Ev Ev Gl Gl Ev S Hff Gl Sp Hy Sp S Gl Hcf Sp Sp Sp Bp Hcf Hcf Gl Bp Sp Ot Gl Wt Hy Hy Gl Hcf Gl Gl Bp Na Hcf Bp Cr Bp Hff Ot Cb Sp Na Gl Sp Y LE Gl Ev Sp Sp Mo AY HW HIG Ev Ot Gl Ev Sp Bp Gl Ot Sp Cb Md Sp Hy Hcf Md Cr S Bs(gp) Gy Hy Ev Sp Cr Wt Hy Ev Ev Cr Sp Cb Bs-Sp Na Bs(gp) Bs Cr Dw Gl Hy Gy Cr(rp) Toogoolawah Hy Sp Tu Sp S Md Cb Ot Bp Ev Sp Cb Cr Hy Gl Wt Sp(gp) Md Le Gi Iv Sp Cr Md Cb Rb Hy Gl Wt Gl Sp Bs(gp) Sp(gp) Bs(gp) Hy Gl Md Md Hy Gy Nn Md Ev Gl Cr Hy Bp Cb-Bs Ev Hff Sp Sp Gl Hff Hy Du Md Ot(gp) Bs Cb Hy Wt Cb Hcs Dw Wt Sp Ev Hgf Hgf Rb-Ph Iv Ev Sp K NE ST Hff Hff Hcf Bp OA D Ev Hy Gl-Hy Md Gl Rb-Ph Hy Cr Lv Hgf Cb Sp Hgf Cr S Md Hgf Nn Hy Gl Hgf Hcf Ot Sp Cb Sp Bp(rp) Ev Md Bp Wt(rp) Ot Md Sp Br(rp) Hy Br Bs Bp Sp Nn Ev Bp Cr Hb Hcf Ev Sp Ot Ev Gl COOEEIMBARDI Self-mulching black cracking clay. SPENCER Loamy surface soil over brown, yellowish brown or grey clay subsoil with neutral to alkaline reaction trend. Subsurface often strongly bleached. Hcf BEPPO Loamy surface soil over brown, yellowish brown or greyish brown clay subsoil. Subsurface strongly bleached. Subsoil generally sodic. BEPPO rocky phase Beppo soil with common to abundant coarse gravel or cobble in the surface soil. WATT Loamy surface soil over brown, yellowish brown or black clay subsoil. Subsurface commonly with sporadic (weak) bleach. Subsoil generally sodic. WATT rocky phase CALABASH 2 Hy Cr Bd Dw Lv Bd Bd Ek Ot Hb Hcf Nn Hcf Hcf Hcf Hb Sp Uf6.33 Ug5.21 Ug5.25 Grey Vertosols; Grey Dermosols 1 630 Uc2.12 Um2.12 Leptic Rudosols Very shallow sandy soil, usually rocky. - 74 PINCH Sandy surface soil over brown clay subsoil. Subsurface horizon weakly developed. Db1.12 Db2.12 Db1.22 Brown Chromosols 119 Gi GILLA Sandy surface soil over brown or yellowish brown clay subsoil. Subsurface bleached. Db1.42 Dy2.32 Dy3.13 Dd1.33 Dy2.43 Dy3.42 Black or Brown Chromosols; Black or Brown Sodosols 557 Bi Rb BIARRA Sandy surface soil over brown to yellow clay subsoil. Db2.41 Dy3.31 Dy2.31 Brown, Yellow or Grey Chromosols 130 REBEL Loamy surface soil over red clay subsoil. Dr2.12 Dr2.42 Dr2.22 Dr3.31 Red Chromosols 276 Deep sand showing little texture change with depth. Neutral reaction trend. Uc1.22 Uc5.23 Uc2.23 Gn2.55 Orthic Tenosols 297 Uc1.21 Um1.41 Uc1.22 Um3.21 Leptic Rudosol 15 1 182 Ug5.31 Ug5.33 Ug5.35 Ug5.32 Ug5.34 Brown Vertosols Ug5.11 Ug5.15 Ug5.17 Ug5.14 Ug5.16 Black Vertosols - Uniform sands Iv IVORY 2 238 Very shallow soils overlying weathering rock Db1.33 Db2.43 Dy2.42 Dy3.33 Db1.43 Dy2.33 Dy2.43 Dy3.43 Brown or Grey Sodosols; Brown or Grey Chromosols 8 883 FORSTER Very shallow sandy soil. Texture contrast soils with neutral to alkaline reaction trend Ev ESKVALE 435 37 Hs Db2.41 Dy3.41 Dy2.41 Dy5.41 Brown, Yellow or Grey Kurosols; Brown, Yellow or Grey Sodosols 1 993 Fm Loamy surface soil over brown, yellowish brown or grey clay subsoil. Subsurface often strongly bleached. Db1.32 Db2.42 Dy2.43 Dy3.42 Db1.42 Dy2.42 Dy3.33 Dy3.43 Brown or Grey Sodosols; Brown or Grey Chromosols 1 808 HORSE Loamy surface soil over brown to yellow clay subsoil. Subsurface often strongly bleached. Dy2.31 Dy2.41 Dy2.21 Dy3.41 Brown, Yellow or Grey Chromosols; Brown, Yellow or Grey Kurosols FREEMAN2 Loamy surface soil over red clay subsoil. Dr2.11 Dr2.31 Dr3.21 Dr2.21 Dr2.41 Dr3.31 Red Chromosols; Red Kurosols; Red Sodosols Db1.12 Dr2.22 Gn3.12 Dr2.12 Dy2.12 Gn3.24 Brown or Red Chromosols; Brown or Red Dermosols Um1.21 Um1.43 Um4.13 Um1.23 Um4.11 Um6.23 Leptic Rudosols Db1.42 Dr2.41 Dr3.41 Dy2.41 Dr2.31 Dr3.31 Dy2.31 Red or Brown Sodosols; Red or Brown Kurosols Red or Brown Chromosols Um1.21 Um1.43 Um1.41 Leptic Rudosols 153 - Gradational to texture contrast soils with neutral reaction trend Nn Wl Db1.33 Db1.43 Dy2.42 Dy3.33 Db1.42 Db2.43 Dy2.43 Dy3.43 Brown or Grey Sodosols; Brown or Grey Chromosols 14 512 NOON Loamy surface soil over red or brown clay subsoil. 124 WELTON2 Very shallow loamy soil, associated with upper slopes and ridges. Db1.32 Db2.33 Dy2.13 Dy3.33 Db1.33 Dd1.33 Dy2.33 KIPPER GREENHIDE TURTLE Brown, Grey or Black Sodosols; Brown, Grey or Black Chromosols SOILS OVERLYING METAMORPHIC ROCKS ( Jimna Phyllite: phyllite, minor basic metavolcanics) Bu BUNYA 1 776 LAKEVIEW 251 Yn YEDNIA2 Hb Yb Wt(rp) Pd Bd Bp Bp-Wt Bp-Wt Dw 1 596 - Loamy surface soil over red subsoil grading to brown or yellowish brown with depth. Subsurface may be bleached. Subsoil not sodic. Dr2.21 Dr2.31 Dr3.21 Dr2.22 Dr2.41 Dr4.21 Red Chromosols 174 Loamy surface soil over brown or red clay subsoil. Subsoil not sodic. Db1.12 Dr2.12 Dy2.12 Db1.22 Dr2.22 Brown or Red Chromosols - Area5 (ha) Geology Predominant Vegetation Main Soils Hcf Coarse-grained sedimentary rocks (Esk Formation, Bryden Formations, Helidon Sandstone) Eucalypt open forest Gh, Gk, Tu, Cl, Kp, Wt Hcs Coarse-grained sedimentary rocks (Esk Formation) Softwood scrub Lv, Ca, Gk Hnf Intermediate to basic volcanic rocks (Neara Volcanics) Eucalypt open forest Le, Na, Pd, Dg, St Hns Intermediate to basic volcanic rocks (Neara Volcanics) Softwood scrub De, Dg 9 696 Hrf Fine-grained acid igneous rocks (Crossdale Rhyolite, undifferentiated rhyolites/trachytes) Eucalypt open forest Ek, Bm 2 163 Hgf Coarse-grained acid igneous rocks (Eskdale Granodiorite and other granitic intrusions) Eucalypt open forest Rb, Bl, Iv, Fs 1 205 Fine-grained sedimentary rocks (Cressbrook Creek Group, Maronghi Creek Group, Marumba Beds) Eucalypt open forest Nn, Wl, Hs, Fm, Ev 12 259 Fine-grained sedimentary rocks (Cressbrook Creek Group) Softwood scrub Nn, Wl, Hs, Fm, Ev 670 Metamorphic rocks (Jimna Phyllite) Eucalypt open forest Bu, Yn SOIL ASSOCIATIONS ON STEEP HILLS 224 Db1.31 Dr3.41 Dy2.41 Dy3.41 Dr2.41 Dy2.31 Dy3.31 Db2.11 Db1.13 Dy2.12 Db1.12 Db2.12 Gn3.22 Brown Chromosols; Brown Dermosols Brown or Yellow Kurosols; Brown or Red Sodosols 1 630 300 Hff HIBISCUS Red loamy soil. Gn2.11 Gn2.15 Um1.43 Gn2.12 Gn4.12 Um4.21 Red Kandosols YELLOWBANK Yellow or brown loamy soil. Gn2.22 Gn2.42 Um5.52 Gn2.24 Um5.21 Brown or Yellow Kandosols Ug5.12 Ug5.14 Ug5.32 Ug5.13 Ug5.21 Ug5.34 1 587 Hfs 196 Hmf 14 252 826 15 919 4 047 Uniform clay soils Br(rp) Bp-Wt Gy Very shallow loamy soil, usually rocky. Mapping Unit1 Brown or Yellow Chromosols Loamy surface soil over brown clay subsoil. Softwood scrub or formerly softwood scrub vegetation. Loamy surface soil over brown, red or yellow clay subsoil. Subsurface often strongly bleached. Neutral to acid reaction trend. Very shallow soils overlying weathering rock Dy2.42 Dy3.31 Loamy surface soil over yellow, brown or red clay subsoil. Subsurface strongly bleached. Sodic subsoil. - Texture contrast soils 966 Dy2.12 Dy3.21 Dy3.42 Bd Gk Hb Hcf Uc1.44 Um1.41 Um3.21 ESK Gradational to uniform loamy soils with neutral to acid reaction trend Br Bp 959 Loamy surface soil over brown or yellow clay subsoil. Subsurface may be bleached. Subsoil not sodic. BEER Black, brown or grey cracking clay. Forest or formerly forest vegetation. BEER rocky phase Beer soil with common to abundant coarse gravel or cobble in the surface soil. CABOONBAH Grey or brown cracking clays. Softwood scrub or formerly softwood scrub vegetation. Urbn Ev Uf3 Ug3.2 Ug5.24 Ug5.28 Watt soil with common to abundant coarse gravel or cobble in the surface soil. Ot Esk Hfs Brown, Black or Grey Sodosols; Brown, Black or Grey Chromosols 626 Hrf Dam Brown Sodosols; Brown Chromosols SOILS OVERLYING FINE-GRAINED SEDIMENTARY ROCKS ( Maronghi Creek Group, Cressbrook Creek Group, Marumba Beds : chert, jasper, mudstone, shale, greywacke) Bd Hb Dy3.41 Texture contrast soils with acid reaction trend Bp-Wt Yb Db2.41 Gradational to texture contrast soils with neutral to alkaline reaction trend Tu Sp Hfs Brown cracking clay. Mo Hrf Sp Y HWA HIG Hb Dd1.12 Dd1.33 Dy2.13 Ottaba soil with common to abundant coarse gravel or cobble in the surface soil. Tu Hb Gl-Hy Ev Db1.13 Dd1.13 Dd2.33 OTTABA rocky phase Gh Ot LLEY VA Tu Loamy surface soil over brown clay subsoil with acid reaction trend. 35 Ot(rp) Bs(gp) NE Bp(rp) BERRIMA2 SOILS OVERLYING COARSE-GRAINED ACID IGNEOUS ROCKS ( Eskdale Granodiorite and other granitic intrusions) Ph 459 Bd BA Hcf Brown, Black or Grey Sodosols Texture contrast soils with neutral to alkaline reaction trend Ottaba soil with gilgai microrelief. Kp Ot(gp) Sp BRIS Hff DUGGUA2 Br Br Hcf Hcf Bp Bd Bp Yb Hff Tu Sp Cb Bp Sp Hcf Basel soil with gilgai microrelief. Hrf Bs Gl Br Bs Gl 3 311 Texture contrast soils with neutral to acid reaction trend Md Gl-Md Brown, Black, Red or Grey Chromosols; Brown, Black, Red or Grey Dermosols OTTABA gilgai phase Cl Bp Gl Sp Cb Gy Hy Ev Hy Ek Ot(gp) Sp Hrf Cr(rp) Dd1.33 Dd2.43 Dy2.33 Dy2.43 Very shallow soils overlying weathering rock Sandy to loamy surface soil over mottled clay subsoil with acid reaction trend. Subsurface strongly bleached. Wt(rp) Cb 627 Db2.43 Dd2.33 Dy2.13 Dy2.42 2 288 OTTABA Wt Sp Bp Gl Bp Hb Black or Brown Dermosols Spencer soil with common to abundant coarse gravel or cobble in the surface soil. Wt(rp) Sp Tu Yb Gl Wt Br Bp Sp Wt BASEL gilgai phase Gy Hrf Sp Cr Gn3.22 Gn3.43 Uf6.33 SPENCER rocky phase Cb Hcf Bp(rp) Bp Gn3.12 Gn3.42 Uf6.32 Um6.31 Bm Sp(rp) Bp(rp) Cb Bp Bi Grey clay (cracking or non-cracking). Subsurface may be bleached. Sp Lv Bs Cr(rp) BASEL Hcf Bp Gi Loamy surface soil over black, brown or dark grey clay subsoil with neutral to alkaline reaction trend. 313 Sandy to loamy surface soil over brown, black, yellowish brown or greyish brown clay subsoil with neutral to alkaline reaction trend. 1 298 Spencer soil with gilgai microrelief. Bp Bs Hgf GUNYAH Leptic Rudosols BURRUNDON Texture contrast soils with neutral to alkaline reaction trend Ca Sp Stratic Rudosols; Chernic or Chernic-Leptic Tenosols SOILS OVERLYING COARSE-GRAINED SEDIMENTARY ROCKS (Esk Formation, Bryden Formation, Helidon Sandstone: sandstone, conglomerate, shale, siltstone) Bp Hff Gn2.42 Um1.21 Um1.44 Um6.23 Db1.22 Dd1.12 Dr2.22 Gn3.25 Um1.24 Um1.43 Um6.61 Very shallow soils overlying weathering rock Hns Sp Hcf Ot(rp) Ca-Lv R Sp Rb-Ph Gn2.12 Gn3.12 Um1.23 Um5.52 SPENCER gilgai phase Cb Hcs Le Hnf CROW S Bd Db1.12 Db1.32 Dd1.13 Gn3.22 Um1.21 Um1.41 Um6.21 Texture contrast soils with acid reaction trend Ca ES Gallanani soil with common to abundant coarse gravel in the surface soil. Pd Tu Hs Gl Very shallow loamy soil, usually rocky. Texture contrast soils Sp(gp) Ot Br Hff Hy D’AGUILAR Ca Lv Hnf Sp Hff Sp Hnf Sp Hs Md Area5 (ha) SOILS OVERLYING FINE-GRAINED ACID IGNEOUS ROCKS ( Crossdale Rhyolite, undifferentiated rhyolites/trachytes) 54 Sp Ca-Lv Sp 399 Texture contrast soils Ca-Lv Hcf Loamy surface soil overlying reddish brown to black, well structured clay subsoil. Neutral to alkaline reaction trend. GALLANANI rocky phase Hcf Cb Md Stratic Rudosols Fs Dw Ca Australian Classification4 SOILS OF THE MID TO HIGH TERRACES Mo Bs Bs GALLANANI Md Bs(gp) Tu Ca Uc1.21 Uc1.41 Uc2.21 Gy Bp Ca Loamy, strongly structured soil with a gradational to uniform profile and neutral reaction trend. Sp Wt Bp Cb Sp Bs(gp) Hcf Br Cb MONSILDALE Hnf Ot(gp) Cr Lv Br Tu Gi Stratified soil with a loamy surface and neutral reaction trend. Dam Br Wt Bp Hy Gl Md Cb Bs Mo-Dw S Cb Sp Sp Main Principal Profile Forms3 Texture contrast soils with neutral to acid reaction trend Md Wt AY HW H IG Hy Bp VAL LEY Sp Hy Md Ev Ev Ev Bs(gp) Sp Sp Bs(gp) Bs Cr Gl Cb Gl HONEY Gn2.02 Uc1.23 Uc1.43 Uniform clay soils Sp Wt Cr Mo Ev S Sp(gp) BRISBANE Sp Sp Gy Sp(gp) Sp Hff Cressbrook soil with common to abundant coarse gravel or cobble in the surface soil. Hnf Sp AD RO Ev Sp Gi Gl Hy Ot Hnf Ev Sp O Sp Gy PP Sp Urbn Gl(rp) Bs-Sp BE Sp Tu Nn Sp(gp) Wt Cb Ot(gp) Ev Gl Md-Hy Sp Iv Ev CRESSBROOK rocky phase Hns T S Sp Sp Stratified soil with a sandy surface and neutral reaction trend. Texture contrast soils Cr Sp(gp) Dam UN Fs Md Gl MO Hnf Gl Urbn Major Attributes of Principal Soil SOILS OF THE LOW TO MID TERRACES AND ALLUVIAL PLAINS Mo-Dw Bs(gp) Cb Hy Nn Bp Bs(gp) Gl Md Md Bs Hy Hy Hgf Dg Hy Md Gl Gi Sp CRESSBROOK Hnf Bs(gp) Md Le Hy Sp Bs Sp S Bs Md Sp Ev Ev Sp Hy Bs(gp) Hy Md Md Iv Ev Ev Hy Urbn Hff Sp Mapping Unit1 Area5 (ha) Very shallow soils overlying weathering rock Md Tu Cr Hff Australian Classification4 SOILS OF THE FLOOD PLAINS AND LOW TERRACES Hy Sp Main Principal Profile Forms3 Uniform to gradational sands and loams Sp Bs Sp kilometres 9 8 Na Md Gl Cr Ev Cb Sp Hy Gl Gi Distinguishing Attributes Associated with Principal Soil SOILS OVERLYING ALLUVIUM Gl Gl Mapping Unit1 Hnf Bs Md Hy Gl Ev Gy Wt Md Ot 7 Dw Md Bp(rp) 6 REFERENCE Mo Jm Ot Gl Bp Gl 5 Hnf Cb Gl 4 Gl Md Wt 3 Dw Sp Sp Bp 2 Dw Gl Sp Gy Hs 1 Dw S Sp(gp) Sp Cr 0 Na Gy Gl(rp) Gl Bp Ot(gp) Md Cb Hy SCALE 1 : 50 000 metres 1000 Hy Dw Cr Hy Mo Mo Hcf Bs(gp) Ev Gy Wt Tu Sp(gp) Ev SOILS Gl L VA Ev Hnf Dw Mo NE Sp Cr Sp BA IS Gl BR Ev Cr Wt Bp Bp Ev Hy Sp Sp Sp Ot BRISBANE VALLEY - ESK SHEET Hns Dw Md Hcf Ot Ev Dw Mo S Ev Sp(rp) Sp Tu BRISBANE VALLEY LAND RESOURCE ASSESSMENT - MAP 1 Sp Hns Cr Cr Hnf Bp Bp S Ev Mo Ot Sp Sp Hnf Mo Hns S Bs Hy Sp(rp) Mo Gl Tu Gl Hy Mo Gl Mo Md Ev Ev Cr Tu Hy Hff Mo Dam Sp Ca Black, Brown or Grey Vertosols 513 MISCELLANEOUS S 13 Ug5.22 Ug5.32 Ug5.24 Ug5.34 Brown or Grey Vertosols Lake 1 222 Dam Stream 2 263 Lake 1 694 Dam 24 Quarry 20 Very shallow soils overlying weathering rock LOCALITY MAP KEY TO 1:50 000 MAPPING Gk GRIENKE Very shallow loamy soil, associated with upper slopes and ridges. Um1.21 Um1.41 Um1.23 Um1.43 Leptic Rudosols 10 Quar SOILS OVERLYING INTERMEDIATE TO BASIC VOLCANIC ROCKS (Neara Volcanics: andesite, volcanic conglomerate, agglomerate and tuff) 1 4 JIMNA Bundaberg The National Landcare Program, whose support is gratefully acknowledged, largely funded the Brisbane Valley Land Resource Assessment. 3 Dw 9444 2 3 Db1.42 Dy2.33 Dy2.43 Dy3.43 Db1.43 Dy2.42 Dy3.42 Brown, Grey or Yellow Sodosols; Brown, Grey or Yellow Chromosols 5 097 MOORE KILCOY 1 DUNWICH Loamy surface soil over black, brown, yellowish brown or greyish brown clay subsoil. Subsurface commonly with sporadic (weak) bleach. Db1.13 Db1.32 Dd1.33 Dy2.32 Db1.23 Db1.33 Dy2.13 Dy2.33 Brown, Black, Yellow or Grey Chromosols; Brown, Black, Yellow or Grey Sodosols 3 224 Pd This is a medium intensity soil survey consisting of ground observations and aerial photograph interpretation. Its purpose is to provide information for regional planning and catchment management and to identify agricultural and pasture production areas. For intensive land use at the property scale, more detailed examinations should be carried out prior to development. Observation density averaged one observation per 53 ha over the entire study area, ranging from less than one per 100 ha in rugged terrain to approximately one per 25 ha in intensively used areas. St 3 CROWS NEST 9343 2 MOUNT HALLEN - Approximate boundaries are based on geology mapping units and/or interpretation of terrain patterns and vegetation from aerial photographs Loamy surface soil over brown, yellowish brown or greyish brown clay subsoil. Subsurface commonly bleached. Db1.21 Dy2.31 Dy3.31 Db1.41 Dy2.41 Dy3.41 Brown or Grey Kurosols; Brown Sodosols; Brown Chromosols 780 STEVENTON Loamy surface soil over red clay subsoil. Dr2.21 Dr3.11 Dr2.31 Dr3.31 Red Chromosols; Red Kurosols 202 Le LINVILLE Loamy surface soil over brown, black, red or greyish brown clay subsoil. SURVEY by B.P. Harms and S.M. Pointon, Department of Natural Resources and P. Sorby, formerly of the Department of Primary Industries. CARTOGRAPHY by G.J. Finney, Natural Sciences Precinct, Department of Natural Resources, Indooroopilly, Brisbane. 9443 3 LOWOOD BASE MAP compiled from the Digital Cadastral Data Base, Department of Natural Resources, Brisbane. PRODUCED at the Natural Sciences Precinct by the Spatial Information and Mapping Group, Resource Sciences and Knowledge, Department of Natural Resources, Indooroopilly. Moore Na Dalby MAP 1 Esk De the State of Queensland, Department of Natural Resources,1999 DEER BRISBANE Toowoomba Db1.12 Dd1.12 Dr2.22 Dy2.22 Db1.22 Dr2.12 Dy2.12 Brown, Grey, Red or Black Chromosols 4 164 Uniform, gradational or texture contrast soil with a loamy to light clay surface over black, brown or greyish brown clay subsoil. Forest vegetation. Dd1.12 Dy2.12 Gn3.41 Uf6.32 Dd1.13 Gn3.12 Uf6.31 Uf6.33 Brown, Black or Grey Dermosols; Brown, Black or Grey Chromosols Uniform, gradational or texture contrast soil with a loamy to light clay surface over black or brown clay subsoil. Softwood scrub or formerly softwood scrub vegetation. Db1.12 Dd1.12 Uf6.31 Db1.13 Gn3.52 Uf6.32 Brown or Black Dermosols; Brown or Black Chromosols JIMNA 1 2 533 2 394 3 4 5 Black or brown cracking clay with alkaline reaction trend. Ug5.12 Ug5.31 Ug5.35 Ug5.14 Ug5.32 Black or Brown Vertosols Moderate 0.5-<1.0 m surface soil corresponds to the A1 horizon subsurface corresponds to the A2 horizon subsoil corresponds to the B or D horizons The map reference applies to the entire study area and is the same for both soils maps (Map 1 and Map 2). Uniform cracking clays Jm c NEARA Depth criteria: based on Isbell, R.F. (1996), The Australian Soil Classification: Very shallow <0.25 m Shallow 0.25-<0.5 m Soil layers: Shallow to moderately deep soils with dark, strongly structured surface horizons and neutral to alkaline reaction trend MAP 2 - Gradual or diffuse boundaries are used where a clear boundary could not be determined by field observations and aerial photograph interpretation Colour classes based on Isbell, R.F. (1996), The Australian Soil Classification. Shallow to moderately deep texture contrast soils with neutral reaction trend Kingaroy SOMERSET DAM Esk Dashed lines represent either approximate boundaries or diffuse boundaries between mapping units: Gympie 4 ESK Solid lines represent clear or observed boundaries between mapping units PADDY Nambour ANDURAMBA 573 Soil profile sampling site Texture contrast soils with acid reaction trend Moore 4 Loamy surface soil over brown, yellowish brown or greyish brown clay subsoil. Subsurface strongly bleached. Maryborough INTENSITY STATEMENT BLACKBUTT MOORE KENILWORTH 9344 Urban area Texture contrast soils with neutral to alkaline reaction trend 4 Mo NANANGO Urbn Mapping units are named after the dominant soil profile class. The dominant soil profile class occupies ≥ 60% of a mapping unit area. The use of two symbols (e.g. Bp-Wt) indicates a compound mapping unit where two soil profile classes are co-dominant. These are minor soil profile classes that do not actually occur as mapping units. They may occur as components of the miscellaneous soil units on steep hills and mountains. They are listed here so that the map reference provides a complete list of soil profile classes likely to be encountered. Principal profile forms are from Northcote, K.H. (1979), A Factual Key for the Recognition of Australian Soils. Australian Classification from Isbell, R.F. (1996), The Australian Soil Classification. Combined total areas for both soils map sheets (Map 1 and Map 2). 84 BRISBANE VALLEY AREA - ESK SHEET SOILS DNR Ref. No. 99-BVL-I-P 3232 DISCLAIMER: While every care is taken to ensure the accuracy of this product, the Department of Natural Resources and Mines makes no representations or warranties about its accuracy, reliability, completeness or suitability for any particular purpose and disclaims all responsibility and all liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages (including indirect or consequential damage) and costs which you might incur as a result of the product being inaccurate or incomplete in any way for any reason. MAP 1
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