CURRICULUM VITAE October 2015 Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research Gaustadalléen 21, N-0349 Oslo, Norway. Tel: +47 22 95 88 00. Fax: + 47 22 60 77 74 Name: Date of birth: Academic degree: Current position: Nationality: Languages: Countries of work: E-mail: G.I. Orderud 21.12.56 Cand. Philol Senior Researcher Norwegian Norwegian, English Norway, China, Saudi Arabia, and the Czech Republic [email protected] Education: Year 1987 1980 Academic degree Cand. philol 1 year study in Societal policy Work history: 1985 – 1985 – 1985 1977 – 1979 Researcher, NIBR Central Bureau of Statistics Army officer Institution University of Oslo Oppland Regional College Key Qualifications: Has been engaged in a broad range of projects: (i) industrial structures and labour markets; (ii) migration and place belonging; (iii) social structuring and poverty; and (iv) environmental issues. Has been applying both quantitative methodology (e.g. surveys and register based data), and qualitative methodology (e.g. individual interviews and focus group interviews). Related activity: Occasional examination work at Institute for Human Geography at the University of Oslo and occasional peer reviewing of scientific papers for international journals. Visiting professor at Hebei University of Science and Technology since 2011, with annual lecturing for students and scientific staff. Project management and relevant projects: Has headed many projects, and also programmes, since the late 1980s, both in Norway and abroad. Publications: Articles in international journals with peer review: Orderud, G.I. and Vogt, R.D., (2015 in press) Environmental values and attitudes among farmers in China – a case study in the watershed of Yuqiao reservoir of Tianjin Municipality, China, International Journal of Environmental Studies. Orderud, G.I., Vogt. R., Andersen, T. and Luo, J. (2015) Explaining and understanding environmental actions in Chinese agriculture – the case of Yuqiao watershed of Tianjin Municipality, International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, doi.10.1080/13504509.2015.1088484. Gu, J., Luo, J. and Orderud, G.I. (2015) Social Construction Based on Long-Distance Water Diversion Projects — A Case Study on the Yuqiao Reservoir in Tianjin, Chinese Journal of Urban and Environmental Studies, Vol. 3(2): 1–14. DOI: 10.1142/S2345748115500177. Orderud, G.I. and Vogt, R.D. (2013) Trans-disciplinarity required in understanding, predicting and dealing with water eutrophication, International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 20(5): 404-415, DOI: 10.1080/13504509.2013.814605 Orderud, G.I. and Winsvold, M. (2012), The role of learning and knowledge in adapting to climate change: a case study of Norwegian municipalities, in International Journal of Environmental Studies 69(6): 946-961. DOI:10.1080/00207233.2012.730676 Orderud, G.I. (2011), Climate change knowledge acquisition in Norway’s municipalities, in International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, 3(4): 416–430. Orderud. G.I. and Kelman, I. (2011), Norwegian mayoral awareness of and attitudes towards climate change, International Journal of Environmental Studies, 68(5): 667–686. DOI: 10.1080/00207233.2011.587648 Orderud, G.I. (2011): Finance, home building, and urban residential structuring, in Antipode – A Radical Journal of Geography, 43(4): 1215–1249. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-8330.2011.00875.x Orderud, G.I. and Dobiasova, B (2010), Agriculture and environmental concerns at the local level – a case study of water in the Zelivka catchment, the Czech Republic, in Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning 12(2): 201–221. DOI:10.1080/1523908X.2010.484639. Orderud, G.I. (2007), Is Trust a Driver for Territorially Embedded Industrial Systems? A Case Study of the Home Building Industry in Norway, in Geografiska Annaler Series B Human Geography 89(4): 1-19. DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0467.2007.00265.x Orderud, Geir Inge (2006): “The Norwegian Home Building Industry: Locally Embedded or in the Space of Flows? In International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 30(2): 384-402. DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-2427.2006.00666.x Articles in other journals: Orderud, G.I., Luo, J. and Zhuang, G. (2010), Tackling climate change at the international level: A comparative study of students’ opinions in China and Norway, in Chinese Journal of European Studies 6(6): 89–100 (in Chinese). Luo, J., Li, E., Pan, J., Orderud, G.I. (2009): ‘Ethics orientation of college students towards climate change’, Impacts on Society of Science, 2009(3) 5-9 (in Chinese) Wang, Z. and Orderud, G.I. (2007), A Study in Migration and Regional Economic Classification: Taking Inner Mongolia as a Case, in China Labour Economics, 4(2), 101-119 (in Chinese). Orderud, G.I. (2004), The Norwegian house building industry in an extended European Market, in Regional Trends, 2004(1), pages 44 – 48 (in Norwegian). O’Brien, K., Aandahl, G., Orderud, G.I., and Sæther, B. (2003), Mapping Climate Induced Vulnerability – a basis for dialogue on climate change, in Plan, 2003(5), pages 12 – 17 (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. (2002), Young adults in the Norwegian periphery – migration plans and migration motives, in Journal for Youth research. No. 1, Vol 2, pages 83-88 (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. (2002), How to argue for a regional policy favouring the periphery, and what about the role played by agriculture? Regional Trends 2002(2), pages 22–26 (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. (2002), Agriculture and its multifunctioinal role – still a provider of settlement in the periphery, in Regional Trends 2002(2), pages 27 –31 (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. (1999), Local Agenda 21. In Regional Trends No. 1, 1999, pages Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. (1999), Urban Research and Cities, and the Phenomenon of Globalisation, in Regional Trends No. 2, 1999, pages 23-29. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. (1997), The Poverty Problem is getting Worser, in Plan No. 2, 1996, pages 18. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. (1997), Immigrants and the Supply of Social Housing, in Regional Trends No. 1, 1997, pages 40-44. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. (1997), Immigrants and the Housing Question, in Regional Trends No. 1, 1997, pages 45-48. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. (1997), The Professional Milieu and Competence in Small Municipalities, in Regional Trends No 2, 1997, pages 56-59. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. (1994), Immigration to Norway in the future, in Regional Trends No. 1, 1994, pages 7-13. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. (1994), Explaining international migration flows, in Regional Trends Nr. 1, 1994, pages 36-45. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. (1994), Attitudes to a Free Labour Market in EU among Norwegian Youngsters, in Regional Trends No. 1, 1994, pages 46-52. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. (1994), Where do People want to Live, in Regional Trends No. 2, 1994, pages 26-31. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. (1993), A Main Airport and regional effects, in Plan & Arbeid No. 1, 1993, pages 5657. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. (1992), The Gardermoen Airport - Employment and Population, in Regional Trends No. 1, 1992, pages 8-12. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. (1992), The Gardermoen Airport - Effects of alternative assumptions, in Regional Trends No. 1, 1992, pages 13-20. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. (1992), The Gardermoen Airport - The labour market on Romerike, in Regional Trends No. 1, 1992, pages 21-27. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. (1992), The Gardermoen Airport - Challenges for local authorities, in Regional Trends No. 1, 1992, pages 33-36. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. (1991), Trends in the European Air Transport - Consequences for the activity at the main airport, and regional effects in Norway, in Regional Trends no 2, 1991, pages 44-48. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. (1990), A Main Airport - How necessary? The regional population pattern and the demand for air transport, in Regional Trends No. 1, 1990, pages 11-14. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. (1990), A Main Airport in Eastern Norway as an Instrument in the Regional Policy, in Regional Trends No 1, 1990, pages 15-20. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. (1989), The Public Sector and the Costs of Centralising, in Regional Trends No. 1, 1989 pages 37-42. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. (1989), Agriculture, Policy and Regional Development, in Regional Trends No. 1, 1989 pages 43-47. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Book chapters: Barton, D., Andersen, T., Bergland, O., Engebretsen, A., Moe, J., Orderud, G.I., Tominaga, K., Romstad, E. and Vogt, R.D. (2015 in press) Eutropia – integrated valuation of lake eutrophication abatement decisions using a Bayesian belief network, in Neal, Z.P. (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Applied System Science. London: Routledge. Orderud, G.I. and Luo, J. (2012), The Environmental Society and Fairness and Justice, in Cudlinova, E., Lapka, M. and Rikoon, J.S, (eds.) Towards an Environmental Society, Karolinum Press, Charles University, Prague, pp. 44–75. Orderud, G.I (2012), Trust and distrust: culture finding its way into economics or the other way round? in Warf, B. (ed.) Encounters and Engagements between Economic and Cultural Geography, Springer, Berlin, pp. 103–122. Orderud, Geir Inge and Onsager, Knut (2005): “Asians on the Norwegian labour market: industrial concentration and self-employment careers”. In Spaan, Ernst; Hillmann, Felicitas; and Naerssen, Ton van (eds.) Asian Migrants and European Labour Markets – Patterns and processes of immigrant labour market insertion in Europe. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 197–221. Orderud, G.I. (2005), Home building as an industry – actors and network, in Barlindhaug, R. (red.): The housing market of large cities – driving forces, framework conditions and scope of actions. Oslo: Scandinavian Academic Press – Spartacus Press (in Norwegian), pp. 233–262. Orderud, G.I. (1997), Youth in the Periphery: Education, Jobs and a Place to Live, in Bollman, R. and Bryden, J. (eds) Rural Employment. An International Perspective. New York, USA: CAB International, pp. 99–113. Book reviews: Orderud, G.I. (2011), Book review of Calavita, N. and Mallach, A. (eds.), 2010: “Inclusionary Housing in International Perspective: Affordable Housing, Social Inclusion, and Land Value Recapture”, Cambridge, Mass.: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, 396 pp, in Urban Studies, 48(16), 3633-3636. Reports: Orderud, G.I. (2011), Knowledge about and coping with climate change at the municipal level, in Kelman I. (ed.) Adapting to extreme weather under climate change in Norwegian municipalities, CIENS report 4 – 2011. Oslo, CIENS (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. and Al-Sagr, A. (2010), A Central Population Register for Riyadh and Saudi Arabia – Final Report, unpublished, Riyadh, ArRiyadh Development Authority. Orderud, G.I. and Gåsemyr, S. (2010), A Central Population Register for Riyadh and Saudi Arabia – an international review, unpublished, Riyadh, ArRiyadh Development Authority. Nenset, V., Thaulow, H., Vogt, R. and Orderud, G.I. (2010), Cross-disciplinary environmental research – State of the art, Ciens-rapport nr 2-2010, Oslo, Ciens (in Norwegian). Pan, J., Orderud G.I., Li, E. and Luo, J (2009), Final Report on climate change and social justice (in Chinese) Orderud, G.I. (2009), Crime in Riyadh City – social structures and poverty, unpublished, ArRiyadh Development Authority, Riyadh City, Saudi Arabia Orderud, G.I and Lund Myhre C. (2007), Climate Change and Health, in Vevatne, J. and Westskog, H. (eds.) Adaptations to climate change in the Oslo region. CIENS report 1-2007. Oslo, CIENS (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I., Wang, Z., Zheng, Z. and Zhang, J. (2007), Spatial Classification Systems for China. Unpublished working paper. Oslo/Beijing. Orderud, G.I. and Røe, P.G. (2006), Bank and Finance: procedures, risk, and influence in relation to home building projects. NIBR-note 2006:109. Oslo, Norway: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I., Dobiasova, B. and Hejzlar, J. (2006), Losses of nutrients from agriculture to water in the Zelivka catchment of the Czech Republic: The socio-economic dimension. Euroharp report 22. Oslo, NIVA. Orderud, G.I., Tesli, A. and Vedeld, T. (2006), The Demographic Development Study of ArRiyadh – Synthesis Report. Unpublished report submitted to ArRiyadh Development Authority, Riyadh City, Saudi Arabia Orderud, G.I. (2005), Approaching an absolute poverty line. Unpublished report to ArRiyadh Development Authority, Riyadh City, Saudi Arabia Orderud, G.I. (2005), The Demographic Development Study of ArRiyadh – Migration Phase II and III. Unpublished report to ArRiyadh Development Authority, Riyadh City, Saudi Arabia Orderud, G.I. (2004), The Demographic Development Study of ArRiyadh – Migration Phase I. Unpublished report to ArRiyadh Develoment Authority, Riyadh City, Saudi Arabia Orderud, G.I. (2003), The link between agriculture and dimensions of multifunctionality. NIBR note 2003:105. Oslo, Norway: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. (2003), Youngsters and young adults in peripheral regions of Norway: Residential Preferences and Attitudes about Life in the Periphery, in Helve, H. (ed.): Young in the Periphery – Research on Nordic Rural Youngsters. TemaNord 2003:519. Copenhagen, Denmark: Nordic Ministry (in Norwegian). Bjørnsen, H.M., Moen, B. and Orderud, G.I. (2003), Extension of the Kjensvatn Power Station in Hemnes Municipality- Societal consequences. NIBR-note 2003:115. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. (2002), Agricultural Multifunctionality – The Concept and the reasoning behind, NIBR Note 2002:112. Oslo, Norway: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. and Røe, P.G. (2002), Housing development in Nydalen. NIBR Report 2002:4. Oslo, Norway: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Strand, A., Kann, F., Tennøy, A., Orderud, G.I. and Juvkam, D. (2002), Development economics and market prospects. Analysis of the development project Gjersrud-Stensrud. NIBR Report 2002:10. Oslo, Norway: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. (2001), Young adults living in the periphery: Attitudes about their place of living and migration. NIBR note 2001:102 (in Norwegian). University of Bergen (in Norwegian).Orderud, G.I., Johansen, S., and Hegrenes, A. (2001), The Multifunctionality of Agriculture: The Regional Dimensions, in Vårdal, Erling (ed): Multifunctionality of Agriculture. Seminar Proceedings. Bergen: Department og Economics, University of Bergen (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. (2001), Immigrant self-employment. NIBR Report 2001:15. Oslo, Norway, Norwegian institute for urban and regional research (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. and Fuglum, A. (1999), The Port of Moss. Economic and Industrial Consequences of Closing down the Container Quay. NIBR report 1999:15. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Johansen, S., Kann, F. and Orderud, G.I., Hegrenes, Agnar & Hovland, Ivar (NILF), (1999): Norwegian Agriculture and Multifunctionality. The Peripheral Dimension. Joint Working Paper. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. and Onsager, K. (1998), Explaining Migration - Patterns and processes in a Norwegian Context. NIBR report 1998:6. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. (1998), Local Agenda 21 - The built environment and energy use for Transport and heating of buildings. NIBR note 1998:102. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. (1998), The Circuits of Capital. NIBR report 1998:14. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. (1998), Romerike – Current Situation and Prospect for the Future. NIBR note 1998:115. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Halvorsen, K., Kann, F. and Orderud, G.I. (1998), Competence and Industrial Structure in the Drammen – Asker/Baerum Region. NIBR note 1998:128. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I., Bjørnsen, H.M., Sørlie, K. and Vanberg, V. (1997), An Industrial Analysis for Buskerud County. NIBR report 1997:27. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. and Haaland, T. (1996), Immigrants and Social Housing. NIBR report 1996:15. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. and Sørlie, K. (1996), The Professional Staff in Peripheral Municipalities: Stability and Instability, Recruitment Policy and The Professional Milieu. NIBR report 1996:16. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. (1996), On the Search for Premises for How to Conceptualise Time and Space. NIBR report 1996:17. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. (1996), Municipalities and the Paying of Costs for Avoiding Flood Damages. NIBR note 1996:120. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. and Sørlie, K. (1996), Migration Flows and Migration Motives on Karmøy. NIBR note 1996:121. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. (1995), The Concept of Space and Time. NIBR report 1995:6. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. (1995), Explaining Urban Socio-spatial Structuring. NIBR report 1995:17. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. (1995), Long term effects of a New Railway in Southern Sweden. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. (1994), The Norwegian Periphery and the Internationalization. Attitudes among the youngsters. NIBR note 1994:103. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Clausen, S.E. and Orderud, G.I. (1994), A Criterion based Budgetary System in Oslo. The need for welfare and allocation of resources. NIBR note 1994:108. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. (1993), Immigration to Norway in a European Perspective. NIBR report 1993:12. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Mønnesland, J. and Orderud, G.I. (1993), Regional Policy and Infrastructure. NIBR report 1993:18. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. (1992), Social Inequalities in Oslo. NIBR report 1992:14. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I., Moen, B, and Jensen, A.M. (1991), Changes in the Well-Being of Children and the Elderly: A Survey of selected international literature and proposals for national research. NIBR report 1991:9. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. (1991), Hordaland towards the Year 2010 - labour market and welfare. NIBR note 1991:111. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. (1991), Airport Localisation - employment and regional effects. International evidence. NIBR note 1991:121. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Grimsrud, G.M., Orderud, G.I. and Sørlie, K. (1991), Constructing a New Airport and the migration pattern on Romerike. NIBR note 1991:133. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. (1991), Gardermoen Airport - culture, everyday life and challenges for public authorities. NIBR note 1991:134. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research. Grimsrud, G.M. and Orderud, G.I. (1991), Gardermoen Airport and the Labour Market. NIBR report 1991:28. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research. Orderud, G.I. and Grimsrud, G.M. (1991), Kindergartens and the Attitude of Local Politicians, Mothers and Firms. NIBR report 1991:31. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research. Orderud, G.I. and Johansen, S. (1991), Gardermoen Airport - regional effects upon employment and Population. NIBR report 1991:35. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research. Foss, O., Nybakk, R. and Orderud, G.I. (1990), Private Services in Rural Areas - A motor for increasing employment? NIBR report 1990:5. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. and Grimsrud, G.M. (1990), Farming in Norway Towards the Year 2010 - social and cultural consequences of four scenarios. NIBR report 1990:16. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Halvorsen, K. and Orderud, G.I. (1990), Local Consequences of Different Developmental Trajectories in Norwegian Agriculture. NIBR note 1990:138. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian) (in Norwegian). Langmyhr, T., Okstad, A.O, and Orderud, G.I. (1989), Land use in Trondheim East/Malvik- an analysis of trends and driving forces. NIBR note 1988:149. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Foss, O., Okstad, A.O., Orderud, G.I. and Sørlie, K. (1989), Future Patterns of the Built Environment in Large Urban Areas. NIBR report 1989:2. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Foss, O. and Orderud, G.I. (1989), A Main Airport on Hurum. NIBR note 1989:106. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. and Foss, O. (1989), 'The Parliament Agree in Choosing Gardermoen as the Main Airport for the Oslo Area'. NIBR note 1989:125. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Foss, O., Orderud, G.I. and Sørlie, K. (1988), The Coastal Norway Labour Market. A focus on the recruiting situation in the 1990s. NIBR note 1988:103. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. (1988), The Labour Demand in the Food Sector - An analysis of the future regional development. NIBR report 1988:6. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. (1988), Pricing the Centralisation. An analysis of costs related to the centralising population and working place development. NIBR report 1988:18. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Mønnesland, J. and Orderud, G.I. (1986), The concept of space and the changing strategies in Norwegian regional development. NIBR note 1986:120. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (in Norwegian). Conference papers: Langeland, O. and Orderud, G.I. (2003), The Venture Capital Innovation Model: Urban and HighTech? Paper presented at the conference “Reinventing Regions in a Global Economy", Regional Studies Association International Conference. Pisa Conference Centre, Pisa, Italy 12th-15th April, 2003. Orderud, G.I. (2003), The house building value chain – territorial embeddedness or disembeddedness? Paper presented at the International Geographic Union conference “New Economic Spaces – New Economic Geographies?” Vancouver, Canada, August 10. – 15. 2003. Orderud, G.I. and Onsager, K. (2001), Self-employed South East Asians in Norway and in the food cluster of Oslo. Paper presented at the European Science Foundation Workshop “Asian Immigrants and Entrepreneurs in the European Community, Catholic University, Nijmegen, Nederland, 10.-11. Mai 2001 Orderud, G.I. (2001), Rural Youth in Norway – settlement preferences and attitudes about the rural/peripheral way of life. Paper presented at the conference Children and youngsters in rural areal – a nordic and european perspective, Vasa, Finland, october 4-6., 2001. Johansen, S.and Orderud, G.I. (2000), The Multifunctionality of Agriculture: Ideology, Mechanisms, and Policy. Paper presented at The 12th Annual Rural Policy Conference of the Canadian Rural Restructuring Foundation, “New Rural Economy: Options and Choices”, Alfred, Ontario, October 2000. Orderud, G.I. (1995), Youngsters in the Periphery - Education, Jobs and Place to Live. Paper presented at The 7th Annual Rural Policy Conference of the Canadian Rural Restructuring Foundation, ”Perspectives on Rural Employment”, Coaticook, Quebec, October 1995. Orderud, G.I. and Foss, O. (1994), Social Structuration in a Peripheral Capital City, Paper presented at The Conference on Urban Research at the 1994 Learned Society Conference, Calgary, Canada, June 1994. Orderud, G.I. (1993), The Infrastrucutural Development in Norway and Sweden - a Regional Perspective on Policies and Investments. Paper presented at The European Summer Institute in Regional Science, ”International Competition and Co-operation in an Enlarged Europe", Joensuu, Finland, June 1993. Johansen, S., Orderud, G.I. and Stokka, A. (1992), Regional Impacts of Building and Running a new main Airport for Norway. Paper presented at The IV World Congress of the Regional Science Association International, Palma de Mallorca, Spania, May 1992 Feature articles in newspapers: Orderud, G.I. (2001), Forced to be a grocer? Klassekampen January 25, 2001 (in Norwegian). Orderud, G.I. (2001), Rhetoric in the agricultural policy, Nationen, June 28, 2001 (in Norwegian).
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