TVEDESTRANDSREGATTAEN Advance Program Tvedestrand, Norway July 8th – 11th 2015 Tvedestrand Racing Klubb Organized by Tvedestrand Racing Club Tvedestrand invites to a Powerboat weekend with: • Norwegian Championship Offshore V60, 3B & Nordic Super Series 3C. • Skagerak Across: Tvedestrand – Hirtshals – Tvedestrand, 140Nm • The Fjord race for all boats faster than 30 knots. Pleasure, circuit & offshore & sports- boats Contact details Skagerak Across: Event manager: Øystein Haugenes +47 90825658 Oystein@haugenes. no +47 91163811 [email protected] +47 48104186 [email protected] OOD: Harald Halvorsen Safety officer NOR: Axel Dalen Safety officer DK: Terje Hunemo +47 91617810 Technical officer: Jan Trygve Braaten +47 90765074 [email protected] Contact details UIM offshore classes: OOD: Safety officer: Vidar Knutsen Joachim Strandene Technical officer: Jan T Braaten Timing: Edwin SterkHansen +47 90080470 vidar@knutsenmaskin. no +47 95946116 [email protected] +47 90765074 [email protected] Lasse Hank Vegard Engesvik Side 1 av 19 Tvedestrand Racing Klubb Schedule Wednesday 8th. Of July 18:00-02:00 18:00-20:00 18:00-02:00 22:00-02:00 Public area open for dining. Dry pit open at Østerå Marina. Public area open for dining. Live entertainment with “Slow city”. Thursday 9th. Of July 12:00-02:00 12:00-16:00 17:00-20:00 19:00-20:00 20:00-21:00 23:00-02:00 Public area open for dining. Motorshow at the wather park. Registration & Scrutineering for Skagerak Across. License course Skagerak Across.(if required). Drivers briefing for Skagerak Across. Live entertainment with “Joakim Stiansen”. Friday 10th. Of July 08:00-02:00 Public area open for dining. 07:00-07:30 Weather briefing and sign in for Skagerak across. 08:00 Start Skagerak Across from Tvedestrand, Norway. 08:00-11:00 Skagerak Across breafast. 11:00 Start Skagerak Across from Hirtshals, Denmark. 14:00-14:30 Podium ceremony (three fastest boats). 16:00-17:30 Start NM V-60,3B & Nordic Championship class 3C. 19:00-19:30 Pricegiving ceremony (Offshore all classes) . 20:00-22:00 Gala dinner. 22:00-23:00 Show match (boxing) with Havnaa VS Aas. 23:00 Firework in harbur. 23:30-02:00 Live entertainment with ”Loveshack”. Side 2 av 19 Tvedestrand Racing Klubb Saturday 11th. Of July 08:00-02:00 10:00-11:00 12:00-14:00 16:00-17:00 17:00-18:00 19:00-19:30 20:00-22:00 22:00-00:00 00:00-02:00 Public area open for dining. Power boat show. NM V-60,3B & Nordic Championship class 3C. Match race F2 / F4. Power boat parade. Prizegiving ceremony (Offshore all classes). Gala dinner. Live entertainment with “Trang Fødsel”. Live entertainment with “Erik & Kriss”. Sunday 12th. Of July 12:00-20:00 12:00-13:00 13:00-13:30 14:00-15:00 15:30-16:30 16:30-17:30 18:00-19:00 Public area open for dining. Registration and scrutineering for the Fjord Race. Drivers briefing for the Fjord race. Fjordrace, circuit racing and Thundercat. Fjordrace, Offshore all classes. Fjordrace, Standard classes. Prizegiving for Fjordrace. Side 3 av 19 Tvedestrand Racing Klubb Schedule Offshore. Norwegian Championship V-60,3B & Nordic Championship class 3C. Friday 10th. Of July 12:00-14:00 14:30-14:50 16:00-17:30 3C. 19:00-19:30 Check-in and scrutineering all classes (Østerå). Drivers briefing and sign in race 1. Start race 1 NM V-60,3B & Nordic Championship Pricegiving ceremony (all classes) . Saturday 11th. Of July 10:00-10:30 Weather briefing and sign in race 2 (Østerå). 12:00-14.00 Start race 2 NM V-60,3B & Nordic Championship class 3C. 19:00-19:30 Prizegiving ceremony (Offshore all classes). Racecourse Friday. Class V-60: Lap C X 5. 31,5Nm. Class 3B: Lap: C+A+B+A+B+C+C 50,1NM. Class 3C: Lap: C+A+A+B+B+C+B+C 57,2NM. Racecourse Saturday. Class V-60 lap: A+A+B+A+A 29,5Nm. Class 3B lap: A+B+A+B+B+A 50,0Nm. Class 3C lap: B+A+B+B+B+A+A 62,1Nm. = = = = = = Side 4 av 19 Tvedestrand Racing Klubb Regler for Skagerak Across 2015* Skagerak Across Rules 2015* Regattaen er åpen for alle motordrevne båter som kan oppnå en minimum hastighet på 40 knop og har kapasitet til å gjennomføre avstanden fra Tvedestrand til Hirtshals uten behov for assistanse utenfra (dvs. kan kjøre distansen, også under litt røffe forhold, med den tankkapasitet som er ombord). To enter the race the boat must be capable of 40 knots and have fuel capacity for the distance Tvedestrand to Hirtshals, even in rough conditions. 1.Båt/ Boats. Båtene må være minimum 25 fot og maksimum 50fot. Båtene skal enten tilfredsstille UIM regelverk (Ref. UIM§508/700/1200.) eller være sertifisert fra produsent hva gjelder maksimal motorkapasitet, maksimum antall personer om bord etc. Det vil si CE eller Veritas merket. Samtlige båter skal ha et tydelig kjennetegn/båtnummer. Boats must be minimum 25 feet long and maximum 50 feet. The boats either must comply with the relevant UIM Rules (Ref. UIM§508/700/1200.), or certified by CE or VERITAS (max HP, max persons aboard etc.) All boats must have easily read name or race-number 2.Motor/ Engines. Motorer skal være standard handelsvare og ikke være trimmet eller bearbeidet utover fabrikantens produksjonstoleranser. For klassebåter gjelder kravene i UIM’s regler for angjeldende klasse. Engines must be production engines, not modified above the factory production tolerances. UIM-classes must comply with the relevant UIM Class (UIM§1200.8) 3. Classes Class 1: From 25’ to 29’ with one engine, monohull only Class 2: From 25’ to 29’ with two or more engines. Class 3: From 30’ to 39’ with two or more engines Class 4: From 40’ with two or more engines (All UIM class boats follow UIM rules and will have a separate start.) Side 5 av 19 Tvedestrand Racing Klubb 4.Mannskap / Crew. Minimum 2 personer om bord skal ha gyldig lisens utstedt fra eget lands NA. Kun personer som innehar lisens kan føre båten under regatta, med mindre det er en nødsituasjon. Innbakt i NMF lisens er ansvarsforsikring som er gyldig under race. Andre personer ombord må ha fylt 16 år og alle under 18 år må skriftlig tillatelse fra foresatte. A minimum of two of the crew must carry valid license from their NA. Only licensed persons can, except in emergency, steer or throttle the boat during the race. The number of people in the boat shall not exceed the permitted number of seats in the cockpit All persons aboard must be over 16 yrs. Persons under 18 yrs. must have parental approval. 5.Personlig sikkerhetsutstyr / Personal Safety Gear. Alle ombord skal være iført hjelm. All On Board must wear suitable helmet. Alle skal bære godkjent/varefaktadeklarert redningsvest under hele regattaen. (For båter med hastighet over 50-knop kreves racing vest.) All onboard must wear suitable life jacket. In boats capable of speed over 50 knots, certified race jacket is mandatory. Det er sterkt å anbefale at man ifører seg neopren våtdrakt, da varmetap i sjø ellers forkorter overlevelses mulighetene betydelig. It is strongly recommended to wear neoprene wet suit because of the cold water and to avoid hypothermia. Hver enkelt av mannskapet skal til enhver tid ha på seg en fløyte, en kompress og et nødbluss (dvs festet til vest eller lignende) All Crew must Carrey a whist le, a compresse, a knife and a distres-flare. Alle om bord skal ha på seg en kniv egnet til å kutte tau, klær og racing dresser. Det skal være en eller flere dykkemasker lett tilgjengelig, i fall det er olje eller bensin i vannflaten. One or more diving-masks readily available Alle ombord skal være koblet til en dødmannsbryter, og det skal finnes ekstra” snor” til dødmann slik at båt kan startes igjen etter” mann overbord”. Engine cutoff switches for connection to crew are mandatory (first man out shuts of engine). An emergency override system to restart engines shall be mandatory. Maximum 2 persons Connected to One Engine cut off switch. Alle båter må ha redundant GPS (ekstra vanntett håndholdt GPS). Kan være et viktig verktøy for søk etter person i vann. All boats must be equipped with redundant GPS or EPiRB. Extra waterproof GPS is strongly recommended. VHF (handhold are accepted) Side 6 av 19 Tvedestrand Racing Klubb 6.Sikkerhetsutstyr ombord i båten. (Se §UIM 715). Safety Equipment according to (UIM §715). Egnet utstyr for ankring av båten, fortøyning ved brygge og to slepeliner. En på minimum båtens lengde, og en det dobbelte av båtens lengde. Rope, 1 min boats length and one on two times boats length Brannslukningsapparat Fire extinguisher Et oransje flagg, minimum 40 x 60 cm (signal om brutt regatta) Orange Flag size 40x60 cm. Røde nødbluss og oransje røyksignaler Red flares and Orange smoke signals Et førstehjelp skrin First Aid Kit En radar reflektor/reflektor tape Radar reflector or reflector tape Kompass og nødvendig utstyr for navigasjon. Compass and equipment necessary for navigation Følgende kriterier er gjeldende for Skagerak Across: *For pilot og co-pilot kreves ordinært lisenskurs offshore og minimum nasjonal lisens. *Delbetaling av lisens kan ikke benyttes. *For passasjerer finnes to alternativer: *Ordinært lisenskurs offshore og minimum nasjonal lisens – delbetaling kan ikke benyttes. *Signere på at de stiller på eget ansvar og fraskriver seg alle rettigheter. Additional for Skagerak Across Pilot and Co-pilot must have national or international Offshore License For extra crew; Either Offshore license or signing Indemnity Sheet Side 7 av 19 Tvedestrand Racing Klubb Tvedestrand – Hirtshals – Tvedestrand Skagerak Across Møkkalasset lighthouse. N 58:32.385 09:00.199 Ø Green pole v/Hirtshals 57:36.265 N 09:57.037 Ø Distance Tvedestrand-Sandvika: Sandvika-Hirtshals: Hirtshals-Sandvika: Sandvika-Tvedestrand: Totally: 4.30 Nm. 65.70 Nm. 65.70 Nm. 4.30 Nm. 140.0 Nm. Courses Møkkalasset – Hirtshals Hirtshals – Møkkalasset 151.38’ 332.18’ Side 8 av 19 Tvedestrand Racing Klubb Entry closing date. Registration must be in the hand of organizer by: For all competitors, entry form must be send to: E-mail [email protected] Entry fee. NOK 15,-/hk; Minimum NOK 6000,- & Maximum NOK 11 000,Foreign participants enter the SA with a discount of 30% off as a travel support. Entry form in the end of this document must be used. It is important to inform the organizer regarding depot space needed. Race instructions. Race instructions/ info will be available at drivers briefing. Transportation facilities. For ferry to Norway: (Hirtshals – Kristiansand or Hirtshals – Larvik) (Hirtshals – Kristiansand) INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS AND FEE All competitors have to be properly insured for third party responsibility and against personal injury. Required third party insurance is minimum NOK 10,000,000. Insurance will NOT be available from the organizer. The insurance document must be written in English. Request to use other insurance must also be written in English and submitted according to U.I.M. Rules. Members of the crew of any boat under their national age of majority must provide written evidence of parental consent to participate in any race and or practice. ADVERTISING Tobacco and alcohol advertising is not permitted by Norwegian law. The organizers will have the right to instruct the removal of any offensive material. Boats may be asked to carry advertising decals. Details will be provided in the Race Instructions if appropriate. Side 9 av 19 Tvedestrand Racing Klubb IMPORTANT NOTICE Powerboat Racing is a hazardous activity. Individuals must accept that, by engaging in active watersports such as Powerboat Racing, their physical safety may be endangered. Anyone intending to participate in or become involved with Powerboat Racing organized by NMF affiliated clubs either as a participant, team member or otherwise does so at their own risk. Such individuals must recognize the actual and potential risks associated with their involvement, including drowning, hypothermia, and other physical injuries as well as possible death. Participants must acknowledge that it is up to them personally to assess whether any event or activity on the water is too difficult for them or their crew. Individuals must acknowledge that the safety of their boat and her entire management, including insurance, is solely their responsibility, and they are satisfied that the boat and the crew are adequate to face the conditions that may arise in the course of the race. Entrants into the event acknowledge that scrutineering does not constitute a condition survey of the craft and it is solely their responsibility to decide whether to start or to continue in any powerboat race. They acknowledge that the efficiency of the helmets and racing vests worn is solely their responsibility. By signing on to the event individuals agree (on acceptance of their entry upon being permitted to take part in the meeting); (i) To where bound by the conditions of the Race Entry Form, Racing Instructions and the General Competition Rules of the UIM and the NMF. (ii) To accept the decisions of the organizing committee and officials nominated by it. (iii) To save harmless and keep indemnified: (a) The owners of the premises upon which the meeting where held. (b) The organizing club, the sponsors and the NMF and their respective officials, servants and agents, (c) The other boat owners, drivers, passengers or mechanics engaged in the meeting, AGAINST all actions, claims, costs, expenses and demands in respect of loss of or damage to the signatory’s property or the property of his/her drivers, passengers and mechanics whether or not such loss or damage may have been contributed to or occasioned by the negligence of the said persons or bodies, their officials, servants, representatives or agents. IMPORTANT NOTE: Persons under the age of 18 must have written authority signed by either Parent or Guardian. THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR A TEAM’S DECISION TO PARTICIPATE IN A RACE OR TO CONTINUE RACING IS THEIRS ALONE Side 10 av 19 Tvedestrand Racing Klubb Registration/entry Form Class: _______________________Boat nr: _____________________________ Type/Size: ________________________________________________________ Color: _______________________ Measurement cert._____________________ Country: ________________ Club: ____________________________________ Engine brand & model: ______________________________ Name Pilot: _________________________________License no_______________ Address: __________________________________________________________ Telephone no: _____________ Mob: ___________Email:______________________ I commit to follow the rules of UIM, NMF (Norwegian NA) and the Organizing club, and accept the guidelines in the invitation. I will also relinquish any claims towards the organizer and other competitors. Remember! The rules of the sea applies also in Boat races Place /Date: ________________Sign first name Driver __________________ ! Entertainment: Tickets reservation: _____________pcs. Wednesday – Sunday: a` NOK_700 Each team get 2X tickets free, and discount of NOK 200. – For other team member. Please send as much information as possible for organizers to promote your team in or publications. Pictures, sponsors, etc. Please send Entry Form to: [email protected] APPROVED BY THE DRIVER`S NATIONAL AUTHORITY Date: _________Signature:_________________Stamp:__________ Side 11 av 19 Tvedestrand Racing Klubb Side 12 av 19 Tvedestrand Racing Klubb Maps for Skagerak Across (Other classes in Advance Program) ! Side 13 av 19 Tvedestrand Racing Klubb Side 14 av 19 Tvedestrand Racing Klubb Side 15 av 19 Tvedestrand Racing Klubb Racecourse Offshore V60 3B & 3C, Friday. Racecourse offshore V60 3B & 3C Saturday. Inner part Side 16 av 19 Tvedestrand Racing Klubb ! Outer part. Side 17 av 19 Tvedestrand Racing Klubb ! The Fjord race. Side 18 av 19 Tvedestrand Racing Klubb ! Side 19 av 19
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