ATTACHTMENT TO RENTAL CONTRACT PRICELIST SIA HOUSING - SERVICES/FEES - 01.08.15 - 31.07.16 The prices are valid from 01.08.2015 - 31.07.2016 Prices on this list are subject to change. 30% will be added to the rent for those who do not have valid student-ID or don't pay tuition (semester fee) Just PHD students who receive funds from NUFU, Norad or Lånekassen has the ability to pay tution. All other PHD students are considered as employees, and may not have the benefits as a student. Electricity and internet is included, but the landlord has the ability to divide power from the rent with 3 months notice to the tenant. We do not require a deposit. The network is a part of UiA's computer network, and as such, UiA's IT regulations apply. Downtime on the Internet does not provide any refund of rent. FEES Additional services or unfulfilled contractual obligations will be billed according to the extra costs incurred. The fees cover our actual costs. DEPARTURE - CHECK Cleaning after moving - pr. sqm NOK 78 Loss of mattress protector NOK 300 Hourly cost by technician NOK 400 Mandatory fee - cleaning of common kitchen NOK 200 Rent of common room - deposit NOK 1000 Loss of remote-control NOK 173 Decoder, replacement NOK 1325 AP 205H Aksess punkt Data, replacement NOK 6628 NOK 650 Loss of the key to your home NOK 500 Loss of only mail key NOK 200 Key sent by registered mail NOK 150 Change of cylinder with loss of key NOK 3000 Use of washing machine NOK 20 Use of drier NOK 10 Reminder note/late fee NOK 65 Caution/TVFBL NOK 200 Clear out the room - hourly cost by technician (eviction) NOK 400 Cleaning after moving -(eviction) pr. sqm NOK 78 Storage max 1 month - (eviction) NOK 500 Unnecessary firealarms - forgotten cooking etc. NOK 1500 Sabotage on the fire systems - reset/remove or covering the detector NOK 1500 Very dirty room: Care Agency determines the price Cigarette odour. Care Agency determines the price Damage and defects - actually cost of replacement COMMON ROOM INTERNET/TV UNLOCKING Use of guard company to unlock the door to your home LOST KEYS LAUNDRY PAYMENT Fee/costs namnsmannen (eviction) To view the price list visit the Bailiffs website FIRE GRIMSTAD - Pricelist 01.08.2015 - 31.07.2016 ALFA BRAVO CHARLIE DELTA Bedsit with bath 3950 Bedsit double 2-rooms hc 2-room apartment 5670 Bedsit with bath 3950 Bedsit double ECHO Bedsit with bath 3950 3670 2-room apartment 5670 5670 3-room apartment 6730 Single room 3010 Bedsit with bath 3380 3670 1-room apartment 3810 1-room apartment 4550 2-room apartment 4790 2-room apartment 5670 3-room apartment 7330 2-room apartment 5340 Single room 3150 Bedsit double 3670 Bedsit with bath 1-room apartment 4210 Bedsit double 3250 1-room apartment 4550 1-room apartment 3800 2-room apartment 5670 2-room apartment 4410-5180 2-rooms hc 5670 3-room apartment 7330 Bedsit double 3670 1-room apartment 4210 1-room apartment 4550 2-room apartment 5670 GRØM LØVÅS 3450-3610 KRISTIANSAND - Pricelist 01.08.2015 - 31.07.2016 GIMLE KONGSGÅRD ALLE 9 Brigaderen Bedsit double 4120 Bedsit with bath 3560 Gardisten 2-room apartment 5190 Bedsit triple 2970 Generalen 3-room apartment 6590 1-room apartment 5040 Generalen 2-room hc 6590 2-room apartment 5540 Kadetten 1-room apartment 4000 3-room apartment 5830 Kapteinen 2-room apartment 6200 Korporalen Bedsit quad 4120 Løytnanten Bedsit quad 4120 Majoren Bedsit with bath 3470 Bedsit double Majoren Bedsit with bath 3690 2-room apartment 4940-6830 Majoren 2-room apartment 5810 3-room apartment 5720-7330 Obersten 2-room apartment 6200 Pasifisten 2-room apartment 5190 Single room 3300 Rekrutten Bedsit with bath 3330 Bedsit with bath 3490 Sersjanten Bedsit with bath 3080-3590 Bedsit double 3490 Bedsit double loft 3980 Kaserneveien Bedsit quad 4370 1-room apartment 3760 28-36 Bedsit triple 4370 1-room apartment 4110 2-room apartment 6770 3-room apartment 7330 Bedsit double 3010 KONGSGÅRD ALLE 7 KONGSGÅRD ALLE 11 Bedsit quad 3970 KRISTIAN IV'S GATE 3150 ROLIGHEDEN ST. OLAVS VEI 2-room apartment 5130-5490 Bedsit double 3140 O.OMDALS VEI 21-75 Bedsit triple 3230 1-room apartment Bedsit quad 3230 1-room couple 2-room apartment 5510 2-room apartment 6800-7500 3-room apartment 7600 4500-4600 5600
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