The LINK November 2014 Trinity Family Life Center Pastor’s Link The Lord says in Isaiah 62:2, you and I have a new name, "and you shall be called by a new name that the mouth of the Lord will give." Here is a little exercise that will bring amazing blessings as you declare your "new name". November 2014 Hospital Ministry Coordinators: Fred & Angel Leupp Please contact Fred & Angel to schedule a hospital visit or to report a need. Featured Ministry Prayer Ministry Inside this issue: THANK YOU, FATHER GOD, THAT I AM ________________________ IN CHRIST! Fill in the blank with your new names below: BELOVED COMPLETE ESTABLISHED Col. 3:12 Col. 2:10 Rom. 16:25 BEAUTIFUL Ps. 149:4 HOLY Heb. 10:10 YOUR WORK OF ART Eph. 2:10 CHOSEN Eph. 1:4 FORGIVEN Ps. 103:3 FREE FROM CONDEMNATION Rom. 8:1 PRECIOUS Is. 43:4 ADOPTED Eph. 1:5 YOUR CHILD Rom. 8:15 WELCOMED Eph. 3:12 SAFE 1 John 5:18 YOUR DELIGHT Ps. 147:11 YOUR FRIEND Jn. 15:15 TREASURED Deut. 7:6 LOVED 1 John 4:10 UNASHAMED Rom. 10:11 A PRECIOUS BRIDE Rev. 19:7 CLEAN John 15:3 PLANNED Eph. 1:11,12 GIFTED 2 Tim. 1:6 AN HEIR Rom. 8:17 PRESENTABLE Heb. 10:22 PROVIDED FOR 1 Tim. 6:17 PROTECTED Ps.91:14 PURE 1Cor. 6:11 Read these names slowly and declare them as your own, because they are! In Christ!! These declarations are from a bookmark I have printed by Freedom In Christ Ministries. Pastor Tim Upcoming Events 2 Congregation Link 3 Monthly Calendar 4 Information Link 5 Ministries Link 6-7 Nov. 9th Youth Min. Director, Josiah Martindale, preaching on “Evangelism” Ministries Link 8-9 Nov. 16th "Purpose Driven Church: Service", Pastor Tim preaching. November Worship Schedule SUNDAY SERVICE TIMES: 8:00am, 10:30am & 7pm Nov. 2 All Saints Sunday, Communion & Body of Christ Offering. "Purpose Driven Church: Worship" Pastor Tim preaching. Nov. 23rd Thanksgiving Sunday, "Purpose Driven Church: Mission", Pastor Tim preaching. Nov. 30th 1st Sunday of Advent, Testimony & Thanksgiving Service led by our Trinity Elders. Dec. 7th Second Sunday of Advent, Youth Min. Director, Josiah, preaching. The LINK Page 2 CHARGE/CHURCH CONFERENCE Wednesday, November 19th at 8pm. Church members are welcome to attend this annual meeting. Upcoming Events CONSECRATION SUNDAY RESULTS Thank you to all who participated in Consecration Sunday by submitting Estimate of Giving Cards. As you honor the Lord with your tithe, may He bless you and Trinity, multiplying our return in souls 100 fold! RECEPTION FOR REBECA BALDERAS Our YWAM missionary to Amsterdam, Holland will be with us Sunday morning, November 2nd. A reception will be held in the Lobby with light refreshments following the Main service. Be sure to stop by! ADVENT SPECIAL SERVICES AND EVENTS Can you believe the first Sunday of Advent is November 30th! Watch for details in your bulletins about our special children’s moment during each Sunday of Advent CONGRATULATIONS TO COURTNEY SIMMONS AND CRAIG STURTZ WHO WERE MARRIED SATURDAY, OCT. 18TH in North Carolina. SPECIAL SUNDAY NIGHT FIRE SERVICES November 2nd @ 7pm - Lowell Shoaf will share a Voice of the Martyrs DVD “The Persecuted Church” November 9th @ 7pm - Courtney and Craig Sturtz will be leading the service in a special night of "Warfare Worship". This will be a powerful time! November 16th @ 7pm we will be showing the new Billy Graham movie "HEAVEN". Bring someone with you! Jan. 5-12, 2015 - CUBA MISSION TRIP $1700.00 per person. See Pastor Tim if you are interested in going. November 23rd & 30th, 7pm - Worship & Message FEATURED MINISTRY: Prayer Ministry Why We Pray: Because we were chosen- "You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit...that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you." John 15:16 Because God will answer- "Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven." Matthew 18:19 Because we love God- “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God...”. Romans 8:28 How We Minister: Email Prayer Chain -E-mail prayer requests are sent out every Monday (unless the Church Office is closed). Prayer requests are also sent out to the e-mail prayer chain team as they are received throughout the week by contacting Sue Kneisley or the Church Office. Each week a list of Current and Ongoing E-mail prayer requests are e-mailed to the prayer team. The names of those who are currently being prayed for appear in the Sunday Bulletin. An extended list of prayer needs and a current listing of our loved ones serving in the Military and our Missionaries are on the prayer stand and in the Prayer Room. Monday Night Elders Gathering - Meet at 7:30 p.m. to pray with those in need. Call the Church Office for an appointment. Tuesday Intercessory Prayer - Meets at 10:30 a.m. in the Prayer Room to pray for our Church, our Pastors, the Church Leadership, the Nation and anything the Holy Spirit lays upon our heart. Everyone is welcome to join, come as you are. Wednesday Intercessory Prayer - Meets every Wednesday at 10 a.m. in the Trinity FLC Prayer Room. The LINK CONGREGATION LINK PRAYER PARTNERS NEEDED FOR PASTOR TIM'S MISSION TRIPS: Once again Pastor Tim is taking a small team of two other pastors with him as he teaches in the Evangelical Methodist Seminary in Havana, Cuba, November 3-13. Pastor will teach each day in the seminary, training pastors, and each evening, the team will be ministering in a different Methodist Church around Havana. PLEASE PRAY FOR HIM AND THE TEAM DAILY THAT THE LORD WILL DO AMAZING THINGS FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD. Page 3 So Many Ways to Get Involved! WEDNESDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY IN REVELATION We will continue through December with this fascinating study. Bring your Bible and join us at 7pm. Schedule for November: November 5th & 12th - no class but HOMEWORK will be assigned! (Pastor Tim in Cuba) November 19th - class as usual November 26th - no class (enjoy your Thanksgiving!) KFC/Room 205 FLOORING RENOVATION UPDATE WE DID IT!! Can you believe $10,000.00 has been raised for the KFC flooring project!? We will now set a date for the removal of the old material and the installation of the new. Thank you for your generosity Trinity family! Stay tuned for updates on our progress! LIFE GROUPS INFORMATION - Are you looking to connect with other believers or to grow in your faith? Please consider joining a life group! These small groups are a way to build relationships, build knowledge, and build faith. Take a moment and check out the display inside the sanctuary entrance. Current groups are open to new members. Those interested in starting a new group, please contact Tim and Cathy Ralston, 757-537-2223. MISSIONS! Current Projects: Bag Hunger - Trinity sent 45 full bags to Victory! Woo-hoo! Operation Christmas Child - Project ends and boxes due by November 23rd! Boxes are still available at Trinity. IMAGINE NO MALARIA - Special offering will be collected Nov 16th We provide meals once a month for the homeless at Jericho Light Club. Anyone who would like to get involved in this ministry, please contact Connie Heim or Chris Tucker. Next service date: November 22nd. Jericho Light Club desperately needs gently used or new men’s clothes, shoes, and boots. Bring your items to Trinity, now thru Nov 9th, and place in the tote provided in the Lobby. Missions Giving : $80 - Inmate Care Unit / $ 75 - Jericho Next Missions Meeting: November 5th, 7pm @ Trinity Trinity The LINK Page 4 November 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 8a Early Service 9:15 Adult & Youth Classes 3 7:30pm Elders 10:30 Main Service 7pm Sun Nite FIRE Pastor Tim in CUBA 9 6 7 ELECTION DAY 10am Intercessors 6:30p Youth Group Polls @ Trinity 7pm Missions Mtg 10:30a Intercessors 8p Choir Practice 1pm Staff Mtg 7pm Scouts 7pm Pickerington Prays Together @ St. Andrew’s Episc. Church 6am Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study @ Cracker Barrel, Pickerington 11 Veterans’ Day 12 13 14 4 10 8a Early Service 9:15 Adult & Youth Classes 6:30pm Men’s Dinner & Mtg. 10:30 Main Service 4:00p POGL 7pm Sun Nite FIRE 7:30pm Elders 5 9:30a Purl Girls 10:30a Intercessors 10am Intercessors 6:30p Youth Group 1pm Staff Mtg 8p Choir Practice 7pm Scouts 7pm Finance Mtg 8 15 6am Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study @ Cracker Barrel, Pickerington Pastor Tim in CUBA 16 8a Early Service 9:15 Adult & Youth Classes 10:30 Main Service 7pm Sun Nite FIRE 17 9am C-CAM 6:30p Church Council 7:30pm Elders 23 8a Early Service 9:15 Adult & Youth Classes 24 7:30pm Elders 8a Early Service 9:15 Adult & Youth Classes 10:30 Main Service 7pm Sun Nite FIRE 19 9:30a Purl Girls 10am Intercessors Dec 1 7:30pm Elders 21 22 6am Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study @ Cracker Barrel, Pickerington 2pm Jericho Meal Prep & Service, Trinity kitchen reserved 27 28 29 Thanksgiving Day! Office Closed/ ONE Out 20 10:30a Intercessors 6:30p Youth Group 7pm Bible Study 1pm Staff Mtg 8:00pm Church 7pm Scouts Conference 25 26 9:30a Purl Girls 10am Intercessors 10:30a Intercessors 6:30p Youth Group 10:30 Main Service 4:00p POGL 7pm Sun Nite FIRE 30 18 1pm Staff Mtg 7pm Scouts 8p Choir Practice 2 3 9:30a Purl Girls 10:30a Intercessors 1pm Staff Mtg 7pm Scouts 10am Intercessors Pastor Tim in Mexico Church Office Closed! ONE Program Out 4 Pastor Tim in Mexico 6am Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study @ Cracker Barrel 5 6 6:30p Youth Group 7pm Bible Study 8p Choir Practice Scouts Camp-In @ Trinity The LINK Page 5 INFORMATION LINK Date Attendance am worship Tithe 10/05/2014 173 $13,898 10/12/2014 159 $7,626 10/19/2014 154 $6,642 10/26/2014 154 $5,877 10:30am Service November 2nd Barb Mann Mike Malone Trinity’s Children’s Ministry November Schedule Nursery & Diapered Children 10:00 Service Time Room 101 Nov 2 Fran & Carol DeTrano Nov 9 Chris & Kristin Stein Nov 16 Dan & Kim Kelso Preschool (Potty Trained) Children 10:00 Service Time Room 104 Nov 2, 16th & 30th Miss Amy Nov 9th & 23rd Miss Veronica Nov 23 Tim & Anne Kerscher Nov 30 Phyllis & Monica For the month of November the children will be worshiping in the sanctuary with their families! At 11:00 the children are dismissed to their small group leaders! School-age Small group Classrooms All School-aged Room 202 Leaders: Mike & Jody Thank You! Fran & Carol DeTrano Café: Chris + children November 9th Barb Davis Wendy Lewis Bill & Nancy Snouse Café: Rita Alexander + youth November 16th Rob & Marlene Betts Mike & Jody Gloeckner Café: Chris + children November 23rd Shirley Riser Chris Swisher Bob & Mary White & Cafe + youth November 30th Anita Woodruff Wid & Patty Lewis Don & Carm Smith Café: Chris Tucker The LINK Page 6 student ministries Sr. & Jr. High Youth Nights Weds @ 6:30pm in the Youth Room (rm 203) Sr. & Jr High Sunday School Sundays @ 9:15am in the Youth Room Questions? Josiah’s Cell: 614-601-0120 Alicia’s Cell: 614-648-3105 [email protected] or [email protected] WORSHIP MINISTRY For a list of upcoming events, please contact Josiah As we approach Thanksgiving, I wanted to share some things that I am truly thankful for: My Family! I am so blessed to have a wonderful wife, beautiful children and even 6 grandchildren! I was born into a legacy of faith and am so grateful for that legacy. I want to pass that faith on to my family, children, grandchildren and everyone whom God places in my path. My Church Family: I am so thankful to God for each one of you! I have been blessed to share in the presence of God each Sunday as we worship together, and am thankful for your sincere hearts of Worship! The presence of God is with us, and for that I am forever grateful! For God's direction in my life, and for Him allowing me to do what I was created to do: to Worship Him and to lead people into that secret place so that each one can encounter HIM. God is constantly examining our HEARTS. There are times when it is easy to praise and worship Him, and there are times when we just can't do it in our own strength. I believe, in the hard times, when we choose to worship Him, He looks into our hearts and sees our SACRIFICE OF PRAISE! In that sacrifice of praise, we must call upon the Spirit of God to enable us to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. God wants to take us to that place where we continually TRUST HIM MORE IN EVERY CIRCUMSTANCE OF OUR LIVES! I would like to share some Scriptures that can guide us as we worship (privately and corporately): 1 Thessalonians 5:18(NIV) “give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” Psalm 116:17(NIV) “I will sacrifice a thank offering to you and call on the name of the Lord.” Psalm 100:4(NIV) “Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.” Psalm 69:30(NIV) “I will praise God’s name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving.” Each time we worship together, the following scripture is what my heart cries out for: 2 Chronicles 5:12-14(NIV) “All the Levites who were musicians—Asaph, Heman, Jeduthun and their sons and relatives—stood on the east side of the altar, dressed in fine linen and playing cymbals, harps and lyres. They were accompanied by 120 priests sounding trumpets. The trumpeters and musicians joined in unison to give praise and thanks to the Lord. Accompanied by trumpets, cymbals and other instruments, the singers raised their voices in praise to the Lord and sang: “He is good; his love endures forever.” Then the temple of the Lord was filled with the cloud, and the priests could not perform their service because of the cloud, for the glory of the Lord filled the temple of God.” May God continually increase His presence, His Power and His glory in our lives and in our times of worship together! May God bless you all! In His love and service, Ron Smitson The LINK Page 7 Operation Christmas Child Wrap Up! We’ve seen a few boxes already come in for Operation Christmas Child! This is a wonderful opportunity to give gifts to those who have nothing and introduce children to Jesus. Our target this year is to give 200 boxes. We know that the children will be greatly blessed, that seeds are being planted and that much fruit will result! The final day for box drop off at Trinity will be Sunday, November 23rd. Please remember shipping costs and, if possible, include $7.00 for each box. God bless you for helping with this important part of our Mission outreach here at Trinity! Did you know that malaria kills more people in Africa than Ebola? Each year, malaria takes the lives of about 655,000 adults and children! Since October, the Children’s Sunday School classes have been turning in offerings toward this campaign. Now it is our congregation’s turn to show our support of this worthy cause. The UM Conference has set a goal of $3.5 million (350,000 lives saved!). Here at Trinity, Pastor would like our goal to be $1000. Special offering envelopes will be in your bulletins on November 16th. Every $10 you give, purchases an insecticide treated mosquito net. Together, we could save 100 lives! Thurs, Dec 4, 8am-4pm & Fri, Dec 5, 8:30am-3:30pm Registration Fee (includes lunch): $119 before Nov 4th/ $149 after Nov 4th Ginghamsburg Church, 6759 S. County Rd. 25A, Tipp City, OH Contact: Laura Weber, 937-529-2201 United’s School for Discipleship and Renewal presents the 3rd Annual Holy Spirit Seminar 2014: Spiritual Warfare & Deliverance with featured speakers William J. Abraham, Esther E. Acolatse, Neil T. Anderson, and Peter J. Bellini. Come join us for a time of teaching, conversation, prayer and ministering around the topic of spiritual warfare and deliverance with some of the leading experts in these areas. The LINK Page 8 Have you visited our nursery lately?? An awesome update has taken place! Goes out to Gary and his awesome team! For repairing and painting our walls, and cleaning the carpet! SERVANTS NEEDED! We are in need of a 2 person Sunday School teaching team for the 1st-3rd grade class! Tim K. Bob & Mary Jay Charlie Want to be on our volunteer list? See Michelle! The LINK So far…. Trinity FLC Kids have collected enough money to buy ……. & we ain’t done yet!! Come on Grown ups!!! Help us meet a goal of… 5 ($50) Mosquito Nets! For the next 3 Sundays, bring in your Sunday School offering to help us reach this goal! Cause bug bites are no fun, and for many people……..DEADLY! Trinity United Methodist Church Children’s Ministry Trinity Family Life Center, 6389 Blacklick-Eastern Rd, Pickerington, Ohio Phone: 614-837-8356 Contact us: Tim Burden Senior Pastor/Director of Ministry [email protected] Ron Smitson Worship Ministry Director [email protected] 43147 Our Mission Connect to God with one another to reach the lost Josiah Martindale Youth Ministries Director [email protected] Michelle Cherryhomes Children’s Ministry Director [email protected] April Romine Administrative Manager [email protected] Carol Cherryhomes Secretary [email protected] Mary Wells Secretary [email protected] Nov. 2014 Sermon Series: “Purpose Driven Church” OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD Wrap up! Boxes due by: November 23rd, 2014 TRINITY FAMILY LIFE CENTER 6389 Blacklick-Eastern Road Pickerington, Ohio 43147 We’re on the Web!
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