NGĀTI MĀKINO IWI AUTHORITY ANNUAL REPORT 2014 1 Auē Auē (Maori) Nā Witāriana mō Hoani (Ngāti Mākino) Aue Aue kau atu ki te kiri o te hoa eei --Whakakii ana e te anu mātao eei --Kātahi au e te hoa nau I uta mai, ki te u kai po, hai huri huri iho, tō mātā rau nui, to kiri ahoaho Tāku manu hara nui – ka tiu ki te uru, nā te aha I rutu I hinga ai ki raro? He utautanga nui, ka moe I te kino eei --Me whakamoe koe – ki te waka totara, kia noho mai ē, I runga o Pukerimu nga ura whakaki, kei ō koroua eei --Takahī-a atu ra – ngā rākau tū mai, I waho I ō tū, kia whakaruku koe, I nga ia whakaripo, nō Waitahanui, ka puta ki waho rā, whakaaea tō māta, whakarongo te taring, nga tai e hāruru, I whao Te Raupare. Tangi kotokoto ana, he tai mihi tangata eei --Tapiki tō katau – kia hopu tō ringa, nga rimu rapa nui, hei whakatau ringa eei Whakamāu te haere – te rai ki Moehau, titiro tō kanohi, nga motu whakatere, ko Rangitoto pea?, whakaoho tō reo, tēna tō mātua, te whakamoe mai nā, nga whare kōhatu, mā āna e pohiri, ki te kapu ō te ringa eei --E tae ki te rerenga – tahuri mai ki muri, mihi mai ki kōna, te niu ki te whenua, tēnei e te hoa, nāku ra I waiho, I muri I tō tua, māwai hoki ra, e pupuri ringa rua, e here ana mai, te taura o te pō, hei kukume ki raro eei…………….. 2 Ngati Makino Iwi Authority 2014 Annual Report Otamarakau Marae Saturday 29 November 2014 3 4 Trust Directory DATE OF FORMATION 20 October 2014 NATURE OF BUSINESS Treaty of Waitangi Settlement Organisation BOARD OF TRUSTEES Hare WIREMU (Chairman) Paeraro AWHIMATE Margaret WILLIAMS Stewart NGATAI Te Ngaru AWHIMATE Laurence TAMATI Elizabeth NGATAI Morris MEHA ACCOUNTANT Glen Hawkins & Associates Ltd AUDITOR Cookson Forbes SOLICITOR Tupono Law BANKER Westpac Bank, ROTORUA REGISTERED OFFICE 46 Jellicoe Street Shop 4, Palmer Court PO Box 479 Te Puke 3119 Telephone: 07 573 3370 Email: [email protected] 5 Table of Contents ITEM PAGE AueAue (Maori)............................................................................................................................ 2 Trust Directory ............................................................................................................................. 5 Agenda ........................................................................................................................................ 7 Minutes ........................................................................................................................................ 9 Chairperson’s Report ................................................................................................................. 15 Summary of Approved Annual Plan........................................................................................... 19 Group Financial Summary ......................................................................................................... 23 Audited Group Financial Statements ......................................................................................... 27 Declaration of Results of Trustee Appointments ....................................................................... 41 Attendance Register .................................................................................................................. 42 Notes ......................................................................................................................................... 43 6 Agenda Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meetings of Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority will be held at Otamarākau Marae, SH2, Otamarākau on Saturday 29 November 2014 at 10:00 a.m. 1. Apologies 2. Minutes from AGM Held 16 November 2013 • 3. Matters Arising Annual Report • Chairman • Summary of Approved Annual Plan • Financial Summary 4. Audited Consolidated Financial Statements 5. Declaration of Results of Trustee Appointments 6. Appointment of Auditor 7. Trustee Remuneration Recommendation 7 Ruapotango I: Day before demolition (10th March 1988) Ruapotango II: Closing Ceremony (17 September 2013) 8 Ruapotango III: Opened (30 August 2014) Minutes Minutes of the Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority Annual General Meeting (AGM) held at Te Takinga Marae, Mourea, Rotorua on Saturday 16 November 2013 at 10:00 a.m. 1. WHAKATAU – Rakapurua Tipiwai 2. KARAKIA – Marilyn Williams 3. MIHIMIHI – Hare Wiremu introduces himself as the Deputy Chairperson of the Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority and advises the current Chairperson sends his apologies as he is currently working in Papua New Guinea. 4. APOLOGIES – Waiiti Atutahi, John Jr Atutahi, Edie Vercoe, Althea Vercoe, Martin Hunuhunu, Richard Vercoe, Te Ariki Morehu, Timi te Po Hohepa, Neville Nepia, Barnett Vercoe, Henare Atutahi, Barnett Vercoe, Mapihi Raharuhi, Honor Te Koi, Elizabeth Ngatai, Peretini Te Whata, Hilda Sykes, Annette Sykes, Steven Williams, Rupa Williams, Uru Awhimate, Tutewharerimu Awhimate, Awhi Awhimate, Jimi-Leigh McLean, Leighton Ngatai Resolved: That the apologies be accepted. Moved: Riria Atutahi Seconded: Carolyn Jones Carried Unanimously 5. MINUTES OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING HELD 9 MARCH 2013 - Laurence gives an overview of the previous minutes. Resolved: That the Minutes of AGM held 9 March 2013 are true and correct. Moved: Raewyn Bennett Seconded: Wehipu Galvin Carried Matters Arising – Chair asks if there are any matters arising from previous meetings minutes. a. b. Notification of AGM – Same process was used for notification this year as in previous years. We received a lot of returned mail at the last elections. Essentially, it is the responsibility of our people to notify the office to change their details. Shared Register – We are contemplating establishing a shared register with other Iwi organisations where if a member updates their details on one register, 9 notifications of those changes are sent to iwi organisations already on the shared register. Member’s permission will be required to access those details. 6. ANNUAL REPORT CHAIRPERSONS ANNUAL REPORT – Hare reads the Chairperson’s report on his behalf. Noted this report will focus on the period of business from March 2013 to November 2013. a. Composition of the Group: 1. Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority (Overarching Responsibility) 2. Ngāti Mākino Heritage Trust (Charitable Status) 3. Ngāti Mākino Assets Limited (Commercial/Investment) b. Acknowledges Current Trustees: - Laurence Tamati - Hare Wiremu - Mauriahoho Awhimate - Margaret H Williams - Stewart Ngatai - Paeraro Awhimate c. Strategic Direction – Currently establishing strategic direction, models and business plans for the respective entities. d. Ngāti Mākino Heritage Trust General Manager – Jimi McLean has been appointed General Manager of the Ngati Makino Heritage Trust. e. Environmental Officer – Pia Bennett is working alongside the Manager to ensure any Environmental issues that may affect Ngāti Mākino are managed properly. f. Administrator – Acknowledges the sole administrator of the Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority for ensuring the office is running efficiently and effectively. g. Transfer of Settlement Assets – Settlement assets of $15.5 million were transferred to the Ngāti Mākino Assets Limited in June 2013 to consolidate our commercial assets. h. Unmodified Audit Report – Annual accounts for year ended June 2013 is received. An unmodified audit opinion from auditors Cookson Forbes & Associates. 10 Glenn Hawkins of Glenn Hawkins & Associates here today to present our annual accounts. i. Retiring Trustee (Neville Nepia) – Due respect given to retiring trustee Neville Nepia, he is acknowledged for his untiring efforts in the early part of the claims process with the Crown and for setting the foundations for our achievement and outcomes today. j. Chairperson Retiring – Chair retires from office tinged with sadness to embark on new challenges. His journey began in 1995 with the kuia and koroua of the time, he has thoroughly appreciated and enjoyed this once in a lifetime experience. k. Incoming Trustees – To be announced today. Resolved: That the Chairperson’s report be received. Moved: TohuRipeka Te Whata Second: Margaret Williams Carried NGĀTI MĀKINO ASSETS LIMITED UPDATE - Craig Coxhead (Chair of NMAL) provides an update on: a. Shareholders (Owners) i. Trustees of the Iwi Authority are the shareholders b. NMAL is responsible for investing funds c. Last year involved; i. Setting Up Policies ii. Directors Investment Approach iii. Strategic Plan iv. Letter of Expectation received from the Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority v. Statement of Corporate Intent § Sets objectives and principles that guide Directors decisions § Invest funds and 6% real returns § Statement of Investment Principles and Objectives (SIPO) - The SIPO sets the benchmarks in terms of investments, which also forms a part of the boards monitoring process d. Engaged Advisors Eriksens & Associates § to provide independent advise on investments e. Funds Committed to Varied Investments 11 § § § Most are quite conservative Diverse range of fund managers Board continues to monitor funds internally f. Quarterly Reporting – The Company provides quarterly reports to the Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority as required. g. Distributions to the Group – Explanation regarding distribution of profits back to the group is given. h. Investment Funds ($15.5 million) - What has been accumulated to date since funds have been invested? Monthly reports are produced in terms of accumulated interest/profits etc, however unsure at present of how much has actually been accumulated. Resolved: That the Ngāti Mākino Assets Limited report as presented by Craig Coxhead be accepted. Moved: Paeraro Awhimate Second: Amiria Ngatai Carried OPERATIONS REPORT – Laurence provides an overview of the Trusts Operations to date. a. Annual Plan – Business plan is now in place. Under the NMIA Trust Deed the board is required to bring Plan back to the Iwi. Resolved: That the Operations Report be received Moved: Raewyn Bennett Seconded: Julia Galvin Carried AUDIT REPORT FOR THE PERIOD ENDED 30 JUNE 2013 – Glenn Hawkins is invited to presents the Groups Audited Accounts for the period ended 30 June 2013. He provides an extensive overview of the Group and Parents Financial Position for the year ended 30 June 2013. Noted, this is the first year NMIA have reported on the Group’s (NMIA and NMAL) accounts. NMAL (The Company) – The Company was formed in September 2012, therefore these financial statements reflect approximately 7-8 months of trading. 12 a. Auditor - Cookson Forbes & Associates appointed as the Trusts auditor. NMIA received an unmodified audit report, which is a good result. Resolved: That the Groups Audited Accounts be received Moved: Mauriahoho Awhimate Seconded: TohuRipeka Te Whata Carried b. Declaration of Results of Trustee Elections – Results were advertised in the paper on Wednesday. c. Incumbent Trustees - Morris Meha and Elizabeth Ngatai. A 14-day review process is required prior to formal appointment to the Ngati Makino Iwi Authority Board of Trustees. d. Appointment of Trust Auditor – Recommendation to maintain Cookson Forbes & Associates as the Trust’s Auditor for the ensuing year. Resolved: That Cookson Forbes be appointed as the Trust’s auditors for the ensuing year Moved: Rakapurua Tipiwai Seconded: Amiria Ngatai Carried e. Trustee Remuneration Recommendation – Recommended that Trustee remuneration be maintained at the current level. Resolved: That the Ngati Makino Iwi Authority trustee remuneration is maintained at the current level Moved: Rakapurua Tipiwai Seconded: Marilyn Williams Carried 7. GENERAL BUSINESS a. Koha to Te Takinga Marae – Mihi to Ngati Makino for Marae revitalisation putea that was given to Te Takinga Marae for Marae Revitalisation purposes. Those present advised to sign the attendance register if they haven’t done so already. 8. KARAKIA – Marilyn Williams 9. WHAKAMUTUNGA - 11:43 a.m. 13 Pa Mourea Te Raupare 14 Chairperson’s Report Ko Te Arawa te waka Ko Makino te Iwi Ko Matawhaura te Maunga. Ko tatau tenei nga uri e mihi nei Kia tatau te hunga ora Me tangi ki a ratau kua wheturangitia. Tuatahi, ko te wehi ki te Atua, te timatanga o whakaaro nui, no reira He honore, he kororia ki a ia, He maungarongo i te mata o te whenua He whakaaro pai ki nga Tangata katoa Tii hei Mauri ora. Tuarua, Naumai, piki mai, kake mai i runga i te kaupapa o te ra nei i roto i to tatou tupuna whare a Waitahanui-A-Hei. Engari mihi atu te kuia ki a Ruapotango. Tuatoru, E hara taku toa, i te toa taki tahi, ka tahi ko taku toa, he toa takitini “Mine is not the strength of one alone, but is the strength of many”. It is with great pleasure and delight that I present to you today the Annual Report for the Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority. Ngati Makino Iwi Authority have advocated strong values based on “Rangatiratanga, Whakapapa and Mana Whenua”. From these values, Ngati Makino Iwi Authority have maintained those sets of principles and standards which determined the foundation of the Deed of Trust reflecting your views. The 2013/14-year was a year of continued transformation in which we created a truly new Ngāti Mākino organisation. With a new group of trustees on board we set about reinforcing the foundations in terms of policies and processes set by our predecessors. I refer once more to the composition of the new Ngāti Mākino Group: 1. Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority, overarching responsibility 2. Ngāti Mākino Heritage Trust, charitable developmental arm of the group 3. Ngāti Mākino Assets Limited holds the commercial assets of the group. We have a new team, a new vision, a new approach and an absolute determination to enable Ngāti Mākino to achieve higher aspirations in terms of social, cultural, economic and environmental imperatives for our members and our population. For this I would like to acknowledge our Trustees for their support and dedication to our new path and their hard work during the year to drive change in every part of our business. Our present trustees, beside myself, are: 15 Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Laurence Tamati Morris Meha Te Ngaru Awhimate Margaret Williams Stewart Ngatai Paeraro Awhimate Liz Ngatai We have been actively involved in establishing strategic direction, models and business plans for the Iwi Authority and guidance to the respective entities within. I believe we have set a strong foundation from which to launch our strategic imperatives of the iwi. Key outcomes are to improve the performance of our iwi in all aspects of our wellbeing. This year Mr Laurence Tamati and I retired by rotation as members of the Board; we were also available and eligible to reapply as Trustees to the Ngati Makino Iwi Authority. Unfortunately, besides ourselves, we received no other nominations to fill the 2 vacant positions. As such we are privileged and honoured to remain as Trustees of the Ngati Makino Iwi Authority. I would take this opportunity however to encourage and ensure that all members give due consideration to actively participate in the affairs of Ngāti Mākino. Fresh, competent and innovative voices are always sought around the board table. I take time to recognise our staff members; Jimi McLean as our General Manager (part time) and Awhina Awhimate, who always ensures the office is running efficiently and effectively. “Kō te amorangi ki mua, Kō te hapai o ki muri”. Likewise Pia Bennett as Taiao Mākino (Environment Manager) has been very busy over the months. Key work strategies have included submission to the BOP Regional Council on the resource consent application to leave the Rena Wreck on Otaiiti; as well submissions to BOP Regional Council on their Regional Policy Statement. In keeping up with societal changes however, Trustees have reviewed sectors of the current Deed of Trust, which will be presented to Ngati Makino Iwi today. The Deed of Trust is the backbone of operations for which your board acts within the best interest of all Makino shareholders. Glenn Hawkins, partner from Glenn Hawkins and Associates, our accountants, is here today to present the annual accounts. I extend my thanks to Glenn and the team at GHA for their continued support and services. The celebratory opening of our Wharekai Ruapotango, was attended by a large number of Ngati Makino Whanui complimented by Te Arawa Whanui, Mataatua and Tainui waka. Also in support were our pakeha neighbours and friends. 16 I particularly acknowledge all who worked behind the scenes to complete this milestone. Truly a magnificent effort by all involved. In complimenting Ruapotango, Waitahanui-A-Hei is also to be admired for how proud Ngati Makino can all feel. Last but not least, the festive season is fast approaching. I do hope you take full advantage of the marae and its facilities to embrace and keep her alive over this period. These are exciting times for Ngāti Mākino as we look forward, knowing from where we have come. Keep safe and enjoy your/our mokopuna over the Christmas and New Year holiday period. They are the Mākino leaders of tomorrow. I thank you all for your attendance today. Ka rānga ki te pō Ka rānga ki te aō Tuia te muka tangata i takia mai I Hawaiki nui I Hawaiki roa I Hawaiki pamamao Ki te hono i wairua Ki te whai aō Ki te aō marama….. No reira tēna koutou, tēna koutou, tēna tātou katoa. Nā Hare Wiremu Chairman 17 Matawhaura Matawhaura te Maunga Rotoehu te moana Whakahau te tangata Makino te iwi He taniwha nga tangata He paruparu nga kai 18 Summary of Approved Annual Plan The following sets out our strategic objectives over the next three (3) years and is taken from the Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority Annual Plan 2014 / 2015. Our Vision E hara taku toa, I te toa taku tahi, Kātahi ko taku toa he toa taki tini a Makino Toitu te mana, Toitu te whenua, toitu te tangata, toi tu te Mākinotanga Ngati Mākino determining our own future as a strong and vibrant kaitiaki of our culture, and our whanau, hapū, iwi, our land and our seas. Our Mission “Kia aho matuahia te taketake - Kia tuwaerea te tau a Makino” The Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority is committed to empowering every member of Ngāti Mākino to achieve their potential and their aspirations through cultural, social, environmental and economic development. Our Values • Tino Rangatiratanga • Kia Mākino – Upholding our kawa and tikanga in all dealings amongst ourselves and others • Manaakitanga ki te Taiao • Kotahitanga • Whanaungatanga • Wairuatanga • Mana whenua/ Mana Moana/ Mana Tangata Actions The actions specified below are based only on the short-term strategic objectives. The suggested times will be demanding for a new organisation and may be adjusted in annual reviews of the plan. As the next three-year period, to 2018, approaches, a set of actions should be developed to cover the objectives for that period. Strategic Objectives 1. Organisational wellbeing – Tūrangawaewae • • Trustees of the Iwi Authority will continuously improve their governance capability through training and reviews of board performance Management and administration structure and positions will be formed and recruited in accordance with the Iwi Authority Trust Deed. Contracting processes and procedures developed 19 • • • 2. Succession plans are developed to ensure suitable iwi members are identified for key roles and are guided and assisted to develop the capabilities they need to fill the roles. Effective communication frameworks are developed with iwi members, neighbouring iwi, local and regional authorities and government agencies to advance the interests of Ngāti Mākino through partnerships. To ensure that Ngāti Mākino demographic data and information is captured through Statistics New Zealand (NZ) and is included in the NZ Census. Cultural well-being – Kia Mākino • • • Effective plans are developed to encourage and assist iwi members to regain and/or improve their knowledge of their Reo, their identity as members of Ngāti Mākino and their whānau and hapū, their cultural etiquette and their rohe Suitable people have been identified to lead the implementation of these plans. Facilities and funds are committed to the implementation of the plans 3. Health – Mākino Ora • • Health needs of iwi members of all ages have been identified, priorities for action have been set and suitable funders and providers have been approached Formal relationship to be formed with Lakes District Health Board (DHB) to ensure Ngāti Mākino participation and influence occurs at a governance level 4. Environmental - Mana Taiao • • • • The Iwi Authority, through the NMHT, is recognised by all relevant authorities as the knowledgeable, capable and influential kaitiaki of Ngāti Mākino natural resources Research is planned and programmed in partnership with other agencies to develop sound and effective policies to restore and sustain the environment and natural resources of the rohe Waitahanui Awa The Ngati Makino Heritage Trust has begun to develop pan-iwi networks to assist with restoration and maintenance of the environment and natural resources both within the rohe and in the wider region Investigations and feasibility studies are under way to plan the establishment of a Ngāti Mākino Whare Wananga (Kaitiakitanga Environment Centre) on traditional lands 20 5. Economic – Whai Rawa • • • • The Iwi Authority, with the Asset Company and Holding Company, has developed an integrated medium-term investment strategy, covering both income and asset growth, that provides sufficient operating income for the Group and increases the Group’s financial assets The Holding Company and/or Asset Company has explored pan-iwi investment projects and consideration of these is included in the medium-term investment strategy The Asset Company has developed an approved active investment programme designed to increase returns on a small portion of the assets and to gain experience in direct involvement in projects The Land Holding Company and/or Asset Company are involved in exploration of the Ngāti Mākino Whare Wananga project to assist in ensuring it is profitable, through eco-tourism, adventure tourism or other means 6. Social wellbeing – Whanau Ora • Implementing action plans to address Ngati Makino social needs 7. Education – Matauranga Mākino • Educational and career training needs of iwi members have been identified, priorities for action have been set and suitable funders and providers have been identified and approached 21 Otamarakau Marae Restoration of Otamarakau Marae Complete (30 August 2014) 22 Group Financial Summary The audited Consolidated Group financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2014 are provided in the back of this report. Consolidated accounts are required to comply with generally accepted accounting practice under the Financial Reporting Act 1993. This is a summary overview for the year. As the financial statements are reported on a group basis, these accounts summarise all transactions for Ngati Makino Iwi Authority and its subsidiary company, Ngati Makino Assets Ltd. The Auditors are Cookson Forbes & Associates of Opotiki and they have provided an unmodified (clear) audit opinion. Key financial trends and information have been extracted from the financial statements, as follows: SUMMARY OF INCOME AND EXPENDITURE INCOME RECEIVED Forest Licence Fee Interest Overseas Income PIE Income Received Rent Contract Income Sundry Income Total Income LESS EXPENDITURE Operating Expenses Other non-deductible Expenses Donation – Ngati Makino Heritage Trust Unrealised Fund & Foreign Exchange Movements Total Expenditure LESS Tax Expense NET OPERATING SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) Debt Forgiven – Ngati Makino Heritage Trust Crown Settlement Received Timberlands Settlement Received Net Surplus/(deficit) 23 2014 $ 2013 $ 476,282 230,294 228,412 209,739 8,880 63,969 1,217,576 329,309 559,747 3,106 15,000 907,162 429,096 285,106 251,811 966,013 394,021 23,288 417,309 11,414 64,538 240,149 425,316 (651,160) - 19,657,989 25,000 $ (411,011) $ 20,108,304 The operational outcome is a decrease in the net operating surplus to $240,149 compared to a surplus of $425,316 in the 2013 year. This decline is predominantly caused by the donation to Ngati Makino Heritage Trust for Marae Revitalisation costs and the impact of the strong New Zealand dollar on the company’s overseas investments. Income is derived from the following sources: 0.73% 5.25% Forest Licence Fee 17.23% 39.12% Interest Received Overseas Income 18.76% PIE Income Received 18.91% Rent Received Sundry Income The diversification of investments held from term deposits to a managed portfolio and overseas investments have contributed an overall increase in investment income of $108,698. Income received from the Crown Forest Licence fees has also increased by $146,973, because it is income for a full year. The following chart provides a summary of Operating Expenses incurred during the year: 250,000.00 200,000.00 150,000.00 $ 100,000.00 50,000.00 -‐ Professional Advisory 2014 83,640.00 2013 49,156.00 Governance & Negotiations 204,788.00 220,732.00 OfPice 30,105.00 37,065.00 Personnel 40,073.00 58,690.00 Sundry Expenses 70,490.00 28,379.00 There has been an increase in the main operating expenses of $35,076, which relate in the main, to investments expenses incurred and special project costs. Professional advisory expenses represent accountancy, audit and legal fees. Governance and expenses include 24 trustee fees, directors’ fees and the Chairman’s honorarium paid as well as trustee travel & accommodation, and meeting costs. Personnel expenses include wages and travel expenses. Sundry expenses reflect various administration costs, such as printing, stationery, insurance, interest paid and bank charges. Other expenses include Claims Committee expenses and the Cultural Values report. SUMMARY OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES 2014 $ 2013 $ ASSETS Bank Deposits and Cash Tax Refund Due Goods & Services Tax Receivable Sundry Assets Property & Equipment Westpac Term Deposit Other Investments Total Assets 62,754 66,147 5,516 5,954,164 15,419,174 $ 21,507,755 230,129 82,379 9,016 210,451 5,959,821 15,400,000 $ 21,891,796 LIABILITIES Accounts Payable Finance Leases Income in Advance Total Liabilities NET EQUITY 33,560 2,759 403,495 $ 439,814 $ 21,067,941 13,355 3,906 395,583 $ 412,844 $ 21,478,952 Net Equity for the group decreased by $411,011 from $21,478,952 to $21,067,941. This is because of the investment in marae revitalisation and the donation to Ngati Makino Heritage Trust for their operational costs. Fees paid during the year to the Trustees are as follows: TRUSTEES' PAYMENTS Gross Fees $ 11,475 8,013 7,788 6,513 4,076 8,938 18,738 5,363 3,800 $ 74,700 A Awhimate M Awhimate P Awhimate S Ngatai L Tamati M Williams H Wiremu M Meha E Ngatai Total 25 Travel $ 2,239 699 1,810 952 731 585 3,260 836 $ 11,112 Fees paid during the year to the Directors are as follows: DIRECTORS' REMUNERATION 2014 $ 20,000 21,667 20,000 20,000 $ 81,667 C Coxhead A Awhimate L Tamati B Tunui I Dickson Total 26 2013 $ 15,000 11,667 11,667 11,667 11,667 $ 61,667 Audited Group Financial Statements 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Declaration of Results of Trustee Appointments Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority Certificate of Result For Two Trustees I, Mere George, chartered accountant of Rotorua, report in terms of Clause 11.2 of Schedule 2 of the Trust Deed, and certify that as the person authorised to co-ordinate Trustee elections for the Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority, two (2) formal nominations have been received. In accordance with Clause 7.3 of Schedule 2, an election process will not be held due to the number of nominations received equalling the number of vacancies. Therefore, I declare that Hare Wiremu and Laurence Tamati are duly appointed. Declared at Rotorua, this 20th day of October 2014. 41 Attendance Register Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority Annual General Meeting Saturday 16 November 2013 at Te Takinga Marae, Mourea, Rotorua 42 Notes
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