As of 28 October 2015 Programme of ASEAN Ambassadors to Bodø (3-4 November, 2015) Sunday 1 November Time 14:30 Activity Comments Arrival to Bodo Raddisson Blue Hotel Bodo Storgata 2, 8006 Bobo, Norway Ambassador of Republic of the Philippines: H.E. Mr. Bayani S Mercado Monday 2 November Time Activity Comments Taking the direct Flight from Oslo to Bodo Afternoon: (15:35 – 17:00) Ambassador of Republic of Indonesia: H.E. Mr. Yowono A. Putranto Ambassador of Kingdom of Thailand: H.E. Mr. Jukr Boon-Long Ambassador of Socialist Republic of Viet Nam: H.E. Dr. Mai Thi Tuyet Le Radisson Blue Hotel Bodo Storgata 2, 8006 Bobo, Norway *Ambassador of Myanmar will not be able to join the ASEAN business trip to Bodo. As of 28 October 2015 Tuesday 3 November Time Activity 08: 30 Introduction to the program and to Nordland Per Eidsvik 09: 30 Norwegian Fishermans Association Steinar Jonassen 10 :00 Norwegian Avation Authority Anders Stoltenberg 11 :00 Visit to Salmon Center Bodø 11: 45 Lunch 12 :30 Ambassadors give a country/ASEAN presentation 13 :00 Presentations by different Entreprises : - Poseidon / Bjarne Pedersen CRT AS / Knut Østbø First Scandinavia / Stian Elstad Opscom /Trond Larsen KUN / Karin Hovde Peacpainting / Cathrine Gangstø MIP / Jan Gabor ESAVE / Kjell Kruger Plastfabrikken / Rune Rørstad Sea Venture / SALT / Kjersti Eline Tønnesen Busch Comments Radisson Blue Hotel Bodo Storgata 2, 8006 Bobo, Norway Presentations will be given in the meeting room at Radisson Radisson There will be a break at 14 :00 17 : 00 Separate meetings with ambassadors 18 : 00 Meeting between Enterprises / network Asia Break for Ambassadors 19 : 00 Meeting with Mayor of Bodø, Ms. Ida Pinnerød Bodø City Hall 20 : 00 Dinner As of 28 October 2015 Wednesday, 04 November Time 08:30 09: 00 Activity Leaving the hotel to University of Nordland (UIN) Comments Radisson Blue Hotel Bodo Storgata 2, 8006 Bobo, Norway Meeting at University of Nordland 09:00- 09:30 Introduction and welcome Pål A. Pedersen Rector of University of Nordland 09:30-10:00 UiN’s work within the fields of biosciences and aquaculture (TBC) Kiron Viswanath Professor at the Faculty for Bioscience and Aquaculture 10:00-10:30 UiN’s work within the fields of economics and management Bjørn Willy Åmo Associate Professor at Bodø Graduate School of Business 10:30-11:00 UiN’s strategy toward the ASEAN countries – future perspectives Monica Brobakk Head of International Office 11:00-11:30 NIBIO’s algae research projects (TBC) Stig Borgvang & Michael Roleda Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO) 11: 30-12:15 Lunch 12:15-13:00 (TBC) Meeting with students 13: 10 Leaving the University of Nordland 13 :30 Visit to Plastfabrikken 14:00 Leaving for the airport 14:55 – 16:25 Taking the flight from Bodo to Oslo - Ambassador of Viet Nam - Ambassador of Indonesia - Ambassador of Thai - Ambassadoe of Philippine./. Universitetsaleen 11, 8049 Bodø
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