Basic and long-term research within Engineering Science in Norway

Basic and long-term research within
Engineering Science in Norway
Report from the principal evaluation committee
Division for Science
Basic and long-term research within
Engineering Science in Norway
Report from the principal evaluation committee
Division for Science
© The Research Council of Norway 2015
The Research Council of Norway
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Coverdesign: Design et cetera AS
Photos: Shutterstock/Colourbox
Oslo, April 2015
ISBN 978-82-12-03416-7 (pdf)
Statement from the principal committee .................................................................................... 3
Executive Summary ............................................................................................................ 4
Introduction ................................................................................................................. 4
General Performance ................................................................................................... 4
Specific Observations .................................................................................................. 4
Summary...................................................................................................................... 5
Research areas – major general findings ............................................................................ 6
Introduction and framework of assessment ................................................................. 6
Research groups........................................................................................................... 7
Quality and relevance of research conducted at unit level .......................................... 7
Analysis with respect to research fields ...................................................................... 9
General findings from the panel reports ........................................................................... 10
Statistical background information............................................................................ 10
Funding of research ................................................................................................... 10
International cooperation........................................................................................... 11
Publications and visibility of Norwegian research .................................................... 11
Strategic planning and leadership.............................................................................. 11
Role of research for Norwegian Industry and Society .............................................. 12
Recruitment of academic staff................................................................................... 12
Follow-up of former evaluation ........................................................................................ 13
Recommendations............................................................................................................. 14
General recommendations to policy makers / RCN .................................................. 14
General recommendations to groups / institutions .................................................... 15
General recommendations for future evaluations...................................................... 16
Mandate for the review ..................................................................................................... 17
Terms of reference..................................................................................................... 17
Assessment Criteria ................................................................................................... 21
Research groups included in the evaluation...................................................................... 24
Members of the principal evaluation committee .............................................................. 27
1. Executive Summary
1.1. Introduction
This international evaluation assessed the quality and the relevance of engineering science in
Norway in 64 research units from universities, university colleges and relevant research
institutes. The evaluation is a follow-up of a previous evaluation ten years earlier.
According to the terms of reference the framework of the evaluation is the comparison of the
performance against an international standard. The benchmark used in this evaluation is the
performance that is to be expected from a university type research institution active in the
specific field with about 40% of the staff resources devoted towards research.
Engineering research has been found to have a favourable situation with respect to funding
and industry participation. On the other hand, there is a low level of patenting observed, and a
modest level of business innovation between Norwegian engineering science and small and
medium-sized enterprises, which limits opportunities.
1.2. General Performance
Overall, the research performed in the evaluated units gives a good impression. On a general
basis engineering science in Norway is slightly above average for scientific quality and
clearly above average with respect to impact and relevance of its research. This gives an
indication of the more applied nature of the research conducted. On the other hand there is
statistical evidence of a certain weakness in the area of fundamental research as there is a lack
of groups conducting excellent research with little (current) practical use.
The performance of the whole sector is more homogenous than scattered. While this makes
for rare instances of underperforming units, it also indicates that only few of the research
groups are operating at a world leading position in their field. For both – excellent groups and
underperforming ones – there is no obvious systematic reason for the performance, but the
differences seems to be rather due to leadership, opportunity and boundary condition (in both
At the higher level there are two fields (marine technology and climate / fossil fuel research)
that clearly outperform. The excellence in these areas corresponds with key technologies in
Norway, which indicates a good linkage between research and industry.
1.3. Specific Observations
With respect to the international cooperation, the situation in engineering sciences in Norway
has room for improvement. The mobility of researchers is not sufficient at an international
standard and this leads to a limited participation in EU projects. What is especially notable is
the low participation in international academic services (e.g. editorial boards of top ranked
journals in the field).
It is recognised that the engineering science field has made considerable efforts to increase its
visibility and publication output over the last decade. However, Norwegian Engineering
research is still not sufficiently visible in journals with high impact factors and this must be
As an overall impression, the committee has found universities and university colleges had a
relaxed attitude at the department level towards leadership and long-term planning. This leads
to ambiguous structures and procedures with regard to the management of resources and the
mode of collaboration with partners. Research is performed more on the basis of opportunities
and personal expertise/interest rather than a convincing strategy. This leads to scattered and
widespread research, in parts repetitive more than complementary which also questions
whether the research efforts should be carried out equally at all levels, i.e. at all new
universities and university colleges.
Research in the engineering field is of paramount importance for Norwegian industry and
society. The national cooperation between research and (established) industry is excellent and
supports the Norwegian commitment towards a technology driven society. On the other hand,
there is little visible environment for technology innovation such as guided support for spinoff companies, clear rules regarding commercialisation of intellectual property, the rights for
university staff and incentives for inventors and risk based financing.
Recruitment of academic staff has already previously been identified as one of the key
bottlenecks in the advance of engineering sciences in Norway and the picture has not
1.4. Summary
Overall, the sector performs at a quite good level in an international context, but could do
even better given the advantageous conditions in terms of funding, resources and industrial
2. Research areas – major general findings
2.1. Introduction and framework of assessment
The Ministry of Education and Research of Norway has assigned the task of performing
subject-specific evaluations to the Research Council of Norway (RCN). The Division of
Science decided to evaluate basic research within engineering science in universities,
university colleges and relevant research institutes during 2014. This is to follow a previous
evaluation in engineering science that was carried out in 2004. The general objective of this
evaluation is to review the overall state of basic and long term research in engineering science
in Norway, in order to set future priorities, including funding priorities, within and between
individual fields of research.
Since the evaluation comprises a number of institutions that are quite different in setup, scope
and organisation, the panel had to define a standard for evaluation. According to the terms of
reference the framework of the evaluation is the comparison of the performance against an
international standard. The benchmark used in this evaluation is defined as a university type
research institution with about 40% of the staff resources devoted towards research. The
ranking 3 for scientific quality and productivity and C for relevance and impact defines the
performance that is to be expected from a university institution active in this specific field, in
an international comparison.
Taking the grades 3 and C as a benchmark for performance makes clear that such ranking is
by no means negative, but instead the international standard. Only few institutions are able to
outperform this standard on all levels and the top level ranking 5 and A is indicating a world
leading position. The comparison of this assessment e.g. with earlier evaluations must take
into account this framework.
It is also clear, that research institutions that are devoting less staff resources to publication of
results like e.g. SINTEF and MARINTEK will not fare equal in such framework as a
university institute. It must be expected that the scientific productivity is less, but quite often
the relevance and impact might compensate for that. Likewise university colleges that put
emphasis on teaching instead of research will hardly be able to have a scientific output as
compared to the benchmark. Again this is not an indication of inferiority but reflects the
overall strategy of the institution.
Defining one benchmark, common for all evaluated institutions was a deliberate decision to
allow for comparison. To make compensations for the different types of institutions would
have opened up for ambiguity in the evaluation results.
Another aspect that has to be mentioned as terms of reference is that the evaluation was based
on the documented performance within a given period. Visible improvements (or also
shortcomings) that are clearly taking effect within the years to come are not taken into
account in the ranking but are indicated either in the text or in the recommendations.
2.2. Research groups
Figure 1 gives a general overview on the affiliation of the 64 research groups covered in this
evaluation. It is quite obvious that NTNU is dominant with respect to groups participating – in
total 30 (47%). The equivalent in terms of research institutions is SINTEF (including
MARINTEK) where 15 research groups have been assessed (23%). Together NTNU and
SINTEF make for more than 2/3rd of the field of engineering science (based on the count of
research groups). Since both institutions are predominately located in Trondheim the
importance of that location for Norwegian engineering research is obvious.
Figure 1: Number of research groups involved in the evaluation and their affiliation to institutions - in total 64
2.3. Quality and relevance of research conducted at unit level
Figure 2 summarizes the findings from the 3 panels in terms of quantified performance from
each of the research groups assessed. On a general basis engineering science in Norway is
slightly above average for scientific quality and clearly above average with respect to impact
and relevance of its research. This gives an indication of the more applied nature of the
research conducted. This impression gets reinforced when crosschecking for “blue sky” and
high risk research: A group conducting excellent research without any (current) practical use
would be located at the top left part of the diagram (ranked E and 5). The complete lack of
research groups with such performance indicates a certain weakness in the area of
fundamental research.
Figure 2: Quantification of the quality of the research (ordinate, y-axis) versus their relevance and impact (abscissa,
x-axis) for all 64 research groups assessed. The markers indicate the type of the research groups ranked into
university, research institute and university college. When there are 3 or more groups preforming equal (i.e. they are
located at exactly the same point in the diagram) this is indicated by numbers in the dots.
The overall impression of Norwegian research in the engineering field is favourable. The
performance of the whole sector is more homogenous than scattered. While this makes for
rare instances of underperforming units, it also indicates that only two of the research groups
got top rating (5 and A) indicating a world leading position in their field. These are SIMlab
(Department of Structural Engineering at NTNU) and Marine Structures (Department of
Marine Technology at NTNU). To be mentioned at nearly the same high level (4.5 and A) is
the group for Industrial Ecology (Department of Energy and Process Engineering at NTNU).
The units Thermal Energy (Department of Energy and Process Engineering at NTNU),
RAMS (Department of Production and Quality Engineering at NTNU) and Drilling and Well
Modelling (IRIS Energy at the International Research Institute of Stavanger) also perform at a
very high level.
The following five groups have been assessed at clearly below average: Civil Engineering and
Offshore Construction (Department of Engineering Science at University of Agder),
Engineering (Østfold University College), Water and Environmental Technology
(Department of Mathematical Sciences and Technology at NMBU), Industrial Process
Technology (Department of Energy and Process Engineering at NTNU) and Energy and
Indoor Environment (Department of Energy and Process Engineering at NTNU).
When analysing these underperforming groups it becomes clear that there is no systematic
reason involved but more a lack of leadership and/or an unfavourable atmosphere to conduct
research at international level. To conclude it has not been found that a whole research field is
performing below average but only single groups.
2.4. Analysis with respect to research fields
Taking the results of the detailed evaluation to the next level, it is possible to identify the
research fields where Norwegian engineering science is clearly outperforming. This is, on the
one hand, marine technology and, on the other hand, climate and fossil fuel research (i.e.
industrial ecology, thermal energy, energy utilization). The excellence in these areas
corresponds with the key technologies in Norway, which indicates the good linkage between
research and industry.
When considering the whole field (not certain units) the petroleum field gives a more
scattered impression, performing good but, at the same time, not considered excellent. Given
the relevance of the field to the Norwegian society this result is surprising.
Materials Science is found in different scientific disciplines. The research field within
engineering science has not made a strong impression as although carrying out worthwhile
research applied to existing industries, it has not embraced the latest developments at the
forefront of materials science. If restructure of departments is considered, this could enhance
materials science within engineering.
Some areas are not covered at all, e.g. cutting edge process technology like laser processing
and 3D-microprinting. Norway may be missing out by not exploring these and other exciting
Lastly, the field road & transport engineering is underperforming. This is mentioned as the
research unit at NTNU is quite small but seems to be the only Norwegian research expertise
in this area. As this is an essential infrastructure for Norway, the level of competence should
be lifted to not become vulnerable in a traditional but important engineering field.
3. General findings from the panel reports
3.1. Statistical background information
The total R&D intensity (specified as research and development expenditures in percentage of
the gross domestic product) in Norway was 1.65% in 2012 as compared to the average of
2.07% in the European Union1. But since Norway has the second highest gross domestic
product (GDP) per capita in Europe, the actual amount of funding is one of highest per capita
in Europe. The political commitment is to reach a 3% expenditure rate by 2030.
While the public spending for R&D was found to be similar to the EU average (0.79% vs.
0.74%) it is noticeable that R&D intensity from the private sector was significantly lower
(0.87% vs. 1.31%). In general, Norwegian science performs well above European average as
e.g. expressed by the indicator “excellence in Science & Technology” which is 67.6 as
compared to the average value of 47.8 in the EU1 (“excellence in Science & Technology” is a
composite indicator which includes ERC grants, top universities and research institutes, etc.).
On the other hand, a relative weakness is seen in the low levels of patenting, and the modest
level of business innovation among small and medium-sized enterprises. This is attributed to
the fact that traditional industry activities are related to the extraction and processing of
natural resources.
In recent years, R&D policy and strategy have focussed on the sectors oil and gas, energy,
climate change, biotechnology, nanotechnology and the maritime sector.
3.2. Funding of research
For the engineering sector, the panels have found a rather good funding situation, which is
partly in contradiction to the statistical data1. The reason is that the actual amount of funding
per capita is one of the highest in Europa (due to the high GDP in Norway). From a general
point of view, funding is not seen as key bottleneck to engineering research. Especially with
regard to applied research there seems to be ample opportunities to have on-going research
financed. What has been identified as weakness though, is the lack of funding for fundamental
research in engineering sciences. This leads to a shortcoming of “blue skies research”
(research without clear goal), which again is detrimental to innovation.
Likewise the state and the financing of research facilities in Norway has been found as
satisfactory. Of course there are problems on a local basis and financing of national research
Research and Innovation performance in the EU, Innovation Union progress at country level 2014, European
infrastructure requires special effort (as e.g. the Ocean Space Centre) but the overall situation
is good.
3.3. International cooperation
With respect to the international cooperation the situation in engineering sciences in Norway
has room for improvement. While there are contacts and collaborations on a personal basis,
there is a lack of structured and organised cooperation. The mobility of the researchers is not
sufficient at an international standard, which again leads to a limited participation in EU
What is especially notable is the low number of participation in external academic activities.
Only a few Norwegian scientists are found as (key) members of international panels, among
conference organisers and – even more importantly – on the editorial boards of top ranked
journals. This might be a result of lack of recognition of academic services in the personal
evaluation of scientists but is detrimental for internationalisation.
What is positive is the high number of international PhD students entering the system, which
eventually will work against the trend.
3.4. Publications and visibility of Norwegian research
It is recognised that the engineering science field has made considerable effort to increase its
visibility and publication outreach over the last decade. However, there is an abundance of
publications in conference proceedings, book chapters and low impact journals. It is
recognised that the key audience of engineering science is reading exactly those publication
outlets but international science evaluations are requiring publications in top ranked and peer
reviewed journals. Norwegian Engineering research is currently not sufficiently visible in
journals with high impact factors and should make efforts to increase its publication rate
3.5. Strategic planning and leadership
Strategic planning and leadership is generally required on all levels, from national strategies
to department planning. As an overall impression, the committee has found for universities
and university colleges there was a predominately relaxed attitude at the department level
towards leadership and long-term planning. This leads to ambiguous structures and
procedures towards the management of resources and the mode of collaboration with external
partners. As an example, the committee could not extract a commonly defined and clear
relationship between SINTEF and NTNU, but, unfortunately, diverging modes of
Following the same line of argument, long term strategic planning has been found missing in
many instances at universities and university colleges, which leads to suboptimal recruitment
of staff. That is, recruitment has been frequently found to be not strategic (based on research
fields and innovation) but rather a replacement or following teaching needs.
As a national strategy new universities and university colleges are urged to conduct research.
The evaluation has identified a quite variable quality of research at these institutes but, in
general, the standard is well below the average international level. This is due to a lack of a
conducive research environments and the relative high teaching load that leaves little room for
top class research. As an alternative – at least for university colleges – these institutions could
focus on applied research and technology innovation. This would be more in line with their
3.6. Role of research for Norwegian Industry and Society
Research in the engineering field is of paramount importance for Norwegian industry and
society. In spite of such a general goal, the committee identified a twofold picture: The
national cooperation between research and (established) industry is excellent and supports the
Norwegian drive towards a technology driven society. Such collaboration is well established
and must be further promoted by all means. On the other hand, there is little visible
environment for technology innovation such as guided support for spin-off companies, clear
rules towards commercialisation of intellectual property rights for university staff and
incentives for inventors and risk based financing. This impression is in line with the
abovementioned lack of funding for blue-sky research, which is the usual starting point for
technology innovation.
3.7. Recruitment of academic staff
Recruitment of academic staff has already previously been identified as one of the key
bottlenecks in the advance of engineering sciences in Norway and the picture has not
changed. There is a clear lack of Norwegian PhD students in the field, which is mainly due to
the non-competitive salaries paid in universities as compared to industry. This shortcoming is
currently counteracted by hiring foreign academics.
Likewise there is a difficult situation to recruit international staff at the level of Professorship
in Norwegian Academia. Key obstacles are first, the salaries are on a par with international
levels but not competitive to Norwegian industry and second, the remote location of
Norwegian Engineering Universities (i.e. the provincial character of the surroundings).
Lastly, Norwegian engineering research has a pronounced problem with gender balance –
especially with regard to the top positions. This is not specific to the Norwegian situation (in
fact the conditions are favourable as compared to many other places) but is usually found in
engineering science.
4. Follow-up of former evaluation
Norwegian Engineering science has been evaluated at a general basis in 2004. The referring
report initiated a number of measures in the field that have been implemented in the years to
follow. The current evaluation of 2014 did not assess the measures taken but rather reflect on
the impact, i.e. if significant changes are seen in the data or mentioned in the interviews.
However, two points are to be taken into account when reflecting upon the follow-up from the
last evaluation: First, the evaluation from 2004 comprised only 4 universities while the
current one encompasses most of the higher education institutions for engineering as well as
the dominant research institutions SINTEF, MARINTEK, NGI, IRIS and IFE. The larger
number of assessed institutions must give a wider but also different picture. Second, when
pointing to possible improvements towards quality and relevance of Norwegian engineering
research it must be clear that this is a “moving target”. That is, recommendations from
evaluations as such can only be seen as pointers on a trajectory but not as a clearly defined
goal to be reached.
A number of issues have already been outlined in detail in Chapter 3 and will be only
mentioned herein. In brief the committee has found the following:
Gender balance in the field has improved but is still far from desired.
Publication count is better but still should improve further – especially with respect to
top quality publications.
Recruitment of academic staff is still a bottleneck.
In some of the important research fields mentioned in last evaluation report, i.e.
energy systems, oil and gas technology, product engineering and materials science,
neither outstanding results are seen nor obvious improvements in many of those. It is
concluded that those fields do need further support.
Following the recommendations from 2004, the fields mechatronics, microsystems
and nanotechnology have been established but are still not very visible in the research
groups covered in this evaluation. The establishment of favorable research conditions
is important for those fields and should be followed up.
The lack in fundamental research in engineering science has remained and there is still
need to improve the situation with respect to incentives and funding.
Entrepreneurship needs further encouragement.
Despite the efforts to establish research at university colleges and new universities
their role in relation to research is still unclear.
5. Recommendations
In this evaluation, the examining panels found that the overall performance of the assessed
research groups is better than the international average standard. However, the panels have
also identified several points in which different measures could improve Norwegian
engineering science and its international visibility. Further, it is important to note, that
engineering science is continuously evolving on an international level and thus continuous
improvements are needed to remain competitive. This requires strategic thinking and planning
on the national and on the institutional level. The panel suggests that the following points are
taken into consideration.
5.1. General recommendations to policy makers / RCN
The role of the Research Council was found to be very helpful for research. The panel
suggests that the RCN should continue its active support of Norwegian research and
should in fact enhance its role to drive international excellence.
The evaluation exhibited a lack of high-risk research, meaning the investigation of
novel aspects at highest scientific level but without present practical use. Even if the
sector is very applied by nature, opportunities and incentives for such high-risk and
basic research should be established. The panels recommend strengthening
fundamental research in engineering science to enable scientifically based innovation.
This could be achieved by enhancing funding schemes that do not need industrial
The national funding schemes are very successful. Two possible improvements are as
follows: First, as instruments to promote top quality research, “centres of excellence”
should be further enhanced. Second, a dedicated funding scheme for promotion of toplevel publications could boost the scientific output. The latter would inherently
increase the international standing of Norwegian engineering science.
The current situation gives the impression that Norway distributes its research
resources (both financial and human) evenly over the whole field. It must be
questioned at a national level if that is the optimal approach. A viable alternative is the
focus on strategic key aspects of national importance. Such strategic focus on certain
research questions and fields could promote the scientific quality and output. Thereby
a special focus should be given to topics which are relevant for the Norwegian society
in a long-term perspective but which are not seen as outstanding in the moment (e.g.,
hydropower, energy efficiency, etc.). But likewise the continuous support of
successful Norwegian research fields in key national technologies (e.g., petroleum
industry, marine technology) is strongly recommended.
As already stated in the earlier evaluation from 2004 the key bottleneck in the sector is
the recruitment of academic staff. Measures must be taken on a national basis to work
against the common trend and promote engineering science in education. National and
institutional PhD scholarship programs should be initiated for the promotion of
excellent research and doctoral training in engineering science. Furthermore an
intellectual property right strategy, holding patents and licensing thereof in
combination with adequate rewards for the inventors as usual in many European
countries would improve attractiveness of recruitment of high-level innovative
Additionally, a further improvement of the gender balance is recommended. While
quotas are not the only answer, achieving around 30% of female staff in research
groups and departments is known to tip the balance and change the culture to
subsequently attract more women.
International visibility of Norwegian engineering science should be improved.
Incentives for research groups should be established to encourage participation in
European research projects and to encourage staff to participate in international
committees, editorial boards, etc.
On an international level, scientific success is more and more measured by evaluating
characteristic numbers (e.g., h-index, number of citations, number of awards, etc.). In
order to take a leading role in engineering science it is important to optimize these
figures, which requires increased high class publications in ISI listed journals. It is
recommended to establish incentives for such publications on a national level, for
example by implementing dedicated funding schemes. The initiation of national
and/or international awards in engineering science would additionally help to promote
and reward excellence in research.
5.2. General recommendations to groups / institutions
It has been noted already earlier that in general a strong focus should be put to publish
more in ISI-listed journals and to seek a greater impact of publications. While this is
recognized by most of the assessed groups already now as strategic goal, it requires
planning research projects in a scientific way. Key is to identify research contributions
upfront in projects so that such papers are actually produced and not lost in the course
of the project.
The research groups and departments should enhance international cooperation and
awareness. Obvious strategies are first, to seek for more international funding (most
obvious EU funding) and second, to encourage staff to participate in international
committees and scientific services.
The universities are encouraged to seek establishment of research chairs that will
allow them to attract (for a specific period) established researchers from the
international community. This could foster a change in the scientific research culture
to move the research towards more internationally competitive levels.
Several institutions show a lack in strategic long-term planning. The panels
recommended for these institutions to implement a strategic planning procedure.
Stronger leadership installed at the department level can help to provide for clearer
structures in the institutions and coordinated research strategies at a national level.
Decisions for hiring new academic staff (especially on the professor level) should not
be based on replacement of retiring persons or on teaching obligations but be a
strategic decision for the re-alignment of the research direction. Teaching obligations
can also be tackled by improving cooperation between institutions.
Recruitment of academic staff has been mentioned as bottleneck by several
institutions. The institutions/departments are encouraged to organize research
education in a more structured way, e.g. by developing doctoral schools. Further an
improvement of the gender balance is recommended.
The role of SINTEF and its collaboration with NTNU is a result of the historical
development. Time has come to investigate in clear and transparent structures and
novel modes of operation.
5.3. General recommendations for future evaluations
In general, it should be tried to include all research groups and institutions in future
evaluations for getting comprehensive data and impressions. The non-participating
groups should be encouraged, possibly required, to take part in the upcoming
evaluations. Consider, whether a mandatory participation in such an evaluation for
groups that receive substantial funding (e.g. above a certain amount of NOK) from the
Norwegian Research Council is reasonable.
A common way of judging publication/citation performance would be beneficial in the
assessment and avoid ambiguity. It is suggested to either agree on one of the
international standards (e.g. h-indexing), or to use the established Norwegian point
system and explain it to the panelists.
The extracted parameters of the publications in the self-assessments should use the
same criteria as the bibliometric data/analysis and their definite use should be
6. Mandate for the review
6.1. Terms of reference
The Ministry of Education and Research has assigned the task of performing subject-specific
evaluations to the Research Council of Norway (RCN). The Division of Science has decided
to evaluate basic research within engineering science in universities, university colleges and
relevant research institutes during 2014.
The previous evaluation of the research in engineering science was carried out in 2004.
The objective of the evaluation
The objective of this evaluation is to review the overall state of basic and long term research
in engineering science in Norwegian universities, university colleges and relevant contract
research institutes. The evaluation shall provide knowledge and recommendations for future
development of basic research within engineering science in Norway, and lay the foundation
for determining future priorities, including funding priorities, within and between individual
fields of research.
For the institutions that are evaluated, the evaluation will provide knowledge, advice and
recommendations that can be used to enhance their own research standards. For the RCN the
evaluation will contribute to an improved knowledge base that is used when giving advice on
research policies to the Norwegian Government.
Specifically, the evaluation is expected to:
Provide a critical review of the strengths and weaknesses of basic and long term
research in engineering science in Norway, both nationally as well as at the level of
departments and individual research groups. The scientific quality shall be reviewed in
an international context.
Identify research groups that have achieved a high international level in their research
or have potential to reach such a level.
Identify areas of research that need to be strengthened in order to ensure that Norway
in the future will have the necessary competence in areas of national importance.
Discuss to what extent the research meets the demand of interdisciplinary research and
future societal challenges.
Assess the situation with regard to recruitment of PhD candidates in engineering
Assess to what degree the previous evaluation have been used by the institutions in
their strategic planning.
Organization and methods
The evaluation will be carried out by an international Evaluation Committee consisting of
three sub-panels. Each panel will carry out the evaluation in their field of expertise.
Energy and process technology
Product, Production, Project management, Marine systems and Renewable energy
Civil Engineering and Marine structures
The panels will base their evaluation on self-assessments provided by the
departments/research groups, a bibliometric analysis provided by the Research Council, as
well as on interviews and presentations given in meetings with the involved
departments/research groups. The self-assessments from the institutions will include factual
information about the organisation and resources, future plans, CVs, and publication lists of
their scientific staff.
The panels are requested to present its findings in written reports. Preliminary reports will be
sent to the departments/research groups included in the evaluation for an assessment of the
factual information. The Committee’s final reports will be submitted to the Board of the
Division for Science for final approval.
The principal evaluation committee will consist of the leader and one member from each subpanel.
Tasks of the evaluation sub-panels
The panels are requested to
Evaluate research activities with respect to scientific quality, national and international
collaboration. The evaluation shall focus on research that are/can be published in peerreviewed publications and conferences. Contract research with restricted public access
to the results is not included in this evaluation.
Evaluate the relevance and impact of the evaluated research activities.
Evaluate how the research is organized and managed.
Submit a report with specific recommendations for the future development of research
within engineering science, including means of improvement when required.
Aspects to be addressed in the sub-panel reports:
1. National aspects
Strengths and weaknesses of Norwegian Engineering Science research in an
international context
Impact and relevance of the evaluated research with regard to the future needs of
national and international business- and public sectors
The impact of national excellence centres (SFF, SFI, FME, NCE, ..) on scientific
quality and societal impact and relevance.
Research cooperation nationally and internationally
General resource situation regarding funding and infrastructure
Training, recruitment, gender balance and mobility
Any other important aspects for consideration
2. Institutions/departments
Does the institution/department have an overall research strategy which feeds into the
individual research group strategy?
Is research leadership being exercised in an appropriate way?
Is there sufficient collaboration between research groups within the
Are there satisfactory policies in place guiding the recruitment and handling of
Are the efforts to increase gender balance in scientific positions satisfactory?
In which way have the previous evaluation (2004), national research policies and
White Papers been used by the institution/department in its own strategic planning?
3. Research groups
Strategy, organization and research cooperation
Has the research group developed a satisfactory strategy with plans for its research,
and is it implemented?
Is the size and organization of the research group reasonable?
Is recruitment, including measures to address gender balance, handled satisfactory?
Is there sufficient contact and co-operation with other research groups nationally, both
within universities, university colleges and research institutes?
Does the research group take active part in interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary research
Is the international network e. g. contact with leading international research groups,
number of international guest researchers, and number of joint publications with
international colleagues, satisfactory?
Do they take active part in internationally funded projects, international professional
committees, work on standardization and other professional activities?
How is the long term viability of the staff and facilities evaluated in view of future
plans and ideas, staff age, research profile, new impulses through recruitment of
Scientific quality and productivity: To be rated on a scale 1 - 5
Do the research groups maintain a high scientific quality judged by the significance of
contribution to their field, prominence of the leader and team members, scientific
impact of their research?
Is the productivity, e.g. number of scientific and professional publications and Ph. D.
thesis awarded, reasonable in terms of the resources available?
Do they show ability to work effectively with professionals from other disciplines, and
to apply their knowledge to solve multifaceted problems?
Relevance and impact: To be rated on a scale A - E
Does the research have a high relevance judged by impact on society, value added to
professional practice, and recognition by industry and public sector?
Does the research group have contracts and joint projects with business and public
sector, are they awarded patents, or do they in other ways contribute to innovation?
Does the research group contribute to the building of intellectual capital in industry
and public sector?
Do they play an active role in dissemination of their own research and new
international developments in their field to industry and public sector?
Do they play an active role in creating and establishing new industrial activity?
Tasks of the principal evaluation committee (Joint Committee)
The committee is requested to compile a summary report based on the assessments and
recommendations from the three sub-panels. This report should offer an overall assessment of
the state of the research involved. The report should also offer a set of overall
recommendations concerning the future development of this research.
The committee is requested to:
Summarize the overall scientific quality and relevance of the research within
engineering science. Identify which research areas have a particularly strong scientific
position in Norway, in a national and international context, and which are particularly
Summarize general assessments related to structural issues
Summarize how the research institutions have followed up former evaluations
Are there any other important aspects of research within engineering science that
ought to be given special consideration on a national or international level?
The committee’s conclusions should lead to a set of recommendations for the future
development of research in engineering sciences in Norway.
Tentative outline of the joint report
Executive summary
Research areas – major general findings
o Scientific quality
o Impact and relevance
Structural issues
Follow up of former evaluations
Other aspects of importance
6.2. Assessment Criteria
Assessment of Research Groups
Three main areas of performance is highlighted for the research groups in the mandate for
Evaluation of Engineering Science, and the mandate describes what is covered for each of
these areas:
Scientific quality and productivity
Relevance and impact
Strategy, organization and research cooperation
For two of these criteria an assessment should be made using a five point scale.
Scientific quality and productivity:
5 – excellent
4 - very good
3 – good
2 – fair
1 – weak
Relevance and impact:
A – very high relevance and impact
B – high relevance and impact
C– good relevance and impact
D – low relevance and impact
E – very low relevance and impact
Scientific quality and productivity
For “scientific quality and productivity” the following three points appear in the mandate:
Do the research groups maintain a high scientific quality judged by the significance of
contribution to their field, prominence of the leader and team members, scientific
impact of their research?
Is the productivity, e.g. number of scientific and professional publications and Ph. D.
thesis awarded, reasonable in terms of the resources available?
Do they show ability to work effectively with professionals from other disciplines, and
to apply their knowledge to solve multifaceted problems?
For this item the following should be used as a basis for the rating. The rating 3 = good means
that the group performs to the standard normally to be expected from a research group in its
International front position, undertaking original research and publishing in the best
international journals and presenting research at recognised international conferences with
peer review. High productivity. Very positive overall impression of the research group.
Very good
High degree of originality, a publication profile with a high degree of international
publications in good journals and at recognised international conferences. High productivity
and very relevant to the field internationally. Very positive overall impression of the research
Contribute to international and national research with good quality research of relevance to
international research development. Acceptable productivity. Positive overall impression of
research group. The group performs to the standard normally to be expected from a group in
its field.
The quality of research is acceptable, but international profile is modest. Much routine work.
Relevance and productivity of research is modest. No original contributions to the field of
research. Overall impression is positive but with a distinct degree of scepticism from the
Research quality is below good standards and the publication profile is meagre. Only
occasional international publication or presentations. No original research and little relevance
to problem solving. Not an overall positive impression by evaluators.
Relevance and impact
For “relevance and impact” the following five points appear in the mandate:
Does the research have a high relevance judged by impact on society, value added to
professional practice, and recognition by industry and public sector?
Does the research group have contracts and joint projects with business and public
sector, are they awarded patents, or do they in other ways contribute to innovation?
Does the research group contribute to the building of intellectual capital in industry
and public sector?
Do they play an active role in dissemination of their own research and new
international developments in their field to industry and public sector?
Do they play an active role in creating and establishing new industrial activity?
The panel should give a rating of the research group based on how they evaluate the
performance of the group related to these points. The rating C = good relevance and impact
means that the group performs to the standard normally to be expected from a research group
in its field.
A = very high and B= high means that the group is above standards and D = low and
E = very low the group is below the standard to be expected for a group in its field.
7. Research groups included in the evaluation
Faculty/ Business
Project group to be
Faculty of
Engineering Science
and Technology
Energy and Process
Thermal Energy
Industrial Process
Fluids Engineering
Energy and Indoor
Industrial Ecology
Civil and Transport
Structural Engineering
Marine Technology
Building and
Marine Civil
Road, Transport and
Marine Technology
Engineering Design
and Materials
Design, Analysis
and Manufacturing
Production and Quality
Production Systems
Project and Quality
Maintainability and
Safety (RAMS)
Water and
Technology and
Applied Geophysics
Product Design
Hydraulic and
Petroleum Engineering
and Applied
Product Design
Marine Systems
Faculty of Natural
Sciences and
Technology (NT)
Materials Science and
Faculty of
Mathematics and
Engineering (IME)
Faculty of Environmental Sciences and
Faculty of
Engineering and
Electric Power
Mathematical sciences
and Technology
Engineering Sciences
Faculty of
Mathematics and
Natural Sciences
Physics and
Faculty of Science
and Technology
Department of
Petroleum Engineering
Faculty of Science
and Technology
Faculty of
Process Metallurgy
Electric Energy
Electric Power
Electric Power
Water and
Renewable Energy
Department of
Mechanical and
Structural Engineering
and Materials Science
Physical Metallurgy
Engineering and Safety
Faculty of
Faculty of
Economy and
Energy and
Offshore energy
Civil engineering
and offshore
Petroleum and
Process Technology
Science and
Drilling and Well
Natural Gas
Engineering and
Materials Science
Civil Structural
Engineering and
Process, Energy and
Solar energy
Natural Hazards
Water and
IRIS Energy
Ship Technology
Maritime Transport
Energy systems and
Technical Operation
Building and
Materials and
Fisheries and
Drilling and Well
Enhanced Oil
Seakeeping and
Logistics and
operations research
Energy Systems
Building physics
Concrete Group
Materials and
Material- and
Power conversion
and transmission
Flow phenomena
Fishing gear
Process Technology
Marine ICT
8. Members of the principal evaluation committee
Professor Wolfgang Rauch (Panel 3)
Wolfgang Rauch studied Civil Engineering at the Technical University of Graz, Austria and
at ETH, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, where he also graduated in 1985. In 1991
he achieved his PhD at the Institute of Environmental Engineering, University Innsbruck.
Until 2002 he had positions at the University Innsbruck, the Technical University of Denmark
and at EAWAG, Swiss Federal Institute for Environmental Science and Technology. In 1997
he obtained an advanced degree (Habilitation) in environmental engineering from the
University Innsbruck. In 2002 he has been appointed full professor for sanitary engineering at
the University Innsbruck. Since 2005 he is head of the Institute of Infrastructure Engineering.
Wolfgang Rauch has published app. 100 papers in peer-reviewed journals, among others in
Science (345/6198). He holds an h-factor of 22 (SCI). He is well known in the international
community due to his activity in international organisations. Among others he served as a
member of the IWA task group on river water quality modelling and chaired the Joint
Committee of IAHR and IWA on Urban Drainage in the period 2002 to 2005. Since 2013 he
is the Chair of the IWA Program Committee. He serves as editor of one of the most important
journals in the field that is Water Research and additionally as Editor in Chief for the journal
Water Science and Technology.
Professor Derek Fray (Panel 1)
Derek Fray is Director of Research and Emeritus Professor of Materials Chemistry at the
Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge where he was
Head of Department between 2000 and 2005. He obtained his degrees from Imperial College
of Science and Technology, London and has worked as an Assistant Professor at M.I.T,
Group Leader at Rio Tinto plc., and at the University of Leeds, where he was Professor and
Head of Department of Mining and Mineral Engineering. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society,
Royal Academy of Engineering, Royal Society of Chemistry and the Institute of Materials.
He has published about 450 articles on materials processing and is cited as the inventor on
over 300 patents of which 150 have been granted. He has been awarded many honours
including Matthey Prize, AIME Extractive Metallurgy Technology Award, Sir George Beilby
Medal, Kroll Medal, John Phillips Medal, Minerals, Metals & Materials Society’s 2000
Extraction and Processing Distinguished Lecture Award, Billiton Medal, two Light Metals
Reactive Metals Awards, the Institute of Materials Gold Medal and the Armourers and
Brasiers’ Award by the Royal Society, the first European Materials Societies FEMS Materials
Innovation Prize and Medal and the Max Bredig Award by the US Electrochemical Society.
He holds several honorary and visiting professorships. He is a founder director of Ion Science
Ltd., Environmental Monitoring and Control Ltd., Metalysis Ltd., Camfridge Ltd., Inotec
AMD Ltd., Chinuka Ltd., and La Serena Technologies Ltd.
Dr. Ralf Preu (Panel 2)
Ralf Preu is director of division “PV Production Technology and Quality Assurance“ at the
Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE in Freiburg, Germany, the largest
European research institution in this field with more than 1200 employees. He obtained a
diploma in physics in 1996 from the University of Freiburg, Germany. He also holds a degree
in econophysics and a PhD in electric engineering from University of Hagen, Germany. His
field of research includes innovative approaches and technologies for the fabrication of
crystalline silicon solar cells. Dr. Preu joined Fraunhofer ISE in 1993 and has worked in
various fields of photovoltaics, such as system monitoring, cell and module technology,
characterization and simulation. In 2002, he became head of the group solar cell fabrication
technology and since 2007 he is head of the division “PV Production Technology and Quality
Assurance”. From 2004 to 2006, Dr. Preu was managing director of the Fraunhofer ISE SpinOff company PSE mbH. He is author and co-author of more than 200 scientific publications,
member of several scientific committees in his field and holds more than 15 patents. He and
his team were repeatedly awarded internationally reknown prizes for his contributions to the
PV community, including the Innovation Award Laser Technology 2014 for the successful
industrial transfer of a laser based contacting process to increase the efficiency of solar cells.
Since 2009 Dr. Preu holds lectures on Photovoltaic Technology at the University of Freiburg,
with the Renewable Energy Management Master Program.
The Research Council of Norway
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Cover design: Design et cetera AS
Cover photos: Shutterstock, Colourbox
Oslo, April 2015
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