February 2015 - Nobel Peace Prize

ISSN: 0802-0329
Åpningstider / opening hours
15. september – 14. mai:
15 September – 14 May: 08:00 – 15:45
15. mai – 14. september:
15 May – 14 September: 08:00 – 15:00
Lørdag stengt / Saturday closed
Lørdag stengt / Saturday closed
Telefon / phone: (47) 22 12 93 20, e-mail: [email protected]
Adresse: / postal address: Henrik Ibsens gate 51, NO-0255 Oslo
Bøker / books
Abebe, Semahagn Gashu
The last post-cold war socialist federation : ethnicity, ideology and
democracy in Ethiopia. - Aldershot : Ashgate publishing, cop. 2014. - XII,
285 s.
ISBN 9781472412089 (ib.)
DOKID: 15tz00041 Oppstilling: NOBEL 963 Ab35l
Abisaab, Rula
The Shiites of Lebanon : modernism, communism, and Hizbullahs islamists. Syracuse university press, 2014. - XXXVIII, 350 s.
ISBN 978-0-8156-3372-3 (ib.)
DOKID: 14tz01605 Oppstilling: NOBEL 956.9 Ab5s
Akten zur auswärtigen politik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 1984 /
wissenschaftliche Leiterin, Ilse Dorothee Pautsch; bearbeiter, Daniela
Taschler und Tim Szatkowski. - München : R. Oldenbourg, 2015. - 2 b.
(LXXXVII, 1751 s.).
ISBN 9783110345421 (ib.)
DOKID: 15tz00145 Oppstilling: NOBEL ru 943.087 A36
Alter, Karen J.
The new terrain of international law : courts, politics, rights. Princeton : Princeton University Press, cop. 2014. - XXVI, 450 s.
ISBN 978-0-691-15474-9 (ib.), 978-0-691-15475-6 (h.)
DOKID: 15tz00070 Oppstilling: NOBEL 341.64 Al75n
Black, Ann
Modern perspectives on Islamic law. - Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, cop. 2013.
- xviii, 300 s.
ISBN 9780857934468 (h.)
DOKID: 15tz00108 Oppstilling: NOBEL 297:34 B56m
Black, Jeremy
A century of conflict : war 1914-2014. - New York, NY : Oxford University
Press, cop 2015. - XV, 223 s.
ISBN 9780199372324 (h.)
DOKID: 15tz00118 Oppstilling: NOBEL 355(09) B56c
Bookchin, Murray
The next revolution : popular assemblies and the promise of direct
democracy. - London : Verso, 2014. - 198 s.
ISBN 9781781685815 (h.)
DOKID: 15tz00043 Oppstilling: NOBEL 335.4 B64n
Brooks, Thom
Ethical citizenship : British idealism and the politics of recognition. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. - 247 s.
ISBN 9781137329950 (ib.)
DOKID: 15tz00035 Oppstilling: NOBEL 342.71 B79e
Clarke, John L.
What should armies do? : armed forces and civil security. - Farnham :
Ashgate Publishing, 2014. - XI, 159 s.
ISBN 9781472445261 (ib.)
DOKID: 15tz00096 Oppstilling: NOBEL 355 C552w
Cochrane, Alan
Alex Salmond : my part in his downfall. - London : Biteback, 2015. xviii, 324 s.
ISBN 9781849548267 (ib.)
DOKID: 15tz00021 Oppstilling: NOBEL 941 C64a
Copsey, Nathaniel
Rethinking the European Union. - London : Palgrave, 2015. - xii, 260 s.
(Rethinking world politics)
ISBN 9781137341662 (h.)
DOKID: 15tz00081 Oppstilling: NOBEL 338(40)(26) C79r
Corruption, grabbing and development : real world challenges / edited by
Tina Søreide, Aled Williams. - Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, cop. 2014. - XV,
216 s.ISBN¤for relater 978-1-78254-441-8
ISBN 978-1-78254-440-1 (ib.)
DOKID: 15tz00034 Oppstilling: NOBEL 338.91(04) C81
Drone wars : transforming conflict, law and policy / edited by Peter L.
Bergen and Daniel Rothenberg. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2014.
- XV, 478 s.Finnes også som: 150319797
ISBN 978-1-107-66338-1 (h.), 978-1-107-02556-1 (ib.)
DOKID: 14tz01427 Oppstilling: NOBEL 355 D835
Drones and targeted killing : legal, moral, and geopoltical issues / edited
by Marjorie Cohn. - Northampton, MA : Olive Branch Press, 2015. - 288 s.
ISBN 9781566569897 (h.)
DOKID: 15tz00154 Oppstilling: NOBEL 355 D83
Frisvold, Paal J., 1962Mot Europa : fortellingen om et nølende Norge. Oslo : Origami forl., 2014. - 238 s. (Origami dokumentar)Finnes også som:
ISBN 978-82-999160-7-3 (ib.) : Nkr 349.00
DOKID: 15tz00033 Oppstilling: NOBEL 338(40)(481) F91m
Gurcan, Efe Can
Challenging Neoliberalism at Turkey's Gezi park : from private discontent
to collective class action. - Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. - 202
s. (Social movements and transformation)
ISBN 9781137469014 (ib.)
DOKID: 15tz00028 Oppstilling: NOBEL 956 G96c
Gurr, Ted Robert
Political rebellion : causes, outcomes and alternatives. - Routledge, 2014.
- xiv, 256 s.
ISBN 978-0415732826 (h.)
DOKID: 14tz01497 Oppstilling: NOBEL 301.15 G96p
Gustafson, Thane
Wheel of fortune : the battle for oil and power in Russia. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2012. - 662 s.Finnes også som:
ISBN 9780674066472 (ib.)
DOKID: 13tz00208 Oppstilling: NOBEL 338(47) G97w
Holslag, Jonathan
China's coming war with Asia. - Cambridge : Polity, 2015. - viii, 208 s.
ISBN 9780745688251 (h.)
DOKID: 14tz01477 Oppstilling: NOBEL 951(5) H74c
Horesh, Niv
Superpower, China? : historicizing Beijing's new narratives of leadership
and East Asia's response thereto. - Singapore : World Scientific Publishing,
cop. 2014. - XV, 137 s.
ISBN 9789814619158 (ib.)
DOKID: 15tz00095 Oppstilling: NOBEL 327(51) H78s
Human rights and the Universal Periodic Review : rituals and ritualism /
edited by Hilary Charlesworth and Emma Larking. - Cambridge : Cambridge
University Press, 2014. - XVI, 297 s.
ISBN 978-1-107-08630-2 (ib.)
DOKID: 14tz01468 Oppstilling: NOBEL FN(24) H885
Humphrey, John P.
Human rights & the United Nations : a great adventure. - Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. :
Transnational Publ., c1984. - ix, 350 s.
ISBN 0-941320-14-6
DOKID: 15tz00112 Oppstilling: NOBEL FN(24) H88h
The international rule of law movement : a crisis of legitimacy and the way
forward / edited by David Marshall. - Cambridge : Human rights program :
Harvard university press, 2014. - XXIII, 308 s. (Human rights program
ISBN 9780674365704 (h.)
DOKID: 15tz00053 Oppstilling: NOBEL 341(04) In1
Kitrosser, Heidi
Reclaiming accountability : transparency, executive power, and the US
constitution. - Chicago : University of Chicago press, cop. 2015. - 283 s.
ISBN 9780226191638 (ib.)
DOKID: 15tz00079 Oppstilling: NOBEL 342(73) K64r
Krooth, Richard
Nuclear Tsunami : The Japanese government and America's role in the
Fukushima disaster. - Lanham : Lexington, 2014. - XX, 209 s.
ISBN 9780739195697 (ib.)
DOKID: 15tz00044 Oppstilling: NOBEL 355.65(52) K91n
Kuninkaallisen tammen suojassa : Suomen Oslonsuurlähetystön historia = I ly
av det kongelige eiketreet : Finlands ambassade i Oslo / Jussi Pekkarinen. [Joensuu] : Kustannusosakeytiö Hai, 2014. - 173 s.
ISBN 978-952-5934-47-2 (ib.)
DOKID: 15tz00165 Oppstilling: NOBEL 948.1(471) P36k
Losurdo, Domenico
War and revolution : rethinking the twentieth century. - London : Verso,
2014. - 359 s.
ISBN 9781781686164 (ib.)
DOKID: 14tz01711 Oppstilling: NOBEL 355(09) L89w
Lundestad, Geir, 1945Öst, väst, nord, syd : huvuddrag i internationell politik efter 1945. 7. uppl. - Lund : Studentlitteratur, cop. 2015. - 422 s.
ISBN 978-91-44-10637-3 (h.)
DOKID: 15tz00166 Oppstilling: NOBEL 940.974 L97o7
Malleson, Tom
After Occupy : economic democracy for the 21st century. - Oxford : Oxford
University Press, 2014. - XXIII, 275 s.
ISBN 9780199330102 (ib.)
DOKID: 15tz00134 Oppstilling: NOBEL 330(73) M29a
May, Todd
Nonviolent resistance : a philosophical introduction. - Cambridge : Polity,
2015. - viii, 190 s.
ISBN 9780745671192 (h.)
DOKID: 14tz01422 Oppstilling: NOBEL 172.15 M446n
MI5 in the great war / edited by Nigel West. - London : Biteback Publishing,
ISBN 9781849546706 (ib.)
DOKID: 15tz00082 Oppstilling: NOBEL GS K(42) M11
Microfinances in India : approaches, outcomes, challenges / Editor Tara S.
Nair. - New Delhi : Routledge, 2015. - x, 218 s.
ISBN 9781138859340 (ib.)
DOKID: 15tz00100 Oppstilling: NOBEL 332.1 M585
Norsk gruppe av Internasjonal kvinneliga for fred og frihet 1915-1940 : et
forsøk på internasjonalt samarbeid / redigert av Mari Holmboe Ruge. 2.
rev. utg. - Oslo : Internasjonal kvinneliga for fred og frihet, 2015. 72 s.
DOKID: 15tz00167 Oppstilling: NOBEL F:396(481) N81B
Paget, Karen M.
Patriotic betrayal : the inside story of the CIA's secret campaign to
enroll American students in the crusade against communism. - New Haven :
Yale university press, 2015. - XI, 527 s.
ISBN 9780300205084 (ib.)
DOKID: 14tz01421 Oppstilling: NOBEL 341.326 P14p
Politikk i grenseland : festskrift til Øyvind Østerud / Dag Harald Claes,
Knut Heidar, Cathrine Holst (red.). - Oslo : Universitetsforl., cop. 2014. 369 s.
ISBN 978-82-15-02259-8 (ib.) : Nkr 399.00
DOKID: 15tz00109 Oppstilling: NOBEL 320.1 P754
Rabasa, Angel
Eurojihad : patterns of islamist radicalization and terrorism in Europe. New York : Cambridge University Press, 2015. - XVI, 229 s.
ISBN 9781107437203 (h.)
DOKID: 15tz00025 Oppstilling: NOBEL 297(4) R11e
Ridge-Newman, Anthony
Cameron's conservatives and the internet : change, culture and cyber
toryism. - Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillian, 2014. - XI, 146 s.
ISBN 9781137436504 (ib.)
DOKID: 15tz00027 Oppstilling: NOBEL 329(42) R43c
Rising powers, global governance and global ethics / edited by Jamie
Gaskarth. - Abingdon : Routledge, 2015. - XVIII, 205 s. (Global
ISBN 978-1-138-82687-8 (h.)
DOKID: 14tz01601 Oppstilling: NOBEL 327(04) R35
Sakwa, Richard
Frontline Ukraine : crisis in the borderlands. - London :
I.B. Tauris, 2015. - XIV, 297 s.ISBN¤for relater 9780857738042
ISBN 9781784530648 (ib.)
DOKID: 14tz01623 Oppstilling: NOBEL 947.71 Sa23f
Sandmo, Erling, 1963Tid for historie : en bok om historiske spørsmål. - Oslo :
Universitetsforl., 2015. - 239 s.
ISBN 978-82-15-01644-3 (h.) : Nkr 349.00
DOKID: 15tz00066 Oppstilling: NOBEL 901 Sa5t
Seierstad, Dag, 1936Folket sa nei : norsk EU-motstand frå 1961 til i dag. - Oslo : Samlaget,
2014. - 320 s.
ISBN 978-82-521-7812-8 (ib.) : Nkr 349.00
DOKID: 15tz00090 Oppstilling: NOBEL 338(40)(481) Se4f
Small, Andrew
The China-Pakistan axis : Asia's new geopolitics. - London : Hurst, 2015. xvi, 319 s.
ISBN 9781849043410 (ib.)
DOKID: 13tz01157 Oppstilling: NOBEL 954.9(51) Sm15c
Soderlund, Walter C.
The independence of South Sudan : the role of mass media in the
responsibility to prevent. - Waterloo, Ontario : Wilfrid Laurier University
Press, 2014. - xvi, 165 s.
ISBN 9781771121170 (h.)
DOKID: 15tz00039 Oppstilling: NOBEL 962.6 So13i
Strategy in Asia : the past, present, and future of regional security /
edited by Thomas G. Mahnken and Dan Blumenthal. - Stanford : Stanford
university press, cop. 2014. - XVI, 295 s.
ISBN 9780804792745 (h.)
DOKID: 14tz01575 Oppstilling: NOBEL 355(5) St8
Syria : from reform to revolt ; political economy and
international relations / Edited by Raymond Hinnebusch and Tina Zintl. Syracuse university press, 2015. - 344 s.
ISBN 978-0-8156-3377-8 (ib.)
DOKID: 14tz01604 Oppstilling: NOBEL 956.9 Sy84
Wartime origins and the future United Nations / ed. by Dan Plesch; Thomas G.
Weiss. - Routledge, 2014. - xx, 227 s.
ISBN 9780415712675 (h.)
DOKID: 14tz01411 Oppstilling: NOBEL FN(09) W26
Wilson, A. N.
Victoria : a life. - London : Atlantic, 2014. - 642 s.
ISBN 9781848879560 (ib.)
DOKID: 15tz00009 Oppstilling: NOBEL 923 V66W
Wilson, James G.
The triumph of improvisation : Gorbachev's adaptability,
Reagan's engagement, and the end of the Cold War. - Ithaca : Cornell
University Press, 2014. - 246 s.
ISBN 9780801452291 (ib.)
DOKID: 14tz01656 Oppstilling: NOBEL 947(73) W69t
Women, political struggles and gender equality in South Asia / Edited by
Margaret Alston. - Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. - xi, 260 s.
(Gender, development and social change)
ISBN 9781137390561 (ib.)
DOKID: 15tz00097 Oppstilling: NOBEL 396(5) W84
Zantovsky, Michael
Havel : a life. - London : Atlantic, 2014. - XIV, 543 s.
ISBN 9780857898494 (ib.)
DOKID: 15tz00010 Oppstilling: NOBEL 923 H383Zan
Zuckoff, Mitchell, 196213 hours : the inside account of what really happened in Benghazi. - First
edition. - New York, NY : Twelve, 2014. - XVII, 328 s.
ISBN 9781455582273 (ib.)
DOKID: 15tz00022 Oppstilling: NOBEL 973(61) Zu85t
Ôshima, Miho
Noruwê o shiru tame no 60 shô = Kunnskap om Norge i 60 kapitler. - Tokyo :
Okashi shoten, 2014. - 377 s. (Eria sutadî shirôzu ; 132)
ISBN 9784750340470 (h.)
DOKID: 15tz00237 Oppstilling: NOBEL 948.1 N818