HSNP2 2014-2017 CONTENT Context HSNP2 overview Expected results The implementing structure Role of the NDMA Relationship to NSNP Achievements Questions? CONTEXT 1. ASALs: 84% of land mass; 36% Kenya’s population. 2. Chronic poverty, drought prone and historically marginalized. 3. Low scores against national development indicators. 4. Integrated and dynamic challenges. HSNP2- PHASE 2 : 2013/14-17 BUDGET: KSH.15BILLION. Builds on and expands Phase 1: CHRONIC: Safety net for the chronically poor: By EoP, cash transfers for up to 100,000HH (720,000 people) of approx. Ksh 2,700 or £19 a month paid (5,400 per cycle) into beneficiaries bank accounts. Women: approx. 52% women beneficiaries with 66% of beneficiary HHs women headed. ACUTE: Scalable safety net in response to crisis: 375,000 HH (reaching approx. 2.7m people) will be carded and provided with bank accounts and can be reached with emergency payments. Impact: Reduce poverty, hunger and vulnerability for the poor in Kenya’s Arid, Semi-Arid lands. Outcome: Create better and more sustainable safety nets for poor and vulnerable households, particularly for households in the ASALs. HSNP2: EXPECTED RESULTS Outputs: GoK supports cash transfers for chronic and acute responses in the arid and semi-arid lands, which are integrated within the wider National Safety Net Programme; and HSNP households receive timely, predictable electronic cash transfers for both chronic and acute responses. Key results by 2016/17: Sustainability Coverage and women beneficiaries Poverty impact Scalable safety nets for early crisis response THE IMPLEMENTING STRUCTURE- PILU An internationally procured Project Implementation and Learning Unit (PILU) within the National Drought Management Authority (NDMA) and Accountable to CEO NDMA and appropriately staffed with NDMA civil servants and PILU TA team counterparts. OBJECTIVES: To ensure the effective management of HSNP 2 in conjunction with the National Drought Management Authority (NDMA). To build capacity in GoK (NDMA) to implement HSNP 2 within its own structure by 2017 HSNP2 WITHIN THE NDMA Policy, Planning & Research Resource Mobilisation & Advocacy Board of Directors CEO Technical Services Support Services HSNP2 HUNGER SAFETY NET PROGRAMME NDMA Programme Implementation & Learning Unit (HNSP) County Drought Coordinators (NDMA) County Coordinators & SubCounty Coordinators (HSNP) Rights (HelpAge) Mobilisation, Rights & Grievances Payment Service Manager (FSD) Payment Service Provider Independent Evaluation HSNP NATIONAL COORDINATION Steering Committee Technical Coordination Group Weekly Chaired by PILU Quarterly Monthly Chaired by NDMA CEO Chaired by Drought Response Manager Membership: Membership: NDMA, DFID, PILU, FSD, HAI, NSNP, WB, DFAT NDMA, PILU, FSD, EB, HAI Plus DFID HSNP COUNTY COORDINATION COUNTY COORDINATION County Steering Group County Technical Coordination Group Quarterly Chaired by NDMA CDC Weekly Chaired by CDC NDMA, EB, SPR/HAI, other development partners HSNP County Coordinator NDMA Drought Response Officer (DRO) NDMA Drought Information (as needed) SPR Partner County Coordinator Equity Bank HSNP Supervisor/Branch Manager PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION & LEARNING UNIT PILU Team Leader MIS Specialist Operations Manager Coordinator Monitoring Specialist Communications Specialist Finance Officer Finance Manager Project Administrator ROLES OF PILU Management and Monitoring of HSNP2, sourcing and procurement of short term Technical Assistance. This includes Working with GoK, DFID, in the oversight of Payment Component run by the Financial Sector Deepening (FSD) Trust in Kenya. Evaluation Component: Oversight of an independently and internationally procured and independently governed evaluation. Rights and Grievances Component: Implemented by Help Age International (HAI) TORS OF HSNP PILU STAFF Team Leader oversees the PILU; HSNP Coordinator provides liaison with NDMA and other GoK agencies, HSNP Operations Manager is responsible for overseeing and managing core operational tasks at the National level and manages HSNP County and Sub-County Coordinators; MIS Specialist manages the programme MIS and provide technical support to the MIS across the programme; Monitoring Specialist oversees the monitoring of the HSNP and is responsible for overseeing the evaluation of the programme, which will be undertaken by a separate Managing Contractor; Communications Specialist oversees both internal communications within the programme to HSNP2 target audience, to developing and implementing an externally focused communications strategy; Finance and Administration Team that provides all necessary logistical and financial support to the PILU; Four County Coordinators who are responsible for the implementation and coordination of the HSNP at the County levelTurkana, Wajir, Marsabit and Mandera. Twelve Sub-County Coordinators will be recruited across the four Programme Counties ROLE OF THE NDMA Oversight of implementation of HSNP & PILU in NDMA Ensuring GoK financing to HSNP (in line with NSNP and EDE MTP) GoK contribution to HSNP (million Kshs) 2013/14 312 2014/15 624 2015/16 1,248 2016/17 2,496 Scalable safety net responses (HSNP and National Drought Contingency Fund) TOTAL 4,680 NDMA ROLE CONT… Reaching targeted beneficiaries Beneficiary mobilisation Coordination (within & between County & National) Directing complaints to R&G component Monitoring Project implementation with PILU Monitoring officer Financing (National and County) Scalable safety net responses (HSNP & NDCF) Communication RELATIONSHIP WITH NSNP HSNP key to the delivery of NSNP results: o o o o o o o GoK funds HSNP in line with EDE MTP. HSNP works closely with NSNP in achieving set indicators (DLIs) under the Programme 4 Results (P4R); Targeting and expansion plans must be in line with NSPN’s. Strengthening MIS to improve fiduciary controls and monitoring. Single registry with programme MIS’s interlinked and agreed standards for payroll controls – setting the NSNP benchmark. 100% of payments being made through 2 factor authentication: bank card + biometrics. Grievance & redress: Functioning grievance and appeals mechanisms: provided via NGO HelpAge Intl. Monitoring: Regular and comprehensive Monitoring and reporting Scalability: Working to build scalable safety nets that can respond effectively to crises HSNP2: ACHIEVEMENTS Registration: 381,800HHs registered across the four Counties of Turkana, Marsabit, Mandera & Wajir. 374,806HH had complete data by June 2013. Targeting: 100,000HHs already targeted across the four Counties using modified CRA formula to distribute across the Counties. PMT and CBT was used to distribute within the Counties by October 2013. Posting and notification of HHs already taken place across the Counties by December 2013. IDs of targeted 100,000 HHs already take through the IPRS for validation. Bank A/C opening began in January 2014. As of 1st October 2014, 65,058 accounts have been opened and carded in the four Counties. Target timeline of completion is December 2014. Payment of cycles 7: Bank A/Cs of 61,854 beneficiaries have been credited with 7 cycle payments (arrears) totaling over Kshs. 2.011billion by 20th August 2014. Bi-monthly cash value increased from Kshs. 4,600 in 2013/14 to 4,900 in 2014/15. HSNP2 ACHIEVEMENT CONT… o o o Social Protection rights: Already recruited Rights Committees across all the Counties; National ID registration strategy for HHs without already in place, to work with NRB C&G resolution process developed and initiated Governance PILU staff both National and County recruited and already working PILU office now housed at NDMA offices HSNP2 Operational Manual developed and training of staff taking place. Communication strategy and implementation plan in its final stage of completion Data Sharing Protocols developed and shared with INGOs QUESTIONS?
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