2 Announcement CSSC-8 Ulrich Gösele

Ulrich Gösele
Young Scientist Award
Invited Talks &
Abstract Deadline
On behalf of the Ulrich Gösele
Young Scientist Award Committee, we invite scientists
whose 38th birthdays have not
passed by the beginning of
the workshop to apply for this
International PV roadmap, market, and policy
W. Hoffmann, ASE
Material requirements for future silicon solar cells
S. Glunz, Fraunhofer ISE
IBC and HIT high efficiency solar cells at TrinaSolar
Z. Feng,Trina Solar
Status and perspective of UMG silicon
M. Heuer, Silicor Materials
High performance multi wafer technologies
C.W. Lan, NTU Taiwan
Mono-like approach from R&D to industry
A. Jouini, CEA-INES
Wafer production at SolarWorld
T. Richter, SolarWorld Innovations GmbH
Continous Czochrachlski for PV application
N. N.
Diamond wire cutting for silicon wafers
Ø. Nielsen, NorSun Corporation
Atomistic silicon crystal defect simulation
T. Sinno, University of Pennsylvania
Data aquisition and evaluation in wafer production
B. Aengenvoort, Hennecke Systems GmbH
Their technical work should
have contributed to significant
innovations in crystalline silicon photovoltaic technology.
The award was initiated in
2011 in honor of the excellent
and famous scientist Prof. Ulrich Gösele.
Nathan Stoddard, 2011
Christian Reimann, 2012
Martin Schubert, 2013
Please send a meaningful application, including CV, publication list, and a letter of recommendation to:
[email protected].
The Ulrich Gösele Awardee 2015 shall give a presentation during the workshop. She / he will be announced
during the dinner and will be supported by the workshop
chairs with €500.
2nd Announcement
8 th International Workshop on
Crystalline Silicon for Solar Cells
© BAMBERG Tourismus & Kongress Service
We are looking forward to your application!
Please send your abstracts to:
[email protected]
Deadline: February 28, 2015
Deadline for abstract submission: January 31, 2015
May 5 - 8, 2015
Bamberg, Germany
Crystalline Silicon for Photovoltaics
meets World Cultural Heritage
The 8th International Workshop
on Crystalline Silicon for Solar
Cells (CSSC-8) will take place
under the patronage of the German Association of Crystal
Growth (DGKK) in the world cultural heritage Bamberg,
Germany from May 5 - 8, 2015.
CSSC-8 will give an overview about recent developments
in the field of crystalline silicon technologies from fundamentals to industrial production.
CSSC-8 will continue the tradition of the seven previous
workshops to bring together scientists, researchers, industrial engineers, and crystal growers working in the
field of crystalline silicon technologies for solar cells.
This workshop has been previously held in Japan (2006
and 2013), China (2007), Norway (2009), Taiwan (2010),
USA (2011), and France (2012). For the first time, worldwide experts on crystalline silicon and related science
and technology will meet in Germany.
The workshop is going to provide an excellent opportunity
to exchange ideas and discuss results and developments
in the areas of:
• Silicon feedstock material
• Growth of silicon single crystals, ingots, ribbons, and films
• Wafering technologies
• Kerf-less wafer technologies
• Material characterization
• In-situ process control
• Process and equipment modeling
Accomodation &
The workshop is being held in the world cultural heritage city Bamberg in Bavaria in Germany. The Congress
Hall is located nearby the beautiful historic city center of
Bamberg and the river Regnitz.
The program will include invited and contributed oral and
poster presentations, an industrial exhibition, and an open
forum discussion allowing for a fruitful exchange between
industrial and scientific participants.
More details at: www.cssc-workshop.com
The Chairs of CSSC-8 cordially invite and encourage you
to join this key event of intensive scientific exchange and
will welcome any application for participation.
Sincerely yours, the Chairs of the CSSC-8:
Christian Reimann
Local organizer
Fraunhofer IISB, Erlangen
Stephan Riepe
Scientific program
Fraunhofer ISE, Freiburg
Wolfram Miller
Leibniz Institute for Crystal Growth, Berlin
Contact: [email protected]
© Bamberg Congress + Event GmbH
Conference fee (including conference program, coffee
breakes, lunch, welcome reception, conference dinner,
Bamberg city tour):
• Early bird rate
530 €
• Registration after February 28 2015
600 €
Please sign up using the registration form at:
A limited contingent of hotel rooms at special rates will
be pre-reserved for the workshop participants.
For information concerning sponsoring possibilities and
booking of exhibition area please contact:
[email protected]