Raising attainment through volunteer tutoring An education charity providing low-cost

Raising attainment
through volunteer
An education charity providing low-cost
tutoring to secondary schools
who we are
Our mission:
Action Tutoring supports young people
facing socioeconomic disadvantage to
achieve a meaningful level of academic
attainment, with a view to enabling
them to go on to further education,
training or employment.
Action Tutoring is an education charity that partners with schools
to deliver tutoring programmes for pupils sitting their GCSEs
in maths and English. We work specifically with pupils who are
eligible for the Pupil Premium and at risk of missing out on
getting a C grade.
We carefully select and train high-quality volunteer tutors who
work closely with subject teachers to ensure maximum impact.
“Very few projects have this level
of impact on student engagement
and progress. The energy and
commitment from tutors and tutees
is palpable.”
Hyder Dastagir,
London Nautical School
Action Tutoring . Raising attainment through volunteer tutoring
We work with non-selective
state secondary schools
Within those schools we
look to work with pupils
who are…
A higher than average
percentage of pupils
are eligible for the
Pupil Premium.
Eligible for the Pupil
Premium (or fitting one
of our exceptions*)
Not currently on track
to achieve a C in the
subject they would be
tutored in.
* For more details about what these are please
email [email protected]
To find out more about our work, please call 020 7922 7761 or email [email protected]
why tutoring
Tutoring has been shown to be an extremely
effective way of raising pupil’s attainment.
The Education Endowment Foundation
describe the evidence on the impact of
tuition as ‘consistent and strong’ in their
Teaching and Learning Toolkit*.
The main barrier for schools wanting to
use tutoring is cost – paying for a qualified
teacher to tutor can cost as much as £25
an hour. As a charity Action Tutoring sources
talented volunteers to provide tutoring that
is high-impact and low-cost.
Tutoring can benefit your pupils by:
• Improving their academic attainment
in the tutored subject
Research shows that pupils
make up to 5 months
additional progress during
an intensive tutoring
(Source, EEF Toolkit)
• Boosting their confidence through
individual attention
• Helping them develop their independent
study skills
“The tutors were highly engaged with
supporting the students and helped
them make progress in each session.
Their strong moral purpose and
nurturing approach were second
to none.”
Kate Vickers,
Assistant Head of Faculty,
Whalley Range High School, Manchester
* EEF Toolkit (http://educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk/toolkit/one-to-one-tuition/)
Action Tutoring . Raising attainment through volunteer tutoring
how it works
Tutoring sessions take place in school
across the course of a term. Tutors work
with pupils for an hour a week at a time that
fits around the school timetable. Schools
also decide whether they want pupils to
work one-to-one or two-to-one with a tutor.
Collaboration with subject teachers is at
the core of our model. Teachers are asked
to provide details of pupils’ strengths and
weaknesses and are given the opportunity
to guide the direction of tutoring by
suggesting areas of focus or providing
resources for the tutors to use.
Before tutoring commences tutors take
part in detailed training provided by Action
Tutoring. Tutors are also given a selection
of tutoring resources created for Action
Tutoring by qualified teachers.
Our tutoring programmes are heavily subsidised by grants and donations. As a result we
are able to offer them to schools at a significantly discounted rate. If 20 pupils take part,
an hour of tutoring costs less than £5 per pupil.
One term of academic
tutoring for between
10 and 20 pupils*
Cost of first tutoring
programme for schools
outside of London
*Pupil numbers depend on whether the school want pupils to work one-to-one or two-to-one.
To find out more about our work, please call 020 7922 7761 or email [email protected]
our volunteers
Our volunteer tutors come from a range of
different backgrounds. Many are students
who want to go into teaching so are looking
to gain practical experience in secondary
schools. We also recruit recent graduates
and professionals who are looking to give
something back to their community.
All of our volunteers go through a strict
selection process which focuses on their
academic credentials (degree educated
or studying for a degree, and an A or B
at A-level in the subject they want to tutor)
and core tutoring competencies. We also
provide DBS checks for them.
Chris Montagnon
Volunteer tutor, London
Jemma Walton
Volunteer tutor, London
“As someone who enjoys maths and sees
this as a vital subject for all, I wanted
to share this enthusiasm with students.
Giving students personal attention,
finding and fixing the tutorial at a level
they can understand and seeing them
build on this is really rewarding.”
“I’ve spent 10 very interesting years
as a journalist, but after tutoring for
Action Tutoring, I’ve now found another
profession that excites me much more.
I’ve been accepted to train as an
English teacher via Teach First.”
“Action Tutoring has been a really
valuable initiative for us. The quality
of the tutors has been outstanding.”
Mike Whiteside,
Assistant Head Teacher,
St Paul’s Roman Catholic High School, Manchester
Action Tutoring . Raising attainment through volunteer tutoring
hours of tutoring
delivered in
of teachers agreed
or strongly agreed that
Action Tutoring was a
valuable programme
for their school
of pupils selected because
they were at risk of missing
out achieved a C grade
after tutoring
pupils tutored
in 2013/14
of pupils agreed that
they understood the
subject they were
tutored in better
of pupils said they
found it easy to work
with their tutor
To find out more about our work, please call 020 7922 7761 or email [email protected]
“Coming to my sessions really helped
me improve in the subject and made
me more confident.”
Holte School, Birmingham
“One-to-one is really helpful because
I’m not in a busy class so I get more
help and my tutor explains words
I don’t know.”
Hove Park School, Brighton
To find out more about our work please get in touch.
Call 020 7922 7761 or email [email protected]
Registered Charity No. 1147175