Virkelig smart strøm til øyer, fjorder, daler …… …………….metropoler og den tredje verden Selvbalanserende energiceller, mikromarkeder og adresserbar strøm. Fremtidskonferansen 2015 Bernt A. Bremdal Tradisjonelt tankemønster preger fremdeles mye av tilærmingen til Smarte El-nett «Passive kunder» «Pris og kostfokus» «Ovenfra og ned tenkning» kWh «Energiforbruk og energieffektivisering» «Råvareproduksjon og commodities» «Sentralisering» Litt nyere tankegods kW vs kWh Smart ICT-enabled Rural Grid innovating resilient electricity distribution infrastructures, services and business models This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. 619610. TYPE OF AGENTS Concept TYPE OF AGENTS TYPE OF AGENTS Passive household SM Household with thermal flexible load LC SM SM LC LC Household SM with thermal flexible load SM Flexible or passive generators SM LC SM SM + + + BC SM SESP AREA al controller art Meter rging point icrogrid controller tery controller P controller Storage capability SM SM Passive household Household LC with flexible LC EV charger EV SM Flexible or passive generators Flexible industries LC SM µGC LC LC CP EV + + EV + + SESP CONTROL CLOUD BC SM EV SESP AREA SM LC SM LC with thermal Flexible Flexible or industries flexible LC load SM passive EV SM generators LC Flexible industries µGC SM LC LC EV + + + EV + + + EV SM LC Household µGC with thermal SM flexibleEVSMload Flexible CP SM Flexible SM LC charging stations (V2G capable) SESP LC SM CONTROL CLOUD LC SM EV EV SM Flexible or passive generators charging stations (V2G Flexible capable)industries SESP AREA EV SESP AREA SM Household SESP AREA with flexible GRIDcontroller GRID SC: SESP controller SC: SESP LC: Local controller LC: Local controller EV charger + + Power System Infrastructure Storage Power System Infrastructure SM: Smart MeterPower System Infrastructure SM: Smart Meter LC: Local controllerBC SM ICT Infrastructure CP: Charging point ICT Infrastructure ICT Infrastructure CP: Charging point capability + SM:+Smart Meter EV µGC: Microgrid controller µGC: Microgrid controller CP: Charging point BC: Battery controller BC: Battery controller µGC: Microgrid controller GRID GRID GRID SC: SESP controller SC: SESP controller BC: Battery controller GRID SC: SESP controller SESP AREA SM LC industries SM Flexible Passive household LC LC µGC TYPE OF AGENTS TYPE OF TYPE AGENTS OF AGENTS SM Flexible charging stations Household (V2G capable) EV EV EV SM LC SM Household Household with thermalwith thermal with thermal flexible load flexible load flexible load CP EV LC C EV ICT Infrastructure SESP SM CONTROL Household Household Household CLOUD with flexible with flexible with flexible EV charger EV charger EV charger LC SM EV + SM EV EV LC LC + Storage BC SM TYPE OF AGENTS TYPE OF TYPE AGENTS OF AGENTS capability + + Passive SM household SM Flexible Flexible industries SM LC LCLC SMSM LC SM LC SMSM Flexib charging passi C stations gene µGC (V2G SM capable) LC LC C EV SM Power System Infrastructure SM Flexible passive generat µGC LC CLOUD SM SM Flexible SM LC CP Flexible EV Flexible SM LC CP EV charging charging charging + + EV EV Storage stations stations BC SM stations SM LC CP capability + EV EV (V2G capable) + (V2G capable) (V2G capable) SESP + + LC: Local controller Storage SESP LC: Local controller BC SM Power System Infrastructure Power System Infrastructure CONTROL CONTROL SM: Smart Meter capability + + SM: Smart Meter CLOUD CLOUD SESP ICT Infrastructure ICT Infrastructure CP: Charging pointSM CP: Charging point CONTROL SM µGC: Microgrid controller µGC: Microgrid controller CLOUD BC: Battery controller BC: Battery controller SM SESP AREA Flexible or passive generators SM Passive household SM Household Household with SM flexible LC LCEV charger SM LC CP Household FlexibleSM industries Household Storage BC SM BC SM with flexible with flexible capability µGC µGC SM LC EV charger SESP EV charger CONTROL EV Flexible industries Storage LC + SM capability + Flexible or passive generators SM TYPE OF AGENTS SM SM Household with flexible EV charger EV LC Passive SMhousehold SM SM Household with flexible SM EV charger EV + Flexible or LC passive generators Passive household SM Passive household Smart Rural Grid konseptet TYPE OF AGENTS OF AGENTS d mal ad TYPE OF AGENTS TYPE OF AGENTS Household Passive SM SM Household household withHousehold thermal with thermal with thermal flexible load flexible load flexible load SM LC SM LC SM LC SM SM Flexible industries Flexible i SM LC CP SM SM SM EV LC SM LC EV F SMµGCLC c EV Passive Passive Passive SM SESP household household SM EV SM LChousehold CP SM LC CP s (V SM SM Household Household Household LC: Local controller LC with thermalwith thermalwith thermal CONTROL Power System Infrastructure EV Storage Storage flexible load flexible load flexible load Storage SM: Smart Meter BC SM BC SM CLOUD BC SM capability capability capability EV SM LC SM LCLC SMSM LC LC SM LCICT SMInfrastructure CP: Charging point SES SESPor Flexible SESPor Flexible or Flexible SM CONTROL passive CONTROL CONT passive passive µGC: Microgrid controller CLO CLOUD generators CLOUD generators generators SM SESP AREA SM SM SESP AREA SESP AREA BC: Battery controller Selvbalanserende ++ SM SM SM mikro-nett GRID SC: SESP controller Household Household LC:Household Local controller with flexible with flexible with flexible Flexible industriesSystem Infr industries Flexible industries Power LC: Local controller LC: Local controller LC: LocalFlexible controller charger EV charger EV charger SM: SmartEV Meter + + SESP AREA + LC EV SM LC SM LC + SM + + + + + + + + Smart Meter SM: SmartSM: Meter SmartSM: Meter 5 Power System Power In EV EV µGC ICT Infrastructure µGC CP: Charging point CP: Charging SMµGCpoint LC SM LC SMCP:point LC ICT Infrastructur ICT Inf Charging CP:point Charging µGC: Microgrid µGC: Microgrid µGC: Microgrid controller controller controller µGC: Microgrid controller Battery controller BC: Battery BC: controller BatteryBC: controller BC: Battery controller GRIDFlexible GRID GRIDFlexible SC: LC SESPCP controller SC: SESPSM controller SC: LC SESPCP controller EV SM LC Flexible CP EV EV SM GRID charging charging charging SC: SESP controller EV EV EV Storage + + Storage + + + + Storage BC SM BC SM BC SM stations stations stations IDPR The Intelligent Power Router (IDPR) Gir flere ulike styringsmuligheter Demo område RTU DPLC IDPR UPS + DPLC RTU + IDPR + UPS 7 Grunnsystem Substation Central supply (MV) IDPR Storage Management system (EMS) Vallfogona de Ripollès Village with micro- and community production Tilstand 1 – tilslutning (import & eksport) Self balancing Substation IDPR Managemen t system (EMS) Vallfogona de Ripollès Tilstand 2 = “øymodus” Self balancing Substation IDP R Vallfogona de Ripollès Kontrollen over IDPR og energilager vil være avgjørende: Nettselskap eller Kraftselger eller Tredje part eller Brukerne Substation IDPR Management system (EMS) Prosumer Community “Nedenfra og opp” utvikling Management system IDPR LANDSBY 1 LANDSBY 2 Anvendelser 1: Avlaste distribusjonsnettet i Norge under normale forhold og i ekstremvær Anvendelser 2: Bidra til raskere teknisk og sosial utvikling Anvendelser 3: Gjøre metropoler mindre sårbare En ny struktur kan bygges nedenfra og opp IDPR IDPR IDPR IDPR IDPR IDPR IDPR IDPR IDPR IDPR IDP R IDPR Managemen t system (EMS) 1 EMS system, multiple cells Hver celle som kontrolleres individuelt skaper grunnlag for et lokalt marked Lokalmarked Lokalmarked SESP IDPR Demokonsept 18kV CC P X 230v X CC P 230v CC P 230v EMPOWERs markedskonsept Energy Price Grid state Metering data managment Monitoring system METERING CLOUD SESP CONTROL CLOUD Forecasting Demand side managment Grid balancing Optimization LC LC BC + EV SM LC µGC + EV SM SM 20 Programvareagenter som handler tjenester, fleksibilitet og tjenester på vegne av brukeren 21 En verdipakke utvikles = brukerne selv tilpasser denne Nye «plattformbaserte» forretningsmodeller utvikles disse gir sterke insentiver enn energipris alene The road onwards:“Power Packeting” Energy as a non-commodity IDPR EMS & trading floor IDPR IDPR IDPR IDPR IDPR IDPR IDPR IDPR IDPR IDPR IDPR IDPR IDPR Landsby 1 • • • • • Each IDPR has a «Power IP» address Energy is transmitted as packets Direct routing Traceability Automatic balancing Landsby 2 Oppsummert • Smart Grid momentet øker innovasjonsfrekvensen i nett og energiverden i økende grad • Ny, smart teknologi krever at vi endrer hvordan vi bør tenke i forhold til energi og energiforsyning • Nye IKT-løsninger – – – – gjør kontroll av kraftbalanse, last og spenning enklere muliggjør dette på brukersiden Avslaster og profesjonaliserer brukeren øker også mulighetsrommet for forretningsmessig og sosial utvikling på lokalt plan • Brukerne øker sin markedsmakt betydelig, legger press på nyutvikling • Strøm forblir en «commodity», men brukerens energiopplevelse kan «brandes» og verdsettes uavhengig dette • Lokale markeder baserer seg på «mass customization» – Et generelt «energikonsept» tilpasses og prises ut i fra brukerens behov og ønsker lokalt – Et slags «IKEA-lignende- gjør-det-selv» konsept for tilpasset energiforbruk
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