MEDIA KIT 2016 WWW.AUTOMATISERING.ORG 8 issues in 2016 Hit the Bull’s eye with Automatisering Dear Advertiser, The trade journal Automatisering (Automation) offers 8 issues in 2016. The interest for industrial automation in Norway is bigger than ever. The use of automation is increasing both in the industrial sector and in public sector. In addition to loyal readers of the paper issue, our web portal,, has a steady increase of users, with the same reason as the printed magazine. The web portal features daily automation news. We enter 2016 with upgraded Internet pages, which includes large banner advertisements and more internal links between related articles. This will increase the number of page views. We also offer an electronic newsletter weekly. Paying Subscribers. Our readers are thus highly motivated. Focus. Every issue covers automation and nothing but automation. Long Lifetime. With 8 issues annually, the journal remains fresh for 1 ½ months. Kind regards Joachim Seehusen Editor N R . 0 3 15 | 24. Å RGANG | autom a tisering .org | K R .110 .- | ET MA GASI N FRA T EKNIS Visible ads. The amount of advertisements is limited to max 40%, but would typically be around 25%. K UKEB LA D MEDIA Nor-Shippi ng 2015 vi ser frem sis N R . 0 115 Advertisements in the trade journal Automatisering (Automation) reaches decision makers within industrial automation. The magazine covers automation solutions in discrete manufacturing, process industries, metals and mining, food and beverage, oil and gas, maritime, water and waste water, power and energy, infrastructure/ communication, and building automation. Automatisering offers several unique advantages, including: Skip foran osminfdaustrien automatistetende ring EKNISK UKEBL AD MEDIA r g | K R .110 .- | E T M A G A S I N F R A T | 24. ÅRGANG | automatisering.o te nytt: Close co-operation. Long term co-operation with leading Automation organizations, including distribution to their members. SUPERRASK SENSOR Stanser sjøsyke N R . 0 615 N R . 0 415 G | a utoma tiserin KNISK UKEBL AD MEDIA .- | E T M A G A S I N F R A T E a t i s e r i n g . o r g | K R .110 | 24. ÅRGANG | autom Runar Hansesætre: Utbyggere: Flere kokker Byggautomatisering gir mindre søl til besvær Kongsber gm | K R .11 0 .- | E T MAGAS IN FR A TEKNIS K Bedre arbeidsomfoserhtniold ng – mindre svart n: Industri og forskning går samme kreftene for – Det tok litt av med Samler nsproduksjon rvan unde av nskr tasjo men doku UKEBL AD MED IA Go’ morge n yoghurt: Smart liming av skjeer Automatiiljøet: ofilen Da kere helauPrtomat Sjong: k: iskg bardis sendes tiUtvikl l VMet bMener automati se ransjen e r blitt forringsgodt van t Profilen Margrethe Hauge: Target Readership Profilen Jo hnny Skoleve Østvang: Kuben VG S: ikke utviksenet følger Tekni lingen ske ble et maranlegg eritt | 24. ÅRGAN Automation Departments, including Instrumentation and Manufacturing Execution System. • Operation and Maintenance Departments • Engineering Departments/Companies • Automation Consultants • Production and Technical Management • Plant Managers • Machine Builders • System Integrators Certified Circulation: 5000 Total Circulation: 5500 (including Fairs and Conferences) Number of issues: 8 Trades Publishing Dates for Automatisering 2016 No. Month Deadline 1. February 20.01 08.02 Logistikk og distribusjon 17.–18. February, Norges Varemesse Lillestrøm Empack 17.–18. February, Norges Varemesse Lillestrøm 2. March/ April 30.03 18.04 Hannover Messe 25.–29. April, Hannover, Germany Miljø & Teknikk 19.–21. April Telenor Arena Fornebu Euroexpo Bergen 13.–14. April 3. May 04.05 23.05 Eliaden 31. May–2. June 4. June/July 01.06 20.06 Automatisering 25th anniversary, Nor-Fishing,16.– 19. august, Trondheim 5. August/ September 03.08 22.08 ONS Stavanger 29. august–1. September 2014 • BUILDING AUT OMATION 6. October 21.09 10.10 OTD Bergen 19.–20. Oktober 2015 • POWER AND ENERGY 7. November 19.10 07.11 SPS/IPC Drives, 8.–10. November 2015, Nürnberg, Germany 8. December 30.11 19.12 • PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE • PROCESS INDUSTRIES Issue date Exhibition/Fair • FOOD AND BEVERAGE • AQUACULTURE • DISCRETE MANUFACTURING • OIL AND GAS • WATER AND WASTE WATER TREATMENT Subjects covered Rates and formats Magazine Size (width x height): 220 x 300 mm. Margins: Top 18 mm, side 18 mm, bottom 12 mm Form Size (W x H) With Bleed* Rate NOK Full A4 page 184 × 270 mm 220 × 300 mm 23 600,- 2/3 A4 Page, Horizontal 184 × 175 mm 220 × 195 mm 18 900,- 2/3 A4 Page, Vertical 120 × 270 mm 138 × 300 mm 18 900,- 1/2 A4 Page, Horizontal 184 × 130 mm 220 × 146 mm 15 150,- 1/2 A4 Page, Vertical 90 × 270 mm 108 × 300 mm 15 150,- 1/3 A4 Page, Horizontal 184 × 87 mm 220 × 100 mm 10 100,- 1/3 A4 Page, Vertical 58 × 270 mm 76 x 300 mm 10 100,- 1/4 A4 Page, Horizontal 184 × 64 mm 220 × 76 mm 9710,- 1/4 A4 Page, Vertical 90 × 133 mm 9710,- 1/8 A4 Page, Horizontal 90 x 65 mm 4880,- Spread 404 × 270 mm 440 × 300 mm 34 300,- Page 2 184 × 270 mm 220 × 300 mm 26 000,- 2nd Last Page 184 × 270 mm 220 × 300 mm 26 000,- Back Cover 184 × 228 mm 220 × 240 mm 32 200,- *Please remember to add 5 mm at top, bottom and both sides for bleeding advertisements. Crucial information in advertisements to be at least 10 mm from the edges. Prices do not include VAT and art works, if applicable. Both stitched and polywrapped inserts on request. Control, Safety and Monitoring Systems. Instrumentation and Sensor Technology. Measurement Technology and Calibration. Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES). Operator Stations (HMI/SCADA) and Panels. Valves. Robots. Simulation. Modelling. Communication Equipment and Solutions, including Wireless and Radios. Vision Systems. Asset Management Solutions. Building Automation. Frequency Converters and Motion Control WWW.AUTOMATISERING.ORG Advertising at The Norwegian language Automation Portal www. has approximately 10,000 page views weekly. Further to daily automation news, the web site offers sections covering in-depth technical features (Automation Academy), calendar with events in the automation industry and useful automation links. A couple of the 150 articles the Automation Academy are typically among the 20 most popular articles at any time. It is regarded as an import source of technical information for the automation industry in Norway. Toppbanner Rates Front Page Size Max kb Price/month F1 980× 300 90 10 815,- F2 300×150 25 4330,- F3 600×150 30 4870,- F4 580×400 90 6490,- F5 300×150 25 3245,- F6 300×150 25 3245,- F7 300×150 25 3245,- F8 600×200 40 4330,- Vacant posistion 300×250 25 6500,- Article Page Size Max kb Price/month A1 980×300 90 10 815,- A2 600×150 30 4330,- A3 580×400 90 5400,- A4 300×150 25 2700,- A5 600×200 40 4330,- Vacant posistion 300×250 25 6500,- Toppbanner Electronic Newsletter We distribute a newsletter by E-mail weekly. We offer banner advertisements in the newsletters. Size: 768x150 pixels. Rate: 2700 NOK each issue. Prices are exclusive of Norwegian VAT and possible Design Work. Mr. Joachim Seehusen [email protected] Telephone: +47 95 21 49 77 Sales Manager Mrs. Randi Wik Stav Publisher: Teknisk Ukeblad Media AS Post Office Box 380, Sentrum NO-0102 Oslo Norway [email protected] Telephone: +47 92 03 64 96 Fax: +47 32 85 69 79 Illustrations: Editor Design: Teknisk Ukeblad Media AS Contact Information
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