Tema Renrum 2015

Rentforum.se presenterar tillsammans med BioTekPro AB
Tema Renrum 2015
Programpunkt 2 - Onsdagen den 18 november
A new approach to Bio-Decontamination
Pietro Beltramo, Amira srl
Wherever microbiological reduction is required, bio-decontamination with hydrogen
peroxide is widely used. Vapor phase hydrogen peroxide is definitively the “state of the art”
technology for most of the application where this microbiological reduction is required to be
fast and efficient.
The presentation covers:
What does bio-decontamination means?
Where is necessary?
Which technologies on the market?
Issues regarding VHP
A new approach, Amira BioReset product line
Pietro Beltramo, Amira srl
Pietro is the product manager of BioReset VHP product line, graduated in molecular biology
at Milano University with a thesis on the role of hydrogen peroxide on cellular death. He has
been working with Amira since 2010 in sales and validation of bio-decontamination
equipment. Pietro was the team leader for the research, development and production of
BioReset and has several years of experience in H2O2 decontamination worldwide.
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