REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS ON-SITE CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION SERVICES S.R. 222 SECTION HCI HAMILTON CROSSINGS INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS LOWER MACUNGIE TOWNSHIP, LEHIGH COUNTY, PA Lower Macungie Township will retain a PennDOT-qualified engineering consultant to provide full-time, on-site Construction Inspection services and part-time Construction Management services related to the S.R. 222 Section HCI Project in Lower Macungie Township, Lehigh County, PA (“Project”). This Project will involve improvements to S.R. 222, including full-depth widening, median modifications, and mill & overlay. Krocks Road will be significantly widened within the Project limits and reconstructed for most of the Project limits. In addition, a new one-way collector-distributor road (designated as “Hamilton Crossings Way”), approximately 5,200 feet in length, will be constructed parallel to northbound S.R. 222. The Project construction work will consist of substantial excavation and drainage installation, preparation of subgrade, placement of subbase, full-depth paving, milling and overlay, removal of an existing sound barrier for approximately 555 feet, construction of a new sound barrier approximately 267 feet in length, concrete curb and curb ramps, traffic signalization improvements (including installation of traffic adaptive system), a cantilever sign structure, traffic signs, pavement markings and other associated roadway activities. There will be substantial coordination required with concurrent, adjacent construction projects by others. An approximate year-long construction schedule is expected with an anticipated Notice to Proceed for the Contractor of May 2015 and substantial construction completion in May 2016. Construction cost is estimated in the range of $6 million dollars. All construction shall be in conformance with PennDOT Publication 408 and all Construction Inspection services shall be in conformance with PennDOT’s Scope of Work for Municipal Projects Consultant Construction Inspection dated January 2014 and any updates. The Construction Management staff shall include a minimum of one (1) Project Manager. The Construction Inspection staff shall include a minimum of one (1) TCM, two (2) TCI’s and one (1) TA. This project will be administered through ECMS using CDS NeXtGen V3 and all documentation must be maintained in accordance with PennDOT procedures for state-funded projects. All submittals must go through the PennDOT Project Collaboration Center (PPCC). The minimum experience and training for the part-time Project Manager shall be four (4) years of Transportation Construction Inspection Supervision / Management experience and a Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering. ACI / PENNDOT and NECEPT Field Technician Certification are also desirable. The Project Manager shall be responsible for the activities of the Construction Management (CM) and Construction Inspection (CI) staff on the project. Major duties will be the monitoring of the CI staff, involvement in the day-to-day duties of the CM/CI staff, assisting in the administration of the construction contracts, invoicing and administration of the CM/CI contract, and other duties as required by the Township. In addition, the Project Manager will review the Construction Contractor’s baseline schedule, as well as the schedule updates throughout the construction process. The Project Manager will also prepare sensitive correspondence related to major claims, public relations incidents, and other sensitive documents. The Project Manager will be in daily contact between the Design Engineers, the CI staff, and the Construction Contractor. The Project Manager will monitor the work being completed, coordinate the resolution of field problems with the Design Engineers, and prepare correspondence for the direction of the Construction Contractor to resolve the field problems. The Township encourages responses from small firms, DBE’s and firms who have not previously performed work for the Township. The Statement of Interest shall include the following: A concise narrative describing the experience of the firm(s) and persons specifically assigned to the Construction Management and Construction Inspection Team for this Project (3 pages maximum). Also include resumes of key persons stating their specific role in the project. References for similar project experience. List any sub-consultants that will be used for this project and their role/responsibility. Statement of availability of the proposed Construction Management and Construction Inspection Team during the anticipated construction duration. Statement that the firm can provide proof of liability insurance coverage for at least $1,000,000. Provide a copy of the firm’s PennDOT Business Partner qualification package from ECMS. For resumes, only include the PennDOT Inspection resumes of key persons providing direct oversight for this project. The following factors will be considered by the Township during the evaluation of the Business Partners submitting Statements of Interest related to the Construction Management and Construction Inspection services for this Project: Experience of the individuals comprising the Construction Management and Construction Inspection Team with emphasis on background in coordinating construction projects, familiarity with PennDOT procedures and specifications and past experience in construction inspection role on PennDOT projects. Demonstrated ability to provide construction management and inspection services for moderately complex projects in close proximity to other concurrent construction projects. Demonstrated ability to work through construction issues with proper communication and documentation in a timely manner. Review of the consultant's overall construction management and inspection experience, abilities, project concept, and approach. What will the Construction Management and Construction Inspection Team do to ensure the Project is constructed on time? Team's commitment to a quality control and quality assurance process as demonstrated in the firm's Statement of Interest and the firm's QA/QC Plan on file in ECMS with PennDOT. The Township will evaluate the qualifications submitted by the consultants in response to this advertisement using the Modified Selection Procedure. The Township will review consultant qualifications based on the submitted Statements of Interest in order to select the most qualified consultant for the purpose of negotiating an Engineering Agreement. If an acceptable Agreement cannot be negotiated with the top-ranked consultant, the Township will conclude negotiations with that firm and move on to the second-ranked consultant, and so on, until an acceptable Engineering Agreement is negotiated. Contact information for Questions regarding this RFQ: Name: Alan Fornwalt, P.E. Title: Keystone Consulting Engineers, Inc. (KCE), Township Engineer Email: [email protected] Phone: 610-395-0971 To be eligible to provide the Construction Management and Construction Inspection services for this Project, the consultant and any sub-consultants must be a PennDOT ECMS Registered Business Partner. If eligible, please submit three (3) hard copies of a Statement of Interest on or before 3:00 P.M. on Monday, December 15, 2014 to: Lower Macungie Township Bruce Fosselman, Township Manager RE: Construction Inspection Services, SR 222 HCI Project 3400 Brookside Road Macungie, PA 18062 East Penn Press: Wednesday, November 26, 2014 Wednesday, December 3, 2014
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