APOSM 2014
Wo kshop: Foot O thosis “
& I t odu io a d Le tu e
Chih-Chin Hsu
Ching-Fang Hu
Dennis J. Janisse, Medical College of Wisconsin, USA
I t odu io of Foot O thosis
Chih-Chin Hsu, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan
Ph si al E a i aio of the Foot
Chih-Chin Hsu / Ching-Fang Hu, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan
“o og aphi E a i aio of the Foot a d A kle
Cofee B eak
Dennis J. Janisse, Medical College of Wisconsin, USA
Appli aio s a d I di aio s, Re ie Ma Dife e t Pathologies a d
“uggest Dife e t T pes of Foot O thoses
Wo kshop: Foot O thosis “
& Ha ds-o T ai i g
Chih-Kuang Chen
Dennis J. Janisse, Medical College of Wisconsin, USA
Foot O thoses / Ma age e t fo the Dia ei Foot
Ne Foot O thoses Mate ials “a ples a d E a ples
Cofee B eak
Dennis J. Janisse, Medical College of Wisconsin, USA
Foot O thoses Fa i aio Te h i ues, I ludi g Ne “ a
CNC Fa i aio
Outcomes and Research Related to Foot Orthoses
i ga d
November 28, 2014 ( Friday )
201 DE
Wo kshop: TM“
Ying-Zu Huang, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan
The U de l i g Me ha is of TM“ fo “t oke The ap
Cofee B eak
Wo kshop: BMCA
Owen Yun-An Tsai
Barry McKay, Hulse SCI Research Laboratory, Shepherd Center, USA
Neu oph siologi al Measu e e t of Hu a Moto Co t ol
Wo kshop: P a i al I te e io al Ph siat
i the Outpaie t “ei g
Bryan O’Young, NYU School of Medicine, USA
P a i al I te e io al Ph siat i the Outpaie t “ei g
Cofee B eak
Wo kshop: Ki esio Tapi g Method fo “ allo i g T ai i g
Shun-Yi (Toby) Weng, Blue Ocean Aurora Group, Taiwan
Ki esio Tapi g Method fo “ allo i g T ai i g
Asian Prosthetic and Orthotic Scientific Meeting 2014 in conjunction with The Second Meeting of the International Society for Restorative Neurology
November 29, 2014
201 BCDE
08:30-09:00 Opening Ceremony
“i o F.T. Ta g
Ali e M.K. Wo g
Be gt “ode e g
Mila R. Di it ije i
Cho Il Ho
Mi Ho Chu
Preside t, The Asia Prosthei a d Orthoi S ie ii Meei g
Preside t, The Se o d Meei g of the I ter aio al So iety for
Restorai e Neurology
Preside t, I ter aio al So iety for Prosthei a d Orthoi
Fou der a d Ho orary Preside t, I ter aio al So iety for Restorai e
Chair a , Korea Orthoi s & Prosthei s Asso iaio
Chair a , Asia Prosthei a d Orthoi S ie ii Meei g
Plenary Lecture
Alice M.K. Wong
Be gt Soder erg, Helsi g org Hospital a d Lu d U i ersity Hospital,
“ edea p a Naio al Qualit Registe fo A putaio s, P osthei s
a d Reha ilitaio
The e: “ oliosis
Man-Sang Wong
Tso-Liang Wang
Po-Liang Lai, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Chang Gung
U i ersity, Tai a
“u gi al I te e io fo “ oliosis
Tso-Liang Wang, Somategrity Clinic, Taiwan
Ma age e t of Adoles e t Idiopathi “ oliosis a Ph siat ist’s Pe spe i e
Ed o d Hok-Mi g Lou, Surgery, U i ersity of Al erta, Ca ada
“ oliosis Assess e t o Ne “t ateg i B a i g
10:30-10:50 Cofee B eak
The e: “ oliosis
Hung-Hei Kwan
Ma -Sa g Wo g, The Ho g Ko g Polyte h i U i ersity, Ho g Ko g
O thoi Ma age e t of Adoles e t Idiopathi “ oliosis
Aliso Gra t, Spi e Corporaio , Chesterield, UK
Co se ai e T eat e t of Idiopathi “ oliosis-D a i B a i g
Yung-Yuh Tsai, Cheng Ching Hospital, Taiwan
Ph si ial The ap fo “ oliosis
Bo g-Ok Ki , Preside t, Korea A ade y of Orthoi s a d Prosthei s,
No -su gi al Ma age e t fo Fu io al “ oliosis i Child e a d
Adoles e ts
Lu h “ posiu / “po so : To ei B a e Co., Ltd.
Title: Ho to Use O thosis a d Othe I st u e ts fo Gait E e ise
3F VIP Room
fo He iplegia
“peake : Koshi o “a ada
Chair: Eiichi Saitoh
November 29, 2014
201 BC
The e: P osthei s
Jan H.B. Geertzen
Raji S.Ha spal, Royal Hospital for Neurodisa ility, Put ey, Lo do , UK
Mo ilit G ades a d Fu io al Out o e Measu es fo Lo e Li A putaio
Laura Burgess, Charing Cross Hospital, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, UK
Gait Re-edu aio /Postu e i A putee Reha ilitaio
Ralph Parlesak, Oto Bo k Asia Pa ii Li ited, Tai a Bra h
I po ta e of Rega di g Ho izo tal Fo es i D a i Alig e t
Har e a der Li de, Rad oud U i ersity Medi al Ce tre Nij ege ,
Pa ial Foot A putaio , Whe Does It Fit; T a s-Ti ial A putaio Ve sus Pa ial Foot A putaio
Ja H.B. Geertze , Depart e t of Reha ilitaio , Ce ter for Reha ilitaio ;
U i ersity Medi al Ce ter Gro i ge , the Netherla ds
Phantom Pain
Carson Harte, Exceed, UK
The I pa t of P osthei a d O thoi Edu aio i “outh East a d “outh Asia
Friedbert Kohler, Braeside Hospital, Australia
The De elop e t of a ICF Based Mo ilit Assess e t Tool
Hung-Hei Kwan, ISPO-HK, Hong Kong
“t i i g fo Qualit of P osthei a d O thoi “e i es
Cofee B eak
The e: Ne App oa h i Foot O thoi a d Bio e ha i s
Roy Lidtke
Hu g-Bi Che , Naio al Tai a U i ersity, Tai a
Me ha i al E e g Flo of Pel i Th ust i Gait of a Paie t ith U ilate al
Hip Disa i ulaio
Taya a Fu iko, Shi aura I situte of Te h ology, Japa
The Qua itai e A al sis a d E aluaio of P osthei “o kets fo
T a s-Fe o al A putees Usi g Fi ite Ele e t Methods
Roy Lidtke, Rush U i ersity Medi al Ce ter, U ited States
The apeui Foot ea Redu es Co pli aio s i Dia etes:
A -Yea Ret ospe i e Lo gitudi al Coho t “tud
Maria Regi a Ra h a ai, Fa ulty of Medi i e, Trisaki U i ersity, I do esia
Cha ges of Gait Ki e ai s Usi g Foot O thosis o Bio e ha i al A o alit
Hsi -I Wa g, Naio al Tai a U i ersity Hospital, Tai a
Pla ta Fas ia “ote i g as a Possi le Adju t Diag osi C ite io fo
Pla ta Fas iiis
Asian Prosthetic and Orthotic Scientific Meeting 2014 in conjunction with The Second Meeting of the International Society for Restorative Neurology
November 29, 2014
201 DE
The e: Foot a d A kle P o le
Weng-Pin Chen
Chia Hsieh Chang
Kaie Pei-Hsua Wu, Depart e t of Physi al Medi i e a d Reha ilitaio ,
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan
The apeui Efe t of Boto I je io i Paie ts ith Hallu Valgus
Agnes Li, Hospital Authority, Hong Kong
Lo gitudi al Follo up of Child e
ith A
Aaro K.L. Leu g, The Ho g Ko g Polyte h i U i ersity, Ho g Ko g
A E aluaio of a No -Osteoto P o edu e fo Hallu Valgus
Caeso Li , Depart e t of Reha ilitaio Medi i e, Cha g Gu g Me orial
Hospital, Taiwan
The Bio e ha i al Me ha is of Ro ke Boto “hoe i T eai g Pla ta
Fas iiis
Chih-Kua g Che , Depart e t of Physi al Medi i e & Reha ilitaio ,
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan
Total Co ta t I sole fo Fle i le Flat Foot
al Fle i le Flat Foot
Cofee B eak
The e: EEG a d O thosis i “t oke
Jean-Lon Chen
Leo ard Li, Depart e t of Medi i e, Tu g Wah Hospital & U i ersity of
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Challe ge of Ma age e t of “pasi it i Paie ts ith “t oke
Shih-Hao Kuo, Naio al Ce tral U i ersity, Tai a
Usi g Co i o-Mus ula Cohe e e to E aluate the Fu io al Re o e
of “t oke Paie ts i Respo se to Reha ilitaio
Chu -Chua Che , Naio al Ce tral U i ersity, Tai a
A u ate P edi io of the Reha ilitaio Out o e ate “t oke
Jea -Lo Che , Physi al Medi i e & Reha ilitaio , Cha g Gu g Me orial
Hospital, Taiwan
The Efe i e P edi to s fo The apeui Out o es ate E itato
Repeii e T a s a ial Mag ei “i ulaio - A P eli i a “tud
Chih-Kua g Che , Depart e t of Physi al Medi i e & Reha ilitaio ,
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan
The Appli aio of AFO i “t oke Paie ts
Yi-Lu Lu, Naio al Ce tral U i ersity, Tai a
Usi g EEG to E aluate of the “t oke Reha ilitaio Ei a
a Longitudinal Study
November 29, 2014
The e: Ce t al Pate
Ge e ato of “pi al Co d
Byron A. Kakulas
Mila R. Di itrije i , Depart e t of Physi al Medi i e a d Reha ilitaio ,
Baylor College of Medicine, United States
Neu al Co t ol, Pa al sis, Neu al Plasi it
Byro A. Kakulas, Australia Neuro us ular Resear h I situte, U i ersity
of Western Australia, Australia
The Neu opathologi al Fou daio s fo the Resto ai e Neu olog of
Spinal Co d I ju
Karen Minassian, Center of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering,
Medi al U i ersity Vie a, Austria
Moto Co t ol of the Fu io all Isolated Hu a Lu a “pi al Co d:
Neu oph siologi al “tud Uilizi g Epidu al “i ulaio
Si o Da er, Medi al U i ersity of Vie a, Austria
Mathe ai al Model of the Hu a Lo o ote Net o k
Cofee B eak
The e: Moto Co t ol a d “ allo i g Assess e t
Eiichi Saitoh
Chung-Lan Kao
Eii hi Saitoh, Depart e t of Reha ilitaio Medi i e I, S hool of Medi i e,
Fujita Health U i ersity, Japa
“ig ii a e of E aluai e I agi g i D sphagia Reha ilitaio
Shu-Fe Su , Depart e t of Physi al Medi i e & Reha ilitaio , Kaohsiu g
Vetera s Ge eral Hospital, Tai a
Co i ed Neu o us ula Ele t i al “i ulaio NME“ ith Fi e opi E dos opi E aluaio of “ allo i g FEE“ a d T adiio al “ allo i g Reha ilitaio i the T eat e t of “t oke- elated D sphagia
Chu g-La Kao, Depart e t of Physi al Medi i e & Reha ilitaio ,
Taipei Vetera s Ge eral Hospital, Tai a
I esigai g the Fu io of Reha ilitaio E e ises i Relaio to
Agi g, Ch o i Dizzi ess a d Bala e D sfu io
Lu h “ posiu / “po so : To ei B a e Co., Ltd.
Title: Ho to Use O thosis a d Othe I st u e ts fo Gait E e ise
fo He iplegia
“peake : Koshi o “a ada
Chair: Eiichi Saitoh
3F VIP Room
Asian Prosthetic and Orthotic Scientific Meeting 2014 in conjunction with The Second Meeting of the International Society for Restorative Neurology
November 29, 2014
The e: Moto Co t ol a d Ro oi T ai i g
Shih-Ching Chen
Keith E. Tansey
Eii hi Saitoh, Depart e t of Reha ilitaio Medi i e I, S hool of Medi i e,
Fujita Health U i ersity, Japa
Ro oi s i Reha ilitaio Medi i e, Espe iall fo E e ise Assist
Keith E. Ta sey, Depart e ts of Neurology a d Physiology, E ory U i ersity
School of Medicine, United States
Opi izi g Neu o odulaio fo Walki g i Hu a I o plete “pi al
Co d I ju
Takaaki Chi , Depart e t of Orthopedi Surgery & Depart e t of
Reha ilitaio Medi i e, Hyogo Reha ilitaio Ce ter, Japa
Feasi ilit of Ad a ed Ro ot Te h olog i the Cli i al Field of
Reha ilitaio fo Paie ts ith A putaio a d “pi al Co d I ju
Shih-Chi g Che , Depart e t of Physi al Medi i e a d Reha ilitaio ,
Taipei Medi al U i ersity Hospital, Tai a
Ro ot-Assisted Gait The ap -Past, P ese t a d Futu e
Masa itsu Okuda, Yaska a Ele tri Corporaio , Japa
Po e ed E oskeleto “ ste : Re alk-Walk Agai
Jea -Lo Che , Physi al Medi i e & Reha ilitaio , Cha g Gu g Me orial
Hospital, Tai a / Si o F.T. Ta g, Depart e t of Physi al Medi i e &
Reha ilitaio , Cha g Gu g Me orial Hospital, Tai a
E aluai g the Efe t of No el Ro oi Bi a ual A Reha ilitaio a d
Ro oi -Assisted T ead ill A ulaio T ai i g o No al “u je ts
a d “t oke Paie ts EEG Rh th s a d Fu io al Co e i it
Cofee B eak
The e: Mus uloskeletal Ult asou d
Wen-Chung Tsai
Qia Wa g, The Ho g Ko g Polyte h i U i ersity, Chi a
-D Cli i al Ult asou d Assess e ts to “ oliosis i “upi e a d “ta di g
Posiio s: a Pilot “tud
Yu g-Tsa Wu, Tri-Ser i e Ge eral Hospital, Tai a
Ult asou d-Guided Pulsed Radiof e ue
fo Ca pal Tu el “ d o e
Jyun-Ying Li, Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan
Is Dou le C ush Theo T ue o “o og aph of Media Ne e?
Yu-Hsua Che g, Naio al Tai a U i ersity Hospital, Tai a
Elasi it of the Co a ohu e al Liga e t i Paie ts ith “houlde
Adhesi e Capsuliis
Lin-Yi Wang, Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan
E aluai g Poste io C u iate Liga e t I ju
Usi g T o-Di e sio al
Ult asou d a d “o oelastog aph
Leo ard Li, Depart e t of Medi i e, Tu g Wah Hospital & U i ersity of
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Appli aio of Ult aso og aph fo Pe iphe al Ne es
November 29, 2014
Wo kshop: KD “o ket Wo kshop Oto Bo k
Ralph Parlesak, Oto Bo k Asia Pa ii Li ited Tai a Bra h
KD “o ket “oluio s Usi g the P oseal Te h olog
Cofee B eak
The e: “ili o Li e Ca o A ii ial Leg
BonGyo Ku
Gu o k o Custo Made “ili o Li e Ca o A ii ial Leg
The e: Medi al Pad “ ste fo Foot Plate
Toshihiko U hida, No -Proit Orga izaio NPO Orthoi s So iety, Japa
The Latest Theo of a Japa ese O thopedist D o o I sole I sole P odu ed O se i g
Walki g Bala e
Lu h “ posiu / “po so : To ei B a e Co., Ltd.
Title: Ho to Use O thosis a d Othe I st u e ts fo Gait E e ise fo He iplegia
3F VIP Room
“peake : Koshi o “a ada
Chair: Eiichi Saitoh
The e: Pediat i Reha ilitaio
Chairman Chia-Ling Chen
Chia-Li g Che , Depart e t of Physi al Medi i e & Reha ilitaio ,
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan
Cu e t I te e io s fo Child e
ith Ce e al Pals
Tsui-Fe Ya g, Depart e t of Physi al Medi i e& Reha ilitaio ,
Taipei Vetera s Ge eral Hospitalf, Tai a
“o o-Guided I je io of Botuli u To i T pe a i Child e
ith “pasi it
Yu-Chi g Li , Depart e t of Physi al Medi i e a d Reha ilitaio , S hool of
Medicine, Naio al Che g Ku g U i ersity, Tai a
Botuli u To i T eat e t fo D ooli g i Child e ith Ce e al Pals
Wen-Yu Liu, Department of Physical Therapy, Chang Gung University, Taiwan
Postu e Co t ol i Child e
ith Tou ete
Cofee B eak
The e: Moto Co t ol i “pi al Co d I ju
Chairman Arthur M Sherwood
Arthur M Sherwood, Baylor College of Medicine, USA
Qua tai e Measu e e t fo BMCA “tud
O e Yu -A Tsai, Taipei Vetera s Ge eral Hospital, Tai a
Appli aio of BMCA to Cli i al “tudies fo “CI
Keith E. Ta sey, Depart e ts of Neurology a d Physiology, E ory U i ersity
School of Medicine, United States
A ato i al a d Ph siologi al Plasi it i Pai a d Auto o i “ ste s ate
“pi al Co d I ju
Hyu Kyoo Li , Korea Resear h I situte of Sta dards a d S ie e, South Korea
Te do & “t et h Rele es i Pe so s ith “pi al Co d I ju
Katsuhiro Nishino, Kakunodate General Hospital, Japna
“pi al Co d “i ulaio E ha es Moto Re o e i Ch o i “t oke
Chih-Ya Cha g, Tri-Ser i e Ge eral Hospital, Tai a
Lu a Epidu al “te oid I je io i Paie t ith Lu a Dis He iaio —
A Ra do ized, Co t ol “tud
Yi-Jen Chen, Kaohsiung Municipal Ta-Tung Hospital, Taiwan
Efe ts of Lo Le el Lase The ap o Rat “pi al Co d I ju
Asian Prosthetic and Orthotic Scientific Meeting 2014 in conjunction with The Second Meeting of the International Society for Restorative Neurology
November 30, 2014 (Sunday)
201 BCDE
The e: Osteoa th iis & Osteopo osis
Mao-Hsiung Huang
Masami Akai
Carl P.C. Che , Depart e t of Physi al Medi i e & Reha ilitaio ,
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan
The Efe t of I t a A i ula Platelet Ri h Plas a i T eai g Paie ts ith
K ee Osteoa th iis f o Cli i al to P oteo i “ta dpoi ts
Tung-Yang Yu/Wen-Chung Tsai
Depart e t of Physi al Medi i e & Reha ilitaio , Cha g Gu g Me orial
Hospital, Taiwan
The Mole ula Me ha is of Platelet Ri h Plas a fo Te do Lesio
Mao-Hsiu g Hua g, Depart e t of Physi al Medi i e a d Reha ilitaio ,
Medi al U i ersity Hospital, Tai a
Ad a ed Reha ilitaio of Osteoa th iis
Masa i Akai, Graduate S hool I ter aio al U i ersity of Health a d Welfare, Japa
Foot I sole fo K ee Osteoa th iis
Cofee B eak
Sa La , Prostheist-Orthoistof the Quee Eliza eth Hospital, Ho g Ko g
Bio e ha i s of Medial Co pa t e t K ee Osteoa th iis - I pli aio s fo
O thoi T eat e t
Ya g-Hua Li , Depart e t of Physi al Therapy a d Graduate I situte of
Reha ilitaio S ie e, Cha g Gu g U i ersity, Tai a
Ph si al The ap fo OA K ee
Roy Lidtke, Rush U i ersity Medi al Ce ter, U ited States
Bio e ha i s of the Foot a d K ee: Ne Fi di gs a d T eat e ts fo K ee
Osteoa th iis
Ed o d Hok-Mi g Lou, U i ersity of Al erta, Ca ada
K phosisi a d B a e T eat e t
Lunch Symposium / Sponsor: Lily
Osteoa th iis & Osteopo osis
Speaker: Fang-Ping Chen & Carl Chen
F Ba uet Hall
Lu h “ posiu / “po so : Be Q
Title: Appli aio of Ult asou d i
Reha ilitaio Medi i e
“peake : T g-Gue Wa g
4F VIP Room
November 30, 2014 (Sunday)
201 BC
The e: Dia ei Foot
Chih-Chin Hsu
Aaron K.L. Leung
Yu-Yao Huang, Endocrinology and Metabolism, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital,
O e ie of Dia ei Foot
Chih-Chi Hsu, Depart e t of Physi al Medi i e & Reha ilitaio ,
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan
Boi e ha i s of the Dia ei Foot a d Biologi al Efe ts of the Negai e
P essu e Wou d The ap o Dia ei Foot Ul e
De is J. Ja isse, Depart e t of Physi al Medi i e a d Reha ilitaio ,
Medical College of Wisconsin, United States
O thoi Desig fo the Dia ei Foot
Gulapar Srisa asdi, Siri dhor S hool of Prosthei s a d Orthoi s, Thaila d
“ ee i g a d P e e io fo Dia ei Foot
The e: “t oke Reha ilitaio a d Neu oph siolog
Chien-Min Chen, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan
P edi to s fo Total Medi al Costs of Fi st-E e Is he i “t oke Paie ts
U de goi g I paie t Reha ilitaio
Ogata Yuto, U i ersity Hospital of O upaio al a d E iro e tal Health,
Redu io i Ge u Re u atu Follo i g “t oke Fu io al Ele t i al
“i ulaio Gait T ai i g Usi g the No el Walkaide® “ ste : A Case Repo t
Willie Lee, Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan
Le el of “o ial “uppo t a d Its I pa t o Bu de , Dep essio a d Qualit of
Life i Ca egi e s of Paie ts ith “t oke: A Lo gitudi al Follo up “tud
Sha -Hui Li , Taipei Vetera s Ge eral Hospital, Tai a
F e ue -“pe ii Fu io al Reo ga izaio of the Moto Net o k
i Respo se to Vi tual Realit Based Reha ilitaio ate “t oke
Cofee B eak
Cho-I Li , Naio al Che g Ku g U i ersity Hospital, College of Medi i e, Tai a
P e ale e of Post “t oke “pasi it
Chih-Mi g Li, Naio al Che g Ku g U i ersity, Tai a
A Vi tual Realit -E ha ed Biofeed a k The ap o Ch o i D sphagi Paie ts
Post Stroke
Chi g-Yueh Li , Tri-Ser i e Ge eral Hospital, Naio al Defe se Medi al Ce ter,
I lue e of He atolog o Ce e ella He o hage
Jea -Lo Che , Physi al Medi i e & Reha ilitaio , Cha g Gu g Me orial
Hospital, Taiwan
Efe i e P edi to s fo The apeui Out o es ate E itato Repeii e
T a s a ial Mag ei “i ulaio - A P eli i a “tud i Paie ts ith
“pi al Co d I ju
Asian Prosthetic and Orthotic Scientific Meeting 2014 in conjunction with The Second Meeting of the International Society for Restorative Neurology
November 30, 2014 (Sunday)
201 DE
The e: Ne Te h olog i Reha ilitaio
Go Nakamura
Yu-Ching Lin
Go Naka ura, Ro ot Reha ilitaio Ce ter i Hyogo Reha ilitaio Ce terSpe ial
Researcher, Japan
De elop e t of a Vi tual T ai i g “ ste fo M oele t i P ostheses
Hua g-Re Che , Naio al Ce tral U i ersity, Tai a
Is Vi tual Realit a Real I te e io Tool? A “tud of Moto ER“P No
“u je t
Futoshi Wada, U i ersity of O upaio al a d E iro e tal Health, Japa
Gait T ai i g ith a Ro oi E oskeleto O thosis: A Case Repo t of a Paie t
ith “pi al Co d I ju
Yu-Chu Lee, Tai hu g Vetera s Ge eral Hospital, Tai a
The I t odu io a d Cli i al “u e of Bute l Figu e-8 “t ap fo Postu e
“ d o e Paie ts
Alireza Vasef ia, ARS Biote h I ., Ca ada
Case “tud : C eai e P osthei Ma age e t of a Pediat i T a s-Hu e al
A putee
Yu-Chi g Li , Depart e t of Physi al Medi i e a d Reha ilitaio , S hool of
Medi i e, Naio al Che g Ku g U i ersity, Tai a
Relia ilit of a Wea a le Uppe Li
Moio “e si g I st u e t fo
Measu i g El o Ra ge of Moio s
Se -Yu g Liu, Cha ghua Chrisia Hospital, Tai a
P e e io of Nasogast i Tu e Dislodge e t Usi g T o-pie e Nasogast i
Feedi g Tu e
Cofee B eak
The e: Gait & E e ise Ph siolog
Do ri oje S. Stoki
Tung-Wu Lu
Do ri oje S. Stoki , Methodist Reha ilitaio Ce ter i Ja kso , USA
Goal-O ie ted a d Lo o oto Beha io i Lo e Li
P osthesis Use s
Charla Ho ard, Methodist Reha ilitaio Ce ter MRC , U ited States
Dual-Task Gait A al sis i Lo e Li
P osthesis Use s
Chia Hsieh Chang, Orthopaedic Department, Chang-Gung Children Hospital,
No al Fi di gs i Pediat i Flat Feet
Tu g-Wu Lu, S hool of O upaio al Therapy, College of Medi i e, Naio al
Tai a U i ersity, Tai a
I age-Based Moio A al sis a d Its Cli i al Appli aio s
November 30, 2014 (Sunday)
The e: TBI & The apui al E e ise
Da id Cifu
Ching-Yi Wu
He ry L. Le , U i ersity of Ha ai’i at Mā oa, Joh A. Bur s S hool of Medi i e
a d Virgi ia Co
o ealth U i ersity VCU S hool of Medi i e, U ited States
Epide iolog of TBI
Da id Cifu, Ce ter for Reha ilitaio S ie es a d E gi eeri g,
Virgi ia Co
o ealth U i ersity, U ited States
TBI Reha ilitaio Update
Har ey Le i
Reha ilitaio of Athletes ith “po ts Co ussio
Chi g-Yi Wu, College of Medi i e, Depart e t of O upaio al Therapy,
Cha g Gu g U i ersity, Tai a
Ei a a d Appli aio of Ve saile T pes of Mi o The ap fo Mo e e t
Reha ilitaio i Paie ts ith “t oke
Ty g-Guey Wa g, Depart e t of Physi al Medi i e & Reha ilitaio ,
Naio al Tai a U i ersity, Tai a
Ne Ad a e e t i “ allo i g E aluaio a d Ma age e t
Keh-Chu g Li , S hool of O upaio al Therapy, Naio al Tai a U i ersity
College of Medicine, Taiwan
F o ie s of Ro oi Resea h a d Appli aio i Paie ts ith “t oke
Shi -Tsu Cha g, Tai hu g Vetera s Ge eral Hospital, Tai a
Efe ts of I t a e ous Lase E posu e o Ce e al Pe fusio i I di iduals
ith Mild Head I ju
Cofee B eak
The e: TM“ fo “t oke Paie ts a d Neu o odulaio
Alice M.K. Wong
Ying-Zu Huang
Ying-Zu Huang, Department of Neurology, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan
The U de l i g Me ha is of TM“ fo “t oke The ap
Ali e M.K. Wo g, Depart e t of Physi al Medi i e & Reha ilitaio ,
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan
The Appli aio of Theta Bu st “t ulaio i Paie ts ith “t oke
Po-Yi Tsai, Physi al Medi i e& Reha ilitaio , Taipei Vetera s Ge eral Hospital,
Post-st oke Fu io al Resto aio
ith Repeii e T a s a ial Mag ei
“i ulaio
Yu-Che g Pei, Depart e t of Physi al Medi i e a d Reha ilitaio ,
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan
Neu o odulaio I du ed Fo used Ult asou d
Jea -Lo Che , Physi al Medi i e & Reha ilitaio , Cha g Gu g Me orial
Hospital, Taiwan
D a i Cha ges of ICA-De i ed EEG Fu io al Co e i it i the Resi g
“tate of “t oke Paie ts
Asian Prosthetic and Orthotic Scientific Meeting 2014 in conjunction with The Second Meeting of the International Society for Restorative Neurology
November 30, 2014 (Sunday)
Lunch Symposium / Sponsor: Lily
Osteoa th iis & Osteopo osis
Speaker: Fang-Ping Chen & Carl Chen
F Ba uet Hall
Lu h “ posiu / “po so : Be Q
Title: Appli aio of Ult asou d i
Reha ilitaio Medi i e
“peake : T g-Gue Wa g
4F VIP Room
The e: D ug T eat e t fo “pasi it
Do ri oje S. Stoki
Jörg Wissel
Do ri oje S. Stoki , Methodist Reha ilitaio Ce ter i Ja kso , USA
H-Rele fo Mo ito i g I t athe al Ba lofe Deli e : “i ple, “e sii e, Useful
Markus Koler, Depart e t of Neurology a d Neuroreha ilitaio ,
Hospital Hochzirl, Zirl, Austria
Efe ts of I t athe al Ba lofe at the B ai ste Le el
Jörg Wissel, NeuroReha Vi a tes, Ger a y
Ma age e t of “pasi it
Shu-Fe Su , Depart e t of Physi al Medi i e & Reha ilitaio ,
Kaohsiu g Vetera s Ge eral Hospital, Tai a
Co i ed Botuli u To i T pe A ith Modiied Co st ai t-I du ed
Mo e e t The ap fo Ch o i “t oke Paie ts ith Uppe E t e it “pasi it A Ra do ized Co t olled “tud
Yi-Chia Wa g, Depart e t of Physi al Medi i e & Reha ilitaio ,
Naio al Tai a U i ersity Hospital, Tai a
I je io Te h i ue of Botuli u To i a d Goal Atai e t “ ali g Gas
to “pasi it T eat e t
Ye -Che Li, Depart e t of Physi al Medi i e & Reha ilitaio , Cha g Gu g
Memorial Hospital, Taiwan
Cli i al Efe i e ess of Ph si al The ap as a Adju t to Botuli u To i -A
I je io of the Lo e Li
i “t oke Paie ts P ese i g ith a “if K ee Gait
Cofee B eak
The e: Posta ute a d Lo g Te Ca e
Gla i Ye-Fa Wa g
Gla i Ye-Fa Wa g, Case Wester Reser e U i ersity, U ited States
Post-a ute Ca e i the U ited “tate
Yue-Chu e Lee, I situte of Health a d Welfare Poli y, Naio al Ya g-Mi g
U i ersity, Tai a
De elop e t of Lo g Te Ca e I su a e i Tai a
Bar ara Gage, E gel erg Ce ter for HealthCare Refor The Brooki gs I situio ,
United States
CARE: “ta da dizi g Paie t Assess e t a oss the Co i uu of Ca e:
Measu i g Fu io al Out o es
Der-She Ha , Depart e t of Physi al Medi i e & Reha ilitaio , Naio al
Tai a U i ersity Hospital, Tai a
Pilot “tud o the Esta lish e t of We -Based Chi ese Ve sio CARE a d
Its Validit a d Relia ilit i E aluai g Post-a ute “t oke Paie ts
Mu-Ju g Kao, Depart e t of Reha ilitaio Medi i e, Taipei City Hospital, Tai a
De elop e t of I te ediate Ca e Models i Taipei Cit
Chung-Liang Lai, Taichung Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Taiwan
Post-a ute Ca e fo “t oke i Tai a
November 30, 2014 (Sunday)
Wo kshop: Ult asou d Guided I je io fo Botuli u
To i T pe A
Jörg Wissel, NeuroReha Vi a tes, Ger a y
Cofee B eak
A ual Meei g of
P osthei s a d O thoi s “o iet of Tai a & I te aio al “o iet fo P osthei s a d
O thoi s - Chi ese Taipei
Lunch Symposium / Sponsor: Lily
Osteoa th iis & Osteopo osis
Speaker: Fang-Ping Chen & Carl Chen
F Ba uet Hall
The e: Medi al Pad “ ste
Lu h “ posiu / “po so : Be Q
Title: Appli aio of Ult asou d i
Reha ilitaio Medi i e
“peake : T g-Gue Wa g
4F VIP Room
fo Foot Plate
Toshihiko U hida, No -Proit Orga izaio NPO Orthoi s So iety, Japa
The Latest Theo of a Japa ese O thopedist D o o I sole I sole P odu ed
Walki g Bala e
O se i g