2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Session Code: 1000 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐12:30:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballroom DE Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: Online, On Campus, or Blended: Where Quality Matters in Teaching With Technology Presenters(s): Deb Adair Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Academic and Clinical Education. “What does quality look like when teaching is mediated by technology?” The online classroom requires faculty to adopt nontraditional roles; however, roles of coaching and teaching remain and technology enables new approaches to pedagogy. This Keynote session of Academic and Clinical Education is co‐sponsored by SIG 10: Issues in Higher Education. Session Code: 1001 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐12:30:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W206ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Title: AAC in Resource‐Limited Countries: Considering Function, Accessibility, & Acceptance Presenters(s): Catherine Crowley, Lindsay Milgram Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), Autism Spectrum Disorders, and Global Issues and Practices Across the Discipline. This session, developed by the Convention Program Committee, showcases culturally and linguistically appropriate ways to meet the needs of people with communication disabilities. This seminar describes AAC approaches developed in Latin America and Africa by collaborating with local families and colleagues and that have proven to be effective and sustainable. Session Code: 1002 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐12:30:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballroom G Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Title: Language Sample Collection & Analysis With People Using AAC Systems: Considerations for Ongoing Assessment Presenters(s): Gail Van Tatenhove, Meher Banajee, Tracy Kovach, Jade Coston, Juliann Woods Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by SIG 12: Augmentative and Alternative Communication and SIG 1: Language Learning and Education. This session addresses practices in the field of language sample collection and analysis (LSC&A) and applies it to people who use AAC (PWUAAC) devices. This session brings together experts from the field of language and AAC to discuss language sampling as an authentic means of ongoing language assessment with PWUAAC. Session Code: 1003 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐12:30:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Orlando Ballroom LM Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Title: Potential of Emerging Technologies Including Fully Immersive Simulations: Research & Demonstration of TLE TeachLivE™ Presenters(s): Lisa Dieker Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), Academic and Clinical Education, and Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents. The presenter will provide a glimpse into the future of student learning and professional development through the use of innovations in current and emerging technology. The sessions will include an interactive demonstration of a fully immersive simulator being used to prepare professionals and impact student learning using avatars, called TeachLivE™. Session Code: 1004 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐12:30:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W224ABCD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Title: Strategies for SLPs Working With Students With AAC Needs in Schools Presenters(s): Dan Phillips, Martha "Michaela" Sullivan, Gloria Soto Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 1 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: Speech‐language pathologists working in the school setting serve a broad range of students who may benefit from augmentative and alternative communication. resources, tools, approaches, and intervention strategies will be presented to assist in more seamlessly implementing AAC throughout the school day in alignment with student goals and the common core. Session Code: 1005 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐12:30:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W202ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorders: Supporting Students & Families During the Transition to Adulthood Presenters(s): Leann Smith Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Autism Spectrum Disorders. Increasing numbers of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) are now entering high school and preparing for the transition to adulthood. This presentation will focus on understanding the development of adolescents with ASD and will describe strategies to support positive outcomes for students and their families at this critical time. Session Code: 1006 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐12:30:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W414AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: Everything the School‐Based SLP Needs to Know About Assessing Social Communicative Functioning Presenters(s): Janet Dodd Abstract: “Pragmatics” is only one piece of being a socially competent individual. This session will cover everything the school‐based SLP needs to know about assessing social communicative functioning along with the impact of high‐functioning autism and social communication disorder on a student’s access to the common core state standards. Session Code: 1007 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐12:30:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W209ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: Implementation Science & Social Thinking®: Discovering Evidence in Our Own Backyard Presenters(s): Pamela Crooke, Michelle Winner Abstract: While we have seen a recent explosion of research related to ASD, clinicians are still faced with translating evidence‐based practices from research‐labs to real‐world labs. But what about the notion that if we want more EBP we need more evidence based on practice (Green‐2008). This session will address this possibility. Session Code: 1008 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐12:30:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W414CD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: Testing Semantic & Syntactic Processing in Minimally Verbal Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders Using Electrophysiology Presenters(s): Valerie Shafer, Cindy Roesler, Yan Yu, Michelle MacRoy‐Higgins, Chiara Cantiani, Naseem Choudhury, Emily Zane, Sarah Kresh, Judy Flax, April Benasich Abstract: Event‐related potentials to picture, word, and sentence auditory stimuli were used to assess language in minimally verbal, 4‐ to 7‐year‐old children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Results revealed similarity at early stages, but striking differences at later stages of processing in six of 10 children with ASD compared to controls. Session Code: 1009 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐12:30:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W415A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: Evolving Roles for SLPs: Surviving & Thriving in a Transforming Healthcare Environment Presenters(s): Nancy Swigert, Ann Kummer, Becky Cornett, Charlette Green, Molly Thompson Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 2 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: SLPs need to change how they view their role to demonstrate value to the consumer and employer. Strategies for thriving in the new environment will be discussed, structured around the triple aim of improving the patient experience, health of populations, and reducing the per capita cost of care. Session Code: 1010 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐12:30:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Florida Ballroom A Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: Making the Transition to Private Practice in Speech‐Language Pathology Presenters(s): Denise Dougherty Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues. This workshop will present a road map of the process to develop a successful private practice in speech‐language pathology. Resources and worksheets will be reviewed to assist in the development of your business. Session Code: 1011 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐12:30:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W204AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: Mixing it Up: Designing & Delivering Creative & Effective Services Presenters(s): Judy Montgomery, Barbara Moore Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by SIG 16: School‐based Issues. Most school‐based clinicians agree that delivery of speech language / hearing services is the heart of good therapy. Service delivery models must be flexible and creative. Join us to examine the models of today and tomorrow, and learn how to match your service delivery options with student needs and school cultures. Session Code: 1012 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐12:30:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W207ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: The Magical Kingdom of Audiology Reimbursement: Procedure, Diagnostic & Quality Reporting Presenters(s): Robert Burkard, Leisha Eiten, Robert Fifer, Michael Hefferly, Lisa Satterfield, Stuart Trembath Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues. Medicare reform, payment rules based on quality (PQRS), increased audits of documentation (RACs, MICs, ABN), and new diagnostic codes (ICD‐10) impact audiology reimbursement in 2015 and beyond. As law requires periodic review of procedure codes, vestibular codes were subject in 2014. Practical advice for now and the future is offered. Session Code: 1013 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐12:30:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W208ABC Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Cleft Lip and Palate and Related Craniofacial Anomalies Title: Cleft Palate Speech Therapy: Myths, Legends, & Best Practices Presenters(s): Lynn Marty Grames, Mary Stahl Abstract: Educational variances and limited practicum exposure have resulted in some misconceptions concerning cleft palate and resonance disorder. Some of those misconceptions encountered by a cleft palate team will be presented, along with their veracity, and the evidence base to support or refute them. Best practices will be discussed. Session Code: 1014 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐12:30:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W415BC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Cultural and Linguistic Considerations Across the Discipline Title: Bilingualism, Context & Children With Special Needs: Insights From an International Collaboration Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 3 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Presenters(s): Elizabeth Kay‐Raining Bird, Kate Cain, Andrea MacLeod, Stefka Marinova‐Todd, Julia Scherba de Valenzuela, Fred Genesee, Pat Mirenda, Ludo Verhoeven, Diane Pesco, Patricia Cleave, Eliane Segers, Karisa Parkington, Ann Sutton, Susan Fawcett, Hillary Stahl Abstract: Socio‐linguistic context and policies vary across communities impacting the access and participation children with special needs have to bilingual opportunities and supports. This seminar presents findings from policy and practice reviews, key informant interviews, and surveys conducted using common methods at six sites internationally. Clinical and policy implications are discussed. Session Code: 1015 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐12:30:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W309AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Fluency Title: Plasticity: Understanding Human Capacity for Neural & Behavioral Change & Its Importance for Stuttering Treatment Presenters(s): Deryk Beal, Nathan Maxfield, Amanda Hampton Wray, Stefan Frisch, Luc De Nil Abstract: Effective treatment of speech fluency depends on the efficiency of multiple interacting cognitive, linguistic, and articulatory mechanisms and their capacity for change. We will review the neural network for speech, how it differs in stuttering, what changes are associated with recovery and treatment and the clinical implications for functional plasticity. Session Code: 1016 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐12:30:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Florida Ballroom BC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Fluency Title: Stuttering Treatment: Selecting the Right Treatment for the Right Client Presenters(s): Craig Edward Coleman, Vivian Sisskin, Elaine Kelman Abstract: This session is developed by, and speakers invited by Fluency. This seminar will use case histories across the lifespan (preschool, school‐age, adult) to highlight key issues in decision‐making for treating stuttering. Three fluency specialists will each present a case study to demonstrate 1) treatment options considered, 2) rationales for choices, 3) strategies for promoting change, and 4) considerations for evaluating effectiveness. Session Code: 1017 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐12:30:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W307AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Hearing Science Title: Development of a Therapeutic to Protect the Inner Ear: From Animal Models to Human Trials Presenters(s): Colleen Le Prell Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Hearing Science. Noise‐induced free radical formation leads to cell death and hearing loss. We now know that free radical scavengers reduce NIHL in animal subjects. Agents that reduce NIHL in animal models have also successfully reduced hearing loss induced by aminoglycoside antibiotics. Clinical trials from our laboratory will be discussed. Session Code: 1018 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐12:30:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W320 Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Interprofessional Education and Practice Title: Interprofessional Education 101: What You Need to Know Presenters(s): Alex Johnson, Kenn Apel, Patricia Prelock Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by the Convention Co‐Chairs. The topic of Inteprofessional Education (IPE)will be introduced and its specific focus in the professional preparation of speech‐language pathologists and audiologists will be discussed. The potential impact of IPE on outcomes in quality and safety will be considered. The presenters all have experience with IPE in their academic programs. Session Code: 1019 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐12:30:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W308CD Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 4 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Intervention/Habilitation for Infants and Children with Hearing Loss Title: Management of School‐Age Children With Hearing Loss: From the Clinic to the Classroom Presenters(s): Anita Vereb, Krista Heavner, Sherri Vernelson Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Intervention/Habilitation for Infants and Children with Hearing Loss, Infant and Child Hearing: Screening and Assessment, and SIG 9: Hearing and Hearing Disorders in Childhood. Early detection and intervention of hearing loss and advances in technology have provided children who are deaf/hard of hearing with greater opportunities to access the general education curriculum/setting. Case studies will be presented demonstrating how medical and educational professionals can better support children with hearing loss in their educational setting. Session Code: 1020 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐12:30:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W307CD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Intervention/Habilitation for Infants and Children with Hearing Loss Title: Parent‐Child Interaction Therapy: A Family‐Based Intervention for Young Children With Hearing Loss Presenters(s): Elizabeth Adams, Nancy Mellon, Meredith Ouellette Abstract: Primary caregivers are critical in facilitating appropriate early interaction patterns, developing language, and promoting overall social‐emotional development of their children. Parent‐Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) can support such growth. PCIT is an empirically supported treatment that works with parents and children together to promote child development and positive parent‐ child relationships. Session Code: 1021 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐12:30:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W109B Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: Social‐Cognitive‐Language Interventions for Children & Adolescents With Disruptive Behavior Disorders Presenters(s): Carol Westby, Kristine Noel Abstract: Presenters will review the DSM5 diagnostic features for disruptive behavior disorders (DBD), describe the pattern of theory of mind deficits and language deficits in DBD, the influence of these deficits on emotional regulation and problem solving, and demonstrate strategies for promoting theory of mind and language development for problem‐solving. Session Code: 1022 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐12:30:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311GH Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: State of the Art in Matching Narrative Interventions to Children’s Developmental Profiles Presenters(s): Sandra Gillam, Douglas Petersen, Carla Jackson Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents. The extent to which current narrative procedures have been be adapted to meet the various needs of students reflecting a diverse range of developmental contexts is considered. Narratives of English‐language learners, children with specific language impairment, and children with autism spectrum disorder will be explored. Session Code: 1023 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐12:30:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W312C Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: That's Unexpected! Co‐Teaching Social Communication Skills From the General Education to Self‐Contained School Settings Presenters(s): Kristen Waszkowski, Lori Avdoian, Nicole Wren, Kim Cline Abstract: Learn how school psychologists and SLPs modify the concepts of social thinking and zones of regulation to address social deficits in children with varying needs and abilities in both general and special education settings. Practical applications for upper elementary and middle school students will be demonstrated. Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 5 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Session Code: 1024 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐12:30:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W310AB Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: The Intersection Between 47,XXY (Klinefelter Syndrome) & Speech & Language Deficits: Implications, Identification, & Management Presenters(s): Teresa Dixon, Carole Samango‐Sprouse, David Gibbs, Andrea Gropman, Teresa Sadeghin Abstract: 47,XXY is a common but rarely diagnosed chromosomal disorder that leads to significant speech and language deficits in the majority of its patients. Although the phenotypic profile of XXY shares many commonalities with ASD, recent studies show a positive effect of hormonal replacement on the neurodevelopmental outcome of XXY patients. Session Code: 1025 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐12:30:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W308AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: Working Memory & Its Influence on Comprehension and vocabulary learning: Models, Assessment & Intervention Guidelines Presenters(s): James Montgomery, Ronald Gillam, Bonnie Singer Abstract: Working memory is the ability to hold information in mind for a short time and manipulate that information for a specific purpose. This presentation addresses working memory models/assessment, working memory, and sentence comprehension/vocabulary learning in children with SLI and intervention guidelines for addressing working memory constraints in children. Session Code: 1026 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐12:30:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W203AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: “What’s Your Story?” Collaborative Programs for People With Aphasia Presenters(s): Ellayne Ganzfried, Mona Greenfield, Madeline Cruice, Lucy Dipper Abstract: Personal narratives can be beneficial yet challenging for PWA. A successful collaborative program between The Moth, an acclaimed storytelling organization, and an aphasia group will be discussed along with a similar project initiated in the UK. Process, outcomes and videos will be presented along with future directions for program expansion. Session Code: 1027 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐12:30:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W306AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: An Interdisciplinary ICAP: Outcomes & Insights From Three Experimental Cohorts Presenters(s): Elizabeth Hoover, Anne Carney Abstract: Intensive comprehensive aphasia programs (ICAPs) have been gaining momentum as a new treatment approach to meet the ongoing needs of patients with aphasia. However, there is little published data on their efficacy. Outcomes from an interdisciplinary ICAP at Boston University involving three experimental cohorts will be presented and discussed. Session Code: 1028 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐12:30:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W110B Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: Language Banking: State of the Science Presenters(s): Brian MacWhinney, Audrey Holland, Margaret Forbes, Davida Fromm, Leanne Togher, Michelle Bourgeois, Nan Bernstein Ratner Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Language Disorders in Adults and Fluency. We illustrate use of open‐access, free CHILDES and TalkBank systems to study clinical populations through the construction of AphasiaBank, ChiDisBank, Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 6 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions TBIBank, DementiaBank, and FluencyBank. Each has media‐linked automatic transcript analysis and data collection protocols and is developing clinical reference norms. Quick, free, reliable language sample analysis is now a reality. Session Code: 1029 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐12:30:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W221ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: Living With Aphasia: Framework for Outcome Measurement (A‐FROM): Program, Research, Advocacy, & Policy Applications Presenters(s): Aura Kagan, Nina Simmons‐Mackie, Mary Boyle, Roberta Elman, Kathryn Shelley Abstract: A‐FROM, grounded in the World Health Organization's ICF, was first introduced in 2007 as a way to guide thinking about outcome assessment in aphasia, but has also proven useful in relation to clinical programs, research, advocacy and policy. This panel‐style presentation provides background and expanded applications of A‐FROM. Session Code: 1030 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐12:30:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W205BC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language in Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers Title: A Framework for Developing Classroom‐Based Integrated Language and Emergent Literacy Lessons for Preschool Children Presenters(s): R. Jane Lieberman, Jamie Schwartz Abstract: This presentation features an integrated framework for designing classroom‐based language and emergent literacy lessons for preschool children. Lessons blend content in subject‐specific areas (e.g., mathematics) with language and emergent literacy targets (e.g., phonological awareness). Developmentally appropriate instructional approaches and strategies are implemented in the context of inquiry, experiential learning, and play. Session Code: 1031 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐12:30:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballroom H Instructional Level: Advanced Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language in Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers Title: Identifying & Engaging Children With Autism & Other Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Social Communication Presenters(s): Connie Kasari, Jana Iverson, Nancy Brady Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Language in Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers. The presentation will focus on the promise and limitations of new research on a) early identification of infants and toddlers with ASD and b) early interventions on social communication skills for children with ASD as well as potential extensions to other neurodevelopmental disorders (e.g., Down syndrome, dup15q). Session Code: 1032 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐12:30:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311CD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Literacy Assessment and Intervention Title: The Vocabulary‐Spelling Interface: Enriching Literacy Intervention Models in the CCSS Era Presenters(s): Elaine Silliman, Ruth Bahr Abstract: A different perspective on vocabulary learning for students with LLD is described. The interrelationship between vocabulary and spelling is explored and a new model of derivational complexity in spelling presented. Participants will learn to analyze misspellings for individual strategies in linguistic feature use. Instructional/intervention implications will be provided. Session Code: 1033 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐12:30:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W110A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Motor Speech in Adults and Children Title: The Management of Communication Deficits in the Complex Movement Disorder Patient Presenters(s): Michelle Troche, John Rosenbek, Karen Hegland, Alexandra Brandimore, Katelyn Parham Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 7 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: Neurodegenerative movement disorders result in motor‐speech dysfunction often complicated by deficits in cognitive, emotional, and linguistic domains. These complications present challenges to management of the movement disorders patient. The goal of this seminar is to address these challenges through didactic teaching paired with interactive discussion of several complex cases. Session Code: 1034 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐12:30:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W221DE Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Research Across the Discipline Title: Implementing Treatment Outcome Research in Your Clinical Practice: How to Make it Happen Presenters(s): Lorraine Ramig, Cynthia Fox, Carol Boliek, Angela Halpern, Elizabeth Peterson, Geralyn Schulz, Deborah Theodoros Abstract: Speech‐language pathologists in clinical practice have unique opportunities to conduct valuable treatment outcome research; however, implementation can be challenging. This presentation will discuss treatment designs, outcome measures, case studies, and critical considerations when embarking on clinical treatment research, focusing on children and adults with motor speech disorders. Session Code: 1035 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐12:30:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W109A Instructional Level: Advanced Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Research Across the Discipline Title: Introduction to Research Grant Writing Presenters(s): Nadine Martin, Mario Svirsky, Lana Shekim, Christopher Moore Abstract: Sponsored by ASHA's Research and Scientific Affairs Committee, this session provides information to researchers and researchers‐in‐training who wish to secure extramural funding. The NIH grant application process (preparing first submission, peer review, and revision) and funding sources are discussed with reference to individual investigator and collaborative translational research projects. Session Code: 1036 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐12:30:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311AB Instructional Level: Advanced Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Speech Science Title: William R. Zemlin Memorial Lecture: Mouth Matters: Scientific & Clinical Applications of Speech Movement Analysis Presenters(s): Jordan Green Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by SIG 5: Speech Science and Orofacial Disorders and Speech Science. The Zemlin Lecture is an ASHA lecture, co‐sponsored by Alllyn & Bacon, publishers. Innovations in motion capture technology provide options for assessing speech motor performance in children and adults. This lecture demonstrates how technology is used to understand speech motor development, improving the assessment and treatment of speech motor disorders. Session Code: 1037 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐12:30:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W415D Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Speech Sound Disorders in Children Title: Differential Diagnosis of Severe Phonological Disorder & Childhood Apraxia of Speech Presenters(s): Susan Rvachew, Tanya Matthews Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Speech Sound Disorders in Children. Children with atypical and inconsistent speech errors may have difficulty with phonological or motor planning. We will demonstrate how the Syllable Repetition Task can be used identify problems with different levels of processing and select an appropriate treatment approach by presenting research evidence and video demonstrations of speech therapy procedures. Session Code: 1038 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐12:30:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballrom IJ Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 8 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: Diet Texture Terminology: Establishing International Consensus Presenters(s): Catriona Steele Abstract: This session is developed by SIG 13: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders (Dysphagia). Diet texture modification is a popular dysphagia management practice. We lack evidence‐informed terminology to describe and classify characteristics of diet modifications. This program will describe progress towards establishing an international taxonomy of terms and descriptors for diet texture modifications. Session Code: 1039 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐12:30:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W304EFGH Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: Dysphagia in Persons With Dementia: Seeking Evidence for What We Do Presenters(s): Luis Riquelme, Michelle Tristani Abstract: This presentation will review levels of evidence and apply them to current approaches in managing dysphagia in persons with dementia. Presenters will also outline criteria utilized to differentiate cognitively based versus physiologically based dysphagia in this population. Treatment approaches will be provided and systematically reviewed in the context of available evidence‐based support. Session Code: 1040 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐12:30:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311EF Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: Pediatric Dysphagia: Expect the Unexpected—Decision‐Making with Unusual Findings on Instrumental Swallow Evaluations Presenters(s): Amy Delaney, Joan Arvedson Abstract: SLPs evaluating infants and children with swallowing and feeding problems need to be prepared for unexpected findings. They must carry out examinations optimally with clear descriptions and accurate interpretations. SLPs are critical in recommendations that may include further work‐up to delineate underlying etiologies. Patient examples will be presented for discussion. Session Code: 1041 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐12:30:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W314AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: Videofluoroscopy Interpretation‐—Lateral vs. Other Views: Which Side Is Up? Presenters(s): Martin Brodsky, James Coyle Abstract: This seminar will address the differences between the lateral and anterior‐posterior (A‐P) views of the videofluoroscopic swallow study. Emphasis will be placed on the identification of anatomical structures observed in both views, normal swallowing and disordered swallowing physiology, and implementation of therapeutic techniques to achieve functional outcomes. Session Code: 1042 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐12:30:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Orlando Ballroom N Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Voice and Alaryngeal Communication Title: Advancing Models of Care in Pediatric Voice & Airway Disorders Presenters(s): Susan Baker Brehm, Barbara Weinrich, Lisa Kelchner, Stephanie Zacharias, Charlie Myer Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Voice and Alaryngeal Communication. Methods of evaluation and treatment of children with voice disorders will be presented in this session. Data will be presented about factors leading to success in therapy such as adherence and barriers such as scheduling. Telehealth and flexible approaches to therapy will be described as well as surgical options. Session Code: 1043 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐12:30:00 PM Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 9 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W222A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Voice and Alaryngeal Communication Title: Promoting Effective Services for Transgender Speakers in the U.S.: Applying W‐PATH’s Standards of Care Presenters(s): Richard Adler, Christie Block, Leah Helou, Sandy Hirsch, John Pickering Abstract: This presentation will discuss the World Professional Association of Transgender Health’s Standards of Care, Version 7, and the implications of these standards for practicing SLPs. Current clinical practice in the U.S., challenges and needs of practicing SLPs, the role of clinical education, and next steps will also be explored. Session Code: 1044 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐12:30:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W205A Instructional Level: Advanced Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Voice and Alaryngeal Communication Title: Standard Clinical Protocols for Endoscopic, Acoustic, and Aerodynamic Voice Assessment: Recommendations from ASHA Expert Committee Presenters(s): Shaheen Awan, Julie Barkmeier‐Kraemer, Mark Courey, Dimitar Deliyski, Tanya Eadie, Jan Svec, Rita Patel, Robert Hillman, Diane Paul Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by SIG 3: Voice and Voice Disorders. This seminar will present recommended standard clinical protocols for endoscopic, acoustic, and aerodynamic assessment of voice recently developed by the ASHA Adhoc Committee on Instrumental Voice Assessment. Specifications for instrumentation, environmental conditions, voice/speech tasks, analysis methods, and target measures will be provided. Audience feedback will be solicited. Session Code: 1045 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 1:30:00 PM‐2:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W308AB Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: Flipping the Classroom: Implications for CSD Coursework Presenters(s): Jerry Hoepner, Abby Hemmerich, Deborah Elledge, Thomas Sather Abstract: The flipped classroom is a pedagogy described often in the media. Faculty at UW‐Eau Claire have embraced this teaching approach across their undergraduate and graduate curriculum. An overview of flipped classroom design, plus tips and techniques for successful flipping are presented. Student outcome data are presented to support this pedagogy. Session Code: 1046 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 1:30:00 PM‐2:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311EF Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: Framework for Developing a New Program in Communication Sciences & DIsorders Presenters(s): Dennis Burrows, Earl Seaver, Mary Anne Hanner Abstract: As the need for speech‐language and hearing professionals grows so will the need for new programs to educate these professionals. This session will provide an overview of what must be considered when establishing a need for a new program, location, and the various accreditations. Session Code: 1047 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 1:30:00 PM‐2:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W312C Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: The Effective Use of Simulations for Clinical Education in CSD Presenters(s): Leigha Jansen, Stacy Williams, Katharine Ondo Abstract: Simulations hold great potential as teaching tools, but must be evaluated and integrated into curricula with consideration of the critical elements of simulation‐based education, which reinforce quality instructional design. These concepts will be reviewed in detail, along with practical guidance for the integration of simulation technologies in CSD clinical education. Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 10 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Session Code: 1048 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 1:30:00 PM‐2:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W221ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: The Eyes Have it! Teaching Clinical Decision‐Making With EBP Presenters(s): Cheryl Gilson Abstract: This EBP teaching model describes the components as "eyes" for viewing raw clinical data leading to the decisions of what, how, and who to teach. Research data are evaluated using the traditional "Levels of Evidence" approach. A similar approach stratifies and evaluates client/family values and practice‐based evidence. Session Code: 1049 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 1:30:00 PM‐2:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W415D Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Title: AAC Revolutionizes Aphasia Therapy: Changes in Cortical Plasticity & Spoken Language Production Presenters(s): Aimee Dietz, Jennifer Vannest, Joe Collier, Thomas Maloney, Mekibib Altaye, Jerzy Szaflarski, Scott Holland Abstract: Recent reports suggest that AAC interventions may facilitate the spoken expression of people with aphasia, highlighting the need to examine the associated cortical plasticity and language recovery. In this study, we compared the influence of a novel AAC intervention to a traditional restorative intervention on linguistic restoration and neural reorganization. Session Code: 1050 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 1:30:00 PM‐2:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W209ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Title: Teaching Preschoolers With Unintelligible Speech to Produce Rule‐Based Sentences: AAC Solutions Presenters(s): Cathy Binger, Jennifer Kent‐Walsh, Marika King, Lindsay Mansfield, Elijia Buenviaje, Merissa Ekman, Victoria Ortega, Jamie Ragsdale, Maja Whitaker Abstract: This intervention study examined how 3‐5 year old children with poor intelligibility learned to produce a range of rule‐ based, multi‐symbol messages. Learning patterns of 12 children using an AAC iPad app were examined. Overall findings indicated that some children may produce sentences using graphic symbols more easily than previously thought. Session Code: 1051 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 1:30:00 PM‐2:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W415A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Title: The Successful Employment of Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorder Who Use AAC Presenters(s): Laura Richardson, David McNaughton Abstract: This one‐hour oral seminar will describe the outcomes of large multiple case study qualitative research project investigating the successful employment of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) who use AAC. Results will be discussed in terms of positive and negative impacts associated with employment, and supports and barriers to employment. Session Code: 1052 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 1:30:00 PM‐2:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W224ABCD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: He's Just Lazy! Helping Students With High Functioning Autism Meet Common Core State Standards Presenters(s): Timothy Kowalski Abstract: This presentation will discuss the underlying difficulty in these students’ ability to analyze and synthesize information necessary to achieve success. It will provide a framework to analyze CCSS as to the difficulties unique to HFA/AS. Techniques will be provided to help them develop strategies to compensate for these deficiencies. Session Code: 1053 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 1:30:00 PM‐2:30:00 PM Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 11 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W414CD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: Incidental Teaching to Build Social Communication in Children With ASD Who Use AAC Presenters(s): Erinn Finke, Jennifer Davis Abstract: This study investigated use of incidental teaching for teaching commenting in the form of single and multi‐symbol messages to children with ASD who use AAC. Six children between the ages of 8 and 12 years were the participants in this study. Intervention procedures and results will be presented and discussed. Session Code: 1054 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 1:30:00 PM‐2:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W414AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: Using Instructional Discourse to Facilitate a Conversation Skills Group for Young Adults With ASD Presenters(s): Megan Tobin, Kathryn Drager, Erinn Finke Abstract: This presentation discusses the feasibility of using an instructional discourse approach to facilitate a naturalistic group intervention targeting conversational responsiveness for transition‐aged young adults with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Development of group dynamic, patterns of responding in dyadic conversation, and implications for future development of group interventions are discussed. Session Code: 1055 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 1:30:00 PM‐2:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W415BC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: Dealing With Difficult People: Working With You Is Killing Me! Presenters(s): Shari Robertson Abstract: Cranky colleagues? Surly students? Abominable administrators? Pushy parents? Difficult people in your professional setting create conflict that raise stress levels and reduce your productivity. This seminar will provide you with proven strategies for neutralizing the negative behaviors of difficult people in your workplace. Take charge and rise above the fray! Session Code: 1056 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 1:30:00 PM‐2:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W110B Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: Focus on Function Presenters(s): Susan Shetler, Lynn Hansen Abstract: Regulations and legislation emphasize standards driven by scores and data. Our focus on functional communication—the ability to understand and be understood across multiple environments—can become secondary. Join us for a research‐supported discussion on the WHY and HOW of functional intervention while also meeting accountability requirements. Session Code: 1057 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 1:30:00 PM‐2:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W206ABC Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: Resting Is for More Than Just Your Voice: Self‐Care for SLPs Presenters(s): Henriette Langdon, Maxine Starr Abstract: SLPs across all settings experience five main stressors: Too much paperwork, no time to relax, over‐commitment, inadequate salary, and lack of time to complete the work. In this presentation we will discuss how tending to our mind, body, spirit, and emotion can help us increase our productivity and life satisfaction. Session Code: 1058 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 1:30:00 PM‐2:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W222A Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 12 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: The Importance of a Good Match: Connecting Funding Needs to Funding Sources for School Clinicians Presenters(s): Carrie Spangler, Janet Deppe, Shannon Hall‐Mills, Jon Clancy, Regina Goings, Jennie Price Abstract: This presentation is designed to help school‐based SLPs and audiologists match various funding needs with resources to optimize the matching process. Participants will engage in hands‐on activities to match their needs to possible financial resources. Project profiles from clinicians who “found their funding match” will be highlighted. Session Code: 1059 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 1:30:00 PM‐2:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W224FH Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Cultural and Linguistic Considerations Across the Discipline Title: Beyond Spanish II: Competencies for SLPs Working With Children From Diverse Cultures Presenters(s): Sharynne McLeod, Christina Gildersleeve‐Neumann, Giang Pham, Seyhun Topbas, Suzanne Hopf, Sarah Verdon Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Cultural and Linguistic Considerations Across the Discipline to support SLPs’ competencies for working with children with speech and language disorders across different cultural contexts. General principles and resources will be supplemented with examples from Russian, Vietnamese, Turkish, and Fijian languages. Session Code: 1060 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 1:30:00 PM‐2:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W202ABC Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Cultural and Linguistic Considerations Across the Discipline Title: Children Adopted Internationally at Older Ages: How to Assess When L1 Is Missing Presenters(s): Sharon Glennen Abstract: Recent changes in international adoption have resulted in 55 percent of children being adopted after age 3, and 38 percent after age 5. These older adoptees have a long transition when L1 disappears before L2 develops. This session will focus on assessment practices for older adoptees during this transition period. Session Code: 1061 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 1:30:00 PM‐2:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Florida Ballroom BC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Cultural and Linguistic Considerations Across the Discipline Title: Patterns of Past Tense Markings in the Narratives of Low‐Income African‐American Children Presenters(s): Lena Caesar, Marie Kerins Abstract: This study analyzes morpho‐syntatactic forms used in the narratives of African‐American children for encoding past action. Specifically, children’s use of the preterite had + Verb‐ed, for marking the simple past is compared with their use of the pluperfect and simple past tenses. Video‐taped examples are presented, and assessment implications discussed. Session Code: 1062 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 1:30:00 PM‐2:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W207ABC Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Cultural and Linguistic Considerations Across the Discipline Title: The Unity in the Development of Metadiglossic Knowledge: From Arabic to African‐American Vernacular English Presenters(s): Reem Khamis‐Dakwar, Baha Makhoul Abstract: The study investigates the development of explicit sociolinguistic knowledge of diglossia in 40 Palestinian children in Israel, ages 6:11‐11:3. The results indicate that in oral‐literacy mismatch situations, there is a unity in the development of children’s awareness of the specific sociolinguistic situation, as an emergent skill in oral‐literacy mismatch situations. Session Code: 1063 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 1:30:00 PM‐2:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W320 Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Fluency Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 13 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Title: A Stuttering Curmudgeon Reflects on Changes in Stuttering Research & Treatment During His Career Presenters(s): Robert Quesal Abstract: In this session, a newly retired professor and SLP will reflect on the changes in stuttering research and treatment that he has observed since he entered the profession as a student more than 40 years ago. Research and treatment trends, blind alleys, and hope for the future are among the topics discussed. Session Code: 1064 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 1:30:00 PM‐2:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W309AB Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Fluency Title: Differential Diagnosis of Fluency Disorders: Neurogenic, Psychogenic, Recurring Developmental Stuttering Presenters(s): Emily Wang, Maria Thomas Abstract: This proposed seminar will use video‐taped clinical cases to demonstrate the process of differential diagnosis of neurogenic, psychogenic, and recurring developmental stuttering. Neuroimaging study findings and clinical features of different types of dysfluencies will be discussed in depth. A flowchart is provided to help with the differential diagnosis. Session Code: 1065 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 1:30:00 PM‐2:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W315AB Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Fluency Title: Understanding the Culture of Stuttering: Improving Interactions with People Who Stutter Presenters(s): Michael Boyle, Derek Daniels, Charles Hughes, Anthony Buhr Abstract: This presentation reviews the importance of clinicians demonstrating cultural competence in their interactions with people who stutter. Specific topics will include defining the culture of stuttering, providing examples of interactions with people who stutter that could be perceived as inappropriate, and describing appropriate etiquette when interacting with people who stutter. Session Code: 1066 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 1:30:00 PM‐2:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W310AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Global Issues and Practices Across the Discipline Title: Developing Intercultural Competence: A Service‐Learning Experience in Zambia Presenters(s): Lata Krishnan, Christi Masters, Charles Calahan, K. Andrew R. Richards Abstract: SLHS in Zambia, Africa, is a study abroad program that uses a service‐learning model. Cultural competence measured via the Public Affairs Scale (PAS) increased after completion of this program. The Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI®) and the PAS were administered pre‐ and post‐ to compare outcomes from the two measures. Session Code: 1067 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 1:30:00 PM‐2:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W306AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Hearing Science Title: Hearing in Stranded Dolphins Presenters(s): David Mann Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Hearing Science. Toothed whales rely on echolocation for orientation and feeding; therefore, hearing deficits could lead to stranding. Auditory evoked potential measurements of hearing from 8 species of toothed whales that were found stranded showed a high prevalence of hearing impairment in comparison to a wild population of dolphins. Session Code: 1068 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 1:30:00 PM‐2:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W205A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Interprofessional Education and Practice Title: Engaging Professionals & Graduate Students in Interprofessional Education and Practice to Support Individuals With ASD Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 14 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Presenters(s): Katherine Holman, Elizabeth Neville Abstract: In response to the increasing numbers and complex needs of students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), two programs were developed to bring professionals together to learn effective strategies and innovative service delivery models through interprofessional education and practice. Interprofessional learning activities and creative use of technologies will be shared. Session Code: 1069 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 1:30:00 PM‐2:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W109A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Interprofessional Education and Practice Title: Utilizing Electronic Medical Records & Enhanced Simulation in Interprofessional Clinical Education Presenters(s): Mary Riotte, Meredith O'Dea, Rebecca Inzana, Mary Evenson, Erin Riley Abstract: This presentation will describe innovative faculty teaching methods utilized at the MGH Institute of Health Professions in preparing graduate students for real‐world practice environments. The implementation of technology, including electronic medical health records (eHR) and enhanced simulation within the dynamic of interprofessional learning, will be discussed. Session Code: 1070 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 1:30:00 PM‐2:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W307AB Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Intervention/Habilitation for Infants and Children with Hearing Loss Title: Developing Listening & Spoken Language: Intervention Techniques Presenters(s): Domitille Lochet, Karalee Needelman Abstract: Families of children with hearing loss who are using a listening and spoken language approach to communicate need to facilitate auditory learning to support their child’s language development. The skills needed by speech‐language pathologists to elicit auditory learning during family interactions will be described. Session Code: 1071 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 1:30:00 PM‐2:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W308CD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Intervention/Rehabilitation for Adults with Hearing Loss Title: Effectiveness of Hearing Aids in Older Adults: Reviewing the Evidence & Presenting Some New Evidence Presenters(s): Larry Humes Abstract: This presentation begins with a brief overview of our previous research on the domains or dimensions of hearing aid outcome in older adults. The prior evidence regarding the effectiveness of hearing aids for each outcome domain is then reviewed. The session concludes with a presentation of some new data. Session Code: 1072 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 1:30:00 PM‐2:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W307CD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Intervention/Rehabilitation for Adults with Hearing Loss Title: Fostering Person‐Centered Practice in the Clinic Presenters(s): Joseph Montano, Sue Ann Erdman Abstract: How can we bring the concept of “person‐centered care” into our clinics? There is evidence to support that person centeredness is critical for patient satisfaction and rehabilitation outcomes. This seminar explores what steps we should take to understand our patients with hearing loss and how to better meet their needs. Session Code: 1073 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 1:30:00 PM‐2:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W110A Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: Aphasia Book Club: Strategies for Success Presenters(s): Kerry Lenius, Jessica Obermeyer Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 15 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: There are several challenges to starting and maintaining a successful aphasia group. This session will review benefits of aphasia groups, provide the structure of an aphasia book club co‐led by the presenters, and discuss strategies for running and maintaining a successful group. Session Code: 1074 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 1:30:00 PM‐2:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W314AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: Cultural & Clinical Competency in the Case of Changing Parameters of Selfhood in Dementia Presenters(s): Jacqueline Guendouzi, Boyd Davis, Meghan Savage Abstract: This seminar reviews data taken from more than a decade of qualitative research examining communication in the context of dementia. In particular, issues of selfhood, difference, and adequate care are addressed in relation to a) clinical practice, and b) the role of conversational data in supporting cognitive research into language processing. Session Code: 1075 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 1:30:00 PM‐2:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballrom IJ Instructional Level: Advanced Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language in Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers Title: Bilingual Preschoolers: Screening, Assessment, & Kindergarten Outcomes Presenters(s): Elizabeth Pena, Lisa Bedore Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Language in Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers. It is difficult to differentiate between language difference and impairment In English language learners. In this session, Spanish and English profiles of bilingual preschool children with different levels of ability will be presented. Follow‐up testing at kindergarten will be considered for each language, relative to English exposure and ability group. Session Code: 1076 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 1:30:00 PM‐2:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W208ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language in Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers Title: The Development of a New Norm‐Referenced Mandarin Assessment for Children Presenters(s): Xueman "Lucy" Liu, C‐Y Ning, Jill de Villiers, Teresa Hutchings, Eric Rolfhus, Wendy Lee Abstract: Research for a new standardized, norm‐referenced Mandarin language assessment of children aged 2:6‐7:11 is described. Normed in four regions of China, this assessment delivered by iPad provides scores covering semantics, syntax, receptive, and expressive language. U.S. clinicians with Mandarin‐speaking clients can generate reports on language skill profiles. Session Code: 1077 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 1:30:00 PM‐2:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Orlando Ballroom N Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language Science Title: American English Dialects, the Justice System, & Implications for SLPs: A Systematic Review Presenters(s): Kenyatta Rivers, Glenda DeJarnette, Yvette Hyter, Kareem Jordan Abstract: The purpose of this seminar is to examine the findings of a systematic review of peer‐reviewed articles that have investigated the correlation between negative perceptions of language variations of American English. Implications for justice system outcomes will be explored. Findings will be discussed, along with their implications for SLPs. Session Code: 1078 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 1:30:00 PM‐2:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W109B Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language Science Title: Applying the Evidence of Neuroscience to Language Intervention Presenters(s): Rhonda Malinsky‐Rockwell Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 16 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: Current strides in Neuroscience have revealed what happens in the brain at each step of the learning process and what can impact it. This is the rationale for a new language‐therapy program incorporating strategies to improve the brain's level of functioning: Kids Studio and Kids Lab Language‐Therapy Workshops. Session Code: 1079 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 1:30:00 PM‐2:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballroom H Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language Science Title: Longer Lasting Effects of Ongoing Experience in Adult Language Production & Comprehension Presenters(s): Victor Ferreira Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Fluency and Language Science. Does our ability to produce and comprehend language mature and then remain relatively unchanged unless hindered by impairment? New research in experience‐ driven language plasticity suggests that ability to process linguistic information is continuously refined through day‐to‐day language use. Mechanisms by which this happens are reviewed and possible clinical applications discussed. Session Code: 1080 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 1:30:00 PM‐2:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W203AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language Science Title: Physiological Measures of Mother‐Infant Interactional Synchrony Presenters(s): David McFarland, Linda Polka, Annie‐Joelle Fortin Abstract: Although social interaction is an important learning context for infants, exactly what is happening to facilitate language development is far from clear. Using cardiac and respiratory measures, we have begun to explore whether infant attention abilities and caregiver‐infant synchrony may contribute to the development of vocal interactions and turn‐taking. Session Code: 1081 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 1:30:00 PM‐2:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311GH Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Literacy Assessment and Intervention Title: Developing Language & Literacy Partnerships in the Public School Setting: Coordinating Pedagogy With Clinical Practice Presenters(s): Amy Plante, Marianne Nice, Penelope Webster Abstract: This presentation will seek to inspire practicing professionals and those in higher education to step outside traditional roles, training and pedagogy as we prepare future speech‐language pathologists. An innovative model developed at UNH to prepare graduate students to work collaboratively with literacy professionals in an RtI context will be presented. Session Code: 1082 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 1:30:00 PM‐2:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W221DE Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Motor Speech in Adults and Children Title: Measuring Communicative Participation in Adults With Motor Speech Disorders: Clinical Options & Implications Presenters(s): Carolyn Baylor, Kathryn Yorkston Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Motor Speech in Adults and Children. “Participation‐focused intervention” refers to building interventions around involvement in meaningful activities in daily life contexts. Barriers to participation‐focused intervention include limited outcomes measurement instruments and evidence‐based intervention resources. This seminar will focus on participation measurement (Communicative Participation Item Bank) and implications for clinical practices for motor speech disorders in adults. Session Code: 1083 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 1:30:00 PM‐2:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Orlando Ballroom LM Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Motor Speech in Adults and Children Title: Parent & Teacher Perceptions of Resilience Behaviors in Children with Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 17 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Presenters(s): Maureen K Martin, Susan Perry, Missy Schraeder, Lindsay Wright Abstract: Limited research exists on resilience behaviors in children with communication disorders. Phonetic, multisensory structured intervention was used to remediate CAS in an intensive therapy model for 12 children over a 2‐year period. Significant gains were found in articulation skills and parent and teacher perceptions of resilience behaviors. Session Code: 1084 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 1:30:00 PM‐2:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Florida Ballroom A Instructional Level: Advanced Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Research Across the Discipline Title: Social Culture Matters: Using School‐Wide Positive Behavior Support to Achieve Academic & Behavior Outcomes Presenters(s): Robert Horner Abstract: More than 20,000 schools throughout the United States are implementing Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). Investing in a positive social culture is proving effective for achieving both academic and social outcomes. How PBIA can improve both the effectiveness of schools and equity with which quality education is provided will be addressed. Session Code: 1085 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 1:30:00 PM‐2:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W205BC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Research Across the Discipline Title: The Unethical Practice of Being Too Cautious in Research Presenters(s): Paula Leslie, Catherine Sandsund, Justin Roe Abstract: In clinical research and health care we must balance enabling the patient’s voice against taking advantage of the vulnerable. Concern for people’s “best interests” and burdening the suffering may be unethical and patronizing. People experiencing life‐limiting disease have a right to contribute to the evidence base. We can and should support this, albeit with due care. Session Code: 1086 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 1:30:00 PM‐2:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W204AB Instructional Level: Advanced Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Speech Sound Disorders in Children Title: Speech, Language, & Motor Interactivity in Typical & Atypical Language Learners Presenters(s): Lisa Goffman Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Speech Sound Disorders in Children. Clinical diagnostic categories differentiate children with language (i.e., SLI), speech and motor disorders. On closer inspection, it becomes evident that there are pervasive and systematic cross‐domain interactions within these categories. Findings reveal specific capacities that subtend language, speech, and motor deficits in children with SLI. Funded by NIDCD R0104826. Session Code: 1087 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 1:30:00 PM‐2:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311CD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: Evidence‐Based Approach to Radiation‐Associated Dysphagia in Head & Neck Cancer Presenters(s): Denise Barringer, Beth Beadle, Katherine Hutcheson Abstract: The session will present an evidenced‐based approach for the management of radiation‐associated dysphagia in head and neck cancer patients. An expert radiation oncologist will cover standard and novel approaches of radiation therapy. Preventive and rehabilitative swallowing programs will be outlined with pertinent literature review by head and neck specialized SLPs. Session Code: 1088 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 1:30:00 PM‐2:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballroom DE Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: Respiratory Muscle Strength Training (RMST): How to Get Started Presenters(s): Michelle Troche Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 18 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders. This session will review the evidence regarding Respiratory Muscle Strength Training (RMST) use in dysphagia treatment and provide practical information regarding how to get started with RMST. Session Code: 1089 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 1:30:00 PM‐2:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W304EFGH Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Traumatic Brain Injury Title: Communication Partner Training for People With TBI: A New Treatment Resource Called TBI Express Presenters(s): Leanne Togher, Skye McDonald, Robyn Tate, Emma Power, Rachael Rietdijk Abstract: Clinicians are increasingly working with families, careers, and friends of people with traumatic brain injury to facilitate communication recovery. However, there are few clinical resources. This hands‐on seminar combines content about an empirically proven communication partner‐training package, TBI Express, with evidence‐based assessments, conversation training methods, and freely available online resources. Session Code: 1090 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 1:30:00 PM‐2:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballroom G Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Traumatic Brain Injury Title: The Use of Narratives as a Therapeutic Intervention for Survivors of Traumatic Bain Injury Presenters(s): Mary‐Ellen Thompson, Fahmida Pardhan Abstract: Survivors of traumatic brain injury who participated in a research project investigating factors contributing to healthy well‐ being after TBI indicated that the opportunity to tell their story was critical for recovery. This presentation will explore the use of narratives across several therapy contexts. Session Code: 1091 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 1:30:00 PM‐2:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Voice and Alaryngeal Communication Title: Beyond Vocal Fold Mobility: Superior Laryngeal Nerve Function for SLP Practice Presenters(s): Carol Jorgensen Tolejano, Molly Knigge Abstract: The superior laryngeal nerve (SLN) serves vital functions for both voice and swallowing, though there are few practice guidelines for assessment of its function. This presentation will outline emerging evidence for the roles served by the SLN as well as impairment etiologies. Practical considerations for evaluation/treatment will be proposed. Session Code: 1092 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 3:00:00 PM‐4:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W312C Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: "CYOVP: Create Your Own Virtual Patient (VP)!" VP Creation & Interviewing in Clinical Dysphagia Education Presenters(s): Isaac Sia, Shiva Halan, Benjamin Lok, Michael Crary Abstract: The dysphagia clinical interview is critical for the entire clinical process. The skills needed for successful clinical interviewing require practice with multiple examples. However, the number and types of patients available to students are often limited. Participants will learn to create and use virtual patients to augment clinical dysphagia education. Session Code: 1093 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 3:00:00 PM‐4:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W308AB Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: Professionalism & Generational Differences in Graduate Student Training Presenters(s): Julie Wolter, Joanne Schupbach Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 19 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: This presentation defines clinical professionalism, discusses potential generational differences affecting student professionalism, and provides an overview of how three university clinics implemented a model to measure and improve graduate student professionalism in the clinical setting. Student and clinical educator outcomes will be provided and discussed. Session Code: 1094 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 3:00:00 PM‐4:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W221ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: Teaching Students to Think Critically, Apply Evidence, & Write Professionally Presenters(s): Elizabeth Grillo, Mareile Koenig, Cheryl Gunter, Sojung Kim Abstract: This seminar presents work related to developing teaching modules for enhancing critical thinking, application of evidence‐based practice, and professional writing in students. Methods and results of recent studies will be described along with future plans for extending our investigations. Suggestions will be offered for applying such modules into the curricula. Session Code: 1095 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 3:00:00 PM‐4:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W415BC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Title: Dynamic Assessment With Preschoolers Using an AAC iPad App: Syntax Assessment Presenters(s): Cathy Binger, Jennifer Kent‐Walsh, Marika King Abstract: This study used dynamic assessment (DA) to assess the ability of 12 children ages 3─5 with highly unintelligible speech to create rule‐based messages on a speech‐generating device. Following DA, children received an AAC syntax intervention. Results indicate DA has promise for determining "readiness" to create sentences via aided AAC. Session Code: 1096 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 3:00:00 PM‐4:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W320 Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Title: Giving Voice to Augmented Communicators Presenters(s): Rupal Patel Abstract: Dr. Patel will present an update on her research and work in the area of personalized voices for individuals that use alternative/augmentative communication. The audience will view her TED talk, and discuss several perspectives including the role of speech‐language pathologists, the role of crowd sourcing, and engaging individuals locally. Session Code: 1097 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 3:00:00 PM‐4:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W415D Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Title: Outcomes of Clinician Training for Integrating Assistive Technology for Cognition in the Rehabilitation of mTBI Presenters(s): Carole Roth, Michelle Wild Abstract: Studies show that clinicians who personally use technology do not routinely integrate assistive technology in cognitive rehabilitation due to their limited knowledge and experience using diverse apps. This presentation will describe the outcomes of a program designed to train SLPs to use ATC in cognitive rehab with persons with mTBI. Session Code: 1098 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 3:00:00 PM‐4:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W224ABCD Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: Social Thinking Vocabulary, Lesson to Teach Being a Social Detective, Superflex! & Related Research Presenters(s): Michelle Winner, Pamela Crooke Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 20 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: We will review the research and describe the use of Social Thinking Vocabulary to help teach students Social Thinking and related social skills. We will explore becoming a Social Detective and “Superflex,” our Social Thinking Superhero, as core lessons for promoting social attention, self‐awareness and social self‐regulation. Session Code: 1099 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 3:00:00 PM‐4:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W414AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: The Communication Profile & Communicative Quality in Intellectually Able Adults With Autism Spectrum Disorder (HFA) Presenters(s): Wendy Mitchell Abstract: The communication profile in intellectually able adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) will be summarized. The use of test measures and language samples will be discussed, and participants will actively engage in judgments of communication quality and how these relate to the communicative profile in HFA. Session Code: 1100 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 3:00:00 PM‐4:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W304EFGH Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: The Relationship Between Gesture & Language in Autism Spectrum Disorder Presenters(s): Heidi Ham, Angela Bartolo Abstract: The relationship between gesture and language in ASD will be explored. Gesture and speech have been shown to share the same neural substrates and research in gesture and language has shown that gesture plays a critical role in language development. Research in ASD and new therapeutic interventions will be discussed. Session Code: 1101 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 3:00:00 PM‐4:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W415A Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: A Platform for Clinical Engagement—The Speech‐Language Pathology Forum Presenters(s): Mary Habegger, Alla Onitskansky, Trish Gusick, Sarah Stark Abstract: Networking has long been a standard practice in the business world, but hasn’t really been promoted within organizations. This presentation presents a model for intra‐organization networking that will foster sharing and collaboration between clinicians in different locations and will enhance clinical practice and employee engagement. Session Code: 1102 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 3:00:00 PM‐4:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W204AB Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: The Use of Telehealth in Early Autism Training for Parents: A Scoping Review Presenters(s): Michelle Boisvert, Nerissa Hall Abstract: Studies in which telehealth was used to train parents with children with autism were reviewed. Researchers utilized telehealth to help parents facilitate communication with their child. Although available literature is limited, this review suggests that telehealth is a viable means to provide training to parents with children diagnosed with autism. Session Code: 1103 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 3:00:00 PM‐4:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W310AB Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Cleft Lip and Palate and Related Craniofacial Anomalies Title: Communicating with a Cleft Palate Team: Improving Coordination of Care Across Treatment Settings Presenters(s): Scott Dailey, Kris Wilson Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 21 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: Individuals with cleft palate +/‐ cleft lip and/or velopharyngeal insufficiency (VPI) present with complex speech disorders. Best practices indicate that individuals should be followed by a Cleft Palate Team to provide care in a coordinated fashion. This presentation will discuss collaboration between community‐based and team providers. Session Code: 1104 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 3:00:00 PM‐4:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballroom DE Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Cultural and Linguistic Considerations Across the Discipline Title: Are These Errors Due to Native Language Influence? Presenters(s): Ellen Kester, Scott Prath, Phuong Palafox Abstract: Taking into account speech, language, and culture, we provide educators with a solid framework and information about many languages to support their understanding of speech and language development in English language learners. We demonstrate our framework in detail with Spanish and Vietnamese, and provide resources for many other languages. Session Code: 1105 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 3:00:00 PM‐4:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W202ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Cultural and Linguistic Considerations Across the Discipline Title: Preschoolers' Lexical Choice & Language Selection on a Spanish‐English Screening Measure Presenters(s): Kai Greene, Elizabeth Peña, Lisa Bedore Abstract: This study examined bilingual preschoolers’ code‐mixing on a Spanish‐English language screener. The correct number of code‐mixed responses on the English screener was influenced by risk status, whereas language dominance determined the correct number of code‐mixed answers on the Spanish screener. Findings indicate that code‐mixing necessitates linguistic competence in two languages. Session Code: 1106 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 3:00:00 PM‐4:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311GH Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Cultural and Linguistic Considerations Across the Discipline Title: Using the DELV to Determine Language Difference vs. Disorder in an AAE & Haitian Creole Speaker Presenters(s): Martine Elie Abstract: This session will provide participants with a comparative analysis of the DELV with CLD populations. The purpose of this presentation is to demonstrate how the DELV is useful in differentiating language disorders vs. dialectal differences in two dialectal speakers; an AAE and Haitian Creole speaker. Session Code: 1107 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 3:00:00 PM‐4:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W205A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Fluency Title: A Domain‐General Approach to Understanding the Multifactorial Nature of Childhood Stuttering Presenters(s): Julie Anderson, Stacy Wagovich Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Fluency. The potential role of domain‐general cognitive processes, such as executive function and attention, in childhood stuttering and other disorders will be examined. The relationship between these processes and those that are domain‐specific (e.g., language) will also be explored, particularly in relation to the multifactorial nature of stuttering (Funding: NIH [R01DC012517]). Session Code: 1108 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 3:00:00 PM‐4:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W209ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Fluency Title: Therapy Briefly: The Use of Solution‐Focused Brief Therapy With Clients Who Stutter Presenters(s): Alison Nicholas, Elaine Kelman Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 22 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: The aim of this seminar is to give an outline of the central components and techniques of Solution‐Focused Brief Therapy (de Shazer, 1988; George et al, 2010) and to describe how these may be integrated into therapy for children, parents and young people who stutter. Session Code: 1109 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 3:00:00 PM‐4:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W307CD Instructional Level: Advanced Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Hearing Science Title: The Dizzying World of Inner Ear Genetics Presenters(s): Sherri Jones Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Hearing Science. Much is known about genetic hearing impairment. Relatively little is known about the role that genes may play in peripheral vestibular impairment. This session will review the genetics of auditory and vestibular dysfunction and discuss what we have learned from studies using animal models and direct measures of vestibular neural function. Session Code: 1110 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 3:00:00 PM‐4:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W307AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Infant and Child Hearing: Screening and Assessment Title: Disentangling Central Auditory Processing (CAP) Test Findings: A Road to Greater Clarity Presenters(s): Larry Medwetsky Abstract: Audiologists have access to a variety of tests when examining central auditory processing. Test administration and scoring are relatively easy tasks, however, interpretation of findings is not as straightforward. Analysis of findings from different CAP tests will be shared concerning their implications for interpreting results and subsequent recommendations for intervention. Session Code: 1111 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 3:00:00 PM‐4:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W308CD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Intervention/Habilitation for Infants and Children with Hearing Loss Title: Developing Early Intervention Programs That Foster Social‐Emotional Learning Presenters(s): Amanda Wittman, Nancy Mellon Abstract: Students with hearing loss often struggle academically and socially in general education classrooms despite optimal amplification, early intervention, and age‐appropriate receptive and expressive language scores (Mellon et al, 2009). Early intervention programs should systematically nurture the development of social‐emotional skills children will need to be academically and socially successful. Session Code: 1112 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 3:00:00 PM‐4:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W306AB Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Intervention/Habilitation for Infants and Children with Hearing Loss Title: Group Therapy for Preteens With Hearing Loss: Preparation, Intervention, & Analysis Presenters(s): Fara Augustover Abstract: Peer‐to‐peer pragmatics is key to social communicative competence. This presentation follows the journey of five aural/oral, preteen aged children with varying degrees of hearing loss. Aims of group therapy include developing greater independence in peer‐to‐peer conversational interactions, self‐advocacy, and knowledge of hearing loss and devices. Session Code: 1113 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 3:00:00 PM‐4:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W309AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Intervention/Rehabilitation for Adults with Hearing Loss Title: Alzheimer's Disease & Untreated Hearing Loss Presenters(s): Gwendolyn O'Grady, Carolyn Muller Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 23 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: Current research suggests that there are many similarities in the characteristics of people suffering from Alzheimer's disease and untreated hearing loss. This presentation will review the similarities and identify strategies for selecting and fitting amplification devices to best serve a patient with Alzheimer's disease. Session Code: 1114 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 3:00:00 PM‐4:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W414CD Instructional Level: Advanced Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: “Push Down” Curriculum & the Common Core State Standards—What About Developmental Appropriateness? Presenters(s): Barbara Ehren Abstract: This session is developed by, and speakers invited by the American Board of Child Language and Language Disorders. Participants will analyze selected Common Core State Standards (CCSS) across grades to identify complex, underlying language requirements. They will discuss these requirements in light of what we know about language development to ascertain the practice and research implications of curriculum that has been derived from college and career readiness expectations. Session Code: 1115 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 3:00:00 PM‐4:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballroom H Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: Camp Confidence: From Zero to Hero Presenters(s): Tara Roehl Abstract: This presentation will address current bully/shame cultures and introduce participants to therapy techniques for building self‐confidence in students dealing with speech and language delays while addressing their therapeutic goals using active and engaging activities including games, iPad apps, and life skill tasks. Session Code: 1116 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 3:00:00 PM‐4:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W224FH Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: Intervention in the General Education Classroom Presenters(s): Ann Klockau, Jane Wegner, Russell Johnston Abstract: Strategies and practices for providing speech and language intervention to elementary school students with complex communication needs, including students who use AAC, in the general education setting will be discussed and demonstrated. Session Code: 1117 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 3:00:00 PM‐4:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W110B Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: Just an iPad of Apps! Presenters(s): Monica Dorman, Oralia Gloria, Shannah Lee, Jessie Ritter, Stacy Adams Abstract: iPad applications have become a new trend in therapy for experienced speech pathologists as well as those new to the field. This presentation will expand the attendees’ resources for targeting speech and language goals in therapy. Video demonstrations and examples of therapists utilizing these applications will be provided. Session Code: 1118 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 3:00:00 PM‐4:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W205BC Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: Tales to Be Told : Using Storytelling to Collaborate With Classroom Teachers to Develop Vocabulary Presenters(s): Monica Gustafson Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 24 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: This presentation will introduce the participants to the time‐honored tradition of storytelling and link it to the development of language arts skills in young children in the classroom through interprofessional practice with the classroom teacher. Session Code: 1119 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 3:00:00 PM‐4:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W109A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: Aphasia Intervention: Innovative Programs for Meeting the Life Participation Needs of People Living With Aphasia Presenters(s): Roberta Elman, Maura English Silverman Abstract: Enhancing quality of life is consistent with ASHA's Scope of Practice and the Life Participation Approach to Aphasia. By shifting clinical focus, people with aphasia (PWA) can resume activities of choice. This seminar will provide innovative clinical examples of how services can be adapted to meet the needs of PWA. Session Code: 1120 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 3:00:00 PM‐4:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W207ABC Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: Developing and Using Scripts in the Treatment of Spanish‐Speaking Hispanics With Aphasia Presenters(s): Maria Centeno, Viviana Heredia Torres Abstract: This presentation provides background for script training, describes a protocol implemented with Spanish‐speaking individuals with non‐fluent aphasia and discusses the results related to verbal production. Case studies (presentation/discussion) will illustrate intervention. Considerations for clinicians and researchers as this area of treatment research moves forward will be discussed. Session Code: 1121 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 3:00:00 PM‐4:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W314AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: Let’s Tell A Story! Language Outcomes in a Shared Context Storytelling Paradigm Presenters(s): Anita Wasileski, Brianna Haines, Sharonrose Jardim, Elise Connors, Lauren Moyer, Pamela Smith, Carrie Vitko Abstract: Group storytelling, initially used as an intervention for individuals with dementia, has the potential to increase verbal output and communicative participation for people with aphasia. This study compares number and length of utterance for three participants in dyad (1:1) as well as group storytelling activities. Session Code: 1122 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 3:00:00 PM‐4:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W110A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Framework for Intervention Presenters(s): Kimberly McCullough, Kathryn Bayles Abstract: Accumulating evidence suggests early intervention in individuals with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) is beneficial. This seminar will focus on an evidence‐based framework for providing cognitive intervention to this population. Examples of strategies and activities for clinical implementation of effective cognitive intervention programs will be discussed. Session Code: 1123 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 3:00:00 PM‐4:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Orlando Ballroom N Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language in Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers Title: Assessing & Transitioning Young Spanish‐Speaking Children in Early Childhood Services Presenters(s): Mark Guiberson, Zuleyka Adorno‐Calderon Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 25 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Language in Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers. This presentation is designed to support SLPs in their assessment and transition services for young Spanish‐speaking children in early childhood programs. Multiple assessment strategies as well as parent involvement and transition ideas will be presented with specific field‐ based examples. Session Code: 1124 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 3:00:00 PM‐4:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W208ABC Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language in Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers Title: Infant Vocal Communication: Clues for Emerging Disorders Presenters(s): D. Kimbrough Oller Abstract: Infants in the first year engage in vocal exploration and interaction, providing signals about their well‐being and clues to emerging disorders of communication. The seminar will highlight signs explored in modern research as indicators for language delay and autism as well as for targets of intervention. Session Code: 1125 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 3:00:00 PM‐4:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W222A Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language in Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers Title: Neurodevelopmental Outcomes for Children Exposed to Drugs/Alcohol Prenatally: Implications for Speech‐Language Pathologists Presenters(s): Kerry Proctor‐Williams Abstract: The causes and neurodevelopmental outcomes of children exposed to drugs and/or alcohol prenatally are presented. The incidence of this population is rising rapidly and appearing in increasing numbers on the caseloads of speech‐language pathologists. Topics include prevalence, common drugs, Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome, longer‐term neurodevelopmental outcomes, and treatment challenges. Session Code: 1126 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 3:00:00 PM‐4:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Orlando Ballroom LM Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language Science Title: Alexithymia & the Ability to Recognize Affective‐Prosody Among Young Adults Presenters(s): Amna Fares, Kenneth Pugh Abstract: Alexithymia is a construct defined as the difficulty identifying, understanding, and expressing feelings. The aim of the study was to explore relationships between the ability of young adults to recognize affective‐prosodic speech and scores for alexithymia. Results and implications are discussed as related to communication sciences and the clinical setting. Session Code: 1127 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 3:00:00 PM‐4:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Florida Ballroom BC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language Science Title: Using Pupillometry to Index Mental Effort During Cognitive & Linguistic Processing Presenters(s): Brooke Hallowell, James Montgomery, Laura Chapman, An Dinh, Mohammad Haghighi, Maria Modayil, Yazmin Rusli Abstract: Mental effort, a vital aspect of cognitive and linguistic processing, is overlooked relative to accuracy and speed of processing in clinical and research contexts. Pupillometry (online measurement of pupil diameter) enables objective indexing of mental effort. This session addresses why and how to index cognitive effort in children and adults. Session Code: 1128 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 3:00:00 PM‐4:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W203AB Instructional Level: Advanced Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Motor Speech in Adults and Children Title: What You Need to Know About Parkinson’s Disease Medications to Maximize Speech Therapy Outcomes Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 26 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Presenters(s): J. Eric Ahlskog Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Motor Speech in Adults and Children. Parkinson’s disease symptoms are highly responsive to medications including speech/communication. Levodopa (carbidopa/levodopa) is often dramatically effective and responses may markedly vary over the course of the day. A working knowledge of carbidopa/levodopa will greatly facilitate both the work of speech pathologists and substantially improve outcomes. Session Code: 1129 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 3:00:00 PM‐4:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W109B Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Research Across the Discipline Title: Moving Research Evidence Into Practice: Practical Tips & Strategies From Implementation Science Presenters(s): Wenonah Campbell, Natalie Douglas, Jacqueline Hinckley, Ann Mastergeorge Abstract: Integrating research evidence into clinical practice is a crucial yet challenging endeavour. Implementation science is the systematic study of the factors that support and sustain the uptake of research in real‐world settings. Presenters will describe their experiences engaging in implementation science research and share practical strategies and tips with attendees. Session Code: 1130 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 3:00:00 PM‐4:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W206ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Speech Sound Disorders in Children Title: A Late Eight Update Presenters(s): Ken Bleile Abstract: This session focuses on current issues arising in treating the late eight. Topics include: Is there a best age and grade at which to treat the late eight? What about non‐speech oral motor approaches? Is there a best or standard treatment approach? Session Code: 1131 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 3:00:00 PM‐4:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing for Infants in the NICU: Past, Present, & Future Directions Presenters(s): Jenny Reynolds, Chrysty Sturdivant Abstract: Past practices and challenges to evaluating dysphagia in the NICU will be reviewed. The components of an innovative, multidisciplinary FEES protocol for bottle and breastfeeding in the NICU will be described. Suggestions for implementation and future research efforts will also be presented. Session Code: 1132 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 3:00:00 PM‐4:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311EF Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: Developing & Sustaining a Cue‐Based Feeding Approach in the NICU: What SLPs Need to Know Presenters(s): Catherine Shaker Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders. The NICU SLP plays a unique and often challenging role in changing the feeding culture and shifting the model of feeding. Learn about the current evidence‐base, cue‐based feeding principles, typical roadblocks, and partnering with NICU team members to change practice patterns. Session Code: 1133 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 3:00:00 PM‐4:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311CD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: Human Papilloma Virus in Head & Neck Cancer—Changing Demographics & Challenges in Dysphagia Management Presenters(s): Tessa Goldsmith, Justin Roe Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 27 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: In recent years, human papilloma virus (HPV) has emerged as the most common cause of oropharyngeal cancer (OPC) compared with traditional causes of excess alcohol and tobacco use. In this session, we will discuss HPV‐related OPC and challenges in dysphagia management relative to efforts to de‐escalate treatment and improve outcomes. Session Code: 1134 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 3:00:00 PM‐4:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballrom IJ Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: Neurodegenerative Diseases & Dysphagia Rehabilitation: Applying Evidence to Clinical Practice Presenters(s): Emily Plowman, Michelle Renee Ciucci, Kendrea Focht Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders. The role of exercise in neurodegenerative disease is controversial. Understanding the current evidence and disease process is imperative when treating individuals with neurodegenerative diseases. This session will explore current literature and discuss appropriate therapy/management of dysphagia in a variety of progressive neurological diseases including ALS and Parkinson’s disease. Session Code: 1135 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 3:00:00 PM‐4:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W315AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: Tube Feeding & the SLP’s Scope of Practice Presenters(s): Towino Paramby, Paula Leslie Abstract: SLPs are frequently involved in the assessment and treatment of medically complex patients with dysphagia and participate in clinical decision‐making. We will review the SLP’s scope of practice and role in tube feeding decision‐making, and the pros and cons of different types of tube feeding. Session Code: 1136 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 3:00:00 PM‐4:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballroom G Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Traumatic Brain Injury Title: The Traumatic Brain Injury Model System: A Valuable (& Little Known) Resource for Clinicians Presenters(s): Gina Mitchell, Anne Moessner, Allen Brown Abstract: The NIDRR‐funded Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems program (TBIMS) began in 1987 to improve care and outcomes for individuals with TBI and is the largest longitudinal study of TBI in existence. This session will summarize the TBIMS and related findings and resources with an emphasis on the value for clinicians. Session Code: 1137 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 3:00:00 PM‐4:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Florida Ballroom A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Voice and Alaryngeal Communication Title: A College‐Based Group Transgender Voice & Communication Program: 6 Years of Lessons Learned Presenters(s): Daniel Kayajian, John Pickering Abstract: This presentation will describe a group transgender voice and communication program within a college setting. Discussion will focus on: a) the program’s first 6 years of outcomes and research, b) changes that have enhanced service delivery, and c) the role of counseling and student engagement in the program's success. Session Code: 1138 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 3:00:00 PM‐4:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W221DE Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Voice and Alaryngeal Communication Title: Using NIRS to Measure Brain Activity During Voicing Tasks Presenters(s): Jeanette Perucca, Erin Roberts, Tia Spagnuolo, Cari Tellis Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 28 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: Near infrared spectroscopy is a noninvasive method of neuroimaging that is used to measure hemoglobin changes in the brain. Differences in hemoglobin concentrations in specified regions of the brain were analyzed following different phonatory tasks, as well as changes in concentrations throughout the learning phase of novel voice production. Session Code: 1139 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 4:30:00 PM‐5:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W221ABC Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: Before & Beyond Evidence‐Based Practice: Four Models of Research‐Based Clinical Practice & Education for SLP Presenters(s): Anne Bothe Marcotte Abstract: The scientist‐practitioner model, empirically supported therapies, evidence‐based practice, and the information mastery model all have strengths and weaknesses as organizing structures for clinical disciplines. This seminar reviews all four, making the case for a "post‐evidence‐based‐practice" approach to research‐informed clinical education, practice, research, administration, and organization in speech‐language pathology. Session Code: 1140 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 4:30:00 PM‐5:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W308AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: Electronic Medical Record Conversion for the University Clinic: Aligning Student Training With Healthcare Practices Presenters(s): Robert Skwarecki, Nancy Carlino, Samantha Procaccini Abstract: Conversion of a university speech and hearing clinic from paper‐based medical records to an electronic record system is described along with training of graduate student clinicians in its use. Methodologies of the conversion and of clinician training will be discussed along with outcomes measures and suggestions for best practices. Session Code: 1141 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 4:30:00 PM‐5:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W312C Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: Technical Education at a Distance (TED) Model for Training SLPAs Presenters(s): Deb Flynn, Jennifer Schultz, Bobbi Brink Abstract: The Technical Education at a Distance Model (TED) was funded to expand SLPA education and training opportunities for persons living in remote rural and reservation‐based communities. Simulations, videoconferencing, mobile applications, and asynchronous instructional tools will be demonstrated. Benefits and challenges of these technologies will be discussed. Session Code: 1142 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 4:30:00 PM‐5:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Title: AAC Implementation—It's Not Complicated: C‐ing Your Way to Success! Presenters(s): Marcia Klein Sterner, Janet Good Abstract: AAC implementation with fidelity is challenging when supporting students with complex communication needs. Barriers include time, access to information/resources, lack of ownership, device complexity, and limited collaboration opportunities. Session will provide strategies and resources to ensure success. Several participants will also participate as AAC users within an engaging classroom activity. Session Code: 1143 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 4:30:00 PM‐5:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311CD Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Title: Creating An Evidence Base via Single Case Design & Visual Analysis Presenters(s): Andrew Gomory, Jeff Higginbotham, Bryan Moulton, Antara Satchidanand Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 29 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: Although there is considerable impetus for evidence‐based practice, there are few guidelines or tools to help clinicians make evidence‐based decisions. The purpose of this presentation is to introduce the use of single case graphs and data collection tools to facilitate the analysis of communication performance and therapeutic progress. Session Code: 1144 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 4:30:00 PM‐5:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W415BC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Title: iCan Communicate: Implementing AAC Apps With Children in Community Contexts Presenters(s): Jennifer Kent‐Walsh, Nancy Harrington, Melissa Malani, Cathy Binger, Stephanie Amundsen, Venita Freia Abstract: AAC apps are increasingly appealing to the families of children with complex communication needs. This has yielded an increase in demand for related clinical services. This session will present the results of an investigation examining outcomes for iCan Commnicate—an AAC app‐focused clinical program delivered in a collaborative community context. Session Code: 1145 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 4:30:00 PM‐5:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W310AB Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Title: Skiing, Horseback Riding, & Communication With Individuals With Complex Communication Needs: Experiences From Community Volunteers Presenters(s): David Hajjar, John McCarthy, Joann Benigno Abstract: This multi‐media presentation will provide information on recreational activities for individuals with complex communication needs. Interviews were conducted with volunteers in adaptive sport programs in New England. Results related to experiences, challenges, and success in facilitating recreation for individuals who require AAC and implications for SLPs will be discussed. Session Code: 1146 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 4:30:00 PM‐5:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W414CD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: Building Resilience Through Social Thinking Presenters(s): Nancy Tarshis, Ryan Hendrix, Kari Palmer Abstract: This workshop presents key concepts for teaching children to be better perspective takers and problem‐solvers which will help them to be more resilient. Children with social and other learning challenges often experience more than the everyday stress we experience due to their sensory, social, communicative, and processing differences. Session Code: 1147 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 4:30:00 PM‐5:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W224ABCD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: Language Strategies Can Raise Cognition: Thinking Is More Than Doing! Presenters(s): Ellyn Arwood, Carole Kaulitz Abstract: Learning to think is an acquisition process (Neuro‐Semantic Language Learning Theory). Language names thinking and as language functions increase, the learner’s conceptual ability also increases. This presentation will provide numerous therapeutic case study applications from those with ASD, highlighting the raise of social and cognitive development through language strategies. Session Code: 1148 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 4:30:00 PM‐5:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W414AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: Successful Outcomes for Speech & Voice Interventions in Adolescents With High‐Functioning Autism Presenters(s): Kara Corley, Geralyn Woodnorth, Roseanne Clark Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 30 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: Speech and voice disorders in individuals with high‐functioning autism (HFA) are socially significant and persist in adulthood. There is, however, limited information to guide treatment for these issues. This presentation incorporates case studies, highlighting successful outcomes for speech and voice interventions in adolescents with HFA and addressing considerations/needs. Session Code: 1149 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 4:30:00 PM‐5:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W109B Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: Talk About It: Innovative Approaches to Teach Conversation to Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorder Presenters(s): Ashley Wiley, Pamela Wiley, Belinda Williams Abstract: The seminar will present innovative approaches used to teach social skills to adolescents with ASD and other related social skills deficits. Methods include video analysis, role‐playing, and conversation topics. Suggestions will be given on implementation of methods, and development of a social skills unit on conversations rendering improvements which are measurable and generalizable. Session Code: 1150 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 4:30:00 PM‐5:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballroom G Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: Ask the Experts About Audiology & SLP Billing, Coding, & Documentation Presenters(s): Dee Adams Nikjeh, Robert Burkard, Denise Dougherty, Leisha Eiten, Robert Fifer, Michael Hefferly, Wayne Holland, Marie Ireland, Lisa Satterfield, Stuart Trembath, Carmen Vega Barachowitz, Timothy Weise, Katie Holterman Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues. Come with your questions and ask the experts! Audiologists and speech‐language pathologists from ASHA’s Health Care Economics Committee and Medicaid Committee will be available to answer participant questions about procedural (CPT) and diagnostic (ICD) coding, documentation, Medicaid, Medicare, and other reimbursement issues in a town hall style session. Session Code: 1151 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 4:30:00 PM‐5:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W320 Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: Be at the Table, Not on the Menu: Advocating for Your Profession Presenters(s): Julie Verhoff, Nancy Mellon, George Lyons, Jr. , D'Jaris Coles‐White Abstract: This presentation will provide participants with the tools needed to advocate for specific legislative initiatives impacting audiology and speech‐language pathology. Attendees will learn techniques for effective lobbying at the federal, state, and local level. Learn about ASHA’s public policy agenda and how you can help advocate for our professions. Session Code: 1152 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 4:30:00 PM‐5:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W202ABC Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: Collaborative Care: A Novel, Patient‐Focused Continuing Education Program for Complex or Low‐incidence Disorders Presenters(s): Lynn Marty Grames, Andrea Gregg, Jeanne Saavedra, Jane Quarles, Laura Carroll, Mary Stahl Abstract: This seminar presents an adaptable, patient‐focused continuing education program in which a pediatric hospital invites a child’s community SLP to partner with the medical team. ASHA CEUs are offered for clinicians treating children with complex or low‐ incidence disorders, including cleft palate, cochlear implant, feeding/swallowing, and augmentative‐alternative communication. Session Code: 1153 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 4:30:00 PM‐5:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W415A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: Implications, Concerns, & Questions About DSM‐5 for Speech‐Language Pathologists Presenters(s): Diane Paul, Amy Wetherby, Nickola Nelson, Mabel Rice, Janet McCarty Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 31 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: Major changes were made in the diagnostic criteria for communication disorders and autism spectrum disorder in the DSM‐5. Practice, research, training, and billing implications are starting to emerge. SLPs have concerns and questions about what the changes mean in their practice. We will discuss diagnostic criteria and implications for these neurodevelopmental disorders. Session Code: 1154 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 4:30:00 PM‐5:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W415D Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: Supervision—Coaching, Menotoring, & Difficult Conversations Presenters(s): Sharlee Mosburg‐Michael, Jena Durnay Abstract: This session presents information on supervisory relationships including those with graduate interns, speech pathology assistants and clinical fellows. Information will be presented on coaching, mentoring, and how to hold professional and challenging conversations. The impact of communication styles and generational differences will also be covered. Session Code: 1155 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 4:30:00 PM‐5:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W208ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Cleft Lip and Palate and Related Craniofacial Anomalies Title: Scientific Advancements in Imaging & Modeling the Anatomy & Physiology in Cleft Palate Research Presenters(s): Jamie Perry, Silvia Blemker Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Cleft Lip and Palate and Related Craniofacial Anomalies, Speech Science & SIG 5. Magnetic resonance imaging and computer modeling provide a powerful medium for examining dynamic speech, assessing surgical outcomes, and predicting speech outcomes following surgery. The purpose of this session is to discuss advances in MRI and computer modeling in the context of cleft palate research. The potential clinical application will be discussed. Session Code: 1156 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 4:30:00 PM‐5:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W205BC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Cultural and Linguistic Considerations Across the Discipline Title: Bilingualism: Childhood Apraxia of Speech Presenters(s): Christina Gildersleeve‐Neumann Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Cultural and Linguistic Considerations Across the Discipline. Children with childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) present challenges in assessment and intervention, particularly if they are in bilingual environments. Current best practices on diagnosis, assessment and treatment for CAS will be explored for bilingual populations, including treatment approaches and language choice(s) to increase functional communication and generalization across languages. Session Code: 1157 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 4:30:00 PM‐5:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Orlando Ballroom N Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Cultural and Linguistic Considerations Across the Discipline Title: Project R2M2: Recruiting Retaining & Mentoring Minority Students‐Diversifying the Speech‐Language Pathology Pipeline Presenters(s): Nidhi Mahendra, Shubha Kashinath Abstract: This presentation will detail the key components and early outcomes of an innovative training grant designed to mentor minority students in speech‐language pathology with the intent to diversify the pipeline. This training grant has multiple mentoring components and direct training in leadership development, clinical research excellence, and cultural competence. Session Code: 1158 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 4:30:00 PM‐5:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W309AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Fluency Title: A Model of Clinical Service & Training in Stuttering Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 32 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Presenters(s): Rodney Gabel, Stephanie Hughes Abstract: People who stutter may experience barriers in seeking treatment. These barriers might be related to discomfort that most speech‐language pathologists have with stuttering and the few clinics that specialize in serving people who stutter. The purpose of this presentation is to discuss a clinical training program in stuttering. Session Code: 1159 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 4:30:00 PM‐5:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballroom DE Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Fluency Title: Comprehending Disfluent Speech: Theory, Research, & Clinical Extensions Presenters(s): Fernanda Ferreira Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Fluency and Language Science. A common feature of spontaneous speech is disfluency; therefore any adequate psycholinguistic theory must explain how disfluencies are generated and comprehended. This talk discusses new theoretical directions and the evidence on which they are based, and extends the issues to the domain of clinical disorders such as ADHD and stuttering. Session Code: 1160 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 4:30:00 PM‐5:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W308CD Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Fluency Title: Stuttering Support Groups & Self‐Help Groups: Rationale & The How‐Tos Presenters(s): Lisa LaSalle, Evan Sherman Abstract: We provide a rationale for, and history of, the self‐help/support group movement, along with counseling approaches. Practical strategies for facilitating online access to a variety of different types of support groups are provided and case studies (parents of children who stutter; a teen and an adult who stutter) presented. Session Code: 1161 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 4:30:00 PM‐5:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W307CD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Hearing Science Title: Working Memory Test: Adult Performance in Quiet & Two‐Talker Noise Presenters(s): Theresa Worthington, Candace Bourland Hicks Abstract: Auditory distractors have been shown to disrupt memory performance. Using within‐subjects design, adult working memory performance in quiet and in noise was compared, using a computerized Reading Span Test and subjective rating scales. Participants rated their perceptions of effort and task accuracy performance. Differences in working memory performance were found. Session Code: 1162 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 4:30:00 PM‐5:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W307AB Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Infant and Child Hearing: Screening and Assessment Title: An Amish Screening Protocol Presenters(s): Ilene Elmlinger Abstract: There are many challenges associated with healthcare provision in the Amish community. This session will highlight considerations for creating and implementing a newborn hearing screening program and how to manage the obstacles associated with this endeavor. Session Code: 1163 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 4:30:00 PM‐5:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W205A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Interprofessional Education and Practice Title: From Research to Practice: Collaboration in a School‐Based Setting by Allied Health Professionals & Educators Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 33 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Presenters(s): Erika Nicsinger‐Timpe, Ruth Gorlin, Lynne Telesca Abstract: Service delivery in a school‐based setting requires allied health professionals and educators to collaborate. Issues related to collaboration, techniques for creating a collaborative environment, and benefits for PK‐5th grade students are discussed. Learn how to collaborate with educators and other allied health professionals to address the needs of all students. Session Code: 1164 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 4:30:00 PM‐5:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W306AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Intervention/Habilitation for Infants and Children with Hearing Loss Title: Promoting Comprehension in Deaf/Hard‐of‐Hearing Students Through Theory‐of‐Mind Development Presenters(s): Carol Westby, Deborah Wilson, Elizabeth Martinez Abstract: Theory of Mind (ToM) deficits contribute to literacy and social difficulties. This presentation describes how deficits in ToM influence reading comprehension and social skills of deaf and hard‐of‐hearing (DHH) students; gives explanations for ToM deficits in DHH students; and demonstrates strategies to facilitate comprehension through development of ToM skills. Session Code: 1165 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 4:30:00 PM‐5:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W110B Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: Developing the Evidence Base for Your School‐Based SLP Services Presenters(s): Judy Rudebusch, Kathleen Whitmire, Joan Mele‐McCarthy, Kenyatta Rivers Abstract: The profession’s demand for evidence‐based practice (EBP) requires school‐based speech‐language pathologists to implement EBP interventions for students with communication disorders. A framework for the SLP to systematically develop the evidence base for service delivery and intervention decisions will be provided with examples of EBP in action. Session Code: 1166 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 4:30:00 PM‐5:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W224FH Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: Language‐Based Tier 2 Intervention With Kindergarten Students Presenters(s): Mindy Bridges, Hugh Catts, Diane Nielsen Abstract: This presentation will present results of a Tier 2 language‐based intervention provided to kindergarten students at risk for reading disabilities. Specifically, we were interested in the effects of intervention, focused on narrative structure and vocabulary, on kindergarten students who were at risk for reading disabilities. Session Code: 1167 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 4:30:00 PM‐5:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W314AB Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: Positive Behavioral Intervention & Supports (PBIS) in Schools: What SLPs Need to Know. Presenters(s): Yolanda Keller Bell, Maureen Short Abstract: The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA, 2004) requires schools to consider positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) for children with behaviors that negatively impact performance. PBIS are evidence‐based and typically implemented school‐wide. This presentation will describe PBIS and discuss how SLPs can use PBIS principles in therapy settings. Session Code: 1168 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 4:30:00 PM‐5:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballroom H Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: Receptive Language Deficits & Information Processing Skills: How They Impact Adolescent Academic Achievement Presenters(s): Kathleen Williams, Donna Geffner Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 34 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: This seminar will address receptive language deficits. Such difficulties are seen in individuals with CAPD, AD/HD, and auditory and reading comprehension impairments and have a great impact on secondary academic success. Information processing strategies related to acquiring, organizing, retrieving, and managing what is heard or read will be explored. Session Code: 1169 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 4:30:00 PM‐5:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W209ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: The Importance of Being "Meta" Presenters(s): Wayne Secord, Elisabeth Wiig Abstract: Metalinguistic awareness involves the ability to use one’s language as a tool. This program will examine the importance of having adequate metalinguistic skills to ensure success in school performance. Case examples from the new CELF‐5 Metalinguistics will be used to illustrate the importance of being “meta” in language and literacy. Session Code: 1170 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 4:30:00 PM‐5:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W207ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: Enhancing Written Communication in People With Aphasia Presenters(s): Leora R. Cherney, Jaime B. Lee, Julia Carpenter Abstract: Writing skills are often neglected in aphasia treatment. We review evidence‐based treatments for writing. We describe the rationale and methods of a clinical trial evaluating the efficacy of a novel computer‐based sentence‐level writing treatment. We present results from 15 participants with chronic aphasia and discuss implications for clinical practice. Session Code: 1171 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 4:30:00 PM‐5:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W109A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: Tools & Techniques for Patient‐Centered Care in Aphasia: Case Examples Presenters(s): Jacqueline Hinckley, Debbie Yones Abstract: One of the clinical challenges for conducting patient‐centered care is finding effective ways to elicit and gather the patients’ values and priorities. Specific aphasia‐friendly tools for gathering patients' priorities will be described. The process of Goal Attainment Scaling, an evidence‐based goal‐setting technique, will be demonstrated in three case examples. Session Code: 1172 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 4:30:00 PM‐5:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W222A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language in Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers Title: Caregiver Report of Prelinguistic Development Compared to Speech & Language Skills at 3 Years Presenters(s): Heather Ramsdell‐Hudock, Andrew Stuart, Joni Loftin Abstract: For a cohort of 16 children, we will present a comparison between: the phonological features produced longitudinally (7 through 18 months of age) according to caregiver report, and the speech and language development at 3 years of age according to results of the PLS and GFTA. Session Code: 1173 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 4:30:00 PM‐5:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311GH Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language in Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers Title: The SSOOPPRR Approach: Using Adult Learning Principles in Early Language Intervention Presenters(s): Emily Lakey, Juliann Woods Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 35 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: SLPs are challenged to meet the diverse needs of children and families in early intervention home visiting models while incorporating evidence based practices. The use of a systematic framework that integrates family capacity building and adult learning principles will be illustrated through video and SLP examples in this session. Session Code: 1174 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 4:30:00 PM‐5:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311EF Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language in Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers Title: Vocabulary Learning With Educational Media: An Evaluation of Sesame Street’s Word on the Street Initiative Presenters(s): Anne Larson, Naomi Rahn Abstract: This session describes a content analysis of Sesame Street’s Word on the Street initiative designed to increase young children’s language development. Target words and episode content were compared with research‐based methods for teaching vocabulary. Results suggest a need to increase the quality of vocabulary instruction implemented through educational media. Session Code: 1175 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 4:30:00 PM‐5:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W110A Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Literacy Assessment and Intervention Title: "Glued to the Print" & Other Expected Reading Behaviors: A Reading Development Assessment/ Instruction Protocol Presenters(s): Linda Liss‐Bronstein Abstract: Explore a protocol based on stage/phase theories for assessing reading and spelling development that predicts what students are expected to learn at each level of development, differentiates the type of instruction and feedback needed to accelerate student progress and prevent reading difficulties. Revisit the role of vocabulary in word learning. Session Code: 1176 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 4:30:00 PM‐5:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W304EFGH Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Literacy Assessment and Intervention Title: Common Core, Collaboration, Language, & Literacy Presenters(s): Donna Thomas, Dee Lance Abstract: With the implementation of Common Core State Standards (CCSS), the SLP and other educators have a shared responsibility in facilitating student academic success. Goal writing using CCSS, collaboration strategies, and the effects of collaboration implementation for literacy will be discussed. Session Code: 1177 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 4:30:00 PM‐5:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Florida Ballroom BC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Literacy Assessment and Intervention Title: Using Interactive Digital Materials & Hands‐On Experience to Facilitate Informational Text & Literacy Skills Presenters(s): Barbara Culatta, Donna Horn Abstract: SLPs recognize the need to align goals with informational content. The use of digital devices and engaging experiences can provide opportunities to facilitate informational text comprehension, content/concept knowledge, and language/literacy skill development. This session shares a project that integrates digital materials with simple hands‐on experiences and texts. Session Code: 1178 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 4:30:00 PM‐5:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W221DE Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Motor Speech in Adults and Children Title: Introducing an Improved Measure of Communicative Effectiveness for People With Parkinson's Disease & Dysarthria Presenters(s): Neila Donovan Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 36 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: This presentation will introduce listeners to a valid and reliable way to measure communicative effectiveness in people with Parkinson's disease and dysarthria. It will address results from three phases of research and demonstrate how to use the Communicative Effectiveness Survey as an objective pre‐ and post‐treatment outcome measure. Session Code: 1179 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 4:30:00 PM‐5:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W206ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Speech Sound Disorders in Children Title: Challenge‐R: Computerized Challenge Point Treatment for /r/ Misarticulation Presenters(s): Tara McAllister Byun, Elaine Hitchcock, Jose Ortiz Abstract: Treatment in the challenge‐point framework, where difficulty is continuously adjusted to maintain an optimal level, can enhance generalization of speech‐motor skills. However, this method’s complexity poses a barrier to widespread adoption. We describe treatment gains produced by Challenge‐R, a computer program providing structured challenge‐point intervention for persistent /r/ misarticulation. Session Code: 1180 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 4:30:00 PM‐5:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W315AB Instructional Level: Advanced Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: Critical Thinking Skills for Dysphagia Rehabilitation Presenters(s): Ianessa Humbert Abstract: Dysphagia management requires solid critical thinking skills, which can be hindered by the complexity of swallowing disorders. Findings from a prospective study of SLP clinical decision‐making will be discussed. The goal is to provide clear, practical strategies to increase critical thinking that can improve dysphagia management. Session Code: 1181 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 4:30:00 PM‐5:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballrom IJ Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: Dysphagia & Airway Protection Deficits: Best Practices in Evaluation & Management of Complex Neurologic Patients Presenters(s): Karen Hegland, Emily Plowman, Michelle Troche Abstract: The ability to effectively protect the airway consists of multiple behaviors, including swallowing and coughing, that are profoundly impaired in various neurologic diseases. This session will provide in‐depth information regarding the evaluation and management of airway protection deficits in Parkinsonism, motor neuron disease, and stroke. Session Code: 1182 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 4:30:00 PM‐5:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Orlando Ballroom LM Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: Ethics & Evidence in Practice Presenters(s): John Rosenbek, Paula Leslie Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders. Clinicians who have evidence without clinical acumen and knowledge of patient wants and needs are helpless to direct a patient's treatment. Clinicians and patients need help to understand the other’s territory in order to come to a closer place in decision‐making. Informed consent and clinical implications will be discussed. Session Code: 1183 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 4:30:00 PM‐5:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Florida Ballroom A Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Traumatic Brain Injury Title: Functional Effects of Traumatic Brain Injury in the Classroom Presenters(s): Jamie Bogle Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 37 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Traumatic Brain Injury. Visual, auditory, and vestibular disorders are described following traumatic brain injury (TBI). While these sensory abnormalities are noted, the integrative relationships between sensory systems are often not evaluated. Students often demonstrate difficulty with reading and computer‐related tasks, auditory processing, and motion intolerance, leading to reduced academic performance during TBI recovery. Session Code: 1184 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 4:30:00 PM‐5:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W204AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Voice and Alaryngeal Communication Title: Direct Evaluation of Esophageal End of a Tracheoesophageal Puncture (TEP): Its Significance in TEP Management Presenters(s): Melda Kunduk, Andrew McWhorter Abstract: The purpose of this presentation is to describe the use of transnasal esophagoscopy (TNE) and flexible rhinolaryngoscope for direct visualization of the esophageal side of the tracheoesophageal fistula (TEP) to help with problem‐solving with TEP speech dysfunction. The session will also describe the use of TNE for a secondary TEP procedure. Session Code: 1185 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 4:30:00 PM‐5:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W203AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Voice and Alaryngeal Communication Title: Occupational Vocal Health: Current Trends, Tools, & Future Directions Presenters(s): Christopher Gaskill, Eric Hunter Abstract: Approximately 28 million U.S. workers experience voice problems on a daily basis. In this seminar, we review the status of occupational vocal health research in the U.S. and abroad, describing recent advances and ongoing studies. We also suggest future directions for research and clinics to improve occupational vocal wellness. Session Code: 1186 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 6:30:00 PM‐7:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W312C Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: Mirror Mirror on the Wall, How’s My Therapy After All? Reflective Clinical Supervision Presenters(s): Lisa Hiley, Vicky Britton, Gabrielle Tripodi Abstract: Supervision is a distinct element of an SPL's practice (ASHA, 2008), including reflective elements in supervision is shown to improve effectiveness and accountability. This presentation defines reflective practices, illustrates case examples of clinical growth, and provides practical strategies for implementing and enhancing reflection in clinics and field placements. Session Code: 1187 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 6:30:00 PM‐7:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W308AB Instructional Level: Advanced Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: Got Grammar? An Easy Way to Review Grammar and Syntax Presenters(s): Anne Rowley Abstract: This session will present the grammar aspects of language form, namely morphology and syntax, from a uniquely visual perspective called grammar detailing. Parts of speech and how they are used in oral and written communication will be reviewed with hands‐on activities related to the assessment of language difficulties. Session Code: 1188 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 6:30:00 PM‐7:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W221ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: Introducing the Clinical Skill Acquisition Rubric (CSAR): A New Objective Measure of Clinical Skill Acquisition Presenters(s): Pamela Resnick, Janet Whiteside, Anthony Pak‐Hin Kong Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 38 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: The CSAR, an objective tool which measures and assesses graduate students’ clinical skill acquisition will be presented. Outcome data from a pilot study, investigating the relationship of the CSAR and the university’s current measure of clinical skills acquisition (Knowledge and Skills Assessment [KASA]) will be reviewed. Session Code: 1189 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 6:30:00 PM‐7:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Orlando Ballroom LM Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: Preparing for the Praxis Presenters(s): Bonnie Lund Abstract: The CDIS Department Chair from Minnesota State Unversity, Mankato will describe MSU's Praxis Review Course, designed to assist both speech‐language pathology and audiology graduate students prepare for the Praxis. Topics to be addressed include the new 2014 format, preparation, study aides, and how to prepare for the testing day. Session Code: 1190 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 6:30:00 PM‐7:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Orlando Ballroom N Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Title: Facilitating Discourse in Persons With Aphasia Using AAC: A Comparison of VSDs & TGDs Presenters(s): Kristofer Brock, Rajinder Koul, Melinda Corwin Abstract: Two message organization systems facilitate communication in persons with aphasia: taxonomic grid and visual scene displays. This study investigated the effects of those displays across several communicative variables with two participants with aphasia during a conversation about a sitcom episode. Results indicated that visual scenes better facilitated conversation. Session Code: 1191 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 6:30:00 PM‐7:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W304EFGH Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: Digital Misadventures: Using Technology Assisted Intervention to Promote Pragmatic Language Development & Generalization Presenters(s): Jennifer Godwin Abstract: Discover new possibilities of pragmatic language treatment through forward‐thinking video technology and design. Learn to expand from free online/app resources, self‐made digital narratives, and social media tools to master critical thinking and comprehension of social outcomes. Apply proven new therapeutic methods to motivate students, meet objectives, and generalize skills. Session Code: 1192 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 6:30:00 PM‐7:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W415BC Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: Reading to Engage Children With Autism in Language and Learning (RECALL): A Shared Reading Intervention Presenters(s): Kelly Whalon Abstract: Findings from a single‐case design study investigating the impact of RECALL on the early language and literacy skills of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) will be presented. Video illustrations of RECALL, example materials, and instructional methods employed to meet the varied needs of learners with ASD will be shared. Session Code: 1193 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 6:30:00 PM‐7:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W310AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: Are You Indispensable? Learn How to Succeed in Health Care! Presenters(s): Carol Hofbauer, Katheryn Boada, Mel Cohen Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 39 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: Health care is changing! It is vital that our professions adapt congruently to improve our care and delivery models. This workshop will explore making ourselves indispensable in the healthcare landscape by examining Triple Aim: improving the health of the population, the patient experience, and fiscal viability for clinicians and business leaders. Session Code: 1194 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 6:30:00 PM‐7:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W414CD Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: New Age SLP Practice: Science & Learning Presenters(s): Joanne Wisely, Kathleen Usher, Heather Pazak Abstract: Healthcare reform creates a new age of SLP Practice. Quality measures, evaluation standards, and patient outcomes are written into healthcare laws and policy. No longer are best practices sufficient criteria to support patient care. Current research, laws, service policy, and reimbursement systems will be addressed in this session. Session Code: 1195 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 6:30:00 PM‐7:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W206ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: Paths to Success in Private Practice Presenters(s): Melissa Gillmer, Amy Svensson, Jennifer Beall Abstract: Three business‐minded SLPs share their knowledge and experience with their vastly different practices to educate peers who are considering a private practice venture or who are currently in private practice. Client ages served are pediatrics through geriatrics. One innovative business model includes mobile FEES for dysphagia diagnostics. Session Code: 1196 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 6:30:00 PM‐7:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W205BC Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: Productivity Pressure? Using Lean Problem Solving to Do More With Less Presenters(s): Nancy Swigert Abstract: Lean methodology, initially developed by Toyota, is increasingly being applied in healthcare settings where providers are expected to do more with less. Using lean principles and tools, clinicians can identify opportunities for increased efficiency. Principles and tools addressed will include identifying wastes, observation, standardized work and 8‐step problem‐solving. Session Code: 1197 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 6:30:00 PM‐7:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W203AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: The Efficacy of Telepractice as a Service Delivery Model for Speech, Language, & Audiology Services Presenters(s): Alexa Baroni , Mara Caskey, Mircea Cimisliu, Kim Delude, Meredith Kras, Brittany Morris Abstract: The efficacy of telepractice to deliver speech, language and/or audiology services to specific populations with voice, fluency, and neurogenic communication disorders, including those that are hard of hearing, revealed that telepractice is effective for delivering services compared to on‐site services; however, most empirical studies lacked essential psychometric properties. Session Code: 1198 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 6:30:00 PM‐7:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W202ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Cultural and Linguistic Considerations Across the Discipline Title: Incorporating Career‐Specific Activities When Addressing Accent Modification Goals Presenters(s): Barbara Cicholski, Anne Marie Kubat Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 40 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: The number of international students applying for admission into professional programs in American universities has increased. Many students continue to live in the US working in professional careers. Potential barriers to successful employment will be described along with proactive solutions to those problems. Session Code: 1199 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 6:30:00 PM‐7:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballroom DE Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Fluency Title: Assisting Families of Young Children Who Stutter: Choosing Effective Approaches Presenters(s): Susan Cochrane, Sheryl Gottwald Abstract: The stuttering literature offers access to numerous approaches for assisting families whose young children stutter. Using case examples, we will demonstrate how to differentially match specific treatment approaches to effectively meet the individualized needs of families with young children who stutter. Session Code: 1200 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 6:30:00 PM‐7:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballrom IJ Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Fluency Title: Solution‐Focused Interviewing & Goal‐Setting With Clients Who Stutter Presenters(s): Ellen Kelly Abstract: A solution‐focused approach to intervention permits identification of communication outcomes (i.e., behavioral, attitudinal, and emotional) desired by clients and objective assessment of progress. Techniques for solution‐focused interviewing and goal‐setting for those who stutter will be presented along with case examples that include identified goals, scaling procedures, and documented progress. Session Code: 1201 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 6:30:00 PM‐7:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W307CD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Intervention/Habilitation for Infants and Children with Hearing Loss Title: Beyond Early Intervention: Supporting Deaf Children Through Elementary School Presenters(s): Susan Nittrouer, Christopher Holloman Abstract: Twenty years ago, efforts were undertaken to expand newborn hearing screenings and early intervention. Although those efforts improved language outcomes for deaf children, delays persist. This three part seminar will present data describing those delays, provide theoretical motivation for continued support, and make suggestions of how to design school‐age intervention. Session Code: 1202 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 6:30:00 PM‐7:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W306AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Intervention/Habilitation for Infants and Children with Hearing Loss Title: Doing CAPD Therapy From the Palm of Your Hand V Presenters(s): Bunnie Schuler, Donna Geffner Abstract: This presentation will provide an updated installment on the use of apps and mobile technologies for the treatment of CAPD for design of comprehensive programming to include direct auditory training, environmental modifications, and compensatory strategies building central resources: language, memory metalinguistic, and meta‐cognitive skills. Session Code: 1203 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 6:30:00 PM‐7:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W224FH Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: A Cure for the Common Core: Using Children's Literature to Meet Core Communication Standards Presenters(s): Shari Robertson, Jennifer Schultz Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 41 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: Are you feeling the Common Core blues? This presentation will provide participants with multiple strategies to address Common Core communication standards using children’s literature. Learn how to address multiple communication goals with specific books to reduce planning time, maximize treatment time, and reduce material costs. Session Code: 1204 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 6:30:00 PM‐7:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Florida Ballroom A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: Clinical Measure of Problem‐Solving in Typical Children & Implications for Special Populations Presenters(s): Janice Carter Smith, Robert Marshall, Judith Page Abstract: The Rapid Assessment of Problem‐Solving (RAPS) was used to evaluate 538 typically developing children (ages 5:1─17:11). Initial results yield preliminary support for valid use of the RAPS with children. Problem‐solving scores from this data set will be analyzed and discussed with implications for utility with special populations. Session Code: 1205 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 6:30:00 PM‐7:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballroom H Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: Success in the Classroom: Teaching Critical Communication Skills for Independence Presenters(s): Catherine Horton, Lori Frost, Jo‐Anne Matteo, Jill Waegenaere Abstract: Many students exhibit challenging behaviors in the classroom. Often, these behaviors are a function of the student’s inability to appropriately request assistance, break, and/or wait for a desired item/activity. Participants will learn to identify the function of challenging behaviors and learn strategies to implement critical communication skills. Session Code: 1206 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 6:30:00 PM‐7:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Florida Ballroom BC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: Teaching Idioms & Oral Narratives to English‐Language Learners: Strategies for SLPs Presenters(s): Daniel Valentine, Maranda Cochran Abstract: This session presents practical strategies to teach idioms and oral narratives to English Language Learners. Participants will learn how to classify idioms and use seven methods to effectively teach idioms. Participants will also learn how to develop oral narratives to actively engage small groups to develop oral proficiency. Session Code: 1207 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 6:30:00 PM‐7:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W110A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: A Brain Fitness Program at an Adult Daycare Health Center—Ideas & Activities For Dementia Prevention Presenters(s): Nan Chaet, Dave Larsen Abstract: Mild Cognitive impairment and dementia prevention are topics of growing interest. An evidence based brain fitness program at an adult daycare health center in California will be presented with creative ideas for fun and effective individual and group brain fitness sessions. Specific games and lifestyle management materials will be presented as well. Session Code: 1208 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 6:30:00 PM‐7:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W109A Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: Isolation & Aphasia: The Importance of Building Connections & Community Presenters(s): Roberta Elman, David Dow, Carol Dow‐Richards, Audrey Holland Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 42 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: Aphasia isolates. Connecting persons with aphasia with one another is vital for creating positive health through building interpersonal relationships and shared community. Research evidence and firsthand accounts will demonstrate how social connections can provide the support and increase the confidence needed to live successfully with aphasia. Session Code: 1209 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 6:30:00 PM‐7:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W109B Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: Language Disorders Associated With Right‐Hemisphere Brain Damage Presenters(s): Margaret Blake, Connie Tompkins Abstract: Adults with right‐hemisphere brain damage often have difficulty with complex language. Theories of the deficits underlying these problems (suppression, coarse coding, integration of context) will be described. Links will be provided between these theories, current understanding of language processes in the right hemisphere, and treatments for right hemisphere disorders. Session Code: 1210 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 6:30:00 PM‐7:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W110B Instructional Level: Advanced Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: Treating Chronic Aphasia in a Challenging Healthcare System: Viable Options Presenters(s): Robert Marshall Abstract: Medicare regulations severely restrict how much language treatment a person with chronic aphasia can receive. This seminar presents some viable options for providing evidence‐based, cost‐effective treatment to individuals with chronic aphasia; and highlights the challenges, decisions, and paradigm shifts needed to incorporate these treatments into clinical practice. Session Code: 1211 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 6:30:00 PM‐7:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311EF Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language in Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers Title: Collaboration, Rotations, & Technology: Preschool Speech Delivery With an Innovative Approach Presenters(s): Ashley Wiley, Pamela Wiley, Belinda Williams, Vienna Garcia Abstract: This seminar will present an innovative program used to deliver speech therapy and related services to special education preschoolers in public schools and private practice settings. Suggestions will be given on how to implement this type of program, develop lesson plans, and how to adapt this program for both the school and clinic setting. Session Code: 1212 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 6:30:00 PM‐7:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W222A Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language in Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers Title: iPad to iPlay 2.0: Teaching Play Through Apps for Preschoolers Presenters(s): Tara Roehl Abstract: This presentation will introduce participants to popular tablet gaming apps and creative adaptations to improve active participation in therapeutic activities for the development of problem‐solving, speech and language development, interactive play, pragmatics, executive functioning skills and behavior modification. Applicable for preschoolers and adaptable for older clients. Session Code: 1213 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 6:30:00 PM‐7:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W415A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language in Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers Title: Screening: The Next Generation Presenters(s): Anne Larson, Scott McConnell, Jay Buzhardt Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 43 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: Efficient, naturalistic screening tools are needed to identify language delays in infants and toddlers. This session will review scientific evidence for natural‐setting systematic assessments, specifically the Early Childhood Indicator (ECI) and Language Environment Analysis (LENA), and discuss their feasibility as community‐based screening tools compared to traditional parent‐ completed vocabulary checklists. Session Code: 1214 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 6:30:00 PM‐7:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W315AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Literacy Assessment and Intervention Title: Neurobiology of Listening & Reading Comprehension, & Brain‐Based Strategies for Maximizing Performance Presenters(s): Ahmed Abdelal Abstract: The session consists of three segments. The first is an overview of language processing based on recent brain research findings. The second discusses the underlying neurobiological and neurophysiological underpinnings of listening comprehension and reading comprehension. The third provides brain‐based approaches/strategies for enhancing reading and listening comprehension. Session Code: 1215 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 6:30:00 PM‐7:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W224ABCD Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Literacy Assessment and Intervention Title: SLPs & the CCSS in Early Elementary Language‐Literacy Instruction Presenters(s): Ashley Meaux, Janet Norris, Paul Hoffman Abstract: With the implementation of the Common Core State Standards, SLPs are increasingly held accountable for academic performance. This seminar will present a collaborative effort between school‐based SLPs and teachers to provide speech‐language intervention services to students at risk for reading failure. Session Code: 1216 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 6:30:00 PM‐7:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W308CD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Literacy Assessment and Intervention Title: Teaching Morpheme‐Based Strategies to Decoding Through Computer‐Assisted Instruction Presenters(s): Lori Geist, Joy Diamond, Jennifer Zoski Abstract: The session will offer recommendations for effective morpheme‐based intervention practices for students struggling to read grade‐level polysyllabic words. Through a review of the research, demonstration of activities and discussion of computer‐ assisted instruction, participants will gain practical ideas for improving the literacy skills of struggling readers in primary and secondary grades. Session Code: 1217 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 6:30:00 PM‐7:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W314AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Literacy Assessment and Intervention Title: Visual Literacy of Students With Dyslexia: Foundation Skills for Academic Success Presenters(s): Sunjung Kim, Linda Lombardino, Carli Rhodes Abstract: Little is known about visual information processing in individuals with dyslexia. We compared graph and text processing using eye tracking in college students with dyslexia. Their difficulty with linguistic information affected their graph as well as text comprehension. Recommendations for multimedia teaching strategies relative to our findings are presented. Session Code: 1218 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 6:30:00 PM‐7:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W307AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Research Across the Discipline Title: Bringing the Crowdsourcing Revolution to Research in Communication Disorders Presenters(s): Tara McAllister Byun, Suzanne Adlof, Michelle Moore Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 44 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: Research in CSD depends heavily on human subjects, but finding and testing participants is difficult and time‐consuming. Online crowdsourcing platforms offer instantaneous access to thousands of individuals. We describe our experiences using the online platform Amazon Mechanical Turk for CSD, with guidelines for getting started in collecting crowdsourced data. Session Code: 1219 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 6:30:00 PM‐7:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W207ABC Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Research Across the Discipline Title: Considering Joining the Next Generation of Researchers? Talk With Us Presenters(s): Sonja Pruitt‐Lord, Adam Buchwald, Françoise Brosseau‐Lapré Abstract: This session is sponsored by the ASHA Research and Scientific Affairs Committee (RSAC). Have you ever wondered what researchers do or whether you have the skills to be a researcher? This session will profile three successful researchers, highlighting their different paths, research questions, activities, and settings for a research career. Session Code: 1220 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 6:30:00 PM‐7:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311GH Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: Boot Camp for Swallowing Treatment: A New Service Delivery Model Presenters(s): Akila Rajappa, Cagla Kantarcigil , Elise Wagner, Kathleen Youse, Georgia Malandraki Abstract: We aimed to examine the effects of a 4‐week intensive boot camp for dysphagia intervention in eight adults. Interventions included evidence‐based individualized programs and followed neuroplasticity and motor learning principles. The majority of patients showed improvements with successful diet upgrades. Potential implications for this service delivery model will be discussed. Session Code: 1221 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 6:30:00 PM‐7:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311CD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: Eating Is Not Just Swallowing: Redefining the “Swallowing” Process in the Elderly Presenters(s): Samantha Shune, Jerald Moon Abstract: Dysphagia assessment and treatment is frequently impairment‐driven, focusing on swallowing in isolation, removed from the more holistic goal of eating. In this session, we will discuss, and support, the necessity for integrating components of the broader mealtime process with our definition of swallowing and swallowing impairment, particularly for elderly patients. Session Code: 1222 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 6:30:00 PM‐7:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: Pediatric Feeding & Dysphagia in the Complex Child at Home, School, & in the Community Presenters(s): Donna Edwards Abstract: This solicited course by the ASHA Dysphagia Topic Committee will address pediatric feeding and dysphagia in the complex "typically developing" child and the medically complex child. Academic success, family dynamics, and psychosocial interaction in the home, school, and community will be explored through evidenced‐based practices, case study presentations, and parent interviews. Session Code: 1223 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 6:30:00 PM‐7:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballroom G Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Traumatic Brain Injury Title: A Systematic Approach for Assessment & Treatment of Patients in Post‐Traumatic Confusional State Presenters(s): Carrie Charney, Kaitlin Trucchi, Brooke Lenahan, Anne Citorik Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 45 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: Stages of recovery in patients with traumatic brain injury will be presented with specific focus on patients in post‐ traumatic confusional state. The importance of utilizing a systematic approach, including assessment tools and treatment approaches will be presented. Functional implications of data collection will be discussed. Session Code: 1299 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311AB Instructional Level: Advanced Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: Enhancing Skills as a Site Visitor Presenters(s): Mikael Kimelman, Maryrose McInerney, Mary Lou Poole Abstract: A session designed for current CAA site visitors, attendees will participate in facilitated group discussions in which they will develop and share strategies for improving data collection, analysis, and report writing skills. Attendees will discuss best practices for assessing quality in academic and clinical education. Session Code: 1300 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W308AB Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: Overcoming Barriers: Practical Strategies for Clinical Supervision Presenters(s): Rebecca Lulai, Marilyn Fairchild, Sarah Angerman, Mark DeRuiter Abstract: Join an interactive session designed to help you overcome barriers to providing quality clinical education to SLP and AuD students. Novice and veteran supervisors are welcome. Four common barriers in student supervision will be discussed with a focus on practical, problem‐solving applications for a variety of settings. Session Code: 1301 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311EF Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Title: Embedding Augmentative & Alternative Communication in Naturalistic Teaching Sessions Presenters(s): Lauren Hampton, Courtney Wright, Elizabeth Fulller, Ann Kaiser Abstract: To best facilitate social communication with an augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) system for children with special needs, an interventionist should be fluent at embedding these systems in Enhanced Milieu Teaching sessions. Procedures and evidence will be discussed, including blending AAC teaching strategies while using naturalistic teaching strategies such as responsiveness, target level language, expansions, time delays, and prompting. Session Code: 1302 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W415BC Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Title: Funding Policy Changes That Impact the Design, Functions, & Availability of Speech‐Generating Devices (SGD) Presenters(s): Richard Hurtig, Lewis Golinker, Melanie Fried‐Oken, Betts Peters, Kevin Caves, Sarah Blackstone, Laura Ball, Alisa Brownlee, Joni Nygard, Lisa Satterfield Abstract: Recent changes in Medicare SGD funding policy pose challenges and risks. We review past and current SGD funding policies, including capped rental and locked devices. We highlight implications for SGD prescription, acquisition, and use by providing national data on device usage and on hospitalization rates for likely SGD users. Session Code: 1303 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W209ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Title: Revisiting the Definition of Communicative Competence for Individuals who require AAC: Research & Evidence‐Based Practice Presenters(s): Janice Light, David McNaughton Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 46 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: This seminar will re‐visit the definition of communicative competence for individuals who require AAC, specifically the skills required in four interrelated domains: linguistic, operational, social, and strategic. Current research on interventions to build communicative competence will be reviewed and case examples will be discussed to illustrate implications for evidence‐based practice. Session Code: 1304 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W414CD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: A More Perfect Union: Aligning Practices Between Applied Behavior Analysis & Speech Language Pathology Presenters(s): Landria M Seals Green Abstract: Who better to provide language and speech therapy services than the SLP? With ABA Therapists implementing and designing programs, SLPs wonder about their role in providing intensive services for those with autism. Arming today's SLP with tools to collaborate successfully with colleagues in ABA is essential in establishing a more perfect union and learner success. Session Code: 1305 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W314AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: ASD Treatment: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy & Mental Health Problems Associated With Social Learning Challenges Presenters(s): Michelle Winner Abstract: The research demonstrates a strong relationship between anxiety/depression and ASD/Social Communication Disorders. In this talk we will review mental health concerns, the principals of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and how this links to practical strategies SLPs can use in their social skills/social thinking groups. Session Code: 1306 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W415D Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: Building Partnerships Using Innovative Technologies to Bridge Research‐to‐Practice for Toddlers With Autism & Communication Delays Presenters(s): Amy Wetherby, Juliann Woods, Lindee Morgan, Renee Holland Abstract: Innovative technologies developed at the Florida State University Autism Institute to build the capacity of community providers to improve early detection and evidence‐based, community‐viable early intervention for autism and communication delays are described. By using an e‐co‐system to bridge research‐to‐practice, SLPs can more effectively partner with primary care and families. Session Code: 1307 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W224ABCD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: Developing Narrative & Expository Discourse Skills in Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) Presenters(s): Diane Williams, Lori Marra Abstract: An intervention for personal narratives and expository discourse for older students with ASD will be described. Central elements of the intervention have been drawn from research evidence on the nature of the cognitive and linguistic processing challenges in ASD. Case studies will illustrate the implementation and preliminary evidence of effectiveness. Session Code: 1308 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W414AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: Innovations in ToM Assessment & Intervention for Children With ASD Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 47 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Presenters(s): Patricia Prelock, Tiffany Hutchins Abstract: This short course describes innovative methods for assessing Theory of Mind (ToM) in children with ASD. Case examples are used to identify challenge areas in ToM and develop goals for intervention. The use of social stories and comic strip conversations are explained and demonstrated via video examples to facilitate perspective‐taking. Session Code: 1309 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W315AB Instructional Level: Advanced Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: Language in Body & Mind in Autism Spectrum Disorders Presenters(s): Inge‐Marie Eigsti Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by SIG 1: Language Learning and Education. This session examines language in ASD, including consequences of DSM‐5 diagnostic changes. Three main emphases are: 1) research on domain‐general, low‐level processes that constrain language abilities; 2) behavioral and neuroimaging research on “optimal outcomes” from ASD; and 3) embodied cognition and implications of the perception‐action link for development in ASD. Session Code: 1310 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W320 Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: Clients at Risk for Suicide: Our Experiences & Responsibilities Presenters(s): Judith Kuster, Barbara Froman, Robert Fifer, Scott Palasik, Rachel Wynn, Joseph Donaher Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by the Convention Co‐Chairs. The panel will present information about depression, anxiety, and isolation seen in many persons with a variety of communicative disorders, the possibility of suicide ideation, and risk of suicide completion. Examples of clients contemplating and completing suicide will be provided. The profession's role in prevention and postvention will be discussed. Session Code: 1311 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Orlando Ballroom N Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: The Amazing Race: Staying Ahead of Coding & Reimbursement Changes Presenters(s): Dee Adams Nikjeh, Denise Dougherty, Wayne Holland, Carmen Vega Barachowitz, Timothy Weise, Katie Holterman Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues. This presentation contains critical information on the latest coding, billing, and reimbursement issues including appropriate documentation to reflect skilled care, the transition to ICD‐10, Medicaid, the 2015 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule, and the rapidly evolving health care landscape. Coding and documentation scenarios will be presented and audience questions are encouraged. Session Code: 1312 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W208ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Cleft Lip and Palate and Related Craniofacial Anomalies Title: Early Assessment & Intervention for Children With Cleft Palate Presenters(s): Nancy Scherer, Kathy Chapman Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Cleft Lip and Palate and Related Craniofacial Anomalies and SIG 5: Speech Science and Orofacial Disorder. This session will cover topics related to management of young children with cleft palate including an overview of research examining early communication development, assessment issues, and evidence‐based intervention strategies. Examples of cases and intervention strategies will be included. Session Code: 1313 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311GH Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 48 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Topic Area: Cultural and Linguistic Considerations Across the Discipline Title: I’m Different, You Are Too! Cultural Awareness From the Inside Out Presenters(s): Mona Griffer, Irene Torres, Lisa Abbott Moore, Rosa Abreu, Alejandro Brice, Nathan Cornish, W. Matthew Gillispie, Li Hsieh, Lisa Rogers Taylor, Priya Sudarsanam, Yumi Sumida Abstract: Multicultural Issues Board members will present a multiperspective identity model aimed at increasing awareness of cultural diversity within oneself and provide examples of “when a difference makes a difference.” Participants will be engaged in discussion/an activity regarding the impact of client and clinician individual differences on clinical service delivery. Session Code: 1314 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Florida Ballroom BC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Fluency Title: Preschool Stuttering Therapy: A Practical Approach Presenters(s): J. Scott Yaruss, Nina Reardon‐Reeves Abstract: This presentation will provide a detailed overview of a practical, comprehensive treatment for preschool and young school‐age children who stutter. The presenters will describe diagnostic strategies, treatment goals and procedures, and common pitfalls in therapy to help clinicians increase their confidence and competence in working with young children who stutter. Session Code: 1315 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballrom IJ Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Fluency Title: Stuttering Treatment: How Camps & Programs Can Help Target Goals & Objectives Presenters(s): Craig Coleman, Taro Alexander, Kristin Chmela, Farzan Irani, Ellen Kelly, Robert Reichhardt, Patricia Zebrowski Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by SIG 4: Fluency and Fluency Disorders. This session will provide an overview of summer camps and other programs for stuttering. Panelists will focus on ways that summer camps and programs address goals and objectives for clients who stutter. The session will emphasize helping clinicians identify and utilize real‐world treatment activities. Session Code: 1316 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballroom G Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Fluency Title: Using Evidence to Guide Treatment for School‐Age Children Who Stutter Presenters(s): Rosalee Shenker, Elisabeth Harrison, Sally Hewat Abstract: This presentation will review the current evidence base for treatment of school‐age children, including behavioral, cognitive, and affective treatments. It will provide the audience with scenarios for treatment in the form of discussion of treatment models and case material. Where possible it will provide outcomes for these treatments. Session Code: 1317 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W304EFGH Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Global Issues and Practices Across the Discipline Title: Autism Spectrum Disorders: Access to Care in Asia Presenters(s): Shari Rosen, Prathibha Karanth, Carol To , Nicole Duval Reisfeld, Elaine Yandeau Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Global Issues and Practices Across the Discipline and Autism Spectrum Disorders. Access to care for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is largely inadequate throughout Asia. Lack of awareness, resources, and trained specialists primarily contribute to the problem. The purpose of this panel discussion is to gain a better perspective from speech‐language professionals who reside and provide services in Asia, specifically in Mainland China, Hong Kong India, Japan, and Thailand. Session Code: 1318 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 49 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W221DE Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Global Issues and Practices Across the Discipline Title: Expand Your Horizons: International Telepractice in Speech‐Language Pathology & Audiology Presenters(s): Michael Towey, Michelle Boisvert, Catherine Crowley, Mark Krumm Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by SIG 17: Global Issues in Communication Sciences and Related Disorders and SIG 18: Telepractice. Live videoconferencing allows speech‐language pathologists and audiologists to provide services internationally. Advantages of international telepractice include opportunities for expanding clinical practice, public service, student training and collaboration with other service providers. A panel of four practitioners who are providing speech‐language and audiology services abroad will discuss implementation of international telepractice. Session Code: 1319 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W307CD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Infant and Child Hearing: Screening and Assessment Title: Audiologists & Speech‐Language Pathology: Collaborating in Management of Young Children With Hearing Loss Presenters(s): Elizabeth Walker, Meredith Spratford, Melody Harrison Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Infant and Child Hearing: Screening and Assessment, Intervention/Habilitation for Infants and Children with Hearing Loss, SIG 9: Hearing and Hearing Disorders in Childhood. Timely confirmation, device fitting, and early intervention are integral to developmental outcomes for children with hearing loss. The current presentation reviews recent findings regarding timing of diagnostic and intervention services for children who are hard of hearing, focusing on the relationship between service provider preparation and development of aural habilitation. Session Code: 1320 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W206ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Interprofessional Education and Practice Title: Moving Out of the Speech Room & Into the Classroom: Best Practices for Co‐Teaching Presenters(s): Lori Heisler, Jacqueline Thousand Abstract: To maximize the effectiveness of interventions in schools, SLPs need to work collaboratively with education professionals. Guidelines and best practices for co‐teaching will be reviewed so that SLPs can work with teachers to integrate language interventions into the curriculum and improve overall generalization of skills in the classroom and beyond. Session Code: 1321 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W308CD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Intervention/Habilitation for Infants and Children with Hearing Loss Title: NECAP: Language Outcomes of Young Children Who Are Deaf/Hard of Hearing Across 11 States Presenters(s): Christine Yoshinaga‐Itano, Allison Sedey, Mallene Wiggin Abstract: This session will present data from more than 1,200 assessments of infants and toddlers who are deaf or hard of hearing between the age of birth and 3 years old. Data from 11 participating states including Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Indiana, Maine, Minnesota, Oregon, Texas, Wisconsin, and Wyoming will be presented. Session Code: 1322 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W110B Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: Come on Gang! Let's Put on a Show! Presenters(s): Emily Kinsler, Erin Stauder Abstract: Are your students stuck in the wings? Are they stars of the school productions? How do you get your students downstage center? Come join us and learn how to use a theater‐based social skills intervention as a vehicle for engaging your students and targeting their pragmatic needs. Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 50 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Session Code: 1323 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W221ABC Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: Mathematics, Language, & Manipulatives: What Is My Role as an SLP? Presenters(s): Alyssa Wojtyna, Rylie Brandt, Lauren DuVal, Vicki Samelson Abstract: Students are surrounded by language, even in the mathematics classroom. This interactive seminar explores the relationships between oral language skill, numerical cognition, teacher language, curriculum language, and the development of formal mathematical skills. If SLPs understand these relationships, we can collaborate with teachers and support our students with language impairment. Session Code: 1324 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W415A Instructional Level: Advanced Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: SLPs’ Roles as “Guzintas:” Examing Barb Ehren’s Work on Literacy & Common Core Presenters(s): Geraldine Wallach, Kathleen Whitmire, Bonnie Singer, Kenn Apel, Melissa Malani Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Language and Learning in School‐Age Children and Adolescents. Stuck on whether literacy is your gig? Fuhgeddaboutit! The Divas Plus One (and guest star, Malani) make an offer you can’t refuse by solidifying your role in literacy and offering advanced information on discipline literacy and tying what SLPs do into the Common Core State Standards. Session Code: 1325 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Florida Ballroom A Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: Using Our CCCs to Support Student Success With the Common Core State Standards Presenters(s): Jodi Cahill Abstract: This session will explore the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) released nationally in January 2010. The speaker will discuss the origin of the standards, the philosophy behind its design, the expected outcomes for students and the practical application of the standards to speech therapy programming in the school setting. Session Code: 1326 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W207ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: What's a High School SLP to Do? Service‐Learning Initiatives & School‐Based Businesses to the Rescue Presenters(s): Patrick Craanen Abstract: High school students with intellectual disability and concomitant communication disorders present specific life skill and vocational‐based social communication challenges to ESE teachers and speech‐language pathologists. Participants will be introduced to innovative service learning and school‐based business initiatives to address the real world, cognitive‐linguistic communication needs of their transitioning secondary students. Session Code: 1327 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W110A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: Activities for People with Dementia That Are Meaningful, Functional, Measurable & Reimbursable Presenters(s): Michelle Bourgeois, Tammy Hopper, Natalie Douglas, Becky Khayum, Jackie Hinckley Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 51 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: The necessity of documenting reimbursable treatment activities for persons with dementia may lead to the selection of activities that result in a measurable score but may not be functional or meaningful to the client. This panel of experienced dementia‐care clinician/researchers will present examples of meaningful and reimbursable treatment activities. Session Code: 1328 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W109A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: Implementing Verb Network Strengthening Treatment to Promote Generalization of Language Production Abilities in Aphasia Presenters(s): Lisa Edmonds Abstract: Verb Strengthening Treatment (VNeST) has resulted in improved lexical retrieval abilities across words, sentences and/or discourse in 19 participants with aphasia. This session will provide detailed instruction (with videos) on VNeST protocol. Additionally, we examine cases that illustrate the effect of pre‐treatment characteristics (e.g., verb impairment, cognition) on outcomes. Session Code: 1329 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W224FH Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: Mild Cognitive Impairment: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Identification & Intervention Presenters(s): Sandra Christos, Paul Cass Abstract: A comprehensive discussion will be held by a geriatrician and SLP regarding the identification and management of Mild Cognitive Impairment including the role of the interdisciplinary health professional team. Assessment measures, medical intervention, rehabilitation recommendations, and interdisciplinary collaboration will be reviewed. Session Code: 1330 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W109B Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: Moving Towards Cultural Safety: Adult Neurogenics & the Future of Our Profession Presenters(s): Claire Penn Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by SIG 14: Communication Disorders and Sciences in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Populations (CLD) and Language Disorders in Adults. Given increasing globalization and cultural diversity of current caseloads, clinicians working in adult neurogenics need new skills and tools to understand the impact of context on clinical effectiveness. Standard tools may be neither relevant nor ethical. This seminar will address cultural safety in relation to models of assessment and intervention. Session Code: 1331 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W310AB Instructional Level: Advanced Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language in Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers Title: Neuroembryology, Brain Malformations, & Prematurity: Clinical Implications for Speech Language Pathologists Presenters(s): Subhash Bhatnagar, Chandra Shivpuri, Bridget Valla Abstract: Concerns of a SLP are closely integrated with the clinical outcomes that arise subsequent to the prematurity of the neural circuitry (seen in premature birth), malformations, embryological errors, teratogenic impacts, or other etiologies operational at or before the birth. An integrated approach to these pathophysiologies has implications for assessment and interventions. Session Code: 1332 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballroom DE Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language in Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers Title: Pioneering Development of Multi‐Tiered Systems of Support for Early Childhood Presenters(s): Howard Goldstein, Elizabeth Kelley, Christa Haring, Arnold Olszewski Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 52 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Language in Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers. The Center on Response to Intervention in Early Childhood developed assessments and curricula for implementing a multi‐tiered system of support to promote school readiness and prevent language and reading disabilities. We will explore speech‐language pathologists’ roles within a system designed to be feasible and effective in diverse early childhood settings. Session Code: 1333 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W203AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language in Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers Title: Taking Parent Coaching to the Next Level—Helping Parents Make Behavioral Changes That Stick! Presenters(s): Cindy Conklin Abstract: Coaching parents is essential in early intervention. However, common coaching practices may result in limited, short‐term behavior change. How do you help parents make behavioral changes that stick? Using case studies and videos, this presentation describes a comprehensive structure for coaching parents that includes key ingredients for long‐term behavior change. Session Code: 1334 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W205A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Literacy Assessment and Intervention Title: Improving Written Expression Through Strategy Instruction: Managing Executive Function Demands of the Writing Process Presenters(s): Melissa Feller Abstract: Successful written expression requires effective, efficient executive function (EF) and self‐regulatory processes. Proficient, independent writing is now expected in the early grades, which presents particular obstacles for students with learning disabilities. This session explores the roles of EF and self‐regulation in writing, and beneficial strategies for managing the writing process. Session Code: 1335 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W307AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: NeuroAudiology Title: Shining Light on Hearing with Cochlear Implants: fNIRS Brain Imaging Study Presenters(s): Ioulia Kovelman, Silvia Bisconti, Masha Shulkin, Gregory Basura, Paul Kileny Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by NeuroAudiology. We explored the utility of functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) brain imaging method to study Cochlear Implant (CI) treatment. Adult CI recipients and healthy controls completed auditory tasks and showed significant bilateral activation in the temporal lobes. Results suggest the efficiency of fNIRS imaging for the study of CI treatment. Session Code: 1336 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballroom H Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: Begin at the Beginning: Feeding/Swallowing Development & Disorders in Children Presenters(s): Maureen Lefton‐Greif, Joan Arvedson Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders. This session is designed for graduate students and SLPs with limited experience with children with dysphagia. Topics emphasized include: typical feeding/swallowing development and their disruptions, clinical/instrumental evaluations, Videofluoroscopic Swallow Study (VFSS) and Flexible Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES) examinations, and management decision‐making. Case presentations will illustrate key concepts. Session Code: 1337 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Orlando Ballroom LM Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 53 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Title: Dysphagia Therapy: What Are We Doing & Why? Presenters(s): Joseph Murray, James Coyle Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders. There are two ways to manage/treat dysphagia. 1) Select treatments from a list of things that are done to treat dysphagic patients. 2) Analyze the problem, then select treatments based on their biologically sound connections to the disorder. This course will review the basics of the treatment selection process. Session Code: 1338 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W204AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: Pediatric Palliative Care: Ethical Decision‐Making & the Role of the Speech Pathologist Presenters(s): Emily Mayfield, Colleen Gould, Donna Edwards, Marni Simon Abstract: Pediatric palliative care focuses on optimizing quality of life. SLPs may be consulted for a variety of reasons for these patients. This session focuses on the goals of palliative care, the role of the SLP, and provides a framework by which to make ethical decisions for patients on this path. Session Code: 1339 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W202ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Traumatic Brain Injury Title: Traumatic Brain Injury as a Chronic Health Condition Presenters(s): John Corrigan Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Traumatic Brain Injury and Academic and Clinical Education. Growing evidence indicates that traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a dynamic condition that continues to change years after onset. Recognizing TBI as a chronic health condition requiring proactive management similar to diabetes, hypertension, or obesity is a prerequisite to changing federal research agendas to produce evidence‐based protocols. Session Code: 1340 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W205BC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Voice and Alaryngeal Communication Title: 10th Annual Pentax Medical Lecture (formerly the KayPENTAX Lecture) in Upper Airway Science "Aerodigestive Tract: Advances in Imaging Interpretation" Presenters(s): Ilona Schmalfuss Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Voice and Alaryngeal Communication, SIG 3: Voice and Voice Disorders & SIG 13: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders (Dysphagia). Imaging plays a critical role in the care of patients with head and neck disorders. Many abnormalities manifest with subtle imaging findings that are often overlooked or difficult to differentiate from expected post‐treatment alterations. Three challenging imaging issues will be discussed: fat planes, laryngeal cartilage, and post‐treatment effects. Session Code: 1341 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W222A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Voice and Alaryngeal Communication Title: Grand Rounds in Tracheoesophageal Puncture (TEP) Presenters(s): Carla DeLassus Gress, Glenn Bunting, Jodi Knott, Meryl Kaufman, Daniel Deschler Abstract: Utilizing an interactive "Grand Rounds" format, this session provides an update on the surgical, prosthetic, and behavioral aspects of management that influence development of optimal vocal communication following laryngectomy. The audience is invited to raise questions regarding specific patient‐related problems or general issues (e.g., reimbursement) of TEP clinical practice. Session Code: 1342 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 54 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W312C Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: Addressing Challenges in Quality Graduate Education Presenters(s): Joan Besing, Sue Hale, Robert Hanyak Abstract: A session facilitated by CAA, learn from your peers about how they address common accreditation challenges. Attendees will have the opportunity to share their approaches for determining and assessing quality in graduate academic and clinical education. Session Code: 1343 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W205BC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: Effectiveness of Supervision Presenters(s): Shelley Victor, Melissa Edrich Abstract: Speech‐language pathologists and audiologists engage in the supervisory process. However, the research literature on the effectiveness of supervision has not been explored in our disciplines. In this session, we will review research literature from other healthcare disciplines that demonstrates the effectiveness of supervision. Session Code: 1344 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W310AB Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: Habla Español? A Model Personnel Preparation of Bilingual Spanish‐Speaking SLPs Presenters(s): Susan Moore, Jessica Edwards Abstract: This presentation reviews expectations for bilingual professionals serving Spanish‐speaking populations given U.S. demographic realities, strategies to enhance linguistic proficiency of bilingual clinicians, and outcomes of a pilot immersion program. Models and strategies to enhance Spanish proficiency of professionals will be discussed with preliminary outcome data of personnel preparation effectiveness. Session Code: 1345 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W209ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: Let's Dish About Dysphagia: An Innovative & Collaborative Approaching to Teaching Presenters(s): Melanie Lowry, Lisa Ritchie Abstract: This presentation discusses the implementation of a collaborative dysphagia lab for speech‐language pathology and dietetics students at our university. Faculty in both disciplines will describe the rationale, procedure, and response to the development of a unique teaching experience that highlights interdisciplinary dysphagia management with a unique hands‐on, forks‐in‐hand approach. Session Code: 1346 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Orlando Ballroom N Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: Using Mind Maps to Assess Student Learning in an Undergraduate Phonetics Class Presenters(s): Amber Franklin, Peter Jamieson, Julie Semlak Abstract: This presentation demonstrates how mind maps can help assess student learning. Mind maps are graphic representations of connections among vocabulary terms. Throughout the semester, phonetics students were given 10 minutes to create mind maps from 20 words. Student performance was compared to final grades and to an instructor‐generated criterion map. Session Code: 1347 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 55 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballrom IJ Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Title: Edwin & Esther Prentke AAC Distinguished Lecture: Fostering Respect & Opportunity in the Workplace for People Who Use AAC Presenters(s): Noah Trembly Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by SIG 12: Augmentative and Alternative Communication. Respect is the basis for success for people who use AAC – respect from teachers, therapists, and colleagues. This lecture is the personal story of a PWUAAC who is employed at Ohio State University. The focus will be on respect as the cornerstone for providing opportunities for meaningful employment of PWUAAC. Session Code: 1348 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W222A Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Title: Engineering Day Facilities for Individuals With Cognitive Challenges to Promote Choice Making & Communication Presenters(s): Beverly Gallagher Abstract: Discussion includes the development of a culture to promote choice making and communication a day program for individuals with mild to severe cognitive challenges. Training protocol for both staff and consumers at the center will be highlighted along with funding of SGD via Medicare/Medicaid/Department of Rehabilitation/waiver continuum. Session Code: 1349 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W414AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: Can We Teach Children With ASD to Make Friends: Considering Current Research & Clinical Practice Presenters(s): Erinn Finke, Jennifer Davis Abstract: The purpose of this presentation is to provide an overview of what is known about the nature of friend‐making by children with ASD and consider future directions for clinicians and researchers. Session Code: 1350 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W415A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: Social Communication Disorder & Autism Spectrum Disorder: Research Gaps & Implications for SLP Presenters(s): Tonia Davis, James Bodfish Abstract: DSM‐V includes “Social Communication Disorder” and changes the formulation for Autism Spectrum Disorder. This seminar discusses proposed similarities and differences between SCD and ASD in terms of phenomenology, mechanism, and treatment, identifies gaps in the evidence‐base, and examines the impact of this distinction for SLP practice. Session Code: 1351 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W221ABC Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: Dos & Don’ts of Medicare Documentation in a SNF: Optimizing Compliance & Reimbursement Presenters(s): Kelly Hall, Sena Crutchley Abstract: The expectations for appropriately documenting SLP services provided under Medicare A/B in SNFs have become more challenging. Documentation supporting skilled services is crucial to ensure that claims can stand up to review. This presentation introduces the current guidelines/documentation practices that help to support reimbursement for services rendered. Session Code: 1352 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W110B Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 56 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: How to Use Five Powerful (& Subtle) Nonverbal Behaviors to Influence & Persuade Presenters(s): Linda Talley Abstract: Every day we verbally speak to clients and staff, and at the same time we are sending nonverbal messages that either attract them to us or distance them from us. Yes! It is your nonverbal message that the people around you are reading first and to which initially responding. Do you know what nonverbal messages you are sending? Based on her pioneer research in the area of hand gestures, Dr. Linda Talley spells out exactly what you are saying with your hand gestures. In this program, she explains what meaning is created by your specific hand gestures when you are communicating with another. The key question: Is it the meaning you want to send? Session Code: 1353 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W308AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: Quality, Outcomes, & Payment—Oh My! We’re Not in Fee‐for‐Service Anymore! Presenters(s): Rob Mullen, Tim Nanof, Lisa Satterfield Abstract: Early 2014 Congress introduced a Medicare reform bill including payment based on a sliding scale. Individual providers are scored on quality/outcome reporting and participation in quality initiatives. This session will discuss quality vs. outcomes, policies, and ASHA’s response to assist audiologists and SLPs with the changing payment paradigm. Session Code: 1354 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W204AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: The Therapy in Teletherapy: Benefits & Challenges of Parent Education in Children With Hearing Loss Presenters(s): Sujini Ramachandar, Deborah Moncrieff, Michelle Parfitt Abstract: Parent education is crucial for language development in hearing‐impaired children. This session will address the challenges and outcomes of parent education as a part of a comprehensive treatment plan via teletherapy for families with accessibility limitations. Strategies and activities that lead to a successful teletherapy session will be discussed. Session Code: 1355 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W208ABC Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Cleft Lip and Palate and Related Craniofacial Anomalies Title: Therapy Principles for Children With Cleft Palate Presenters(s): Mary O'Gara, Amy Morgan Abstract: This course will illustrate principles of treatment of cleft palate related speech disorders through discussion of real cases. Participants will develop an understanding of how key principles can be applied throughout the toddler years, childhood, and into adolescence for appropriate goal setting and treatment planning regardless of therapy setting. Session Code: 1356 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W320 Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Fluency Title: Assessing Fear of Negative Evaluation, Trait Anxiety, & Judgment Bias in Adults Who Stutter Presenters(s): Katherine Winters, Shelley Brundage, Janet Beilby Abstract: Judgment biases toward social situations are common in anxiety and influence one’s interactions. Importantly, these biases, if characterized adequately, can be treated. This study characterized judgment biases toward social situations in persons who do and do not stutter. PWS rated ambiguous and highly negative social situations as equally threatening. Session Code: 1357 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 57 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W415D Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Fluency Title: Teen Mentoring in Fluency Disorders Presenters(s): Lizanne Blake, Taylor Blake, Kylie Kennedy Abstract: The goal of this program is to describe the Teen Mentoring program which offers teens who stutter a unique opportunity for support and education. Specific information about how this program was developed and introduced will be provided so that this program can be easily replicated. Session Code: 1358 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W206ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Global Issues and Practices Across the Discipline Title: Genetic Studies Implicate Persistent Stuttering as a Disorder of Intracellular Trafficking Presenters(s): Dennis Drayna Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Global Issues and Practices Across the Discipline and Fluency. The goal of our research is to identify genetic factors that cause persistent developmental stuttering. We have now identified 5 different genes that together account for 20% of cases of this disorder. All of these genes encode components of the machinery that moves materials within cells. Session Code: 1359 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W205A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Global Issues and Practices Across the Discipline Title: Impact of War, Political Conflict, & Natural Disasters on Persons With Disabilities Presenters(s): Dolores Battle Abstract: The WHO estimates that nearly 10 percent of the 15 million persons displaced because of war, conflict, and/or natural disasters including earthquakes and tsunamis may have a disability. The session will discuss the impact of these situations on persons with disabilities including those with hearing and/or mobility impairments. Session Code: 1360 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Florida Ballroom A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Global Issues and Practices Across the Discipline Title: The China Consortium for Communication Health Presenters(s): Xueman Liu, Linda Louko, Jennifer Watson, Jackie Clark, Brooke Hallowell, Jack Jiang, Wendy Lee, Laurel Lynch, Emily Tobey Abstract: This presentation will: 1) introduce the goals and projects of the China Consortium on Communication Health, whose mission is to advance education, research, and services for individuals with communication disorders in China; and 2) review CSD educational programs and SLP and audiology services in China. Participant input on future directions is welcome. Session Code: 1361 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W306AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Hearing Science Title: Research Applications of the Human Brainstem Frequency Following Response Presenters(s): Ananthanarayan Krishnan Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Hearing Science. This presentation reviews empirical evidence highlighting the analytical utility of the frequency following response in evaluating neural encoding of spectra and pitch of complex sounds and how this encoding is shaped by language experience, degraded by peripheral and central temporal auditory processing deficits, and is correlated with behavioral measures of pitch. Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 58 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Session Code: 1362 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311EF Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Interprofessional Education and Practice Title: Interprofessional Health Teams Curriculum: Case‐Based & Experiential Clinical Experiences Presenters(s): Jeffrey DiGiovanni, John McCarthy, David Moore Abstract: Developing meaningful interactions for health profession students from a variety of levels is critical. To serve a number of professions in the common pursuit of garnering a experiential, interactive, and authentic experiences, a two‐course sequence was developed which focused on instructional modules and clinically based experiential learning, respectively. Session Code: 1363 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W307AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Intervention/Habilitation for Infants and Children with Hearing Loss Title: Holding Stories in Your Hand: Improving Language & Communication in DHH Students Who Use ASL Presenters(s): Maryellen Moreau, Mandy Longo, Elizabeth Padilla Abstract: The Deaf Child’s Bill of Rights Law recently mandated communication plans in Florida. Presentation focuses on Florida as an exemplar: this law’s evolution, implementation of methodologies in a school district, and collaborative creation of tools assessing unique language, and communication of DHH students using ASL for narrative macro/micro‐structure development. Session Code: 1364 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W308CD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Intervention/Habilitation for Infants and Children with Hearing Loss Title: The River School's Inclusive Educational Model for Children With Cochlear Implants: 14 Years of Data Presenters(s): Meredith Ouellette, Nancy Mellon Abstract: The River School model uses an SLP as co‐teacher in every classroom. Children with cochlear implants learn alongside a majority of typically developing hearing peers. Transdisciplinary specialists in audiology, occupational therapy, and psychology support students and teachers. Outcomes data indicate a 3‐ to 5‐year intervention interval for children implanted by 1 year. Session Code: 1365 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311GH Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Intervention/Rehabilitation for Adults with Hearing Loss Title: The Effects of Hearing Aid Programming on Speech in Noise, Prosody, & Music Perception in Bimodal Listeners Presenters(s): Hannah Siburt, Alice Holmes Abstract: This study investigated the effects of hearing aid programming in bimodal listeners on speech in noise, prosody, and music perception. Two hearing aid programming methods were compared. Evaluation included both objective and subjective measures of hearing perception. Results support the current bimodal literature indicating bimodal benefit over the CI alone. Session Code: 1366 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W309AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Intervention/Rehabilitation for Adults with Hearing Loss Title: Third‐Party Disability in Families of People With Communication & Swallowing Disorders: Implications for Family‐Centered Care Presenters(s): Nerina Scarinci Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Intervention/Rehabilitation for Adults with Hearing Loss. This presentation will summarize a series of studies investigating third‐party disability (impact of health disability on others) in pediatric and adult populations. Implications for family‐centered care will be discussed, including the need for individualized information, education, counselling and support, and intervention specifically for family members. Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 59 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Session Code: 1367 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W207ABC Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: Bilingual Language Sampling With SALT Presenters(s): Aquiles Iglesias, Raúl Rojas, Jon Miller Abstract: Spanish and English narrative language samples were collected from more than 5,000 native Spanish‐speaking bilingual children in grades K‐3. SALT software features these samples across Spanish and English reference databases, which allow clinicians and researchers to compare bilingual children’s oral language with that of age or grade‐matched bilingual peers. Session Code: 1368 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311CD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: Breaking It Down: How SLPs Can Support AAE speaking students Within the CCSS Science Standards Presenters(s): Melissa Malani, Karen Davis, Lynne Telesca Abstract: Participants will explore how to support secondary students in meeting language demands of science within the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), focusing on students speaking African American English (AAE). Participants will learn specific challenges that AAE speakers may experience and learn a sentence‐focused instructional protocol to use with students. Session Code: 1369 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W110A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: SLPs & CCSS: Goals, Progress Monitoring, Intervention & Service Delivery to Support Students & Teachers Presenters(s): Sharlee Mosburg‐Michael, Jena Durnay Abstract: This session will review research on the relationship between language and literacy and the history of CCSS. SLPs will learn how to analyze CCSS to identify language skills required by students, develop goals and progress monitoring tools, determine appropriate intervention strategies, and service delivery models that support students and teachers. Session Code: 1370 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W109B Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: Who Belongs on My Caseload? Interpreting Eligibility Criteria for Speech‐Language Services in Schools Presenters(s): Lesley Sylvan Abstract: This presentation, based on an ethnographic research study of SLP decision‐making, explores how SLPs interpret federal eligibility criteria for speech‐language services and highlights which aspects of policy they find ambiguous. This presentation is relevant for school‐based SLPs who ever find themselves wondering: does this student belong on my caseload? Session Code: 1371 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W224ABCD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: Recurring Utterances: A Multi‐Perspective Approach Presenters(s): Jacqueline Stark Abstract: In the category of repetitive verbal behaviors, recurring utterances (RUs), or speech automatisms constitute a highly complex and persistent production deficit in persons with global aphasia. In this presentation, RUs will be discussed from an historical, neurological (localization), functional, and language rehabilitation perspective based on data from two case studies. Session Code: 1372 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W202ABC Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 60 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: Using Alignment in a Case of Wernicke’s Aphasia With Aphasia Couples Therapy (ACT) Presenters(s): Larry Boles Abstract: Alignment uses similar words to accomplish “common ground” in conversations. Speaker A: “We saw the 8 o’clock show.” Speaker B will likely say, “what was the 8 o’clock?” versus “tell me more.” This single subject study used alignment in ACT to treat a woman with Wernicke’s aphasia. Session Code: 1373 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Florida Ballroom BC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language Science Title: Advances Regarding the Ease of Language Understanding (ELU) Model: An Explanation for SLPs Presenters(s): Anne Perrotti Michalek Abstract: The ELU Model was developed from research investigating how individual differences explain the ability to understand language. The ELU model highlights the importance of working memory capacity during speech processing. This session explains recent advances of the ELU model in a way which is meaningful for speech‐language pathologists. Session Code: 1374 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballroom DE Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language Science Title: Comparison of Response‐Time Analysis Methods in a Continuous Recognition Setting Presenters(s): Justin Dvorak, Derick Deweber, Frank Boutsen Abstract: In psychophysics experiments, response time is often treated as a continuous variable. However, recent work suggests that several strategies used in off‐line and online processing factor into response time. Word‐mapping responses were analyzed via three modeling techniques to evaluate the influence of native/non‐native prosody in on‐ and off‐line processing. Session Code: 1375 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W221DE Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Literacy Assessment and Intervention Title: An Exploration of Factors Related to Reading Comprehension: A Study of Third Grade ELLs Presenters(s): Nayda Torres‐Soto Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine whether ELL third‐grade students make errors of fast mapping when using the strategy of word analysis to decipher the meaning of morphologically complex words. Findings suggest that participants presented more errors of fast mapping with prefixed and suffixed words. Session Code: 1376 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W304EFGH Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Literacy Assessment and Intervention Title: Practical Strategies to Improve Reading Comprehension Across the Grades Presenters(s): Karole Howland Abstract: This seminar focuses on innovative evidence-based therapy approaches to improve the executive function and core language skills that enable successful reading comprehension. The focus is on selecting intervention strategies for maximum effectiveness across different grade levels. Case studies are used to illustrate therapy approaches for children with different language profiles. Session Code: 1377 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W414CD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 61 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Topic Area: Literacy Assessment and Intervention Title: Using Science Informational Books With Preschoolers in Special Education Presenters(s): Allison Breit‐Smith, Jamie Busch, Ying Guo Abstract: This professional education session will define informational text, detail the differences between informational and narrative text, and describe how to select and apply informational books to therapy goals through interactive shared book reading with preschool children with speech and language needs. Session Code: 1378 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballroom G Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Motor Speech in Adults and Children Title: The Interthoracic Connection: SLP Collaboration With RT & PT for Improving Breathing Mechanics for Speech Presenters(s): Rebecca Wills, Sarah Economides, Julie Kobak Abstract: After review of normal anatomy and physiology of respiration, case studies will describe various illnesses and diseases that impact breathing mechanics and ways that SLP, PT, and RT can collaborate to improve respiratory muscle strength and postural control with positive effects on speech production, airway protection, cough strength, and swallowing. Session Code: 1379 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W109A Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Research Across the Discipline Title: How to Launch & Build a Successful Research Career Presenters(s): Brenda Ryals, Elena Plante Abstract: This session is sponsored by the ASHA Research and Scientific Affairs Committee (RSAC). This seminar addresses the dos and don’ts in developing successful scientific careers in CSD. Recommendations are provided across different settings from application to doctoral programs to becoming leaders mentoring the next generation of scientists. Session Code: 1380 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W307CD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Speech Science Title: Are All Clear Speech Variants the Same? Presenters(s): Kris Tjaden, Rajka Smiljanic Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Speech Science. The acoustic and perceptual consequences of a clear speech style have long been of interest. Various factors are known to influence outcomes in clear speech research. This talk will focus on clear speech variants related to instruction and non‐native language production/perception. Relevance to disordered populations will be considered. Session Code: 1381 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W415BC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: Bedside Swallow Examinations: What They Can Do & What They Can't Presenters(s): Debra Suiter, James Coyle, Laurie Sterling Abstract: This presentation was solicited by the Topic Committee on Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders. Clinicians are often asked to make management decisions for patients at risk for oropharyngeal dysphagia without the benefit of an instrumental exam. This session will discuss what information can and cannot be gleaned from clinical swallow assessments. Session Code: 1382 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W315AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 62 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Title: Considering Pulmonary Function in Dysphagia Assessment Presenters(s): Deanna Britton Abstract: Interpretation of pulmonary function measures will be reviewed, along with selected literature regarding application of these measures to clinical decisions in the context of dysphagia. A solid understanding of pulmonary function measures and their relevance to risk for pneumonia can aid clinical decision‐making in the context of dysphagia assessment. Session Code: 1383 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W314AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: Swallowing & Voice Problems in Patients With Advanced Lung Cancer Presenters(s): Grainne Brady, Justin Roe Abstract: Lung cancer can have a devastating effect on swallowing and communication function. Direct tumour invasion, dyspnoea, and deconditioning can all impact on swallowing function and communication. Cancer treatment, if administered, may cause or compound symptoms. Prompt intervention by SLPs is essential as part of a comprehensive package of palliative care. Session Code: 1384 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W224FH Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: What Does Diabetes Mellitus Have to Do With Dysphagia? Presenters(s): Samantha Procaccini Abstract: Dysphagia commonly presents itself amidst a mound of disease processes in multiple physiologic systems that are often undervalued in the work up of dysphagia. Using diabetes mellitus as an illustration, this presentation will approach dysphagia management using a medically based paradigm that encourages the clinician to consider the entire body. Session Code: 1385 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballroom H Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Traumatic Brain Injury Title: Do College Students With ABI Benefit From Using Reading Comprehension Strategies? Presenters(s): Gina Griffiths, McKay Sohlberg, Stephen Fickas Abstract: In this session, findings will be presented from a within‐subjects evaluation study examining whether 20 college students with acquired brain injury (ABI) benefited from using a multi‐component reading comprehension strategy package. Results indicated higher performance on five of eight measures. Clinical implications will be discussed. Session Code: 1386 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Orlando Ballroom LM Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Traumatic Brain Injury Title: Effects of Blast on Auditory & Vestibular Function Presenters(s): Faith Akin, Owen Murnane, Sherri Smith, Kristal Riska Abstract: The purpose of this session is to examine the effects of blast on auditory and vestibular function. We will present results of auditory and vestibular function tests and neuroimaging results in a group of individuals with blast exposure and dizziness/imbalance and in an age‐matched healthy control group. Session Code: 1387 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W203AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Voice and Alaryngeal Communication Title: Evaluation & Treatment of Paradoxical Vocal Fold Motion: A Multidisciplinary Approach Presenters(s): Catherine Ballif, Vanessa De Guzman, Christopher Hartnick Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 63 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: Paradoxical vocal fold motion represents etiologies that are medical, psychiatric, or a combination. Thus, treatment of PVFM in the pediatric population necessitates a multidisciplinary approach including otolaryngology, pulmonology, gastroenterology, speech pathology, and child mental health services. Participants will gain knowledge about contributions of each discipline including current research and practice. Session Code: 1388 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311AB Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Voice and Alaryngeal Communication Title: Tracheoesophageal Voice Prosthesis Selection: A Primer for New Clinicians Presenters(s): Heather Starmer Abstract: Tracheoesophageal voice restoration after total laryngectomy is a valuable strategy to restore verbal communication; however the variety of prosthesis options on the market can be overwhelming for the new clinician. The intent of this session is to provide a framework for which devices may be useful in different clinical scenarios. Session Code: 1389 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐3:00:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311AB Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: Innovations With Screencasting to Increase Student Engagement & Learning Presenters(s): Angela Sterling Orth, Jerry Hoepner, Abby Hemmerich Abstract: One department’s application of screencasting as an instructional tool to increase student engagement and learning outcomes. This includes an overview of screencasting, several detailed examples of screencasting for both face‐to‐face and online instruction, and an overview of the recent and current research projects underway with this technology. Session Code: 1390 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐3:00:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W308AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: Training the Trainers: Supervisory Skills Development—The Missing Piece in SLP Education Presenters(s): Lynda Coyle Abstract: Clinical education is a distinct area of practice requiring specific skills and expertise. Presentation is based on numerous years of experience; outcome and evaluation data; and published evidence from a diverse clinical, geographic, and demographic setting. Additionally, it may generate a cadre of clinical educators willing to train the trainers. Session Code: 1391 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐3:00:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311CD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Title: AAC Intervention: An Intensive, Immersive, & Socially Based Service Delivery Model Presenters(s): Janet Dodd Abstract: Children with complex communication needs (e.g., autism, Down syndrome) often benefit from AAC‐based interventions. This presentation will introduce an intensive, immersive, and socially based service delivery model. Children’s responses to the intervention model and progress monitoring strategies including goal development will be shared. Session Code: 1392 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐3:00:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W109B Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Title: Building Language & Literacy Skills With Children Who Require AAC: Longitudinal Cases of Evidence‐Based Practices Presenters(s): Janice Light, Kathryn Drager, David McNaughton Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 64 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: This session will discuss the challenges for children who require AAC as they build language and literacy skills; describe effective evidence‐based interventions to support language and literacy development; and present longitudinal case studies of children who require AAC to illustrate effective evidence‐based practices to successfully build language and literacy skills. Session Code: 1393 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐3:00:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W208ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: Assessment & Treatment of Nonverbal or Minimally Verbal Children With Autism & Other Neurodevelopmental Disabilities Presenters(s): Nancy Brady, Kathy Thiemann‐Bourque Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Autism Spectrum Disorders. This presentation will focus on the presenters' ongoing research on assessment and treatment of nonverbal or minimally verbal children with autism, including a) current strategies for assessing prelinguistic communication and the Communication Complexity Scale, and b)an innovative treatment using the iPad to increase social interactions and communication with peers. Session Code: 1394 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐3:00:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W204AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: Self‐Regulation & Executive Functions: What Are They & What Is the Role of SLPs? Presenters(s): Joselynne Jaques, E. Heather MacKenzie Abstract: Self‐regulation and executive functioning skills in children with autism and other communication disorders have a significant impact on their ability to learn and generalize an SLP’s intervention. Self‐regulation skills and research supporting their inclusion in therapy will be discussed, along with practical strategies and video examples. Session Code: 1395 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐3:00:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W415A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: Thinking Thoughts & Feeling Feelings Using Social Thinking in Preschool Presenters(s): Nancy Tarshis, Ryan Hendrix, Kari Palmer Abstract: This workshop presents key vocabulary and concepts for utilizing social thinking with preschool/early learners. We will review milestones and underpinnings of social cognition and apply this knowledge to work with young children with social cognitive disorders. Ways to create lessons and utilize music within the sessions will be presented. Session Code: 1396 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐3:00:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W320 Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: Compassion Fatigue’s Impact in Serving Individuals With Communication Disorders Presenters(s): Lesley Olswang, Mary Barrett Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by the Convention Co‐Chairs. Practitioners working with individuals with communication disorders often suffer from compassion fatigue. They may lose sleep, feel incompetent, or be less able to attune to clinical content. This workshop will 1) help practitioners recognize problematic symptoms in themselves and caregivers, and 2) provide personal and professional strategies to relieve distress. Session Code: 1397 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐3:00:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W224FH Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: Pride & Presidents: Self‐Reflections & Collective Wisdom Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 65 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Presenters(s): Shelly Chabon, Noma Anderson, Patricia Prelock, Paul Rao, Tommie Robinson, Sue Hale, Catherine Gottfred, Alex Johnson, Dolores Battle Abstract: Have you ever wondered about the person behind the ASHA presidency? Come join us for a panel with former ASHA presidents—diverse members just like you—who will discuss their ideas of leadership in the association and how they came to lead. We promise lots of insight, heart, and humor. Session Code: 1398 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐3:00:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W414CD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: You’re Valuable (Here’s the Proof!) An Evaluation System for School‐Based SLPs Presenters(s): Deborah Dixon, Janet Deppe Abstract: School‐based members are being asked to show their value through various teacher assessment processes. This session describes ASHA’s alternative: PACE, a portfolio system, based on the SLP’s roles and responsibilities and includes goal matrix, self‐ assessment, portfolio, administrative guidance, evaluator observation forms (look fors), and teacher and parent checklists. Session Code: 1399 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐3:00:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W221ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Cleft Lip and Palate and Related Craniofacial Anomalies Title: Perceptual Assessment of Speech & Resonance Disorders: Interactive Americleft Listening Course Presenters(s): Kelly Nett Cordero, Anna Thurmes Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Cleft Lip and Palate and Related Craniofacial Anomalies & SIG 5: Speech Science and Orofacial Disorders. This course aims to develop skills for rating resonance and articulation characteristics related to cleft palate and velopharyngeal dysfunction (VPD). Using interactive polling software, participants will evaluate speech samples with protocols from the Americleft Speech Outcomes Project. Audience ratings will be displayed for discussion. Decision‐ making for management will be discussed. Session Code: 1400 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐3:00:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W209ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Cultural and Linguistic Considerations Across the Discipline Title: Bilingualism & Autism Presenters(s): Stefka Marinova‐Todd, Elizabeth Kay‐Raining Bird Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Cultural and Linguistic Considerations Across the Discipline and Autism Spectrum Disorders. This session was developed by the Convention Program Committee to present a comparison of language development in bilingual and monolingual children with ASD. Because individuals with autism have social‐interaction difficulties and often language and intellectual impairments as well, families and practitioners have many questions about bilingualism with this population. Session Code: 1401 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐3:00:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W206ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Cultural and Linguistic Considerations Across the Discipline Title: Misdiagnosis of Speech Sound Disorders in Bilingual Spanish‐English Speaking Preschoolers: Preliminary Data & Possible Solutions Presenters(s): Leah Fabiano‐Smith Abstract: A major focus of this presentation will be to provide resources for SLPs to increase their cultural competence in assessment of bilingual preschoolers with suspected speech sound disorders and to suggest pathways that will shift the current clinical paradigm with the goal of reducing health disparities in this population. Session Code: 1402 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐3:00:00 PM Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 66 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballrom IJ Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Fluency Title: Childhood Stuttering: Pathways of Persistency & Recovery Presenters(s): Anne Smith, Christine Weber‐Fox, Jean Sawyer, Brent Gregg Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Fluency. The majority of preschool children who stutter recover, but approximately 20% do not. The two major longitudinal American projects to date evaluate motor, linguistic, and emotional variables in preschool children who stutter and assess relationships of these measures to ultimate persistence or recovery. Clinical implications of these findings are discussed. Session Code: 1403 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐3:00:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W205A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Fluency Title: Temperament, Emotion, & Childhood Stuttering: Theoretical Motivation, Empirical Evidence & Clinical Practice Presenters(s): Robin Jones, Ellen Kelly, Tedra Walden, Dahye Choi Abstract: This seminar discusses cross‐sectional and preliminary longitudinal findings from the Vanderbilt Developmental Stuttering Project (DSP) regarding temperament, emotion, and childhood stuttering. Findings are based on converging lines of evidence from caregiver reports, behavioral observations, and psychophysiology, in attempts to comprehensively describe and inform treatment of childhood stuttering. Session Code: 1404 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐3:00:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W304EFGH Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Fluency Title: Toward the Development of an Evidence‐Based Care Pathway for Preschool Children Who Stutter Presenters(s): Robert Kroll, Lori Scott‐Sulsky Abstract: This presentation will describe a provincial project to develop an evidence‐based care pathway for preschool children who stutter. Thirteen speech‐language pathologists across Ontario were trained in the implementation of the care pathway and provided data on over 100 children treated. Key elements of the care pathway will be discussed. Session Code: 1405 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐3:00:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W308CD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Infant and Child Hearing: Screening and Assessment Title: Differential Diagnosis & Intervention of Central Auditory Processing Disorders Presenters(s): Annette Hurley Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Infant and Child Hearing: Screening and Assessment and SIG 9: Hearing and Hearing Disorders in Childhood. Central auditory processing disorder (CAPD) can sometimes be a challenging diagnosis because it can co‐exist and have similar characteristics as other learning disorders. Case examples will be used throughout the session to illustrate real‐world scenarios in the diagnosis and treatment of CAPD. Session Code: 1406 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐3:00:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W314AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Interprofessional Education and Practice Title: From Soup to Nuts: Developing an Effective Interprofessional Team Approach to Cognitive Rehabilitation Presenters(s): Sheryl Nichols Maier, Heather Coles, Simon Carson, Christopher Stavisky, Nancy Dukelow, Jennifer Fleeman Abstract: Effective interprofessional teams are essential to the comprehensive management of individuals with mild to moderate cognitive impairment. This presentation will describe the development of a successful interprofessional team approach to cognitive rehabilitation and will provide hands‐on case examples for group work. Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 67 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Session Code: 1407 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐3:00:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W309AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Intervention/Habilitation for Infants and Children with Hearing Loss Title: Enhancing Vocabulary Knowledge, Phonological Awareness, & Print Knowledge in Preschool Children With Hearing Loss Presenters(s): Krystal Werfel, Emily Lund Abstract: The purpose of this session is to provide evidence‐based strategies for enhancing emergent literacy in preschool children with hearing loss. We will (a) detail the current state of knowledge, (b) review evidence‐based strategies for enhancing skills, and (c) discuss ways to apply these strategies in practice. Session Code: 1408 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐3:00:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W306AB Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Intervention/Habilitation for Infants and Children with Hearing Loss Title: Telepractice: Delivering Listening & Spoken Language Services to Children With Hearing Loss & Their Families Presenters(s): K. Todd Houston, Katherine Zimmer, Kristen Haupt, Erin Corl, Elyse Mastriana, Kate Yu, Elizabeth Case, Andrea Bell Abstract: The delivery of family‐centered early intervention services to children with hearing loss through telepractice has become increasingly reliable. For parents seeking services that support listening and spoken language, telepractice can connect families to qualified service providers. A model of telepractice to serve children with hearing loss and their families will be presented. Session Code: 1409 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐3:00:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Florida Ballroom BC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: Aligning Speech‐Language Assessment & Treatment With the Common Core State Standards Presenters(s): Susan Floyd Abstract: Dr. Floyd explains the rationale for and the process of aligning speech‐language assessment and treatment with the national Common Core State Standards, which enables SLPs to develop standards‐aligned communication screens, pre‐post assessment, teacher collaboration forms, IEP goals and objectives, and treatment plans, resulting in successful outcomes for a school‐based program. Session Code: 1410 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐3:00:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W310AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: Beyond Reliability & Validity: Evidence‐Based Practices in Test Selection Presenters(s): Stacey Pavelko, Marie Ireland Abstract: This presentation will discuss evidenced‐based practices when selecting standardized assessments to assess and diagnose children suspected of having language impairment. Considerations will include reliability, validity, sensitivity, specificity, the purpose of the test, scoring considerations for speakers of various dialects, and the language and literacy areas included in the test. Session Code: 1411 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐3:00:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W110B Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: Improving Clinical Practices for Children & Adolescents With Language Disorders Presenters(s): Alan Kamhi, Pamela Hadley, Cheryl Scott, Ronald Gillam, Geraldine Wallach Abstract: Providing high‐quality clinical services requires more than knowledge about external evidence and honoring client preferences. In this mini‐seminar, five language professionals will discuss how knowledge about principles of learning, language development, complex sentences, generalization, treatment intensity, and treatment efficacy informs clinical practices for children and adolescences with language disorders. Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 68 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Session Code: 1412 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐3:00:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W224ABCD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: Language Intervention for Young Adolescents: A Classroom‐Based Approach Presenters(s): Marilyn Nippold Abstract: This seminar will examine the language demands of a typical middle school classroom in conjunction with the Common Core State Standards. It will also discuss the role of normal language development in planning intervention for adolescents with language impairments, and the importance of addressing the literate lexicon and complex syntax. Session Code: 1413 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐3:00:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W205BC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: Language Processing in Children With Cochlear Implants: Lexical Access Presenters(s): Richard Schwartz, Susan Steinman, Elizabeth Ying, Zara Waldman, Georgia Drakopoulou, Derek Houston Abstract: This session will present findings and clinical implications from a multi‐experiment project examining lexical access for production and recognition in children with cochlear implants and their NH peers using psycholinguistic methods (e.g., priming, cross‐modal picture‐word interference, picture‐picture interference) and eye tracking across a variety of phonological and semantic variables. Session Code: 1414 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐3:00:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W415BC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: Language Therapy in the Public Schools: Findings From STEPS Presenters(s): Laura Justice, Mary Beth Schmitt, Sherine Tambyraja, Kelly Farquharson, Jessica Logan Abstract: STEPS (Speech Therapy in the Public Schools) is a federally funded investigation of speech‐language therapy in public schools. This presentation highlights 10 major findings from STEPS regarding what therapy looks like and typical treatment outcomes. We also highlight critical gaps in understanding regarding speech‐language practices and future research needs. Session Code: 1415 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐3:00:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311EF Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: Speech Language Pathologists Collaborating With Teachers to Support Student Achievement Through State Standards, Pre‐ K─Fi h Grade Presenters(s): Nicole Mancini, Lyndsey Zurawski Abstract: This session focuses on the SLP’s role in supporting classroom instruction and state standards for Pre‐K─5th grade. Participants will learn to unwrap standards and implement laser‐focused therapy strategies based on data and the linguistic underpinnings of literacy. Individual Education Plan goal alignment and engaging collaboration strategies will be shared. Session Code: 1416 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐3:00:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballroom H Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: Dementia Management: Treatment, Collaboration, Documentation, & Regulatory Issues Presenters(s): Mary Beth Mason‐Baughman, Renee Kinder Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by SIG 2: Neurophysiology and Neurogenic Speech and Language Disorders and SIG 15: Gerontology. This session will focus on functional treatment incorporating cognitive‐communicative training and behavior management for older adults with dementia. The session will focus on treatment planning and implementation, Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 69 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions functional goal‐writing, and interdisciplinary collaboration and service delivery. The session will emphasize how to ensure that skilled SLP services are reimbursable. Session Code: 1417 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐3:00:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W202ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: Improving Quality of Life in Dementia Through the Creative Arts Presenters(s): Cameron Camp, Katie Norris Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Language Disorders in Adults. Creativity is available to persons with dementia and represents an important way of communicating individual and social identities. Current programs include creative writing, poetry, dramatic arts, music (including learning to play instruments), dance, painting, and photography. The need to facilitate the creative process through improving communication skills will be emphasized. Session Code: 1418 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐3:00:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W110A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: Intensive Comprehensive Aphasia Programs (ICAPs): Illustrative Case Studies Presenters(s): Leora R. Cherney, Gail Lommen, Ann Oehring, Carol Persad, Amy Rodriguez, Janet Whiteside, Linda Wozniak Abstract: The ICAP is a service delivery model for aphasia. Cohorts of participants who start and end at the same time receive intensive treatment targeting a broad range of deficits including impairment and activity/participation limitations. Through various case studies, we compare and contrast program logistics, treatment approaches, outcomes, and reimbursement issues. Session Code: 1419 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐3:00:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballroom DE Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language in Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers Title: A Transactional Account of Variation in Useful Speech Acquisition in Children With ASD Presenters(s): Paul Yoder, Linda Watson, Amy Tostanoski, Tiffany Woynaroski Abstract: Eighty‐seven minimally verbal preschoolers with ASD were assessed at five periods to help us understand the variability in expressive and language development over 16 months. Two experts and two graduate students will present findings from this relatively large data set. Clinical implications of the findings will be discussed. Session Code: 1420 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐3:00:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Florida Ballroom A Instructional Level: Advanced Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language in Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers Title: Raising Public Awareness of Language Disorders” Presenters(s): Sean Redmond, Mark Simms, Cindy Earle, Nickola Nelson Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Language in Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers and Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents. Despite their high incidence, language disorders are among the most overlooked of developmental conditions due to their hidden nature. This session will focus on raising public awareness of these disorders in the ASHA community, in the medical community, among parents, and within the school system. Session Code: 1421 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐3:00:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W203AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language in Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers Title: Using Play as a Platform for Building Language Presenters(s): Courtney Wright, Lauren Hampton, Elizabeth Fuller Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 70 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: Teaching communication skills in the context of play increases the child’s engagement and promotes generalization across social contexts. This presentation describes the rationale for teaching in play as well as strategies for assessing play, building play routines, and infusing language teaching strategies into the context of play. Session Code: 1422 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐3:00:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W307AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Literacy Assessment and Intervention Title: Current Directions & Findings in Reading Research: Implications for SLPs Presenters(s): Hugh Catts, Gail Gillon, Carla Jackson Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Literacy Assessment and Intervention. This session will highlight research findings concerning the early identification and intervention of language‐based reading disabilities. Various models of reading will be used to guide discussion of results and their implications for SLPs. Attention will be given to collaborative intervention models and work with both monolingual and bilingual learners. Session Code: 1423 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐3:00:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W207ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Speech Sound Disorders in Children Title: Key Elements in Three Speech Sound Disorder Interventions: Electropalatography, Cycles, & Ultrasound Biofeedback Presenters(s): Barbara Hodson, Fiona Gibbon, Alice Lee, Jonathan Preston, Elise Baker, Rebecca McCauley Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Speech Sound Disorders in Children. Identifying elements of an intervention that are key to its effectiveness has implications for clinicians wishing to improve practice and researchers wishing to improve interventions and their implementation. This session will use developers’ ideas about three quite different interventions to fuel discussions about key elements and the future of interventions. Session Code: 1424 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐3:00:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W109A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: Evidence‐Based, Optimal Strength Exercise Parameters: Practice Considerations for Speech Therapists Presenters(s): Mark Richards, Kris Galek Abstract: This evidence‐based presentation provides the information necessary to provide optimal strength exercises to patients regardless of goal of the exercise (e.g., stronger mastication, enhanced pharyngeal phase of swallowing, improved patient posture). The parameters instructed are clinically practicable; time‐efficient, portable, and relevant to most patient populations. Lab practice is included. Session Code: 1425 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐3:00:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W415D Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: Long‐Term Dysphagia After Treatment for Head & Neck Cancer Part 1: Oral Cavity & Pharynx Presenters(s): Jerilyn Logemann, Daphne Santa, Bernice Klaben, Mario Landera, Vicki Lewis, Annette May, Joy Gaziano Abstract: Swallow disorders are expected early after treatment for cancer of the oral cavity or pharynx. However, severe impairments of swallowing function may be observed years after completion of cancer treatment. This seminar presents six case studies illustrating long‐term dysphagia in patients treated for cancer of the oral cavity or pharynx. Session Code: 1426 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐3:00:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W222A Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Voice and Alaryngeal Communication Title: Contemporary Management of Laryngectomy in the Era of Organ Preservation Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 71 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Presenters(s): Jodi Knott, Denice Perez Abstract: This course is an introductory overview of tracheoesophageal (TE) voice restoration including evaluation and management of the voice prostheses, problem‐solving, use of attachments, and heat moisture exchange filters and current research. The presenters will share experience and evidence‐based approaches to rehabilitation of the laryngectomized individual. Case studies will be provided. Session Code: 1427 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐3:00:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Orlando Ballroom LM Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Voice and Alaryngeal Communication Title: Manual Techniques in the Management of Voice Disorders: Laryngeal Manipulation & Myofascial Release Presenters(s): Claudio Milstein, Glenn Bunting, Benjamim Asher Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Voice and Alaryngeal Communication. Manual techniques for treatment of voice disorders have been common since the 1960s. Laryngeal manipulation has been part of the armamentarium of voice professionals. More recently the use of myofascial release techniques has garnered attention. This interactive session will explore whether these can complement each other for better patient care. Session Code: 1428 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐3:00:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballroom G Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Voice and Alaryngeal Communication Title: Understanding the Aging Voice: Translational Research to Evidence‐Based Treatment Presenters(s): Joseph Stemple, Nadine Connor, Edie Hapner, Aaron Johnson, Nelson Roy Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Voice and Alaryngeal Communication. Voice quality decline with age is normal, but is it inevitable? This course explores current understanding of aging voice including biological changes within the vocal tract, larynx, and respiratory systems; prevalence, risk factors, and socioemotional effects; biological mechanisms underlying voice therapy; and efficacy of voice therapy for presbyphonia. Session Code: 1429 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 3:30:00 PM‐4:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311GH Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: A Model for Clinical Skill Development Through Systematic Supervision of First Year SLP Graduate Students Presenters(s): Sara Mann Kahris, Karen Bailey‐Jones Abstract: The presentation will share the current data‐based SUNY Buffalo State supervision model and discuss how this model evolves as student cohorts and outcomes change. The model addresses: (1) what students bring to their first clinical experience, (2) systematic techniques for quality supervision, and (3) the education of clinical supervisors. Session Code: 1430 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 3:30:00 PM‐4:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W310AB Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: A Model of Critical Thinking for the Helping Professions Presenters(s): Patrick Finn Abstract: Critical thinking is increasingly recognized as a necessary skill for helping professionals. Thus, it seems warranted to consider adopting this skill for our accredited programs. This seminar presents a model of critical thinking for the helping professions based on three components: critical thinking skills, contextual factors, and individual characteristics. Session Code: 1431 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 3:30:00 PM‐4:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311EF Instructional Level: Advanced Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 72 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Title: Benefits of Supervising Geriatric Groups: A Graduate Student Program for Cognitive Intervention Presenters(s): Amy Vaughn, Megan Malone Abstract: This session will focus on describing the supervision of graduate student clinicians to provide a community‐based cognitive group education and therapy program. Graduate students and supervisors of Kent State University’s Speech Pathology program worked together to positively impact adults in independent living. Session Code: 1432 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 3:30:00 PM‐4:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W203AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: CHAT With Your Student Clinicians: Three Applications of a Hierarchical Approach for Clinic Instructors Presenters(s): Jill Duthie, Lisa Chattler, Patti Solomon‐Rice Abstract: This session presents a conceptual framework for clinical instruction entitled CHAT, which has demonstrated efficacy for university‐based clinic instructors. Three applications will be described, including university clinic setting, a school internship setting for clients with social language goals, and a push‐in preschool setting for generalization with teachers and caregivers. Session Code: 1433 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 3:30:00 PM‐4:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W312C Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: Mastering the Master’s Degree: Insight From International Applicants in Speech‐Language Pathology Presenters(s): Fran Hagstrom, Pedro Majarvez‐Domiquez, Zmnako Ali Abstract: International education contributes to a society’s professional, social, and economic changes and development both in the home culture and the culture adopted for graduate studies. Two international professionals seeking master’s degrees in speech‐ language pathology will discuss their goals and difficulties in coming to study in the United States. Session Code: 1434 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 3:30:00 PM‐4:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W221ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: Strategies for Ethics Education in Speech‐Language Pathology: Clinical & Academic Presenters(s): Carol Cannon, Lauren Bland Abstract: Adherence to the ASHA Code of Ethics is a critical component of speech‐language pathology and audiology practice. Teaching students to engage in ethical behavior is therefore a vital part of graduate education in the professions. Effective strategies to use while teaching clinical and academic courses will be shared and modeled. Session Code: 1435 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 3:30:00 PM‐4:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W221DE Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: Tenure Track: The Job Search & the Interview Process Presenters(s): Jill Hoover, Suzanne Adlof, Audra Sterling, Jonathan Brumberg Abstract: This session is intended for anyone considering a tenure track academic position. The panel consists of current assistant professors in tenure track positions from varying backgrounds and career paths who will discuss their experiences and tips for future applicants. Session Code: 1436 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 3:30:00 PM‐4:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W415D Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Title: AAC, ASD, ASL, OMG! Using AAC for Children With Hearing Loss & Autism Spectrum Disorders Presenters(s): Shannon Szameitat, Maija Gulens, Amy Frisbie, Carmela Fay, Deborah Mood Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 73 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: This session presents experts addressing the range of skills needed for using AAC with children with a co‐occurring hearing loss and autism spectrum disorder. Panel speakers will highlight key points for each sub‐specialty (AAC, ASD, DHH), including differential diagnosis, intervention across environments (school, home, community), behavioral challenges, and language learning. Session Code: 1437 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 3:30:00 PM‐4:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballroom H Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Title: How Symbol Arrangement & Background Color Influence Construction of Short Phrases in Children Without Disabilities Presenters(s): Jennifer Thistle, Krista Wilkinson Abstract: We examined the effect of background color and symbol arrangement on speed and accuracy of using PCS symbols to repeat a three‐term spoken phrase. Symbol arrangement influenced responding, regardless of age or metalinguistic skill. Background color resulted in faster responding for some participants but slower responding for others. Session Code: 1438 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 3:30:00 PM‐4:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W414CD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: Developing Speech in Nonverbal Children & Adults With Autism Spectrum Disorder Presenters(s): Maureen Sweeney, Jenna Lebersfeld Abstract: Many individuals with ASD remain nonverbal after years of intervention. An intensive program based on neuroplasticity and motor learning research was designed and successfully implemented with 9 of 10 nonverbal students with ASD to establish first words. Video clips will be used to demonstrate successful intervention strategies and outcomes. Session Code: 1439 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 3:30:00 PM‐4:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W304EFGH Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: What Do Social Skills Have To Do With Social Executive Functioning & Language Interpretation? Presenters(s): Michelle Winner, Pamela Crooke Abstract: Social executive functioning (EF) is the process whereby individuals must focus their social attention while simultaneously tuning out other forces to pursue goal‐based social actions. In this session we will explore social EF and connect treatment strategies for differing functioning levels in ASD and related diagnoses. Session Code: 1440 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 3:30:00 PM‐4:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: Creating Telepractice Partnerships to Maximize Client Outcomes Presenters(s): Amy Reid, Nathan Curtis Abstract: ASHA identifies SLPs as responsible for “training and using support personnel appropriately when delivering services” via telepractice. This presentation will outline the legal, ethical, and clinical considerations in using e‐helpers (facilitators) in telepractice sessions, and provide practical strategies for working with these individuals to create partnerships and maximize client outcomes. Session Code: 1441 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 3:30:00 PM‐4:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W224FH Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: Get Out of That Box! Four Creative Mold‐Breaking Models of Private Practice Presenters(s): Yvette McCoy, Tara Roehl, Cynthia Bowen, Rachel Wynn Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 74 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: This presentation will introduce participants to four unique models of private practice. Four clinicians will share their history, mission, and their unique service models. This session will encourage participants to develop professional resilience and shift service‐delivery patterns as we face healthcare reform and other trends that affect reimbursement. Session Code: 1442 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 3:30:00 PM‐4:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W204AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Cultural and Linguistic Considerations Across the Discipline Title: Application of Current Theoretical Models to Bilingual Aphasia Rehabilitation Presenters(s): Swathi Kiran Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Cultural and Linguistic Considerations Across the Discipline. This session will overview current models in bilingual language processing that may assist understanding and treatment of aphasia in bilingual persons. Specifically, the interaction between facilitation and interference as well as computational simulation may be useful to guide intervention in bilingual aphasia. Session Code: 1443 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 3:30:00 PM‐4:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W205BC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Cultural and Linguistic Considerations Across the Discipline Title: Culturally Responsive Services: When a Difference Makes a Difference Presenters(s): Ana Harten, Irene Torres, Priya Sudarsanam, Derick Deweber, D'Jaris Coles‐White, Lisa Moore Abstract: Everyone has a culture and cultures may vary between the client and the SLP. This session will illustrate “when a difference makes a difference,” its effect on the clinical process, and how challenges involved in culturally response services can be met with the current skill set possessed by certified clinicians. Session Code: 1444 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 3:30:00 PM‐4:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Florida Ballroom BC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Cultural and Linguistic Considerations Across the Discipline Title: Diagnostic Decision‐Making for Bilingual Children: Using Data From Two Languages Presenters(s): Lisa Bedore, Elizabeth Pena, Brian Goldstein, Aquiles Iglesias, Jill Devilliers Abstract: It is best practice to test bilinguals in both of their languages. But how do we systematically combine data across languages to make diagnostic decisions? Some approaches to bilingual testing include conceptual scoring and two‐dimensional language test scores. We will explore how these approaches lead to more accurate decision‐making. Session Code: 1445 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 3:30:00 PM‐4:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W202ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Cultural and Linguistic Considerations Across the Discipline Title: Vocabulary Learning & Transfer (VoLT): Spanish & Vietnamese‐Speaking Bilingual Children With & Without Language Impairment Presenters(s): Giang Pham, Danaee Donovan, Amy Contant, Quynh Dam, Mircea Cimisliu Abstract: This project includes two typical groups of bilingual school‐age children (Spanish‐English vs. Vietnamese‐English) and one language‐impaired Spanish‐English group. Using dynamic assessment, vocabulary knowledge is tested in children's two languages, trained in the first language (Vietnamese/Spanish), and retested bilingually. Findings compare cross‐linguistic transfer across different language pairs and ability levels. Session Code: 1446 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 3:30:00 PM‐4:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Florida Ballroom A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Global Issues and Practices Across the Discipline Title: Sharing the Journey! Development of an International Service Learning Course in Communication Disorders Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 75 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Presenters(s): Ann Fennell, Elizabeth Delsandro Abstract: In this session, we present the content and materials used in our newly developed course, International Service for Communication Disorders for graduate students in speech‐language pathology and audiology involved in service learning projects in China and Nicaragua through the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders at the University of Iowa. Session Code: 1447 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 3:30:00 PM‐4:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W307AB Instructional Level: Advanced Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Hearing Science Title: Comparison of Auditory Brainstem Responses & Auditory Steady State Responses in Terrestrial & Marine Mammals Presenters(s): Robert Burkard, Dorian Houser, James Finneran Abstract: ABRs and ASSRs have been extensively investigated in humans and other terrestrial mammals. In recent years, these same measures have been investigated in marine mammals, including bottlenose dolphins. ABRs and ASSRs obtained in the authors’ laboratories will compare experimental procedures, response morphology, and stimulus dependencies in terrestrial and marine mammals. Session Code: 1448 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 3:30:00 PM‐4:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W222A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Interprofessional Education and Practice Title: College‐Wide Interdisciplinary Case Conference in Health Care to Promote Inter‐Professional Learning Presenters(s): Sandra Combs, Nancy Creaghead, Carolyn Sotto Abstract: This presentation describes an interdisciplinary event to expose pre‐professional students to the importance of interdisciplinary teams and patient‐centered care to most effectively address the multifaceted health challenges of a complex patient. This experience enhanced students’ understanding of their own professions and increased their appreciation for their interdisciplinary peers. Session Code: 1449 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 3:30:00 PM‐4:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W314AB Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Interprofessional Education and Practice Title: Implementing Interprofessional Education: Lessons Learned Presenters(s): Julie Estis, Kim McCullough, Sarah Wallace Abstract: Interprofessional education seeks to prepare professionals to work together to improve patient care. The purpose of this presentation is to provide examples from three different university programs that have successfully implemented interprofessional education. Lessons learned from the three examples and implications for future educational activities will be discussed. Session Code: 1450 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 3:30:00 PM‐4:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W308CD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Intervention/Habilitation for Infants and Children with Hearing Loss Title: Co‐Morbidities of CAPD Presenters(s): Donna Geffner Abstract: This program will highlight the various co‐morbid conditions typically found in youngsters with CAPD, such as reading disorders, language‐based learning disabilities, social‐emotional deficits, and AD/HD. Its differentiation from AN/AD will be presented. Prevalence and differential symptoms will be discussed. Session Code: 1451 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 3:30:00 PM‐4:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W308AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Intervention/Habilitation for Infants and Children with Hearing Loss Title: Facilitating Spoken Language for Children Who Sign Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 76 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Presenters(s): Rebecca Stevener, Katy Schroer Abstract: This presentation will cover assessment, planning, and therapy considerations for facilitating listening and spoken language development for children who are deaf or hard of hearing and also use sign language. It will address children with varying hearing levels and background characteristics from birth through high school. Session Code: 1452 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 3:30:00 PM‐4:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311CD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Intervention/Rehabilitation for Adults with Hearing Loss Title: Outcomes of Patients With Single‐Sided Deafness Who Receive a Cochlear Implant Presenters(s): Camille Dunn, Christine Etler, Eun Kyung Jeon, Virginia Driscoll, Kate Gfeller, Marlan Hansen, Bruce Gantz Abstract: Reports suggest that a cochlear implant (CI) might provide improved localization and speech perception for patients with severe‐to‐profound single‐sided hearing loss (SSD). We provide outcomes on 26 SSD patients who received a CI and also describe the fusion of the acoustic and electric signals for pitch and sound quality. Session Code: 1453 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 3:30:00 PM‐4:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W306AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Intervention/Rehabilitation for Adults with Hearing Loss Title: Telepractice for Cochlear Implants Presenters(s): Michelle Hughes Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Intervention/Rehabilitation for Adults with Hearing Loss and SIG 7: Aural Rehabilitation and Its Instrumentation. This presentation will review the current literature pertaining to the provision of clinical cochlear implant services via remote technology, describe aspects of clinical service delivery that have not been validated for remote service delivery, and review a new research project aimed at overcoming current barriers to remote service delivery. Session Code: 1454 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 3:30:00 PM‐4:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W315AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: Assessing Oral & Written Language Among School‐Age Students: Issues of Validity Presenters(s): Nickola Nelson, Elena Plante, Michele Anderson Abstract: Child language impairments can affect oral or written modalities. When assessing both modalities, psychometric advantages accrue when using a single battery rather than separately normed tests. Case examples will illustrate how SLPs can use a new test of oral and written language disorders and how strengths and weaknesses impact planning. Session Code: 1455 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 3:30:00 PM‐4:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W110B Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: High School Language Therapy—It's Not Too Late! Presenters(s): Courtney Mullins, Tanya Shores Abstract: Two SLPs share strategies to improve service delivery and quality of services for language impaired middle/high school standard diploma students. Focus on the students’ attitudes towards therapy, methods to collaborate with resistant general education teachers, and integrating general education curriculum into therapy. Session Code: 1456 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 3:30:00 PM‐4:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W415A Instructional Level: Advanced Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: SLPs’ Roles as “Guzintas:” Examining Barb Ehren’s Work on Indirect Service & Collaboration Models Presenters(s): Kathleen Whitmire, Bonnie Singer, Geraldine Wallach, Joel Stark, Kenn Apel Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 77 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents. Still doing pull out? Snap out of it! The Divas Plus One (and guest) will discuss indirect services on behalf of students as well as models of collaboration and when to use them. Session Code: 1457 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 3:30:00 PM‐4:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W320 Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: A Comprehensive Evaluation of the Patient With Multiple Sclerosis: Evidence Based‐Yet Patient‐Centered Presenters(s): Lori Kostich Abstract: At the Mandell Center for Multiple Sclerosis, patients present for treatment with unique, individual constellations of symptoms. The two‐step process utilized for annual evaluations will be outlined, including use of standardized evaluation tools and in‐house patient‐centered checklists to identify deficits and generate patient‐centered goals. Session Code: 1458 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 3:30:00 PM‐4:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W110A Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: Developing Evidence‐Based Treatments for PPA: Preliminary Outcomes & Future Directions Presenters(s): H. Isabel Hubbard, Maria Luisa Gorno‐Tempini, Maya Henry Abstract: Primary progressive aphasia (PPA) is a speech‐language disorder caused by neurodegenerative disease. Research to‐date indicates that treatment can be beneficial in PPA; however, there is a need to develop evidence‐based paradigms for each clinical subtype. Current research and treatment approaches will be reviewed as well as future directions for intervention. Session Code: 1459 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 3:30:00 PM‐4:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W224ABCD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: Standardized Aphasia Tests: Validity Over Time Presenters(s): Therese O'Neil‐Pirozzi, Julie Morris, Cassandra Eisermann, Taylor Kelly Abstract: What makes a standardized test valid and how is it kept valid? We will explore concepts of validity and challenges to maintaining validity of standardized aphasia tests. We will discuss validity of commonly used aphasia tests, published revisions to some, and a pilot study of explored revisions to one. Session Code: 1460 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 3:30:00 PM‐4:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Orlando Ballroom LM Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: Use of Multi‐Sensory Experience to Increase Communication Functionality in Elderly with Dementia From Interprofessional Perspective Presenters(s): Elyse Gordon, April Moschini Abstract: Learn about how the multi‐sensory room experience can increase communication, functionality, and well‐being for patients with dementia from a multi‐disciplinary approach, including speech pathology and activities departments. Assessment protocols, therapeutic intervention, maintenance programming, and case studies will be explored. Different modalities and examples of room equipment will be addressed. Session Code: 1461 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 3:30:00 PM‐4:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W109B Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: Visuospatial Neglect: An Update on the Disorder & Evidence‐Based Practice Presenters(s): Margaret Blake Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 78 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: Visuospatial neglect associated with right hemisphere brain damage (RHD) is not a single disorder, but has varied and complex subtypes. Assessment and treatment will be reviewed, including evidence suggesting that scanning and sensory stimulation treatments, among others, are effective in creating long‐term functional gains. Session Code: 1462 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 3:30:00 PM‐4:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W209ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language in Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers Title: Step‐by‐Step: Moving from Efficacy to Implementation in Early Intervention Presenters(s): Lesley Olswang, Kathryn Greenslade, Julie Feuerstein, Patricia Dowden Abstract: Successful implementation of efficacious interventions requires collaboration between researchers and practitioners to determine motivation for change plus appropriate training. This presentation introduces implementation science and provides an example of research that examines variables impacting the success of moving a communication intervention for children with severe disabilities into a birth‐to‐3 center. Session Code: 1463 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 3:30:00 PM‐4:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W208ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Literacy Assessment and Intervention Title: Eye‐Movements In Oral Reading by Children With Impairment: Differences in Self‐Authored Verses Professionally Written Texts Presenters(s): Ryan Nelson, Jack Damico, Holly Damico Abstract: This study documents the changes in eye‐movement pattern of readers with language impairment engaged in reading self‐ authored and professionally written stories. Each child’s visual sampling strategies in each condition are described. Results suggest children demonstrated greater eye‐movement efficiency with self‐authored texts. Data and clinical implications are provided. Session Code: 1464 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 3:30:00 PM‐4:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W307CD Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Literacy Assessment and Intervention Title: Understanding Translingual Literacy Practices: New Perspectives on Bilingual Writing Assessment Presenters(s): Robin Danzak Abstract: Through a framework of translingualism, this seminar will explore new perspectives and applications of bilingual/English learner writing assessment. Translingualism considers writing a dynamic process wherein the author strategically incorporates all languages at her/his disposal. Challenges and new approaches will be illustrated with expository texts produced by bilingual adolescents. Session Code: 1465 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 3:30:00 PM‐4:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballroom G Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Motor Speech in Adults and Children Title: Changes to Respiratory & Laryngeal Function After SpeechVive Treatment in Individuals With Parkinson’s Disease Presenters(s): Jessica Huber, Elaine Stathopoulos, Joan Sussman Abstract: The purpose of the present study was to assess how 8 weeks of treatment with the SpeechVive impacts respiratory and laryngeal function in 39 individuals with idiopathic Parkinson’s disease (PD). Use of the SpeechVive resulted in louder speech, longer utterances, and more efficient laryngeal and respiratory support for speech. Session Code: 1466 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 3:30:00 PM‐4:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W309AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: NeuroAudiology Title: The Hearing‐Cognition Relationship: A Comprehensive Prospective Study Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 79 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Presenters(s): Jennifer Lister, Aryn Harrison Bush, Jerri Edwards, Ross Andel Abstract: Peripheral hearing, central auditory processing (CAP), event‐related potentials (ERPs), and cognition were examined in older adults with and without mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Those with MCI performed more poorly than controls on measures of CAP, but not peripheral hearing. ERP data revealed potential neurophysiological indicators of early‐stage cognitive impairment. Session Code: 1467 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 3:30:00 PM‐4:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W109A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Research Across the Discipline Title: Scientific Writing Strategies to Enhance Publication Opportunities Presenters(s): Michael Crary Abstract: This seminar is focused toward graduate students and young professionals engaging in research. Initially, effective writing strategies will be reviewed with practice opportunities. Subsequently, research manuscript organization strategies will be presented. Examples of effective and ineffective writing and manuscript organization strategies will be provided. Session Code: 1468 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 3:30:00 PM‐4:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W206ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Speech Sound Disorders in Children Title: Phonemic Awareness, Articulation, & Encoding Speech: Interventions for Elementary Students Presenters(s): Janet Norris, Cindy Lane Parr, Laura Delrose, Christina Tausch, Paul Hoffman Abstract: The relationship between early articulation and/or language delays and later reading deficits is strong, up to 70%. This seminar will show how the SLP can address oral and written phonology to improve speech sound productions, reading, and spelling. Parallels in the development of spelling and speech will be shown. Session Code: 1469 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 3:30:00 PM‐4:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W207ABC Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: Surface Electromyography In Clinical Practice Presenters(s): Kristine Galek, Mark Richards Abstract: This presentation will provide fundamental concepts and introduce clinical usefulness of sEMG as an adjunctive therapeutic tool for assessment and intervention of dysphagia. Basic sEMG measures and patterns will be displayed and discussed. At the conclusion, the clinician should be able to differentiate basic sEMG patterns, and discuss their clinical relevance. Session Code: 1470 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 3:30:00 PM‐4:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W415BC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: Swallow Strong, Swallow Safe: Case Series From Patients Completing Isometric Progressive Resistance Oropharyngeal (I‐PR0) Therapy Presenters(s): James Coyle, Kathy Groves Wright, Marta Kazandjian, Steven Kosek, Nicole Rusche, Jacqueline Hind Abstract: This session will focus on objective, functional outcomes from patients with various dysphagia etiologies following completion of an 8‐week regimen of device‐facilitated Isometric Progressive Resistance Oropharyngeal (I‐PRO) therapy. Discussion will focus on videofluoroscopic and therapeutic considerations for optimizing patient outcomes with device‐facilitated I‐PRO therapy. Session Code: 1471 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 3:30:00 PM‐4:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W414AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: Swallowing Rounds: Case‐Based Learning & Interdisciplinary Collaboration Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 80 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Presenters(s): Julie Blair, Kendrea Focht, Katlyn McGrattan, Kate Humphries, R. Jordan Hazelwood, Ashli O'Rourke, Bonnie Martin‐ Harris Abstract: This presentation will focus on the development of weekly swallowing grand rounds, methods to incorporate continuing education opportunities, building a multidisciplinary team, and optimizing patient care through collaborative efforts. Adult and pediatric cases will be presented that illustrate the interdependence of disciplines in the assessment and rehabilitation of dysphagic patients. Session Code: 1472 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 3:30:00 PM‐4:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballrom IJ Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: What Lies Below: A Tutorial for SLPs in Esophageal Dysphagia Presenters(s): Joy Gaziano Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders. The course introduces knowledge and skills useful when evaluating and managing patients with combined oropharyngeal and esophageal dysphagia. Esophageal anatomy and physiology, common esophageal disorders, assessment and treatment options, and practical strategies for differential diagnosis will be introduced via case presentation. Session Code: 1473 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 3:30:00 PM‐4:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Orlando Ballroom N Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Traumatic Brain Injury Title: Assessing Workplace Communication in Persons With Moderate‐Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Presenters(s): Peter Meulenbroek, Leora R. Cherney Abstract: SLPs should play a critical role in helping people with traumatic brain injury (TBI) return to work, but lack tools to evaluate workplace communication demands. This seminar will present a novel approach to analyzing workplace communication demands and identifying potential challenges and solutions for clients with TBI. Session Code: 1474 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 3:30:00 PM‐4:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W205A Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Voice and Alaryngeal Communication Title: A Functional Approach to Clinical Management of Voice Disorders in the Pediatric Population Presenters(s): Paula Barson Abstract: This presentation will review voice therapy techniques, vocal health and hygiene for the pediatric population. Goals to actively involve children in therapy will be discussed in relation to the literature base. An emphasis will be placed on involving families in the therapeutic process and carrying over skills to the home and community. Session Code: 1475 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 3:30:00 PM‐4:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballroom DE Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Voice and Alaryngeal Communication Title: Evidence for Clinical Methods Used in the Evaluation & Treatment of Vocal Tremor Presenters(s): Julie Barkmeier‐Kraemer, Daniel R. Boone Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Voice and Alaryngeal Communication. Vocal tremor (VT) is a frustrating disorder associated with significant communication impairment and mixed benefit from current treatments. This presentation summarizes the research and associated recommendations for the evaluation and treatment of VT. A critical analysis and discussion will be led by Daniel Boone, PhD, CCC‐SLP. Session Code: 1476 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 5:00:00 PM‐6:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W312C Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 81 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: A Nonbiased Assessment Model of Communication Potential of International Applicants to SLP/AUD Graduate Programs Presenters(s): Amee Shah Abstract: As cultural and linguistic diversity grows in this country, SLP and audiology programs are receiving an increasingly diverse pool of applicants nationwide. This study will demonstrate a working model used to lend objective methods to identify the communication potential and, proactively, offer supports to culturally and linguistically diverse graduate students. Session Code: 1477 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 5:00:00 PM‐6:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W310AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: Asking the Right Clinical Questions: Developing Real‐Time, Critical‐Thinking Skills Presenters(s): Samantha Procaccini, Denise Joseph, Nancy Carlino Abstract: Many beginning graduate clinicians are unprepared to make evidence‐based clinical decisions. Clinical supervisors must assist beginning graduate clinicians in bridging the gap between theory and clinical practice. This seminar will provide strategies for clinical supervisors to foster critical thinking and evidence‐based practices in those beginning their graduate training. Session Code: 1478 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 5:00:00 PM‐6:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W221DE Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: Deep Dive Into the Shallow PhD Pool: The Shortage & Initiatives to Address It Presenters(s): Janet Koehnke, Kathy Chapman, Malcolm McNeil, Richard Folsom, Loretta Nunez Abstract: PhD shortages have affected the disciplines for more than a decade; this trend is escalating. Despite increasing PhD student enrollments, the large number of faculty over the age of 55 is a threat to the disciplines. This presentation will update you on current data and initiatives to address the problem. Session Code: 1479 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 5:00:00 PM‐6:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W206ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: The Acquired Language DIsorders Target Model: Academic & Clinical Applications Presenters(s): James Mancinelli, Evelyn Klein Abstract: This presentation provides a unique process for capturing the diagnostic profile of patients with acquired language disorders (ALD) including attention, memory, visual spatial skills, and executive functioning. The process generates the ALD Target Model for treatment planning, family counseling purposes, and teaching students. Target Models vary based on individual cases. Session Code: 1480 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 5:00:00 PM‐6:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W415D Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Title: Changes in Adult Scaffolding in Relation to the Expressive Vocabulary of Children Who Use AAC Presenters(s): Gloria Soto, Gat Savaldi‐Harussi, Catherine Lipson Abstract: This seminar will present the results of a study aimed to analyze changes in the quality of adult scaffolding in conversations with children who use AAC. As the children's language skills improved, the communicative behavior of the adult partners changed markedly. Videos and transcripts will be used to illustrate results. Session Code: 1481 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 5:00:00 PM‐6:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W415A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Title: iPad's Emergent Literacy & Language for Multiple Disabilities Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 82 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Presenters(s): Pati King‐DeBaun Abstract: Participants will learn how children who have the most significant disabilities can access the iPad at home and at school with a variety of different tools from a materials and access perspective. Specific strategies and apps for emergent literacy and language will be addressed. Session Code: 1482 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 5:00:00 PM‐6:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W415BC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Title: Teaching Core Vocabulary Through Community‐Based Experiences Presenters(s): Kathryn Kroemer Abstract: To facilitate the use of core language to enhance augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) in functional community situations, environmentally based training modules are being developed to teach core vocabulary. These modules focus on providing activities for practice and preparing participants to use new skills in a functional setting. Session Code: 1483 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 5:00:00 PM‐6:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W205A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Title: The Visual System After Brain Injury: Using Eye‐Tracking Technology for Applied Clinical Research Presenters(s): Amber Thiessen, Jessica Brown Abstract: Many people with acquired brain injury (ABI) rely on AAC supports and must use their visual abilities to locate graphically represented messages in their AAC systems. The purpose of this investigation is to discuss the common visual deficits associated with ABI and how they affect the design of AAC displays. Session Code: 1484 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 5:00:00 PM‐6:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W205BC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Title: Verifying Parent Perceptions of the Potential Communicative Acts of Young Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders Presenters(s): Barbara Braddock, Kathryn Mueller, Susan Bashinski, Filip Loncke Abstract: The aim of this project was to verify parent perceptions of the potential communicative acts of young children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Behaviors of interest were compared between two instruments to validate reported and observed occurrences of children’s potential communicative acts and categories of communication functions. Session Code: 1485 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 5:00:00 PM‐6:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W414CD Instructional Level: Advanced Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: Getting Carry‐Over: Developing Inner‐Speech for Reasoning & Independent Problem‐Solving in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders Presenters(s): Janice Nathan, Barry Nathan, Shalee Nash Abstract: Language‐based intervention focused on development of "inner‐speech" and its generalization into natural settings. Treatment and control therapists’ outcomes were compared over eight therapy sessions. Treatment parents reported improved independent problem‐solving and reduced emotional dysregulation. An inner‐speech framework for improving therapy is presented, as are digital recordings samples from therapy sessions. Session Code: 1486 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 5:00:00 PM‐6:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W304EFGH Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: Listen to Me: My Behavior Communicates Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 83 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Presenters(s): Glenis Benson Abstract: The inability to communicate conventionally, if often replaced by "behavior." The child needs a way to communicate their functional needs. The form needs to change; enter the SLP. Functional assessments and subsequent strategies for replacement behaviors will be discussed. Session Code: 1487 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 5:00:00 PM‐6:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Florida Ballroom A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: Ad Hoc Committee on Audiology Outcomes: Update on Activities Presenters(s): John Ferraro, Barbara Cone, Neil DiSarno, Rob Mullen Abstract: Update on the activities and progress of the Ad Hoc Committee on Audiology Outcomes Measurement, which was formed in 2013. Session Code: 1488 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 5:00:00 PM‐6:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W221ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: Doing the Right Thing: Learning the Power of Ethical Decision‐Making in Practice Presenters(s): Michele Kramer, Dana Tingley, Carol Ashdown Abstract: A keen understanding of our Code of Ethics is an expectation and standard of best practice in our professions. State licensure boards and ASHA are requiring evidence of our knowledge and understanding of ethics through continuing education requirements. This seminar will facilitate that understanding as well as fulfill this ethics requirement. Session Code: 1489 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 5:00:00 PM‐6:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311EF Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: The Art of Communication in Professional Practice Presenters(s): Raymond Hull Abstract: Success in one's professional life depends to a large degree upon the ability to communicate effectively with our patients and our colleagues. This presentation provides those in attendance with (1) insights into the art of communication in professional life, and (2) participation in group interactive problem‐solving of difficult communicative situations. Session Code: 1490 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 5:00:00 PM‐6:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W202ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Cultural and Linguistic Considerations Across the Discipline Title: Spanish & English Nonword Repetition Tasks in Children & Adults Presenters(s): Connie Summers, Nadia Arriazola‐Flores Abstract: In recent years various Spanish non‐word repetition tasks have been created to facilitate a comparison with English non‐ word repetition in bilinguals. The literature on non‐word repetition will be reviewed and data will be presented for bilingual children, bilingual adults, and monolingual adults to further understand this useful task. Session Code: 1491 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 5:00:00 PM‐6:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W307AB Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Global Issues and Practices Across the Discipline Title: An International Perspective on the Care & Treatment of People With Disabilities: ASHA─PAHO Collabora on Presenters(s): Lily Schuermann, Gloria Weddington, Candace Wickham, Silvia Martinez, Rosario Enríquez, Linda Rosa‐Lugo Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 84 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: This session provides a discussion of the innovative ways ASHA is collaborating with PAHO to improve the delivery of high‐ quality SLP/A services in three of the most impoverished countries in Latin America. A panel composed of international teams will describe the needs and recommendations to meet the needs. Session Code: 1492 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 5:00:00 PM‐6:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W308CD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Infant and Child Hearing: Screening and Assessment Title: Noise Exposure & Noise‐Induced Hearing Loss Among Rural Adolescents Presenters(s): Leigh Ann Reel, Courtney Arnold, Candace Hicks Abstract: Few studies have investigated adolescents’ exposure to loud noise sources. Since noisy activities such as hunting and farming typically take place in rural settings, adolescents living in rural areas may be at greater risk for noise‐induced hearing loss (NIHL). The presentation will address a study of NIHL in rural adolescents. Session Code: 1493 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 5:00:00 PM‐6:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Florida Ballroom BC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Interprofessional Education and Practice Title: Assuring Safe Medication Use in the Patient With Communication Disorders: Interprofessional Perspectives Presenters(s): Mark DeRuiter, Elizabeth VandeWaa Abstract: Safe medication use is a patient goal across settings. For patients with communication and/or cognitive challenges, communication difficulties between the practitioner and the patient may lead to knowledge deficits with regard to commonly used medications. This session provides a tool to assist practitioners in discussions of medication in various settings. Session Code: 1494 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 5:00:00 PM‐6:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W414AB Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Interprofessional Education and Practice Title: Connections for Life: Lessons Learned From Providing Interdisciplinary Intervention to Children Experiencing Chronic Trauma Presenters(s): Maja Kinnear Abstract: Current research suggests that sensory regulation, mental health, secure attachment to a caregiver, social and communication skills are all negatively affected in children who experience early childhood trauma. Thus, intervention that respects and addresses the interaction among these areas of deficit is likely to yield the most positive lifelong outcomes. Session Code: 1495 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 5:00:00 PM‐6:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W308AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Intervention/Habilitation for Infants and Children with Hearing Loss Title: 21st Century Professional Learning: Changing Practice—Improving Outcomes for Children who are D/HH Presenters(s): Teresa Caraway, Wendelyn Demoss, Kathryn Wilson Abstract: Participants will explore 21st Century connected learning to transform professional practice to maximize outcomes for children who are D/HH. Levels of learning will be explored to support the professional throughout the career journey. Bring your own device and engage in Web 2.0 tools to experience your personal connected learning journey. Session Code: 1496 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 5:00:00 PM‐6:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W307CD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Intervention/Habilitation for Infants and Children with Hearing Loss Title: Second Time Around: Steps for Success With the Second Cochlear Implant for the Older Child Presenters(s): Mary Buehler, Emily Noss Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 85 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: This presentation will outline research on bilateral cochlear implants, “critical age” issues, assessment tools, and outcomes for older children receiving a second cochlear implant. Treatment goals and activities will be discussed. Case studies will be utilized to highlight outcomes and expectations for listening with the second cochlear implant. Session Code: 1497 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 5:00:00 PM‐6:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W306AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Intervention/Rehabilitation for Adults with Hearing Loss Title: Family‐Centred Aural Rehab for Adults With Hearing Impairment: Perspectives of Clients, Family Members, & Audiologists Presenters(s): Nerina Scarinci Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Intervention/Rehabilitation for Adults with Hearing Loss. Audiologists treating adults with hearing impairment are positioned to involve family members in rehabilitation services. This session will review the literature on how family members participate and factors that may affect their involvement. Implications of research and practical strategies for involving family members in the rehabilitation process will be discussed. Session Code: 1498 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 5:00:00 PM‐6:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311GH Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Intervention/Rehabilitation for Adults with Hearing Loss Title: Intellectual Disabilities & Hearing Loss: The Forgotten Many Presenters(s): Gilbert Herer Abstract: Undetected/untreated hearing loss imposes significant limitations upon adults with intellectual disabilities (ID). The hearing of 9,961 adults with ID was evaluated at Special Olympics sports events over the past decade. This session provides detailed outcomes including 24% hearing loss prevalence: 1.4 times greater than general population (18 to 55 years). Session Code: 1499 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 5:00:00 PM‐6:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W207ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy & the SLP Presenters(s): Lynne Hewitt Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT ) has an enormous evidence base for an array of psychological disorders, many of which affect children with communication disorders. CBT shares many features with approaches in our field. This presentation outlines key elements of CBT, and how intervention may be improved by incorporating its tenets. Session Code: 1500 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 5:00:00 PM‐6:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W203AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: Professional Knowledge of English Grammar: A Tutorial for SLPs Who Serve School‐Age & Adolescent Learners Presenters(s): Monica Gordon Pershey Abstract: When did you last study grammar? Or have you not studied grammar at all? This tutorial in explicit English grammar provides practical information on morphological and syntactic forms and how to measure sentence complexity, and describes syntactic skills that school‐age children acquire. Emphasis on grammatical difficulties in SLI and SLD. Session Code: 1501 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 5:00:00 PM‐6:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W224FH Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: The Language Disordered Adolescent: Frustrated, Misunderstood, & Headed for Trouble Presenters(s): Janet Norris, Rebecca Parker Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 86 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: Early intervention can reduce school failure for SLI children. However, 1/4 will experience chronic delays in language, reading failure, and social and behavioral problems resulting in dropping out of high school to enter a life of poverty and unemployment. Intervention and advocacy for secondary students will be discussed. Session Code: 1502 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 5:00:00 PM‐6:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W109A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: A Set of Measures Related to Supported Conversation for Adults With Aphasia (SCA) Presenters(s): Aura Kagan, Nina Simmons‐Mackie Abstract: A set of measures to evaluate conversation will be described within the context of Supported Conversation for Adults with Aphasia (SCA) and Living with Aphasia: Framework for Outcome Measurement (A‐FROM). Examples of clinical usage will be provided as well as examples of usage for the purpose of research and evaluation. Session Code: 1503 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 5:00:00 PM‐6:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W109B Instructional Level: Advanced Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: Assessing Word Retrieval in Discourse With the AphasiaBank Protocol Presenters(s): Mary Boyle Abstract: This seminar provides information about using the AphasiaBank stimuli to assess word retrieval in the discourse of people with aphasia. It reviews evidence from a series of investigations about the stability of vocabulary items and of word‐finding problems, and addresses considerations for clinicians and clinical researchers. Session Code: 1504 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 5:00:00 PM‐6:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W320 Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: Deficits of Emotional Communication in Neurogenic Disorders Presenters(s): Susan Leon Abstract: Communicating emotions requires the ability to understand and appropriately use facial expressions, prosody, body postures, and semantic labels. Deficits in aspects of emotional communication have been reported in a number of neurogenic disorders. Studies aimed at assessing, describing, and/or treating these disorders are ongoing and will be discussed. Session Code: 1505 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 5:00:00 PM‐6:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W224ABCD Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: Integrating Development of Self‐Efficacy Into Treatment Decisions Presenters(s): Kathryn Yorkston, Carolyn Baylor, Dagmar Amtmann, Aimee Verrall Abstract: Self‐efficacy is the belief in one’s ability to produce the outcomes one wants. This presentation will 1) review research related to self‐efficacy in communication disorders and aging with chronic physical disability, and 2) discuss how the principles of self‐efficacy can be incorporated into treatment tasks and outcomes measurement. Session Code: 1506 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 5:00:00 PM‐6:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W110A Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: Prevention in Practice: Education and Group Treatment for Community‐Based Older Adults Presenters(s): Megan Malone, Amy Vaughn Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 87 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: This session will focus on describing a community‐based cognitive education and therapy group facilitated by graduate students and supervisors of Kent State University’s Speech Pathology program. Participants will learn the structure of the group, session content, participant outcomes, and methods to translate findings to other settings. Session Code: 1507 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 5:00:00 PM‐6:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W315AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language in Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers Title: Beyond Vocabulary: Evidence‐Based Interventions for a Variety of Semantic Deficits Presenters(s): Tim Brackenbury, Elizabeth Witter, Anna Ehrhorn Abstract: Children with language deficits often have poor semantic skills. These can include low vocabularies, underdeveloped knowledge, limited connections between lexical items, and inadequate retrieval skills. This active‐learning session will focus on applying evidence‐based interventions to case studies of children with semantic deficits. Session Code: 1508 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 5:00:00 PM‐6:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W208ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language in Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers Title: Promoting Intentional Communication: Matching Strategies to Potential Sources of Difficulty Presenters(s): Cynthia Cress Abstract: Learning to gesture seems simple until we see children who struggle with this skill. We’ll use videos of children with various difficulties with pre‐intentional communication, and problem‐solve about how our intervention can structure the child’s experiences to fill in missing pieces and help overcome these sources of difficulty. Session Code: 1509 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 5:00:00 PM‐6:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Orlando Ballroom LM Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Literacy Assessment and Intervention Title: Literacy Interventions Revisited: Moving Up the Treatment Research Ladder Presenters(s): Suzanne Adlof, Angela McLeod, Kimberlee Crass Abstract: We describe the implementation and outcomes of an early‐efficacy phase literacy intervention study. Structured Narrative Retell Instruction was compared to Code Focused Literacy Instruction in children at risk for reading difficulties. Treatment effects were assessed using pre‐ and post‐test measures of letter knowledge, phonological awareness, listening comprehension, and narrative retell. Session Code: 1510 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 5:00:00 PM‐6:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballroom DE Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Literacy Assessment and Intervention Title: Preliminary Impacts of Let's Know! Curriculum Supplement to Improve Reading Comprehension in Grades PK─3 Presenters(s): Shelley Gray, Melinda Bridges, Tiffany Hogan Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Literacy Assessment and Intervention. The Let’s Know! curriculum supplement was designed for implementation by teachers in grades preschool through 3 to increase the quantity and quality of language‐focused comprehension instruction as a way to improve children's reading comprehension. This presentation focuses on results from the first year of a randomized control efficacy trial. Session Code: 1511 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 5:00:00 PM‐6:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W222A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Motor Speech in Adults and Children Title: Principles of Motor Learning in Adult & Childhood Motor Speech Disorders Presenters(s): Kristie Spencer, Edwin Maas Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 88 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Motor Speech in Adults and Children. This seminar presents a recent review of the evidence regarding the utility of principles of motor skill learning in treatment for motor‐speech disorders. The discussion will focus first on the evidence in adult‐acquired motor‐speech disorders, followed by a discussion of evidence in childhood motor speech disorders. Session Code: 1512 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 5:00:00 PM‐6:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballroom H Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Motor Speech in Adults and Children Title: SPEAK OUT!® A Practical Approach to Treating Parkinson's Presenters(s): Daniel R. Boone, Kay Wiley, June Levitt Abstract: SPEAK OUT!® is based on the use of "intent" or intention, as first described by Dr. Daniel R. Boone. SPEAK OUT! consists of 12 sessions 3 times a week for 4 weeks, including cognitive‐linguistic activities. Principles of the method as well as the recent research results will be presented. Session Code: 1513 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 5:00:00 PM‐6:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W309AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Speech Science Title: Speech Breathing Across the Lifespan Presenters(s): Jessica Huber, Carol Boliek Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Speech Science. This session discusses how respiratory support for speech changes as we age, from infancy to older adults. We will focus on how changes to respiratory physiology drive changes in speech production, particularly utterance length and issues related to coordination of breathing with syntax. Session Code: 1514 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 5:00:00 PM‐6:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W204AB Instructional Level: Advanced Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: Cineradiographic & Videofluoroscopic Assessment of Swallowing in a Case of Congenital Aglossia Presenters(s): Betty McMicken, Rebecca Leonard, Shelley Von Berg Abstract: Cineradiographic and videofluroscopic swallowing assessment in a congenital aglossic revealed the compensatory anatomical and physiological components which allow for a near normal swallow. Quantitative range of motion and correlation measurements of dependent variables mylohyoid, base of tongue and independent variables mandible and hyoid are coupled with assessment on the MBSiMP. Session Code: 1515 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 5:00:00 PM‐6:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311CD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: Don’t Miss a Beat: Feeding & Swallowing Considerations in the Pediatric Cardiac Patient Presenters(s): Jennifer Perez, Kayla O'Rourke Abstract: Survival rates of neonates with cardiac issues has improved significantly; however, persistent feeding difficulties following cardiac surgery is one of the leading factors impacting recovery. This session highlights the role of the pediatric SLP throughout the continuum of care with medically fragile cardiac patients, including assessment considerations and specific therapeutic interventions. Session Code: 1516 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 5:00:00 PM‐6:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W110B Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: Interpreting Pediatric VFSS & FEES Using an Audience Response System Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 89 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Presenters(s): Joan Arvedson, Claire Miller, Jeanne Saavedra Abstract: Accurate interpretation of instrumental swallowing studies (VFSS and FEES) results in optimal feeding recommendations and best patient outcomes. This session will use an audience participation response system to practice interpretation of swallowing parameters visualized during videofluoroscopic and endoscopic evaluations of swallowing. Appropriate recommendations will be discussed. Session Code: 1517 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 5:00:00 PM‐6:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballroom G Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: Using Templates to Guide Pediatric Dysphagia Evaluation: Tips From Board‐Certified Specialists Presenters(s): Donna Edwards, Memorie Gosa, Emily Mayfield, Marni Simon Abstract: This session is developed by, and speakers invited by the American Board of Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders. Completing clinical evaluations of swallowing in infants, children, and adolescents can be challenging because there are so many inter‐related factors to consider. Using a template can guide the clinician so that all pertinent information is collected and all areas assessed. Templates found on the ASHA Practice Portal will be discussed. Session Code: 1518 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 5:00:00 PM‐6:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W314AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: What's Wrong With My Patient? 2014 Update: Pulmonary, Cardiovascular, & Digestive Systems & Conditions Affecting Swallowing Presenters(s): James Coyle Abstract: Physiologic systems "below the neck" are inadequately understood by most SLPs because they're omitted from our learning in graduate school. The SLP is then less equipped to attribute disease effects to patient behavior and function. This course will review the respiratory and digestive systems and common diseases in adults. Session Code: 1519 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 5:00:00 PM‐6:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W209ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Traumatic Brain Injury Title: Concussion Symptoms & Behavioral Test Results: Is the Story Complete? Presenters(s): Ashley Harkrider, Matt Wilson, Kristin King Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by SIG 6: Hearing and Hearing Disorders: Research and Diagnostics. Auditory stimuli with certain visual distracters evoke poorer neurophysiological responses in contact sport athletes (regardless of history of concussion) versus non‐contact sport athletes, even when behavioral data are similar. These neurophysiological responses are associated with attention and processing speed. Standard behavioral tests may not be effective measures of brain damage. Session Code: 1520 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 5:00:00 PM‐6:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Orlando Ballroom N Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Traumatic Brain Injury Title: Training Law Enforcement Officers to Differentiate TBI From Intoxication Presenters(s): Jo Shackelford, Amy Cappiccie, Sarah Nale Abstract: How can we help police officers differentiate between TBI signs and intoxication? Our study provides evidence of an effective training module. You’ll also hear about an ongoing study bringing together a state‐wide cross‐disciplinary team (TBI, social work, police, and military) designed to develop and disseminate an expanded training. Session Code: 1521 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 5:00:00 PM‐6:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 90 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Topic Area: Voice and Alaryngeal Communication Title: Randomized Controlled Trial of Text‐to‐Speech Communication vs. Voice Rest Treatment in Patients on Vocal Restrictions Presenters(s): Bernard Rousseau, Michelle Gutmann, Ted Mau, David Francis, Jeff Johnson, Carolyn Novaleski, Kimberly Vinson, C. Gaelyn Garrett Abstract: This controlled trial randomized patients who were on postoperative voice rest to receive voice rest alone or a text‐to‐ speech device. Patients with a device reported greater perceived communicative effectiveness compared to patients in the control group. Across both groups, the majority of patients reported significantly reduced voice use. Session Code: 1522 Date: Friday, November 21, 2014, 5:00:00 PM‐6:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballrom IJ Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Voice and Alaryngeal Communication Title: Respiratory Contributions to Vocal Tremor Presenters(s): Rachel Haugen, Abby Hemmerich Abstract: Vocal tremor can result from oscillations in muscles throughout the vocal tract, including respiratory structures. Respiratory movements associated with 13 individuals with vocal tremor are described, relating size of movement, as measured by Respitrace and palpation, to severity of vocal tremor. Session Code: 1600 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Orlando Ballroom N Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: Speech‐Language Pathology Assistants (SLPAs): Current Trends Presenters(s): Jennifer Ostergren, Sara Aguilar Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by SIG 11: Administration and Supervision. The role of speech‐ language pathology assistants (SLPAs) has gained significant professional interest. The American Speech‐Language‐Hearing Association has a new scope of practice for SLPAs and a new professional category for support personnel. This SIG 11 invited session will describe current trends in the training, education, licensure, and supervision of SLPAs. Session Code: 1601 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W207ABC Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: Strengthening Student Engagement, Motivation, & Peer Relations in the University Classroom Presenters(s): Carrie Stacey‐Knight, Robert Mayo Abstract: To increase student engagement in university courses, consider group based learning (GBL). In our session, we will describe GBL, suggest ways to create groups and appropriate activities, and allow convention participants to develop lesson plans that incorporate GBL. This fun and interactive session is for all levels of teaching experiences. Session Code: 1602 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W415A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Title: Life Before & After PECS: Part II Presenters(s): Cathy Binger, Nancy Brady, Michelle Flippin, Sherry Sancibrian Abstract: The Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) is a popular communication intervention for children with autism and other communication disorders. Although highly useful, other interventions are often warranted. In a follow‐up to last year’s ASHA session, the panel will explore complements and alternatives to PECS for presymbolic and symbolic communicators. Session Code: 1603 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W415BC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 91 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Topic Area: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Title: Preserving Legacy: Being Proactive With ALS, Message Banking & Low‐Tech Strategies Presenters(s): John Costello Abstract: Many with progressive neurodegenerative diseases are superb candidates for recording messages to later incorporate in AAC technology, allowing personality and authentic projection of self to be expressed with an SGD. A model of preserving self through low‐tech tools and messages in own voice is detailed. Session Code: 1604 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballrom IJ Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Title: Self‐Determination, Third‐Generation Inclusive Practices & Students Who Use AAC Presenters(s): Michael Wehmeyer Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), SIG 12: Augmentative and Alternative Communication, and Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents. The session examines how new understandings of disability are changing special education practice, leading to “third‐generation” inclusive practices and multi‐tiered systems of supports. The session introduces the critical role that promoting self‐determination plays in these emerging trends, focused particularly with regard to students who use AAC. Session Code: 1605 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W110B Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Title: UDL, AAC, & Learning: Improving Participation & Learning for Every Student! Presenters(s): Joy Zabala Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) & Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents. Join Joy Zabala to dig deeply into and share your ideas about ways that the principles and practices of Universal Design for Learning when combined with special education and related services provide complementary supports for the participation and achievement of ALL students, including those with complex communication and learning needs. Session Code: 1606 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W221DE Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: Autism Centers of Excellence: What They Are & What We Have Learned Relevant for SLPs Presenters(s): Diane Williams, Lisa Wisman Weil, Moira Lewis Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Autism Spectrum Disorders. The ACE Program is a National Institutes of Health initiative that supports a community of researchers working on interrelated projects on the causes and treatments for ASDs. The ACEs involve SLPs in the research process and have also yielded (and are continuing to yield) scientific discoveries relevant to clinical practice. Session Code: 1607 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W206ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: Sharing an Imagination: Teaching Social Thinking in Preschool & Early Elementary Presenters(s): Nancy Tarshis, Ryan Hendrix, Kari Palmer Abstract: This workshop presents key concepts for teaching dramatic play and social thinking for young children. We review milestones and underpinnings of dramatic play and apply this knowledge to work with young children with social cognitive learning challenges. Ways to create lessons and utilize music within the sessions will be presented. Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 92 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Session Code: 1608 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W208ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder: What Is This Diagnostic Category & What Are the Clinical Implications? Presenters(s): Lauren Swineford, Geralyn Timler Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Autism Spectrum Disorders. Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder (SCD) is a new diagnostic category in the DSM‐5. Because there is limited research on SCD, the purpose of this talk is to describe the relevant language and ASD literature relating to SCD and discuss clinical implications for SLPs including assessment and intervention techniques. Session Code: 1609 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W224ABCD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: Standing Up to Ridicule: Using Social Language Concepts With Students Who Are Bullied, Bystanders, & Tormentors Presenters(s): Lisa Chattler Abstract: We are in the unique position to assist our students who are bullied, the bystanders, and perpetrators. This presentation will define the differences between good‐natured teasing and ridicule, guide the participants in applying several familiar social communication strategies to incidents of bullying, and discuss ways we can influence school culture. Session Code: 1610 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Florida Ballroom A Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: Foundations of Telepractice in an Ever‐Changing Landscape Presenters(s): Janet Brown, Lyn Covert, Robin Alvares, David Brennan Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues. Telepractice continues to emerge within our discipline. Clinicians who thought they would never implement telehealth services several years ago are considering this option today. This session covers the environment of telepractice (licensing, reimbursement), basics of implementation with pediatrics and adults, and issues related to the foundations of technology and tele‐ethics. Session Code: 1611 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W204AB Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: Professional Ethics: Concerns From the Workplace Presenters(s): Douglas Hicks, Sharon Moss, Nicholas Bankson, Susan Brannen, Stephanie Davidson, Sheryl Amaral, Arlene Carney, Colleen O'Rourke, Stephen Oshrin, George Purvis, Earl Seaver, Patti Solomon‐Rice, Jennifer Watson, Glenn Waguespack Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues. This ASHA Board of Ethics session will complement other invited sessions by using role play to highlight ethical challenges encountered in our professional lives. Through case presentations, audience members will consider approaches that can be used to minimize the occurrence of ethical violations and discuss professional responsibilities for reporting violations. Session Code: 1612 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W222A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Cultural and Linguistic Considerations Across the Discipline Title: Bilingual Case Studies: Diagnosis Specific Treatment Planning & Delivery Presenters(s): Alliete Alfano, Kelly Nett Cordero, Karen Guerra, Demetria Utley Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 93 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: In recent years, the caseloads for both bilingual and monolingual speech‐language pathologists have been saturated with an increasing number of bilingual children. Effective pediatric therapeutic strategies targeted in the areas of autism, cleft palate, deaf/hard of hearing, and dysphagia will be discussed and demonstrated via case studies. Session Code: 1613 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W203AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Fluency Title: Stuttering & Bilingualism: Considerations for Differential Diagnosis Presenters(s): John van Borsel, Courtney Byrd, Michael Blomgren, Johanna T. Einarsdottir Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Fluency. Bilingualism has been suggested as a risk factor for stuttering. However, recent data indicate that bilingual speakers may be uniquely vulnerable to false positive identification of stuttering. This panel will address the manifestation of stuttering in bilinguals and critical factors to consider to facilitate differential diagnosis. Session Code: 1614 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W414CD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Fluency Title: Stuttering Grand Rounds: Four Cases Across the Lifespan Presenters(s): Lisa LaSalle, Lesley Wolk Abstract: Four cases of individuals who stutter are presented: A preschooler who stutters; a child who stutters with a concomitant phonological disorder; a school‐age child with high‐functioning autism who stutters; an adult with acquired neurogenic stuttering. Each case will include a clinical profile, a treatment plan and therapeutic strategies. Session Code: 1615 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W205BC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Global Issues and Practices Across the Discipline Title: Breaking News: ASHA's International Collaborations Presenters(s): Dolores Battle, Silvia Martinez, Arlene Pietranton, Nery Madrid Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by SIG 17: Global Issues in Communication Sciences and Related Disorders. This four‐member panel seminar, developed by SIG 17, will focus on international collaborations between ASHA, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), and the newly developed International Communication Project (ICP). The panelists will present updates on these collaborations as well as discuss the impact of the World Health Organization (WHO) Report on Disabilities. Session Code: 1616 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W308CD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Intervention/Habilitation for Infants and Children with Hearing Loss Title: What’s New With Genetics & Hearing Loss? Presenters(s): Kathleen Arnos Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by SIG 6: Hearing and Hearing Disorders: Research and Diagnostics, SIG 7: Aural Rehabilitation and Its Instrumentation, SIG 8: Public Health Issues Related to Hearing and Balance, and SIG 9: Hearing and Hearing Disorders in Childhood. This presentation will provide an update on advances in genomics, which will have an increasing impact on the diagnosis and management of individuals with genetic hearing loss. Strategies for appropriate referrals for genetic evaluation, testing and counseling, and providing meaningful follow‐up for families with hereditary hearing loss also will be discussed. Session Code: 1617 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W320 Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 94 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Interprofessional Education and Practice Title: Interprofessional Education 102: Innovations in Health Professions Education Programs Presenters(s): Gregory Lof, Nancy Scherer, Wendy Nehring, Laurie Lauzon Clabo, John McCarthy, Jeffrey DiGiovanni, Leslie Portney Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by the Convention Co‐Chairs. Programs in all health disciplines are working to implement interprofessional educational models that engage students and faculty, are reasonable to deliver, and have the potential to improve health care. In this session, participants can learn about several innovative new models that are transforming the way education is delivered. Session Code: 1618 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W307AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Intervention/Habilitation for Infants and Children with Hearing Loss Title: Speech & Language Intervention in Children With Cochlear Implants Presenters(s): Rene Gifford, Megan Roberts, Dana Kan, Rob Labadie Abstract: Recent advances in cochlear implant (CI) technology have profound implications for pediatric speech and language intervention in children with hearing loss. This session will include an update on CI optimization, techniques for facilitating pre‐ implant language learning, updates on preschool teaching methods, and methods for harnessing audio‐visual integration. Session Code: 1619 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W306AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Intervention/Rehabilitation for Adults with Hearing Loss Title: Group Aural Rehab: Evidenced‐Based Intervention for Adults With Hearing Impairment Presenters(s): Sue Ann Erdman, Nerina Scarinci, Denise Tucker, Mary Compton, Nicole Marrone Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Intervention/Rehabilitation for Adults with Hearing Loss. Group approaches to AR have been recommended since the inception of our profession but remain underutilized despite their efficiency and success. This presentation includes description of group programs and therapeutic factors that contribute to effectiveness of the group approach. Recommendations for developing AR programs in clinical settings will be discussed. Session Code: 1620 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W224FH Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: A Primer on Minimizing & Managing Problem Behaviors: 10 Principles for School‐Based Speech‐Language Pathologists Presenters(s): Richard Zipoli Abstract: School‐based SLPs often work with children with general behavior problems that have the potential to interfere with speech‐language intervention. This seminar will introduce 10 practical principles and strategies for minimizing and managing problem behaviors. Emphasis will be given to positive, proactive behavior supports and potential considerations for students with language processing difficulties. Session Code: 1621 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W209ABC Instructional Level: Advanced Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: Language Backgrounds & Language Skills of Children Living in Poverty Presenters(s): Erika Hoff Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents, Language in Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers, and SIG 1: Language Learning and Education. Children living in poverty, from English‐speaking and language minority homes, often reach school age with weak oral language skills and are at risk for school failure. This seminar will review evidence from longitudinal studies documenting the cascading influences of early language experience and developing language skills on subsequent academic outcomes. Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 95 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Session Code: 1622 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W315AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: Picture Naming Is Not Enough: Differential Diagnostic Procedures for Semantic & Phonological Word Finding Errors Presenters(s): Diane German Abstract: Lexical models representing the theoretical underpinnings of semantic and phonological WF errors patterns will be highlighted; procedures for the differential diagnosis (DD) of these error patterns will be presented (comprehension, phonemic cueing, imitation, response time, and substitution analyses); and a new test that uses these DD procedures will be shared. Session Code: 1623 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballroom G Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: Vocabulary! Supporting Students’ Mastery of the Vocabulary Expectations of the Common Core State Standards Presenters(s): Lissa Power‐deFur Abstract: Speech‐language pathologists have a vital role in ensuring student mastery of academic vocabulary. The Common Core State Standards serve as the framework for academic vocabulary expectations for K‐12 students in 44 states. This session will focus on the vocabulary expectations of the standards and evidence‐based approaches for vocabulary mastery. Session Code: 1624 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W110A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: An Activity‐Based Framework for Using Games as Clinical Interventions for Acquired Cognitive‐Communication Disorders Presenters(s): Julie Hengst, Kathleen Kortte, Raksha Mudar, Melissa Duff, Allison Clark, Kacey Maestas, Jean Neils‐Strunjas, Diane Paul Abstract: Research suggests that playing games may enhance specific brain functions. The goal of this seminar is: 1) present an activity‐based framework for analyzing game play and explore its clinical application; 2) discuss evidence for using games clinically; and 3) outline a research agenda to explore game play as clinical intervention. Session Code: 1625 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W414AB Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: Communication, Activity, & Life Participation in Adults With Aphasia: A University‐Community Partnership in the Carolinas Presenters(s): Adam Jacks, Maura Silverman, Jessica Richardson, Katarina Haley Abstract: A research collaboration will be presented between a nonprofit organization serving people with aphasia (PWA) and research teams from two universities. Initial results of a comprehensive testing protocol including measures of communication impairment and activity/participation limitations in PWA will be presented, as well as activity/participation measures for caregivers. Session Code: 1626 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W314AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: Creative Innovation in Transforming Aphaisa Treatment Presenters(s): Janet Whiteside, Christopher Stapleton, Atsusi Hirumi Abstract: Virtual Immersion Therapy (VIT) has surpassed traditional treatment for PTSD, yet the adoption of VIT in treatment of communication disorders is in its infancy. Pioneered by the presenters, this session will engage the participant in the exploration of relational immersive augmented environments, using InterPLAY Experiential Strategies with persons with aphasia. Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 96 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Session Code: 1627 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W304EFGH Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: Living With Primary Progressive Aphasia: Meaningful Strategies to Increase Functional Communication Presenters(s): Rebecca Khayum, Smita Mahajan, Emily Rogalski, Ronald Kinnamon, Sally Kinnamon, Helen Swartz, Mark Swartz, Doug Mackie, Casey Mackie Abstract: Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA) is a clinical dementia syndrome with unique management needs. This session focuses on meaningful interventions and will include a panel of three couples living with PPA. They will share personal insights regarding strategies that have helped with communication, reading, writing, and coping with changing abilities. Session Code: 1628 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballroom DE Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: Releasing the Constraints on Aphasia Therapy: The Positive Impact of Gesture & Multimodality Treatments Presenters(s): Miranda Rose Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Language Disorders in Adults. This seminar reviews the role of gesture in human communication and its use by people with aphasia. A model of speech and gesture interaction is presented to explain these roles. The evidence for constraint and multimodal aphasia therapies will be critically reviewed, and techniques of selected multimodal aphasia treatments explained. Session Code: 1629 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W109B Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: Using Audio‐Visual Speech Feedback to Improve Speech Production in Aphasia Presenters(s): Julius Fridriksson Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Language Disorders in Adults. Mimicking audio‐visual speech in real‐time improves speech fluency in some aphasic patients. Preliminary evidence suggests that audio‐visual speech mimicking is a viable approach for treating speech production in aphasia. The neural mechanism that supports audio‐visual speech mimicking as well as implications for aphasia treatment will be discussed. Session Code: 1630 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Orlando Ballroom LM Instructional Level: Advanced Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language in Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers Title: Evidence‐Based Communication Interventions for Toddlers Presenters(s): Marc Fey, MaryAnn Romski, Juliann Woods Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Language in Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers. Three communication intervention practices for toddlers will be presented. Dr. Fey will describe milieu communication teaching, Dr. Romski will discuss augmentative and alternative communication strategies, and Dr. Woods will explain parent teaching and coaching approaches used in early communication interventions. This presentation will include practical intervention and data collection strategies. Session Code: 1631 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311GH Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language in Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers Title: Getting Parents Involved in Early Language Intervention: Collaborative Goal Planning Presenters(s): Toby Stephan Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 97 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: An important component of parent‐implemented intervention is collaborative goal‐setting, laying the foundation for parents to become active participants in the intervention. This session presents a specific process for goal‐planning that engages parents and supports their role as primary interventionists. Case studies and video examples will be used. Session Code: 1632 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W312C Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language in Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers Title: Supporting Early Language Development by Making Online Decisions Presenters(s): Anne Larson, Jay Buzhardt, Naomi Schneider, Maria Valdovinos, Kerry Moore Kroneman Abstract: This session describes a web‐based system (MOD: Making Online Decisions) for supporting data‐based decision‐making by infant and toddler home visitors. We will present a case study to describe the MOD and its implementation in Early Head Start programs across four states in an ongoing waitlist randomized control trial. Session Code: 1633 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W221ABC Instructional Level: Advanced Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Language Science Title: Contemporary Issues in Language Intervention: Where Have We Come in 30 Years? Presenters(s): Sandra Gillam, Jon Miller, Laurence Leonard, Audrey Holland, John Rosenbek, Leonard LaPointe Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Language Science. This session features a panel of experts in child and adult language who were authors of the book "Contemporary Issues in Language Intervention" (1983). They will discuss the role of theory in language intervention, trends in identification and assessment, and advancements in research and technology over the past 30 years. Session Code: 1634 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W415D Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Motor Speech in Adults and Children Title: LSVT LOUD for Children With Cerebral Palsy & Dysarthria: Rationale, Data, & Implementation Presenters(s): Cynthia Fox, Lauren Pedersen, Brea Chouinard, Teresa Hardy, Haley Gynane, Reyhaneh Bakhtiari , Lorraine Ramig, Carol Boliek Abstract: We have completed a series of three studies using Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT LOUD) on children ranging from 3 to 16 years of age with cerebral palsy and dysarthria. This presentation will discuss the rationale for intensive voice treatment in this population, treatment outcome data, and real‐world implementation issues. Session Code: 1635 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311EF Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Motor Speech in Adults and Children Title: Motor Speech Disorders: Past, Present, & Future Presenters(s): Joseph Duffy Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Motor Speech in Adults and Children. This session addresses the presenter’s perspective on the efforts that have been made to understand, classify, and manage motor‐speech disorders during the past 50 years. Opinions are offered about the current state of affairs, near future opportunities, and challenges for advancing clinical research and practice in the area. Session Code: 1636 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W309AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: NeuroAudiology Title: Clinical & Intraoperative Electrocochleography (EcohG) for Superior Semicircular Canal Dehiscence (SSCD) Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 98 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Presenters(s): Gregory Mannarelli, Paul Kileny Abstract: The presentation will include an overview of the neurophysiological principles of EcochG, a review of tympanic EcochG with video demonstrations, and an overview of the traditional clinical applications of this neurodiagnostic procedure. It will also cover the intraoperative monitoring (IOM) techniques and protocols utilized during SSCD repair surgery. Session Code: 1637 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W109A Instructional Level: Advanced Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Research Across the Discipline Title: Research Symposium: Language Impairment in the ADHD Context Presenters(s): Sean Redmond Abstract: Co‐occurring language impairments often go undetected in individuals with ADHD limiting their academic, social, and vocational potential. This session examines the impact of ADHD on language development by comparing the psycholinguistic and socioemotional profiles of children with ADHD, SLI, and ADHD+LI. Implications for clinical policies will be discussed. Session Code: 1638 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W205A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Speech Sound Disorders in Children Title: Approaches to Vocalic & Consonantal "r" Intervention: Auditory, Acoustic, Ultrasound Presenters(s): Harriet Klein, Tara McAllister Byun, Elaine Hitchcock Abstract: Presentation introduces current findings on the relationship between "r" production and ultrasound and acoustic measurements. Findings represent support for alternative approaches facilitating authentic vocalic and consonantal "r" productions. Ultrasound images and audio recordings of typical and disordered "r" will be presented. Three approaches to correcting defective "r" will be demonstrated. Session Code: 1639 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballroom H Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: Clinical Swallowing Evaluation Across the Life Span: The Science & the Art Presenters(s): Memorie Gosa, Donna Scarborough, Michelle Renee Ciucci, Pamela Smith Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders. This session, intended for beginning clinicians, will discuss components of and procedures for the clinical evaluation of swallowing across the life span. A holistic approach to assessment will advocate, regardless of age, synthesis of clinical observations with medical and social history in determination of the most appropriate patient management plan. Session Code: 1640 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311CD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: Paying it Forward: Training Future Experts in Swallowing Diagnostics Presenters(s): Martin Brodsky, Susan Brady, Joseph Murray Abstract: This session will address adult learning theory, social cognitive theory, and level of expertise and its effect upon the performance and interpretation of instrumental swallowing exams. Participants will compare their analysis of swallowing exams to others in the audience. Training and education strategies to enhance skill development will be discussed. Session Code: 1641 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W202ABC Instructional Level: Advanced Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Vestibular/Balance Assessment and Rehabilitation Title: Essentials of Chronic Subjective Dizziness, Fear of Falling, & Other Behavioral Complications of Vestibular Disorders Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 99 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Presenters(s): Jeffrey Staab Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Vestibular/Balance Assessment and Rehabilitation. Knowledge about behavioral complications of vestibular disorders has improved dramatically. This presentation will cover recent international agreements on diagnostic definitions of the most common conditions, better strategies to identify them in clinical practice, improved treatment options, and new concepts of underlying pathophysiologic mechanisms. Session Code: 1642 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W310AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Voice and Alaryngeal Communication Title: Laryngectomy Standard of Care for the SLP: Enhancing Communication, Pulmonary Rehabilitation, & Patient Education Presenters(s): Jodi Hernandez, Brienne Ruel Abstract: This course will cover the anatomical and physiologic alterations, communication restoration, and pulmonary rehabilitation options available to patients who have undergone total laryngectomy. Specifically, tracheoesophageal voice prosthesis will be discussed including the options available, how to maintain the devices, describe post‐op HME kits and troubleshooting tips. Session Code: 1643 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Florida Ballroom BC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Voice and Alaryngeal Communication Title: New Perspectives on Enduring Voice Therapy Techniques Presenters(s): Alison Behrman, Jacqueline Gartner‐Schmidt, Marci Daniels Rosenberg, Joseph Stemple Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Voice and Alaryngeal Communication. Using demonstration, videos, interactive exercises, and lively discussions, four major approaches to voice therapy are presented: use of flow phonation to achieve resonant voice, use of public speaking techniques for dysphonic occupational voice users, semi‐occluded vocal tract exercises, and a 20‐year perspective on Vocal Function Exercises. Session Code: 1644 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 8:00:00 AM‐10:00:00 AM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Voice and Alaryngeal Communication Title: Practical Application of Singing Techniques by Speech Pathologists Presenters(s): Wendy DeLeo LeBorgne, Jennifer Muckala, Brian Petty Abstract: This course will offer speech pathologists who encounter singers within their clinical practice useful application of how, when, and why singing techniques are used within the clinical setting. Three singing voice experts will present rational and everyday application with a variety of real‐life patients. Session Code: 1645 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W312C Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: Evaluating & Teaching Causal Reasoning Skills to Determine Critical Thinking Among CSD Students Presenters(s): Richard Morris, Jade Coston, Mary Gorham‐Rowan, Kendra Scholz, Michael Bishop Abstract: An assessment for evaluating causal reasoning among CSD students is described. In addition, case‐based teaching activities that can be used to help students expand their use of their critical thinking skills are described. The relationship between these activities and the thinking skills targeted in the assessment will be discussed. Session Code: 1646 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W221DE Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: Learning to Teach: A Baby‐Step Story Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 100 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Presenters(s): Aniruddha Deshpande, Shruti Deshpande Abstract: Some speech and hearing concepts can be abstract and difficult to understand, especially for students who are new to the field. The aim of this presentation is to share innovative active‐learning strategies that the authors implemented in the classroom to elucidate challenging concepts, maintain motivation and improve student learning. Session Code: 1647 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W308AB Instructional Level: Advanced Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: The Promises & Challenges of Undergraduate Research in Communication Sciences & Disorders (CSD) Presenters(s): John Folkins, Lynne Hewitt, Tim Brackenbury, Alexander Goberman Abstract: Undergraduate research can benefit student engagement, retention, and graduation rates. It may also be a strategy for redressing the doctoral shortage in CSD. Many factors can make it difficult to build and sustain undergraduate research programs. We will outline challenges and strategies for addressing those in an engaged active‐learning format. Session Code: 1648 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W320 Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: Training Standardized Patients Without Communication Disorders to Portray Aphasia and Dysarthria: Are They Believable? Presenters(s): Carolyn Baylor, Michael Burns, Kathryn Yorkston, Jennie Struijk Abstract: Standardized patients are a key element of simulation in clinical training. Training standardized patients who do not have communication disorders to portray communication disorders poses challenges for believability. This seminar presents rationale, methods, results, and applications of training standardized patients to portray either aphasia or dysarthria. Session Code: 1649 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W315AB Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Title: Design Principles for AAC Apps: Results From Four Focus Groups Presenters(s): Jamie Boster, Caroline Snyder, John McCarthy Abstract: Using iPads as augmentative and alternative communication devices has sparked a need for appealing communication apps that meet children's communication needs as well as the goals of SLPs, children and their parents/caregivers. Results of four focus groups reveal design features that are most desirable in current and future apps. Session Code: 1650 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W415A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Title: Life During PECS: Support as an EBP & the Risk of Procedural Drift Presenters(s): Lori Frost, Jo‐Anne Matteo, Catherine Horton, Jill Waegenaere Abstract: We present a summary of the latest research support for The Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS®) and discuss the effects procedural drift on comparisons of PECS to other communication strategies. Session Code: 1651 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W208ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: The "Lunch Buddies" Program: Teaching Conversation Skills to Students With Autism Spectrum Disorders Presenters(s): Eve Muller, Courtney Goldstein, Lynn Cannon Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 101 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: This presentation describes how to implement the “Lunch Buddies” program, a curriculum based on social thinking principles that supports elementary school‐aged children with ASD and other social cognition challenges to initiate and maintain conversation with peers, and understand why conversation is important. Outcomes data will also be shared. Session Code: 1652 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W207ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: The Interview Skills Curriculum for Adolescents & Young Adults With ASD Presenters(s): Lindee Morgan, Allison Leatzow Abstract: This presentation will highlight the Interview Skills Curriculum (ISC) developed to foster the social and pragmatic skills needed during a job interview. Results of our pilot RCT with young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) will be presented along with an overview and examples of the topics addressed in ISC. Session Code: 1653 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballroom G Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: Dissecting the iPad & the APPs Inside Presenters(s): Kimberly Gully, Alison McCarthy Abstract: Whether you are a new or a seasoned iPad user there is so much to learn about the features of the device that most people overlook. This course is designed to educate users on how to fully incorporate the iPad into their toolbox of therapy tools. Session Code: 1654 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W414CD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: Leading an Effective IEP Meeting Presenters(s): Crystal Brooks, Marge Rehberg Abstract: SLPs participate in hundreds of IEPs a year as a case manager or related service. Effective meetings yield satisfaction with the outcome and a clear understanding of the expectations for the student. This session will provide the skills necessary to conduct an effective meeting, producing a meaningful and compliant IEP. Session Code: 1655 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311GH Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: Reading Body Language in Audiology & Speech Pathology: A Worthwhile Skill? Presenters(s): Samuel Atcherson, Kathy Shapley, Betholyn Gentry Abstract: Body language refers to the nonverbal signals that we use to communicate with each other. In this presentation, we explore possible applications of body language to audiology and speech‐language pathology during interprofessional communication, during professional communication with clients and their families, and with clients with various communication disorders. Session Code: 1656 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W110B Instructional Level: Advanced Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: SLPs as Change Agents: Lessons in Leading Presenters(s): Barbara Moore, Judy Rudebusch, Monica Ferguson Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 102 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: Embracing and managing change is a necessity in school settings. This interactive session will examine real‐life change efforts in the context of “Big Rocks for Leading Change.” Regardless of your position or role, you have the opportunity and responsibility to lead change. Come learn the lessons in leading. Session Code: 1657 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W415D Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Cleft Lip and Palate and Related Craniofacial Anomalies Title: Managing the School‐Aged Child Before & After Alveolar Cleft Repair Presenters(s): David Zajac, Katy Hufnagle Abstract: Children with unrepaired alveolar clefts may present with articulation difficulties that persist following surgical repair. We will review a) the typical timing of surgical and dental habilitation for children with alveolar clefts, and b) commonly encountered dental and alveolar anomalies. “How to” techniques to manage speech will be presented. Session Code: 1658 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Orlando Ballroom N Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Cultural and Linguistic Considerations Across the Discipline Title: Culture & Language Considerations Among Navajo Assessments & Interventions Presenters(s): Davis Henderson, M. Adelaida Restrepo Abstract: The presentation provides an understanding of the Navajo language and culture for SLPs working with Navajo individuals. Cultural need for determining treatment through traditional means before western needs will be discussed. The need of background knowledge for cultural and language differences in assessment and intervention will be presented. Session Code: 1659 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W205A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Cultural and Linguistic Considerations Across the Discipline Title: How They Work: Graduate SLP Programs With Bilingual/Multicultural Concentrations Presenters(s): Catherine Crowley, Christina Gildersleeve‐Neumann, Elizabeth Pena, Deborah Rhein, Barbara Rodriguez, M. Adelaida Restrepo Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Cultural and Linguistic Considerations Across the Discipline and SIG 10: Issues in Higher Education to showcase SLP programs with bilingual and multicultural concentrations for those interested in starting such a program and for prospective students. Presenters share their coursework and clinical requirements and present their own unique approaches and innovations. Session Code: 1660 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Florida Ballroom A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Cultural and Linguistic Considerations Across the Discipline Title: International Adoption: L2 English Language Acquisition in Three Amharic‐Speaking Chlildren Presenters(s): Jill Brady, Ashley Irwin, Laura Hughes, Kelly Mansfield Abstract: This research study followed the development of L2 English acquisition in three children who were adopted from an orphanage in Ethiopia. Development in the areas of semantics, morphology, and syntax skills were studied between 1 and 16 months post‐adoption, using language sample analyses and receptive language checklists. Session Code: 1661 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Orlando Ballroom LM Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Fluency Title: Developing Expertise in Working With People Who Stutter: Using Two Therapeutic Models to Individualize Therapy Presenters(s): Elaine Kelman, Sharon Millard Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 103 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: This session focuses on developing expertise in working with people who stutter. We will use two generic therapeutic models to demonstrate how clinicians can integrate a range of methods and approaches to meet the needs of the individual client. Flexibility is a key skill in proficiency development. Session Code: 1662 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W222A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Fluency Title: Stuttering Therapy With Teens: A Review of Recent Findings Presenters(s): John Tetnowski, Michael Azios, Thales De Nardo, Jennifer Tetnowski, Brent Archer, Sergey Kondrashov Abstract: This presentation will review findings of ongoing research for stuttering intervention with teens who stutter. Studies include the role of self‐help (from a teen's and parent's perspective), how successful management is self‐perceived (from both a teen's and parent's perspective), and surveys of perspectives of stuttering from both parents and teens. Session Code: 1663 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W205BC Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Global Issues and Practices Across the Discipline Title: Advances in Best Practice for International Clinical Placements: The WEIGHT Guidelines Applied to Speech‐Language Pathology Presenters(s): Lynn Ellwood, Sarah Strathy Abstract: A study that evaluated an international clinical internship program for Master’s‐level rehabilitation students at a Canadian university revealed five areas in need of strengthening. This presentation describes the WEIGHT Guidelines, the study, and a speech‐ language pathology Master’s degree program’s advances toward best practices for international clinical placements. Session Code: 1664 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W306AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Hearing Science Title: Optimizing Otoacoustic Emissions as Biomarkers for Hormone Regulation in Healthy Women Presenters(s): Shaum Bhagat, Gavin Bidelman, Monique Pousson King Abstract: Estrogen receptors are found in outer hair cells in the inner ear. Estrogen levels in women vary during the menstrual cycle. Otoacoustic emissions (OAE) recorded from the ears of women have indicated that OAEs can be modified during the menstrual cycle. This investigation evaluated OAEs as biomarkers for hormone regulation. Session Code: 1665 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W307CD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Infant and Child Hearing: Screening and Assessment Title: The Role of Tele‐audiology in the Timely Diagnosis & Management of Infants Presenters(s): Diane Behl, Deborah Hayes, Nina Antoniotti, Anne Marie Tharpe Abstract: Telepractice plays a promising role in reducing loss to follow up for those infants who cannot easily access qualified pediatric audiologists. This session will highlight several tele‐audiology programs that are underway across the country. The importance of ensuring the integration of family‐centered practices will be emphasized, along with real‐world challenges. Session Code: 1666 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W310AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Interprofessional Education and Practice Title: Speech Pathology in the Neurosurgery ICU Presenters(s): Caroline Deskin, Kim Zimmerman Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 104 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: This session is targeted towards the SLP wishing to expand his or her knowledge of the assessment and management of this unique population. The discussion focuses on medical and surgical treatments commonly seen in the NSICU, special considerations when assessing and treating NSICU patients, and making appropriate diagnoses and recommendations. Session Code: 1667 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W307AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Intervention/Habilitation for Infants and Children with Hearing Loss Title: Exploring Aural Habilitation With an Auditory Brainstem Implant Presenters(s): Brittany Hall, Sue Ann Lee, Tori Gustafson Abstract: Follow the journey of a 6‐year‐old with an auditory brainstem implant (ABI) from pre‐implantation through the first 18 months of listening. Regarding this case study, the decision‐making process to receive an ABI, auditory skill development, speech production development, and strategies/activities utilized in therapy will be discussed. Session Code: 1668 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W308CD Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Intervention/Rehabilitation for Adults with Hearing Loss Title: Progressive Tinnitus Management: Overview & Resources Presenters(s): Paula Myers, Tara Zaugg, Caroline Schmidt, James Henry Abstract: Progressive Tinnitus Management (PTM) is based on a series of clinical studies at NCRAR and the Tampa VA Hospital, and clinical experience with Veteran tinnitus patients. The model involves five hierarchical levels of management: (1) Triage, (2) Audiologic Evaluation, (3) Skills Education, (4) Interdisciplinary Evaluation, and (5) Individualized Support. Session Code: 1669 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballroom DE Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: Making Sense of Working Memory: Putting the Pieces Together for Learning Presenters(s): Melissa Wood, Christin Goelz Abstract: This presentation will discuss a user‐friendly model of working memory, as well as hands‐on activities that aid in the understanding of what working memory is, how it specifically relates to student learning, and practical ways to improve students’ abilities to accommodate for working memory deficits. Session Code: 1670 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Florida Ballroom BC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: The Acquisition of Complex Language Skills in Children & Adolescents With Developmental Disabilities Presenters(s): Steven Warren, Nancy Brady, Lizbeth Finestack, Audra Sterling, Rouzana Komesidou, Leonard Abbeduto, Eileen Haebig Abstract: The development of complex language skills is among the most significant challenges faced by children and adolescents with developmental disabilities such as Down syndrome, fragile X syndrome, and autism. This session will focus on analytic approaches and outcomes of three studies of grammatical development in individuals with these disorders. Session Code: 1671 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W304EFGH Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: Using RTI to Appropriately Identify Speech & Language Disorders in Schools: From Teachers to SLPs Presenters(s): Rachel Powell, Ashley Meaux, Crystal Randolph Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 105 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: Response to Intervention (RTI) is a widely used practice in schools that when used effectively can be appropriate for identifying students with communication deficits. However, teacher knowledge of speech and language development in children should be a significant factor when utilizing RTI, since the process begins with the classroom teacher. Session Code: 1672 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W314AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: Aphasia Therapy Through the Arts Presenters(s): Mona Greenfield, Nicole Apostolou, Ellayne Ganzfried Abstract: Aphasia therapy through the arts provides an enriching milieu to facilitate communication skills. Listening, speaking, reading, and writing can be enhanced through art. Specific interventions, projects, and films demonstrating these techniques and interviews with persons with aphasia will be provided. Outcomes and benefits of programs discussed. Session Code: 1673 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W110A Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: Integrating Teletherapy, Group Treatment, & Web Exercises in an Aphasia Outcome Study at SCALE Presenters(s): Richard Steele, Allison Baird, Denise McCall Abstract: We report an outcome study to assess the aphasia rehabilitation benefits of combining: a) telemedicine technologies and practices to provide individual and group treatment for individuals with aphasia; and b) therapy exercises accessible from clients’ home computers for practice, and from clinicians’ computers for individualized activity review and treatment plan management. Session Code: 1674 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W209ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language in Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers Title: Evaluating the Reliability & Validity of a Computer‐Based Language Assessment Presenters(s): Amy Pace, Paula Yust, Jill Devilliers, Aquiles Iglesias, Mary Wilson, Roberta Golinkoff, Kathy Hirsh‐Pasek, Andrea Takahesu Tabori, Katherine Ridge, Kristina Strother‐Garcia Abstract: This presentation evaluates the reliability and validity of a computer‐administered assessment that provides a short, interactive, and culturally neutral measure of 3‐ to 6‐year‐old children’s vocabulary and grammar. The test measures the product (what children know) and process (how children learn to map novel words) of language learning. Session Code: 1675 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W224ABCD Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Literacy Assessment and Intervention Title: Formative Assessment of Beginning Writers Using the Developmental Writing Scale & Text Type Diversity Measure Presenters(s): Kathleen Cali, Janet Sturm Abstract: The purpose of this session is to examine how SLPs and other team members can use the Developmental Writing Scale in conjunction with the Text Type Diversity Measure as formative assessment tools to monitor the progress of beginning writers in grades K─2. Session Code: 1676 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W415BC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Literacy Assessment and Intervention Title: Phonological Access in Deaf Undergraduate Native American Sign Language Users Presenters(s): Karen Garrido‐Nag, Amanda Strasser, Lawrence Pick, Daniel Koo Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 106 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: One prevailing assumption about how deaf readers become stronger readers is that they are able to employ phonological awareness skills. This study examines the cognitive, linguistic, and reading profiles of skilled and developing deaf undergraduate readers who are native American Sign Language users. Session Code: 1677 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W109B Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Motor Speech in Adults and Children Title: Comprehensive Assessment & Treatment of Speech Intelligibility Difficulties in Individuals With Down Syndrome Presenters(s): Libby Kumin Abstract: Presentation will include a review of the literature on specific characteristics affecting speech intelligibility in individuals with Down syndrome. A framework and checklist form that can be used to develop a comprehensive formal and informal assessment and forms that can be used for evidence based treatment planning will be included. Session Code: 1678 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballroom H Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Motor Speech in Adults and Children Title: Treating Childhood Apraxia of Speech With Integral Stimulation Presenters(s): Salvatore Brienza Abstract: This session will provide evidence‐based assessment and treatment strategies for Childhood Apraxia of Speech. Explanation and demonstrations of hierarchical cueing techniques, and discussion and illustration of how to apply the principles of motor learning to motor‐speech movements will be highlighted. A new evidence‐based assessment protocol will also be discussed. Session Code: 1679 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W309AB Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: NeuroAudiology Title: Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring for Microvascular Decompression Surgery in Patients With Hemifacial Spasm Presenters(s): William Mustain Abstract: Microvascular decompression surgery for treatment of hemifacial spasm offers the opportunity for a unique application of intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring. This presentation discusses the use of spontaneous and evoked EMG monitoring to verify successful surgical decompression of the facial nerve and auditory brainstem evoked response monitoring to safeguard hearing. Session Code: 1680 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W202ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: NeuroAudiology Title: Presbycusis: Emerging Solutions to Old Problems Presenters(s): Ann Clock Eddins, David Eddins Abstract: Effective solutions to deficits associated with age‐related hearing loss (ARHL) must address remediation targets that include speech in noise, temporal processing, spatial hearing, loudness perception, and tinnitus. We will highlight target‐related deficits and underlying mechanisms in the context of biomarkers of ARHL as well as established and emerging treatment approaches. Session Code: 1681 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐12:30:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W109A Instructional Level: Advanced Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Research Across the Discipline Title: Research Symposium: Development & Mechanisms of Language Impairment in ASD: Parallels with Other Language Disorders Presenters(s): Helen Tager‐Flusberg Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 107 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: Current research has highlighted the overlap among a range of complex neurodevelopmental disorders that is seen in underlying biology, family history and behavioral phenotypes. This talk focuses on the parallels and differences in early risk markers, developmental trajectories and neurocognitive mechanisms in autism and specific language impairment. Session Code: 1682 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballrom IJ Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Speech Sound Disorders in Children Title: Longitudinal Evaluation of the Speech & Literacy Profile of Children With Inconsistent Speech Errors Presenters(s): Brigid McNeill, Gail Gillon Abstract: Inconsistent speech production has been forwarded as a potential diagnostic marker of CAS despite limited data regarding its utility. This prospective study examined 38 children with inconsistent speech over 2 years to examine the stability of this feature and its interaction with other aspects of speech, oromotor, and literacy development. Session Code: 1683 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311CD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: Burn Rehabilitation: The Role of the SLP Presenters(s): Michelle Spady Abstract: This presentation will provide evidence‐based recommendations for the SLP working within burn rehabilitation. Pediatric case studies, video examples, and diadactic instruction will be provided regarding: dysphagia, scar massage, splinting, microstomia, dysphonia, respiratory rehabilitation, communication, and cognitive‐linguistic evaluations within all phases of rehabilitation (acute, intermediate, long‐term). Session Code: 1684 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W204AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: Dysphagia Management Across the Continuum of Care in Oral Cancer Patients Following Free Flap Reconstruction Presenters(s): Meryl Kaufman, Lauren Ottenstein, J. Trad Wadsworth, Mark El‐Deiry Abstract: This presentation reviews current surgical techniques for removal and reconstruction of oral tumors, and reviews pre‐ operative, early post‐operative, and late post‐operative dysphagia evaluation and management techniques to maximize swallowing outcomes and promote long‐term swallow‐related quality of life. Session Code: 1685 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311AB Instructional Level: Advanced Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: Interpretation of Pharyngeal Manometry: What Is Normal? Presenters(s): Corinne Jones, Timothy McCulloch Abstract: For pharyngeal manometry to be clinically useful, it is necessary for us to understand how swallowing pressures are generated in typically functioning individuals. Normative data throughout adulthood and new methods of pressure visualization will be discussed and compared to cases of abnormal pharyngeal pressure generation. Session Code: 1686 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W221ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: Passy‐Muir Speaking Valve: Awakening a Child’s Upper Airway to Unleash Speech & Swallow Potential Presenters(s): Katy Peck Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 108 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: Creative approaches to assessment and intervention with the pediatric tracheotomized population will be highlighted through case studies. Common behavioral and medical barriers associated with one‐way valve use will be presented with guided critical thinking to optimize outcomes reinforced. Methods to assure interdisciplinary collaboration and facilitate patient advocacy will be presented. Session Code: 1687 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W224FH Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: Sensory Modulation Techniques for the Cognitively Involved Dysphagic Individual in the Dinning Environment Presenters(s): Joan Arsenault, Jane Musgrave Abstract: Sensory Modulation is a new direction in behavioral health with significant implication for treatment of dysphagic individuals. When sensory processes are impaired there is very likely to be an impact upon swallowing. This session will provide techniques for utilizing the senses in the process of eating, swallowing, and dinning. Session Code: 1688 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311EF Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: Standardization of Videofluoroscopic Swallowing Assessment in Bottle‐Fed Children Presenters(s): Maureen Lefton‐Greif, Bonnie Martin‐Harris Abstract: Speech‐language pathologists make critical decisions for medically fragile children on the basis of videofluoroscopic swallow study (VFSS) images. Although the MBS‐IMP established the clinical utility of standardized assessment in adults, objective measures for children are lacking. This presentation introduces a novel tool to quantify VFSS examinations in bottle‐fed children. Session Code: 1689 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W414AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: To Eat or Not to Eat: Ethical Dysphagia Management Presenters(s): Kristie Soriano, Lynn Cerillo Abstract: As our role in dysphagia management continues to evolve, the balancing act between safety and quality of life for patients is very challenging. Through case presentations/interactive discussion we will provide some ethical principles: alternate options to restricted diets and how to have more meaningful conversations with patients, caregivers, and their physicians. Session Code: 1690 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W206ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Traumatic Brain Injury Title: Traumatic Brain Injury in Young Children Presenters(s): Juliet Haarbauer‐Krupa Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Traumatic Brain Injury. TBI is the leading cause of acquired disability in children. This presentation will provide information on outcomes for children age 5 or younger and results from a federally funded study on cognitive, language, and literacy outcomes for children ages 6─9 years with a history of TBI at age 5 or younger. Session Code: 1691 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 10:30:00 AM‐11:30:00 AM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W203AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Voice and Alaryngeal Communication Title: Guide for the Non‐Singer SLP in Management of the Dysphonic Singer Presenters(s): Linda Carroll, Wendy LeBorgne, Judith Wingate Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 109 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: Evaluation and management of the singer creates a dichotomy of the ability to treat the laryngeal pathology vs. comfort managing the performance demands, vocabulary, and expectations of the patient. We address management of the singer patient, as well as describe musical vocabulary and acoustic features of the singer’s world. Session Code: 1692 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐2:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W221DE Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: Collaboration Between Clinic & Academia: An Ideal Way to for Graduate Students to Learn Presenters(s): Donna Tippett, Kimberly Webster, Diana Emanuel, Nan Bernstein Ratner, Wanda Colston Abstract: Modification of graduate school coursework is a topic of both longstanding and recent concern, with needed changes suggested to better prepare trainees for independent professional practice in medical settings. We will describe collaboration with area universities, resulting in innovative graduate courses in neuroanatomy, dysphagia, and medical speech pathology. Session Code: 1693 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐2:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W312C Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: Implementing Provisional Certified Brain Injury Specialist Training in Your Graduate Program Presenters(s): Kathryn Hardin, Bryan Ness Abstract: The Provisional Certified Brain Injury Specialist (PCBIS) program is a new option for clinical educators seeking to bolster training in traumatic brain injury management. This presentation will feature first‐hand accounts of two clinical educators who integrated PCBIS into their respective graduate curricula. Perceived benefits, challenges, and suggestions will be discussed. Session Code: 1694 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐2:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Orlando Ballroom N Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: Language & Literacy Camp: How a University Clinic Expanded Its Service Delivery Models Presenters(s): Elizabeth Lanter Abstract: A language and literacy clinic expanded the repertoire of transdisciplinary service delivery models in one university clinic. Across two summers, 25 children with language and literacy challenges were instructed by speech‐language pathology students mentored by a team of professionals. This presentation discusses the clinical goals and service delivery model employed. Session Code: 1695 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐2:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W205BC Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: MOSSAIC: Undergraduate Clinical Opportunity Presenters(s): Jennifer Schoffer Closson, Bethany Rigles Abstract: MOSSAIC (Mentoring, Organization, and Social Support for Autism Inclusion on Campus) is designed to support people on campus with autism or related disorders. Peer‐mediated instruction and intervention is implemented by matching mentors, juniors, and seniors in the Communicative Sciences and Disorders program with mentees and UM students with autism. Session Code: 1696 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐2:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W203AB Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Title: Core Vocabulary Implementation in the Classroom: A 3‐Year Perspective Presenters(s): Erin Colone Peabody, Annette Champion, Mark Howard, Brenda Brannigan Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 110 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: This presentation focuses on the use of core vocabulary to facilitate language development in an elementary school special education classroom. Implementation strategies used by the teacher and supporting therapists will be explained. The subsequent extension of this project across a school corporation is described and benefits and challenges are highlighted. Session Code: 1697 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐2:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W224FH Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Title: Models of Parent‐implemented AAC Intervention for Children With Severe Autism Presenters(s): Oliver Wendt, Miriam Boesch, Ning Hsu, Kara Simon, Katelyn Warner, Ryan Robertson Abstract: This session will present two different models of parent‐implemented AAC intervention in autism. Families were coached to use an iPad to teach functional communication using either a modified Picture Exchange Communication System or naturalistic and incidental teaching. Effects on requesting skills and emerging speech were evaluated through single‐subject research designs. Session Code: 1698 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐2:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W207ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: Autism Spectrum Disorders: Gearing Up for Reality Presenters(s): Pamela Wiley, Betholyn Gentry Abstract: During the teen and adult years individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) frequently experience vocational failure. The purpose of this presentation is to review the development and outcome of a prevocational training program for teens with high‐ functioning ASD, designed to ease the transition from high school to employment. Session Code: 1699 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐2:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W414AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: Facilitating Vocal Repetition for the Purpose of Increasing Vocal Language Presenters(s): Janine Shapiro Abstract: The presenter will explain why vocal repetition is an important foundational skill for the building of a large, spontaneous, vocal language repertoire. Specific, evidence‐based techniques for increasing vocal repetition will be described. Lastly, two surprisingly easy and research‐supported techniques to transfer repetitions to spontaneous language will be demonstrated. Session Code: 1700 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐2:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W315AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: Masha & Bear: Using a Russian TV Show to Build Social Understanding? Da! (Yes!) Presenters(s): Anna Vagin Abstract: Materials showing social movement provide a great tool to build social thought. Learn how you can use a Russian TV show to focus on nonverbal information, build perspective taking, understand feeling states, predict plans, and problem solve! Leave with activities to use immediately. Absolutely no Russian required! Session Code: 1701 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐2:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W208ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: Narrative Intervention for Children With Autism: Targeting Core Symptoms Presenters(s): Daphne Hartzheim, Sandra Laing Gillam, Ron Gillam Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 111 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine whether a narrative program designed to increase knowledge of mental state and causal language improved narrative proficiency for five school‐aged children with autism. A multiple baseline, across participants design was employed. All children demonstrated gains in narrative, and knowledge of mental/causal language. Session Code: 1702 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐2:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W314AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: Parent‐Mediated Intervention for Spanish‐Speaking Families of Toddlers & Preschoolers With Autism Presenters(s): Jessica Kinard, Linda Watson Abstract: This session will present original research about implementing a parent‐mediated intervention with Spanish‐speaking families of young children with autism. Clinical implications will be discussed, along with video examples. The presentation is targeted toward speech‐language pathologists who provide services to young children with autism from Hispanic families. Session Code: 1703 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐2:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311GH Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: Everything Old Is New Again Presenters(s): Lisa Milliken, Joanne Wisely Abstract: Bundled payment, functional outcomes, and quality measures have crept into our clinical vocabulary. Should they impact clinical decisions? Do they align with evidenced‐based practice? Is there impact on compensation for services? These questions and more will be addressed to align your patient care with the evolution of health care. Session Code: 1704 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐2:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W222A Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: Social Media for SLPs: Leveraging Online Platforms to Connect & Advance Your Practice Presenters(s): Faye Stillman, John Dimino, Kate Williams, Rachel Wynn Abstract: In this 1‐hour panel discussion, the presenters will share research, examples, and personal experiences regarding the ways online communities and social media can advance the field, offer real‐time clinical feedback from all over the world, and build important partnerships among SLPs who work with adults. Session Code: 1705 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐2:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Florida Ballroom BC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: Top 20 Telepractice Techniques & Materials: Bridging Table‐Top Skills With Telepractice Competencies to Engage Clients Presenters(s): Nathan Curtis, Amy Reid Abstract: This presentation provides a step‐by‐step method to structure telepractice sessions to fully engage clients. Videos will model how we develop routines using authentic materials and repurposed web‐based resources. Innovative engagement techniques will be demonstrated. Bridging clinical skills from table‐top to telepractice therapy will be illustrated. Telepractice competencies will be listed. Session Code: 1706 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐2:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W205A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Cultural and Linguistic Considerations Across the Discipline Title: A European Union Project to Develop Assessments for Language Impairments in Multilingual Societies Presenters(s): Carol Westby, Seyhun Topbas, Sharon Armon‐Lotem, Helen Grech Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 112 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Cultural and Linguistic Considerations Across the Discipline to share outcomes of the COST/IS0804 EU networking and collaboration project from 30 countries conducted to develop assessments for mono/bilingual children with SLI. We will address the work carried out which shed light on the problem of identifying minority populations. Session Code: 1707 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐2:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W415D Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Cultural and Linguistic Considerations Across the Discipline Title: Latino Families in Transition: Quest for Services Presenters(s): Carolyn Conway Madding, Sinead Campbell Cortes Abstract: The authors will present profiles of Latino children with communicative disorders and their immigrant families. Information from phenomenological research will demonstrate the struggles of non‐English─speaking parents in their transi on to life in the United States, and the quest for available and affordable services for their children. Session Code: 1708 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐2:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W415A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Fluency Title: American Indian Perceptions of Stuttering Presenters(s): Ann Beste‐Guldborg, Kenneth St. Louis Abstract: Negative attitudes toward stuttering are widespread. Little is known about American Indian attitudes toward stuttering. This study examines perceptions of stuttering in American Indians using the POSHA‐S. Results indicated positive beliefs about stuttering and neutral reactions to it. Results parallel the POSHA‐S database median and are similar among tribal groups. Session Code: 1709 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐2:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W202ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Fluency Title: Practical Ideas for Providing Group Therapy Services for Those Who Stutter Presenters(s): Patricia Reed, Melissa Bruce, Katie Barrow Abstract: This presentation delineates a collaborative style of treating fluency clients with the focus on group intervention. The use of clinic team meetings as a forum for problem‐solving and enhancing functional treatment outcomes for clients will be described. Discussion will include viable ways of implementing group intervention in school/clinic settings. Session Code: 1710 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐2:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W306AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Global Issues and Practices Across the Discipline Title: Humanitarian Audiology: Are You Making a Difference? Presenters(s): Ingrid McBride, Gail Belus Abstract: The ethics of humanitarian service delivery models and the essential elements of a successful short‐term program will be examined including relevant data on the effectiveness of fitting hearing aids in a developing country. The importance of developing a sustainable program will be stressed. Session Code: 1711 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐2:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W308CD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Hearing Science Title: What Can the cABR Tell Us About Temporal Processing Deficits in Older Adults? Presenters(s): Samira Anderson Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 113 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: The auditory brainstem response to complex sounds (cABR) is an objective measure of temporal processing deficits. In older adults, decreased temporal processing affects the ability to hear in noisy backgrounds. The cABR can be used to predict speech‐in‐noise performance and to assess treatment outcomes. Session Code: 1712 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐2:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W308AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Interprofessional Education and Practice Title: Interprofessional Education & Audiology: What it is, a Good Example, & the (Perceived) Barriers Presenters(s): Robert Burkard, Robert Moore, Neil Shepard Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Interprofessional Education and Practice and SIG 6: Hearing and Hearing Disorders: Research and Diagnostics. It is currently touted that interprofessional education (IPE) will lead to better value in healthcare. We will describe IPE, give an overview of the (perceived) barriers to its use, and provide an example of audiologists as part of a multidisciplinary team where the patients clearly benefit from this approach. Session Code: 1713 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐2:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311CD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Interprofessional Education and Practice Title: The Evolution of Interprofessional Education: Marshall University’s Practice & Perspective Presenters(s): Pamela Holland, Karen McNealy, Penny Kroll , Ryan Kerns Abstract: This session will present the evolution of integrating Interprofessional Education into the curricula at Marshall University in an effort to address escalating healthcare costs, an aging population, and costly medical errors, often due to miscommunication. New approaches to training students are necessary to prepare professionals entering the workforce. Session Code: 1714 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐2:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W307CD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Intervention/Habilitation for Infants and Children with Hearing Loss Title: The Importance of Collaboration Between Educational & Medical Providers Presenters(s): Lisa Weiss Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Infant and Child Hearing: Screening and Assessment & Intervention/Habilitation for Infants and Children with Hearing Loss. This presentation will focus on confidentiality laws in both the medical and education communities and laws supporting children’s rights in education. The speaker has both professional and personal experience in these areas as she is practicing special education law at the Colorado Department of Education and has a son with auditory neuropathy and bilateral cochlear implants. Session Code: 1715 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐2:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W307AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Intervention/Rehabilitation for Adults with Hearing Loss Title: Opening Doors to Communication With Aural Rehab Presenters(s): Carrie Spangler, K. Todd Houston, Andrea Bell, Elizabeth Case, Kristen Haupt Abstract: Adults with hearing loss may feel isolated along with their spouse or life partners. This session will examine a model of adult aural rehabilitation that incorporates individual and group therapy, community‐based intervention, and telepractice. Interprofessional collaboration and other communication strategies that can be utilized in your practice will also be addressed. Session Code: 1716 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐2:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W109B Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: Evidence‐Based Therapy Materials to Foster School Language in 4‐ to 9‐Year‐Old Children From Diverse Backgrounds Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 114 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Presenters(s): Ondene van Dulm, Frenette Southwood, Thomas Roeper, Barbara Zurer Pearson Abstract: Later‐developing language structures, such as complex wh‐questions, passives, and narratives, have been identified as a locus of language impairment, but few available materials focus on fostering the skills identified as sources of difficulty. This presentation provides case studies and validation procedures for bilingual therapy materials designed to fill that gap. Session Code: 1717 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐2:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W221ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: Language & Literacy Within Inquiry‐ & Project‐Based Learning Presenters(s): Lisa Hiley, Kathleen Cali Abstract: Inquiry‐based and project‐based learning frameworks provide opportunities for students to develop 21st Century Learning Skills as they are actively engaged in their learning. Speech‐language pathologists are uniquely positioned to provide interventions that support the development of these essential skills (communication, collaboration, and creation) within the context of IBL and PBL. Session Code: 1718 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐2:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W414CD Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: Pairing EVEN MORE Picture Books & Apps to Contextually Address Language Objectives Presenters(s): Sean Sweeney Abstract: Support for using picture books in intervention is long‐standing and relevant to the development of language skills. Books pair with apps with similar contexts to serve as visual, interactive post‐reading activities. Revisiting a popular topic from ASHA 2012‐ 2013, this presentation describes overlaps between books and apps and suggestions for interventions. Session Code: 1719 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐2:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W110B Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: The Common Core: Practical Applications for Classroom Intervention Presenters(s): Michael Maykish, Perry Flynn Abstract: This interactive presentation will provide ideas for classroom‐based intervention focused on Common Core Standards. A variety of grade‐level activities will be demonstrated and participants will be guided through planning their own activities based on a case study and specified topic. Session Code: 1720 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐2:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W304EFGH Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: Dementia 101 for Students & New Clinicians: Changing Lives Through a Functional Approach Presenters(s): Rachel Wynn, Rebecca Khayum Abstract: Improve outcomes for clients with dementia via functional assessment, goal‐writing, and treatment. Through functional treatment clinicians will improve their confidence in treating dementia, while improving quality of life for their clients and families. Content is suitable for SLPs working in the SNF, outpatient, or home health settings. Session Code: 1721 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐2:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W110A Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: Mastering Dementia Therapy—A Clinician's Guide Presenters(s): Nancy Shadowens, Margaret Watson Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 115 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: The focus of the presentation is to provide an overview including understanding dementia, the importance of staging, how to document effectively and prove medical necessity, write productive goals, and implement evidence‐based interventions for successful outcomes with utilization of case studies and video examples. Session Code: 1722 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐2:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballroom G Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: The Reality of Going Back to Work With Aphasia Presenters(s): Debbie Yones, Danniella Muheim, Jacqueline Hinckley Abstract: More than 25% of people who suffer strokes each year are under the age of 65. We describe the role of the SLP in helping a person with aphasia return to work, with detailed description of goals and treatment. The person with aphasia will recount her reflections on the process. Session Code: 1723 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐2:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W204AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language in Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers Title: ABC to XYZ: What the Research Says About Alphabet Instruction & How Young Children Learn Presenters(s): Lucy Paulson, Kendra Emmett, Jane Reynolds Abstract: Letter knowledge in early kindergarten is highly predictive of later literacy learning. A variety of instructional procedures are used in teaching the alphabet with a range of learning expectations. This presentation will discuss the research on effective instructional strategies and what children should be learning. Session Code: 1724 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐2:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W209ABC Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language in Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers Title: Can I Swipe? E‐books Transform Learner Communication in Shared Reading by Mothers & Language‐Impaired Children Presenters(s): Kathrin Rees, Jackie Morrison‐Visentin, Susan Rvachew Abstract: Shared storybook reading is known to be a particularly rich context for the development of young children’s language and emergent literacy skills. Observations from a project that examined how mother‐child dyads adapt to the task of co‐reading, when using a specific type of "interactive" e‐book app, will be presented. Session Code: 1725 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐2:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W224ABCD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language Science Title: Use of Collaborative Syntactic Priming Activities in Foreign Language Teaching—Illustration, Efficacy & Clinical Implications Presenters(s): Monika Pawlowska Abstract: Collaborative syntactic priming activities have been developed to teach syntactic constructions to learners of English as a Foreign Language (EFL). Research on efficacy of EFL instruction using such activities will be reviewed and implications for clinical practice with school age/adolescent clients with language impairment will be discussed. Session Code: 1726 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐2:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballroom DE Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Literacy Assessment and Intervention Title: Making Sense of Text: The Role of Higher‐Level Language Skills in Reading Comprehension Development Presenters(s): Kate Cain Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Literacy Assessment and Intervention. Reading comprehension involves the coordination of language skills and cognitive resources to construct a mental model of the text’s meaning. I will review Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 116 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions research that demonstrates how, beyond word‐ and sentence‐level understanding, higher‐level language skills are critical to successful reading comprehension development. Session Code: 1727 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐2:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballroom H Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Motor Speech in Adults and Children Title: Improving Speech Production in Individuals With Acquired Apraxia of Speech Presenters(s): Angela Van Sickle‐Bednarz, James Dembowski Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine whether individuals with apraxia of speech improved accuracy of word production using sentence completion. Tasks to facilitate differentiation of word retrieval deficits and motor speech deficits in individuals with apraxia of speech and aphasia were incorporated. Session Code: 1728 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐2:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W310AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Motor Speech in Adults and Children Title: Somatosensory Feedback & Principles of Motor Learning in Speech Sound Disorders: An Evidence‐Based Clinical Workshop Presenters(s): Gordy Rogers Abstract: There has been increased recent interest in the research community regarding the applicability of somatosensory feedback and principles of motor learning in normal and disordered speech production. This clinician‐focused workshop integrates a summary of recent research findings with the latest in device‐based technology to provide actionable therapy strategies. Session Code: 1729 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐2:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W309AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: NeuroAudiology Title: Auditory Steady State Response (ASSR): A Tutorial Presenters(s): Shruti Deshpande Abstract: The aim of this presentation is to provide a comprehensive review of the ASSR including recent advances. The ASSR is a unique electrophysiologic procedure and the presentation will focus on clinically relevant information for students. It will also serve as a refresher for audiologists already familiar with the technique. Session Code: 1730 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐2:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W415BC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: Addressing Behavioral Feeding Disorders in the School Setting Using an Interdisciplinary Team Approach Presenters(s): Emily Homer, Kim Priola Abstract: This session will identify behavioral feeding issues in the schools including picky eaters and children with significant food aversion. A procedure utilizing an interdisciplinary team approach to assessment and treatment that involves the SLP, OT, behavior specialist, nurse, and classroom staff and its adaptation in other districts, will be presented. Session Code: 1731 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐2:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311EF Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: Creation of a Single Ventricle Clinic: How Pediatric Dysphagia Brought an Interdisciplinary Team Together Presenters(s): Michelle Lynn DiMattia, Katherine Steere, Rozelle Corda, Anne Ferris, Ganga Krishnamurthy, Sophia Chrisomalis‐Dring, Ellen Shaw Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 117 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: Hypoplastic left heart syndrome is rare, requiring three surgeries from birth to age 4, as the left ventricle is incompletely formed. Dysphagia/poor feeding are common. The SLP’s role in managing these issues is integral. An interdisciplinary team is created to maximize growth and feeding potential during this process. Session Code: 1732 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐2:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W206ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: Guiding Patients From Post‐Radiation Stricture to Success Presenters(s): Amy Baillies, Molly Knigge Abstract: It has become important for clinicians across the spectrum of health care to become skilled at identifying risk factors associated with radiation treatment, specifically development of pharyngoesophageal stricture. In this session, imaging strategies, and treatment planning for post‐radiation and laryngectomy patients suffering from stricture will be explored. Session Code: 1733 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐2:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballrom IJ Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: Pleural Confusion: Interpreting Radiographic Chest Imaging: 2014 Update Presenters(s): Towino Paramby, Lisa Evangelista Abstract: Atelectasis? Bronchiectasis? Pleural effusion? Terminology used to describe radiographic imaging can be confusing to clinicians. It is important to understand the clinical findings of chest pathology and its relation to the practice of swallowing and swallowing disorders. This presentation will develop clinical decision‐making needed to determine aspiration‐related pneumonia. Session Code: 1734 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐2:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311AB Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: Simultaneous Clinical & Instrumental Swallow Evaluations: Findings & Consequences Presenters(s): Steven Leder, Debra Suiter, Heather Warner Abstract: Blinded comparisons between simultaneous clinical swallowing evaluations (CSE) and fiberoptic endoscopic evaluations of swallowing (FEES) were made. No agreement occurred between CSE and FEES regarding pharyngeal/laryngeal anatomy/physiology, bolus flow characteristics, or diet recommendations. CSE does not have good clinical utility for determining pharyngeal dysphagia. Consequences of these results are discussed. Session Code: 1735 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐2:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Orlando Ballroom LM Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Traumatic Brain Injury Title: Neurocognitive Assessment in Children Recovering From Brain Injury Presenters(s): Gillian Hotz, Elena Plante Abstract: Neurocognitive assessment during recovery from pediatric traumatic brain injury or acquired brain injury is essential when developing rehabilitation goals. The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a brief neurocognitive assessment, the Pediatric Test of Brain Injury to provide objective data for tracking recovery and providing treatment recommendations. Session Code: 1736 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐2:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W320 Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Traumatic Brain Injury Title: Transitions Post‐Brain Injury: How May a Speech‐Language Pathologist Help Facilitate Their Success? Presenters(s): Therese O'Neil‐Pirozzi Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 118 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: Following brain injury, individuals typically experience multiple transitions in roles, life participation, and living situations over time. This study will present feedback from a group of chronic brain injury survivors regarding their transition experiences and, related to that feedback, strategies that speech pathologists may use to facilitate the transition experience. Session Code: 1737 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1:00:00 PM‐2:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Florida Ballroom A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Voice and Alaryngeal Communication Title: Shaping a Loud, Good‐Quality Voice in LSVT LOUD Presenters(s): Angela Halpern, Elizabeth Peterson, Cynthia Fox, Lorraine Ramig Abstract: The target voice in LSVT LOUD(TM) is normal loudness with healthy voice quality. LSVT LOUD faculty will discuss strategies for achieving this maximally efficient voice within the LSVT LOUD protocol. Troubleshooting techniques to determine why a client may be having difficulty producing a louder, good‐quality voice will be described. Session Code: 1738 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1:30:00 PM‐3:30:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W109A Instructional Level: Advanced Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Research Across the Discipline Title: Research Symposium: Childhood Language Development After Early Cochlear Implantation Presenters(s): John Niparko, Ann Geers Abstract: This session will report on an NIDCD‐funded longitudinal investigation of spoken language outcomes after early cochlear implantation. Children with similar language scores pre‐implant exhibit very different trajectories of language development. This presentation will focus on differentiating in preschool those children who overcome their initial delay from those who do not. Session Code: 1739 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 2:30:00 PM‐3:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W310AB Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: “Joint Ownership”—Interdisciplinary Pre‐Service Training for Lanugage Intervention Presenters(s): Holly Pedersen, Ann Beste‐Guldborg Abstract: Both speech‐language pathology and special education endorse interdisciplinary practices and collaboration yet these are rarely seen in pre‐service programs especially at the undergraduate level. If collaboration is expected it must be explicitly taught and modeled in pre‐service programs. This session highlights a semester‐long collaborative experience between SPED and CD students. Session Code: 1740 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 2:30:00 PM‐3:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W224ABCD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: Instructional Tools for Teaching Language Sample Analysis Presenters(s): Jon Miller, Aquiles Iglesias, Jennifer Rickard, Ann Nockerts Abstract: This session will review free materials, provided by SALT Software, to teach the important skills related to language sample analysis: lectures, tutorials, online training, case studies, practice samples. Instructional modules can be organized to provide an overview suitable for undergraduates or a more in‐depth learning experience for master’s students. Session Code: 1741 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 2:30:00 PM‐3:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W208ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: Scaffolding Research Education Throughout Undergraduate Communication Sciences & Disorders Coursework Presenters(s): Suzanne Miller, Sandra Ciocci Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 119 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: In an effort to establish a foundation for evaluating empirical studies for evidence‐based practice, we have systematically introduced our undergraduate students to research education and research skills development within the 200‐, 300‐, and 400‐level communication disorders courses. Session Code: 1742 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 2:30:00 PM‐3:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W221DE Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: Skills, Learning, Practice: What Your Clinical Supervisors Might Not Tell You Presenters(s): Leisa Harmon Abstract: This session is designed for students only! The 2014 Skills Outcomes for ASHA SLP Certification will be discussed with emphasis on underlying "keys for success" in clinical practicum placements. Student clinicians will learn what their supervisors really talk about behind closed doors and how they can become effective, independent clinicians. Session Code: 1743 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 2:30:00 PM‐3:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Orlando Ballroom N Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: Student Training in a University Setting Voice Clinic: How Do We Do It? Presenters(s): Chayadevie Nanjundeswaran, Celia Bassich, Robin Samlan Abstract: This presentation will discuss the challenges that clinical supervisors face when trying to balance efficient graduate student training and patient welfare in university voice clinics. We will propose a model in which we seek to balance the needs of the patient, student clinician, and clinical instructor. Session Code: 1744 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 2:30:00 PM‐3:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W209ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Title: Can Abandonment of AAC Be Avoided? Presenters(s): Rachel Harkawik, Kristi Williams Abstract: To support language development, AAC systems must be used. Research shows that inadequate family training along with other factors leads to device abandonment. This presentation will review factors of device abandonment and a proposed AAC group therapy that provides families with AAC education and hands‐on training. Session Code: 1745 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 2:30:00 PM‐3:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W222A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Title: From Testing to Teaching: Intervention Practices for Supporting Vocabulary Development in Students Who Use AAC Presenters(s): Gloria Soto, Carole Zangari Abstract: Students with AAC needs require extensive support to acquire new words and use them effectively. This presentation describes a revised framework for semantic intervention in AAC that addresses both core and academic vocabulary. Research‐ supported strategies for new word teaching will be discussed, along with goal‐writing and instructional activities. Session Code: 1746 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 2:30:00 PM‐3:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311GH Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Title: Syncing Language & Technology: Effective Use of the iPad in Speech Therapy Presenters(s): Elizabeth Harmon, Brenna Donovan Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 120 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: This seminar will address effective ways to guide language using supplemental visual supports in conjunction with the iPad. While the iPad can be a very motivating therapy tool, using the iPad in conjunction with visual supports appears to be a more effective intervention strategy for those with autism. Session Code: 1747 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 2:30:00 PM‐3:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: Characteristics of Adult Classroom Talk With Preschoolers With Autism Presenters(s): Lisa Audet, Sloane Burgess, Schea Fissel Abstract: Young children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are increasingly attending school, yet little is known about the quantity or quality of adult talk directed to them in school settings. This study describes and compares characteristics of adult talk when interacting with children with ASD who have high‐language and low‐language skills. Session Code: 1748 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 2:30:00 PM‐3:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311EF Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: Diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorders in Children With Hearing Loss Presenters(s): Vicki Simonsmeier, Lauri Nelson Abstract: This session presents case studies to illustrate the evaluation process for children who have both hearing loss (HL) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) using the criteria in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual DSM‐5. Session Code: 1749 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 2:30:00 PM‐3:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W414CD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: Implementing Peer‐Mediated Interventions in High Schools for Students With ASD: Guidelines & Case Examples Presenters(s): Jessica Dykstra Abstract: Peer‐mediated interventions can be effective in increasing academic engagement and social interactions for students across the autism spectrum. This presentation will provide practical strategies for implementing peer‐mediated interventions in high schools, and offer case studies and photo and video examples of interventions for high school students across the spectrum. Session Code: 1750 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 2:30:00 PM‐3:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W207ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: The Social Life! Teaching Social Skills to Young Adults With Autism on the College Campus Presenters(s): Elizabeth Delsandro, Amber Kearney Abstract: The college campus presents a variety of exciting opportunities and potentially daunting experiences for young adults on the autism spectrum. This presentation will specifically discuss the use and combination of evidence‐based strategies to promote social understanding and use of social skills in young adults with autism. Session Code: 1751 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 2:30:00 PM‐3:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W320 Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: Thinking About You Thinking About Me (With an iPad) Presenters(s): KAREN SIMON‐LEFF, Marla Carson Abstract: High school students with ASD attend a daily class incorporating social communication and iPad usage. It is one academic year in length and collaborative among a special education teacher, speech language pathologist, school psychologist, and school social worker. This presentation describes curriculum, iPad struggles and successes, and student outcome data. Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 121 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Session Code: 1752 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 2:30:00 PM‐3:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W109B Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: Charting Untraveled Waters in Health Care: The Continuous Quality Improvement Map Will Lead the Way Presenters(s): Tamala Bradham Abstract: Do you have any "waste" in your practice? Are there processes you wish you could change? Do your protocols support bundled payments for care improvement (BPCI) for episodes of care? This session will provide some navigating tools using quality improvement strategies to help chart these untraveled waters. Session Code: 1753 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 2:30:00 PM‐3:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W204AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: IDEA: I Wish I Knew Then What I Know Now! Presenters(s): Crystal Brooks Abstract: The multi‐disciplinary team evaluation report and IEP are the cornerstones of special education for SLI students. To be meaningful, the team must consider compliance with IDEA regulations and best practice. This session will provide skills to improve the quality of the required special education documentation for the school‐based SLP. Session Code: 1754 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 2:30:00 PM‐3:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W312C Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: New Age SLP: Learning & Practice Presenters(s): Joanne Wisely, Heather Pazak, Kathleen Usher Abstract: Healthcare reform is creating a new age of SLP Practice. New payment models and performance criteria require services that provide value through both quality and cost. Evidence‐based treatment, individualized planning, and the demand for results requires new clinical competencies. Current payer expectations, service models and documentation will be discussed. Session Code: 1755 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 2:30:00 PM‐3:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W415A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: Productivity Pressures in SNFs: Bottom Up and Top Down Advocacy Presenters(s): Janet Brown, Tim Nanof, Rachel Wynn Abstract: Reports of excessive productivity requirements and infringement of clinical judgment in skilled nursing facilities continue to escalate. Learn what ASHA, AOTA, and APTA are doing to address these concerns, and what individual SLPs can do to advocate for patients and themselves. Session Code: 1756 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 2:30:00 PM‐3:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W306AB Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: Starting a Nonprofit Organization for People With Communication Disorders Presenters(s): Samantha Elandary Abstract: With the ongoing cuts in insurance reimbursement for speech pathology services, SLPs may be interested in the pros and cons of starting a nonprofit organization. Attend this session to learn where to start, what factors need to be considered, and how to raise money to fund your therapy services. Session Code: 1757 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 2:30:00 PM‐3:30:00 PM Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 122 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W110A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: Telepractice for the 21st Century: The View from Two Countries Presenters(s): Michael Towey, Nathan Curtis, Robyn Henderson, Jayna Clark Abstract: Multiple video examples from telepractice sessions will be used to demonstrate the unique features of two established telepractice programs in Canada and the United States. Included will be outcome and cost data, demonstrations of therapeutic competencies, and how to access low‐cost/no‐cost telepractice platforms and web‐based treatment. Session Code: 1758 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 2:30:00 PM‐3:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W308AB Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: What’s EQ Got to Do With It? Using Emotional Intelligence to Maximize Client Potential Presenters(s): Kari Knutson Abstract: Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is a powerful tool that can inspire how we see and respond to the world around us. In this fun, practical session we'll cover tips to successfully incorporate EQ into your work with clients, ideas for connecting with family members, and tools for collaborating with other professionals. Session Code: 1759 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 2:30:00 PM‐3:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballroom DE Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Cultural and Linguistic Considerations Across the Discipline Title: Diglossic Aphasia & the Adaptation of Bilingual Aphasia Test to the Palestinian Arabic Dialect & Modern Standard Arabic Presenters(s): Reem Khamis‐Dakwar, May Ahmar , Heather Green, Karen Froud Abstract: The study investigates the recovery patterns in adults with aphasia within Arabic diglossic situation. It presents on the adaptation of Bilingual Aphasia Test (BAT) in the two language varieties to enable identification of differential impairment at the two linguistic levels. The results are discussed based on the activation threshold hypothesis. Session Code: 1760 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 2:30:00 PM‐3:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W314AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Cultural and Linguistic Considerations Across the Discipline Title: Psychosocial Problems Related to Perceptions of Dialects, Accents, & Diversity Presenters(s): Amee Shah Abstract: This presentation will expose clinicians to perceptions, judgments, and challenges the culturally and linguistically diverse population faces. As a result, it is more likely that clinicians will develop greater appreciation and show increased sensitivity in addressing the unique needs of this population. Session Code: 1761 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 2:30:00 PM‐3:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W308CD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Hearing Science Title: Improving Clinical ABR Efficiencies With CE‐Chirp Presenters(s): Sherrie Weller Abstract: CE‐Chirp and CE‐Chirp Octave Bands provide significant improvements in the Wave V amplitude with both air conduction and bone conduction transducers. Additionally, more responses at lower intensities were demonstrated with the normative data studies completed with newborns and adults using the GSI Audera. Session Code: 1762 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 2:30:00 PM‐3:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballroom H Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 123 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Topic Area: Interprofessional Education and Practice Title: Educating Students About Autism: Putting the Pieces Together Through an Integrated, Experiential Approach Presenters(s): Amy Vaughan Van Hecke, Wendy Krueger, Mary Carlson, Ashley Hynes, Julia Wesley, Morgan Ayres Abstract: The development and implementation of an interprofessional course on individuals with ASD for speech‐language pathology, psychology, and education students will be discussed, along with assessed changes in students’ knowledge and sensitivity. Aside from instruction on etiology, diagnosis, interventions, and culture of autism, service learning and multi‐disciplinary projects were incorporated. Session Code: 1763 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 2:30:00 PM‐3:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W110B Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Interprofessional Education and Practice Title: Interprofessional Tracheostomy Teams: Highlighting the SLP’s Role in Interprofessional Care Presenters(s): Leigh Anne Baker, Sherri Bridges Abstract: This presentation defines interprofessional roles and responsibilities for improving safety, satisfaction, and outcomes of patients with tracheostomy, highlighting specialized collaboration between speech‐language pathologists and respiratory therapists. Trends and professional issues in creating tracheostomy teams, educating staff, and using this knowledge in clinical practice are discussed. Session Code: 1764 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 2:30:00 PM‐3:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W414AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Interprofessional Education and Practice Title: Role of Interprofessional Education in Clinical Education: A Study Using Clinical Problem‐Solving Presenters(s): Radhika Aravamudhan, Melissa Vitek, Linda Casser, Anthony Di Stefano, Jonette Owen, Joy Henderson Abstract: Salus University’s interprofessional education (IPE) team conducted a study to evaluate the impact of IPE on student learning using clinical problem solving course. Participants were students from the optometry, audiology, and physician assistant programs. The study will evaluate student perceptions of IPE team‐based patient care using pre‐ and post‐surveys. Session Code: 1765 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 2:30:00 PM‐3:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W307CD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Intervention/Habilitation for Infants and Children with Hearing Loss Title: Investigating the Effectiveness of Telepractice With Infants & Toddlers Who Are Deaf/Hard of Hearing Presenters(s): Diane Behl, Kristina Blaiser, Gina Cook , Catherine Callow‐Heusser, Karl White Abstract: A randomized control trial to assess the outcomes and costs of telepractice delivered to infants and toddlers who are deaf/hard of hearing is presented. Results revealed positive outcomes for the TI group in expressive language as well as parent engagement. Research methods, intervention methods, and implications are highlighted. Session Code: 1766 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 2:30:00 PM‐3:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W307AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Intervention/Rehabilitation for Adults with Hearing Loss Title: Aural Rehab: The Audiologist's Key to Survival Presenters(s): Dusty Jessen Abstract: Once at the root of our profession, aural rehab has become little more than an afterthought in many busy practices. However, if we are to compete with big‐box stores and retail chains, we must return to our roots and reclaim our position as rehabilitative specialists. Our survival depends on it. Session Code: 1767 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 2:30:00 PM‐3:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballrom IJ Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 124 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: Including Cognitive Restructuring in the Treatment of Long‐Standing Selective Mutism: An Illustrative Case Report Presenters(s): Suzanne Hungerford, Fallon Tajfel, Alesa Bernat Abstract: We will present a case of a teenager with selective mutism who responded favorably to intervention. This case will be used to illustrate evidence‐based interventions for selective mutism that speech‐language pathologists can use, including cognitive restructuring, which may be applied to other cases where emotion and cognition negatively influence communication. Session Code: 1768 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 2:30:00 PM‐3:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W415BC Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: iPad to iPlay 2.0: Teaching Play Through Apps for Elementary Through Middle School Presenters(s): Tara Roehl Abstract: This presentation will introduce participants to popular tablet gaming apps and creative adaptations to improve active participation in therapeutic activities for the development of problem‐solving, speech and language development, interactive play, pragmatics, executive functioning skills, and behavior modification. Applicable for elementary to middle school clients. Session Code: 1769 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 2:30:00 PM‐3:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballroom G Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: Fitness: An Aphasia Community Group Presenters(s): Ann K. Oehring, Eric Johnson, Leora R. Cherney Abstract: The development and implementation of a community‐based class for individuals with aphasia that integrated discussion and exercise is described. Theoretical rationales, procedures, and specific examples from group sessions are presented. Factors contributing to the success of the group, outcome measures, implications for clinical practice, and healthcare delivery considerations are discussed. Session Code: 1770 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 2:30:00 PM‐3:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W221ABC Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language in Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers Title: Early Intervention Via Telepractice Presenters(s): Jeanne Flowers, Cheryl Broekelmann Abstract: The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (2004) states that children who receive early intervention services receive them in their natural environment. These services should also be family‐centered. Telepractice is an ideal solution for many families, and it lends itself to a coaching model that supports family‐centered therapy in a child’s natural environment. Session Code: 1771 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 2:30:00 PM‐3:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W315AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Literacy Assessment and Intervention Title: Overcoming the 3rd‐ & 4th‐Grade Slump: Blending Narrative & Expository Text In Children’s Literature Presenters(s): Maryellen Moreau Abstract: Integrating information text earlier in the grades prepares students to access an increasingly complex curriculum. Blending narrative and expository text selections on related topics within lessons can engage students, instigate prior knowledge, improve comprehension and expression, and develop critical thinking thus helping to pull students out of the proverbial “slump.” Session Code: 1772 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 2:30:00 PM‐3:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W304EFGH Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Literacy Assessment and Intervention Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 125 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Title: Pay It Forward: Increasing the Dosage of Inference Making in Narrative Discourse Therapy Presenters(s): Linda Liss‐Bronstein Abstract: Achieving the CCSS will depend on inference making supported by evidence from the text. A therapy protocol for teaching story grammar, literate language, and inference making will demonstrate how to increase the number of opportunities (dosage) per session for practice of text‐supported inferences in the context of narrative intervention. Session Code: 1773 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 2:30:00 PM‐3:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W205BC Instructional Level: Advanced Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Motor Speech in Adults and Children Title: An Update on DBS Mechanisms & Technological Advances in Movement Disorders Presenters(s): Aparna Shukla Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Motor Speech in Adults and Children. Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery is FDA approved therapy for Parkinson’ disease, essential tremors, and dystonia. Although 100,000 patients have undergone this procedure, our knowledge on the mechanisms underlying therapeutic actions is limited. This is an update on the current knowledge and evolving technology important to the field and the clinical practice. Session Code: 1774 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 2:30:00 PM‐3:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W309AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: NeuroAudiology Title: fMRI Predicts Post‐Implant Speech‐Language Outcomes as Measured by Clinician‐Administered Tests Presenters(s): Aniruddha Deshpande, Lirong Tan, Long Lu, Mekibib Altaye, Scott Holland Abstract: In spite of the positive effects of cochlear implantation, post‐implant speech‐language outcomes remain highly variable. The results of the current study suggest that post‐implant speech‐language performance in children, as measured by clinician‐ administered tests, may be predicted by pre‐implant functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) with auditory stimulation. Session Code: 1775 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 2:30:00 PM‐3:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W203AB Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Research Across the Discipline Title: Implementation Science: An introduction for Researchers & Clinicians Presenters(s): Rebecca McCauley Abstract: Implementation science (IS) addresses the challenge of developing research‐supported interventions that fit comfortably in real world clinical settings. This introduction summarizes a wide range of interdisciplinary efforts in IS, but focuses on methods for identifying key ingredients as a step towards streamlining interventions and maximizing their real world impact. Session Code: 1776 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 2:30:00 PM‐3:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W205A Instructional Level: Advanced Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Research Across the Discipline Title: Thinking About a PhD? Information Session for Prospective Doctoral Students Presenters(s): Jordan Green, Bernard Rousseau, Kristie Spencer, Emily Zimmerman Abstract: Prospective doctoral students will have the opportunity to listen to and ask questions of an expert panel discussing important factors to consider when selecting a Ph.D. program and competencies needed for success. This session is sponsored by the ASHA Research and Scientific Affairs Committee. Session Code: 1777 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 2:30:00 PM‐3:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W206ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Speech Sound Disorders in Children Title: Contrast Approaches for Children With Speech Sound Disorders Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 126 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Presenters(s): Carol Koch Abstract: Children with speech sound disorders (SSDs) comprise a large portion of the caseloads for speech‐language pathologists working with pre‐school and school‐age children. The challenge is to make intervention decisions designed to achieve optimal outcomes. This presentation will explore the contrastive approaches of minimal pairs, minimal, multiple, and maximal oppositions. Session Code: 1778 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 2:30:00 PM‐3:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W224FH Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: Implementation of the Palliative Care Model Into Speech‐Language Pathology Practice Presenters(s): JoBeth Vance, Caroline Nickel Abstract: Review the implementation process of an interdisciplinary supportive palliative care team that includes speech therapy services. Address ethical questions with regards to advanced care planning, dysphagia management, feeding with known risk of aspiration, and functional communication. Includes discussion of alternative nutrition hydration, patient goals, and careful hand feeding strategies. Session Code: 1779 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 2:30:00 PM‐3:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W415D Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: Long‐Term Dysphagia After Treatment for Head & Neck Cancer Part 2: Larynx Presenters(s): Jerilyn Logemann, Angela Campanelli, Linda Stachowiak, Donna Lundy Abstract: Swallow disorders are expected early after treatment for cancer of the larynx. However, severe impairments of swallowing function may be observed years after completion of cancer treatment. Part 2 of this seminar presents detailed case studies illustrating long‐term dysphagia in patients treated for cancer of the larynx. Session Code: 1780 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 2:30:00 PM‐3:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311CD Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: Medication Considerations: A Working Knowledge of Pharmacology for the Medical SLP Presenters(s): Stacey Sullivan Abstract: This presentation provides an overview of the pharmacological effects on swallow function. Clinicians will learn to access information from online resources for themselves and their patients. A case example will illustrate all the concepts presented as well as a clinical approach to evaluating medication impact on the treatment process. Session Code: 1781 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 2:30:00 PM‐3:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Florida Ballroom BC Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: Team Approach to Assessment & Management of Pediatric Airway Disorders Presenters(s): Reza Rahbar, Kara Larson Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders. This session will provide information about forming a pediatric airway clinic, highlighting the partnership between the pediatric otolaryngologist and pediatric speech‐language pathologist. Laryngeal cleft and the controversies regarding evaluation and diagnostic work up will also be addressed. Session Code: 1782 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 2:30:00 PM‐3:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Orlando Ballroom LM Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Traumatic Brain Injury Title: Case Illustrations in Integrated Project‐Oriented Literacy‐Learning Intervention for Adults With TBI Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 127 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Presenters(s): James Feeney, Melissa Capo Abstract: Individuals with TBI who have difficulty reading and writing represent a challenge to speech and language pathologists working in a variety of clinical settings. Multiple video illustrations will be used to describe an integrated, project‐oriented approach to literacy‐learning for adults with TBI, stemming from the work of Mark Ylvisaker. Session Code: 1783 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 2:30:00 PM‐3:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W202ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Traumatic Brain Injury Title: Conceptualization of a Study Skills Intelligent Software System for Persons With TBI Presenters(s): Kelly David, Janet Whiteside, Jeremiah T. Folsom‐Kovarik Abstract: Academic achievement post‐TBI is challenging. Following interviews with TBI survivors, types of supports needed for success were identified. This seminar will identify and evaluate assistive technology currently commercially available, identify gaps, and outline a study skills intelligent software program: TESS, Tailored Executive Support for Studying. Session Code: 1784 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 2:30:00 PM‐3:30:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Florida Ballroom A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Voice and Alaryngeal Communication Title: Implementing the LSVT Companion® System Into Clinical Practice Presenters(s): Elizabeth Peterson, Angela Halpern, Cynthia Fox, Lorraine Ramig Abstract: The intensive dosage of LSVT LOUD(TM) can be a barrier for speech clinicians to effectively implement in traditional clinical practice settings. The LSVT Companion® System will be presented as a technological advancement to make treatment and homework practice more accessible in a variety of clinical practice settings. Session Code: 1785 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 4:00:00 PM‐5:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311EF Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: Introducing Team‐Based Learning to a Clinical Practicum Curriculum Presenters(s): Elizabeth Burke, Wendy Marshall Chase, Jean Marie McCarthy, Lucinda Soares, Denise Van der Voort Abstract: This session will describe the process of implementing a team‐based learning protocol to the clinical curriculum at the University of Connecticut. Challenges included development of meaningful team activities and student response to peer review and readiness assessment. Successes included improved development of professionalism, communication, and critical thinking skills. Session Code: 1786 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 4:00:00 PM‐5:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W307CD Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: Is Evidence‐Based Practice Sufficient? An Inside Look at the Reflective Practices of Speech‐Language Pathologists Presenters(s): Marie‐Eve Caty, Philip Doyle, Elizabeth Anne Kinsella Abstract: A number of commentators have suggested that in addition to evidence‐based practice, reflective practice is required for effective clinical practice in the health professions. Yet little research has examined how SLPs and other healthcare practitioners actually engage in reflective practice. Findings from this study address this research gap. Session Code: 1787 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 4:00:00 PM‐5:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311GH Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: Moving Research to Clinical Practice: Implementation of CDSS in Graduate Programs to Improve Clinical Decision‐Making Presenters(s): Kenyatta Rivers, Michelle Romeo, Janet Whiteside, David Ratusnik Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 128 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) have been shown to improve practitioners’ decision‐making and patient outcomes in medicine and nursing. To increase master’s degree students’ knowledge of evidenced‐based practice and to improve client outcomes, the utility of CDSS in CSD graduate programs will be presented via a series of case studies. Session Code: 1788 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 4:00:00 PM‐5:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311CD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Academic and Clinical Education Title: The Service‐Learning Machine: A Model for Cultivating Student, Faculty, & Community Development Presenters(s): April Garrity, Maya Clark Abstract: This session will highlight two ongoing service‐learning experiences in the context of a small teaching university. A model for conceptualizing the development and long‐term sustaining of service‐learning experiences will be discussed, with emphasis on the positive outcomes and varied perspectives of students, faculty, and community stakeholders. Session Code: 1789 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 4:00:00 PM‐5:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W208ABC Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Title: Implementation Ideas: Communicating Effectively With iDevices Presenters(s): Joni Nygard, Jill Tullman Abstract: Augmentative alternative communication applications on iDevices are being used successfully with individuals who have complex communication needs. Videos featured illustrate how people of all ages are using AAC apps to communicate and participate throughout their days. Effective strategies and app features we share can easily work for your clients too! Session Code: 1790 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 4:00:00 PM‐5:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W209ABC Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Title: Teaching Core Vocabulary Words & Symbols to Students With Complex Communication Needs Presenters(s): Penelope Hatch, Marlene Cummings, Lori Geist, Karen Erickson Abstract: Students with complex communication needs (CCN) face numerous challenges with language and communication, including semantic development. College‐ and career‐readiness standards provide us with new opportunities to address these critical areas. This presentation focuses on strategies for teaching core vocabulary words and symbols to students with CCN and provides video examples. Session Code: 1791 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 4:00:00 PM‐5:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W415BC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: “Miracles” in Autism Treatment: Helping Parents Become Better Decision‐Makers Presenters(s): Anna Allen, Gregory Lof, Howard Shane Abstract: Claims about treatment effectiveness for autism, many of which have no efficacious evidence, are widespread. Parents are at risk for erroneously selecting such treatments with implications for cost, safety, and lack of progress. We will discuss some tools for clinicians to help parents be more objective consumers of information. Session Code: 1792 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 4:00:00 PM‐5:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W414AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: Innovative Interprofessional Practices to Prepare SLPs & Serve Children With Autism Presenters(s): Theresa Estrem, Rebecca Crowell, Chaturi Edrisinha Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 129 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: The presenter will describe the community need for assessment and intervention services for children with autism, the challenges and successes in the process of addressing that need through the on‐campus speech‐language‐hearing clinic, and the development of an interprofessional practice and education (IPE) team of faculty, students, and community members. Session Code: 1793 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 4:00:00 PM‐5:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W207ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: To University & Beyond: Evidence‐Based Social‐Communication Interventions for Adults With Autism in University Settings Presenters(s): Shubha Kashinath, Carolyn Soroka, Aubrey Pearman, Bryan Fauth, Katie Brown Abstract: This presentation describes the College Link Program designed to support individuals with autism in university settings. In addition to academic supports, students participate in a social‐skills group intervention where evidence‐based procedures are used to target specific social‐communication skills with a focus on generalization and integration within the general university setting. Session Code: 1794 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 4:00:00 PM‐5:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W315AB Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Autism Spectrum Disorders Title: Video Modeling & ASD: From Research to Practice Presenters(s): Teresa Cardon Abstract: Video modeling has been used with children on the autism spectrum for more than a decade. With the introduction of new technology, it is easier to use than ever. This presentation will focus on current video modeling research and use of this evidence‐based strategy to positively impact skill acquisition. Session Code: 1795 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 4:00:00 PM‐5:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W203AB Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: A Therapist's Guide to Helping Parents Help Their Kids Presenters(s): Lynn Epstein Abstract: Parent education provides us as professionals, opportunities to help parents help their kids. Yet there doesn't seem to be many formal lessons about parent training. Plus, talking to parents can be scary! Learn about parents' perspective, counseling skills, and techniques to get parents involved to reach therapy goals. Session Code: 1796 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 4:00:00 PM‐5:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W205A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: ADA & Section 504: What Every Administrator, SLP & AUD Should Know Presenters(s): Carolyn Muller, Gwendolyn O'Grady Abstract: The Americans With Disabilities Act (1990) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (1973) impact agency receiving Federal funds. Students or employees with disability or impairment that substantially limit major life activities are protected from discrimination and may receive accommodations. Attendees will gain understanding of the law in practice. Session Code: 1797 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 4:00:00 PM‐5:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Orlando Ballroom N Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: ICD‐10 is Coming (Again)! Are You Ready? Presenters(s): Janet McCarty, Neela Swanson Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 130 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: This session will provide useful information and resources about the transition to ICD‐10 for audiologists and speech‐ language pathologists. An overview of the ICD‐10 system will be discussed and a timeline for implementation of a successful transition by October 2015 will be shared. Audience questions are welcome. Session Code: 1798 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 4:00:00 PM‐5:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W224ABCD Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: Lean for Health Care Presenters(s): C Vann Abstract: Lean management principles are being successfully applied to the delivery of health care. Lean thinking begins with eliminating waste so that all work adds values from the customer’s perspective. Participants will be introduced to lean concepts and tools, and get a glimpse into one hospital therapy department’s lean journey. Session Code: 1799 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 4:00:00 PM‐5:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballroom H Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: Surviving & Thriving in Geriatric Practice Presenters(s): Erin Knoepfel, Alison Brothers Abstract: Speech‐language pathologists working in geriatrics are experiencing healthcare changes, including working with a more medically fragile population, a greater ethnic diversity, and continued cost containment. However, it is possible to not only survive these challenges but to thrive in this practice setting. Session Code: 1800 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 4:00:00 PM‐5:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballroom G Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: Third‐Party Reimbursement: Should I, Shouldn't I? Presenters(s): Gretchen Bebb Abstract: Navigating the waters of third‐party reimbursement challenges employers, clinicians, and patients. This seminar examines third‐party reimbursement by payer type (Medicare, Medicaid, and private payers) with details about the roles and responsibilities of payers, providers, and patients in the reimbursement process. Session Code: 1801 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 4:00:00 PM‐5:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W110A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Business, Management, Telepractice, and Professional Issues Title: Upcycling Ohio's School‐Based SLP Guidelines: The Redesign of a Statewide Program Presenters(s): Barbara Conrad, Kathryn Jillson, Ann Slone Abstract: Designed to improve the day‐to‐day life of the school‐based SLP, Ohio's newly restored and renovated SLP Guidelines provide inspiration and helpful tips to inform practice. Participants will be able to access and utilize the guidelines, design a framework to develop local guidelines and identify potential funding resources. Session Code: 1802 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 4:00:00 PM‐5:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W415A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Cultural and Linguistic Considerations Across the Discipline Title: Dual Language Learning for Children With Significant Hearing Loss: Designing Intervention to Make Improvements in Both Languages Presenters(s): William Douglas Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 131 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: The purpose of this presentation is to help clinicians consider aspects of assessment and intervention relevant to children who need to make improvement in more than one language. Intervention environments and their outcomes will be presented with video tape examples. Participants will consider real cases and design individualized intervention frameworks. Session Code: 1803 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 4:00:00 PM‐5:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W222A Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Interprofessional Education and Practice Title: An Example of an Interprofessional Collaboration With a Medical School Presenters(s): Judy Johnson Abstract: Truman State University provides training for their communication disorders students through collaboration with a medical school where students participate in joint activities of Health Partners and Case Competition. These platforms unite CMDS students with students of other healthcare‐related fields to interact and learn about each others' disciplines. Session Code: 1804 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 4:00:00 PM‐5:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W109B Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: Oral Language Assessment & the New TACL‐4 & TEXL Presenters(s): Elizabeth Carrow‐Woolfolk, Elizabeth Allen Abstract: This symposium will provide theoretical and practical information about the use of two measures of oral language, the Test for Auditory Comprehension of Language, Fourth Edition (TACL‐4; Woolfolk, 2014), and its new companion measure, the Test of Expressive Language (TEXL; Woolfolk & Allen, 2014). Session Code: 1805 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 4:00:00 PM‐5:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W221DE Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: Strategic Planning to Support Student Success With the Common Core State Standards Presenters(s): Jane Ford, Yolonda Butler, Mary Jo Gaskill, Freda DeAguilera Abstract: SLPs working in the public school setting are charged with providing strategic therapeutic interventions to students with language/learning disabilities to support their success with the Common Core State Standards. This session focuses on strategic planning of research‐based instructional strategies used in speech and language therapy by successful SLPs. Session Code: 1806 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 4:00:00 PM‐5:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballroom DE Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents Title: Variations Among Children With Selective Mutism: Increasing Awareness for Treatment Presenters(s): Sharon Lee Armstrong, Evelyn Klein, Elisa Shipon‐Blum Abstract: Selective mutism (SM) is a perplexing disorder related to social anxiety in which children fail to speak in some situations. Children with SM present with a variety of characteristics including speech‐language deficits. This presentation highlights findings from 146 children with SM, tested more than 4 years, to increase awareness for treatment. Session Code: 1807 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 4:00:00 PM‐5:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Orlando Ballroom LM Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: "Hello in There:" Song‐Based Cognitive & Language Intervention Techniques for Individuals With Dementia Presenters(s): Pamela Mitchell, Kellee Kovach, Jennifer Obringer, Calley Mitchell, Kaitlyn Warren Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 132 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: The use of song‐based techniques as part of language and cognitive intervention for persons with dementia has an emerging supportive evidence base. This session will review the evidence related to the use of songs in language/cognitive intervention and provide a model for speech‐language pathologists who want to integrate song‐based techniques into practice. Session Code: 1808 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 4:00:00 PM‐5:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W314AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: Aphasia in the Real World—Helping Clients Succeed When Therapy Ends Presenters(s): Megan Sutton, Carol Dow‐Richards, Melodie Dregansky, David Dow, Christine Huggins Abstract: This panel discussion will get you thinking beyond the clinic to start planning earlier for the end of therapy, helping your clients with aphasia succeed with sustainable therapy programs, support networks, and life engagement. Hear from two SLPs, an aphasia advocate, and two dynamic young people with aphasia, sharing first‐hand experience and advice. Session Code: 1809 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 4:00:00 PM‐5:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Plaza Ballrom IJ Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language Disorders in Adults Title: Recovery Patterns From Herpes Encephalitis & Wernickes Aphasia in a Left‐Handed Poet Laurette Presenters(s): Betty McMicken Abstract: The recovery pattern of a 70‐year old‐female, left‐handed, poet laurette from herpes encephalitis induced Wernicke's aphasia is presented. It is characterized by unusual syntactic, semantic, and linguistic remnants which became the basis of her treatment and subsequent return to professional life. Session Code: 1810 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 4:00:00 PM‐5:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W221ABC Instructional Level: Introductory Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language in Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers Title: Young Children With Behavior Concerns: Role of Speech‐Language Pathologists in Using Recommended Intervention Strategies Presenters(s): Nicole Edwards Abstract: Many providers understandably feel frustrated by young children’s maladaptive behavior. Guided by a Positive Behavior Support Systems framework, we will discuss practical, evidence‐based tier I and II behavior intervention strategies that can be infused into attendees’ existing practice. This session enhances providers’ repertoire for recommended ways to address concerns. Session Code: 1811 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 4:00:00 PM‐5:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W311AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language Science Title: Online Analysis of Neural Activation in Children With SLI Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy Presenters(s): Ronald Gillam, Sandra Gillam, Nicholas Wan Abstract: This session explores the usefulness of functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) as an instrument that could yield data that contributes to our understanding of SLI. NIRS is a noninvasive neuroimaging technology that detects cortical increases and decreases in the concentration of oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobin at multiple measurement sites. Session Code: 1812 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 4:00:00 PM‐5:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Florida Ballroom BC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Language Science Title: Prosodic Correlates of Second‐Language Word Repetition & Acquisition in Late Bilinguals Presenters(s): Derick Deweber, Frank Boutsen, Justin Dvorak Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 133 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Abstract: A continuous recognition memory paradigm was utilized to evaluate parsing, mapping, and recognition of second‐ language targets in adults. Findings indicate, as has been found in studies with children, that success in this task is highly dependent on prosodic aspects of the speech signal and phonotactic factors of stimulus items. Session Code: 1813 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 4:00:00 PM‐5:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W414CD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Literacy Assessment and Intervention Title: A Problem‐Solving Approach to Literacy Assessment & Intervention Presenters(s): Krystal Werfel Abstract: The purpose of this session is to detail a problem‐solving approach to literacy assessment and intervention. First, we will detail the problem‐solving model. Then, we will review a case that utilized the model. Finally, we will discuss ways to apply the problem‐solving model to children on your caseload. Session Code: 1814 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 4:00:00 PM‐5:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W415D Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Literacy Assessment and Intervention Title: Assessing Impact of Audiobook Accommodations on Reading Scores of Students With Reading Disabilities Presenters(s): Paul Edelblut Abstract: Data of reading scores among students with Individual Education Plans in schools with and without audiobook accommodations indicate that schools using audiobook accommodations consistently outperformed non‐using schools. Research analyzed Adequate Yearly Progress reading scores from State Education Agency websites in seven states for school years 2010 and 2011. Session Code: 1815 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 4:00:00 PM‐5:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W320 Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Literacy Assessment and Intervention Title: Literacy Night: "Letting Swift River Go" Timelines, Problem/Solution, Perspective‐Taking, Opinion & Argument Presenters(s): Maryellen Moreau, Linda Lafontaine Abstract: Presenters will demonstrate a Literacy Night Lesson using a picture book, video clip, and a primary source. Using Story Grammar Marker® and ThemeMaker® they will model the language and critical thinking necessary to meet requirements of the Common Core State Standards and National Council for the Social Studies C3 Inquiry Framework. Session Code: 1816 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 4:00:00 PM‐5:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W308CD Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Literacy Assessment and Intervention Title: Quick Linguistic Probes for Assessing & Remediating Reading Comprehension Challenges in Older & Linguistically Diverse Children Presenters(s): Frances Burns Abstract: Linguistic probes can be used to gain insight into the underlying properties of a child’s grammar. The purpose of the proposed presentation is to provide resources and demonstrate how to use probing to obtain descriptive information about a child’s language and how it relates to their reading skills. Session Code: 1817 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 4:00:00 PM‐5:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W110B Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Literacy Assessment and Intervention Title: Reading Fluency for Children With Speech Disorders: Issues in Assessment, Progress Monitoring, & Collaboration Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 134 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Presenters(s): Kathleen Scaler Scott, Karole Howland, Diane Games, Kim Krieger, Diane Paul, Lourdes Ramos‐Heinrichs, Nina Reeves, Laura Young‐Campbell Abstract: Regular assessment of oral reading fluency has become common practice in most school systems. Misinterpretation of these assessments can cause problems for children with speech disorders that may impact reading fluency, including stuttering and childhood apraxia of speech. This panel discussion will address strategies for overcoming these problems through collaboration. Session Code: 1818 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 4:00:00 PM‐5:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W202ABC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Motor Speech in Adults and Children Title: Neuroplasticity: Even Big Ideas Are Not Enough Presenters(s): John Rosenbek Abstract: This session is developed by, and presenters invited by Motor Speech in Adults and Children. This presentation will describe challenges of applying principles of neuroplasticity to practice. Recognition that muscles and the nervous system are plastic has done much to combat nihilism about rehabilitation, however, the impact on daily practice is limited. How the impact might be increased will be the content of this presentation. Session Code: 1819 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 4:00:00 PM‐5:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W309AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: NeuroAudiology Title: fMRI Predicts Post‐Implant Auditory‐Language Outcomes as Measured by Parent Observation Reports Presenters(s): Aniruddha Deshpande, Lirong Tan, Long Lu, Mekibib Altaye, Scott Holland Abstract: There are multiple advantages of using parental observations in conjunction with clinician‐administered tests to evaluate auditory‐language outcomes after cochlear implantation in children. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), this study identifies pre‐implant neuroimaging biomarkers of post‐implant auditory and language performance as measured by parental observation/reports. Session Code: 1820 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 4:00:00 PM‐6:00:00 PM PDH(s): 2 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W109A Instructional Level: Advanced Session Format: Seminar 2‐hours Topic Area: Research Across the Discipline Title: Research Symposium: Language Impairment in Bilingual & Nonmainstream English Dialect Learners Presenters(s): Johanne Paradis, Janna Oetting Abstract: Recent studies on childhood language impairment in minority language learners (bilingual and nonmainstream dialects) will be presented. Paradise will address bilingual language acquisition, second language acquisition, and specific language impairment in these children. Oetting will discuss language measures that can be used to identify nonmainstream English‐speaking children with language impairments. Session Code: 1821 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 4:00:00 PM‐5:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W205BC Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Research Across the Discipline Title: Helping your clients get the most out of their hearing protection devices Presenters(s): Jennifer Tufts Abstract: This session is developed by, and speakers invited by Hearing Science, Intervention/Rehabilitation for Adults with Hearing Loss, and SIG 8: Public Health Issues Related to Hearing and Balance. Some of your clients may benefit from using hearing protection devices. As with hearing aids, the best outcomes are achieved when the client is educated and device performance is verified. The presenter will offer empirical evidence for the benefits of educating and verifying, and will provide suggestions for doing both. Session Code: 1822 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 4:00:00 PM‐5:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W206ABC Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 135 2014ASHAConventionProgramSessions Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: High‐Risk ICU Patients: Managing Their Dysphagia Care Presenters(s): Stevie Marvin, Amy Baillies Abstract: This session will provide a review of current literature pertinent to evaluating and treating dysphagia in ICU patients. It is imperative to know what populations are at increased risk for dysphagia. Relevant evaluations used within the ICU will be discussed, including special considerations and case examples. Session Code: 1823 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 4:00:00 PM‐5:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W204AB Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: Prevention of Radiation‐Associated Dysphagia: A Team Sport Presenters(s): Heather Starmer, Harry Quon Abstract: Dysphagia is one of the most problematic outcomes associated with head and neck cancer and the strategies employed to treat it. Optimization of long‐term swallowing outcomes is critical for the head and neck team. In this session we will review strategies to minimize treatment toxicities and dysphagia associated with chemoradiation. Session Code: 1824 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 4:00:00 PM‐5:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: CC/W224FH Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Title: Toronto Bedside Swallowing Screening Test (TOR‐BSST©): Telehealth vs. Face‐to‐Face Screener Training Presenters(s): Linda Pugliese‐Rochon, Rosemary Martino Abstract: The face‐to‐face TOR‐BSST© live screener training was compared to a synchronous online format, both conducted by a speech‐language pathologist. Training evaluations revealed no significant difference between the two training modalities. While both methods would support successful implementation of a dysphagia screening program, the online training has the added potential to benefit remote facilities with limited SLP services. Session Code: 1825 Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 4:00:00 PM‐5:00:00 PM PDH(s): 1 Hrs Location/Room: Hyatt/Florida Ballroom A Instructional Level: Intermediate Session Format: Seminar 1‐hour Topic Area: Voice and Alaryngeal Communication Title: Learning & Retention: Application of Motor Learning Principals to Maximize Carryover of Voice Therapy Techniques Presenters(s): Marci Rosenberg Abstract: Correct performance of a new skill during voice therapy does not necessarily reflect the degree of learning that has taken place. Specific approaches to structuring practice and feedback can either enhance motor learning or hinder it. Patient videos will highlight these techniques with emphasis on clinical application in voice therapy. Oral Sessions: 2‐Hour Seminars & 1‐Hour Seminars Page 136
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