F R I D A Y 2 1 N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 4 • I S S U E 1 8 W E E K 4 . 6 FROM THE PRINCIPAL Dear Parents, Guardians, Students and Staff of St Norbert College The full school assembly to mark Remembrance Day on Tuesday 11 November was a moving and reflective experience thanks to Ms Pisconeri and the Humanities students. Alvin Vadakkedathu’s account of the importance of Remembrance Day was inspiring. The ceremony closed with the National Anthem followed by an assembly, opening with a vocal solo performance from Nyssa Coutinho, Year 7 singing “Amazing Grace”. Well done Nyssa. Thank you to Mrs Patricia Kelly from Forrestfield Florist for donating the beautiful wreath. A number of students received awards and certificates at the assembly. Congratulations to the students who were recognised for their creative gifts from the Canning Show and to the numerous students who were awarded certificates for their participation and effort in the Mathematics and Science competitions. The number of students receiving National and State awards is a testament to the talents of our students. Congratulations to Morgan Doecke, Year 10 on her outstanding achievement as she was awarded ACC Letters for her high level performance in Athletics. To achieve letters a student has to be selected in the ACC All Star team for Swimming, Cross Country or Athletics for at least 4 years. Morgan was presented with the framed ACC Letters Award at the full school assembly by Director of Sport, Mr Kyle March. Our Year 9 campers returned on Friday 14 November from a week of outdoor pursuits in Jarrahdale. Thank you to Mr Italiano’ Coordinator of the camp and the numerous staff who attended with our students. Congratulations to the Year 9 students on their exceptional behaviour and good will throughout the week. REMINDERS • Tuesday 25 November, Years 7-9 Thanksgiving Mass, St Joseph’s Church • Monday 1 December, SRC, College and all College Captains Planning Day. Prayer Ever-loving God, Bless our families and our School Community, living stones in the house of God. We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen. • Tuesday 2 December, Year 10 Interhouse Triathlon • Wednesday 3 December Year 7, 2015 Orientation Day T R A D I T I O N • I N N O V A T I O N • C O M M U N I T Y This past week staff have farewelled Mrs Grosser who commences parental leave for the birth of her first child. We wish Mrs Grosser all the best. We welcome back to St Norbert College, Mr Sheldon McIntyre to the Physical and Health Education Learning Area after two years travelling and working overseas. Congratulations to Mrs Villarosa who commenced parental leave at the end of Term Three on the birth of baby boy Oliver. Thank you to the following parents and members of our community, who are currently helping out as exam supervisors for the College examinations. Your support is greatly appreciated: Claudio Bei, Margo McLennan, Gelnda Lockwood, Coral Dyson, Sunita Gillbanks, Sheridan Cattanach, Mandy Laing, Natalie Hodges, Karen Flewers, Karen De Luis, Inoka Ratnaskera, Rajiv Kapur, Sari Matthews, Irene Holland, Tanya Spiegl, Ayanthi Fernando. As the end of the year approaches the College ICT department are finalising student accounts. Please be aware the Year 12 students and those leaving the college from Year 7-11 will have their e-mail stopped on Friday 12 December. Families are asked to please contact the College as soon as possible if your child is not returning to St Norbert College in 2015. The Thanksgiving Mass to be held next Tuesday evening 25 November 7.00pm at St Joseph’s Priory Church is the final opportunity for the year to gather as a community. A reminder this Mass is compulsory for Year 7, 8 & 9 students and parents. I look forward to meeting with families at the Thanksgiving Mass. God Bless Mrs A Morey - Principal FROM THE DEAN OF STUDIES YEAR 11 EXAMINATIONS Our Year 11 students are to be commended for their behaviour and organisation during the exams. All ATAR pathway students are required to attend Exam reviews on Monday 24 and Tuesday 25 November. Year 11 students who have now met the Minimum Entry Requirements for Year 12 Courses of Study can make an appointment with Mr Nield or Ms Rainford to change their preferences for 2015. All Year 11 students are required to attend school on Friday 28 November and will be dismissed after the mass and assembly. The Year 11 Statement of Results will be distributed for students to check. YEAR 9 AND 10 EXAMINATIONS Examinations commence on Monday 24 November and conclude on Friday 28 November. Timetables are available on coneqt in documents as well as on the College website. All students should have begun a revision program. Year 10 students only attend when they have a scheduled exam. Year 9 students are expected to be at school from 8:45am – 3:20pm. Normal uniform and grooming rules apply and students are asked to be prompt to the exam rooms, arriving at least 10 minutes before the start time with all necessary equipment. RESULTS The OLNA Results for Year 10 and the Bishops’ Religious Literacy Assessment for Year 9 will be mailed out at the end of the year. HOST FAMILIES NEEDED The West Australian Association of Teachers of Italian (WAATI) is looking for wonderful West Australian families to host an Italian teenager between the ages of 15 and 17 for an eight week period, from end of June/early July to end of August /early September. • Do you want to share the wonders of our state with an enthusiastic teenager who is keen to learn about our culture and the Aussie way of life? • Do you want to give your child and opportunity of a lifetime to have the hospitality reciprocated in Italy for eight weeks from late November to late January? • Do you want to learn about another culture? • Do you have a loving family who is happy to share its home and time? This program is open to all students in the school, your child does not even have to be a student of Italian – just one who can appreciate the wonders of Italy and who may enjoy a trip to Italy at the end of the year to benefit from a wonderful cultural experience!! You don’t need to be rich, nor have a large home – just a comfortable bed, good 2 Ad Omnia Paratus wholesome food and a genuine desire to showcase your city and enjoy the experience! Contact Ms Sharon Rainford [email protected] or Ms Diana Tersigni [email protected] for more information. Ms S Rainford (Dean of Studies) SPORT ACC RECOGNITION This year St Norbert College had some outstanding performances as a team but also from many individuals at the Associated and Catholic Colleges (ACC) ‘C’ Division Athletics carnival held at the WA Athletics Stadium. Each year after the ACC Swimming, Cross Country and Athletics carnivals an “All Stars” team is selected to recognise individual performances. The “All ACC” honorary team consists of the best two performers in each event across all divisions of carnivals. In relay events the best four indvidual 100m performers are selected. All students selected in the All Stars team are presented with a badge and certificate of acknowledgment from the ACC. Age champions and record breakers are also acknowledged with a certificate from the ACC. This year seven students were selected into the ACC All Stars team. Year 7 - Jaco Jansen Van Rensburg Year 8 - Nyika John and Ben Johnson Year 9 - Caleb White and Jack Higgs Year 10 - Nicholas Rowlands and Morgan Doecke. Morgan Doecke also broke the under 16 girls javelin record and Year 8, Samuel Rowlands was awarded the under 14 Champion Boy for our division. ACC Letters is the highest individual accolade awarded by the ACC. To receive “Letters”, a student must be selected in an All Star team in the same sport for a minimum of four years. The number of years does not have to be consecutive, but the years are not cumulative across sports. Morgan Doecke was awarded ACC Letters, for her commitment and selection in the ACC All Stars team for the past four years in a row. The ACC Letter were presented to her at the College Assembly by ACC Director of Sport and former St Norbert College student, Mr Kyle March. Congratulations to all of these students for their outstanding achievements. We look forward to another successful year in 2015. Miss M Gore (Health and Physical Education Teacher) GIRLS BASKETBALL Skyplay offer an annual tour that allows participants to play in national tournaments to improve and experience high levels of game play. In January 2015 Skyplay will travel to Dandenong, Victoria to play in the Eltham - Dandenong Australia Day Tournament. This tournament has been around since 1974 and has approximately 1000 teams entered. Three current St Norbert Canons Basketball players, Abbey Chehab, Felicity Plewright and Savanah Neville have been selected to be part of the Under 14 Perth Rebacks side that will be competing at the tournament. Former basketball program players Maddison Galliott and Rebecca Fraser will also be participating at the event. Mrs C Grosser (Sport Coordinator) “Prepared For All Good Works” 3 SCIENCE BIG SCIENCE COMPETITION - AWARD WINNERS Halle Schofield Year 7 Credit Sanjita Ghimire Frances Macapili Felicity Plewright Jaco Jansen Van Rensburg Vivian Johnson Yajnah Juggessur Aldric Ratnasekera Charlie Stone Distinction Oscar McDonald Year 8 Credit Rhys Abernethy Bronwyn Brims Abbey Chehab Edzel Dangazo Faith Desmond Nicol Dubert Samuel Eaton Reid Galliott Kale Hurn Siena Kelly Julia Khen Bernard Masillones Nikhil Mathew Frieda Opoku Cleveland Poolman Lara Rangitoheriri Dylan Reid Michael Ryan Elizatbeth Skinner-Drakeford Cyrus Tadena Lucas Tan Jayke Taylor Liam Trevena Brendon Victor George Whitehouse Linda Yeoh Year 9 Credit Connor Boyce Jack Cummane Reece Don Chloe McClevie Linh Nguyen Dharma Nind Patrick Tayler Shane Tan Year 10 Credit Laine Brunalli Jack Burt Jason Chen Grace Cunningham Ezekial Dimalanta Nicole Hayes Bethany Lee Rebecca McLevie Abozar Nawa Desmond Nyein Carlina Palmieri Matt Paskett Arin Regi Hayden Savory Jan Clarice Tadena Abel Titus Matthew Walker Carleton Walmsley Eric Wojcik Australian National Chemistry Quiz Year 11 Credit Caleb Barber Christopher Stevenson Distinction Jessica Ingram Year 12 Credit Jessie Pang Language Perfect Science Championships Gold Award Ancel Albert Silver Award Liv Lubas Bronze Award Dawn Saji MOVEMBER The Norbies Mo Bro’s would like to thank everyone for their continual support and donations, there are some terrific looking moustaches growing, we have so far received $961 which is fantastic. It really is going to a good cause, it’s still not too late to donate to our group, the link to donate is http://au.movember.com/team/1586985 or search for our team name. Then click the Donate to team button and choose an amount you would like to donate to the team. Then simply fill in the details and the donation will be sent to the group. You can look at some of the photo’s on the team website Many thanks for your support and generosity Mr M Tassone - Norbie Mo Bros Team Captain 4 Ad Omnia Paratus YEAR 9 CAMP GALLERY “Prepared For All Good Works” 5 ALUMNI TIM MARNEY VISIT On Wednesday 5 November we were honoured with the visit of Mr Tim Marney, the State Mental Health Commissioner and former St Norbert College student. Tim addressed Years 9, 10 & 11 students on mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety. He encouraged students to seek help to prevent and treat these issues, especially during adolescence. Tim recommended organisations such as Beyond Blue (www. beyondblue.org.au), Reach Out (au.reachout.com) and Youth Focus (www.youthfocus.com.au). The students were engaged by the frank discussion and will benefit greatly from hearing about Tim’s experiences. St Norbert College, Psychology Services are open to students and families who require psychological support. Mrs D Carvalho (College Psychologist) NOTICES BUS ROUTES The College is currently working with Horizons West bus company on some minor changes to the Parkwood and Canning Vale routes for the commencement of Term One, 2015. The proposed changes will see the Parkwood route extend through Wilson and some minor adjustments on the Canning Vale route. A draft timetable with the proposed changes is attached to this newsletter and available to download on the College website. We invite parents who are effected, to contact Mr Chris Richards-Scully if you have any questions by Friday 5 December (Week 4.8). We hope to publish the new timetables by the last week of the term. Email crichards-scully@norbert. wa.edu.au 50th ANNIVERSARY The St Norbert College 50th Anniversary preparations are well underway. You are invited to attend the group reunion planned for your year, (see list attached). YEAR CAPTAIN STILL NEEDED FOR CLASS 2002. Students from the Class of 2014 are invited to the 50th Reunion for 20102014 on Saturday 21 March 2015 at the Cannington Leisureplex. Details were enclosed in the graduation package. Please make payments before 3 February as places are limited to 340. Email [email protected] after you have made your payments. The Uniform Shop UNIFORM SHOP Term Four Trading Hours Monday: 8.00am - 12.00pm and Thursday: 1.00pm - 5.00pm Delicious Slices of Seasoned Chicken Breast and Fresh Salad all in a Tortilla Wrap H S E R F T A E SPECIAL With a 600ml Bottle of Nu Water $5 Available this Wednesday 26 November. Prepaid Orders are essential, by Tuesday Morning. QUEENS PARK 50th Anniversary Celebrations Reunions Community Mass St Norbert Day Presentation Night Dinner Dance (See website for details) February - March Sunday 15 February Friday 5 June Monday 2 November Saturday 5 September Cannington Leisureplex 7.00pm - 11.00pm College Oval 6.30pm Mass, St Mary’s Cathedral 10.00am College Celebrations 12.00pm Perth Concert Hall 7.00pm Crown Entertainment Complex Astral Room 7.00pm Please check the College website for updates on all the celebrations. www.norbert.wa.edu.au If you are a former student or staff, subscribe to the Norbertus magazine for all alumni news, email [email protected] to update your details. PARKWOOD PARKWOOD BUS BUS SERVICE SERVICE 17 16 15 1 12 16 13 14 14 15 12 13 BUS STREET BUS STOP STOP STREET Leaves St Norbert College Leaves St Norbert College 1. Nicholson Rd - Before Spencer Rd 1. Spencer Rd - At Kennards Hire 2. Spencer Rd - At Kennards Hire 2. Spencer Rd - After Berehaven Ave 3. Spencer Rd - Before Denham Way 3. Matilda SpencerStRd - Before Denham 4. - Opp Mildenhall St Way AM AM 7.30 7.20 7.32 7.23 7.40 7.28 7.43 PM PM 3.30 3.30 3.49 3.40 3.51 3.44 3.59 3.46 4.01 4. Matilda Matilda St St -- Opp Opp Huntingdale Mildenhall StPrimary 5. 7.31 7.45 3.49 4.03 6. Rd - Huntingdale Opp NumberPS 86 5. Huntingdale Matilda St - Opp 7.47 7.33 4.05 3.50 7. Close Kindy 86 6.Madeline Huntingdale Rd--Outside Opp Number 8. Forest Lakes Dr- Opp Number 9 7. Madeline Close - Outside Kindy 9. Murdoch Rd- Outside Lakers Tavern 8. Murdoch Rd - Outside Lakers Tavern 10. Berehaven Ave - Opp Elvington Way 9. Berehaven Ave - Before Whiteman St 11. Yale Rd - After Joonleen Way 10. Berehaven Ave - Opp Elvington Way 12. High Rd - Before Whaleback Ave 11. High Yale Rd Joonleen Way 13. Rd -- After Outside Number 485 7.49 7.36 7.51 7.37 7.53 7.40 7.54 7.42 7.55 7.44 8.05 7.41 8.06 4.07 3.53 4.09 3.55 4.11 3.57 4.12 3.59 4.14 4.00 4.22 4.03 4.23 12. Metcalfe High Rd -Rd Outside Number 485465 14. - Outside Number 7.53 8.06 4.12 4.25 15. 13. Metcalfe Metcalfe Rd Rd -- Outside Outside Number Number 377 465 8.09 7.54 4.28 4.13 16. 14. Metcalfe Metcalfe Rd Rd -- Before OutsideJaccard NumberWay 377 Arrives St Norbert College 15. Fern Rd - Before Upnor St 8.13 7.56 8.33 8.03 4.32 4.15 16. Fern Rd - After Cahill Court 8.06 4.27 17. Fern Rd - Before Langham Garden 8.09 4.28 Arrives St Norbert College 8.20 St Norbert Norbert College St College Bus Service Service Bus St Norbert College St Norbert College operates private bus services St Norbert College operates private bus services to students living in the suburbs of … to students living in the suburbs of … Canning Vale Canning Vale Thornlie Thornlie Huntingdale Huntingdale Gosnells Gosnells Southern River Southern River Parkwood Parkwood Lynwood Lynwood Langford Langford Ferndale Ferndale 4.24 ROUTES: ROUTES: Current Current usage usage of of the the bus bus service service warrants warrants one one morning morning and and one one afternoon afternoon bus bus run in the “Canning Vale” and “Parkwood” regions. The maps on the following run in the “Canning Vale” and “Parkwood” regions. The maps on the following pages pagesexplain explainthe thebus busroutes. routes. 12 COST: COST: 2 One Onebook bookof oftickets ticketscosts costs$25.00 $25.00and andcontains contains20 20tickets tickets(one (one ticket ticket==one oneride). ride). Therefore, Therefore,coming comingto toand andfrom fromschool schoolininone oneday daywill willrequire requiretwo twobus bustickets. tickets. Tickets Ticketsare areavailable availablefor forpurchase purchaseat atStudent StudentServices. Services. 10 10 11 11 33 9 BUS BUSSTOPS: STOPS: The The bus bus driver driver will will stop stop at at the the bus bus stops stops detailed detailed on on the the maps maps on on the the following following pages. pages. 89 8 TIMES: TIMES: 44 The The bus bus route route times times indicated indicated are are approximate approximate times times that that the the bus bus will will be be at at aa particular particularbus busstop stopon onthe theroute. route. 55 77 Please Pleaseestimate estimatewhat what time time you you will will need need to to be be at at your your particular particular bus bus stop stop in in the the morning in order to catch the bus or to pick up your child from the bus stop morning in order to catch the bus or to pick up your child from the bus stop in in the theafternoon. afternoon. 66 135 Treasure Treasure Road Road 135 Queens Park Park WA WA 6107 6107 Queens Phone: 9350 9350 5433 5433 Phone: Fax: 9356 9356 1602 1602 Fax: www.norbert.wa.edu.au www.norbert.wa.edu.au 11 8.17 8.38 18. Nicholson Rd - After Petry St Arrives St Norbert College 8 7 9 10 6 5 8.10 17. Garden St - After Rose Court 8.09 16. Garden St - Before Burbank St 4.28 8.07 15. Warton Rd - Before Garden Opp Number 270 4A 4.27 8.06 14. Warton Rd - After Amherst Rd 4.18 4 4.36 4.31 4.30 4.25 8.01 8.04 13. Warton Rd - After Sandringham St 4.15 4.10 4.08 4.07 4.05 4.04 3.58 3.56 3.53 3.52 12. Ranford Rd - After Sanctuary Ave 8.00 7.51 7. Eastwood Pde 11. Ranford Rd - Before Grand Blvd 7.50 6. Goodwood Way - Opp St Ivens Ct 7.56 7.47 5. Banksia Espl - After Roundabout 10. Tobermory Pass 7.45 4A. Eucalyptus Ave - After Waratah Blvd 7.53 7.40 4. Nicholson Rd - After Birnam Rd 7.54 7.39 3. Nicholson Rd - Before Amherst Rd 9. Southacre Dr 7.38 2. Nicholson Rd - Before Gateway Blvd 8. Eastwood Pde - Before Orkey Way 3.50 3.51 3.30 PM 7.36 AM 1. Nicholson Rd - Opp Willow Pond STREET Depart St Norbert College BUS STOP CANNING VALE BUS SERVICE 3 12 2 18 1 13 17 14 16 15 PARKWOOD BUS SERVICE BUS STOP STREET AM PM Leaves St Norbert College 1 2 St Norbert Norbert College St College Bus Service Service 3.30 1. Nicholson Rd - Before Spencer Rd 7.30 3.49 2. Spencer Rd - At Kennards Hire 7.32 3.51 3. Spencer Rd - Before Denham Way 7.40 3.59 4. Matilda St - Opp Mildenhall St 7.43 4.01 5. Matilda St - Opp Huntingdale Primary 7.45 4.03 6. Huntingdale Rd - Opp Number 86 7.47 4.05 7. Madeline Close - Outside Kindy 7.49 4.07 8. Forest Lakes Dr- Opp Number 9 7.51 4.09 9. Murdoch Rd- Outside Lakers Tavern 7.53 4.11 10. Berehaven Ave - Opp Elvington Way 7.54 4.12 11. Yale Rd - After Joonleen Way 7.55 4.14 12. High Rd - Before Whaleback Ave 8.05 4.22 13. High Rd - Outside Number 485 8.06 4.23 14. Metcalfe Rd - Outside Number 465 8.06 4.25 15. Metcalfe Rd - Outside Number 377 8.09 4.28 16. Metcalfe Rd - Before Jaccard Way 8.13 4.32 Arrives St Norbert College 8.33 St Norbert College St St Norbert College operates private bus services StNorbert NorbertCollege Collegeoperates operatesprivate privatebus busservices services to students living in the suburbs of … to students living in the suburbs of to students living in the suburbs of … … Redcliffe Redcliffe Canning Vale Belmont Belmont Thornlie Huntingdale Rivervale Rivervale Gosnells Cloverdale Cloverdale Southern River Kewdale Kewdale Parkwood Lynwood Lathlain Lathlain Langford Carlisle Carlisle Ferndale 16 14 15 13 ROUTES: ROUTES: ROUTES: Current ofof the bus service warrants one morning and one afternoon Currentusage usage of the bus service warrants one morning and one afternoon bus Current usage the bus service warrants one morning and one afternoon bus run in the “Redcliffe” and “Cloverdale” regions. The maps on the following run run in the “Canning Vale”and and“Cloverdale” “Parkwood”regions. regions.The Themaps mapsonon the following bus in the “Redcliffe” the following pages explain the bus routes. pages explain the bus routes. pages explain the bus routes. 12 COST: COST: COST: 11 One Onebook bookofof oftickets ticketscosts costs$25.00 $25.00and andcontains contains20 20tickets tickets(one (oneticket ticket===one oneride). ride). One book tickets costs $25.00 and contains 20 tickets (one ticket one ride). Therefore, coming to and from school in one day will require two bus tickets. Therefore, coming to and from school in one day will require two bus tickets. Therefore, coming to and from school in one day will require two bus tickets. Tickets Ticketsare areavailable availablefor forpurchase purchaseatat atStudent StudentServices. Services. Tickets are available for purchase Student Services. 10 3 BUS BUSSTOPS: STOPS: BUS STOPS: The Thebus busdriver driverwill willstop stopatat atthe thebus busstops stopsdetailed detailedon onthe themaps mapson onthe thefollowing following The bus driver will stop the bus stops detailed on the maps on the following pages. pages. pages. 9 St Norbert College 135 135Treasure TreasureRoad Road Queens QueensPark ParkWA WA6107 6107 Phone: 9350 5433 Phone: 9350 5433 Fax: Fax:9356 93561602 1602 www.norbert.wa.edu.au www.norbert.wa.edu.au 8 TIMES: TIMES: TIMES: 4 The Thebus busroute routetimes timesindicated indicatedare areapproximate approximatetimes timesthat thatthe thebus buswill willbe beatat ataaa The bus route times indicated are approximate times that the bus will be particular bus stop ononthe route. particular bus stop the route. particular bus stop on the route. 5 7 Please Pleaseestimate estimatewhat whattime timeyou youwill willneed needtoto tobe beatat atyour yourparticular particularbus busstop stopinin inthe the Please estimate what time you will need be your particular bus stop the morning in order to catch the bus or to pick up your child from the bus stop inin morning in order to catch the bus or to pick up your child from the bus stop morning in order to catch the bus or to pick up your child from the bus stop in the afternoon. the afternoon. the afternoon. 6 135 Treasure Road Queens Park WA 6107 Phone: 9350 5433 Fax: 9356 1602 www.norbert.wa.edu.au CLOVERDALE BUS SERVICE BUS STOP STREET AM Leaves St Norbert College 9 8 10 7 11 PM 3.30 1. Wright St - After Wicca St 7.50 3.44 2. Fulham St - Outside Chicken Treat 7.53 3.47 3. Wright St - Opp Miles Park 7.55 3.49 4. Sydenham St - After Keymer St 7.57 3.52 5. Epsom Ave - After Daglish Rd 7.59 3.54 6. Gabriel St - After Pearl St 8.01 3.57 7. Kew St - Before Trink St 8.04 3.59 8. Trink St- Before Keane St 8.05 4.00 9. Belmont Ave - Outside Church 8.09 4.05 10. President St - Before Jenmark Way 8.11 4.08 11. President St - After Jeffrey St 8.12 4.09 Arrives St Norbert College 8.20 4 5 3 12 6 6 2 13 5 14 4 3 REDCLIFFE BUS SERVICE BUS STOP STREET AM Leaves St Norbert College PM 3.30 1. Star St - After Oats St 7.42 3.45 2. Star St - After Mercury St 7.43 3.46 3. Star St - Before Archer St 7.44 3.47 4. Roberts Rd - Opp Marchamley St 7.51 3.49 5. Francisco St - Before Surry Rd 7.53 3.52 6. Francisco St - After St Kilda Rd 7.55 3.54 7. Frederick St - Opp Oriana St 7.57 3.59 8. Durban St- Outside Number 45 7.59 4.01 9. Durban St- Opp Number 76 8.02 4.01 10. Belvidere St - After Gardiner St 8.04 4.03 11. Hardey Rd - Opp Chester Rd 8.05 4.05 12. Alexander Rd - Opp Number 303 8.06 4.06 13. Alexander Rd - Before Knutsford Ave 8.09 4.08 14. Armadale Rd - Cnr Ray Rd 8.10 4.10 Arrives St Norbert College 8.24 8 1 7 9 2 10 1 11
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