2014 December EOC Training For Campus Testing Coordinators Disclaimer This training presentation does not take the place of reading the appropriate manuals Information about the Texas student assessment program is available on TEA’s Student Assessment Division website at http://www.tea.state.tx.us/student.assessment TestHound™, a trademark of Education Advanced makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the materials contained herein. TestHound™ make no warranties — either express or implied regarding the contents of this presentation. STAAR (EOC) Testing Calendar December 1, 2014 – ENG I December 3, 2014 – ENG II December 1st – 5th, 2014 – Algebra I, Biology, US History 3 Test Security And Proper testing procedures Test Security Test Security is accounting for all secure materials and confidential examinee information before, during and after testing Store secure materials in locked storage Maintain inventory and shipping records for five years Storing student authorization forms in a secure location prior to testing Destroying all student authorizations, charts, scratch/graph paper used during testing Keeping materials secure at all times until they are returned to the testing contractor For more information on test security, refer to the Test Security Supplement http://www.tea.state.tx.us/student.assessment/security/ Confidentiality Requirements Maintaining confidentiality involves protecting all contents of state assessments and secure test materials All testing personnel must be trained and sign an oath For online testing, all testing personnel must accept a statement of confidentiality when accessing the Assessment Management System All tests must be administered according to the manual No person may view, reveal or discuss test content No person may duplicate, print, record or capture test content No person other than the examinees may work problems or respond to test items Oral test administrators must sign an additional portion of the security oath STAAR Time Limits Time starts when test directions are completed Four hours (or 5 hrs. for ENG I & ENG II) must be allowed for test sessions. ALL responses must be filled in on the answer document by the end of the allowed time period. Students who have not completed their tests within the allowed time period MUST submit what they have completed. An uncompleted student answer document becomes a Test Administrator Irregularity for not actively monitoring. STOP the clock AND document on the seating chart: Medical breaks required by a student Emergencies which affect students’ ability to continue testing Lunch Relocating from one testing location to another Do NOT stop the clock for: Restroom breaks Snack breaks Stretch or mental breaks or sleeping Penalties for Prohibited Conduct Reprimand Placement of restrictions on a Texas educator certificate Suspension Revocation of a Texas educator certificate or cancellation of a Texas educator certificate Non-Certified Personnel Non-certified personnel must be under the supervision of certified personnel in order to administer a state assessment Non-certified personnel must be trained and sign an oath Testing Irregularities Serious Irregularities can include: Cheating Tampering with examinee responses Viewing secure test material Discussing secure test content Scoring tests Duplicating, recording or electronically capturing tests Procedural Irregularities can include: Leaving a test session unattended Leaving secure online tests open and visible Failure to remove or cover all instructional displays Failure to provide examinee with the correct student authorization Reporting Irregularities Serious Irregularities Contact TEA immediately Complete online incident report form Collect signed and dated statements from individuals involved Procedural Irregularities Complete online incident report form within 10 working days Individual statements are not required Test Directions & Testing Responsibilities Test Directions Guide to the Test Administration Directions – pp.41-43 ALG I, BIO, US HIST – p 65 Must ENG I & ENG II – p 45 Must provide dictionaries STAAR-L ALG, BIO & US HIST – p 85 Must provide calculators for ALG I & BIO provide calculators for STAAR L ALG I & BIO Oral Administration Appendix – p 101 13 Training Checklist for Campus Testing Coordinators Schedule Training Distribute Manuals Prepare and Conduct Training For online testing, study the Assessment Management System User’s Guide http://www.texasassessment.com/guide Schedule test sessions according to the calendar of events for both paper and online EOC Prepare rosters for testing and ensure that students are appropriately placed Prepare for testing with accommodations Prepare ELLS for testing with linguistic accommodations Ensure that the testing environment is prepared before testing For online testing, ensure that campuses have set-up sessions and generated the student and proctor authorizations Ensure seating charts are ready for each test session Ensure campuses adhere to time limit requirements for testing Ensure that campuses receive, prepare, distribute, inventory and return all secure materials Test Administrator Responsibilities Maintaining security of test materials Post a testing do not disturb sign Remove instructional displays The use of cell phones and electronic devices are prohibited Must complete seating charts Monitoring actively at all times Reporting any suspected violation of test security to the campus coordinator One test administrator for every 30 students Actively monitor test sessions Ensure that examinees are working actively on the test Ensure that examinees are seated and do not talk Remind students to record their answers on the answer document for paper administrations Alert students periodically of the time remaining Examinees who finish early may read a book or leave the testing room Must hold a valid Texas educator certificate/permit OR be under the supervision of a professional who does Prepare for and Monitor Online Testing Set-up and manage test sessions Instructions can be found in the Assessment Management System User’s Guide http://www.texasassessment.com/guide Update student demographic information in the Assessment Management System Create role-specific accounts for campus personnel and technology staff Print student authorizations Print proctor authorizations for oral administrations MUST Provide pencils (all tests), scratch paper (all tests) and graph paper (math test) Graph paper may be printed from http://www.texasassessment.com/downloads Each examinee MUST be provided a graphing calculator on the Algebra I EOC (memory cleared) Examinees MUST be provided four-function, scientific, or graphing calculators for the Biology EOC (ratio 1 calculator to 5 students) Examinees MUST be provided dictionaries (thesauruses – district option) for the English I and English II EOCs. Start test session, help examinees log into test, monitor test session Resume examinee’s tests following a lunch break or restroom break Headphones are required for STAAR L test sessions Allowable Procedures & Testing Accommodations Allowable Procedures The following procedures are allowable for all students. NO documentation is recorded on the answer document. Signing or translating test administration directions Reading test out loud to self Reading aloud or signing the personal narrative, expository, literary, or persuasive writing prompt to any student who requests this assistance. Scratch paper Minimizing distractions Colored overlays Magnifying devices Blank place markers Highlighters, colored pencils, or crayons Allowing individual and small-group administrations Reminding students to stay on task Testing Accommodations For more information on accommodations for students please visit: http://tea.texas.gov/Student_Testing_and_Accountability/Testing/Student_ Assessment_Overview/Accommodation_Resources/2015_Accommodations_fo r_Students_with_Disabilities_Taking_State_Assessments/ Oral Administration Appendix B: page 101 TA’s administering an OA will receive additional training. Be familiar with all content-specific terms and symbols contained in the test Campus Testing Coordinator will tell each TA the level of support each student should receive, and IF the student can request a change in the level of support during testing. Entire Test (Test Administrator reads all Q & A) Student Request (Test Administrator reads Q & A at student request) Oral Administration continued Appendix B: page 101 TA’s may read aloud words, phrases, or sentences in the test questions and answer choices as many times as needed. Reading Passages may NEVER be read & ONLY the writing prompt may be read on the writing section, NEVER the revising and editing questions and answers. Required reference materials may be read aloud to a student for all tests (as applicable) TA’s can NOT rephrase, clarify, or interpret any test content TA’s must keep voice inflection neutral, although words that are boldfaced, italicized, or PRINTED IN CAPITAL LETTERS must be emphasized TA’s sign the final signature on their oath following completion of an oral Administration or transcription ELL Accommodations For all tests, ELLs may be helped to understand the “SAY” directions that introduce test sections or item formats. The TA is allowed to: Paraphrase, translate, repeat, read directions aloud The “SAY” directions assume students have been told in advance 1) that they can receive this help, and 2) what linguistic accommodations they can receive Linguistic Accommodation Summary - EOC Subject/Course Area STAAR STAAR-L STAAR Modified Mathematics, Science, Social Studies BD XT BD XT CE RA BD XT CE RA BG OT Reading, Writing XT CP CS n/a (no STAAR L) XT CE RA OT *STAAR-L is only available ONLINE, no paper versions. BD BG CE CP CS OT RA XT Bilingual Dictionary Bilingual Glossary Clarification in Eng – Eligible Words Clarification in Eng – Eligible Words in Writing Prompts Clarification in Eng – Eligible Words in Short-Answer Reading Qs Oral Translation Reading Aloud of Eligible Text Extra Time (same day) 23 This Presentation was brought to you by: Your Total Test Management Solution www.TestHound.com
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