Quantitative Mutational Assessment of Circulating Tumor DNA Using Massively Parallel Deep Sequencing in Plasma and Urine from Advanced Colorectal Cancer Patients 3 0 20 Theoretical 20 0 17 3 18 2 14 6 6 14 2 18 1 SAMPLE QUALITY o Total of 190 plasma and urine samples archived for 3-5 years were tested. o 101 of 101 plasma samples (100%) and 79 of 92 urine samples (86%) had sufficient DNA concentration and were deemed evaluable. The degree of DNA degradation in these archival urine samples is significantly elevated compared to typical clinical samples. 19 Actual (G12A) • Poisson distribution model: The theoretical model shows the number of positive and negative samples that would be present in a perfect Poisson distribution of our test using 20 replicates at each spike-in level. The actual positive/negative hit distribution follows the theoretical model for a Poisson distribution very closely, demonstrating the single copy sensitivity of the assay. Monitoring during treatment (total n=193 plasma and urine samples) 25 Plasma 20 15 Palliative RT 10 Death 0 6/21/2010 5/2/2010 3/13/2010 1/22/2010 12/3/2009 10/14/2009 8/25/2009 5 Fold Change KRAS Copies/100K GE (PLASMA) Urine Collection Date Analytical Specificity 100% 1 2.0 1.5 2 Day 1 post 1.0 1 0.5 0 0.0 Collection Date 11/3/2009 Analytical Sensitivity Single copy detection LOD = 0.0067% mutant DNA in a background of wildtype DNA 2.5 3 10/29/2009 2 – 480 ng, recommended input 60 ng Accurate quantitation of mutant alleles with any DNA input 3.0 Day 5 post 10/24/2009 Input DNA During 10/19/2009 Urine (proprietary collection kit and DNA isolation technology) Plasma (BD Vacutainer EDTA, Streck Cell-Free DNA BCT tube) 4 10/14/2009 Tissue Source 5 10/9/2009 Performance Week of Surgery Day 1 post Day 5 post 10/4/2009 Performance Characteristics Patient 4 (KRASG12D) Fold Change KRAS Copies/100K GE (PLASMA) • Boxplots show 25 and 75% quartiles and bars indicate 1.5x of the interquartile ranges. * Assay characteristics were developed on a separate dataset using DNA blends from cell lines Fold Change KRAS Copies/100K GE (PLASMA) 1/22/2010 12/3/2009 10/14/2009 Patient 12 KRASG13D 2.0 Urine Fold Change KRAS Copies/100K GE (PLASMA) 1.2 Plasma 1.0 1.5 0.8 1.0 0.6 Week of Surgery Last Sample 6/21/2011 0.5 0.0 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0.4 0.2 0.0 Collection Date Patient 3 KRASG12V 7/6/2009 • Standard curves were developed for each mutation using 288 independent enrichments reactions/curve with different amounts of spiked DNA input from 0-500 copies. Examples of master standard curves for G12V/A/R/S are shown below. 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 8/25/2009 7/6/2009 Collection Date Representative cases of 20 patients shown Standard Curves for Quantitation* 5/2/2010 17 0 Fold Change KRAS Copies/100K GE (PLASMA) 13 2/26/2011 7 10/18/2011 8 11/18/2010 12 4/14/2011 4 0 8/10/2010 16 1 6/27/2010 2 Death 4/30/2011 4/8/2010 18 Palliative CHT 10/30/2009 0 2 1/22/2010 20 URINE o KRAS mutation concordant with tissue detected in 11 of 12 evaluable baseline urine samples (92%). Plasma 3 8/4/2009 WT M Urine 10/14/2009 60/20 Patient 10 KRASG13D 7/6/2009 40/20 5/17/2009 o We developed a highly sensitive mutation enrichment assay for the detection of KRAS codon 12/13 mutations in highly fragmented urinary and plasma ctDNA. o To achieve greater sensitivity in fragmented cfDNA, the assay utilizes a 31bp footprint and contains a selective enrichment step for mutated DNA fragments while suppressing wild-type (WT) sequence amplification with a blocker. o Barcoded adaptor primers are added for compatibility with massively parallel deep sequencing. o Following sequencing , our proprietary analysis algorithm allows accurate quantitation of input level of mutant DNA. 20/20 9/29/2009 COPYRIGHT © 2013, TROVAGENE, Inc. Assay Design 10/20 3/28/2009 o 5/20 9/24/2009 o 2.5/20 Fold Change KRAS Copies/100K GE (URINE) o Samples were collected from 20 patients with Stage IV colorectal cancer and KRAS positive primary tumor. All patients were undergoing surgical treatment in combination with various systemic medical therapies including neoadjuvant radio/chemotherapy, adjuvant targeted therapy and adjuvant chemotherapy. Archived, matched longitudinal plasma and urine samples were collected and evaluated prior to surgery (baseline) as well as time intervals throughout the course of the disease. In a blinded retrospective study, concordance between archived tissue/plasma/urine samples was studied for baseline and urine and plasma KRAS was monitored longitudinally. 0/20 4 Week of Surgery 7/20/2009 PLASMA o KRAS mutation concordant with tumor tissue detected in 19 of 20 evaluable baseline plasma samples (95%). In one patient, a KRAS mutation was detected consistently across all serial plasma and urine samples but not in tissue biopsy. Fold change KRAS copies/100K GE (URINE) o Spiked DNA (mutant copies /total # reactions) 50 Collection Date WT DNA (ng) Clinical study Death 12/14/2009 92% Serial monitoring during and post surgery (n=193 plasma and urine samples) Single Copy Detection* 100 7/20/2009 • 7 mutant DNA copies reliably detected in: 60ng WT DNA ~17,400 genomic copies (LOD = 0.04%) 360ng WT DNA ~104,400 genomic copies (LOD = 0.0067%) 100% 150 3/28/2009 95% Urine vs. Tissue Biopsy Concordant KRAS mutation at baseline 11/12 evaluable Surgery 7/21/2009 Urine vs. Plasma Concordant KRAS mutation at baseline 11/11 evaluable 200 12/18/2008 Plasma vs. Tissue Biopsy Concordant KRAS mutation at baseline 19/20 evaluable Neo-CHT 250 Plasma 5/17/2009 Urine (20 Patients) Plasma (20 Patients) Urine 3/28/2009 Limit of Detection* = 0.0067% 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Patient 9 KRASG12A 2/6/2009 o Technologies enabling the assessment of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) in urine and plasma expand the clinical utility to detect and monitor cancer patient oncogenic mutations by minimally invasive and non-invasive liquid biopsy methods. Mutational tumor load quantification with high clinical sensitivity is vital for robust individualized assessment of systemic therapeutic responsiveness and resistance. Concordance Study Fold Change KRAS Copies/100K GE (URINE) o Assay Performance Fold Change KRAS Copies/100K GE (URINE) Background Fold Change KRAS Copies/100K GE (URINE) Poster #: P143 Jason C. Poole1, Cecile Rose T. Vibat1, Lucie Benesova2, Barbora Belsanova2, Saege Hancock1, Errin Samuelsz1, Timothy T. Lu1, Vlada Melnikova1, Mark G. Erlander1, Marek Minarik2 1Trovagene Inc. San Diego, USA, 2Center for Applied Genomics of Solid Tumors, Genomac Research Institute, Prague, Czech Republic Conclusions o A quantitative ctDNA assay using a massively parallel deep sequencing approach was developed to determine patient ctDNA status of KRAS (Exon 2) mutations in plasma and urinary ctDNA. o We achieved an analytical sensitivity of 0.0067% in a background of WT DNA. o In a blinded study of colorectal cancer patients with known KRAS mutational status in tumor tissue, a correct KRAS mutation was identified in 95% of archival plasma and 92% of archival urine specimens. o Clear correlation and compatible fold change was observed between plasma and urinary ctDNA KRAS levels in course of surgery and adjuvant therapy (chemo or targeted). o Analysis of association between the dynamics of ctDNA KRAS load and changes in clinical status is ongoing. o The first clinical correlation between urinary and plasma ctDNA. For more information, please contact Mark Erlander, PhD 11055 Flintkote Ave. San Diego, CA 92121 [email protected] Partially supported by the Czech Ministry of Health grant no. NT 13660
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