OASIS-C1 Accuracy is a OASIS-C1 Accuracy comprehensive two-day workshop designed to provide attendees with current OASIS-C/C1 CMS guidance and prepare them for implementation of OASIS-C1 on Jan. 1, 2015. OASIS-C1 Accuracy will provide field clinicians, QA reviewers, educators and managers with strategies and tools to correctly and accurately apply CMS guidance in the completion of critical OASIS-C/C1 “M” items while ensuring accurate reimbursement. Attendees at this interactive workshop will also examine the rationale and timetable for implementation of OASIS-C1 and the role of OASIS-C/C1 “M” items in the calculation of case mix and HHRG scores, agency reimbursement and outcome/process measures scores. Participants will also have the opportunity to test their OASIS knowledge and assessment skills and apply current guidance to patient scenarios. Workshop Registration Register online at www.pahomecare.org or return this form with a check made payable to: Pennsylvania Homecare Association 600 N. 12th Street, Suite 200 Lemoyne, PA 17043 Name(s) _____________________________________________________ Tuesday, November 18 7:30 - 8 a.m. Registration & Continental Breakfast 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Workshop Wednesday, November 19 7:30 - 8 a.m. Registration & Continental Breakfast 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Workshop Thursday, November 20 8 - 9 a.m. Registration 9 - 11:30 a.m. HCS-O Exam (optional) PHA Member $500 Non-Member $1,000 Professional Designation(s)__________________________________ Agency ______________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________ City________________________________ State ____ Zip____________ Phone _______________________________________________________ Email ________________________________________________________ _____ Check WORKSHOP SCHEDULE Workshop Cost: HCS-O Exam The optional Home Care Specialist OASIS (HCS-O) certification exam will be offered following the two-day workshop on Nov. 20. There is a separate registration fee for the exam. Complete the enclosed form to register. Please note: The Board of Medical Specialty Coding & Compliance has changed the requirements for HCS-O re-certification. Call 1-800897-4509 for details. Check # ________________ Amount $ ________________ _____ Visa _____ MasterCard 3-Digit Security Code _______________________________________ Card #_______________________________________________________ Amount ______________________Exp. Date ____________________ Name on Card ______________________________________________ Signature ___________________________________________________ 13 NURSING CEs AVAILABLE! Hotel Information: A special room rate of $121 is available at the Penn Stater Conference Center Hotel. Call 1-800-233-7505 by Oct. 18 and mention code OASK14A to get the discounted rate. Cancellation Policy: PHA will provide a credit in place of any cancelled workshop, event or product that has been paid for in advance. The credit may go toward any session, event or product to be used with in a one year period from the date of cancellation. The amount of the credit will be minus 25% of the cost of the original purchase price. No credit will be given for cancellations within three weeks of the session. Workshop Facilitator OASIS C1 Accuracy Ann Rambusch MSN, HCS-D, HCS-O, RN Ann has been a certified home health coding specialist since 2003 and currently serves as a member of the Expert Panel of Advisors for the Board of Medical Specialty Coding and Compliance (BMSC). She is the principal author of the HCS-O OASIS Certification exam which was introduced in 2011 by BMSC and the companion Study Guide for HCS-O Certifications (2011-2013). She is the technical editor of The OASIS-C1 Scenario Educator Manual and Practice Workbook published in 2014 by DecisionHealth. Pennsylvania Homecare Association 600 N. 12th Street, Suite 200 Lemoyne, PA 17043 Ann is a recognized national expert and educator in home health coding and OASIS-C. She is also an AHIMA-Approved ICD-10 trainer. She has more than 15 years of experience as an administrator /general manager and consultant for both private and hospital-based home health and hospice agencies. A former hospital vice president of patient services with more than 30 years of nursing leadership experience, Ann has also served on the nursing faculty at Emory University, the University of Texas and the University of Georgia System. November 18-19, 2014 HCS-O Exam: November 20 Penn Stater Conference Center 215 Innovation Blvd., State College, Pa. Pennsylvania Homecare Association (PHA) HCS-O EXAM REGISTRATION FORM Register me for the Home Care Specialist – Oasis (HCS-O) certification examination on November 20, 2014. The standard registration fee is $299.00.* *Your certification examination fees include a one-year membership in the Association of Home Care Coding & Compliance. Visit http://ahcc.decisionhealth.com for more information on membership. CANDIDATE INFORMATION Name: ____________________________________________ Title: _________________________________________________ Organization: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________City: ___________________________State: _______ Zip: ________ Phone: (___) ______________ Fax: (___) ______________ Email: __________________________________________________ (required) PAYMENT INFORMATION Credit Card VISA MC AMEX Discover Card #: _________________________________________________________ Expiration _______________ Cardholder Name: _________________________________ Signature _______________________________ Check enclosed Payable to Registrar, BMSC (TIN 52-2205881) Fax (301) 287-2535 Call (800) 897-4509 Mail BMSC, 9737 Washingtonian Blvd., Ste 200 Gaithersburg, MD 20878-7364 Please Note: You will receive your examination results via USPS within 6 weeks of taking your examination. We recommend that those attendees who plan to take the HCS-O credential examination prepare for the test with self study in addition to this onsite training program. Please visit our website to learn more about the HCS-O certification. www.medicalspecialtycoding.com Conference Code: PA11202014
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