25-26 November, Manchester Central, UK Supply Chain Event & Conference EVENT PROGRAMME Welcome A warm welcome to EIC Connect Oil as which focuses on global export opportunities. , the flagship oil and gas supply chain event We have a full timetable of informative and inspiring sessions planned for you over the next two days, with the world’s leading operators, developers and contractors who are looking to identify UK capability for the major global upstream, midstream and downstream oil and gas projects. The global project landscape continues to evolve, bringing with it both complex challenges and exciting opportunities. In the two years since the last EIC Connect event, the production of gas reserves and unconventional hydrocarbons has continued to rise sharply, fuelling growth and innovation in LN G plants and petrochemical facilities, and also igniting interest in shale development globally. At the same time, the search for conventional oil and gas has met with progressively more remote reservoirs, increasingly hostile operating environments, along with a desire to maximise resources from existing fields. As project costs are soaring, increasingly impacting the economic viability of projects, it is driving more and more innovation from operators, contractors and the supply chain alike. EIC Connect is the only event of its kind geared towards the supply chain. As the industry looks to meet these challenges, senior figures from industry, government and the EIC will come together to debate the opportunities and challenges to be faced by the oil and gas industry in the next 10 years. Across both the conference sessions and the supply chain briefings, speakers will cover key energy projects, trends and topics globally, with a view to informing you on procurement strategies and helping you shape your business towards future export market opportunities. We also have a number of experienced suppliers who will be showcasing their innovative products and services in the Exhibition Area, so please take time to visit the stands. A comprehensive listing is contained in this programme. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the speakers, for giving up their time so generously. To UKTI for their continued support and assistance. To our sponsors for their generous contributions and last but not least, the EIC Connect Advisory B oard comprising of key individuals from operator companies, contractors and leading S ME communities who have been instrumental in shaping the event programme. If you would like to find out more about the EIC and its services, representatives from all of our based teams and our overseas hubs are on hand to meet with you to discuss the many ways that we can help with your global business development. I look forward to speaking with many of you during the next two days and wish you all a very successful and productive EIC Connect. Cl a i r e M i l l e r Chief Executive Energy Industries Council Floorplan and A-Z Exhibitor List S u p p l y Ch a i n S u p p l y Ch a T h e a tre 1 T h e a tre 2 M e e t th e B u y e r: O n e 2O n e Stand Locator Company N ame 3M Oil & Gas AB B Limited Anixter Limited Appleton A.T.X . Ashcroft Instruments AV EV A B artec B EKA Associates Ltd B ergen Pipe S upports B odycote S urface Technology Ltd B ray Controls (UK) Ltd B ronkhurst UK Limited Carpenter and Paterson Ltd CCG Cable Terminations Ltd Cleveland Cable Company Ltd CMP Products Limited Concrete Canvas Ltd Crowcon Detection Instruments Doosan B abcock Drä ger Dresser-Rand S tand A6 A7 A5 A20 A42 A30 A33 A14 A41 A36 C15 A26 A25 A1 C27 A3 C19 A34 C14 A39 A38 Ellis Patents Emtec Laboratories Energy Focus E.ON UK Hams Hall Calibration Laboratory Exloc Instruments (UK) Limited F.H. B ertling Ltd Firevault S ystems Ltd Flowplant Group Ltd Achilles First Point Assessment Limited Heatric Honeywell Analytics HV PD Imtex Controls Ltd KMI LEEA Legrand Electric Ltd Lokring N orthern Lund Halsey Console S ystems Limited Magnetrol International Oilcareers.com Industrial S afety Technologies Group (Oldham Gas) Orbital Oxifree UK Pepperl+Fuchs Portwest A9 A31 C11 C21 C28 A12 A45 C20 A16 A32 A2 A18 A17 C24 A49 A47 C25 C23 A4 A8 C22 C29 A50 A11 A43 Pressure Tech Ltd Raytec Red Dragon Limited Rigzone Rolevet Ltd RR Donnelley S choeller-B leckmann S S ervelec Controls S GS B aseefa Ltd S iemens Oil and Gas S pecialised V alve S olu S pirax S arco S ynectic S ystems Grou Thermocable Flexible E Thyson Technology Lim Tracerco ni ue Seaflex Limited V ahterus UK Ltd V EGA Controls Ltd Wedge Group Galvaniz Wellton Energy Limited WIKA Instruments Wireless Measurement Z+F UK Laser Ltd Zok Int Gp Ltd in 2 V IP tainless Tube & Pipe utions Limited up Ltd Elements Ltd mited d zing Ltd d t Ltd 25-26 November, Manchester Central, UK Supply Chain Event & Conference A52 C16 A37 A8 A23 A35 C17 A19 A46 A22 A24 A28 A40 C18 A27 A21 A A13 C26 A29 A44 A51 A15 C12 A10 C12 C11 C21 C22 EVENT PROGRAMME E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 General Information Contents General Information 1 Agenda 4-5 EIC Connect Advisory Board & Members 6 Meet the EIC’s Oil & Gas Team 9 Upstream Insight Report 10 Midstream Insight Report 11 UK Shale Insight Report 12 Plenary Session profiles 14-15 Upstream Speaker profiles 16-18 Midstream Speaker profiles 19-20 Downstream Speaker profiles 21-23 Supply Chain Speaker profiles - Day 1 24-27 Supply Chain Speaker profiles - Day 2 27-30 One to One Appointment profiles 30-32 UKTI Commercial Officers 34-41 UK Export Finance Exhibitor Profiles 41 42-62 Cl o a k r o o m Located next to the registration desk in the main entrance E I C | CON N ECT Ca t e r i n g S c h e d u l e Lunch will be served in the Delegate N etworking Area in the Exhibition Hall and in the Gallery Foyer between 12.30 and 14.00. Refreshments are available all day. Oil & Gas 2014 I n t e r n e t Co n n e c t i v i t y The event is Wi-Fi enabled and can be used free of charge by delegates for general surfing. Select M CCC wireless network he portal page should load automatically. If not, just open your web browser Click L o g i n t o M a n c h e s t e r Ce n t r a l ’ s F r e e W i - F i Enter your information and read the terms and conditions Once confirmed, you re connected S p e a k e r P r e s e n ta tio n s Copies of all speaker presentations will be sent in an email (to download each copy) as opposed to a memory stick to ensure as many are made available to delegates as possible. Y ou will be asked to complete an event questionnaire online to receive this information. The email will go out to delegates week commencing 1st December 2014. Sponsors With thanks to our event sponsors: Evening Reception IP Lounge Registration Area Speakers Dinner One to One Zone Conference Sponsor Delegate N etworking Area In Association with eneral Information Welcome || 11 E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 With thanks to our Media Partners • Reduce Risk • Reduce Liability • Reduce Downtime DNV 2.7-2 CERTIFIED MODULES OFFSHORE • OIL & GAS • ONSHORE VISIT US STAND AAT 45 Flammable & Hazardous Material Storage Module Emergency Response / Critical Equipment Storage Module Personnel Emergency Recovery Module Certified for Use in Zone 1 / Hazardous Areas Onshore & Offshore Applications A-60 Fire Rated Manufactured under ISO 9001 QMS Compex Certified Installation and Certification The World’s first DNV2.7-2 Hazardous Materials Safety Store www.firevaultsystems.com 2 | Media Partners Firevault Systems UK 329 Putney Bridge Road, London SW15 2PG Tel : +44 208 704 1807 Email: [email protected] EIC | CONNECT Oil & Gas 2014 EIC | CONNECT Oil & Gas 2014 E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 TIMETABLE Tuesday 25th N ovember T IM E T H E AT R E 1 09 : 00 E x h ib itio n o p e n s T H E AT R E 2 10: 00 O N E 2O N E AP P O I N T M E N T S CO N F E R E N CE R O O M 15 min. appointments with Procurement Supply Chain Managers from O p e n in g P le n a r y S e s s io n Chair eil as, EIC olding, Shell AMEC - Foster Wheeler Wood roup PS - Technip SOCA ent , an S C Lavalin Company ead of Oil eynote Speakers Lord Livingston, Minister of rade Investment Matthias Bichsel, Executive Director, Shell obin Watson, CEO, Wood roup PS (45 mins) 11: 00 S u p p l y Ch a i n B echtel 12: 00 13 : 00 14 : 00 15 : 00 S u p p l y Ch a i n engi Chevroil (45 mins) (45 mins) S u p p l y Ch a i n S u p p l y Ch a i n B echtel (Repeat) engi Chevroil (Repeat) (45 mins) (45 mins) U K S h a l e – An o v e r v ie w Presented by Bah ad Ayoub, Sector Analyst, EIC (10 mins) U K E x p o r t F in a n c e Presented by David ang, Export Finance S u p p l y Ch a i n S u p p l y Ch a i n Centrica EB R B razil (45 mins) (45 mins) S u p p l y Ch a i n S u p p l y Ch a i n Centrica EB R B razil (Repeat) epeat (45 mins) (10 mins) (45 mins) I Advisors from Chair Dave Wallace, Supply Chain Manager, ConocoPhillips eynote Speakers ussell Dandie, ead of Supply Chain, Premier Oil plc ames Compston, Senior ice President, S C Lavalin igel enkins, Chief Executive, Decom orth Sea (90 mins) Chair ianluca Lufino, Senior P, WorleyParsons Speakers Peter Stewart, Editor, Interfax ilary Mercer, P Integrated Project, Shell Prelude WorleyParsons L overview (90 mins) 16 : 00 D e le g a te N e tw o r k in g H o u r. Drinks and N ibbles served in the Delegate N etworking Area. 17 : 00 E v e n t c lo s e s 4 | Agenda as Li uefaction - N igeria - Russia - East Africa: ganda, enya Mozambique Canada - Kazakhstan E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 TIMETABLE Wednesday 26th N ovember T IM E T H E AT R E 1 T H E AT R E 2 09 : 00 E x h ib itio n o p e n s 10: 00 S u p p l y Ch a i n S u p p l y Ch a i n AMEC Shell O N E 2O N E AP P O I N T M E N T S CO N F E R E N CE R O O M E I C | CON N ECT 15 min. appointments with Procurement Supply Chain Managers from Oil & Gas 2014 Q u e s t i o n T i m e 1: W h a t d o e s l o c a l c o n te n t m e a n to y o u ? raham O are, Managing Director Roxtec (Moderator) Sue Whitbread, Business Specialist, rade Investment - B echtel Centrica ConocoPhillips - EB R B razil - Technip engi Chevroil ianluca Lufino, Senior P, WorleyParsons 11: 00 12: 00 13 : 00 (45 mins) (45 mins) S u p p l y Ch a i n S u p p l y Ch a i n AMEC Shell epeat (45 mins) epeat I Advisors from Chair Alan elder, ead of Oils esearch, Wood Mac en ie eynote Speakers (45 mins) (45 mins) U p s tr e a m In d u s tr y U p d a te Presented by ohn Bridgeman, Sector Analyst, EIC (10 mins) M id s tr e a m In d u s tr y U p d a te Presented by iona ing, Sector Analyst, EIC (10 mins) S u p p l y Ch a i n S u p p l y Ch a i n ufat Afandiyev, Director, SOCA Declan Sealy, Procurement Director, I EOS Lewis Walker, Business Development, acobs SA - B razil C ech epublic - N orway - Finland Canada UK Export Finance Ltd ent , an S C Lavalin SOCA Company 14 : 00 (45 mins) (45 mins) (90 mins) S u p p l y Ch a i n S u p p l y Ch a i n Q u e s t i o n T i m e 2: U K F r a c k in g /S h a le G a s U p d a te . Is it still a case of when or is it now really if? ent , an S C Lavalin SOCA Company epeat (45 mins) 15 : 00 (45 mins) epeat erry Willis, ead of Middle East, EIC Moderator Phil Emsley, ead of Business Development, echnip (45 mins) 16 : 00 E v e n t c lo s e s Agenda |5 E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 EIC Connect Advisory Board 2014: he EIC Connect Advisory Board comprises of key participants from operator companies, contractors and leading SME communities and is instrumental in shaping the programme. he EIC would like to thank them personally for their continued support. Ch a i r m a n : G r a h a m O ’ H a r e , Managing Director, oxtec Limited raham is Chairman of the organising committee for EIC Connect Oil as and has a long standing commitment to the EIC having previously served as the ice Chairman of the orthern region. raham has been the Managing Director for oxtec Limited for the past years. Prior to taking this position he was the Commercial Director for an international polymer company. At oxtec he has led the transformation of the company and spearheaded their development in the oil and gas market. V i c e - Ch a i r m a n : H u g h S a v i l l e , Managing Director, Minster International ugh has attended every EIC Connect event held in the since the inaugural event in and has been the Managing Director of Minster International for the past years. e has also served on the Board of the EIC. 2014 Advisory Group Members G r a h a m Cl a r k e , Supply Chain Manager, AMEC An d r e w P Cu n i a h , Manager of Procurement London Operations, Bechtel M a r k H a r e s c e u g h , Supply Chain Manager Assets, Centrica D a v e W a l l a c e , Procurement Contracts Manager Capital Projects, ConocoPhillips Ca r o l i n e J o h n s o n , Manager Procurement Support Services, oster Wheeler Energy Limited I a n B i r t l e s , Business Development Manager, ertel Ch r i s D a v i e s , Business Development Manager, Legrand Electric Limited N o r m a n M c L e n n a n , ead of Procurement, Sasol London S t e v e W i l d m a n , Director of Oil as, Siemens P h i l E m s l e y , Sales Director, echnip E C Limited egional Director, ice President, I ydrocarbons Europe, WorleyParsons R o d D e a n , Consultant to International E C Industry If you are interested in joining the next EIC Connect Oil with im lynn, ational Events Manager 6 | EIC Connect Advisory Board as Advisory Board please register your interest E kim.flynn the eic.com E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 Safe, reliable and efficient operations? Absolutely. ABB provides the latest technology and solutions to the Oil & Gas industry. From the field to the boardroom, our solutions help our customers achieve safe, reliable and efficient operations for today and tomorrow. We provide electrical, instrumentation, control and telecoms systems, lifecycle services and consultancy which improve asset productivity, minimize costs throughout the complete lifecycle, and extend equipment or asset life. To learn more come and meet some of our thought leading experts on Stand A7 at EIC Connect Oil & Gas, or visit: www.abb.co.uk/oilandgas ABB Limited E-mail: [email protected] EIC | CONNECT Oil & Gas 2014 Materials Supplied: • All grades of Stainless Steels • Duplex.....UNS S31803 • Super Duplex..... UNS S32760 UNS S32750 UNS S32550 • • • • • ASTM.....A453 660 Monel*.....400,K500 Inconel*.....600, 625, 718 Hastelloy*.....C276, C22, B3 Titanium.....Gr2, Gr5, Gr7 Products Supplied: • Studbolts and Nuts • Hexagon Head Bolts and Nuts • Socket Cap Screws • Engineers Studs • Hexagon Nyloc Nuts • Socket Countersunk Screws • Slotted Machine Screws • Waisted Studs • Tensioning Assemblies • Bolt, Nut and Washer Assemblies • Socket Setscrews • Clamping Systems • Full Nuts • Lock Nuts • • • • Nickel.....200,201 Incoloy*.....825 Carpenter 20* Zirconium • • • • • • Washers Offset Head Bolting Cap Nuts Ferry Head (12 Point) Bolts Machined Parts Shafts and Couplings E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 Meet The EIC’s Oil & Gas Team he team s primary responsibility is researching, obtaining and analysing information relating to project intelligence and business opportunities in the global Oil as industry that are relevant to the supply chain, whilst also assessing global trends in the market. N e il G o ld in g ead of Oil E I C | CON N ECT as Oil & Gas 2014 eil heads up the Oil and as team at the Energy Industries Council. he team s primary responsibility is researching, obtaining and analysing information relating to project intelligence and business opportunities in the global oil and gas market that are relevant to the supply chain, whilst also assessing global trends in the market. eil has years experience of working for service and data providers in the Oil and as sector. Albert Embankment, London SE el Email neil.golding the eic.com P N E I L ’ S D E P AR T M E N T CO N S I S T S O F : J o h n B r i d g e m a n : Sector Analyst, pstream john.bridgeman the eic.com ohn Bridgeman is the Sector Analyst at the EIC for the upstream sector, and covers this remit globally. e has a degree in Psychology from Plymouth niversity and a master s degree in esearch Methods from Plymouth niversity. ohn has authored the latest edition of the EIC s upstream report which has an insight piece on frontier exploration. F i o n a K i n g : Sector Analyst, Midstream fiona.king the eic.com iona ing is the Sector Analyst at the EIC for the midstream sector, and covers this remit globally. She has a degree in eography from Durham niversity and a master s degree in eoscience from niversity College London. iona has authored the first edition of the EIC s midstream report which has an insight piece on N orth America and the second edition of the report which focuses on the outlook of LN G liquefaction. B a h z a d Ay o u b : Sector Analyst, Downstream bah ad.ayoub the eic.com Bah ad Ayoub is a sector analyst at the EIC covering both the downstream and unconventional sectors on EICDataStream. e also has knowledge of the energy sectors in the Middle East orth Africa, as well as the Indian Sub continent. e has a degree in istory and Politics and has authored the first edition of the EIC downstream report which has an insight piece on the Middle East and the second edition of the EIC downstream report which focuses on the SA. e has also authored the newly released report on shale gas. Meet the EIC s Oil as eam |9 E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 Upstream Insight Report While many of the countries regions that have been identified would be considered as frontier, we have also identified some existing markets where we expect to see significant growth in opportunities for the supply chain. A common theme for the areas identified is that technical challenges will need to be overcome to develop the resources. Some of the fields are located in ultra deep waters, while others are located in the freezing waters of the Arctic. The UK supply chain can utilise its technical expertise and experience of working in such challenging environments through the development of new and innovative technology, for which we are considered world leaders. E x e c u tiv e S u m m a r y The upstream oil and gas industry faces many challenges currently. ising contractor costs, falling prices of oil, dwindling reserves in the UK market and the continuing tensions within the MEN A region could all have an impact on the global opportunities available for the UK oil and gas supply chain in the future. he recently released pstream Insight eport is made up of two distinct sections. he first part of the report takes a look at the number of major EED, EPC and Subsea S contract awards and the markets these have been made during the first six months of the financial year of and compares these numbers with the previous financial year. his will enable the reader to identify the markets, both countries and regions, which have seen a rise or drop in activity along with reasons for the changes in levels of activity. The report will also give the UK supply chain the opportunity to identify the contractors that have been successful in the EED, EPC and Subsea S markets, allowing the supply chain to identify the contractors that they should be approaching for work in the near term. While we expect a challenging time for the supply chain in the near future, it should be noted that numerous significant discoveries have been made during the last 12 months. hese fields will all re uire significant investment in the future due to the continuing global demand for hydrocarbons. N ow is the time for companies to identify those markets where significant investment will be made during the next decade. The second section of the report takes a look at the countries where we expect significant business opportunities will present themselves in the near to mid-term. 10 | pstream Insight eport Some of the areas identified have very little infrastructure in place which will lead to challenges in terms of supporting the developments in the future. Within the frontier markets often no supply chain exists to support developments, with a lack of skills and know how in developing hydrocarbon resources in both onshore and offshore environments. These reasons alone present the UK supply chain with opportunities to do business on multiple billion dollar developments around the globe. While many challenges exist to develop global frontier regions, the need to meet continuing demand for oil and gas, alongside the huge resource potential that lies in many of these fields developed in the future will lead to the developments proceeding. J o h n B r id g e m a n , Sector Analyst, Upstream o receive a copy of the full Insight eport please visit the EIC stand C where a member of our team will be able to assist you. he report is only available to EIC Members . E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 Midstream Insight Report E x e c u tiv e S u m m a r y he first commercial L li uefaction plant began operations years ago, in , and since then the L li uefaction sector has grown, along with increased global demand for natural gas. The LN G liquefaction sector is now an integral part of the global gas market and has led to increased trading and flexibility of the delivery of natural gas. Multiple LN G projects are currently under development with many more planned for the future, in an effort to meet the increase in global LN G capacity. Global LN G production is expected to increase to approximately mtpa by , compared to a capacity of mtpa in , displaying an annual growth rate of around 5% . At present Qatar is the leading global exporter of L , but the country has no plans to develop any further LN G li uefaction facilities. It is predicted that Australia and then the SA will overtake Qatar to become future leading exporters, as both countries increase their production capacity with projects due to come online by the end of the decade. Many other countries are also currently developing LN G liquefaction infrastructure in a bid to enter the market as exporters, allowing them to exploit their resources. or the LN G liquefaction sector to be successful the essential infrastructure must be in place and there being a sustained demand for the product. E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 market. L is likely to find new markets as many countries want to diversify their sources of energy supply to increase energy security. The oversupply of LN G into the market must be avoided too as this will have a detrimental effect. The level of contracting activity has remained constant between April September and April September , with major contracts awarded during each period. However there have been changes in contracting levels within the L li uefaction and L regasification sectors; with the LN G liquefaction sector experiencing an increase in the number of contracts awarded and the L regasification sector experiencing a decrease in contracting activity. As the LN G market develops further it will be interesting to see how the number and type of contracts awarded reflects this. he EIC s Midstream Insight eport will provide members with a comprehensive outlook of the global LN G market. The report highlights key countries and regions with current and future plans LN G liquefaction projects and discusses the global L regasification sector and challenges the market may experience. Current levels of contracting activity are also analysed, allowing key markets and contractors within the midstream sector to be identified. his report will be of great value to all members who work within the L sector, and those that are looking to do so. he demand, and cost, of L is affected by a variety of factors; for example, construction costs, availability of skilled labour and securing project financing and offtakers. Asia is the targeted LN G export market due to increased demand for natural gas as many countries can no longer meet their own domestic re uirements. owever, apan the world s largest LN G importer is currently restarting its nuclear sector and this is likely to have a huge impact on the global LN G F io n a K in g , Sector Analyst, Midstream o receive a copy of the full Insight eport please visit the EIC stand C where a member of our team will be able to assist you. he report is only available to EIC Members . Midstream Insight eport | 11 E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 UK Shale Insight Report recoverable as very little exploration has taken place. The exploitation of these reserves could assist the , ensuring both the security of supply and creating economic growth. E x e c u tiv e S u m m a r y In the late s, rapid advances in hori ontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing technologies unleashed large-scale commercial production of shale gas in the S. In enry ub gas averaged at a rate of . per million B , this has greatly reduced and in it averaged at a rate of . per million B TU. The production of shale gas has been the main reason for the fall in domestic gas price, with gas production in the S increasing from . cf in to . cf in . At present the S and Canada are the only countries producing shale gas in commercial quantities. he success of the S shale gas boom has resulted in other countries to begin pursuing their own shale deposits. The UK is still in the very early stages of shale development but it does have the potential to become the European model. he government is very firmly behind the development of its domestic shale resources and major companies such as GDF and Total have also purchased shares in shale licenses. It is estimated that between a total of bn of spend could be re uired to bring up to , shale wells into production. At peak this equates to around $ 5.3bn of spend per annum and some , jobs, , of which will be direct roles. he British eological Survey B S has given a central reserve estimate of , cf shale gas in place in the Bowland Basin and beyond, which covers counties in the orth of England. he B S has also provided a central estimate of . Bbbl of oil in place in the Weald basin, which is located in the South of England. In the Midland alley, Scotland, the B S has made a central estimate of cf of shale gas in place and Bbbl of oil. hese are very encouraging numbers, however it does not mean that these amounts are fully 12 | Shale Insight eport he EIC s first shale report is free to all member companies and will provide them with a comprehensive overview of the shale gas industry in the UK. A commercial scale shale industry will create abundant supply chain opportunities that need to be taken advantage of by the UK supply chain. Supply sectors such as construction, e uipment supply, field services, SE and logistics are all analysed and the main sub-sectors are highlighted to show what services will be in high demand. here is a focus on the shale revolution in S, how this occurred and if this can be replicated. The report also looks at what has happened so far in the , the operators that have begun undertaking work and their future plans. This report will be of great value to all members who work across the oil and gas value chain as a UK shale industry will have a substantial impact upon the upstream, midstream and downstream sectors. B a h z a d Ay o u b , Sector Analyst, Downstream o receive a copy of the full Insight eport please visit the EIC stand C where a member of our team will be able to assist you. he report is only available to EIC Members . E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 International Technical & Professional Services that include: | 13 E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 Plenary Session - The Future of Oil & Gas A year look ahead at the global oil gas industry. What challenges do operators and contractors face and how do they impact on you? Where do they see the new opportunities? Which emerging markets should you be focusing on? Our esteemed panel of presenters will set the scene for the conference sessions and supply chain briefings that follow over the next two days. 89 Albert Embankment London SE P S e s s io n M o d e r a to r : www.the-eic.com N e il G o ld in g Head of Oil & Gas eil heads up the Oil and as eam at he Energy Industries Council. he team s primary responsibility is researching, obtaining and analysing information relating to project intelligence and business opportunities in the global oil and gas market that are relevant to the supply chain, whilst also assessing global trends in the market. eil has years experience of working for service and data providers in the Oil and as sector. Panelists +44 (0) 1412 28 74 www.ukti.gov.uk UK Trade & Investment rade Investment I is the overnment Department helping based companies succeed in the global economy. I offers expertise and contacts through its and global networks, operating through British embassies and other diplomatic offices. We provide the tools that companies need to be competitive on the world stage. rade Investment ictoria Street London SW E UK Trade Investment (UKTI) is the Government Department helping UK based companies succeed United Kingdom in the global economy. UKTI offers expertise and contacts through its UK and global networks, operating through British embassies and other diplomatic offices. We provide the tools that L o r d L oin v ti he n g ws orld t o n stage. companies need to be competitive UK Minister for Trade & Investment www.ukti.gov.uk U K Co m p a n i e s . Lord Livingston, was appointed Minister of State for rade and Investment on leads on oreign and Commonwealth Office relations with British Business. e was CEO of B roup from until . aving joined B in Board as roup inance Director and CEO B etail. December , he served on the B and roup Prior to this, Lord Livingston was roup inance Director at Dixons roup and previously worked for i, B ank of America and Arthur Andersen. He was previously a non-executive director of Hilton Group and is currently inis e fo ade n es en a non executive director on the board of Celtic plc. r i in n i in n will r i e an 14r| Plenary Session a e ll win he e iew an eli er e e a e r anie Lord Livingston, was appointed Minister of State for Trade and Investment on 11 December 201 and E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 Shell Shell is a global group of energy and petrochemicals companies. With around , employees in more than countries and territories, Shell helps to meet the world s growing demand for energy in economically, environmentally and socially responsible ways. oyal Dutch Shell plc Carel van Bylandtlaan 2596 HR DEN HAAG The N etherlands E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 M a tth ia s B ic h s e l Postbus www.shell.com 2501 AN DEN Executive Director, Shell Upstream HAAG Shell is a gel. lobal group of energy and petrochemicals b e y o n d . companies. With around 2,000 employees in more than 70 countries and territories, Shell helps to meet the world s growing demand for energy in www.shell.com economically, environmentally and socially responsible Since uly ways. , Matthias Bichsel is a Member of the Executive Committee of oyal Dutch Shell plc and Projects and echnology Director. In addition, he has country responsibilities for Australia, ew ealand, Oceania, India, Pakistan. his role combines representing Shell regionally with overnments and other stakeholders with overseeing capital project delivery globally. As Projects and echnology Director, Matthias is responsible for the delivery of Shell s capital projects. e is also responsible for contracting procurement activities, as well as pstream and Downstream technology development deployment in Shell. In addition, he has oversight of Shell s safety, environmental and social performance. is country responsibilities include representing Shell s interest with overnments and other stakeholders. a hia i h el e u i e i e o e s ea e r Wood Group a hia will i e Shell er e i e n he l n er r e n anie in he S an Since 1 uly 200 , Matthias Bichsel is a M ember oroup f the EPS xecutive ommittee Royal Dutch Shell plc service company with more than , Wood W CPS is anof international energy employees and rojects and Technology Director. In a ddition, h e h as c ountry r esponsibilities f or A ustralia, ew and operating in more than 40 countries. ealand, 15ceania, India, akistan. This role combines representing Shell regionally with Governments Justice Mill Lane and other stakeholders with overseeing capital project delivery globally. Aberdeen W PS is the leading global provider of pre operations, hook up and commissioning, operations and AB 11 6EQ maintenance, engineering, construction, project management, training and decommissioning services As rojects and Technology Director, Matthias is responsible for the delivery of Shell’s capital to the energy industry. We offer high integrity, brownfield services that support customers to optimise projects. He is also responsible for contracting procurement activities, as well as Upstream and performance, maintain production, reduce operating costs and provide integrity assurance. Downstream technology development deployment in Shell. In addition, he has oversight of Shell’s safety, environmental and social performance. His country responsibilities include representing Shell’s www.woodgroup-psn.com interest with Governments and other stakeholders. r R o b in W a ts o n CEO, Wood Group PSN 1 ustice Mill Lane . Aberdeen AB11 EQ obin , and was appointed to the board of ohn Watson became chief executive of Wood roup PS in Wood roup PLC on anuary , . Prior to this he was managing director of Wood roup PS . +44 (0)1224 777777 in psn.com a n www.woodgroup obin has over years of engineering and industry experience, with the past years spent in a variety of senior leadership, management, business development, project management and operations management Wood Group S ood (WG S ) ou is an international nergy both service with ore service than 0,000 roles, ewithin thecompany operator andmthe sectors of the oil and gas industry. Prior to joining Wood roup, employees and operating in more than 40 obin countries. was with Petrofac and Mobil Oil, working both in the and internationally. in w ill i e a n er iew r S a i i ie i n l in hallen e in l i i WG S is the leading global provider of pre operations, hook up and commissioning, operations and maintenance, and decommissioning l a iengineering, n an liconstruction, a e phroject el management, anietraining in he l hain services n er an where he an er to the energy industry. We offer high integrity, brownfield services that support customers to i n m aintain re production, r e reduce operating costs and provide integrity assurance. optimise plerformance, Plenary Session Robin Watson became chief executive of Wood Group S in 2012, and was appointed to the board of ohn Wood Group LC on anuary 1, 201 . rior to this he was UK managing director of Wood | 15 should you be focusing on ur esteemed panel of presenters will provide an insight into their activities and operations and give their perspective on where the smaller companies should go next. E I C | CON N ECT Se i n era r Oil & Gas 2014 Upstream Conference Session a e alla e Rubislaw House Anderson aheadana at the u A look Drive ain e global upstream industry. What challenges do operators and contractors face and how do they impact on you? Where do they see the new opportunities? Which emerging markets should you be focusing on? Our esteemed panel of presenters Aberdeen a will e wprovide ill r iane insight a a rinto their er iew he and l operations al rea and egiver their eperspective he ene on inwhere w hismaller h activities the companies should go next. AB15 area 6FZ re ain inan an whi h e er in ar e e r w ee l al e i e an S e s s io n M o d e r a to r : Tel: +44 Dave is p(0)1224 resently 205000 Supply Chain M anager in the is Decommissioning division exploration at Conoco and hillips ConocoPhillips the world s largestrojects independent production company, based on proved www.conocophillips.co.uk (Ltd.). During his years with the company he has hof eld arious project related upply chain for, develop, and produce crude oil and House UK Rubislaw reserves and production li vuids and natural gas. shey explore positions Anderson in Drive orway and the UK natural and has worked both n the Upstream and Downstream arenas. and environmental stewardship guide gas globally. A icommitment to safety, operating excellence riginally Aberdeen their operations. from Morayshire in north east Scotland Dave was educated at University in Aberdeen and 6FZin Conoco hillips is M the world’s Elargest independent exploration and production company, based on has ABa d15 egree echanical ngineering. proved reserves and production of liquids and natural gas. They explore for, develop, and produce el and natural gas globally. A commitment to safety, operating excellence and environmental crude e aaneli e oil alla D a v e W a lla c e stewardship guide their operations. www.conocophillips.co.uk Supply Chain Manager ain ana e u a e will r i e a a r er he l al rea e r e he ene in whi h iew a r e a s r e m a in d o m in a n t a n d w h ic h e m e r g in g m a r k e ts a r e s e t to g r o w to m e e t g lo b a l d o m e s tic area re ain inan an whi h e er in ar e e r w ee l al e i e an d e m a n d s . Dave is presently Supply Chain MDave anager the Decommissioning division Conoco hillips Projects division at ConocoPhillips isin presently Supply Chain rojects Manager in theat Decommissioning UK (Ltd.). During his years with the company he h35 as h eld various project related chain (Ltd.). During his years with the company hesupply has held various project related supply chain positions Albyn in lace positions orway and the UK ain nd N horway as worked oth iUK n the Upstream and Dboth ownstream renas. and Downstream arenas. Originally from andbthe and has worked in the aUpstream Aberdeen riginally from Morayshire in north east Scotland Dave was Scotland educated Dave at University in Aberdeen nd Morayshire in north east was educated at aniversity in Aberdeen and has a degree in AB10 L in Mechanical Engineering. has a d1egree Mechanical Engineering. +44 (0) 1224 14 044 aneli www.decomnorthsea.com Decom orth Sea was established in 2010 in response to the needs of industry. Decom orth Sea’s purpose is to develop game changing decommissioning solutions for the industry by facilitating member collaboration and thus ensure the maximum business potential for its European member companies. Albyn Place Decom orth Sea was established in in response to the needs of industry. Decom orth Sea s purpose lbyn to develop game changing decommissioning solutions for the industry by facilitating member collaboration Aberdeen D AS has lace grown to have more isthan 2 0 members, including operators, major contractors, service and thus ensure the maximum business potential for its European member companies. Aberdeen AB 10 1Y L specialists and technology developers. With annual decommissioning expenditure in the orth Sea AB10 1 L D S playing vital role in delivering decommissioning D S1billion, has grown tois have morea than members, including operators, major contractors, service specialists set to increase from the current and technology developers. With annual idecommissioning expenditure in the orth Sea set to increase solutions a nd i s t he o nly o rganisation s olely f ocused o n t his s trategically mportant s ector. +44 (0) 1224 14 044 from the current billion, D S is playing a vital role in delivering decommissioning solutions and is the only www.decomnorthsea.com www.decomnorthsea.com organisation solely focused on this strategically important sector. Decom orth Sea was established in 2010 in response to the needs of industry. Decom orth Sea’s N ig e l J e n k in s purpose is to develop game changing decommissioning solutions for the industry by facilitating Chief Executive member collaboration and thus ensure the maximum business potential for its European member companies. D S has grown to have more than 2 0 members, including operators, major contractors, service specialists and technology developers. With annual decommissioning expenditure in the orth Sea igel began his role as chief executive of Decom orth Sea in uly . e is responsible for set to increase from the current leading 1billion, D S is playing a vital role in delivering decommissioning the representative body for the decommissioning industry as it plays a vital role in the efficient solutions and is the only organisation solely focused ofon decommissioning oilthis andstrategically gas assets.important sector. Panelists Decom North Sea 16 | Conference igel s previous roles include board leadership positions with AMEC and AECOM and most recently as board director with DC Contractors. e is passionate about the industry s collective responsibility to efficiently manage and deliver end of asset life solutions and brings experience from a variety of sectors, including onshore oil, gas and process nuclear, pharmaceuticals and manufacturing. igel previously served as a director with Decom orth Sea from to . e has a first in Mechanical Engineering from Liverpool John Moores University. Session E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 WEDGE GROUP GALVANIZING LTD E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 Wedge Group Galvanizing is the UK’s largest hot dip galvanizing organisation. With 14 plants across the UK we offer you a truly national service for all your galvanizing requirements. We galvanise anything from nuts & bolts right the way up to 29m structural beams, together with our commitment to customer care we offer you first-class quality and service. What we can offer you: ✔ Approved for UVDB, Linkup and FPal ✔ Quality Approved to BS EN ISO 1461/ISO 9001 ✔ Compatible Systems with CE Marking ✔ Collection & Delivery /Deliver to Site ✔ 24-hr turnaround on request ✔ Spin Galvanizing/Shot blasting ✔ Free Technical Advice ✔ Galvanize up to 29m long E: [email protected] T: 01902 600704 www.wedgegalv.co.uk @wedgegalv FPAL ISO 9001 FM 00382 Conference Session | 17 Registered igel previously served as a director with ecom orth ea from to . He has a first in echanical Engineering from iverpool ohn oores E I C | CON N ECT University. Oil & Gas 2014 2 Lower Belgrave Street London SW1W 0 R ingdom ell United an Kie Premier Oil plc d oTel f u +44 (0)20 ain 77 0 1111 SE international oil and gas exploration and production Lower Belgrave Street Premier Oil plc is a leading independent oil.com company, head uartered in London. Weoperating have operations in the orth Sea and orway , Pakistan, the London sellwww.premier will provide a brief insight into Premier, where they are and current 2 Lower Belgrave Street SW Wand projected production alkland Islands, South East Asia Singapore, ietnam and Indonesia , and Bra il. elopments up to 2020. He will also look at the biggest remier il pKingdom lc is a leading independent FTSE 2 0 international oil and gas exploration and production London United lenges that they see in current market (e.g. rigorth availability, costs, etc. and company, headquartered in Lthe ondon. We have operations in the Sea (UK and contracting orway), akistan, Our strategic focus is to grow shareholder value through investment in high quality oil and gas projects within SW1W 0 R these challenges. they tackling He will also look at the Sea Lion project and provide the Fare alkland I slands, S outh E ast A sia ( Singapore, ietnam a nd I ndonesia), a nd B ra il. el a disciplined financial framework. We seek to maintain the highest standards of corporate responsibility. United K ingdom overview of the development, main contracting packages and the difficulty in developing www.premier-oil.com ur strategic focus iHow s to grow shareholder value through investment in hwith igh quality oil and gas h a remote field. should the supply chain engage Premier? within a disciplined financial framework. We seek to maintain the highest standards of projects corporate Tel +responsibility. 44 (0)20 7 7 0 1111 ed in London, Russell is currently head of SCM function globally for remier il and is seconded to R u Hs e s he as l l D previously a n d ie SCM within the Sea Lion project. held senior positions in Supply Chain www.premier oil.com Head of Supply Chain agement within Talisman and B . Russell has also worked within the contracting fraternity for Technip aell nd anwie orked for 4i ndependent years. remier il plc iin s aaris leading FTSE 2 0 international oil and gas exploration and production Head of u headquartered ain company, in London. We have operations in the orth Sc ea (UK and orway), akistan, o s ts , e tc .) a n d h o w th e y a r e ta c k lin g th e s e Russell will provideIslands, a brief insight into Premier, where they are operating and current the Falkland South East Asia (Singapore, ietnam and Indonesia), and Bra il. developments and projected production up to 2020. He will also look at the biggest challenges that they see in the current market (e.g. rig availability, contracting costs, etc. and challenges. p p l He y c will h a also i n e n look g a g ate the i Sea t h P Lion r e m project i e r ? and provide how they are tackling these ur s trategic focus is to s gu row shareholder vw alue through investment in high quality oil and gas an overview of the development, main contracting packages and the difficulty in developing such a remote field. How should the supply chain engage with Premier? projects within a disciplined We seek aintain the highest tandards of is seconded to lead Basedfinancial in London,framework. ussell is currently headto of m SCM function globally forsPremier Oil and SCM within the Sea Lion project. e has previously held senior positions in Supply Chain Management Based in London, Russell is currently head corporate responsibility. of SCM function globally for remier il and is seconded to project. within alismanheld and BP.positions ussell lead SCM within the Sea Lion He has previously senior in Shas upply also Chain worked within the contracting fraternity for SCO echnip and th e c u r r e n t m a r k e t (e .g . r ig a v a ila b ility , c o n tr a c tin g for wyears. Management within Talisman and B worked . Russell hin as Paris also worked ithin the contracting fraternity for evonshire 5th Floorin aris for 4 years. SC Square, Technip and worked on | United Kingdom | EC2M 4YN SNC-Lavalin 0) 20 7220 9573 w.snclavalin.com S C Lavalin offers end to end engineering and construction services across three business groups; esources, Infrastructure and Power. S C Lavalin is one of very few firms with expertise at scale in Lavalin offers end to end engineering and construction services across three business groups engineering, construction, procurement, financing, asset management, operations and maintenance. he Devonshire S a uare ources, Ianfrastructure nd ower. S C Lavalin s one of vproject ery few firms wfrom ith eOil xpertise t scale in Metallurgy and Environment esources group icombines expertise as,aMining +44 (0) 20 7220 9573 5th Floor neering, construction, procurement, financing, asset management, operations Water business units to create long term value to clients.and EIC Connect Oil as is an important event for London www.snclavalin.com ntenance. T he R esources g roup c ombines p roject e xpertise f rom il G as, M Metallurgy S C Lavalin, providing the business with a platform toining engage with clients, suppliers and other interested EC M SUnited C Lavalin o ffers end tobend engineering and tco onstruction slervices across tv hree business roups stakeholders to learn, share and collaborate best practice on existing Environment Water usiness units create ong term alue to cglients. EIC Connect il and Gfuture as energy projects. Kingdom 9a Devonshire Square, 5th Floor London | United Kingdom | EC2M 4YN Resources, Infrastructure and ower. S C Lavalin is one of very few firms with expertise at scale in important event for S Cprocurement, Lavalin, fpinancing, roviding he business with aand platform to engage with clients, engineering, construction, asset tm anagement, operations maintenance. T he R esources g roup c ombines p roject e xpertise f rom il G as, M ining Metallurgy pliers and other interested stakeholders to learn, share and collaborate best practice on existing and Environment Water business units to create long term value to clients. EIC Connect il Gas future is e nergy p rojects. www.snclavalin.com an important event for S C Lavalin, providing the business with a platform to engage with clients, J a m e s Co m p s t o n suppliers and other interested stakeholders to learn, share and collaborate best practice on existing Senior Vice President and future energy projects. ames Compston is Senior ice President for Business Development and Client esources Environment Water group at S C Lavalin. a e e n enio i e esiden elationships in the Prior to joining S C Lavalin, ames spent years with PwC leading Oil as advisory services serving global customers including international oil companies, oilfield services groups as well as engineering construction services companies. n a e will l a wha i i a in Currently, n n ra r aames i i ieis lleading all an the h w i a e BD heir global integration of lier en a e en hi h new ar e h l lier n ent and S C Lavalin Oil o i e esiden ames Compston is Senior ice resident for Business Development and Client Relationships in the Resources Environment Water group at S C Lavalin. will l Conference a wha i i Session a in n n ra r a i i ie l all an h w i e 18 | lier en a e en hi h new ar e h l lier n a e heir as. i rea n eren e Se i n A look ahead at the global midstream industry to understand where the market is heading for the longer term to help SMEs shape their longer term business goals. articular focus on FL G, pipelines E I C | CON N ECT and storage and L G liquefaction. With all of the major Australian L G projects now at E C stage, where are the new opportunities What impact will FL G have on the industry Discover the potential scope for major pipeline projects across Europe and Russia. rior to joining S C Lavalin, ames spent 1 years with wC leading il Gas advisory services serving global customers including international oil companies, oilfield saervices groups as well as engineering ur esteemed panel o f presenters will provide n insight into their activities and operations and give construction services companies. their perspective on where the smaller companies should go next. Currently, ames is leading the global BD integration of Kent and S C Lavalin il Gas. Se i n era r i rea n eren e Se i n A look ahead at the global midstream industry to understand where the market is heading for the longer term to help SMEs shape their A look ahead at the global midstream industry to understand where the market is heading for the longer term business Particular focus L focus ,opipelines and storage and L li uefaction. With all of the major Australian L longer term to help SMEs shape goals. their longer term business goals. on articular n FL G, pipelines and storage anow nd L G With all of the major Australian L G opportunities projects now at E C sWhat tage, impact will L projects atliquefaction. EPC stage, where are the new have on the industry Discover the potential scope where are the pipeline new opportunities What across impact will FL G have and on the Russia. industry Discover the E I C | CON N ECT major projects Europe for potential scope for major pipeline projects across Europe and Russia. arkview Our esteemed of presenters will provide an insight into their activities and operations and give their perspective on where the Great W est Rpanel oad of panel ur esteemed presenters will provide an insight into their activities and operations and give smaller companies should next.should go next. their perspective on where the smaller cgo ompanies Brentford Middlesex Se i n era r TW8 A S e s s io n M o d e r a to r : WorleyParsons delivers projects, provides expertise in engineering, procurement and construction and +44 208 2 000 offers a wide range of consulting and advisory services. We cover the full lifecycle, from creating new www.worleyparsons.com arkview assets to sustaining and enhancing operating assets, in the hydrocarbons, mineral, metals, chemicals and Parkview Great West Road infrastructure sectors. Our resources and energy focused on responding to and meeting the needs of our Worley arsons d elivers p rojects, provides expertise in engineering, procurement and are construction Brentford West Road Great customers over the long term and thereby creatingfrom value for our shareholders. Middlesex and o ffers a w ide r ange o f c onsulting a nd a dvisory s ervices. W e c over t he f ull l ifecycle, creating B TW8 rentford A new a ssets t o s ustaining a nd e nhancing o perating a ssets, i n t he h ydrocarbons, m ineral, m etals, Middlesex +44 208 9AZ 2 a000 chemicals nd infrastructure sectors. ur resources and energy are focused on responding to and TW8 www.worleyparsons.com Viceover President, Europe meeting the needs of our customers the long tHydrocarbons erm and thereby c–reating value for our i e esiden H d o a ons u o e shareholders. Worley arsons delivers projects, provides expertise in engineering, procurement and construction o offers e H aad wsons ide of consulting nd advisory services. We cover the full lifecycle, from creating i e esiden o arange ons u o ae and new assets to sustaining and enhancing operating assets, in the hydrocarbons, mineral, metals, o e awww.worleyparsons.com sons chemicals nfrastructure are fl ocused An o erand iew o a sectors. ro e ur r w ol Lesources N aG P and l a n energy t n. Ch a ed l e n n g oe n s responding i n l o g i ets o taai nd c s , on l o c a t ni o nl ad n nd a c lim a te th a t c o m p a n ie s in th e s u p p ly c h a in m a y tnhe long term meeting the needs our customers over thereby value e nolo y oof er ew An nand o e a creating le o for roour e a shareholders. n o er orley ew o ar a e w na on n nl ol n lad o oe a on n l d n a on ro are wor d ned e lan e nolo y o er ew An n lo an on and o e a le ea n e l a oe ro a eo an ly allen e n lo for Europe, ussia and Central Asia. is experience spans from orley ara on on n ianluca l or d n is WorleyParsons e ro lade o wo ice President lan n ol n are wor ay a e e re en o en a e on chemicals, midstream lo a fine allen e n lo on and l atoe a o projects an e and n upe to upstream ly offshore developments, both in EPC and PMC environments. hough ianluca started his career as an Instrument Engineer, he has now gained over is Worley arsons’ ice resident f or E urope, R ussia a nd C entral A sia. H is e xperience s pans a n Gianluca ay a e e ol on or re ro e w en o en a e of experience in Business Development. ianluca has worked in Europe, Southeast Asia, Oceania. from fine chemicals, to midstream years projects and up to upstream offshore developments, both in E C ianluca believes in the linking MC environments. Gianluca started hRis career as Caentral n value Instrument ngineer, he has snthe ow various elements of project delivery, both in services Though Gianluca iand s Worley arsons’ ice resident f or E urope, ussia and Acreated sia. HEis eby xperience pans experience gained o ver 2 0 y ears o f i n B usiness D evelopment. G ianluca h as w orked i n E urope, and e uipment, and has already chaired EIC events rom fine chemicals, to midstream projects and up to upstream offshore developments, both in E inC the past. believes Southeast Asia, ceania. Gianluca in the value created by linking the various elements of Gianluca started his career as an Instrument Engineer, he has now nd MC environments. Though and equipment, and has already chaired EIC events in the past. project delivery, both in services ained over in Business Development. Gianluca has worked in Europe, 20 years of experience outheast aneli Asia, ceania. G ianluca b elieves in the value created by linking the various elements of and equipment, and has already chaired EIC events in the past. roject delivery, both in services aneli Oil & Gas 2014 Midstream Conference Session Oil & Gas 2014 Panelists ianl a in ianl a in Interfax 19-21 Great Tower St London EC3R 5AQ reat ower St +44 (0) 20 30046200 London www.interfax.co.uk P e te r S te w a rt Editor 9-21 Great St Tower AQ EC ondon EC3R 5AQ 44 (0) 20 30046200 www.interfax.co.uk www.interfax.co.uk Peter Stewart is Chief Energy Analyst with Interfax lobal Energy Services, and managing editor of the monthly global analytical gas publication Interfax lobal as Analytics which he set up in October . e is isiting esearch ellow at Oxford Institute of Energy Studies, and a Director of the British Institute of Energy Economics and consulting firm Independent Commodity Consultants. e is the founder and proprietor of Pricing Energy Ltd, a training and advisory firm with expertise in oil and gas pricing. Before taking his current role at Interfax, Peter was Chief Economist at BC Energy Economics and director of pricing and markets at Platts. e has worked in okyo, ong ong, Singapore, Dubai and London. Peter holds a oint onours degree in English and Arabic Studies from Emmanuel College, Cambridge in the . Hobbies include learning foreign languages and travel. e er S ewar di o e er w ll loo a w a n l en n lo al a w ll ro de re o or n e a are e o or n e e er S ewar e e and w ale or ar e e e Conference Session | 19 E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 Royal Dutch Shell plc Carel van Bylandtlaan 0 2 HR DE HAAG Shell The etherlands ostbus 1 2 Shell is a global group of energy and petrochemicals companies. With around , employees in more than countries and territories, Shell helps to meet the world s growing demand for energy in economically, environmentally and socially responsible ways. 2 01 A DE HAAG oyal Dutch Shell plc Carel van Bylandtlaan Tel. + 1 7HR 0 77 2596 DEN111 HAAG The N etherlands Postbus www.shell.com 2501 AN DEN HAAG H ila r y M e r c e r Vice President, Integrated Gas Projects Shell is a global group of energy and petrochemicals companies. With around 2,000 employees in el. more than 70 countries and territories, Shell helps to meet the world s growing demand for energy in W responsible h a t c a n b w e ays. le a r n e d ? economically, environmentally and socially www.shell.com ilary Mercer has responsibility for the Shell worldwide portfolio of integrated Onshore and loating L , egassification and other gas related projects. as Projects spanning ilary joined Shell in having completed a degree in Engineering Science at Oxford niversity. The initial part of her career was spent in downstream manufacturing with a variety of roles in engineering support and maintenance at the Stanlow Manufacturing Complex in the . er career has taken her to Oman for the construction of the Oman L base plant, ussia where she spent some nine years involved with the Sakhalin L Project development including six years on Sakhalin Island itself constructing the L Plant, Ira and Qatar. er most recent position was as ice President L Project Director for Arrow Energy a Shell PetroChina oint enture aimed at converting unconventional coal seam gas to LN G for export in Q ueensland Australia. ilar er er i e esiden n e a ed as o e s or n on rel de a e ore ron o T e world r y a are e ad an a e a are e d eren e ro an on ore de elo en a are e r a an ® e learned THE QUEEN S AWARDS FOR ENTERPRISE Hilary Mercer has responsibility for the Shell worldwide portfolio of integrated Gas rojects spanning INNOVATION nshore and Floating L G, Regassification and other gas related projects. 2014 Concrete Canvas® is part of a revolutionary new class of construction materials called Geosynthetic Cementitious Composite Mats (GCCMs). It is a flexible, concrete impregnated fabric that hardens on hydration to form a thin, durable, water proof and fire resistant concrete layer. From lining secondary containment bunds, to tertiary containment lagoons, providing weed suppression under pipe tracks or lining drainage channels, Concrete Canvas® GCCM’s (CC’s) speed of install, low logistical footprint and resistance to hydrocarbons uniquely meets the demands of civil works within the petrochemical sector. Installation is easy, there’s no requirement for specialist contractors. Simply unroll the CC and... RAPID EASY TO INSTALL F or more information, visit www.concretecanvas.com 20 | Conference Session LOWER PROJECT COST HYDROCARBON RESISTANT now looking to further monetize these resources by producing end products Hilary joined Shell in 1 87 having completed a degree in Engineering Science at xford University. The via the construction of new refineries and petrochemical plants. How many initial part of her career was spent in downstream manufacturing with a variety of roles in of these new projects will come to fruition? What potential is there for UK engineering support and maintenance at the Stanlow Manufacturing Complex in the UK. companies to get involved in these overseas projects? And at home, with the I Cshe | CON N ECT upsurge in importing feedstock into the UK, how is this impacting the Her career has taken her to man for the construction of the man L G base plant, Russia wE here spent some nine years involved with the Sakhalin L G roject development including six years on European market and will the development of UK shale reduce the price of Sakhalin Island itself constructing the L G lant, Iraq and Qatar. Her most recent position was as ice feedstock? How can the UK refining and petrochemical industry evolve? Where resident L G roject Director for Arrow Energy a Shell etroChina oint enture aimed at are the opportunities? converting unconventional coal seam gas to L G for export in Queensland Australia. ur esteemed panel of presenters will provide an insight into their activities and give their steer on n ceren e Se i sn where wn the rea smaller ompanies hould go next. Oil & Gas 2014 Downstream Conference Session Azerbaijan is continuing to increase both its oil and gas production and is Se now looking to further monetize these resources by producing end products i n era r Azerbaijan is continuing to increase both its oil and gas production and is now looking to further monetize these resources by producing via the construction of new refineries and petrochemical plants. How many of these new projects will come to fruition? What potential is there for UK end products via the construction of new refineries and petrochemical plants. ow many of these new projects will come to fruition What companies to get involved in these overseas projects? And at home, with the potential is there for companies to get involved in these overseas projects And at home, with upsurge in importing feedstock into E I Cthe | CON N ECT upsurge in importing feedstock into the UK, how is this impacting the the , how is this impacting the European market and will the development of shale reduce the price of feedstock ow can the European market and will the development of UK shale reduce the price of refining and petrochemical industry evolve Where are the opportunities th feedstock? How can the UK refining and petrochemical industry evolve? Where Floor are the opportunities? 1 Finsbury Square Our esteemed panel of presenters will provide an insight into their activities and give their steer on where the smaller companies should ur e steemed panel of presenters will provide an insight into their activities and give their steer on London EC2A 1AE go next. where the smaller companies should go next. Oil & Gas 2014 era r +44 Se(0) i2n 0 0 0 0400 S e s s io n M o d e r a to r : www.woodmac.com We are a global leader in commercial intelligence for the energy, metals and mining industries. We use foundation ofetals proprietary data iand models to analyse, value and advise on assets, We ath re Floor a global leader in commercial intelligence for athe energy, m and mining ndustries. 5th Floor companies and markets. Our experienced sector insbury Square of proprietary data and models to analyse, value and advise on assets, teams are based around the world and are We 1 uFse a foundation insbury S uare closely connected withatheir clients have been a trusted source of knowledge London EC2A AE companies and 1m arkets. ur experienced sector teams are based round the wand orld markets. and are We closely London and forward-looking insight for over 40 years. Our insight helps clients to identify new connected w ith t heir c lients a nd m arkets. W e h ave b een a t rusted s ource o f k nowledge a nd f orward EC A AE strategy, improve their performance. looking insight or over 40 years. ur insight opportunities, helps clients tdefine o identify new oand pportunities, define +44 (0) 20 0 f0 0400 strategy, and improve their performance. www.woodmac.com Se www.woodmac.com i n hair S e s s i o n Ch a i r : We are a global leader in commercial intelligence for the energy, metals and mining industries. We use a foundation of proprietary data and models to analyse, value and advise on assets, a n aG re ebased l d e ar round the world and are closely companies and markets. ur experienced sector Al teams Global Leadof for Refining Marketing connected with their clients and markets. We have been aPractice trusted source knowledge and & forward looking insight for over 40 years. ur insight helps clients to identify new opportunities, define strategy, and improve their performance. F in d o u t w h ic h a r e a s r e m a in d o m in a n t a n d w h ic h e m e r g in g m a r k e ts a r e s e t to g r o w Se i n hair m e e t g lo b a l d o m e s tic d e m a n d s . to Alan is lobal Practice Lead for Wood Macken ie s efining and Marketing research and team leader for the EMEA C efining and Chemicals team. e is responsible for formulating Wood Macken ie s research outlook and perspectives on this global sector. Alan elder joined Wood Macken ie s Downstream Consulting team in and became global head in . Alan has led consulting assignments all over the world, focusing on major transactions projects and M A and their alignment with key success factors for industry players and third parties. Alan is currently based in Wood Macken ie s London office. e transitioned into research upon his return from Houston in 2011. Prior to joining Wood Macken ie, Alan had years of industry consulting after working for ExxonMobil in a variety of project planning and technical process design roles. Alan has a first class Master Degree in Chemical Engineering from Imperial College, London, supplemented by an MBA from enley Management College. Conference Session | 21 Alan Gelder joined WM ood ackenHenley ie’s Downstream Consulting team in 200 and became global head supplemented by an BA Mfrom Management College. in 2 00 . A lan h as l ed c onsulting a ssignments a ll o ver t he w orld, focusing on major transactions (projects and M A) and their alignment with key success factors for industry players and third parties. Alan is currently based in Wood Macken ie’s London office. He transitioned into research upon his return from Houston in 2011. E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 rior to joining Wood Macken ie, Alan had 10 years of industry consulting after working for ExxonMobil in a variety of project planning and technical process design roles. Alan has a first class Master Degree in Chemical Engineering from Imperial College, London, supplemented by an MBA from Henley Management College. 7 , eftchilar Avenue Baku A 1000 Panelists The Republic of A erbaijan + 4 12 210282 www.socar.a he State Oil Company of A erbaijan epublic SOCA is the state owned oil and gas corporation , eftchilar Avenue head uartered in Baku, A erbaijan. It is one of the largest oil and gas companies in the world. he 7B aku , eftchilar Avenue The State il Company of A erbaijan Republic (S CAR) is the state owned oil and gas corporation AZ1000 company is involved in production of oil and natural gas from both onshore and offshore fields in the Baku headquartered aku, A erbaijan. It is one of the largest oil and gas companies in the world. The The Republicin ofBAzerbaijan A 1000 A erbaijani section of the Caspian Sea. In addition, it operates the country s two oil refineries, one gas company is involved in production of processing oil and natural gas from both onshore and offshore fields in the The Republic of A erbaijan plant and runs several oil and gas export pipelines throughout the country A erbaijani s ection o f t he C aspian S ea. I n a ddition, i t operates the country s two oil refineries, one gas + 4 12 p210282 processing lant and runs several oil and gas export pipelines throughout the country www.socar.az www.socar.a SOCAR The State il Company of A erbaijan Republic (S CAR) is the state owned oil and gas corporation headquartered in Baku, A erbaijan. It is one of the largest oil and gas companies in the world. The company is involved in production of oDirector il and natural gas from both onshore and offshore fields in the A erbaijani section of the Caspian Sea. In addition, it operates the country s two oil refineries, one gas processing plant and runs several oil and gas export throughout the country he State Oilpipelines Company of A erbaijan epublic SOCA is planning to invest S billion across four downstream projects in A erbaijan that cover refining, petrochemical and fertiliser production. In conjunction with this large scale domestic investment, SOCA is currently constructing a multi billion dollar refinery in Aliaga, urkey. SOCA will provide an overview of these projects and highlight the opportunities for the UK supply chain and how they can become involved. Ineos ormed in uly ,O P is one of three separate regional businesses established by I EOS Olefins and Polymers Europe to deliver a significant number of strategic projects across its European portfolio. he business consists of the O P activities on the rangemouth site as well as the Wilton ethylene liquefaction unit on Teesside. Grangemouth Road Grangemouth Stirlingshire FK3 9X H aced with the challenge of meeting a decline in our key petrochemical feedstock from the orth Sea down in the last years and with no additional raw materials available locally, the rangemouth site is set to benefit from a significant investment by I EOS to enable the building of a storage facility and gas terminal to bring in shale gas ethane from the SA. he overnment has supported this project with a loan guarantee to the value of m; the Scottish overnment has supported the project via a m SA rant. www.ineos.com D e c la n S e a ly Procurement Director Declan has worked for I EOS since December . e is currently a board member for the I EOS Chemicals businesses operating on the rangemouth complex in the . Previous roles held at I EOS include European Procurement Manager, Procurement echnical Services Manager, Services Director and his current role of Procurement Supply Chain Director. Declan has twenty five years experience operating in the Petro Chem, Pharmaceutical and MC industries. Previous senior roles included ead of Procurement Supply Chain for ohnson Matthey and Logistics Manager for N ovartis Europe. Declan is a ellow of the Chartered Institute of Procurement and lives in ife, Scotland. 22 | Conference Session Supply. e is married with two boys neo lann n o or e ane ro e o eed ro ean e ro e al o le e w e o le e n ran e o o land and a ne orway o ee n e on r on o e ane or and ora e er nal neo w ll ro de an o er ew o e e ro e and e r re lan or or n e ane or e and o en ally rod n E I C do e ally ro ale ro e | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 Jacobs House Jacobs House Brooks Drive B Cheadle rooks Royal DriveBusiness Park Manchester oyal Business Cheadle SK8 3GP Park +44 (0) 1617 417800 Manchester www.jacobs.com S P Jacobs elping our clients succeed drives our business. o meet their challenges, we have to understand their industry and their objectives. Over the years, our partnerships have helped us develop a wide range of technical expertise to better serve a variety of clients in multiple industries. E I C | CON N ECT A key component of our approach to providing superior value to our clients is to augment our staff with uality suppliers, vendors and partners. Our global organi ation of suppliers provides us with additional Helping our clients succeed drives our business. To meet their challenges, we have to understand their strengths that enable us to meet and exceed our clients goals and objectives. industry and their objectives. Over the years, our partnerships have helped us develop a wide range of technical expertise to better serve a variety of clients in multiple industries. Oil & Gas 2014 www.jacobs.com A key component of our approach to providing superior value to our clients is to augment our staff with quality suppliers, vendors and partners. Our global organization of suppliers provides us with additional strengths that enable us to meet and exceed our clients' goals and objectives. L e w is W a lk e r Business Development Manager L e w is w ill p r o v id e a c o n t r a c t o r ’s p e r s p e c t iv e o n t h e ir a c t iv it ie s a n d h o w th e s u p p ly c h a in c a n Lewis is a chartered chemical engineer who is currently acobs Process portfolio of clients. Lewis has been responsible as an operations manager, project director and project manager for many as, Petrochemical, Chemical and pharmaceutical projects. As former Manager of Process Engineering he has a particularly strong background in Techno Economic studies. ewi al er Business e e o en ana e ewi will r i e a n ra r er e i e n heir a i i ie an h w he l hain an e rei ni e he re inin an e r he i al e r Lewis is a chartered chemical engineer who is currently Business Development Manager for our rocess portfolio of clients. Lewis has been responsible as an operations manager, project director and project manager for many Gas, etro Chemical, Chemical and pharmaceutical projects. As former Manager of rocess Engineering he has a particularly strong background in Techno Economic studies. S l hain rie in a l e 11 Pilgrim St London EC4V 6RN +44 (0) 20 7651 7777 www.bechtel.com Conference Session | 23 S E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 l hain rie in a Supply-Chain Briefings - Day 1 Bechtel Corporation Bechtel Corporation Bechtel roup is the largest construction and engineering company in the States, ranking as the th largest privately owned company in the nited States. htel C orporation (Bechtel Group) is the largest construction and engineering company in the Pilgrim St London ed States, ranking as the 4th orlargest privately owned the United States. more than years, Bechtelcompany has been ain worldwide leader in chemical, petrochemical, nited and L 11ECPilgrim St plant construction. In today s highly competitive market, the company s experience with a broad range of London plant designs it apart. petrochemical, and L G more EC4V than 6RN 0 years, Bechtel technologies has been and a woptimized orldwide leader in sets chemical, t construction. In today’s highly competitive market, the company’s experience with a broad +44 (0) 20 7651 7777 www.bechtel.com e of twww.bechtel.com echnologies and optimi ed plant designs sets it apart. An d r e w P Cu n i a h Manager of Procurement London Operations Andrew Cuniah has worked in the Oil, as and Petrochemicals Industry since . Andrew has been with Bechtel for more than years, and is currently the Manager of Procurement for London O C. Andrew s Bechtel career began as a procurement coordinator on the first eliance amnagar efinery Project; subse uent Procurement management assignments have seen him placed in Paris, Angola, SA, hailand and London amongst other locations. rew niah a e of o u e en ondon e a ions Tengizchevroil LLP ew Cuniah has worked in the il, Gas and etrochemicals Industry since 1 88. Andrew has been Bechtel for more than 17 years, and is LLP currently the between Manager f rocurement for London G C. in engi chevroil was formed the oepublic of a akhstan and Chevron Corporation to ew’s Bechtel career began explore as a procurement c oordinator o n t he f irst R eliance amnagar R efinery and develop super giant engi oilfield. oday CO is the largest and safest company in a akhstan which produces and markets crude oil, h gas and sulfur.him placed in aris, Angola, ect subsequent rocurement m anagement assignments ave seen Republic of Kazakhstan 060011 Atyrau Thailand and London amongst other locations. Satpayev Street www.tengizchevroil.com i chevroil LL was formed between the Republic of Ka akhstan and Chevron Corporation in 1 xplore and develop super giant Tengi oilfield. T oday TC is the largest and safest company in khstan which produces and markets crude oil, gas and sulfur. ublic of Ka akhstan 011 Atyrau, Satpayev Street 12 227 1212 w.tengi chevroil.com 24 | Supply Chain Briefings gas detection E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 At Honeywell Analytics, our key focus is our customers. We believe that the evolution of gas detection should be driven by the people using our equipment, rather than engineers deciding the needs of industry. Our customer commitment allows us to deliver benchmark products that provide performance, ease of use and affordability. This enables us to remain an ever-evolving manufacturer of gas detection solutions that are entirely fit for purpose. Searchline Excel: The market-leading IR Open Path Hydrocarbon gas detector delivering unrivalled performance, ease of use, fail-to-safety operation and immunity against direct sunlight. Searchpoint Optima Plus: A market-leading IR point gas detector providing high performance detection of Hydrocarbons, ease of use and maximised uptime through its fail-to-safety operation. XNX Universal Transmitter and Sensepoint High Temperature Sensor: A flexible transmitter for use with any Honeywell Analytics gas sensors providing comprehensive communications protocols such as HART®. Sensepoint HT delivers high quality detection up to 150°C (302°F), providing the ideal solution for flammable gas monitoring in power plant applications. Sensepoint XCD: A transmitter providing ease of use, the ability to reduce ongoing costs via common device platform and visual status indications that allows device status to be seen from a distance. For more information please contact: Tel: +800 333 222 44 (Freephone number) Tel: +41 44 943 4380 (Alternative number) email: [email protected] www.honeywellanalytics.com © 2014 Honeywell International Inc. | 25 0 0011 Atyrau, Satpayev Street +7 712 227 1212 www.tengi chevroil.com E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 The orth Sea will continue to play a key part in our portfolio across the UK and the etherlands we and have a non operated interest in a further . We want to maximise value from operate 42 fields, our existing asset hubs, and will continue to invest in the orth Sea to help it reach its potential. Internationally, we ve established a significant operating portfolio, recently becoming a top ten gas producer on the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin, and have ambitious plans to grow our production to 27 ,000 barrels o f oil equivalent per day in the next three to five years. Centrica Energy, one of the leading gas producers on the Continental Shelf, has delivered on an ambitious Maidenhead Road resentation will provide an overview of Centrica Ein nergy E , three share years it’s goals, forthcoming projects Windsor growth agenda the past and increased oil and gas production Maidenhead Road The orth Sea will continue to play a key part in our portfolio across the UK and the etherlands we by 50% . and Supply C hain o pportunities. I t w ill a lso b rief s uppliers a bout w orking w ith C entrica E nergy. B erkshire Windsor operate 42 fields, and have a non operated interest in a further . We want to maximise value from SL D Berkshire orth Sea continue play a tkey partit in our iportfolio across the and the etherlands we our existing asset hubs, and whe ill continue to will invest in the toorth Sea o help reach ts potential. SL4 5GD operate fields, o and have p aortfolio, non operated interest in a afurther .as We want to maximise value from our Internationally, w e ve e stablished a s ignificant perating r ecently b ecoming t op t en g el existing asset hubs, and will continue to invest in the orth Sea to help it reach its potential. producer on the W estern Tel: +44 (0)1753 494 000Canadian Sedimentary Basin, and have ambitious plans to grow our production t o 2 7 ,000 b arrels of oil equivalent per day in the next three to five years. www.centrica.com www.centrica.com Internationally, we ve established a significant operating portfolio, recently becoming a top ten gas producer on the Western Canadian Sedimentary andforthcoming have ambitious , resentation will opne rovide an leading overview Centrica Eonergy EUK C, sontinental hare Basin, it’s goals, projects Centrica Energy, of the gas opf roducers n the Shelf, has delivered oplans n an to grow our production to barrels of oil e buivalent per day in the next three to five years. and S upply C hain o pportunities. I t w ill a lso rief s uppliers a bout w orking w ith C entrica E nergy. ambitious growth agenda in the past three years and increased oil and gas production by 0 . Centrica Energy Presentation will provide an overview of Centrica Energy E P, share it s goals, forthcoming projects and Supply Chain opportunities. It will also brief suppliers about working with Centrica Energy. M a rk H a re s c e u g h ar are e Supply Chain Manager – Assets h Mark aresceugh is the Supply Chain Manager for operating Assets for Centrica Energy s Exploration and Production business. his includes the operating Assets in Morecambe Bay and the orth Sea. he Supply Chain Assets team is responsible for working with internal stakeholders and suppliers to deliver Mark Haresceugh is the Supply Chain Manager for operating Assets for Csupply entrica solutions Energy’s Etoxploration high performing, innovative and safe support the company s producing assets. Mark is and roduction business. This includes the atoperating Assets orecambe ay and he Morecambe orth Sea. Bay ub. Mark has an MBA from Durham based eysham, whichin isMthe support B base for tthe niversityfor The Supply Chain Assets team is responsible working with internal stakeholders and sofuppliers to and Supply, having originally trained as and is a Chartered Member of the Institute Purchasing deliver high p erforming, i nnovative a nd s afe s upply s olutions t o s upport t he c ompany’s p roducing a Mechanical Engineer. ar are e h u ain ana e sse s assets. Mark is based at Heysham, which is the support base for the Morecambe Bay Hub. Mark has an MBA from niversity nd is s a Chartered of the nstitute f urchasing and u D urham ain Uana e asse Centrica Energy M is ember a member of IEIC, and oMark represents Centrica Energy on the EIC Oil as Advisory Supply, having originally trained as aGroup. Mechanical Engineer. Haresceugh is the Chain Mranager for C operating ssets ofor entrica Energy’s Centrica Mark Energy is a member of SEupply IC, and Mark epresents entrica EA nergy n tChe EIC il Gas Exploration and roduction b usiness. T his i ncludes t he o perating A ssets i n M orecambe B ay a nd the orth Sea. Advisory Group. The S upply C hain A ssets t eam i s r esponsible f or w orking w ith i nternal s takeholders a nd suppliers to deliver high performing, innovative and safe supply solutions to support the company’s producing assets. Mark is based at Heysham, which is the support base for the Morecambe Bay Hub. Mark has Headand of iSupply ChainM–ember UK &oNetherlands an MBA from Durham University s a Chartered f the Institute of urchasing and Supply, having originally trained as a Mechanical Engineer. therepresents ead of Supply Chain for the Centrica Energy is a member oohn f EIC, riffiths and Misark Centrica Energy on the and EIC etherlands il Gas region of Centrica Energy s Exploration and Production business. ohn, who previously held the same role for sister company Centrica Storage, has Advisory Group. years experience in the supply chain and procurement sector, both in the and around the world. As well as his roles within the oil and gas industry, he has also led contract and procurement teams on high profile, multibillion pound projects including the London Olympics, Crossrail and Abu Dhabi uclear N ew B uild. hn ri i h In his current role, ohn who has a law degree from Lancaster niversity and initially ualified as a Head of u ain e e solicitor ands before entering industry oversees the supply chain for Centrica Energy s oil and gas projects, developments and producing assets in the and etherlands. With his team, ohn works with internal and suppliers to deliver high performing, ohn Griffiths is the Head of Supply Cstakeholders hain f or t he U K a nd etherlands r egion o f C entrica Einnovative nergy’s and safe solutions. ohn is also a certified project manager and a member of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply MCIPS . Exploration a nd roduction b usiness. ohn, w ho p reviously h eld t he s ame r ole f or s ister c ompany Centrica Storage, has 20 years’ experience in the supply chain and procurement sector, both in the UK hn i h As well as his roles within the oil and gas industry, he has also led contract and and around the riworld. procurement teams on high profile, multibillion pound projects including the London 2012 lympics, Head of u ain e e ands Crossrail and Abu Dhabi uclear ew Build. ohn Griffiths is the Head of Supply Chain for the UK and etherlands region of Centrica Energy’s Exploration and roduction business. ohn, who previously held the same role for sister company Centrica Storage, has 20 years’ experience in the supply chain and procurement sector, both in the UK and a| round the wChain orld. As Briefings well as his roles within the oil and gas industry, he has also led contract and 26 Supply procurement teams on high profile, multibillion pound projects including the London 2012 lympics, Crossrail and Abu Dhabi uclear ew Build. In (MCI his current upply S). role, ohn who has a law degree from Lancaster University and initially qualified as a solicitor before entering industry oversees the supply chain for Centrica Energy’s oil and gas projects, developments and producing assets in the UK and etherlands. With his team, ohn works E I Ca| nd CON ECT with internal stakeholders and suppliers to deliver high performing, innovative safe N solutions. ohn is also a certified project manager and a member of the Chartered Institute of urchasing and Supply (MCI S). Oil & Gas 2014 EBR São José do Norte Estrada pública, S/n - Bairro Cocuruto EB Estaleiros do Brasil Ltda. is a company speciali ing in offshore constructions, originated from the 96225-000 - São José do Norte - RS – Brazil association between the apanese company, O O Engineering and the Bra ilian company, SO leo e o os53do orte Phone:S +55 3238-1695 s SE AL , where both divide their shareholding at . E I C | CON N ECT Estrada pú blica SO , better known as Setal leo e s, besides having a large experience in the onshore sector, executes São Norte S n José Bairro do Cocuruto www.ebrbrasil.com offshore construction works since . O O, with worldwide presence, has executed over , projects 96225-000 Estrada pública, S/n - Bairro Cocuruto in more than countries in many different sectors. Specifically in the offshore area, it implemented S o os do orte - São José do aNorte - RS BR is a96225-000 new t South of B–raBrazil il speciali ed in Engineering, rocurement, S offshore yard located topside projects for PSO construction along with MODEC for PE OB AS. B razil Assemble and Integration of offshore production platform. EBR has in your backlog the onstruction, Oil & Gas 2014 Phone: +55 53 3238-1695 S 74 for etrobras. The scope rocurement, Construction, Commissioning EB cRomprise born as aEngineering, large experience linked to its partners and counts with professionals who participated in major el nd Iel ntegration o f t he F S t hat w ill h ave t he c apacity t o p rocess 1 0,000 b arrels o f o il p er dand ay others. and offshore projects, such as P , P , PPE , P , P , P w ww.ebrbrasil.com ill operate i n p re salt f ield. www.ebrbrasil.com (0)20 42offshore 7 00 yard located at South of Bra il speciali ed in Engineering, rocurement, +44 EBR is a n7ew www.amec.com Construction, Assemble and Integration of offshore production platform. EBR has in your backlog the L u scope i z F e clomprise i p e Ca Em ngineering, a rg o F S 74 for etrobras. The rocurement, Construction, Commissioning Commercial Manager and Integration f the F S that will have the capacity ptroject o process 1 0,000 barrels of ocil per day and companies. AMEC is one of tohe world’s leading engineering, management and onsultancy will o perate i n p re salt f ield. Lui elipe Camargo has a Bachelors degree in Business Administration more than in years ur goal is to deliver profitable, safe and sustainable projects and services for our and customers the oil experience in the oil and gas industry. e is currently Commercial Marketing manager of EB offshore and gas, mining, clean energy, nvironment infrastructure markets, including that psolutions lay a for yard ineBra il, speciali edand in EPCI Engineering, Procurement, Constructionsectors and Integration vital role in the global a nd Offshore national economies and in people’s everyday lives. Production Platform. i eli e a ar We design, deliver and maintain strategic assets 2for our customers, offering services which extend Supply-Chain Briefings - Day el er eial ana er from nvironmental and front end engineering design before the start of a project to +44 (0)20 742 7 00 decommissioning at the end of an asset’s life. www.amec.com ui Felipe Camargo has a Bachelors’ degree in Business Administration bachelor and more than 10 experience AMECHe is currently Commercial Marketing manager of EBR ears’ in the oil and gas industry. i eli is e one a f ar orld’s leading engineering, project management and consultancy companies. the w ffshore AMEC yard in Bra oil, speciali ed in E CI (Engineering, rocurement, Construction and Integration) 4th Floor ur g oal i s t o d eliver p rofitable, safe nd sustainable projects and engineering, services for oproject ur customers in the oand il consultancy companies. Our AMEC isaone of the world s leading management olutions Old for Change roduction latform. ouse er ffshore ial ana er and gas, mining, clean energy, environment and infrastructure markets, including sectors that play a Queen ictoria Street goal is to deliver profitable, safe and sustainable projects and services for our customers in the oil and gas, vital r ole i n t he g lobal a nd n ational eclean conomies and in people’s eand veryday lives. markets, including sectors that play a vital role in the mining, energy, infrastructure l L uiLondon Felipe degree in Benvironment usiness Administration bachelor and more than 10 hain rieCamargo in h aas a Bachelors’ EC global and national economies and in people s everyday lives. B years’ e xperience i n t he o il a nd g as i ndustry. H e i s c urrently C ommercial Marketing manager of EBR We design, deliver and maintain strategic assets for our customers, offering services which extend United Kingdom offshore yard in Bra il, speciali ed E deliver CI (Engineering, rocurement, and Integration) Weend design, maintain strategic for our offering services which extend from from environmental and front ein ngineering dand esign before the start assets of a Cponstruction roject to customers, el environmental and front end engineering design before the start of a project to decommissioning at the end solutions f or ffshore roduction latform. decommissioning at the end of an asset’s life. of an asset s life. www.amec.com S l hain rie in a th Floor, ld Change House lar e 28 Qraha ueen ictoria Street Supply C hain M anager ondon G ra h a m Cl a r k e Supply Chain Manager raham has in excess of years experience working within the oil and gas industry and has been responsible for managing supply chain teams on both reenfield and Brownfield projects, as well as part of operations and maintenance support. C4 4B nited Kingdom currently heads up the Supply Chain Management function within AMEC s Brownfield and House raham 4th Floor, ld Change Operations Management sectors based in Aberdeen. 128 raha Queen Street larictoria e London Supply Chain Manager S te v e H e a th EC4 4B Supply Chain Manager United Kingdom S e e ea h Supply Chain Manager A Chartered Mechanical Engineer with years in Procurement, Project Management, Engineering and Plant Operations in Petrochemical and Power Plants with ICI, untsman and SABIC. ow leading AMEC s Darlington based Asset Management Supply Chain eam. Supply Chain Briefings | 27 E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 Kentz ent , a Member of the S C Lavalin roup, is a global engineering specialist solutions provider, with , employees operating in countries worldwide. It has provided Engineering, Construction and echnical Support Services SS to clients in the energy and resources sectors for more than years. It has a proven track record of delivering mechanical, electrical, controls and instrumentation engineering, construction and management services in some of the most remote locations on earth. http www.snclavalin.com E l i za b e th S k e r r itt Development Director for Europe and Western Russia Eli abeth is responsible for business development with ent s European based clients, with a particular focus on ussia and leveraging existing experience and relationships into new developments in the Arctic. Prior to her role as Development Director, Eli abeth was roup ead of Investor elations and Communications for ent roup. She has twelve years experience working as a communications professional with a focus on the industrial sectors, particularly oil and gas, and started her career as a graduate with he Independent newspaper. Shell Tel. + 1 70 77 111 oyal Dutch Shell plc Carel van Bylandtlaan www.shell.com Shell is a global group of energy and petrochemicals companies. With around , employees in more than countries and territories, Shell helps to meet the world s growing demand for energy in economically, environmentally and socially responsible ways. 2596 HR DEN HAAG The N etherlands Shell is a global group of energy and petrochemicals companies. With around 2,000 employees in Postbus more than 70 countries and territories, Shell helps to meet the world s growing demand for energy in 2501 AN DENenvironmentally HAAG economically, and socially responsible ways. el. T o n y Co l l i n s www.shell.com Group Manager Procurement ony Collins leads Shell s Category Management organi ation for all major technical categories related to Projects capex and associated operating assets, covering the roup s third party expenditure in the areas of Project Management, otating E uipment IAE, abrication Construction, Static E uipment and Deep Water categories. e is also responsible for supply chain integration activities for Projects across the Shell roup. is organi ation is accountable for the development of category strategies, major contracts, and for ensuring implementation via project, regional and country organi ations; and supporting the development of contracting strategies for major projects. e joined Shell in and has held a number of Procurement roles across Shell principally in the areas of pstream Operations and Projects. e started work in the and has also worked in orway, Oman, and he etherlands over his year career in Procurement in Shell. n llin 28 | Supply Chain Briefings Tony Collins leads Shell’s Category Management organi ation for all major technical categories related to rojects capex and associated operating assets, covering the Group’s third party E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 ENGINEERING DESIGN INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Engineering Design and Information Management Software from AVEVA Building Reputations Owner Operators, engineering contractors and shipbuilders the world over trust AVEVA to create and operate the most complex engineering assets. We empower our customers to make thousands of accurate design, engineering and business decisions every day, across the entire project and asset lifecycle. You too can benefit from improved productivity, minimised risk and reduced costs, resulting in maximised ROI. Join AVEVA at stand A30 The leader in design, engineering and information management software for the process plant, power and marine industries, AVEVA invests in our customers’ success through a global sales and support network in more than 40 countries. AVEVA – building solid reputations for over 45 years www.aveva.com/oilandgas | [email protected] Supply Chain Briefings | 29 upon his return from Houston in 2011. rior to joining Wood Macken ie, Alan had 10 years of industry consulting after working for ExxonMobil in a variety of project planning and technical process design roles. E I C | CON N ECT Alan has a first class Master Degree in Chemical Engineering from Imperial College, London, supplemented by an MBA from Henley Management College. Oil & Gas 2014 SOCAR he State Oil Company of A erbaijan epublic SOCA is the state owned oil and gas corporation , eftchilar Avenue 7B aku , eftchilar Avenue head uartered in Baku, A erbaijan. It is one of the largest oil and gas companies in the world. he company AZ1000 Baku is involved in production of oil and natural gas from both onshore and offshore fields in the A erbaijani The Republic of Azerbaijan A 1000 section of the Caspian Sea. In addition, it operates the country s two oil refineries, one gas processing plant The Republic of A erbaijan and runs several oil and gas export pipelines throughout the country + 4 12 210282 www.socar.az www.socar.a The State il Company of A erbaijan Republic (S CAR) is the state owned oil and gas corporation T a Ibt is r i oz ne Amof the m largest a y e v oil and gas companies in the world. The headquartered in Baku, A erbaijan. company is involved in production of oil and nAssistant atural gas from both onshore and offshore fields in the Executive to SOCAR President Advisor A erbaijani section of the Caspian Sea. In addition, it operates the country s two oil refineries, one gas processing plant and runs several oil and gas export pipelines throughout the country Mr. abri Ammayev works as an Executive Assistant to SOCA President Advisor from anuary, . Mr. Ammayev joined SOCA after obtaining a Master s Degree with distinction in the through the SOCA Scholarship Programme. e engages in various local content issues in the global oil and gas projects in A erbaijan operated by BP and exercises a coordinator role between BP PSCM teams and SOCA technical and financial units. One to One Appointments: ConocoPhillips Rubislaw House Anderson Drive Aberdeen AB 15 6FZ el ConocoPhillips is the world s largest independent exploration and production company, based on proved reserves and production of li uids and natural gas. hey explore for, develop, and produce crude oil and natural gas globally. A commitment to safety, operating excellence and environmental stewardship guide their operations. www.conocophillips.co.uk An d r e w T a y lo r Supply Chain Manager – UK Capital Projects Andrew has recently joined ConocoPhillips Ltd. as Supply Chain Manager Capital Projects . Andrew is responsible for overseeing and managing a range of projects covering onshore plant modifications, offshore brownfield developments and subsea construction within the . Andrew has been involved in the oil and gas industry for over 20 years and has held various supply chain roles within internationally renowned contracting organisations and has performed Lead Project Supply Chain roles within Operator organisations. 30 | Supply Chain Briefings Foster Wheeler Energy Ltd Andrew Taylor Supply Chain Manager – UK Capital Projects Shinfield Park Andrew has recently joined Conoco hillips UK (Ltd.) as Supply Chain Manager (UK Capital rojects. Andrew is responsible for overseeing and managing a range of projects covering onshore plant E Reading modifications, offshore brownfield developments and subsea construction within the UK. Andrew has been involved in the oil and gas industry for over 20 years and has held various supply Berkshire RG2 9FW chain roles within internationally renowned contracting organisations and has performed Lead roject Supply Chain roles within perator organisations. +44 er 118 n ar913 hall 1234 a (0) o a u ain ana e I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 www.fwc.com Cameron has been working within Supply Chain in the il GWheeler as industry for 2 years and has just Foster AG recently completed 20 years service with Wood Group S who are the largest provider of Brownfield Foster Wheeler Services to the Energy il Gas Ltd Industry. With Core values running through the veins of Wood Group, Cameron’s key challenges are to Ltd incorporate process efficiencies within ulti Cultural organi ation and construction company and power equipment supplier Foster Wheeler AG is aa Mglobal engineering Foster Wheeler Energy Park challenging his team to find better ways of working in alignment with the Core values. and continually Shinfield Shinfield Park delivering technically advanced, reliable Attracting the best people to work within our organi ation is paramount but we also endeavor to facilities and e uipment. he company employs approximately Reading Foster AG its o aw ork global and cprofessionals onstruction ompany and ower equipment supplier Reading select tW he heeler best Suppliers with te o ngineering achieve the best collaborative solution fcor our bspeciali usiness and p , talented with ed expertise dedicated to serving its clients. he company s B erkshire 9FW meet exceed oRG2 ur clients expectations. delivering technically advanced, reliable facilities and equipment. The company employs lobal Engineering and Construction roup designs and constructs leading edge processing facilities for Berkshire RG2 9FW E I C | CON N ECT approximately 1 ,000 talented professionals with speciali ed expertise dedicated to serving its the upstream oil and gas, L and gas to li uids, refining, chemicals and petrochemicals, power, minerals clients. The company’s Global Engineering and Construction Group designs and constructs leading +44 (0) 118 913 1234 and metals, environmental, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and healthcare industries. www.fwc.com edge processing facilities for the upstream oil and gas, L G and gas to liquids, refining, chemicals and www.fwc.com power, minerals and metals, environmental, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and petrochemicals, healthcare industries. Oil & Gas 2014 S i m and o cn onstruction L a w r e company n c e and power equipment supplier Foster Wheeler AG is a global engineering delivering technically advanced, reliable facilities and equipment. The company employs Manager Purchasing approximately 1 ,000 talented professionals with speciali ed expertise dedicated to serving its clients. The company’s Global Engineering and joined Construction Group designs ain nd constructs Simon oster Wheeler as laeading Senior Buyer after spending years in the alve Industry. edge processing facilities for the upstream oil and gas, L G and gas to liquids, refining, chemicals and In , he moved into the role of Commodity Purchasing Manager specifically for alves, mill products and metals, environmental, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and petrochemicals, power, minerals and Special piping materials. My time at W has been split between eading, W Asia and Worldwide healthcare industries. i el ee a e o i e o Suppliers. is current role within oster Wheeler is Manager Purchasing directly responsible for all of the purchasing activities instigated by the Reading In his new role as Strategy Growth Director for the UK, igel will be responsible for the development of our business growth and services expansion strategy. He is also responsible for the development of our strategic business development team and driving sales activity across the UK region. Si n awren e ana er r ha in 73 Paris Cedex 16 +33 (0)1 47 78 24 89 w.technip.com Si n awren e ana er r ha in operating unit. Technip hnip is a world leader in project management, engineering and construction for the energy oil gas developments to the largest and most complex ffshore ustry. From the deepest Subsea echnip is a world leader in project management, engineering and construction for the energy industry. nshore infrastructures, our 40,000 people are constantly offering the best solutions and most CS CS 51650 romenergy the deepest Subsearesent oil igas to thehas largest and most complex Offshore and ovative technologies to meet the world’s challenges. n 48 developments countries, Technip 89 avenue de la Armée Arm e avenue deGrande la rande Onshore infrastructures, , of speople offering the best solutions and most innovative e of the art industrial assets on all continents and operates our a fleet pecialiare ed constantly vessels for Paris Cedex technologies to meet the world s energy challenges. Present in countries, echnip has state of the art eline installation and subsea construction. industrial assets on all continents and operates a fleet of speciali ed vessels for pipeline installation and construction. hnip are looking to raise their profile subsea with the UK supply chain and as such will be carrying out ne www.technip.com ne meetings with delegates throughout EIC Connect to source new solutions and technologies. el All i ana er r echnip are looking to raise their profile with the supply chain and as such will be carrying out One One meetings with delegates throughout EIC Connect to source new solutions and technologies. P h i l Al l d i s Manager of Procurement Phil is Manager of Procurement in the Milton eynes office of echnip. e is responsible for all supply chain matters both project and non project related. Phil has years experience in the Oil and as Petro Chemical industries working on a wide range of projects, both on and offshore including years in Senior Procurement Management positions both office and site based in the and overseas. re en Phil s expertise covers worldwide procurement of capital e uipment, bulk materials, services and works, field and desk expediting, material control, inspection co ordination and logistics. Extensive experience of is Manager of rocurement in the Mworking ilton Keynes office of Technip. He is responsible for all supply in Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia, orth America and the Middle East. in matters both project and non project related. hil has 20+ years’ experience in the il and etro Chemical industries working on a wide range of projects, both on and offshore including years in Senior rocurement Management positions both office and site based in the UK and rseas. ’s expertise covers worldwide procurement of capital equipment, bulk materials, services and One to One Appointments ks, field and desk expediting, material control, inspection co ordination and logistics. Extensive | 31 E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 1 ustice Mill Lane Aberdeen AB11 EQ +44 (0)1224 777777 www.woodgroup psn.com Wood roup PS W PS is an international energy service company with more than , employees and operating in more than 40 countries. 15 JusticeSMill LaneS ) is an international energy service company with more than 0,000 Wood Group (WG Aberdeen employees and operating in more than 40 countries. AB 11 6EQ W PS is the leading global provider of pre operations, hook up and commissioning, operations and maintenance, engineering, construction, project management, training and decommissioning services WG S is the leading global provider of pre operations, hook up and commissioning, operations and to the energy industry. We offer highand integrity, brownfield services maintenance, engineering, construction, project m anagement, training decommissioning services that support customers to optimise performance, maintain production, reduce operating costs and www.woodgroup-psn.com to the energy industry. We offer high integrity, brownfield services that support customers to provide integrity assurance. optimise performance, maintain production, reduce operating costs and provide integrity assurance. Wood Group PSN D a v e S te w a rt UK Managing Director Dave was appointed into his current role as managing director of Wood roup PS , on st ovember . As Managing Director for W PS , Dave is responsible for the delivery of existing contracts and future growth in one of our largest operating regions. The UK portfolio includes major integrated services contracts with a a, alisman, Shell and BP and duty holder provision for Ithaca and Centrica. Prior to this role, Dave held the position as business unit director for business stream , heading up key projects a a, Premier Oil, ess and exen. Dave has over years of oil and gas experience under his belt and has worked with Wood Group for the past 18 years. Throughout his career he has worked in both operator and service roles, onshore and offshore, in several senior management and operational positions. a e S ewar ana in i e o i ra h Ca m e r o n M a r s h a l l Dave was appointed into his current role as UK managing director of Wood Group S , on 1st Global Supply Chain Manager ovember 2012. As UK Managing Director for WG S , Dave is responsible for the delivery of existing contracts and future growth in one of our largest operating regions. The UK portfolio includes major Cameron has been working within Supply Chain in the Oil as industry for years and has just recently integrated services contracts with Taqa, Talisman, Shell and B and duty holder provision for Ithaca completed years service with Wood roup PS who are the largest provider of Brownfield Services to the a er n ar hall and Centrica. Oil as Industry. With Core values running through the veins of Wood roup, Cameron s key challenges o a u ain ana e are to incorporate process efficiencies within a Multi Cultural organi ation and continually challenging his rior to this role, Dave held the position as UK business unit director for business stream , heading Cameron has been working within Supply team Chain to in tfind he better il Gas ways industry 2 years inand has just with the Core offor working alignment values. recently ompleted 20 years service wremier ith Wood Gil, roup S w ho are exen. the largest provider f Brownfield up key cUK projects Taqa, Hess and Dave has oove r 8 years of oil and gas Services to the il Gas Industry. With Core values running through the veins of Wood Group, experience under his belt and has worked with Wood Group for the past 18 years. Throughout his Cameron’s key challenges are to incorporate process ethe fficiencies within a to Multi Cultural organi Attracting best people work within our ation organization is paramount but we also endeavor to select the has worked hin and roles, onshore and offshore, in several senior and challenging is tboth eam to operator find better w ays oservice f to working alignment with the Core values. acareer ercontinually n he ar hall best Suppliers workin with to achieve the best collaborative solution for our business and meet exceed our management aain nd operational ositions. ation is paramount but we also endeavor to people to weork our organi oAttracting a u the best ana wpithin select the best Suppliers to work with to aclients chieve texpectations. he best collaborative solution for our business and meet exceed our clients expectations. Cameron has been working within Supply Chain in the il Gas industry for 2 years and has just recently completed 20 years service with Wood Group S who are the largest provider of Brownfield i g Ce ore l L ve alues e s running through the veins of Wood Group, Services to the il Gas Industry. WN ith Strategy & Growth Directorwithin a Multi Cultural organi ation Cameron’s key challenges are to incorporate process efficiencies and continually challenging his team Into find better of working rowth in alignment ith the the Core values. his new role w asays Strategy Directorwfor , igel will be responsible for the development of Attracting the best people to work wour ithin o ur o rgani ation i s p aramount b ut w e a lso e ndeavor t o business growth and services expansion strategy. He is also responsible for the development of our select the best Suppliers to work with to achieve the bdevelopment est collaborative for osales ur business nd strategic business teamsolution and driving activityaacross the UK region. meet exceed our clients expectations. i el ee a e o i e o In his new role as Strategy Growth Director for the UK, igel will be responsible for the development One of our bto usiness growth and services expansion strategy. He is also responsible for the One Appointments development of our strategic business development team and driving sales activity across the UK region. 32| E I C CO EC Oil & Gas 2014 indicators & displays... conventional to Fieldbus www ww w.beka.co.uk [email protected] Hitchin, Herts. SG5 2DA, UK Tel +44 (0)1462 438301 | 33 E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 High Pressure Gas & Hydraulic Analyser & Instrumentation Diving & Life Support TOTAL PRESSURE REGULATOR SOLUTIONS DESIGNED & MANUFACTURED IN THE UK www.pressure-tech.com PRESSURE TECH LTD, Unit 24,Graphite Way, Hadfield, Glossop, Derbyshire SK13 1QH Tel: +44 (0)1457 899307 Fax: +44 (0)1457 899308 e-mail: [email protected] Designed and built in the UK UKTI Commercial Officers rade Investment global economy. I is the overnment Department helping based companies succeed in the I offers expertise and contacts through its and global networks, operating through British embassies and other diplomatic offices. We provide the tools that companies need to be competitive on the world stage. rade Investment ictoria Street London SW E United Kingdom www.ukti.gov.uk 34 | I Commercial Officers E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 UKTI Brazil R e n a t o Co r d e i r o British Consulate eneral Rio de Janeiro Praia do lamengo, nd floor CEP Rio de Janeiro B razil Sector Manager – Oil and Gas Oil & Gas 2014 +55 (21) 2555 9610 E I C | CON N ECT enato joined the I eam at the British Consulate in io de aneiro in December as the Sector Manager for Energy. is main job is to assist companies doing business in the Oil and as sector in Bra il. Before that he worked for years at Brasil Energy the premier oil gas trade magazine in B razil. He worked there as the Journalist covering subjects principally related to the supply chain and new technologies. Prior to that, he worked at O lobo ewspaper part of the O lobo Media roup the third largest media group in the world , covering subjects related to Infrastructure and Oil as. enato has a degree in Social Communication ournalism and Post graduations in Oil as and International elations. ena r eir e o ana e i and as Renato joined the UKTI Team at the British Consulate in Rio de aneiro in December 2007 as the Sector Manager for Energy. His main job is to assist UK companies doing business in the il and Gas sector in Bra il. Before that he worked for 7 years at Brasil Energy the premier oil gas trade maga ine in Bra il. He worked there as the ournalist covering subjects principally related to the supply chain and new technologies. rior to that, he worked at Globo ewspaper (part of the Globo Media Group the third largest media group in the world), covering subjects related to Infrastructure and il Gas. Renato has a degree in Social Communication ( ournalism) and ost graduations in il Gas and International Relations. M a r k e t O p p o r tu n itie s : Melville Street eSuite h e li British Columbia BC , Alberta and offshore Atlantic Canada also have significant deposits of natural gas V ancouver and or crude oil the development of which provide opportunities for companies. Major opportunities British Embassy rague British Columbia also exist for suppliers and services into Canada s burgeoning L development, based primarily in BC, Thunovska V 6E 3V 614 but also potentially ova Scotia. hese cover a wide range of sectors from EPC and environmental and 11800 Canada professional services, to specialised products for extraction, transmission, li uefaction, storage, shipping C ech Republic and others. Companies should be in the process of developing relationships to access these developments. ra a w a R u p e rt P o tte r British Consul General inlan UKTI Canada British Embassy It inen uistotie 17 00140 Finland + 8 (0) 228 270 upert Potter took up his position as British Consul eneral in ancouver on uly , and is the British government s representative in British Columbia, the ukon and the orth West erritories. is wife and two children join him in V ancouver. Born in Australia, upert joined the oreign and Commonwealth Office CO in St Andrews niversity with an MA with honours in Modern istory with International after graduating from elations. Immediately prior to his posting in ancouver, upert served as the Deputy ead of Mission in Bahrain from While currently under developed, in the the Lserved G market in Finland expected to next few . eyears, has also overseas as is ice Consulto atsee the British Embassy in ordan from to significant development, prompted by, mong other things, section the energy policy objectives of tin he Sweden from , aand in the political of the British Embassy to . European Union. The large scale regional L G terminal planned for the Baltic Sea region is one of the In London, he has worked for the s Southan Asia Department, Afghanistan nit and orth America EU’s key energy infrastructure rojects of Common Interest ( CI). nce cCO onstructed, asthe well as working Cabinetthe Office and gtaking a secondment with the International Institute interconnector gas pipeline will bDepartment, e laid, crossing Baltic Sea and cfor onnecting national as grids for Strategic Studies IISS . In he also completed his second MA, in Creative Writing, at the niversity of Estonia and Finland. of East Anglia. The Finnish Government is also providing L G investment support, intended for terminals used in the import or cargo handling of natural gas, as well as in the discharge, storage and supply of such gas, and for the design and construction of related equipment. The planned terminals by AGA, Gasum, Skangass, and the MangaL G consortium will enable the increased use of L G fuelled cargo and passenger vessels in the Gulf of Finland, but also the transportation of natural gas to areas outside the I Commercial Officers | 35 E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 UKTI Finland M a r k e t O p p o r tu n itie s : B ritish Embassy It inen Puistotie 00140 Finland While currently under developed, in the next few years, the L market in inland is expected to see significant development, prompted by, among other things, the energy policy objectives of the European nion. he large scale regional L terminal planned for the Baltic Sea region is one of the E s key energy infrastructure Projects of Common Interest PCI . Once constructed, an interconnector gas pipeline will be laid, crossing the Baltic Sea and connecting the national gas grids of Estonia and inland. he innish overnment is also providing L investment support, intended for terminals used in the import or cargo handling of natural gas, as well as in the discharge, storage and supply of such gas, and for the design and construction of related e uipment. he planned terminals by A A, asum, Skangass, and the MangaLN G consortium will enable the increased use of LN G-fuelled cargo and passenger vessels in the ulf of inland, but also the transportation of natural gas to areas outside the natural gas network, diversifying the energy supply across the country. er a i Sal inen E e r o -M a tti S a lm in e n a e d ise Market Adviser Eero Matti has been working as a Market Adviser for UKTI in Finland since 2012, providing support to UK businesses in exporting and trade projects, business opportunities and event organising. He has Eero Matti hasand been workingengineering, as a Market Adviserand for I in inland since , providing support to experience from both the public and private sectors, is specialised construction public procurement projects in Finland. businesses in exporting and trade projects, business opportunities and event organising. e has experience from both the public and private sectors, and is specialised in engineering, construction and public procurement projects in Finland. a a h an Building Business Centre Renko, floor 2 Kosmonavtov street er aAstana i Sal inen 01000 a e Kad akhstan ise M a r k e t O p p o r tu n itie s : Building Business Centre Eero Matti has been working as a Market Adviser for UKTI in Finland since 2012, providing support to +7 enko, 7172 floor 200 UK businesses in exporting street and trade West projects, business opportunities and event organising. He hgas as projects: 62 Kosmonavtov of Kazakhstan is associated with a group of oil and West of Kabakhstan is paublic ssociated wp ith a group of oil and gas is projects Tengie ngineering, Future Growth project experience from oth the and rivate s ectors, a nd s pecialised c onstruction and Astana engi uture rowth project; ashagan ull ield; arachaganak Phase . Kashagan Full Fpield Karachaganak hase . public procurement rojects in Finland. 01000 Kazakhstan EED and EPCM contractors, abrication contractors, Second tier service providers, Materials suppliers, FEED and E CM contractors, Fabrication contractors, Second tier service providers, Materials suppliers, Logistics supply chain management, SE Training and many others will bSE e able to find and many others will be able to find excellent opportunities Logistics H supply chain management, raining a a h excellent an opportunities for successful business. for successful business. UKTI Kazakhstan Building Business Centre Renko, floor O l g a P r o t a s s o v a 2 Kosmonavtov street Trade & Investment Advisor Astana 01000 Ka akhstan +7 7172 200 G o u ln a r G a b d u lo v a Kazakhstan r a West of Kla a akhstan ia s associated with Deputy a group Head of oil aof nd UKTI gas projects Tengi Future Growth project ade a nd n es en d iso Kashagan Full Field Karachaganak hase . oulnar abdulova has been working as Senior Commercial officer for I since , mainly focussing lnar a l a on Oil and as. Prior to joining I, oulnar held various managerial positions of increasing scope and FEED and eE uCM contractors, contractors, Second tier service providers, Materials Head of a aFabrication s an responsibility both in private and public sector. uppliers, Logistics supply chain management, HSE Training and many others will be able to find a excellent en opportunities for successful business. She is based in Atyrau, a akhstan Caspian region . oulnar s role is to provide support to companies business Tel +2 4 20 in28442 1 Upper Hill Road . . Box 01 00100 willingairobi to do Kazakhstan. 36 | I Commercial Officers E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 UKTI Kenya Exploration and aRoad ppraisal work currently ongoing opportunities in 2D and D seismic work and M a r k oe ngoing t O p p oo pportunities r t u n i t i e s : in 2D and D seismic work and Hilland EUpper xploration appraisal work currently mapping of Box hydrocarbons, upplying f w ell rig and rig equipment, camp supplies, trained personnel. mapping of hydrocarbons, ssupplying of woell and equipment, camp supplies, trained personnel. P.O. Farm in o pportunities a s s mall o perators a re l ooking f or i nvestment p artners i n popportunities reparation oinf 2D and 3D seismic work and mapping of Farm i n o pportunities a s s mall o perators a re l ooking f or i nvestment p artners i n p reparation o f Exploration and appraisal work currently ongoing; N airobi E I C | CON N ECT enhanced appraisal and eeventual ventual production. Consultancy work for ofdesign oand f fvor arious infrastructure enhanced a ppraisal a nd p roduction. C onsultancy w ork d esign o f v arious hydrocarbons, supplying well rig e uipment, campinfrastructure supplies, trained personnel. arm in opportunities el needed for eminent production i.e. pipeline, storage facilities, heating appliances, refinery etc., aspsmall operators are looking investment partners in preparation needed for eminent .e. ipeline, sotorage facilities, hfor eating appliances, refinery etc., of enhanced appraisal and eventual environmental and psroduction ocial impact situdies. Financing f this projects will present a major opportunity. production. Consultancy work for design of various infrastructure needed for eminent production i.e. pipeline, environmental a nd s ocial i mpact s tudies. F inancing o f t his p rojects w ill p resent a m ajor o pportunity. artnering with local institutions to boost capacity to comply to il and Gas standards, local content compliance i .e. f or p rovision o f i ndirect s ervices ( construction o f s emi permanent s tructures, c learing storage facilities, heating appliances, refinery etc., environmental and social impact studies. inancing of artnering with local institutions to boost capacity to comply to il and Gas standards, local content and forwarding, hospitality), training and projects capacity bwill uilding of both ahuman resource and local this present major opportunity. Partnering with local institutions compliance i.e. for provision of indirect services (construction of semi permanent structures, clearing to boost capacity to comply to companies. Oil and standards, localof content i.e. for provision and forwarding, hospitality), training and cas apacity building both hcompliance uman resource and local of indirect services construction of semi permanent structures, clearing and forwarding, hospitality , training and capacity building of both human companies. Oil & Gas 2014 resource and local companies. G r e g G ib s o n Head of UKTI East Africa reg ibson joined the oreign and Commonwealth Office in , following which he has served in re i n overseas postings Sierra Leone, epal, Saudi Arabia and now enya . reg has been working with I Head of as f i a for over years, since working in eddah, Saudi Arabia as Deputy Consul and ead of I from to . reg moved from eddah to airobi, enya in where he has been ead of I for East Africa Greg Gibson joined the Foreign and Commonwealth ffice in 1 , following which he has served in 4 Saudi Arabia ganda, an Kania Ethiopia One of the main focus areas for I in East Africa over the past overseas postings (Sierra Leone, epal, enya, and now enya). and Greg has been .working with has been the of Oil and opportunities in the region. UKTI for over years, since working 3in years eddah, Saudi Arabia as development Deputy Consul and Head of UGas KTI from re 2008 i tn o 2011. Greg moved from eddah to airobi, Kenya in 2011 where he has been Head of UKTI Uganda, Tan ania and Ethiopia). ne of the main focus areas for UKTI in East Head ofor f East A frica as ( Kenya, f i a Africa over the past years has been the development of il and Gas opportunities in the region. Greg Gibson , following which he has served in 4 e i joined the Foreign and Commonwealth ffice in 1 postings (Sierra Leone, epal, Saudi Arabia and now Kenya). Greg has been working with overseas British Embassy UKTI for over years, since working in eddah, Saudi Arabia as Deputy Consul and Head of UKTI from Rio Lerma o.71 2008 to 2 011. CGuauhtemoc reg moved from 0B ritish 00 Col. Mexico City eddah to airobi, Kenya in 2011 where he has been Head of UKTI Embassy Ch r i s W a l l Mexico for East Aiofrica (Kenya, ania and Ethiopia). ne of the main focus areas for UKTI in East Lerma o. Uganda, Tan Business Specialist Africa over the past years has been the development of il and Gas opportunities in the region. Col. Cuauhtemoc +52 (55) 16703200 Mexico City A fluent Spanish and Portuguese speaker, Chris is an experienced international trade consultant with a firm nri e i Mexico e rne focus on the Oil as and related marine construction sectors in Mexico and Bra il. e has held senior Head of ne and n i on en positions in export sales and strategic market development for over years, supporting companies British Embassy in market development, mentoring senior management on market entry strategy, and facilitating high level UKTI Mexico contacts with local partners. Rio Lerma o.71 0 00 Col. Cuauhtemoc Mexico City Mexico +52 (55) 16703200 nri e rne Head of ne and n i on en hri all I Commercial Officers | 37 Business e ia is E I C | CON N ECT A fluent Spanish and ortuguese speaker, Chris is an experienced international trade consultant with a firm focus on the il Gas and related marine construction sectors in Mexico and Bra il. He has held senior positions in export sales and strategic market development for over 2 years, supporting UK companies in market development, mentoring senior management on market entry strategy, and facilitating high level contacts with local partners. a i e M a r k e t O p p o r tu n itie s : Avenue ladmir Lenine, Avenue ladmir Lenine, 10 310 Major opportunities are represented by Anadarko s onshore L and Eni s L development Maputo City Maputo City plans. Other opportunities exist in the provision of distributed and interim power generation solutions Maputo Maputo to the Mining and Oil as sectors. . . Box P.O. Box Mo ambique Mozambique +2 8 1 0 00 Major opportunities are represented by Anadarko’s onshore L G and Eni’s FL G development plans. ther opportunities exist in the provision of distributed and interim power generation solutions to the Mining and il Gas sectors. Oil & Gas 2014 UKTI Mozambique L o r e n zo As t e g i a n o Trade and Investment Officer, Mozambique Five years professional experience in Mozambique of which 3 years in private consultancy and 2 years with I, working on identifying business opportunities and assisting international companies planning their market-entry strategy. ren A e ian ade and n es en ffi e o a UKTI Nigeria i ue Five years professional experience in Mo ambique of which years in private consultancy and 2 years with UKTI, working on identifying business opportunities and assisting British Deputy igh Commissions Id o w u B a b a lo la international companies planning their market entry strategy. Walter Carrington Crescent Senior Trade Development Manager ictoria Island i Lagos eria N igeria British Deputy High Commissions 11 Walter Carrington Crescent ictoria Island Lagos igeria Idowu Babalola is a Senior rade Development Manager in I igeria. is job role covers the Oil as, Environment, enewable Energy, Climate change, Water, Energy Power and Engineering sectors of the igerian economy. e also has responsibilities covering esearch eporting on and igeria Bilateral rade, Management of I Customer elationship Management database. Idowu works with companies in identifying business opportunities, building relationships and nurturing partnerships for UK companies and their interests in the N igerian market. +2 4 (0) 812 810 884 w a al la enio ade e e o en ana e Idowu Babalola is a Senior Trade Development Manager in UKTI igeria. His job role covers the il Gas, Environment, Renewable Energy, Climate change, Water, Energy ( ower and Engineering) sectors of the igerian economy. He also has responsibilities covering Research Reporting on UK and igeria Bilateral Trade, Management of UKTI Customer Relationship Management database. Idowu o working with U K companies in identifying business opportunities, building 38 looks | out I tCommercial Officers relationships, nurturing partnerships, for UK companies and their interests in the igerian market. EIC LaunchPad Serviced Office Facilities E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 • • • Internet and telephone access • Postal and courier service • • • • Access to EIC services at a local level Virtual Office Facilities • • • Hotdesk Facilities • • • • Access to EIC services at a local level | 33 E I C | CON N ECT w a al la Oil & Gas 2014 enio ade e e o en ana e Idowu Babalola is a Senior Trade Development Manager in UKTI igeria. His job role covers the il Gas, Environment, Renewable Energy, Climate change, Water, Energy ( ower and Engineering) sectors of the igerian economy. He also has responsibilities covering Research Reporting on UK and igeria Bilateral Trade, Management of UKTI Customer Relationship Management database. Idowu looks out to working with UK companies in identifying business opportunities, building relationships, nurturing partnerships, for UK companies and their interests in the igerian market. UKTI Norway B rwa ritish Embassy Oslo V isting address: British Embassy slo gate 8 Thomas Heftyes isting address Thomas Heftyes gate 8 Postal address ostal address 0244 Oslo slo N slo orway orway (+47) 2 1 27 0 I n g r i d Aa l h o m Senior Market Adviser I lead the team within also works with the I I orway that covers the offshore sector oil gas and marine . orway O, renewables, power, marine and infrastructure. he team n ri Aalh enio a e d ise I lead the team within UKTI orway that covers the offshore sector (oil gas and marine). The team also works with the UKTI orway H , renewables, power, marine and infrastructure. ia UKTI Russia British Embassy 10 Smolenskaya nabere hnaya 1210 Moscow Russia B ritish Embassy Moscow +7 121099 4 7200 Smolenskaya nabere hnaya ar e r ni ie Russia • • • • • • • • • • M a r k e t O p p o r tu n itie s : eservoir seismic solutions I e uipment O S e uipment fixed mobile drilling rigs, hydraulic fracturing pressure pumps, coil tubing systems, well servicing e uipment, cementing units Reservoir seismic solutions (IT equipment) E uipment fortubing L production and transportation FS equipment (fixed mobile drilling rigs, hydraulic fracturing ptechnologies ressure pumps, coil systems, well servicing equipment, cementing uPumping nits) and booster stations for pipelines Equipment technologies for L G production and transportation as engine sector technologies umping and booster stations for pipelines echnologies e uipment for refineries upgrading Gas engine sector technologies echnologies e uipment for petrochemical plants Technologies equipment for refineries upgrading Technologies equipment for petrochemical plants Engineering project management consideration of concept, pre EED, EED, EPC EPCM Engineering project management (consideration pre FEED, FEED, E C E CM) Oil of concept, as education training il Gas education training Oil as sector recruitment services il Gas sector recruitment services G a ry H u n t Head of Team, Energy his is my second tour of duty working in ussia. I am currently responsible for promoting British goods and services to ussia for Energy and Consumer goods. Prior to ussia, I worked in the British Embassy in Egypt as the Deputy Director of I Egypt where I was responsible for energy and other sectors. During my working life, I have held a number of public and private positions linked to creative industries. ar 40 n| Head of ea ne I Commercial Officers This is my second tour of duty working in Russia. I am currently responsible for promoting British E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 UKTI Uganda E r ic O la n y a Windsor Loop Lincoln Lane P.O. Box Kampala Uganda Head, UK Trade and Investment, Kampala, Uganda E I C | CON N ECT Eric Olanya is the ead of rade and Investment at the British igh Commission in ampala, Uganda responsible for providing support to UK companies interested in doing business in Uganda. A section head, he is responsible for ganda trade development, in particular developing opportunities in the oil and gas sector and leads on strategic partnerships with UK companies in large projects. Oil & Gas 2014 Eric holds a Bachelors degree in Engineering, a post graduate diploma in Management and rade and is currently studying an MSc in Petroleum Engineering. Over the years Head ade and n es en a a a International anda he has developed a good understanding of the economic and political climate in ganda, market Eric lanya is the Head of UK Trade and Investment at the British High Commission in Kampala, and investment opportunities and understands the needs of companies in doing business Uganda responsible for providing support to trends, UK companies interested in doing business in Uganda. A in Uganda. section head, he is responsible for UK Uganda trade development, in particular developing ri lan a ri opportunities in the oil and gas sector and leads on strategic partnerships with UK companies in large projects. Eric holds a Bachelors degree in Engineering, a post graduate diploma in Management and International lan a Trade and is currently studying an MSc in etroleum Engineering. ver the years he has developed a good understanding of the economic and political climate in Uganda, market trends, and investment opportunities and understands the needs of UK companies in doing business in Uganda. UKTI USA ade and n es Head en a a a anda SA Eric lanya is the Head of UK Trade and Investment at the British High Commission in Kampala, M a r k e t O p p o r tu n itie s : British Consulate eneral Britishresponsible Consulate-General Louisiana, Suite 1900, TX 77002 |iTel: + 1 713 210 business in Uganda. A Uganda for | p1000 roviding support to Houston UK companies nterested in 4141 doing 1000 Louisiana section head, he is responsible for UK Uganda trade development, in particular developing According to the US Energy Information Agency, over the to next US domestic crude oil Agency, over the next According the10 years, S Energy Information years, S domestic crude oil Suite opportunities n the oto il abe nd gas s.7 ector and leads on sin trategic partnerships with UK companies in large production is iexpected about million barrels per 2020. to Even a projected production isday expected bewith about . million barrels per day in . Even with a projected decline Houston decline after 2020, U.S. crude oil production is expected to remain above .1 million barrels per projects. after , .S. crude oil production is expected to remain above . million barrels per day through day through 20 . This projected production rate is attributed to developments of tight oil and the 2035. This projected production rate is attributed to developments of tight oil and the developments developments in the Gulf of Mexico. Eric holds a Bachelors degree in Engineering, a post graduate diploma in Management and in the Gulf of Mexico. el International Trade and is currently studying an MSc in etroleum Engineering. ver the years he has developed a good understanding of tR he e eg conomic climate in Uganda, market trends, and i n a J o ah nd n s political o n investment opportunities and understands t he n eeds o f U K c ompanies in doing business in Uganda. US Energy Sector Lead SA egina ohnson was appointed S Energy Sector Lead in August . She has over five years of experience supporting companies in the S market. She holds an MBA and certification in ProjectSuite Management PMP .TX 77002 | Tel: + 1 713 210 4141 British Consulate-General | 1000 Louisiana, 1900, Houston According to the US Energy Information Agency, over the next 10 years, US domestic crude oil e ina hn n production is expected to be about .7 million barrels per day in 2020. Even with a projected ne e o ead decline after 2020, U.S. crude oil production is expected to remain above .1 million barrels per day Regina through 2 0 . T his p rojected p roduction r ate i s a ttributed t o d evelopments of tight oil and the ohnson was appointed US Energy Sector Lead in August 2014. She has over five years of experience s upporting U K c ompanies i n t he U S m arket. S he h olds a n M BA a nd c ertification i n roject developments in the Gulf of Mexico. UK Export Finance Management ( M ). r inan e We are the s export credit agency. We help exporters by providing insurance to exporters and guarantees to banks to share the risks of providing export finance. In addition, we can make loans to overseas buyers of goods and services from the UK. UK Export Finance is the operating name of the Export Credits uarantee Department EC D . 1 Horse Guards Road London 1 Horse Guards Road SW A Q London SW1A 2HQ +44 (0) 20 7271 8000 I Commercial Officers e ina hn n We are the UK’s export credit agency. We help UK exporters by providing insurance to exporters and ne e o ead guarantees to banks to share the risks of providing export finance. In addition, we can make loans to | 41 E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 3M Oil & Gas A6 3M Centre Cain Road B racknell RG12 8HT United Kingdom Tel: Email: Website: Contact: AMEC Group Ltd Lingfield ouse, Lingfield Point Darlington, County Durham DL11RW United Kingdom Tel: Email: Website: Contact: +44 (0)7771 942 054 [email protected] www.3Moilandgas.co.uk Kirstie Heneghan 3M technology offers a wealth of solutions for the oil and gas industry. From personal safety equipment, abrasives and adhesives, electrical connectors, fire and corrosion protection, flow assurance and filtration products, to advanced materials that reduce the density of downhole cements and technical ceramic sand screens. ABB Limited A7 +44 (0)1325 744 400 [email protected] www.amec.com John Copping AMEC is one of the world’s leading engineering, project management and consultancy companies. Our goal is to deliver profitable, safe and sustainable projects and services for our customers in the oil and gas, minerals and metals, clean energy, environment and infrastructure markets, including sectors that play a vital role in the global and national economies and in people’s everyday lives. We design, deliver and maintain strategic assets for our customers, offering services which extend from environmental and front end engineering design before the start of a project to decommissioning at the end of an asset’s life. Anixter Limited ead Office Daresbury Park Warrington WA4 4B T United Kingdom Wire & Cable EMEA Headquarters Unit A, The B eacons B irchwood Park, B irchwood Warrington WA3 6GP United Kingdom Tel: Email: Website: Contact: Tel: Email: Website: Contact: +44 (0)1952 462 137 [email protected] www.abb.co.uk/ oilandgas B eata Dustow AB B provide electrical, instrumentation, control and telecoms systems, lifecycle services and consultancy. Our broad portfolio of systems and services improve plant productivity, minimize costs throughout the complete lifecycle and extend equipment or asset life. ABB your partner in safe, reliable, efficient operations for today and tomorrow. 42 | Exhibitor S p o n s o r Profiles A5 +44 (0)1224 275 680 [email protected] www.anixter.com Gordon Macpherson Anixter are more than a leading global distributor of communications infrastructure, speciality wire and cable, security and OEM supply fastener products. As risk reducers, complexity experts and customisation specialists, we help you make decisions that maximise savings, simplify execution and get the right products when and where you need them. E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 Appleton A.T.X. A20 AVEVA S p o n s o r A3 0 E I C | CON N ECT Emerson Industrial Automation. Appleton Group – A.T.X . S A Q uayside, Chatham Maritime Chatham, Kent ME4 4Q Z United Kingdom Tel: Email: Website: Contact: +44 (0)7710 300 824 [email protected] www.emerson.com B ryan Jackson Tel: Email: Website: Contact: A.T.X . is a premium line of hazardous area products under the Appleton Group brand – Lighting, Plugs & Receptacles, Junction B oxes and Enclosures, Control S tations, Panelboards and more. Contractors, engineers and electricians trust Appleton Group brands to make electrical installations safer, more productive and more reliable. Appleton Group is a division of Emerson Industrial Automation Ashcroft Instruments A4 2 William James House Cowley Road Cambridge CB 4 0WX United Kingdom Tel: Email: Website: Contact: High Cross Madingley Road Cambridge CB 3 0HB United Kingdom +44 (0)1223 395 500 [email protected] www.ashcroft.com John Carmody Ashcroft® is a worldwide manufacturer of pressure and temperature instruments. They can be found in oil and gas facilities, pharmaceutical labs, medical applications, semiconductor facilities, refineries, power generation plants, food processing plants, pulp and paper mills, chemical manufacturing plants and the host of support companies that serve these industries. Oil & Gas 2014 +44 (0)1246 572 300 [email protected] www.aveva.com Jodie B rown AV EV A provides the world’s marine, oil & gas, power and process industries with integrated, best-in-class engineering design, construction and asset management solutions. The A E A solutions are proven to enable the most efficient execution, handover and operation of engineering challenges including small upgrades, complex major projects and long-term asset performance. Babcock International S p o n s o r Arundel House Rosyth B usiness Park, Rosyth Dunfermiline, Fife, KY 11 2Y D S cotland Tel: +44 (0)1383 412 131 Email: [email protected] Website: www.babcock.co.uk For over a century, B abcock has been a name synonymous with ultra-reliable engineering excellence. Today, B abcock is the UK’s leading engineering support services organisation with revenue of circa £ 3bn in 2010 and an order book in excess of £ 12 billion. Defence, energy, telecommunications, transport and education are all sectors where B abcock can be found working diligently behind the scenes, delivering critical support. Our services are underpinned by three core capabilities: Managing Assets and Infrastructure Delivering Projects and Programmes Integrating Engineering Expertise Exhibitor Profiles | 43 E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 BARTEC A5 1 A3 3 Unit 22 West S tone, B erry Hill Industrial Estate Droitwich, Worcestershire WR9 9AS United Kingdom Arundel House Holinsbrook Park Pilsworth Road, B ury B L9 8RN United Kingdom Tel: Email: Website: Contact: Bergen Pipe Supports Tel: Email: Website: Contact: +44 (0)8444 992 710 [email protected] www.bartec.co.uk Kevin Morris +44 (0)1905 795 500 [email protected] www.pipesupports.com Marí a-Jesú s Menchaca G lo b a l S u p p lie r o f P ip e S u p p o r t E q u ip m e n t B ARTEC is able to provide custom solutions for Hazardous Area equipment as well as off the shelf product lines for use in the Power Generation and Mining industries. B ergen Pipe S upports is a global operation combining the best engineering solutions with the highest level of technical and commercial excellence. With a network of 6 manufacturing plants in Europe, B ARTEC is the o. in the field of Explosion Protection in Europe. With sales and manufacturing plants across Europe, US A, Thailand and India, the company meets the exacting requirements of the power generation, oil, gas, petro-chemical, LN G and renewables industry worldwide. BEKA associates Ltd A14 Bodycote Surface Technology Old Charlton Road Hitchin, Hertfordshire S G5 2DA United Kingdom S pringwood Court, S pringwood Close Tytherington B usiness Park ytherington, Macclesfield Cheshire, S K10 2X F United Kingdom Tel: Email: Website: Contact: Tel: Email: Website: Contact: +44 (0) 1462 438 301 [email protected] www.beka.co.uk Dave Turner B EKA associates is an independent B ritish company dedicated to the design and manufacture of panel or field mounted indicators and displays. Rugged designs and IP66 enclosures with a 3 year warranty for hazardous area or general applications. N ew products include a loop powered 4-20mA S et Point Generator and Rate Totaliser. 44 | Exhibitor & conventional to Profiles A3 6 +44 (0) 1625 505 380 S [email protected] www.bodycote.com S ue Jones B odycote S urface Technology provides a vital link in the manufacturing supply chain, offering Coating Technology from internationally accredited facilities around the world. The Oil & Gas industry’s most respected companies recognise the benefits of services provided by Bodycote, through wealth of knowledge, expertise, renowned quality and service that keep B odycote at the leading edge of engineering technology. E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 Bray Controls (UK) Ltd C15 Carpenter & Paterson Ltd A25 E I C | CON N ECT Crown Works Welshpool S Y 21 7B E United Kingdom 16-18 Fountain Crescent Inchinnan B usiness Park Inchinnan PA4 9RE United Kingdom Tel: Email: Website: Contact: Tel: Email: Website: Contact: +44 (0)1418 125 199 Y [email protected] www.bray.com Y vonne S tewart B ray Controls is a global supplier of Flow Control products. Our Oil as portfolio includes resilient seated butterfly, resilient & metal seated HPB V , B all & Check valves. B ray TriLok, a Triple Eccentric V alve. Oil & Gas 2014 +44 (0)1938 552 061 S [email protected] www.cp-ltd.co.uk S teve Lewis Carpenter & Paterson Ltd are specialists in the design and supply of Pipe S uspension Equipment and associated steelwork fabrication. Established in the UK in 1956 Carpenter & Paterson has become established as one of the world’s leading Pipe S upport Companies. Our range is complimented by pneumatic actuation and accessories, including the S 98 S cotch Y oke actuator. Bronkhorst UK Limited A26 Tel: Email: Website: Contact: +44 (0)1223 833 222 a.fick bronkhorst.co.uk www.B ronkhorst.co.uk Anthony Fick I N - L I N E M AS S F L O W A1 31 Metcalfe Road S kippers Lane Industrial Estate Middlesbrough TS 6 6PT United Kingdom 1 Kings Court Willie S naith Road N ewmarket CB 8 7TG United Kingdom Tel: Email Website: Contact: CCG Cable Terminations Ltd M E AS U R E M E N T AN D CO N T R O L As the European market leader in mass flow measurement and control, B ronkhorst continue to extend their designs for Oil & Gas applications. Gas meter/ controllers are available from to with flow rates from . mln min to m hour and pressure rating to 700 bar. Liquid meter/ controllers are available from 0.5 grams/ hour to 1000’s kilograms/ hour. +44 (0)1642 430 346 [email protected] www.ccgcablegland.co.uk Tony Murray CCG is recognised as one of the major specialised manufacturers of cable glands and junction for industrial and hazardous areas. Discerning engineers recognise CCG’s products for their time saving and safety features. The simplicity of the “ Captive Components” design means that no matter where CCG products are being installed, the simplest of instructions ensure that all the parts are correctly fitted. This concept is very important for installations in developing countries where unskilled labour is often used. Exhibitor Profiles | 45 E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 Cleveland Cable Company Ltd C27 Riverside Park Road Middlesborough TS 2 1Q W United Kingdom Tel: Email: Website: Contact: Established in 1978, Cleveland Cable Company has grown to be the foremost distributor of electrical cables in the UK. We stock an extensive range of cables for various sectors and applications plus accessories and assemblies. We have 8 branches around the UK to deliver to our customers quickly and efficiently. A3 36 N elson Way N elson Park East Cramlington N E23 1WH United Kingdom Tel: Email: Website: Contact: +44 (0)191 265 7411 [email protected] www.cmp-products.com Jade Appleby For almost 60 years, CMP Products has continued to have an international reputation for Q uality and Reliability across the industry and is regarded as a world leader in the field of Industrial and Explosive Atmosphere Cable land, Connector, Cleat and Accessory design and manufacture. 46 | Exhibitor Profiles C19 Concrete Canvas Ltd. Unit 3, B lock A22 S evern Rd. Treforest Ind. Estate Pontypridd CF37 5S P +44 (0)1642 241 133 [email protected] www.clevelandcable.com Claire Q uinn CMP Products Limited Concrete Canvas Ltd Tel: Email: Website: Contact: +44 (0)845 680 1908 [email protected] www.concretecanvas.com Phill Greer Essentially concrete on a roll, it has a number of applications including lining secondary containment bunds, tertiary containment lagoons, providing weed suppression and lining drainage channels. Crowcon Detection Instruments A3 4 172 B rook Drive Milton Park Abingdon OX 14 4S D United Kingdom Tel: Email: Website: Contact: +44 (0)1235 557 710 [email protected] www.crowcon.com Jo Papworth Crowcon, experts in gas detection, make gas detection instruments for oxygen, flammable and toxic gas ha ards. Fixed gas detectors protect plant; portable gas monitors protect people; and control panels integrate gas detection into engineered fire and gas fixed systems. E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 Doosan Babcock C14 CI Tower High S treet N ew Malden London KT3 4DN United Kingdom Porterfield oad Renfrew Renfrewshire Glasgow PA4 8DJ United Kingdom Tel: Email: Website: Contact: Tel: Email: Website: Contact: +44 (0) 7943 502 447 [email protected] www.doosanbabcock.com Jonathan B rindley Doosan B abcock is a world leader in the delivery of engineering and asset management services to the oil, gas and petrochemical sectors. Using the latest technologies, bestin-class engineering expertise and an industry leading project management capability, we build, maintain and maximize the life and efficiency of customer assets worldwide. Dräger A3 9 Ulswater Close B lyth Riverside B usiness Park B lyth, N orthumberland N E24 4RG United Kingdom Tel: Email: Website: Contact: Dresser-Rand +44 (0)1670 352 891 [email protected] www.draeger.com Gareth S mith Drä ger has a wide range of safety solutions for the Oil and Gas industry including fixed gas and flame detection, portable gas detection, breathing apparatus and escape equipment. Drä ger also offers service and rental options as well as on-site training and workshop facilities from a wide range of locations. A3 8 E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 +44 (0)20 8336 7300 [email protected] www.dresser-rand.com Duncan Reed Dresser-Rand is among the largest global suppliers of customengineered rotating equipment solutions for the worldwide oil, gas and energy infrastructures. We provide a wide array of products including centrifugal and reciprocating gas compressors, gas and steam turbines, gas and diesel engines, to our worldwide client base in more than 150 countries from our global locations. Ellis Patents A9 High S t Rillington Y O17 8LA United Kingdom Tel: Email: Website: Contact: +44 (0)7854 794 810 [email protected] www.ellispatents.co.uk Paul N olan Ellis Patents is the world’s leading designer and manufacturer of safety critical cable cleating systems, used to restrain power cables in case of short circuit faults. Our products are used globally on the biggest power, infrastructure, oil and gas, military and commercial projects. We protect your world, without fail. Exhibitor Profiles | 47 E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 Emtec Laboratories A3 1 Faraday Avenue Hams Hall Distribution Park Coleshill B irmingham B 46 1PT United Kingdom Downton S tables, Downton S hrewsbury S hropshire, S Y 4 4PL United Kingdom Tel: Email Website: Contact: +44 (0)1743 709 480 fiona noisebreaker.co.uk www.noisebreaker.co.uk Fiona Edwards Tel: +44 (0)7595 125 170, +44 (0)7836 342 443 Email: [email protected] Contacts: Mehrdad Esfandiari Emtec Laboratories manufacture and supply N OIS EB REAKERS , personally moulded hearing protection. Emtec has the experience and capability to supply direct to the oil and gas industry worldwide. The N oisebreakers can be worn comfortably all day, in combination with other PPE. They are the environmental choice, as they are manufactured from silicone, which has no adverse effect on the environment. Energy Energy Focus Focus C11 C11 Excel Publishing Company Ltd th Floor, loor, Manchester One 6th 53 Portland S Street treet Manchester M1 3LD United Kingdom el Tel: +44 (0)161 236 2782 Email im.cariss excelpublishing.co.uk Energy Focus is a biennial EIC publication available to Website: www.excelpublishing.co.uk members and non-members that contains industry news, Contact im Cariss regional contracting activity and trends from the energy industries globally. Energy ocus is the flagship bi annual publication from the EIC dedicated to actively promoting the views and addressing the interests of its member companies throughout the energy sector. It includes leading editorial and market reports along with opportunities for companies to promote themselves to the targeted distribution. 48 | Exhibitor Profiles E.ON UK Hams Hall Calibration Laboratory C21 Laboratory Calibration of Flow devices and V alve CV testing. UKAS accredited. Flow measurement uncertainty of 0.1% . E q u ip m e n t alves, low meters including, orifice plates, venturi meters, nozzles & V cones. Electromagnetic, turbine, ultrasonic and coriolis mass flow meters. Flow rates up to 5808 GPM, using cold or hot water. Exloc Instruments (UK) Limited C28 59b High S treet Uppermill Oldham OL3 6AP United Kingdom Tel: Email: Website: Contact: +44 (0)1457 239 301 [email protected] www.exloc.co.uk Andrew Tither Exloc Instruments are a provider of harsh and hazardous (Ex) instrumentation products for the process industries, specialising in the supply of interfacing, display and alarm solutions. We work with market leading suppliers to provide cost effective, high quality solutions for your application requirements. E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 More More than than just just Certifi Certification cation Oil & Gas E I C | CON N ECT 2014 Information: Information: Our web site contains lots of useful information, including links to relevant ATEX and IECEx Our web sitefor contains lotsthe of history useful information, includingstatus links to ATEX andVisit IECEx documents, example of the harmonisation ofrelevant major standards. the documents, for example the history of the harmonisation status of major standards. Visit the downloads section at www.baseefa.com downloads section at www.baseefa.com Training: Training: Our portfolio of training courses is unsurpassed and includes courses for those new to the Our portfolio of training courses is unsurpassed andto includes fordetailed those new to the Ex environment or needing a brush up in the basics coursescourses covering subjects Ex environment or needing a brush up in the basics to courses covering detailed subjects such as Area Classification. Visit the Training Courses sub-tag of the Services section at such as Area Classification. Visit the Training Courses sub-tag of the Services section at www.baseefa.com www.baseefa.com Advice: Advice: Our customers value our unbiased advice on how the standards apply to their particular Our customers value ourseven unbiased advice on how involved the standards toof their particular product or service. With individuals directly in theapply writing Ex related product or service. individuals involved in the writing no of Ex related standards, and withWith overseven 300 years total Exdirectly experience in the company, other standards, with 300 years total Ex experience in the company, no other Certificationand Body inover the world can place more knowledge at your disposal. Certification Body in the world can place more knowledge at your disposal. Certification: Certifi This is ourcation: core business, where the name of SGS Baseefa on a certificate can be your This is ourtocore business, the name of SGS Baseefa on a certificate can be your passport European andwhere International sales. passport to European and International sales. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ATEX Product Certification ATEX cation Files ATEX Product ServicesCertifi for Technical ATEX for Technical Files ATEX Services Quality Assurance Notifi cation ATEX Quality Assurance Notifi IECEx Product Certification cation IECEx Certification IECEx Product Service Facility Certification IECEx Service Facility Certification IECEx Personnel Competence Certification IECEx Personnel Competence Certification IECEx Certification Mark Licencing IECEx cation Mark Licencing IECEx Certifi QAR Services IECEx QAR Services Whatever your Ex needs SGS Baseefa is here Whatever your Ex needs SGS Baseefa is here “helping to make the world safer” “helping to make the world safer” www.baseefa.com www.baseefa.com www.sgs.com www.sgs.com Exhibitor Profiles | 49 E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 F.H. Bertling Ltd. A12 5th Floor Y ork House Empire Way Middlesex Wembley London HA9 0PA United Kingdom Tel: Email: Website: Contact: B ertling plans globally and performs locally. With its network of offices Bertling is uni uely positioned to provide full range of logistics services executed to the highest technical standards. B ertling uses robust systems, experienced personnel and puts together teams dedicated to your business. For almost 150 years B ertling’s innovation has delivered operational excellence. A4 5 329 Putney B ridge Rd London S W15 2PG United Kingdom Tel: Email Website Contact: +44 (0)2087 041 807 mike.brodie firevaultsystems.com www.firevaultsystems.com Mike B rodie Firevault S ystems provide safe and secure storage of all your flammable and ha ardous materials. Our new irevault range is the World s first fully D . certified module, ensuring compliance to the highest safety standards, protecting company assets, personnel and production. Reduce risk, Reduce liability, Reduce downtime. 50| Exhibitor Profiles C20 Gemini House B runel Road Churchfields Industrial Estate S alisbury Wiltshire S P2 7PU United Kingdom +44 (0)208 782 2060 [email protected] www.bertling.com Colin MacIsaac Firevault Systems Ltd Flowplant Group Ltd Tel: Email Website Contacts: +44 (0)1722 325 424 Alistair.hiscock flowplant.com www.flowplant.com Alistair Hiscock Manufacturers of Harben and Aqua high pressure systems we specialise in hydrostatic fill test rigs, umbilical flushing units and HPU’s, with a design capability up to 2000 bar. We have a large range of standard products and a bespoke engineering facility working to ATEX , DN V 2.7-1 and N orsok Z15 standards amongst others. Achilles First Point Assessment Limited A16 30 Western Avenue Milton Park Abingdon Oxfordshire OX 14 4S H United Kingdom Tel: Email: Website: Contact: +44 (0)1224 337 534 [email protected] www.achilles.com Monika Ziaber Achilles FPAL is a supplier management community used by major buying organisations within the Oil & Gas sector. It enables the oil & gas sector to use Achilles’ proven supplier preualification system to identify, pre ualify and assess suppliers for tender opportunities and minimise risk within their supply chains. E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 Heatric A3 2 Honeywell Analytics A2 E I C | CON N ECT Life S afety Distribution AG Javastrasse 2 Hegnau, 8604 S witzerland Oil & Gas 2014 46 Holton Road Holton Heath Poole B H16 6LT United Kingdom Tel: Email: Website: Contact: Tel: Email: Website: Contact: +44 (0)1202 627 000 [email protected] www.heatric.com Rachael Hamilton Heatric, a Meggitt company, is the market leading supplier of highly compact diffusion-bonded heat exchangers. We serve the largest oil, gas and petrochemical companies in the world with thousands of Heatric exchangers having been installed worldwide over the last 25 years. Hertel S p o n s o r 3 Abbots Park Preston B rook Runcorn, Cheshire WA7 3GH United Kingdom Tel: Email: Website: Contact: +44 (0)1472 359 369 [email protected] www.hertel.co.uk Ian B irtles Hertel is a leading, international industrial services company supporting customers in the Oil & Gas, Process and Energy industries, with a coordinated range of customized solutions centered around access, insulation, corrosion protection, mechanical and pipework fabrication. Our strength lies in extensive experience in our fields of business, combined with excellence in continuously improving safety, reliability and operational performance. +44 (0)7734 917 057 [email protected] www.honeywellanalytics.com Jonathon Exon oneywell Analytics is a World leader in flame and gas detection solutions. We offer a comprehensive range of fixed and portable options designed to suit all application needs and budgets; from low-cost compliance through to high functionality devices designed for use in the most hazardous environment. HVPD A18 High V oltage Partial Discharge Ltd 128 Metroplex B usiness Park B roadway MediaCityUK S alford M50 2UW United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)161 877 6142 Email: [email protected] Website: www.hvpd.co.uk HV PD are experts in the growing industry of on-line partial discharge (OLPD) condition monitoring of in-service, medium voltage (MV ) and high voltage (HV ) networks. We offer a complete range of OLPD diagnostic test and monitoring equipment to provide an ‘ early warning’ of ‘ incipient’ high voltage insulation faults. Exhibitor Profiles | 51 E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 Imtex Controls Ltd A17 LEEA PO B ox 23 S hipbourne Road Tonbridge TN 11 9N Y United Kingdom 3 Osprey Court ingfisher Way Hinchingbrooke B usiness Park Huntingdon, PE29 6FN United Kingdom Tel: Email: Website: Contact: Tel: Email: Website: Contact: +44 (0)8700 340 002 [email protected] www.imtex-controls.com Henry Downes Imtex Controls (founded in 1990) is an independent privately owned producer/ supplier of high integrity pneumatic and hydraulic valve / damper actuation equipment and ancillary control systems, sold primarily into the oil and gas (onshore and offshore), power generation and marine industries. KMI C24 +1 416 410 4817 ex 2140 jhaydock kminnovations.com [email protected] www.kminnovations.com / uk ames Haydock aydock James MI provides environment, health, safety and sustainability KMI software with a focus on user adoption and program success. he system will help you immediately gain visibility, control risk The ation. See and improve performance within your organi organization. S ee for MI has an unbroken track record of success. yourself why KMI 52 | Exhibitor +44 (0)1480 432 801 [email protected] www.leeaint.com Keith Tonge We are the respected and authoritative representative body for our Members who work in every aspect of the industry, from design; manufacture, refurbishment, repair, hire, maintenance and use of lifting equipment. Legrand Electric Ltd A4 7 Great King S treet N orth B irmingham B 19 2LF United Kingdom 586 Argus Road SSuite uite 103,, Oakville Oakville, Ontario L 3J3,, Canada L6J el Tel: Email Email: Website: Contact Contact: A4 9 Profiles Tel: Email: Website: Contact: +44 (0)121 515 0522 Jonathan.S [email protected] www.legrand.co.uk Jonathan S awyer Legrand is a world leading manufacturer of cable management systems. Its S wifts cable ladder and perforated tray, S alamandre distribution trunking and Cablofil steel wire tray ranges have been specified and installed by the oil and gas industry in projects across the globe. E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 Lokring Northern Imtex Controls Ltd C25 A17 LEEA Magnetrol International A4A49 E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 Unit 5 B lock 2 B ox 23 Road SPO outerhead Altens Industrial S hipbourne RoadEstate Aberdeen Tonbridge AB TN 12 11 9N3LR Y United United Kingdom Kingdom Tel: Tel: Email: Email: Website: Website: Contact: Contact: Unit 1 Regent 3 Osprey CourtB usiness Centre ingfisher Way Jubilee Road B usiness Park BHinchingbrooke urgess Hill Huntingdon, West S ussexPE29 6FN United9TL Kingdom RH15 +44 (0)1224 878 877 +44 (0)8700 340 002 [email protected] [email protected] www.lokring.com www.imtex-controls.com Ross Millar Henry Downes Lokring is a FAS TER, S AFER, LOWER COS T alternative to pipe Imtex Controls (founded in 1990) is an independent privately welding. owned producer/ supplier of high integrity pneumatic and he Lokring mechanical fitting produces a permanent weld hydraulic valve / damper actuation equipment and ancillary equivalent pipe connection, eliminating the need for hotwork, control systems, sold primarily into the oil and gas (onshore and N DT and the associated health and safety issues. offshore), power generation and marine industries. Lokring fittings are code ualified to ASME B . and B and other industry standards. Lund Halsey Console Systems KMI Limited C24 C23 586 Argus Road S uite 103, Oakville Gatehouse Close Oakville, Ontario Aylesbury L6J 3J3, Canada HP19 8DE United Kingdom Tel: +1 416 410 4817 ex 2140 Tel: +44 (0)1296 489 964 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Website: www.kminnovations.com / uk Website: www.lundhalsey.com Contact: Lakshan James Haydock Contact: V inod Lund Halsey environment, designs, manufactures and and installs technical KMI provides health, safety sustainability furniture for specialist process control software and with related a focus accessories on user adoption and program success. room environment in the Power, Oil and Gas industries. The system will help you immediately gain visibility, control risk and improve performance within your organization. S ee for Our control room designs are based on the principals of the why has an unbroken track of success. ISyourself O11064 theKMI international standard forrecord the design of control United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1480 432 801 Email: [email protected] Tel: +44 (0)1444 871 313 Website: www.leeaint.com Email: [email protected] Contact: Keith Tonge Website: www.magnetrol.com Contact: Richard Jeynes As the innovator of the first magnetic li uid level switch and pioneer of today s level and flow technology breakthroughs, MAGN manufactures instrumentation that is more We areETROL the respected and authoritative representative body for intelligent, more reliable and simpler to install and operate – our Members who work in every aspect of the industry, from making it far more easy for you to improve safety, drive efficiency design; manufacture, refurbishment, repair, hire, maintenance and business. and grow use ofyour lifting equipment. Legrand Electric Ltd OilCareers.com A4A87 22 Abercrombie Court Arnhall B usiness Great King S treetPark N orth Westhill B irmingham Aberdeenshire B 19 2LF AB 32 6FE United Kingdom United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)121 515 0522 Tel: +44 (0)[email protected] 548 080 Email: Jonathan.S Email: Website: [email protected] www.legrand.co.uk Website: Contact: www.oilcareers.com Jonathan S awyer Contact: Ashleigh Pirie Legrand is a world leading manufacturer of cable management OilCareers.com is the leading online job board for thousands of systems. Oil and Gas industry professionals across the globe. Its S wifts cable ladder and perforated tray, S alamandre With over 1.6 million registered users and over 1 million CV s/ distribution trunking and Cablofil steel wire tray ranges have Resumes it’s clear to see why OilCareers is the giant name in been specified and installed by the oil and gas industry in Oil and Gas jobs. projects across the globe. rooms our Centra command console range is compliant to the above standard and offers unrivalled flexibility for control rooms. For more information visit our website www.lundhalsey.com Exhibitor Pr ofiles | 53 E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 Industrial Safety Technologies Group (Oldham Gas) C22 Oxifree UK 25 Cochran Close Crownhill Milton Keynes MK8 0AJ United Kingdom 5 Glenholme Park B runel Drive N ewark N ottinghamshire N G24 2EG United Kingdom Tel: Email: Website: Contact: Tel: Email: Website: Contact: +44 (0)7753 437 799 [email protected] www.industrialsafetytechnologies.com Leon White is made up of a group of companies strongly committed to developing the newest innovations in industrial safety solutions. Detcon and Gas Measurement Instruments (GMI) provide IS T with a solid foundation of fixed and portable gas detection solutions; S imtronics is a world class provider of sophisticated gas and flame detection systems for onshore and offshore industries; and Oldham is also a global leader in flame and gas detection backed by more than 100 years of gas detection experience. Orbital C29 +44 (0)1785 857 000 [email protected] www.orbital-uk.com Amanda Mcging Orbital is a specialist gas engineering company, delivering integrated instrumentation and engineered solutions to the gas utilities, industrial process and environmental industries. In the past 25 years we have grown from being a small specialist subcontractor, into one of the largest system integration providers in the UK industrial gas market. 54 | Exhibitor +44 (0)3303 300 004 [email protected] www.oxifree.co.uk Richard Woodward Oxifree UK have designed an anti-corrosion coating that is environmentally safe, clean, EX -Rated and very cost effective compared to traditional techniques. The thermo-plastic corrosion protection and prevention system is applicable to a range of metal substrates, providing 15+ year’s protection to a substrate with established corrosion or new equipment. It can be removed and reused to eliminate waste, leaving no residue and provide substantial cost savings over traditional coating methods. Pepperl+Fuchs A11 77 Ripponden Road Oldham OL1 4EL United Kingdom Cold Meece S tone S taffordshire S T15 0Q N United Kingdom Tel: Email: Website: Contact: A5 0 Profiles Tel: Email: Website: Contact: +44 (0)161 633 6431 [email protected] www.pepperl-fuchs.co.uk S haron Webster Pepperl+Fuchs is the undisputed market leader in intrinsically safe explosion protection components and offers a complete range of solutions for hazardous areas and critical applications. Our wide product portfolio includes isolated barriers, fieldbus infrastructure solutions, remote I/ O systems, purge panels, HMI solutions and hazardous area enclosures for increased safety and flameproof applications. E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 Portwest Clothing Ltd A4 3 Raytec C16 E I C | CON N ECT Fields End B usiness Park Thurnscoe S outh Y orkshire S 63 0JF United Kingdom Unit 3 Wansbeck B usiness Park Rotary Parkway Ashington N orthumberland N E63 8Q W United Kingdom Tel: Email: Website: Contact: Tel: Email: Website: Contact: Oil & Gas 2014 +44 (0)1709 894 575 [email protected] www.portwest.com Richard Jones Portwest are a leader in the design and manufacture of an extensive range of workwear, safety footwear, flame resistant clothing, gloves and PPE. We have 214 new products, most of which have been specifically designed for the Oil and as industry. isit stand A or www.portwest.com to find out more. Pressure Tech Ltd A5 2 Unit 24, Graphite Way adfield Glossop Derbyshire S K13 1Q H United Kingdom Tel: Email: Website: Contact: +44 (0)1457 899 307 [email protected] www.pressure-tech.com S teve Y orke-Robinson At Pressure Tech, we offer a complete range of high quality pressure regulators all designed and manufactured to IS O9001:2008 standards at our UK facilities in Glossop, Derbyshire. We work closely with our customers to ensure they achieve the specific control they re uire on their system. +44 (0)1670 520 055 [email protected] www.raytecled.com Callum Ryder Raytec are specialists in lighting and have recently launched S PARTAN , a new range of LED Hazardous Area lights. S PARTAN is ATEX and IEC Ex approved and is designed and manufactured in the UK. With a full range which includes S PARTAN Flood, Linear, B ulkhead and Transportable, Raytec have a solution for any application. Red Dragon Limited A3 7 Unit 15 Abergorki Industrial Estate Y nyswen Road, Treorchy S outh Wales, CF42 6DL United Kingdom. Tel: Email: Website: Contact: +44 (0)1443 772 500 [email protected] www.reddragonvalves.co.uk Jerry Cook Red Dragon is a valve specialist dedicated to providing high quality innovative solutions that allow a reduction in plant operating costs through off-the-shelf or bespoke designs. Our high performance solenoid valves, pilot valves, airsets, actuation ancillaries and condition monitoring equipment offer proven European manufacturing quality and reliability with ATEX certification. Exhibitor Profiles | 55 E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 Rigzone S p o n s o r A8 Tel: Email: Website: Contact: +44 (0)2079 977 614 [email protected] www.rigzone.com Mike Mahon Rigzone is one of the world’s largest news and job sites in oil & gas. Whether you’re a candidate seeking to build your career, or if you’re part of the supply chain and looking to enhance your branding or recruitment, discover how ig one can benefit you today. Rolevet Ltd A23 +44 (0)7769 144 851 [email protected] www.rrdonnelley.com/ languagesolutions Elliotte Jacobs RR Donnelley Language S olutions is a leading global provider of multilingual communication services and a trusted partner of major energy and offshore products. Through our worldwide network of offices, we deliver translation, interpretation, document creation services and language technology in over 140 languages. Schoeller-Bleckmann Stainless Tube & Pipe C17 Ashland S treet Wolverhampton WV 3 0B N United Kingdom European B usiness Park Taylors Lane Oldbury West Midlands B 69 2B N United Kingdom Tel: Email: Website: Contact: Tel: Email: Website: Contact: +44 (01902 421 252 [email protected] www.rolevet.com Dave Gledhill Rolevet are a leading manufacturer of specialist industrial fasteners, specialising in N on-standard and bespoke to customer specifications. Manufacturing from specialist alloys, Duplex S tainless S teels and High N ickel Alloys. Our manufacturing facility incorporates a hot-forging section alongside a fully equipped CN C-Workshop, resulting in Rolevet offering the complete fastener supply solution. 56 | Exhibitor A3 5 5th Floor 85 Gracechurch S treet London EC3V 0AA United Kingdom Telephone House 69/ 77 Paul S treet London EC2A 4N W United Kingdom Tel: Email: Website: Contact: RR Donnelley Profiles +44 (0)121 552 1535 [email protected] www.schoeller-bleckmann.co.uk S teve Egginton Major stockholder and distributor of S tainless S teel Tube, Pipe & Hollow B ar to the Offshore, Petrochemical and N uclear Industries. Established in the UK for over 40 years with an enviable reputation for quality and reliability, for both product and service. Exclusive UK agent for the Austrian mill S choeller-B leckmann Edelstahlrohr. One of the leading European manufacturers. 6-7 MAY l SECC GLASGOWE I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 The largest renewables event in the UK E I C | CON N hub ECT is taking place in the renewables of Glasgow for the first time in May 2015. Oil & Gas 2014 Providing solutions to help position your business at the forefront of the industry CONNECT: Connect with key contacts from the renewables industry LEARN: Build your knowledge via the world-class conference and dedicated seminar theatres ENABLE: Access an audience of buyers with real needs in renewable energy and develop your sales pipeline immediately Sir Richard Branson - 2014 conference speaker TRANSFORM: Grow and evolve your business with new contacts, ideas, inspiration, and technology Register your interest in exhibiting or visiting 44 (0)20 8439 5560 ? [email protected] all-energy.co.uk HOST CITY HELD IN ASSOCIATION WITH LEARNED SOCIETY PATRON STAY CONNECTED fTYl0 Energy & Marine E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 Servelec Controls A19 +44 (0)1246 437 400 [email protected] www.servelec-controls.com Chris S tones S ervelec Controls is one of the UK’s leading systems integrators having supplied the Oil and Gas industry for over 30 years. We work with the world’s biggest operators and engineering contractors to install safety systems such as F& G, ES D and HIPPS and control systems including ICS S , DCS , PCS & PLC/ S CADA. SGS Baseefa Ltd A4 6 Rockhead B usiness Park S taden Lane B uxton Derbyshire S K17 9RZ United Kingdom Tel: Email: Website: Contact: +44 (0)1298 766 600 [email protected] www.baseefa.com Allan Ogden S GS B aseefa is the leading internationally recognised certification body for explosion protected e uipment, delivering IECEx, A E and DSEA certification to customers around the globe. Our activities extend well beyond just certification, in providing an accessible yet authorititive source of expertise in many related areas. 58 | Exhibitor Profiles S p o n s o r A22 S ir William S iemens S quare Frimley Camberley S urrey GU16 8Q D United Kingdom Rotherside Road Sheffield S 21 4HL United Kingdom Tel: Email: Website: Contact: Siemens Oil and Gas Tel: Email: Website: Contact: +44 (0)1276 696 630 [email protected] www.siemens.com/ oil-gas Michelle Gregory S iemens Oil and Gas provides a comprehensive portfolio of innovative solutions across the entire value chain; delivering reliable, efficient and environmentally friendly products, systems and solutions. With a proven track record and continued investment in future technologies for emerging processes and applications, S iemens is a reliable and trusted partner. Specialised Valve Solutions Limited A24 2nd Floor 2 Woodberry Grove N orth Finchley London, N 12 0DR United Kingdom Tel: Email: Website: Contact: +44 (0) 7971 328 298 Info@S pecialisedV alveS olutions.com www.S pecialisedV alveS olutions.com S hadwan Jawad V endor of high integrity tight shut off and severe service control valves, and plant machinery monitoring software. Partnerships with “ Zwick Armaturen GmbH” ; “ Alas Meccanica srl” ; “ B ellino srl” ; and “ Industrial Plan Consultants srl” allow us to meet both individual valve and mixed valve package requirements for the oil and gas industry. E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 Spirax Sarco A28 Pasture Lane Clayton B radford B D14 6LU United Kingdom Runnings Road Kingsditch Trading Estate Cheltenham GL51 9N Q United Kingdom Tel: Email: Website: Contact: Tel: Email: Website: Contact: +44 (0)1242 521 361 [email protected] www.spiraxsarco.com S imon B urrage Our long association with the Oil & Gas industry has enabled us to develop ‘ total solutions’ for steam and condensate systems, in order to achieve enhanced profitability for your plant operations Whilst we help provide the most effective proposal for improved performance and cost reductions, this allows you to focus on your core business. Synectic Systems Group Ltd A4 0 Broadfield Close Sheffield S 8 0X N United Kingdom Tel: Email Website: Contact: Thermocable Flexible Elements Ltd +44 (0)1142 552 509 fiona.berry synx.com www.synecticsglobal.com Fiona B erry S ynectics designs integrated end-to-end surveillance control systems for the world’s most demanding security environments. We excel at complex projects that require innovative, tailored solutions with high reliability and flexibility, specifically for oil and gas, marine, casinos, public space, banking, transport and critical infrastructure applications. C18 E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 +44 (0)1274 882 359 [email protected] www.thermocable.com Tom Robst Thermocable are the leading UK manufacturer of cable based sensing and detection technology, established for over 45 years. We provide effective solutions to our clients’ problems through our family of internationally approved products, including linear heat sensing, water leak detection, monitoring of trace heat cables and perimeter security/ cable theft detection. Thyson Technology Limited A27 Unit 2 B urnell Road Ellesmere Port Cheshire CH65 5EX United Kingdom Tel: Email: Website: Contact: +44 (0)151 355 5594 [email protected] www.thyson.com Glen Lancaster Thyson Technology Limited are an independent Analyzer S ystems integrator based in Ellesmere Port. Established in 1994, Thyson Technology is a leading provider of complex analyser packages across a variety of process industries. Our capabilities include Design, Engineering, CAD, 3D Modelling, Manufacturing, Commissioning, life cycle S pares and S ervice Contracts. Exhibitor Profiles | 59 E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 Tracerco A21 Tel: Email: Website: Contact: +44 (0)1642 375 604 [email protected] www.tracerco.com Colin S malley T r a c e r c o is a world leading industrial technology company and are part of the Process Technologies Division of Johnson Matthey. We provide a wide range of unique Process Diagnostic S ervices that aid production, shutdown planning and commissioning. Our S pecialist Measurement group design and supply bespoke non-invasive level, density and phase control instrumentation. The business is backed up by continual investment in R& D to continue to provide innovation technology in the future. Unique Seaflex Limited A4 8 +44 (0)1983 290 525 [email protected] www.seaflex.co.uk Chris S parrow We design, manufacture, supply (for hire or sale) and support market-leading buoyancy solutions for applications including pipelaying, cablelaying, salvage, draught-reduction and monopile floatouts. We also provide water filled bags for load testing, or to improve stability within certain installation scenarios. If anything in that pré cis seemed interesting, please come and say hello. 60 | Exhibitor +44 (0)7889 602 569 [email protected] www.vahterus.com Paul B utton V ahterus are the inventors of Plate & S hell Heat Exchanger technology and have supplied over 37,000 units globally across all industry sectors including Oil & Gas. PS HE offers a cost effective solution for applications that feature: Space constraints igh pressure temperature igh integrity re uirements hermal cycling Aggressive media VEGA Controls Limited C26 Kendal House V ictoria Way B urgess Hill West S ussex RH15 9N F United Kingdom S eaview Road Cowes Isle of Wight PO31 7US United Kingdom Tel: Email: Website Contact: A13 12-14 Derby Rd Melbourne Derby DE73 1FE United Kingdom Pavilion 11 Coxwold Way B elasis Hall Technology Park B illingham, TS 23 4EA United Kingdom Tel: Email: Website: Contact: Vahterus UK Ltd Profiles Tel: Email: Website: Contact: +44 (0)1444 870 055 [email protected] www.vega.com/ uk Doug Anderson V EGA provide effective process measurement solutions for pressure, level, point level for all applications in the Oil and Gas industry as well as and interface systems for optimal separator and desalter performance. Latest generation N ucleonic gauging, Pressure transmitters and Guided Wave Radar products will feature on the stand. equirements. right the way up to 29m mitment to customer care e. E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 ISO 9001 Wedge Group Galvanising Ltd A29 WIKA Instruments Limited A5 1 E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 4 Gatton Park B usiness Centre Wells Place Merstham Redhill S urrey RH1 3LG United Kingdom S tafford S treet Willenhall West Midlands WV 13 1RZ United Kingdom FPAL Registered Tel: Email: Website: Contact: +44 (0)1902 600 704 [email protected] www.wedge-galv.co.uk Tracey Messer Tel: Email: Website: Contact: Wedge Group Galvanising is the UK’s largest galvanizing organisation. 14 plants across the UK, we offer you a national service. We can process steel from 1.5mm washer to 29m B eam. Our plants are designed and equipped to set industryleading standards for sustainability and low environmental impact. UV DP. Linkup. FPAL. Wellton Energy Limited A4 4 +44 (0)1737 644 008 [email protected] www.wika.co.uk Lee Randall WIKA Instruments Limited is the UK subsidiary of the world’s leading manufacturer of pressure, temperature, level, flow and related calibration instruments. WIKA has built a reputation as a renowned partner and competent specialist for any task in the field of measurement technology. Wireless Measurement Ltd Hethel Engineering Centre Chapman Way Hethel N orwich N R14 8FB United Kingdom 9a The Old Flour Mill Q ueen S treet Emsworth PO10 7B T United Kingdom Tel: Email: Website: Contact: Tel: Email: Website: Contact: +44 (0)1603 280 466 [email protected] www.wellton-energy.com Jason B righton We are a leading provider of outsourced B usiness Development services. We specialise in assisting S ME’s developing their business opportunities and achieve this by providing; • • • • • • S trategic S ales Planning and Management. B usiness to B usiness S elling – Dedicated Field or office based Business Development Executive. B usiness Marketing and B rand Awareness. S ales and Market Analysis Prior to Market Entry. Market Intelligence and Project Specific Information. Qualified Lead and Appointment Setting. A15 +44 (0)1243 487 777 [email protected] www.wirelessmeasurement.com James Wilson Wireless Monitoring and Control for the Digital Oilfield. Wireless pressure, temperature and flow gauges; a patented wireless sensor network; a patented Emergency S hut Down system. Innovative solutions for remote monitoring and control with particular suitability for harsh and hostile upstream environments. Improving productivity, reliability and safety. Exhibitor Profiles | 61 E I C | CON N ECT Oil & Gas 2014 Z+F UK Laser Ltd C12 ZOK Int Gp Ltd Unit 9, Avocado Court Commerce Way Trafford Park Manchester M17 1HW United Kingdom Airworthy House Elested Marsh Midhurst GU29 0JT United Kingdom Tel: Email: Website: Contact: Tel: Email: Website: Contact: +44 (0)161 871 7055 [email protected] www.zofre.de Tony Purslow Z+F are a leading manufacturer of phased based laser scanners used extensively throughout the world where reliability plus accurate data acquisition is of critical importance. Manufacturing the IMAGER range since the early 90s Z+F are a leader in this market sector offering many new features, including HDR colour and thermal imagery. 62 | Exhibitor Profiles A10 +44 (0)7801 137 130 [email protected] www.zok.com Robert Johnsonerations based in UAE, India and ZOK brings over 30 years’ experience as a market leader in the manufacture and distribution of water based environmentally friendly chemical cleaning solutions for all gas turbine compressors. ZOK GOLD is approved to the highest standard for off shore operation. Regular washing with ZOK reduces through like costs. NEW! EXTENSIVE RANGE OF CABLE CLEATS CONQUEROR THE WORLDS SAFEST CABLE CLEAT PROTECTION WHATEVER THE ENVIRONMENT The market leaders in cable glands, CMP Products, are proud to announce the launch of their new range of cable cleats • • • • Multiple designs for every situation & environment. Third party certification to IEC 61914. Stainless steel, Aluminum, LSF V-0 Nylon & LUL approved polymers available. Superior short circuit ratings & cable acceptance ranges. www.cmp-products.com CMP CMP PRODUCTS Middle East 2015 Exhibition & Conference 2 June, St Regis Saadiyat Island, Abu Dhabi, UAE Get ahead of the competition and discover regional opportunities in the energy industry EXHIBITION & SPONSORSHIP PACKAGES INCLUDE: 2013 Speakers Included: > Access to all Supply Chain Briefings and Conference Sessions > Visits from buyers to your stand > 2 x Delegate Places > Invitations to exclusive Evening Reception > Listed in the event programme and website SUPPLY CHAIN BRIEFINGS ONE-2-ONE APPOINTMENTS > Establish initial connection > Learn about high-value with decision makers opportunities across the Middle East > Promote your products > Meet procurement and project and services managers > Find out how to do > Discover supplier strategies business in key markets & how to do business through UKTI > Find out where your product/ solution is needed CONFERENCE > Identify current market trends and future areas of growth > Help shape your longer term business goals > Engage in meaningful discussion & debate > 9sq.m Stand: £1700 EXHIBITION > 50 companies showcasing UK capability > Discover new products and technologies in the industry > Network with over 600 delegates > 9sq.m Corner Stand: £1900 BOOK YOUR STAND NOW: www.the-eic.com/eicconnect OPENUK TO ALLANIES COMP About the EIC The EIC is the leading trade association providing dedicated services to help members understand, identify and pursue business opportunities globally. Established in 1943, the EIC is a not-for-profit organisation with a membership of over 700 UK registered companies who deliver goods and services to the energy industries worldwide. Our goal is to put our members first and serve them well, providing one of the most comprehensive sources of energy projects and business intelligence in the energy sector today. The EIC is renowned for excellence in the provision of services that unlock opportunities for our members, helping the supply chain to win business across the globe. The EIC 89 Albert Embankment London, SE1 7TP Tel +44 (0)20 7091 8600 [email protected] www.the-eic.com l @TheEICEnergy #eicconnect I Energy Industries Council (EIC)
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