Friday Flash! News of the Week for the Lincoln School Community Andrés Ferreyra 4073, (B1637AOS) La Lucila, Buenos Aires. Tel: (54-11) 4851-1700 Fax: (54-11) 4851-1790 November 21, 2014 Issue # 16 School Year 2014-2015 BULLETIN BOARD! A brief overview of events the next week… November 21 at 7:00 pm – November 22 at 3:00 pm - Walter Liebling Theater: High School Musical “Spamalot” November 21: 8:00 am – Auditorium Elementary School “Fabulous Friday” November 21: 10:30 am – 12:00 pm – Auditorium Elementary Living Museum November 24: Sovereignty Day Holiday – NO SCHOOL November 27-28: Thanksgiving Holiday – NO SCHOOL December 3: 8:00 am – Multipurpose Room Elementary School Parent Coffee December 3: 9:45 am – Multipurpose Room High School Parent Coffee December 4: 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm – Walter Liebling Theater Grades 6 and 7 Fine Arts Festival December 5: 8:00 am – Auditorium Elementary School Fabulous Friday December 5: 2:00 pm – Walter Liebling Theater Grade 8 Fine Arts Festival December 5: 7:30 pm - Gym Lobby Middle School Dance sponsored by Student Council December 6: 7:30 am SAT Exam December 8: Immaculate Conception Holiday – NO SCHOOL Details of all of these events are listed in this Friday Flash Friday Flash Page 1 November 21, 2014 Superintendent’s Message Dear Parents, I’ll begin this week by welcoming home our Mighty Condor boys and girls soccer teams from the SAAC tournament in Uruguay. While the win-loss record wasn’t what we had hoped for, our students and coaches represented Lincoln with class. After walking around campus and observing the literally hundreds of kids adults participating in soccer, swimming, volleyball, basketball, and ultimate Frisbee, I thought today would be a good time to articulate my expectations for our sports programs and solicit your continued feedback as to where we need to go from here. In sitting with Rosemary Mari, our Athletic Director, at the beginning of the school year I felt it important to clearly define success. I wanted to make sure Rosemary and I had the same goal in mind. What is a great athletics program? I came across a blog written by Jackie Bledsoe Jr. 1 and thought it appropriate to share as so much of what we want on the field is the same as what we want in the classroom. It also sums up the conversation Rosemary and I had at the start of the year. According to Bledsoe, the 3 main pillars of a youth sports program should be: Making youth sports about the kids. Youth sports is about the kids, not about you, the parents, the sponsors or anything else. You can be a successful youth coach, but first you have to make sure you are 100 percent about the kids. Focusing on their overall development. Your job is to teach the game, but you are also a mentor, a teacher, even to some a father or mother figure. When you sign up to coach, you accept the responsibility that while those kids are with you, under your coaching, you are responsible for helping them to develop not only as athletes, but as people. Creating an environment they can thrive in. As the coach, you are responsible for the environment. This includes attitude, making it safe to make mistakes, creating an environment where they can have fun and where they can learn the game that you've all signed up to play and coach. While care about our team’s win-loss record, I’m far more demanding about the quality of the experience I want for our kids. Above all, I want them to be “well coached”. I have the same expectations for a classroom teacher that I have for our coaches, and to that end, I’ve begun to see a transformation in the attitude of our coaches, and the development of our teams. Good things will happen to those who are well coached! I commend our PTO on the addition of several new positions with the intent of better communications between parents and teachers, and the addition of a liaison for our athletics program. I invite you to send me your comments. I’d like to hear your thoughts and definition of success both for the classroom as well as the sports field. I hope you enjoy your long weekend! Mike Martell, Superintendent Friday Flash Page 2 November 21, 2014 All School News Dear Parents, If you are permanently leaving Lincoln at the end of this semester, please download the Initial Withdrawal Form from the website. Here is the link You will also find the withdrawal procedures there. Please complete the form and return it to the Admissions Office by email or fax as soon as possible. This will enable us to prepare your child’s school records in time. Any records left behind will be forwarded to you if you provide this information on the Initial Withdrawal Form. Please contact me if you have any questions about the withdrawal process. Thank you. Claudia Pacha, Admissions Registrar Christmas for Everyone Sponsored by the Lincoln High School Community Service Club Our goal is to “share” a meal during the Holiday Season with local families from La Lucila, Barrio La Rana, Barrio Martin y Omar, en San Isidro and a school in Salta. We are ambitiously aiming to provide 150 families with holiday boxes. HOW DO YOU VOLUNTEER? Get together a group of people (family, friends, colleagues, class, advisory group) and email [email protected] before Friday, November 21st. Let her know how many boxes you want to prepare. On Wednesday, November 26, you will be matched with a family (you will be given: family name, members, gender and age of the kids in the family). Please bear in mind that your word of intent to participate in this project implies a commitment. HOW TO PREPARE A HOLIDAY BOX 1. Get a heavy and durable box, properly sealed with packing tape and fill up with items from the list below. 2. Make sure that the heavy items are in the corners and weight is evenly distributed. 3. Once all items have been placed in the box, if there is any room left over, fill it up with folded, shredded or balled up newspaper for shipping. Boxes are being shipped as far away as Salta so this is very important. 4. Close the box, making sure to use an abundant amount of packing tape. 5. Wrap the box in colorful holiday paper or decorated plain paper as if you were wrapping a present. LIST OF ITEMS: Friday Flash Page 3 November 21, 2014 Remember that we are trying to provide the non-perishable items that families typically need for traditional Argentine holiday meals. The estimated value of the basic box is between 350-400 pesos. For a fuller box, estimate between 550 and 600 pesos. • Salty snacks such as chips, sticks and cheese puffs • 6 to 8 Packages of Powdered Juice (no bottles, bricks or alcoholic beverages) • Large Cans of Fruit (2) • Grated Parmesan type Cheese (1 package) • Tomato Sauce (1 package or can) • Pasta or ñoqui mix (1 package) • Rice (1 kg) • Paté (3 cans) • Pound Cakes (2) • Cans of Tuna (2) • Dulce de Leche (1 kg) • Pan Dulce (1) • Mixed Vegetables (2 cans) • Shelf Milk (1 litre) • Candied peanuts (2 packages) • Mayonnaise (1 500 g bag) • Turron Logs (2) • Christmas Napkins • Family game (Bingo, dominoes, cards, balls) • Small Educational Gift for each child (book, coloring book with crayons, or activity book - must be in Spanish) Suggestions to complement the box: *Yerba (1 kg) • Powdered milk (1 kg) • Cocoa Mix / Nesquick (1/2 kg) • Sugar (1 kg) • Cookies and Crackers • Candy • Ornament for the tree DROPPING OFF YOUR BOX Your box(es) should be dropped off at Lincoln ONLY during the week (Monday through Friday) of December 1 to December 5. Boxes should be dropped at the Front Gate (from 7:15 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.) or High School Office (8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.). The boxes will be delivered to families on December 16. We will let you know details for if you want to come with us to personally give your boxes. Thanks for your support with our Community Service program! . All living things must have water to survive. Without water, your body would stop working properly. Water makes up more than half of your body weight and a person can't survive for more than a few days without it. Why? Your body has lots of important jobs and it needs water to do many of them. For instance, your blood, which contains a lot of water, carries oxygen to all the cells of your body. Water is also in lymph, a fluid that is part of your immune system, which helps you fight off illness. You need water to digest your food and get rid of waste, too. Water is also needed for digestive juices, urine and poop. And water is the main ingredient in perspiration, also called sweat. Your body doesn't get water only from drinking water. Any fluid you drink will contain water, but water is the best choice. Fruits and vegetables contain water too. How Much Is Enough? Friday Flash Page 4 November 21, 2014 Since water is so important, you might wonder if you're drinking enough. There is no magic amount of water that kids need to drink every day. Usually, kids like to drink something with meals and should definitely drink when they are thirsty. But when it's warm out or you're exercising, you'll need more. Be sure to drink some extra water when you're out in warm weather, especially while playing sports or exercising. When you drink is also important. If you're going to sports practice, a game, or just working out or playing hard, drink water before, during, and after playing. Don't forget your water bottle. When your body doesn't have enough water, that's called being dehydrated. Dehydration also can keep you from being as fast and as sharp as you'd like to be. A bad case of dehydration can make you sick. So keep that water bottle handy when the weather warms up! Not only does water fight dehydration, but it's awfully refreshing and has no calories. Your body can help you stay properly hydrated by regulating the amount of water in your system. The body can hold on to water when you don't have enough or get rid of it if you have too much. You can help your body by drinking when you're thirsty and drinking extra water when it's warm out. Your body will be able to do all of its wonderful, waterful jobs and you'll feel great! Elementary School News! Brad McClain Principal [email protected] Greetings from the Elementary School Principal’s Office! This week, the Elementary School students began swimming in Physical Education classes. Swimming is such a wonderful example of a life skill which promotes physical and emotional health. Lincoln School is fortunate to have the facilities and teachers to make this happen. Proficiency and confidence in swimming are positive characteristics which go hand in hand. As swimming is an integral part of the P.E. curriculum, it is important that your child be prepared to swim for every scheduled class. If your child cannot swim due to a medical condition, please provide a doctor’s excuse. Otherwise, we will encourage all students to swim! Click on this link to find more information about the Lincoln Elementary School Swim Program. We started the day today with a wonderful Fabulous Friday hosted by all of Grade One. Thanks and congratulations to the Grade One teachers and students! Later in the morning, our Fifth Graders displayed in-depth, “autobiographical” knowledge of historic figures. They presented this knowledge in their “wax museum.” Each student’s presentation was unique, very informative and entertaining! Next week will include two extended weekends recognizing two different holidays. Be sure to check the school calendar if you need clarification of these dates. Sovereignty Day (obs. 24Nov) recognizes Argentina’s right to rule itself. Thanksgiving (obs. 27Nov) is a U.S. holiday but the spirit of a holiday to give thanks is included in the fabric of many nations and cultures. I would like to thank each of you for being a part of that! We are certainly blessed. I give thanks for the opportunity to live and work in such a wonderful, exciting, supportive and dynamic place. With only two school days (Tuesday and Wednesday), there will be no Friday Flash next week. Once again this year, the High School community service organization is are planning our Christmas Community Service project. The "Christmas for Everyone" project provides Christmas Boxes for underprivileged families in local Friday Flash Page 5 November 21, 2014 communities and beyond. The idea is to link a Lincoln family (or group, or class, etc.) with a needy family in order to provide a box full of food and other supplies for a holiday meal. All the details can be found on this link. Have a wonderful weekend! ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS The Importance of the Mother Tongue One of the most frequently asked questions we receive from new families is “Should we emphasize English over my child´s mother tongue?” The answer is no. We know that one of the most important factors in learning a new language is a strong foundation in the mother tongue language. A common misconception is that when students start acquiring a new language they should deemphasize developing their mother tongue. In fact, quite the opposite is true. Research has shown that continued development of the mother tongue has positive effects on children´s linguistic and educational development. Jim Cummins, a Canadian linguistic researcher, has written extensively on this subject in his article Bilingual Children´s Mother Tongue: Why Is It Important for Education? Elementary School, ELL Team: Claudia Aguirre Saravia-Sarah Kelly -Cecilia Maraggi Greetings From the Elementary School Counselor Kathryn Manu [email protected] I would like to take a moment to thank all the Elementary & Middle School parents who participated in the ES/MS Book Club this semester on the book, The Price of Privilege. Your thoughtful comments and self-reflection not only led to meaningful dialogue but also, hopefully, allowed for a different lens with which to view parenting. For parents interested in this topic, we will be offering the same book club next semester. We also will be launching a K-12 Book Club in April on the book, It’s Complicated: The Social Lives of Networked Teens. Look for information about both of these opportunities and more from the counseling department early next semester! Raising Kind Children In light of our recent launching of our Random Acts of Kindness program in the Elementary School comes discussion of what we focus on, as parents, in our conversations with children. So often we talk about success and happiness, and too rarely is compassion, empathy and kindness incorporated into what we “want” for our kids. Dr. Richard Weissbourd, of Harvard University, suggests that rather than solely wishing to raise happy kids, we should collectively be attempting to raise kind kids. He offers the following five steps to instilling kindness in our children: 1. Make caring for others a priority 2. Provide opportunities for children to practice caring & gratitude 3. Expand your child’s circle of concern 4. Be a strong moral role model and mentor 5. Guide children in managing destructive feelings A complete article in the US newspaper, The Washington Post with more detailed suggestions can be found at: The upcoming Thanksgiving holiday next week provides a ripe opportunity to talk about gratitude specifically, regardless of whether your family celebrates this holiday or not. Encourage your children to be mindful and reflect on gratitude outside of material goods they may have. Allow that discussion to extend to how your family can show how much you care during the holiday season. Once engaged, even very young students may surprise and inspire you with their articulateness and thoughtfulness! Friday Flash Page 6 November 21, 2014 Have a wonderful LONG weekend! Middle School News! Jeff Voracek [email protected] FINE ARTS The Middle School Art Department is happy to invite you to the MS Fine Arts Festival, this is a great chance to see the wonderful work our students are doing in Band, Choir and Visual Arts. In the Theatre Lobby paintings, drawings, sculptures and animated shorts will be on display, and we will be able to enjoy great Band and Choir performances by our students. Please join us December 4th and 5th from 2 pm till 3.30 pm at the School Theater Also I want to share with you this great Ted Talk about the importance of art, design and technology in our student’s learning, hope you enjoy it Mrs. Leila Awada, MS Art Teacher GRADE 8 SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS Grade 8 semester examinations are scheduled from December 11 - 15. Semester exams will be given during a 90 minute examination period. Semester examinations count 10% of the semester grade. Semester examinations will not be given early. Thursday, Dec. 11 2 exams Friday, Dec. 12 2 exams Monday. Dec. 15 2 exams English/Language Arts Science Social Studies Est. Sociales Span. Transition SSL Lengua Span. Transition SSL Algebra/Pre-Algebra GRADES 6 AND 7 END OF QUARTER EXAMINATIONS/PROJECTS Grade 6 and 7 students will have end of quarter examination / project in their core subjects (English, Math, Science, Social Studies, Lengua and Est. Sociales). Core subject teachers are expected to plan a culminating exam/project from December 11 -15. The examinations will be held during regular class time from December 11-15. End of quarter examination grades will be incorporated into the 2 nd quarter grade. MIDDLE SCHOOL THORPE AND MATHIAS SWIM MEET Because of scheduling conflict with the swimming pool. We have had to reschedule the MS Thorpe and Mathias Swim Meet. The Thorpe and Mathias Swim Meet will be held on Thursday, Dec. 18 from 8:30am to 11:30am in the Lincoln Swimming Pool. The meet will be held with boys and girls together. I apologize for the rescheduling of this event. The Thorpe and Mathias Swim Meet and Track Meet enjoy a long tradition at Lincoln School dating back to 1956 when “señora” Granitto y “profe” Laurita established the Meet. The Thorpe and Mathias Swim Meet and Track Meet are part of the Lincoln Physical Education Program. Parents are welcome to attend. November and December Dates: Grades 6 and 7 Band / Choir / Art Show Thursday, Dec. 4 - 2:00 to 3:30 Theater Friday Flash Page 7 November 21, 2014 Grade 8 Band / Choir /Art Show Friday, Dec. 5 - 2:00 to 3:30 Theater MS Student Council Dance Friday, Dec. 5 - 7:30pm to 9:30pm New Gym Lobby Grade 8 Semester Exams / Grades 6/7 End of Quarter Assessments Grade 8 Exams will be held in auditorium - Core Subjects Grade 6/7 Assessments held in classrooms - Core Subjects Thursday, Dec. 11 Friday, Dec. 12 Monday, Dec. 15 Thorpe and Mathias Swim Meet Thursday , Dec. 18 - Girls/Boys - 8:30 - 11:30am Music Concert (Mr. Oliver’s Band - Nor Delta Big Band) Thursday, Dec. 18 2:00 - 3:30 - Theater Last Day of School - 1st Semester - Friday, Dec. 19 8:00 - 10:00 am School Day 8:30 - 9:50 - Assembly - Grade 8 Sponsors Hand Out Report Cards - 9:50am December 16th from 2-3pm is the date for the Lincoln Maintenance Staff party. Put on by the High School National Honor Society, this event in the cafeteria features music by the strings club, a bingo game and gifts for the Maintenance Staff who support our school all year long. Both the MS and HS students contribute: The Middle School students collect pesos and toys and take them to their advisory class. High School students bring new items for the household – kitchen and bath things. From Friday Nov. 21 to Dec. 9th, HS students can bring items to their A-block classes. At this busy time of year, your help in getting items to contribute is most appreciated. Nan Miller, NHS Advisor MS/HS Librarian High School News! Joe Hollenbeck Principal [email protected] YOUNG WRITER’S CAFE The Lincoln High School English and World Languages Departments will host the annual Young Writer’s Café on Tuesday, November 25 and Wednesday, November 26. During this event, students will have the chance to share their creative writing with their peers in an inviting, supportive environment, and the event is designed to help students become increasingly confident, both as speakers and writers. This year, we are honoring the multilingual talents of our students by having students read not only in English, but also in Spanish, Portuguese, or any other language in which Friday Flash Page 8 November 21, 2014 they have written creatively. Young Writer’s Café will be held in the library at lunch. Food and refreshments will be provided. TABLOIDS DON’T COUNT FOR PLEASURE READING WHEN IT COMES TO VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT It will come as no surprise that adults who read a great deal for pleasure as children were later found to have a more extensive vocabulary in comparison with adults who did not read for pleasure as children. This article also discusses research indicating that children who grew up in British households where tabloids were present were limited in their adult vocabulary in comparison with adults who didn’t read for pleasure as children! HIGH SCHOOL EXAMS Please see the attached High School Final Exam Schedule elsewhere in this Flash. Details of the exams were included in an e-mail to parents last week. Please review the schedule with your high school student. The High School Principal will be in contact with students who have exam schedule conflicts. ASOCIACION ESCUELAS LINCOLN High School Exams December 2014 Thursday, December 11, 2014 First Exam 8:10-10:10 AM Social Studies 9 Sociales 1 Modern History 10:10-10:50 AM Second Exam 11:00-1:00 PM Break - kiosko open ITB Biology / Env. Issues Forensics Psychology SL Econ AP Econ Physics / SL Physics AP Chemistry / HL Chemistry HL Biology SL Chemistry Friday, December 12, 2014 First Exam 8:10-10:10 AM English 9 / English 10 Fund. Eng. 9/Fund. Eng 10 Lang and Lit Y1 SL Lang and Lit Y2 HL Lang and Lit Y2 SL Lit Y1 and SL Lit Y2 Hlit Y1 and HL Lit Y2 / Rhetoric 10:10-10:50 AM Second Exam 11:00-1:00 PM Break - kiosko open Español 1, 2, 3, 4 Spanish 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 First Exam 8:10-10:10 AM Algebra 1 Geometry/ Alg 2 Math St. 1/Math St. 2 Pre-Calculus AP Calculus / SL Math Y2 HL Math Y1 / HL Math Y2 10:10-10:50 AM Second Exam 11:00-1:00 PM Break - kiosko open SL/HL History Monday, December 15, 2014 Tuesday, December 16, 2014 First Exam 8:10-10:10 AM Friday Flash SL Bio / AP Physics / HL Physics Page 9 November 21, 2014 10:10-10:50 AM Second Exam 11:00-1:00 PM Break - kiosko open Portuguese Chemistry Wednesday, December 17, 2014 First Exam 8:10-10:10 AM Conflicts 10:10-10:50 AM Second Exam 11:00-1:00 PM Break - kiosko open Conflicts Thursday, December 18, 2014 No school for students. Grade verification day for teachers. Friday, December 19, 2014 REPORT CARD PICK UP: Any time between 9:00-10:00 AM Students report to Advisory and complete their report card readiness form before collecting report cards beginning at 9:00 a.m. PATAGONIA TRIP IN JANUARY fro High School Students Only!! In January a trip to Patagonia will again be offered to interested high school students. This wonderful expedition has occurred annually for the January vacation for the last 8+ years. The trip will occur January 18-30, 2015. Students will travel by airplane to Bariloche to meet their guides and venture into pristine wilderness in the Patagonia region of Argentina. This year, the trip will feature four summits and one lake with plenty of hiking and kayaking. The trip is led by experienced mountaineers and guides from Explora Argentina: The Patagonia trip is a parent-organized and sponsored event and has no affiliation with the school. Cost of the trip is pesos $8,625 for the expedition and approximately pesos $3,000 for airfare to/from B.A./Bariloche. Registration deadline is November 21st. Please contact the parent organizer, Tina Montana [email protected], for more information or to reserve your spot. For pictures of last year’s trip, check out this link: FROM THE SCIENCE DEPARTMENT Multitasking: A culture which gains information, but will it weaken wisdom? An article published several years ago in The New Atlantis: A Journal of Technology & Society, entitled, “The Myth of Multitasking,” highlights several ideas to ponder as we continue our busy, daily lives as students, parents, professionals, colleagues, and friends. We have become a society of multi-taskers, which has been proven to be a danger (driving and texting); it has demonstrated a decrease in work productivity and a decrease in IQ. Of importance in our educational workplace, this article sheds some light on multitasking and its effect on learning. This article might be interesting to reflect on as students get ready to study for their final exams. Friday Flash Page 10 November 21, 2014 December 16th from 2-3pm is the date for the Lincoln Maintenance Staff party. Put on by the High School National Honor Society, this event in the cafeteria features music by the strings club, a bingo game and gifts for the Maintenance Staff who support our school all year long. Both the MS and HS students contribute: The Middle School students collect pesos and toys and take them to their advisory class. High School students bring new items for the household – kitchen and bath things. From Friday Nov. 21 to Dec. 9th, HS students can bring items to their A-block classes. At this busy time of year, your help in getting items to contribute is most appreciated. Nan Miller, NHS Advisor MS/HS Librarian High School Counselors Debbie McDowell & Jodie Thiel [email protected] - [email protected] FINAL EXAM PREPARATION The Semester 1 Exam schedule was officially announced last week and, for many students, planning ahead will go a long way in finishing the semester well. The following are discussion points you can make use of when checking in with your child about his/her exam preparations. *Are there certain classes that a student has been struggling in? Those are, likely, the courses that need more prep and mapping out a review plan now could be wise. When will they… +Meet with the teacher? +Write out the review plan for that course? +Talk with their parents, the counselor, or friends about other ideas for how to study? Do they have a clear sense of which courses they’re set for (minimal review needed) and which ones need a lot of attention? (This will look different for each student.) If your child is saying that every single course needs significant review, encourage them to re-think. They might be letting anxiety get the better of them and, in fact, only a few courses need intensive review. KEY, TIME CONSUMING EVENTS BETWEEN NOW AND EXAMS: SAAC Soccer (catching up from it) and Musical Production weekend. Also, we have three long weekends – while these might be great times to review, it is important to be realistic about how useful these weekends will be if your family will be on vacation. UNIVERSITY APPLICATIONS Please encourage your son or daughter to complete the university applications well before final exams in December. It is very important that an adult review the application and essay before submitting. Please remind your child that Ms. McDowell is willing to look over their work. It’s important to plan wisely and not wait until the last moment. DEADLINES Friday Flash Page 11 November 21, 2014 Deadlines for students are approaching quickly! Any student who is applying to a college/university with a deadline before February 2015 must complete a Transcript Request Form and submit it before 24 November so that it can be processed before the summer holiday. Any request which is submitted after this date will not be guaranteed to be completed before the university deadline. Please speak to your child and impress upon him/her that meeting this deadline is of utmost importance! If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. McDowell. All requests for a teacher recommendation should have been completed. Please speak with your child and make sure he/she has taken care of this important part of the university application process. UCAS Applications Any student applying to university in the UK must have his/her application completed and submitted online to Ms. McDowell by 1 December for it to be processed before the deadline. Any application submitted after 1 December is not guaranteed to be submitted before the university deadline. If there are any questions, please contact Ms. McDowell. Juniors and SAT/ACT SAT: If your child is planning on attending university in the US or any another location where the SAT is required, it is recommended that he/she takes the SAT on the 24 January test date (registration deadline is 18 December). It is most important that your child set up the College Board account and register for the test using his/her full (passport) name. If there are any questions, please contact Ms. McDowell in the HS Counseling Office. ACT: The next ACT that a student can register for is 18 April (deadline to register is 13 March). It is most important that your child set up the ACT account and register for the test using his/her full (passport) name. If there are any questions, please contact Ms. McDowell in the HS Counseling Office. Ms. McDowell will be out of the office next week (19-21 November) while she attends the Council of International Schools Forum on University Admissions. The conference of over 500 participants provides the opportunity for high school counselors and university admissions officers to work together collaboratively in professional development. “The Condor Corner” Athletics and Activities! Rosemary Fatta Mari [email protected] Are you following us on Twitter? Find us at: @AELCondors This weekend…... Don’t miss Monty Python's “Spamalot” put on by the High School Drama Department, Directed by Mr. Randall Connoly, in the Walter Liebling Theatre. Thursday, November 20, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. Friday, November 21, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. Saturday, November 22, 2014 at 3:00 p.m. *Tickets available in the Mansion or at the door for 20 pesos. Saturday, November, 22nd Soccer League will wrap up the season this Saturday, followed by a brief ceremony to celebrate the season. All are welcome! Although the season will finish, students will still have practice on Tuesday the 25th and Wednesday the 26th of November. Friday Flash Page 12 November 21, 2014 CATEGORY: GR. 2-3: 9:00am - 10:15am GAME - 9: PANTERAS VS. PUMAS // TIGRES FREE CATEGORY: GR. 4-5: 9:00am - 10:15am GAME - 9: PANTERAS VS. PUMAS // TIGRES FREE CATEGORY: GIRLS 6-8: 10:30 to 11:45 GAME - 9: PANTERAS VS. PUMAS // TIGRES FREE CATEGORY: BOYS 6-8: 10:30 to 11:45 GAME - 9: PANTERAS VS. TIGRES // LEONES VS. PUMAS *Bonus Soccer Match! Saturday, December 6th ES & MS SOCCER - Lincoln vs. Saint Edward’s School in a Friendly Match Grades 2 -3 & 4 -5: 9:00am – 10:15am; Grades 6 – 8: 10:30am – 11:45am - Lincoln Fields 2 & 3 Important Dates: Saturday, November 22nd: Final Soccer League Game & Celebration Monday, November 24th: No School Tuesday, November 25th: regular after school activities and soccer practice for MS students Wednesday, November 26th: FINAL DAY OF ALL ACTIVITIES AND SOCCER, regular after school activities and soccer practice for 2nd – 3rd graders Thursday, November 27th: Thanksgiving Day – No School Friday, November 28th: Thanksgiving holiday - No school Monday, December 1st – Friday, December 5th: NO AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES & NO SOCCER Tuesday, December 2nd: Rehearsal from 3:30pm - 5:00pm for After School Activities Exhibition (Tae Kwondo, Jazz, and Cheerleading) Thursday, December 4th: After School Activities Exhibition: Jazz, Tae Kwondo, & Cheerleading 4:00pm - 5:00pm in the auditorium. Saturday, December 6th: - *Bonus Match! ES & MS Friendly Soccer Match vs. Saint Edward’s School: Grades 2 -3 & 4 -5: 9:00am – 10:15am; Grades 6 – 8: 10:30am – 11:45am - Lincoln Fields 2 & 3 *Please let us know if your soccer player will not be playing in this friendly match. IN CASE OF RAIN OR WET FIELDS: In the event of rain or poor field conditions due to rain, practices are not cancelled. Soccer games, however, are postponed. If you have any doubt, please contact the Lincoln guards to confirm game plans. 4851-1700 ext 110 HOST FAMILIES NEEDED! We will be hosting the SAAC Fine Arts Festival here at Lincoln, March 25 - 29. Our 150 visiting students from Santiago, Lima, Curitiba, Brazil, Quito, and Uruguay will need a home for the weekend. If you are able to host at least two of our guests for these four nights, please email the Activities Secretary, Mrs. Florencia Parma at [email protected] Please remember that hosting is expected from parents of all fine arts students and athletes. BASKETBALL PRE - SEASON: Pre Season is underway! High School teams are currently practicing on Mondays and Wednesdays from 5pm - 6:30pm in the gym. Stop by to meet Coaches Pravettoni and Bogado! Go Condors! Rosemary Fatta Mari, Athletics & Activities Director P.T.O. NEWS!! Friday Flash Page 13 November 21, 2014 We want to thank all of the parents for coming out today, braving the rain, to vote in a new PTO Board PTO BOARD (will serve until May 2015) President - Frances Pitchon Secretary - Stacey Gibson Treasure - Gaby Hagen & Adam Zimmerman Parliamentarian- Diana Kleinjan Ways & Means – Diana Kleinjan HS Chair - Ana Brown & Lidice Messina & Babs Verhoeve MS Chair – Luisa Pereira Pinto & Vanesa Teixeira Dos Santos ES Chair - Andrea Garces & Monica Duys and Diggory Williams Sports Chair - Lionel Vaunghn Hospitality – Schonell Ban PR - Stacey Gibson Grade Level Reps Pre-K – Schonell Ban & Monica Duys Grade 1 – Diggory Williams & Jorge Raphael Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 – Stacey Gibson Grade 5 – Monica Duys Grade 6 – Luisa Pereira Pinto Grade 7 - Mary Sykes Grade 8 - Vanessa Teixeira Dos Santos Grade 9 - Mariela S Grade 10 – Babs Verhoeve Grade 11 - Ana Brown Grade 12 – Lidice Messina PTO positions still open. Be involved!: Vice President Events Coordinator - Dinner Dance is the main project Hospitality Chair - Co-chair with Schonell Ban Volunteer Coordinator See for job descriptions Friday Flash Page 14 November 21, 2014 Community News \ Toys for Tots is a program run by the United States Marine Corps Reserve which distributes toys to children, whose parents cannot afford to buy them gifts for Christmas. In the past years the Girl Scouts have held a collection box at Lincoln school and it’s been a huge success. This year the Girl Scouts want to help the US Marines Corps again and will be having a collection box at the entrance of the elementary school, from December 1st to 5th, from 3:30 pm to 4:00 pm. Help us to put a smile on children's faces this holiday season, by giving new unwrapped toys. FRIDAY FLASH GUIDELINES : Announcements should be… - Brief - About a school event the following week - Include Date, Time, Location - Include contact person (phone & email) DEADLINE - WEDNESDAY NOON ALL ANNOUNCEMENTS should be sent by e-mail to: [email protected] Thank you for your cooperation! Friday Flash Page 15 November 21, 2014
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