RATECARD 2015 Comm unica te with the right audie nce at the right time at the right price venem. Ulla pores modit, ommolor rumque consequiaes autatem sitatis aut maxima inis imporemod magnimi, senientorum sum ullab int exerum que veribus.Iliaecupta dolor maximi, od eatur, officium necupta tempori atiam, secepel loreste nectur? volut pelectotae etur? Occum re as eum facepta nam venem. Ulla pores modit, ommolor rumque consequiaes autatem sitatis aut maxima inis imporemod magnimi,.Seritatur, sapic tem faceptatem quam, venis nullest ditatem quia volutem pelectotae etur? BANNER PLACEMENTS Marita når nye høyder! Bigbanner/ 980 x 200 (300) Bigbanner XL venem. Ulla pores modit, ommolor rumque consequiaes autatem sitatis aut maxima inis imporemod magnimi, senientorum sum ullab int exerum que veribus.Iliaecupta dolor maximi, od eatur, officium necupta tempori atiam, secepel loreste nectur? Golfsvingen du aldri har sett maken til (og heller aldri vil se på ordentlig) facepta nam Maxima inis imporemod magnimi, senientorum sum ullab int exerum que veribus.Iliaecupta dolor maximi, od eatur, officium necupta tempori atiam, secepel loreste nectur? Seritatur, sapic tem faceptatem quam, venis nullest ditatem quia volutem pelectotae etur? volutpelectotae? Occum re as eum facepta nam venem. Ulla pores modit, ommolor rumque consequiaes autatem sitatis aut maxima inis imporemod magnimi,.Seritatur, sapic tem faceptatem quam, venis nullest ditatem quia volutem pelectotae etur? 300 xboard 250 2 Article (artikkelboard) Tekstannonse Text ads 1-5 250 x 200 NYHETER 1 DAG SIDEN Occum re as eum facepta nam venem. Ulla pores modit, ommolor rumque. SØK MENY Marita når nye høyder! NYHETER 1 DAG SIDEN Occum re as eum facepta nam venem. Ulla pores modit, ommolor rumque. Widescreen 1 SKYskraper 250 x 360 NYHETER 1 DAG SIDEN Occum re as eum facepta nam venem. Ulla pores modit, ommolor rumque. 300 xboard 250 3 Article (artikkelboard) Widescreen 2 SKYskraper 250 x 360 TUTTA ANSETTER HARMON Flere kilder i LPGA-miljøet hevder nå at Tiger Woods sin tidligere trener, Butch Harmon har overtatt jobben som Suzann Pettersens svingtrener. Superboard 980 x300 Widescreen 3 SKYskraper 250 x 360 BEHIND SCENES MED KOFSTAD PÅ WENTWORTH Superboard 980 x300 NORSK GOLF TV SE FLERE VIDEOER HER Widescreen 4 TESTET: SKYskraper 250 x 360 Årets desidert beste driver for banens pro! SE VIDEO Kofstad klar for Europa Leverte da han trengte det som mest. SKYskraper Sticky 250 x 360 (sticky) Pitch med en hånd Bjørnstad og Haugsrud om Kofstad Dette er ekstremt viktig for norsk golfsport, konkluderer Henrik Bjørnstad og Per Haugsrud til Norsk Golf. KOFSTAD: JEG ER SÅ STOLT! En overlykkelig Espen Kofstad var i kjempehumør etter bragden på Q-School. 300 xboard 250 1 Article (artikkelboard) Endelig Srixon i Norge FINN H. ANDREASSEN FINN H. ANDREASSEN FINN H. ANDREASSEN FINN H. ANDREASSEN FINN H. ANDREASSEN Elit esciis aspiti Elit esciis aspiti volut pelectotae etur? Elit esciis aspiti Occum re as eum facepta nam Elit esciis aspiti volutpelectotae? Occum re as eum facepta nam venem. Ulla pores modit, ommolor rumque consequiaes autatem sitatis aut maxima inis imporemod magnimi, senientorum sum ullab int exerum que veribus.Iliaecupta dolor maximi, od eatur, officium necupta tempori atiam, secepel loreste nectur? Occum re as eum facepta nam venem. Ulla pores modit, ommolor rumque consequiaes autatem sitatis aut maxima inis imporemod magnimi,.Seritatur, sapic tem faceptatem quam, venis nullest Occum re as eum facepta nam venem. Ulla pores modit, ommolor rumque consequiaes autatem sitatis aut maxima inis imporemod magnimi, senientorum sum ullab int exerum que veribus.Iliaecupta dolor maximi, od eatur, officium necupta tempori atiam, secepel loreste nectur? Maxima inis imporemod magnimi, senientorum sum ullab int exerum que veribus.Iliaecupta dolor maximi, od eatur, officium necupta tempori atiam, secepel loreste nectur? Seritatur, sapic tem faceptatem quam, venis nullest ditatem quia Occum re as eum facepta nam venem. Ulla pores modit, ommolor rumque consequiaes autatem sitatis aut maxima inis imporemod magnimi,.Seritatur, sapic tem faceptatem quam, venis nullest ditatem quia vo- Golfskolen: Tipsene du trenger før du inntar sydenbanen NORSK GOLF TV: Perfect Pitch 580 x 4001 Square NORSK GOLF TV: Årets desidert beste driver for banens pro! NORSKGOLF.NO PRICES Banner Size Max file weight Price/cpm* Big Banner 980x200 60 KB 180 NOK Big Banner XL 980x300 60 KB 270 NOK Superboard 980x300 60 KB Widescreen 1 250x360 45 KB 150 NOK AL INTERSTITI 140 NOK Widescreen 2 250x360 45 KB 110 NOK Widescreen 3 250x360 45 KB 60 NOK Widescreen 4 250x360 45 KB 60 NOK Sticky 250x360 45 KB 60 NOK Article board 1 300x250 45 KB 80 NOK Article board 2 300x250 45 KB 50 NOK Article board 3 300x250 45 KB 50 NOK Square 1 580x400 45 KB 140 NOK Square 2 580x400 45 KB 80 NOK Horse shoe 1020x150 + 2x490x1250 60 KB 45 KB 400 NOK Interstitial 800x600 60KB 550 NOK Golfbox 600x120 45 KB 100 SEK * = cost per mille, cost per thousand impressions High Season/week Off season/week (May-Sept) (Oct-April) Text ad 1 max 40 characters 8000 NOK 5000 NOK Text ad 2 max 40 characters 8000 NOK 5000 NOK Text ad 3 max 40 characters 8000 NOK 5000 NOK Text ad 4 max 40 characters 8000 NOK 5000 NOK Text ad 5 max 40 characters 8000 NOK 5000 NOK SPECIAL DISCOUNT FOR GOLF CLUBS WHICH ARE ASSOCIATED WITH NGF 30% discount on advertising without partners, for example greenfees. 15% off at joint advertising with sponsors or other partners. Can not be combined with other discounts. NORSKGOLF.NO MOBILE Banner Size Max file weight Price/cpm* Mobile 1 480x300 45 KB 110 NOK Mobile 2 480x300 45 KB 110 NOK Mobile 3 480x300 45 KB 110 NOK Mobile 4 480x300 45 KB 110 NOK Mobile 5 480x300 45 KB 90 NOK Mobile 6 480x300 45 KB 90 NOK (jpeg, gif, javascript tags) * = cost per mille, cost per thousand impressions Mobile 1 Mobile 2 Mobile 3 INFORMATION & CONTACTS Flash ad specifikations Cancellations Procedures for measuring clicks, the Flash file to be programmed as follows (in Flash 4 or higher) which guarantees that your ad’s click can be registered. Cancellations must be in writing to the seller within seven days before the start of the campaign. Cancellations later than seven days are charged as follows: 1. URL in the Get URL must be clickTAG. 6 days before campaign start 25% 2. The box “Expression” has to be checked in “Normal Mode” in previous Flash versions, the “Expert Mode” shall be inscribed clickTAG without quotes around. 5–2 days before campaign start 50% 3. Window must be set to “_blank”. More information is available at norskgolf.no, “Annonsere”. Delivery of advertising material Advertisement material must be delivered as follows and with the following information: - Which advertiser the material is ment for - The start date for the campaign - Link URL to respective ad - Contact for any questions about materials Please send the creatives by e-mail: [email protected] Payment terms: 30 days from date of invoice. Invoice will be sent after the campaign has ended or according to the agreement. Later than 2 days before campaign start 100% CONTACTS Sales manager Adam Grünerwald, +46 732-67 77 91 [email protected] Advertising sales Lotta Anfelt Sjödin, +46 707-35 87 85 [email protected] Niklas Karlsson, +46 735-44 62 81 [email protected] Sophie Anderson, +46 730-39 99 35 [email protected] Jacob Thörnqvist, +46 706-53 88 40 [email protected] Information & booking Anna Johnsson, +46 730-39 99 42 [email protected] Material Anneli Bonde, +46 762-00 81 84 [email protected] Compensation for under/over supply PUBLISHER NORSK GOLF AS 1. During the delivery of exposure – as measured by the company’s ad system – bought advertising space is reimbursed only if the supply is less than more than 15% of what was agreed targets in contract start. Journalist Christian Døvle, + 47 94 05 76 41 [email protected] Postal Address Ullevaal Stadion, 0840 Oslo Visiting Adress Ullevaal Stadion, Sognsveien 75 0805 Oslo 2. If delivery of exposure is less than 85% replacement advertiser in the first instance with the same number of exposures. 3. Additional costs in terms of increased staff effort is not compensated by each party. 4. The late delivery of material from ad, buyer can not claim compensation for the delivery. TRAVEAS SPORTS MEDIA Adress: Klubbvägen 5, 182 57 Danderyd, Sverige Telephone: +46 8-518 010 00 Internet: www.traveas.com/golf
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