Linking You to a Thriving Statistical System

Linking You to a Thriving Statistical System
Preliminary Agenda
Council of Professional Associations on Federal Statistics
Quarterly Meeting
December 5, 2014, 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
(Coffee and pastries available at 8:30 am)
Bureau of Labor Statistics
2 Massachusetts Avenue, NE, Washington, DC
Welcome and Report from the Board of Directors – Maurine Haver, COPAFS Chair
COPAFS Updates – Katherine Smith, COPAFS Executive Director
The American Community Survey Content Review: Methodology and Results – James
Treat, Chief, American Community Survey Office, U.S. Bureau of the Census
Recent innovations in the American Housing Survey and the Rental Housing Finance
Survey for 2015 – Shawn Bucholtz, Director, Housing and Demographic Analysis,
Office of Policy Development and Research, Department of Housing and Urban
Networking Lunch
(Lunch is $10.00 for all except presenters and discussants. If you register to attend,
please let us know if you will NOT be having lunch with us.)
An Overview of the Federal Reserve Board’s Surveys and Statistical Indicators –
Norman J. Morin, Chief, Industrial Output Section, Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System (who may be joined by Micheline Casey, Chief Data Officer, Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System)
1:30- 2:30
The Politics of Health Statistics – Michael O’Grady, Principal of O’Grady Health Policy
LLC, and a NORC Senior Fellow in Health Care Research
2:30- 3:00
Feedback and Input from COPAFS Members
~Security measures at BLS require that we provide a list of all attendees. Please RSVP to the
COPAFS office by December 2, via phone: 703/836-0404 or e-mail: [email protected] ~
If you are taking Metro, use the Red Line to Union Station. If you are driving, parking is
available in the Union Station garage. The main entrance to the Bureau of Labor Statistics is
just across from Union Station on First Street, NE