BOMBALA COUNCIL MEETING FOR 18 NOVEMBER 2014 MEETING: Ordinary Council Meeting TIME: 6.30pm MEMBERS TO ATTEND: All Councillors STAFF IN ATTENDANCE: General Manager Director Regulatory Services Director Engineering Finance Manager Corporate Services Manager Relevant Departmental Managers, as required ADDRESS TO COUNCIL: Deputations Presentation by: 6.30 – Paul Perkins – Proposals for Swimming Pool & Leisure Centre Upgrade For Distribution To: Cr Stewart (Mayor) Cr Bateman Cr Haslingden Cr Yelds Cr Goodyer Cr Hampshire Cr Ingram GM DRS DE FM EDO CSM CSAO (cut ups) Library/General Public This Page Intentionally Left Blank NOTICE OF MEETING ORDINARY MEETING OF THE BOMBALA COUNCIL 18 November 2014 COMMENCING AT 6.30pm TO BE HELD IN THE BOMBALA COUNCIL CHAMBERS AGENDA MEMBERS: The Whole of Council ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COUNTRY: “We would like to acknowledge the traditional owners of the country on which this meeting is being held - the NGARIGO peoples and pay our respects to elders past, present and future”. STANDING ORDERS: a) Apologies and Requests for Leave of Absence b) Deputations/Presentations c) Disclosures of Interest d) Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meeting/s. e) Business Arising from the Minutes f) Mayoral Minutes. g) Notice of Motion of Rescission from Councillors. h) Notice of Motion from Councillors. i) Reports of Committees. j) Reports from Staff. k) Matters of urgency for which notice has not been given. l) Confidential items. m) Questions for Next Meeting ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS 7 ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL – 15 OCTOBER 2014 7 MAYORAL MINUTE 17 MO 09/14 OFFER OF BLADE FROM BOCO ROCK WINDFARM DEVELOPER 17 NOTICE OF MOTION FROM COUNCILLOR – CR S HASLINGDEN 19 NOTICE OF MOTION FROM COUNCILLOR – CR S HASLINGDEN 21 NOTICE OF MOTION FROM COUNCILLOR – CR D HAMPSHIRE 23 NOTICE OF MOTION FROM COUNCILLOR – CR S HASLINGDEN 25 NOTICE OF RESCISSION MOTION FROM COUNCILLOR – CR D HAMPSHIRE 31 NOTICE OF MOTION FROM COUNCILLOR – CR D HAMPSHIRE 33 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 37 WASTE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE – 17 JULY 2014 37 REPORTS FROM STAFF 41 FINANCE MANAGER 41 FM 17/14 REPORT ON COUNCIL INVESTMENTS FM 18/14 SEPTEMBER QUARTERLY BUDGET REVIEW STATEMENT & QUARTERLY PERFORMANCE REPORT 41 45 CORPORATE SERVICES MANAGER 47 CSM 13/14 MODEL CODE OF CONDUCT COMPLAINTS REPORT CSM 14/14 POLICY ON PAYMENT OF EXPENSES AND THE PROVISION OF FACILITIES TO THE MAYOR AND COUNCILLORS CSM 15/14 RE-APPOINTMENT OF SECTION 355 COMMITTEES 47 DIRECTOR ENGINEERING 67 DE 15/14 CAVEAT STREET TREES DE 17/14 REQUEST TO REMOVE TREES – PLUNKETT STREET 67 71 S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 4 51 65 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 GENERAL MANAGER 75 GM 48/14 GM 49/14 GM 50/14 GM 51/14 75 77 79 83 SOUTHERN PHONE DIVIDEND 2013/14 FIT FOR THE FUTURE – RURAL COUNCILS WORKSHOP REGIONAL LEGAL SERVICES PANEL ANNUAL REPORT DIRECTOR REGULATORY SERVICES 85 DRS 28/14 REFUND OF FEES DA.14.0015 DRS 29/14 RESUBMISSION OF MONARO REGIONAL WEEDS COMMITTEE AGREEMENT DRAFT 85 87 CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS 95 REPORTS FROM STAFF 97 GENERAL MANAGER 97 GM 52/14 UPDATE ON LEGAL MATTER SECTION 10A(2)(G) ADVICE CONCERNING LITIGATION. 97 97 DIRECTOR ENGINEERING 98 DE 16/14 STOKES GRAVEL PIT – SALE OF GRAVEL 101 SECTION 10A(2)(C) INFORMATION THAT WOULD, IF DISCLOSED, CONFER A COMMERCIAL ADVANTAGE ON A PERSON WITH WHOM THE COUNCIL IS CONDUCTING (OR PROPOSES TO CONDUCT) BUSINESS; 101 SECTION 10A(2)(D)(II) COMMERCIAL INFORMATION OF A CONFIDENTIAL NATURE, THAT WOULD, IF DISCLOSED: CONFER A COMMERCIAL ADVANTAGE ON A COMPETITOR OF THE COUNCIL; 101 ATTACHMENT 1 105 ATTACHMENT 2 107 ATTACHMENT 3 109 ATTACHMENT 4 111 ATTACHMENT 5 113 S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 5 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 This Page Intentionally Left Blank S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 6 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL – 15 OCTOBER 2014 MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING OF BOMBALA COUNCIL HELD AT THE DELEGATE HOTEL ON WEDNESDAY, 15 OCTOBER 2014, COMMENCING AT 6.30PM ATTENDANCE Mayor Robert J Stewart (in the Chair) Councillors Bill Bateman, Steven Goodyer, Sue Haslingden, Diane Hampshire and Brad Yelds PRESENT General Manager (GM), Ms Ngaire McCrindle Director of Regulatory Services (DRS), Mr Grantley Ingram Director of Engineering (DE), Mr Peter Sullivan Finance Manager (FM), Ms Jacqueline Chadwick Economic Development Manager (EDM), Mrs Karen Cash Corporate Services Manager (CSM), Mrs Robin Guthrie APOLOGIES RESOLVED: Yelds/Haslingden that the apology submitted on behalf of Councillor Ingram be received and accepted. 18714 PUBLIC SUBMISSIONS AND QUESTIONS Presentation by Delegate Progress Association (02.25.10) M Ian Sellers, President of the Delegate Progress Association, was welcomed by the Mayor. Mr Sellers responded by thanking Council for the opportunity to once again address Council and made the following comments: The new amenities block at the Sportsground was recently finished. Thanks and appreciation was expressed to Council for the completion of this project and it is hoped that a similar facility can be built at the Bill Jeffreys Caravan Park in the near future. Mowing – the Association would like to talk to Council re the areas that require mowing. Bill Jeffreys Park must be maintained. Drainage issues still at corners of Church and William, Church and Bombala and Bombala Street and Currowong Roads. The issues at the corner of Church and Bombala Streets were inspected prior to the meeting. There is also bogging near the toilets at the entrance to Memorial Park. The DE advised that Council staff have fixed a leak in the main and there may also be a leak in the bubbler line. It is a constantly wet area and very difficult to mow in a wet year. S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 7 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 Potable Water – The DE advised that the grant submitted after the public meeting had not been successful, however it has been resubmitted to a second round of funding and Council was waiting to hear the results of this application. The Mayor advised that the local MP is pushing hard to get funding approved in the next round for this upgrade. Footpath – the next section that the Association would like to see completed is from the Hotel to past Delegate Motors and from the end of the footpath in Bombala Street to the bridge on the eastern side of Bombala Street. It was requested that all tree pruning and planting be done in consultation with the Progress Association, in particular Mrs Doreen Standen. There has been a request from a resident for maintenance work to be carried out on Baragry Road, including the ramps. The Men from Snowy River March celebration plans are progressing well. These will commence with a series of launches of a book written by Natalie Armstrong and promotion days that include: 2 November 2014 – Delegate 9 November 2014 – Bombala 22 November 2014 – Cooma 23 November 2014 – Goulburn 3 December 2014 – Queanbyan with Dr Bendan Nelson November 2015 – March re-enactment January 2016 celebrations including Australia Day events normally held in Bombala being moved to Delegate with Peter Fitzsimmons booked as the Guest of Honour. However, at this stage sponsorship money may be needed for him to attend as he is not an Australia Day Ambassador. The Tennis Courts have been upgraded with funding obtained through the local state member – four new poles have been erected with the assistance of Country Energy and volunteers. Local contractors John Ratcliffe and Russell Carey have also been very helpful. The surface now needs to be redone and quotes have been obtained for this. The Tennis Club still holds a spring and autumn competition and it is the only organised sport in the town. Sixth class children are also allowed to play in the competition. The Mayor thanked Mr Sellers for his update and Mr Sellers once again thanked Council for allowing the Association to present to Council. Presentation from Mrs K Manning re Heavy Vehicle Parking Policy The Mayor advised Council that Mrs Manning had spoken to him prior to the Council meeting requesting permission to speak to Council re the Heavy Vehicle Parking Policy. RESOLVED: Bateman/Haslingden that Council receive a presentation from Mrs K Manning concerning the Heavy Vehicle Parking Policy. 188/14 Mrs Manning advised that she and her husband had lived at their present address since 1980. Under Council’s Heavy Vehicle Parking Policy they are required to submit a development application to Council because a school bus is garaged at their premises. S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 8 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 Mrs Manning commented that she was aware that a precedent had been set in Bombala township where a business had been operated since the 1970’s and that business had not been required to submit a development application. Mrs Manning had also approached Cooma-Monaro Council concerning this matter and a representative had advised that they take each case on its merits and do not require a development application for operators who wish to garage their buses out of town. Mrs Manning concluded by requesting Council to consider exempting their business from Council’s policy. Cr Goodyer suggested that Mr and Mrs Manning forward a letter to Council outlining their concerns and request. Mrs Manning thanked Council for their time and vacated the meeting room. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Ordinary Meeting – 17 September 2014 RESOLVED: Hampshire/Haslingden that the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 17 September 2014 be confirmed as a true and accurate record of such meeting. 189/14 Business Arising Page 9 – Removal of Tree in Delegate Memorial Park (06.20.0) Cr Goodyer enquired if this tree had been removed. The DE advised that this had not occurred as yet. Page 9 – MO 06/14 - Fire Safety Upgrades to Existing Commercial Buildings (04.10.0) Cr Bateman asked if this letter had been sent and the DRS advised that it had been. Page 8 –DRS 18/14 - IPART Review of Local Government Compliance and Enforcement Cr Yelds asked if this review had been forwarded. The DRS advised that it had been and he would arrange for a copy of it to be sent to Councillors. Page 11 – WM 03/14 – Application for School Bus Route (05.40.15) Cr Haslingden asked if this matter had been progressed. The DE advised that he had forwarded details to Carl Brough (Roads and Maritime Services) and Sam Morabito (NSW Police) and he was now awaiting their comments. The Mayor advised that he had not organised a meeting with the applicant. Page 12 – CSM 08/14 – Representation on Council Committees (08.52.21) Cr Haslingden commented that the Timber Consultative Committee had not been re-appointed at the last meeting. The GM advised that this Committee had been constituted in March for a period of two years and it was therefore not necessary to re-appoint the members at the September Meeting. S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 9 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 MAYORAL MINUTES MO 07/14 – Fit for the Future (03.60.0099) RESOLVED: Yelds/Hampshire that Council receive and note the information provided and write to the Minister for Local Government expressing Council’s concern at the process that has been followed, including the lack of consultation and short time frame, and advising that Council does not consider this process to be in the best interests of the ratepayers. 190/14 MO 08/14 – Change of Date – November 2014 Council Meeting (08.52.20) RESOLVED: Hampshire/Goodyer that Council change the date of the November 2014 Ordinary Council Meeting to Tuesday, 18 November 2014 from Wednesday, 19 November 2014 and this change, if adopted, be advertised in the local press. 191/14 NOTICE OF MOTION FROM COUNCILLOR DIANE HAMPSHIRE Report on Southern NSW Local Health District Annual Public Meeting (02.35.0) The Mayor expressed his thanks to Cr Hampshire for attending this meeting on behalf of Council. Cr Hampshire added that the Southern NSW Local Health District was not debt free and that hopefully additional funds will now be available for services. Also, it is envisaged that once the new hospital at Bega is complete most of the patients from this area will be sent there. RESOLVED: Bateman/Hampshire that Council note the report on the Southern NSW Local Health District Annual Public Meeting. 192/14 ADOPTION OF ALL MATTERS IN THE BUSINESS PAPER WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THOSE ITEMS WHICH HAVE BEEN WITHDRAWN AND WHICH ARE DULY REFERRED TO IN ORDER IN THE BALANCE OF THESE MINUTES The Mayor then called the Business Papers over page by page and noted the withdrawals made by Councillors. The following reports were withdrawn:FM 15/14 – Cr Yelds EDO 07/14 – Cr Goodyer EDO 08/14 – Cr Goodyer DE 13/14 – Cr Yelds DE 14/14 – Cr Yelds GM 42/14 – Cr Yelds GM 44/14 – Cr Yelds GM 45/14 – Cr Yelds DRS 27/14 – Cr Yelds RESOLVED: Hampshire/ Goodyer that all items in the business paper, with the exception of those items which have been withdrawn, be adopted as follows:- S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 10 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 Reports of Committees Bombala Local Government Area Anzac Centenary Committee – 26 August 2014 RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Bombala Local Government Area Anzac Centenary Committee held on 26 August 2014 be received and noted and the recommendations contained therein be adopted. Reports from Staff – Finance Manager FM 14/14 – Report on Council Investments RESOLVED: That the report as presented by the Responsible Accounting Officer be received and noted. Reports from Staff – Economic Development Officer EDO 09/14 – Monaro Education Foundation (03.45.0026) RESOLVED: That Council donate $500 to the Monaro Education Foundation. Reports from Staff – Works Manager WM 05/14 – Road Closure for the 2014 Bombala Bike Show (05.75.10) RESOLVED: That Council approve the road closure for the Annual Celebration of Motorcycles pending Police approval. Reports from Staff – Corporate Services Manager CSM 11/14 – Pecuniary Interest Returns – 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2014 RESOLVED: That the tabling of Pecuniary Interest Returns for Councillors and designated staff for the period of 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2014 and for the Finance Manager from 19 November 2013 to 30 June 2014, be noted. CSM 12/14 – Re-appointment of Section 355 Committee (02.25.20) RESOLVED: That the Delegate RSL Community Hall Committee be re-appointed under Section 355 of the Local Government Act, 1993. Reports from Staff – General Manager GM 46/14 – Administration Officer/Works Department Closure Christmas/New Year Period and Annual Christmas Party (09.45.0) RESOLVED: 1) That Council’s Administration Office close from Thursday, 25 December 2014 to Friday, 2 January 2015 (inclusive), reopening on Monday, 5 January 2015, and that staff take appropriate leave for that period. Further, that appropriate action be taken to adequately S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 11 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 2) 3) publicise these arrangements including emergency contact numbers for the office closure period. That the Works Department’s Christmas Break be from Monday, 22 December 2014 to Friday, 2 January 2015 (inclusive) with staff returning to work on Monday, 5 January 2015 and that staff take appropriate leave for that period. That Council close its offices from 1.00pm on Friday, 19 December 2014 for the annual Christmas Party, reopening on Monda7, 22 December 2014, and from 4.00pm on Wednesday, 24 December 2014. 193/14 REPORTS WITHDRAWN FOR FUTHER DISCUSSION Reports from Staff – Finance Manager FM 15/14 – Internally Restricted Cash Reserves (03.45.0) RESOLVED: Haslingden/Yelds that this report be deferred for consideration at the December Meeting and after the Auditor has presented to Council. 194/14 Reports from Staff – Economic Development Manager EDO 07/14 – Visitor Information Centre – Harvest House Proposal (06.52.60) RESOLVED: Hampshire/Haslingden that this item be deferred for consideration at the December Meeting, with additional information containing: 195/14 the problems of the current Visitor Information Centre, the costs involved in bringing this building to a suitable standard, and a summary of a cost benefit analysis of the new proposal. ADJOURNMENT RESOLVED: Goodyer/Bateman that Council adjourn for its dinner break at 7.51pm. 196/14 RESUMPTION RESOLVED: Hampshire/Goodyer that Council resume with standing orders. 197/14 The meeting resumed at 8.23pm with all Councillors and all staff again present. REPORTS WITHDRAWN FOR FUTHER DISCUSSION (CONT’D) Reports from Staff – Economic Development Officer (Cont’d) EDO 08/14 – Development of Bombala Pool Complex (02.75.5) S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 12 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 MOVED: Yelds That Council: 1. Develop a plan to enhance the existing Swimming Pool Complex by the addition of a flexible building to accommodate health and leisure businesses; and 2. Seek expressions of interest from suitably qualified operators/businesses to lease the new facility planned for the Swimming Pool Complex as part of this plan. This motion LAPSED for want of a seconder. RESOLVED: Haslingden/Goodyer that Council develop a plan and cost benefit analysis to enhance the existing Swimming Pool Complex by the addition of a flexible building to accommodate health and leisure businesses. 198/14 Cr Bateman requested that his vote be recorded against the motion. Reports from Staff – Director of Engineering DE 13/14 – Bombala Council Drinking Water Management System (07.02.0) RESOLVED: Hampshire/Bateman Council resolve to adopt the Drinking Water Management System (DWMS) which demonstrates Bombala Council’s compliance with Section 25 of the NSW Public Health Act 2010 and this document be workshopped before the end of March 2015. 199/14 DE 14/14 – Reclassify Smith Road to Become an Unmaintained Council Road (05.40.0022) RESOLVED: Hampshire/Yelds that Council approve the reclassification of Smith Road from a Council maintained road to an unmaintained road. 200/14 Reports from Staff – General Manager GM 42/14 – Review of Council Policies (08.52.25) RESOLVED: Hampshire/ Goodyer that the information in this report be received and noted that Council retain its existing Policy No 2.4.4 Investment Policy with the following amendment:Term to Maturity Term & Cash Deposits – amended to “not more than 370 days” from “not more than 185 days” 201/14 Cr Yelds requested that his vote be recorded against the motion. GM 44/14 – Fit for the Future (03.60.0099) RESOLVED: Yelds/Bateman a) That Council: 1. Receive and note the High Plains Fit for the Future Discussion Paper; S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 13 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 b) 2. Endorses the stages outlined in the Discussion Paper as a way forward; and 3. That the General Manager be delegated authority to implement Stage 1 provided the State Government agrees to fund the cost of this process. That Council continue to investigate other options for a way forward to address the Fit for the Future proposal including discussions with Bega Valley Shire Council. 202/14 GM 45/14 – ANZAC Centenary Project – Bombala Council Area (08.10.0003) RESOLVED: Yelds/Hampshire that Council receive and note this report and endorse the actions of the Bombala Local Government Area Anzac Centenary Committee in progressing the Centenary of Anzac projects. 203/14 Reports from Staff – Director of Engineering DRS 27/14 – Amendment to Policy 4.1.17 – Use of Public Roads (08.52.25) RESOLVED: Bateman/Yelds that Policy 4.1.17, Use of Public Roads for sale or display of goods, be amended to allow flags to be displayed subject to the following conditions: 204/14 The flag pole must be secured to the top of the kerb by a Council approved hold down device; The hold down device must be flush mounted to the surface of the kerb and not constitute a trip hazard when the flag is removed; The premises must hold a current Use of Public Roads approval; Only one flag on the kerb is permitted per street frontage per premises; The hold down device and the flag pole must be located within 200 mm of an existing permanent footpath structure (where the structure is at least 600 mm high) being an electricity pole, a sign post, a garbage bin or the like. Flags are not permitted to be installed within 1 m of a bench seat. The hold down device and the flag must not constitute an obstruction or trip hazard to pedestrians. The flags may only be displayed while the business is open for trade. All other requirements of the policy are met. CLOSURE OF MEETING TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC TO CONSIDER CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS Reports from Staff – Finance Manager FM 16/14 – Delegate Rural Transaction Centre This item is classified CONFIDENTIAL under Sections 10A(2)(c) of the Local Government Act, 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to the following reason:Information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business; S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 14 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 Public Interest Test It is not in the public interest to discuss Report No FM 16/14 in Open Council because it concerns commercial dealings that Council is conducting with the Delegate Rural Transaction Centre. Reports from Staff – General Manager GM 43/14 – Bombala Swimming Pool Operations – Expression of Interest (QN.14.0005) This item is classified CONFIDENTIAL under Section 10A(2)(c) of the Local Government Act, 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to the following reason:Information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business; Public Interest Test It is not in the public interest to discuss Report No GM 43/14 in Open Council because it concerns confidential matters concerning the Bombala Swimming Pool contract. Council received no written representations in relation to the closure of Council’s meeting and as the one member of the general public present vacated the Council Meeting Room prior to discussion of the abovementioned matters , it was not necessary to invite verbal submissions on the closure to discuss the matters listed above. RESOLVED: Hampshire/Yelds:1. That Council resolve into closed Council to consider matters associated with Report No FM 16/14 – Delegate Rural Transaction Centre and Report No GM 43/14 – Bombala Swimming Pool Operations – Expression of Interest under Section 10A(2)(c) - Information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business; 2. That pursuant to section 10A(1)-(3) of the Local Government Act, 1993, the media and public be excluded from the meeting on the basis that the business to be considered is classified confidential under the provisions of Sections 10A(2)(c) 3. That the correspondence and reports relevant to the subject business be withheld from access to the media and public as required under Section 11(2) of the Local Government Act 1993. 205/14 Council closed its meeting at 9.30pm. FM 16/14 – Delegate Rural Transaction Centre (03.45.0 & 02.25.10) RESOLVED: Yelds/Bateman that Council enter into a new Revenue Collection Agency Agreement with the Delegate Progress Association Rural Transaction Centre (RTC) including appropriate performance measures. 206/14 GM 43/14 – Bombala Swimming Pool Operations – Expression of Interest (QN.14.0005) S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 15 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 RESOLVED: Yelds/Hampshire that Council accept the Expression of Interest from Paul Perkins Raw Strength and Fitness to operate the pool for the upcoming 2014-2015 Swimming Season in accordance with the contract for this service and Councillors be notified of the outcome of any negotiations. 207/14 RESUMPTION INTO OPEN COUNCIL RESOLVED: Hampshire/Goodyer that Council move out of Closed Council into Open Council. 208/14 Open Council resumed at 9.50 pm. CLOSURE There being no further business the meeting was declared closed at 9.51pm. S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 16 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 MAYORAL MINUTE File: SC114 MO 09/14 OFFER OF BLADE FROM BOCO ROCK WINDFARM DEVELOPER RECOMMENDATION: That Council accept the offer of CWP Renewables, the developer of the Boco Rock Windfarm, provided that the cost of the installation is borne by the developer. BACKGROUND: Council has been offered a blade from the Boco Rock Windfarm development for permanent installation in Bombala. After speaking to a representative from CWP Renewables I have been advised that the company will meet all costs of installing the blade in Bombala. The Director of Engineering has estimated that the cost of installation will be in the vicinity of $25,000. Council may need to consider paying 50% if the interpretative signage costs estimated at $2,000. The Economic Development Manager has advised that this blade could be installed in the community garden area on the Railway Land precinct. ISSUES: This provides the opportunity to procure an interesting tourist and educational attraction in the area. The installation of the blade could expand on the theme of the railway precinct of “Where the Past Meets the Present” and encourage additional visitation to the railway land and Visitor Information Centre. The installation of the blade would provide some continuity of involvement with the construction phase of the windfarm which was of economic benefit to the area. OPTIONS: To accept or not accept the offer. RELEVANT POLICY OR LEGISLATION: Goal 2.5 of Council’s Delivery and Operational Plan. FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS: Council may have to consider funding part of the Interpretative Signage. ENCLOSED DOCUMENTS: Nil. S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 17 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 This Page Intentionally Left Blank S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 18 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 NOTICE OF MOTION FROM COUNCILLOR – CR S HASLINGDEN AMMENDMENTS TO THE BOMBALA RACECOURSE AND RECREATION GROUND COMMITTEE CONSITITION At the recent Bombala Racecourse and Recreation Ground Committee annual geeneral meeting held on 2 September 2014, the committee moved that the below changes be submitted in regards to changes to the Constitution of the Committee to better guide the Committee: Current reading: Bottom of page 57: The Committee is not responsible for the upkeep or maintenance of the area known as the Platypus Reserve, the road to the Platypus Reserve and the two grids/ramps. Proposed Amendment: The Committee is not responsible for the upkeep or maintenance of the area known as the Platypus Reserve, the road to the Platypus Reserve, the two grids/ramps or the #2 gravel pit. Reason: The #2 gravel pit is under Council's control. Current reading: Also Bottom of page 57: Fencing of the property is the responsibility of the Committee, where the Committee leases the remainder of the Racecourse Reserve to a third party, including the upkeep of the internal fence between the Platypus Reserve and the remainder of the Racecourse Reserve. Proposed Amendment: Fencing of the property is the responsibility of the Committee, except when the Committee leases areas of the Racecourse Reserve. If a lease is in place, the tennant is responsable for maintenance of all fencing (and with any 'neighbours' if applicable). The lease identifies the fence between the Racecourse Reserve and the Platypus Reserve. Reason: The Committee do not recognise that it is their responsibility to maintain the fence between the Platypus Reserve and the Racecourse area. The Committee carried that it is the responsibility of the 'neighbours' to maintain any separating fence. The 'neighbours' in this case being the land users – the Racecourse Leasee, Brownlie Brothers and the Platypus Reserve management. The Platypus Reserve management have raised the issue that stock are entering the Platypus Reserve and destroying vegetation. A recent inspection was carried out and no stock damage of vegetation was obvious. It was considered that in fact ground cover was in good condition with native grasses still carrying seed heads; whereas if the area had been stocked, the grasses would have been eaten. Recommended: In the best interest of this issue, it is recommended by the Committee that the Platypus Reserve management put a padlock on the gate so that it cannot be accessed by unauthorised people and accidently left open. It is advised that a key be given to the Leasee and also one be held by Council, so that if any stock do wander into the Platypus reserve, they can be mustered out through the gate. It is noted in the Lease of the Reserve that the Platypus Reserve is not to be stocked at any time. S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 19 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 As with any boundary fence, after heavy rain events/rising river waters, that fences be stock proof – by either party. inspected to be Current Reading: Half way down page 58: Clause (c) be amended to: The Committee Shall consist of Two representatives from Bombala Council Two representatives from the Bombala Campdraft Committee Two representatives from the Bombala Pony Club Two community representatives Four representatives from the Bombala Jockey Club From which representatives the Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer will be appointed. Proposed Amendment: Clause (c) be amended to: The Committee Shall consist of Two elected representatives from Bombala Council Any two representatives from the Bombala Campdraft Committee Any two representatives from the Bombala Pony Club Two elected community representatives Any four representatives from the Bombala Jockey Club From which representatives the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer will be appointed. Reason: At a previous Annual General Meeting is was carried that any representative from a group could vote on behalf of that group. We also do have a Vice Chair position. Submitted by: Clr Sue Haslingden Secretary Treasurer BRRGC. Cr S Haslingden 6 November 2014 S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 20 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 NOTICE OF MOTION FROM COUNCILLOR – CR S HASLINGDEN COMMUNITY ENERGY GRANT RECOMMENDATION: That Council convene a small working group to investigate the feasibility of a community energy project such as a wind turbine, solar farm or biomass plant, and report their findings to Council for approval to apply for a Growing Community Energy Grant. BACKGROUND: The Growing Community Energy grants are now open and will fund early stage development of community energy projects, recognising that community energy projects face prohibitive start-up costs. The grants will finance pre-feasibility studies, community engagement and planning to help create viable community-owned business models that can attract further investment. Further details are found at Growing Community Energy Guidelines: (This link has been circulated ten days before the November Council meeting for Councillor reference.). Grant application closes December 15th 2014. Proposed community-owned energy projects could be: Community-Owned Wind Turbines: Acknowledgment: "Hepburn Wind is owned by its members, numbering more than 1900 (as of 1 November 2011). Just over half of Hepburn Wind’s members identify as local to the project. Since each member receives a single vote at meetings, all members have an equal say. In order to ensure that the interests of the local community remain paramount, the board aims to maintain majority local ownership." Acknowledgement:"So we produce enough renewable energy to meet our energy needs making us carbon neutral for power generation. There are not too many communities who can say that. Our members absolutely believe in climate change and are proud that we prevent about 12,200 tons of CO2 from being released into the atmosphere every year. On top of that our 2,000 members - the majority of whom are locals - receive a financial return on the shares they've purchased." Community-owned Solar Farms: Acknowledgement: "Community Solar Farms. The Community Solar Farm project enables local community members and organisations to pool microinvestments to build their very own large solar farm. At the same time this will enable the shift to sustainability through more affordable solar electricity for a large, local electricity user." Solar Power - The first initiative of Farming the Sun was a solar power bulk-buy program in partnership with Ausenergy. It was made up of 4 separate stages and offers which utilised the various government incentives available at the time. S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 21 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 This achieved 552 kW of high quality solar power systems, including the first solar trackers in the region, being installed on homes, farms and other buildings throughout the New England Region. More than a dozen tradespeople were trained in solar system installation, including an innovative partnership with BackTrack for young trainees." Community-owned Biomass/Sewerage: Acknowledgement: "Biogases can be captured in landfills and sewage treatment ponds through collection pipes and flared (burnt off) or used to generate bioenergy " Cr S Haslingden 10 November 2014 S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 22 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 NOTICE OF MOTION FROM COUNCILLOR – CR D HAMPSHIRE RECOMMENDATION: That Council consider the purchase of Yaranbul Dreaming by Natalie Bateman. It is estimated that the painting would cost $3,000. BACKGROUND: As we are platypus country, this picture is a creative and an impressionable artwork that reflects our region and goal 6 in our Integrated Strategic Plan: Retain, promote historical, cultural and environmental attributes. It is currently on exhibition at the Bundian Gallery. Natalie is a well-known and professional aboriginal artist: please refer to these links This painting would enhance the proposed updated Bombala Council office by either being placed in the foyer or one of the meeting rooms/or mayor’s office. Cr D Hampshire 10 November 2014 S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 23 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 24 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 NOTICE OF MOTION FROM COUNCILLOR – CR S HASLINGDEN RECOMMENDATION: That Council construct a school bus stop at the intersection of MR91 and Ferndale Rd and that works be completed before the 2015 school year begins on January 28th. The area has to be so designed to comply with all regulations and that the bus can pull in and out safely and there is sufficient area for students to step back away from the bus. BACKGROUND: A report was to be brought to the October Council meeting: WM 03/14 –Application for School Bus Stop (05.40.15) RESOLVED: Yelds/ Goodyer that the Engineering Manager consult further with the Bus Service provider and Applicant and report to the next Council meeting. Such a report was not presented at the last Council meeting. Therefore time has been lost and with Christmas coming up, Councillor's should consider Option 1 as presented to the September Ordinary Council Meeting: to build a school bus drop off zone at the intersection of Bombala/Cathcart/Main Road 91 and Ferndale Road. Mr Peter Sullivan, our Engineer, provided concise information in the September report and that works would cost about $5,000 and that funding is available via the Country Transport Infrastructure Grant as advised by Mr Gregory Black, Transport NSW. Further conversations with Mrs Jane Campbell and school bus operator Mr Tony Roberts, both agree that a drop off zone opposite Ferndale Rd is the safest with the least risk, and most convenient location for all users. Mr Roberts has identified major risks with the other site further along the road previously identified: unclear lines of vision/especially dangerous in foggy or inclement weather trucks/vehicles gearing up/speeding to get up hill while the bus is slowing down to pull over to drop off students Mrs Campbell has also done a test run of this other site and says she has an unclear line of vision in either direction even on a clear day pulling out from the site to cross traffic to return to Ferndale Rd requires low gears and she cannot build up sufficient speed to be safe in regards to vehicles coming through the cutting and down the hill at 100km/h (at least) – or as Mr Roberts highlights, with vehicles gearing up for the hill whose lane she has to cross. This would be especially dangerous in foggy, frosty and inclement weather. Some time ago, a young family relation of Mr and Mrs Campbell was fatally injured after getting off a school bus locally. This event has scared the family and also has greatly heightened their awareness in regards to the risks involved with children, school buses, obscured vision, other vehicles using the road and the importance of having reasonable access & space in the drop off zone. S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 25 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 Cr S Haslingden 6 November 2014 DIRECTOR ENGINEERING NOTE for the Application for a New School Bus Stop on Cathcart Road This is a briefing paper on the progress of the above-mention application and the various options that have been suggested and considered. To date a response has been received from the RMS regarding their consideration of the options and I am still waiting on a response from NSW Police. Council has still to organise a meeting with the Bus Operator and the Applicant. After this is done a report to Council will be forthcoming. In the background section of this paper are the option presented to the RMS for their consideration. Council is still awaiting a response from the NSW Police regarding their considerations. BACKGROUND: Council has had a request for a new bus stop on the Cathcart Road (MR91) at the Ferndale Rd intersection. There are a number of options at this location mainly to do with cost and also the applicants preference. 1. This option involves the suggestion to have the drop off and pick up points on the same side of the road with the bus dropping off the kids whilst parking across the intersection with the bus door facing the trafficable Lane. I consider this manoeuvre to be dangerous if not illegal and I will not approve the bus operator to do this unless advised otherwise. The operator would have to merge back onto the Cathcart Rd at an acute angle which I believe is unsafe . The red line shows the Drop Off manoeuvre, blue is the pick-up manoeuvre. S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 26 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 2. This option is the applicants’ preference. That is, to have the drop off and pick up points at the same location i.e. Ferndale Lane. The estimated cost is $5000 to construct a new pull over bay suitable to contain a bus well off the trafficable lane of Cathcart Road. The new bay would act as the drop off point and the Ferndale Road side would be the pick-up point. 3. This option allows a more acceptable manoeuvre and would involve constructing a gravel turnaround bay past the cattle grid on Ferndale Road so that the bus re-enters onto the Cathcart Road at a perpendicular angle on the right side of the road. The red line depicts the drop off manoeuvre whilst the blue is the pickup line. S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 27 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 4. This option utilises Carlyle Road 400 metres towards Cathcart as the drop off point. This is already suitable for a bus pull over area and parents to park their car well off the road. The drop-off point would still be at Ferndale Road. This requires no money to setup. The distance between the two points is 400 metres. Looking East towards Cathcart along Cathcart Road at Carlyle Road Intersection. S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 28 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 Looking We; towards Bombala along Cathcart Road at Carlyle Road Intersection. This area does suffer from fog both in the morning and in the evening. There is good site distance at both Ferndale Road and Carlyle Road. FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS: Option 4 – will have nil construction costs. Options 2 and 3 will have an estimated construction costs in the vicinity of $4,000 to $5,000. ENCLOSED DOCUMENTS: RMS Email from Karl Brough Hi Peter, Just confirming our conversation earlier. Regarding the first application for Cathcart Rd, proposal (1) for both drop off and pick up at the intersection of Ferndale Rd is not desirable as the red line for the drop off manoeuvre is both illegal due to travelling along the wrong side of the road and may be unsafe due to off loading passengers on the Cathcart Rd side. My thoughts with these applications is that if there is a viable alternate options using existing infrastructure this is preferable to creating new infrastructure. Often the facility may only be used for a few years and then becomes unused as families move on or children leave school. On this basis I concur with your proposal (4) to investigate using Carlyle Rd for drop off. While I appreciate there is an extra distance, this is only 400m which is not an S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 29 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 unreasonable extra distance for a parent to drive. The only concern would be if the parents are unable to collect their children by car then they would be forced to walk along the road or shoulder which is not desirable from a safety perspective. If this is the case option (2) or (3) would need to be considered. Further information on the ability of the parents to drive to the site would be necessary to make an informed decision. Once the preferred option has been decided a more detailed assessment of the proposed site may be undertaken. The Rural School Bus Guidelines prepared for Councils in the Riverina region that I forwarded earlier (thanks to Sam) would be a useful tool in assessing the site suitability. It looks as though you have already considered the sight distance issues. RMS does not have any additional guidelines that I can provide. Regarding the second application, as it is on the Monaro Highway I will investigate and respond direct to the applicant. If we could convene a Traffic Committee meeting it would be a good opportunity to get everyone together to consider this and any other issues. Please find following a link to the section of the RMS website covering Traffic Powers and Traffic Committees It includes the document "A guide to the delegation to councils for the regulation of traffic including the operation of Traffic Committees" Regards, Karl. S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 30 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 NOTICE OF RESCISSION MOTION FROM COUNCILLOR – CR D HAMPSHIRE Rescission Motion re Motion 194/14 RECOMMENDATION: That council rescind motion 194/14 pertaining to Report Number FM 15/14 – Internally Restricted Cash Reserves presented to the October Council Meeting. BACKGROUND: At the workshop held on Thursday, 23 October 2014, between Councillors and senior staff, discussion occurred on rescinding Motion 194/14. Cr D Hampshire 24 October 2014 Cr B Bateman 24 October 2014 Cr R Stewart (Mayor) 24 October 2014 S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 31 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 This Page Intentionally Left Blank S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 32 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 NOTICE OF MOTION FROM COUNCILLOR – CR D HAMPSHIRE RECOMMENDATION: That, provided Motion No 194/14 is rescinded, Council reconsider Report No FM 15/14 – Internally Restricted Cash Reserves. BACKGROUND: Council considered this report (below report from October meeting) at the October Meeting and deferred it for consideration at the December Meeting after the Auditor’s presentation. It is considered prudent for Council’s long term financial planning to consider the report at this meeting. Cr D Hampshire 10 November 2014 FINANCE MANAGER File: 03.45.0 FM 15/14 INTERNALLY RESTRICTED CASH RESERVES RECOMMENDATION: That the information in this report be received and noted. BACKGROUND: The closing balances (including the transfers to/from) of Council’s internally restricted reserves as per the 2013/14 Financial Statements are as follows; Extract 2013/14 Financial Statements Note 6c. Restricted Cash, Cash Equivalents & Investments S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 33 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 2014 Opening Transfers to Transfers from Closing $ '000 Balance Restrictions Restrictions Balance 602 - (602) - 1,638 - (19) 1,619 Employees Leave Entitlement 440 100 Carry Over Works 351 665 Internal Restrictions Plant & Vehicle Replacement Infrastructure Replacement Community Development - 540 (351) 665 15 - - 15 Deposits, Retentions & Bonds 154 - - 154 Economic Development 180 - - 180 Emergency Services 150 - (75) Financial Assistance Grant 882 - (882) - 1,285 42 (13) 1,314 54 - 5,751 807 (1,942) 4,616 10,208 1,094 (2,178) 9,124 Snowy River Way Interest - Community Projects Delegate Disadvantages Units Total Internal Restrictions TOTAL RESTRICTIONS 75 - 54 The purpose of each internally restricted reserve is outlined in Council Policy 2.4 (attached). It is proposed that the reserves be further allocated into the followed specific projects as outlined in Council’s Community Strategic Plan Project CSP Goal Snowy River Way Int. Community Projects Infrastructure Replacement Economic Community Development Development Delegate Main Street Upgrade 5 60,000 Harvest House 2 100,000 Community Buildings 4 214,000 Bombala Caravan Park 2 100,000 150,000 250,000 Seal Racecourse Road 5 150,000 100,000 250,000 Bombala Main Street 5 300,000 600,000 900,000 Endeavour Reserve Viewing Platform 2 40,000 40,000 Bicycle Path Plan & Associated Works 4 200,000 200,000 Pool Complex 4 Delegate Caravan Park 2 Bombala River Park 2 Social Enterprise business set up Fencing & Landscaping Platypus Reserve 1 2 9,000 9,000 Equipment Delegate Art Centre Equipment Delegate Wood Working Room 4 2,000 2,000 4 2,000 2,000 Equipment Men’s Shed Bundian Way Infrastructure within Bombala Council area 4 2,000 2,000 TOTAL 130,000 Total 190,000 100,000 200,000 214,000 300,000 300,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 80,000 6 80,000 200,000 1,314,000 1,630,000 S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 34 200,000 180,000 15,000 3,139,000 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 OPTIONS: N/A RELEVANT POLICY OR LEGISLATION: Local Government Act 1993 (Section 413) Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 (Section 205) Local Government Code of Accounting Practice and Financial Reporting - Update 22 Council Policy No 2.4 Financial Control (Financial Reserves) Council’s Integrated Community Strategic Plan 2014/2024 Council’s 4 Year Delivery Programs to 2017 FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS: Nil ENCLOSED DOCUMENTS: Encl: Council’s Reserves Policy S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 35 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 This Page Intentionally Left Blank S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 36 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES WASTE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE – 17 JULY 2014 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE WASTE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE HELD ON 17 JULY 2014 IN THE BOMBALA COUNCIL CHAMBERS, COMMENCING AT 5.30PM PRESENT: Cr Steve Goodyer (Chair) Councillors Brad Yelds, Joe Ingram and Bill Bateman. IN ATTENDENCE: Ms Ngaire McCrindle, Council General Manager Mr Steven Baldwin, Council Works Manager Mr Terry Perkins, Urban Works Supervisor Mr Peter Sullivan, Council Engineering Manager APOLOGIES: RECOMMENDED: B Yelds/Bateman that the apology submitted on behalf of Mr Mal Thompson be received and accepted. CONFIRMATION OF PREVIOUS MINUTES: RECOMMENDED: B Yelds/s Goodyer that the minutes of the meeting held on the 29 July 2013 be confirmed as a true and accurate record. PECUNIARY AND NON-PECUNIARY INTEREST DECLARATIONS: No pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests were declared by those attending the meeting. BUSINESS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES: Draft Landfill Environmental Management Plan Cr Yelds asked if anything had been done concerning the draft Landfill Environmental Management Plan (LEMP). The DE advised that this was in draft form however it needed to be finally completed and should be available by the end of September. He advised that the capital expenditure at the Bombala and Delegate waste depots has ensured that Council is in far better position in relation to compliance with EPA requirements. We are still working towards more in depth consideration given to the financial and operation considerations. Cr Yelds also expressed concern about the “wish list” and the plan and the potential for East Gippsland Council to truck waste to the Delegate Waste Depot. The DE advised that it would need to go to S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 37 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 Bombala and that the Bombala facility would need to become a licenced facility, which is not currently required. RECOMMENDED: B Yelds/W Bateman that: 1. The Draft LEMP for the Delegate Waste Depot be finalised by 30 September 2014 for approval by the Committee meeting the minimum requirements of the EPA and Council; 2. An Implementation Plan and Option study be developed for the Delegate Waste Depot. Tana Compactor Cr Yelds asked about Tana report and the DE advised that a briefing note was given to Council in January 2014. Mr Perkins advised that from an operational point of view this machine has been extremely successful in improving the trench performance and will increase the life of the site. It was agreed that a further report will be provided at the next Waste Management Committee Meeting. In the course of general discussion about operations of the Bombala waste depot Cr Goodyer asked about drainage at the site and the DE advised this is in the budget. The chipper was discussed and Mr Perkins advised that as burning is not a viable option and it is also costly the ability to use clean chipped waste as fill in the trench should be cost effective. This process will be monitored over the next few months to determine the budget implications. The DE also advised that these changes are being considered for implementation because there are potential issues in regards to breaching the POEO Act as well as the WH&S Act. Waste Audit Cr Yelds asked about the Waste Audit since the previous meeting. The DE advised that Council does a quarterly audit of the waste received at the Bombala Waste Depot that complies with our statutory reporting requirements. Future Operation Direction RECOMMENDED: B Yelds/J Ingram, that a report be provided to the next meeting comparing the operation of the chipper in relation to burning of green waste. SCAVENGING AT BOMBALA TIP: The issue of scavenging at the Bombala tip has been reasonably quiet in the community. Staff are looking at the idea of a tip shop which may provide business opportunities and add to revenue. Mr Perkins asked why not charge for waste dumped at the tip as a business model would suggest that to do more with recycling, run a tip shop and provide a better service would require fees. It was agreed that a report on an overall plan for tip operations including a business plan to increase revenue and bringing our waste depots up to standard, primarily addressed in the LEMP, will provide a way forward. Cr Yelds left the meeting at 6.40pm. SERRG CHARTER: The draft South East Resource Recovery Group (SERRG) Charter of South East Regional Organisation of Councils (SEROC) was tabled for information. STRATEGIC PLAN: The revised South East Regional Organisation of Councils (SEROC) Regional Waste Stream Management Strategy 2012-2032 from SERRG was tabled for information. S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 38 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 RECOMMENDED: W Bateman/J Ingram that the draft South East Resource Recovery Group (SERRG) Charter and the revised South East Regional Organisation of Councils (SEROC) Regional Waste Stream Management Strategy 2012-2032 be noted. S.88 WASTE LEVY: It was noted that the Local Government Association of NSW responded on behalf of NSW local government on the Options Paper from the EPA to extend the waste levy under s.88 of the Act. LGNSW strongly opposes this and strongly supports Option 1 – that the levy NOT be extended to areas outside the current regulated area (i.e. cities). The DE advised that Council has also been working with SERRG/ SEROC on this and also supported Option 1. OPERATING COSTS BOMBALA WASTE DEPOT: The report on the operating costs of the Bombala Waste Depot were considered and the DE advised that the overruns in 2013/14 were primarily because it cost $7,000 to remove mattresses and lounges during the year, the Tana had issues with the old trench and materials such as steel damaging the cutting teeth etc. As there is better compaction and cover this problem should be minimised in the future. Cr Bateman asked about the removal of cooking oil drums in Delegate and was advised that Burchalls provide this service in Bombala. Our Bombala Waste Depot does accept cooking oils. URGENT GENERAL BUSINESS FOR WHICH NO DUE NOTICE HAS BEEN GIVEN: Mr Perkins advised that Council needs to be aware that every now and then extra maintenance will be required, e.g. removing wattle from fence or unexpected repairs to the Tana which may exceed the budget. Cr Ingram asked whether we should just get extra help for Mal to remove the TVs etc at Bombala however the DE advised that Mal has been assisted in the loading of the shipping containers by contractors and also other staff where possible. The collection regime meant that the loading of the ewaste into the shipping containers of legacy waste could be done over time. All e-waste brought in recently is loaded directly into the containers by those disposing of it and so the Depot Operator does not have to double handle these. Cr Ingram asked about the signage for traffic moving around the site and whether it was an issue if it was two-way traffic. The DE advised that it had not been an issue and that the sign directing traffic one particular way could be removed. Cr Ingram asked about the recording of number plates and the DE advised that that was just a component of the waste audit required to be done by the EPA for reporting purposes. We did have a surveillance camera in place to try and reduce the time taken to conduct this Audit by the Depot Operator, however it was stolen. DATE OF NEXT MEETING: The next meeting of this committee will be held on 30 September 2014 at 5.00pm CLOSURE: The meeting closed at 7.38pm. S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 39 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 This Page Intentionally Left Blank S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 40 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 REPORTS FROM STAFF FINANCE MANAGER File: FM 17/14 REPORT ON COUNCIL INVESTMENTS RECOMMENDATION: That the report as presented by the Responsible Accounting Officer be received and noted. BACKGROUND: In accordance with legislation Council must be provided with a report setting out the details of all funds that Council has invested. ISSUES: Nil OPTIONS: Nil RELEVANT POLICY OR LEGISLATION: Section 212 Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 Section 625 Local Government Act 1993 Council’s Investment Policy Goal 7.4 of Council’s Integrated Community Strategic Plan. FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS: Nil ENCLOSED DOCUMENTS: Investments as at 31st October 2014 Cashbook to 31st October 2014 Comparison Report for 12 months to 31st October 2014 CERTIFICATION BY RESPONSIBLE ACCOUNTING OFFICER In accordance with Clause 212 of the Local Government Regulation 2005, I certify that all investments have been made in accordance with the Act, the regulations and Council’s investment policy. Jacqueline Chadwick Responsible Accounting Officer S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 41 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 I N V E S T M E N T R E G I S T E R- Summary as at 31st October 2014 Reference INVESTMENT DETAILS Term (days) 12-709-2782 14-598-1313 13-600-0173 94-320-1502 94-792-2550 94-792-2825 39-306-4928 39-306-0572 84-214-8674 TERM DEPOSITS Term Deposit (NAB) - Inv 2 REDEEMED -18/10/13 0.86 to chq a/c Term Deposit (NAB) - Inv 3 REDEEMED 2/1/14 (1m to Inv 9) Term Deposit (NAB) - Inv 4 REDEEMED - 15/10/13 2.3m to Inv 8 & 9 Term Deposit (NAB) - Inv 5 Term Deposit (NAB) - Inv 6 Term Deposit (NAB) - Inv 7 Term Deposit (NAB) - Inv 8 REDEEMED-14/3 (0.2 added to inv 10) Term Deposit (NAB) - Inv 9 Term Deposit (NAB) - Inv 10 082-467 89-565-1006 Subtotal Term Deposits General Fund AT CALL FUNDS Cash Maximiser (NAB) Inv 1 At call 2.85 1,008,325.33 AA- 082-467 83-307-0046 General Fund Bank Account (NAB) - Inv 7 At Call 2.50 492,573.03 AA- 082-467 83-307-0150 Trust Fund Bank Account - closed 13/2/13 Subtotal At Call Deposits General Fund At call 184 180 96 64 95 % Amount Invested Rating 3.65 3.61 3.51 1,200,000.00 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 AAAAAA- 25/02/2015 18/03/2015 14/01/2015 3.25 2.51 2,000,000.00 1,500,000.00 AAAA- 17/12/2014 17/12/2014 8,700,000.00 TOTAL FUNDS INVESTED SUMMARY BY FUND TYPE 0.00 Trust 1,500,898.36 10,200,898.36 Total Investments General Fund-1 Total Investments Water Fund-2 5,725,045.90 2,249,463.15 Total Investments Sewer Fund-3 Total Investments Waste Fund-4 Total Investments Trust Fund TOTAL FUNDS INVESTED (BY FUND) 2,073,230.91 153,158.40 0.00 10,200,898.36 SUMMARY BY FINANCIAL INSTITUTION National Australia Bank 10,200,898.36 Newcastle Permanent 0.00 Westpac Banking Corporation 0.00 Bank West TOTAL FUNDS INVESTED (BY FINANCIAL INSTITUTION) 0.00 10,200,898.36 S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 42 Maturity Date AA- ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 Cashbook Balance as at 31st October 2014 $492,573.03 Cash at Bank Add: Outstanding Deposit $475,991.44 $0.00 General Account Trust Account $ $0.00 - Less: Unpresented deposits Less: EFT Outstanding Less: Unpresented Cheques $19,702.77 $0.00 ($3,121.18) Balance as per Cashbook $492,573.03 Limit of Overdraft at Bank $1,000,000.00 Bank Statements NAB - General Fund Bank account Trust Account 000035 $475,991.44 $0.00 TOTAL CASH AT BANK $475,991.44 Movement in Cash 12,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 8,000,000.00 Waste 6,000,000.00 Sewer Water 4,000,000.00 General 2,000,000.00 0.00 S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 43 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 This Page Intentionally Left Blank S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 44 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 FINANCE MANAGER File: 03.35.0 FM 18/14 SEPTEMBER QUARTERLY BUDGET REVIEW STATEMENT & QUARTERLY PERFORMANCE REPORT RECOMMENDATION: 1. That the information in this report be received and noted. 2. Adjust the adopted budget to reflect the recommended variations to income and expenditure as shown in the Quarterly Budget Review Statement BACKGROUND: To inform Council of necessary changes to the 2014/15 budget and to fulfil the legislative requirement to prepare and submit to the council a budget review statement not later than 2 months after the end of each quarter (except the June quarter). RELEVANT POLICY OR LEGISLATION: Clause 203(1) of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 Council’s Operational Plan 2014/15 and Delivery Program 2013/14 to 2016/17 Integrated Planning and Reporting Guidelines 2010 FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS: Various ENCLOSED DOCUMENTS: ATTACHMENT 1: Quarterly Budget Review Statement and Quarterly Performance Report to 1 July to 30 September 2014 S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 45 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 This Page Intentionally Left Blank S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 46 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 CORPORATE SERVICES MANAGER File: SC88 CSM 13/14 MODEL CODE OF CONDUCT COMPLAINTS REPORT RECOMMENDATION: That the Model Code of Conduct Complaints Report be noted. BACKGROUND: Under the Model Code of Conduct Procedures each Council’s Complaints Co-ordinator must, within three months of the end of September each year, report on a range of complaints statistics to the Council and to the Office of Local Government. This report is attached. The Office has advised that it intends to publish this data. ISSUES: Nil – this is an annual reporting requirement. OPTIONS: Nil. RELEVANT POLICY OR LEGISLATION: Clause 12.1 of the Procedures for the Administration of the Model Code of Conduct for Local Councils in NSW. Goal 7.3 of Council’s Integrated Community Strategic Plan FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS: Nil. ENCLOSED DOCUMENTS: Encl: Model Code of Conduct Complaints Statistics Report. S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 47 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 Model Code of Conduct Complaints Report Number of Complaints 1 a b The total number of complaints received in the period about councillors and the general manager under the code of conduct 0 The total number of complaints finalised in the period about councillors and the general manager under the code of conduct 0 Overview of Complaints and Cost 2 a The number of complaints finalised at the outset by alternative means by the General Manager or Mayor 0 b The number of code of conduct complaints referred to a conduct reviewer c The number of code of conduct complaints finalised at preliminary assessment by conduct reviewer 0 d The number of finalised code of conduct complaints investigated by a conduct reviewer 0 e The number of finalised code of conduct complaints investigated by a conduct review committee 0 f Number of finalised complaints investigated where there was found to be no breach 0 g Number of finalised complaints investigated where there was found to be a breach 0 h Number of complaints being investigated that are not yet finalised i The total cost of dealing with code of conduct complaints within the period made about councillors and the general manager including staff costs 0 0 $0 Preliminary Assessment Statistics 3 The number of complaints determined by the conduct reviewer at the preliminary assessment stage by each of the following actions: a To take no action 0 S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 48 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 b To resolve the complaint by alternative and appropriate strategies c To refer the matter back to the general manager or the Mayor, for resolution by alternative and appropriate strategies 0 d To refer the matter to another agency or body such as, but not limited to, the ICAC, the NSW Ombudsman, the Office or the Police 0 e To investigate the matter f To recommend that the complaints coordinator convene a conduct review committee to investigate the matter 0 0 0 Investigation Statistics 4 The number of investigated complaints resulting in a determination that there was no breach, in which the following recommendations were made: a That the council revise it's policies or procedures b That a person or persons undertake training or other education 0 0 5 The number of investigated complaints resulting in a determination that there was a breach in which the following recommendations were made: a That the council revise any of its policies or procedures b That the subject person undertake any training or other education relevant to the conduct giving rise to the breach c That the subject person be counselled for their conduct d That the subject person apologise to any person or organisation affected by the breach e That findings of inappropriate conduct be made public f In the case of a breach by the general manager, that action be taken under the general manager’s contract for the breach S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 49 0 0 0 0 0 0 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 g In the case of a breach by a councillor, that the councillor be formally censured for the breach under section 440G of the Act 0 h In the case of a breach by a councillor, that the matter be referred to the Office for further action 0 Categories of misconduct 6 The number of investigated complaints resulting in a determination that there was a breach with respect to each of the following categories of conduct: a General conduct (Part 3) b Conflict of interest (Part 4) c Personal benefit (Part 5) d Relationship between council officials (Part 6) e Access to information and resources (Part 7) 0 0 0 0 0 Outcome of determinations 7 The number of investigated complaints resulting in a determination that there was a breach in which the council failed to adopt the conduct reviewers recommendation 0 8 The number of investigated complaints resulting in a determination that there was a breach in which the council's decision was overturned following a review by the Office of Local Government 0 S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 50 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 CORPORATE SERVICES MANAGER File: SC168 CSM 14/14 POLICY ON PAYMENT OF EXPENSES AND THE PROVISION OF FACILITIES TO THE MAYOR AND COUNCILLORS RECOMMENDATION: That Council adopt the attached policy on Payment of Expenses and the Provision of Facilities to the Mayor and Councillors. BACKGROUND: Each year Council is required to adopt a policy on the payment of expenses and the provision of facilities to the Mayor and Councillors. As required, the Policy has been placed on public exhibition for 28 days. No submissions were received concerning the Policy during the exhibition period. The amendments made to the Policy are in bold and reflect:Changes to Monetary Limits for Meals and Daily Expenses. Changes to Travel payments when a private car is used. ISSUES: Nil – this is required under Legislation. OPTIONS: Add additional expenses or remove expenses that Councillors can claim under this policy. Add additional facilities that Councillors can be provided with. RELEVANT POLICY OR LEGISLATION: Section 252 of the Local Government Act, 1993. Goal 7.3 of Council’s Delivery Program 2013/14 to 2018/17 FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS: Nil. ENCLOSED DOCUMENTS: Encl: Adopted and Amended Policy 7.4.1 S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 51 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 PRESENT POLICY PAYMENT OF EXPENSES AND PROVISION OF FACILITIES FOR MAYOR AND COUNCILLORS POLICY NO: 7.1.4 Adopted Via Min No: 213/13 of 20 November 2013 S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 52 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 INTRODUCTION Under the Local Government Act, 1993 (Section 252) Council is required to adopt a policy regarding the payment of expenses and the provision of facilities to the Mayor and Councillors. This policy is a combination of two previous Council policies (2.1.1 and 2.1.4). It is written taking into account:Guidelines issued by the Department of Local Government, Updated Guidelines of October 2009 issued by the Division of Local Government, Department of Premier and Cabinet, Circular No 11-27 from Division of Local Government, Department of Premier and Cabinet, of 21 September 2011. PURPOSE OF THE POLICY This policy aims to establish guidelines for the reimbursement and payment of expenses incurred by Councillors in attending conferences, seminars, training and development and other events relevant to local government. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that there is accountability and transparency in the re-imbursement of expenses incurred or to be incurred by councillors. The policy also ensures that the facilities provided to assist councillors to carry out their civic duties are reasonable. OBJECTIVES Describe the level of support and assistance offered to the Mayor and Councillors in performing their roles by the provision of equipment and facilities. Ensure that Councillors should not be out-of-pocket as a result of performing and discharging their civic duties. Ensure that any reimbursements claimed by Councillors must be for expenses actually incurred in performing their civic duties. PAYMENT OF EXPENSES Reasonable out of pocket expenses will be met for Council delegates required to attend conferences, seminars, training/development sessions or the like, outside the Council area, where this has been approved. It is expected that after returning from a conference Councillors will provide a report to Council. No travel expenses will be paid for travel within the Council area. No payment of general expense allowances will be made. No private benefit, other than incidental, will accrue to Councillors from expenses paid or facilities provided. Accommodation – sharing of rooms: Council shall where practicable ensure all accommodation is single occupant only. Where this is not practicable no more than two occupants per room should be allowed. Accommodation Costs and Standard. Council will pay the cost of accommodation in the hotel where the conference, seminar or training course is being held or the nearest accommodation of a similar standard. Accommodation should be of a minimum of a 3 star rating. Monetary Limit – Accommodation: Limit shall be $300.00 per day. S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 53 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 Accommodation – Orders: An official Council order should be issued for all accommodation where practical. Accommodation – Check out: The Attendee is to check and certify the account on leaving the accommodation. Non-Covered Items: The attendee is responsible for all charges incurred that are not covered under Council policy. Where an attendee incurs expenses that are not covered by the Council these charges are to be paid for by the attendee on departure from the accommodation. Meals & Daily Expenses: The monetary limit for meals will be $82.00 per day. No alcohol will be paid for by Council. The monetary limit for daily expenses, - taxi fares, refreshments, parking and tolls will be $150.00 per day. Travel: Use of Private Vehicle: Where a Council vehicle is made available and the attendee chooses to use their own vehicle no reimbursement will be made for the cost of using the private vehicle. Travel: No Council Vehicle Available: Where a Council vehicle is not available and the attendee is required to use their own private vehicle, the attendee will be reimbursed in accordance with the rate as set out in clause 14(ix)(a) of the Local Government State Award as follows: Motor Vehicle under 2.5 litres (normal engine capacity) – $0.65c per km 2.5 litres (normal engine capacity) and over - $0.75c per km Travel: Associated Costs: Where an attendee takes a Council vehicle or is required to take their private vehicle, all costs associated with that travel may be claimed by the attendee, eg, parking and road tolls – monetary limit will be $50.00 as advised in Point 7 above. Travel: Responsibility for Fines: Any fines incurred while travelling in private or Council vehicles on Council business will be the responsibility of the Councillor incurring the fine. Travel: Other Forms of Transport: Where it is more practical for travel to occur via rail or air travel this can occur at the discretion of the Mayor or Deputy Mayor. Travel: Overseas: Any request for overseas travel must be considered at an open Council meeting through a report presented by the Mayor or General Manager. This report should detail who would undertake the travel, the objectives to be achieved, including the community benefits that would accrue and costs involved including any amount expected to be reimbursed by participants. Telephone: Telephone calls for Council business will be covered by Council. Telephone calls to the value of $5.00 per day for telephone calls only to the immediate family of the attendee will be covered by Council. Claims for Reimbursement – Need for Receipts: Councillors are required to provide evidence of expenses incurred by providing appropriate receipts and tax invoices. Where receipts are not provided no reimbursement will be made. Claims for re-imbursement must be submitted within two months of incurring the expenditure. Cash Advances: Cash advances must be requested at least seven days before required and must be reconciled within seven days of returning. S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 54 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 Under no circumstances will spouse/accompanying persons expenses be paid by Council. APPROVAL PROCESS Where possible, approval for discretionary trips for attendance at conferences, seminars and training/development should be approved by a full meeting of Council. If this is not possible then approval should be given by the Mayor and Deputy Mayor. If the Mayor requires approval to travel outside of Council Meetings it should be given by the Deputy Mayor and another Councillor. Legal Expenses: Council may, provided a resolution of council directing such action has been recorded, indemnify or reimburse reasonable legal expenses of a Councillor, provided that the outcome of the legal proceedings is favourable to the councillor, in the following circumstances:Defending an action arising from the performance in good faith of a function under the Local Government Act, or Defending an action in defamation. For proceedings for an inquiry, investigation or hearing into a councillor’s conduct by an appropriate investigative or review body, including Local Government Pecuniary Interest and Disciplinary Tribunal Independent Commission Against Corruption Office of the NSW Ombudsman Division of Local Government, Department of Premier and Cabinet NSW Police Force Director of Public Prosecutions Council’s Conduct Review Committee/Reviewer. provided the subject of the proceedings arises from the performance in good faith of a councillor’s function under the Act and the matter has proceeded past any initial assessment phase to a formal investigation or review. Legal costs will only be made available in the case of a conduct complaint made against a Councillor, where the matter has been referred by the General Manager to a conduct reviewer/conduct review committee. In the case of a pecuniary interest or misbehaviour matter legal costs will only be made available where a formal investigation has been commenced by the Division of Local Government. Legal costs will only be provided where the investigative or review body makes a finding that is not substantially unfavourable to the Councillor. If there is any doubt in relation to any of the above legal advice will be sought on the matter. (e) Council will NOT meet legal costs for:- Legal proceedings initiated by a councillor under any circumstances. A Councillor seeking advice in respect of possible defamation, or in seeking a non-litigious remedy for possible defamation. Legal proceedings that do not involve a Councillor performing their role as a Councillor. 18. Carer Expenses: This has not been provided for in Council’s policy because at this stage it is not considered necessary. S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 55 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 PROVISION OF FACILITIES TO MAYOR AND COUNCILLORS Under no circumstances are council resources/facilities to be used for political purposes. The following facilities to be provided to Councillors and Mayor Access to a vehicle for attendance at meetings, seminars or training/development authorised by Council under the following conditions:Booking of the car to be done through Council’s Corporate Services Department. Councillors will pick up and return vehicle to Council’s offices or where it is garaged, whatever is the most practical. The vehicle must be returned with a full tank of fuel. Except in the case of an emergency the vehicle is not to be driven by anyone other than the Councillor who has booked the car. Councillors are requested to report any mechanical problems or defects as soon as practical. Any accident involving damage to Council’s vehicle or a third party must be reported immediately. The vehicle must not be used for private purposes. Any fines incurred while travelling in Council vehicles on Council business will be the responsibility of the Councillor incurring the fine. Provision of secretarial support for Council related activities. Standard issue business cards. Name Badges. Postage of official Council correspondence through Council’s mail system. Meals and refreshments at Council and committee meetings, workshops and other meetings associated with Council’s operations. Insurance: Councillors to be covered for Public Liability, Professional Indemnity, Councillors Liability and Personal Accident. Meeting room for Council related business. The following facilities to be provided to the Mayor in addition to the above. Provision of a vehicle to be used on Council business and all fuel, repairs, maintenance and running expenses associated with the vehicle. Fuel Card for use with Mayoral vehicle. Provision of a mobile telephone to be used on Council business. Provision of an office for conducting the business of the Mayor, complete with laptop computer. Provision of secretarial support for council activities. MONETARY LIMITS Council will meet the cost of providing a mobile telephone to the Mayor including maintenance, monthly service and access fees and call charges up to a maximum of $150.00 per month. ACQUISITION OF EQUIPMENT Should the Mayor desire to keep the mobile telephone allocated by Council at the end of his/her term application should be made to the General Manager to purchase such equipment. The General Manager in conjunction with the Finance Manager will determine a fair market price for the item. S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 56 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 REVIEW OF POLICY This policy must be reviewed annually and forwarded to the Division of Local Government, Department of Premier and Cabinet. HISTORY OF POLICY AUTHORISATION: Min No: 184/07 Date: 24/10/2007 AMENDMENT Min No: 169/08 Date: 15/10/2008 Reason for Amendment AMENDMENT To bring Policy into line with requirements of the Local Govt Department. 105/09 Min No: Date: 18/11/2009 Reason for Amendment REVIEWED Point No 17 amended to bring Policy into line with requirement & guidelines issued Oct 2009 of the Division of Local Govt, Dept of Premier & Cabinet 132/10 Min No: Date: 20/10/2010 AMENDMENT Min No: Reason for Amendment Monetary Limits added to bring Policy into line with requirements issued under Circ No 11-27 from the Division of Local Government, Department of Premier and Cabinet. 136/12 Min No: Date: 21/11/2012 AMENDMENT Reason for Amendment 181/11 Date: 23/11/2011 Monetary Limits updated to comply with Local Government Award for payment for use of motor vehicles S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 57 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 PROPOSED AMENDED POLICY PUBLIC EXHIBITION COPY PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE PAYMENT OF EXPENSES AND PROVISION OF FACILITIES FOR MAYOR AND COUNCILLORS POLICY NO: 7.1.4 PLACED ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM 15 OCTOBER 2014 TO 12 NOVEMBER 2014 S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 58 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 INTRODUCTION Under the Local Government Act, 1993 (Section 252) Council is required to adopt a policy regarding the payment of expenses and the provision of facilities to the Mayor and Councillors. This policy is a combination of two previous Council policies (2.1.1 and 2.1.4). It is written taking into account: Guidelines issued by the Department of Local Government, Updated Guidelines of October 2009 issued by the Division of Local Government, Department of Premier and Cabinet, Circular No 11-27 from Division of Local Government, Department of Premier and Cabinet, of 21 September 2011. PURPOSE OF THE POLICY This policy aims to establish guidelines for the reimbursement and payment of expenses incurred by Councillors in attending conferences, seminars, training and development and other events relevant to local government. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that there is accountability and transparency in the re-imbursement of expenses incurred or to be incurred by councillors. The policy also ensures that the facilities provided to assist councillors to carry out their civic duties are reasonable. OBJECTIVES Describe the level of support and assistance offered to the Mayor and Councillors in performing their roles by the provision of equipment and facilities. Ensure that Councillors should not be out-of-pocket as a result of performing and discharging their civic duties. Ensure that any reimbursements claimed by Councillors must be for expenses actually incurred in performing their civic duties. PAYMENT OF EXPENSES Reasonable out of pocket expenses will be met for Council delegates required to attend conferences, seminars, training/development sessions or the like, outside the Council area, where this has been approved. It is expected that after returning from a conference Councillors will provide a report to Council. No travel expenses will be paid for travel within the Council area. No payment of general expense allowances will be made. No private benefit, other than incidental, will accrue to Councillors from expenses paid or facilities provided. 1. Accommodation – sharing of rooms: Council shall where practicable ensure all accommodation is single occupant only. Where this is not practicable no more than two occupants per room should be allowed. S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 59 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 2. Accommodation Costs and Standard. Council will pay the cost of accommodation in the hotel where the conference, seminar or training course is being held or the nearest accommodation of a similar standard. Accommodation should be of a minimum of a 3 star rating. 3. Monetary Limit – Accommodation: Limit shall be $300.00 per day. 4. Accommodation – Orders: An official Council order should be issued for all accommodation where practical. 5. Accommodation – Check out: The Attendee is to check and certify the account on leaving the accommodation. 6. Non-Covered Items: The attendee is responsible for all charges incurred that are not covered under Council policy. Where an attendee incurs expenses that are not covered by the Council these charges are to be paid for by the attendee on departure from the accommodation. 7. Meals & Daily Expenses: The monetary limit for meals will be $89.60 per day (this is in line with Council’s adopted policy 2.1.1). No alcohol will be paid for by Council. The monetary limit for daily expenses, - taxi fares, parking and tolls will be $150.00 per day (this is exclusive of the $89.60 for meal allowance). 8. Travel: Use of Private Vehicle: Where a Council vehicle is made available and the attendee chooses to use their own vehicle no reimbursement will be made for the cost of using the private vehicle. 9. Travel: No Council Vehicle Available: Where a Council vehicle is not available and the attendee is required to use their own private vehicle, the attendee will be reimbursed in accordance with the rate as set out in the Local Government State Award as follows: Motor Vehicle under 2.5 litres (normal engine capacity) – $0.68c per km 2.5 litres (normal engine capacity) and over - $0.78c per km 10. Travel: Associated Costs: Where an attendee takes a Council vehicle or is required to take their private vehicle, all costs associated with that travel may be claimed by the attendee, eg, parking and road tolls – monetary limit will be $150.00 as advised in Point 7 above. 11. Travel: Responsibility for Fines: Any fines incurred while travelling in private or Council vehicles on Council business will be the responsibility of the Councillor incurring the fine. 12. Travel: Other Forms of Transport: Where it is more practical for travel to occur via rail or air travel this can occur at the discretion of the Mayor or Deputy Mayor. 13. Travel: Overseas: Any request for overseas travel must be considered at an open Council meeting through a report presented by the Mayor or General Manager. This report should detail who would undertake the travel, the objectives to be achieved, including the community benefits that would accrue and costs involved including any amount expected to be reimbursed by participants. 14. Telephone: Telephone calls for Council business will be covered by Council. Telephone calls to the value of $5.00 per day for telephone calls only to the immediate family of the attendee will be covered by Council. S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 60 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 15. Claims for Reimbursement – Need for Receipts: Councillors are required to provide evidence of expenses incurred by providing appropriate receipts and tax invoices. Where receipts are not provided no reimbursement will be made. Claims for re-imbursement must be submitted within two months of incurring the expenditure. 16. Cash Advances: Cash advances must be requested at least seven days before required and must be reconciled within seven days of returning. 17. Under no circumstances will spouse/accompanying persons expenses be paid by Council. Approval Process Where possible, approval for discretionary trips for attendance at conferences, seminars and training/development should be approved by a full meeting of Council. If this is not possible then approval should be given by the Mayor and Deputy Mayor. If the Mayor requires approval to travel outside of Council Meetings it should be given by the Deputy Mayor and another Councillor. 18. Legal Expenses: Council may, provided a resolution of council directing such action has been recorded, indemnify or reimburse reasonable legal expenses of a Councillor, provided that the outcome of the legal proceedings is favourable to the councillor, in the following circumstances:a) Defending an action arising from the performance in good faith of a function under the Local Government Act, or b) Defending an action in defamation. c) For proceedings for an inquiry, investigation or hearing into a councillor’s conduct by an appropriate investigative or review body, including (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) Local Government Pecuniary Interest and Disciplinary Tribunal Independent Commission Against Corruption Office of the NSW Ombudsman Division of Local Government, Department of Premier and Cabinet NSW Police Force Director of Public Prosecutions Council’s Conduct Review Committee/Reviewer. provided the subject of the proceedings arises from the performance in good faith of a councillor’s function under the Act and the matter has proceeded past any initial assessment phase to a formal investigation or review. Legal costs will only be made available in the case of a conduct complaint made against a Councillor, where the matter has been referred by the General Manager to a conduct reviewer/conduct review committee. In the case of a pecuniary interest or misbehaviour matter legal costs will only be made available where a formal investigation has been commenced by the Division of Local Government. Legal costs will only be provided where the investigative or review body makes a finding that is not substantially unfavourable to the Councillor. (d) If there is any doubt in relation to any of the above legal advice will be sought on the matter. (e) Council will NOT meet legal costs for:- S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 61 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 (i) (ii) Legal proceedings initiated by a councillor under any circumstances. A Councillor seeking advice in respect of possible defamation, or in seeking a nonlitigious remedy for possible defamation. (iii) Legal proceedings that do not involve a Councillor performing their role as a Councillor. 19. Carer Expenses: This has not been provided for in Council’s policy because at this stage it is not considered necessary. PROVISION OF FACILITIES TO MAYOR AND COUNCILLORS Under no circumstances are council resources/facilities to be used for political purposes. The following facilities to be provided to Councillors and Mayor 1) Access to a vehicle for attendance at meetings, seminars or training/development authorised by Council under the following conditions: Booking of the car to be done through Council’s Corporate Services Department. Councillors will pick up and return vehicle to Council’s offices or where it is garaged, whatever is the most practical. The vehicle must be returned with a full tank of fuel. Except in the case of an emergency the vehicle is not to be driven by anyone other than the Councillor who has booked the car. Councillors are requested to report any mechanical problems or defects as soon as practical. Any accident involving damage to Council’s vehicle or a third party must be reported immediately. The vehicle must not be used for private purposes. Any fines incurred while travelling in Council vehicles on Council business will be the responsibility of the Councillor incurring the fine. 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Provision of secretarial support for Council related activities. Standard issue business cards. Name Badges. Postage of official Council correspondence through Council’s mail system. Meals and refreshments at Council and committee meetings, workshops and other meetings associated with Council’s operations. Insurance: Councillors to be covered for Public Liability, Professional Indemnity, Councillors Liability and Personal Accident. Meeting room for Council related business. 7) 8) The following facilities to be provided to the Mayor in addition to the above. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Provision of a vehicle to be used on Council business and all fuel, repairs, maintenance and running expenses associated with the vehicle. Fuel Card for use with Mayoral vehicle. Provision of a mobile telephone to be used on Council business. Provision of an office for conducting the business of the Mayor, complete with laptop computer. Provision of secretarial support for council activities. S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 62 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 Monetary Limits Council will meet the cost of providing a mobile telephone to the Mayor including maintenance, monthly service and access fees and call charges up to a maximum of $150.00 per month. Acquisition of Equipment Should the Mayor desire to keep the mobile telephone allocated by Council at the end of his/her term application should be made to the General Manager to purchase such equipment. The General Manager in conjunction with the Finance Manager will determine a fair market price for the item. REVIEW OF POLICY This policy must be reviewed annually and forwarded to the Office of Local Government. HISTORY OF POLICY AUTHORISATION: Min No: 184/07 Date: 24/10/2007 AMENDMENT Min No: 169/08 Date: 15/10/2008 Reason for Amendment AMENDMENT To bring Policy into line with requirements of the Local Govt Department. 105/09 Min No: Date: 18/11/2009 Reason for Amendment REVIEWED Point No 17 amended to bring Policy into line with requirement & guidelines issued Oct 2009 of the Division of Local Govt, Dept of Premier & Cabinet 132/10 Min No: Date: 20/10/2010 AMENDMENT Min No: Reason for Amendment Monetary Limits added to bring Policy into line with requirements issued under Circ No 11-27 from the Division of Local Government, Department of Premier and Cabinet. 136/12 Min No: Date: 21/11/2012 AMENDMENT Reason for Amendment REAFFIRMED 181/11 Date: 23/11/2011 Monetary Limits updated to comply with Local Government Award for payment for use of motor vehicles 20 November 2013 – no changes to previous policy. Min No: 213/13 S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 63 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 This Page Intentionally Left Blank S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 64 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 CORPORATE SERVICES MANAGER File: SC55 & SC62 CSM 15/14 RE-APPOINTMENT OF SECTION 355 COMMITTEES RECOMMENDATION: That the following Committees be re-appointed under Section 355 of the Local Government Act, 1993:Delegate Pre-School Committee Mila Country Club BACKGROUND: On a per annum basis Council’s Section 355 Committees are required to submit (if applicable) their fees and charges, annual report, financial statement and appointment of office bearers and committee membership. This information for the 2012 and 2013 calendar years has been received from the Delegate Pre-School Committee. The information for the 2012/13 and 2013/14 financial years has been received from the Mila Country Club. Previously Council resolved that a list of office bearers and fees charged by the Committees also be advised. The following information is therefore supplied:Delegate Pre-School Committee Office Bearers Chairperson Secretary Treasurer Matthew Farran Nerida Manning Paul Taranto Fees $72.00 per day $48.00 per ½ day for children under 2 Mila Country Club Office Bearers Chairperson Secretary Treasurer A C Moreing D K Moreing D K Moreing S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 65 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 Description of Fee or Charge for Hire of Facilities $ GST $ TOTAL $ Hire of Hall (per day with heaters) 20.00 2.00 22.00 Hire of Hall (per day no heaters) 15.00 1.50 16.50 Hire of Hall (per half day) 10.00 1.00 11.00 ISSUES: Nil - all required paperwork has been submitted by the Committee. OPTIONS: Council not re-appoint the Committee. RELEVANT POLICY OR LEGISLATION: Section 355 of the Local Government Act. Goal 4.4 of Council’s Operational Plan 2014/15 FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS: Nil ENCLOSED DOCUMENTS: Nil S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 66 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 DIRECTOR ENGINEERING File: SC209 DE 15/14 CAVEAT STREET TREES RECOMMENDATION: For the information of Council. BACKGROUND: The previous resolution relating to the Caveat Street trees is as follows: 1) Remove existing elm trees located under the power lines on the south western side of Caveat Street, between Maybe and Wellington Streets, in consultation with Essential Energy and Council request Essential Energy to remove the trees. 2) Seek expert advice on the tree outside Kothes Offices. 3) Retain all other trees, including the two Conker trees, in Caveat Street between Maybe and Wellington Streets. 4) Further consult residents of Caveat Street on tree themes and sequencing the removal and replacement based on their feedback. Essential Energy has been consulted regarding this. Consultation letter has been delivered and feedback received. A report to Council on the feedback will be presented to the November Meeting. This report relates to Point 4 of the resolution. Further consultation was conducted on the 11th August 2014. Only two responses were received during this round of consultation. Both basically indicated that they were happy for Council to take the lead with the original proposal to remove the trees and replace with suitable species. ISSUES: The main issues will be the cost of doing the work as reported previously to Council. An expert arborist will be engaged to determine the healthiness of the tree outside of the Kothes Office. This will decide whether this tree will be removed or just pruned. OPTIONS: For the information of Council. RELEVANT POLICY OR LEGISLATION: Council Policy 5.2.2 – Tree Management – Bombala and Delegate Townships. FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS: As previously reported. S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 67 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 ENCLOSED DOCUMENTS: Encl: Comment from Resident and Copy of Letter sent to residences, letter from Resident Comment form Resident via email - survey for caveat trees - they will leave in professional hands as council knows best :) Mr Peter Sullivan 06.20.10 (SULLIVAN/bj) 11 August 2014 Householder Caveat Street Bombala NSW 2632 Dear Householder Re: Proposal to Replace Existing Street Trees In Caveat Street This letter is further follow up to the proposal for a new street tree planting schedule for Caveat Street between Maybe Street and Wellington Street. Council would like to provide an opportunity for residents to be involved in developing the streetscape for this section of Caveat Street. Council has considered the comments from the community regarding the proposal and has resolved to: 1. Remove existing Elm trees located under the power lines on the south western side of Caveat Street, between Maybe and Wellington Streets, in consultation with Essential Energy. 2. Keep the two Chestnut trees at the Caveat Street and Maybe Street intersection. 3. Seek expert advice on the tree outside Kothes Offices before any decision is made on its future. 4. Further consult residents of Caveat Street on tree themes and sequencing the removal and replacement based on their feedback. Council would like to request any feedback or suggestions you may have regarding the species of the replacement trees. Preferred species must be selected giving due consideration to its appropriateness for the location i.e. powerlines, footpaths, kerb and gutter, road, water and sewer infrastructure. If you have any questions or require further information please contact Peter Sullivan on (02) 6458 3555. Yours faithfully PETER SULLIVAN DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 68 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 69 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 This Page Intentionally Left Blank S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 70 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 DIRECTOR ENGINEERING File: SC209 DE 17/14 REQUEST TO REMOVE TREES – PLUNKETT STREET RECOMMENDATION: That the request for the existing trees to be removed and replacement trees planted, be approved and put on Councils’ works schedule. BACKGROUND: Council may recall a report in the September meeting 2013 presenting a request from a home owner in Plunkett Street asking for the removal of vegetation growing in a large thicket along the road reserve boundary fence (Please see attached photo). Council received a request from the property owners of 14 Plunkett Street for Council assistance in the removal of plants growing out the front of this property within the road reserve. The reasons for the request include the unsightly appearance of the vegetation and the opportunity to replace with more attractive plant species that will add to the visual amenity of the street. The owners have also sought approval for planting replacement trees within the road reserve and have offered to provide the replacement plants consisting of Mop Tops and Conifers to improve the amenity of the streetscape. At the September 2013 meeting Council resolved that the request for the existing trees to be removed and replacement trees planted adjacent to 14 Plunkett Street, be approved, at the cost of the landowner and should the landowner not wish to fund the work it be placed in the unfunded list of works for consideration in the next Community Strategic Plan. The landholder has not responded to the letter informing them of the resolution but has once again sought the assistance of Council. ISSUES: The stand of vegetation contains a number of different species including Blackberry and African Boxthorn, Willow and other deciduous species. Some of these species are considered weeds within the local area. The vegetation is unsightly and growing through the fence of the property owner causing damage to it. The vegetation has also spread into the landowners’ property from the road reserve. The vegetation could also be protecting the downstream drainage channel from serious erosion. The waterway has been observed to carry very fast flowing and large volumes of stormwater and the trees and vegetation would have an energy dissipation effect which could be preventing the start of gully erosion. S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 71 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 If the vegetation was removed at the point the waterway enters the road reserve it would be highly probable that some erosion protection of the waterway would be necessary at this point adding to the cost of the project. It would appear that the boundary fence is actually on the correct boundary alignment and position and therefore the trees and shrubs are on Council land. OPTIONS: 1. That the request for the existing trees to be removed and replacement trees planted, be approved and put on Councils works schedule. 2. Council undertake part of the requested works to clear the boundary fence of the plants growing through it. 3. That Council do not approve the request for assistance. RELEVANT POLICY OR LEGISLATION: Tree Policy FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS: For Option 1 the estimated cost for just removing the trees and weeds will amount to approximately $2500 - $3000. ENCLOSED DOCUMENTS: Encl: RESIDENTS ORIGINAL PROPOSAL Sent: Monday, 20 October 2014 10:45 AM To: Council Subject: Clearing up of Council outgrown Bushes follow up requests. To: Bombala Council, 71 Caveat Street, Bombala NSW 2632 In the attention of: Peter O'Sullivan, Engineering Manager Dear Peter Re: Clearing up of Outgrown Bushes and plants - On Council property at 14 Plunkett Street, Bombala, NSW 2632. We are following up our previous approach to your office by direct emails and conversation on our last year's request for the clearing up of outgrown plants and bushes at Council property on the above address in view of the proposed fencing installation surrounding the S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 72 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 property. We were informed last year that this will be taken up by the council within this financial year. As this is now the month of October 2014, may we please have a courtesy follow up on this persistent requests of chopping and clearing up those outgrown bushes to enable us to pursue the proposed project of relatively improving the area by fencing installation which will only create a pleasing view on the neighbourhood. Your kind and preferential response on this matter will be appreciated. Yours faithfully RESIDENTS ORIGINAL PROPOSAL Proposal to Plant Mop Top Robina trees and Couple of Conifers in-Between on Council Property (Upfront) : Following our personal approach to your office and made this in writing; may we request in courtesy to seek your permission/approval to plant the following on the council area in -front of the property at 14 Plunkett St., Bombala , NSW 2632; details as under; (1) Proposal for planting of Mop Top Robina trees (at least 5 to 7 trees) in one line with a couple of Juniperus chinensis ‘Spartan’ in-between as beautiful specimen trees , all with deep green foliage. These trees only grow to a height of 3-4 meters, and were not very tall trees, delineated to form a desirable straight line appearance. The purpose was to block the roadside *(public) view and give certain privacy, security, and style to beautify the place for the suburb. Since the council area was large enough to contain these trees and cover the front location , this will positively give an added suitable attraction in the council area and to create a pleasing view along the road. (2) Planting of Climbing roses (on 3 arches) for the Metal flower plant stands in front of the property to formulate a scheme along the trees line. Purpose: Beautify the front of the property to match up the Mop Top Robina Trees proposed. (3) At the same time, coherent with this proposal, can we please take this opportunity to inquire if possible If the council trucks are delivering the top soil which suits for gardening purposes ( as the council area - re: in front of the property, were coarse and not that suitable soil for planting). Would you please advise where we can avail from the council a truckload of top soil as this will help to make the soil more friable to convert and improve the soil structure in the council area. S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 73 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 This Page Intentionally Left Blank S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 74 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 GENERAL MANAGER File: 01.02.02 GM 48/14 SOUTHERN PHONE DIVIDEND 2013/14 RECOMMENDATION: That the information be noted. BACKGROUND: Council is a shareholder in the Southern Phone Company Limited, a local government-owned telecommunications provider. This report provides details of the Southern Phone Company Dividend for the financial year 2013-2014. The company is a national full-service telecommunications provider offering fixed line, mobile and internet services to customers in all states of Australia. There are 41 councils that hold two shares each in Southern Phone, purchased for $1 each. Southern Phone is an unlisted Public Company and is believed to be the most successful commercial enterprise yet developed by a group of councils in Australia. Only councils can hold shares in the company, with the shareholding being a means of returning profits to the community. Sothern Phone’s revenues grew by more than 13% to $85.2 million over the year and their profit rose by 6.2% to $8.2 million. As a consequence, the Board has declared an increased total shareholder dividend of$3,000,000, up from a dividend of $2,700,000 in 2012-2013. The dividend payable to Bombala Council is $21,088.66 and will be paid next February. The dividend is paid to a formula where 20% is split equally among all 41 shareholders and 80% is paid according to the amount of business generated in the council’s area. Effectively the more people in the Bombala Council area who use Southern Phone as their service provider, the more dividend Council receives. RELEVANT POLICY OR LEGISLATION: Integrated Community Strategic Plan 2013/2023 FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS: The dividend paid to Council this year is $21,088.66. ENCLOSED DOCUMENTS: ATTACHEMENT 2: Southern Phone Letter and Dividend List S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 75 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 This Page Intentionally Left Blank S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 76 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 GENERAL MANAGER File: SC160 GM 49/14 FIT FOR THE FUTURE – RURAL COUNCILS WORKSHOP RECOMMENDATION: That Council note the information on the Rural Councils Workshop. BACKGROUND: Following an invitation to Council, the Mayor and General Manager attended the Office of Local Government’s (OLG) Rural Councils Workshop in Sydney on 3 November 2014 at which 20 Councils were present. Minister Toole attended the Workshop for part of the morning. This workshop was one of two held to explore the concept of a “Rural Council”. The second workshop was held in Dubbo on 5 November 2014. The Workshop looked at the context and drivers we are facing including cost shifting, excessive regulation and reporting and the fact that all the Councils present are increasing office staff and decreasing works staff although it was acknowledged that this is partly due to improved technology. Other key drivers are service delivery, representation and the fact that small rural communities have significant volunteer support and community “ownership” unlike larger councils. Considering their capacity to raise revenue it was agreed that many small councils “punch above their weight” in delivering services and are often very responsive and innovative in solving their local problems. All rural and regional councils currently operate services that councils in cities do not do such as aged care, many community services like community transport, medical facilities, etc. It was noted that all small councils in regional NSW are survivors and have had to significantly innovate just to continue to date. So in order not to decimate services and population further in rural and regional NSW thought was given into how local government could potentially be structured to reduce red tape, improve income streams, provide a sense of community and place together with local sovereignty and keep jobs in rural towns. Councils often provide a delivery service for State agencies such as RMS and play an important role in emergency management. Some ideas that were considered were looking at the federal assistance grants (FAGs) formula (decided nationally) and the OLG advised that all States are currently working on this with the Australian Government. Also depending on the structure of a Joint Organisation (JO) of councils it may be possible for various functions to be shared or undertaken by one council for others, allowing for a lower operating cost. For example strategic planning and land use planning may be delivered over a number of councils as none have the need or ability to employ full time expertise. Participants identified 9 core functions and services that a Rural Council is responsible for: Governance – IP&R, elections, Agency for State/Federal – RMS, Service NSW, etc. Operational functions – water, sewer, roads, parks, footpaths, etc. Economic development – tourism, business attraction and facilitation, etc. Community services – preschool, library, medical, caravan park, halls, museums, airport, etc. S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 77 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 Advocacy services – on behalf of community, education, health, etc. Emergency services – fire, flood, etc. Regulation services – ranger, animals, weeds, health, building, town planning, etc. Administration services – records management, IT, HR, WHS, financial management, etc. These functions and services are listed in order of considered priority where the functions at the bottom of the list were ones that could be done elsewhere or by some other organisation. It was acknowledged at the workshop that in order to achieve sustainability of rural and regional local government in the long run the system of measurement firstly needs to more accurately reflect the reality, e.g. 60% own source revenue is not possible in almost all cases and FAGs should be included. Secondly it was acknowledged that just putting together two or three “broke” rural councils with large areas, small populations and lots of small communities, water and sewer schemes and long distances of roads, achieves nothing but a larger “broke” council. It will achieve potentially higher costs to the communities, less service, less local representation, less sense of place and community. In other words it really does not achieve anything positive and has the potential to further decimate small rural towns in regional NSW. Next Steps After the consultant finishes the reports they are circulated and these documents have now been received and are attached. The OLG is then starting to develop a draft model Rural Council and will be issuing a policy paper on this towards the end of November. At the same time they hope to develop by the end of the year a clearer articulation of a Rural Council and set up the Rural Council template for Councils to work through in the new year. After this we will need to consider our options, talk to our community and develop a response by 30 June 2015. OPTIONS: As yet unknown. RELEVANT POLICY OR LEGISLATION: N/A FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS: N/A ENCLOSED DOCUMENTS: ATTACHMENT 3: Copies of Responses from the Sydney and Dubbo Workshops S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 78 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 GENERAL MANAGER File: SC324 GM 50/14 REGIONAL LEGAL SERVICES PANEL RECOMMENDATION: That Council agree to continue the term of appointment of the Legal Services Panel for two years from 1 June 2014. BACKGROUND: Council resolved on 18 January 2012 (Minute 12/12) 1. Council advise SEROC that it supports the process to appoint a Regional Panel for Legal Services and will be a potential user of the Panel. 2. Council authorises SEROC under Section 377 of the Local Government Act 1993 to undertake the tender process on its behalf. 3. Council notes that any decision regarding any tender recommendation by SEROC will need to be formally made by Council. In reviewing SEROC project commitments, the Executive Officer has identified that the Legal Services Panel contract expired on 1 June 2014. However, the conditions of appointment are as follows: The term of appointment is for two years commencing 1 June 2012, with an option for a further two year appointment at the discretion of Council. A template letter has been provided to all SEROC member councils to be placed on each individual council’s letter head to allow this contract to be extended for a further two years. Each Council needs to individually decide to extend this contract under our current legislation. This letter is attached. This agreement has been operating successfully for two years. Bombala Council has used the services of at least one of these firms during the last two years. Councils are obviously not bound to a certain volume of business and are free to appoint other law firms to provide legal services. Until such time as the Act is amended, under Section 377 of the Local Government Act 1993, Council may delegate the tendering process to SEROC; however, the acceptance of any tenders must be carried out by Council itself. Therefore each Council needs to resolve to continue with this agreement. OPTIONS: 1. That Council agree to continue the term of appointment of the Legal Services Panel for two years from 1 June 2014. 2. That Council not sign this letter to continue the term of appointment of the Legal Services Panel for two years from 1 June 2014. RELEVANT POLICY OR LEGISLATION: Local Government Act 1993 S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 79 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS: Not applicable as dependent on individual use ENCLOSED DOCUMENTS: Encl: Template letter from SEROC for each Council S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 80 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 81 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 This Page Intentionally Left Blank S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 82 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 GENERAL MANAGER File: FY110 GM 51/14 ANNUAL REPORT RECOMMENDATION: That the Annual Report for 2013/14 be adopted. BACKGROUND: Each year Council is required to produce an Annual Report. This incorporates what information the Council would like to advise to its constituents as well as certain information required by legislation. This report covers the period 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2014. ISSUES: Issues are covered in the document itself and as such are not repeated here. OPTIONS: Modify the Annual Report as seen fit. RELEVANT POLICY OR LEGISLATION: The document has been produced in accordance with the various legislative and regulatory guidelines prescribed in the Local Government Act, 1993. FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS: Nil. ENCLOSED DOCUMENTS: ATTACHMENT 4: Annual Report for 2013-14. S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 83 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 This Page Intentionally Left Blank S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 84 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 DIRECTOR REGULATORY SERVICES File: DA.14.0015 DRS 28/14 REFUND OF FEES DA.14.0015 RECOMMENDATION: That Council do not refund any fees relating to DA 14.0015 BACKGROUND: Council recently received a development application for a new gravel quarry at Tombong. Upon lodgement and payment of fees ($395) staff identified a number of significant omissions in the application. After discussion between staff, the applicant and their surveyor the applicant decided to withdraw the application and submit a fresh application containing all of the required information. The new application was lodged and new fees were paid at the time of lodgement. This application is currently being processed. Subsequently the applicant has requested Council (letter attached) to consider a refund of the fees paid on the withdrawn application DA 14.0015. ISSUES: The refund of fees is a matter for Council’s consideration. Council have previously not been inclined to offer refunds in such circumstances. The matter of setting precedence needs to be considered. Also for consideration are the costs associated with staff time in dealing with the development application when received. OPTIONS: Offer a full refund of fees. This may be seen as setting precedence. RELEVANT POLICY OR LEGISLATION: Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS: If a refund is made income will decrease. ENCLOSED DOCUMENTS: Encl: Applicants request. Sent: Monday, 3 November 2014 3:13 PM To: Council Subject: Re DA fees refund To whom it may concern We are requesting a refund for our first DA fees for D & L High Country Earthworks that we have now paid twice as we pulled our DA out to add some more information as requested and when we resubmitted our application we had to pay the fees again. Could someone from the Shire please advise on how we get these back. S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 85 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 This Page Intentionally Left Blank S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 86 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 DIRECTOR REGULATORY SERVICES File: SC79 DRS 29/14 RESUBMISSION OF MONARO REGIONAL WEEDS COMMITTEE AGREEMENT DRAFT RECOMMENDATION: Council resolve to Affix Council Seal to the reviewed and updated MRWC Agreement. BACKGROUND: This agreement was brought before Council at the November 2013 Meeting and brought back before Council at the January 2014 meeting. Council resolved to Affix Council Seal to the agreement. Reports from Staff – Director of Regulatory Services DRS 01/14 – Affixing of Council Seal to the Monaro Regional Weeds Committee Agreement (04.45.0009) RESOLVED: That the Council Seal be affixed to the Monaro Regional Weeds Committee Agreement. 07/14 At the last Monaro Regional Weeds Committee Meeting held on Wednesday 26th July 2014 it was identified that the MRWC Sec 355 Committee Agreement was still an outstanding action item. Reason being that there were outstanding Cooma Council concerns over member organisations renaming as well as a concern about Clause 8, Dot Point 10.2. At the meeting held on 26th July 2014 the following decision moved. c) MRWC Agreement Discussion occurred on Section 8, the last dot point. “Host Council is to be compensated for costs associated with the administration of the MRWC including mailing, telephone. Computer/Email and vehicle costs”. Back in 2011 there was a group discussion that the Host Council is earning interest on the funds held within its accounts and therefore this clause could possibly be deleted. The Committee moved that this clause is maintained as there may not always be the amount of funds within the account (earning interest) but status quo is that the Host Councils have not been seeking reimbursement for these costs. Coordinator to update member names and redistribute for Councils next meetings. Moved: Winston Phillips Second: Vickii Wallace Carried. ISSUES: Nil OPTIONS: Not affix the seal. This may compromise the current MRWC funding arrangements. S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 87 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 RELEVANT POLICY OR LEGISLATION: Local Government Act 1993. FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS: Nil ENCLOSED DOCUMENTS: Encl: Draft Monaro Regional Weeds Committee Agreement. MONARO REGIONAL WEEDS COMMITTEE AGREEMENT This Agreement was made on 14th April 1999 with a view to formalising a closer working relationship for the control of noxious weeds in the participating Local Government areas of Bombala Council, CoomaMonaro Shire Council and Snowy River Shire Council and to encourage participation of other land management agencies to be a part of the Committee. This Agreement was reviewed in July 2014. 1. AUTHORITY OF COMMITTEE By virtue of Section 355 of the Local Government Act 1993, two or more Councils may enter into an agreement for the carrying out jointly of works or undertakings authorised by any Act or for the joint performance of duties or exercise powers under any Act for the mutual benefit of their areas. By the same Section, it is enacted that such agreement may provide for the control, regulation, maintenance and management of such works and undertakings or for the control, regulation and management of the performance of such duties or exercise of such powers either by the Councils themselves, jointly or by a joint Committee, which may be composed either wholly of members of the Councils or partly of members of the Councils and partly of Council Officers. By the same Section, it is enacted that the Councils may in such agreement delegate to a joint Committee the relevant powers as are specifically mentioned. By virtue of Section 355 of the Local Government Act 1993, any expenditure incurred by a Council in pursuance of this Agreement shall be lawful expenditure. The Councils have agreed to constitute a joint Committee for the mutual benefit of their respective areas. 2. TITLE OF COMMITTEE The title of the Committee shall be the “Monaro Regional Weeds Committee”. 3. CONSTITUTION OF THE COMMITTEE S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 88 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 A joint Committee (hereinafter called the Committee) shall be constituted of: The Mayor, or his/her delegate, of each Council; The General Manager, or his/her delegate, of each Council; The Chief Weeds Officer of each Council, or his/her delegate; A representative from: NSW Department of Primary Industries NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (NPWS) Forestry Corporation of NSW Upper Snowy Landcare Snowy River Interstate Landcare Upper Murrumbidgee Landcare McLaughlan River Landcare NSW Farmers Association Bombala/Delegate District Council NSW Farmers Association Cooma District Council South East Local Land Services Snowy Hydro Limited Roads and Maritime Services Essential Energy Friends of Grasslands Country Regional Infrastructure Authority Voting Rights: That recommendations be adopted by consensus. 4. PRINCIPAL OFFICE BEARERS 1. Chairperson of Committee The Committee shall, at its first meeting and each two years, or on resignation, elect a Councillor as Chairperson. In the event of the absence of the Chairperson at a meeting, the Deputy Chairperson will act as Chairperson. 2. Deputy Chairperson The Committee shall, at its first meeting and each two years, or on resignation, elect a Councillor as Deputy Chairperson. 3. Secretary of Committee S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 89 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 Host Council to provide minutes secretary for recording, typing and distribution of minutes. Action emanating from the minutes to be dealt with at a Council or other land management agency level. 4. Co-ordinator of Committee With the approval of the Committee, the Host Council may appoint a Co-ordinator to assist with the administration of the workings of the Committee. This Coordinator would be funded through annual contributions from Committee members and outside funding where available. 5. MEETINGS OF THE COMMITTEE Location of meetings to be rotated amongst participating Councils. At its first meeting, the Committee is to determine the timing of regular meetings. Other meetings to be held at the discretion of the Chairperson and/or the Committee. 6. QUORUM OF COMMITTEE A quorum to consist of eight members, with at least 2 representatives from each participating Council (Staff or Councillors). 7. DELEGATION OF POWER Subject to requirements of Section 377 of the Local Government Act 1993, the Council’s delegate to the Committee the power to carry out the functions as listed within this Agreement. The Committee does not have the authority to expend a Council’s, or other organisations, funds without the express authority of that Council or Organisation. 8. FUNCTIONS OF COMMITTEE To provide a ‘Regional Forum’ to develop strategies and make recommendations to Councils, Land Management Agencies and Landholders for the implementation of weed control programs. To investigate resource sharing activities between participating Councils and other relevant organisations. These activities are to include, but not be limited to, training programs, specialist equipment, technology and expertise and the provision of support staff in some instances. To initiate and participate in regional programs and to actively encourage participation of other land management agencies where benefit flows to the participating Councils and Land Management Agencies. Each program is to be considered on its merits. To implement a Regional weeds strategy encompassing the areas of the participating Council‘s incorporating various Landcare, Departmental and Council weeds plans. To present a common approach to Government in applications for grant funding for noxious weed control on the Monaro. S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 90 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 To initiate discussion on common classification of weeds within the participating Council areas and implement where possible. Subject to Section 50 of the Noxious Weeds Act 1993, to recommend selected authorisation of neighbouring Weeds Staff, to carry out inspections on properties, where required. The agreed parameters to include: Weeds Officers to nominate who to carry out the inspections of properties in this category. Property owners to be notified. In relation to properties where common boundaries pass through that property: Parameters defined as: location of homestead; Proportion of property in Council area and Access. Formalisation of an agreement to cover authorisation of such an activity across Council boundaries. Agreement to contain suitable details of properties affected and relate only to an inspectorial role at present. To co-ordinate weeds helicopter inspection programs where possible to minimise cost of helicopter hire. To pursue the joint purchase of herbicides for the control of noxious weeds. To investigate the implementation of uniform recording, mapping and reporting systems within the participating Councils. To undertake a continuing active educational and information transfer program. To implement a system whereby spray crews are authorised to cross boundaries as agreed on, and formal identification of adjoining areas be determined and specifically nominated by the Chief Weeds Officers. Host Council is to be compensated for costs associated with the administration of the MRWC including mailing, telephone, computer/email and vehicle costs. 9. REVIEW OF THE COMMITTEE Every two years a review of the role of the Committee is to be undertaken by the participating Councils and a decision made on whether the Agreement is to continue. Location of Host Council to be reviewed every two years. S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 91 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 10. TERMINATION OF THE AGREEMENT Any Council can give notice of six (6) months to withdraw from the Agreement. 11. VARIATIONS TO THIS AGREEMENT This agreement may be varied from time to time with the approval of the participating Councils. S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 92 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 THE COMMON SEAL of COUNCIL OF THE SHIRE OF COOMA-MONARO was hereto affixed to this deed on …………………………………………….. pursuant to a resolution passed by Council ………………………………………… Mayor on………………………………………….. ………………………………………… General Manager THE COMMON SEAL of COUNCIL OF THE SHIRE OF SNOWY RIVER was hereto affixed to this deed on …………………………………………….. pursuant to a resolution passed by Council ………………………………………… Mayor on………………………………………….. ………………………………………… General Manager THE COMMON SEAL of COUNCIL OF BOMBALA was hereto affixed to this deed on …………………………………………….. pursuant to a resolution passed by Council ………………………………………… Mayor on………………………………………….. ………………………………………… General Manager S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 93 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 This Page Intentionally Left Blank S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 94 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS REASONS FOR REFERRAL PURPOSE: To discuss matters of a confidential nature and specifically the following: Section 10A(2): a) personnel matters concerning particular individuals (other than councillors); b) the personal hardship of any resident or ratepayer; c) information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business; d) commercial information of a confidential nature, that would, if disclosed: (i) (ii) (iii) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it, or confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council, or reveal a trade secret. e) information that would, if disclosed, prejudice the maintenance of law; f) matters affecting the security of the Council, Councillors, Council staff or Council property; g) advice concerning litigation, or advice that would otherwise be privileged from production in legal proceedings on the ground of legal professional privilege; h) information concerning the nature and location of a place or an item of Aboriginal significance on community land. S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 95 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 This Page Intentionally Left Blank S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 96 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 REPORTS FROM STAFF GENERAL MANAGER File:sc205 GM 52/14 UPDATE ON LEGAL MATTER SECTION 10A(2)(G) ADVICE CONCERNING LITIGATION. Confidential S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 97 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 Confidential S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 98 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 Confidential S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 99 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 Confidential S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 100 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 DIRECTOR ENGINEERING File: SC296 DE 16/14 STOKES GRAVEL PIT – SALE OF GRAVEL SECTION 10A(2)(C) INFORMATION THAT WOULD, IF DISCLOSED, CONFER A COMMERCIAL ADVANTAGE ON A PERSON WITH WHOM THE COUNCIL IS CONDUCTING (OR PROPOSES TO CONDUCT) BUSINESS; SECTION 10A(2)(D)(II) COMMERCIAL INFORMATION OF A CONFIDENTIAL NATURE, THAT WOULD, IF DISCLOSED: CONFER A COMMERCIAL ADVANTAGE ON A COMPETITOR OF THE COUNCIL; Confidential S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 101 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 Confidential S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 102 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 Confidential S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 103 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 Confidential S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 104 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 ATTACHMENT 1 FM 18/14 Quarterly Review Statement and Quarterly Performance Report to 1 July to 30 September 2014 S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 105 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 This Page Intentionally Left Blank S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 106 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 ATTACHMENT 2 GM 48/14 Southern Phone Letter and Dividend List S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 107 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 This Page Intentionally Left Blank S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 108 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 ATTACHMENT 3 GM 49/14 ATTACHMENT 3: Copies of Responses from the Sydney and Dubbo Workshops S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 109 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 This Page Intentionally Left Blank S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 110 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 ATTACHMENT 4 GM 50/14 Annual Report for 2013-14 S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 111 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 This Page Intentionally Left Blank S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 112 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 ATTACHMENT 5 GM 51/14 Update on Legal Matters S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 113 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 18 November 2014 This Page Intentionally Left Blank S:\Winword\Corp Serv Dept\Buspaper\Ordinary\2014\BP November 2014 No attach.docx Page 114
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