BLUE PETROLEUM BFS new energy ... THE WORLDS FIRST PETROLEUM REDUCING CO2 EMISSIONS All texts, images, charts, music and other materials of this presentation are protected by copyright and by other intellectual property rights of BFS, unless stated otherwise. This material can not be reproduced, distributed, modified or used on any other web pages, other videos, etc. without the corresponding written authorisation on behalf of BFS. Dear Reader, I appreciate your time and interest in our process, which has come about after years of research, and the dedication and talent of a qualified team of engineers, scientists and technicians. Since it started, BFS has sought ways to find a source of renewable energy, which is clean and adaptable to our current lifestyle. Bearing these terms in mind, the main purpose which we have focused our technology on has been to capture Solar Energy via photosynthesis and store it, through the reduction of CO2 molecules, producing an organic carbon. This reduction of CO2 by solar energy is not new as this process has been carried out for millions of years, through the primary producers in our oceans. They were the first photosynthesizing organisms on our planet, bringing together the greatest biogeochemical cycle of carbon in our biosphere. Human activity is moving dangerously towards the cycle of inorganic carbon, producing the so called greenhouse effect. This increase in atmospheric CO2 is caused by the uncontrolled extraction and use of fossil fuels stored over millions of years in the Earth’s Subsoil and rendering the natural absorption mechanisms ineffective. In this sense, BFS is committed to bringing about the reversal to this combustion of fossil reserves by establishing a controlled synthesized process of an artificial clean oil and thereby paving the way for future generations to make this planet cleaner, and providing a potentially inexhaustible source of clean energy. “Our planet is a finite space. The sources of fossil energies that are the fundamental base of the energetic consumption in the history of our species is limited. Therefore, the progressive evolution from fossil hydrocarbons to artificial fuels with negative emissions of CO2 would be a fundamental step for the future of mankind.” Bernard A.J. Stroïazzo-Mougin Presidente y Fundador de BFS BLUE PETROLEUM BFS “Solar radiation can be used for industrial purposes. In desert regions, maladjusted to any sort of crop, fields of glass tubes could be put up everywhere. The photochemical process, which to date has been the best secret of nature, would take place inside”. Prof. Giacomo Luigi Ciamician (1857-1922) Pioneer of Photochemistry 4| ACCELERETED CONVERSION CYCLE OF CO2 INTO ENERGETIC PRODUCTS C3 = CO2 CAPTURE CONVERSION Bio Fuel Systems has developed a process based on the capture and accelerated conversion of CO2, using elements such as solar energy, photosynthesis and electro magnetic fields. The process of controlled synthesis, allows us to obtain an artificial fuel similar to fossil fuel without sulfur, heavy metals and reduces CO2. BLUE PETROLEUM BFS The first clean petrol in the world. |5 MOTIVATIONS The energy THE SURVIVAL PROBLEMS OF OUR CIVILISATION ON THIS PLANET ARE BASED MAINLY ON THREE FUNDAMENTAL ELEMENTS: ENERGY All 3 have one element in common: ENVIRONMENT CARBON in gaseous, liquid or solid form FOOD 80% of the energy that we consume comes from fossil hydrocarbons. Carbon is present in all animal and plant tissues. An important percentage of environmental problems are caused by the uncontrolled emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2). |7 BLUE PETROLEUM BFS E N E R G Y “Nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed!” (Lavoisier) 8| The energy WHEN WE REFER TO NEW ENERGIES WE MUST CONSIDER 4 IMPORTANT PARAMETERS: ENERGY DENSITY: The energy produ- Energy responds to rigorous physical laws ced per unit of volume must have a high calorific power. EFFICIENCY: The energy produced per unit of time must cover at least 8,000 work hours per year; with a positive energy balance. INEXHAUSTIBLE: The production of that energy must have a capacity of reproduction without time limit. STORABLE & TRANSPORTABLE : The energy must be able to be stored when not used and transportable to its place of use. - in particular to thermodynamic laws that cannot be altered. Any transformation of energy is accompanied by non-recoverable losses within the system. These losses are very important in the conversion of thermal energy into mechanical energy. For example, chemical energy in the form of hydrocarbon is transformed inside an internal combustion motor at the rate of 40% into mechanical energy and the rest into thermal. That is quite difficult to recover. However, we have continued to use this type of engine for more than a century, obviously with certain improvements, but still with quite a low yield. Here the performance of the motor is compensated with the high energetic density of the fuel... |9 BLUE PETROLEUM BFS PETROLEUM. A PRACTICAL, DENSE, TRANSPORTABLE AND STRORABLE CHEMICAL ENERGY Fossil fuels helped the progress of our civilization and is a comprehensive part of our life system. Without fuel the second Industrial Revolution would never have taken place. It is transportable, cumulative and usable for more than 8,000 hours per year and its handling hardly presents any risks. Its efficiency does not depend on noncontrollable elements such as wind or clouds. Other types of energies are not dense enough; the best example is an aircraft, as it is impossible to imagine an aircraft weighing 300 tons taking off using only photovoltaic panels and batteries. 10 | Furthermore: what fuel can move a vehicle weighing one ton over 500 km with only 50 liters of diesel? Currently there is no other fuel with that extraordinary energetic density using a small and simple storage device. But these fossil fuels give off carbon dioxide during their combustion. This is the same carbon dioxide that was captured millions of years ago to make crude oil. The problem stems from the fact that nowadays it has been proven that this same CO2 has a high incidence on our environment. “BLACK GOLD IS THE PILLAR OF THE ECONOMY IN THE INDUSTRIALISED WORLD BUT ITS ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL VIABILITY OBLIGE US TO SEARCH FOR OTHER ALTERNATIVE RESOURCES ” | 11 ENVIRONMENT “The Biosphere is not only a space where life is developed but it also holds living beings, objects, water, soil, air and the relations between these elements!” The energy CO2 is the main element in the carbon cycle. It takes part in the exchange of carbon between living beings, the atmosphere and photosynthetic elements. was not foreseen in terms of capturing and recycling of this industrial CO2. This natural cycle is saturated and unbalanced due to industrial emissions of CO2. This CO2 does not belong to the natural carbon cycle and comes from a previous cycle where by pretroleum was formed. Although it is possible that we may have reserves of fossil energies for the next decades, the undermining of the environmental balance of the biosphere on which life depends, makes us, as species, reconsider the viability of continuously burning fossil fuel with the subsequent increase in CO2 emissions. Fossil fuel originated from the transformation of CO2 into simple organic carbon molecules due to the action of marine micro-organisms by means of photosynthesis. The problem of the indiscriminate use of fossil fuels over the last decades stems from the fact that the emissions resulting from their combustion “Burning fuel or carbon will become a luxury in the near future if we do not find the way to neutralize or recycle the CO2”. | 13 BLUE PETROLEUM BFS C O L L A T E R A L I N C I D E N C E O F CO2 1. OCEAN Although the whole world has set its eyes on global warming, hardly anyone realizes that the second incidence of CO2 emissions in the atmosphere is the acidification of the oceans. From the beginning of the industrial revolution, half of the CO2 emitted by the combustion of fossil fuels has been absorbed by the oceans and their pH has varied from 8.16 to 8.05 in approximately 150 years. Given that the pH scale is logarithmic, it has an important impact on marine organisms, plankton, coral, etc. The Earth has undergone important changes in the past, but never so rapidly. This speed in the mutation of environmental circumstances, questions the capacity of natural adaptation of many organisms that are part of the marine ecosystem. For the first time one scientific study confirms that the ocean looses approximately 1 % of their vegetal plankton each year. 14 | The energy 2. CO2 STORAGE We must not forget that the oxygen that we breathe now is in great part the result of the past reduction by photosynthesis of CO2, millions years ago. The reduction of free oxygen in the atmosphere would provoke a destruction of a great part of our biosphere, living beings would have very little time to adapt to the new environment conditions. Mankind emits 1,022 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere every second, in other words, 32,000 million tons each year. 23,000. million tons of oxygen are associated to these 32,000 million tons of CO2. Atmospheric O2 concentration 21 % 1 Uncertainty If we bury these 32 *GT of CO2, 23 GT of oxygen will disappear along with the carbon, in other words, a part of our oxygen will be buried each year (approximately 0.018 % every year). The exchange rate of atmospheric oxygen is relatively high, around 2,000 years. In other words: The plants produce 1 / 2,000.º of the total atmospheric oxygen every year. The same amount of oxygen consumed by oxidation. 10-4 14 % 10-8 7% 0-12 1% -4000 The oxygen cycle is very similar to the carbon cycle and it does not allow important modifications. This constant concentration of 21% free oxygen in our atmosphere has existed for millions of years. -3000 -2000 -1000 0 Age (in millons of years) *GT = = Gigatons | 15 FOOD “A great part of the world´s population suffers from obesity or overweight due to poor and unbalanced nutrition! The remaining part suffers hunger or receives an inadequate feeding!” Marine products are the main source of proteins for more than one billion human beings and currently represent between 10 to 20% of animal proteins. Each year 90 million tons of fish are captured in the oceans. What are our future generations going to feed on if we exhaust the oceans today? (Planète Mers) HEALTHY AND UNLIMITED FOOD Oceans contain the largest biomass in the world and their largest population is phytoplankton, which are the base of the marine trophic chain. Within the phytoplankton we find the essential fatty acids called “OMEGA” that the human body does not synthesize itself. But they are essential to regulate the metabolism of living beings. OMEGA BFS BFS EPA BFS 3,6,7,9 DHA IT IMPROVES: REDUCES THE RISK OF: IT REDUCES: • Memory and brain functions • Healthier skin and hair • Healthier eyes • Nutrition of cells and it slows the process of ageing • Anti-inflammatory • Antioxidant • Heart diseases due to its excellent effect on triglycerides • Sudden death from heart related problems • Development of Alzheimer disease • Certain kinds of Cancer • Allergies • Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis • Cholesterol • Obesity • Diabetes | 17 BLUE PETROLEUM BFS THEREFORE THE ENERGETIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL AIMS ARE: • To ensure the progressive replacement of fossil ENERGIES, without affecting the sources of FOOD for the population, and if possible, to improve by replacing them with healthier sources, also avoiding the instability of two of the main elements in our ENVIRONMENT; CO2 and Oxygen. • On the one hand, it is necessary to maintain the balance of gases in the atmosphere, avoiding the thermal imbalance of our biosphere. The CO2 acts like a thermal regulator of the planet. Too much CO2 = increase of the global temperature. Lack of CO2 = increase the risk of returning to the ice age. 18 | • Without forgetting that 1ºC increase in global temperature corresponds to a 7% increase in atmospheric humidity. Water vapor is a greenhouse gas much higher than CO2 and generates cyclones and other weather changes. (* a nuclear power station avoids the emission of 400 T/ hours of CO2 in the atmosphere but emits 3,000. T / hours of steam vapor) • And on the other, it is necessary to avoid the acidification of oceans. | 19 SOLUTIONS The energy HOW BFS TECHNOLOGY CAN TAKE PART IN THE MEETING OF THESE CHALLENGES 1. Absorbing and quickly turning industrial CO2 into fuels similar to fossil fuels that are compatible with current transport and electrical production structures. 2. Creating an artificial anthropic CO2 cycle to avoid the saturation of the natural cycle due to industrial emissions and by consequency reduce the greenhouse effect. 3. Working on the organic chain above the mineral chain of CO2 transformation to separate protein elements and essential fatty acids for a healthier nutrition of the population. ENERGY ENVIRONMENT FOOD | 21 BLUE PETROLEUM BFS BIO FUEL SYSTEMS REPRODUCE THE SYNTHESIS OF AN ARTIFICIAL FUEL, SIMULATING AND ACCELERATING EVERY STAGE OF THE PROCESS. We move on from a gaseous carbon CO2 ... 4.33 Kg CO2 with 27% C ... to an organic carbon ... 1 kg with 52% C ... into a mineral carbon. with 65% C finishing off with Hydrocarbon with 85 % C. FULFILLING A DOUBLE PURPOSE: NEUTRALIZING THE CO2 AND CREATING A NEW FUEL 22 | The energy A TECHNOLOGY BASED ON PHYSICAL PROCESSES OBSERVED IN NATURE WHICH USES: A. Solar energy as the main source of energy. B. CO2 of industrial emissions as raw material. C. Phytoplankton as a primary, simple and efficient exchanger. D. All the above by means of a hydrophotosynthetic and thermo-chemical transfer process enhanced with catalysers. | 23 BLUE PETROLEUM BFS A. SOLAR ENERGY OUR MAIN SOURCE OF ENERGY UNIQUE, CONSTANT AND INEXHAUSTIBLE Each second we receive from the Sun an amount of energy equivalent to the combustion of 3,000,000 tons of fuel. That means that every 4 seconds the energy received would be equivalent to our daily worldwide consumption of fuel. (85,000,000 bbl/day). In any case, the current technological capacity of re-conversion and conservation of this energy per square meters is too small to be used as a primary source. The challenge for mankind is to discover how to convert only a small part of this immense source of energy in an efficient manner, into dense, continuous, inexhaustible, storable and transportable energy. 24 | | 25 BLUE PETROLEUM BFS B. CO2 RAW MATERIAL AFFORDABLE AND RENEWABLE The life system, to which we belong is based on carbon chemistry which is essential for the life of plants and animals. Without CO2 plants could not live. Original CO2 comes from the degasification of the magmatic layers of the Earth by means of volcanoes. A part of this CO2 reduction gave rise to the oxygen we currently breathe, and another part formed the long chains of hydrocarbons which we use today in the form of fuel. The latter was made possible by the fundamental participation of the Sun and marine micro-organisms. 26 | (CO2 molecules are very stable, they have an average duration of about 200 to 300 years in the atmosphere and usually need high temperature and pressure to become unstable). The energy | 27 BLUE PETROLEUM BFS C. EXCHANGERS PHYTOPLANKTON AND CYANOBACTERIAS ... there are more than 30,000. known species worldwide and there are possibly many more that have not been identified ... there is no need to modify them artificially, everything already exists in nature. Phytoplankton and Cyanobacterias are microscopic living bodies and are in turn the oldest inhabitants of the planet. They have given birth to all life, animals and vegetables as well as to fuel, which comes from the decomposition of these microscopic bodies on the sea bed. These are autotrophic organisms that use a photosynthetic process similar to higher plants. “They are real mini-biochemical factories, capable of regulating CO2”. Marine phytoplankton is responsible for more than half of the total fixation of CO2 on our planet. 28 | The production yield of these micro-algae is clearly superior to the performance of superior plants, since they are unicellular and divide through mitosis every 24 hours. There are no better sunlight catchers than these microscopic photosynthesizing organisms, which are also the base of the marine food chain. An ordinary seawater phytoplankton cells concentration is usually between 100 and 300 cells per milliliter and reaches concentrations between 500 and 1,000 million cells per milliliter in BFS reactors. PHYTOPLANKTON The energy Humans 0.001% Large predators 0.01% Tertiary consumers 0.1% HETEROTROPH Secondary consumers 1% Primary consumers ZOOPLANKTON 10% Primary producers PHYTOPLANKTON AUTOTROPH 100% Energy Use MARINE TROPHIC CHAIN | 29 BLUE PETROLEUM BFS D. TRANSFER PROCESS: PHOTOSYNTHESIS EFFICIENT AND CONSTANT Photosynthesis is the “front door” that solar energy uses to enter the earth´s ecosystem. The energy necessary to sustain life comes from that energy transported by means of electromagnetic waves, captured and stored in carbons and hydrocarbons by means of the photosynthetic process. Photosynthesis transforms approximately 450 GT of CO2 into 120 GT of carbon and 330 GT of oxygen each year. Our process consists in using luminous energy to assimilate the CO2 (a compound that is poor in energy) to turn it into a substance with great energetic power. CO2 + 2H2O + Solar Energy 30 | CO2 + 4H+ + O2 + 4e- (CH2O) + H2O + O2 | 31 BLUE PETROLEUM BFS TECHNOLOGY APPLIED TO THE FIRST WORLD UNIT 32 | The energy OF ACCELERATED CONVERSION OF CO2 INTO FUEL. | 33 BLUE PETROLEUM BFS CAPTURE 34 | The energy AND TRANSPORT OF CO2 | 35 BLUE PETROLEUM BFS TREATMENT 36 | The energy AND GAS DIFFUSION | 37 BLUE PETROLEUM BFS PRODUCTS 38 | The energy SEPARATION | 39 BLUE PETROLEUM BFS CONTROL 40 | The energy | 41 BLUE PETROLEUM BFS FLUID TREATMENT 42 | The energy CATALYZERS | 43 BLUE B BL LU UEE PPETROLEUM ETRO ET TRO ROLE LEUM UM B BF BFS FS IN THE FINAL PHASE 450,000 TONNES OF INDUSTRIAL CO2 WILL BE PROCESSED ANNUALLY IN THIS PLANT TO PRODUCE 35,000 TONNES OF FUEL AND 3,000 TONNES OF SECONDARY HIGHLY NUTRITIOUS PRODUCTS AND 200,000 TONNES OF ANTHROPIC EMISSIONS OF CO2 INTO THE ATMOSPHERE WILL DEFINITELY BE ELIMINATED. 44 | Th TThe he een he energy nneeerg errg rgy | 45 BLUE PETROLEUM BFS THE FUEL 46 | The energy DENSE with high calorific power (9,700 kcal / kg) NON-POLLUTANT Eliminating 938 kg of CO2 per barrel SUSTAINABLE continuous conversion turns CO2 into energy (2,168 kg per barrel) INEXHAUSTIBLE with a daily production by infinite cell division PROVEN EFFICIENCY with a positive energetic balance and low consumption during 8,000 h / year production. ECONOMICALLY FEASIBLE with a competitive price regarding current energy sources | 47 BLUE PETROLEUM BFS DENSE 9,700 kcal/kg PROVEN AND CERTIFIED 48 | | 49 BALANCE OF CO2 (EMISSION/ABSORPTION) IN AN OPEN CYCLE (TRANSPORT) . NON-POLLUTANT We will use as an example the production of one barrel of oil to be used in a vehicle. I BARREL (159 l) of Blue Petroleum Made from 2.168 Kg of CO2 1 2,168.75 kg of CO2 from the smoke of an industrial unit (Cement, Steal Factory, Thermal Power Plant, etc.) is collected. 2 These 2,168.76 kg of CO2 are injected into the bio petroleum biochemical production system. 3 During this process CO2 is emitted twice into the atmosphere: once when the 48.68 kg of CO2 produced during the biopetroleum thermochemical production. 4 And for a second time when 793.12 kg of CO2 is INDUSTRIAL EMISSIONS SYSTEM OUTPUT released during the biochemical process. 5 Oxygen (approx. 452 kg) is also released 3 from the biochemical capture system during photosynthesis. 6 A certain amount of fuel is used to power the conversion process. But these 97.28 kg of CO2 which are emitted are re-injected into the biochemical capture circuit. Syngas 48.64 kg CO2 2,168.76 Kg CO2 7 When it comes time to taking stock of the emission and capture of CO2, the emissions which are produced during bio petroleum combustion in motor vehicles (planes, boats and automobiles) are taken into account. 2 FEEDING 1 Conclusion: From a global perspective, the system absorbs 2,168.76 kg of industrial CO2 in the production of 1 barrel of bio petroleum and emits 1,230.91 kg, including the vehicle´s combustion gases. As a result the balance is 937.85 kg of CO2 per barrel that is definitively neutralized from humancreated emissions into the atmosphere. 6 Balance System supply 2,168.76 Kg CO2 The energy Eliminates 937.85 kg of CO2 after being used in an open cycle, such as transport. BLUE PETROLEUM Made from 2168 Kg of CO2 + COMBUSTION = 1,230.91 Kg CO2 4 Process Output 793.12 kg CO2 7 O2 452 kg Motor Energy Combustion 389.15 kg CO2 5 BFS TECHNOLOGY Bio-Chemical Capture Production Bio-Oil 141.31 Kg = 159 l. Self-consumption 35.38 Kg bio oil = 97.28 Kg CO2 System output and combustion 1,230.91 Kg de CO2 = Neutralization 937.85 Kg de CO2 | 51 BLUE PETROLEUM BFS NON-POLLUTANT TO BE USED IN TRANSPORT COMPARATIVE TABLE OF THE CO2 EMISSIONS FROM A CAR: 135 HP (100 KW.) OVER A DISTANCE OF 100 KM WITH DIFFERENT FUELS. FUEL SOURCES FOSSIL FUEL BIODIESEL & ETHANOL Sunflower - Biodiesel Maize - Ethanol Soja - Biodiesel Alga - Biodiesel ELECTRICAL VEHICLE Origin Electric - Carbon Origin Electric Gas (Comb. Cycle) Origin Electric - Nuclear Origin Electric - Wind Origin Electric - Photovoltaic BFS ARTIFICIAL PETROLEUM All calculations used to establish the comparative sheet are based on data published by universities and public agencies. -48 Kg CO2 BLUE PETROLEUM 52 | Made from 2,168 Kg of CO2 The energy ABSORPTIONS - 0 + EMISSIONS +19 Kg CO2 +43.6 Kg CO2 +25.8 CO2 +25.4 Kg CO2 -6 Kg CO2 +55 Kg CO2 +22 Kg CO2 +0.3 Kg CO2 +0.5 Kg CO2 +4 Kg CO2 Fossil Fuel - CO2 emissions have been calculated for combustion but not for Extraction, Transport or Refining. For Bio Diesel - All considerations have been taken into the calculations such as:- CO2 emitted during the planting, harvesting and processing and finally the combustion. For Electrical Vehicles - the vehicle may not have emissions through combustion but will due to the construction or exploitation, and the source of energy still produces CO2. BFS Blue Petroleum captures more CO2 due to bio-chemical fixation, including emissions due to combustion and the CO2 issued due to the construction of the plant plus the CO2 issued due to the fabrication of the nutrients, which have been accounted for. | 53 BLUE PETROLEUM BFS CO2 BALANCE (EMISSION/ABSORPTION) IN A CLOSED CYCLE (THERMAL ELECTRICITY PRODUCTION PLANT). NON-POLLUTANT We will use as an example the production of one barrel of oil to be used to fuel an electricity producing turbine. I BARREL (159 l) of Blue Petroleum Made from 2.168 Kg of CO2 1 1,779.61 kg of CO2 due to the smoke of an industrial unit is collected and added to the 389.15 kg of CO2 due to the combustion gases of the recycled turbine to power stage 2. 2 These 2,168.76 kg of CO2 are injected into the biopetroleum biochemical production system. 3 During this process CO2 is emitted twice into the atmosphere: once when the 48.68 kg of CO2 produced during the biopetroleum thermochemical production. INDUSTRIAL EMISSIONS 4 And for a second time when 793.12 kg of CO2 is released during the biochemical process. SYSTEM 5 Oxygen (approx. 452 kg) is also released from the biochemical capture system during photosynthesis. 3 6 A certain amount of fuel is used to power the conversion process. But these 97.28 kg of CO2 which are emitted are re-injected into the biochemical capture circuit. Syngas 48.64 kg CO2 1,779,61 Kg CO2 7 When it comes to taking stock of the emission and capture of CO2, the emissions which are produced during biopetroleum combustion in a turbine are taken into account. 1 Conclusion: From a global perspective, the system absorbs 2,168.76 kg of (1,779.61 kg Industrial + 389.15 kg turbine) CO2 in the production of 1 barrel of biopetroleum and emits 1,230.91 kg, including the turbine´s combustion gases. As a result the balance is 937.85 kg of CO2 per barrel due to human-created emissions into the atmosphere, which are definitively neutralized. 54 | 2 SYSTEM INPUT 2,168.76 CO2 6 Balance System supply 1,779.6 Kg CO2 The energy Eliminates 937.85 kg of CO2 after being used in a closed cycle, such a thermal plant where the combustion gases can be re-injected into the system. BLUE PETROLEUM Made from 2168 Kg of CO2 REFEED 389.15 Kg CO2 Combustión OUTPUT = 841.76 Kg CO2 7 4 695 Kwh Process Output 793.12 kg CO2 G Ch E O2 452 Kg 5 C M E PROCESS Bio-chemical capture Ec Production Bio-Oil 141.31 Kg = 159 l. A G T Self-consumption 35.38 kg bio-oil = 97.28 kg CO2 System output 841.76 Kg de CO2 = Neutralization 937.85 Kg de CO2 | 55 NON-POLLUTANT IN PRODUCTION OF ELECTRICITY COMPARISON CHART OF CO2 EMISSIONS PER KWH IN G/KWH WITH DIFFERENT FUELS. POWER SOURCE FOSSIL FUEL Heavy Fuel Carbon Gas (Com. Cycle) Biomass - Wood NUCLEAR HYDRAULIC WIND ENERGY SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC BFS ARTIFICIAL PETROLEUM All calculations used to establish the comparative sheet are based on data published by universities and public agencies. - 1,350 g / Kwh **** BLUE PETROLEUM Made from 2,168 Kg of CO2 The energy * Based Technology ** Depending on the manufacturing site *** If you replant or not **** Taking into consideration the CO2 emitted in the construction of the oil plant and CO2 emitted during the production of nutrients ABSORPTIONS - 0 + EMISSIONS + 850 g / Kwh 750 - 1.100 g / Kwh * 400 g / Kwh 0 - 1.500 g / Kwh *** 6 g / Kwh 4 - 7 g / Kwh 3 - 22 g / Kwh ** 50- 150 g / Kwh ** | 57 BLUE PETROLEUM BFS DIAGRAM OF THE TRANSFER SOSTENIBLE BFS cycle for the enrichment of carbon. O2 Gaseous Carbon CO2 27% C Industrial Chimney Biochemical Conversion Organic Carbon 52% C 5,500 Kcal/Kg H2O Distillation - Fractioning - Cracking 58 | The energy OF ENERGETIC DENSITY CATAGENESIS Mineral Carbon Catalytic Thermo-chemical 65% C Converter Conversion 7,200 Kcal/Kg Gas Naphtha Gasoline Kerosene Diesel Lubricating Oil Heavy Fuel Blue Petroleum 85% C 9,700 Kcal/Kg Propane Petrochemical, Plastics etc. Petrol for vehicles Jet Fuel, Paraffin, etc. Industrial Fuel Oil Lubricant oils, waxes, polishes, etc. Fuels for ships, factories, etc. | 59 BLUE PETROLEUM BFS INEXHAUSTIBLE For millions of years those EXCHANGERS have been reproduced by continuous mitosis or cell division and have tested their resistance in time, more than any artificial modified cell. They do not need to be renewed or modified, it is only necessary to control the efficiency of their continuous energy transfer within an appropriate process. 60 | | 61 BLUE PETROLEUM BFS ECONOMICALLY FEASIBLE BARREL Us $ 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 2008 62 | 2009 2010 The energy 2012 2011 BFS OIL 2013 2014 2015 FOSIL OIL | 63 BLUE PETROLEUM BFS PROVEN EFFICIENCY Continuous control of the production parameters: low consumption and positive energetic balance during 8,000 h. The bioenergy contained in one cubic meter of our system is equivalent to the bioenergy contained in 2,000,000 cubic meters of sea water. 64 | La nueva energía | 65 BLUE PETROLEUM BFS 66 | | 67 BLUE PETROLEUM THE FIRST ARTIFICIAL OIL CREATED FROM EMISSIONS OF CO2 WHICH ALLOWS US TO CONTINUE WITH THE INFRASTRUCTURE AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF OUR SYSTEM OF LIFE. 1. A CLEAN OIL without sulphur and heavy metals, which eliminates 938 KG of CO2 per barrel of our anthropic emissions into the atmosphere. 2. AN INEXHAUSTIBLE PETROLEUM using exchangers that have existed for millions of years and that do not need to be replaced. 3. AN ECONOMIC PETROLEUM both due to the price of production and the capacity of amortisation of the facilities due to the high added value of its secondary products. BFS HAS REACHED THE TWO PURPOSES - FILTERING CO2 AND CREATING CLEAN FUEL WHICH CONTRIBUTE TO THE REDUCTION OF THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT, TAKING THE FIRST STEP TOWARDS THE LARGEST ENERGY REVOLUTION IN HISTORY. PATENTED PRODUCTION PROCESS. 68 | CONCLUSION Life on our planet depends on a permanent balance of energetic exchange, where oil plays an important role. Without oil, aircraft could not fly, cars could not move and boats could not navigate. Neither would we have access to every-day useful derivative products (polymers, nylon, plastics, paints, rubbers, etc.) Do not forget that we live in a society whose principle energetic consumption is not electrical but fossil energy. The comfort level that technology gives us, based on oil, has led us to a level of life expectancy far higher than those of previous centuries. On the other hand, the current alternative energy cannot replace oil, as they have important inconveniences, such as low density, intermittency, and very little storage capacity. (“Currently the electricity storage methods are not efficient at all”) Consequently, CO2 emissions should not be regarded as a problem but as a solution for our energy and environmental problems: by recycling these emissions and reducing the molecule of CO2, which liberates the oxygen and enriches the carbon, enabling us to produce a new oil with a negative emission balance. The hardest challenge in most cases is the transition from laboratory scale to a full industrial size production chain with an always positive energy balance. (The net energy ratio = energy produced – energy necessary to produce that energy.). “We cannot use more energy than what we produce”. The challenge that BFS has overcome. | 69 BLUE PETROLEUM BFS If we relate the vision of Giacomo Luigi Ciamician with the results proven by BFS; an area equivalent to 10% of the cultivated lands existing in the European Union would allow us to cover two thirds of the worldwide demand of petroleum and part of the food demand with high quality nutritional products. “In nature sometimes invisible things are more important than visible things. Everything on this planet, whether large or small,is important”. Bernard A.J. Stroïazzo-Mougin Inventor of the accelerated cycle of CO2 energy conversion 70 | All texts, images, charts, music and other materials of this presentation are protected by copyright and by other intellectual property rights of BFS, unless stated otherwise. This material can not be reproduced, distributed, modified or used on any other web pages, other videos, etc. without the corresponding written authorisation on behalf of BFS. BLUE PETROLEUM BFS 72 | Phone. (+34) 966 388 278 Fax. (+34) 966 388 279 Calle Sevilla, 6-8 03690 - San Vicente del Raspeig Alicante - Spain
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