MLR Messaging Level Response Jens Aabol, senior advisor, Difi Agency for Public Management and eGovernment Sender of business message SML Receiver of business message SMP/ELMA Service Provider (SP1) Access Point 1 Service Provider (SP2) Access Point 2 Senario 1 Sender of business message SML Receiver of business message SMP/ELMA Service Provider (SP1) Service Provider (SP2) Payload Negative MDN Access Point 1 Validation Access Point 2 Senario 2 Sender of business message SML Receiver of business message SMP/ELMA Validation Negative MLR Access Point 1 Negative MLR Payload Positive MDN Negative MLR Validation Access Point 2 Senario 3 Sender of business message SML Receiver of business message SMP/ELMA Validation Positiv MLR Access Point 1 Positiv MLR Payload Positive MDN Positiv MLR Validation Access Point 2 Senario 4 Sender of business message SML Receiver of business message SMP/ELMA Validation Positiv BLR Positive MLR Access Point 1 Validation BLR Positiv BLR Positiv MLR Payload Positive MDN Positive MLR Positive BLR Validation Access Point 2 Message sent from AP 1 to AP2 Enkel tekstside Med punkter Ekstra underpunkt her. MDN The Message Disposition Notification (MDN) is the acknowledgment sent in response to an AS2 message. A AS2 transmission is not complete until the MDN has been received and verified. NOK=not ok Agency for Public Management and eGovernment Message sent from AP 1 to AP2 Enkel tekstside Med punkter Ekstra underpunkt her. MLR A Messaging Level Response message can be used in the choreography of the exchange of a business document to improve reliability by allowing a receiver of a business document to inform the sender about the results of receivers validations and, in case of negative results, to inform the sender about the nature of the errors as well as their details. They may allow the sender of the document to take appropriate action. Agency for Public Management and eGovernment Message sent from AP 1 to AP2 Enkel tekstside Med punkter Ekstra underpunkt her. BLR A Business Level Response message is out of concept for PEPPOL. Agency for Public Management and eGovernment Policy – draft - should not be seen as final! Rules applicable for the Sending Participant of a Business Document (BIS) The Sending Participant MUST validate the Business Document The Sending Participant MUST have registered capability of receiving MLR in the SMP The SMP service registration for MLR MUST use the same ProcessID as the Business Document being sent The Sending Participant MAY request a MLR by indicating this in the Envelope Rules applicable for the Receiving Participant of a Business Document (BIS) The Receiving Participant MAY validate received Business Documents If fatal errors are found, the Receiving Participant MAY return a negative MLR If the Sending Participant has indicated that MLR is requested and no fatal errors are found, the Receiving Participant MUST return a positive MLR If the Sending Participant has indicated that MLR is requested and fatal errors are found, the Receiving Participant MUST return a negative MLR A requested MLR MUST be returned within 48h after acknowledged transmission receipt of the Business Document Must - Should - May Rules applicable for the Sending Participant The Sending Participant MUST validate the Business Document The Sending Participant MUST have registered capability of receiving MLR in the SMP The SMP service registration for MLR MUST use the same ProcessID as the Business Document being sent The Sending Participant MAY request a MLR by indicating this in the Envelope Rules applicable for the Receiving Participant The Receiving Participant MAY validate received Business Documents If fatal errors are found, the Receiving Participant MAY return a negative MLR If the Sending Participant has indicated that MLR is requested and no fatal errors are found, the Receiving Participant MUST return a positive MLR If the Sending Participant has indicated that MLR is requested and fatal errors are found, the Receiving Participant MUST return a negative MLR A requested MLR MUST be returned within 48h after acknowledged transmission receipt of the Business Document
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