Åpent seminar med Amos Yong Som et ledd i Menighetsfakultetets fokus på pneumatologien som teologisk forskningsfelt, vil en av verdens ledende pentekostale teologer, professor Amos Yong fra Fuller Theological Seminary i Pasadena, USA, holde et halvdagsseminar på MF. Tid: onsdag 16. desember kl. 1215-1500, i Auditorium 4 på MF (1. etg.) Tema for hans to forelesninger (m/påfølgende samtale) er: The Holy Spirit: Pentecostal and Pneumatological Trajectories in the 21. Century Alle er hjertelig velkommen. Enkel servering. MATERIELL: Amos Yong is Professor of Theology and Mission and director of the Center for Missiological Research at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California. His graduate education includes degrees in theology, history, and religious studies from Western Evangelical Seminary (now George Fox Seminary) and Portland State University, Portland, Oregon, and Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, and an undergraduate degree from Bethany University of the Assemblies of God. He has authored or edited over three dozen volumes. He and his wife, Alma, have three children – Aizaiah (married to Neddy), who serves on the pastoral team at New Life Church (Renton Washington); Alyssa, a graduate of Vanguard University (Costa Mesa, California); and Annalisa, a junior at Point Loma University (San Diego, California). Amos and Alma reside in Pasadena, California. Aktuelle linker: http://fuller.edu/academics/faculty/faculty-profiles/yong,-amos/ http://fuller.edu/uploadedFiles/Siteroot/Academics/Faculty/Faculty_Profiles/Yong%E2%80%93AmosCV.pdf On readings, see these articles: 1. “Pentecostal and Charismatic Theology” in Chad Meister and James Beilby, eds., The Routledge Companion to Modern Christian Thought (New York and London: Routledge, 2013), 636-46. [Word version attached] 2. “Poured Out on All Flesh: The Spirit, World Pentecostalism, and the Performance of Renewal Theology,” PentecoStudies: An Interdisciplinary Journal for Research on the Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements 6:1 (2007): 16-46. Available at: http://www.glopent.net/pentecostudies/online-back-issues (scroll down a bit to find the link) For students who want autobiographical perspectives, can consult the following articles: “Between the Local and the Global: Autobiographical Reflections on the Emergence of the Global Theological Mind,” in Darren C. Marks, ed., Shaping a Global Theological Mind (Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, 2008), 187-94. “The Spirit, Vocation, and the Life of the Mind: A Pentecostal Testimony,” in Steven M. Fettke and Robby Waddell, eds., Pentecostals in the Academy: Testimonies of Call (Cleveland, Tenn.: CPT Press, 2012), 203-20.
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