Discovering the Undiscovered Rob Bills MD & CEO Disclaimer This presentation has been prepared by Emmerson Resources Limited ACN 117 086 745 (ASX: ERM) (the “Company”) and is being provided to a limited number of investors for the sole purpose of providing preliminary background information to enable recipients to review the business activities of the Company. It is not intended as an offer, invitation, solicitation or recommendation with respect to the purchase or sale of any securities. This presentation should not be relied upon as a representation of any matter that a potential investor should consider in evaluating the Company. The Company, nor any of its directors, agents, officers, employees or affiliates does not make any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to or endorsement of, the accuracy or completeness of any information, statements, representations or forecasts contained in this presentation, and they do not accept any liability for any statement made in, or omitted from, this presentation. Prospective investors should make their own independent evaluation of an investment in the Company. Nothing in this presentation should be construed as a financial product advice, whether personal or general, for the purposes of Section 766B of the Corporations Act. This presentation consists purely of factual information and does not involve or imply a recommendation or a statement of opinion in respect of whether to buy, sell or hold a financial product. The Company has not considered any of your objectives, financial situation or needs. This presentation and contents has been made available in confidence and may not be reproduced or disclosed to third parties or made public in any way without the express written permission of the Company. 2 2 Emmerson Resources Capital Structure ASX code ERM Shares on issue 376,842,704 Performance rights Institutions, 32% 2,162,500 Market capitalisation (@ $0.035) Cash (31/10/2014) Other Investors, 52% $13.2 million Evolution Mining, 13% $3.1 million $10.1 million Listed investment (EVN) $1.5 million Directors & Mgmt, 3% (31/10/2014) $0.070 10 9 Volume $0.060 8 Millions Enterprise value ERM Share Price Price 7 $0.050 6 5 $0.040 4 3 $0.030 2 1 $0.020 0 Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov 3 Board of Directors Mr. Andrew McIlwain B.Eng (Mining) Non-Executive Chairman Mining Engineering. 25 years experience in operational, senior management and executive roles (MIM, WMC, others). Managing Director of Unity Mining Mr. Robert Bills B.Sc, M.Sc Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Geologist with over 25 years experience in exploration and mining with Western Mining Corporation, then BHP Billiton. Joined Emmerson Resources in late 2007 as the Managing Director and CEO. Mr. Simon Andrew B.Sc (Honours) Non-Executive Director Chemistry. Extensive experience in corporate financing transactions 4 Key Investment Features Dominant ground position – 2,500 km2 or 95% of the Tennant Creek Mineral Field New JV with Evolution (up to ~$28m) High grade gold & copper – Historically 15-20 g/t Au, 2-4% Cu Processing plant – Only gold mill in the region on care and maintenance, next to road, rail, power & gas pipeline Mineral resources – 6.6mt at 1.8% Cu & 1.1 g/t gold for 122,000t copper & 245,000 oz gold – Including 100,000 oz gold at 17 g/t Strategy Rapidly growing resources ahead of production Discovering a new generation of gold and copper deposits 5 The hunting ground One of the few underexplored high grade gold provinces left in Australia Bi Edna Beryl 91,500 t Cu 2% Ag Only 8% of drill holes reached a depth greater than 150m North Star 1.33 moz Au 8 g/t 11 g/t Au 1.2 g/t Orlando Warreg o Gecko Warrego CIP plant 122,700 t Cu 4% Gecko & Goanna Orlando Au Bi 3.5 g/t Ag 8.6 g/t Au White Devil Ivanho e 118,900 t Cu 4% Argo 0.64 moz Au 15 g/t Lone Star Peko Golden Forty 18 g/t Au Chariot 12 g/t Au TC8 Chariot El Dorado Mineral resources Historical production Size of the circle relates to the mine historical production in Au Eq. Size of the pie relates to the proportion of metal production in Au Eq. Au Eq. calculations used the following metal prices: gold $1,300/oz, silver $20/oz, copper $3.00/lb, bismuth $10/lb 20 g/t Au Juno 0.84 moz Au 57 g/t Nobles Nob 1.11 moz Au 17 g/t 6 The prize….. 6000000 Au Equivalent oz 5000000 Undiscovered deposits = new style of mineralisation that has been overlooked by previous explorers and/or beyond the depth capability of previous exploration Undiscovered deposittechniques Potential according to Zipf’s Law 4000000 3000000 1 deposit @ 5.2Mozs, 1 deposit @ 1.74Mozs, +++ Top 18 mines 2000000 Zipf Curve Undiscovered deposit 1000000 Undiscovered deposits 0 Deposit Name 7 Predicting the Undiscovered – looking at depth…. 8 Growing Resources – Chariot Mine CHRC290 Latest Drill Results • 4m at 11.8g/t gold from 111m including 2m at 22.7g/t gold & 0.17% bismuth (CHRC287) • 7m at 3.14g/t gold from 130m including 1m at 10.5g/t gold & 0.41% bismuth (CHRC 288) • 2m @ 7.36 g/t gold from 130m including 1m @ 13.5g/t gold (CHRC286). 9 Growing Resources - Eldorado Drilling in Progress • ELD2 at ~200m 10 New Technology finds a new generation of deposits HeliTEM: Most powerful in the world Designed for deep exploration Only system with XYZ fields Flown on 100m lines, 3050m above ground Measures electromagnetic field TC deposits variably conductive Barren host rocks resistive Surface 11 New Technology Leads to Discoveries The HeliTEM identified new targets, which lead to the discovery of two new deposits Pre 2005 ERM exploration 12 The undiscovered Discovered!! Drilling confirmed the new multi-disciplinary exploration technique 12m @ 17 g/t Au & 3m @ 17 g/t Au Goanna discovery 27m @ 1.75% Cu 6m @ 4.8% Cu 21m @ 2.63% Cu 7m @ 7.96% Cu 24m @ 4.12% Cu & 0.19g/t Au Monitor discovery 15m @ 8.13% Cu & 0.19g/t Au Warrego mill 24 km Gecko Resource 2.46mt @ 2.1% Cu Mined ore bodies Un-mined ore bodies Mineral resource Underground working 26m @ 4.75% Cu 3m @ 11.8% Cu 9m @ 2.14% Cu N 6m @ 3.59% Cu & 0.41g/t Au 1 km 13 Regional airborne electrical geophysics…undiscovered? Drilling confirmed the new exploration technique: Monitor, Goanna Drilling targets Monitor discovery 12m @ 16.9 g/t Au & 2% Cu resource pending Gecko mine historic production 122,000 t Cu (4% Cu) & 122,000 oz Au (1.2 g/t Au) Goanna resource 2.92mt @ 1.8% Cu & 0.2 g/t Au Goanna East target Horner discovery 4m @ 1.03% Cu 15 New technology - a Seismic shift in Exploration…… 16 First application of seismic in Tennant Creek ……. • based on sound waves • reflections occur at changes in acoustic impedance • resolution maintained with depth 17 and some conventional RAB exploration…….. North ERM’s Eastern Project area 1km ML 22284 18 Investment Highlights Well funded via the JV with Evolution Mining Dominant position in one of Australia’s premier high grade goldfields Drilling underway to expand existing gold (and copper) resources New exploration techniques to discover the missing ~7mozs of gold ( two discoveries to date!) New drill targets to test in 2015 Stable and experienced Management and Exploration team Gold processing plant ,infrastructure, power and roads nearby = lower hurdle rate to production 19 The Emmerson Exploration Team 20 Competent Person Statements The information in this report relating to Exploration Results is based on information compiled by Mr Steve Russell, who is a Member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists and has sufficient exploration experience which is relevant to the style of mineralization under consideration to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2004 Edition of the ‘Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves’. Mr Russell is a full time employee of Emmerson Resources Ltd. Mr Russell consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears. The information in this report which relates to Mineral Resources is based upon information compiled by Mr Ian Glacken, who is a Fellow of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Ian Glacken is an employee of Optiro Pty Ltd and has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2004 edition of the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves. Ian Glacken consents to the inclusion in the report of a summary based upon his information in the form and context in which in appears. Gecko, Goanna & Orlando Mineral Resource: see details in ASX announcement “New High Grade Drill Results & Upgrade to Resource Inventory” released on 18 October 2013. Chariot Mineral Resource: see details in ASX announcement “High Grade Chariot Gold Resource’ released on 28 November 2013. The information was first disclosed under the JORC Code 2004. It has not been updated since to comply with the JORC Code 2012 on the basis that the information has not materially changed since it was last reported. The gold equivalent calculation assumes a gold price of US$1,363/oz for gold and US$3.31/lb for copper and makes no allowance for metallurgical recoveries. The totals may not sum exactly due to rounding. 21 Minotaur Exploration Limited | ASX: MEP The Investment Case November 2014 1 Why are investors so glum? Index S&P/ASX:SRO now at lowest level in a decade 9,000 7,500 6,000 4,500 3,000 1,500 Nov-04 Nov-05 Nov-06 Nov-07 Nov-08 Nov-09 Nov-10 S&P/ASX Small Resources Index Nov-11 Nov-12 Nov-13 Source: Vesparum Capital / IRESS 2 MEP: Compelling investment case Minotaur’s focus is on copper-gold assets & strategic nickel options: Copper-gold in QLD Currently drilling new, shallow, copper-gold targets west of the high-grade Eloise mine Artemis – first discovery Discovery technique now being applied across wider regional land holdings Nickel-gold in WA Tenements host standout examples of nickel sulphide mineralisation Targets include known deposits and multiple untested geological, geochemical and geophysical targets These options present a compelling new exploration opportunities, particularly in a strong nickel price environment and coupled with Minotaur’s discovery track record, sound management capabilities, strong cash position, multiple JVs contributing to annual expenditures and highly regarded mining industry shareholders, creates a compelling investment case 3 Minotaur stands out amongst junior miners About Minotaur Exploration (ASX: MEP) Primary focus on copper and gold exploration in QLD Secondary focus on advanced nickel prospects in WA Sustained price out-performance Share price (A$) 0.30 Volume traded (M) 18.0 Actively monetising non-core assets (listed investments, industrial minerals) 0.25 15.0 0.20 12.0 Clean capital structure with high profile share register and supportive JV partners 0.15 9.0 0.10 6.0 0.05 3.0 SPP + Placement in October 2014 raised $4M Cash on hand totals $7.5M JV partner contributions from Oct to March 2015 total $5.3M Jan-12 Jul-12 MEP daily volume Capital ( @ 31-Oct-14) Top 3 Shareholders Number of shares 180M Norilsk Nickel OZ Minerals Jan-13 Jul-13 Jan-14 S&P/ASX Small Resources Index JV Partners 6% 4.5% Share price A$0.16 Market capitalisation A$29M Top 10 Cash A$7.5M Number of Holders 3500 Directors 3.5% Enterprise value A$21.5M Newmont Jul-14 MEP share price 3% 26.6% JOGMEC Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corp (Japanese government entity) GFR Cornerstone private investor Sumitomo Metals Mining Oceania Major global metals player Sandfire Resources Australian copper-gold producer 4 Geographic focus is Australia SECONDARY FOCUS Nickel-Gold (WA) Leinster: EM underway on multiple targets Scotia: EM underway on Saints deposits to refine drill planning Kambalda West: high tenor nickel deposits under historic mines Copper-Gold (Qld) JOGMEC JV: drilling on IOCG targets Eloise JV: drilling on Artemis ISCG prospect NON-CORE ASSETS OTHER ASSETS Actively being prepared for sale: Poochera Kaolin Lake Purdilla Gypsum SA Copper-Gold SA Base Metals VIC Copper-Gold 9 Copper-gold focus around Cloncurry Minotaur recognised Cloncurry region as an IOCG province hosting a range of mineralising styles Extensive land position strategically acquired over several years 4000km2 – around known Cu-Au mining centres: Ernest Henry (adjacent to Ernest Project MEP 100%) Eloise (adjacent to Eloise Project MEP 84%) Osborne (adjacent to Osborne Project MEP 100%) In-house expertise identifies geophysical targets under deep and conductive cover, generating potentially mineralised anomalies for drill investigation Recent drilling proves Minotaur’s geophysical technique to be a valid discovery tool applied on the JOGMEC project; revealed new copper drill targets; drilling underway now being scaled up across the Eloise project area 10 Copper-gold focus near Eloise Mine Eloise Copper JV JV partner spending A$6m over 15 months to earn 50% project interest Tenements highly prospective for Eloise style high-grade Cu-Au deposits EM-generated conductive plates modelled and selected for first-pass drill investigation and discovered the Artemis coppergold-zinc-silver prospect (ISCG type) First 3 diamond holes successfully intersected ore-grade, massive sulphide mineralisation Step-out diamond drilling underway 40 holes for 18,000m 3 rigs drilling at 25m spaces for JORC purposes Additional regional targets to be tested 10 holes for 2,000m 11 Copper-gold focus near Eloise Mine Artemis discovery Discovery holes showed persistently wide, massive sulphide mineralisation (iron sulphide copper-gold, ISCG) Mineralised body has true width 14-18m eminently mineable widths Copper-gold-zinc-silver dominant Vertical section drill-intersected from 100m to 205m below surface Downhole EM confirms down-dip projection of conductor below deepest hole 40 Step-out and down-plunge holes being drilled from October through January for 18,000m Geological setting and mineralising style is directly analogous to Eloise Mine, 20km to East 12 Exploration model – Eloise Mine Eloise Mine Deposit is now known to be 10Mt+ @ 3.2% Cu and 0.7g/t Au Long Section shows deposit geometry and Copper gradients Economic mineralisation from 200m below surface Hauling ore from 1300m below surface via Decline Orebody has strike extent of 180m, depth beyond 2000m Orebody believed to be improving at depth (~3.5% Cu & 5g/t Au) Artemis comparison (results superimposed onto Eloise section) Economic mineralisation from 100m below surface High-grade Copper contours at shallow levels Strike & Depth potential now being investigated 2 diamond rigs drilling to 500m down plunge/dip to test extents 13 Artemis drill-out campaign Historic drill holes 150m to North and 100m to South reported good gold grades but failed to intersect strong sulphide mineralisation gold intersections; eg: 5m @ 11.56 g/t and 4.1m @ 5.7 g/t Minotaur’s hypothesis is that previous drilling passed over or deviated away from apparent conductors potential for Artemis to develop along strike Strike potential now being drill tested a step out drill programme of 40 holes is underway for 18,000m 2 diamond Rigs & 1 RC rig on site Test down-plunge extensions Drill down-plunge to 600m depth Determine dimensions of mineralisation Develop JORC resource estimate Move to pre-feasibility study 14 Artemis drill-out underway 15 Industry recognition for Artemis discovery 16 WA nickel portfolio Advanced nickel sulphide prospects on proven, fertile ultramafic belts Leinster JV (MEP 85%) Multiple nickel targets identified from a massive historic exploration database acquired through Breakaway Resources Ground along the Nickel belt is tightly held and rarely available Large tenement package ideally located over mineralised ultramafic units On strike from major nickel mines and Tier 1 nickel projects Ground EM underway across multiple targets Scotia (MinAuSol of which MEP 50%) Small historic nickel sulphide resource established at St Patricks Multiple drill holes into adjacent St Andrews deposit represent an advanced stage prospect with walk-up drill positions established Modern ground EM to cover both targets and refine geometry of drill intersected ultramafic units is nearing completion Kambalda West Minotaur holds nickel rights over 10 tenements owned by Tychean Resources (ASX: TYK) High-grade Ni-Au assays published 23 July 2014 Additional deposits waiting to be drilled to JORC standard 17 Scotia Tenements – Saints Prospects Moving Loop Electro Magnetic survey, 46 line kms 19 Scotia Tenements – Saints Prospects Moving Loop Electro Magnetics MLEM: deep penetrating EM effective to 300m depth 20 Share price catalysts Minotaur will deliver substantial news flow over the coming months Actively drilling at Eloise High-grade copper-gold-zinc mineralisation at Artemis Prospect, analogous to nearby Eloise copper-gold mine Extensive drill programme underway to test for strike and down-plunge extensions of mineralisation Multiple similar targets to be drill tested in the vicinity of Artemis JOGMEC JV Ground EM surveys revealed new copper drill targets. Diamond drilling underway Exploration on advanced nickel portfolio in WA Historic nickel database reveals multiple nickel sulphide targets and drill defined mineralisation, which have received little follow up MLEM underway at Saints deposits to extend boundaries of known NiS mineralisation and test for new conductors Ground EM surveys underway on Leinster tenements to refine ultramafic nickel targets Sale of non-core assets Kaolin projects in South Australia are being prepared for sale $4.8M sale agreement of Gypsum deposit executed Listed investments Minotaur’s listed investment portfolio provides discovery upside and monetisation potential on liquidity events 21 Disclaimer Disclaimer This presentation has been prepared by the management of Minotaur Exploration Limited (“Minotaur”, ASX: MEP) for the general benefit of analysts, brokers and investors and does not constitute specific advice to any particular party or persons. Information herein is based on publicly available information, internally developed data and other sources. Where an opinion, projection or forward looking statement is expressed in this presentation, it is based on the assumptions and limitations mentioned herein and is an expression of present opinion only. No warranties or representations are made or implied as to origin, validity, accuracy, completeness, currency or reliability of the information. Minotaur specifically disclaims and excludes all liability (to the extent permitted by law) for losses, claims, damages, demands, costs and expenses of whatever nature arising in any way out of or in connection with the information, its accuracy, completeness or by reason of reliance by any person on any of it. Where Minotaur expresses or implies an expectation or belief as to the success of future exploration and the economic viability of future project evaluations, such expectation or belief is expressed in good faith and is believed to have a reasonable basis. However, such projected outcomes are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors which could cause actual results to differ materially from projected future results. Such risks include, but are not limited to, exploration success, metal price volatility, changes to current mineral resource estimates or targets, changes to assumptions for capital and operating costs as well as political and operational risks and government regulatory outcomes. MEP disclaims any obligation to advise any person if it becomes aware of any inaccuracy in or omission from any forecast or to update such forecast. Competent Person’s Statement Information in this presentation that relates to exploration results for Minotaur Exploration Ltd is based on information compiled by Dr AP Belperio, a director and full-time employee of the Company and a Member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (AIG). Dr Belperio has sufficient experience relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposits under consideration and to the activity that he has undertaken to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of the “Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves” (JORC Code). Dr Belperio consents to inclusion of this information in the form and context in which it appears. 22 MELBOURNE MINING CLUB – CUTTING EDGE SERIES Is Nickel really Fickle? NOVEMBER 2014 | ASX: WSA ASX:WSA DISCLAIMER AND FORWARD LOOKING STATEMENTS This presentation is being furnished to you solely for your information and for your use and may not be copied, reproduced or redistributed to any other person in any manner. You agree to keep the contents of this presentation and these materials confidential. The information contained in this presentation does not constitute or form any part of any offer or invitation to purchase any securities and neither the issue of the information nor anything contained herein shall form the basis of, or be relied upon in connection with, any contract or commitment on the part of any person to proceed with any transaction. The distribution of this presentation in jurisdictions outside Australia may be restricted by law, and persons into whose possession this presentation comes should inform themselves about, and observe, any such restrictions. The information contained in this presentation has been prepared by Western Areas Ltd. No representation or warranty, express or implied, is or will be made in or in relation to, and no responsibility or liability is or will be accepted by Western Areas Ltd, employees or representatives as to the accuracy or completeness of this information or any other written or oral information made available to any interested party or its advisers and any liability therefore is hereby expressly disclaimed. No party has any obligation to notify opinion changes or if it becomes aware of any inaccuracy in or omission from this presentation. All opinions and projections expressed in this presentation are given as of this date and are subject to change without notice. This document contains forward-looking statements. These statements are based on assumptions and contingencies that are subject to change without notice, and certain risks and uncertainties that could cause the performance or achievements of Western Areas Ltd to differ materially from the information set forth herein. Western Areas Ltd undertakes no obligation to revise these forward-looking statements to reflect subsequent events or circumstances. Individuals should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements and are advised to make their own independent analysis and determination with respect to the forecasted periods, which reflect Western Areas Ltd’s view only as of the date hereof. The information within this PowerPoint presentation was compiled by Western Areas management, but the information as it relates to mineral resources and reserves was prepared by Mr. Dan Lougher and Mr. Andre Wulfse. Mr. Lougher and Mr. Wulfse are full time employees of Western Areas Ltd. Mr. Lougher and Mr. Wulfse are members of Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM) and have sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which they are undertaking to qualify as Competent Persons as defined in the 2012 Edition of the ‘Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves’(2012 JORC Code). Mr. Lougher and Mr. Wulfse consent to the inclusion in this presentation of the matters based on the information in the form and context in which it appears. The information contained in this presentation in relation to the Flying Fox Mine was prepared and first disclosed under the 2004 Edition of the JORC Code. It has not been updated since to comply with the 2012 JORC Code on the basis that the information has not materially changed since it was last reported. For the Purposes of Clause 3.4(e) in Canadian instrument 43-101, the Company warrants that Mineral Resources which are not Mineral Reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. ASX:WSA 2 AGENDA Corporate Explore Mine Produce Sales Operations Exploration & Growth Outlook Nickel Market ASX:WSA 3 CORPORATE OVERVIEW 8,000 4.50 6,000 3.50 4,000 2.50 2,000 1.50 Jul 13 Sep 13 WSA Volume 0 Key Information Share price Volume (000s) Share price (A$/share) WSA vs ASX 200 Resources (FY14 YTD)1 5.50 Nov 13 Jan 14 Mar 14 May 14 WSA ASX 200 Resources (rebased to WSA) as at 30 Sep 2014 4.31 52 week high/low (A$) 5.30 / 1.94 Shares outstanding (m) 232.3 Market Capitalisation (A$m) 1,002 Cash (A$m)2 230.5 Debt (A$m)2 220.2 Undrawn ANZ Facility 125.0 Board & Senior Management 1. 2. ASX 200 Resources Index rebased to WSA Share Price Cash as at 30 June 2014 and convertible bond debt Name Position Ian Macliver Independent Non-Executive Chairman Dan Lougher Managing Director & CEO David Southam Executive Director Joseph Belladonna Chief Financial Officer & Company Secretary Julian Hanna Non-Executive Director Richard Yeates Independent, Non-Executive Director Robin Dunbar Independent, Non-Executive Director Craig Readhead Independent, Non-Executive Director Tim Netscher Independent, Non-Executive Director ASX:WSA 4 WESTERN AREAS ARE SAFE AREAS Continuous Safety Improvement LTIFR 1.00 Flying Fox >447 days LTI free Spotted Quoll >1,263 days LTI free Exploration >2,282 days LTI free Cosmic Boy Concentrator >464 days LTI free Contractors and employees fully integrated into a site wide commitment 4.0 3.0 LTIFR 2.0 1.0 0.0 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Environment & Social No environmental breaches Strong local commitments to schools and associations around Forrestania, Perth Zoo (Western Quoll) and Starlight Children’s Foundation WA Supporter of the WA Mining Club scholarship programme ASX:WSA 5 OPERATING HIGH GRADE MINES Lounge Lizard 10m wide face of 7% Massive Nickel Sulphide Spotted Quoll face at average 10.6% Nickel Sulphide ASX:WSA 6 FLYING FOX MINE Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve Reserve upgrade announced: Added 7,572t nickel grading 6.5% Mineral Resource: 1.77Mt @ 5.2% Ni containing 92,547 Ni Tonnes (High grade only) Ore Reserve: 1.50Mt @ 4.1% Ni containing 61,177 Ni Tonnes Underground drilling program to extend Mineral Resource remains a focus Production FY14 – 317,031t @ 4.6% Ni for 14,713t nickel Low cash cost operation ASX:WSA 7 SPOTTED QUOLL MINE Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve Mineral Resource: 3.16Mt @ 5.5% Ni containing 173,354 Ni tonnes Ore Reserve: 2.91Mt @ 4.1% Ni containing 118,842 Ni tonnes Remains open at depth and to the North Already around a 10 year mine life on Reserve New Spotted Quoll North Indicated and Inferred Resource of 140kt @ 9.3% for 12,906t nickel Production Record in FY14 – 281,928t @ 5.0% Ni for 13,972t nickel Successfully ramped up nickel production to a sustainable 12ktpa run rate in FY14 Top-down mining using paste fill ASX:WSA 8 FORRESTANIA NICKEL CONCENTRATOR Concentrator Summary Current nameplate capacity of 550,000tpa of ore but is achieving throughput 9% above capacity Nickel concentrate output circa 25,000tpa Ni Concentrate grades of around 14.0% Ni Premium blending product (Fe/Mg ratio >15:1) Desirable to smelters 14,000t of concentrate storage capacity Export Infrastructure and Logistics Access to >1400 sealed shipping containers No environmental issues Using 25 trucks for concentrate transportation Shipping contract in place, FOB Esperance Port ASX:WSA 9 INDEPENDENT PRODUCER – OFFTAKE CONTRACTS Offtake Contracts FOB Terms Very competitive payable percentage of LME Offtake Tender Announced Expressions of Interest already received Aiming to complete in the December quarter 1 to 2 year contract anticipated JINCHUAN ~13ktpa Dec 2014 BHP ~12ktpa Mid 2017 Tightness in smelter supply being experienced now New market entrants including traders, stainless steel producers and Nickel Pig Iron (NPI) Global nickel sulphide grades in decline Laterites and NPI do not fill the void – Indonesian Ban has severely impacted NPI production ASX:WSA 10 FORRESTANIA TENEMENTS Regional Geology 120km strike length (900 sq km) of prospective Forrestania Nickel Project, within 400km long nickel province Six ultramafic belts Nickel sulphide deposits and most occurrences in two belts (Eastern and Western) Western Ultramafic Belt hosts the high grade Flying Fox, Spotted Quoll and New Morning deposits ASX:WSA 11 WESTERN GAWLER JOINT VENTURES Part of regional exploration strategy Two separate Farm-In Agreements with Gunson Resources Ltd and Monax Mining Ltd: A$0.8m on each to earn 75% over 2 years Further A$0.4m on each for 90% over additional 18 months Close to existing infrastructure Total area 2,746km2 First mover advantages targeting massive high grade poly-metallic mineralisation Potential to host mafic-ultramafic intrusive related deposits Detailed high resolution airborne geophysics combined with other geophysics and subsequent drilling ASX:WSA 12 WESTERN AREAS VALUE EQUATION • High Grade = Margin • Survival • Returns to shareholders in Dividends • Guidance continually met or exceeded • Looming shortage of nickel post Indo ban Highest Grade Nickel Globally Cashflow Positive Strong Track Record of Delivery Nickel Price Primed for Upside • New mine successfully brought on in 24 months • Flexibility in meeting future demands or opportunities History of Discovery and Development Strong Balance Sheet ASX:WSA 13 NICKEL MARKET ASX:WSA 14 NICKEL IS A VALUABLE, BUT COMPLEX COMMODITY Nickel Sulphide Ore Nickel Laterite Ore Nickel Concentrate High Pressure Acid Leaching (HPAL) Nickel Matte LME/MHP Refinery (LME Nickel) FerroNickel Mixed Hydroxide Products (MHP) Nickel Pig Iron (NPI) (Smelter BHP/Jinchuan) Blast Furnace/ EAF / RKEAF World Production ~ 2M tonnes Ni → → → Stainless Steel 75% Europe Scrap Stainless Steel >50% China Scrap Stainless Steel <25% ASX:WSA 15 NICKEL PRICE SWING “China’s imports of nickel ore from Indonesia, the world’s biggest miner of the raw material, declined 67 percent in April. Inbound shipments fell to 298,948 metric tons from 907,279 tons in March and 3 million tons a year earlier.” (Source: Bloomberg 21 May 14) 2016/2017?? • $9.01 US/lb High Philippines Ban Press (Sep 2014) Positive AUD/USD FX Bloomberg 30 Oct 14) • $8.44 US/lb (May 2014) Indonesian Ban (Jan 14) $5.99 US/lb Low “Nickel Set for Biggest Two-Day Gain Since May on Supply Concerns” (Source: • $7.00 US/lb Current Price (Nov 2013) • “China's Nickel Ore Stocks Fall Faster On Philippine Disruptions” (Source: Mitsui Bussan Commodities 30 Oct 2014 ASX:WSA 16 ….AND ROUNDABOUT “Ukrainian imports of nickel ore and concentrate in the first six months of the year fell 34% year on year to 521,040 mt” “Philippines increase mid grade laterite ore to China” (Source: Platts 22 Aug 14) “Nickel’s 56% Rally Spurs Mine Restarts amid Ore Ban” (Source: Bloomberg 12 Aug 14) “Smelters in China have increased the proportion of mid-grade nickel ore in the blend they use to make nickel pig iron (NPI) to offset the rising cost of highgrade ore as Indonesia’s ban on minerals exports enters the eighth Month”. (Source: Metal Bulletin 19 Aug 14) ASX:WSA 17 NICKEL PRICE DRIVERS There are a number of factors that influence the nickel price including: 1. Level of global nickel supply 2. Cost and capacity of Chinese nickel pig iron (“NPI”) production 3. Indonesian nickel laterite export ban 4. Global stainless steel demand 5. Shorter term political factors What we believe is occurring: Many commentators believe nickel supply now in equilibrium or a small deficit heading into FY15 – low price supply response began in CY13 selected operations shut down NPI production CY13 450kt to 500kt – cost effective RKEAF relied on Indonesian laterite Indonesian ban implemented and exports have ceased – Supply squeeze for China NPI Stainless steel demand remains strong in China European stainless steel demand appears to be improving – Order Books full but some capacity closed Still a noisy market – Philippines ban, Russia sanctions and an increasing LME stockpile ASX:WSA 18 NICKEL MARKET DYNAMICS Indonesia in a unique position in respect of high Ni grade, low Fe, Laterite product Very strong message from the Indonesian government that the ban is permanent Reduction in Chinese NPI and Ferronickel from Japan of approximately 300ktpa contained nickel Approvals for Indonesian based NPI take a minimum of 18 months, plus construction, power supply and skilled labour issues mean that any meaningful production in at least 5 years away Nickel market deficits set to start in CY15, assuming 4% nickel demand growth and the Indonesian ban holding World Saprolite Resources (Mt Ni contained) Forecast nickel market balance (kt) Source: Glencore ASX:WSA 19 TESLA MOTORS, INC Source: Tesla ASX:WSA 20
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