GEIR HØNNELAND CURRICULUM VITAE Date of birth: 30 May 1966 Education • • • • 2004: 2000: 1993: 1990: • 1987: Full professor competence Dr.polit. (PhD) in political science from the University of Oslo Cand.polit. (MA) in political science from the University of Tromsø Cand.mag. (BA) from the University of Oslo in political science; East European history, culture and society; and Russian and Polish languages and literature Russian language from the Norwegian Defence College Work experience Fridtjof Nansen Institute, Lysaker, Norway: • • • • 2014–present 2006–2014 2000–06: 1996–99: Deputy Director Research Director Director of the Russian and Polar Programme Research Fellow Outside Fridtjof Nansen Institute: • 2013, JuneJuly • 2010, JuneAugust • 2005–present: • 2002–03: • 1994–95: • 1988–93: Visiting scholar at the Danish Defence Academy, Dept. of Languages and Culture Visiting scholar at Innovative Fisheries Management, University of Aalborg, Denmark Adjunct professor (“professor II”) at the Dept. of Political Science, University of Tromsø Visiting scholar and professor of international environmental policy at the Dept. of Human Ecology, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, USA Researcher at NORUT Social Science Research, Tromsø Russian interpreter for the Norwegian Coast Guard, the Governor of Svalbard and the Norwegian Defence Head Command Languages: • Norwegian (mother tongue) • English (fluent) • Russian (fluent) • German (good) • French (fair) • Polish (limited) MSC experience I have been involved in MSC assessments since 2009. My experience from full assessments includes cod and haddock in the Barents Sea, herring and mackerel in the Norwegian and North Sea and krill in the Southern Ocean. I have also conducted a number of surveillance audits and pre-assessments, as well as acted as peer reviews, for fisheries beyond these full assessments, including for cold water shrimp. 1 Major peer-reviewed books in English (incl. translations and new editions): • Russia and the Arctic: Environment, Identity and Foreign Policy, London and New York: I.B.Tauris, 2015 (ca. 200 pp.). • Handbook on the Politics of the Arctic, Cheltenham and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2015 (ca. 700 pp.) (co-edited with Leif Christian Jensen) • Russia and the Politics of International Environmental Regimes: Environmental Encounters or Foreign Policy? Cheltenham and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2015 (192 pp.) (with Anna Korppoo and Nina Tynkkynen). • Arctic Politics, the Law of the Sea and Russian Identity: The 2010 Barents Sea Delimitation Agreement in Russian Public Debate, Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014 (122 pp) (Chinese edition forthcoming 2015). • The Politics of the Arctic (edited Research Collection), Cheltenham and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2013 (722 pp.). • Making Fishery Agreements Work: Post-Agreement Bargaining in the Barents Sea Fisheries, Cheltenham and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2012 (160 pp.) (paperback edition 2013) (Chinese edition forthcoming 2015/2016). • International Environmental Agreements: An Introduction, London and New York: Routledge, 2011 (216 pp.) (co-edited with Steinar Andresen and Elin Lerum Boasson) (paperback edition 2012). • Borderland Russians: Identity, Narrative and International Relations, Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010 (184 pp.). Paperback edition with new introduction 2013 (208 pp). • International Cooperation and Arctic Governance: Regime Effectiveness and Northern Region Building, London and New York: Routledge, 2007 (co-edited with Olav Schram Stokke) (224 pp.) (paperback edition 2010) (Chinese edition 2014). • Law and Politics in Ocean Governance: The UN Fish Stocks Agreement and Regional Fisheries Management Regimes, Leiden and Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers/Brill Academic Publishers, 2006 (with Tore Henriksen and Are Sydnes) (226 pp.). • Tackling Space: Federal Politics and the Russian North, Lanham, MD and Oxford: University Press of America, 2006 (co-edited with Helge Blakkisrud) (222 pp.). • Health as International Politics: Combating Communicable Diseases in the Baltic Sea Region, Aldershot and Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2004 (with Lars Rowe) (130 pp.). • Russian Fisheries Management: The Precautionary Approach in Theory and Practice, Leiden and Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers/Brill Academic Publishers, 2004 (210 pp.). • Russia and the West: Environmental Co-operation and Conflict, London and New York: Routledge, 2003 (184 pp.) (paperback edition 2011). • Implementing International Environmental Agreements in Russia, Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press, 2003 (with Anne-Kristin Jørgensen) (204 pp.). • Centre–Periphery Relations in Russia: The Case of the Northwestern Regions, Aldershot and Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2001 (co-edited with Helge Blakkisrud) (256 pp.). • Coercive and Discursive Compliance Mechanisms in the Management of Natural Resources: A Case Study from the Barents Sea Fisheries, Dordrecht and Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers/Springer, 2000 (204 pp.) (paperback edition 2014). • Integration vs. Autonomy: Civil–Military Relations on the Kola Peninsula, Aldershot and Brookfield, VT: Ashgate, 1999 (with Anne-Kristin Jørgensen) (214 pp.). Peer-reviewed books in Norwegian (incl. translations): • Hvordan skal Putin ta Barentshavet tilbake? (How Shall Putin Take the Barents Sea Back?), Trondheim: Akademica Publishers (152 pp.) • Russisk politikk (Russian Politics), Bergen: Fagbokforlaget, 2013 (with Jørgen Holten Jørgensen) (272 pp.) • Arktiske utfordringer (Challenges in the Arctic), Kristiansand: Cappelen Damm Akademisk, 2012 (150 pp.). • Nordområdene – hva nå? (The High North – What Now?), Trondheim: Tapir Academic Press, 2010 (with Lars Rowe) (152 pp.). 2 • Fra svarte skyer til helleristninger: Norsk-russisk miljøvernsamarbeid gjennom 20 år (From Dark Skies to Rock Carvings: 20 Years of Norwegian–Russian Environmental Cooperation), Trondheim: Tapir Academic Press, 2008 (with Lars Rowe) (186 pp.). • Internasjonal miljøpolitikk (International Environmental Politics), Bergen: Fagbokforlaget, 2008 (coedited with Steinar Andresen and Elin Lerum Boasson) (210 pp.). • Småstat og energistormakt: Norges sikkerhetspolitiske rolle i nord (Nordområdepolitikk III) (Small State and Energy Great Power: Norway’s Security Role in the High North), Bergen: Fagbokforlaget, 2008 (with Svein Vigeland Rottem and Leif Christian Jensen) (136 pp.). • Den nye nordområdepolitikken: Barentsbilder etter årtusenskiftet (Nordområdepolitikk II) (The New Norwegian Politics in the High North: Barents Pictures after the Turn of the Millennium), Bergen: Fagbokforlaget, 2008 (with Leif Christian Jensen) (177 pp.). • Russlandsbilder: Nye debattinnlegg om naboskap i nordområdene (Nordområdepolitikk I) (Pictures of Russia: New Contributions to the Debate about Neighbourhood in the High North), Bergen: Fagbokforlaget, 2007 (co-edited with Lars Rowe) (114 pp.). • Kvotekamp og kyststatssolidaritet: Norsk-russisk fiskeriforvaltning gjennom 30 år (Quota Battles and Solidarity between Coastal States: Norwegian–Russian Fisheries Management through 30 Years), Bergen: Fagbokforlaget, 2007 (152 pp.). Published in Russian by PINRO Press in 2007. • Moderne russisk politikk: En innføring i Russlands politiske system (Contemporary Russian Politics: An Introduction to Russia’s Political System), Bergen: Fagbokforlaget, 2006 (with Jørgen Holten Jørgensen) (168 pp.). Published in revised and updated version in Danish by Forlaget Samfundslitteratur in 2007. • Barentsbrytninger: Norsk nordområdepolitikk etter den kalde krigen (“Barents Breaking”: Norwegian Foreign Policy in the North after the Cold War), Kristiansand: Høyskoleforlaget/Norwegian Academic Press, 2005 (190 pp.). • Vårt bilde av russerne: 25 debattinnlegg om samarbeidet i nord (How We View the Russians: 25 Contributions to the Debate about Co-operation in the North), Kristiansand: Høyskoleforlaget/Norwegian Academic Press, 2002 (with Anne-Kristin Jørgensen) (116 pp.). Articles in international peer-reviewed journals: • Geopolitics and Institutional Governance in the Arctic, Arctic Review on Law and Politics 5(2): 156– 176, 2014 (with Øyvind Østerud). • Fisheries Certification in Russia: The Emergence of Nonstate Authority in a Postcommunist Economy, Ocean Development & International Law 45(4): 341–359, 2014 (with Lars H. Gulbrandsen). • Compliance and Postagreement Bargaining in the Barents Sea Fisheries, Ocean Development & International Law 45(2): 186–204, 2014. • Norway and Russia: Bargaining Precautionary Fisheries Management in the Barents Sea, Arctic Review on Law and Politics 5(1): 75–99, 2014. • Framing High North Policies: Public Discourse in Norway after 2000, Acta Borealia 28(1): 37–54, 2011 (with Leif Christian Jensen). • East–West Collaboration in the European North: Structures and Perceptions, International Journal 65(4): 837–850, 2010. • Kompromiss als Routine: Russland, Norwegen und die Barentssee, Osteuropa 61(2-3): 257–269, 2011. • Kooperation an der Barentssee: Umweltschutz zwischen Russland und Norwegen, Osteuropa 58(45): 447–457, 2008. • Power Institutions and International Collaboration on the Kola Peninsula, Journal of Power Institutions in Post-Soviet Societies, Issue 4/5, online edition, 2006. • Implementing Global Nature Protection Agreements in Russia, Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy 9(1): 33–53, 2006 (with Jørgen Holten Jørgensen). • Western vs. Post-Soviet Medicine: Fighting Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS in North-West Russia and the Baltic States, Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics 21(3): 395–415, 2005 (with Lars Rowe). • Towards a Precautionary Fisheries Management in Russia?, Ocean & Coastal Management 48(7-8): 619–631, 2005. 3 • Federal Environmental Governance and the Russian North, Polar Geography 29(1): 27–42, 2005 (with Jørgen Holten Jørgensen). • Fisheries Management in Post-Soviet Russia: Legislation, Principles and Structure, Ocean Development & International Law 36(2): 179–194, 2005. • Fish Discourse: Norway, Russia and the Northeast Arctic Cod, Human Organization 63(1): 68–77, 2004. • Nuclear Safety Discourse in the European Arctic, Polar Record 40(212): 39–49, 2004. • Russia’s Northern Fishery Basin: Trends in Regulation, Fleet and Industry, Polar Geography 27(3): 225–239, 2003 (with Lyudmila Ivanova and Frode Nilssen). • East Meets West: Environmental Discourse in the European Arctic, Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning 5(2): 181–199, 2003. • Industrial Pollution Discourse in the European Arctic, Acta Borealia 20(1): 49–73, 2003. • Implementing International Environmental Agreements in Russia: Lessons from Fisheries Management, Nuclear Safety and Air Pollution Control, Global Environmental Politics 3(1): 72–98, 2003 (with Anne-Kristin Jørgensen). • Implementing Russia’s International Environmental Commitments: Federal Prerogative or Regional Concern? Europe–Asia Studies 54(8): 1223–1240, 2002 (with Anne-Kristin Jørgensen). • Implementing International Fisheries Agreements in Russia: Lessons from the Northern Basin, Marine Policy 26(5): 359–367, 2002 (with Anne-Kristin Jørgensen). • Joint Russian-Norwegian Nuclear Safety Initiatives: A Research Note, Post-Soviet Geography and Economics 42(8): 615–621, 2001 (with Arild Moe). • Quota Allocation in Russia’s Northern Fishery Basin: Principles and Practice, Ocean & Coastal Management 44(7-8): 471–488, 2001 (with Frode Nilssen). • Institutional Change and the Problems of Restructuring the Russian Fishing Industry, PostCommunist Economies 13(3): 313–330, 2001 (with Frode Nilssen). • Center-Periphery Relations in Russia’s European North, Polar Geography 24(1): 27–56, 2000 (with Helge Blakkisrud). • Co-management in Northwest Russian Fisheries, Society & Natural Resources 13(8): 635–648, 2000 (with Frode Nilssen). • Enforcement Co-operation between Norway and Russia in the Barents Sea Fisheries, Ocean Development & International Law 31(3): 249–267, 2000. • Compliance in the Barents Sea Fisheries: How Fishermen Account for Conformity with Rules, Marine Policy 24(1): 11–19, 2000. • Co-management and Communities in the Barents Sea Fisheries, Human Organization 58(4): 396–403, 1999. • A Model of Compliance in Fisheries: Theoretical Foundations and Practical Application, Ocean & Coastal Management 42(8): 699–716, 1999. • The Stories Fishermen Tell (or: Themes from the Barents Sea Fisheries), Human Ecology 27(4): 621– 626, 1999. • Co-operative Action between Fishermen and Inspectors in the Svalbard Zone, Polar Record 35(194): 207–214, 1999. • The Interaction of Research Programmes in Social Science Studies of the Commons, Acta Sociologica 42(3): 193–205, 1999. • A Cross-Border Perspective on a North Russian Gateway, Post-Soviet Geography and Economics 40(1): 44–61, 1999 (with Anne-Kristin Jørgensen). • Closed Cities on the Kola Peninsula: From Autonomy to Integration?, Polar Geography 22(4): 231– 248, 1998 (with Anne-Kristin Jørgensen). • Compliance in the Fishery Protection Zone around Svalbard, Ocean Development & International Law 29(4): 339–360, 1998. • Identity Formation in the Barents Euro-Arctic Region, Cooperation & Conflict 33(3): 277–297, 1998. • Autonomy and Regionalisation in the Fisheries Management of Northwestern Russia, Marine Policy 22(1): 57–65, 1998. 4 Articles in Nordic peer-reviewed journals: • In Cod We Trust: Konjunkturer i det norsk-russiske fiskerisamarbeidet (In Cod We Trust: Trends in the Norwegian–Russian Fisheries Cooperation), Nordisk Østforum 27(4): 353–376, 2013 (with AnneKristin Jørgensen). • Norge og Russland: Tilbake til normaltilstanden (Norway and Russia: Back to Normal), Nordisk Østforum 24(2): 133–147, 2010 (with Lars Rowe). • Hvem kan telle ’den fisk under vann’? Kunnskapsstrid i russisk havforskning (Who Can Count ’the Fish under Water’? Knowledge Dispute in Russian Ocean Research), Nordisk Østforum 22(3-4): 289–312, 2008 (with Bente Aasjord). • Miljøpersepsjoner i Nordvest-Russland (Environmental Perceptions in Northwestern Russia), Internasjonal Politikk 65(1): 7–22, 2007 (with Jørgen Holten Jørgensen and Arild Moe). • Administrativ reform i Russland (Administrative Reform in Russia), Nordisk Østforum 20(1): 45–62, 2006 (with Jørgen Holten Jørgensen). • Smittevern og internasjonal politikk (Communicable Disease Control and International Politics), Tidsskrift for den norske lægeforening 125(12): 78–80, 2005 (with Lars Rowe). • Torsken i Barents Hav (The Barents Sea Cod), Internationella Studier 4/03: 36–44. • Kolahalvøyas lukkede byer: Fra autonomi til integrasjon? (The Closed Cities of the Kola Peninsula: From Autonomy to Integration?), Internasjonal politikk 3/98: 445–467 (with Anne-Kristin Jørgensen). • Miljø- og fiskeriforvaltning i Barentshavet: Globale rammer, regionale grep (Environmental and Fisheries Management in the Barents Sea: Global Frames, Regional Measures), ProSus - tidsskrift for et bærekraftig samfunn 4/97: 57–69 (with Olav Schram Stokke). • Integrasjon vs. autonomi – en tilnærming til sivil-militære forhold i Russland (Integration vs. Autonomy - an Approach to Civil-Military Relations in Russia), Nordisk Østforum 3/97: 37–49. • Utviklingen i nordvestrussisk fiskerinæring - implikasjoner for norske aktører (The Development of Northwest Russian Fisheries - Implications for Norwegian Actors), Internasjonal Politikk 2/97: 281–301 (with Trond Davidsen and Frode Nilssen). • Identitet og funksjonalitet i Barentsregionen (Identity and Functionality in the Barents Region), Internasjonal Politikk 1/96: 3–32. • Regionaliseringstilløp på Kola-halvøya (Regionalisation Attempts on the Kola Peninsula), Nordisk Østforum 2/95: 53–64. • Ressurskontrollens legitimitetsaspekt (The Legitimacy Aspect of Resource Control), Norsk statsvitenskapelig tidsskrift 1/95: 61–80. • Fisket i Barentshavet: Norsk-russisk forvaltningsregime i nye omgivelser (The Barents Sea Fisheries: Norwegian-Russian Management Regime in New Surroundings), Internasjonal Politikk 4/94: 499–513. Selected book chapters: • Norway’s High Arctic Policy, in Nuttall, A.D & R. Murray (eds): International Relations in the Arctic: Understanding Policy and Governance, Amherst, NY: Cambria Press, 2014. • Health and Human Security: Communicable Diseases in the post-Soviet Arctic, in Hoogensen, G. et al. (eds): Environmental and Human Security in the Arctic, London: Routledge, 2014. • Cross-Border Cooperation in the North: The Case of Northwest Russia, in Rowe, E. W. (ed.): Russia and the North, Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2009. • Communicable Disease Control (with L. Rowe), in Stokke, O.S. & G. Hønneland (eds): International Politics and Arctic Governance: Regime Effectiveness and Northern Region Building, London: Routledge, 2007. • Pollution and Conservation (with O.S. Stokke and P.J. Schei), in Stokke, O.S. & G. Hønneland (eds): International Politics and Arctic Governance: Regime Effectiveness and Northern Region Building, London: Routledge, 2007. • Whose Fish: Federal Property or Northern Asset?, in Blakkisrud, H. & G. Hønneland (eds): Tackling Space: Federal Politics and the Russian North, Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2006. • The Ups and Downs of Environmental Governance (with J.H. Jørgensen), in Blakkisrud, H. & G. Hønneland (eds): Tackling Space: Federal Politics and the Russian North, Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2006. 5 • The Burden and Blessing of Space (with H. Blakkisrud), in Blakkisrud, H. & G. Hønneland (eds): Tackling Space: Federal Politics and the Russian North, Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2006. • Fisheries Management in the Russian Federation, in Ebbin, S., Hoel, A.H. & Sydnes, A. (eds): A Sea Change: The Exclusive Economic Zone and Governance Institutions for Living Marine Resources. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 49–63, 2005. • Fisheries in the Svalbard Zone: Legality, Legitimacy and Compliance, in Oude Elferink, A. & D. Rothwell (eds): The Law of the Sea and Polar Maritime Delimitation and Jurisdiction. The Hague: Kluwer Law International, pp. 317–335, 2001. • Centre-Periphery Tensions in the Management of Northwest Russian Fisheries, in Hønneland, G. & Blakkisrud, H. (eds): Centre-Periphery Relations in Russia: The Case of the Northwestern Regions. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Ltd., pp. 165–186, 2001. • Recent Global Agreements on High Seas Fisheries: Potential Effects on Compliance, in Stokke, O.S. (ed.): Governing High Seas Fisheries, Oxford University Press, pp. 121–139, 2001. • Borders, Orders, and Identities in the New European North, in Hedegaard, L. & B. Lindström (eds): The NEBI Yearbook 1999. North European and Baltic Sea Integration, Berlin: Springer Verlag, pp. 335–347, 1999. • Enforcement and Legitimacy in the Barents Sea Fisheries, in Symes, D. (ed.): Northern Waters: Management Issues and Practice, Oxford: Blackwell Science, pp. 116–129, 1998. • Northerners: Common Identity or Worlds Apart? in Dahlström, M., Eskelinen, H. & Wiberg, U. (eds): The East-West Interface in the European North, Uppsala: Nordisk Samhällsgeografisk Tidskrift, pp. 29–44, 1995. Selected reports, theses and non-peer reviewed books: • MSC Sustainable Fisheries Certification: FIUN Barents and Norwegian Seas Sea Cod and Haddock Fisheries, Inverness: Food Certification International, 2013 (with Paul Medley and John Hambrey) (274 pp.). • MSC Sustainable Fisheries Certification: The Barents Sea Cod and Haddock Fisheries, Inverness: Food Certification International, 2010 (with Tristan Southall, Paul Medley, Paul MacIntyre and Martin Gill) (188 pp.). • Hvem kan telle den fisk under vann? En analyse av aktører og drivkrefter i norsk-russisk fiskeriforskningssamarbeid (Who Can Count the Fish under Water? An Analysis of Actors and Driving Forces in Norwegian–Russian Cooperation on Fisheries Research), HBO-rapport 3/2008, Høgskolen i Bodø, 2008 (with Bente Aasjord) (80 pp.). • Evaluering av miljøvernsamarbeidet mellom Norge og Russland (Evaluation of the Environmental Protection Cooperation between Norway and Russia) , FNI Report 7/2007, The Fridtjof Nansen Institutt, 2007 (with Lars Rowe and Arild Moe) (47 pp.). • Big Oil Playground, Russian Bear Preserve or European Periphery? The Russian Barents Sea Region towards 2015, Delft: Eburon Academic Publishers, 2004 (with Bjørn Brunstad, Eivind Magnus, Phil Swanson and Indra Øverland) (212 pp.). • The Environment of Barents Russia: Driving Forces and Key Actors, report to the project “Barents Russia 2015”, ECON Analysis, 2004 (with Jørgen Holten Jørgensen and Morten Bremer Mærli) (36 pp.). • Evaluation of the Barents Health Programme: Project Selection and Implementation, FNI-Report 7/2002, The Fridtjof Nansen Institute, 2002 (with Arild Moe) (38 pp.). • Over grensen etter kunnskap? Evaluering av 13 prosjekter innenfor satsingsområdet kompetanse og utdanning finansiert over Barentsprogrammet (Across the Border for Knowledge? Evaluation of 13 Projects from the Field of Education and Competence Financed over the Barents Programme), FNI Report 1/2002, The Fridtjof Nansen Institute, 2002 (with Anne-Kristin Jørgensen) (66 pp.). • Fishcode Project: Report of the Evaluation Team, FAO, Rome, 2000 (with James Kapetsky and Kieran Kelleher) (56 pp.). • Evaluation of the Norwegian Plan of Action for Nuclear Safety: Priorities, Organisation, Implementation (with Arild Moe), Evaluation Report 7/2000, Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2000 (64 pp.). 6 • Compliance in the Barents Sea Fisheries. Doctoral thesis, Dept. of Political Science, University of Oslo/Unipub Publishers, Oslo, 2000 (190 pp.). • Barents Sea Ecoregion Reconnaissance Report: A Report Commissioned b ythe WWF, The Fridtjof Nansen Institute, 1999 (with Anne-Kristin Jørgensen and Kit Kovacs) (114 pp.). • Norway’s Fishery Co-operation with other States: Current Challenges in East and West, Utredninger om norsk nærområdepolitikk (Studies in Norwegian Foreign Policy towards Areas Adjacent to Our Borders), The Fridtjof Nansen Institute, 1998 (25 pp.). • The Fisheries Sector of Northwestern Russia – Norway’s Political Challenge, Utredninger om norsk nærområdepolitikk (Studies in Norwegian Foreign Policy towards Areas Adjacent to Our Borders), The Fridtjof Nansen Institute, 1998 (with Frode Nilssen) (44 pp.). • Public Child Care on the Kola Peninsula, SOS Children’s Villages, Oslo, 1998 (with Anne Berteig, Anne-Kristin Jørgensen and Tatyana Pachina) (74 pp.). • Nordvestrussisk fiskerinæring mot nye markeder (Northwest Russian Fisheries towards New Markets), Report 17/1997, The Norwegian Institute of Fisheries and Aquaculture Ltd., 1997 (with Frode Nilssen) (20 pp.). • Politiske rammebetingelser for nordvestrussisk fiskerinæring (The Political Framework of Northwest Russian Fishing Industry), FNI Report R:007-1997, The Fridtjof Nansen Institute, 1997 (with Frode Nilssen) (21 pp.). • Navigating the Straits of the Northern Sea Route, INSROP Working Paper No. 81 - 1997, IV.1.2, 1997 (37 pp.). • Transport av fisk i Barentsregionen. En analyse av det framtidige transportbehovet for fiskeindustrien i Barentsregionen (Transportation of Fish in the Barents Region. An Analysis of the Future Need for Transportation of Fish in the Barents Region), Report SF 15/95, NORUT Social Science Research Ltd., 1995 (with Bergur Agustsson) (101 pp.). • Regionalisering og autonomi i nordvest-russisk fiskeriforvaltning (Regionalisation and Autonomy in the Fisheries Management of Northwestern Russia), Report SF 30/94, NORUT Social Science Research Ltd., 1994 (72 pp.). • Fiskeren og allmenningen; forvaltning og kontroll: Makt og kommunikasjon i kontrollen med fisket i Barentshavet (The Fisherman and the Commons; Regulation and Enforcement: Power and Communication in the Barents Sea Fisheries Compliance Control), MA thesis, Dept. of Political Science, University of Tromsø, Tromsø, 1993 (166 pp.). Commentary articles: • Kjøligere russlandssamarbeid? FiskeribladetFiskaren, 5.12.2014 • Ukraina og Barentshavet, FiskeribladetFiskaren, 23.5.2014 • Ny murring i Svalbardsonen, FiskeribladetFiskaren, 21.3.2014 • Hvorfor skal Norge kaste russerne ut? FiskeribladetFiskaren 24.1.2014 • Derfor skal Putin la Barentshavet i fred, Nordlys, 16.1.2014 • Russisk kontroll og galskap, FiskeribladetFiskaren, 19.11.2013 • Hvem styrer russisk fiskeripolitikk? FiskeribladetFiskaren, 27.9.2013 • Samarbeid i god flyt, FiskeribladetFiskaren, 21.6.2013 • Russerne miljømerkes, FiskeribladetFiskaren, 19.4.2013. • The Barents Sea – Successful Fisheries Management, Baltic Rim Economies: Quarterly Review, No. 2, 2013. • Ta Barentshavet tilbake, Putin! Nordlys, 25.3.2013; også publisert som En russisk knipe, FiskeribladetFiskaren, 15.3.2013. • Meteoritten og Russland, Nordlys og Nye Meninger/Dagsavisen, 11.3.2013. • Kappløpet om Arktis, Dag og tid, 10.8.2012. • Fishery Agreements that Work, Elgarblog, 30.7.2012. • Tandemet rokerer i Russland, Dagbladet, 7.5.2012. • Look to Finland!, Nye Meninger (Dagsavisens debattportal), 26.3.2012 og Nordlys, 10.4.2012. • Arktiske utfordringer, Nordlys, 25.1.2012. • Hva skal vi med nordområdepolitikken?, Nye Meninger (Dagsavisen), 16.6.2011 • Kompromisskulturen i nord, Nordlys, 21.2.2011. • Russiske norgesbilder, Nordlys, 20.10.2010. 7 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Den russiske nordlendingen, Nordlys, 3.9.2010. En bauta i samarbeidet, Nordlys, 9.12.2009. Nordområdene på valg, Dagsavisen, 1. 8.2009. Nordområdepolitikk – utfordringer og internasjonalt samarbeid, Hvor hender det? 30.3.2009. Guvernørskiftet i Murmansk: Korrupsjon eller landssvik?, Nordlys, 28.3.2009. Nordområdebløff?, Nordlys, 24.10.2008. Gammelt nord, ny innpakning, Dagsavisen, 22.10.2008. Kleiner Grenzverkehr, Kulturaustausch: Zeitschrift für internationale Perspektiven, No. 1, 2008. Djevel og læremester: utlendingen i russisk politisk tenkning, Minerva, No. 4, 2007. Framtiden for fisken i Barentshavet: Norsk-russisk politikk i kulissene, P2-akademiet, 03.05.2007. Norway and Russia in the Barents Sea: Cooperation and Conflict in Fisheries Management, Russian Analytical Digest, 01.05.2007. Den russiske faktor, Dagbladet, 06.03.2007. Hvordan møter vi Putins Russland i nord?, Minerva (online), 01.03.2007. Smittevern i Østersjøregionen, Dagsavisen, 02.08.2006 (with Lars Rowe). Hører ikke russerne på oss?, Nordlys, 13.06.2006. Felles forvaltningsplan med Russland?, Dagsavisen, 03.03.2006. En annerledes Barentshavsdebatt, Aftenposten, 28.02.2006 (with Jørgen Holten Jørgensen and Arild Moe). Hvorfor gjør ikke russerne noe med det?, Aftenposten, 13.02.2006. Ingen vei tilbake i svalbardsonen, Dagbladet, 27.10.2005. Nordområdepolitikk og polarromantikk, Nordlys, 01.04.2005 (with Jørgen Holten Jørgensen). Trenger vi en enhetlig nordområdepolitikk?, Nordlys, 23.03.2005 (with Jørgen Holten Jørgensen). Fiskefusk som merkevare, Fiskeribladet, 26.10.2004. Kan vesten redde Russland fra tuberkulose og AIDS?, Dagbladet, 19.08.2004 (with Lars Rowe). Zjeljajet li Norvegija navredit’ Rossii? (Ønsker Norge å ødelegge for Russland?), Fiskeribladet (russisk utgave), 24.06.2002 Ekspertvelde eller folkestyre, Nordlys, 07.01.2002. Fabrikkpipediplomati og miljøutpressing, Nordlys, 1.12.2001. Er det synd på russerne?, Dagens Næringsliv, 30.10.2001, Fiskeribladet, 26.10.2001, Fiskaren, 26.10.2001 og Nordlys, 25.10.2001. Et annet Nord-Russland, Nordlys, 17.10.2001. Vårt bilde av russerne, Nordlys, 3.9.2001. De små samarbeidsproblemene, Nordlys, 19.3.2001. Mislykket atomhandlingsplan?, Aftenposten, 8.3.2001 (with Arild Moe). Fiskefusk som dagsorden, Dagsavisen, 12.12.2000, Fiskeribladet, 19.12.2000 og Nordlys, 10.1.2001. Miljødiskurs og handlingsvalg, Nordlys, 13.11.2000. Late søringer og den nordlige identitet, Nordlys, 21.8.2000. Den russiske hang til matematikk, Nordlys, 29.5.2000. Hva vil vi med samarbeidet?, Dagbladet, 28.3.2000. Russeren, valget og årstida, Nordlys, 6.3.2000. Hjelp oss ut herfra! (Skal det bo folk på Kola?), Dagbladet, 29.11.99, Fiskeribladet, 14.1.2000. Fiskerisamarbeidet med Russland, Dagsavisen, 15.11.99. Patriotisme mot elendighet, Aftenposten, 3.8.99 (with Anne-Kristin Jørgensen). Russeren som offer, VG, 19.7.99 (with Anne-Kristin Jørgensen). The Barents Sea Ecoregion, i Arctic Bulletin No. 2/99 (with Anne-Kristin Jørgensen and Kit Kovacs). The Barents Sea Cod Fisheries – Current Challenges, i Arctic Bulletin No. 2/99 (with Anne-Kristin Jørgensen). Kvinner og forsvar på Kolahalvøya, Dagsavisen, 28.4.99 (with Anne-Kristin Jørgensen). Kolas lukkede byer – privilegier eller krise?, Aftenposten, 12.11.98 (with Anne-Kristin Jørgensen). Vårt bilde av russerne, Dagsavisen, 11.11.98 (with Anne-Kristin Jørgensen). Krise i Nordvest-Russland?, Dagens næringsliv, 8.10.98 (with Frode Nilssen). Havrett i Havets år, Hvor Hender Det?, Nr. 2, 1998/99, 31.8.98. Samarbeid om fiskeriene i nord, Dagbladet, 20.5.98 (with Frode Nilssen). 8 • Political and Economic Integration in the Barents Sea Region, Oxford Analytica East Europe Daily Brief, 19.3.98. • Ulikheter i Barentsregionen, N66 - Kultur i Barentsregionen 2/97. • Forventninger og misnøye blant russere, Nordlys, 12.9.96. • Når krass kritikk blir til mild formaning. Om oversetting, presentasjon og tilsløring av uvitenhet, Barents Nytt 9/94. • Kampen om kontrollen, Barents Perspektiv 3/94. Teaching/course responsibility: • Regime Creation and Region Building in the Arctic (BA level), Dept. of Political Science, University of Tromsø (each semester from autumn 1995 to spring 1998). • International Environmental Politics (BA level), Dept. of Human Ecology, Rutgers University, USA (autumn 2002 and spring 2003). • The Barents Collaboration and Norwegian Politics in the High North (MA level), Dept. of Political Science, University of Tromsø (spring semesters 2005–2007). Revised course “International Politics in the High North” (spring semesters 2008–2014). • Russian Resource Management, Petroleum and Environmental Politics (PhD level), Dept. of Political Science, University of Tromsø (spring semester 2008). • Russian Politics (BA level), Dept. of Political Science, University of Tromsø (autumn semesters 2008–2014). Miscellaneous: • Wide experience in research administration; acquisition and management of several dozen research projects • Wide teaching experience; responsible for courses on Russian politics and on Arctic politics at the University of Tromsø • Head of working group for ocean management under the Norwegian Government’s Hav21 (“Oceans 21”) strategy process, 2012 • Programme Board member of the Polar Research Programme, Research Council of Norway, 2014– 2018. • Member of the scholarship committee of the Norwegian Non-Fiction Writers’ Organisation, 2012– 2016 • Reviewer a number of scientific journals, among them: Acta Borealia, Arctic Review on Law and Politics, Cooperation & Conflict, Environmental Management, Environmental Politics, Global Environmental Politics, Human Ecology, Human Organization, Internasjonal Politikk, International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, Millennium, Nordisk Østforum, Polar Record, Polar Research, Political Geography, Society & Natural Resources • Board member of the journal Nordisk Østforum 1996–2001 • Board member of the Fridtjof Nansen Institute (staff representative) 2003-2006 9
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