DIRECTORATE OF ESTATES AND FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Service Level Statement Headington Hill site | Headington, Oxford, OX3 0BP 01865 484 848 Quality in everything we do Contents Foreword 4 1 Hospitality Division 6 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Overview Student Halls of Residence Accommodation Office Conference Services Catering Services 8 9 14 18 23 2 Property Division 30 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Overview List of Services Staff Structure Priorities 32 33 35 36 3 Campus Division 38 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 Overview Caretaking Security Waste Disposal and Recycling Cleaning Car Parking Miscellaneous Pooled Teaching Rooms Postal Services Brookes Bus Audio Visual Services 40 41 44 46 48 50 52 54 55 56 58 4 Sports Division 60 4.1 4.2 4.3 Overview Structure List of Services 62 63 64 5 EFM Strategy 66 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 Overview Financial Information Administrative Activities Space Planning Estate Help Desk Sustainability Team 68 69 70 71 72 73 6 Capital Projects 74 6.1 6.2 Overview Aims 76 77 FOREWORD EFM DIRECTOR IAN KING THE CENTRE FOR SPORTS HOSPITALITY SERVICES CAMPUS SERVICES EFM STRATEGY CAPITAL PROJECTS PROPERTY SERVICES KEITH KELLY GILLIAN ALMOND STEPHEN CLARK PAUL CROSS YANNIS ROUSSOS STEVE SIMPKINS ERNEST GRAINGER Quality Officer ROB LOVESEY Campus Manager Gipsy Lane JANNE DAWSON Estates Information Officers ANDREW MOORE Capital Projects Manager GEOFF BAILEY Health & Safety Officer MILES BEAUMONT Finance & IT Administrator NIGEL SATCHELL Campus Manager Wheatley GEOFF HANDLEY Head of Business & Finance LUIGI SCALERA Capital Projects Manager MALCOLM BENNETT O & M Manager PETE TOOMER Student Accommodation Manager SUE JOHNSON Campus Manager Harcourt Hill CLARE COLWELL Help Desk Manager PAUL AUSTIN Capital Projects Manager BRIAN WARREN Projects Manager JENNIFER BARNES Senior Accommodation Manager (Shared Housing) HEATHER PUGHSLEY Space Allocations & Postal Services Manager HARRIET WATERS Sustainability Manager DAVID GREEN Clerk of Works CHRIS WILCOX Sports Amenities & Facilities Manager RICHARD COLE Climbing & Outdoor Pursuits Manager IAN KING DIRECTOR, ESTATES AND FACILITIES MANAGEMENT We in Estates and Facilities Management provide the full range of support services to the whole University. In one way or another our services are provided 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for the full 52 weeks of the year. As a consequence of this, EFM staff have more day-to-day contact with other staff, students and visitors than most of the University and as such we are very well placed to deliver a truly customer-centred service, customers being staff, students and visitors alike. In this Service Level Statement we aim to tell you what you can expect from us and our teams. We are setting out the details of what we do and what we provide to you, our customers. This statement will be updated every year so that you can always be sure of our determination to focus on our goal of achieving quality in everything we do. STEVEN SMITH Bar Operations Manager MATT PHILLIPS Asst Bar Manager CAROLINE FRANCIS Sports Finance Officer CLIVE BOOTH HALL GARY CARTER Senior Hall Manager DEBRA GURDEN Sports Finance Clerk SUE SOSVILLE Hall Manager Cotuit Hall SARAH QUERALT Sports & TASS Administrator RICHARD SUMMERS Hall Manager Warneford Hall CLIVE WILLIAMS Sports Amenities Supervisor JULIETTE ASHTON Hall Manager Paul Kent Hall STUART MCCARROLL Duty Officer CHRISSY KNIGHT Hall Manager Crescent Hall TOM GRENSHAW Duty Officer CALUM BEATT Hall Manager Lady Spencer Churchill Hall LINDA PARKE Senior Receptionist JACKIE PAIGNTON Senior Receptionist ANN CHASE Hall Manager Harcourt Hall DAVID TANNER UPP Business Manager Cheney Student Village PHILLIPA FLETCHER Conference & Commercial Services Manager BEATRIZ PEREZ-LOPEZ Senior Conference & Marketing Co-ordinator GIDEON SMITH General Catering Manager LINDA HARRIS Catering Manager Harcourt CATHERINE RILEY Catering Manager Wheatley JASON CARTER Catering Manager Headington MAIREAD O’NEILL Hospitality Director/Chef SUSAN OUSLEY Food Production Manager GARY WARWICK Hospitality Services Manager ANTHONY WRIGHT Business Support Manager JUSTIN CULE Duty Catering Manager 4 | Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement | 5 1 HOSPITALITY DIVISION Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement | 7 1:1 Hospitality | Overview 1:1 Hospitality | Student Halls of Residence 1:2 OVERVIEW Hospitality Services’ purpose is to provide professional and customer-focused hospitality services to the University community and to promote integration with other EFM support services to encourage a positive perception of the University by staff, students and visitors. Hospitality Services’ mission is to provide outstanding customer-focused hospitality services. To achieve our mission we are committed to being sustainable, ethical, legitimate, environmentally aware, commercially-focused and responsive to change. The Hospitality Services Division provides a wide range of services in support of the University’s overall objectives through the operation and management of services in the following areas: ● Student Accommodation Services ● Catering Services ● Conference Services 1:2 STUDENT HALLS OF RESIDENCE Purpose To provide cost effective, high standard residential accommodation to students and vacation guests in University Managed Halls of Residence. To include: ● A Student Welfare Support System (including a disciplinary procedure) ● Management and Administration (including a staff management, training and development programme) ● A Planned Replacement/Renewal Programme for Furniture and Fittings ● Provision of a student laundry service ● A Minor Maintenance and Maintenance Request Service ● A Security Service (at present provided by a contractor) It does this through: Providing a safe, secure and appropriate learning environment for students in Halls of Residence and Oxford Brookes University-managed accommodation ● Providing a service of high quality and value for money catering to the University community, including cash sales, hospitality services, catered halls of residence and conference events and functions ● Raising income through selling services and facilities to external clients and assisting Schools and Directorates in organising events and conferences through offering specialist knowledge and expertise ● The Division manages 2656 rooms directly and a further 750 through its PFI partner, a total of 3406 student bedrooms in Halls of Residence. In addition Accommodation Services has nomination rights to 200 purpose built en-suite rooms for continuing students with Dominion Housing on their Southfield Road development. The Division also manages rooms through its full and part-managed property schemes. Accommodation Services allocates rooms to over 4000 students each year and assists many others to find non-University managed accommodation. Through its Conference Services unit the Division is responsible for the booking and administration of over 150,000 bed nights and 750 non-residential events annually. to provide professional and customerfocused hospitality services to the University community The Division continues to work to improve the service in terms of efficiency, effectiveness and quality and will always seek to: ● achieve, and where possible surpass, budget targets ● achieve excellent customer service and customer satisfaction ● improve levels of recycling and focus on environmental issues ● foster excellent communication both within the Division and between the Division, service providers and customers ● value and invest in our workforce to ensure they have the skills and capabilities to meet the high expectations of the University ● be aware of market and industry developments and to ensure services remain valid 8 | Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement | 9 1:2 Hospitality | Student Halls of Residence Hospitality | Student Halls of Residence 1:2 Service Provision and Standards STUDENT WELFARE SUPPORT SYSTEM Service provision and standard CLEANING SERVICE A team of trained Hall Wardens is available to give a comprehensive and uniform service across the Department. Service provision and standard Wardens are available for incident management, pastoral care for students, enforce discipline and to be responsible for the good order of the Hall when on duty. 1 Students – a service to assist the students in maintaining an acceptable standard in the flats. This will be documented in a service level statement available to all students. The students rooms are spring cleaned when the students move out. 2 Vacation Guests. The service offered to vacation guests varies dependent on the tariff paid. The Conference Offices are responsible for ensuring the Hall Managers know the standard of service required. 1 On average the common areas of a flat will be cleaned 2 times a week. Student study bedrooms are cleaned after the student has vacated the room. 2 Normally daily, the extent of the service provided is dependent on the tariff paid. 1 The students are responsible for cleaning their own study bedrooms and en-suite showers and for ensuring they keep communal areas in an acceptable state. 2 Extra casual staff are employed during the vacation period to assist in the increased levels of service offered. These casuals receive training on the standards required. A telephone number will be provided in each Hall for those seeking assistance from their Warden. Frequency Hall Wardens working to a rota are available during Semester time when the office is not open. Note Hall Wardens provide a first response for incidents, they are not able to provide ongoing care to residents with regard to illness or distress. They will provide advice as to where professional advice can be sought. Frequency Note MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION Service provision and standard Frequency Note 1 Hall Managers and Hall Supervisors provide an administrative service enabling Halls to run in a cost effective and methodical manner, ensuring the student records are kept up to date and all legal procedures are adhered to. Service provision and standard During vacation periods bed linen (and towels if included in rate) will be provided and laundered. Office hours are 8.00am to 6.00pm Monday to Friday. Administration and Management functions are carried out on a daily basis. Issues arising are dealt with on a priority basis. Frequency Changed depending on rate paid and contract. 2 Liaison take place on an ongoing basis as required. PORTERING SERVICE 1 At certain times the Hall Office may be covered by a Hall Assistant who may not be able to answer a full range of queries. Service provision and standard 2 Procedures dealing with student allocation are the responsibility of the Student Accommodation Manager and are set by the University Policy. 2 The Managers are required to work in liaison with the Accommodation Office Staff. 1 PLANNED REFURBISHMENT AND RENEWALS PROGRAMMES Service provision and standard Frequency Note LAUNDRY SERVICE Note Frequency A program of refurbishment will be developed in conjunction with Property Services and budget restraints. The long term plans are worked out and updated on an annual basis (March). Replacement and Renewals are carried out as and when business allows, ensuring as little disruption to the client base as possible. Note Each Hall is allocated to a budget to work to for furniture and renewals. The Budget is closely monitored both by the Hall Managers and Finance and IT Administrator. 1 Collection of rubbish from student flats and removal to the bin areas. 2 Cleaning of some common areas i.e. staircases and entrance ways. 3 The removal and replacement of any large items e.g. fridge freezers, cookers, etc. 1 Normally 2 items per week. 2 As and when required by the Management Team. 3 As and when required by needs. 1 Students are responsible for recycling, facilities will be provided. 2 Trolleys and sack trucks are provided to assist the staff with these heavy items. 3 Items will be recycled as applicable, legislation will be complied with, e.g. WEEE. ASSESSING FEEDBACK FROM CLIENTS Service provision and standard Feedback will be sought from all customer groups, through questionnaires, feedback forms and surgeries. Frequency Throughout the year. Note 10 | Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement | 11 1:2 Hospitality | Student Halls of Residence Services Available for an additional charge Hospitality | Student Halls of Residence 1:2 Services Not Provided ● STUDENT LAUNDRY FACILITIES Service Available Self service facilities in the form of washing machines and tumble dryers available for use by any resident. Fee/Charge Laundries normally open 7.00am to 11.00pm (may vary depending site and operations restrictions). Note The machines for this service are provided by a contract company (Circuit Laundrette). ● ● Customer Responsibilities ● ● PRIVATE TELEPHONE POINTS Service Available ● A private telephone point is provided in some student study bedroom. ● ● Fee/Charge Note The service is currently provided by Brookes IT. No line rental is charged, a charge is made for calls made. PRIVATE COMPUTER POINTS Service Available ● Contact Points A private computer point is provided in each Student Study Bedroom, giving the user access to the University network as well as to the internet. Fee/Charge Note ● We do not provide the students with a cleaning service in their study bedrooms. The rooms are spring cleaned before they move in and are spring cleaned when they move out ready for the next occupant We do not provide insurance cover for personal belongings of any resident – they must take out their own insurance cover Medical care for students with serious health concerns To read information made available in welcome packs, hall booklets etc. To abide by Hall regulations To support health and safety regimes e.g. fire evacuation procedures To make management aware of concerns so they can be addressed To respect other Hall residents and staff To follow reasonable instructions given by Hall staff in the interest of good order of the Hall To make Hall Management aware of any special needs or requirements and to co-operate with any policies or procedures introduced to assist with needs FOR HALLS OPERATIONAL ISSUES AND POLICIES Gary Carter Senior Hall Manager Clive Booth Hall t (48) 5011 e [email protected] FOR DAY TO DAY HALLS ISSUES/HALLS ENQUIRIES Provided by the University’s Computer Services Department. Annual payment made to this department before the service is set up. Additional Services Provided NURSERY CLEANING SERVICE David Tanner Hall Manager Cheney Student Village t 76001 e [email protected] Sue Sosville Hall Manager Cotuit Hall t 767134 e [email protected] Chrissy Knight Hall Manager Crescent Hall t (48) 2852 e [email protected] A member of staff is provided; the service is monitored by the Nursery Manager. Ann Chase Hall Manager Harcourt Hill Hall t (48) 8285 e [email protected] The cleaning service is normally provided from 5.30pm-7.00pm. Monday to Friday. The Nursery is invoiced for this service. Calum Beatt Hall Manager Lady Spencer Churchill Hall t (48) 5861 e [email protected] Service Available A cleaning service is provided by Clive Booth Hall Staff to the University’s nursery which is on the Clive Booth Site. Fee/Charge Note 12 | Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement Gary Carter Senior Hall Manager Clive Booth Halls t (48) 5011 e [email protected] Juliette Ashton Hall Manager Paul Kent Hall t (48) 2998 e [email protected] Richard Summers Hall Manager Warneford Hall t (48) 5301 e [email protected] Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement | 13 1:3 Hospitality | Accommodation Office 1:3 Hospitality | Accommodation Office 1:3 ACCOMMODATION OFFICE Purpose The Accommodation Services unit is responsible for housing students in support of University Strategy and in accordance with University Policy. To include: ● allocations of hall places according to University policy to minimize void levels ● offering advice and support to hall residents on matters relating to their accommodation ● management and operation of the full and part managed housing scheme including third party provided halls ● managing University lodgings list ● marketing of services through maintenance of its web pages, publications and attendance at University Visit Days and other marketing events ● management and Administration (including a staff management, training and development programme) ● liaising with Schools over accommodation needs to students Service Provision and Standards MANAGING HALLS’ APPLICATION PROCESS Indicative Standard All hall places have been taken. Students cease to make enquiries about alternative accommodation. Frequency Throughout the summer and at the start of the academic year. Note Hall Accommodation is offered to students in accordance with University policy. Support and guidance is offered to applicants who cannot be offered the accommodation of their choice. Schools and recruits can assist by ensuring adherence to procedures and accurate information on recruitment strategy. Assistance with Schools with associated difficult situations can help ensure customer satisfaction. ALLOCATION OF STUDENT BEDROOMS Indicative Standard All students new to the University to be housed in accordance with University policy, subject to room availability. Frequency Predominately throughout the summer and at the start of each academic year. Also at other entry points throughout the year as required. Note We seek to offer students new to the University a room of their choice wherever possible. To help us to do this we require clear information on expected student numbers and course dates from schools and international recruiters. MANAGING HALL WAITING LISTS Indicative Standard Waiting list will be exhausted. Frequency Daily. Note Support is provided to students new to Brookes at the start of the academic year. ASSIST IN COLLECTION OF OUTSTANDING RENTS Indicative Standard Support as required by Finance Department. Frequency As required throughout the year. Note The unit works closely with finance to maximise collection of rent arrears. DEALING WITH ENQUIRIES RELATING TO TENANCIES AND LICENCES 14 | Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement Indicative Standard Deal with all enquiries made to the satisfaction of the student. Frequency Ongoing throughout the year. Note The unit provides information to students and their parents, including referral to other sources of legal assistance. These sources include the Students’ Union Welfare Office. The unit will refer to the University Legal Services for clarification and advice as necessary. Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement | 15 1:3 Hospitality | Accommodation Office HOUSING STUDENTS Hospitality | Accommodation Office 1:3 SHARED HOUSES Indicative Standard All students requiring accommodation will have been housed. Indicative Standard Frequency Ongoing as required throughout the year although primarily throughout the summer and the start of the academic year. All rooms are taken. Promotion of best practice in the private sector reduces levels of dissatisfaction among students in that sector. Frequency Ongoing with the majority of rooms secured for the start of the academic year. Note A number of off-campus houses are secured in order to assist non-Freshers in securing suitable affordable housing. The unit helps to promote best practice in the private rented sector in Oxford. This accommodation benefits many students seeking accommodation for couples or small families. Note A variety of on- and off-campus accommodation is offered to Oxford Brookes University’s diverse student population. Accurate and timely information on changes to recruitment policies are essential to ensure that appropriate types of accommodation can be offered. OPERATE A ROOM SWAP SERVICE ASSESSING FEEDBACK FROM CLIENTS Indicative Standard Manage all transfer requests in a prompt and customer friendly way. Frequency Ongoing. Note Students are offered the flexibility to alter their accommodation subject to availability and financial applications. It is important, however, to remember that students have entered into a legal agreement that cannot be broken subject to the terms of that agreement. Room swap appointments are not normally made at the beginning of each semester until all those waiting accommodation have been housed. Indicative Standard Feedback will be sought from all customer groups, through questionnaires, feedback forms and surgeries. Frequency Throughout the year. Note Services Not Provided ● ● MARKETING OXFORD BROOKES ACCOMMODATION Indicative Standard Meetings have taken place and calendar of dates is completed. Frequency Ongoing and in accordance with University Visit Day dates. Note Marketing is via attendance at Visit Days and other promotional events and through individual meetings with Schools and Departments. In order to be able to achieve this effectively we need to be aware of significant changes in rooms stock and changes to recruitment patterns. ● Customer Responsibilities ● ● ● ● ● ● MONITORING STUDENT VOID RATES Indicative Standard Monthly occupancy figures are circulated (Oct-Jul). Regular liaison with Finance. Frequency Ongoing/monthly. Note Support for the University in provision of high occupancy levels and promotion of halls of residence to new students in order to maximise student numbers. ● Contact Points The unit cannot currently guarantee rooms to all first year students The unit cannot guarantee that students will be allocated their first choice of rooms We do not check or recommend properties offered by private landlords who are not in the part/full managed scheme Please help us to help you by ensuring forms etc. are returned by stated deadlines Students should read all communications, these explain clearly procedures and details Students should ensure that they read relevant regulations Students should read and comply with relevant emergency evacuation procedures It is essential that marketers and recruiters offer only facilities that can realistically be offered in line with University Accommodation Allocation Policies The unit requires timely and accurate information relating to changes in number of rooms available, changes to University policy, changes to recruitment patterns and expected student numbers Please help us to help students by informing us as soon as possible if any courses start earlier than week 1 and finish later than the standard semester date STUDENT ACCOMMODATION MANAGER Pete Toomer PRODUCING HALL MARKETING MATERIAL Indicative Standard Accommodation Handbooks have been sent to prospective students. Publication and production deadlines are met for other publications and material. Frequency The Accommodation Handbook is produced annually ready for each spring. Other information is updated as required on an ongoing basis. Note The Accommodation Handbook is produced both as hard copy and online. Other information includes entries to the Prospectus and International Office publications. Accurate and timely information relating to policy changes helps to ensure that prospective students receive useful and relevant information. Good quality materials and realistic time frames are also essential. t (48) 4661 e [email protected] Sandra Ward Barber t (48) 4665 e [email protected] Emma Rosentall t (48) 4666 e [email protected] Jenn Barnes t (48) 4664 e [email protected] Karen Smith t (48) 4668 e [email protected] Julian Banville t (48) 4617 e [email protected] t (48) 4660 e [email protected] HALLS TEAM SHARED HOUSING TEAM RECEPTION Melanie Threadgold 16 | Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement | 17 1:4 Hospitality | Conference Services 1:4 Hospitality | Conference Services 1:4 CONFERENCE SERVICES Purpose The Conference Services unit is responsible for marketing University facilities in order to maximise income generation opportunities through the use of facilities when not in use for teaching purposes or University-run events. To include ● Residential Summer Schools ● Accommodation for Brookes pre-sessional courses ● Residential and non-residential conferences ● Weddings ● Residential accommodation for visitors to Brookes graduation ceremonies ● Residential accommodation for Brookes students staying over the summer vacation period ● Corporate events, meetings, book fairs and teaching space for external clients ● Supporting internal Brookes departments with the organisation of internal conferences and events ● Management and Administration (including a staff management, training and development programme) Service Provision and Standards TO MANAGE EXTERNAL BOOKINGS FROM ENQUIRY TO FINAL INVOICE Indicative Standard All bookings handled in a professional and efficient way. Frequency As required. Note TO MARKET FACILITIES Indicative Standard Professional marketing material available on web and in hard copy. Frequency Ongoing. Note Marketing plan being developed dependant on facilities to be available under new building development. TO ORGANISE EXTERNAL EVENTS providing advice with regard to facilities, menus and audio visual and to book facilities on behalf of clients Indicative Standard All bookings organised to client satisfaction. Frequency As required. Note TO MANAGE BOOKINGS FOR WEDDINGS and to provide a wedding co-ordinator in line with registrar requirements Indicative Standard All bookings managed to client satisfaction. All Civil Ceremonies attended by relevant person. Frequency As required. Note TO NEGOTIATE BEST RATES WITH ALL CLIENTS to maximise revenue whilst ensuring services are perceived as good value. Indicative Standard Budget targets met and repeat business retained. Frequency Ongoing. Note TO BOOK OCCASIONAL ACCOMMODATION e.g. graduation, early students arrivals etc. 18 | Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement Indicative Standard All requests accommodated. Frequency Mostly September and October. Note Graduations are being extended to further dates in the year, accommodation will be dependent on availability. Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement | 19 1:4 Hospitality | Conference Services TO PROVIDE SUPPORT AS REQUIRED DURING LARGE EVENTS to ensure they run smoothly Feedback will be sought from all customer groups, through questionnaires, feedback forms and meetings. Mostly during summer months but can be throughout the year. Frequency Throughout the year. Subject to restraints of small conference team, may be an additional charge for this service. Note Conference presence as required for large events. Frequency Note TO PROVIDE SUPPORT AND ADVICE TO UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENTS with regard to internal conferences Indicative Standard Internal departments have confidence that they have covered all aspects of event they wish to manage. Frequency As required. Note Conference team can not manage internal bookings, if conference is profit-making then rooms will be charged for and conference team will manage as an external booking on behalf of an internal client. Management of licensed premises in accordance with licensing rules. Licence checked and renewed/altered as necessary. Frequency As required. Note Responsible for Licence for all public entertainments and performances in the Theatre at Harcourt Hill. All such performances should be organised in conjunction with Conference Services to ensure adherence to the law at all times. CHAIR EVENTS FORUM to ensure all interested parties are aware of conference developments Frequency Additional Services Available TO BOOK EXTERNAL ACCOMMODATION REQUIRED FOR CONFERENCE BOOKINGS Indicative Standard Supplied via local venues to level requested. Frequency Charges will be those passed to the unit from the relevant venue plus an administrative fee to cover unit costs. Note Service will be provided at the discretion of the conference team based on staff availability. TO PROVIDE EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES NOT AVAILABLE WITHIN BROOKES to support the smooth running of events PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENTS LICENCE Indicative Standard ASSESSING FEEDBACK FROM CLIENTS Indicative Standard Indicative Standard Indicative Standard Hospitality | Conference Services 1:4 Indicative Standard Supplied via local companies to level requested. Frequency Charges will be those passed to the unit from the relevant venue plus an administrative fee to cover unit costs. Note Service will be provided at the discretion of the conference team based on staff availability. Services Not Available ● ● Forum meetings to include all those who organise events and/or responsible for their success, anybody interested in attending should contact Conference and Commercial Services Manager. ● ● Twice a year. ● Academic and teaching content for courses and summer schools A booking service for conferences and meetings that are purely internal. We can offer free advice if required. The unit is not responsible for internal room bookings; these should be directed to the Resources Office Individual vacation accommodation lets – all bookings must be students, staff or educational and cultural groups Delegate management services Note Customer Responsibility COMMUNICATE TO UNIVERSITY with regard to summer business Indicative Standard ● ● A program of communication will be developed each year to ensure the University community is aware of summer business. Frequency June and July. Note Program will be dependant on requirements but will normally include an open meeting, information on Onstream and meetings with key personnel. 20 | Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement ● ● ● ● Forms and booking data must be returned by stated deadlines Clients must ensure they read all communications, these explain clearly procedures and details Clients should ensure that they read relevant regulations and booking conditions Clients must comply with relevant emergency evacuation procedures Where facilities are sold on (e.g. summer schools) agencies will describe facilities accurately and not misrepresent facilities or services Information relating to changes in number of rooms or facilities booked must be provided in a timely way according to booking conditions Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement | 21 1:4 Hospitality | Conference Services Hospitality | Catering Services 1:5 1:5 Contact points Purpose THE CONFERENCE SERVICES TEAM For all bookings and enquiries Phillipa Fletcher t (48) 4619 e [email protected] Beatriz Perez-Lopez t (48) 4612 e [email protected] Hayley Gomm t (48) 4615 e [email protected] FINANCIAL QUERIES relating to an invoice, invoice payment or purchase order Miles Beaumont t (48) 4611 CATERING SERVICES e [email protected] To provide a broad range of high quality, value-for-money food and hospitality facilities across the University for students, staff and visitors. Catering outlets are spread across all three main campuses and range from traditional refectories and modern food halls to small shop outlets for sandwiches and soft drinks. In addition, there are a number of vending machines located in key areas. To include: ● catering for students in catered halls of residence in semester time ● catering for conference guests, summer schools, weddings and events ● providing catering to internal meetings ● providing catering to University events e.g. graduation ● providing cash sale catering to all campuses ● providing vending machines ● management and administration (including a staff management, training and development programme) The day-to-day operational management of the Catering Service is contracted out to Scholarest UK Ltd, part of the Compass Group which is one of the world’s largest commercial catering companies. The majority of the catering staff is employed directly by the University. 22 | Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement | 23 1:5 Hospitality | Catering Services Hospitality | Catering Services 1:5 Service Provision and Standards CATERING FOR STUDENTS IN CATERED HALLS OF RESIDENCE PROVIDING VENDING MACHINES FOR HOT AND COLD DRINKS AND SNACKS Indicative Standard Wholesome and healthy meals provided at the times and frequency as stated in hall booklet. Indicative Standard Vending machines will be stocked and available for use. Frequency As required. Frequency During Semester time. Note Hot food vending is not currently available. Note Students who are unable to attend a meal due to academic restrictions should contact the catering manager who will arrange for the meal to be taken on another site. CATERING FOR EXTERNAL EVENTS, INTERNAL MEETINGS AND UNIVERSITY EVENTS Indicative Standard Advice given as to the suitable menu choice for an event. Special menus developed as required. Meals provided as advertised and as agreed with client. Frequency As required. Note 1 Set menus are available but special menus, whether for dietary requirements or preference can be agreed. 2 External clients should contact Conference team to discuss requirements. 3 Internal clients should complete a catering booking form if catering required is known, for larger bookings and advice contact the General Catering Manger. 4 Adequate notice must be given for catering according to the size and complexity of event. 5 It is not normally permitted to use external caterers. If it is felt necessary to use external caterers then this must be discussed with the Deputy Director of Hospitality Services who will provide advice on liability and due diligence processes that must be followed. ASSESSING FEEDBACK FROM CLIENTS Indicative Standard Feedback will be sought from all customer groups, through questionnaires, feedback forms and catering surgeries. Frequency Throughout the year. Note PROVIDING A RANGE OF MARKETING MATERIAL Indicative Standard Professional material will be available to explain what catering is available. Frequency As required. Note Outlets for Cash Sales GIPSY LANE | MAIN REFECTORY 1 Madisons range of hot meals throughout the day. 2 Upper Crust range of freshly baked baguettes. PROVIDING CASH SALES TO ALL CAMPUSES 3 Goodness Me salad and fruit bar. Indicative Standard 4 Go Potato Jacket Potatoes with hot and cold fillings. 5 Bakehouse Hot and cold savouries and home made sandwiches. 6 Latina A range of hot Mexican dishes. 6 Food Offerings It is not possible to offer a full range of catering to all buildings. Offering high quality and value for money food as advertised. Overview of opening hours and menu choices given below. Frequency Note 1 Menu choices are subject to change as food offerings are developed. 2 Opening hours will vary in semester and vacation time. 3 Any School or Department who wishes to have extended opening hours for an event should contact the General Catering Manager to discuss options and charges. All the above also offer beverages. Opening Hours PROMOTION OF HEALTHY EATING AND ETHICAL CATERING Indicative Standard Frequency A range of healthy options will be available at all campuses and identified on menus. Fair trade, organic and local sourcing will be used where applicable. Meat will be sourced from farms with high levels of animal care and fish will be sourced from sustainable fisheries. Ongoing. Note 1 8.00am – 7.00pm (6.30 on a Friday) 2 9.30am to 3.00pm 3 8.30am to 3.00pm 4 12.00pm to 2.30pm 5 7.30am to 5.30pm 6 11.30am to 2.00pm Opening hours are Monday to Friday during semester time. Vacation opening hours will depend on demand and will be advertised as applicable. Note 24 | Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement | 25 1:5 Hospitality | Catering Services Hospitality | Catering Services 1:5 GIPSY LANE | GALAXY LOUNGE WHEATLEY | MAIN REFECTORY Food Offerings Range of sandwiches, snacks and hot and cold drinks. Opening Hours Note Food Offerings 1 NY-CD range of hot meals throughout the day. 9.00am to 4.00pm 2 Goodness Me salad and fruit bar. Opening hours are Monday to Friday Semester time. 3 Spice Bar Cooked to order stir fry. Vacation opening hours will depend on demand and will be advertised as applicable. 4 Choice Selection of sandwiches and snacks. All the above offer beverages. GIPSY LANE | JBS Food Offerings Range of sandwiches, snacks and hot and cold drinks. Opening Hours 8.30am to 6.30pm Note Opening hours are Monday to Friday Semester time. Opening Hours Vacation opening hours will depend on demand and will be advertised as applicable. Note GIPSY LANE | LLOYDS STAFF COMMON ROOM Food Offerings 7.30am to 7.00pm 2 11.30am to 2.00pm 3 12.00pm to 2.00pm 4 7.30am to 7.00pm Also caters for residential students who live on the Wheatley Campus. Open 8.00am to 10.00am Saturday and Sunday and 12.00pm to 1.30pm Sunday. Range of hot and cold options from ‘grab and go’ snacks to full cooked meal. WHEATLEY | EIGHTS COFFEE LOUNGE Opening Hours Note 1 This facility is currently available to staff only. The location and food offering is subject to change. Food Offerings Sandwiches and Snacks, hot and cold drinks. Opening Hours 8.30am to 7.00pm Note GIPSY LANE | CABIN ONE Food Offerings Take-away sandwiches, beverages and snacks. WHEATLEY | CAFÉ DIRECT Opening Hours 8.00am to 7.30pm (7.00pm Friday) Food Offerings Sandwiches and Snacks, hot and cold drinks. Note Open Saturday in Semester time 10.00am to 2.00pm. Opening Hours 8.00am to 4.00pm Note GIPSY LANE | CABIN TWO Food Offerings Take-away sandwiches, beverages and snacks. COTUIT | MAIN DINING ROOM Opening Hours 9.30am to 4.30pm Food Offerings Range of hot and cold meals for students resident in the hall. Opening Hours Cash sales not normally available. Note Caters only for residential students who live at Cotuit. Note HELENA KENNEDY STUDENT CENTRE | HK DELI Food Offerings Made to order sandwiches and salads hot and cold drinks. MARSDEN ROAD | CAFÉ Opening Hours 8.00am to 4.00pm Food Offerings Range of hot and cold options from ‘grab and go’ snacks to full cooked meal. Opening Hours 8.00am to 4.00pm Note Note HARCOURT HILL | MAIN REFECTORY Food Offerings Range of hot and cold options from ‘grab and go’ snacks to full cooked meal. Opening Hours 7.00am to 7.00pm Note Also caters for residential students who live on the Harcourt Campus. Open 8.00am to 10.00am Saturday and Sunday and 12.00pm to 1.30pm Sunday. 26 | Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement | 27 1:5 Hospitality | Catering Services Services Not Included ● It is not normally possible to cater for events off University premises Customer Responsibilities ● Complete feedback forms and questionnaires to enable service monitoring and improvement To give adequate notice of all bookings and changes Where catering is being sold on (e.g. as part of a conference) to accurately represent what has been booked To bring concerns to the attention of the duty catering manager as they occur so they can be addressed ● ● ● Contact Points GIPSY LANE t 3103 / 3102 / 3597 HARCOURT HILL t 8245 / 8247 WHEATLEY t 5868 / 5867 28 | Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement | 29 2 PROPERTY DIVISION Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement | 31 2:1 Property | Overview 2:1 Property | List of Services 2:2 OVERVIEW The Property Services Division underpins the University operation by providing a multi-discipline facilities function to ensure the teaching and operational environment is maintained and developed to its full potential. Ensuring statutory compliance, safe operation and peace of mind for staff, students and all stakeholders, whilst upholding the serviceability of the Estate infrastructure and buildings. 2:2 LIST OF SERVICES ENGINEERING SERVICES Mechanical ● ● ● SERVICE AND PROVISION With a staff compliment of 57 including seasonal appointments and a contractor base of 390 varied and specialist companies, the department offers a works service which encompasses: Management A team of professionally qualified managers and engineers which ensure all work is procured in compliance with the financial regulations and delivered to specification. With staff development and career progression used to ensure we are training and planning to provide a structure to achieve efficient operation now and for the future. Engineering A full compliment of service engineers covering all the major disciplines ensure safe operation and maintenance of the diverse and ageing service infrastructure within the University, including adaptation and development to facilitate the ever-changing operational needs of a multi national educational establishment. Project Management The in-house project team undertook in the region of 85 projects from feasibility to practical completion, 3 million in 2007. This entails the control and allocation of both contractor and in-house resources to achieve a seamless transition from inception and community liaison to hand over and life cycle maintenance. Estate Management The development and maintenance of an estate which encompasses a diverse portfolio of over 180 academic, administrative and residential buildings and over 190 acres of grounds, in and around the City of Oxford. Ensuring our use and development integrate with the local community and authority with particular attention paid to stakeholders and any environmental impact. Energy and Environment Control Dedicated team oversees the purchase, use and control of 4 million pounds of energy and utility resource, to achieve an optimum operating environment whilst ensuring both national and European benchmarks for efficiency and environmental impact are achieved. a diverse portfolio of over 180 academic, administrative and residential buildings and over 190 acres of grounds, in and around the City of Oxford. Health and Safety Property Services’ Health and Safety officer offers advice and training to all Estates and Facilities Management Directorate staff, ensuring compliance to current legislation and regulation to create a safety culture of best working practice and benchmarking against other similar institutions 32 | Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement ● ● ● ● ● Electrical ● ● ● ● ● ● Energy Conservation ● ● ● ● ● ● Confined spaces and pressure vessels – inspection and written schemes Fitting plumbing Gas safety and landlord responsibilities Legionella water quality Mechanical engineering Ventilation design, installation and maintenance Water control and distribution local bylaw compliance Water hygiene compliance L8 LEGIONELLA CONTROL Electrical engineering Emergency lighting – testing and certification BS 5266 Installation testing certification adaptation and maintenance BS 7671 Portable appliance testing Public Entertainment Licence applications Security lighting CCTV operation and maintenance Energy use conservation and performance control of the work environment Fire alarm testing and certification BS 5839 Fire certification and brigade liaison Lifts testing insurance inspection operations Utility use and procurement BUILDING/GROUNDS ● ● ● ● ● Building handover and standard checks Drainage and flood relief Adaptation and design of sports functions (cricket, football, rowing, golf courses, swimming pool, and hockey). Maintenance of 1 golf course, 7 football pitches, 1 American football pitch, 1 rugby pitch, 1 Lacrosse pitch and 1 cricket square Maintenance of footpaths boundary leases, trees, roads and woodland STAFF ● ● ● ● Adaptable working patterns (i.e. early starts and summer peak) Career grading and training Staff and contractor supervision and control Student placement and work shadowing Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement | 33 2:2 Property | List of Services Property | Staff Structure 2:3 2:3 STAFF STRUCTURE GENERAL SERVICES ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Alterations and Improvement Works Asbestos Inspections Asbestos Removal Programme Autocad operation and database Building Handover Building Surveys Building Services Design Building Services Projects Upgrade and Adaptations Capital bids – feasibility and Clerk of Works, integration Clerk of works function for the University Condition Surveys Continued professional development and legislational updates Contract drawing specification negotiations and type Contractors Lists CDM Coordinator D.D.A (Disability Audits and remedial works) Dilapidations Emergency Callout Cover – 24hr, 365 days a year emergency callout out and duty officer service, covering all emergencies Energy Conservation Environmental impact and evaluation Financial control and compliance Fire Precautions Inspections Fire Precautions Works Programme Fire Reinstatement FMR (Forward Maintenance Register) Graduations and Open Days Grounds and Estates Works Health and safety compliance – risk assessment, method statement, COSHH. Safe access roofs ducts 34 | Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Insurance Reinstatement Works Landlord/Tenants Agreements Legionella Inspections Lifting equipment PUWER, LOLER etc Local authority liaison and planning applications Maintenance Help Desk – handling and timely completion of in excess of 16000 job tickets Over 100 contractors on site at any one time PPM (Preventative Planned Maintenance) – as above. Currently comprises 6000 assets (work in progress) Party Wall Issues Periodic Visits and Building Audit Periodic tests of plant and equipment Procurement and purchase strategy to ensure best value Product selection and best fit analysis Responsive Maintenance Safety Glazing Inspections Safety Glazing Works Programme School and Directorate surveys and feasibility studies Specialist functions support – to include BMS, Sports Statutory Tests and Insurance Inspections Strategic alignment of expenditure and service Structural condition surveys and reports Synergy and operation to minimise disruption Technical Advice and Application Audit Tenders, Design and Specification Transportable Buildings Deputy Director Property Services PA/Administrator Steve Simpkins Paula Lyne PS Health & Safety Officer O & M Manager Projects Manager Geoff Bailey Malcolm Bennett Brian Warren Projects Engineer Vacancy Projects Surveyor Jonathan Clements Small works Surveyor Bob Afford Building Manager Grounds Manager Mechanical Services Manager Electrical Services Manager Systems Manager Jim Nicholson Tom Williams Ray Blackford Steve Holtom Carl Stubbs Headington Supervisor Mechanical Supervisor Electrical Systems Engineer Steve Polley Martin Lyne Steve Purcell Supervisor Building Adrian Moroney Carpenter Phil Smart James Lucey Lee Czarnetzki Kirk Adams Frank Maloney Don Cronshaw Wheatley Heating Services Engineers Geoff Wise Mick Rogers (p/t) Handypersons Julian French Michael Harrison Gary Hutt Gerry Lewis Terence Trinder Alan Jones Pipe Fitters Harcourt Hill Mike Ballard Albert Green Shaun Talbot Matthew Prior Andy Brandram John Tolley Plumbers Painters Rick Fathers Eddie Murphy Keith Robinson Roger Burns Graham Morgan Dennis Richens Mike Shufflebotham Mick Hickman Electricians Mike Deverall John Hayden Steve Skelton Jeremy Bray Systems Technician Andy Jordan Electrical Handyperson Brian Watkins Handyperson Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement | 35 2:4 Property | Proirites Property | Proirites 2:4 2:4 PRIORITIES PRIORITY A Immediate Response Emergency repairs to critical core services or accommodation (teaching, offices, residential) including the meeting of legal safety obligations, where any delay would have a major impact on University activities. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Grounds Major electrical failures (corridors, stairwells and complete floors or buildings) Total lighting failure to individual study bedrooms Fire alarm and detector faults Emergency lighting system failures (total loss to corridors, stairwells, floors or buildings) Gas leak Mains water failure Leaking pipes (not dripping external overflows) Major water leaks externally Lift breakdowns Roof Leaks Overflowing toilet, urinal or other sanitary ware Individual blocked toilet or wash basin – residential only No heating – entire floor or building Broken window or external door glass Security problems (i.e. make secure external doors, windows, lock etc) Fire and flood damage Examples ● Reports of broken glass on campus ● Investigation of potentially dangerous trees ● Fallen branches/trees blocking paths or roads ● Ice on roads/paths PRIORITY C 7 Working Day Response Essential repairs which, if not carried out promptly, will result in a lowering of teaching standards, quality of accommodation and availability of facilities. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Grounds Examples ● Non urgent tree work PRIORITY D 30 Working Day Response Routine repairs and minor improvements to non-critical services, facilities and building elements which are necessary to maintain University standards. ● ● ● ● PRIORITY B End of Next Working Day ● ● ● ● ● Grounds ● ● Urgent repairs which, if not carried out, will lead to significant disruption to core University activities or lead to serious degradation of the structure and services resulting in additional repair expenditure. ● Local electrical failures (individual rooms) Total loss of external lighting to an area Air Conditioning breakdowns* Major overflow pipe leak Non-working shower (alternatives not available) Repair or make safe trip hazard to floors, stairs, pavements and paths Individual external lamp failures Individual heating complaints/faults (i.e. room too hot or cold) Minor pipe leaks (i.e. weeping joints) Non working shower (alternatives available) Defective handrail to stairs Blocked rainwater pipe or gutter Cracked glass Individual blocked toilet, urinal or other sanitary ware (non-residential) Faulty door closer Internal door repair (including ironmongery) CCTV failures Dripping taps and overflow pipes ● ● ● ● Grounds Individual lamp failure (internal) Condensation/mould growth problem Damp staining to internal finishes Defective mastic sealant around sinks, baths, basins etc. Ceramic tiling repairs Repair of kitchen cupboards and worktops Repair of notice boards and shelving Repairs to retaining walls (non-structural) Repairs to fencing and gates Blocked road gully Examples ● Overhanging shrubs/bushes not causing an obstruction Examples ● Overhanging shrubs/bushes blocking a main entrance, walkways or fire escapes * Emergency rescue on separate direct dial 24 hour call out contract 36 | Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement | 37 3 CAMPUS DIVISION Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement | 39 3:1 Campus | Overview 3:1 Campus | Caretaking 3:2 OVERVIEW 3:2 Role The Campus Services mission is to provide the University with seamless integrated services, using a team of 90 delivering a wide range of front line support services to all Schools and Directorates within the University. The principal service areas provided are as follows: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● AV Services Brookes Bus Caretaking Duties Cleaning Car Park Management Security (including 24 hour emergency management) Waste Disposal Timetabling and Allocation of Pooled Teaching Space Post and Transport Where required, Campus Services are provided 365 days a year to meet the requirements of the University, across all three main campuses and also Marston Road and Ferndale Campus Swindon. Most of the services are provided directly by University employed staff, supplemented by some contractor delivered services ie, out of hours security and cleaning of specific building at Gipsy Lane. Cleaning at Harcourt Hill and at Wheatley is currently provided by an external contract cleaning company. The Campus Services office, shift control and Campus Manager (Rob Lovesey) for Gipsy Lane is situated adjacent to the main entrance at Gipsy Lane Clerici Building. The office of the Harcourt Hill Campus Manager (Sue Johnson) is situated at Harcourt Hill at the rear of the reception lodge in D2 and the office of the Campus Manager, Wheatley Campus (Nigel Satchell) is situated in the Entrance lodge at Wheatley adjacent to the main reception desk. The Campus Services Audio Visual, Brookes Bus (Julia Taylor), Timetabling, Post and Transport (Heather Pughsley) Departments are located on the second floor of Clerici Building at the top of the main stairway. CARETAKING To provide front-line support services provision as laid out below for Schools and Directorates throughout the University. Service Provision and Standards POST AND PRINT DELIVERY Indicative Standard To and from agreed points on each Campus. Frequency At least one collection and delivery per day on each Campus. Two in some areas at Headington Campus. Note Ferndale only once a week. POSTAL FRANKING SERVICE Indicative Standard All post received and collected by the agreed time will be despatched daily. Frequency Once per day. Note Wheatley and Gipsy Lane only. OPENING AND CLOSING OF BUILDINGS Indicative Standard Building opening times are 07.00am – 9.30pm Monday to Friday 08.00am – 12.00pm Saturday | Closed Sunday Frequency Note Closed Bank Holidays. WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL Indicative Standard Bags / waste removed to external collection points including co-mingled waste for recycling. Frequency At least once per day. Note Bags must not be overloaded. EMERGENCY RESPONSE a wide range of frontline support services to all Schools and Directorates within the University. 40 | Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement Indicative Standard Immediate to fire alarms. Co-ordination of lift evacuation response via Headington Shift Control Office. Frequency As required. Note Contact First-Aider for medical emergencies and accidents. TEACHING ROOM PREPARATION Indicative Standard To specification agreed by Campus Manager and Time tabling Manager. Frequency Once per day. Note Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement | 41 3:2 Campus | Caretaking Campus | Caretaking 3:2 Contact Points DE-ICING / CLEARING WALKWAYS Indicative Standard In accordance with risk assessment priorities. Frequency As required. Note Priority routes apply. HEAD OF CAMPUS SERVICES Stephen Clark based in Gibbs t 3059 e [email protected] CAMPUS MANAGERS Rob Lovesey Gipsy Lane/Headington Hill Hall t 3068 e [email protected] Additional Services Available MAJOR OFFICE MOVES AND RE-LOCATIONS Indicative Standard Provided by external contractor via Campus Services Managers. Fee Charge Full cost of removal. Sue Johnson Harcourt Hill and link for Ferndale Campus Swindon t 8448 e [email protected] Nigel Satchell Wheatley and link for Marston Road and Kennett House t 5995 e [email protected] EMERGENCY NUMBERS Note Headington Campus Shift Control Office t 3060 FURNITURE / EQUIPMENT DISPOSAL Indicative Standard If unable to recycle or pass on to another user, disposal is by contractor. Fee Charge Whole or part cost dependent on quantity. Note We can assist with the safe disposal of equipment covered under the (WEEE Directive). Harcourt Campus Caretakers or Security t 6585 Wheatley Campus Caretakers or Security t 5853 HAZARDOUS WASTE AND REFRIGERATORS Indicative Standard Disposal only to current Legal requirement. Fee Charge Full cost is charged to disposing dept. Note All such disposals subject to survey and risk assessment. Services Not Included ● ● ● Customer Responsibilities ● ● ● Daytime Campus security and law enforcement, however extra guarding for special events such as graduation and open days can be arranged at a cost to the customer. Arrangement can be made by contacting the respective Campus Manager Controlling and vetting of persons entering the University Enforcement of the University’s No-Smoking policy Immediate reporting of any type of emergency, i.e. fire accident etc. and notification to Shift Control Manager in line with the University Policy on the reporting of incidents including the contacting of the emergency services (fire, ambulance, and police) Compliance with directions given by Campus Services Staff in any emergency situation or evacuation To give reasonable written notice when requiring assistance from Caretaking staff 42 | Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement | 43 3:3 Campus | Security Campus | Security 3:3 3:3 SECURITY Role To provide, within operational budget constraints, a response to incidents and an out-of-hours contracted security presence. Services Not Included ● Daytime security response, Campus Services has no manned security presence during normal office hours, but will assist where appropriate Customer Responsibilities ● To work in partnership with Campus Services by being vigilant at all times and report anything suspicious to the relevant Campus Manager or Shift Control, at Gipsy Lane To keep offices locked when unattended to protect own and University property and ensure windows are closed at the end of working day Take great care of keys, especially masters. Remember one master key can be used to gain access to a wide range of buildings Do not allow any unidentified person into the building with you when using your 24hr access card, as your card only registers you in the building in case of emergency. If the person is unknown to you, report to Shift Control as soon as possible Service Provision and Standards DAY TIME SECURITY Indicative Standard The logging of incident reports and contacting the Police as required. Frequency As required. Note For advice ring the relevant Campus Manager. ● ● NIGHT TIME SECURITY ● Indicative Standard Contracted security under the control of the Shift Control Manager. Performance standards as set out in contract with security contractor. Frequency 365 nights. Note Guards at Headington, Wheatley, Harcourt, and large Halls of Residence plus mobile patrols. Contact Points SHIFT CONTROL MANAGER t 3060 (24hrs all day every day) MANAGEMENT OF KEYS CAMPUS MANAGERS Indicative Standard Dealing with access requests for contractors, the cutting of keys and co-ordination of lock maintenances including electronic access control. Ensuring all such requests comply with University Health & Safety regulations. Rob Lovesey Gipsy Lane Headington Hill Hall t 3068 e [email protected] Frequency As required. Sue Johnson Harcourt Hill and link for Ferndale Campus Swindon t 8448 e [email protected] Note Keys will only be issued upon request of an authorised Brooke’s representative; all keys must be signed in on return. CCTV CAMERAS Nigel Satchell Wheatley and link for Marston Road and Kennett House t 3068 e [email protected] OUT OF HOURS SECURITY Indicative Standard Managing security camera operation in accordance with University Policy governing the use of CCTV and the Data Protection Act. Frequency Ongoing. Harcourt t 6585 Wheatley t 5853 Note Additional Services Available EXTRA SECURITY FOR SPECIAL EVENTS Indicative Standard Provided by the contract security company at current pay rates plus premiums where applicable. Frequency Full cost of hire borne by the School / Directorate requesting the service. Note Minimum of 48 hours notice required. SECURITY ADVICE TO SCHOOLS/DIRECTORATES. Indicative Standard General advice available. Frequency Nil (unless the use of specialist security consultants is required). Note Reasonable notice required. 44 | Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement | 45 3:4 Campus | Waste Disposal and Recycling 3:4 Campus | Waste Disposal and Recycling 3:4 WASTE DISPOSAL AND RECYCLING Role To provide a waste disposal service that is legislatively compliant to all areas of the University and to provide advice, and guidance on the safe, environmental disposal, of equipment, as defined by the (WEEE Directive) and the best environmental option to all Schools and Directorates. Services Not Included ● Disposal of personal or household items of waste of any description Customer Responsibilities ● To assist the University’s environmental credentials by minimising waste generation Service Provision and Standards ‘NORMAL’ OFFICE DOMESTIC TYPE WASTE Indicative Standard Collected daily Monday to Friday. Frequency Once per day. Note All waste is removed from Site by licensed contractors to licensed disposal places. HAZARDOUS WASTE Indicative Standard Subject to inspection, H & S requirements & current waste disposal legislation, e.g. (WEEE Directive) University Code of Practice for Hazardous Waste. Frequency As required. Note Disposal costs are chargeable to waste generator with the exception of obsolete IT equipment which is free. Contact Points Steve Clark Head of Campus Services t 3059 e [email protected] NON HAZARDOUS WASTE Gipsy Lane t 3068 Harcourt Hill t 8448 Wheatley Campus t 5995 HAZARDOUS WASTE Tim McGill Safety Officer t 5744 RECYCLABLE WASTE Indicative Standard Co-mingled recyclables in collection boxes sited across the University. Frequency As required. Note Contact Environmental Officer for other details. REFRIGERATORS Indicative Standard See Hazardous Waste above. Frequency As required. Note Disposal costs are chargeable to waste generator. Additional Services Available FURNITURE / EQUIPMENT DISPOSAL Indicative Standard If unable to recycle or re-use, disposal is by contractor. Frequency Whole or part cost dependent on quantity. Note Does NOT include hazardous waste or refrigerators. 46 | Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement | 47 3:5 Campus | Cleaning Campus | Cleaning 3:5 3:5 CLEANING Role To provide a cleaning service for Schools and Directorates throughout the University Services Not Included ● ● ● Service Provision and Standards ● Cleaning of vertical and venetian blinds Cleaning of curtains High level cleaning Periodic cleaning TEACHING ROOMS AND COMMON AREAS Indicative Standard A daily clean to include dusting, vacuuming, tidying, bin emptying and removal of waste. Frequency Monday to Friday once daily, staff numbers permitting. Note Periodic cleaning, high level and window cleaning is not included. TOILETS Customer Responsibilities ● ● Contact Points To be considerate with the disposal of waste and litter in the workplace and outside around the University Campuses Report any cleaning problems / deficiencies to the relevant Campus Manager GIPSY LANE Campus Manager Indicative Standard Cleaning of toilets, urinals, sinks, floors, walls and fittings. Frequency Monday to Friday once daily. Note Please note toilets in high frequency areas are checked and cleaned throughout the day Monday to Friday. t 3068 HARCOURT HILL Campus Manager t 8448 WHEATLEY Campus Manager t 5995 OFFICES Indicative Standard Cleaning to include dusting, vacuuming, bin emptying and removal of identifiable waste. Frequency Bins daily, remainder once per week. Staff numbers permitting. Note Desks and window ledges need to be free of obstructions, prior to cleaning. WINDOW CLEANING Indicative Standard To specification set by Campus Managers within budgetary constraints. Frequency Annually. Note Campus Services will give prior warning for office staff to clear window sills. Additional Services Available CARPET CLEANING Indicative Standard Subject to prior inspection and availability of staff. Fee Charge Chargeable if external contractor required. Note ADDITIONAL WINDOW CLEANING Indicative Standard Subject to prior inspection and compliance with Health & Safety regulations and availability of staff . Fee Charge Chargeable if external contractor required. Note 48 | Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement | 49 3:6 Campus | Car Parking Campus | Car Parking 3:6 3:6 CAR PARKING Role To provide a permit parking system which enables entitled staff and, where permitted, students to park at the University during restricted hours. Service Provision and Standards Services Not Included ● Reserved parking for members of staff Customer Responsibilities ● To display current parking permit clearly at all times in the vehicle when on Campus (the permit is not transferable) Park with due consideration to other colleagues Observe parking regulations at all times Do not obstruct roads, park on green areas or obstruct fire exits Make request for visitor parking through the appropriate mechanism, for the relevant campus ISSUE PARKING PERMITS Indicative Standard ● Issued in accordance with University parking regulations upon receipt of application form and fee where applicable. Frequency Annually. Note Campus Services staff only administer the parking permits; they are not responsible for policy making or appeals. ● ● Contact Points PARKING ATTENDANTS Indicative Standard ● Monitor parking and greet visitors to the University. Patrol parking areas checking permit validity. Fitting wheel-clamps. Frequency On duty daily Monday to Friday at the Gipsy Lane Campus. Note Periodic random checks at other sites, as required carried out by caretaking or contracted security guards. GIPSY LANE Campus Manager t 3068 Main Gate t 4028 HARCOURT HILL Campus Manager t 8448 Caretakers t 8470 WHEATLEY PARKING BARRIERS Indicative Standard Installation, management and maintenance of barriers. Frequency Quarterly maintenance. Note Installed in conjunction with and funded by the Green Commuter group. Campus Manager t 5995 Caretakers t 5853 Additional Services Available PARKING FOR SPECIAL EVENT Indicative Standard Subject to staff availability. Fee Charge Salary at appropriate overtime rate. Note Minimum of 48hrs notice required. 50 | Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement | 51 3:7 Campus | Miscellaneous 3:7 Campus | Miscellaneous 3:7 MISCELLANEOUS Role The provision of services not included in defined groups Service Provision and Standards Miscellaneous requests ● “We are here to help” all requests for assistance will be considered and responded to by the Campus Managers Customer Role ● To be considerate with requests, and to give as much notice as possible SIGNAGE Indicative Standard All requests for new and replacement signage should be sent to the appropriate Campus Manager to ensure the corporate branding standard is maintained. Contact Points CAMPUS MANAGERS Frequency As required. Rob Lovesey Gipsy Lane t 3068 e [email protected] Note Campus Services has a limited budget ONLY for sign maintenance. New signage requests are chargeable to the School/ Directorate placing the order. Nigel Satchell Wheatley and link for Marston Road and Kennett House t 5995 e [email protected] Sue Johnson Harcourt Hill and link for Ferndale Campus Swindon t 8448 e [email protected] REMOVALS Indicative Standard Campus Services will carry out small moves subject to inspection, staff availability and compliance with Health & Safety and Manual Handling regulations. Frequency As required. Note Approved contractors can be supplied at favourable rates for any large moves that Campus Services are unable to handle. Contact the appropriate Campus Manager for information. PEST CONTROL Indicative Standard Response service via appropriate licensed contractors. Frequency As required. Note Main campuses. Additional Services Available SERVICES OTHER THAN THOSE LISTED Campus Services can either provide or put anyone in touch with appropriate suppliers for services other than those listed. Indicative Standard Dependent on request. Fee Charge Full cost if an external contractor is employed, appropriate rate if outside normal hours for Brookes staff. Note 52 | Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement | 53 3:8 Campus | Pooled Teaching Rooms 3:8 Campus | Postal Service 3:9 POOLED TEACHING ROOMS Role 3:9 Role To manage the allocation and day-to-day operation of 187 pooled teaching rooms across the Estate Service Provision and Standards POSTAL SERVICE To provide an internal and external postal service for the University. All post is identified and costs recharged back to all Schools and Directorates Service Provision and Standards POOLED ROOM BOOKINGS - TEACHING POST SORTING – EXTERNAL POST Indicative Standard Urgent – immediate allocation. Non-urgent – 2 working days. Frequency Upon customer demand. Note Where possible requests for specific rooms or locations will be met – not guaranteed. Indicative Standard Cleared same day (except some mail-shots – up to 3 days). Frequency Daily. Note POST SORTING – INTERNAL POST POOLED ROOM BOOKINGS- OTHER EVENTS Indicative Standard Allocated after time-tabling of Teaching. Frequency Upon customer demand. Indicative Standard Cleared twice a day. Frequency Daily. Note Note Additional Services Available MONITORING ROOM QUALITY SENDING OF STAFF PRIVATE POST Indicative Standard Periodic room inspections. Frequency Once prior to start of each Semester. Note Indicative Standard Franking of parcels 2.00 – 3.00pm daily. Fee Charge Cost of postage only. Note POOL ROOM DEFECTS Indicative Standard Rectified as soon as possible from notification. Frequency As required. 1 Take to Gipsy Lane Post Room. 2 Service dependent on staff availability – priority given to University post. Services Not Included ● Certificate of Posting and other Post Office services Customer Responsibilities ● Clear, full and correct addressing of post, adding cost code when required Separate outgoing post: internal or external, first class or second class postage, UK or International Prior warning for large mail-shots Note ● Services Not Included ● Cleaning of rooms and furniture re-arrangement during the teaching day ● Customer Responsibilities ● ● ● ● ● Contact Points Schools to notify programme requirements by Week 4 of proceeding term Lecturers are asked to ensure students do not take food and drink into Pooled rooms Comply with maximum room capacity Put furniture back to the original configuration prior to leaving the room Notify the Campus Service time tabling team promptly if booked rooms are no longer required Heather Pughsley t 3906 e [email protected] Sue Ward t 3522 e [email protected] Rita Sunda t 3960 e [email protected] 54 | Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement Contact Points Marion Richardson t 3057 e [email protected] John Finnis t 3057 e [email protected] In person to Post Room – located in Fuller Building next to the Main University Stores. Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement | 55 3:10 Campus | Brookes Bus 3:10 Role Campus | Brookes Bus 3:10 BROOKES BUS To provide and manage a comprehensive inter-site bus service in partnership with a preferred contractor including liaison with local Councils, other bus companies and stakeholder groups on public transport service provision and future transport strategy for the Oxford area. Service Provision and Standards Additional Services Available ADDITIONAL BUS SERVICES TAILORED TO MEET SCHOOL REQUIREMENTS Indicative Standard As negotiated and agreed with the bus company. Fee Charge As negotiated and agreed with bus company (School funded). Note U1 ROUTE | WHEATLEY, HEADINGTON, HARCOURT HILL VIA CITY CENTRE Indicative Standard Performance standards in the contract with the bus company. Frequency See website Timetable. Note Weekly/monthly reviews of performance levels carried out with the bus company. COACH HIRE FOR ONE-OFF SCHOOL/DIRECTORATE EVENTS Indicative Standard Fee Charge As negotiated with coach company (School funded). Note U5 ROUTE | MARSTON ROAD TO OXFORD VIA HOLLOW WAY AND COWLEY RD Indicative Standard Performance standards in the contract with the bus company. Frequency See website Timetable. Note Weekly/monthly reviews of performance levels carried out with the bus company. Services Not Included ● Customer Responsibilities U4 ROUTE | OXFORD BUSINESS PARK TO HEADINGTON (EVENINGS) Indicative Standard Performance standards in the contract with the bus company. Frequency See website Timetable. Note Weekly/monthly reviews of performance levels carried out with the bus company. ● Contact Points ● Varying bus timetable to suit individual Schools and Directorates Free inter-site bus travel limited to University staff only on University business All complaints on the Brookes bus services must be forwarded straight away with full details to Julia Taylor in the first instance Mary Horan Sustainable Travel Coordinator t e Julia Taylor t 3054 e [email protected] U10 ROUTE | JOHN RADCLIFFE HOSPITAL TO OXFORD VIA HOLLOW WAY AND COWLEY RD Indicative Standard Performance standards in the contract with the bus company. Frequency See website Timetable. Note Weekly/monthly reviews of performance levels carried out with the bus company. LOBBYING OF COUNCILS AND BUS COMPANIES FOR PUBLIC TRANSPORT SERVICE IMPROVEMENTS Indicative Standard Aim is to improve service provision for staff and students. Frequency Continual process. Note 56 | Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement | 57 3:11 Campus | Audio Visual Services 3:11 AUDIO VISUAL SERVICES Role To provide high-quality up to date audio-visual teaching equipment in pooled teaching space at Gipsy Lane, Headington Hill Hall, Harcourt Hill and Wheatley Campus. Service Provision and Standards TEACHING EQUIPMENT – POOLED ROOMS Indicative Standard Campus | Audio Visual Services 3:11 Ensuring Installed equipment is in serviceable working order. Delivery of equipment to room, set up and removal. Minimum of 24 hours notice. Frequency Upon customer request. Note Instruction on equipment use given as required. Additional Services Available AUDIO-VISUAL ADVICE Advice to academic staff on audio-visual equipment, technical specifications product(s) and purchasing Indicative Standard As requested. Fee Charge Nil. Note VIDEO CONFERENCING Indicative Standard Basic level staff training and set up of equipment. TEACHING EQUIPMENT – NON POOLED ROOMS Fee Charge Nil. Indicative Standard Deliver, set up and removal for data projectors and laptops only. Other equipment for customer collection. Note Booking and test connection recommended. Frequency Upon customer request, subject to waiting list. Note £20 delivery charge/£20 Collection Charge. Fines for late return of equipment or damage. STUDY EQUIPMENT AV PRODUCTION Indicative Standard Off-air recording. Fee Charge Materials. Note Upon customer request. Indicative Standard Loan to individual student/staff. VIDEO PRODUCTION Frequency Upon customer request, subject to waiting list. Indicative Standard Tape and disc, copying and duplication. Note Instruction on equipment use. £5 refundable deposit. Fines for the late return of equipment. Fee Charge P.O.A. Note Planning, filming, direction, editing and post production. Services Not Included Contact Points ● Equipment range available is limited in model type, specification and quantity GIPSY LANE Julia Taylor Audio Visual Services Manager t 3173/3179 e [email protected] HARCOURT HILL Kieran Boyle t 8382 e [email protected] WHEATLEY CAMPUS Ian Shepherd Evening Audio Visual Technician t 5865 e [email protected] 58 | Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement | 59 4 SPORTS DIVISION Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement | 61 4:1 Sports Division | Overview 4:1 Sports Division | Structure 4:2 OVERVIEW 4:2 STRUCTURE Brookes Sport provides a comprehensive range of sporting opportunities, facilities and coaching to students, staff and the local community. Head of Sport Brookes Sport is centred on the purpose built Centre for Sport located off Cheney Lane, adjacent to Cheney Student Village. In addition to the sporting facilities available, there is a licensed Café bar together with outdoor terrace. Deputy Head of Sport Wheatley Campus has a number of outdoor sports facilities, with associated changing rooms. These are managed from the Centre for Sport at Cheney Lane. Throughout the year there are a wide range of student sporting club events and training taking place, together with a variety of trips, both in this country and abroad. Brookes Sport operates a ‘Sports of Excellence’ approach, and seeks to attain regional/ national/international standards and recognition in the following key sports: ● Rowing ● Hockey ● Basketball ● Climbing ● Rugby ● Cricket (In partnership with Oxford University) Each of the Sports of Excellence now boasts full time coaching staff; some of which are attained through partnership funding. Sports facilities are continually being improved and updated to meet customer demands and changing standards. Recent investments include the new studio, rowing centre and extended free weights, with further proposals in place for future investment in the Cholsey Boathouse and the Rock Solid climbing facility. Sports Finance Officer Sports Administrator Climbing & Outdoor Pursuits Manager Sports Finance Assistant Centre Reception Staff P/T Casual Climbing Staff Outreach Officer Ox. Uni F/T & P/T Coaching Staff Duty Officers F/T Amenities Supervisor & Steward Bar Manager Senior Bar Steward P/T Sports Shop Manager P/T Casual Stewards Sports Café P/T Casual Bar Staff What the Sport Division offers the University The Sports Division offers a twin track approach to the provision of student Sport within the University, encompassing both sporting excellence and inclusive participation. A high quality experience, with well maintained, affordable facilities is offered to students, staff and the local community, with a broad and extensive array of recreational options available. The Sport Division also strives to serve the university within the wider community, through partnerships with local clubs and organisations, and by affiliations to national organisations within Sport. Alongside Sport, the Division actively encourages healthy lifestyles for all University staff and students, and seeks to influence positive lifestyle choices to compliment the student experience. To provide a broad range of sporting opportunities, facilities and coaching to students, staff and the local community. 62 | Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement | 63 4:3 Sports Division | Provision of Services 4:3 Sports Division | Provision of Services 4:3 PROVISION OF SERVICES Role Service Provision and Standards To provide a broad range of sporting opportunities, facilities and coaching to students, staff and the local community. Headington Campus SPORTS HALL STUDIO Indicative Standard High standard sprung floor. Indicative Standard Classes and private hire available daily. Frequency Mixture of organised events and Individual/Group bookings each week. Frequency Open daily for hire. Note Used for basketball, five-a-side football, volley ball, circuit training, and cricket nets. CLIMBING WALL Indicative Standard Purpose built wall to British Mountaineering Council standards. Frequency As required subject to availability. Note New addition to existing wall August 2007. HEALTH SUITE SPORTS EQUIPMENT SHOP Indicative Standard Small shop facility selling clothing and basic equipment, at competitive prices. Located adjacent to Main Reception counter. Frequency Open at certain hours only. PHYSIOLOGY LABORATORIES Indicative Standard BASES accredited testing available. Indicative Standard High standard equipment. Frequency Open at certain hours only. Frequency Open daily. Note School of Life Sciences. Note Approx 70 no stations. Supervised part-time. FREE WEIGHTS ROOM Indicative Standard Purpose built free weights area, extended Feb 2006. Frequency Open daily. Additional Services Available SERVICES OTHER THAN THOSE LISTED Campus Services can either provide or put anyone in touch with appropriate suppliers for services other than those listed. Indicative Standard Dependent on request. Fee Charge Full cost if an external contractor is employed, appropriate rate if outside normal hours for Brookes staff. SQUASH COURTS Indicative Standard 3 not to County League standard. Frequency As required, subject to availability. Contact Points SUNBEDS Indicative Standard 2 no Frequency As required subject to availability. Note Sunbeds upgraded regularly to meet latest safety guidelines. Centre opening times Customer Role Reception Cheney Lane t 3166 7.30am – 11.00pm 9.00am – 10.00pm ● ● e [email protected] Monday – Friday Weekends Abide by Sports Staff safety instructions at all times. Do not participate in sporting activities against medical advice. ALL WEATHER OUTDOOR SPORTS PITCH Indicative Standard Floodlit – synthetic turf pitch to National Hockey League standard. Frequency As required, subject to availability. Note New surface laid Summer 2003. 64 | Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement | 65 5 EFM STRATEGY Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement | 67 5:1 EFM Strategy | Overview 5:1 EFM Strategy | Financial Information 5:2 OVERVIEW With over 420 staff across many trades and disciplines looking after the Brookes built environment which houses all the activities for all of our students, staff and visitors, our task is to be all things to all people: innovative and exciting yet financially secure; extremely responsive yet unobtrusive; open and accessible yet safe and secure; multidisciplinary yet freely communicating, located across many sites yet working closely together and above all providing excellent services to all our customers. Paul Cross works alongside our teams of positive and talented people to bring in a new culture of continuous improvement within a strategic framework with a vision, goals and objectives and solid business planning process, to meet these challenges. The finance team represents one of the engine rooms of the Directorate managing the funding of our large and diverse operation. The helpdesk is a critical front of house operation receiving and dealing with a myriad of maintenance issues across the entire estate and making sure that problems are dealt with in a timely and efficient way. Sustainability has stopped being an optional extra and will be at the core of the University’s operations; the recently expanded Sustainability team leads numerous innovative initiatives including the Eco Campus Environmental Management System, earning the University it’s well justified reputation as one of the top organisations in the UK for managing its environmental impact. The space management team is a much needed new addition to the Directorate and is responsible for managing space, one of our most precious assets. It will be resolving its role over the next few months and will provide a range of services including proactive space planning and strategic asset management. 5:2 FINANCIAL INFORMATION To provide financial information on Estate’s issues including insurance calculations, statistics, costs, building values. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Building Insurance Calculations Estate Management Statistics providing costs on the following: ● Estate Structure linking property to the business ● property costs ● utility costs ● property management costs ● condition and suitability ● other revenue costs ● capital expenditure and value Financial forecasting information Provide an annual financial plan Budgeting information on a monthly basis – providing budgets across the directorate Monthly meetings with budget managers to provide update of spend against resource Continual analysis of budgets against plan Raising purchase orders as and when received Recharges to schools and directorates via IDT and ICT systems Reconciliation of capital expenditure Journals both revenue and capital Monthly check of outstanding commitments liaising with budget holders Issuing sales invoices To develop a strategy for ACCS in support of the University’s aim to be “One of The Best”. 68 | Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement | 69 5:3 EFM Strategy | Administrative Activities 5:3 EFM Strategy | Space Planning 5:4 ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIVITIES ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Management of the purchasing system for the Directorate Organise and administer DMG meetings Co-ordinate office management functions, purchase of office furniture, stationery, IT equipment Focal point for student complaints linked to Estate issues Responsibility for all financial issues regarding rates and council tax Control of Estate vehicle fleet, including MOT, Tax, Insurance, AA. Develop and manage policies and procedure for data protection Training on Cedar E financials Display screen equipment assessor Co-ordinate all staff development training plans Implementation of financial appraisals 5:4 SPACE PLANNING Space is a critical resource within the University and there is an increase in recognition of its importance to the operation and cost base of the University, and the quality of the students and staff experience. The space planning team has yet to develop detailed objectives for the forthcoming year as it was set up in January 2009. However, it’s first priority will be to understand space use in conjunction with the needs of the University Schools and Directorates. Estates Information services ● ● ● ● ● Added value Contact Points Business and Finance – EFM is a cost-based but also a considerable revenue generator and close financial management has contributed to the exceeding of targets income produced regularly by the EFM directorate. Geoff Handley Manager t 4636 Lynda Collins Finance Officer t 4636 70 | Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement e [email protected] e [email protected] ● ● ● Contact Points Provide information on Estates AutoCAD drawings on all the buildings Archibus (space information) on all buildings square meterage, space planning duties, space allocation, size of rooms Availability of drawings/plans to students Production of architectural illustration/photomontage work Provide a focal point for all Estates queries Supply listings of all trees on site – age, type, condition, size Site plans/ordnance survey/aerial photographs Charlotte Lewis Space Planning Manager t 484738 e [email protected] Janne Dawson Estates Information Officer t 484635 e [email protected] Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement | 71 5:5 EFM Strategy | Estate Help Desk 5:5 EFM Strategy | Sustainability Team 5:6 5:6 ESTATE HELP DESK SUSTAINABILITY TEAM The Help Desk is located in the Gatehouse at Headington Hill and its opening hours are: The Sustainability Team advises all schools and directorates on improving the sustainability of their operations and is headed by the sustainability manager, Harriet Waters. Harriet is expanding the team which reflects the importance that Oxford Brookes places on sustainability and corporate responsibility. Monday – Thursday 8.00am – 4.30pm Friday 8.00am – 4.00pm The Sustainability Team’s work centres around identifying all those day-to-day activities we do across the whole University, and how those activities impact on the environment around us. An obvious impact is how we use buildings and how much energy is used to heat and light those buildings. A less obvious impact is the amount of foreign travel we engage in as an international university. Any member of staff discovering a maintenance problem should contact the authorised staff member within their School or Directorate (usually the administrator) in order that the fault is correctly reported. They will simply dial 4631 or e mail the help desk at [email protected] It is imperative that the Help Desk receive as much accurate information as is available, in particular the exact fault detail and its precise location. Outside normal office hours voice mail will take and record all requests. However, in the case of maintenance emergencies out of hours, the person reporting the occurrence should dial x3939, where an on-call Engineer will log the details. The Sustainability Team features in this business plan because it cuts across everything we do within the University. Objectives ● ● The helpdesk can arrange very small works for which a charge is made (such as the fitting of shelves). The helpdesk is for maintenance requests only though the services provided will be expanded over the coming year (2009). Added value Contact Points ● The Help Desk is an effective and well respected first point of contact for maintenance queries, and it will be taking this tried and tested methodology, extending it with a new Help Desk system which will include job monitoring, and expanding the Help Desk role to include other areas such as cleaning requests in order to make the EFM services more accessible to the users of them across Oxford Brookes. Sarah Kerrigan Help Desk Manager t 4631 ● ● ● Identify communication needs for the Sustainability Team. Develop a sustainability team identity, communication strategy and map the Oxford Brookes sustainability network Achieve systematic environmental management at the University. Implement a robust Environmental Management System to ensure operational compliance with environmental legislation. The system will measurably improve environmental performance by, for example, reducing carbon emissions, increasing biodiversity and minimising waste Review organisational structure and staffing of Sustainability Team. The structure and governance of the team should reflect its applicability to all parts of the University community Review budget for use on sustainability issues. Harness external funding where appropriate Enable staff and student behaviour to reflect the principles of sustainability. The University has social, economic and environmental impacts both locally and globally; we should increase the positive impacts and reduce the negative ones Achieve ISO14001 by September 2009 The sustainability team objectives will be reviewed on an annual basis. e [email protected] Added Value Tas Khan Help Desk Assistant t 4631 e [email protected] Eiry Lewis Help Desk Assistant t 4631 e [email protected] Contact Points This team co-ordinates CR exercises across the University to a certain extent and we will be expanding this role further. It identifies and raises grant monies (e.g. SALIX) and it keeps the Oxford Brookes profile as a considerate neighbour and conscientious world citizen high through participation in award schemes, benchmarking initiatives and quality standards (eg ISO 14001). Harriet Waters Sustainability Manager t 4634 e [email protected] Mary Horan Sustainable Travel Co-ordinator t e [email protected] Post being advertised Energy and Carbon Reduction Manager t e Ryan Scott Sustainability Team Intern t 4647 72 | Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement e [email protected] Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement | 73 6 CAPITAL PROJECTS Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement | 75 6:1 Capital Projects | Overview 6:1 Capital Projects | Aims 6:2 OVERVIEW 6:2 Is to engage with colleagues and stakeholders within and outside of the University to deliver lasting and sustainable change through the built environment. AIMS ● We will communicate any event or issue arising from our work or planned work which might impact on others within the University or external to it in a timely and accurate fashion. ● The Capital Projects team consists of three project managers, a project administrator and a Clerk of Works, together with the Project Director, Yannis Roussos. ● ● This highly-motivated and imaginative team is located in the Richard Hamilton Building and co-ordinates a raft of technical consultants from architects to interior designers, in delivering the Space to Think projects, as part of the Brookes Masterplan. Contact Points Creating a new Masterplan ● Creating and sharing with everyone the art of the possible, by combining original design flair together with solid knowledge of what has worked before and an open mind of what will work well in the future Exploring and agreeing the Masterplan ● Changing the way people view and use our future services Realising the Masterplan Delivering the agreed Masterplan ● Procure Phase 1 Masterplan Works (over next 5-6 years) circa £150M ● Establish a University-wide Art Strategy (with negotiated S106 contributions) ● Create an External Works Design Guide ● Closely work with the local planning departments ● Create sustainable environments and developments ● Set up, and operate all necessary, systems to deliver the Masterplan Paul David Austin Manager (Capital Projects) e [email protected] t 4714 Sally May Merchant Administrator (Capital Projects) e [email protected] t 4716 Andrew Moore Capital Project Manager t 4700 e [email protected] Yannis Roussos Associate Director (Capital Projects) e [email protected] t 4740 Luigi Scalera Manager (Capital Projects) t 4718 e [email protected] to deliver lasting and sustainable change through the built environment. 76 | Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement Directorate of Estates and Facilities Management | Service Level Statement | 77
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