UNIVERSITY OF CUMBRIA NON-DISCLOSURE (CONFIDENTIALITY) AGREEMENT POLICY Vice Chancellors Office N.B. This policy is available on the University of Cumbria website and it should be noted that any printed copies are uncontrolled and cannot be guaranteed to constitute the current version of the policy. POLICY SCHEDULE Policy title Policy owner Policy lead contact Approving body Date of approval Date of implementation Version no. Related Guidelines, Procedures, Codes of Practice etc. Review interval Non-Disclosure (Confidentiality) Agreement Vice Chancellors Office Enterprise and Business Relations Manager Research and Enterprise Committee October 2012 October 2012 1.1 - University of Cumbria Contracts of Employment (Human Resources) - Intellectual Property Rights Policy (VCO) 2 years Non-Disclosure (Confidentiality) Agreement Policy 1. Contents Section Page 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Introduction 2 Aims and Objectives 2 Scope 2 Definitions 3 The Policy Principles 3 Disability Discrimination, Equality of Opportunity 6 and Equality and Diversity Impact Assessment Statements 8. Records Management Statement 6 9. Risk Management Statement 6 10. Roles and Responsibilities 6 11. Contacts Details 7 2. Introduction 2.1 The University is keen to work with Companies and Academic Partners to innovate and develop new ideas or products. This policy outlines the University’s position in relation to the signing of Non-Disclosure (Confidentiality) Agreements (NDA). 3. Aims and Objectives 3.1 The policy recognises that the University may wish to enter into a NDA with a Company or Academic Partner to enable them to share their idea (which is not in the public domain) with the University in order that the idea can be discussed and explored. 3.2 This policy outlines the University’s position in relation to the signing of NDAs and the process for review and signature. 4. Scope 4.1 The policy applies to all staff employed by the University, and unpaid personnel who may be Honorary, people seconded to the University or working in a voluntary capacity for the University, who have access to confidential information covered by a signed NDA. 4.2 It is expected that all staff, as described, will cooperate with the University in the effective delivery of this policy. 5. Definitions 5.1 A NDA, also known as a confidentiality agreement, is a legal contract between the University and the Company or Academic Partner which protects the confidentiality of the idea and prevents disclosure of confidential information which is not in the public domain. 5.2 An NDA typically covers items such as: trade secrets – e.g. a formula, programme or process patents technical drawings and designs mathematical and chemical formulae business plans customer and prospect lists reports correspondance creative ideas It is important to note that a NDA, once in place, covers all forms of communication, including verbal conversations and emails that relate to the idea. 6. The Policy Principles 6.1 The University is keen to work with Companies and Academic Partners to innovate and to develop new ideas or products. 6.2 Sharing knowledge and original work that a Company or Academic Partner may use commercially requires trust. A non-disclosure agreement (NDA), also known as a confidentiality agreement, is a legal contract between the Company or Academic Partner and the University which protects the confidentiality of the idea and prevents disclosure of confidential information. 6.3 The University may wish to enter into a NDA with a Company or Academic Partner to enable them to share their idea (which is not in the public domain) with the University in order that the idea can be discussed and explored, and the University can determine whether it can add value. For example, a company may have come up with a product idea and they want to determine whether our academic expertise can help to test the idea or develop a prototype. An NDA protects the Company or Academic Partner and ensures that the idea is not shared outside of the University, either with a competitor or developed / exploited by the University without permission. 6.4 Once the information is in the public domain, the information can no longer be considered confidential and a NDA would not be required. It is therefore important to check that the information is confidential and is not in the public domain before progressing to a NDA – this is usually achieved through discussion with the Company or Academic Partner. 6.5 NDAs typically cover items detailed in 5.2. It is important to note that a NDA, once in place, covers all forms of communication, including verbal conversations and emails that relate to the idea. 6.6 A NDA can be one-way (so that the University does not share the information disclosed) or two-way, so that the University can share their confidential information and be sure that the Company or Academic Partner will not disclose. 6.7 Once a NDA is signed, the University has entered into a legally binding contract. If the NDA is breached the Company or Partner may take the University to court for damages. If an employee of the University breaches the agreement they will be subject to the University’s disciplinary procedures. 6.8 Anyone sharing information internally that is covered by the NDA must inform those that they are sharing the information with, to ensure that they aware of the confidentiality agreement, and that they abide to this policy. 6.9 The NDA enables the sharing of confidential information. Following discussion and exploration it is important that the University’s Intellectual Property (IP) Policy and Guidelines are referred to, to ensure that the IP of the University is protected if discussion leads to piece of work or collaborative project. The Policy should be referred to in the early stages of the project development, and should be covered in any collaborative agreements entered into by the University. 6.10 The process chart details the process for approval of NDAs and who is able to sign the document on behalf of the University. It is important that the outlined process is strictly followed. Company or Academic Partner has a project idea that they wish to discuss with the University, but wish to protect their idea. The Company or Academic Partner requests the signing of a NDA to enable them to share their idea to enable a confidential discussion and exploration. The Company or Academic Partner is happy to sign the standard University NDA (see appendix 1), which will protect their idea (i.e. the idea will not be shared outside of the University and will not be used or exploited without prior permission of the Company or Partner), and any confidential information shared by the University. The NDA must be approved and signed by University Personnel who are at least Grade 9 or at Principal Lecturer level. A senior person at the partner organisation signs. A copy of the signed NDA must be sent to Legal Services for archiving. If the Company or Academic Partner is unwilling to use the standard University NDA, and wish the University to sign their NDA, the draft NDA should be first shared with the relevant Associate Dean (AD) or Head of Service (Head) for approval to proceed to Legal Services. NDA submitted to Legal Services for scrutiny, by the AD or Head. Legal Services provide advice and comments which are reviewed by the relevant AD or Head. Advice to be provided by Legal Services within 10 working days of receiving the NDA. AD or Head recommends amends to Company or Partner within 5 working days of receiving advice from Legal Services. The final version is agreed and signed by the AD or Head in liaison with Legal Services. A copy of the signed NDA is then sent to Legal Services for archiving. No amends required – AD or Head signs the NDA. A senior person at the partner organisation signs. A copy of the signed NDA is then sent to Legal Services for archiving. 7. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (with particular reference to disability reasonable adjustments) and Equality Assessment Statements 7.1 The Equality Act 2010 covers the “protected characteristics” of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief (including lack of belief), sex and sexual orientation. The University has developed a Single Equality Scheme and Equality Objectives to implement the Equality Act within the University practices and procedures. 7.2 Within the Equality Act it remains permissible to treat a disabled person more favourably than a non-disabled person. It remains lawful to make reasonable adjustments in relation to employment, education and services to ensure that there is true equality of opportunity for disabled people. 7.3 This policy and its implementation will be monitored, as appropriate, in line with relevant legislation for its impact on different equality groups. This process will provide a check on whether there are any differences and allow the University to assess whether these differences have an adverse impact on any particular group such that appropriate action is taken. These are important issues and further information should be sought from the University’s Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Manager, as required. 8. Records Management Statement 8.1 The records associated with this policy are controlled by Vice Chancellor’s Office and will be created, stored and disposed of in line with the University’s Records Management guidelines and procedures. 8.2 The University is committed to complying with the requirements of Data Protection legislation and regulations and any personal data created as part of this policy will be processed in accordance with the University’s Data Protection Act procedures. This includes ensuring that data is held securely, is not disclosed unlawfully and is destroyed when no longer needed. 8.3 The University also aims to ensure that users of this policy are aware of Data Protection, Freedom of Information and Records Management issues associated with this policy. 9. Risk Management Statement 9.1 Failure to comply with this policy could lead to the Company or Partner taking the University to court for damages. If a staff member, employed, Honorary, seconded or voluntary, as described in 4.1, of the University breaches this policy and/or a signed NDA they will be subject to the University’s disciplinary procedures. 9.2 This policy mitigates risk(s) to litigation and disputes and the University risk register – specifically ‘Failure to develop profitable academic enterprise’ (S5). 10. Roles and Responsibilities 10.1 It is the responsibility of: The University Board to oversee the policies of the University via its governance structures. Managers to work within the policy and to ensure that all staff are award of the policy, as described in 4.1. Staff members, as described in 4.1, to work within the policy and procedure and ensure that the policy is adhered to. 11. Contact Details 11.1 For further information regarding this policy please contact the Enterprise and Business Relations Manager, ex 4626, [email protected]. ________________________________________________________ UNIVERSITY OF CUMBRIA POLICY DOCUMENT CONTROL SCHEDULE All University of Cumbria Policies must include a completed Policy Document Control Schedule consisting of the Policy Schedule (see front cover), Review Schedule and Drafting Schedule (see below) which should be completed as appropriate. REVIEW SCHEDULE Review no. Due date 1 October 2014 2 October 2016 3 October 2018 DRAFTING SCHEDULE Draft no. Eg. 0.1 0.2 0.3 Final Version 1.0 Date Reviewed by Approved by Completion date Appendix 1 [Insert date ] LETTER OF AGREEMENT FROM THE UNIVERSITY OF CUMBRIA whose registered office is at Fusehill Street, Carlisle CA1 2HH (“the University”) TO [insert name of company/academic partner] of Company” or “the Academic Partner”) [ insert address] ( “the Dear Sirs RE: [insert title of project or collaboration ] We refer to the above [project or collaboration] to be undertaken between the University and the Company (“the Collaboration”). As part of the Collaboration, the [Company or Academic Partner] may be supplied with information about and documentation relating to the corporate and academic activities of the University and in consideration of this you agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. 1. CONFIDENTIALITY INFORMATION OF DISCUSSIONS, DOCUMENTS AND 1.1 We, or our professional advisers, may supply you or your professional advisers with documents and information relating to the Collaboration. You may also be given access to additional information. Information may be provided in paper form or other format including CD-Rom or electronic format and information may also be supplied orally. 1.2 In this letter the contents of the documents and information referred to in paragraph 1.1 (whether or not the document or information supplied has been marked "Confidential") are referred to as “Confidential Information”. Copies of any of those documents or information (and records of any information supplied orally), whether made in paper form or any other form, including CD-ROM or electronic form, are referred to as “Copies”. 1.3 You must keep the Confidential Information confidential and not disclose it to anyone. 1.4 You shall not disclose to any person the fact that the Collaboration is taking place or the content of any discussions about the Collaboration except where permitted under the terms of this agreement or with the express consent of the University but not otherwise. 1.5 You shall not use any Confidential Information except for the purpose of the Collaboration. 1.6 You and anyone to whom disclosure may be made in accordance with this letter may make Copies but only insofar as is reasonably necessary for the purposes of the Collaboration. 2. PERMITTED DISCLOSURE 2.1 You may disclose Confidential Information to: 2.1.1 your employees; 2.1.2 your professional advisers. 2.2 Before you disclose Confidential Information pursuant to this paragraph 2, you must inform the person to whom you are disclosing it as to its confidentiality and after that disclosure you must procure that all persons to whom you have disclosed Confidential Information comply with the same obligations that you have under this letter. 2.3 You must notify us of the name, address and standing of each person to whom you have disclosed Confidential Information pursuant to this paragraph 2. 2.4 You must inform us immediately upon becoming aware or suspecting that an unauthorised person has become aware of Confidential Information. 3. RETURN OR DELETION OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION You must, if we request, return to us all papers, CD-ROMs and other formats (other than an electronic format) containing Confidential Information and all Copies that you and any person to whom you have disclosed Confidential Information have made. Where Confidential Information or any Copy exists in electronic format, you and any person to whom you have disclosed Confidential Information must, if we request, delete the electronic files which hold that Confidential Information. 4. CONFIDENTIALITY OF REPORTS If the Collaboration does not proceed or for any reason is terminated before the end of the expected term, you must keep confidential and not use for any purpose, any reports, correspondence, documents, information or other papers that you have prepared or have received in connection with the Collaboration. 5. EXCEPTIONS TO THE OBLIGATIONS IN THIS LETTER 5.1 The obligations as to confidentiality and non-disclosure in this letter do not apply: 5.1.1 to matters that are within the public domain (otherwise than by reason of a breach of the terms of this letter). 5.1.2 to the extent that disclosure is required by an order of any court of competent jurisdiction or any competent judicial, governmental or regulatory body. 5.2 Before you disclose any information under paragraph 5.1 you must (to the extent permitted by law) use your best endeavours to: 5.2.1 inform us of the full circumstances of the disclosure and the information that will be disclosed; 5.2.2 consult with us as to possible steps to avoid or limit disclosure and take those steps where they would not result in significant adverse consequences to you; and 5.3 If you are unable to inform us before you disclose any information under paragraph 5.1, you must (to the extent permitted by law) inform us immediately after the disclosure of the full circumstances of the disclosure and the information that has been disclosed. 6. ANNOUNCEMENTS Without prejudice to your other obligations in this letter, you may not make any announcement in connection with the Collaboration unless the contents and timing of the announcement have been agreed by us. 7. DURATION OF THE OBLIGATIONS IN THIS LETTER The obligations in this letter will last until the completion of the Collaboration. 8. ENTIRE AGREEMENT 8.1 This letter is the entire agreement between us and supersedes any arrangement, understanding or previous agreement between us relating to the Confidential Information. 8.2 The Confidential Information may not be accurate or complete and we are not liable to you or to anyone to whom you disclose Confidential Information if it is relied upon (but this will not limit or exclude any liability for fraud). Please confirm your agreement to the terms of this letter by signing and returning to us the enclosed copy of this letter. Yours faithfully University Registrar and Secretary Authorised signatory, for and on behalf of the University. We agree to be bound by the terms of the letter dated [ insert date of letter ]of which this is a copy. .................................................................... Authorised signatory, for and on behalf of the Company
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