Sunshine Coast TAFE Education and Training Partnership Induction Kit Welcome to the partnership program It is with great pleasure we welcome you as a partner of Sunshine Coast Institute of TAFE (SCIT). The information provided in this induction booklet will ensure that • y ou have all the information you need to assist you to train and assess your students/clients • SCIT, as the Registered Training Provider (NVR RTO), meets audit requirements and • each of us know our responsibilities under the VET Quality Framework (VQF). About Sunshine Coast TAFE Sunshine Coast TAFE is the largest provider of vocational education and training in the region, supplying quality vocational education and training to the local community and beyond. The Institute also provides training to individuals and businesses throughout Queensland and has become an international training provider delivering a number of trade programs in the Pacific Rim through the Australia-Pacific Technical College. Sunshine Coast TAFE offers training programs and products that can be customised to suit not only the requirements and goals of a particular country or industry, but that of a specific enterprise and even individual trainees. Delivery strategies and flexible delivery methods mean maximisation of training time and investment with minimisation of employee off-the-job downtime. Table of contents Welcome to the partnership program..... 2 About the Vocational Education and Training system in Queensland.............. 3 Partnership principles........................... 5 Training and assessment services.......... 7 Enrolment information......................... 10 Quality teaching, learning and assessment...................... 11 Quality record keeping for vet professionals............................. 15 Definitions........................................... 16 For further information on our education and training products and services please contact: Sunshine Coast TAFE: Business Development PO Box 5252 SCMC Nambour 4560 Email: [email protected] Website: BusinessEmployers/Pages/Partnersand-Contractors.aspx Phone: 07 5457 1000 2 Sunshine Coast TAFE | Education and Training Partnership Induction Kit About the Vocational Education and Training system in Queensland Funding Sunshine Coast TAFE receives funding from a range of sources for the delivery of training including State and Federal Government, individuals and business. To ensure the most equitable use of government funds the Department of Education and Training plays a role in determining how the funds may be used, including the programs that may be delivered and the client groups able to access government subsidised funding. Where government funding is used, TAFE institutes are required to charge the students/clients set fees regulated under the Vocational Education, Training and Employment Regulation 2000. Regulatory framework As a State Government entity and a Registered Training Organisation, Sunshine Coast TAFE is governed by a range of State and Federal Government statutory instruments. These include: Vocational Education, Training and Employment Act 2000 that; • p rovides a legislative foundation for flexible high quality training to support Queensland’s workforce, both now and in the future. The legislation has introduced better regulation of the apprenticeship and traineeship system and a more effective structure for providing advice on vocational education, training and employment matters to the government; • establishes a system for the effective and efficient provision of high quality vocational education and training to meet the immediate and future needs of industry and the community; • provides mechanisms for employees, employers, associations of employees or employers and the community to advise government on vocational education and training needs and priorities to meet those needs to support the continued development of high quality training by and within industry; • facilitates the provision of vocational education and training that is relevant to employment and encourages the generation of employment opportunities; • regulates the registration of training organisations within the State; and • meets the State’s obligations under national training arrangements about vocational education and training. Australian Vocational Education and Training Management Information Statistical Standard (AVETMISS). This standard set by the Federal Government requires that Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) delivering accredited vocational education and training are able to demonstrate objectively that training and assessment has occurred (over a given period) and that the RTO can justify the final result given to the student - for each and every competency they are enrolled in. To demonstrate objectively means maintaining records that show valid, competency specific educational delivery and assessment was provided to an individual student on a specified day between the student’s Start of Study (SOS) date and their Close of Study (COS) date. VET Quality Framework (VQF) The VET Quality Framework is aimed at achieving greater national consistency in the way providers are registered and monitored and in how standards in the vocational education and training (VET) sector are enforced. The VET Quality Framework comprises of: • • • • • t he Standards for National VET Regulator (NVR) Registered Training Organisations the Fit and Proper Person Requirements the Financial Viability Risk Assessment Requirements the Data Provision Requirements, and the Australian Qualifications Framework. Education and Training Partnership Induction Kit | Sunshine Coast TAFE 3 RTO obligations A registered training organisation (RTO) must ensure it delivers quality training and assessment for individual students, industry and the vocational education and training (VET) sector. A significant and ongoing commitment is required to operate an RTO. The chief executive signs a declaration under the Statutory Declarations Act 1959 stating that he or she: • accepts responsibility for ensuring the organisation complies with the VET Quality Framework and all other applicable conditions of registration • will ensure the organisation cooperates with ASQA in all audit and monitoring activities. If an RTO does not operate in accordance with its conditions of registration, ASQA can apply enforcement powers. The National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011provides for civil and criminal penalties, and sanctions may also be applied. For further information on the ASQA, visit Critical Legislation and Standards Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) Act 2011 (and associated regulations) provides the legislative basis for ensuring workers (and students/clients) are afforded a safe environment in which to work and train. Sunshine Coast TAFE is committed to fulfilling the obligations placed on it by the Queensland WHS Act 2011, Queensland WHS Regulations 2011 and Codes of Practice to protect all employees, students and visitors from the risk of injury or illness in the work or training environment. Partners also have obligations to • • • • f ollow safety instructions given by the Institute not wilfully interfere with anything provided for workplace health and safety not wilfully place themselves or others at risk of injury or illness, and wear Personal Protective Equipment if required. All staff members and contractors have a responsibility to • • • ork in a safe manner w rectify WHS concerns within their skill level and authority, and escalate unresolved concerns to their supervisors, WHS representatives, WHS Coordinator or even WHS Queensland for serious, unresolved matters. For more information on Workplace Health and Safety please visit Anti Discrimination Act 1991 has a primary focus to promote equality of opportunity for everyone by protecting them from unfair discrimination in certain areas of activity, including work, education and accommodation. The Disability Standards for Education (2005) are formulated under section 31 of the Federal Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA). Disability standards are a form of delegated legislation. The primary purpose of the Standards is to clarify, and make more explicit, the obligations of education and training service providers under the DDA and the rights of people with disabilities in relation to education and training. Right to Information Act 2009 and Information Privacy Act 2009. The Right to Information Act 2009 is the Queensland Government’s approach to providing the community with greater access to government information. Sunshine Coast TAFE recognises that this right of access is fundamental to openness, transparency and accountability. Sunshine Coast TAFE will provide access to the information it holds, unless on balance it is contrary to the public interest to do so. We aim to make more information available through proactive and routine release of the information we holds thus giving equal access to information across all sectors of the community, while providing appropriate protection for individuals’ privacy. 4 Sunshine Coast TAFE | Education and Training Partnership Induction Kit If a member of the public cannot find the record they are seeking on the Department / Institute’s websites, they should contact the Department of Education and Training to formally request the information. The requested information may be made available under the Administrative Access process by contacting the Institute. The administrative process for information release is distinct from legislative processes under the Right to Information (RTI) Act 2009 and Information Privacy (IP) Act 2009. Students/clients can access their personal records to view their academic history, maintain their personal details and make payments to their accounts through the secure Student Self Service accessible via the ‘Quick links’ section of the Sunshine Coast TAFE website. Students/clients use their student number and email address recorded in ISAS to enable registration. For further information, contact your project manager/mentor or the Customer Service Centre on 07 5457 1000 Code of Conduct This Code recognises that we can all demonstrate ethical leadership in how we perform our role and is a statement of our commitment to the people of Queensland, their elected representatives and our colleagues. As part of demonstrating our commitment to uphold this Code, we need to identify and report conduct that is not consistent with this Code. We will support employees who report genuine concerns of wrongdoing and manage any reports of suspected wrongdoing in a fair, transparent and consistent manner. The principles within this Code are: • • • • I ntegrity and impartiality Promoting the public good Commitment to the system of government Accountability and transparency Your project manager/mentor can provide you with a copy of this Code for reference. As a contractor to Sunshine Coast TAFE you have agreed to be bound by this Code. Education and Training Partnership Induction Kit | Sunshine Coast TAFE 5 Partnership principles Education and Training Partnership Agreement In the vocational education training sector a partnership is an arrangement between an RTO and another organisation such as a school, enterprise, industry body, non-registered training organisation or professional association for the provision and/or sharing of training and/or assessment services. This allows an organisation that is not registered to have the outcomes of their training recognised through partnering with an RTO. It also allows RTO’s to outsource training and/or assessment to another organisation. The RTO must manage training and assessment provided on its behalf by monitoring the implementation of partnership agreements and making improvements where required. The Education and Training Partnership Agreement (the Agreement) details • • • • T he obligations of the parties Term of the agreement Payment information Schedules Agreement overview Project overview Training and assessment roles and responsibilities • Various other contractual information Throughout the life of the partnership agreement such things as project management plans, meetings and reporting schedules may be developed where required in joint consultation with Sunshine Coast TAFE and the partner. Obligations of the parties VQF Standards The Partner acknowledges that Sunshine Coast TAFE is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) and its continuing registration relies on compliance with VQF Standards and any other national guidelines approved by the National Quality Council and in Queensland, the Training and Employment Recognition Council. The partner must comply with VQF Quality Assurance requirements which may include providing quarterly reports to Sunshine Coast TAFE and allowing us to conduct audits of any documents and materials generated by the partner in performing their roles and responsibilities under this Agreement. Any reports due or audits required will be documented by date in the Schedules of the Agreement. If Sunshine Coast TAFE indicates that there is an area of concern relating to the partners compliance with the VQF Standards, the partner must immediately take steps to correct the concern as directed by the Institute. Obligations of the partner The partner must perform the role and has the responsibilities as specified in the Schedules to the Education and Training Partnership Agreement and ensure that 1 2 3 4 5 6 only Specified Persons must perform the training services all Specified Persons hold the training and educational qualifications identified in the Schedules to this Agreement all trainers exercise the degree of skill and competence normally exercised by persons providing services of a similar nature venues utilised must be of suitable quality, have adequate facilities and be able to be used for the purposes of the Training Program under the Agreement, and trainers and partner representatives are available to participate in audits where required. Sunshine Coast TAFE | Education and Training Partnership Induction Kit The minimum number of participants to be enrolled in the Training Program is identified in the Schedules of the Agreement. If the number of students enrolled in an intake is less than the minimum specified in Schedule 2 of the Agreement, the partner may be charged cancellation fees or top-up fees at the rate specified in Schedule 1 of the Agreement. Alternatively the parties may elect to postpone or cancel the Training Program. The application of cancellation fees or the postponement / cancellation of the Training Program will be specified in Schedule 1 of the Agreement. In regards to traineeships and apprenticeships, the partner agrees to abide by State Government legislation including • • • • the ratio of ‘trained’ to ‘training staff’ the hours of scheduled withdrawal and the period of time of the withdrawal from routine/productive work the method and frequency of contact by the RTO regularly (at least every 3 months) update the trainee/apprentice’s Training Record Book and submit this to the RTO on request, and • include ethics, privacy and other specifics from HR induction. Obligations of Sunshine Coast TAFE 1 2 3 4 Sunshine Coast TAFE must perform the role and has the responsibilities specified in Schedule 3 of the Agreement. The partner acknowledges that the Institute is the Registered Training Organisation for the Training Program and that the Agreement specifies how each party will discharge its responsibilities for compliance with the VQF Standards. As the RTO for the project, Sunshine Coast TAFE has the responsibility for • the enrolment of prospective participants into the Training Program, and • issuing qualifications, Statements of Attainments and results of assessments to participants. Notwithstanding that Sunshine Coast TAFE will provide the Lead RTO contribution to the Training Program under this Agreement, the partner acknowledges and accepts that the Institute is relying on the Partner’s skill, professionalism and judgement for the delivery of the Training Program. Financial administration The partner will provide the training services for the fees and on the terms and conditions set out in the Schedule 1 of the Agreement, provided the total amount of Fees combined with the total amount of any permitted Additional Expenses must not exceed the Total Contract Value. Invoicing Sunshine Coast TAFE will conduct reconciliations and generate payments to partner’s in the manner and times specified in the Schedules, subject to • t he receipt of correctly rendered tax invoices from the partner • the inclusion of related academic results for student delivery payments and any other supporting documentation as outlined in the agreement schedules, and • the partner meets its obligations under the Agreement. Refer to the Education and Training Partnership Agreement and related schedules for further information in relation to tax invoices, GST, over and underpayments and permitted Additional Expenses. If Additional Expenses are permitted, each claim must be supported with receipts, records and information relevant to the claim as requested by Sunshine Coast TAFE. Fees and charges payable Legislative Fees – any courses that incur TAFE Queensland legislative fees, these are due and payable at the time of enrolment. Course Fees – FFS Course fees will be invoiced periodically as determined in Schedule 1 of the Agreement. Other Charges – other charges may include fees for project services, resource generation costs, room hire, vehicle hire and travel expenses. Payments for other charges will be made as per the Agreement schedules. Refunds – All refunds will be processed in accordance with the Vocational Education and Training Regulation 2000 and Sunshine Coast TAFE refund policy in conjunction with contract agreements and schedules. Education and Training Partnership Induction Kit | Sunshine Coast TAFE 7 Training and assessment services National Training Packages / VET Accredited Courses A National Training Package (NTP) is a set of nationally endorsed standards and qualifications for recognising and assessing people’s skills in a specific industry sector or enterprise. Training Packages describe the skills and knowledge that individuals need to perform effectively in the workplace. An accredited course differentiates from a National Training Package in that it is developed within and is owned by a State jurisdiction rather than Federal and has been formally accredited by the State (or Territory) National VET Regulator (NVR). Training packages do not describe how an individual should receive his/her training. It is up to the delivery staff to develop training and assessment strategies (as required under VQF) appropriate to the student’s needs, abilities and circumstances. Training packages and VET accredited courses define the mix of competencies required in order to grant a specific qualification or award including mandatory and elective competency requirements and prerequisites. Understanding these requirements is essential for developing an appropriate training and assessment strategy. Training Packages and VET accredited courses are subject to review to ensure they remain current and continue to meet industry needs. When a training package has been reviewed and the new package is endorsed, the Registered Training Organisation has a transition period to transfer to the new package. Refer to the individual state training authority for timeframes for transition. For more information on National Training Packages and VET accredited courses visit Quality of training and assessment Sunshine Coast TAFE, as the Registered Training Organisation, is responsible for compliance with the VET Quality Framework and the Agreement, signed between the partner and Sunshine Coast TAFE, outlines each party’s responsibilities. Sunshine Coast TAFE will be responsible for the enrolment of students/clients and for the processing of results. We will issue the relevant qualification for those students/clients who successfully complete the full qualification and Statements of Attainment for individual competencies to those who achieve the required level of competency. Sunshine Coast TAFE will monitor the training and/or assessment services provided by the partner to ensure that they comply with all aspects of the VQF. This could include observation of delivery and assessment activities and/or seeking feedback from students/clients and staff. Sunshine Coast TAFE will ensure training programs meet VQF requirements, training package criteria and assessment guidelines through our internal quality processes and auditing of programs. We will carry out a regular program of quality compliance monitoring both on site and through desk audits. Where site audits are planned, Sunshine Coast TAFE audit notifications will be forwarded to the partner, providing sufficient time, advice and information to prepare for audit. Sunshine Coast TAFE will provide the following assistance and support to ensure the success of your program 1. Conduct orientation: all trainers/assessors will be required to attend a partnership induction program coordinated by Sunshine Coast TAFE which will provide training in teaching and learning excellence. 2. Appoint a project manager/mentor to provide regular guidance, support and direction and monitor the training and assessment. The project manager/mentor may observe some classes and provide feedback. Your project manager/mentor will conduct regular visits, maintain contact to ensure students/clients are progressing and the needs of the students/clients are being met. Sunshine Coast TAFE will maintain a record of these contacts. 8 Sunshine Coast TAFE | Education and Training Partnership Induction Kit Training and assessment strategy: must be completed in accordance with the Agreement schedules, in negotiation with Sunshine Coast TAFE and in consultation with industry, and must meet the requirements of the relevant Training Package or accredited course. Physical resources (including technology required for delivery) will be reviewed via a site inspection and details recorded to ensure training package requirements are met, prior to commencement of programs. Sunshine Coast TAFE will maintain a record of this site inspection. Trainer/assessor profiles will be reviewed against VQF requirements to ensure compliance. Trainers shall provide Sunshine Coast TAFE with completed staff profiles (QF206) for each nominated trainer/assessor including verified copies of all documents prior to commencing delivery of training. NOTE: All trainers/assessors must meet the VQF Standards or licensing/regulatory requirements. Your staff profile must present evidence of your ability to fulfil the human resource requirements of the training and/or assessment service, including industry currency. You will need to provide evidence that you possess the competencies and knowledge, at a level equivalent to or higher than the product being delivered. This evidence may be indicated by your formal qualifications and/or work history that can be certified by employer/industry representatives. Staff changes: all staff changes must be prior approved and verified by Sunshine Coast TAFE. The replacing trainer should provide a staff profile and appropriate verified qualifications to us prior to commencing delivery of training. Training and assessment materials: Sunshine Coast TAFE will ensure that you have access to/provide all current training and assessment materials/tools or will work with you to develop the materials required. In accordance with Schedule 3 of the agreement all resources must include the Sunshine Coast TAFE and TAFE Queensland logos and be prepared using Institute templates. As you develop material for your delivery, remember to version control and date the file and make sure it is placed in the footer on your documents. Where resources are developed by the partner, the electronic file should be returned to Sunshine Coast TAFE. Superseded documentation should be maintained for audit purposes. Responsibility of printing of resources will be determined in Schedule 3 of the Education and Training Partnership Agreement. Continuous improvement: Sunshine Coast TAFE will discuss client feedback activities, your participation in team meetings and/or specific training and/or industry sessions. We will provide a schedule of meeting/training dates available for external provider’s professional development. Trainers should maintain a record of any professional development activities/industry release undertaken which relates to programs being undertaken. Education and Training Partnership Induction Kit | Sunshine Coast TAFE 9 Enrolment information TAFE Queensland student rules The student rules set out the behaviours that Sunshine Coast TAFE expects from students/clients and the obligations on each of us to manage or report on inappropriate behaviour. To view the TAFE Queensland student rules visit: Credit transfers Credit transfer may be granted to students/clients who are able to provide documentary evidence that equivalent units of competency have been achieved in another course of study at a nationally accredited Registered Training Organisation. Credit transfers must be applied for using an Application for Transfer Credit (QF427). Certified copies of original grades/qualifications must be provided. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) RPL is one way students/clients can have their current skills and knowledge assessed by Sunshine Coast to see if they meet today’s industry standards. For further information on credit transfers and RPL, please discuss with your project manager/mentor or complete and submit the form Recognition for Prior Learning Application/Enquiry (QF301). Enrolment Each student must complete a New Student Details form (with parental consent if under 18 if possible). This must be in the student’s full name - no abbreviations please. Completed enrolment forms and an outline of all units the students/clients are being enrolled into should be promptly returned to SCIT for data entry to ensure that enrolments and rolls can be generated for your students/clients. Enrolment cancellations / withdrawals It is critical that students/clients are aware of the commitment they are making prior to commencement of the program. As funding is often linked to the successful completion rate, excessive student withdrawals may result in review of programs and the availability of programs in the future. If a student is withdrawing from the program for any reason, please submit a completed Record of Participation (QF-224) and/or email nominated officer with the following information: • H ave they received any delivery and if so what units have commenced? • Have they been assessed and if so, were ALL assessment tasks completed? • If ALL assessment tasks were completed, what result did they achieve? • Date of the last day they participated in educational learning. Once this is communicated to Sunshine Coast TAFE, we will proceed with the process required. 10 Sunshine Coast TAFE | Education and Training Partnership Induction Kit Quality teaching, learning and assessment Vocational placement / work experience If vocational placement or work experience is part of the program, please discuss placement arrangements and insurance cover with your project manager/mentor. Attendance must be recorded whilst students/clients are on vocational placement. Vocational placement may not be available for all programs. Adding students/clients to the program When you apply to deliver the course, you negotiate and estimate the number of students/clients enrolling. Sunshine Coast TAFE arranges the funding on that basis. You must seek approval from Sunshine Coast TAFE before adding or removing student/s to the course after the original enrolment. Student/trainee/apprentice induction All students/clients must undertake a student induction and be advised of VET training and assessment requirements, Workplace Health and Safety, dates of assessment, complaints and appeals processes, etc. Responsible parties for induction will be negotiated between Sunshine Coast TAFE and partner. Student participation The Australian Vocational Education and Training Management Information Statistical Standard (AVETMISS) refers to an audit process that examines the Institute’s student participation data to ensure the Government is only paying for training that actually has occurred. To be compliant, Sunshine Coast TAFE needs to show evidence of participation for every module/competency in which a student is enrolled. If a student does not participate in a module/competency in which they have enrolled, they must be withdrawn before the Start of Study (SOS) date. Notify nominated officer as soon as practical if a student has not participated. Participation records Sunshine Coast TAFE recognises the importance of maintaining accurate student records and protecting the integrity of our training data. Participation records are a legal document and Sunshine Coast TAFE is required to maintain completed records for seven (7) years. For workplace delivery/flexible delivery we use a Record of Participation (QF-224) - this record details when discussions or other contact takes place with participants in relation to specific units of competency outside of a classroom setting. Class rolls must show student participation at the module or competency level (program level is not acceptable) and within the SOS (start of study) and COS (close of study) dates. The teacher who is responsible for the training and assessment of a module/competency is also responsible for the correct completion of the roll. Rolls must be accurately maintained and returned to Sunshine Coast TAFE immediately after close of study. How to maintain your class roll: • A ttendance should be marked on the roll for every class and should indicate the unit/s covered for that day • The roll is to be marked with - for present a - for absent • • • • lue or black biro only is to be used, no pencil B No whiteout is to be used, any changes or errors must be initialled Each column of the roll must be dated, totalled and signed A plan for your delivery and assessment should be in the roll, recorded on Class Roll Daily Lesson Summary (QF-287) • At completion of the course, return all completed rolls, induction checklists, assessment guides, marking criteria, completed assessments and student evaluations to Sunshine Coast TAFE • When you require a new roll, please advise your nominated officer the week prior and a new updated roll will be emailed to you. Education and Training Partnership Induction Kit | Sunshine Coast TAFE 11 Training All training package requirements, i.e. critical aspects, required skills and knowledge and elements of the performance criteria, must be covered in the delivery of the content. The delivery must align to the training strategies shown on the Training and Assessment Strategy. Any concerns in this area, please discuss with your project manager/mentor. Assessment Sunshine Coast TAFE promotes fair, equitable and accountable assessment procedures. Student assessments and student performance must be assessed in accordance with relevant standards and practices as outlined in program documents, National Training Packages and the VET Quality Framework (VQF). The assessments for each unit must be mapped to the training package requirements. Your project manager/mentor can assist with this process. Students/clients are expected to complete all assessment items on or by the due dates as indicated, unless an extension has been granted. In particular, tests are expected to be taken on the dates specified and assignments are expected to be submitted by the due dates. All students/clients must complete an Assessment Guidelines and Tasks Sheet (QF563) indicating what unit/s is being assessed. This must be completed and signed by each student and signed and dated by the assessor. Task Sheets should be attached to all assessment items. Where students/clients request an extension or are requested to re-submit their assignment, the relevant cover sheet must be completed by the student and attached to their assignment. Return assessment items and task sheets, assessment summaries or other approved resulting method, master assessment instruments, marking guides and answer sheets to SCIT on completion of the course. Reasonable adjustment Reasonable adjustment is an alteration of the assessment to accommodate the needs of the student without compromising the integrity of the competence to be demonstrated. For adjustments to be reasonable, they need to be appropriate for the particular student in a particular situation. Where assessment has been adjusted for candidates with special needs, appropriate records/evidence should be maintained on the Assessment Guidelines and Tasks Sheet (QF563) and returned for audit purposes. Assessment retesting arrangements If the first attempt is deemed ‘unsatisfactory’, the teacher/assessor shall negotiate with the student for a second and final attempt. Retesting need only assess those elements deemed ‘unsatisfactory. If a student is deemed as ‘unsatisfactory’ after their first attempt at any assessment instrument, they are entitled to receive feedback from the teacher, amend their work and resubmit their work for reassessment or be retested only on those elements deemed ‘unsatisfactory’. There should be a reasonable time between the first and second attempt. What is deemed ‘reasonable’ shall depend on the nature of the assessment and the significance of the ‘unsatisfactory’ outcome. Assessment feedback Feedback is to be provided to all students/clients, via the Assessment Guidelines and Tasks Sheet (QF563), regarding the outcomes of the assessment process and guidance on future options. Return completed assessment items, Task Sheets and Assessment Summaries to Sunshine Coast TAFE at the conclusion of the course. Grades, results and awards An assessment summary and/or Grade and COS reports will be forwarded to the trainer for completion and return to Sunshine Coast TAFE. This is an explanation of result structures used in the TAFE system: NOTE: If you do not hold the relevant assessment qualifications as specified in the VQF, you must ensure that your project manager/mentor signs the Grade and COS reports. 12 Sunshine Coast TAFE | Education and Training Partnership Induction Kit Result Codes J = Competent The student has been assessed and has satisfied the requirements of the competency. M = Competency Not Achieved/Fail The client has attempted all of the requirements for the assessment and has been assessed as not competent, or as not satisfying one or more of the requirements for the unit of competency or module. For example, this code would apply if a client attempted ten of ten required assessments and was assessed as not competent in one or more of the assessments. However, if a client had only attempted nine of the ten assessments, this code would not be used as the client must attempt all of the assessments in order to receive a ‘Competency not achieved/fail’ code. AW = Withdrawn with participation The client has engaged in some learning activity and has then notified the institute of their withdrawal before completing all of the assessment criteria; or the client has engaged in some learning activity and then stopped attending or submitting assessment (i.e. discontinues) without notifying the institute. In this situation, a student does not attend the final assessment and has not made contact with the institute to formally withdraw or arrange a continuing status. The withdrawn code applies in this situation, even if the client has completed some assessments and been assessed as not competent for one or more assessments. Sunshine Coast TAFE shall mail grades (results) to the students/clients shortly after the end of the course completion. If a result needs to be amended, Amended Result form (QF456 or QF457) should be completed, signed and forwarded to Sunshine Coast TAFE. Awards/Statement of Attainment To obtain an award, the students/clients must have successfully completed all requirements of the qualification within the specific timeframe. Sunshine Coast TAFE will forward an award to the student’s postal address shortly after successful completion of study. If there are special requirements for the partner to issue the awards, eg internal graduation ceremony, please negotiate this with your project manager/mentor. Where a student successfully completes some units of competency and then withdraws from the program of study, Sunshine Coast TAFE will issue a Statement of Attainment for the successfully completed units of competency. Client feedback Students/clients and teachers will be requested to complete program evaluations during the program. Sunshine Coast TAFE will provide these evaluation tools. Return completed evaluations to us for analysis and implementation of any improvements. We will provide feedback and negotiate improvement strategies. Complaints If you or your students/clients have a concern regarding any aspect of your program, please discuss this with your project manager/mentor, in the first instance. Sunshine Coast TAFE has formal processes established to deal with complaints arising from student and/or staff interactions or in relation to the program. Appeals Students/clients who are dissatisfied with academic decisions, procedures or any issues that directly relate to the successful completion of their program, may take their complaint to their trainer within 10 working days from the date of issue of grades. If they are not satisfied with the outcome, the student (or parent/guardian) will need to lodge an appeal in writing to Sunshine Coast TAFE. Education and Training Partnership Induction Kit | Sunshine Coast TAFE 13 Industry currency and professional development As a VET professional, you are required to maintain your currency in 3 areas: teaching, learning and assessment; industry currency; and VET industry knowledge. Sunshine Coast TAFE has a range of activities you can do to build and maintain your professional currency, including professional development activities, educational and industry journals and workplace practice. Sunshine Coast TAFE extends inclusion to you in a range of short course programs that will be offered throughout the year. Your project manager/mentor will work with you to identify training or up-skilling needs to support quality training. Examples of training available to you include lesson planning, teaching, resource repository and planning strategies for delivery and assessment. You are required to keep a detailed record including dates, time spent and activities undertaken, as this information needs to be updated on your staff profile. Validation sessions Sunshine Coast TAFE runs at least two validation events during the year for trainers. The purpose of the validation activity is to review assessment strategies, tools, tasks and content, pool information and supply samples of students/ clients’ work for moderation of judgements. In addition, these sessions will be used to develop strategies for future delivery and professional development. This is a very important activity and your attendance would be highly recommended. Industry Reference Groups Throughout the year, Sunshine Coast TAFE will organise Industry Reference Group meetings. These meetings are held to initiate and action stakeholder consultation for the continual improvement of the Institute’s educational quality and relevance to industry. Your project manager/mentor will advise the dates for these meetings or, if unable to attend, your project manager/Mentor will provide you with a copy of the minutes. 14 Sunshine Coast TAFE | Education and Training Partnership Induction Kit Quality record keeping for vet professionals Professional recordkeeping practices are vital to ensure that Sunshine Coast TAFE teachers delivery and assessment clearly meets the VET Quality Framework (VQF) registration requirements. Your responsibility is to provide the following to Sunshine Coast TAFE for quality assurance under VQF: • T raining and Assessment Strategy • your profile and verified copies of qualifications • electronic copies of any training and assessment material developed or modified (if negotiated) - his includes delivery material, activities, resources, assessments, marking guides and training plans. • enrolment forms, LUI numbers and SET Plan information for all students/clients (Secondary Schools only) • policy information on refunds, privacy, OHS, anti-discrimination, harassment, bullying and specific industry legislation (Secondary Schools only) • changes to enrolments: written notification of any enrolment cancellations/drops, non-participating students/ clients, and additional students/clients • completed attendance records, assessment cover sheets, evaluation forms, Grade and COS reports and/or other approved resulting documents and participant training plans, and • record of professional development activities undertaken throughout the year. Education and Training Partnership Induction Kit | Sunshine Coast TAFE 15 Definitions ‘Act’ means the Vocational Education, Training and Employment Act 2000 (Qld) and its regulations, as amended from time to time. ‘Agreement’ means the Education and Training Partnership Agreement document including all schedules and annexures attached to it, as varied from time to time in accordance with its provisions. ‘Approved Training Site’ means the site or sites specified in Schedules to this Agreement where delivery of the Training Program is to take place. ‘AQF’ means the policy framework entitled ‘Australian Qualifications Framework’ that defines all Qualifications recognised nationally in education and training within Australia, as endorsed or amended from time to time by the Ministerial Council (a body defined in the Skilling Australia’s Workforce Act 2005 (Cth)). ‘VQF’ means the policy framework entitled ‘VET Quality Framework’ that defines the criteria and standards required for the registration of training organisations and the accreditation of Courses in the vocational education and training sector as endorsed or amended from time to time by the Ministerial Council (a body defined in the Skilling Australia’s Workforce Act 2005 (Cth)). ‘Competency’ means a unit of competency or module in a Course or Training Package that encompasses a certain specification of knowledge and skill and its application to a specified standard of performance. ‘Partner’ includes the officers, employees, agents and authorised sub-Partners of the Partner where the context requires. ‘Partner’ shall be deemed to include, unless contrary intention appears, directors, employees, officers, agents or any other party for which the Partner is vicariously liable ‘Partner’s Agent’ means the person whose name, position and contact details are set out in Schedules to the Agreement or any other person substituted by the Partner and notified to the Institute from time to time. ‘Partner’s Representative’ means the person whose name and/or position is set out in Schedules to the Agreement or any other person substituted by the Partner and notified to the Institute from time to time. ‘Fees’ means the fees for the provision of the Training Services by the Partner, as calculated and payable in accordance with this Agreement ‘GST’ means a goods and services tax imposed by or through the GST legislation. ‘Institute’ includes the officers, employees, agents and authorised sub-Partners of the Institute where the context requires (excluding the Partner, to avoid any doubt). ‘Institute’s Consent’ means prior written consent of the Institute which may be given subject to such terms and conditions as the Institute may see fit to impose. ‘Institute’s Records’ includes any Training Product owned or supplied by the Institute and any other material including (without limitation) books, documents, computer software and information disclosed or made available by the Institute to the Partner or a Specified Person in connection with the performance of the Agreement. ‘Intellectual Property Rights’ includes all copyright, trade mark, design, patent and all other proprietary rights, or any rights to registration of such rights existing in Australia, or elsewhere or as protected by statute from time to time, whether created before, on or after the Date of Agreement, but excludes Moral Rights. ‘ISAS’ means the student management and information system entitled ‘TAFE Institute Student Administration System’. ‘Lead NVR RTO’ means the NVR RTO responsible for VQF compliance and issuing Qualifications and Statements of Attainment under the Agreement. ‘Minimum Intake’ means the minimum number of enrolments in the Training Program as set out in Schedules to the Agreement, to be achieved by the Training Program Start Date, as evidenced by ISAS. ‘Participants’ refers to participants to whom the Training Service is being delivered ‘Physical Resources’ includes air-conditioned classrooms, adequate computers, electronic equipment, instruments and computer software. ‘Privacy Act’ means the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) 16 Sunshine Coast TAFE | Education and Training Partnership Induction Kit ‘Project’ means all activities connected with the provision of the Training Program to Students by the Parties pursuant to this Agreement. ‘Qualification’ means formal certification by an NVR RTO under the AQF that a person has achieved all of the Competencies comprising learning outcomes set out in a Training Package or a Course. ‘RPL’ or ‘Recognition of Prior Learning’ means formal recognition by an NVR RTO under the AQF of a person’s knowledge and skills, howsoever attained, whether in Australia or overseas, including if attained through: • p revious study (including courses at school or college, through adult education classes or training programs at work) • work experience (including both work that is paid and unpaid) • life experience (for example leisure pursuits or voluntary work) and which may result in the award of a Statement of Attainment or qualification to the person. ‘NVR RTO’ or ‘Registered Training Organisation’ means a training organisation registered on the National Register. ‘Standards’ means the national training industry standards identified in the Agreement ‘Statement of Attainment’ means formal certification in the vocational education and training sector by an NVR RTO that a person has achieved • p art of a Qualification • part of a Training Package, or • all competencies comprising learning outcomes for a course that does not meet the requirements for a Qualification. ‘Student’ means a student, employee or trainee enrolled at the Institute for participation in any part or all of the Training Program delivered as part of the Training Services. ‘Sunshine Coast TAFE’ means the Registered Training Organisation who is the Lead NVR RTO under this Agreement and that body which is a Queensland State Government Entity as represented by The Department of Education and Training ‘Total Contract Value’ means the maximum amount payable by the Institute to the Partner under the Agreement, if specified in this Agreement ‘Training Service’ means the Training Services detailed in Schedule to the Agreement ‘Training and Assessment Strategy’ means a documented framework to guide and structure the learning requirements and the teaching, training delivery and assessment arrangements for each part of the Training Program. ‘Training Package’ means an integrated set of Competency standards and assessment guidelines leading to a Qualification for a particular industry, industry sector or enterprise, as endorsed by the National Quality Council and registered on the National Register. ‘Training Product’ means any material supplied, created or developed in connection with the Project or this Agreement and includes all New Training Product and Existing Training Product. ‘Training Program’ means a training and educational program comprised of any Training Package, Course, Competencies, and/or RPL to be delivered as part of the Project. ‘Training Program Finish Date’ means the date specified in Schedules for completing delivery of the Training Program as part of the Training Services. ‘Training Program Start Date’ means the date specified in Schedules, for commencing delivery of the Training Program as part of the Training Services. ‘Training Records’ means all records concerning the provision of the Training Services required to be kept by the Partner under the Agreement, including as set out in Schedules to the Agreement ‘Training Services’ means all training, activities and resources, including without limit the provision of the Training Program to Students, to be delivered or provided by the Partner for the Project under this Agreement and as set out in Schedules to this Agreement ‘User Choice’ in reference to an agreement, means an agreement made under a program entitled User Choice that is funded by both Commonwealth and Queensland governments and enables apprentices or trainees to undertake negotiated training for a Qualification with the NVR RTO of their choice. Education and Training Partnership Induction Kit | Sunshine Coast TAFE 17 Maroochydore campus 170 Horton Parade Maroochydore QLD 4558 Mooloolaba campus 34 Lady Musgrave Drive Mountain Creek QLD 4557 Nambour campus 91 Windsor Road Nambour QLD 4560 Noosa campus 24 Cooroy-Noosa Road Tewantin QLD 4565 CRICOS Provider: 02004B 07 5457 1000
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