Board of Education Meeting Agenda for November 18, 2014 Public Copy Ojai Unified School District Board of Education AGENDA, Page 1 ___ November 18, 2014 OJAI UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Open and Closed Meeting of the Board of Education 414 East Ojai Avenue , Ojai, California AGENDA Tuesday, November18,2014 THE PUBLIC IS WELCOME TO COMMENT ON ANY AGENDA ITEM. TO ADDRESS THE BOARD, PLEASE COMPLETE A "SPECIAL PR£ SENTA TIONS REQUEST" FORM LOCATED AT THE BACK OF THE ROOM AND SUBMIT IT TO THE RECORDING SECRETARY BEFORE THE SESSION BEGINS. THE BOARD PRESIDENT USUALLY LIMITS INDIVIDUAL COMMENTS TO THREE MINUTES, BUT MAY MODIFY THE TIME LIMIT AT HIS/HER DISCRETION IN ORDER TO ASSURE THAT THE BOARD TAKES CARE OF DISTRICT BUSINESS. THE BOARD PRESIDENT MAY ALSO CONSIDER REQUESTS SUBMITTED AFTER THE MEETING HAS BEGUN OR MAY CALL ON MEMBERS OF THE AUDIENCE FOR COMMENT. ALL DOCUMENTS PROVIDED WITHIN 72 HOURS BEFORE THE MEETING TO MEMBERS OF THE BOARD CONCERNING OPEN SESSION OF THIS MEETING MAY BE VIEWED BY THE PUBLIC AT THE SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, OJAI UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT, 414 EAST OJAI AVENUE, OJAI, CALIFORNIA. OPEN SESSION OF THIS MEETING WILL BE TAPED. Persons with disabilities requiring special accommodations to attend this meeting should contact the Superintendent's office, 640-4300, ext. 1011, at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. 1. Call to Order at 5:30 p.m.; Pledge to the Flag Attendance: Administrators: Student Board Rep: Minutes Secretary: Kathi Smith, President Thayne Whipple, Vice President Rikki Horne, Clerk Dr. Pauline Mercado, Member Linda Taylor, Member Dr. Hank Bangser, Superintendent Dannielle Pusatere, Assistant Superintendent None this month Kathy Smith 2. Approval of Agenda 2.1 Emergency Additions/Modifications to Agenda 2.2 Approval of Agenda 3. Approval of Minutes 3.1 Regular Meeting of October 14, 2014 4. Student Representative Report - No report this month. Ojai Unified School District Board of Education AGENDA, Page 2 November 18, 2014 5. Public Comments 6. Special Presentation 7. Action/Information Calendar 7.1 Personnel 7.2 Pupil Personnel 7.3 Curriculum/Instruction 7.3.1 Single Plan for Student Achievement for Meiners Oaks Elementary School -Action The Board is asked to approve the Single Plan for Student Achievement for Meiners Oaks Elementary School. 7 .3.2 Single Plan for Student Achievement for Matilija Junior High School - Action The Board is asked to approve the Single Plan for Student Achievement for Matilija Junior High School. 7.4 Busi ness/Operatio ns/F aci Iities 7.4.1 Budget Update - Information The Board will receive an updated report from Ms. Pusatere on the Ojai Unified School District Budget. 7.5 Governing Board/Superintendent 7.5.1 Updated Governing Board Policies - Second Reading -Action The Board is asked to approve the revised updates of the August 2013 and October 2013 Governing Board Policies as provided by the California School Boards Association. 7.5.2 Election Results including Measure J and the Board Member elections - Information The Board is asked to receive an update from Dr. Bangser concerning the $35 million General Obligation (GO) Bond, Measure J, on the November 4, 2014 ballot and the Ojai Unified School District Governing Board Member elections. Ojai Unified School District Board of Education 7.5.3 AGENDA, Page 3 November 18, 2014 Selection of Date for the Annual Organizational Meeting of the Governing Board -Action The Board will approve holding the organizational meeting during the reguf ar Board meeting on December 9, 2014. 7.5.4 Superintendent's Report - Information The Board is asked to receive information. 7.5.5 Items for Future Agendas - Information The Board or public may suggest topics for future agendas. 8. Consent Calendar 8.1 Personnel 8.1.1 8.1.2 Certificated Changes Classified Changes 8.2 Pupil Personnel 8.3 Curriculumllnstruction 8.3.1 Nordhoff Track Team trip to the Penn Relays Carnival, in Philadelphia, PA, April 23-26, 2015 8. 4 Bus iness/Operations/F aciliti es 8.4.1 Purchase Order #P15-00402-P15-00489, Dated 11/10/14, Excluding Cancelled POs 8.4.2 Blanket Purchase Orders #815-00376-B15-00400, Dated 11/10/14, Excluding Cancelled POs 8.4.3 Warrant Register Listing: County Account - Checks #5020016569-5020016957 Dated 11n114 8.4.4 Deposit Detail Report - County Account - 11/7/14 8.4.5 Report of District Cash Account Balances and Report of Monthly Portfolio Yield 8.4.6 Donation Donor Donation item Ojai Education Foundation $15,000 for Matilija technology and $20,400 for one additional day of elementary music teacher staffing and one additional day of elementary music teaching assistant staffing 9. Adjourn meeting Ojai Unified School District Board of Education Minutes, Page 1 October 14, 2014 OJAI UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Minutes of the Open and Closed Meeting of the Board of Education Tuesday, October 14, 2014 414 East Ojai Avenue, Ojai, California Persons with disabilities requiring special accommodations to attend this meeting should contact the Superintendent's office, 640-4300, ext. 1011, at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. 1. Call to Order at 5:30 p.m.; Pledge to the Flag Attendance: Administrators: Student Board Rep: Minutes Secretary: Kathi Smith, President Thayne Whipple, Vice President Rikki Horne, Clerk Dr. Pauline Mercado, Member Linda Taylor, Member Dr. Hank Bangser, Superintendent Dannielle Pusatere, Assistant Superintendent Zoe Jordan Kathy Smith 2. Approval of Agenda 2.1 Emergency Additions/Modifications to Agenda 2.2 Approva l of Agenda The Board unanimously approved the agenda as presented. 3. Approval of Minutes 3.1 Regular Meeting of September 9, 2014 The Board unanimously approved the minutes as presented. 4. Student Representative Report - Zoe Jordan Zoe Jordan reported that the plans for the Homecoming Week activities are well underway. These activities include student/teacher challenges during the noon hour, such as pumpkin bowling, soaking teachers with a "dump tank", a Friday rally and a barbecue lunch. Prior to the homecoming game there will be a carnival for children in the Ojai Valley. The carnival activities will include games, trick or treating, and leadership students will sell glow sticks, corn on the cob and caramel apples. Zoe indicated that the Homecoming game halftime show on Friday would include a homecoming court ceremony and also the Dance team will perform the "Thriller" dance. A masquerade ball will be held Saturday evening in the Nordhoff gym. 5. Public Comments No general comments are presented at this time. Ojai Unified School District Board of Education 6. Minutes, Page 2 October 14, 2014 Special Presentation 6.1 Recognition of a Matilija Student McKenna Lakes Suzan Thatcher, McKenna Lakes' 61h grade teacher in the 2013-2014 school year, recommended McKenna for the California "Yes I Can!" award winners - in the Art category. This award is given by the California Council for Exceptional Children. Ms. Thatcher described McKenna's artistic talents but also her achievements in overcoming challenges and her exemplary improvements in her development, character and her strength. Also present on McKenna's behalf were her parents Kara and Kevin Lakes, her grandparents Sue and Ken Lakes, her aunt Erin Weston. The Board recognized McKenna Lakes for her achievements and presented a plaque and certificate to McKenna. 7. Action/ Information Calendar Item 7.5.2 was moved to follow item 6.1 on tonight's agenda. 7.5.2 Term of Superintendent's Contract (to be addressed after closed session) - Action Having received public comment request forms for item 7.5.2, the Board decided to address this item out of order. President Kathi Smith described the agenda item to approve a new term for Dr, Bangser's contract, extending his present 7/1/12 -6/30/16 contract by two years, thus constructing a new four-year contract to run from July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2018. She explained procedural protocols to introduce the item: calling on members of the public for comments; the possibility of clarifying questions from Board members; proceeding to closed session for evaluation of Dr. Bangser's 2009-2014 (and 2013-14, in particular); and then return to open session for deliberation and voting on the contract. She also described the custom and practices in the state of California as well as state laws regarding four-year contracts for superintendents. Micheal Francis Smith thanked the Board for being able to address them at this time. He apologized for the conclusions he made after reading the agenda, for the strong language used in his e-mail that morning , and for the rashness of his assumptions. Kathleen Richards read a statement from Michael Shanahan. In his opinion, the current Board should consider a shorter extension in order to allow the successor board an opportunity to evaluate the superintendent. Kathleen Richards presented comments to the Board suggesting that item 7.5.2 be postponed until the new board is sworn in. She further suggested that a one-year extension would be more appropriate and deliberations should be delayed until the public could be represented. She objected to the fact that OUSD Board meetings occur on the same night as the City of Ojai, that microphones are not provided, that Board meetings are not available on the Channel 10 or on the District Web site. Further, 5:30 pm meeting times are difficult for working parents, and therefore, in her opinion, the Board is not acting transparently. Dean Holdsworth, Elizabeth Moore, Pat Essick, Steven Weed, Mark Williams, William Ulrich, and William W irick presented comments regarding the superintendent's contract and asked that the matter be postponed for consideration by the Board until after the election. Ojai Unified School District Board of Education Minutes, Page 3 October 14, 2014 Lori Malloy addressed school conditions of disrepair and said she was offended to see the pictures printed in a Measure J publication. Member Horne indicated that she was horrified and embarrassed that Dr. Bangser needed to sit through the comments presented tonight. As a Board member for 20 years, she affirmed that it is her responsibility, along with the other sitting Board members, to evaluate, review and deliberate the superintendent's contract. This Board has been sitting here together for a long time and has worked with and studied Dr. Bangser. She said, "For 20 years I have always taken my board responsibility seriously and I don't intent to stop now. To those who elected me five times, you should expect nothing less. Thank you for your input. I will expect from the new board members exactly what l have given for 20 years." Member Taylor indicated, like Member Horne, she has been with the District a very long time and one of the duties the Board is completing the evaluation of the superintendent. This Board has been involved with Dr. Bangser since he began his career with us. We know what he has done with the District. She said she don't see how new Board members would have any knowledge of that, "They won't have any way of knowing the really complicated things that he has accomplished. So like Rikki, I am very sad to hear people disparaging the board and disparaging Hank because he has done a fabulous job for us." Thayne Whipple shared his surprised at some of the issues raised here tonight. He indicated that he has spoken with a lot of members of the community, as well as teachers and there never has been an issue about the timing of the superintendent's contract vote. Nordhoff Dean of Students Kim Hoj asked the audience to stop and consider the lack of civility in the room. She indicated she would have a lot of qualms if Dr. Bangser left the District. She would be much less secure with the outcomes of many of the challenges the District has faced, had not Dr. Bangser been superintendent. Member Smith closed the discussion and commented on the respect that exists among the Board members, administrators, faculty, staff, unions and the strong climate that exists within the community. This open communication is one of the reasons the District has such regard of the voters and predicted strong support for Measure J. Item 7.3.1 was moved to follow the first component of item 7.5.2 on tonight's agenda. 7.3.1 Textbook Recommendation: Essentials For The Emergency Medical Responder - Action Nordhoff Dean of Students Kim Hoj and District Nurse Linda Bernaski, RN, reviewed the textbook presented, Essentials For The Emergency Medical Responder currently available for use in the ROP Emergency First Responder course. The Board unanimously approved this text for use in the Emergency First Responder classes. At 6:55 p.m. the Board adjourned to Closed Session to evaluate Dr. Bangser's performance from 2009 2014 and 2013-14, in particular. At 8:13 p.m. the Meeting was reconvened to Open Session to take Action on the Item 7.5.2. Ojai Unified School District Board of Education 7.5.2 Minutes, Page 4 October 14, 2014 Te rm of Superintendent's Contract - Action Member Taylor moved and Member Home seconded the motion to approve the new term of Dr. Bangser's contract in open session after a closed session discussion of his professional performance. It is recommended that Superintendent Bangser's contract be in effect from July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2018. All other components of the contract will remain as in the present contract. Member Horne Indicated that she feels it is incumbent upon Board members to fulfill their duties, which includes an annual review of the Superintendent's contract which has been done each year. Member Taylor indicated she has the utmost confidence in Dr. Bangser's abilities as our Superintendent. She went on to say he has proven to be a very strong leader: and he has worked tirelessly with our teachers, the members of the community, and the Board. Member Mercado also agreed with the extension of the contract based upon Dr. Bangser's exemplary performance. She indicated that she supports him for an extension of his contract and she gave him a vote of confidence. Member Whipple indicated that one of the most important things the Board can do is to ensure that the District have excellent administration and staff. He therefore supported the contract extension. Member Smith also supported the contract extension as recommended. She indicated that there is no moratorium on Board action; it is incumbent upon the Board to act on all matters within their purview. She said, "up until the very moment the new Board members are sworn in, we have an obligation to take responsibillty for what is put on our plate. We take responsibility for everything that is our Board role, and to kick the can down the road is not something that we have ever done as a Board here." She complemented the leadership team that Dr. Bangser has put together, and the quality of people that he has been able to recruit and retain has been such a credit to this Distric.t. Like she previously mentioned, the community survey that we took in order to find out if whether there was support for a bond, is not just about tax tolerance, it is about faith in the District. . Dr. Bangser thanked the Board members for their comments, not only for what was said now but also for their earlier comments. He indicated that the District has been through hard times over the last five years and when you look at the financial projections, there is nothing about the present view of our finances that is better than where we are now. He sa id, "Everyth ing we have learned in address ing critical issues in the last five years will be part of our challenge in the next period of time." Member Smith characterized the process as something akin to a recommitment ceremony, The Board unanimously approved the Superintendent's contract from July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2018. 7.1 Personnel Ojai Unified School District Board of Education 7.1.1 Minutes, Page 5 October 14, 2014 Board of Education Appointee to the Classified Personnel Commission Public Hearing/Action The Board opened and closed public hearing to take public comments regarding its current appointment to the Personnel Commission (Karen Phipps), set to expire December 1, 2014. The Board unanimously approved the to reappoint Karen Phipps for another three-year term to the Personnel Commission. 7.1.2 Student Teaching Agreement between OUSD and University of Laverne - Action The Board unanimously approved participation in student teaching agreement with The University of La Verne for the 2014-2015 school year. 7.2 Pupil Personnel 7 .3 Curriculum/Instruction 7. 4 Busi ness/0 peratio ns/Facilities 7. 5 Governing Boa rd/Superintendent 7.5. 1 Board Policy:.... First Reading -Action The Board was asked to rece ive for first reading the Governing Board Policies updated August 2013 and October 2013 as provided by California School Boards Association. (Note Item 7.5.2 was moved to follow item 6.1 on tonight's agenda.) 7.5.3 General Obligation Bond - Measure J Update - Information The Board received an update from Dr. Bangser regarding the $35 mlllion General Obligation (GO) Bond, referred to as Measure J on the November 4, 2014 ballot. He indicated that people are heartened to discover that taxpayers in Ojai do pay the lowest amount of school taxes in the County of Ventura. 7.5.4 Superintendent's Report - Information Dr. Bangser reported on the October 13 Staff Development Day. This was only the second staff development day in the past four years. He visited each session (K-6, 7-8 and 9-12) and found staff members working very hard to identify the components of Common Core. Secondary school groups worked in departments and each had a tech session included in the presentation. The junior high also worked on the anti-bullying program. The high school program included discussion on their school-wide literacy and reasoning through writing program. Elementary Curriculum Director Marilyn Smith indicated that the elementary grade level teachers appreciated having time to work on Ojai Unified School District Board of Education Minutes, Page 6 October 14, 2014 the report card assessment document. She said it was beneficial to include hourly teaching staff as they are key assets in the classroom on a daily basis. 7.5.5 Items for Future Agendas - Information Member Mercado asked that a task force be formed to provide information on the current EL assessment procedure. Ojai Unified Board candidate Jane Weil asked for clarification regarding the lack of textbooks as stated by community member Mark Williams. Marilyn Smith indicated that she would research the matter. However, she believes the misconception referenced earlier in the meeting was due to the fact that students use various materials, Fosnot units, textbooks and other resources in the area of mathematics. Mrs. Smith suggested a Common Core update at a future meeting. 8. Consent Calendar - was unanimously approved. 8.1 Personnel 8.1.1 8.1.2 Certificated Changes Classified Changes 8.2 Pupil Personnel 8. 3 Cu rricu Ium/Instruction 8.3.1 (a) Topa Topa CIMI trip to Catalina, October 27-29, 2014 8.3.1 (b) Nordhoff Drama Teachers Association of Southern California Competition, October 24 - 25, 2014 8.3.1 (c) Santa Maria Water Polo Tournament, October 24 and 25, 2014 8.3.1 (d) Atascadero Spring-Break Baseball Tournament, April 6-8, 2015 8.4 Business/Operations/Facilities 8.4.1 Purchase Order #P15-00098-P15-00401, Dated 10/2/14, Excluding Cancelled POs 8.4.2 Blanket Purchase Orders - #B15-00062-B15--00375, Cancelled POs 8.4.3 Warrant Register Listing: County Account-: Checks #5020016275-5020016568 Dated 9/30/14 8.4.4 Deposit Detail Report - County Account - 9/30/14 Dated 10/2/14, Excluding Ojai Unified School District Board of Education 8.4.5 Minutes, Page 7 October 14t 2014 Donation Donor Donation item Ojai Education Foundation $10,000 for Matllija technology improvements 8.4.6 Local Educational Area Plan (LEAP) renewal 8.4.7 Quarterly Report on Williams and Valenzuela Uniform Complaints 9. Adjourn to Closed Session to Discuss the Following: -Public Employee Performance Evaluation: Superintendent (GC 54957) 10. Return to Open Session to Consider Agenda Item 7.5.2 -Action 11. Adjourn meeting Item 7.3.1 (1/1) November 18, 2014 OJAI UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY MEETING DATE: November 18, 2014 FOR: Action TITLE: Single Plan for Student Achievement for Meiners Oaks Elementary School EXHIBIT: Meiners Oaks Elementary Single Plan for Student Achievement EXPLANATION: State law requires that schools prepare a plan of action to be taken to raise the academic performance of students and improve the school's educational programs. The Board is asked to approve the Single Plan for Student Achievement for Meiners Oaks Elementary School. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Single Plan for Student Achievement for Meiners Oaks Elementary School. Motion Second By Vote Y _ N_ A_ Item 7.3.2 (1/1) November 18, 2014 OJAI UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY MEETING DATE: November 18, 2014 FOR: Action TITLE: Single Plan for Student Achievement for Matilija Junior High School EXHIBIT: Matilija Junior High Single Plan for Student Achievement EXPLANATION: State law requires that schools prepare a plan of action to be taken to raise the academic performance of students and improve the school's educational programs. The Board is asked to approve the Single Plan for Student Achievement for Matilija Junior High School. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Single Plan for Student Achievement for Matilija Junior High School. Motion Second By Vote Y _ N_ A_ Item 7.4.1 (1/8) November 18, 2014 OJAI UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY MEETING DATE: November 18, 2014 TITLE: Budget Update FOR: Information EXHIBIT: EXPLANATION: The Board will receive an updated report from Ms. Pusatere concerning the Ojai Unified School District budget for the 2014-2015 school year. RECOMMENDATION : The Board is asked to receive information. Item 7.4.1(2/8) November 18, 2014 Ojai Vnified Sclioo{ <J)istrict 2014-15 Budget Update (prepared by Dannielle Pusatere, Assistant Superintendent for the November 18, 2014 Board Meeting) There have been some significant costs increases, mainly in special education, to the Budget since school began in August. J wanted to give you a preview before the First Interim Report which will need to be approved by the new Board at the December organizational meeting. The unappropriated fund balance at the June adopted budget was estimated at $160,025. Listed below are some of the major changes that have affected the budget, decreasing the 2014-15 fund balance to $32, a reduction of $159,993. There were two major revenues changes that affected the budget. The first change was in the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) calculation for the target gap and the free and reduced meal program (FRMP) percentage. • After the State Adopted its Budget on June 20, the target gap percentage was increased from 28.06% to 29.56%. This resulted in an increase in LCFF funds of $102,024 for this budget revision. • However, the increased funds were offset by the reduction in the free and reduced meal participation (FRPM) percentage in the LCFF formula. The FRPM decreased from last year at 53.10% to this year at 43 .17%. The State allows for two-year averaging; therefore in the budget revision, the free and reduced percentage, based on actual student counts, for LCFF calculation is 48.21 %. This 4.89% percentage drop equates to a budget loss of $50,622 of supplement funds. The second major revenue change reflects some really good news. The State decided to release a one-time payment of $171,815 for prior year mandated cost claims. Among these three revenue changes the budget is increased by $223,217 ($102,024 for the target gap - $50,622 for FRMP + $171,815 for mandated costs). The major expenditure changes to the budget are estimated as follows: Increase in special education costs for new placements and County Program Special education mediation settlement agreement Special education aides Special education wheelchair bus lease Increase in maintenance budget for additional repairs on facilities Increase in certificated teachers' for staffing adjustments (1.3FTE) Additional health and welfare cost for employees who retired after June 30 Property and liability insurance increase Student data system hosting by the County office Teacher Induction Program no longer funded by County office grant Increase of the reserve to maintain 2% due to increased expenditures Various other expenditure increases Total expenditure budget changes $89,000 50,000 128,221 18,942 100,000 86,142 24,351 12,939 14,000 15,000 31,226 10,697 $580,518 Item 7.4.1(3/8) November 18, 2014 The major expenditure budget changes of $580,518 was somewhat offset by the increased revenues of $223,217 (noted above) and an increase in the beginning fund balance of $197 ,308 from 2013-14 closing of the financials. This resulted in a total decrease to the 2014-15 budget of $159,993 (-$580,518 for additional expenditures + $223,217 in increased revenues + $197,308 from prior year ending fund balance). Therefore the unappropriated fund balance decreased from $160,025 to $32. Currently, the district is still able to maintain the reserve level at 2%. However, an unappropriated fund balance of $32 is obviously razor thin and leaves no room for unexpected expenditures during the year. In addition, during the 2014-15 adopted budget process, the district estimated the previously held $160,025 fund balance to be carried-forward into the 2015-16 school year. This was to assist in balancing the budget for the increase in additional three school days required to be returned. Without these carry-fotward funds, positive changes to the State's budget projections for the next few years, or new District alternatives, the multiyear projections will be negatively affected. I will be communicating with you at the December organizational meeting about the effects of these changes on the multi-year budget projections. Item 7.4.1(4/8) November 18, 2014 Budget Revision 1 Ojai Unified School District Obioct IR11sour<:~I Description EloatAt101>tod Unrestricted I Restricted 2014(15 ReVl$IOO 1 Unre&tricted 14/t6 Total i Flnal 14-15 vs Ravi 14/15 Tot•I Restricted Total Unrestrctd I Re&tricted REVENUES Revonuo Limit Sources ~_QQQQ_ PrinAf>EJOl1 LCFF /Propertv 16,248,797.00 8012 1400 EPA·Educa1io11Prob~ctionAc 2,463,17400 8019 1400__ EPA-prior vr adi o.oo 8019 _\).QQQ.__ ,f1_11rioryear adj 0 00 1-1-!!~ _QQ9..Q._ .§P-ee£dAOATtans1er 000 8092 0000 Pers Reduction Transfer 0.00 - - -----,,· 8096 0000 VOC in Lieu Prop Tax tranfer -213 944.00 Total Revenue limit Sources 18,498,027 1Foderal Sources! 1 -1 81!l1 3310/331 9260 0000 0290 ·3010 1 =1 8290 3550 62.9 0 4035 :=j 1 !!290 ! f orest Rese1Ve 4110 4201 4203 5640 0000 0000 8290 8290 15.909.714.001 I _1 847,fil()2! O 0011 0.00 2,463,17400 2,647,87600 0,00 _ 0.00 0 00 0 00 QOD 0.00 QOO 0.00 0 ll.OO -213 944 00 18,498,027 0.00 -208 161.00 18.549.429 00 l 0.00 8.648.00 O.oo -208 161.00 O.OO 16.549.429.00 L O.OQ 8.648,00 o.oo 0 o • 3~~ ~742 _ 142 000.00 o.oo 0.00 o.oo 0 00 440.47tl.OO o_oo 315,229.00 15084.00 139.719.00 0.00 o_ 0.00 o 00 -339,083 364,702 0 O O O 142,000 o= 0 0.00 0.00 o.oo QOO 142.ooci:OO o.oo . 0.00 I 9__ O 51,402 O. o 0 O ·5 753 51.402 A I Q 0: 0:1_ , o .Q 0 o.oo· I o 5,569 0 3, 112 0 .o 0,00 I o 00 0 O 0 O 0 0 142.000.00 o.oo 0.00 Q_ 0 0 0 O __§1.453.00 ~45300 O 0 5 783 440 478.uu' 6,646..!JO I 315.229,00 15084.00 139. 719.00°_ 0 00 I -339,083 384,702 _ 0 I 440,478 6,648 309,660 15,084 136,607 0 o.oe CtoO o.oo I- 44Q,478.00 o.oo 309 660.00 1S08400 135.607.00 - Title 1 OtherFedNocAp Title II Part A Teach Tille u Part A Title II Pert o Tech Title V Ti!to Ill. lmmlnrant 11Uelll Medi-Cat Other· Af' Test MAA . 4~~ I 8290 _J 8290 l= i SpEd/IDEA Baste 4036 6290 6290 8290 I_ 1 i!f248,797.00 15;'909.714.QO 1 o 5,569 0 3.112 0 Q.,_ , 0 o ~,711 33,711 B O O O o o 0 o 0 0 1 1 1 I- Tola1Fedara1Sources 1 I Other Stale Sources 8311 0000 Hourly~rams 8311 7090 EIA 8434 0000 CSR K~ -·~ 1200 CSR \M.2 8550 0000 J.1andated Cost _ , 6560 1100 Loltery 8560 6300 Lotterv-Restrlcted ~ 0000 AU Others _,~90 ,__3360 LOwtnclde~ 8590 ~9 Prop 39 CA Clean Ene19.v - ~•~ CommunityTutoring 8590 6286 ELL ACQuisilion Proa rem 1 ·t llocii1 Sources ~ 0.00 0.00 98.360.00 349,39800 83, 190 00 4.000 00 0 00 o.oo __ 0.00 O.Q.D _J_24,646.00 124 646 o.oo 0 00 56 30S_OO 56,308 0 740,355 I I 0000 0000 0000 6500 0000 0000 9325 9540 9673 -~1_- l.easelRe_.nt Interest TRAN lntraaencv-Soee Ed lntraaen~-otnerlocal Ollw Local· Dooatioms Other local -NFL Other Local-Saf~ credit Other Local ·D~care Microsoftseltlemt OlhTrr/Ost-VOC 0000 =i-~~- 65<!0_ !\QE.qn..~.!!!Q.l!f.'!f.:.~1?.?.B'd l rotal Local Sources ro:;Jij;EvENUE O.OD 0.00 451J~6~_266,597L I I 270,175.00 350,566.00 90,067.00 4 000.00 0.00 . O_ o 24,453 o SBX3 4 0.00 O. O_OD Common Core 8,648.00 J 1,121,963.001 1,130.611.0011 QOO o 0.00 8650 8660 8660 8677 8677 6699 6699 8699 8699 B76l O. Low lrK:idenoe-spec ad Prak - ~~!! __, 1 0 0 0 0 96,360 349,398 83, 190 4 000 _ 0.00 o.oo .24 453.00 I 1 0.00 1,0BB,2191-1 ~~Clll S.!!f~& Woer1ce Ptev 6512 Mental Health Services 8590 8590 6530 8590 7405 ,__6590 0001 To«al State Sources 1 1,079,571 1 ~_§!?_!!_ HaallhSCienceAcad 8590 I 8.6481 I 29,944.00 25 000 oo 20,232.00 j I 29,944.00I 25.000.001 ZQ,~ - ~.470.00 O 113,402 95 450 _ 200,365 29 731 _ 113,402.00 95,450.00 200,365.00 29,731.00 100,000 00 000 51.088.00 100,000 665 212 1 364 940.00 1.384.9401 19.623.645 2.753.1osl o_ 51 oaa 1 384 940 . 2,050.152 0,00 124 646.00 o.uo 0.00 0.00 o.oo 27.967.00 . o.oo 0 00 624,741.00I 29.944 25,000 O.Q.O 113402.00 234 026.00 200,365.00 40,964 00 100,QOO. llO 94,368.00 51,066 00 9le 627.00 22,376,753 - 20.121,44500 o.oo 0.00 242,680.00 01 0.00 I 0.00 0.00 0 00 270 175.00 1 350,566.00 l 90,067.00 I 4 000.00 ! 0.001 ) 124.646.0~ 1..L ol 0 0 0 171,615 1168 o 0 O O o.oo} ! O.OOH· OOOLJ o.oo o.oo 0.00 0 00 867,421 .00 o O 0 O o o 3.514 I QJ_, oT 0 II O o ' 3,514 o ·56.306 ____:§§,~ ..Q_ 0 0 ~5.917 127,066 I l J--1 29 944 oo _ 25,000.00 49,470.00 ~ 0.00 113,402.00 234 026.00 200 365.00 40,964 00 100 000 00 _ !14,<!68.00, _ 51,088 00 1 384 940.00 1 384 940.00 1.384 940.00 2,323.567.oo 2,749,593.oc 22.s11.02a.ool , 6,Bnl 0I 01 o o 1 171,81.£.J..~1 O 0 Q_ 0 172.983 00 00- 1,16.~.l- 6,877 0 o O 42 13921 0 0 0 OJ O o o 27.967.00 I 42,3921 o O 29.238 0 O. 136.576 O 11,233 0 94368 0 0 273,4151 __ o 0 0 O O o O 0 0 o_ 0 29,238 E O O 136,576 F 1 O 11,233 I 0 1 ~..Q. 0 0 o 0 0 273 415 1 491,sool-.:i.s~,~94.m~' Revised. 1111212014 Item 7.4. 1(5/ 8} November 18, 2014 Ojai Unified School District I Oblect Resourc• Oucrlntlon a rlftfttad Unnrltrlcied ,_ 1900- - Tote! Certificated Salaries 2W O Total Classified Salaries r I r EmolOVOfl Benefit£ 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3500 3700 3900 tnstructlonal Aides Classified Sucoort Suoervisors Clericerrrechnicet Other Classn1ed·Salarles STRS PERS OAS DI/Medicare HeaHh & Welfare Stale Unamolovment WOl'l<er Como 1nsuraoce Retiree Benefits Other Benefits - ~ - rotar Books arid SuppliB$ Textbooks & Curr Mat•rlala Books & Reference Mal!<ials & Suepfies Eauioml Taa >500 b<.1!<5000 ___[,_ __ I Sel'\llces & Other Exoonditures Sub ~<eem ent& rorServlces 5100 Travel and Conferencoi 5200 Dues and Memberships 5300 Insurance 5400 ssoo 0Dl)(aliont'& HoUHkoeolna 5600 Eauipmenl Repairs 5700 Direol Cost Tr&l'l$f&ri Professionel/Consutti110 saoo 5900 eamrn'Uriioa1;0"! Total Service & Other E~peodil\xe$ .- - - Fina! 1C-1 5 v• Rav 1 Unroatrctd Restrlc:led 14115 Total , 695,319 9,384 752 ---- - - 6193,09000 417,567.00 990,39700 158 095.00 1 3 78976.00 7 572 068.00 246,~.oo 666,~53.00 7,7li9,169.00 1 763033.00 - 40,849.00 94 540.00 - ..1,031 ,~46.00 ,_____ 51.2.00 260004.00 291,436.00 2142887.00 5033.00 290806.00 678628.00 5 000.00 128.676.00 170803.00 140626.oo 514 045.0 0 1602.00 93,026.0 0 0.00 000 4 356.305 1048777 5405082 36 469.00 3546.00 390650.00 50476.00 461161 84 246.00 1, 054,00 95916.00 56893.00 238109 120.735 4,600 466566 107 369 719 270 0.00 f;l 031.0~ 39,936.00 21 562.00 201 891. 00 700, 131.00 166,090.00 -1 777.00 66481 .00 1 359.00 0,00 24640.00 23,590.00 0.00 S~Q,QQ ~1 34.00 8.rl 528.00 1 268.00 1 7~261 406 500 4.005199 2554269.00 9522 202,00 69,736 6400 7400 Srte end Jmaovoment Cl S~e Builclirraend l Eouiornant Over SS.COO Tuition Other transfers-voe Soeo Ee Direct Suonortflndireot Coat Debt Sel'v,!c:e Totel Other Outgo I rotAI. EXPENcint.IRES -t 137,450 1-1 --- 0 21,782 6400 159,280 542 0 26,902 8,400 64,549 110575 195124 I -7820 7369 15.221 14.318 8318 12.246 76 4 965 0 0 7 401 21 687 15126 43015 J 11,~ - 4,200,323.00 ... _-2,~ 30769 55 47-80 24351 0 1103921.00 s 526 5'18.00 66312 55,144 136709.00 36.469.00 - , 054,00 3,546.00 461.&46.00 ___!i0,265,00 111,506.00 367 098.00 613187.00 645 146.0C 1llJ98.qQ 4 600.00 601931.00 476604,00 , 256 333.00 - -- 50 52,463 0 44,369 310205 407037 539063 0 26,389 26,893 _ __sz,~t . 0.00 106 417 40 440.00 22.941 2a363.oo 201 891 ~ 830.00 724 771 700 131.00 191,680 ~~00 -1,777 -1 777.00 783,0 14 685,312.00 85983.00 85 796 1 901429.00 57031.00 92670.00 1 359.00 ,,....,()() 57001 00 1~~~1Q-QQ 29 722.00 2 14 630.00 723844.00 254 492 00 - ;J,777.00 1097398.00 87251 .00 694672.00 2 596101 .00 _ _ _o.O.Q 23 713.00 106 345 00 a.oo 412..066.00 - ..2,_~ 70 996 61030 132026 .- - 11 6,866 -11 411 0 5,120 0 42,414 0 504 - 6781 12 939 131 9745 24 351 K 0 121 456 52,463 l 0 115365 M 371 235 N 0 Q_ _~81 ,_ -19943 0 134 432 1,455 0 -927 62.755 0 179 952 0 12 939 -927 62 612 0 0 314,384 p 136166 """'169 424 337 0 0 · 1.191 0 67 101 0 0 85 910 Q S5910 ___Q_ 1455 >-- Total Caoilal OIAlsy Olh&r Outoo 7100 7221 7300 67,714 - ~- :::m al lJUtlav 6 1.00 6200 135,615 ·11 ,340 8 09Ei 5079 818588.00 452.494.00 44718a00 2699 947.00 6 766,00 393 576.00 702979.00 4.422,61 7.00 2.171764 -- 68.147 -6,989 ~.?56 1 000 143.896.00 185.121.00 148.944.00 526.291.00 1,678,00 97 991 .00 000 -- ~Q.Q 8 11.187 674.692.00 4:39,607 251 373.00 298.244.00 432062 2,656 932 2.173,656.00 6 635 . _ _ 5,089.00 383,831 295 585.00 702,9 79.00 678.628 5 000 SOQQ,l'.l.Q - --- --1, ~ 4 079 -- 1 646 os.1.00 67.466 -4,351 252 635,00 o.oo 1 535479 RR? i= -- 1- - Hlt126D.OQ J.9.E,~,QQ ___j,223,627 228 6 74.00 1 154 433,00 138310700 816,803.00 392 241.00 1.208 044 ._!!ll~~O.Q _ 3~~Q. OQ 1,2~~8~0 381,711 38171100 300,365.00 303,365.00 78, 346.00 78 346.00 1,097,972 1,092, 429.00 32 445.00 1 124 674.00 1.070 647.00 27 325.0C 93645.00 0.00 93645 102 045.00 ___jQ£.f)45.00 2 469720 I I I Totlll - 7 436,453 677,593 1 023 150 247 556 --.. Total Employee Bonelits Book$ and Suo~llea 4100 4200 4300 -- 6 125622.00 ! ,310,831.00 421 938.00 255.655.00 967857.00 35293.00 93,540,00 15~016 .00 7 689 433 - ·i ~-.J._ __ _L_ Cte.salliet;l Salaries 2100 2200 --. 2300 2400 - ·Teachers Salaries Puoil Suooort Salaries -~.!:P.ervisors & Admln Olher Certihcallld Roatrlc:twd u nrestrtcled - _J_ Certificated Salaries 1100 1200 1300 Rl!vlslon 1 14115 TotDJ Rttlrteled EXPENDITURES I I _ J_ 201 4/15 Budget Revision 1 ExcessrDeficlencv1 Rev over Em before other flniinclng I I 024.00 0 0 H16S 10950.00 149.125.00 0.00 0.00 160 07500 12.141 62024 74 165 10 950.00 149125,00 160075.00 -1 ,191 67101 0.00 0.00 -831 060.00 0,00 -631 060 364.000.00 30000.00 364 ~ 0.00 453,000,00 453 000 , _ _, 0 631.~.00 3uoo0:00 ~QP.~·2~ 632259.00 ·25QQQ,!lQ -26,199 662259.00 18 942.00 476 942.00 16942 445 743 -364.000 0 1.199 0 -362801 16,142 961 · 933,343 652939 1 586.282 .. -435543 -856464 -1,092,007 12 141.00 PO . ~ODD._...Q9 1025060 30,000 0 0 394 000 0.00 -657,259.00 18 942.00 -185 317 00 6,011,271 22.154.232 17 076,304 00 6664 210.00 2s 140 s1•i:oo - 0 89000 R G -2500G 18942 82 942 s ·-- 3,480,684 -3,258,163 222,521 3,045, 141 00 -3,914,627.00 .. -889.486.00 -- - -- - - Re.;sed, 11112/201 4 ·>-- Item 7.4.1(6/8) November 18, 2014 I IFinal Adooted Obleet Resourc~ 2014/15 Budget Revision 1 Ojai Unified School District Oeserlotlon Unrestricted J_IRovi~ioo 1411.6 Restricted 1 11 Unreatricte<l Total 14115 Re&tricte<l IFlnal 14-15 vs Rev 1 Total I Unrcstretd Total Restricted I OTHER FINANCING SOURCES f {USES) - _] lnterlund 'l'fanslers Out Deferred Maintenance Other Authorized Debt Service Payments ,__,__e_ 9e_o_ ,_ Cont<tt>ulion 6919 Transfer from other fund Total Other Financing Sources/(Uses) o.00 7615 _ 7s1s119 7636/9 BA~NCE - 0.00 o o oo o.oo o .J,173.696.00 0.00 -J,173,696.00 3.173,696.00 o.oo 0.00 3 173.696,DO ooo o.oo o ·- - - - - - - - -3,283, 16~ 0.00 3,256 163 0 -25 ooo 197~ 0.00 19?',f i l to:tiilMlliflft!l!1 0,00 450~~ t,~:aq-~ NETINCREASE(QgQ_REASEI J I PROJECTED ENDING BALANCE O00 -3,~, 163.00 1,~.!!!!QQ I m-lim1NG I - - i:== -0 647.770 o.oo - 0.00 , -~;5s5.0Q: .746.931.Qol ~69,486.00!740,931.00 . 1,388,488.37 -· 519.002 37 o _ _ _o.rnr- · _ _ 25.£22 _ ____Q.00 0 . 0.00 . ~ l-C-O_M,__ P__ O_N.,.. eNT "" s OF ENDING BALANCE Reserved for; IRevolVlna cash 1--1----1,~ st;o-o= res Leciallv Restricted Designate<! tor: _ __ IEoonom1cU1'certlll/1Ues Asslanments - · ,_ _ __ ,_ $1\1.1.102 31 - o o o 25~ T O O o 84.467 0 ~4. 467 109 467 ~4.467 -J26,076 -740,931 _:!,~~- 197,308 740931 938.239 ·128,760 0 O! 0 ;is,ouo . - · 1.20.766 6 aso.oo 37 310.00 0.00 . 443,584.64 0.00 - o.oo o.oo 37 310 0,00 s.eso O _ QOO 0.00 s e5o.oo a~,310.00 O00 ._ 44~.51:1.S __ 474,810.28 0.00 0 o.oo o.oo 0,00 0.00 0.00 i--1----i----;---------;----=' o~ oo=-i-----1-----0,,1-.._--=o-=: .oQ 0.00 0.00 0 0 6.850.oot ~-o o o o o 0 0 31 ,226 0 O 0 31,226 0 o 37,310.oor i -- -o O 00 O I 474,81028.I 0 OOL 0.00 0.001 • o.OQ)..j o 0.00 0.001 0 - 0 o 0 0 0 0- ·- -l-- - - - 4: - i - - - - - l · - - - --1-- - - - - 1 -1 ---- Unaaorooriated Amount __ ___ 160.025.36 ~2~ reserve 0.00 1tl0 025.:.ltl I ~2.09 _~ 2.00% for re$erve 0.00 32.1.19 , -159.993 0 -159 993 . - 1 - - - - -1-- - ---1-- - - -i- - Revised, 1111212014 Item 7.4.1(7/8) November 18, 2014 OJAI UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 2014-15 BUDGET REVISION #1 HIGHLIGHTS The major changes between 2014-15 Budget Revision #1and2014-15 Adopted Budget are: Revenues: Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF): (A) The overall increase for LCFF revenue is $51 ,402. The budget is revised for the increase in target gap percentage of 1.5% resulting in an additional $102,024. In addition, the LCFF was reduced for supplemental funding of $50,622 caused by the reduction of free and reduced meal program from 53.10% in 2013-14 to 43.17% in 2014-15. The LCFF allows for a two year average; therefore the rolling average percentage is 48.21 %, based on actual student counts. This resulted is a net percentage change of 4.89%. Federal.Prognms: (B) Title III increased due to carryover from the 2013-14 entitlement. State Programs: (C) state rriartdated costs in·creased $171,815 for one-time funding df past claims. (D) The ·Common Core grant funds of $462,223 are included in the beginning'· restricted fund balance. ·· Local Revenue: (E) Iricreased for' actUal July 2014 TRANs interest amount of $49,470;. (F) Increased miscdlaneous income by $138,576 for donations and the carry-forward funds. (G) Increas·ed for the Microsoft settlement one-time dollars of $94,368. Expenditures: (H) Certificated staffing increased 1.70 FTE in the following areas: •Elementary teacher at Topa Topa for .50FTE •Elementary music teacher .20FTE- paid by an OEF donation • JHS teacher .20 FTE (should have been in adopted budget) •High School teacher .60 FTE (.20 English, .20 Social Stu~ies, and .20 PE/Grid Iron). • Independent Study .20FTE This budget includes one additional paid instructional day for all certificated staff. (I) Classified salaries increased 4.90 FTE for Special education instructional aides. This budget includes two additional paid days for all classified staff: one instructional day and one holiday. Item 7.4.1(8/8} November 18, 2014 Ojai Unified School District 2014-15 Budget Revision #1 Highlights (continued) (J) Health & Welfare costs are revised for staffing changes and the increased salary cost for the additional instructional day and holiday. (K) The retiree health and welfare budget increased for retirements after June 30, 2014. (L) Textbook account increased for restricted lottery and common core carryover funds. (M) Materials and supplies increased for donation increases and restricted fund carryover amounts. (N) ·Small equiprn~nt bupget increased due to the Microsoft settlement, donations, and ... f;~inmon_ Core: g~ant carrrovers, . .. " (0) ' ' . Eqµip~\!nt • • . ' ' 'I repair servi.ces increased for Maintenance and Grounds Departi;nent. ' ' ' ' ~ I . : ' (P) Profe&sional and consulting services increased for Microsoft settlement,. Q$IS Hosting by the Counfy, donation account, the July 1RANs expe~se, Medical Billing and Title III carryover funds. (Q) C(3.pi~al equipment increased for technology infrastructure purchas~~ for the Common Core grant and the Proposition 39 grant carryover amounts. (R) The tuition budget increased for special education services provided by Special Education Local Plan Area (SELP A). (S) ·beht services increased by $18, 94 2 for 7-year lease for a new spedal education wheel chair bus. (T) Other transfers out decreased by $25,000 due to the elimination of the transfer of funds to the Cafeteria Fund. In June for the 2014-15 adopted budget, the fund needed additional assistance to balance the budget. However, when the 2013.~ 14 financials closed in the s~er, the Cafeteria Fund had an increased positive, ending funding balance and no longer needed the transfer. The district will continue to monitor the Cafete:ria Fund. Item 7.5.1 (1/2) November 18, 2014 OJAI UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY MEETING DATE: November 18, 2014 FOR: Action TITLE: UPDATED GOVERNING BOARD POLICIES - SECOND READING -ACTION EXHIBIT: EXPLANATION: At the October 14, 2014 Board Meeting, the members received for a first reading the August 2013 and October 2013 Governing Board policies as provided by the California School Boards Association. The only change was the addition of "nonreligious and/or" in E0420.41a. RECOMMENDATION: The Board is asked to approve the revised updates of the August 2013 and October 2013 Governing Board Policies as provided by California School Boards Association. Motion by: Second By: Vote: Y__ N__A_ Item 7.5.1 (2/2) November 18, 2014 October 2013 BAT CH Philosophy, Goals, Objectives, and Comprehensive Plans E 0420.41(a) CHARTER SCHOOL OVERSIGHT REQUIREMENTS FOR CHARTE R SCHOOLS Note: The following Exhibit lists some, but not necessarily all, legal requirements that apply to charter schools. Pursuant to Education Code 47610, charter schools are generally exempt from Education Code provisions governing school districts unless otherwise specified in law. Districts should consult with legal counsel regarding the applicability of state law other than the Education Code to charter schools. Charter schools are generally exempt from provisions of the Education Code unless they are expressly included in the law. However, charter schools are subject to the terms of their charters, any memorandum of understanding with their chartering authority, and other legal requirements including, but not limited to, requirements that each charter school: 1. Comply with the state and federal constitution and applicable federal laws 2. Comply with state laws that apply to governmental agencies in general, such as the Brown Act requirements in Government Code 54950~54963 3. Be nonreligious and/or nonsectarian in its programs, admission policies, employment practices, and all other operations (Education Code 47605) 4. Not discriminate against any student on the basis of the characteristics listed in Education Code 220 (Education Code 4 7605) 5. Not charge tuition (Education Code 47605) Note: Education Code 47605 specifically prohibits a charter school rrom charging tuition, but does not mention fees or other charges. As clarified in the California Department of Education's (CDE) advisory P upil Fees, Deposits. and Other Charges, charter schools are subject to the California Constitution, and therefore the free school guarantee of the California Constitution, Article IX, Section 5, applies to charter schools. Charter schools may only charge fees authorized by those Education Code sections that have been made explicitly applicable to chaiter schools. For example, charter schools may charge fees for meals and field trips pursuant to Education Code 35330, 38082, and 38084 because those provisions apply to charter schools. However, chinter schools may not charge other fees authorized by low for school districts, except to the extent that any such fees do not relate to an activity that is an integral component of public education. 6. Not charge student fees for any activity that is an integral component of the educational program, except as authorized by those Education Code provisions that explicitly apply to charter schools 7. Adhere to all laws establishing the minimum age for public school attendance (Education Code 47610) ~. Serve students who are California residents and who, if over 19 years of age, are continuously enrolled in a public school and making "satisfactory progress" toward a high school diploma as defined in 5 CCR 11965 (Education Code 47612) Item 7.5.2 (1/1) November 18, 2014 OJAI UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY MEETING DATE: TITLE: November 18, 2014 FOR: Information Election Results including Measure J and the Board Member Elections EXHIBIT: EXPLANATION : The Board is asked to receive an update from Dr. Bangser concerning the $35 million General Obligation (GO) Bond, Measure J, on the November 4, 2014 ballot and the Ojai Unified School District Governing Board Member elections. RECOMMENDATION: The Board is asked to receive information. Item 7.5.3 (1/2) November 18, 2014 OJAI UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY MEETING DATE: November 18, 2014 FOR: Action TITLE: Selection of Date for the Annual Organizational Meeting of the Governing Board EXHIBIT: Memorandum for Annual Organizational Meeting of the Board EXPLANATION: Education Code Section 35143 requires that the Governing Board establish a date for its annual organizational meeting. The meeting must be held between December 5 and December 19, 2014, inclusive. It is recommended that this organizational meeting be held at the regularly scheduled Board meeting of December 9, 2014. If December 9 is the date selected, the attached notice from the Clerk of the Governing Board serves as the written notice required by law. In addition, the County Superintendent of Schools will be notified of the date and time selected. RECOMMENDATION: Approve holding the organizational meeting during the regular Board meeting of December 9, 2014. Motion by: Second By: Vote: Y_ N_ A Item 7.5.3 (2/2) November 18, 2014 Ojai Vnifiecf Schoo( <District 414 East Ojai Avenue, P.O. Box 878, Ojai, CA 93024 (805) 640-4300 •Fax (805) 640-4419 • www.ojai.k1 MEMORANDUM DATE: November 18, 2014 TO: Members of the Governing Board FROM: Rikki Horne, Clerk of the Governing Board RE: Annual Organizational Meeting of the Board The annual organizational meeting of the Governing Board of Ojai Unified School District will be held December 9, 2014. RH:kjs Ad ministrRtion Board of Education Hewy B;uigser, Pfi.D., Superintendent Dllnnielle J>usaiete, Supenntendent, Hu11ncn and Kach1 Smith., P1uiclen1 Admiou~UYO Scrv~ Thayne Whipple, Vi~ Prc.sidenc Riklo Honie, Ckfk Linda Taylor, Mcmb« Dr Pauline Mercado. Member Connecting students to success. Item 8.1.1 (1/1) 11/18/2014 OJAI UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA CONSENT CALENDAR PERSONNEL TO: Board of Education FOR: Action Approval or ratification of the following personnel changes is requested: Employment: 1. Robert Costanza, as secondary part-time 60% mathematics teacher for the remainder of the 2014-201 5 school year at the appropriate pro-rated placement on the certificated salary schedule, retroactive to November 3, 2014. 2. Sheri Usher, as certificated non-bargaining hourly special education teacher at Matilija Junior High School for 7.5 hours per week, at the certificated non-bargaining hourly rate of $28.86, retroactive to October 30, 2014, through the end of the 2014/2015 school year. 3. Karen Bertin, Wendy Morales, Emily Oakland, Lori Sunshine and Alexandra Trager as certificated substitute teachers for the remainder of the 2014/2015 schoo I year on an "as needed" basis at the certificated hourly substitute rate of $100.00 per day. 4. Cassandra Sandifur, as long-term temporary certificated school counseling substitute for Nordhoff High Schoo!, at $198.00 per day, full-time through April 1, 2015 and then two days per week for the remainder of the school year, coverage for school counselor on maternity leave, retroactive to November 17, 2014. Resiq nation: 1. Kathryn Burnett, secondary mathematics teacher at Nordhoff High School, resignation for persona I reasons, effective October 31, 2014. 2. Yadria Ramirez, certificated non-bargaining hourly daycare associate leader at A Place 2 Grow, resignation to accept position at Child Development Resources of Ventura County, effective November 10, 2014. Item 8.1.2 (1/1) November 18, 2014 PERSONNEL ACTIVITY REPORT November 18, 2014 TO: Board of Education FOR: Action Approval or ratification of the following personnel changes is requested for the transactions processed from October 1 through October 31, 2014. NEW HIRES/PROMOTIONS/WORKING OUT OF CLASS/RESTORATIONS 1. 2. 3. Hayes, Ryan, LMTC @ MM~ add ND supervision .5 hr/day effective 11/11/14 Johnsen, Sonia, Nutrition Services Manager II @ NHS effective 11/3/14 Ramirez, Marisol, IA, Bilingual @MM effective 10/11/14 EXTRA HOURS/ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS[[RANSFERS 1. 2. Angelini, Shawna, JASE @MO add .35 hr/day effective 10/2014 Perez, Cesar, Custodian t @ SA - add 2 hrs/day sub @ A Place to Grow effective 10/8/14 STUDENT WORKERS 1. 2. Hollebrands, Emily @ NHS effective 9/13/14 Keller, Steven @ NHS effective 9/12/14 SUBSTITUTES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Arellanes, Jeanine, add Nutrition Services effective 10/2 3/14 Bush-Giani, Trisha, IA and ND @MM as needed effective 11/4/14 Crawford, Marcela, IA, IASE, ND, ND as needed effective 10/29/14 Eickman, Erika, add !ASE Hearing Impaired as needed effective 10/10/14 Griswold, Melinda, IA, IASE, ND as needed effective 11/3/14 Jenkins, DeeAnn, stipend as worked for Ojai NfL effective 9/1/14 Palmer, Marianne, IA. IASE, ND, OA as needed effective 10/20/14 Palmer, Marianne, IA@ Summitt hour/day, 4 days/wk effective 10/20/14 Ramirez, Yadira, Custodian I @A Place to Grow effective 10/27/14 Rodriguez, Roberto, Custodian I as needed effective 10/22/14 RESIGNATIONS/RETIREMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Beilke, Janet, Crossing Guard @ MO PM duty only effective 11/13/14 Ecker, Susan, Noon Duty Supervisor@ Matilija - 2 days/week only effective 10/31/14 Leighton, Kathleen, School Office Mgr@ MM after 17 years of service effective 12/30/14 Radke, Devon, MFT Trainee, effective 10/6/14 Wiseman, Judith, Tech Resource Coord@ NHS after 32 yrs of service effective 12/30/14 1 Item 8.3.1 (1/1) November 18, 2014 OJAI UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT FIELD TRIP REQUEST BOARD AGENDA CONSENT CALENDAR MEETING DATE: November 18, 2014 TITLE : Nordhoff Track Team Trip to The Penn Relays Carnival EXHIBIT: See information below FOR: Action EXPLANATION : Who: Nordhoff Track Team members (approximately 4 students) What: A trip to allow four athletes (Kunde, Meyer, Wilson, Balderas) whose times in 2014 show that they can compete with the best in the nation. When: April 23 - 25, 2015 Where: Philadelphia, PA. Lodging: Hyatt Regency Philadelphia At Penn's Landing Supervision: Coach Ed ltalo and a parent chaperone. Transportation: Personal Auto - Delta Airlines Cost: Student paid by fundraising Safety/Liability Considerations: Parent permission to travel, participate and treat in case of emergency will be secured for each participant and will be on file with the supervising teacher(s). Insurance: The principal has verified that land vehicles have the required amount of insurance and/or that a current insurance binder is on file. RECOMMENDATION: Approval is recommended. Item 8.4.1(1/2) November 18, 2014 PONumber Vendor Name Description P15-00402 P15-00403 P15-00404 P15-00405 P15-00406 P15-00407 P15·00408 P15-00409 P15-00410 P15-00411 P15-00412 P15-00413 P15-00414 P15-00415 P15-00416 P15-00417 P15-00418 P15-00419 P15-00420 P15-00421 P15-00422 P15-00423 P15-00424 P15-00425 P15-00426 P15-00427 P15-00428 P15-00429 P15-00430 P15-00431 P15-00432 P15-00433 P15-00434 P15-00435 P15-00436 P15-00437 P15-00438 P15-00439 P15-00440 P15-00441 P15-00442 P15-00443 P15-00444 P15-00445 P15-00446 P15-00447 P15-00448 P15-00449 P15-00450 P15-00451 ?15-00452 P15-00453 P15-00454 P15-00455 P15-00456 P15-00457 P15-00458 P15-00459 P15-00460 maintenance supplies network licenses warehouse supplies server room computer computer books calculators office supplies office supplies ink cartridges art supplies art supplies projector camera textbooks books jog a then prizes supplies office supplies printers and ink supplies Athletic Supplies printer ink pe supplies computer equipment instructional materials books] iPads textbooks custodial supplies computers hard drive custodial supplies warehouse supplies Inst. Materials registration conference registration computers supplies instr. materials office supplles instr. materials national spelling bee printer cartridge subscriptions office supplies conference homecoming decorations Instr. Supplies battery printer Boston Conference computers conference airfare lodging Uniforms/Spirit Pack Uniforms BB Landscape Structures Sunburst Digital, Inc. Clean Source CDW Government, Inc Dell Computers Dell Computers Office Depot Bus. Serv. Office Depot Bus. Serv. Office Depot Bus. Serv. Blick Art Supply Blick Art Supply CDW Government, Inc CDW Government. Inc Globe Fearon Educational Publ It's About Time Soulhwest School Supply Office Depot Bus. Serv. CDW Government, Inc Sport Logos Offlc.e Depot Bus. Serv. Nasco West CfYIN Government, Inc Follett School Solutions, Inc. Apple Computer.Inc. Globe Fearon Educational Publ Waxie Sanitary CDW Government, Inc CDW Government, Inc U.S.BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEM Southwest School Supply Key Curriculum Press U.S.BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEM U.S.BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEM Dell Computers Computer Aided Solutions LLC Handwriting Without Tears Office Depot Bus. Serv. SCRIPPS National Spelling Bee B & H PhotoNideo Sunburst Digital, Inc. Southwest School Supply VCOE Conferences U.S,BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEM Riverside Publishing Dell Computers B & H PhotoNideo NCSS Annual Conference Reglslr ation Apple Computer,lnc. Sac State I DPR/IPM College of Continuing Edu. U.S.BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEM U.S.BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEM TAGear Ares Sportswear Amount $328.15 $859.95 $2,414.48 $6,923.00 $1,096.21 $1,839.56 $23.29 $4,126.31 $69.67 $47.07 $320.88 $1,673.55 $562.82 $642.43 $1,372.51 $434.75 $1,515.20 $298.28 $86.69 $420.96 $1,721.81 $309.98 $201.73 $169.02 $44.36 $560.63 $317.17 $44.54 $17,284.15 $293.75 $935.33 $12,114.68 $311.66 $94.00 $622.36 $423.96 $210.00 $590.00 $2,377.41 $g96.54 $52.82 $85.13 $74.95 $787.50 $300.02 $99.95 $52.08 $130.00 $170.46 $849.94 $96.74 $212.84 $1,275.00 $2,256.38 $25.00 $1,269.45 $2,150.00 $2,824.41 $325.00 Item 8.4.1{2/2) November 181 2014 PONumber Vendor Name Description P15-00461 P15-00462 P15-00463 P15-00464 P15-00465 P15-00466 P15-00467 P15-00468 P15-00469 P15-00470 P15-00471 P15-00472 P15-00473 P15-00474 P15-00475 P15-00476 P15-00477 P15·00478 P15-00479 P15-004BO P15-004B1 P15-004B2 P15-004B4 P15-00465 P15-00466 P15-00467 P15-00468 P15-004B9 video production supplies usb drives conference registration office supplies computer supplies ink cartridges instructional materials maintenance supplies computer supplies instructional materials report card forms supplies supplies technology supplies NFL supplies supplies instructional supplies music supplies music uniforms ink cartridges Instr. Supplies technology custodial supplies custodial supplies supplies Office Supplies supplies supplies zZounds Music The College Board-WRO Workshop Office Depot Bus. Serv. B & H PhotoNideo B & H PhotoNideo Key Curriculum Press U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEM Advanced Classroom Technologie s Glencoe Riverside Publishing Northern Safety Co., Inc. Southwest School Supply Dell Computers U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEM Office Depot Bus. Serv. Southeastern Apparel Office Depot Bus. Serv. It's About Time CDW Government. Inc Clean Source Southwest School Supply Office Depot Bus. Serv. School Specialty Supply Office Depot Bus. Serv. CDW Government, Inc Amount $164.84 $46.13 $215.00 $19.77 $311.76 $94.02 $141.00 $933.04 $153.68 $84.95 $93.71 $207.50 $77.34 $161.77 $83.83 $51.26 $620.61 $233.38 $3,132.15 $77.01 $351. 10 $9,011 .39 $3,784.31 $1,289.48 $93.42 $86.75 $68.65 $30.15 lir-.111 Item 8.4.2{1/1) November 18, 2014 unified school District _,,_._~, ··-f. l ·.•·rl l-1··'-·ll··,I··' •; • I 14,1 .' ' 1• • J :.; • ~.::.'f: ·~' : ...; ~ o' ... - PONumber Vendor Name Description 815-00376 815-00377 815-00378 815-00379 B15-00380 B15-00381 815-00382 815-00383 B15-00384 815-00385 815-00386 815-00387 815-00386 815-00389 B15-00390 815-00391 815-00392 815-00393 815-00394 815-00395 815-00396 815-00397 815-00398 815-00399 815-00400 technology license conference conference conference conference Prof. Services professional services professional services Postage for new Mail Machine NfL Scholarships NfL Scholarships NfL Scholarships Prof. Services NfL Scholarahips NfL Scholarahips Nfl Scholarahips NfL Scholarships NFL Scholarships conference conference NfL Scholarsh ips Subscription conference registration SES transportation MJP Technologies Inc. DBA: MJP Computers VCOE Conferences VCOE Conferences VCOE Conferences VCOE Conferences Top Gun Builders Dave Meisch C onstruction DBA: VCOE Business Ventura Unified School Dist TOTALFUNDS BY HASLER Monica Ros School.Inc. Ojai Valley Community Nursery Noah's Ark Preschool LITTLE BLESSINGS DAYCAREDBA: Hargett Family Daycare Kelley Hargett DBA: OUSD A Place To Grow OAK GROVE SCHOOL Montessori School of Ojai Rivera Family Child Care U.S.BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEM VCOE Conferences Holy Cross Preschool Brain Pop Fred Pryor Seminars Tutorific! Big Brand Tire Company l • ~ Amount $45.00 $75 .00 $20.00 $250.00 $70.00 $1,985.00 $103,500.00 $6,000.00 $20,000.00 $3,100.00 $5,450.00 $11,657.78 $4,060.00 $3,200.00 $15,020.00 $1,850.00 $1,800.00 $2,100.00 $341.85 $625.00 $7,230.00 $220.00 $199.00 $1,290.74 $5,000.00 ReqPay12a Board Item 8.4.3 (1/10) Report.lovember 18, 2014 Checks Dated 1 0/01/2014 through 11 /07/2014 Check Number 5020016569 5020016570 Check Pay to the Order of Date 10/0212014 Atkinson Andelson Et Al 10/02/2014 B & H PhotoNideo Fund Expensed 010-5813 010-4300 Unpaid Sales Tax Check 522.38 530.15 36.99- 493.16 59.22 5020016571 10/02/2014 Linda M. Bednarski 010-4300 5020016572 10/02/2014 CSEBO 010-3402 115.44 2,573.96 62.04 28,400.50 5020016573 10/02/2014 Dave Chavez 010-3422 010-3423 010-9534 950-5800 5020016574 10/02/2014 Nicole Candace I. Diaz 010-5200 5020016575 10/02/2014 Sarah Escobar 010-5200 17.58 5020016576 10/02/2014 Alisha L. Hicks 010-4300 20.37 5020016577 10/02/2014 Jim Stych 950-5800 146.00 5020016578 10/02/2014 Joe Villegas 950-5800 146.00 5020016579 10/02/2014 Jose A Cerda DBA: Green Globe HVAC, Inc. 010-5600 1,941.00 5020016580 10/02/2014 Keenan & Assoc Met Life Ins Cancelled on 10/0712014 31, 151.94 184.00 38.08 Cancelled 834.00 5020016581 10/02/2014 Rebecca H. Kirkland 010-5201 5020016582 10/02/2014 Spencer Laird 950-4300 38.08 52.00 5020016583 1010212014 Law offices of G .Melissa Hatch APC 010-5813 1,453.40 5020016584 10/02/2014 Suzanne A. Lugotoff 130-4300 65.87 5020016585 10/02/2014 Linda McMichael 010-5200 117.60 5020016586 10/02/2014 Meiners Oaks Water 010-5504 1,246.02 5020016587 10/0212014 Mobile Mini, Jnc. 010-5699 120.73 5020016588 10/0212014 Nick Rail Music, Inc. 010-4300 4,816.00 5020018589 10/02/2014 Norm Kenyon 950-5800 186.00 5020018590 10/02/2014 Ojai Valley Family Medical Grp 010-5898 25.00 5020016591 10/02/2014 Ojai Valley Physical Therapy 010-5800 375.00 5020018592 10/02/2014 Carole A. Paddock 010-4300 61.49 5020016593 10/02/2014 Erie R. Patterson 010-5201 114.46 5020016594 10/0212014 Rick Sitek 950-5800 5020016595 10/02/2014 Riverside Publishing 010-4300 22.64 5020016596 10/02/2014 Self-Insured Schools of CA 010-4400 010-3421 9,811.72 1,217.00 216,935.00 68,588.00 5020016597 10/02/2014 Robyn A. Solomon 010-9534 010-9537 010-5200 5020016598 10/02/2014 U.S.BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT 010-4300 3,578.53 010-4400 010-5200 950-4300 1,753.51 1,259.80 744.20 314.22- SYSTEM Unpaid Sales Tax 5020016599 10/02/2014 Laura K. Van Auker 5020016600 10/02/2014 Ventura County School Board Betsy Connolly, 98.00 010-4300 010-5300 9,834.36 286,740.00 6.16 7,021.82 66.31 150.00 Treasurer 5020016601 10/02/2014 Vision Service Plan 010-3422 156.97 3,690.96 5020016602 10/02/2014 Joyce Young 010-9534 010-5200 5020016603 10/06/2014 A-Z Bus Sales, Inc. 10/06/2014 Airgas USA, LLC 5020016604 010-4300 3,847.93 50.57 1,091.21 010-4300 209.57 ReqPay12a Board Item 8.4.3 (2/10) ReportJovember 18, 2014 Checks Dated 10/01 /2014 through 11 /07 /2014 Check Number Check Date 5020016605 10/0612014 Aqua-Flo Supply 010-4300 1,790.75 5020016606 10/0612014 AT&T Mobility 010-5900 504.78 5020016607 10/0612014 AT&T/MCI 010-5900 10.45 5020016608 10/0612014 Berkeley Street Beverage Co. 130-4710 2,535.00 5020016609 10/0612014 Canslers Landscape Maintenance 010-5800 1,065.00 5020016610 10/0612014 CDW Government, Inc 010-4300 405.97 010-4400 1,227.95 Fund Expensed Check Pay to the Order of 1,633.92 5020016611 10/06/2014 Chevron USA 5020016612 10/0612014 CIT Tech Financing Svcs Inc 010-5699 181.74 5020016613 10/06!2014 Dell Computers 010-4400 1,785.96 010-4316 clo Dell USA LP 567.64 5020016614 10/06/2014 Discount School Supply 010-4300 530.58 5020016615 10/06/2014 Docu Products 010-5699 5,387.84 5020016616 10/06/2014 DPS 010-5800 300.00 5020016617 10106/2014 Employment Development Dept. 010-9535 983.16 5020016618 10106/2014 Federal Express 010-5900 20.44 5020016619 10/06/2014 Ford of Ventura, Inc. 010-4300 186.40 5020016620 10/06/2014 Heritage Valley Bus, Inc. 010-5841 1,238.83 5020016621 10106/2014 Johnstone Supply 010-4300 68.17 5020016622 10/06/2014 Jose A Cerda OBA: Green Globe HVAC, Inc. 010-5600 590.90 5020016623 10/06/2014 Lakeshore Learning Materials 010-4300 5020016624 10/06/2014 Jacqueline D. Law 010-5201 235.31 5020016625 10/06/2014 Mutual of Omaha 010-9534 834.00 5020016626 10/06/2014 Nordhoff Revolving Cash 010-5200 5020016627 10106/2014 Office Depot 010-4300 63.74 130-4300 456.22 5020016628 10/06/2014 Ojai Pool Store 010-4300 519.96 2,383.04 5020016629 10/06/2014 Ojai Termite&Pest Control Inc. 010-5500 410.00 5020016630 10/06/2014 Ojai Valley Athletic Club 010-3425 131.00 5020016632 10/06/2014 Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co 130-4710 426.25 5020016633 10/06/2014 Doug E. Roberts 010-4300 490.34 5020016635 10/06/2014 Southern Counties Fuels 010-4305 1,897.83 5020016636 10/06/2014 Southwest School Supply 010-4300 275.22 010-5850 2,969.68 010-4300 61.59 415.28 110.64 5020016637 10/06/2014 Teaching Learning Creating 5020016638 10/06/2014 Suzan K. Thatcher 5020016639 10106/2014 Therapro, lnc. 5020016640 10/06/2014 Time Warner Cable 5020016641 10/06/2014 Turf Star, Inc. 010-4300 483.09 5020016642 10/06/2014 Laura K. Van Auker 010-5200 219.25 5020016643 5020016644 10/07/2014 Linda M. Bednarski 10/07/2014 Katharine Broesamle 010-5201 010-4300 92.88 010-5201 92.96 5020016645 1010712014 C hrlstopher Hess 010-4300 5020016646 1010712014 Alisha L. Hicks 010-4300 15,83 5020016647 10/0712014 Constance M. Johnson 010-5200 147.50 5020016648 10/07/2014 Barbara Kinney 010-4300 17.82 5020016649 1010712014 Nick Rail Music, lnc. 010-4300 63.89 5020016650 10/07/2014 Ojai Auto Supply, LLC 010-4300 363.57 Plus 010-4300 Unpaid Sales Tax 442.98 28.28- 010-5900 1,066.67 010-5901 866.67- 414.70 200.00 40.88 185.84 210.00 Item 8.4.3 {3/10) Board Reportlovember 18, 2014 ReqPay12a Checks Dated 10/01/2014 through 11/07/2014 Check Number Check Date 5020016651 10/07/2014 Ojai Valley Sanitary District 010-5506 5,518.22 5020016652 10/07/2014 Emily J. otelsberg 010-5201 53 .20 5020016653 10/07/2014 Southwest School Supply 010-4300 315.30 5020016654 10/07/2014 Tammy Van Fleet 010-5800 750.00 5020016655 10/07/2014 Suzan K. Thatcher 010-5201 41.22 5020016656 10/07/2014 United Parcel Service 010-5900 166.16 5020016657 10/07/2014 U niversa I Speclalties, Inc. 010-4300 98.19 5020016658 10/07/2014 Richard Van Sol 010-5201 32.76 5020016659 10/07/2014 Kendra L. Vejtasa 010-5201 152.32 5020016660 10/07/2014 Warren Distributing 010-4300 922.45 5020016661 10/07/2014 Dawn M. Wilson 010-5200 12.76 5020016662 10/09/2014 Alta Dena Certified Dairy 130-4710 4,489.39 5020016663 10/09/2014 ARROWHEAD Waters 010-4300 1, 150.07 21,775.32 Fund Expensed Check Pay to the Order of a Division of Nestle 5020016664 10/0912014 ASR Construction 250-6274 5020016665 10/0912014 Aswell Trophy Engraving 010-4300 63.72 5020016666 10/09/2014 Dept Of Justice 010-5811 635.00 5020016667 10/0912014 DONALD A RODARTE dba: WORKS 010-4300 383.78 5020016668 10/09/2014 Carly A. Futoran 5020016669 10/0912014 Glenda Mahon OBA: Action Training 5020016670 5020016671 OJAI PRINT 010-4300 9.99 010-5800 45.00 10/0912014 Gold Star Foods 130-4710 14,968.30 10/09/2014 Heidi Zin 010-5800 500.00 5020016672 10/09/2014 Alisha L. Hicks 010-4300 27.77 5020016673 10/09/2014 Kimberly Hoj 010-4300 18.46 5020016674 10/09/2014 Jon Krasowski 950-5800 5020016675 10/09/2014 Jordano's, Inc. 130-4710 16,845.73 130-4791 1,237.93 5020016676 10/09/2014 Joseph Rodriguez 950-5800 175.00 5020016677 10/09/2014 Sherrill A. Knox 010-4300 43.15 5020016678 10/09/2014 Suzanne A. Lugotoff 130-5200 306,15 5020016679 10/0912014 Meiners Oaks Ace Hardware 010-4300 2,701.98 5020016680 10/09/2014 MIRA MONTE PTO 010-4300 43.00 5020016681 10/09/2014 Neff Company 010-4300 39.80 5020016682 10/0912014 NPA 950-4300 5020016683 10/09/2014 Office Depot 010-4300 514.06 130-4300 12.63 5020016684 5020016685 10/09/2014 Ojai Business Center, Inc. 10/09/2014 Ojai Valley Family Medical Grp 010-5800 010-5898 158.46 25.00 5020016686 10/09/2014 P & R Paper Supply Company 130-4791 5,150.15 5020016687 10/09/2014 Puritan Bakery 130-4710 5020016688 10/09/2014 Safeway, Inc. 130-4300 236.65 130-4710 193.61 5020016689 10/09/2014 School Mate 010-4300 96.23 Unpaid Sales Tax 6.23- 5020016690 10/09/2014 School Publication Company 950-5800 508.00 5020016691 10/0912014 Sherwin-Williams 010-4300 1,042.46 5020016692 10/09/2014 Sisar Mutual Water Company 010-5504 272.00 5020016693 10/09/2014 Southwest School Supply 010-4300 161 .20 Preparedness 110.00 18,083.66 1,935.00 526.69 2,317.77 430.26 90.00 Item 8.4.3 (4/10) ReqPay12a Board ReportJovember 18, 2014 Checks Dated 10/01/2014 through 11 /07/2014 Check Number Check Date 5020016694 10/09/2014 Sport Logos 010-4300 201.73 5020016696 10/09/2014 Suzan K. Thatcher 010-4300 155.77 5020016697 10/0912014 The Berry Man, Inc. 5020016698 10/09/2014 VCOE Fund Expensed Check Pay to the Order of 130-4710 Business 5,884.76 010-5200 70.00 010-5800 2,082.50 010-7142 3,064.13 010-5900 48.89 010-5901 28.38- 5,216.63 5020016699 10/09/2014 Verizon California 5020016700 10/09/2014 WITT COMPANY 5020016701 10/09/2014 Amy Zuniga 5020016702 10114/2014 Alma Mendez OBA: 950-5800 132.06 5020016703 10114/2014 Becky Beckett 010-4300 179.74 5020016704 10114/2014 Linda M. Bednarski 010-5900 82.62 5020016705 10/14/2014 Casitas Municipal Water Dist. 010-5504 6,042.02 5020016706 10/14/2014 CDW Government, Inc 010-4300 600.59 010-4400 1,603.59 Ojai Stitchworks 20.51 010-5800 739.22 010-4300 12.70 2,204.18 5020016707 10/14/2014 CIT Tech Financing Svcs Inc 010-5699 5020016708 10/14/2014 Dee Ann Jenkins 010-4300 5020016709 10/1412014 Dreambox Learning 5020016710 10/14/2014 Flag House 5020016711 10/14/2014 Fred's Tire Man 5020016712 10/1412014 Grainger, Inc 010-4300 583.98 5020016713 10/14/2014 Heritage Valley Bus, Inc. 010-5841 3,123.25 5020016714 10/14/2014 His N Hers Plumbing 010-5600 4,101.42 010-5800 Unpaid Sales Tax Fred L. Wachter OBA: 384.85 16.54 671.88 46.88- 625.00 010-4300 196.74 010-5600 420.60 5020016715 10/14/2014 Hubert 130-4300 125.66 5020016716 10/14/2014 Interquest Detection Canines of the Central Coast 010-5800 240.00 5020016717 10/14/2014 Interstate Batteries 010-4300 780.13 5020016718 10/14/2014 Sherrill A. Knox 010-4300 957.02 5020016719 10/14/2014 Lakeshore Learning Materia Is 010-4300 5020016720 10/14/2014 Jacqueline D. Law 010-5201 235.31 010-5900 203.67 5020016721 5020016722 10/14/2014 Suzanne A. Lugotoff 10/14/2014 MailFinance 130-4300 010-5699 138.82 1,001.86 5020016723 10/14/2014 Mission Unifomn Services 010-5500 923.79 5020016724 1011412014 Northern Safety Co., Inc. 010-9320 Unpaid Sales Tax 5020016725 10114/2014 Ojai True Value Hardware 101.01 438.98 61.89 3.26- 58.63 010-4300 11.80 5020016726 1011412014 Pacific Park & Playground 010-4300 8,492.00 5020016727 10114/2014 William R. Rosen 010-4300 53.99 5020016728 10114/2014 Tammy Van Fleet 010-5800 5020016729 10/14/2014 The Gas Company 010-4305 390.42 010-5502 828.08 5020016730 10/14/2014 TOTALFUNDS BY HASLER 010-5699 1,200.00 5,125.00 1,218.50 5020016731 10/14/2014 Universal Specialties, Inc. 010-4300 386.51 5020016732 10/14/2014 VCOE 010-5200 155.00 5020016733 10/14/2014 Ventura Rental Center 010-5699 163.62 5020016734 10/14/2014 West Oaks Pest Control 010-5500 2,031.00 Business DBA:Steven Zolotas Item 8.4.3 (5/10) Board ReportJovember 18, 2014 ReqPay12a Checks Dated 10/0112014 through 11107/2014 Check Fund 5020016735 Date Pay to the Order of 10/14/2014 Katherine While 010-4300 656.47 5020016736 10/14/2014 WITT COMPANY 010-5600 778.13 5020016737 10/16/2014 Gabriele Becker 010-5201 62.72 5020016738 10/16/2014 Bronwen M. Cull-Michels 950-4300 340.75 5020016739 10116/2014 Dawn Damianos 010-4300 26.86 5020016740 10/16/2014 Don Henry OBA: Music Memories and More 950-5600 3,802.48 5020016741 1011612014 Earthworks 010-8650 100.00 5020016742 10/16/2014 ESGI 010-4300 1,431.00 5020016743 10/1612014 Grainger, Inc 010-4300 480.26 5020016744 10/1612014 Greg Rents 010-5699 2,703.86 5020016745 10/16/2014 Hargett Family Daycare 5020016746 10/16/2014 Tammy l. Hooper 5020016747 10/1612014 J .W. Enterprises 5020016748 10/16/2014 Jose A Cerda OBA: 5020016749 Check Number Kelley Hargett OBA: Expensed Check 010-5800 355.55 010-5200 36.96 010-5699 1,053.00 Green Globe HVAC, Inc. 010-5600 681.00 10/16/2014 Suzanne A. lugotoff 950-4300 236.04 5020016750 10/16/2014 Medical Billing Technologies I 010-5800 211.36 5020016751 10/16/2014 MJP Technologies Inc. 010-5800 45.00 5020016752 10/16/2014 Monica Ros School.Inc. 010-5800 344.44 5020016753 10/16/2014 Katherine Moore 010-4300 19.99 5020016754 10/16/2014 Noah's Ark Preschool 010-5800 1,453.35 5020016755 10/16/2014 Ojai Valley Community Nursery 010-5800 557.66 5020016756 10/16/2014 Retha Nordyke OBA: o10-5800 450.00 OBA: MJP Computers little Blessings Daycare 5020016757 10/16/2014 TOTALFUNDS BY HASLER 010-5699 5,000.00 5020016758 10/16/2014 United States Postal Service 010-5900 2,000.00 5020016759 10116/2014 Uni versa I Specialties, Inc. 010-4300 632.06 5020016760 10116/2014 Jacqueline Wegerbauer 010-5200 38.08 5020016761 10116/2014 Jesse S. Zuniga 010-5200 261.35 5020016762 5020016762 10123/2014 Amazon 10123/2014 Amazon 010-4100 010-4200 146.76 20.12 010-4300 8,604.57 130-4300 Unpaid Sales Tax 128.29 368.85- 8,530.89 5020016763 10123/2014 Arcade Glass 010-5600 1,802.10 5020016764 10123/2014 lee 0. Burns 010-4300 49.03 5020016765 10/23/2014 Buzz Burner 950-5800 119.00 5020016766 10/23/2014 Canon Financial Services.Inc. 010-5699 5,854.06 5020016767 10/23/2014 Robert A. Costanza 010-4300 214.67 5020016768 10123/2014 Marcela Crawford 010-5811 10.00 5020016769 10/23/2014 Btonwen M. Cull-Michels 950-4300 165.98 5020016770 10/23/2014 Sherylanne Damas 010-4300 20.60 5020016771 10/23/2014 Ed Davis 950-5800 105.00 5020016772 10/23/2014 Carly A. Futoran 010-4300 31.50 5020016773 10123/2014 Golden State Water Company 010-5504 B,227.76 5020016774 10123/2014 Melinda Griswold 010-5811 10.00 5020016775 10123/2014 James Hall 010-4300 31.73 5020016776 10123/2014 Joyce L. Heath 010-5200 602.03 5020016777 10123/2014 Alisha L. Hicks 010-4300 22.83 ReqPay12a Board Item 8.4.3 {6/10) ReportJovember 18, 2014 Checks Dated 10/0112014 through 11 /07 /2014 Check Number 5020016778 5020016779 5020016780 5020016781 Check Date Pay to the Order of 10/23/2014 Kimberly Hoj 5020016782 5020016783 5020016784 5020016785 10/2312014 10/23/2014 10/23/2014 10/23/2014 10123/2014 10123/2014 10/23/2014 5020016786 10/23/2014 Rene Y. Nakao-Mauch 5020016787 5020016788 5020016789 5020016790 5020016791 5020016792 10/23/2014 10/23/2014 10/23/2014 10/23/2014 10/23/2014 5020016793 5020016794 5020016795 5020016796 5020016797 5020016798 5020016799 5020016800 5020016801 5020016802 5020016803 5020016804 5020016805 10/23/2014 10/23/2014 10/23/2014 10/23/2014 10/23/2014 10/23/2014 10/23/2014 10/23/2014 10/23/2014 10/23/2014 10/2712014 10/27/2014 10/27/2014 10/27/2014 Fund Holy Cross Preschool Ann E. Inman DeeAnn Jenkins John Riedinger Barbara Kinney Tom Mc Nerney Mike Lorimer Francine G. Nelson OAK GROVE SCHOOL OUSD A Place To Grow Marianne Palmer Kelly Pasco PATRICIA JAUREGUI Maribel Robles Scott Mc Cardell SCRIPPS National Spelling Bee So Calif Edison Co Sunburst Digital, Inc. Kathleen M. Tarrats Teodora Reyes Torrance Unified School District All Star Glass, Inc. Apple Computer Arcade Glass AT&T Mobility 10/27/2014 AT&T/MCI 5020016807 '5020016808 5020016809 5020016810 5020016811 5020016812 5020016813 10/27/2014 10127/2014 10/27/2014 10/27/2014 10/27/2014 10/27/2014 10/27/2014 AVID Center SI Payment Linda M. Bednarski Blick Art Supply California Electric Supply City Of Ojai Clean Source Computer Aided Solutions LLC 266.95 983,30 010-5200 950-5800 010-4300 950-4300 010-5201 010-5800 010-5800 010-5811 010-5811 114.24 118.00 010-5201 950-5800 010-5200 010-5501 010-5800 010-4300 010-4300 010-5800 010-5600 010-4400 010-5600 010-5900 010-5901 130-5900 010-5900 010-5901 010-5300 010-5900 010-4300 010-4300 010-5800 010-9320 010-4300 Unpaid Sales Tax 5020016814 5020016815 5020016816 5020016817 5020016818 5020016819 10/27/2014 10/27/2014 10/27/2014 10/27/2014 Corneilius J. Mietus Cummins Pacific Inc Dell Computers c/o Dell USA LP DocuProducts 10/2712014 E.J. Harrison and Sons, Inc. 10/27/2014 Educational Data Systems CIO Accounting Check 010-4300 010-5800 010-4300 010-5811 950-5800 010-4300 5.19 25.00 372.00 37.27 128.89 96.93 225.82 74.59 165.00 1,708.85 10.00 25.00 45.00 233.33 76.16 98.00 787.50 1,260.03 010-4300 010-5800 Rivera Fam ily Child Care 5020016806 Expensed 99.95 24.49 30.00 232.50 380.00 17,284.15 1,418.92 1,511.43 880.7943.67 449.08 30.07- 674 .31 419.01 3,485.00 85.15 2,236.37 444.14 1,101.68 2.414.48 996.54 68.10- 010-5800 010-4300 010-4400 010-5600 010-5505 010-4300 928.44 225.00 143.33 1,101.87 282.92 4 ,212.49 425.43 010-4200 950-4300 317.17 1,400.19 Department 5020016820 5020016821 10/27/2014 Follett School Solutions, Inc. 10/27/2014 GTM Sportswear Item 8.4.3 (7/10) Board Report.Jovember 18, 2014 ReqPay12a Checks Dated 10/01/2014 through 11107/2014 Check Number 5020016822 Check Date Pay to the Order of 10/27/2014 Heritage Valley Bus, Inc. 010-5841 2,587.04 5020016824 10/27/2014 It's About Time 010-4100 1,515.20 5020016825 10/2712014 Lakeshore Learning Materials 010-4300 77 .77 5020016826 1012712014 landscape Structures 010-4300 5020016827 10/27/2014 Lone Star Percussion 010-4300 Unpaid Sales Tax 5020016828 10/27/2014 Low Voltage Solutions,lnc. 010-5600 1,327.00 5020016829 10/27/2014 McGraw-H ill School Education Key Curriculum Press 110-4300 423.96 5020016830 10/27/2014 Mobile Mini, Inc. 010-5699 120.73 5020016831 10/27/2014 Montessori School of Ojai 010-5800 180.00 5020016832 10/27/2014 Moore Medical 010-4300 116.54 5020016833 10/27/2014 Neff Company 950-4300 77.22 5020016834 10/27/2014 Ojai Valley Family Medical Grp 010-5898 75.00 5020016635 10/2712014 Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co 130-4710 426.25 5020016636 10/27/2014 Play It Again Sports 950-4300 613.09 5020016637 10/27/2014 PortaS!or 010-4300 70.00 5020016836 10/27/2014 William R. Rosen 010-5900 161 .64 5020016839 10127/2014 Southwest School Supply 010-4300 184.43 622.36 5020016840 10/27/2014 United States Postal Service 010-9320 010-5900 5020016841 10/27/2014 Yvonne Hormasji DBA: Enslow Publi shers, Inc. 010-4300 465.21 5020016642 5020016643 10/28/2014 Brent Lee 10/28/2014 CDW Government, Inc Fund Unpaid Sales Tax Expensed Check 328 .15 237 .68 64 .99- 172.69 806.79 500.00 32.46- 950-5600 010-4300 1,465.40 010-4400 14, 144.67 130-4300 1,721.81 432.75 104.00 17,331 .88 5020016844 10128/2014 Chevron USA 010-4316 753.19 5020016845 10128/2014 College Board 010-5800 204.25 5020016846 10/28/2014 Dawn Damianos 010-4300 67.20 5020016647 10/26/2014 Heidi Zin 010-5800 500.00 5020016646 10/26/2014 Jim Ranta 950-5600 104.00 5020016849 10/26/2014 Mark Schmidt 950-5600 85.00 5020016650 10/26/2014 Martin Cohn 950-5600 186.00 5020016651 10/28/2014 Office Depot 010-4300 385.69 5020016852 10/28/2014 Office Depot Credit Plan 6011564220330855 010-4300 374.11 010-5898 25.00 ACCT 5020016853 10/28/2014 Ojai Valley Family Medical Grp 50200161354 10/28/2014 Emily J . Otelsberg 010-4300 27.52 5020016855 10/28/2014 Paul Royle 950-5800 85.00 5020016856 10/28/2014 Holli Ralston 010-5201 33.60 5020016857 10/28/2014 Scott Brenn and 950-5800 100.00 5020016858 10/28/2014 Sinclair Sanitary Supply 010-9320 153.32 5020016859 10/28/2014 Southwest School Supply 010-4300 1, 148.34 5020016860 10/28/2014 TCAA 950-5300 1,500.00 5020016861 10/28/2014 Time For Kids 010-5300 139.92 5020016862 10/28/2014 Tony Cazzera 950-5800 118.00 5020016863 10/28/2014 United Spirit Association 950-5200 9,207.00 5020016864 10/28/2014 Valley Equipment 010-4300 83.74 Item 8.4.3 (8/10) ReqPay12a Board Repo~ovember 18, 2014 Checks Dated 10/01/2014 through 11/0712014 Check Number 5020016865 Check Date Pay to the Order of 10/28/2014 Wabash Valley 010-4400 1,938.06 5020016866 10/28/2014 Ward's Natural Science 010-4300 73.05 5020016867 10/28/2014 Waxie Sanitary 010-4300 627.54 5020016868 10128/2014 WITT COMPANY 010-5800 370.60 5020016869 10/29/2014 Apple Computer 5020016870 10/29/2014 B & H PhotoNideo 5020016871 10/29/2014 BARBARA NAKAO 950-4300 279.09 77.75 5020016872 10129/2014 CIT Tech Financing Svcs Inc 010-5699 181 .74 5020016873 10/2912014 DTASC Membership 010-5300 184.00 5020016874 10129/2014 Rebecca H. Kirkland 010-4300 151 .63 5020016875 10/29/2014 Law Offices of G.Melissa Hatch APC 010-5813 2,160.00 5020016876 10/29/2014 Low Voltage Solutions ,Jnc. 010-5600 478.00 5020016877 10/29/2014 Medical Billing Technologies l 010-5800 874.35 5020016878 10/29/2014 Office Depot 010-4300 85.13 5020016879 10/29/2014 Ojai Valley Physical Therapy 010-5800 300.00 5020016880 10129/2014 PSAT/NMSQT 010-5800 1,652.00 Fund Expensed 010-4400 010-4300 Unpaid Sales Tax Check 1,514.63 300.02 20.93- 5020016881 10/29/2014 Shred-It N LA, Inc. 010-5800 68.30 5020016882 10/29/2014 So Calif Edison Co 010-5501 47,313.26 5020016883 10/29/2014 Tax Deferred Services 010-9539 7,666.00 5020016884 10/29/2014 Tax Deferred Services 010-9539 770.00 5020016885 5020016886 10/29/2014 Tax Deferred Services 10/29/2014 The Underground Railroad Project 010-9539 950-5800 40,879.66 1,000.00 5020016887 10/29/2014 Time Warner Cable 010-5900 16.83 5020016888 10130/2014 St Cal Bd Equaliz:ation 010-4305 28.79 5020016889 11/03/2014 Petra M. Battleson 010-4300 45.63 5020016890 11/03/2014 Joshua Brown 010-4300 15.98 5020016891 11/03/2014 Bronwen M. Cull-Michels 950-4300 96.49 5020016892 11/03/2014 Department of the Treasury 110-3301 25.97 5020016893 11103/2014 Nicole Candace I. Diaz 010-5200 38.08 5020016894 11 /03/2014 DONALD A RODARTE dba: WORKS 950-4300 238.65 5020016895 11/03/2014 Carly A. Futoran 010-5200 18.24 5020016896 11/0312014 Heidi Zin 010-5800 500.00 5020016897 11/03/2014 John Hoj 010-4300 89.92 OJAI PRINT 5020016898 11/0312014 John 8. Walker 010-5800 2,720.00 5020016899 11/03/2014 Barbara Kinney 010-4300 45.14 502.0016900 11103/2014 Linda McMichael 010-5200 101.92 5020016901 11/03/2014 Medical Billing Technologies I 010-5800 1,810.09 5020016902 11 /03/2014 Rene Y. Nakao-Mauch 010-4300 153.09 238.16 '11/0312014 National Multiple Sclerosis Society 950-4300 010-8650 5020016904 11/0312014 Nick Rail Music, Inc. 010-5600 28.36 5020016905 11/03/2014 Ojai Valley Athletic Club 010-3425 131.00 5020016906 11/03/2014 Ojai Valley Family Medical Grp 010-5898 50.00 5020016907 11103/2014 Carole A. Paddock 010-4300 164.67 5020016908 11 /03/2014 Positive Parenting 010-5800 2,400,00 5020016909 11 /03/2014 Smart & Final 950-4300 205.80 50200169 10 11/03/2014 Marilyn J. Smith 010-5200 5020016911 11/03/2014 Sunburst Digital, Inc. 010-5800 5020016903 Deborah Godfrey 391 .25 100.00 362.88 859.95 ReqPay12a Board Item 8.4.3 (9/10) Repor1.Jovember 18, 2014 Checks Dated 10/01/2014 through 11/07/2014 Check Number Check Date 5020016912 11 /03/2014 Kate B. Thomas 5020016913 11 /0312014 VCOE 5020016914 11/03/2014 Kendra L. Vejtasa 010-5201 114.24 5020016915 11/03/2014 Katherine White 010-4300 889.94 5020016916 11/03/2014 Dawn M. Wilson 010-5200 27.66 5020016917 11/04/2014 Aswell Trophy Engraving 010-5800 270.00 5020016918 11104/2014 Brant Lee 950-5800 123.00 5020016919 11/04/2014 Brett Phillips 950-5800 69.00 5020016920 11/04/2014 CA State Teachers Retirement Attention-Accounting 010-3101 Division 1,375.15 5020016921 11/0412014 CSEBO Fund Expensed Check Pay to the Order of Business Unpaid Sales Tax 60.00- 010-4300 47.52 950-4300 010-5200 39.69 010-3402 115.44 010-3422 2,096.07 010-3423 62.04 28, 170.60 010-9534 799 .95 87.21 75.00 30,444.15 5020016922 11/04/2014 Dave Wareham 950-5800 82.00 5020016923 11/0412014 David Kohler 950-5800 96.00 5020016924 5020016925 11/04/2014 Derek Robles 11/04/2014 DONALD A RODARTE dba: WORKS 5020016926 11/04/2014 Karen M. Erickson 5020016927 11/0412014 Erik S. Gustafson 010-5200 50.57 5020016928 11/04/2014 Jim Mc Cann 950-5800 96.00 5020016929 11/04/2014 Jim Ranta 950-5800 104.00 5020016930 11 /04/2014 Michael Littlejohn 950-5800 77.00 5020016931 11 /04/2014 Michael Vail 950-5800 71.00 5020016932 11104/2014 Mike Cano 950-5800 98.00 5020016933 11/04/2014 Mutual of Omaha 010-9534 822.00 5020016934 11/04/2014 Heather A. Myers 950-4300 32.19 5020016935 11/04/2014 Ojai Film Society 010-8650 220.00 5020016936 11/04/2014 Paul Royle 950-5800 85.00 5020016937 11/04/2014 Richard Taggesell 950-5800 5020016938 11/04/2014 Self-Insured Schools of CA 010-3421 1,217.00 010-9534 010-9537 227,798.00 OJAI PRINT 950-5800 010-4300 420.00 77.00 950-4300 1,694.53 010-4300 52.23 010-5200 38.08 2, 114.53 90.31 175.00 56,914.00 285,929.00 5020016939 11/04/2014 Tim Mays 950-5800 167.00 5020016940 11/04/2014 Tony Cazzera 950-5800 105.00 5020016941 11/04/2014 Richard Van Sol 010-5201 5020016942 11/04/2014 Vision Service Plan 010-3422 143.45 010-9534 3,636 .88 5020016943 11/04/2014 Walter Davidson 950-5800 5020016944 11/0612014 Sherylanne Damas 010-4300 62.33 010-5200 38.08 5020016945 11/0612014 Sandra Y. Johnson 010-5201 5020016946 11106/2014 Barbara Kinney 010-4300 22.26 5020016947 11 /0612014 Sandra F. McElwaine 010-5200 104.27 5020016948 11106/2014 Monica Ros School,lnc. 010-5800 344.44 27.22 3,780.33 69.00 100.41 268.02 ReqPay12a Board Item 8.4.3 {10/10) Report.lovember 18, 2014 Checks Dated 10/01/2014 through 11 /07/2014 Fund Expensed Check Check Number Check Date 5020016949 11/06/2014 NEWBURY PARK HIGH SCHOOL 950-5200 50.00 5020016950 11 /06/2014 Noah's Ark Preschool 010-5800 1,275.57 Pay to the Order of 5020016951 11 /06/2014 Erie R. Patterson 5020016952 11106/2014 Retha Nordyke OBA: 5020016953 5020016954 010-5201 156.02 Little Blessings Daycare 010-5800 450.00 11/06/2014 Rivera Famlly Child Care 010-5800 233.33 11 /06/2014 Robyn A. Solomon 010-5200 57.51 5020016955 11/06/2014 Suzan K. Thatcher 010-4300 42 .89 5020016956 11 !06/2014 Katherine White 010-4300 261 .27 5020016957 11/06/2014 Joyce Young 010-5200 11 .20 Customer ReceiptType Receipt Date 09/24/14 09124/14 09/24/14 09/24/14 09/24/14 Reference# 0 Journalism Electronic Funds Xfer ()Class 2016 ' ', ;.,~i_, • '''i'.. Electronlc Funds Xfer • (I Journalism Electronic Funds Xfer ' (' ·.,Volleyball Electronic Funds Xfer (. ,ball Electronic Funds Xfer ()Interscholastic Trading Compan " Check 11007 (713558) RANGER GRIDIRON CLUB Check 1447 (711711) Mira Monte Student Body Check 1739 (711647) Valley Oak Charter School Chock 5036001507 (711711) Mira Monte Student Body Check 1740 (712285) Elementary Music ASB Check 1740 (712285) Elementary Music ASB Check 1740 (712285) Elementary Music ASB Ctieck • 1740 ,• ' 0 Girls Volleyball Electronic Funds Xfer 09/26/14 ()Girls Volleyball Electronic Funds Xfer 09/26/14 ()Dance Electronic Funds Xfer 09/26/14 ODance · ~ -·:~· '"\\Z..2·M'l..~~~°0{: Electronic Funds Xfer 09/26/14 ,. ~ : ,. ()Pre K Check 09/26/14 ()State of California Check 60-940818 ()Stale of California Check 60-941979 (7'1038~) Topa ToP..a..fTA lil.".g~~~~ Check ~~'":'.D~:'. 3032 " ()Gregory Delvecchio Check 2257 Check 4020068144 ()Payroll Deducts ()Current Cobra Premiums Clleck 09/29/14 () GVB ~ ';. • ~ -'. f:lec1Ionl£ Fund§ Xfer 09/29/14 1'"''(, '. ,'f,L"', '. '~' () ASB Elect.-onic Funds Xfer 09/29/14 ()Journalism Electronic Funds Xfer 09/29/14 ()Girls Volleyball Electronic Funds Xfer 09/29/14 ()Ojai,Eagles,~ ~..;1.":J£;~~~ Electronlc Funds Xfer 09/29/14 •• .'.~:ii?.~·~.~~~!\.,-.~. () pre k Check 09/29/14 ()Food Sales Electronic Funds Xfer 10/08/14 ()Interscholastic Trading Compan Check 11007 ()NHS ASS Electronic Funds Xfer 10/03/14 (' :ripls Electronic Funds Xfer 10103/14 () '.>.~.,t~ll '" :t~~·il:1.h~~. Elee1ronlc Funds Xfer 10~03/14 ~':J""1.l'i 4~;,-;'[3 ()Koester Electronic Funds Xfer 10/03/14 () Oakcrest 9 LLC Check 001183 () Oakcresl 9 LLC Check 001179 ()0akcrest9LLC [,~M_~~:~ v Check. 8Q!,1J.t._'~~~t;·t: . 9~1 17! . Q:~ () Oakcrest 9 LLC Check 001185 () Oakcrest 9 LLC Check 001181 ()Pre K Check 10/03/14 OJordan'i:~·ro\vn-- - . ~~~: :~: 1097 ~ ()Tried & True Tutoring Check 1046 ()York Check 194674 ()York Check 194722 ()Transcripts :i :'~~XlflW-~ Mixed Cash &Check 10/03/14 · ()Mali\ Novak Check 107 (713728) Child Development Resournces Check 663063 (711768) Mira Monte PTOC/O Bryan Crawfo Check 002467 (711768) Mira Monte PTOC/O Bl)'an Crawfo Check 002466 ()Track Electronic Funds Xfer 10/08114 ()Girls Waterpolo Electronic Funds Xfer 10/08/14 ()Girls Basketball Electronic Funds Xfer 10/08/14 () Journallsm - ~i.'#,i,1jgi\~x'J:.2:"'. Electronic Funds Xfer 10/06/14 ~,: } • : , __ _ ()Girls Volleyball Electronic Funds Xfer 10108/14 ()Class 2016 Electronic Funds Xfer 10/08/14 ()Ranger Griiron Electronic Funds Xfer 10/08/14 ()GirlsV2J!~yb~ . li8'.C~ffi.i:f.l:~ ElectronlcFundsXfer 10/08114 r.'. ·-~· -()Aaron Johnson Electronic Funds Xfer 10/08/14 ()Aaron Johnson Electronic Funds Xfer 10/08/14 OYearbook Electronic Funds Xfer 10/08/14 (''. ""'< .. f.; -~~~~~'::r;~._fy ' Check !i 195222 (. , Evans Cash 10/09/14 ()State of California Check 37-230893 () Kent Houston Cash 10/09/14 ()Ojai Education Foundation Check ~ 1286 ()First 5 Check 009541 () Kern County Check 44127838 () Matilija Art Class Mixed Cash & Check 10/09/14 /;;(i1"la: ·'/,,,_ .:.:·! C: .. ;:::rl\., .. Item 8.4.4 (1/4) Comment November 18, 2014 Receipt Amount Ranger Ads 375.00 Popcorn Sales -.. ·~:-~ ,.;·:' \ 274,00 Ads ·· . - - - ·• 315.00 Seivathon 1.138.59 Ticket Sales from game on 9/19 6,062.90 Sales of 1994 GMC Van and 1992 Bluebird Bus 4,535.78 AR1400243/Ranger Gridiron 442.26 AR15000222/MMASB 72.81 AR1500023NOC 47.07 AR1500015/MMASB 268.73 AR1500017/ELEMmusic 306.86 AR1500018/Elem Music 978.37 AR1500021/Elem Music .• .-_ -;./:. • 275.03 Girls Volleyball 157.00 Servathon 221 .30 Krispy Kreme Sales 1,725.00 Krispy Kreme Sales , : " :," ·~· · - , \>11" 2,253.00 Pre K 5.383.77 July14 Federal Food Reimbursement 332.53 July14 State Food Reimbursement 37.76 AR14002401TIPTA :~~iJ!J~ ~· 466.94 Use of Fae-App Fee NHS 20.00 Sept 14 P/r Deducts 1,782.05 Current Cobra 591.24 GVB ... ~. t ~·-,~ . .~~-:_:,,~?r175.00 ASB Slicker 15.00 Ranger Ads 200.00 T Shirt Sales 264.00 Banners :t"7r;-y-:-~-;~77~~::1 1,900.00 pre k 263.50 Aug/Sept 2014 Food Sales 50,543.79 Returned NSF (4.535.78) Interest Ojai Bank Sept 14 0.07 Escripts Sept 2014 48.50 Ticl<et Sales 9/26 game ~ ':. ···~ s:11a.61 Ck NSF Krispy Kreme (100.00) Developer Fee County 6,742.40 Developer Fee County 7,747.20 OeveloperFeeCunty · ~~-::22:IT~ 1;142.40 Developer Fee County 7,747.20 Developer Fee County 6,742.40 Pre K 1,026.67 Use of Fae- M! !llija .., ;;ril:...~'-=:,.;.;"ni::.· 100.00 Use of Fae- NHS 500.00 W/C Ahlberg 9/10 to 9r.!3 410.40 W/C Hackworth 9/12 to 9/25 451.54 Transcripts ~:CZ:D~ 193.00 Use of Fae App Fee Summit 20.00 AR1500001/CDR 500.00 AR1500030/MMPTO 370.12 AR1500026MMPTO ~=°i:".~~~t~lx:.:: 244-.15 Fines 110.00 Parka 120.00 Baner Salos 200.00 Ranger Ads -:::--i;7·..-f~L~. ·200.00 Snack Bar Sales 10/0612014 238.50 Popcorn Sales 280.00 Banner Sales 350.00 TickelSales9/30/2014 --:-,~"'C:2;'.~,: 404.00 Donation GVB 650.00 Adjustment for Check Amount (49.50) Yearbook Ads 1.035.00 W.CMondragon9/19to10/02/2014 ~':::L2 7?.1.50 Use of Fae Application Fee MJHS 20.00 Medical 1, 197.73 Catering 20. 00 Catering ' • .• =..:;:_-:· -Y.;~,: 1,594.24 NFL October 2014 16,697.00 11112 Quarter 4 16,086.02 Matilija Art Donation 254.00 J = = Item 8.4.4 (2/4} Customer ReceiptTy pe Receipt Date {) Montgomery ()Rubiano Check Check (' ~Electronic Funds Xfer 09/22/14 VolfeyBall Electronic Funds Xfer 09/22/14 t () CNB Electronic Funds Xfer 09/22/14 () Yearbook/ASS Sales Electronic Funds Xfer 09122114 () GVB Electronic Funds Xfer 09122/14 () GVB Electronic Funds Xfer 09/22114 - -()Football Electronic Funds Xfer 09122/1 4 () Vasconcellos Check () PE Clothes Electronic Funds Xfer 09122/14 () ASB ~~.:~::.:._~-~~u ~ ·~;t;.:_ l;:lectronic Funds Xfer 09122/14 ()Dickey Electronic Funds Xfer 09/22/14 () Cross CounttY Electronic Funds Xfer 09122114 () Ranger Gridiron Electronic Funds Xfer 09/22/14 () Ranger Gridiron ·. .:.,,.._ Electronlc Funds Xfer 09/22/14 .;, () Ranger Gridiron Electronic Funds Xfer 09/22/14 ()Class 2016 Electronic Funds Xfer 09122/14 () Ranger Gridiron Electronic Funds Xfer 09/22/14 ()York Check -~_;;[~,~~]. ()York Check () York Check ()York Check () Robyn WiJson ., ~J:-2 Check ~~=:~~.~r-. ~~~~ () Child Evangelism FellO't'lship Check ()Wheaton Check () Ojai Film Society Check ·::; •.. 09122114 () Ojai Festival Women's Comm ~s,·'1?7~ J· Cash () Ojai Film Society Check () Ojai Independence Day Committe Check (}NHS Check 09122/14 ·.,: () Pusatere . .:'.~f!·i},~· • :.A Check ~-l (' Check Check .•Sin (J () Ronsln Check Ronsln Check ~~i;il:::;~tl};tr~.r~ ~.-.:::~LL!.~ {)Target Check ()Target Check Mixed Cash & Check 09/22/14 () Topa Topa Mixed Cash & Check 09/22/14 ()Cheer ()Welding Mixed Cash & Check 09122/14 ()Agendas Mixed Cash & Check 09122/14 () Art-Thomas Mixed Cash & Check 09/22114 -;~~>r;~~~ Mixed Cash & Check 09122114 () Girls Tennis () NHS CeramicsMixed Cash & Check 09/22/ 14 (712864) Nordhoff Parent Association Check (712B64) Nord..!!,off.P~rent Association ~ J...~:-US~- Check (712864) Nordhoff Parent Association Check (712864) Nordhoff Parent Association Check (712258) VCOE/SELPA Check - ...... (711380) San Antonio PTO'' _,.. __,-.ii. . . . . . ~.~'"Z:~Jf Check --,~, (003695) Matilija ASB Check (71 1380) San Antonio PTO Check (710896) Vemura County Schools Self Check ,• ~f' () VCOE Check ~ (710383) Topa Topa PTA Check (711768) Mira Monte PTOC/O Bryan Crawfo Check Mixed Cash & Check 09124/14 () MJHS ., ()Pre K Mixed Cash & Check 09124/14 (71 2258) VCOE/SELPA Check {713558) RANGER GRIDIRON CLUB Check {7 ..,,i58) RANGER GRIDIRON CLUB Check -( i6) RANGER GRIDIRON CLU~ Check ~ t~---··--~ ~J (7·1.,558) RANGER GRIDIRON CLUB Check (713558) RANGER GRIDIRON CLUB Check ()York Check t - I ' ., : '", • 09124/14 ()Cobra Check ·---·· _,_-. ../!... _, Electronic Funds Xfer 09/24/14 ()PE Electronic Funds Xfer 09124/14 () Yearbook ;,. .. ~ Comment 370 202 NSF Pre K (187.50) (35,00) NSF Ranger Round Up PE Sales 93.00 Snack Bar 9/10 232.00 Ticket Sales 9/1 0 338.00 Yearbook/ASB Salos 430 00 Snack Bar 9112 206.92 264.00 Ticket Sales 9/11114 7,999.66 Ticket Sales Game9/12/2014 NSF Check (20.00) 24.00 PE Clothes --30.00 ASS Sales ~·13114 Yearbook 75.00 175.00 Ck From St Joseph Registration Banner 200.00 Banner 200.00 ' Banner 200.00 Popcorn Sales 331.00 Banner 735.00 W/C Hackworth 8120-81'25 193.52 ;;7}~ J:~~~-=;t 721.50 Mon<lragon 8122 to 9/4 W/C Hackworth 8/29-9/1 1 451.54 W/C Ahlberg 8127-919 410.40 _7-r----i1i......-r 1: .~ 20.00 Use o_!fac-App Fe~ 'iH~ ~SJ.._.i_ • Use of Fae- MO 725.00 Use of Fae-App MM 20.00 20.00 Use of Fae- App MJHS Use of Fae App Fee SA 20.00 · ~~2S~ 1,720.00 Use of Fae- MJHS use of Fae- NHS & MJHS 3,211 .00 Video Lab Fees 21 .00 ~- ,, .._--..... ...--"';.--:-:-c-----:-- -. -. i•· 41.16 Reimbursement - · --·..._:.·--~-------•'- .JI Refund 42.46 Student Records 15.00 Student Record s 15.00 Student Records =-~$S~ ..~~l~~~:3 15.00 Donation SU 72.69 273.31 Donatin-SA TI-Falcon's Nest 771.00 Cheer Uniforms/Uniforms 2,332.78 1,460.00 NHS Welding Agendas 10.00 Art -Thomas 1,225.00 : .;,~"'_-:~ ·~[.2 --·~ 677.00 Tennis Uniforms Ceramics 3,030.00 AR1400230/NPA 13.74 AR1400234/NPA ~~~~-=--s;~J ., -.~~-~ ~~::~~- 2,500.00 AR 1500004/NPA 182.08 143.94 AR 1500011/NPA AR 1500013NCOE 437.60 AR1400252/SAPTO =~ ·~~-·~~~- 2,046.91 44.78 AR 1400261/MJHSASB AR 1400275/SAPTO 523.85 AR1400276NCOE 16,357.40 to bal pald 10cents too much ar1400276 0.10 .,_ AR1400281ITTPTA 1,506.77 AR1500019/MMPTO 343.67 Agendas 30.00 ,.--...-r ,:-.._-- .-.--- - o··684.02 Prek ,,,,,,.... ........ ··----AR1500010/SELPA 162.09 1,279.54 AR t 4-000200/Ranger AR 1400243/Ranger 2,499.99 .. r... 1,279.54 AR1400243/Ranger AR 1400273/Ranger 552.83 5,734.22 AR 1500012/Ranger Mondragon 9/5 lo 9/18/2014 721.50 .... Cobra 724.43 PE Clothes 24.00 Yearbook Sales 50.00 . 106 . .. 193707 193814 194136 194025 1706 3427 1548 4196 ~ . -~.,..- ~ ':.r ---:P:'-" __ . .-- ·_L __ ~r:J:~:r.- r~ 7712 7712 ~---J. 7712 7712 50718631 29 1090 1529 1089 5097802983 5097802983 3030 002465 - . . . L• .IL 7356 10021411 5 082316 082273 082665 2571548 2569909 (.. .___,,_ - -- ~...._-..,.. o . - .. - ·. 5071863437 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 194500 -·· .. ~ ..... ..... .---,-~-- ,,.1-...'.. 4210 2032 ,.. . -- . ~ ,, Receipt Am ou nt ~~-----. ~ . Novemb er 18, 2014 Reference# - ..----.... .. - I-• - ...._ - ·- Customer ReceiptType () CDR Check 662941 () Pre K Check 10/09/14 ()NHS Library 10/09/14 Check (" Check 10/09/14 'K . 11) Summit School PTO Check 3096 I (71 1768) Mira Monte PTOC/O Bryan Crawfo Ch eck 1335 (71 17 13) San Antonio Student Body 1101 Check ,. () Current Cobra Check 10/09/14 () Food For Thought 1060 Check () Earthworks 7565 Check () VCOE Check 5071863605 · ::----:--· -;---- •:()VCOE Check 5071863604 .rL!. -!!.~e~.,_-~,1.-....--11--- .. ~·J!>o\\"1 r. () VCOE Check 5071863606 () CSF Electronic Funds Xfer 10122/1 4 () Girls VoUeyball Electronic Funds Xfer 10122/1 4 () Girls vot!eyball Electronic Funds Xler 10/22/14 () Torres ·~-· ~-;:::- 'i_:.;-~~ ~:r-~ ~_..'~ Electronic Funds Xfer 10/17/14 • t () PE Clothes Electronic Funds Xfer 10117/14 () ldrive Driving School Electronic Funds Xfer 10/17/14 () Boys Water Polo Electronic Funds Xfer 10/17/14 ()Koester Elec!ronrc Fu nds Xfer 10117/14 ~~~,_j3 ,--.r~7:s· ~ :~ ~ ~~-: ~' ·~~ () Boys Soccer Electronic Funds Xfer 10117114 () Girls Volleyball Electronic Funds Xfer 10/17114 () GVB Elec1ronic Funds Xfcr 10/17114 -1;.o; --,,..-;l () Misc Electronlc Funds Xfer 10117/14 l?~r~~~~ " ' () Ranger Gridiron Electronic Funds Xfer 10/17/14 OYork Check 195316 () State of California 61-022507 Check •.-............. _J --..... ' - ~t;15717 ()York ~~--~~~:fi."4 Check .i.. ()Pitney Bowes 09298090 Check Mixed Cash & Cheek 10122114 O HSA ()York 195480 Check .. i'i.,.-. r ()NHS 10/22/14 Cash ~( ~ign Language Mixed Cash & Check 10122/14 Check 10122114 () "' · Testing ()Ceramics Check 10'22/14 -; () Angeltna Salinas Ch eck 1106 .... _ · -~k-·t~-~'-"~ {) State or Cali fornia. Check 37-255601 City or Ojai 060281 Check OChief Peak 4-h Check 663 r :.::_----:;$-;; · ·.z.~lllir..-;,· . ·: {) OV Girls Softball Cash 10122114 _.._..~.,,~- ..-""-'.~ ••--- T () Heritage Valley Bus Check 2461 t95957 ()York Check () Pre K Mixed Cash & Check 10/10/14 __,, Check 10120/1 4 .()Pre K· · :r;:;-;-; ._ ....~ ...L-~~;~. -~-~ - "'n~~ () Nakao 10122/1 4 Cash ()NHS PSAT Mixed Cash & Check 10122/14 () Current Cobra Check 10122/1 4 J't ,.....ft' 1-'f, .() Ojai Valley S~ool · Cash ":: 10/22114 Ti.,_t>..;,_.,.J...._ .;._ (711397) Matilija· Jr. High School PTA 1028 Check 1747 (711714) Topa Topa Student Body Check 1106 (711380) San Antonio PTO Check (7 10896) Ventura County Schools Self 5097803014 Check (71 1999) Help of Ojai Check 7150 2451 (710383) Topa Topa PTA Check .{: ___.: -~1746 (711768) M!_a Monte PTOC/O Bryan Crawfo ;1,~ Check !·. ---- ----002470 (711768) Mira Monte PTOC/O Bryan Crawfo Check (711111) Summit School PTO Check 3098 002475 (711768) Mira Monte PTOC/O Bryan Crawfo Check • -1-··· "t (712285) Elementary Music ASB Check 1745 . r. .' ' 1745 (712285) Elementary Music ASB Check 1745 (71 2285) Elementary Music ASB Check Mixed Cash & Check 10/17114 (' - ' a Topa - .......__ t Mixed Cash & Check 10/22/14 (. a Topa •,. . :· ..., ......,i::. . Electronic Funds Xfer 10/23/14 () Boys Waterpolo Electronic Funds Xfer 10/23/14 () Girls Volleyball Elec1ronic Funds Xfer 10/23/14 () Boys Soccer . ~~l 17421 () Buena Vista Food Products Check Elec1ronic Funds Xfer 10/15114 ()General ASB Mixed Cash & Check 10122/14 () Topa Topa ·~- .I :... ... ' .----~---r-'"""'- ---.-~~ 1 . .. .. .. .- 1 __: . ·- - . - '· '\:ii . - ., - o - . - . _.__~_. -. -· ~- _J ... . •• .. November 18, 2014 Item 8 .4.4 (3/ 4) Comment Refer ence# Receipt Date Receipt Amount Pre K 228.52 1,927.84 Pre K NHS library Fines Collected 1.503.80 Pre K 2,9111.47 AR1500038/SUPTO 88.10 AR1500040/MMPTOSCRIPT 3,120.79 AR1500005/Sapto 111.12 Current Cobra 1,980.16 ' ' ·. Use of Fae App fee 20.00 Use of Fae- Summ 180.00 1314 3315 final 2.440.68 ,. - :. _ 1n1314 Final PL94-142 _.. 220,234.00 1314 Final 3320 4,818.46 CSF Dues 125.00 Snack Bar 1009144 220.77 Ticket Sales 10 09 14 362.15 - - - ~"' -. ·-·; .r ASB Sticker 15.00 ; PE Clothes 45.00 Advertisement In ranger paper 50.00 Snack Bar 101 61 4 78.70 Replace NSF Krispy Krerne 105.00 .__..•. .- ..__._,..__J...____...._.._;._., -Fundraiser 180.00 Snack Bar 10 16 14 287.58 Ticket Sales 10 14 14 315.00 Yearbook Advertising 395.00 ~~----.:~ :__.;._ Reimb Dagan Sales Inv# 20454 2,919.60 W/C Ahlberg 924 1007 410.40 May & June 20 14 Adj State 1,858.97 --o->o7Jl;-;-··" 2128/14 Water Leak All Sites 18,915.74 _....._ _.,.,..__ Postage Refund from DO Meter 4,814.91 186.00 Donations HOSA WIC Hackworth 9126 lo 10/9/14 451.54 Agenda 5.00 -'~ t - - ,. ~ ...~'"" Workbooks 135.00 AP Testing 135.00 Ceramics 220.00 .... ~ J > Oct Payment • 100.00 " Medical 2,726.01 Use of Fae-Chap-Bubble Roller 305.00 Use of Fae-App Fee Summit 20.00 u;... Use of Fae App Fee NHS 20.00 ;. Refund Dup Pymnt Inv# 4648 pd by maestro 734.11 Mondragon,G 10/3 to 10/16 721.50 Pre K 1,796.67 -..----i---·~: 964.25 Pre K ..l....---4--....__ Principal Support Math Luncheon 21 .00 2,917.00 PSAT Testing Donations 2,902.68 Current Cobra ---~~IJ~~ Use of Fac-MJHS App Fee 20.00 ~ ...............'"""~ AR1400253-MJHSPTA 223.18 1,049.97 AR1500016/1TASB AR150002 7/SAPTO 734.16 AR 1500032NCSSF 12,880.61 AR1500034/Hetp or Ojai 882.34 AR1500037llTPTA 578.39 157.56 '•· AR 1500040/MMPTO ~-~-.·_ .;'~ ~L___ AR1500040/MMPTO 2,157.53 AR1500045/SUPTO 49.00 AR150004 6/MMPTO 210.00 --...---,.........--·-_..--r,, J. '] 580.31 AR 1500029/ELEMMUSICASB -AR1500035/ELEMASB Music 647.06 AR1500025/ELEMASB Music 409.06 Falcon's Nest 1.750.50 -- .... .--.·.--.__ r 1,964.77 Donation Ac.count Music-FT Snack Bar 10 141 4 55.25 Snack Bar 1022 14 220.01 Fundraiser 325.00 - .• ~ . ' Rebate l 75.57 - -· Yearbook/ASS 86.00 Jog A Thon 9,064.55 ~ -· ... ~ ... ~~L-~ . ..-- _. ... -~..ri....-- .. ~- ... . .. ~ ~ - -~___......-----,....-~ ·-· ~ . ~ . . l r ( _... -~-· ., _ _ I,' .. .. Item 8 .4.4 (4/4) Customer ()Journalism Deposits from 10/1/14 to 11n/14 RecelptType Electronic Funds Xfer Receipt Date 10/23/14 Reference# Comment Ads November 18, 2014 Receipt Amount 179.00 Item 8.4.5 (1 / 2) November 18, 2014 OJAI UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY MEETING DATE: Nov 18, 2014 FOR: Information TITLE: REPORT OF DISTRICT CASH ACCOUNT BALANCES AND REPORT OF MONTHLY PORTFOLIO YIELD FROM THE VENTURA COUNTY TREASURER EXHIBIT: Ojai Unified School District Cash Balances SEP 30 , 2014 and Ventura County Treasurer's Monthly Portfolio Yield. EXPLANATION: District Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 3430 requires that a report of the status of all school district cash accounts, as well as a report of the investments of the Ventura County Treasurer, be presented to the Board of Education quarterly. These reports are being provided at this time. RECOMMENDATION: Receive information. Item 8.4.5 (2/2) November 18, 2014 Ojai Unified School District Cash Balances SEPTEMBER 2014 Account Number Balance Account Name Ventura County Treasurer: Ojai Unified Ventura County Treasurer: Valley Oak Charter Ojai Comm Bonk 011-003399 0 l l-003407 011-003415 011-003423 OJ 1-003431 011-003449 011-003456 011-003464 011-003472 OJ 1-003480 011-003498 011-003506 011-003613 011-003621 011-003639 012-005104 012-005 I 12 012-005120 012-005138 012-005146 012-005153 011-005055 97,739.43 900.07 3,200.00 650.00 67,455.89 31,778. 10 3,546.12 400.00 400,00 150.00 150.00 400.00 400.00 446.28 400.00 1,267.63 8,162.01 2,197.26 5,304.91 21,512.56 6,763.18 Cash Clearing Nordhoff Student Body-Checking Cash Revolving Cafeteria-Checking Elementary Student Body Matilija Student Body Chaparral Student Body -Checking Meiners Oaks-Sub Revolving Mira Monte-Sub Revolving San Antonio-Sub Revolving Summit-Sub Revolving Topa Topa-Sub Revolving Matilija-Sub Revolving Nordhoff-Sub Revolving Chaparral-Sub Revolving San Antonio& Summit-Cafeteria-Savings Matilija-Cafeteria-Savings Meiners Oaks-Cafeteria-Savings Mira Monte-Cafeteria-Savings Nordhoff-Cafeteria Savings Top a Topa-C<i feteria-Sa vings 581.31 Valley Oak Charter Ventura County Treasurer's Montly Portfolio Yield 0.49% January 2015 July2014 0.38% February 2015 August 2014 TBD March 2015 September 2014 April 2015 TBD October 2014 May 2015 TBD November 2014 June 2015 TBD December 2014 6,640,025.54 133,186.98 TDB TDB TDB TDB TDB TDB Item 8.4.6 (1/1) November 18, 2014 OJAI UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA CONSENT CALENDAR MEETING DATE: November 18, 2014 TITLE: Donation FOR: Action EXHIBIT: EXPLANATION : The Board of Education is requested to accept the following item that has been donated to the Ojai Unified School District: DONOR DONATION ITEM Ojai Education Foundation $15,000 for Matilija Technology and $20,400 for one day of Elementary Music Teacher and one day of Elementary Music Teaching Assistant RECOMMENDATION: Accept donation
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