C CAL L FIIRE E NE EWS SR RELE EAS SE Califo ornia Departm D ment off Foresstry and d Fire P Protection San S Mateo-S Santa a Cruzz Unit R Sampso on CON NTACT: Rich Division D Chieef 831.335.6742 8 2 RELEA ASE DATE: Noveember 17, 20014 Local Bu urn Ban L Lifted Felton – Following F reecent rain, CA AL FIRE’s San S Mateo-S Santa Cruz, San Benito-M Monterrey aand Santa Claara Units has lifted the suspension of burning wiithin State R Responsibilitty Area (SRA A) in San Mateo o, Santa Cruzz, Santa Claraa, Alameda, Contra C Costa, San Benito, M Monterey andd portions of S San Joaquin an nd Stanislauss Counties efffective Mon nday Novem mber 17, 2014. While co ooler temperaatures have helped h to dim minish the thhreat of wilddfire, residennts are askedd to use caution while con nducting deb bris burns. Burn B permitss may be reqquired for alll burning projects and a must be completed between b the hours of 8 aam to 4 pm. R Residents m must follow burning requirements r s and maintaain control of their fire aat all times. P Property ownners may be held liable if a fire escapes their contrrol and/or bu urns the propperty of a neiighbor. • • • • • • Reesidential Bu urning Req quirements Only O dry, natural, vegetattive materiall such as leavves, pine needles and treee trimmingss that orriginated on the property y may be burrned. Burninng householdd garbage is NOT allow wed. Piles will be no n larger thaan four (4) feeet in diametter. Provide clearrance around d the pile thaat is ten (10) feet in diam meter by remooving all material m that will w burn, do own to bare mineral soill. Have H a water source on hand h such as a charged ggarden hose oor a minimum m of a five ((5) gallon backpaack, pump ty ype water ex xtinguisher. Responsible R adult a needs to t be in atten ndance at alll times. NEVER N burn n on windy days. d Contact your y nearest CAL FIRE station and/or local fire department to acquire thhe proper buurn permit. Residents R can n confirm the burn day status s by callling 1-800-C CAL-BURN. For inform mation on compllying with aiir quality rulles regulatin ng open burnning, the pubblic should reeview the appropriaate Air Distrrict website for f informatiion on Burn Day status, burn allocattions and Aiir Quality regulations r prior p to scheeduling a bu urn. Forr Monterey Bay B Unified Air Pollutio on Control D District’s webbsite go to: htttp://www.m mbuapcd.org// Forr the San Fraancisco Bay Area Air Qu uality Managgement Distrrict’s websitte go to: htttp://www.baaqmd.gov/ For moree information n on how to safely burn outdoors vissit: www.PrevventWildfireC CA.org or www.fire.ca.gov. Bee Fire Safe! ###
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