House of Representatives DISALLOWABLE INSTRUMENTS LIST The disallowable instruments listed are part of those papers presented to the House pursuant to standing order 199(b). The complete list of papers for each sitting of the House can be found in the Votes & Proceedings for that sitting. This is not a formal document of the House and is compiled from information provided by Government Departments 24 November 2014 Presented to the House on 18 November 2014 The House may disapprove the following instrument within 15 sitting days after tabling *15 sitting days remaining Remuneration Tribunal Act 1973—Remuneration Tribunal Determination—Remuneration and Allowances for Holders of Public Office including Principal Executive Office—Classification Structure and Terms and Conditions—2014/21 [F2014L01521]. *15 sitting days remaining for notice to disallow Civil Aviation Act 1988—Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998—Exemption—materials flammability airworthiness standards for Medical Isolation Transportation Devices—CASA EX153/14 [F2014L01516]. Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 and Taxation Administration Act 1953—Tax and Superannuation Laws Amendment (2014 Measures No. 3) Regulation 2014—SLI 2014 No 176. [F2014L01519]. Social Security Act 1991—Social Security Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Determination 2014 (No. 2) [F2014L01515]. Social Security (Administration) Act 1999—Social Security (Public Interest Certificate Guidelines) (DSS) Determination 2014 [F2014L01514]. Work Health and Safety Act 2011—Work Health and Safety Amendment (Public Authorities) Regulation 2014—SLI 2014 No. 173 [F2014L01518]. Work Health and Safety Act 2011 and Work Health and Safety (Transitional and Consequential Provisions) Act 2011—Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011—Work Health and Safety Exemptions (High risk work licences—crane operation) (November 2014) [F2014L01520]. Presented to the House on 17 November 2014 14 sitting days remaining for notice to disallow Broadcasting Services Act 1992—Broadcasting Services (Events) Notice (No. 1) 2010—Amendment No. 14 of 2014 [F2014L01508]. Civil Aviation Act 1988—Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998—Repeal of Airworthiness Directives— CASA ADCX 018/14 [F2014L01507]. Corporations Act 2001—ASIC Class Order—CO 14/870 [F2014L01509]. Customs Act 1901—Customs (Prohibited Imports) Amendment (Ozone-Depleting Substances and Synthetic Greenhouse Gases) Regulation 2014—SLI 2014 No. 174 [F2014L01512]. Defence Act 1903—Determinations under section 58B— Additional risk insurance and deployment allowance—amendment—2014/59. Benchmark schools, location allowance and hardship posts—amendment—2014/58. Deployment allowance—amendment—2014/60. Housing assistance—amendment—2014/61. Export Control Act 1982—Export Control (Orders) Regulations 1982—Export Control (Animals) Amendment (2014 Measures No. 1) Order 2014 [F2014L01513]. * Notifications to which an asterisk (*) is prefixed appear for the first time. For advice on disallowance motions contact the Clerk Assistant (Table) (ext. 4777). Multiple copies of these papers are not provided to the House. Members may inspect the original copy of these papers in the Table Office (Suite RG 89). 2 Presented to the House on 14 November 2014 13 sitting days remaining for notice to disallow Australian Citizenship Act 2007 and Migration Act 1958—Migration Legislation Amendment (2014 Measures No. 2) Regulation 2014—SLI 2014 No. 163 [F2014L01461]. Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Act 1998—Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (confidentiality) determination—No. 15 of 2014 [F2014L01428]. Autonomous Sanctions Act 2011—Autonomous Sanctions Amendment (Fiji) Regulation 2014— SLI 2014 No. 157 [F2014L01448]. Broadcasting Services Act 1992—Broadcasting Services (Events) Notice (No. 1) 2010—Amendment No. 13 of 2014 [F2014L01486]. Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011—Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) (Destruction of Methane from Piggeries using Engineered Biodigesters) Methodology Determination Variation 2014 (No. 1) [F2014L01503]. Christmas Island Act 1958—Utilities and Services Ordinance 1996—Water and Sewerage Services Fees and Charges (Christmas Island) Determination 2014 No 2 No 2 [F2014L01459]. Civil Aviation Act 1988— Civil Aviation Amendment (Narrow Runways) Regulation 2014—SLI 2014 No. 165 [F2014L01471]. Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Airworthiness and Other Matters—2014 Measures No. 1) Regulation 2014—SLI 2014 No. 166 [F2014L01470]. Civil Aviation Regulations 1988— Direction—number of cabin attendants for Fokker F70 and Fokker F100 aircraft (Alliance Airlines)—CASA 264/14 [F2014L01481]. Repeal of instrument CASA 61/12—minimum runway width for aeroplanes—CASA 266/14 [F2014L01504]. Civil Aviation Regulations 1988 and Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998—Civil Aviation Order 82.6 Amendment Instrument 2014 (No. 2) [F2014L01502]. Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998— Exemption—aerial application proficiency check and operator proficiency check (head of flight operations)—aeroplanes—CASA EX148/14 [F2014L01496]. Exemption—crew member proficiency for emergency procedures (Virgin Australia International Airlines)—CASA EX139/14 [F2014L01480]. Exemption—flight examiner rating for holders of CAO 82.0 check pilot approvals—CASA EX140/14 [F2014L01457]. Limitations—Change of Aircraft Flight Manual Supplement—AD/PZL/7 [F2014L01495]. Manual of Standards Part 139 Amendment Instrument 2014 (No. 1) [F2014L01506]. Prescribed type ratings for CASR Part 142 flight training Instrument 2014—CASA 265/14 [F2014L01478]. Repeal of CASA EX126/12—minimum runway width—CASA EX146/14 [F2014L01505]. Cocos (Keeling) Islands Act 1955—Utilities and Services Ordinance 1996—Water and Sewerage Services Fees and Charges (Cocos (Keeling) Islands) Determination 2014 No 2 No 2 [F2014L01458]. Competition and Consumer Act 2010— Competition and Consumer (Industry Codes—Franchising) Regulation 2014—SLI 2014 No. 168 [F2014L01472]. Competition and Consumer (Industry Codes—Franchising) Repeal Regulation 2014—SLI 2014 No. 169 [F2014L01473]. Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006—Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Amendment (Financial Reports) Regulation 2014—SLI 2014 No. 164 [F2014L01466]. Corporations Act 2001— ASIC Class Orders— CO 14/977 [F2014L01442]. CO 14/978 [F2014L01449]. CO 14/1000 [F2014L01450]. CO 14/1001 [F2014L01444]. 3 CO 14/1106 [F2014L01483]. CO 14/1118 [F2014L01484]. ASIC Market Integrity Rules (ASX Market) 2010—Class Rule Waiver—CW 14-1091 [F2014L01425]. Criminal Code Act 1995—Criminal Code (Terrorist Organisation—Al-Murabitun) Regulation 2014— SLI 2014 No. 152 [F2014L01476]. Customs Act 1901— Customs Amendment (Korean Rules of Origin) Regulation 2014—SLI 2014 No. 160 [F2014L01462]. Customs (Korean Rules of Origin) Regulation 2014—SLI 2014 No. 161 [F2014L01474]. Defence Act 1903— Determinations under section 58B— Deployment allowance—amendment—2014/56. Deployment allowance and international campaign allowance—amendment—2014/53. Post indexes—amendment—2014/57. Woomera Prohibited Area Amendment (Technical Amendments) Rule 2014 [F2014L01491]. Defence Force (Home Loans Assistance) Act 1990—Defence Force (Home Loans Assistance) (Warlike Service—Operation Highroad) Declaration 2014 [F2014L01431]. Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999— Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens— New South Wales Estuary Prawn Trawl Fishery and Northern Territory Demersal Fishery (4 November 2014)—EPBC303DC/SFS/2014/44 [F2014L01501]. Small Pelagic Fishery (28 October 2014)—EPBC303DC/SFS/2014/41 [F2014L01446]. Spencer Gulf Prawn Fishery, Gulf St Vincent Prawn Fishery and West Coast Prawn Fishery (28 October 2014)—EPBC303DC/SFS/2014/42 [F2014L01445]. Western Australian South Coast Crustacean Fishery, Western Australian Mackerel Fishery, Western Australian South Coast Salmon Managed Fishery and Western Australian South West Coast Salmon Managed Fishery (4 November 2014)—EPBC303DC/SFS/2014/43 [F2014L01499]. Amendment to the list of threatened species under sections 178, 181 and 183 (166) (30 October 2014) [F2014L01490]. Amendment to the lists of threatened species, threatened ecological communities and key threatening processes under sections 178, 181 and 183 (165) (20 October 2014) [F2014L01489]. Amendment to the lists of threatened species, threatened ecological communities and key threatening processes under sections 178, 181 and 183 (168) (27 October 2014) [F2014L01488]. Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Act 1997—Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (2014 Measures No. 1) Regulation 2014—SLI 2014 No. 156 [F2014L01464]. Fisheries Management Act 1991—Southern Bluefin Tuna Fishery Management Plan 1995— Southern Bluefin Tuna Fishery Actual Live Weight Value of a Statutory Fishing Right (Amendment) Determination 2014 [F2014L01487]. Southern Bluefin Tuna Fishery Australia’s National Catch Allocation (Amendment) Determination 2014 [F2014L01482]. Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975 and Life Insurance Act 1995—Trade Agreements Legislation Amendment Regulation 2014—SLI 2014 No. 171 [F2014L01468]. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act 1975—Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Amendment (Bait Netting) Regulation 2014—SLI 2014 No. 153 [F2014L01469]. Health Insurance Act 1973— Health Insurance (Allied Health Services) Amendment Determination 2014 (No. 2) [F2014L01447]. Health Insurance (Cone Beam Computed Tomography) Revocation Determination 2014 [F2014L01435]. Health Insurance (General Medical Services Table) Amendment (Chronic Disease Management) Regulation 2014—SLI 2014 No. 158 [F2014L01453]. Health Insurance (Gippsland, Rockhampton and Gladstone Mobile MRI Service) Amendment Determination 2014 [F2014L01454]. Health Insurance (HbA1c Test for Diagnosis of Diabetes) Determination 2014 [F2014L01441]. Health Insurance (MRI Crohn’s disease) Determination 2014 [F2014L01452]. Health Insurance (Pathologist-determinable Services) Amendment Determination 2014 (No. 2) [F2014L01437]. 4 Health Insurance (Pharmacogenetic Testing—Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor) Revocation Determination 2014 [F2014L01438]. Health Insurance (Pharmacogenetic Testing) Revocation Determination 2014 [F2014L01436]. Health Insurance (RET Gene Testing) Determination 2014 [F2014L01443]. Higher Education Support Act 2003— Higher Education Provider Approval—No. 4 of 2014 [F2014L01493]. VET Provider Approval— No. 35 of 2014 [F2014L01456]. No. 61 of 2014 [F2014L01451]. No. 63 of 2014 [F2014L01492]. No. 64 of 2014 [F2014L01479]. Migration Act 1958—Migration Amendment (Subclass 050 Visas) Regulation 2014—SLI 2014 No. 162 [F2014L01460]. National Health Act 1953— National Health (Botulinum Toxin Program) Special Arrangement Amendment Instrument 2014 (No. 2)—PB 87 of 2014 [F2014L01429]. National Health (Efficient Funding of Chemotherapy) Special Arrangement Amendment Instrument 2014 (No. 10)—PB 86 of 2014 [F2014L01439]. National Health (Listed drugs on F1 or F2) Amendment Determination 2014 (No. 10)—PB 85 of 2014 [F2014L01440]. National Rental Affordability Scheme Act 2008—National Rental Affordability Scheme Amendment (Administrative Processes) Regulation 2014—SLI 2014 No. 170 [F2014L01463]. Navigation Act 2012—Marine Order 2 (Australian International Shipping Register) Amendment 2014 (No. 1)—AMSA MO 2014/16 [F2014L01455]. Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Act 1989—Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Amendment Regulation 2014—SLI 2014 No. 154 [F2014L01467]. Privacy Act 1988—Guidelines under Section 95, 2014 [F2014L01500]. Private Health Insurance Act 2007—Private Health Insurance (Benefit Requirements) Amendment Rules 2014 (No. 5) [F2014L01434]. Public Service Act 1999—Australian Public Service Commissioner’s Amendment (Notification of Decisions and Other Measures) Direction 2014 [F2014L01426]. Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000—Renewable Energy (Electricity) Amendment (Solar Zones and Other Measures) Regulation 2014—SLI 2014 No. 155 [F2014L01475]. Telecommunications Act 1997—Carrier Licence Conditions (Telstra Corporation Limited) Declaration 1997 (Amendment No. 3 of 2014) [F2014L01494]. Therapeutic Goods Act 1989—Therapeutic Goods (Medical Devices) Amendment (Australian Manufacturers) Regulation 2014—SLI 2014 No. 159 [F2014L01465]. Presented to the House on 30 October 2014 12 sitting days remaining for notice to disallow Defence Act 1903—Determination under section 58B—Deployment allowance and international campaign allowance—amendment—2014/54. Presented to the House on 29 October 2014 11 sitting days remaining for notice to disallow Australian Communications and Media Authority Act 2005—Radiocommunications (Charges) Amendment Determination 2014 (No. 1) [F2014L01406]. Broadcasting Services Act 1992—Broadcasting Services (Licensee Audit Exemption) Instrument 2014 [F2014L01423]. Civil Aviation Act 1988—Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998—Repeal—exemptions for helicopters used in certain off-shore operations—CASA EX137/14 [F2014L01418]. 5 Currency Act 1965—Currency (Royal Australian Mint) Determination 2014 (No. 7) [F2014L01422]. Customs Act 1901—Customs Regulations 1926—CEO Instrument of Approval—No. 2 of 2014 [F2014L01405]. Defence Force (Home Loans Assistance) Act 1990—Defence Force (Home Loans Assistance) (Warlike Service—Operation Okra) Declaration 2014 [F2014L01417]. Fisheries Management Act 1991—Fisheries Management (Southern Bluefin Tuna Fishery Management Plan 1995) Temporary Order 2014 No. 1 [F2014L01414]. Higher Education Support Act 2003—VET Provider Approval—No. 57 of 2014 [F2014L01409]. Horticulture Marketing and Research and Development Services Act 2000— Horticultural Marketing and Research and Development Services (Cessation of Industry Services Body and Industry Export Control Body) Declaration 2014 [F2014L01415]. Horticulture Marketing and Research and Development Services (Transfer of Industry Assets and Liabilities) Declaration 2014 [F2014L01416]. Radiocommunications Act 1992—Radiocommunications (Spectrum Access Charges—2.3 GHz Band) Determination 2014 [F2014L01410]. Radiocommunications (Transmitter Licence Tax) Act 1983—Radiocommunications (Transmitter Licence Tax) Amendment Determination 2014 (No. 2) [F2014L01412]. Therapeutic Goods Act 1989—Therapeutic Goods (Listing) Notice 2014 (No. 6) [F2014L01421]. Presented to the House on 27 October 2014 9 sitting days remaining for notice to disallow Banking Act 1959— Banking exemption No. 2 of 2014 [F2014L01401]. Banking exemption No. 3 of 2014 [F2014L01402]. Broadcasting Services Act 1992—Broadcasting Services (Events) Notice (No. 1) 2010—Amendment No. 11 of 2014 [F2014L01400]. Defence Act 1903— Determinations under section 58B— Deliberately differentiated offer for members—2014/51. Foreign language training—2014/50. Post indexes and hardship allowance—amendment—2014/52. Woomera Prohibited Area Rule 2014— Determination of an Exclusion Period for the Green Zone [F2014L01403]. Suspension of Standing Permission in the Woomera Prohibited Area [F2014L01404]. Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities Act 1967—Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities (Indirect Tax Concession Scheme) Amendment Determination 2014 (No. 1) [F2014L01394]. Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999—Section 269A—Instrument Adopting and Revoking Recovery Plans (WA) (21 October 2014) [F2014L01397]. National Health Act 1953— National Health Determination under paragraph 98C(1)(b) Amendment 2014 (No. 10)—PB 83 of 2014 [F2014L01393]. National Health (Listing of Pharmaceutical Benefits) Amendment Instrument 2014 (No. 11)— PB 82 of 2014 [F2014L01395]. National Health (Pharmaceutical Benefits—Early Supply) Amendment Instrument 2014 (No. 7)— specification under subsection 84AAA(2)—PB 84 of 2014 [F2014L01392]. Radiocommunications Act 1992—Radiocommunications (Field Trial by Corrective Services NSW of PMTS Jamming Devices at Lithgow Correctional Centre) Exemption Determination 2014 [F2014L01398]. Telecommunications Act 1997—Telecommunications Service Provider (Mobile Premium Services) Amendment Determination 2014 (No. 1) [F2014L01396]. 6 Presented to the House on 23 October 2014 8 sitting days remaining for notice to disallow Federal Circuit Court of Australia Act 1999—Federal Circuit Court Amendment (2014 Measures No. 1) Rules 2014—SLI 2014 No. 151 [F2014L01378]. Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986— Statement of Principles concerning anxiety disorder— No. 102 of 2014 [F2014L01389]. No. 103 of 2014 [F2014L01390]. Statement of Principles concerning leptospirosis— No. 94 of 2014 [F2014L01385]. No. 95 of 2014 [F2014L01386]. Statement of Principles concerning malignant neoplasm of the breast— No. 96 of 2014 [F2014L01383]. No. 97 of 2014 [F2014L01387]. Statement of Principles concerning malignant neoplasm of the lung— No. 92 of 2014 [F2014L01382]. No. 93 of 2014 [F2014L01384]. Statement of Principles concerning osteomyelitis— No. 90 of 2014 [F2014L01380]. No. 91 of 2014 [F2014L01381]. Statement of Principles concerning osteoporosis— No. 98 of 2014 [F2014L01388]. No. 99 of 2014 [F2014L01391]. Statement of Principles concerning rotator cuff syndrome—No. 101 of 2014 [F2014L01379]. Presented to the House on 22 October 2014 7 sitting days remaining for notice to disallow Broadcasting Services Act 1992, Radiocommunications Act 1992, Telecommunications Act 1997, Telecommunications (Carrier Licence Charges) Act 1997 and Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service Standards) Act 1999—Australian Communications and Media Authority Omnibus Revocation Instrument 2014 (No. 2) [F2014L01373]. Civil Aviation Act 1988—Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998— Exemption—Cessna 500 series aeroplanes single-pilot private operation—CASA EX131/14 [F2014L01371]. Exemption—from requirement to register an emergency locator transmitter with the Australian Maritime Safety Authority—CASA EX123/14 [F2014L01369]. Repeal—exemption from standard take-off and landing minima (Air New Zealand)— CASA EX129/14 [F2014L01370]. 1 Fair Entitlements Guarantee Act 2012—Fair Entitlements Guarantee Amendment Regulation 2014 (No. 1)—SLI 2014 No. 147 [F2014L01372]. Fair Work Act 2009—Direction to Inspectors (1 October 2014) [F2014L01374]. Fisheries Management Act 1991—Bass Strait Central Zone Scallop Fishery Management Plan 2002—Bass Strait Central Zone Scallop Fishery Total Allowable Catch Determination (No 3) 2014 [F2014L01365]. Health Insurance Act 1973—Health Insurance (Pathology Services Table) Regulation 2014— SLI 2014 No. 150 [F2014L01367]. Higher Education Support Act 2003—VET Provider Approval—No. 59 of 2014 [F2014L01366]. Legislative Instruments Act 2003—Spent and Redundant Instruments Repeal Regulation 2014 (No. 2)—SLI 2014 No. 146 [F2014L01358]. Navigation Act 2012—Marine Order 16 (Load Lines) 2014—AMSA MO 2014/15 [F2014L01368]. 1 Disallowed in the Senate on 17 November 2014. This instrument will be removed from the next Disallowable Instruments List. 7 Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986—Statement of Principles concerning rotator cuff syndrome— No. 100 of 2014 [F2014L01376]. Presented to the House on 21 October 2014 6 sitting days remaining for notice to disallow Christmas Island Act 1958—Christmas Island Legislation Amendment (2014 Measures No. 1) Ordinance 2014—2014 No. 2 [F2014L01361]. Cocos (Keeling) Islands Act 1955—Cocos (Keeling) Islands Legislation Amendment (2014 Measures No. 1) Ordinance 2014—2014 No. 3 [F2014L01363]. Health Insurance Act 1973—Health Insurance (Diagnostic Imaging Services Table) Regulation 2014—SLI 2014 No. 148 [F2014L01362]. Motor Vehicle Standards Act 1989—Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 50/00—Front Fog Lamps) 2006 Amendment 2 [F2014L01364]. Presented to the House on 20 October 2014 The House may disapprove the following instruments within 15 sitting days after tabling 5 sitting days remaining Remuneration Tribunal Act 1973—Remuneration Tribunal Determination—Remuneration and Allowances for Holders of Public Office—2014/19 [F2014L01339]. 5 sitting days remaining for notice to disallow Australian Participants in British Nuclear Tests (Treatment) Act 2006, Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004 and Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986— Veterans’ Affairs (Private Patient Principles Re-Making) Instrument 2014—R79/MRCC79 [F2014L01349]. Veterans’ Affairs (Treatment Principles—Private Accommodation in Hospital Surcharge) Instrument 2014—R78/MRCC78 [F2014L01348]. Civil Aviation Act 1988—Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998— Approval—to conduct flight tests for a training endorsement mentioned in Table 61.1235 of CASR 1998—CASA 255/14 [F2014L01350]. Hub Cracking—AD/PHS/18 Amdt 4 [F2014L01324]. Part 145 Manual of Standards Amendment Instrument 2014 (No. 1) [F2014L01316]. Corporations Act 2001—ASIC Class Order— CO 14/827 [F2014L01345]. CO 14/829 [F2014L01347]. Currency Act 1965— Currency (Perth Mint) Determination 2014 (No. 4) [F2014L01317]. Currency (Royal Australian Mint) Determination 2014 (No. 6) [F2014L01333]. Defence Act 1903—Woomera Prohibited Area Rule 2014—Determination of Exclusion Periods for Amber Zone 1 and Amber Zone 2 for Financial Year 2014-2015 [F2014L01354]. Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999—Heard Island and McDonald Islands Marine Reserve Management Plan 2014-2024 [F2014L01346]. Fisheries Management Act 1991—Fisheries Management Amendment (2014 Measures No. 1) Regulation 2014—SLI 2014 No. 141 [F2014L01330]. Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards Act 2012—Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards (Exemption) Instrument (No. 3) 2014 [F2014L01332]. Health Insurance Act 1973—Health Insurance Legislation Amendment (General Medical Services Table and Other Measures) Regulation 2014—SLI 2014 No. 149 [F2014L01360]. Higher Education Support Act 2003—VET Provider Approval— No. 58 of 2014 [F2014L01357]. No. 60 of 2014 [F2014L01351]. No. 62 of 2014 [F2014L01352]. 8 Horticulture Marketing and Research and Development Services Act 2000—Horticulture Marketing and Research and Development Services (Transfer of Industry Assets and Liabilities) Regulation 2014—SLI 2014 No. 140 [F2014L01331]. Industrial Chemicals (Notification and Assessment) Act 1989—Industrial Chemicals (Notification and Assessment) Amendment (Rotterdam Convention) Regulation 2014—SLI 2014 No. 143 [F2014L01327]. Migration Act 1958— Migration Amendment (Bridging Visas) Regulation 2014—SLI 2014 No. 144 [F2014L01321]. Migration Amendment (Temporary Graduate Visas) Regulation 2014—SLI 2014 No. 145 [F2014L01320]. National Health Act 1953—National Health (Paperless Prescribing, Dispensing and Claiming Trial) Special Arrangement 2014—PB 71 of 2014 [F2014L01336]. National Land Transport Act 2014—National Land Transport (Exemption from Public Tenders for State Projects) Determination 2014 [F2014L01342]. Personally Controlled Electronic Health Records Act 2012—PCEHR (Participation Agreements) Amendment (specified kind of agreement) Rule 2014 [F2014L01334]. Protection of Cultural Objects on Loan Act 2013—Protection of Cultural Objects on Loan Regulation 2014—SLI 2014 No. 142 [F2014L01329]. Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988—Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation (Definition of Employee—G20 Volunteers) Notice 2014 [F2014L01356]. Work Health and Safety Act 2011 and Work Health and Safety (Transitional and Consequential Provisions) Act 2011—Work Health and Safety Exemptions (Diving by members of the Australian Defence Force) (July 2014) Amendment Notice [F2014L01326]. Presented to the House on 2 October 2014 4 sitting days remaining for notice to disallow Civil Aviation Act 1988—Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998—Exemption—Employment of parttime check pilots (Capiteq Limited)—CASA EX116/14 [F2014L01313]. Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006—Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Determination 1/2014 [F2014L01315]. Defence Act 1903—Determinations under section 58B—National ADF Family Health Program—2014/49. Migration Act 1958—Migration Regulations 1994—Access to Movement Records—IMMI 14/058 [F2014L01314]. Telecommunications Universal Service Management Agency Act 2012—Telecommunications Universal Service Management Agency (Approved Auditor) Amendment Determination 2014 (No. 1) [F2014L01312]. Presented to the House on 1 October 2014 3 sitting days remaining for notice to disallow Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Act 1998—Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (confidentiality) determination—No. 10 of 2014 [F2014L01304]. Broadcasting Services Act 1992— Broadcasting Services (Additional Television Licence Condition) Notice 2014 [F2014L01307]. Broadcasting Services (Events) Notice (No. 1) 2010—Amendment No. 10 of 2014 [F2014L01308]. Civil Aviation Act 1988—Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998—Exemption—flight data recording—CASA EX118/14 [F2014L01309]. Corporations Act 2001—ASIC Instrument—14/0952 [F2014L01295]. National Health Act 1953— Amendment Determination under section 84AH (2014) (No. 4)—PB 77 of 2014 [F2014L01305]. National Health (Epworth and Cabrini Private Hospitals Paperless Prescribing and Claiming Trial) Special Arrangement 2014—PB 68 of 2014 [F2014L01302]. National Health (Listed drugs on F1 or F2) Amendment Determination 2014 (No. 9)—PB 76 of 2014 [F2014L01306]. 9 National Health (Listing of Pharmaceutical Benefits) Amendment Instrument 2014 (No. 10)— PB 72 of 2014 [F2014L01298]. National Health (Pharmaceutical Benefits—Therapeutic Groups) Amendment Determination 2014 (No. 2)—PB 80 of 2014 [F2014L01310]. Seat of Government (Administration) Act 1910—National Land (Road Transport) Ordinance 2014— Extension of Time Rule 2014 [F2014L01299]. Open Areas Parking Rule 2014 [F2014L01303]. Parking Authority Declaration—2014 High Court of Australia [F2014L01297]. Removal of Infringement Notice Management Plans Rule 2014 [F2014L01301]. Staffing and Delegations Rule 2014 [F2014L01296]. Suspension for Non-payment of Infringement Notices Rule 2014 [F2014L01300]. Presented to the House on 30 September 2014 2 sitting days remaining for notice to disallow Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Act 1998—Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (confidentiality) determination—No. 14 of 2014 [F2014L01274]. Civil Aviation Act 1988—Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998—Crankshaft Gear—AD/LYC/89 Amdt 4 [F2014L01273]. Defence Act 1903—Determinations under section 58B— Deployment allowance—amendment—2014/48. Post indexes and approved clubs—amendment—2014/47. Service residence contribution and removal costs—2014/46. Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999— Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens—Gascoyne Demersal Scalefish Managed Fishery (19 September 2014)—EPBC303DC/SFS/2014/39 [F2014L01283]. Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens—New South Wales Estuary General Fishery and New South Wales Ocean Hauling Fishery (19 September 2014)—EPBC303DC/SFS/2014/38 [F2014L01272]. Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens—Victorian Rock Lobster Fishery (19 September 2014)—EPBC303DC/SFS/2014/40 [F2014L01282]. Export Control Act 1982—Export Control (Orders) Regulations 1982—Export Control (Fish and Fish Products) Amendment (2014 Measures No. 1) Order 2014 [F2014L01292]. Motor Vehicle Standards Act 1989—Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 42/04—General Safety Requirements) 2005 Amendment 4 [F2014L01285]. National Health Act 1953— National Health Determination under paragraph 98C(1)(b) Amendment 2014 (No. 9)—PB 74 of 2014 [F2014L01286]. National Health (Efficient Funding of Chemotherapy) Special Arrangement Amendment Instrument 2014 (No. 9)—PB 78 of 2014 [F2014L01291]. National Health (Paraplegic and Quadriplegic Program) Special Arrangement Amendment Instrument 2014 (No. 6)—PB 79 of 2014 [F2014L01287]. National Health (Pharmaceutical Benefits—Early Supply) Amendment Instrument 2014 (No. 6)— specification under subsection 84AAA(2)—PB 75 of 2014 [F2014L01293]. National Health (Price and Special Patient Contribution) Amendment Determination 2014 (No. 6)—PB 73 of 2014 [F2014L01289]. Social Security Act 1991—Disability Care Load Assessment (Child) Amendment Determination 2014 [F2014L01276]. Therapeutic Goods Act 1989— Therapeutic Goods (Listing) Notice 2014 (No. 4) [F2014L01275]. Therapeutic Goods (Listing) Notice 2014 (No. 5) [F2014L01277]. 10 Presented to the House on 25 September 2014 1 sitting day remaining for notice to disallow Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards Act 2012—Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards (Exemption) Instrument (No. 2) 2014 [F2014L01267]. Higher Education Support Act 2003— Revocation of approval as a Higher Education Provider (Navitas College of Public Safety Pty Ltd) [F2014L01270]. Revocation of approval as a VET Provider (Navitas College of Public Safety Pty Ltd) [F2014L01271]. Taxation Administration Act 1953— Exemption for lodgment of 2013, 2014 or 2015 Minerals Resource Rent Tax (MRRT) Returns— Low volume non-payers’ Instrument (No. 1) 2014 [F2014L01269]. Exemption for lodgment of 2014 or 2015 Minerals Resource Rent Tax (MRRT) Returns—Large volume non-payers’ Instrument (No. 1) 2014 [F2014L01268]. Prepared and issued by the Table Office, House of Representatives.
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