Modern Optimization Techniques for Big Data Machine Learning Tong Zhang Rutgers University & Baidu Inc. T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 1 / 41 Outline Background: big data optimization in machine learning: special structure T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 2 / 41 Outline Background: big data optimization in machine learning: special structure Single machine optimization stochastic gradient (1st order) versus batch gradient: pros and cons algorithm 1: SVRG (Stochastic variance reduced gradient) algorithm 2: SDCA (Stochastic Dual Coordinate Ascent) algorithm 3: accelerated SDCA (with Nesterov acceleration) T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 2 / 41 Outline Background: big data optimization in machine learning: special structure Single machine optimization stochastic gradient (1st order) versus batch gradient: pros and cons algorithm 1: SVRG (Stochastic variance reduced gradient) algorithm 2: SDCA (Stochastic Dual Coordinate Ascent) algorithm 3: accelerated SDCA (with Nesterov acceleration) Distributed optimization algorithm 4: Minibatch SDCA algorithm 5: DANE (Distributed Approximate NEwton-type method) behaves like 2nd order stochastic sampling other methods T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 2 / 41 Mathematical Problem Big Data Optimization Problem in machine learning: n min f (w) w f (w) = 1X fi (w) n i=1 Special structure: sum over data: large n T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 3 / 41 Mathematical Problem Big Data Optimization Problem in machine learning: n min f (w) w f (w) = 1X fi (w) n i=1 Special structure: sum over data: large n Assumptions on loss function λ-strong convexity: λ f (w 0 ) ≥ f (w) + ∇f (w)> (w 0 − w) + kw 0 − wk22 2 | {z } quadratic lower bound L-smoothness: L fi (w 0 ) ≤ fi (w) + ∇fi (w)> (w 0 − w) + kw 0 − wk22 2 | {z } quadratic upper bound T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 3 / 41 Example: Computational Advertising Large scale regularized logistic regression min w 1 n n X ln(1 + e−w > xi yi ) + λ kwk2 2 2 {z } i=1 | fi (w) data (xi , yi ) with yi ∈ {±1} parameter vector w. λ strongly convex and L = 0.25 maxi kxi k22 + λ smooth. T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 4 / 41 Example: Computational Advertising Large scale regularized logistic regression min w 1 n n X ln(1 + e−w > xi yi ) + λ kwk2 2 2 {z } i=1 | fi (w) data (xi , yi ) with yi ∈ {±1} parameter vector w. λ strongly convex and L = 0.25 maxi kxi k22 + λ smooth. big data: n ∼ 10 − 100 billion high dimension: dim(xi ) ∼ 10 − 100 billion T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 4 / 41 Example: Computational Advertising Large scale regularized logistic regression min w 1 n n X ln(1 + e−w > xi yi ) + λ kwk2 2 2 {z } i=1 | fi (w) data (xi , yi ) with yi ∈ {±1} parameter vector w. λ strongly convex and L = 0.25 maxi kxi k22 + λ smooth. big data: n ∼ 10 − 100 billion high dimension: dim(xi ) ∼ 10 − 100 billion How to solve big optimization problems efficiently? T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 4 / 41 Optimization Problem: Communication Complexity From simple to complex Single machine single-core can employ sequential algorithms T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 5 / 41 Optimization Problem: Communication Complexity From simple to complex Single machine single-core can employ sequential algorithms Single machine multi-core relatively cheap communication T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 5 / 41 Optimization Problem: Communication Complexity From simple to complex Single machine single-core can employ sequential algorithms Single machine multi-core relatively cheap communication Multi-machine (synchronous) expensive communication T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 5 / 41 Optimization Problem: Communication Complexity From simple to complex Single machine single-core can employ sequential algorithms Single machine multi-core relatively cheap communication Multi-machine (synchronous) expensive communication Multi-machine (asynchronous) break synchronization to reduce communication T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 5 / 41 Optimization Problem: Communication Complexity From simple to complex Single machine single-core can employ sequential algorithms Single machine multi-core relatively cheap communication Multi-machine (synchronous) expensive communication Multi-machine (asynchronous) break synchronization to reduce communication We want to solve simple problem well first, then more complex ones. T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 5 / 41 Outline Background: big data optimization in machine learning: special structure Single machine optimization stochastic gradient (1st order) versus batch gradient: pros and cons algorithm 1: SVRG (Stochastic variance reduced gradient) algorithm 2: SDCA (Stochastic Dual Coordinate Ascent) algorithm 3: accelerated SDCA (with Nesterov acceleration) Distributed optimization algorithm 4: Minibatch SDCA algorithm 5: DANE (Distributed Approximate NEwton-type method) behaves like 2nd order stochastic sampling other methods T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 6 / 41 Batch Optimization Method: Gradient Descent Solve n w∗ = arg min f (w) w f (w) = 1X fi (w). n i=1 Gradient Descent (GD): wk = wk −1 − ηk ∇f (wk −1 ). How fast does this method converge to the optimal solution? T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 7 / 41 Batch Optimization Method: Gradient Descent Solve n w∗ = arg min f (w) w f (w) = 1X fi (w). n i=1 Gradient Descent (GD): wk = wk −1 − ηk ∇f (wk −1 ). How fast does this method converge to the optimal solution? Convergence rate depends on conditions of f (·). For λ-strongly convex and L-smooth problems, it is linear rate: f (wk ) − f (w∗ ) = O((1 − ρ)k ), where ρ = O(λ/L) is the inverse condition number T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 7 / 41 Stochastic Approximate Gradient Computation If n 1X fi (w), f (w) = n i=1 GD requires the computation of full gradient, which is extremely costly n 1X ∇f (w) = ∇fi (w) n i=1 T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 8 / 41 Stochastic Approximate Gradient Computation If n 1X fi (w), f (w) = n i=1 GD requires the computation of full gradient, which is extremely costly n 1X ∇f (w) = ∇fi (w) n i=1 Idea: stochastic optimization employs random sample (mini-batch) B to approximate ∇f (w) ≈ 1 X ∇fi (w) |B| i∈B It is an unbiased estimator more efficient computation but introduces variance T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 8 / 41 SGD versus GD SGD: faster computation per step Sublinear convergence: due to the variance of gradient ˜ approximation. f (wt ) − f (w∗ ) = O(1/t). GD: slower computation per step Linear convergence: f (wt ) − f (w∗ ) = O((1 − ρ)t ). T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 9 / 41 SGD versus GD SGD: faster computation per step Sublinear convergence: due to the variance of gradient ˜ approximation. f (wt ) − f (w∗ ) = O(1/t). GD: slower computation per step Linear convergence: f (wt ) − f (w∗ ) = O((1 − ρ)t ). Improve SGD via variance reduction: SGD: unbiased statistical estimator of gradient with large variance. Smaller variance implies faster convergence Idea: design other unbiased gradient estimators with small variance T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 9 / 41 Improving SGD using Variance Reduction The idea leads to modern stochastic algorithms for big data machine learning with fast convergence rate T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 10 / 41 Improving SGD using Variance Reduction The idea leads to modern stochastic algorithms for big data machine learning with fast convergence rate Collins et al (2008): For special problems, with a relatively complicated algorithm (Exponentiated Gradient on dual) Le Roux, Schmidt, Bach (NIPS 2012): A variant of SGD called SAG (stochastic average gradient) Johnson and Z (NIPS 2013): SVRG (Stochastic variance reduced gradient) Shalev-Schwartz and Z (JMLR 2013): SDCA (Stochastic Dual Coordinate Ascent) T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 10 / 41 Outline Background: big data optimization in machine learning: special structure Single machine optimization stochastic gradient (1st order) versus batch gradient: pros and cons algorithm 1: SVRG (Stochastic variance reduced gradient) algorithm 2: SDCA (Stochastic Dual Coordinate Ascent) algorithm 3: accelerated SDCA (with Nesterov acceleration) Distributed optimization algorithm 4: Minibatch SDCA algorithm 5: DANE (Distributed Approximate NEwton-type method) behaves like 2nd order stochastic sampling other methods T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 11 / 41 Stochastic Variance Reduced Gradient: Derivation Objective function f (w) = n n i=1 i=1 1X 1 X˜ fi (w) = fi (w), n n where ˜fi (w) = fi (w) − (∇fi (w) ˜ − ∇f (w)) ˜ >w . {z } | sum to zero ˜ to be an approximate solution (close to w∗ ). Pick w T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 12 / 41 Stochastic Variance Reduced Gradient: Derivation Objective function f (w) = n n i=1 i=1 1X 1 X˜ fi (w) = fi (w), n n where ˜fi (w) = fi (w) − (∇fi (w) ˜ − ∇f (w)) ˜ >w . {z } | sum to zero ˜ to be an approximate solution (close to w∗ ). Pick w SVRG rule: ˜ + ∇f (w)] ˜ . wt = wt−1 − ηt ∇˜fi (wt−1 ) = wt−1 − ηt [∇fi (wt−1 ) − ∇fi (w) | {z } small variance Compare to SGD rule: wt = wt−1 − ηt ∇fi (wt−1 ) | {z } large variance T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 12 / 41 SVRG Algorithm Procedure SVRG Parameters update frequency m and learning rate η ˜0 Initialize w Iterate: for s = 1, 2, . . . ˜ =w ˜ s−1 w 1 Pn ˜ µ ˜ = n i=1 ∇ψi (w) ˜ w0 = w Iterate: for t = 1, 2, . . . , m Randomly pick it ∈ {1, . . . , n} and update weight ˜ +µ wt = wt−1 − η(∇ψit (wt−1 ) − ∇ψit (w) ˜) end ˜ s = wm Set w end T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 13 / 41 SVRG v.s. Batch Gradient Descent: fast convergence Number of examples needed to achieve accuracy: ˜ · L/λ log(1/)) Batch GD: O(n ˜ SVRG: O((n + L/λ) log(1/)) Assume L-smooth loss fi and λ strongly convex objective function. SVRG has fast convergence — condition number effectively reduced The gain of SVRG over batch algorithm is significant when n is large. T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 14 / 41 Outline Background: big data optimization in machine learning: special structure Single machine optimization stochastic gradient (1st order) versus batch gradient: pros and cons algorithm 1: SVRG (Stochastic variance reduced gradient) algorithm 2: SDCA (Stochastic Dual Coordinate Ascent) algorithm 3: accelerated SDCA (with Nesterov acceleration) Distributed optimization algorithm 4: Minibatch SDCA algorithm 5: DANE (Distributed Approximate NEwton-type method) behaves like 2nd order stochastic sampling other methods T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 15 / 41 Motivation of SDCA: regularized loss minimization Assume we want to solve the Lasso problem: " n # 1X > 2 min (w xi − yi ) + λkwk1 w n i=1 T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 16 / 41 Motivation of SDCA: regularized loss minimization Assume we want to solve the Lasso problem: " n # 1X > 2 min (w xi − yi ) + λkwk1 w n i=1 or the ridge regression problem: n 1 X > λ 2 2 min (w xi − yi ) + kwk2 w n i=1 |2 {z } | {z } regularization loss Goal: solve regularized loss minimization problems as fast as we can. T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 16 / 41 Motivation of SDCA: regularized loss minimization Assume we want to solve the Lasso problem: " n # 1X > 2 min (w xi − yi ) + λkwk1 w n i=1 or the ridge regression problem: n 1 X > λ 2 2 min (w xi − yi ) + kwk2 w n i=1 |2 {z } | {z } regularization loss Goal: solve regularized loss minimization problems as fast as we can. solution: proximal Stochastic Dual Coordinate Ascent (Prox-SDCA). can show: fast convergence of SDCA. T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 16 / 41 General Problem Want to solve: # n 1X φi (Xi> w) + λg(w) , min P(w) := w n " i=1 where Xi are matrices; g(·) is strongly convex. Examples: Multi-class logistic loss φi (Xi> w) = ln K X exp(w > Xi,` ) − w > Xi,yi . `=1 L1 − L2 regularization g(w) = T. Zhang 1 σ kwk22 + kwk1 2 λ Big Data Optimization 17 / 41 Dual Formulation Primal: " # n 1X > min P(w) := φi (Xi w) + λg(w) , w n i=1 Dual: " n n 1 X Xi αi λn 1X −φ∗i (−αi ) − λg ∗ max D(α) := α n i=1 !# i=1 with the relationship w = ∇g ∗ n 1 X Xi αi λn ! . i=1 The convex conjugate (dual) is defined as φ∗i (a) = supz (az − φi (z)). SDCA: randomly pick i to optimize D(α) by varying αi while keeping other dual variables fixed. T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 18 / 41 Example: L1 − L2 Regularized Logistic Regression Primal: n P(w) = 1X λ > ln(1 + e−w Xi Yi ) + w > w + σkwk1 . {z } |2 | n {z } i=1 φi (w) λg(w) Dual: with αi Yi ∈ [0, 1] n D(α) = 1X λ −αi Yi ln(αi Yi ) − (1 − αi Yi ) ln(1 − αi Yi ) − ktrunc(v , σ/λ)k22 {z } 2 | n i=1 φ∗i (−αi ) n s.t. v = 1 X αi Xi ; λn w = trunc(v , σ/λ) i=1 where uj − δ trunc(u, δ)j = 0 uj + δ T. Zhang Big Data Optimization if uj > δ if |uj | ≤ δ if uj < −δ 19 / 41 Proximal-SDCA for L1 -L2 Regularization Algorithm: P Keep dual α and v = (λn)−1 i αi Xi Randomly pick i Find ∆i by approximately maximizing: −φ∗i (αi + ∆i ) − trunc(v , σ/λ)> Xi ∆i − 1 kXi k2 2 ∆2i , 2λn where φ∗i (αi + ∆) = (αi + ∆)Yi ln((αi + ∆)Yi ) + (1 − (αi + ∆)Yi ) ln(1 − (αi + ∆)Yi ) α = α + ∆ i · ei v = v + (λn)−1 ∆i · Xi . Let w = trunc(v , σ/λ). T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 20 / 41 Fast Convergence of SDCA The number of iterations needed to achieve accuracy For L-smooth loss: ˜ O n+ L λ log 1 For non-smooth but G-Lipschitz loss (bounded gradient): G2 ˜ O n+ λ T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 21 / 41 Fast Convergence of SDCA The number of iterations needed to achieve accuracy For L-smooth loss: ˜ O n+ L λ log 1 For non-smooth but G-Lipschitz loss (bounded gradient): G2 ˜ O n+ λ Similar to that of SVRG; and effective when n is large T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 21 / 41 Solving L1 with Smooth Loss Want to solve L1 regularization to accuracy with smooth φi : n 1X φi (w) + σkwk1 . n i=1 Apply Prox-SDCA with extra term 0.5λkwk22 , where λ = O(): ˜ + 1/). number of iterations needed by prox-SDCA is O(n T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 22 / 41 Solving L1 with Smooth Loss Want to solve L1 regularization to accuracy with smooth φi : n 1X φi (w) + σkwk1 . n i=1 Apply Prox-SDCA with extra term 0.5λkwk22 , where λ = O(): ˜ + 1/). number of iterations needed by prox-SDCA is O(n Compare to (number of examples needed to go through): 2 ). ˜ Dual Averaging SGD (Xiao): O(1/ √ ˜ FISTA (Nesterov’s batch accelerated proximal gradient): O(n/ ). Prox-SDCA wins in the statistically interesting regime: > Ω(1/n2 ) T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 22 / 41 Solving L1 with Smooth Loss Want to solve L1 regularization to accuracy with smooth φi : n 1X φi (w) + σkwk1 . n i=1 Apply Prox-SDCA with extra term 0.5λkwk22 , where λ = O(): ˜ + 1/). number of iterations needed by prox-SDCA is O(n Compare to (number of examples needed to go through): 2 ). ˜ Dual Averaging SGD (Xiao): O(1/ √ ˜ FISTA (Nesterov’s batch accelerated proximal gradient): O(n/ ). Prox-SDCA wins in the statistically interesting regime: > Ω(1/n2 ) Can design accelerated prox-SDCA always superior to FISTA T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 22 / 41 Outline Background: big data optimization in machine learning: special structure Single machine optimization stochastic gradient (1st order) versus batch gradient: pros and cons algorithm 1: SVRG (Stochastic variance reduced gradient) algorithm 2: SDCA (Stochastic Dual Coordinate Ascent) algorithm 3: accelerated SDCA (with Nesterov acceleration) Distributed optimization algorithm 4: Minibatch SDCA algorithm 5: DANE (Distributed Approximate NEwton-type method) behaves like 2nd order stochastic sampling other methods T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 23 / 41 Accelerated Prox-SDCA Solving: n P(w) := 1X φi (Xi> w) + λg(w) n i=1 Convergence rate of Prox-SDCA depends on O(1/λ) Inferior √ to acceleration when λ is very small O(1/n), which has O(1/ λ) dependency T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 24 / 41 Accelerated Prox-SDCA Solving: n P(w) := 1X φi (Xi> w) + λg(w) n i=1 Convergence rate of Prox-SDCA depends on O(1/λ) Inferior √ to acceleration when λ is very small O(1/n), which has O(1/ λ) dependency Inner-outer Iteration Accelerated Prox-SDCA Pick a suitable κ = Θ(1/n) and β For t = 2, 3 . . . (outer iter) ˜t (w) = λg(w) + 0.5κkw − y t−1 k22 (κ-strongly convex) Let g ˜ t (w) = P(w) − λg(w) + g ˜t (w) (redefine P(·) – κ strongly convex) Let P ˜ t (w) for (w (t) , α(t) ) with prox-SDCA (inner iter) Approximately solve P Let y (t) = w (t) + β(w (t) − w (t−1) ) (acceleration) T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 24 / 41 Performance Comparisons Problem SVM Algorithm SGD AGD (Nesterov) Acc-Prox-SDCA Lasso SGD and variants Stochastic Coordinate Descent FISTA Acc-Prox-SDCA SGD, SDCA Ridge Regression AGD Acc-Prox-SDCA T. Zhang Big Data Optimization Runtime 1 λ q 1 λ q n n + min{ λ1 , λ } d 2 n q n 1 q n + min{ 1 , n } nq + λ1 n λ1 q n + min{ λ1 , λn } n 25 / 41 Additional Related Work on Acceleration Methods achieving fast accelerated convergence comparable to Acc-Prox-SDCA Qihang Lin, Zhaosong Lu, Lin Xiao, An Accelerated Proximal Coordinate Gradient Method and its Application to Regularized Empirical Risk Minimization, 2014, arXiv Yuchen Zhang, Lin Xiao, Stochastic Primal-Dual Coordinate Method for Regularized Empirical Risk Minimization, 2014, arXiv T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 26 / 41 Distributed Computing: Distribution Schemes Distribute data (data parallelism) all machines have the same parameters each machine has a different set of data Distribute features (model parallelism) all machines have the same data each machine has a different set of parameters Distribute data and features (data & model parallelism) each machine has a different set of data each machine has a different set of parameters T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 27 / 41 Main Issues in Distributed Large Scale Learning System Design and Network Communication data parallelism: need to transfer a reasonable size chunk of data each time (mini batch) model parallelism: distributed parameter vector (parameter server) T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 28 / 41 Main Issues in Distributed Large Scale Learning System Design and Network Communication data parallelism: need to transfer a reasonable size chunk of data each time (mini batch) model parallelism: distributed parameter vector (parameter server) Model Update Strategy synchronous asynchronous T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 28 / 41 Outline Background: big data optimization in machine learning: special structure Single machine optimization stochastic gradient (1st order) versus batch gradient: pros and cons algorithm 1: SVRG (Stochastic variance reduced gradient) algorithm 2: SDCA (Stochastic Dual Coordinate Ascent) algorithm 3: accelerated SDCA (with Nesterov acceleration) Distributed optimization algorithm 4: Minibatch SDCA algorithm 5: DANE (Distributed Approximate NEwton-type method) behaves like 2nd order stochastic sampling other methods T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 29 / 41 MiniBatch Vanilla SDCA (or SGD) is difficult to parallelize Solution: use minibatch (thousands to hundreds of thousands) T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 30 / 41 MiniBatch Vanilla SDCA (or SGD) is difficult to parallelize Solution: use minibatch (thousands to hundreds of thousands) Problem: simple minibatch implementation slows down convergence limited gain for using parallel computing T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 30 / 41 MiniBatch Vanilla SDCA (or SGD) is difficult to parallelize Solution: use minibatch (thousands to hundreds of thousands) Problem: simple minibatch implementation slows down convergence limited gain for using parallel computing Solution: use Nesterov acceleration use second order information (e.g. approximate Newton steps) T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 30 / 41 MiniBatch SDCA with Acceleration Parameters scalars λ, γ and θ ∈ [0, 1] ; mini-batch size b (0) (0) Initialize α1 = · · · = αn = α ¯ (0) = 0, w (0) = 0 Iterate: for t = 1, 2, . . . u (t−1) = (1 − θ)w (t−1) + θα ¯ (t−1) Randomly pick subset I ⊂ {1, . . . , n} of size b and update (t) (t−1) αi = (1 − θ)αi − θ∇fi (u (t−1) )/(λn) for i ∈ I (t) (t−1) αj = αj for j ∈ /I P (t) (t−1) (t) (t−1) α ¯ =α ¯ + i∈I (αi − αi ) w (t) = (1 − θ)w (t−1) + θα ¯ (t) end Better than vanilla block SDCA, and allow large batch. T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 31 / 41 Example −1 10 Primal suboptimality m=52 m=523 m=5229 AGD SDCA −2 10 −3 10 6 10 7 10 8 10 #processed examples MiniBatch SDCA with acceleration can employ large minibatch size. T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 32 / 41 Outline Background: big data optimization in machine learning: special structure Single machine optimization stochastic gradient (1st order) versus batch gradient: pros and cons algorithm 1: SVRG (Stochastic variance reduced gradient) algorithm 2: SDCA (Stochastic Dual Coordinate Ascent) algorithm 3: accelerated SDCA (with Nesterov acceleration) Distributed optimization algorithm 4: Minibatch SDCA algorithm 5: DANE (Distributed Approximate NEwton-type method) behaves like 2nd order stochastic sampling other methods T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 33 / 41 Communication Efficient Distributed Computing Assume: data distributed over machines m processors each has n/m examples Simple Computational Strategy — One Shot Averaging (OSA) run optimization on m machines separately obtaining parameters w (1) , . . . , w (m) average the parameters: l ¯ = m−1 w T. Zhang Pm i=1 w (i) Big Data Optimization 34 / 41 Improvement OSA Strategy’s advantage: machines run independently simple and computationally efficient; asymptotically good in theory Disadvantage: practically inferior to training all examples on a single machine T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 35 / 41 Improvement OSA Strategy’s advantage: machines run independently simple and computationally efficient; asymptotically good in theory Disadvantage: practically inferior to training all examples on a single machine Traditional solution in optimization: ADMM New Idea: via 2nd order gradient sampling Distributed Approximate NEwton (DANE) T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 35 / 41 Distribution Scheme Assume: data distributed over machines with decomposed problem f (w) = m X f (`) (w). `=1 m processors each f (`) (w) has n/m randomly partitioned examples each machine holds a complete set of parameters T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 36 / 41 DANE ˜ using OSA Starting with w Iterate ˜ and define Take w ˜f (`) (w) = f (`) (w) − (∇f (`) (w) ˜ − ∇f (w)) ˜ >w on each machine solves w (`) = arg min ˜f (`) (w) w independently. ˜ Take partial average as the next w T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 37 / 41 DANE ˜ using OSA Starting with w Iterate ˜ and define Take w ˜f (`) (w) = f (`) (w) − (∇f (`) (w) ˜ − ∇f (w)) ˜ >w on each machine solves w (`) = arg min ˜f (`) (w) w independently. ˜ Take partial average as the next w Lead to fast convergence: O((1 − ρ)` ) with ρ ≈ 1 T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 37 / 41 Reason: Approximate Newton Step On each machine, we solve: min ˜f (`) (w). w It can be regarded as approximate minimization of 1 ˜ ˜ > ∇2 f (`) (w)(w ˜ ˜ ˜ > (w − w) ˜ + (w − w) − w) min f (w) + ∇f (w) . w {z } 2 | ˜ 2nd order gradient sampling from ∇2 f (w) Approximate Newton Step with sampled approximation of Hessian T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 38 / 41 Comparisons COV1 MNIST−47 ASTRO 0.231 DANE ADMM OSA Opt 0.06 0.07 0.05 0.23 0.06 0.229 0.05 0.04 0.03 0 T. Zhang 5 t 10 0.04 0 5 t Big Data Optimization 10 0 5 t 10 39 / 41 Summary Optimization in machine learning: sum over data structure Traditional methods: gradient based batch algorithms do not take advantage of special structure Recent progress: stochastic optimization with fast rate take advantage of special structure: suitable for single machine T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 40 / 41 Summary Optimization in machine learning: sum over data structure Traditional methods: gradient based batch algorithms do not take advantage of special structure Recent progress: stochastic optimization with fast rate take advantage of special structure: suitable for single machine Distributed computing (data parallelism and synchronous update) minibatch SDCA DANE (batch algorithm on each machine + synchronization) T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 40 / 41 Summary Optimization in machine learning: sum over data structure Traditional methods: gradient based batch algorithms do not take advantage of special structure Recent progress: stochastic optimization with fast rate take advantage of special structure: suitable for single machine Distributed computing (data parallelism and synchronous update) minibatch SDCA DANE (batch algorithm on each machine + synchronization) Other approaches algorithmic side: ADMM, Asynchronous updates (Hogwild), etc system side: distributed vector computing (parameter servers) – Baidu has industrial leading solution T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 40 / 41 Summary Optimization in machine learning: sum over data structure Traditional methods: gradient based batch algorithms do not take advantage of special structure Recent progress: stochastic optimization with fast rate take advantage of special structure: suitable for single machine Distributed computing (data parallelism and synchronous update) minibatch SDCA DANE (batch algorithm on each machine + synchronization) Other approaches algorithmic side: ADMM, Asynchronous updates (Hogwild), etc system side: distributed vector computing (parameter servers) – Baidu has industrial leading solution Fast developing field; many exciting new ideas T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 40 / 41 References Rie Johnson and TZ. Accelerating Stochastic Gradient Descent using Predictive Variance Reduction, NIPS 2013. Lin Xiao and TZ. A Proximal Stochastic Gradient Method with Progressive Variance Reduction, SIAM J. Opt, to appear. Shai Shalev-Shwartz and TZ. Stochastic Dual Coordinate Ascent Methods for Regularized Loss Minimization, JMLR 14:567-599, 2013. Shai Shalev-Shwartz and TZ. Accelerated Proximal Stochastic Dual Coordinate Ascent for Regularized Loss Minimization, Math Programming, to appear. Shai Shalev-Schwartz and TZ. Accelerated Mini-Batch Stochastic Dual Coordinate Ascent, NIPS 2013. Ohad Shamir and Nathan Srebro and TZ. Communication-Efficient Distributed Optimization using an Approximate Newton-type Method, ICML 2014. T. Zhang Big Data Optimization 41 / 41
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