. nr 23/15 - 2015.06.01 NO årgang 105 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet f f BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160 Dep. 0033 Oslo f E-POST [email protected] f TELEFON 22 38 73 00 f TELEFAKS 22 38 73 01 f INFOSENTERETS TELEFONTID kl. 09.00 - 15.00 Telefon (+47) 22 38 73 33 Telefaks (+47) 22 38 73 31 innholdsfortegnelse og inid-koder 2015.06.01 - 23/15 Innholdsfortegnelse: Registrerte varemerker ......................................................................................................................................... 3 Internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer............................................................................................................ 21 Innsigelser ............................................................................................................................................................ 79 Avgjørelser etter innsigelser .............................................................................................................................. 81 Avgjørelser fra Klagenemnda............................................................................................................................. 83 Begrensing i varefortegnelsen for internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer................................................. 84 Begrensing av varer eller tjenester for nasjonale registreringer ................................................................... 89 Trekninger/slettelser begjært av søker/innehaver ........................................................................................... 90 Slettelse, varemerkeloven § 43 .......................................................................................................................... 91 Overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer i spesifiserte rettigheter ........................................................... 92 Lisenser ................................................................................................................................................................ 99 Endringer i fullmaktsforhold ............................................................................................................................ 100 Rettelse av internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer ..................................................................................... 105 Fornyelser .......................................................................................................................................................... 106 Fornyede internasjonale registreringer .......................................................................................................... 109 Ikke fornyede internasjonale registreringer ................................................................................................... 111 Slettede internasjonale registreringer............................................................................................................. 113 Administrativ overprøving av registrering av foretaksnavn ......................................................................... 114 INID-koder I kunngjøringene er de enkelte data forsynt med koder overenstemmende med INID-kodesystemet (INID= Internationally agreed Numbers for the Identification of Data). (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (526) (300) (450) (511) (521) (526) (540) (541) (546) (551) (554) (571) (591) (730) (740) (791) (793) (891) Registreringsnummer Registreringsdato Registreringen utløper Søknadsnummer Inngivelsesdato Unntaksannmerkning Prioritetsopplysninger Kunngjort registrert dato Vare-/tjenesteklasse Bruk/innarbeidelse Unntaksannmerkning Gjengivelse av varemerketekst Merket er et ordmerke Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke Fellesmerkebestemmelser Merket er tredimensjonalt Beskrivelse av merket Merket er i farger Søker/innehaver Fullmektig Lisenshaver Lisensinformasjon Etterfølgende utpekning dato 2 registrerte varemerker 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Registrerte varemerker Registrerte varemerker jf. varemerkeloven § 22. I løpet av tre måneder fra i dag kan det fremsettes innsigelse mot registreringen av varemerket, jf. varemerkeloven § 26 og varemerkeforskriften § 23. For søknader som har søknadsdag fra 1. juli 2010 gjelder varemerkeregistreringen i ti år fra søknadsdagen. Registreringer som har søknadsdag før 1. juli 2010 gjelder i ti år fra registreringsdagen. Se varemerkeloven § 32 jf. § 83 annet ledd. (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 281889 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.21 Søknadsnr.: 201502587 Inndato: 2015.02.26 Registreringen utløper: 2025.02.26 Gjengivelse av merket: måltidserstatning; ernæringsberikede drikkevarer; proteintilskudd; proteintilskudd i form av shakes; vitaminberikede drikkevarer; pulverisert kosttilskudd for drikker; snacks som inngår i kl. 5. Klasse 29 Meieriprodukter (ikke opptatt i andre klasser); meieribaserte drikkevarer; potetbaserte snacks; fruktbaserte snacks; grønnsaksbaserte snacks; nøttebaserte snacks; konserverte, tørkede og kokte frukter og grønnsaker; snacksblandinger bestående hovedsakelig av bearbeidede nøtter, frø, tørkede frukter og også med sjokolade; bearbeidede frukt- og nøttebaserte barer; snacks som inngår i kl. 29. Klasse 30 Frokostblandinger; preparater laget av korn; kornbasert snacks; flerkornbaserte snacks; risbasert snacks; hvetebasert snacks; sjokoladebasert snacks; kornblandingsbarer; kornbaserte barer; matprodukter laget av korn til bruk som frokostmat, snacks eller som ingredienser til matlaging; kjeks; bakverk som kan varmes i en brødrister; müslibarer; müslipreparater; konditorvarer; bakervarer; snacks som inngår i kl. 30. McDonald's Champions of Play (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: McDonald's International Property Company, Ltd., 2711 Centerville Road, Suite 400, US-DE19808 WILMINGTON, USA (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 41 Underholdningstjenester. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 281890 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.21 Søknadsnr.: 201502589 Inndato: 2015.02.26 Registreringen utløper: 2025.02.26 Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) (540) ONTRUZANT (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., One Merck Drive, USNJ08889 WHITEHOUSE STATION, USA (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua , 0306 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Farmasøytiske preparater. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Kellogg Company, P.O. Box 3599, US-MI49016-3599 BATTLE CREEK, USA (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Diett- og ernæringstilskudd; ernæringstilskudd i form av shakes; ernæringstilskudd i form av barer som måltidserstatning; ernæringsberikede drikkevarer; proteintilskudd; proteintilskudd i form av shakes; vitaminberikede drikkevarer; pulverisert kosttilskudd for drikker; snacks som inngår i kl. 5. Klasse 29 Meieriprodukter (ikke opptatt i andre klasser); meieribaserte drikkevarer; potetbaserte snacks; fruktbaserte snacks; grønnsaksbaserte snacks; nøttebaserte snacks; konserverte, tørkede og kokte frukter og grønnsaker; snacksblandinger bestående hovedsakelig av bearbeidede nøtter, frø, tørkede frukter og også med sjokolade; bearbeidede frukt- og nøttebaserte barer; snacks som inngår i kl. 29. Klasse 30 Frokostblandinger; preparater laget av korn; kornbasert snacks; flerkornbaserte snacks; risbasert snacks; hvetebasert snacks; sjokoladebasert snacks; kornblandingsbarer; kornbaserte barer; matprodukter laget av korn til bruk som frokostmat, snacks eller som ingredienser til matlaging; kjeks; bakverk som kan varmes i en brødrister; müslibarer; müslipreparater; (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 281892 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.21 Søknadsprioritet 2014.08.27, EM, 013205273 Søknadsnr.: 201502591 Inndato: 2015.02.26 Registreringen utløper: 2025.02.26 Gjengivelse av merket: Reg.nr.: 281891 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.21 Søknadsprioritet 2014.08.27, EM, 013205299 Søknadsnr.: 201502590 Inndato: 2015.02.26 Registreringen utløper: 2025.02.26 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Kellogg Company, P.O. Box 3599, US-MI49016-3599 BATTLE CREEK, USA (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Diett- og ernæringstilskudd; ernæringstilskudd i form av shakes; ernæringstilskudd i form av barer som 3 registrerte varemerker konditorvarer; bakervarer; snacks som inngår i kl. 30. formidling av reklamemateriell; oppklebing; varehusdetaljhandelstjenester forbundet med salg av skjønnhetsprodukter, toalettsaker, maskiner for husholdningsbruk, håndverktøy, optiske varer, elektrisk og elektronisk utstyr til husholdningsbruk; organisering av utstillinger for kommersielle eller reklameformål; annonsering via postordre; TV-reklame; kontormaskiner og utstyr utleie; kontoradministrative tjenester [for andre]; presentasjon av varer på kommunikasjonsmedier for detaljhandel formål; organisering av messer for kommersielle eller reklameformål; utdeling av vareprøver; utleie av reklamemateriell; telefonsvarer [for utilgjengelige abonnenter]; utendørs reklame; utleie av reklameplass; on-line annonsering på datanettverk; publisitet; TVreklame; dekorere vindusutstilling; utleie av reklametid på kommunikasjonsmedia; utleie av salgsautomater; salgsfremmende tiltak for andre som tilbys gjennom distribusjon og administrasjon av privilegerte brukerkort; oppdatering av reklamemateriell; salgsfremmende tiltak (for andre); organisering av regionale eller nasjonale reklamekampanjer; detaljhandelstjenester og gruppering sammen av forbruksvarer (grouping together of consumer goods). Klasse 36 Forsikringsvirksomhet; finansiell virksomhet; monetær virksomhet; eiendomsmeglingsvirksomhet; administrasjon av finanssaker knyttet til fast eiendom; forberedelse, ledelse av leiekontrakter og leieavtaler for eiendom; forberedelse, ledelse av leieavtaler av fast eiendom; vurdering og drift av fast eiendom; forretninger med fasteiendom; finansielle tjenester knyttet til fast eiendom; eiendomsmeglerbyråer; innkreving av husleie; meglerkontorer; leasing av fast eiendom; utleie av kontorer [eiendomsmegling]; eiendomstaksering; meglervirksomhet; vurdering av fast eiendom; økonomiske vurderinger [forsikring, bankvirksomhet, fast eiendom]; administrasjon av fast eiendom. Klasse 37 Byggevirksomhet; reparasjon av bygninger, varehus handels boder og butikker; installasjons tjenester, nemlig installasjon av dører og vinduer, vann, kloakk, varme, varmt vann, kjøling, ventilasjon, elektriske maskiner og apparater og kontor maskiner og utstyr; rådgivning vedrørende konstruksjoner av bygg og anelgg; oppførelse av markedsstander og -boder; information vedrørende reparasjon; tilsyn med bygningskonstruktioner; oppføring av fabrikker; restaurering og gjennoppbygging av handelslokaler og butikker;stilasbyggertjenester. Klasse 39 Lagring; utleie av lagerplass og lagerhus; transportvirksomhet; utleie av parkeringsplasser. Klasse 41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; underholdnings-virksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter; arrangering av visuell og musikalsk underholdning; tjenester vedrørende lekeplasser for barn; underholdningstjenester for barn; arrangering og gjennomføring av kongresser; musikalsk underholdning; presentasjon av underholdningpremier; underholdningsvirksomhet; opplæringstilbud knyttet til utvikling av barns intellektuelle kapasitet; opplæringstilbud knyttet til utvikling av barns mentale kapasitet; klubbtjenster (innen underholdning eller utdanning); utdannelsesvirksomhet; drift av lotterivirksomhet; organisering av utstillinger (impresario tjenester); organisering av konkurranser (innen utdanning eller underholdning); opplæringsvirksomhet; organisering av utstillinger for kulturelle eller pedagogiske, utdannings formål; arrangement av konkurranser for kulturelle formål; kulturarrangementer; kulturelle aktiviteter. Klasse 42 Arkitektvirksomhet; utforming og desing av interiørdekor; utarbeidelse av byggeplaner; landmåling; arkitektonisk rådgivning. Klasse 43 Bevertning og tilbringing av mat og drikke; midlertidig innlosjering. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 281893 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.21 Søknadsprioritet 2014.08.29, CH, 60105/2014 Søknadsnr.: 201502592 Inndato: 2015.02.27 Registreringen utløper: 2025.02.27 Gjengivelse av merket: MECHANICAL LEGENDS (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Cartier International AG, Hinterbergstrasse 22, Postfach 61, CH-6312 STEINHAUSEN, Sveits (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua , 0306 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 14 Juvelervarer, smykker; edle stener; edle metaller og deres legeringer; perler; mansjettknapper; slipsholdere; ringer; armbånd; øreklips; halskjeder; brosjer; kjedepynt; nøkkelringer av edelt metall; etuier og skrin for juvelervarer og smykker; bokser av edelmetall; ur og kronometriske instrumenter; lommeur; kronometer; urverk; klokker [ur]; småklokker; urkapsler; klokkeremmer; lommeurkjeder; klokkefjærer; glass for armbåndsur; nøkkelringer [bijouteri]; etuier for ur. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Reg.nr.: 281894 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.21 Søknadsnr.: 201500935 Inndato: 2015.01.21 Registreringen utløper: 2025.01.21 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: IKEA CENTRES A/S, Amager Strandvej 390, DK-2770 KASTRUP, Danmark (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet;; bistand ved ledelse og administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester; administrasjon av forretningsanliggender av butikker; reklame for andre på Internett; annonsering av varer forandre leverandører, slik at kundene kan enkelt se og sammenligne varer av de leverandørene; annonsering av tjenestene til andre leverandører, slik at kundene enkelt kan se og sammenligne tjenestene til de leverandørene; reklametjenester knyttet til fast eiendom; bedriftsledelse for butikker; bedriftsledelse av fast eiendom [for andre]; bedriftsledelse av hoteller; (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 4 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 281895 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.21 Søknadsnr.: 201502594 Inndato: 2015.02.26 Registreringen utløper: 2025.02.26 Gjengivelse av merket: 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Reg.nr.: 281897 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.21 Søknadsnr.: 201502851 Inndato: 2015.03.02 Registreringen utløper: 2025.03.02 Gjengivelse av merket: Vee's (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: HEADS & TALES AS, Rosenholmveien 25, 1414 TROLLÅSEN, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Farmasøytiske og veterinære preparater; hygieniske preparater for medisinske formål; dietetisk mat og stoffer for medisinsk bruk og veterinær bruk, næringsmidler for spedbarn; kosttilskudd for mennesker og dyr; plaster og forbindingsstoffer, materiale til tannplombering og til tannavtrykk; desinfeksjonsmidler, preparater til utryddelse av skadedyr og insekter; fungicider, herbicider. Klasse 24 Tekstiler og tekstilvarer, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; sengetepper; bordduker. Klasse 25 Klær, fottøy, hodeplagg. Klasse 35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse og administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester. Klasse 41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter. Klasse 42 Vitenskapelige og teknologiske tjenester og forskning og utvikling relatert dertil; industriell analyse og forskning; design og utvikling av datamaskiner og dataprogrammer. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Werner URBAN URBAN, Großgeschwenda 51, DE07330 PROBSTZELLA, Tyskland (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 1 Kjemikalier til bruk i industrien, nemlig til vedlikehold og pleie av motorkjøretøyer, industrimaskiner og deler dertil, annet enn til støpesand og produkter innen støpematerialer og metallurgi; rensemidler for oljer (oilpurifying agents), nemlig til vedlikehold og pleie av motorkjøretøyer, industrimaskiner og deler dertil, annet enn til støpesand og produkter innen støpematerialer og metallurgi. Klasse 3 Vaske- og blekepreparater, nemlig til vedlikehold og pleie av motorkjøretøyer, industrimaskiner og deler dertil, annet enn til støpesand og produkter innen støpematerialer og metallurgi; preparater til rengjøring, rensing, polering, flekkfjerning og sliping, nemlig til vedlikehold og pleie av motorkjøretøyer, industrimaskiner og deler dertil, annet enn til støpesand og produkter innen støpematerialer og metallurgi; såper, nemlig til vedlikehold og pleie av motorkjøretøyer, industrimaskiner og deler dertil, annet enn til støpesand og produkter innen støpematerialer og metallurgi. Klasse 4 Additiver til motorer og additivoljer for motorer, herunder rensemidler til drivstoffsystemer til bensinmotorer og dieselmotorer, midler til forbedring av effekten av olie; oljer og fettstoffer til industrielle formål; smøremidler; midler og sammensetninger til absorbering, fukting og binding av støv; brennstoffer (herunder motorbensin). (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 281896 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.21 Søknadsnr.: 201413696 Inndato: 2014.11.24 Registreringen utløper: 2024.11.24 Gjengivelse av merket: K3XL (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Terana AB, Fredsgatan 24, SE-73632 KUNGSÖR, Sverige (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 19 Ikke-metalliske stive rør for overvann og avløpsvann til bruk ved bygging av veier; asfalt, bek, tjære og bitumen; transportable hus (ikke av metall); monumenter (ikke av metall). (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 281898 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.21 Søknadsprioritet 2015.02.12, EM, 013737069 Søknadsnr.: 201502545 Inndato: 2015.02.24 Registreringen utløper: 2025.02.24 Gjengivelse av merket: FANTA INSTAMIX (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: The Coca-Cola Company, One Coca-Cola Plaza, USGA30313 ATLANTA, USA (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 30 Kaffe, te, kakao, sukker, ris, tapioka, sago, 5 registrerte varemerker kaffeerstatning; mel og næringsmidler av korn, brød, bakverk og konditorvarer, konfektyrer, spiseis; honning, sirup; gjær, bakepulver; salt, sennep; eddik, sauser (smakstilsetninger); krydderier, is. Klasse 32 Øl; mineralvann, kullsyreholdig vann og andre ikkealkoholholdige drikker; fruktdrikker og fruktjuicer; saft og andre preparater til fremstilling av drikker. Klasse 33 Alkoholholdige drikker (unntatt øl.). (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Reg.nr.: 281902 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.21 Søknadsnr.: 201502662 Inndato: 2015.03.02 Registreringen utløper: 2025.03.02 Gjengivelse av merket: (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 281899 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.21 Søknadsnr.: 201502642 Inndato: 2015.02.27 Registreringen utløper: 2025.02.27 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Green Cleen Ltd, Unit 1 Ladfordfields Industrial Park, Seighford, GB-ST189QE STAFFORD, STAFFORDSHIRE, Storbritannia (740) Fullmektig: ADVOKATFIRMAET SGB STORLØKKEN AS, Postboks 2913 Solli, 0230 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 7 Vaskeapparater. Vaskemaskiner for avfallsbeholdere med hjul. Klasse 37 Vasking. Vasking av avfallsbeholdere med hjul. Vasking av avfallsbeholdere med hjul benyttet i husholdninger og bedrifter. Eplehagen (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: NORSKE BRYGGERIER AS, Sagveien 23 C, 0459 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 32 Øl og mineralvann. Klasse 33 Alkoholholdige drikker. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) (540) (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Reg.nr.: 281900 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.21 Søknadsprioritet 2010.10.20, EM, 013380266 Søknadsnr.: 201502632 Inndato: 2015.02.27 Registreringen utløper: 2025.02.27 Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 281903 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.21 Søknadsnr.: 201502595 Inndato: 2015.02.27 Registreringen utløper: 2025.02.27 Gjengivelse av merket: GOURMIO (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: BRÖKELMANN + Co Oelmuehle GmbH + Co, Hafenstrasse 83, DE-59067 HAMM, Tyskland (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 29 Spiselige oljer og fett. Klasse 30 Eddik. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Pipeliner AS, Kanalveien 105 A, 5068 BERGEN, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 6 Uedle metaller og legeringer av disse; bygningsmaterialer av metall; transportable hus av metall; materialer av metall for jernbanespor; ikkeelektriske kabler og -tråd av metall (uedelt); låsesmedarbeider og små gjenstander av metall (isenkramvarer); metallrør, sikkerhetsskap og -skrin; varer av uedelt metall (ikke opptatt i andre klasser); malmer; rør og rørdeler av metall. Klasse 17 Kautsjuk, guttaperka, gummi, asbest, glimmer samt varer laget av disse materialer, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; ekstrudert plast som halvfabrikata; tetnings-, paknings- og isolasjonsmateriale; isolasjonsmaling; bøyelige rør (ikke av metall). Klasse 19 Bygningsmaterialer (ikke av metall); stive rør (ikke av metall) for bygnings- og anleggsformål; asfalt, bek, tjære og bitumen; transportable hus (ikke av metall); monumenter (ikke av metall). Klasse 37 Byggevirksomhet; reparasjons- og installasjonsvirksomhet relatert til rør og rørfornying; vedlikehold og utbedring av rør; malevirksomhet. Klasse 42 Vitenskapelige og teknologiske tjenester og forskning og utvikling relatert dertil; industriell analyse og forskning; rådgivning vedrørende byggevirksomhet; rådgivning vedrørende rørfornying, rådgivning vedrørende vedlikehold og utbedring av rør; ingeniørvirksomhet [teknisk ekspertise]. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 281901 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.21 Søknadsnr.: 201502649 Inndato: 2015.02.28 Registreringen utløper: 2025.02.28 Gjengivelse av merket: Bar Sofa (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: ESPEN SOLEM PROSJEKT, Kirkegata 67, 7043 TRONDHEIM, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 43 Beverting og tilbringing av mat og drikke; midlertidig innlosjering. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 6 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 281904 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.21 Søknadsnr.: 201502597 Inndato: 2015.02.27 Registreringen utløper: 2025.02.27 Gjengivelse av merket: med bilder, video, alarmstatus, bygningstegninger, og annen informasjon; elektriske og elektroniske innbruddsalarmer; elektroniske døralarmer; sikkerhetsprodukter, nemlig døradgangssystemer omfattende touchpad-tastatur og sikkerhetsdører, sikkerhetskameraer, og opptakerapparater; brannalarm- og nødevakueringsinnretninger, nemlig brannalarmkontrollpaneler, røykdetektorer, varmedetektorer, og akustiske og visuelle varslingsapparater; tidsbrytere for kontroll av belysning; fjernsynsantenner; tallerkenantenner; adaptere, brytere, rutere og huber for datanettverk; kabelforbindere; telefon- og datanettutganger; maskinvare til datanettverk; elektroniske monitorer og monitormoduler for overvåkning av strømforbruk og drivhusgassutslipp; elektroniske audiokomponenter til hjemmebruk, nemlig surroundlydsystemer, høyttalere, mottakere, avstemmere, forsterkere, pre-forsterkere, utjevnere, platespillere, CD-spillere, digital-til-analog omformere, og nettverksforbundne digitale audiospillere. Klasse 11 Elektriske lysfatninger; LED-belysningssystemer, nemlig LED-moduler, strømforsyninger, og kabling; parabolspeil utformet for å fange solenergi; kjøle- og varmeapparat basert på solenergi; mottakeranlegg for solenergi; aksent-lys for innendørsbruk; taklys; vegglys; sollysarmatur, nemlig innendørs og utendørs soldrevne belysningsenheter og -armaturer; lysdiffusører; lyspærer; lysarmaturer; elektriske strålevarmere; vannvarmere; avtrekksvifter for ventilasjon; avtrekksvifter til bruk i baderom; takvifter; elektriske varmevifter. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Polinova AB, c/o Polarbröd AB, SE-94282 ÄLVSBYN, Sverige (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 30 Brød og bakverk. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Reg.nr.: 281905 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.21 Søknadsnr.: 201403399 Inndato: 2014.03.25 Registreringen utløper: 2024.03.25 Gjengivelse av merket: (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Schneider Electric SA, 35 rue Joseph Monier, FR92500 RUEIL-MALMAISON, Frankrike (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Kontroller for lys; kontroller for elektriske gardiner; klimakontrollsystemer bestående av digitale termostater, kontrollenheter for luftkondisjonering, oppvarming, og ventilasjon; termostater; temperatursensorer; elektriske støpsler og stikkontakter; elektriske stikkforbindelse; flyttbare stikkontakter; stikkontaktlister med flere uttak; strømavbrytere; strømavbrytertavler; elektriske kretsbrytere; elektriske strømbrytere; lysbrytere; elektriske brytere; lyssystemer omfattende lyssensorer og -brytere; nettbrytere; avbruddsfrie strømforsyninger; batterisystem for å forsyne backup-strøm; overspenningsbeskyttere; isolatorer for elektrisitet; isolatorer for overgangsspenning med strømkondisjoneringsteknologi; strømkondisjoneringsinnretninger; automatikksystemer for husholdninger omfattende trådløse og kablede kontroller, berøringsskjermer, styrte enheter, og programvare for applikasjoner for overvåkning og kontroll av elektriske husholdningsapparater, belysning, HVAC (varme, ventilasjon og luftkondisjonering), enheter for hjemmeunderholdning, sikkerhet, samt andre elektriske husholdningsinnretninger; fjernstyringsenheter for kretsbryterkontroll; elektriske apparater, nemlig ladestasjoner for lading av elektriske kjøretøyer; bevegelsesdetektorer; apparater for omdannelse av elektronisk stråling til elektrisk energi, nemlig solenergimoduler; programmerbare kontroller og aktuatorer som sporer solen for å gjøre det mulig for konsentrerende optikk å maksimere inntak av solenergi; sikkerhetssystemer omfattende programvare og maskinvare for å forsyne en fjerntliggende stasjon Reg.nr.: 281906 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.21 Søknadsnr.: 201502598 Inndato: 2015.02.27 Registreringen utløper: 2025.02.27 Gjengivelse av merket: THERAKOS (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Therakos, Inc., 10 N. High St, US-PA19380 WEST CHESTER, USA (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Farmasøytiske preparater for bruk i celleterapier og fotoferese; farmasøytiske preparater for bruk i ekstrakorporal foroferese, ekstrakorporal fotoimmunterapi, samt ekstrakorporal fotokjemoterapi. Klasse 10 Medisinske instrumenter og apparater for bruk i celleterapier og fotoferese; terapeutisk medisinsk innretning for uttrekking av blod fra kroppen, separere blod, behandle det ekstrakorporalt, og returnere det til kroppen, brukt til ekstrakorporal fotoferese, ekstrakorporal fotoimmunterapi, samt ekstrakorporal fotokjemoterapi. Klasse 44 Medisinske tjenester relatert til fotoimmunterapi eller immuncelleterapi, ekstrakorporal fotoferese, ekstrakorporal fotoimmunterapi, ekstrakorporal fotokjemoterapi , samt celleterapier. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 7 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 281907 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.21 Søknadsprioritet 2014.09.08, JM, 65418 Søknadsnr.: 201501900 Inndato: 2015.02.12 Registreringen utløper: 2025.02.12 Gjengivelse av merket: 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 destinasjonsinformasjon; datasoftware for frembringelse, skapelse, distribusjon, nedlasting, overføring, mottak, avspilling, redigering, ekstrahering, koding, dekoding, fremvisning, lagring og organisering av tekst, data, grafikk, bilder, lyd, video og multimediainnhold, elektroniske publikasjoner og elektroniske spill; datasoftware for bruk til opptak, organisering, overføring, manipulering og gjennomsyn av tekst, data, lydfiler, videofiler og elektroniske spill i sammenheng med datamaskiner, fjernsyn, set-top-bokser til fjernsyn, lydspillere, videospillere, mediaspillere, telefoner og håndholdte digitale elektroniske innretninger; datasoftware som setter brukere i stand til å programmere og distribuere tekst, data, grafikk, bilder, lyd, video og annet multimedieinnhold via globale kommunikasjonsnettverk og andre data-, elektroniske, og kommunikasjonsnettverk; datasoftware for identifisering, lokalisering, gruppering, distribuering og håndtering av data og linker mellom dataservere og brukere tilkoblet globale kommunikasjonsnettverk og andre data-, elektroniske, og kommunikasjonsnettverk; datasoftware for bruk på håndholdte mobile digitale elektroniske innretninger og annen forbrukerelektronikk; software for elektronisk publisering; software for lesing av elektroniske publikasjoner; datasoftware for håndtering av personlig informasjon; nedlastbart forhåndsinnspilt lyd- og audiovisuelt innhold, informasjon og kommentarer; nedlastbare elektroniske bøker, magasiner, tidsskrifter, nyhetsbrev, journaler og andre publikasjoner; databasehåndteringssoftware; tegngjenkjennelsessoftware; stemmegjenkjennelsessoftware; software for elektroniske post og meldingsutveksling; datasoftware for tilgang til, browsing og søking i online databaser; elektroniske oppslagstavler; datasynkroniseringssoftware; applikasjonsutviklingssoftware; brukermanualer i elektronisk lesbar, maskinlesbar eller datamaskinlesbar form for bruk med, og solgt som en enhet med, alle de forannevnte varer; elektriske og elektroniske tilkoplingselementer, koplinger, ledninger, kabler, ladere, docker (forankringsinnretninger), dockingstasjoner (forankringsstasjoner), grensesnitt, og adaptere for bruk med alle forannevnte varer; datautstyr for bruk med alle de forannevnte varer; elektroniske apparater med multimediefunksjoner for bruk med alle de forannevnte varer; elektroniske apparater med interaktive funksjoner for bruk med alle de forannevnte varer; tilbehør, deler, utstyr og testapparater for alle de forannevnte varer; cover, vesker og futteraler/etuier tilpasset eller formet for å inneholde alle forannevnte varer; navigasjonsinstrumenter; apparater for å sjekke frankert post; kassaapparater; mekanismer for myntstyrte apparater; dikteringsmaskiner; apparater for merking av skjørtelengde; stemmemaskiner; elektroniske merkelapper for varer; prisutvelgelsesmaskiner; apparater og instrumenter for veiing; måleutstyr; elektroniske oppslagstavler; måleapparater; optiske apparater og instrumenter; wafer (silisiumskiver); integrerte kretser; fluorescerende skjermer; fjernstyringsapparater; lys som leder filamenter (optiske fibre); elektriske installasjoner for fjernstyring av industrielle operasjoner; lynavledere; elektrolysrør; brannslukningsapparater; radiologiske apparater for industrielle formål; apparater og utstyr for livredning; signalalarmer; solbriller; animerte tegnefilmer; apparater og innretninger for gjennomlysing av egg; hundefløyter; dekorative magneter; elektriske gjerder; elektrisk oppvarmede sokker; alarmer, alarmsensorer og alarmovervåkningssystemer; sikkerhets- og overvåkningssystemer for boliger; røyk- og karbonmonoksiddetektorer; termostater, kontrollapparater, sensorer og kontroller for luftkondisjonering og -oppvarming, samt ventilasjonsinnretninger- og systemer; elektriske og elektroniske dør- og vinduslåser og -slåer; (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Apple Inc., 1 Infinite Loop, US-CA95014 CUPERTINO, USA (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Datamaskiner; computer periferiutstyr; datahardware; dataspillmaskiner; håndholdte datamaskiner; nettbrettdatamaskiner; personlige digitale assistenter (PDA); elektroniske planleggere; elektroniske notatblokker; elektroniske boklesere; håndholdte elektroniske spillenheter tilpasset for bruk med en ekstern skjerm eller monitor; håndholdte digitale elektroniske innretninger og software relatert dertil; håndholdte mobile digitale elektroniske innretninger i stand til å tilveiebringe tilgang til internett og for sending, mottak og lagring av telefonsamtaler, fakser, elektronisk post og annen digital data; elektroniske håndholdte enheter for trådløst mottak, lagring og/eller overføring av data og meldinger, og elektroniske innretninger som setter brukeren i stand til å holde styr på eller administrere personlig informasjon; apparater for opptak og gjengivelse av lyd; MP3- og andre digitalformatlydspillere; digitale lydopptakere; digitale videoopptakere og -spillere; lydkassettopptakere og spillere; videokassettopptakere og -spillere; CDopptakere og -spillere; DVD-opptakere og -spillere; digitale lydbåndopptakere og -spillere; radioer, radiosendere og -mottakere; lyd-, video- og digitale miksere; lydforsterkere; lydmottakere; lyddekodere; lydapparater for biler; øretelefoner; hodetelefoner; lydhøytalere; mikrofoner; lydkomponenter og -tilbehør; modem; nettverkskommunikasjonsapparater; utstyr og instrumenter for elektroniske kommunikasjon; audiovisuelle undervisningsapparater; optiske apparater og instrumenter; telekommunikasjonsapparater og -instrumenter; globale posisjoneringssysteminnretninger (GPS); telefoner; trådløse kommunikasjonsinnretninger for overføring av stemmer, data eller bilder; kabler og ledninger; apparater for datalagring; magnetiske datamedium; chip-er, plater og bånd med, eller for opptak av, dataprogrammer og software; faksmaskiner; kameraer; batterier; fjernsyn; fjernsynsmottakere; bildekontrollmottakere; datasoftware; data- og elektroniske spill; datasoftware for globale posisjoneringssystemer (GPS); datasoftware for reise og turisme, reiseplanlegging, navigasjon, reiseruteplanlegging, geografisk-, destinasjons-, transport- og trafikkinformasjon, veiledning for kjøring og gange, brukertilpasset kartlegging av lokasjoner, informasjon om veiatlas, elektronisk kartdisplay, og 8 registrerte varemerker garasjedøråpnere; åpnere for gardiner, forheng, rullegardiner og persienner; lyskontrollanordninger; sentralenheter, mikroprosessorer, halvledere, databrikker og systembrikkesett, samt integrerte kretser. datamaskin- og kommunikasjonsmaskinvare, programvare og elektroniske publikasjoner; salgsfremmende sponsorvirksomhet for spill, spillere og spillarrangementer; arrangere sponsorvirksomhet for andre; administrasjon og organisering av lagligaer; administrasjon og organisering av rekreasjonsmuligheter for personer som ønsker å delta i lagligaer; tilveiebringe et søkbart nettsted, portal, forum, applikasjon og database der annonsører, markedsførere og innholdstilbydere kan nå, innlate seg og samhandle med online-brukere for promotering eller annonsering; promotere varene og tjenestene til andre gjennom å plassere annonser i forbindelse med spilling. Klasse 38 Streaming av digitalt medieinnhold på Internett; streaming spill på Internett; streaming av lyd, video og audiovisuelt materiale på Internett; bestillingsprogramtjenester; tilveiebringe brukertilgang til digitale data og innhold i et datanettverk; tilveiebringe et nettsted for direktestreaming av spillinnhold, musikk, lyd, video og animasjoner; tilveiebringe tilgang til spillrelatert informasjon, lyd, musikk, video og animasjon via nettsteder; tilveiebringe nettbaserte forum, chatteroms, blogger, portaler og nettbaserte fellesskap over Internett. lydkringkasting; videokringkasting; elektronisk post og meldingstjenester; kommunikasjons- og telekommunikasjonstjenester; tjenester for kringkasting og kringkasting på nett; streamings- og kringkastingstjenester for musikk og film; overføring av nyheter. Klasse 41 Underholdningstjenester, nemlig tilveiebringelse av nettbaserte spill; underholdningstjenester, nemlig tilveiebringelse av nettbaserte videoer med spill som spilles av andre; underholdningstjenester, nemlig direktesendte forestillinger; underholdningstjenester, nemlig direktesendte forestillinger fra spillere; underholdningstjenester, nemlig tilveiebringelse av et nettsted der brukere kan få tilgang til og vise spillrelatert informasjon, musikk, videoer, filmer og animasjon; tilveiebringe informasjon og nyheter relatert til spilling og musikk; blogger med artikler om spilling og spillrelaterte aktiviteter; arrangering og gjennomføring av konkurranser for spillere; tilveiebringe nettbasert ikke-nedlastbar musikk; tilveiebringe nettbaserte videoer med musikk; direktesendte musikkonserter; musikkproduksjon og -utgivelse; underholdningstjenester, nemlig organisering og produksjon av spill- og musikkarrangementer; organisering, gjennomføring og drift av spillturneringer; organisering av spilligaer; organisering av spillkonkurranser, inkludert elektroniske spill, data- og videospill; tilveiebringe nettbaserte nyhets- og informasjonstjenester; tilveiebringe nettbaserte nyheter, artikler, blogger, portaler, webcaster, podcaster, informasjon, kommentarer og strategier relatert til spill, inkludert elektroniske spill, data- og videospill; tilveiebringe spill på sosiale nettverk; tilveiebringe forbedringer i spill, inkludert elektroniske spill, data- og videospill; utgivelse av spillprogramvare; tilveiebringe virtuelle miljøer der brukere kan samhandle gjennom sosiale spill; tilveiebringe virtuelle miljøer der brukere kan samhandle for rekreasjons-, fritids- eller underholdningsformål; organisere programvareutviklerkonferanser; organisere konferanser innen spilling, videospilling og digitalt innhold; utdannings- og opplæringstjenester innen programvareutvikling; utgivelse av bøker, elektroniske bøker, magasiner, ukeblader, litterært arbeid, visuelt arbeid, lydarbeid og audiovisuelt arbeid; utgivelse av nettbaserte verk fra andre med brukergenerert tekst, lyd, video og grafikk; tilveiebringe et nettsted med nettbaserte publikasjoner; underholdnings-, utdannings- og opplæringstjenester; tilveiebringe nettbasert underholdning og musikk skreddersydd til seerens programmeringspreferanser; arrangering av konkurranser og veddemål; tilveiebringe ikkenedlastbare filmer og dokumentarer; tilveiebringe informasjon, nyheter og kommentarer innen spilling og (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Reg.nr.: 281908 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.22 Søknadsnr.: 201415528 Inndato: 2014.12.29 Registreringen utløper: 2024.12.29 Gjengivelse av merket: TWITCH (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Twitch Interactive, Inc., 225 Bush Street, US-CA94104 SAN FRANCISCO, USA (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Dataprogramvare for kringkasting, sending, mottak, tilgang, visning, opplasting, nedlasting, deling, integrering, koding, dekoding, fremvisning, formatering, organisering, lagring, bufring, overføring og streaming av data, tekst, spill, spillinnhold, digitale medier, bilder, musikk, lyd, video, filmer og animasjoner; programmeringsgrensesnitt (API)-programvare for kringkasting, sending, mottak, tilgang, visning, opplasting, nedlasting, deling, integrering, koding, dekoding, fremvisning, formatering, organisering, lagring, bufring, overføring og streaming av data, tekst, spill, spillinnhold, digitale medier, bilder, musikk, lyd, video, filmer og animasjoner; dataprogramvare for elektronisk post, meldingstjeneste, chat og sosialt nettverk; dataprogramvare for å lage, vise og dele uttrykksikoner; programvare for å kjøpe og abonnere på digitalt medieinnhold; verktøy for dataprogramvareutvikling; programvare for utvikling og publisering av applikasjoner for interaktiv streaming; programvareutviklingskit (SDK-er); programvare som gjør det mulig for brukere å angi spesifikt innhold for fremtidig visning; programvare for TV-programmering; streaminginnretninger for elektronisk spill, musikk og film; datamaskinvare; datamaskinvare med spesialiserte funksjoner for forbedret spilling av spill; spillkonsoller og kontrollere; spillprogramvare; dataprogramvare; mobilapplikasjonsprogramvare; dataprogramvare for behandling og lagring av digitale medier; tegn- og stemmegjenkjenningsprogramvare; dataprogramvare for laging, plassering, sending og måling av effekten av annonser; dataprogramvare for tilgang, gjennomsyn og søk i nettbaserte databaser; programvare for filtrering av Internett-søk; sperrefunksjonsprogramvare; nedlastbare lyd-, video og multimediearbeider; lyd- og videoinnspillinger; nedlastbar musikk, filmer og dokumentarer; elektroniske publikasjoner som presenterer bøker, magasiner, aviser, ukeblader, nyhetsbrev, tidsskrifter og manualer innenfor flere emner; programvare som lar spillere direktekringkaste spillene sine fra en spillkonsoll, eller å se på spill som spilles av andre. Klasse 28 Dataspill; elektroniske spill; videospill. Klasse 35 Reklame og markedsføring; promotere andres varer og tjenester; detaljsalgtjenester eller engrostjenester relatert til dataprogramvare; databaserte og nettbaserte butikktjenester; detaljhandelstjenester for klær; detaljhandelstjenester med spillvideoer, spillmaskinvare og spillprogramvare; detaljhandelstjenester med nedlastbar lyd, video, multimedia, uttrykksikoner, merker, bilder og chatfarger; detaljhandelstjenester med virtuelle varer og produkter; detaljsalgtjenester med hensyn til forbedringer og komponenter i spill; detaljhandelstjenester med forbrukerelektronikk, 9 registrerte varemerker underholdning; tilveiebringe utdanning, læreprogrammer til brukere av en sosiale nettverkplattform innen spill og spillaktiviteter. Klasse 42 Lagring av elektroniske medier, nemlig bilde-, tekst-, video- og lyddata; Tilveiebringe nettbasert programvare og programvare som en tjeneste for kringkasting, sending, mottak, tilgang, visning, opplasting, nedlasting, deling, integrering, koding, dekoding, fremvisning, formatering, organisering, lagring, bufring, overføring og streaming av data, tekst, spill, spillinnhold, digitale medier, bilder, musikk, lyd, video, filmer og animasjoner; tilveiebringe nettbasert programvare og programvare som en tjeneste for elektronisk post, meldingstjeneste, chat og sosialt nettverk; tilveiebringe nettbasert programvare og programvare som en tjeneste for å lage, vise og dele uttrykksikoner; tilveiebringe nettbasert programvare og programvare som en tjeneste for å kjøpe og abonnere på digitalt medieinnhold; tilveiebringe nettbasert programvare og programvare som en tjeneste for programvareutvikling; tilveiebringe nettbasert programvare og programvare som en tjeneste for utvikling og publisering av applikasjoner for interaktiv streaming; tilveiebringe nettbasert programvare og programvare som en tjeneste for å gjøre det mulig for brukere å angi spesifikt innhold for fremtidig visning; tilveiebringe nettbasert programvare og programvare som en tjeneste for TV-programmering; nettbasert programvare og programvare som en tjeneste; tilveiebringe nettbasert programvare og programvare som en tjeneste for behandling og lagring av digitale medier; tilveiebringe nettbasert programvare og programvare som en tjeneste for tegn- og stemmegjenkjenning; tilveiebringe nettbasert programvare og programvare som en tjeneste for å lage, plassere, sende og måle effekten av annonser; tilveiebringe nettbasert programvare og programvare som en tjeneste for tilgang, gjennomsyn og søk i nettbaserte databaser; tilveiebringe nettbasert programvare og programvare som en tjeneste for filtrering av Internett-søk; tilveiebringe nettbasert programvare og programvare som en tjeneste for sperrefunksjon som gir tilgang til spill, inkludert elektroniske spill, data- og videospill; rådgivningstjenester innen spillteknologi og grafikkprogramvare; programmeringstjenester for datamaskiner; tilveiebringe midlertidig bruk av ikkenedlastbar dataprogramvare for å forbedre datamaskinytelse, for operasjon av integrerte kretser, halvledere, databrikkesett og mikroprosessorer, og for spillformål; tilveiebringe midlertidig bruk av ikkenedlastbar dataprogramvare for datagrafikk; tilveiebringe midlertidig bruk av ikke-nedlastbar spillprogramvare; plattform som en tjeneste (PaaS) med dataprogramvareplattformer for spill- og grafikkdesign; tilveiebringe virtuelle datasystemer og virtuelle datamiljøer gjennom nettskytjenester; tilveiebringe nettskytjenester; datamaskintjenester, nemlig nettskyvertstilbydertjenester; tilveiebringe virtuelle datasystemer, grafikkbehandlingsenheter (GPU-er) og virtuelle datamiljøer gjennom nettskytjenester; design og utvikling av datamaskinvare, -programvare og eksterne dataenheter for andre; applikasjonstjenesteyter (ASP), nemlig drifte andres dataprogramvareapplikasjoner; drifting av tredjepartsinnhold, fotoer, videoer, lyd, musikk, tekst, data, bilder, programvare, applikasjoner, spill, nettsteder og annet elektronisk arbeid; drifting av digitalt innhold; rådgivningstjenester for datamaskinvare, -programvare, -applikasjon og nettverk; digital og elektronisk fildataoverføring fra ett format til et annet; tilveiebringelse av Internett- og datamaskinnettverkssøkemotorer; grafisk designtjenester; design av annonser og reklamemateriale for andre; programvare som en tjeneste (SAAS) med programvare for å tilrettelegge for oppretting av lyd-, video- og digitalt innhold, abonnementstjenester og engangskjøp; oppretting av et nettbasert fellesskap for datamaskinbrukere for å delta i diskusjoner, få 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 tilbakemelding, danne virtuelle fellesskap og delta i sosiale nettverk; tjenester for vedlikehold, installasjon og oppdatering av programvare; tilveiebringe midlertidig bruk av ikke-nedlastbar analyseprogramvare, nemlig programvare som tilveiebringer statistikk om seeres atferd for nettbasert annonsering, videoer, filmer, musikk, bilder, avbildninger, tekst, fotoer, spill og annet innhold; programvare som en tjeneste som lar spillere direktekringkaste spillene sine fra en spillkonsoll, eller å se på spill som spilles av andre. Klasse 45 Online sosial nettverkstjenester; Online sosial nettverkstjenester, nemlig tilrettelegge sosiale introduksjoner eller samhandlinger mellom personer; sosiale nettverk-tjenester innen underholdning, spilling og applikasjonsutvikling; tilveiebringe en nettbasert sosiale medier-plattform; tilveiebringe kommunikasjonstjenester, nemlig sosiale nettverk via Internett og mobile kommunikasjonsinnretninger for at brukere kan delta i nettbasert spilling, nettbaserte spill, nettbaserte videospill og nettbaserte spillapplikasjoner; tilveiebringe koblinger til andres nettsteder innen sosiale nettverk-tjenester der kunder spiller nettbaserte spill; tilveiebringe informasjon om sosiale nettverk der brukere deltar i nettbasert spilling, nettbaserte videospill og nettbaserte videospillapplikasjoner; sosiale nettverk-tjenester, nemlig å tilveiebringe virtuelle miljøer der brukere kan samhandle gjennom sosiale spill for rekreasjons-, fritids- eller underholdningsformål; tilveiebringe online sosial nettverkstjenester, nemlig en nettbasert portal der forbrukere kan spille nettbaserte dataspill og elektroniske spill og få tilgang til å dele forbedringer i spill; online sosial nettverkstjenester, nemlig en nettbasert portal der forbrukere kan dele informasjon relatert til spill tilveiebrakt på nettet; tilveiebringe informasjon, nyheter, kommentarer og råd til brukere av en sosiale nettverk-plattform innen spill og spillaktiviteter. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 281909 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.22 Søknadsnr.: 201500643 Inndato: 2015.01.14 Registreringen utløper: 2025.01.14 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Ahrens Rapid Growth AB, Stortorget 17, SE-21122 MALMÖ, Sverige (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Instruksjons- og undervisningsmateriell, presentasjoner, publikasjoner og tidsskrifter, (elektronisk nedlastbare); nedlastbar programvare. Klasse 16 Instruksjons- og undervisningsmateriell; publikasjoner, bøker, aviser og tidsskrifter. Klasse 35 Bistand ved ledelse og administrasjon av bedrifter; konsulenttjenester i forbindelse med ledelse, markedsføring, organisering og administrasjon av bedrifter; lisensiering av varer og tjenester (kommersiell administrasjon). Klasse 36 Finansiell virksomhet; finansiering av risikokapital for voksende og nystartede foretak; tjenester i forbindelse med vilkår for finansiering. Klasse 41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; veiledning vedrørende ledelse; konsulenttjenester i forbindelse med utdanning innen forretning og ledelse; 10 registrerte varemerker forlagsvirksomhet. Klasse 42 Konsulenttjenester i forbindelse med informasjonsteknologi. Klasse 45 Lisensiering av immaterielle rettigheter; forvaltning av opphavsrett. (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) (540) (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Reg.nr.: 281912 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.22 Søknadsprioritet 2014.09.08, US, 86/387,917 Søknadsnr.: 201502603 Inndato: 2015.02.26 Registreringen utløper: 2025.02.26 Gjengivelse av merket: OPENVIEW (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P., 11445 Compaq Center Drive West, US-TX77070 HOUSTON, USA (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Datasoftware; datasoftware for infrastrukturovervåking og -analyse; datasoftware for bruk i databaseadministrasjon; datasoftware for applikasjonog databaseintegrasjon; datasoftware for utarbeidelse av søkbare databaser av informasjon og data; datasoftware for styring og administrasjon av tilgangsserverapplikasjoner; datasoftware for å administrere transaksjonsdata, tilveiebringe statistiske analyser, og produsere varsler og rapporter; datasoftware for stordataanalytikere for driftsstyring og -administrasjon og administrasjon av bedriftsservice; datasoftware som tilveiebringer sanntids, integrert bedriftsledelsesinformasjon (Business Management Intelligence) ved å kombinere informasjon fra ulike databaser og presentere det i et lettfattelig brukergrensesnitt. Klasse 42 Datasoftwareutvikling; datasoftwaredesign og oppdatering; datasoftwarekonsultasjoner; konsulenttjenester innen området for utvelgelse, implementering og bruk av datahardware- og softwaresystemer for andre; design, utvikling og implementering av software; tilveiebringe online ikkenedlastbar software for bruk i databaseadministrasjon; tilveiebringe online ikke-nedlastbar software og applikasjoner for bruk innen områdene for driftsstyring og -administrasjon og administrasjon av bedriftsservice; software som en tjeneste (SaaS), nemlig vertstjenester for software for bruk av andre til bruk i driftsstyring og administrasjon og administrasjon av bedriftsservice. Reg.nr.: 281910 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.22 Søknadsnr.: 201502601 Inndato: 2015.02.26 Registreringen utløper: 2025.02.26 Gjengivelse av merket: FluidDekar (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: MILJØ- OG FLUIDTEKNIKK AS, Postboks 356, 1379 NESBRU, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Vitenskapelige, nautiske, geodetiske, fotografiske, kinematografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til veiing, måling, signalering, kontroll, livredning og undervisning; apparater og instrumenter for styring, fordeling, transformering, akkumulering, regulering eller kontroll av elektrisitet; apparater for opptak, overføring og gjengivelse av lyd og bilder; magnetiske databærere, grammofonplater; kompaktdisker, DVDer og andre digitale opptaksmedier; mekanismer for myntstyrte apparater; kassaapparater, regnemaskiner, databehandlingsutstyr, datamaskiner; dataprogramvare; brannslukningsapparater. Klasse 11 Apparater og innretninger for belysning, oppvarming, dampproduksjon, koking, kjøling, tørking, ventilasjon, vanntilførsel og sanitære formål. Klasse 37 Byggevirksomhet. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 281911 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.22 Søknadsnr.: 201502602 Inndato: 2015.02.26 Registreringen utløper: 2025.02.26 Gjengivelse av merket: (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 MFT (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: MILJØ- OG FLUIDTEKNIKK AS, Postboks 356, 1379 NESBRU, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Vitenskapelige, nautiske, geodetiske, fotografiske, kinematografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til veiing, måling, signalering, kontroll, livredning og undervisning; apparater og instrumenter for styring, fordeling, transformering, akkumulering, regulering eller kontroll av elektrisitet; apparater for opptak, overføring og gjengivelse av lyd og bilder; magnetiske databærere, grammofonplater; kompaktdisker, DVDer og andre digitale opptaksmedier; mekanismer for myntstyrte apparater; kassaapparater, regnemaskiner, databehandlingsutstyr, datamaskiner; dataprogramvare; brannslukningsapparater. Klasse 11 Apparater og innretninger for belysning, oppvarming, dampproduksjon, koking, kjøling, tørking, ventilasjon, vanntilførsel og sanitære formål. Klasse 37 Byggevirksomhet. Reg.nr.: 281913 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.22 Søknadsnr.: 201502604 Inndato: 2015.02.26 Registreringen utløper: 2025.02.26 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: HELSE BERGEN HF, Postboks 1400, 5021 BERGEN, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Dataprogrammer (software) [nedlastbar programvare]. Dataprogrammer (software) [innregistrerte på databærere]. Programvarer [innregistrerte EDB programmer, software]. Applikasjoner, nedlastbare. Klasse 35 Rådgivning om organisasjons- og forretningsledelse. Systematisering av informasjon til databaser. Innsamling av informasjon til databaser. Oppdatering og vedlikehold av data i databaser. Bedriftsopplysninger. Bistand ved forretningsledelse. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 11 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Datasøk i datafiler, for andre. Forretningsinformasjoner. Klasse 42 Konsulenttjenester innen dataprogramvare. Applikasjonstjenester [ASP]. Forsyning/fremskaffelse av dataprogramvare via et globalt nettverk. Elektronisk datalagring. Utleie av dataprogrammer. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Reg.nr.: 281916 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.22 Søknadsnr.: 201505356 Inndato: 2015.05.01 Registreringen utløper: 2025.05.01 Gjengivelse av merket: Activaldi (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: HASSELBERG EVENT, Heimlyveien 2, 1920 SØRUMSAND, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 28 Spill og leketøy; gymnastikk- og sportsartikler, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; juletrepynt. Klasse 37 Byggevirksomhet. Klasse 41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter. Reg.nr.: 281914 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.22 Søknadsnr.: 201415520 Inndato: 2014.12.28 Registreringen utløper: 2024.12.28 Gjengivelse av merket: (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: LUNCHFARM AS, Parkveien 64, 0254 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 43 Catering THE NORWEGIAN PRESENCE (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Norwegian Icons AS, Universitetsgata 2, 0164 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter. Klasse 43 Bevertning og tilbringing av mat og drikke; midlertidig innlosjering. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 281917 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.22 Søknadsnr.: 201500730 Inndato: 2015.01.19 Registreringen utløper: 2025.01.19 Gjengivelse av merket: Reg.nr.: 281915 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.22 Søknadsnr.: 201505358 Inndato: 2015.05.01 Registreringen utløper: 2025.05.01 Gjengivelse av merket: (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 281918 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.22 Søknadsnr.: 201500744 Inndato: 2015.01.19 Registreringen utløper: 2025.01.19 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: HASSELBERG EVENT, Heimlyveien 2, 1920 SØRUMSAND, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 28 Spill og leketøy; gymnastikk- og sportsartikler, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; juletrepynt. Klasse 37 Byggevirksomhet. Klasse 41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: INJEKSJONSSPESIALISTEN AS, Kystadhaugen 6, 7024 TRONDHEIM, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 44 Medisinske tjenester; hygienisk behandling og 12 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) skjønnhetspleie for mennesker. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Tine SA, Dronning Eufemias gate 6, 0191 OSLO, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 29 Kjøtt, fisk, fjærkre og vilt; kjøttekstrakter; konserverte, tørrede, frosne og kokte frukter og grønnsaker; geleer, syltetøy, kompotter; egg, melk og melkeprodukter; meieriprodukter inkludert ost, yoghurt og smør; spiselige oljer og fett; ferdigretter, mellommåltider, småretter, snackmat og desserter bestående hovedsakelig av varer i denne klasse. Klasse 30 Kaffe, te, kakao og kaffeerstatning; ris; tapioka og sago; mel og næringsmidler av korn; brød, bakverk og konditorvarer, konfektyrer; spiseis; sukker, honning, sirup; gjær, bakepulver; salt; sennep; eddik, sauser; krydderier, is; pizza; pasta; nudler; ferdiglagde deiger og rører; ferdigretter, mellommåltider, småretter, snackmat og desserter bestående hovedsakelig av varer i denne klasse. Klasse 32 Øl; mineralvann, kullsyreholdig vann og andre ikke alkoholholdige drikker; fruktdrikker og fruktjuicer; saft og andre preparater til fremstilling av drikker. Klasse 35 Annonse og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse og administrasjon av bedrifter; organisering og gjennomføring av konkurranser og utstillinger innen området for handel og næringsliv, herunder dagligvarebransjen; engros- og detaljhandel med dagligvarer, spesielt mat- og drikkevarer; salgsfremmende tjenester for andre. Klasse 41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Reg.nr.: 281920 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.22 Søknadsnr.: 201501506 Inndato: 2015.02.03 Registreringen utløper: 2025.02.03 Gjengivelse av merket: THE VELVET DEVIL (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Charles Smith Wines LLC, 820 Mill Creek Road, USWA99362 WALLA WALLA, USA (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 33 Vin. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (521) (540) Reg.nr.: 281922 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.22 Søknadsnr.: 201502518 Inndato: 2015.02.23 Registreringen utløper: 2025.02.23 Gjengivelse av merket: Reg.nr.: 281919 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.22 Søknadsnr.: 201500745 Inndato: 2015.01.19 Registreringen utløper: 2025.01.19 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: INJEKSJONSSPESIALISTEN AS, Kystadhaugen 6, 7024 TRONDHEIM, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 44 Medisinske tjenester; hygienisk behandling og skjønnhetspleie for mennesker. (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Reg.nr.: 281921 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.22 Søknadsnr.: 201204422 Inndato: 2012.05.07 Registreringen utløper: 2022.05.07 Bruk/innarbeidelse Ja Gjengivelse av merket: MOROCCANOIL (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Moroccanoil Israel Ltd, International Legal Department, 16 Moshe Levi St., Kennedy House, Industrial Area, IL75658, Israel (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Haavind AS, Postboks 359 Sentrum, 0101 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 3 Hårpleie- og hårbehandlingsprodukter, nemlig kremer for krøller, fuktighetsgivende stylingkremer, fuktighetsbevarende kurer, og styling- og etterbehandlingsoljer; foranstående varer inneholdende olje utvunnet fra argantreet som har sin opprinnelse fra Marokko. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 13 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 281923 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.22 Søknadsnr.: 201500508 Inndato: 2015.01.15 Registreringen utløper: 2025.01.15 Gjengivelse av merket: personlige råd og veiledning til kreftpasienter og deres pårørende enkeltvis eller i grupper. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 281925 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.22 Søknadsnr.: 201501616 Inndato: 2015.02.09 Registreringen utløper: 2025.02.09 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Apèritif AS, Universitetsgata 22, 0162 OSLO, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirma Ræder DA, Postboks 2944 Solli, 0230 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Elektroniske publikasjoner. Klasse 16 Papir og papp, ikke opptatt i andre klasser, trykksaker, materialer til bokbinding; fotografier, skrivesaker og papirvarer; klebemidler for papirvarer og for husholdningsbruk; artikler til bruk for kunstnere; pensler; skrivemaskiner og kontorrekvisita (ikke møbler); instruksjons- og undervisningsmateriell (ikke apparater); plastemballasje (ikke opptatt i andre klasser); trykktyper, klisjeer. Tidskrifter, blader og magasiner. Klasse 35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse og administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester. Online annonsering, publisering av reklametekster, salgsfremmende tjenester. Klasse 41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: The Woolmark Company Pty Ltd, Level 30, 580 George Street, AU-NSW2000 SYDNEY, Australia (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirma DLA Piper Norway DA, Postboks 1364 Vika, 0114 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 23 Bomull og tråd for tekstilformål Klasse 24 Tekstiler og tekstilvarer, ikke omfattet av andre klasser; senge- og bordtepper Klasse 25 Klær, sko, hatter (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Reg.nr.: 281924 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.22 Søknadsnr.: 201410180 Inndato: 2014.09.01 Registreringen utløper: 2024.09.01 Gjengivelse av merket: (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 281926 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.26 Søknadsnr.: 201405881 Inndato: 2014.05.15 Registreringen utløper: 2024.05.15 Gjengivelse av merket: AMINORENEW (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Moroccanoil Israel Ltd, International Legal Department, 16 Moshe Levi St., Kennedy House, Industrial Area, IL75658, Israel (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Haavind AS, Postboks 359 Sentrum, 0101 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 1 Ingredienser til såper; parfymevarer, kosmetikk, hårlotion; hårpleieprodukter; sjampo; balsam; ikkemedisinske hygieniske preparater; preparater for pleie av hud, hår, hodebunn og kropp; skjønnhetspleieprodukter. Klasse 3 Såper; parfymevarer, kosmetikk, hårlotion; hårpleieprodukter; sjampo; balsam; ikke-medisinske hygieniske preparater; preparater for pleie av hud, hår, hodebunn og kropp; skjønnhetspleieprodukter. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Kreftforeningen, Postboks 4 Sentrum, 0101 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 16 Trykksaker, fotografier, skrivesaker og papirvarer, brosjyrer, bøker, kort, kalendere, kontorrekvisita, instruksjons-, kurs- og undervisningsmateriell, trykktyper, klisjeer. Klasse 26 Nåler, jakkemerker, pins. Klasse 35 Utgivelse av reklame- og profileringsmateriell. Klasse 38 Overføring av beskjeder og bilder ved datamaskin. Klasse 41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet, opplæringsvirksomhet, underholdningsvirksomhet, sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter, kurs. Klasse 44 Hvilehjem, rekonvalesenthjem. Psykologtjenester. Klasse 45 Juridiske tjenester; personlige og sosiale tjenester utført av andre for å dekke personlige behov, nemlig støttesamtaler utført av tidligere kreftpasienter med (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 14 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 281927 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.26 Søknadsnr.: 201412857 Inndato: 2014.11.06 Registreringen utløper: 2024.11.06 Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Reg.nr.: 281930 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.26 Søknadsnr.: 201502611 Inndato: 2015.02.26 Registreringen utløper: 2025.02.26 Gjengivelse av merket: TRIALDECAL (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Meda OTC AB, Pipers väg 2 A, SE-17009 SOLNA, Sverige (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Farmasøytiske preparater, nemlig bisfosfonater (også kalt difosfonater); vitaminpreparater; mineralbaserte kosttilskudd; dietetiske næringsmidler og stoffer for medisinsk bruk; kosttilskudd for mennesker. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Herbalife International, Inc., 800 W. Olympic Blvd., USCA90015 LOS ANGELES, USA (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Registreringer og publiseringer i elektronisk form levert online fra databaser, fra internet (inkludert websider), fra intranett eller fra extranett relatert til helse, trening (fitness) og ernæring. Klasse 25 Klær, fottøy, hodeplagg. Klasse 41 Sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter; utdanningstjenester; produksjon og gjennomføring av treningsklasser og -programmer; treningsinstruksjonstjenester; arrangement av konkurranser for helse, trening (fitness) og ernæringsformål; arrangement av presentasjoner relatert til helse, trening (fitness) og ernæring; coaching og mentor-virksomhet relatert til helse, trening (fitness) og ernæring; personlig trenertjenester relatert til helse, trening (fitness) og ernæring; gjennomføring av seminarer, klasser og konsultasjoner alt relatert til helse, ernæring og trening (fitness). (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 281928 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.26 Søknadsnr.: 201502608 Inndato: 2015.02.26 Registreringen utløper: 2025.02.26 Gjengivelse av merket: NOURY (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: BRÖKELMANN + Co Oelmuehle GmbH + Co, Hafenstrasse 83, DE-59067 HAMM, Tyskland (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 29 Spiselige oljer og fett. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 281929 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.26 Søknadsnr.: 201501561 Inndato: 2015.02.05 Registreringen utløper: 2025.02.05 Gjengivelse av merket: Reg.nr.: 281931 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.26 Søknadsnr.: 201502612 Inndato: 2015.02.26 Registreringen utløper: 2025.02.26 Gjengivelse av merket: HAVIABA (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., One Merck Drive, USNJ08889 WHITEHOUSE STATION, USA (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua , 0306 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Farmasøytiske preparater. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Motlys AS, Sagveien 18, 0459 OSLO, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Norsk Patentbyrå AS, Postboks 1204 Vika, 0110 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 41 Kulturelle aktiviteter; film & videoproduksjon. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 15 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 281932 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.26 Søknadsnr.: 201501509 Inndato: 2015.02.03 Registreringen utløper: 2025.02.03 Gjengivelse av merket: 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Reg.nr.: 281934 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.26 Søknadsnr.: 201502001 Inndato: 2015.02.17 Registreringen utløper: 2025.02.17 Gjengivelse av merket: RAILCOMPLETE (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: ANACON AS, Brageveien 4 A, 0358 OSLO, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Codex Advokat Oslo AS, Postboks 8744 St. Olavs plass, 0028 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Vitenskapelige, nautiske, geodetiske, fotografiske, kinematografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til veiing, måling, livredning og undervisning; apparater for opptak, overføring og gjengivelse av lyd og bilder; magnetiske databærere, grammofonplater; kompaktdisker, dvd-er og andre digitale opptaksmedier; mekanismer for myntstyrte apparater; kassaapparater, regnemaskiner, databehandlingsutstyr, datamaskiner; dataprogramvare; brannslukningsapparater. Klasse 41 Instruksjon [opplæring]; organisering av utstillinger for kulturelle og utdannelsesformål; organisering og ledelse av seminarer; tilveiebringelse av on-line elektroniske publikasjoner [ikke nedlastbare]; utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter. Klasse 42 Byplanlegging; ingeniørvirksomhet [teknisk ekspertise]; konsulenttjenester innen dataprogramvare; kvalitetskontroll; plantegning i forbindelse med bygging; sertifiseringstjenester (kvalitetskontroll); softwaretjenester [saas]; tegning [industridesign]; utleie av dataprogrammer; vitenskapelige og teknologiske tjenester og forskning og utvikling relatert dertil; industriell analyse og forskning; design og utvikling av datamaskiner og dataprogrammer. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Orkla Confectionery & Snacks Norge AS, Postboks 13 Skøyen, 0212 OSLO, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 30 Kaffe, te, kakao og kaffeerstatning; ris; tapioka og sago, mel og næringsmidler av korn; brød,bakverk og konditorvarer, konfektyrer; spiseis; sukker, honning, sirup; gjær, bakepulver; salt;sennep; eddik, sauser, krydderier, is; sjokoladevarer; kjeks og kjeksvarer. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) REDSHIELD (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: NORDOX AS, Østensjøveien 13, 0661 OSLO, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 1 Kjemiske produkter til industrielle og vitenskapelige formål og til bruk i landbruk, hagebruk og skogbruk. Klasse 2 Maling; fernisser; lakker; fargestoffer; bunnstoff for båter og skip; beisemidler; treimpregneringsmidler. Klasse 5 Preparater for utryddelse av skadedyr og insekter, fungicider og herbicider. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 281935 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.26 Søknadsnr.: 201502613 Inndato: 2015.02.26 Registreringen utløper: 2025.02.26 Gjengivelse av merket: Reg.nr.: 281933 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.26 Søknadsnr.: 201501515 Inndato: 2015.02.03 Registreringen utløper: 2025.02.03 Gjengivelse av merket: (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: MY BELOVED ONES ØSTVOLD, Myrstubben 16, 2170 FENSTAD, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 24 Bilstoltepper. Klasse 25 Barneklær; prematurklær; luer, tørklær; kjoler; babyklær. Klasse 26 Hårspenner, hårbånd. Reg.nr.: 281936 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.26 Søknadsnr.: 201502614 Inndato: 2015.02.26 Registreringen utløper: 2025.02.26 Gjengivelse av merket: HAVIPTA (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., One Merck Drive, USNJ08889 WHITEHOUSE STATION, USA (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua , 0306 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Farmasøytiske preparater. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 16 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 281937 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.26 Søknadsnr.: 201502615 Inndato: 2015.02.26 Registreringen utløper: 2025.02.26 Gjengivelse av merket: (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) NORSHIELD (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: NORDOX AS, Østensjøveien 13, 0661 OSLO, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 1 Kjemiske produkter til industrielle og vitenskapelige formål og til bruk i landbruk, hagebruk og skogbruk. Klasse 2 Maling; fernisser; lakker; fargestoffer; bunnstoff for båter og skip; beisemidler; treimpregneringsmidler. Klasse 5 Preparater til utryddelse av skadedyr og insekter; fungicider; herbicider. Reg.nr.: 281939 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.26 Søknadsnr.: 201414073 Inndato: 2014.12.02 Registreringen utløper: 2024.12.02 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Unifab AS, Jernbaneveien 85, 8006 BODØ, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Protector Intellectual Property Consultants AS, Oscarsgate 20, 0352 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 6 Uedle metaller og legeringer av disse; bygningsmaterialer av metall; transportable hus av metall; materialer av metall for jernbanespor, herunder støpegods og støpt aluminium; ikke-elektriske kabler og -tråd av metall (uedelt); låsesmedarbeider og små gjenstander av metall (isenkramvarer); metallrør, sikkerhetsskap og -skrin; malmer. Klasse 37 Installasjon - vedlikeholds og reparasjonstjenester, for elektriske apparater, telefoner, telekommunikasjonsutstyr, tyverialarmer, brannalarmer, maskiner, mekanisk utstyr; rørleggervirksomhet; elektrikervirksomhet. Klasse 40 Metallarbeidstjenester; metallstøping; fresearbeid; avsliping. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) (540) 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Reg.nr.: 281938 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.26 Søknadsprioritet 2009.11.25, US, 77/880,998 Søknadsnr.: 200912939 Inndato: 2009.12.11 Registreringen utløper: 2025.05.26 Gjengivelse av merket: (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Life Technologies Corp, 5791 Van Allen Way, USCA92008 CARLSBAD, USA (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua , 0306 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 1 Biologiske, kjemiske og biokjemiske preparater, inkludert celler, reagenser, antistoffer, kuler (beads) og mikrosfærer, analyse- og utstyrsett bestående av reagenser for vitenskapelig, laboratorie- og medisinsk forskningsbruk, andre enn for medisinske eller veterinære formål. Media for celle og vevskulturer, sera, alle for bruk i vitenskapelig, laboratorie- og medisinsk forskning, andre enn for medisinske eller veterinære formål. Klasse 5 Biologiske, kjemiske og biokjemiske preparater, inkludert celler, reagenser, antistoffer, kuler (beads) og mikrosfærer, analyse- og utstyrsett bestående av reagenser for medisinsk diagnostisk laboratoriebruk og klinisk medisinsk laboratoriebruk; media for celle og vevskulturer, sera, alle for bruk i medisinsk diagnostisk laboratoriebruk og klinisk medisinsk laboratoriebruk. Klasse 9 Computer software brukt for behandling av vitenskapelig data og for bruk i driften av laboratorieinstrumenter; vitenskapelige apparater, instrumenter og utstyr; apparater, instrumenter og utstyr for vitenskapelig, diagnostisk, og laboratorieforskningsbruk. Klasse 42 Fremskaffelse av en online computer database med informasjon på områdene vitenskapelig og medisinsk forskning; computertjenester, nemlig fremskaffelse av midlertidig bruk av online ikke-nedlastbar software for tilgang og analysering av informasjon på områdene vitenskap, teknologi, medisin, helse og offentlig politikk; installasjon, vedlikehold og reparasjon av computer software for vitenskapelig og medisinsk forskning, og diagnostisk bruk; konsultasjoner, vitenskapelig og medisinsk forskning og laboratoriediagnostiske tjenester for andre; produktutvikling for andre. (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 281940 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.26 Søknadsnr.: 201414840 Inndato: 2014.12.12 Registreringen utløper: 2024.12.12 Gjengivelse av merket: ENERGAN (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Virbac SA, 1 ère avenue - 2065m - L.I.D., FR-06516 CARROS , Frankrike (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Veterinære produkter; veterinære preparater; hygieniske preparater for veterinære formål; dietetiske stoffer og substanser for veterinær bruk; næringsmidler for veterinære formål; kosttilskudd for dyr; desinfeksjonsmidler til veterinært bruk; preparater til utryddelse av skadedyr og insekter; fungicider, herbicider. Klasse 31 Dietetiske stoffer og substanser for ernæring til dyr. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 17 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 281941 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.26 Søknadsnr.: 201502343 Inndato: 2015.02.23 Registreringen utløper: 2025.02.23 Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: LARS ERIK DYPVIK, MARKENSVEGEN 1 B, 2212 KONGSVINGER, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 16 Kort; medlemskort. Klasse 35 Varemerkebygging [markedsføringstjeneste]; utsendelse av reklameannonser; konsultasjoner for bedrifts- og forretningsledelse; utsendelse av reklamematriell [flyveblader, hefter, trykksaker og vareprøver]; salgsfremmende tjenester [for tredjemann]; innsamling av informasjon til databaser; online annonsering på datanettverk; markedsføring; utleie av salgstands; kommersielle formidlingstjenester; skriving av CV for andre; administrasjon og drift av medlemskapsordninger og fordelsavtaler. Klasse 41 Coaching (veiledning); filmproduksjon på videobånd; filmproduksjon, andre enn reklamefilmer; instruksjon [opplæring]; klubbvirksomhet [underholdning eller utdannelse]; korrespondansekurs; nattklubber; organisering av fester [underholdning]; organisering og ledelse av seminarer; praktisk opplæring [ved demonstrasjon]; redigering av videobånd; underholdningsvirksomhet; undervisning; veiledning; videobåndredigering; videofilming; yrkesfaglig opplæring. Klasse 42 Design og utvikling av hjemmesider for andre. Reg.nr.: 281943 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.27 Søknadsnr.: 201307534 Inndato: 2013.06.24 Registreringen utløper: 2023.06.24 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Gerard Feltham, 225 Underhill Road, GB-SE220PB LONDON, Storbritannia (740) Fullmektig: Plougmann & Vingtoft, Postboks 1003 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 33 Gin (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 281942 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.27 Søknadsnr.: 201403124 Inndato: 2014.03.19 Registreringen utløper: 2024.03.19 Gjengivelse av merket: Reg.nr.: 281944 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.27 Søknadsnr.: 201307535 Inndato: 2013.06.24 Registreringen utløper: 2023.06.24 Gjengivelse av merket: PORTOBELLO ROAD GIN 171 (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Gerard Feltham, 225 Underhill Road, GB-SE220PB LONDON, Storbritannia (740) Fullmektig: Plougmann & Vingtoft, Postboks 1003 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 33 Gin (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: INTERBRANDS NORWAY AS, Postboks 162 Skøyen, 0212 OSLO, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Norsk Patentbyrå AS, Postboks 1204 Vika, 0110 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 35 Salg av vin og brennevin; agenturer. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 18 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 281945 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.27 Søknadsnr.: 201502616 Inndato: 2015.02.26 Registreringen utløper: 2025.02.26 Gjengivelse av merket: via et globalt nettverk; konsulenttjenester innen dataprogramvare; rådgivningstjenester innen it. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 HEZYLO (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., One Merck Drive, USNJ08889 WHITEHOUSE STATION, USA (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua , 0306 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Farmasøytiske preparater. HARPER & BROOKS Reg.nr.: 281946 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.27 Søknadsnr.: 201502617 Inndato: 2015.02.26 Registreringen utløper: 2025.02.26 Gjengivelse av merket: HYREVE (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., One Merck Drive, USNJ08889 WHITEHOUSE STATION, USA (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua , 0306 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Farmasøytiske preparater. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) (540) (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 281948 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.27 Søknadsnr.: 201505320 Inndato: 2015.04.29 Registreringen utløper: 2025.04.29 Gjengivelse av merket: (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: RETAIL EXPO AS, Ribbunggata 17, 0196 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Mobiltelefon, mobiltelefonetui. Klasse 14 Ur og kronometriske instrumenter; armbåndsur, kronograf, alarmklokker, innpakning og etui for armbåndsur, urvisere, urverk, urskive, klokkeremmer. Klasse 35 Salg av ur, armbåndsur, kronometer, kronografer; import-eksport virksomhet; salg av juvelervarer, smykker; salg av møbler, såpe, parfyme, kosmetikk, hårprodukter, hudprodukter; salg av gymnastikk- og sportsartikler. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Reg.nr.: 281949 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.27 Søknadsprioritet 2014.06.02, EM, 012927661 Søknadsnr.: 201414336 Inndato: 2014.12.01 Registreringen utløper: 2024.12.01 Gjengivelse av merket: Reg.nr.: 281947 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.27 Søknadsnr.: 201502309 Inndato: 2015.02.20 Registreringen utløper: 2025.02.20 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Netledger Holding AS, Postboks 6731 Etterstad, 0609 OSLO, Norge (740) Fullmektig: STRANDENÆS ADVOKATFIRMAET, Postboks 1448 Vika, 0115 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse og administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester. ; regnskapsanalyser; regnskapsførsel; regnskapskontroll; økonomisk planlegging; økonomiske beregninger; økonomisk rådgivning; salg av nettbaserte økonomisystemer; salg av regnskapstjenester; outsourcing av administrative tjenester for bedrifter. Klasse 36 Forsikringsvirksomhet; finansiell virksomhet; monetær virksomhet; forretninger med fast eiendom. Klasse 42 Vitenskapelige og teknologiske tjenester og forskning og utvikling relatert dertil; industriell analyse og forskning; design og utvikling av datamaskiner og dataprogrammer, utleie av dataprogrammer; applikasjonstjenester [asp]; nettskytjenester; outsourcing av it-tjenester; digitalisering av dokumenter [skanning]; forsyning/fremskaffelse av dataprogramvare (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: AGES Industri AB, Torget 1 A, SE-31083 UNNARYD, Sverige (740) Fullmektig: Wallengren & Partners AB, Box 116, SE-33121 VÄRNAMO, Sverige (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 40 Behandling og bearbeiding av stoffer og materialer, inkludert metall, plast, tre, gummi, tekstiler. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 19 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 281950 Reg.dato.: 2015.05.27 Søknadsnr.: 201501656 Inndato: 2015.02.10 Registreringen utløper: 2025.02.10 Gjengivelse av merket: IRON THRONE (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Home Box Office, Inc., 1100 Avenue of the Americas, US-NY10036 NEW YORK, USA (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 32 Øl, ale (øl), pils, stout (øl), porter (øl) og shandy; energidrikker; ikke-alkoholholdige cocktail-mikser og ikke-alkoholholdige drikker nemlig, kullsyreholdige drikker og fruktdrikker. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 20 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer Internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer som gjelder for Norge ved utpekning etter Madridprotokollen. Innsigelsesperioden utløper 3 mnd. fra kunngjøringsdato, jf. varemerkeloven § 71. Int.reg.nr.: Int.reg.dato: Generell informasjon om kunngjøringer etter Madridprotokollen Det vil si det internasjonale registreringsnummer som WIPO har gitt søknaden om internasjonal registrering. Det vil si den dato en internasjonal registrering anses for å ha skjedd, jf. varemerkeloven § 72 og Madrid-protokollen artikkel 3 (4). Dersom den internasjonale registreringen besluttes gjeldende i Norge, vil registreringsperioden på 10 år regnes fra den internasjonale registreringsdatoen. Etterfølgende utpekningsdato: Det vil si datoen for rettsvern i Norge hvor utpekingen ikke har skjedd i forbindelse med den Prioritet: Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: (111) (151) (180) (891) (210) (220) (540) internasjonale registreringen. Internasjonale søknader kan påberope seg prioritet etter Pariskonvensjonen artikkel 4 fra det land merket først ble søkt registrert. Dette vil ofte være søkers hjemland idet en internasjonal registrering må bygge på en hjemlands-registrering eller -søknad. Det vil si den datoen det innføres i varemerkeregisteret at den internasjonale registreringen gjelder i Norge, jf. varemerkeloven § 70. Int.reg.nr: 0512778 Int.reg.dato: 1987.06.12 Registreringen 2017.06.12 utløper: Etterfølgende 2014.10.06 utpekning dato: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501471 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.05 Gjengivelse av merket: supply of space-related information, namely planimetric information for multiple coordinates and/or for analysis, administration and reproduction of alphanumeric data provided by related data banks on maps; computers as well as peripheral equipment thereof; recorded computer programs; exposed films. Klasse 16 Printed matter, publications, books, photographs, aerial photographs, digital orthophotographs, photographic prints, including orthophotographic, photogrammetric, cartographic and hydrographic prints, plates, plans, cartographic and topographic documents, printed matter containing computer programs. Klasse 42 Remote sensing (remote observation), aerial photography, photogrammetry, cartography, topography, hydrography, bathymetry, processing of (digital) recordings by scanners; computer processing of satellite photographs; conversion into images of data transmitted by radar from a satellite or air base; writing of environmental reports; environmental analyses, thermal analyses, advice regarding space-related matters, namely information in connection with geographical information conversion and analysis; computer programming. DIATOPIC (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Pierre Fabre SA, 12, avenue Hoche, FR-75008 PARIS, Frankrike (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 3 Soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics; hair products; dentifrices. Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical products, products for skin care and hygiene; dietetic substances for medical use, food for babies. (450) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.26 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (450) (111) (151) (180) (891) (210) (220) (540) Int.reg.nr: 0592589 Int.reg.dato: 1992.08.10 Registreringen 2022.08.10 utløper: Etterfølgende 2014.10.22 utpekning dato: Nasj. ref.nr: 201500440 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.01.08 Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (151) (180) (891) (210) (220) (540) EUROSENSE (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Eurosense Belfotop N.V., Oude Stationsstraat 144, BE8700 TIELT, Belgia (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic and optical apparatus and instruments; apparatus for recording, converting, transmitting and reproducing images, sound and other information; magnetic and other types of recording media, digital files, geographic information systems, namely computer software for Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.22 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 0676212 Int.reg.dato: 1997.07.09 Registreringen 2017.07.09 utløper: Etterfølgende 2014.12.05 utpekning dato: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501837 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Gjengivelse av merket: REMY-PANNIER (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: ACKERMAN, 19 rue Léopold Palustre, FR-49400 ST HILAIRE ST FLORENT, Frankrike (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 33 Alcoholic beverages (except beers). 21 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (450) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.22 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (111) (151) (180) (891) (111) (151) (180) (891) (210) (220) (540) (210) (220) (540) Int.reg.nr: 0705332 Int.reg.dato: 1998.12.23 Registreringen 2018.12.23 utløper: 2014.12.05 Etterfølgende utpekning dato: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501838 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Gjengivelse av merket: kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of the words RACE RAMPS in outline with a striped-checkered curving road. (730) Innehaver: Brute Industries Inc, 8506 M.5 Road, US-MI49837 GLADSTONE, USA (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 20 Molded plastic ramps for automobiles. ACKERMAN (111) (151) (180) (891) (210) (220) (540) Int.reg.nr: 0973464 Int.reg.dato: 2008.05.21 Registreringen 2018.05.21 utløper: Etterfølgende 2014.11.26 utpekning dato: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501478 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.05 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: ACKERMAN, 19 rue Léopold Palustre, FR-49400 ST HILAIRE ST FLORENT, Frankrike (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 33 Alcoholic beverages (except beer). (450) 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.22 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (450) (111) (151) (180) Int.reg.nr: 0713014 Int.reg.dato: 1999.03.24 Registreringen 2019.03.24 utløper: Etterfølgende 2015.01.13 utpekning dato: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501839 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Gjengivelse av merket: (891) (210) (220) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.22 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 0977817 Int.reg.dato: 2008.07.01 Registreringen 2018.07.01 utløper: Etterfølgende 2014.11.07 utpekning dato: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501843 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Gjengivelse av merket: FLOOR (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Notcap OG BV, Strangeweg 1, NL-7731GV OMMEN, Nederland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 12 Trailers and hitches therefor; semi-trailers; parts of vehicles not included in other classes, such chassis, tippers and pneumatic suspension systems; suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; steering systems for vehicles and trailers. Klasse 37 Maintenance of trailers and hitches therefor, semitrailers, vehicle parts, such as chassis, tippers and pneumatic suspension systems, shock absorbers for vehicles, steering systems for vehicles and trailers; repair and maintenance of vehicles; assembly and installation of trailers and hitches therefor, semi-trailers, vehicle parts, such as chassis, tippers and pneumatic suspension systems, shock absorbers for vehicles, steering systems for vehicles and trailers. Klasse 42 Professional consulting concerning the use, maintenance and application of trailers and semitrailers, as well as their parts and accessories. (450) (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: UYGUN RAFINE YAG SANAYI VE TICARET LIMITED SIRKETI, Rasimpasa Mah. Ferit Bey Sk. No: 32, TRKat 3 KADIKOY-ISTANBUL, Tyrkia (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 29 Meat, fish, poultry and game, meat extracts, broth, bouillons, fish (not live), preserved meat, fruit and vegetables, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables, ready-made soups, preserved olives, pickles; milk and milk products excluding ice cream, ice milk and frozen yoghurt; milk, white cheese, "kasar" being mild and pale yellow cheese made of sheep's milk, yoghurt, "ayran" being a drink made of yoghurt and water, whipped cream, cream, chantilly cream, milk powder, milk beverages with high milk content, edible oils and fats, butter, margarine, preserved, frozen and cooked fruits; "pekmez" being a thick syrup made by boiling down grape juice for use as a bread spread, jams, marmalades, fruit pulp, compote, dried fruits, "pestil" being dried layers of fruit pulp, puree of hazelnut and peanut, eggs, powdered eggs, jellies for food, unflavored and unsweetened gelatin for food, dried Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.26 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 22 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nuts, potato chips, fried potatoes, pollen prepared as foodstuff; processed and preserved leguminous vegetables, namely peas, beans, chickpeas, lentils, soya beans. (450) (111) (151) (180) (891) (210) (220) (540) and cardboard, namely paper, paper board, paper bags, paper envelopes, printing papers, hand towels of paper, disposable diapers made of paper, table napkins of paper, filter paper, paper handkerchiefs, packaging containers of paper, paper boxes, paper banners, cardboard tubes and cardboard boxes, face towels of paper, disposable paper products; toilet paper, moist toilet paper; handkerchiefs; babies' diapers and babies' pants (diapers) made of paper or cellulose. Klasse 25 Babies' diapers made of textile material, babies diaper pants (clothing). Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.22 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 0983729 Int.reg.dato: 2008.09.24 Registreringen 2018.09.24 utløper: 2014.12.05 Etterfølgende utpekning dato: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501844 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Gjengivelse av merket: (450) (111) (151) (180) MARQUIS DE LA TOUR (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: ACKERMAN, 19 rue Léopold Palustre, FR-49400 ST HILAIRE ST FLORENT, Frankrike (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 33 Alcoholic beverages (except beers). (450) (111) (151) (180) (891) (210) (220) (540) 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 (891) (210) (220) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.27 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1069527 Int.reg.dato: 2010.10.20 Registreringen 2020.10.20 utløper: Etterfølgende 2014.10.15 utpekning dato: Nasj. ref.nr: 201500924 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.01.22 Gjengivelse av merket: MAGIC FLOWERPOT (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Shaun Pulfrey, 143 Acre Lane, GB-SW25UA LONDON, Storbritannia (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 3 Toiletries; cosmetics; shampoos; preparations and substances for the care of the hair and skin; hair styling preparations; soaps; perfumery; essential oils; creams, lotions, gels; toothpaste; mouthwash. Klasse 21 Household and domestic utensils; glassware, porcelain; brushes, hair brushes, hair combs; cosmetic brushes, applicators, toothbrushes; sponges; household containers, storage pots. Klasse 26 Articles for the hair; hair accessories; head bands, hair bands, bows, clips, grips, pins and fasteners; hair ribbons, hair ornaments, hair pins, hair pieces, tresses, hair slides; elastic hair bands; hair curlers, hair rollers. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.26 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1008903 Int.reg.dato: 2009.04.29 Registreringen 2019.04.29 utløper: Etterfølgende 2014.08.06 utpekning dato: Nasj. ref.nr: 201413161 Notifikasjonsdato: 2014.11.13 Gjengivelse av merket: Cien (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Lidl Stiftung & Co KG, Stiftsbergstrasse 1, DE-74167 NECKARSULM, Tyskland (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 3 Soaps; perfumery; essential oils; cosmetics; decorative cosmetics, make-up; deodorants and antiperspirants for personal use; washing and shower creams; depilatories; bath salts and bath additives for non-medicinal purposes; preparations for the cleansing, care and conditioning of the hair, shampoo, hair tonics, colorants and colour-removing preparations for use on the hair; sun protection agents for cosmetic purposes, cosmetic après-sun preparations for use on the skin; dentifrices for non-medicinal purposes, mouth washes, non-medicinal preparations for oral hygiene and dental care; cotton wool and cotton buds for cosmetic purposes; tissues and toilet paper impregnated with cosmetic lotions. Klasse 5 Medicinal ointments and skin care creams; medicinal wound care and healing powder; sun protection agents for medical purposes, medical après-sun agents for the care of the skin; bath salts and bath additives for medical purposes; dentifrices for medical purposes, medical mouth washes, medical preparations for oral hygiene and dental care; cotton wool and cotton buds for medical purposes; feminine hygiene articles, namely sanitary towels, panty liners, tampons, monthly hygiene panties. Klasse 16 Paper, cardboard (carton) and goods made of paper (450) (111) (151) (180) (891) (210) (220) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.26 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1084242 Int.reg.dato: 2011.06.22 Registreringen 2021.06.22 utløper: Etterfølgende 2014.12.17 utpekning dato: Nasj. ref.nr: 201500925 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.01.22 Gjengivelse av merket: MAMAROO (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Thorley Industries LLC, 40 24th Street, 3rd Floor, USPA15222 PITTSBURGH, USA (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 20 Seats and cradles that are powered and programmed to move in multiple axes to soothe or entertain infants and small children. (450) 23 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.22 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) (891) (210) (220) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1121484 Int.reg.dato: 2012.05.16 Registreringen 2022.05.16 utløper: Etterfølgende 2014.12.17 utpekning dato: Nasj. ref.nr: 201500927 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.01.22 Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: Int.reg.dato: Registreringen utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: Notifikasjonsdato: Søknadsprioritet: 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 1143651B 2012.03.21 2022.03.21 201506217 2015.05.21 2011.12.09, DE, 302011066459.5/12 Gjengivelse av merket: BREEZE (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Thorley Industries LLC, 40 24th Street, 3rd Floor, USPA15222 PITTSBURGH, USA (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 20 Playpens; play yards. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 7 Machines for the assembly of engines and engine parts, machines for the assembly of motor vehicles, for the chemical industry, for metalworking as well as for machine tools; combustion engines with coupled heat exchanger for the generation of electricity and heat as complete unit (combined heat and power plant); engines (with the exception of engines for land vehicles); couplings and equipment for power transmission (with the exception of such for land vehicles); engines and combustion engines and their components for the propulsion of ships, airships and stationary and mobile propulsion engines (in as far as they are included in this class), especially combustion piston engines, diesel engines, engines driven by biogenous fuel, hybrid engines and gas engines as new, partial or replacement engines as well as units with such combustion engines and electricity generators or pumps or compressors, in as far as they are included in this class; engine parts for the propulsion of railway vehicles; new, replacement, reconditioned and repaired parts of such combustion engines (except for land vehicles); components as parts of combustion engines (except for land vehicles), in as far as they are included in this class, especially for construction machinery, mining machinery, agricultural and forestry machinery and machinery for industrial applications (all driven by combustion engines, namely combustion piston engines); equipment for gas exchange in combustion engines, namely combustion piston engines, namely mechanically driven chargers, exhaust gas turbo-chargers, heat exchangers, air filters, air ducts and fittings, exhaust air ducts, silencers; fuel pumps and pump drives as well as fuel filters, fuel pipes and fittings, fuel tanks, injection pumps, injection nozzles and injection appliances (combination of pump and nozzle) for combustion engines, namely combustion piston engines; valves (engine components); compressed air starters as well as compressors, compressor drives, compressed air tanks, compressed air pipes and fittings for combustion engines, namely combustion piston engines; electrical equipment and instruments for combustion engines, namely combustion piston engines, namely alternators, generators and electrical starters; appliances for power transmission (engine parts) and their components in connection with combustion engines, namely combustion piston engines, also for the propulsion of stationary and mobile processing machines (in as far as they are included in this class), especially for construction machinery, mining machinery, agricultural and forestry machinery and machinery for industrial applications (all driven by combustion engines, namely combustion piston engines), namely mechanical gearboxes (except for land vehicles) with permanent or switchable transmission, reverse gearing, hydrodynamic, hydrostatic and electrical gearboxes as well as combinations of such gearboxes, mechanical, hydrodynamic and electrical couplings, switchable, non-switchable and flexible couplings, articulated couplings, drive shafts, drive axles; mechanical and Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.22 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1138819 Int.reg.dato: 2012.10.08 Registreringen 2022.10.08 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201213647 Notifikasjonsdato: 2012.12.13 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Explorer AB, Box 27084, SE-10251 STOCKHOLM, Sverige (740) Fullmektig: Protector Intellectual Property Consultants AS, Oscarsgate 20, 0352 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 33 Alcoholic beverages; vodka. (450) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.26 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 24 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer hydrodynamic brakes for combustion engines (except for land vehicles) namely combustion piston engines; power generation units, consisting of combustion engines, namely combustion piston engines, and power generators, pump-units, consisting of combustion engines, namely combustion piston engines, and fluid pumps, compressor units, consisting of combustion engines, namely combustion piston engines, and air or gas compressors, drive units for deep drilling systems, consisting of combustion engines, namely combustion piston engines, and power transmission appliances; mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic switching and regulation appliances for combustion engines, namely combustion piston engines, for power transmission appliances and for aggregates (both powered by combustion engines, namely combustion piston engines); lubrication equipment (engine components, in as far as they are included in this class) for combustion engines, namely combustion piston engines, for power transmission appliances and for aggregates (both powered by combustion engines, namely combustion piston engines), namely oil pumps and pump drives, oil coolers, oil filters, oil centrifuges, oil pipes and fittings; base frames (engine components, in as far as they are included in this class) and flexible bearings (engine components, in as far as they are included in this class) for combustion engines, namely combustion piston engines, for power transmission appliances and for aggregates (both powered by combustion engines, namely combustion piston engines); cooling appliances (in as far as they are included in this class) for dissipating heat losses and heating appliances (in as far as they are included in this class) for pre-heating of combustion engines, namely combustion piston engines, for power transmission appliances and for aggregates (both powered by combustion engines, namely combustion piston engines); namely heat exchangers, heating appliances, fans, fan motors; components of combustion piston engines for the propulsion of land vehicles, railway vehicles and military vehicles; parts of appliances for power transmission in connection with combustion engines, namely combustion piston engines, namely mechanical gearboxes with permanent or switchable transmission, reverse gearing, hydrodynamic, hydrostatic and electrical gearboxes as well as combinations of such gearboxes; drive units (in as far as they are included in this class) for deep drilling systems, consisting of combustion engines, namely combustion piston engines, and power transmission appliances; drive units for deep drilling systems, consisting of combustion engines, namely combustion piston engines, and power transmission appliances; cooling appliances for dissipating heat losses for combustion engines, as engine or motor components, heat exchangers for engines, vent valves (engine or motor components) and their drives, pumps as engine or motor components and their drives, refrigerant filters for engines or motors, fittings for engine boilers. Klasse 8 Hand tools. Klasse 9 Testing appliances; computer software; computer programs stored on data carriers; electronic publications (downloadable); fuel cells for electricity generation and for combustion engines; testing appliances for combustion engines, namely combustion piston engines, for power transmission appliances and for aggregates (both driven by combustion engines, namely combustion piston engines); electrical and electronic measurement, testing, warning and monitoring appliances and instruments (in as far as they are included in this class) for combustion engines, namely combustion piston engines for power transmission appliances and for aggregates (both driven by combustion engines, namely combustion piston engines); electrical and electronic monitoring, alarm and control appliances, especially ship propulsion systems and on-board power supply; electrical and electronic appliances and instruments (in as far as they are included in this class) for fire 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 detection and alarm systems, automatic energy generation systems, operational data recording systems, machine telegraph systems (especially for ships); fuel consumption meters for motors, especially ships' diesel motors; control panels and navigation systems, especially for ships; electrical equipment and instruments for combustion engines, namely combustion piston engines, namely switching appliances, cables and batteries, electrical and electronic control, switching and regulation appliances for combustion engines, namely combustion piston engines, power transmission appliances and for aggregates (both driven by combustion engines, namely combustion piston engines), electrical and electronic appliances and instruments for the regulation, control and monitoring of propulsion systems for railway vehicles; mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic measurement, testing, warning and monitoring appliances and instruments for combustion engines, namely combustion piston engines. Klasse 11 Heating appliances for pre-heating combustion engines, heat exchangers, heating fans, heat pumps, cooling tanks. Klasse 12 Vehicles; appliances for transport by land, air or water; combustion engines, namely combustion piston engines for the propulsion of vehicles, namely land vehicles, railway vehicles and military vehicles (all driven by combustion engines, namely combustion piston engines); appliances for power transmission in connection with combustion engines, namely combustion piston engines, for the propulsion of vehicles, namely land vehicles, railway vehicles and military vehicles (all driven by combustion engines, namely combustion piston engines), namely mechanical gearboxes for land vehicles with permanent or switchable transmission, reverse gearing, hydrodynamic, hydrostatic and electrical gearboxes for land vehicles as well as combinations of such gearboxes, mechanical, hydrodynamic and electrical couplings for land vehicles; switchable, non-switchable and flexible couplings for land vehicles; articulated couplings, drive shafts, drive axles, each for land vehicles; appliances for power transmission in connection with combustion engines, namely combustion piston engines for land vehicles (all driven by combustion engines, namely combustion piston engines), namely mechanical gearboxes for land vehicles with permanent or switchable transmission, reverse gearing, hydrodynamic, hydrostatic and electrical gearboxes for land vehicles as well as combinations of such gearboxes for land vehicles; mechanical, hydrodynamic and electrical couplings for land vehicles; switchable, non-switchable and flexible couplings for land vehicles; articulated couplings, drive shafts, drive axles for land vehicles; base frames (in as far as they are included in this class) and flexible bearing components (in as far as they are included in this class) for combustion engines, namely combustion piston engines, for power transmission appliances and for aggregates (both driven by combustion engines, namely combustion piston engines); mechanical and hydrodynamic brakes for combustion engines, namely combustion piston engines, for land vehicles, railway vehicles, military vehicles. Klasse 35 Business management, business administration, procurement services for third parties (purchase of goods and services for other companies); services in wholesale and retail in the sectors: machines and their components, motors and their components, vehicles and vehicle accessories, ships and ships' accessories, railway vehicles and their components, lighting, heating, cooling and ventilation appliances, tools and metal goods, chemical products, combustibles and fuel and electrical and electronic goods. Klasse 36 Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs. Klasse 37 Building construction; repair, namely the repairing of machines and their components, of propulsion systems and their components as well as of motors and their components; maintenance and servicing, especially of 25 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer propulsion systems and their components; installation and commissioning of propulsion systems. Klasse 42 Services of an engineer; undertaking of technical tests and checks, technical measurement as well as scientific research; research and development in the field of technology; technical planning of operational facilities; design and development of computer software; material and quality testing. (450) (111) (151) (180) (891) (210) (220) (540) (450) (111) (151) (180) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2013.08.21 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Overdratt fra int. reg. nr. 1143651 (891) (210) (220) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1145883 Int.reg.dato: 2012.02.28 Registreringen 2022.02.28 utløper: Etterfølgende 2014.11.25 utpekning dato: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501846 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.24 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1154096 Int.reg.dato: 2012.02.28 Registreringen 2022.02.28 utløper: 2014.11.25 Etterfølgende utpekning dato: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501847 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Schroders Plc, 31 Gresham Street , GB-EC2V7QA LONDON, Storbritannia (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 35 Advertising; business consultancy and management services; business administration; business information services; office functions; compilation of data in computer databases; organisation, operation and supervision of loyalty and incentive schemes; advertising services provided via the Internet; production of television and radio advertisements; trade fairs; opinion polling; provision of business information; computer assisted information research services; accountancy; data processing. Klasse 36 Financial services; asset management services; investment management services; real estate investment management services; private equity funds of funds services; mutual fund services; funds of hedge funds; unit trust services; investment trust services; banking; private banking services; life assurance services; providing investment advice; asset and investment administration services; financial management services, financial analysis services, financial information services; corporate finance; treasury funding and trading in the money and foreign exchange markets; brokerage services; executor and trustee services; services relating to emerging market debt; commodities and agricultural funds; issuing of shares, fund awards and tokens of value in relation to bonus and loyalty schemes; research, information, consultancy and advice relating to all the aforesaid. Klasse 38 Telecommunications services; providing online chatroom services; email services; radio and television broadcasting; telecommunication of information (including web pages); providing user access to the Internet; providing access to internet portals. kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Schroders Plc, 31 Gresham Street , GB-EC2V7QA LONDON, Storbritannia (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 35 Advertising; business consultancy and management services; business administration; business information services; office functions; compilation of data in computer databases; organisation, operation and supervision of loyalty and incentive schemes; advertising services provided via the Internet; production of television and radio advertisements; trade fairs; opinion polling; provision of business information; computer assisted information research services; accountancy; data processing. Klasse 36 Financial services; asset management services; investment management services; real estate investment management services; private equity funds of funds services; mutual fund services; funds of hedge funds; unit trust services; investment trust services; banking; private banking services; life assurance services; providing investment advice; asset and investment administration services; financial management services, financial analysis services, financial information services; corporate finance; treasury funding and trading in the money and foreign exchange markets; brokerage services; executor and trustee services; services relating to emerging market debt; commodities and agricultural funds; issuing of shares, fund awards and tokens of value in relation to bonus and loyalty schemes; research, information, consultancy and advice relating to all the aforesaid. Klasse 38 Telecommunications services; providing online chatroom services; email services; radio and television broadcasting; telecommunication of information (including web pages); providing user access to the Internet; providing access to internet portals. (450) 26 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.24 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) (891) (210) (220) (540) (111) (151) (180) Int.reg.nr: 1158606 Int.reg.dato: 2013.04.11 Registreringen 2023.04.11 utløper: Etterfølgende 2014.12.04 utpekning dato: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501848 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et (210) (220) (300) (540) (111) (151) (180) (891) (210) (220) (540) 1172895 2012.11.22 2022.11.22 201310719 2013.09.05 2012.05.24, DE, 30 2012 005 094.8/25 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.26 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Marc O'Polo International GmbH, Hofgartenstrasse 1, DE-83071 STEPHANSKIRCHEN, Tyskland (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 3 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps, perfumery, essential oils, body and beauty care products, hair lotions, dentifrices, deodorants, perfumes, colognes, eau de parfum, eau de toilette, after shave, combined shampoo and shower gel Product for use on the hair and body, namely "2 in 1" product, cosmetics, make-up products, eye shadow, mascara, eye makeup, lipstick, lip gloss, non-medical lip balm, lip liner pencils, make-up, face powder, blusher, make-up compacts, cosmetic cleansers, make-up remover, cosmetic skin care products, creams for the skin, lotions for cosmetic purposes, cosmetic masks, body lotions, body oils, body gel for cosmetic purposes, body and facial scrubs, shaving substances and substances for after-shave care, after-shave lotions, non-medical bath preparations, bath crystals, shower foam, shower gels, massage oils, nail polish, nail care products, sunscreen preparations, sunblocker, shoe polish. Klasse 8 Hand-operated tools; cutlery, forks and spoons; razors; cutlery, table cutlery, runcible spoons, serving cutlery, knives, silver plate. Klasse 9 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signaling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling of electricity, apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; and mechanisms for coin operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; extinguishers; spectacles; parts for eyeglasses, spectacle frames; spectacle temples, spectacle glasses, optical glasses, sunglasses, goggles for sport, goggles, accessories for spectacles, spectacle cases, custom made cases, leather cases and bags for data processing equipment, especially for mobile phones, notebooks / laptops, Int.reg.nr: 1159863 Int.reg.dato: 2013.02.27 Registreringen 2023.02.27 utløper: Etterfølgende 2014.06.27 utpekning dato: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501849 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of two stylized words, i.e. GREEN in green color and COLA in black color; the word GREEN also includes a twig with three leaves on the letter G and a twig with one leaf on the letter N. (730) Innehaver: GREEN COLA LTD, Strati Myrivili 5, Strovolos, CY2046 NICOSIA, Kypros (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 32 Carbonated and non carbonated beverages, non alcoholic drinks. (450) Int.reg.nr: Int.reg.dato: Registreringen utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: Notifikasjonsdato: Søknadsprioritet: kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: SHANGHAI SHIMU GLOVE CO., LTD., No.2 Workshop, No.358 Shiqiao Village, Qingcun Town, Fengxian District, CN-201414 SHANGHAI, Kina (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Protection devices for personal use against accidents; clothing for protection against accidents, irradiation and fire; asbestos gloves for protection against accidents; protective helmets; gloves for protection against accidents; gloves for divers; gloves for protection against X-rays for industrial purposes; protective masks; life saving, apparatus and equipment; protective suits for aviators. (450) 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.27 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 27 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer smart phones, binoculars. Klasse 14 Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes; jewellery, precious stones; chronometric and horological instruments, watches, fashion jewellery, watch bands. Klasse 18 Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery; bags, handbags; travelling bags; school bags; satchels; rucksacks; vanity cases, purses, wallets, briefcases, key cases, cosmetic cases, card cases, leather cases, leather cases with slide locks, hip bags, bum bags, briefcases (leather goods), travelling sets (leather goods), small leather goods, leather accessories not included in other classes. Klasse 20 Furniture, mirrors, picture frames, goods, not included in other classes, of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, amber, pearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics; frames, cushions, decoration cushions, pillows, seat cushions, clothes hangers, magazine rack, clothes racks (furniture), baskets (not of metal), furnishings made of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, pearl, meerschaum and substitutes, or of plastics; curtain holders, not of textile material, bottle closures not of metal; blinds. Klasse 21 Household or kitchen utensils and containers; combs and sponges; brushes (except paint brushes); brushmaking materials; unworked or semi-worked glass (except glass used in building); glassware, porcelain and earthenware not included in other classes; pot covers, flower pots, flower-pot covers, tins, soap dishes and boxes, crockery, tableware, other than knives, forks and spoons, coffee and tea services, drinking vessels, coffee and teapots, glass, cups, cans, jugs, decanters, drinking bottle, cooking, roasting and baking ware, pots, pans, coasters, bottle cooler, wine cooler, champagne cooler, trays, bread baskets, egg cups, candlesticks, candle holders, soap dispensers, perfume sprayer and atomizers, vases, bottle openers, corkscrews, ice pails, salt cellars, pepper pots, pepper mills, napkin rings, napkin holders, knife rests, tea warmer candle holders, pot cloth, pot gloves, under plates, table plates, dishes, salad bowls, storage boxes/cases, oil vinegar cruets, cooking spoons, basting spoons, for kitchen use, mixing spoons, champagne buckets. Klasse 24 Textiles and textile goods not included in other classes, bed and table covers, bad linen, bed sheets, fitted sheets, duvet covers, mattress covers, bed sheets, goods of terry towelling, towels, bath linen, bath towels, beach towels, washcloths, blankets, bedspreads, table linen, table cloths, cloth napkins, table mats, table runners, place mats, linen (household), cushion covers, decorative cushion covers, pillow covers, seat covers, slipcovers, bedspreads, curtains, drapes, fabrics, textile handkerchiefs, hangings (wall) of textile, quilt bedding mats, tablecloths on the roll, kitchen textiles, dish towels, shower curtains made of textile material or plastic foil, curtain holders of textile materials, towel blankets. Klasse 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear, outerwear for men, women and children, pants, jeans, coats, dresses, skirts, suits, ties, bathing robe, nightwear, aprons for cooking, underclothes, ladies' underwear, undergarments, corsetry, hosiery, socks, belts, suspenders, scarves, hats, shawls, gloves, leg warmers, headbands, swimwear, clothing for children and babies, leisure and city shoes for gentlemen and ladies, children shoes, clothing, footwear and headgear for sports especially jogging, fitness training, gymnastics, yoga, golf, tennis, squash, badminton, water sports, sailing, windsurfing, canoeing, rowing, downhill skiing, cross country skiing, snowboarding, soccer, basketball, handball, volleyball, baseball, in-line 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 skating, skateboarding, roller skating, hockey, ice hockey, ice skating, football, cycling, equestrian sports, jersey clothing, hiking, trekking, climbing and outdoor clothing, hiking, trekking, climbing and outdoor footwear. Klasse 27 Carpets, rugs, mats and matting, linoleum and other materials for covering existing floors; wall hangings (non textile), bath mats. Klasse 35 Retail services, wholesale services, online services or catalogue mail order services in each of the areas of: apparel, garments, fashion accessories, belts, footwear, headgear, cosmetics, personal care, beauty care products, perfumery, essential oils, spectacles, parts for eyeglasses, spectacle frames, sunglasses, accessories for spectacles and sunglasses, eyeglass cases, leather and imitations of leather and articles thereof, bags, handbags, suitcases, luggage, backpacks, umbrellas, parasols, purses, wallets, key cases, cosmetic cases, leather cases, chronometric and horological instruments, watches, watchstraps, jewellery, fashion jewellery, furniture products and decorative products, furniture, mirrors, frames, picture frames, cushions, decorative cushions, pillows, curtain holders, bottle caps, textiles and textile goods, blankets, sheets, fitted sheets, terry linen, towels, bedspreads, quilts (duvets), table linen, tablecloths, placemats, table runners, table cloth on the roll, cloth napkins, kitchen textiles, dish towels, home textiles, shower curtains of textile or plastic foil, curtain holders of textile materials, cutlery, runcible spoons, table cutlery, forks, spoons, knives, silver plate, kitchen and household goods, combs, sponges, brushes (except paint brushes), glassware, porcelain, stoneware, tableware, carpets, rugs, mats, bath mats, rugs, flooring, wallpaper. (450) (111) (151) (180) (891) (210) (220) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.21 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1183742 Int.reg.dato: 2013.09.05 Registreringen 2023.09.05 utløper: Etterfølgende 2015.01.22 utpekning dato: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501850 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Gjengivelse av merket: RAYLEX (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: OYSTERSHELL NV, Booiebos 24, BE-9031 DRONGEN, Belgia (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 3 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices; cosmetic nail care products. Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic food and substances adapted for medical or veterinary use; food for babies; dietary supplements for humans and animals; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides; nail care products for medical use, including preparations for discouraging biting of nails and sucking of thumbs. Klasse 10 Medical apparatus for discouraging biting of nails and sucking of thumbs. 28 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (450) (111) (151) (180) (891) (210) (220) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.24 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 economics, as well as management, marketing, administration, non-scientific research and human resources, intended to improve the performance of public or private corporations; downloadable software in the form of software and micro-software for computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones. Klasse 16 Teaching and instruction manuals; books; printed publications; educational, instructional or teaching materials (except apparatus). Klasse 35 Business organization and management consultancy intended to improve the performance of public or private corporations; business information; business investigations; business management assistance intended to improve the performance of public or private corporations; commercial or industrial company management assistance for improving the performance of such businesses; compilation of economic and business data into a central database on behalf of public or private corporations; compilation of economic and business statistics; economic forecasting; efficiency experts; market research; market study; consultancy pertaining to personnel issues. Klasse 41 Arranging and conducting of seminars, workshops, conferences and theoretical and practical courses on economics and business, as well as management, marketing, administration, non-scientific research and human resources, intended to improve the performance of public and private corporations; provision of nondownloadable online publications on economics and business, as well as management, marketing, administration, non-scientific research and human resources, intended to improve the performance of public or private corporations; provision of seminars, lectures, educational and training programs through Internet courses. Klasse 42 Development, design and updating of software and micro-software. Int.reg.nr: 1203266 Int.reg.dato: 2013.12.26 Registreringen 2023.12.26 utløper: 2014.10.30 Etterfølgende utpekning dato: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501851 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Kaaz Corp, 387-1 Gomyo, Saidaiji, Higashi-Ku, Okayama-shi, JP-704-8588 OKAYAMA, Japan (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 7 Construction machines and apparatus; lumbering machines and apparatus; agricultural machines; agricultural implements other than hand-operated; pneumatic or hydraulic machines and instruments; lawnmowers. (450) (111) (151) (180) (891) (210) (220) (540) 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.24 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1205552 Int.reg.dato: 2014.02.04 Registreringen 2024.02.04 utløper: Etterfølgende 2015.01.22 utpekning dato: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501852 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Gjengivelse av merket: (450) (111) (151) (180) (891) (210) (220) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.24 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1207013 Int.reg.dato: 2013.07.30 Registreringen 2023.07.30 utløper: Etterfølgende 2014.07.25 utpekning dato: Nasj. ref.nr: 201413174 Notifikasjonsdato: 2014.11.13 Gjengivelse av merket: ERREA' REPUBLIC (546) Merket er et (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Errea' Sport SpA, Via G. di Vittorio 2/1, Frazione San Polo, IT-43056 TORRILE (PR), Italia (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 14 Clocks and watches; chronometers; chronographs; alarm clocks; jewellery and artificial jewellery; metal key holders, non metal key holders. Klasse 16 Adhesives [glues] for stationery purposes; stickers (stationery); ball-point pens; fountain pens; pen cases; calendars; rubber erasers; diaries; writing or drawing books; paint brushes; pencils; tickets and greeting cards; coasters; paper handkerchiefs; paper table covers; paper; cardboard; stationery; bookbinding material; rulers (stationery); albums; catalogues; posters; brochures; flyers; photographs (printed); printed matter. Klasse 18 Bags; multipurpose sports bags; handbags; bags of leather and imitations of leather; small bags; canvas bags; sport bags, namely bags for carrying balls; camping, beach, travelling bags; bum bags; cosmetic bags sold empty; school rucksacks; trunks; valises; kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: IMD - International Institute for Management Development, Chemin de Bellerive 23, CH-1007 LAUSANNE, Sveits (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Downloadable electronic publications, including downloadable digital audio and video files, in the fields of economics and business, as well as management, marketing, administration, non-scientific research and human resources, intended to improve the performance of public or private corporations; pre-recorded magnetic or optical data media, especially compact disks, readonly memory compact disks (CD-ROMs), pre-recorded optical disks and digital versatile disks (DVDs), all featuring information in the fields of business and 29 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer rucksacks; umbrellas; walking sticks; parasols; leatherware; briefcases; leather and imitations of leather; satchels; business cards cases; purses, not of precious metal; notecases; sports bags; football bags; wetsuit bags. Klasse 25 Sports clothing and leisurewear for men, women and children, including sports jerseys; undershirts; t-shirts; polo-shirts; tank-tops; sweatshirts; sweatsuits; sweat jackets; pullovers; polo-neck jerseys; shirts; skirts; trousers; shorts; bermuda shorts; muscle shorts; jackets; coats; jeans; jeanswear; ties; suits; combinations (clothing); full tracksuits for sports teams; training suits; sports costumes, including costumes for football, five-a-side football, volleyball, rugby and basketball; clothing for football, five-a-side football, volleyball, rugby, basketball, tennis, cycling, golf, baseball, spinning, running and exercise in general, not included in other classes; ski suits; belts (clothing); sport belts (clothings); footwear; shoes; shoes for sports, including shoes for football, five-a-side football, volleyball, rugby, basketball, tennis, cycling, golf, baseball, spinning, running, gymnastics and exercise in general, not included in other classes; ski boots; swim shoes; slippers; headgear, including caps and hats; ear muffs; head sweatbands; hats and berets for sport in general; bandanas; gloves (clothing); mufflers; wristbands; stockings; socks; sweat-absorbent stockings; slippers; panty hose; underwear, including underpants, brassieres, singlets, panties, boxer shorts, g-strings (thongs); pajamas; underwear, in particular for playing sport, namely leg warmers, bermuda shorts, elasticated t-shirts; nightwear; beachwear and bathing wear, including bathing suits, bathing trunks; bathrobes; rainwear. Klasse 26 Ribbons, braid, laces for shoes, buttons, hooks, eyelets, pins and needles. Klasse 35 Wholesaling and retailing of horological instruments and jewellery, stationery, luggage, clothing, sporting articles; wholesale and retail sale services of the aforesaid goods provided via the Internet. medical and dental procedures. Klasse 21 Dental sonic energy delivery systems for oral hygiene personal use comprising hand-held applicators for delivery of flowable and cleaning materials, pumps, and tubing. Klasse 44 Dental and oral hygiene procedures. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.22 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1208218 Int.reg.dato: 2014.05.20 Registreringen 2024.05.20 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201407860 Notifikasjonsdato: 2014.07.10 Gjengivelse av merket: COMBILUME (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Fagerhults Belysning AB, SE-56680 HABO, Sverige (740) Fullmektig: Curo AS, Industriveien 53, 7080 HEIMDAL, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 11 Apparatus for lighting. (450) (111) (151) (180) (891) (450) 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.27 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (210) (220) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1207404 Int.reg.dato: 2014.04.16 Registreringen 2024.04.16 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201407564 Notifikasjonsdato: 2014.07.03 Søknadsprioritet: 2013.10.17, US, 86094676 Gjengivelse av merket: Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.22 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1215602 Int.reg.dato: 2014.02.05 Registreringen 2024.02.05 utløper: Etterfølgende 2014.10.28 utpekning dato: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501854 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: SkinnyMe Tea International Limited, FT, Eastern Plaza 189, 111 Chai Wan Rd, CN- CHAI WAN, HONG KONG ISLAND, Kina (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, foods and drink; tea for medicinal purposes; aromatic teas (for medicinal use); artificial tea (for medicinal use); asthmatic tea; fruit-flavoured tea for medicinal use; fruit tea for medicinal use and purposes; herbal tea for medicinal use and purposes; medicinal tea for slimming purposes. Klasse 30 Coffee, tea, cocoa and artificial coffee; tapioca and sago; confectionery; flour and preparations made from cereal; ices; sugar, honey, treacle; sauces (condiments); spices; aromatic teas (other than for medicinal use); artificial tea (other than for medicinal use); beverages made with tea; beverages with tea base; chai tea; fruit and fruit-flavoured tea (other than for medicinal purposes); herb tea and herb tea-based beverages not for medicinal purposes; iced tea; nonmedicated tea extracts; non-medicated tea bags. GENTLEWAVE (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Sonendo Inc, 26061 Merit Circle, Suite 102, USCA92653 LAGUNA HILLS, USA (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Materials for dental fillings and for sealing purposes; Materials for repairing and treating teeth; Materials for cleaning teeth, gums, and mouth; fixing materials for dental purposes; synthetic materials for dental fillings and sealing purposes; magnetic materials for dental fillings. Klasse 10 Dental instruments; medical and dental sonic energy delivery systems; hand-held applicators for delivery of flowable materials, spacer caps, sealing caps, tooth caps, sizers for gauging depth, monitors, and consoles, all for use in medical and dental procedures; kits comprising hand-held applicators for the delivery of flowable materials, spacer caps, sealing caps, tooth caps, and sizers for gauging depth, all for use in 30 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (450) (111) (151) (180) (891) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.24 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: Int.reg.dato: Registreringen utløper: Etterfølgende utpekning dato: Nasj. ref.nr: Notifikasjonsdato: Søknadsprioritet: (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) 1220314 2014.07.22 2024.07.22 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Int.reg.nr: 1220956 Int.reg.dato: 2014.04.02 Registreringen 2024.04.02 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201412458 Notifikasjonsdato: 2014.10.30 Gjengivelse av merket: 2014.11.14 201500455 2015.01.08 2014.07.14, AT, AM 51649/2014 Gjengivelse av merket: VEGIPAN (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: backaldrin Österrreich The Kornspitz Company GmbH, Jochen-Rindt-Strasse 15, AT-1230 WIEN, Østerrike (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 30 Flour and preparations made from cereals; flourmilling products; bread, including oven-ready bread; pastry, including oven-ready pastry; confectionery, including oven-ready confectionery; sweets, not included in other classes, including oven-ready sweets; baking powder, baking mixes, bread mixes, mixes of spices; dough pieces, also frozen, for making bread, pastries, confectionery and sweets. Klasse 41 Editing and publishing recipes. (450) (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The applied mark is a combined mark which includes word elements and pictorial elements; the word part is represented by the word CKA, which is a part of the name of the applicant, written by capital Cyrillic letters of original type, in red colour with white and blue border; the pictorial part is represented by an image of the star executed by red colour with white and blue border; the pictorial element is placed under the word element. (561) Translitterasjon (uttale) av merket eller ord i merket: SKA (566) Oversettelse av merket eller ord i merket: SKA (730) Innehaver: SKA Ice Hockey Club JSC, Pg-kt Dobrolubova, 16, korp. 2, lit. A, RU-197198 ST. PETERSBURG, Russland (740) Fullmektig: Håmsø Patentbyrå ANS, Postboks 171, 4302 SANDNES, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 14 Bracelets [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]; watch straps; trinkets [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]; key rings [trinkets or fobs]; tie clips; cufflinks; badges of precious metal; works of art of precious metal; cups and vases of precious metal [jewellery works of art]; medals and medallions of precious metal; ornaments [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]; watches. Klasse 16 Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, namely, paper boxes, paper bags, cardboard boxes, and covers for documents made of paper or cardboard; paper or plastic goods for packaging; plastic goods, not included in other classes; office stationery; plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printed matter; stationery; printing goods; season tickets; fountain pens; pens with clips; albums; posters; table linen of paper; tickets; note books; booklets; notepaper; wrapping paper; newsletters; insertions for car number plates made of cardboard; signboards of paper or cardboard; pennants made of paper; newspapers; magazines [periodicals]; money clips; bookmarkers; printed publications; calendars; pencils; pictures; cards; prints in the nature of the players photographs; books; envelopes [stationery]; teaching materials [except apparatus]; covers [stationery]; air fresheners made of cardboard; greeting cards; postcards; paper bags; bags of paper for packaging; bags of plastic for packaging; periodicals; mats for cups and glasses; stands for pens and pencils; Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.21 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 31 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer photograph stands; printed timetables; writing or drawing books; manuals [handbooks]; flags of paper; photographs [printed]; photo cards; spiegels for packaging made of cardboard. Klasse 18 Pocket wallets; business card cases; umbrellas; briefcases; leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials, namely handbags for documents, purses, bags for holding money, shoulder belts, trunks [luggage], trunks, travelling bags, cases, suitcases, handbags, wallets, pouches, rucksacks, haversacks, holdalls, garment carriers, satchels, shoe bags, covers for documents made of leather and imitations of leather;; schoolchildren's backpacks; bags; beach bags; bags for sports; bags for campers; school bags; key cases. Klasse 20 Signboards of wood or plastics; display boards; pillows; cushions for car compartments; cushions; inflatable publicity objects; holders for registration number plates, not of metal; photograph frames, not of metal; photograph frames made of paper and cardboard. Klasse 21 Glassware, not included in other classes; household or kitchen utensils and containers; gift bottles; goblets; beer goblets; money boxes, not of metal; mugs; beer mugs; tankards; cups and vases, not of precious metal; bottle openers; shot glasses; drinking glasses; cups of paper or plastic; tea cups; flasks. Klasse 24 Textile goods, not included in other classes; banners; bed linen; pennants, not of paper; travelling rugs [lap robes]; bed covers; towels; flags, not of paper; labels of cloth; sewed-in labels. Klasse 25 Clothing; footwear; headgear; bandanas [neckerchiefs]; baseball caps; neckties; sweaters; sports jerseys; caps; sports suits; sports shoes; clothing for ice hockey; sportswear; shirts; polo shirts; ice hockey sweaters; slippers; heavy coats; tee-shirts; dressing gowns; winter knitted caps; scarves. Klasse 26 Badges for wear, not of precious metal; ornamental novelty badges [buttons]; decorative badges, not of precious metal; ribbons [haberdashery]; competitors' numbers. Klasse 28 Games and playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes; decorations for Christmas trees; board games; ice hockey board games; toys "ice hockey player"; toys "goalkeeper"; hockey sticks; ice skates; scale model vehicles; scale model buses of ice hockey club; scale model ice resurfacer machine; special covers for ice hockey equipment; pucks; souvenir pucks; parts of ice hockey sports apparel, including knee guards, elbow guards, masks, protective paddings, helmets [sports articles]. Klasse 35 Advertising agencies; rental of advertising space; computerized file management; demonstration of goods; updating of advertising materials; sales promotion for others, including retail and wholesale services, in particular, via stores and online via Internet; publication of publicity texts; bill-posting; dissemination of advertising matter; advertising; advertising in sports facilities, halls, stadiums, fields and arenas; on-line advertising on a computer network; advertising on ice; television advertising; advertising of ice hockey; compilation of statistics in the sphere of ice hockey; retail and wholesale services for souvenir goods bearing symbolics of ice hockey club. Klasse 41 Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; rental of ice hockey playgrounds; booking of seats for games; physical education; publication of books; publication of methodical, reference, informational and other printed materials; publication of printed materials on ice hockey issues; education information; recreation information; entertainment information; health club services [health and fitness training]; club services [entertainment or education]; sports club services; videotape editing; production of radio and television programs; game services provided on-line from a computer network; providing online electronic publications, not downloadable; education and training of sportsmen; ice hockey practical training [demonstration]; providing 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 recreation facilities; arranging and conducting of exhibitions for entertainment purposes; arranging and conducting of contests and quizzes; arranging and conducting of sports competitions, matches, tournaments and championships; arranging and conducting of training camps; arranging and conducting of educational and entertaining competitions; arranging and making of time tables of sports competitions; operating lotteries; organization of educational contests; television entertainment; providing sports equipment; timing of sports events; rental of videotapes; rental of motion pictures; rental of sports equipment, except vehicles; publication of electronic books and journals on-line; publication of texts, other than publicity texts; radio entertainment; making programs on sports reserve training; news reporters services; sports camp services (traineeship); ticket agency services; trainer services; photography; photographic reporting; production of shows. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.21 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1220957 Int.reg.dato: 2014.04.02 Registreringen 2024.04.02 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201412459 Notifikasjonsdato: 2014.10.30 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The applied mark is a combined mark which includes word elements and pictorial elements; the word part is represented by the word SKA which is a part of the name of the applicant, written by capital Latin letters of original type, in red colour with white and blue border; the pictorial part is represented by an image of the star executed by red colour with white and blue border; the pictorial element is placed under the word element. (730) Innehaver: SKA Ice Hockey Club JSC, pr-kt Dobrolubova, 16, korp. 2, lit. A, RU-197198 ST. PETERSBURG, Russland (740) Fullmektig: Håmsø Patentbyrå ANS, Postboks 171, 4302 SANDNES, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 14 Bracelets [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]; watch straps; trinkets [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]; key rings [trinkets or fobs]; tie clips; cufflinks; badges of precious metal; works of art of precious metal; cups and vases of precious metal [jewellery works of art]; medals and medallions of precious metal; ornaments [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]; watches. Klasse 16 Paper, cardboard and goods made from these 32 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer materials, namely, paper boxes, paper bags, cardboard boxes, and covers for documents made of paper or cardboard; paper or plastic goods for packaging; plastic goods, not included in other classes; office stationery; plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printed matter; stationery; printing goods; season tickets; fountain pens; pens with clips; albums; posters; table linen of paper; tickets; note books; booklets; notepaper; wrapping paper; newsletters; insertions for car number plates made of cardboard; signboards of paper or cardboard; pennants made of paper; newspapers; magazines [periodicals]; money clips; bookmarkers; printed publications; calendars; pencils; pictures; cards; prints in the nature of the players photographs; books; envelopes [stationery]; teaching materials [except apparatus]; covers [stationery]; air fresheners made of cardboard; greeting cards; postcards; paper bags; bags of paper for packaging; bags of plastic for packaging; periodicals; mats for cups and glasses; stands for pens and pencils; photograph stands; printed timetables; writing or drawing books; manuals [handbooks]; flags of paper; photographs [printed]; photo cards; spiegels for packaging made of cardboard. Klasse 18 Pocket wallets; business card cases; umbrellas; briefcases; leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials, namely, handbags for documents, purses, bags for holding money, shoulder belts, trunks [luggage], trunks, travelling bags, cases, suitcases, handbags, wallets, pouches, rucksacks, haversacks, holdalls, garment carriers, satchels, shoe bags, covers for documents made of leather and imitations of leather; schoolchildren's backpacks; bags; beach bags; bags for sports; bags for campers; school bags; key cases. Klasse 20 Signboards of wood or plastics; display boards; pillows; cushions for car compartments; cushions; inflatable publicity objects; holders for registration number plates, not of metal; photograph frames, not of metal; photograph frames made of paper and cardboard. Klasse 21 Glassware, not included in other classes; household or kitchen utensils and containers; gift bottles; goblets; beer goblets; money boxes, not of metal; mugs; beer mugs; tankards; cups and vases, not of precious metal; bottle openers; shot glasses; drinking glasses; cups of paper or plastic; tea cups; flasks. Klasse 24 Textile goods, not included in other classes; banners; bed linen; pennants, not of paper; travelling rugs [lap robes]; bed covers; towels, not of paper; flags, not of paper; labels of cloth; sewed-in labels. Klasse 25 Clothing; footwear; headgear; bandanas [neckerchiefs]; baseball caps; neckties; sweaters; sports jerseys; caps; sports suits; sports shoes; clothing for ice hockey; sportswear; shirts; polo shirts; ice hockey sweaters; slippers; heavy coats; tee-shirts; dressing gowns; winter knitted caps; scarves. Klasse 26 Badges for wear, not of precious metal; ornamental novelty badges [buttons]; decorative badges, not of precious metal; ribbons [haberdashery]; competitors' numbers. Klasse 28 Games and playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes; decorations for Christmas trees; board games; ice hockey board games; toys "ice hockey player"; toys "goalkeeper"; hockey sticks; ice skates; scale model vehicles; scale model buses of ice hockey club; scale model ice resurfacer machine; special covers for ice hockey equipment; pucks; souvenir pucks; parts of ice hockey sports apparel, including knee guards, elbow guards, masks, protective paddings, helmets [sports articles]; players' cards. Klasse 35 Advertising agencies; rental of advertising space; computerized file management; demonstration of goods; updating of advertising materials; sales promotion for others, including retail and wholesale services, in particular, via stores and online via Internet; publication of publicity texts; bill-posting; dissemination of advertising matter; advertising; advertising in sports 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 facilities, halls, stadiums, fields and arenas; on-line advertising on a computer network; advertising on ice; television advertising; advertising of ice hockey; compilation of statistics in the sphere of ice hockey; retail and wholesale services for souvenir goods bearing symbolics of ice hockey club. Klasse 41 Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; rental of ice hockey playgrounds; booking of seats for games; physical education; publication of books; publication of methodical, reference, informational and other printed materials; publication of printed materials on ice hockey issues; education information; recreation information; entertainment information; health club services [health and fitness training]; club services [entertainment or education]; sports club services; videotape editing; production of radio and television programs; game services provided on-line from a computer network; providing online electronic publications, not downloadable; education and training of sportsmen; ice hockey practical training [demonstration]; providing recreation facilities; arranging and conducting of exhibitions for entertainment purposes; arranging and conducting of contests and quizzes; arranging and conducting of sports competitions, matches, tournaments and championships; arranging and conducting of training camps; arranging and conducting of educational and entertaining competitions; arranging and making of time tables of sports competitions; operating lotteries; organization of educational contests; television entertainment; providing sports equipment; timing of sports events; rental of videotapes; rental of motion pictures; rental of sports equipment, except vehicles; publication of electronic books and journals on-line; publication of texts, other than publicity texts; radio entertainment; making programs on sports reserve training; news reporters services; sports camp services (traineeship); ticket agency services; trainer services; photography; photographic reporting; production of shows. (450) (111) (151) (180) (891) (210) (220) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.21 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1221212 Int.reg.dato: 2014.06.23 Registreringen 2024.06.23 utløper: Etterfølgende 2014.12.03 utpekning dato: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501857 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Gjengivelse av merket: SelectaDNA (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Selectamark Security Systems plc., 1 Locks Court, 429 Crofton Road, GB-BR68NL LOCKSBOTTOM, KENT, Storbritannia (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 1 Chemical preparations for use in analysis and for use in technology; adhesives; chemical preparations for security purposes; chemical solutions containing ultraviolet trace elements; chemical etchants; chemical etchants for security marking of articles or property identification; chemicals for spraying purposes; chemicals, nucleic acid, acids, polymer solutions, chemical preparations for use in marking property for security purposes. (450) 33 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.27 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) (891) (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1221743 Int.reg.dato: 2014.08.22 Registreringen 2024.08.22 utløper: Etterfølgende 2014.10.29 utpekning dato: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501858 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.04.30, FR, 144087874 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et transmission of data, in the nature of micro-processors and semi-conducting memory units; computer programs for managing, monitoring, tracking, enacting or facilitating electronic payments and transfers of financial instruments, real property, stocks and shares; computer programs for managing, monitoring, tracking, enacting or facilitating multi-institution, regional, national or international clearing and settlement of payments, checks, wires, teletypewriter, and physical or electronic exchanges, namely, clearing house and continuous linked settlement functions; computer programs for foreign exchange transactions, namely inter-institution clearing and settlement and continuous linked settlement; computer programs for selection of, managing, monitoring and controlling access to, security of, routing through, and traffic over, communications networks for voice, data or signalling; computer programs for tracking and monitoring financial transactions for regulatory compliance namely, anti-money laundering and foreign asset control; computer programs for integration of telephony apparatus, network service information, data communications networks, databases, and human interaction for use in call centers, customer relationship management, direct marketing and customer support operations; computer programs for accumulation of historic transaction data, integration with demographic databases, and collation with third party data for online analysis, trending, market or business modelling and reporting for business and operations; computer programs for use as a data collection, organization and display tool in the fields of asset and personnel management; computer programs for optimized work scheduling and tracking computer programs for enterprise resource management, tracking and control; computer programs for supply chain management, tracking and control; computer programs for quality assurance and control; computer programs for business process operational management and control, and enterprise wide data collation, trending and reporting, for translation or transliteration of data between human languages, between systems languages, and between database technologies; computer programs for estimating, managing, monitoring and controlling risk in business or commercial transactions or operations, financial transactions, calculation and management of derivatives, and insurance, assurance and actuarial operations; computer programs for use in and to enable electronic commerce, mobile electronic commerce, financial transactions and payments through ecommerce and mobile e-commerce, online auctions and online arbitrage of goods, services, real property, commercial paper, stocks, shares and bonds; computer programs for management, control, monitoring, reporting, tracking, pricing, reconciling, positioning and resolving any trading in stocks, shares, bonds and commodities such as in a stock exchange, brokerage, commodities mart, whether real or virtual/electronic; computer programs for preparation of reports in different medias, namely, text, graphics, aural and brail; computer programs for creating and presenting computer simulations and real time demonstrations and presentations of business and financial processes and activities, for use in education, training, teaching and research; computer programs for monitoring and controlling physical security of and access to, any facility, person, entity, thing or creature; computer programs for military, civilian and business use for planning, handling and implementation of personnel, materials and facilities computer programs for navigation, location determination, and use of location information in applications, services or business processes; computer programs for use in and to enable data retrieval; computer software for application and database integration; microprocessors; semi-conductor memory chips for computers; blank magnetic computer tapes, blank discs for computers; blank audio cassette tapes; printers, software for printer computer kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: ALAIN AFFLELOU FRANCHISEUR, 11 rue d'Argenson, FR-75008 PARIS, Frankrike (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Optical apparatus; optical goods; spectacles; spectacle lenses, correcting lenses, optical lenses, spectacle cases, containers for contact lenses, spectacle frames. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.25 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1222114 Int.reg.dato: 2014.04.02 Registreringen 2024.04.02 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201413028 Notifikasjonsdato: 2014.11.13 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Fortissimo Holding B.V., Merweplein 5-13, NL-3432GN NIEUWEGEIN, Nederland (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Computer software for data security, encryption, secure backups and secure digital content distribution; computer programs for internet messaging; computer programs for marketing and promotional purposes; computer programs for data analysis and behaviour profiling; computer programs for message encryption; computer programs for message analysis and filtration; electrical and optical data processing equipment, namely optical scanners and fiber optic communication links; apparatus and instruments for the retrieval, storage, input, output, processing, display and 34 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer integration; video monitors; computer peripherals, namely keyboards, mainframe and interface cards for data processing equipment in the form of printed circuits. Klasse 35 Business consultations in the field of computers, computer hardware, computer software and computer systems, telephony and data communications and networking; providing business advice relating to the selection and use of computers, computer hardware, computer software, computer systems, communications networks for telephony or data transfer; data processing services; business data analysis; payroll preparation services; human resource management; personnel consultancy services; business process re-engineering; consultancy on mergers and acquisitions relating to technology companies; providing business advice on the use of advanced computer and communications technologies and their integration with current or future computer and communications systems; provision of temporary staffing, staff augmentation and human capital management outsourcing; business process consulting related to software applications; outsourcing services related to software applications; business process outsourcing; outsourcing services concerning business management and administration, customer administration services and accounting and settlement services; outsourcing services relating to computers and computer network systems; outsourcing in the field of management of computer software applications; market research and behavioural analysis services; advertising, marketing and promotional services; customer relationship management services; consultancy services in relation to all the aforesaid. Klasse 38 Telecommunications services; cable, satellite, television, radio and internet broadcasting services; provision of access to the internet; communication services by means of radio waves, telephone, mobile radio, the internet, the worldwide web, facsimile, electronic mail; electronic message collection and transmission services; computer aided transmission, broadcast and reception of sound, data or images; paging services (radio, telephone or other means of electronic communication); internet and intranet communication and provision of access services; operation of earth-to-satellite television transmitters for transmission of signals to satellite; provision of communication facilities via telephones, computer terminals, fibre optic networks, wire; communication and transmission of multi-media information in the form of text, audio, video or animation and interactive services for facilitating the viewing of text, audio, video or animation; providing access to mobile telephone ring tones via a wireless network; mobile telephone communication services including text and voice messages, and providing access to downloadable videos, games, ring tones, data files, programs (logos, screen savers, icons) and music; videotext services, viewdata services; screen based text transmission services; providing access to digital music of all styles, types and genres and spoken audio material of all styles, types and genres via websites on the internet or any other communications network; transmission of digital music of all styles, types and genres and spoken audio material of all styles, types and genres by communications; provision of communication access services; computer-aided transmission of messages, images and sounds; transmission of information relating to music, podcasts, providing access to really simple syndication (rss) feeds; digital audio broadcasts; providing access to online web logs [blogs], online forums, chat rooms and electronic bulletin board services [telecommunications]; providing access to an internet discussion website; transmission of radio and television programmes; transmission of information relating to online shopping services; interactive services for facilitating the recordal of programmes automatically initiated on the basis of customer viewing habits/preferences chat room services for social 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 networking; delivery of audio, video, and multimedia content by means of global computer and communication networks; providing multiple-user access to a global computer information network; providing online forums, providing access to a blog chat room, bulletin board or discussion services for transmission of messages among users in the fields of social, educational, political, cultural, and general interest; consultancy services in relation to all the aforesaid. Klasse 42 Data encryption services; scientific, technical and security research; provision of services relating to secure processing of information; design and maintenance of databases, software and documentation; data security services; data management on servers; database design and development; providing consultations and advice concerning computers, computer systems, computer programming and computer software and hardware; computer software design for others; technical consultation and research in the field of computers and available computer services; installation, maintenance and repair of computer software for electronic data processing apparatus and instruments, telecommunications apparatus and instruments, communications apparatus and instruments and satellite apparatus and instruments; leasing and renting computer hardware and software; providing an online non-downloadable search engine for the retrieval of data and business information; providing on-line access to data or digital content through electronic permission codes; technology consultation in the field of navigation technologies and global positioning technologies; providing consultation and advice concerning computer network compatibility and the presence and availability of users, devices, systems, applications and capabilities; software implementation services; software application management services, namely, designing, integrating, and maintaining of software applications for others; consultancy services in relation to all the aforesaid. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.27 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1222517 Int.reg.dato: 2014.06.30 Registreringen 2024.06.30 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201413099 Notifikasjonsdato: 2014.11.13 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.03.14, US, 86221888 Gjengivelse av merket: WIKIMEDIA (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Wikimedia Foundation Inc, 149 New Montgomery Street, 3rd Floor, US-CA94105 SAN FRANCISCO, USA (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 18 All-purpose carrying bags. Klasse 25 Clothing, namely, jackets, sweatshirts, t-shirts, and scarves. Klasse 35 Online retail store services featuring clothing, bags, and travel gear; computer file management. (450) 35 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.26 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: Int.reg.dato: Registreringen utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: Notifikasjonsdato: Søknadsprioritet: 1222926 2014.06.27 2024.06.27 (450) 201413386 2014.11.20 2014.04.16, IT, MI2014C 003957 Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The trademark consists of the wording "HOOLI" in special characters; laterally in relation to the wording there is a stylized head of a dog; beside the wording are the words "THE ORIGINAL" arranged vertically. (730) Innehaver: IMMOBILIARE M.V. S.R.L., Via Vincenzo Capelli, 6, IT20154 MILANO, Italia (740) Fullmektig: Plougmann & Vingtoft, Postboks 1003 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 3 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, degreasing and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices. Klasse 18 Leather and imitation leather; articles made of leather or imitation leather, namely leather and imitation leather bags, handbags, suitcases, backpacks, wallets, purses, folders, briefcases, men`s bags, trunks; animal skins; trunks and suitcases; umbrellas and parasols; walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery. Klasse 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.27 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1223830 Int.reg.dato: 2014.05.19 Registreringen 2024.05.19 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201413762 Notifikasjonsdato: 2014.11.27 Søknadsprioritet: 2013.11.18, EM, 012318937 Gjengivelse av merket: Tegometall inLine (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Tegometall International AG, Industriestrasse 7, CH8574 LENGWIL, Sveits (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 6 Supports, hollow columns, plates, perforated plates, containers, roofs, canopies, fastening lugs, holders and hooks for shelving systems, holding and fastening parts, connecting parts, fittings and mounting parts; mirror hangers; all the aforesaid goods made of metal. Klasse 20 Shelving and rack systems, in particular shop racks, wall racks, display racks, fruit and vegetable racks; display racks, display stands, cabinets for display purposes; sales gondolas; cupboards; showcases; counters; furniture; tables; attachments for counters; room dividers; shelving parts, including shelves, consoles, stands, shelf bars, frames, shelving troughs, shelf baldachins, rear panels, partitions, covering panels, compartments, screens, filling panels, shelving boards, shelf boxes, shelf rails, shelf coverings, shelf claddings, book rests, tool holders, drawers; all the aforesaid goods made of metal and/or plastic and/or wood; mirror hangers made of plastic and/or wood; shelving parts made of plastic and/or wood, namely supports, brackets, columns, panels, boxes, hollow columns, plates, perforated plates, containers, roofs, canopies, hoods, fastening lugs, holders and hooks for shelving systems, holding and fastening parts, connecting parts, fittings and mounting parts. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.27 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1223354 Int.reg.dato: 2014.05.02 Registreringen 2024.05.02 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201413470 Notifikasjonsdato: 2014.11.20 Søknadsprioritet: 2013.11.08, US, 86113655 Gjengivelse av merket: (450) BOOST (111) (151) (180) (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Sonos, Inc., 223 E. De La Guerra Street , US-CA93101 SANTA BARBARA , USA (740) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Audio speakers; wireless indoor and outdoor speakers; mid-range speakers; surround sound speakers; apparatus for use in connecting, controlling and operating audio speakers, loudspeakers, wireless indoor and outdoor speakers, mid-range speakers, surround sound speakers, audio amplifiers, audio receivers, tweeters, audio repeaters and sound bars; apparatus for use in connecting, controlling and operating stereos, wireless stereos, mp3 players, mp4 players, digital audio players, digital media players, digital music systems, surround sound systems, audio equipment and audio components. (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.26 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1226105 Int.reg.dato: 2014.01.10 Registreringen 2024.01.10 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201414295 Notifikasjonsdato: 2014.12.04 Søknadsprioritet: 2013.07.12, EM, 011980943 Gjengivelse av merket: Tegometall Group (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Tegometall International AG, Industriestrasse 7, CH8574 LENGWIL, Sveits (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 6 Modular shelters; vehicle shelters; shelter structures; kit parts and framework elements for shelters, in particular columns, rods, supports, crossbeams, hollow-core profiles, beams, girders, sheets and plates of metal, poles and bars; roofs; garage roofs; rafters; roof bars; roof elements; supports for solar panels; all 36 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer the aforesaid goods of metal or predominantly of metal. Klasse 19 Modular shelters; vehicle shelters; shelter structures; kit parts and framework elements for shelters, in particular girders, poles and bars; roofs; garage roofs; rafters for roofs; roof bars; roof elements; supports for solar panels, all of the aforesaid goods not of metal or predominantly not of metal. Klasse 20 Shelving and rack systems, in particular shop racks, wall racks, display racks, fruit and vegetable racks; furniture for displaying goods; sales gondolas; cupboards; showcases; counters; furniture; tables; attachments for counters; mirror hangers; room dividers; shelving parts, including shelves, consoles, stands, shelf bars, frames, shelving troughs, shelf baldachins, rear panels, partitions, covering panels, compartments, screens, filling panels, shelving boards, shelf boxes, shelf rails, shelf claddings, book rests, tool holders, drawers, supports, brackets, panels, columns, hollow columns, plates, perforated plates, boxes, containers, fastening lugs, holders and hooks for shelving systems, holding and fastening parts, connecting parts, fittings and mounting parts, roofs, canopies. (450) (111) (151) (180) (891) (210) (220) (540) predominantly of metal. Klasse 20 Shelving and rack systems, in particular shop racks, wall racks, display racks, fruit and vegetable racks; furniture display articles (furniture); sales gondolas; cupboards; showcases; counters; furniture; tables; attachments for counters; room dividers; shelving parts, including shelves, consoles, stands, shelf bars, frames, shelving troughs, shelf baldachins, rear panels, partitions, covering panels, compartments, screens, filling panels, shelving boards, shelf boxes, shelf rails, shelf claddings, book rests, tool holders, drawers, supports, brackets, panels, columns, hollow columns, plates, perforated plates, boxes, containers, fastening lugs, holders and hooks for shelving systems, holding and fastening parts, connecting parts, fittings and mounting parts, roofs, canopies and hoods; all the aforesaid goods made of plastic and/or wood and/or metal or predominantly of metal; mirror hangers (nonmetal). (450) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.27 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (111) (151) (180) Int.reg.nr: 1226502 Int.reg.dato: 2014.10.02 Registreringen 2024.10.02 utløper: Etterfølgende 2014.11.26 utpekning dato: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501860 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Gjengivelse av merket: (891) (210) (220) (540) (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1228133 Int.reg.dato: 2014.06.04 Registreringen 2024.06.04 utløper: Etterfølgende 2014.12.20 utpekning dato: Nasj. ref.nr: 201500456 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.01.08 Gjengivelse av merket: TRAEGER GRILLS self-portrait (111) (151) (180) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.26 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Traeger Pellet Grills, LLC, 9445 SW Ridder Rd, Suite 310, US-OR97070 WILSONVILLE, USA (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 4 Wood pellets for grilling, smoking and flavoring food. Klasse 11 Barbecue grills; grill accessories, namely, cooking racks; barbecue smokers. Klasse 21 Cooking utensils, namely, grill covers. Klasse 30 Barbecue sauce; grilling marinades; spices; barbecue dry rub; ham, fish, chicken and beef glazes; barbeque shakes. Klasse 35 Retail store services, including on-line retail store services, namely retail store services featuring barbecue grills and barbecue grill accessories, wood pellets for smoking, grilling, and flavoring food, grill covers, cooking utensils, cooking racks, thermostats for barbecue grills, meat thermometers, barbecue mitts, barbecue sauces, barbecue dry rubs, barbecue shake, barbecue marinades, spices, cookbooks, barbecue touch-up paint, barbecue service parts, batteries, apparel. (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Han Loon Chong, Flat 4, Victoria House, 121 Long Acre, GB-WC2E9PA LONDON, Storbritannia (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 25 Beach clothes; clothing, footwear, headgear. (450) 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.26 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1226633 Int.reg.dato: 2014.06.23 Registreringen 2024.06.23 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201414568 Notifikasjonsdato: 2014.12.11 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.01.28, EM, 012543054 Gjengivelse av merket: (450) TegoClassic (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Tegometall International AG, Industriestrasse 7, CH8574 LENGWIL, Sveits (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 6 Modular shelters; vehicle shelters; shelter structures; kit parts and framework elements for shelters, in particular columns, rods, supports, crossbeams, hollow core profiles, beams, girders, sheets and plates of metal, poles and bars; roofs; garage roofs; rafters; roof bars; roof elements; supports for solar panels; mirror hangers; all the aforesaid goods of metal or 37 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.21 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) (111) (151) (180) Int.reg.nr: 1231219 Int.reg.dato: 2014.08.12 Registreringen 2024.08.12 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201500361 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.01.08 Gjengivelse av merket: (210) (220) (540) ResearchGate (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1231584 Int.reg.dato: 2014.10.24 Registreringen 2024.10.24 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201500430 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.01.08 Gjengivelse av merket: EXCITE TOP (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: ResearchGate GmbH, Invalidenstr. 115, DE-10115 BERLIN, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 38 Providing access to Internet portals; chat room services for social networking; providing on-line forums; providing access to and leasing of access time to a computer database; internet based telecommunication services; broadcasting of programmes via the internet; transmission of advertising programmes and media advertising communications via digital communications networks. Klasse 41 Electronic publication services. Klasse 42 Designing, programming, development, maintenance and installation of software for online forums for discussion; hosting platforms on the Internet for social networking services; hosting on-line facilities for conducting interactive discussions; hosting of digital content on the internet; development, maintenance and updating of a telecommunication network search engine; providing search engines for the internet; computer software consulting; computer software design and development; computer software rental; application service provider [ASP] services, namely, hosting computer software applications of others. (450) 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: SHIMANO INC., 3-77 Oimatsu-cho, Sakai-ku, JP-5908577 SAKAI CITY, OSAKA, Japan (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 28 Fishing floats; fishing sinkers; landing nets for anglers; fishing lines; fishing reels; fishing rods; cases for fishing rods; fishing hooks; lures for fishing. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.21 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1231585 Int.reg.dato: 2014.11.10 Registreringen 2024.11.10 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201500431 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.01.08 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.05.16, SE, 201403509 Gjengivelse av merket: Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.21 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1231574 Int.reg.dato: 2014.10.27 Registreringen 2024.10.27 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201500428 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.01.08 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.04.28, EM, 012826509 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et (546) Merket er et (730) Innehaver: The Absolut Company AB, SE-11797 STOCKHOLM, Sverige (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 33 Alcoholic beverages (except beers). kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Allied Vision Technologies GmbH, Taschenweg 2a , DE-07646 STADTRODA, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Cameras and components thereof included in this class, camera cables, lenses, monitors, video printers, remote controls, software for the integration of cameras for electronic image capture and image processing, camera housings, camera filters, lighting devices for cameras. Klasse 42 Development of new products, for others. (450) kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (450) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.22 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 38 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.21 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1231641 Int.reg.dato: 2014.09.29 Registreringen 2024.09.29 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201500588 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.01.15 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.03.31, FR, 144080145 Gjengivelse av merket: 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 retail purposes; selection (promotion) of goods and services (for others); demonstration of products; organization of sales and service promotion activities to build customer loyalty; customer loyalty services and customer club services, for commercial, promotional and/or advertising purposes; advertising and sales promotion for others, including via telecommunications and/or computer networks; organization of exhibitions and events for commercial and/or promotional and/or advertising purposes; services for retail sale, wholesale and online sale of apparatus for optical, ophthalmic and/or facial measuring, software for measuring and displaying optical, ophthalmic, and/or facial parameters, software (recorded programs), pupillometers, corneal reflection pupillometers, frontofocometers, apparatus and instruments for carrying out reading and visual acuteness tests, parts and accessories for all the aforementioned products, namely, head rests, chin rests and nose rests, reading ladders, separators and removable covers for eyesight tests, power correcting lenses and color filters for eyesight tests, optical goods, spectacles (optics), sunglasses, goggles for sports, spectacle frames, ophthalmic lenses, spectacle lenses, including plastic lenses, mineral lenses, corrective lenses, progressive lenses, lenses for sunglasses, polarized lenses, filtering lenses, tinted lenses, colored lenses, light-sensitive lenses, photochromic lenses, treated lenses, coated lenses, anti-reflective lenses, semi-finished lenses, contact lenses, cases for spectacle lenses, cases for ophthalmic lenses, spectacle cases, cords and chains for spectacles, magnetic data carriers, sound recording discs, compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media. Klasse 36 Financing services, financial sponsorship, collection and distribution of funds for charitable purposes, charity management, organization of collections. Klasse 41 Educational, teaching and training services; organization and conducting of colloquiums, exhibitions, conferences, seminars, meetings and training workshops for cultural or educational purposes; provision of information relating to education; sporting and cultural activities; organization of competitions and games for socio-educational, professional and/or humanitarian purposes; organization of exhibitions for educational purposes; publication of educational, teaching and training books and pamphlets; entertainment; organization of competitions (education or entertainment); organization and conducting of award ceremonies, concerts, fashion shows, charity galas (entertainment); publishing and publication of texts (not advertisements); electronic publication of books and periodicals online; production of films and videos. ESSILOR (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Essilor International (Compagnie Generale d'Optique), 147, rue de Paris, FR-94220 CHARENTON LE PONT, Frankrike (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Optical, facial and/or ophthalmic measurement apparatus; software for measuring and displaying ophthalmic, optical and/or facial parameters; software (recorded programs); pupillometers; corneal reflection pupillometers; frontofocometers; apparatus and instruments for carrying out reading and visual faculty tests; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods, namely, head rests, chin rests and nose rests; reading ladders; separators and removable covers for eyesight testing; power correcting lenses and color filters for eyesight tests; optical goods; spectacles (optics); sunglasses; goggles for sports; spectacle frames; ophthalmic lenses; spectacle lenses, including organic (plastic) lenses, mineral lenses, corrective lenses, progressive lenses, sunglass lenses, polarized lenses, filtering lenses, tinted lenses, colored lenses, lightsensitive lenses, photochromic lenses, treated lenses, coated lenses, anti-reflective lenses, semi-finished lenses; contact lenses; cases for spectacle lenses; cases for ophthalmic lenses; spectacle cases; cords and chains for spectacles; magnetic recording media, sound recording discs, compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media; downloadable electronic publications; downloadable electronic information guides and documents; quality certificates for ophthalmic lenses, origin control certificates for ophthalmic lenses, analysis reports and certification documents in relation to the manufacture and processing of ophthalmic lenses, information booklets relating to certification, standardization and normalization concerning the manufacture and processing of ophthalmic lenses; all of the aforementioned products being in downloadable electronic form. Klasse 16 Printed publications, catalogs, leaflets, brochures, books, magazines, manuals, newspapers, business cards, calendars, albums, journals (magazines), manuals, booklets, prospectuses, printed guides, posters, signboards of paper or cardboard; bags, envelopes and pouches for packaging purposes, made of paper or plastic materials; quality certificates for ophthalmic lenses, origin control certificates for ophthalmic lenses, analysis reports and certification documents in relation to the manufacture and processing of ophthalmic lenses, information booklets relating to certification, standardization and normalization concerning the manufacture and processing of ophthalmic lenses; all of the aforementioned products being in printed form. Klasse 35 Compilation and updating of commercial and advertising literature, catalogs of products and services, including in online and electronic form; distribution of goods for promotional and advertising purposes; publication of advertising texts; dissemination of advertisements; dissemination of advertising material, namely leaflets, prospectuses, printed matter and samples; compilation of statistics; collection and systematization of data in a central file; computerized file management; opinion polling; sponsorship search; organization of competitions in connection with advertising; public relations; inventory management assistance; marketing services; presentation of goods on all communication media, for (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.21 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1231707 Int.reg.dato: 2014.11.10 Registreringen 2024.11.10 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201500597 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.01.15 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.10.08, EM, 013341052 Gjengivelse av merket: PAVIRO (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH, Werner-vonSiemens-Ring 10, DE-85630 GRASBRUNN, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Public address systems and paging systems consist of equipment for transmission, recording, reproduction and amplification of sound, including equipments for recording, amplification and transmission of 39 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer background music, their parts and speakers, microphones, amplifiers and electrical cables. (450) (450) (210) (220) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.22 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.22 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (111) (151) (180) (111) (151) (180) 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Int.reg.nr: 1231723 Int.reg.dato: 2014.06.26 Registreringen 2024.06.26 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201500600 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.01.15 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: Int.reg.dato: Registreringen utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: Notifikasjonsdato: Søknadsprioritet: 1232403 2014.04.18 2024.04.18 201500906 2015.01.22 2014.03.24, IT, FE2014C000139 Gjengivelse av merket: kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Adria Mobil proizvodnja trgovina in storitve doo, Straska cesta 50, SI-8000 NOVO MESTO, Slovenia (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 6 Transportable buildings of metal, buildings of metal, building panels of metal, building materials of metal, building reinforcing materials of metal, building frames of metal, fittings of metal for building, beams of metal, hinges of metal, locks (other than electric) of metal, fences of metal, floors of metal, ceilings of metal, wall claddings of metal (building), transportable greenhouses of metal, grids of metal, windows of metal, window stops of metal, window frames of metal, roof flashing of metal, jelousies of metal, posts of metal, casement windows of metal, roofing of metal; wherein all of the previously stated goods are intended for use in connection with motorhomes, caravans and other transportable accomodation units; containers of metal, swimming pools (metal constructions), bicycle parking installations of metal; anchors, anchor plates of metal, ropes of metal, cables of of metal, wire of common metal; containers of metal (storage, transport); boxes of common metal, telephone boxes of metal, pipeworks of metal, floating containers of metal, poles of metal, linings of metal (building), scaffolding and platforms of metal, foot scrapers of metal, tanks of metal, ladders of metal, stairs and staircases of metal, locks of metal for vehicles. Klasse 12 Vehicles, motor homes, camping and sleeping cars, caravans, trailers for vehicles, vehicles or trailers, shopping trolleys and trailers, lorries, motor vehicles for towing land vehicles; buses, waggons, luggage trucks; water vehicles, boats, ships, yachts, motor boats, ships' or boats' hulls, rudders, screw-propellers, airplanes, parachutes, car bodies, automobile chassis, undercarriages for vehicles, doors for vehicles, rearview mirrors, air pumps (vehicle accessories); bicycles and motor bikes, windows for vehicles, safety seats for children (for vehicles); vehicle covers, luggage carriers for vehicles, seats for vehicles, upholstery for vehicles, safety belts for vehicles, windscreens, towing couplings for vehicles, sleeping berths for vehicles, bicycle stands. Klasse 43 Rental of transportable buildings; rental of temporary accomodation; rental of chairs, tables, table linen; rental of tents; food and drink catering; providing of camping facilities; tourist homes, restaurants, selfservice restaurants; hotels, motels, temporary accomodation reservations. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of a sphere around which there are four letters C oriented as follow; starting from the top; Upword, right, down, left. (730) Innehaver: Cottini SpA, Via Maestri del Lavoro, 7, IT- SAN PIETRO IN CARIANO (VR), Italia (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 33 Alcoholic beverages [except beers]; distilled beverages, wines, grappa. Klasse 35 Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; sales promotion for others; rental of sales stands; marketing; commercial administration of the licensing of the goods and services of others; demonstration of goods; providing information and advice to consumers regarding the selection of products and items to be purchased; export promotion services; advertising, marketing and promotion services; promoting the goods and services of others; promoting the goods and services of others on the Internet; sales promotions at point of purchase or sale, for others; providing information concerning commercial sales; publicity and sales promotion services; organization of advertising events; arranging and conducting of promotional and marketing events; organization of exhibitions and events for commercial or advertising purposes; organization of events, exhibitions, fairs and shows for commercial, promotional and advertising purposes; organizing and conducting trade fairs, events and exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; procurement services for others [purchasing goods and services for other businesses]. (450) 40 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.22 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1232429 Int.reg.dato: 2014.08.28 Registreringen 2024.08.28 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201500911 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.01.22 Gjengivelse av merket: (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.22 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1232450 Int.reg.dato: 2014.11.05 Registreringen 2024.11.05 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201500913 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.01.22 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.06.11, EM, 012966974 Gjengivelse av merket: MULTIPAM (546) Merket er et (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Le Vet BV, Wilgenweg 7, NL-3421TV OUDEWATER, Nederland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Veterinary preparations; medicines for veterinary purposes; sanitary preparations for veterinary purposes; disinfectants for veterinary purposes; bacteriological, biological, chemical preparations for veterinary purposes; chemical reagents for veterinary purposes; enzymes for veterinary purposes; cultures of micro-organisms for veterinary purposes; lotions and greases for veterinary purposes. Klasse 35 Advertisement with the exclusion of advertisement related to retail and wholesale distribution services and supermarket services; business management with the exclusion of business management related to retail and wholesale distribution services and supermarket services; public relations services with the exclusion of public relations services related to retail and wholesale distribution services and supermarket services; marketing services with the exclusion of marketing services related to retail and wholesale distribution services and supermarket services; business administration with the exclusion of business administration related to retail and wholesale distribution services and supermarket services; office functions with the exclusion of office functions related to retail and wholesale distribution services and supermarket services; organisation of trade fair and exhibitions for advertising or commercial purposes. kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Guntermann & Drunck GmbH Systementwicklung, Dortmunder Strasse 4a, DE-57234 WILNSDORF, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Data processing equipment and data transmission apparatus, computers and other computer hardware, in particular screens, computers, keyboards, printers, scanners, CD-ROM drives and digital speech recognition and conversion equipment, modems, ISDN cards, network routers, hard discs, memories, motherboards, chips and controllers; telecommunications apparatus; surveying, photographic, weighing, measuring, signalling and checking (supervision) apparatus; parts of the aforesaid goods; computer programs; data carriers of all kinds, electric cables and conduits, in particular for EDP; apparatus and equipment for the recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; integrated circuits, interfaces, couplers, networks, network cards, components for electronic equipment (included in this class). Klasse 37 Repair and maintenance of computers, computer hardware and parts therefor; online maintenance of computer hardware. Klasse 41 Planning, organisation and arranging of courses, seminars and further training courses in the field of computing, software and communications technology. Klasse 42 Creation, development, further development, maintenance and installation of software; technical project studies and development of computers, computer hardware and computer networks; research in the field of computing and communications technology; rental of computers and other computer hardware; providing software via the Internet and other communications networks; on-line maintenance of computer software. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.22 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1232480 Int.reg.dato: 2014.11.06 Registreringen 2024.11.06 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201500917 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.01.22 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.05.07, FR, 14 4 089 219 Gjengivelse av merket: AIR MAT (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Bourjois, 12-14 rue Victor Noir, FR-92200 NEUILLYSUR-SEINE, Frankrike (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 3 Foundations. (450) 41 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.21 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1232590 Int.reg.dato: 2014.06.09 Registreringen 2024.06.09 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501074 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.01.29 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.02.17, EM, 012605499 Gjengivelse av merket: for the preservation of wood; paints (included in this class), including structuring paints; bactericidal and fungicidal paints; anti-corrosive preparations; protective preparations for metals; metals in foil and powder form for painters, decorators, printers and artists. Klasse 16 Printed matter; stickers, included in this class; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paintbrushes; instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); colour and/or sample cards; colour and/or sample cards, colour and/or sample card collections, colour and/or sample boards; colour and sample board collections, the aforesaid goods included in this class; coloured paper. Klasse 17 Packing, stopping and insulating materials, included in this class; insulating paints, varnishes, fabrics and plaster; substances for insulating buildings against moisture; artificial and synthetic resins (semi-finished products); fibreglass fabrics for insulation; insulating tape and band; heat insulators; insulation panels; grid mats of glass fabric and/or plastic; expansion joint profiles of glass fabric and/or plastic (all for heat insulating bonded systems); plastic film other than for wrapping; adhesive tapes for building; insulating paints for roofs, walls and floors against moisture. Klasse 19 Building materials (non-metallic); profile rails and brackets, not of metal, for building, in particular edging profiles; aligning and equalising parts, not of metal, for building; non-metallic building materials, namely spacers; window ledges, not of metal; natural and artificial stones; mortar and quartz (building materials); plaster, included in this class; coatings (building materials); wall and ceiling panels (not of metal, for building); fabric embedding compounds for building; fillers (building materials). Klasse 27 Wall coverings, not of textile, including structural wall coverings combined with paints; wall hangings (other than of textile). GRÖN-FRI (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: JAPE Produkter AB, Helsingborgsvägen 14, SE-28149 HÄSSLEHOLM, Sverige (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 2 Paints, varnishes, lacquers; preservatives against rust and against deterioration of wood; colorants; wood coatings being paints; paints for use in preventing mould; paints for use in removing mould; preparations for impregnating wood (paints); preparations for preventing the deterioration of wood. Klasse 3 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; cleaning preparations for removing mould. Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; disinfectants; germicides; fungicides; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides; algae removing preparations. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.26 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1232613 Int.reg.dato: 2014.08.22 Registreringen 2024.08.22 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501078 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.01.29 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.07.07, EM, 013058871 Gjengivelse av merket: (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.22 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1232656 Int.reg.dato: 2014.10.30 Registreringen 2024.10.30 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501085 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.01.29 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.07.31, BX, 1293631 Gjengivelse av merket: LEGALYTICS (546) Merket er et (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Legadex B.V., Teleportboulevard 110, NL-1043EJ AMSTERDAM, Nederland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Software. kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: DAW SE, Rossdörfer Str. 50, DE-64372 OBERRAMSTADT, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 1 Chemicals used in industry; preservative and dampproofing preparations for masonry, roofing tiles, cement and concrete, except paints and oils; unprocessed artificial resins, synthetic resins and plastics (in the form of powders, granules, liquids or pastes); solvents for varnishes; adhesives used in industry; adhesives for wallpaper; adhesives used in building; fillers for subsurface treatment for paints (not included in other classes). Klasse 2 Paints, varnishes, lacquers, glazes (included in this class), preservatives against rust; primers; colorants, dyes, dye pastes, mordants; thickeners for paints; fixatives, siccatives (drying agents) for paints; natural resins, included in this class; thinning and binding preparations for paints and lacquers; solvents for thinning paints; wood preservatives, wood stains, oils (450) 42 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.22 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1232705 Int.reg.dato: 2014.10.31 Registreringen 2024.10.31 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501089 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.01.29 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.05.21, FR, 144092549 Gjengivelse av merket: 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 apparatus and installations; Chinese lanterns; lights, electric, for Christmas trees; light-emitting diodes [LED] lighting apparatus. (450) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.26 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 L'ABSOLU ROUGE DEFINITION (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: LANCOME PARFUMS ET BEAUTE & CIE, 29 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, FR-75008 PARIS, Frankrike (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 3 Perfumes, toilet waters; bath and shower gels and salts for non-medical use; toilet soaps; body deodorants; cosmetics, particularly face, body and hand creams, milks, lotions, gels and powders; tanning and after-sun milks, gels and oils (cosmetics); make-up products; shampoos; gels, foams, balms and aerosol products for hair care and hair styling; hair sprays; hair dyes and bleaching products; hair waving and setting products; essential oils. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.26 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1232707 Int.reg.dato: 2014.11.25 Registreringen 2024.11.25 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501090 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.01.29 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.07.24, JP, 2014-061999 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et (546) Merket er et (210) (220) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.26 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Shimano Inc, 3-77, Oimatsu-cho 3-cho, Sakai-ku, JP590-8577 SAKAI CITY, OSAKA, Japan (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 28 Fishing floats; fishing sinkers; landing nets for anglers; fishing lines; fishing reels; fishing rods; cases for fishing rods; fishing hooks; lures for fishing. (111) (151) (180) kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Union Postale Universelle, Bureau international, Weltpoststrasse 4, CH-3015 BERNE, Sveits (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 35 Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions. Klasse 36 Insurance underwriting; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs. Klasse 38 Telecommunications. (450) (450) Int.reg.nr: 1232715 Int.reg.dato: 2014.11.13 Registreringen 2024.11.13 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501094 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.01.29 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.10.03, CH, 666112 Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.26 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1232711 Int.reg.dato: 2014.10.14 Registreringen 2024.10.14 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501091 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.01.29 Gjengivelse av merket: Int.reg.nr: 1232716 Int.reg.dato: 2014.11.14 Registreringen 2024.11.14 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501095 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.01.29 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.05.16, EM, 012883047 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: gradient.Systemintegration GmbH, Weiherstrasse 10b, DE-78224 SINGEN, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Software; software for optical character recognition; software for checking documents, graphics; computer software for analysing the content of documents. Klasse 42 Software creation; software engineering; software development services; developing computer software; software customisation services; computer hardware LIGHT STAX (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Longmen Getmore Polyurethane Co., Ltd, Maxing Village, Yonghan Town, Longmen, CN- HUIZHOU CITY, GUANGDONG, Kina (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 11 Electric lamps; lamps; light diffusers; lighting 43 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer and software consultancy; updating of software data bases; hosting services and software as a service and rental of software; graphic arts design; quality control; quality control for others; testing, authentication and quality control. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) procurement services (purchasing goods and services for other businesses); implementation of auctioneering; trade-in of goods (office functions); commercial administration of the licensing of goods and services; marketing research; price comparison services; consumer advice; sales promotion; reproduction of documents; administrative processing of purchase orders; compilation, systematization, updating and maintenance of data in computer databases; wholesale, intermediate trading and retail services, in particular in business premises, via data networks and by use of vending machines, in relation to the following goods: chemicals used in industry, science, photography, agriculture, horticulture and forestry, distilled water, film (unexposed), paper for photographic purposes, colors, ink and ink cartridges, toner and toner cartridges, compressed air cans for cleaning and dusting, cleaning agents, descaling products for domestic use, vacuum cleaner deodorants, dust absorbing, dust wetting and dust binding compositions, candles and wicks for lighting, ironmongery and small items of metal hardware, fabricated metal products, machinery and machine tools, electric household and kitchen appliances, steam cleaners, sewing machines, automatic vending machines, electric welding equipment for plastic packaging, hand tools and implements (hand-operated), cutlery, forks, spoons, razors, flat-irons, steam irons, depilation appliances, hair clippers, hairdressing appliances, curling irons and curling tongs, hair curlers, scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signaling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments, apparatus and instruments for conducting and switching of electricity, apparatus and instruments for converting and storing electricity, apparatus and instruments for regulating and controlling electricity, devices for receiving, entering, recording, processing, generating, transmission and reproduction of sound and images and data, magnetic data carriers, recording discs, CDs, DVDs and other digital data recording media, mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus, cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment, hardware for data processing, computers, computer software, fire-extinguishing apparatus, containers and covers for storage of sound, image and data carriers, recorded and unrecorded magnetic sound, image and data carriers, recorded and unrecorded optical sound, image and data carriers, recorded and unrecorded electronic sound, image and data carriers, slides (photography), stored and downloadable computer programs and computer software for personal computers and video game consoles, stored and downloadable electronic books and audio books, stored and downloadable music and video files, illuminated signs, navigation equipment, locating equipment, batteries and accumulators, chargers for batteries and accumulators, medical and dental instruments and apparatus, acupuncture apparatus, infrared lamps, infrared lights, body fat analyzers, massage devices, snoring prevention devices, heat lamps, apparatus for baking, lighting, warming, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes, tanning equipment, facial saunas, disinfection equipment, ice machines, light alarm clocks, foot spas, filters for drinking water, water filtering apparatuses, water carbonation appliances, ornamental fountains, jewellery, horological and chronometric instruments, musical instruments, paper, cardboard (carton) and goods made of these materials, printed matter, bookbinding material, photographs, stationery, adhesives for stationery or household purposes, typewriters and office requisites (except furniture), instructional and teaching material (except apparatus), plastic materials for packaging, photo albums, photo books, envelopes of paper or plastic for storage of slides (photography) and photo negatives, paper and plastic cards, paper and plastic cards Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.22 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: Int.reg.dato: Registreringen utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: Notifikasjonsdato: Søknadsprioritet: 1232983 2014.01.28 2024.01.28 201501134 2015.01.29 2013.08.22, DE, 30 2013 047 567.4/09 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Imtron GmbH, Wankelstrasse 5, DE-85053 INGOLSTADT, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking, life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; devices for receiving, entering, recording, processing, production, transmission and reproduction of sound, images and data; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; CDs, DVDs and other digital data recording media; mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment, hardware for data processing, computers; computer software; fire extinguishers; disc storage containers for the storage of sound, image and data carriers; recorded and unrecorded magnetic, optical and electronic sound, image and data carriers; slides (photography); stored and downloadable computer programs and computer software for personal computers and video game consoles; recorded and downloadable electronic books, audio books and music and video files; illuminated signs; navigation apparatus for vehicles; sound locating instruments; batteries and accumulators; chargers for batteries and accumulators; parts (included in this class) and accessories (included in this class) for the aforesaid goods. Klasse 16 Paper, cardboard (carton) and goods made from these materials (included in this class); printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (included in this class); photo albums; photo books; bags of paper or plastic for the storage of slides (photography) and photographic negatives; paper and plastic cards, in particular entrance tickets, travel tickets and vouchers, and uncoded cards for access to and the payment of downloadable computer programs, electronic books, audio books and music and video files. Klasse 35 Advertising; administrative processing of returned merchandise; preparation of cost-price analysis; 44 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (entrance tickets, travel tickets and vouchers and cards for access to and the payment of downloadable computer programs, electronic books, audio books and music and video files), packing, stopping and insulating materials, hoses (not of metal), plastic films (except for packaging), goods of leather and imitations of leather, trunks and suitcases, bags, statues and statuettes, in particular garden gnomes, furniture, mirrors, picture frames, mounting brackets made of plastic for cables or pipes, holders (brackets), kitchenettes, signboards of wood or plastic, utensils and containers for household or kitchen use, combs and sponges, brushes, articles for cleaning purposes, steel wool, ironing boards, oral irrigators, oral care centers, toothbrushes, games, video games, video game equipment, games consoles, toys, gymnastic and sporting articles, coffee, tea, cocoa, artificial coffee, flavorings for beverages, syrups and other preparations for making beverages, parts and accessories of the aforesaid goods; rental of the following goods (included in this class): automatic vending machines, cash registers, calculating machines, typewriters, office requisites (except furniture), office machines and equipment, office furniture, parts and accessories of the aforesaid goods; rental of advertising space, advertising material and advertising time in communications media; provision of information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid services; arranging contracts for third parties for the provision of the aforesaid services, and the conclusion of contracts relating thereto; arranging subscriptions to telecommunication services; arranging the conclusion of contracts relating to the provision of electricity; arranging contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of goods; arranging contracts, for others, for the provision of services; arranging newspaper subscriptions. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) preparations for personal use; cleaning preparations for household purposes; dishwashing detergents; dishwasher detergents; laundry detergent, laundry soap; rust and lime removing preparations; fabric softeners for laundry use; decalcifying and descaling preparations for cleaning household products; oven and grill cleaner; drain cleaning preparations; carpet stain remover, stain removers and fabric softeners; cleaning pads impregnated with toilet preparations; disinfectant soaps; cleaner for use on bathroom hard surfaces; cleaner for use on toilet bowls; fragrance sprays for rooms and to refresh fabric; pumice stone for personal use; essential oils for aromatherapy use; fragrance sprays for the body. Klasse 4 Lubricants; dust absorbing, wetting and binding compositions; candles and wicks for lighting; candles, scented candles. Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic food and substances adapted for medical or veterinary use, food for babies; dietary supplements for humans and animals; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides; antibacterial preparations; medicated antibacterial face washes; medicated skin creams, medicated skin lotions; medicated bath preparations; impregnated medicated pads, swabs, and wipes; sanitizing wipes; medical dressings, bandages, gauzes and plasters; medicated food supplements; medicated mouth sprays and washes, medicated throat sprays; hand sanitizing and disinfecting preparations with anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties; odour neutralizing preparations for household use; nutritional supplements for humans and pets; natural insecticides; bandages for wound healing; baby diapers, babies' nappies; diapers and nappies for adults, babies and pets; medicated preparations for the care of the skin, scalp and body; medicated preparations for use in the bath; medicated preparations for treatment of the skin, scalp and body, namely, creams, lotions, gels, serums, milks, oils, powders, foams and mousses; medicated serums for the care and beauty of the hair; medicated toilet preparations, namely, medicated bath preparations; toilet cleaning preparations consisting of disinfectant toilet bowl cleaners. Klasse 9 Spectacles, cases for spectacles; sunglasses, cases for sunglasses; protective clothing, footwear and headgear; decorative magnets. Klasse 11 Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes; air conditioning apparatus; electric kettles; water softening apparatus; water softening apparatus for use in dishwashers and washing machines; air filters for domestic use; water filters; air freshener dispensing systems; room fragrance dispensing systems. Klasse 16 Paper banners; plastic food storage bags for household use; printed matter; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; instructional and teaching material; plastic materials for packaging. Klasse 18 Trunks and travelling bags; handbags, rucksacks, purses; sack packs, namely, drawstring bags used as backpacks; drawstring bags, backpacks; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; clothing for animals. Klasse 20 Furniture, mirrors, picture frames; garden furniture; pillows and cushions; pet beds; telescopic handles for mops. Klasse 21 Household and kitchen utensils and containers; combs and sponges; brushes; articles for cleaning purposes; steel wool; cleaning cloths and cleaning utensils; gloves for household purposes; mops and attachments therefor, mop bases and mop heads; stainless steel scrubbers for cleaning; spray bottles; toilet cleaning articles; micro fibre cleaning towels and cloths; scrubbing cloths, pads and brushes; scouring cloths, pads and brushes; dish cloths of textile for washing tableware, glassware, cutlery, cooking Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.22 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1233238 Int.reg.dato: 2014.05.06 Registreringen 2024.05.06 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501181 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.01.29 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.04.30, EM, 012835054 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Norwex Malta Ltd, 'Pama', No.5, Triq St.Anna, Zebbiegh, MT-MST1010 MGARR, Malta (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 1 Soil additives; scale removing preparations, other than for household purposes. Klasse 3 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery; essential oils; deodorants, anti-perspirants; cosmetic preparations for the care of the skin, scalp and body; sun tanning preparations; preparations for reinforcing and strengthening nails; preparations for use in the bath; cosmetic creams, lotions, gels, serums, milks, oils, powders, foams and mousses for use on the skin, scalp and body; preparations for toning the body; shampoos, conditioners, creams, lotions, gels, serums, milks, oils, powders, foams, mousses, sprays and waxes for the care and beauty of the hair; medicated shampoos and hair lotions; hair waving and hair setting preparations; cosmetics, cosmetic kits; toilet preparations; cleaning 45 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer implements and utensils, ovenware, pots and pans, and for wiping work surfaces; cleaning cloths, wiping cloths, shammies, chamois, dusting mitts, cleaning cloths for wiping windows; toothbrushes; household brushes; brushes for removing hair, lint and dust from textiles, car seats, and pets; eyeglass cleaning cloths; abrasive pads for kitchen or domestic purposes; cleaning sponges; sieves, strainers, spatulas, graters, and kitchen turners; combs; sponges, namely, bath sponges, scrub sponges, and sponges used for applying make-up; brushes for pets, bath brushes, lint brushes, cosmetic brushes, and cleaning brushes for household use; cleaning pads, cleaning cloths, and cleaning brushes for household use; cleaning cloths; cleaning utensils, namely, pot cleaning brushes and scrub sponges; mats for drying dishes; cleaning cloths for removing make up, cleansing and exfoliating; cleaning cloths for cleaning, wiping and dusting; cleaning cloths for fruits and vegetables; abrasive pads for kitchen and domestic purposes; bathroom scrub mitts of fabric for cleaning; bathroom scrub mitts, exfoliating mitts; lint removing mitts; plastic storage containers for household or domestic use; cutting boards; compost containers for household use; waste bins, divided waste bins for the separation of recyclable goods; bottle cleaning brushes; micro fibre cleaning cloths with scrubbing corner and pocket; dusters, micro fibre dusters; toilet bowl brushes; glass storage containers for household or domestic use; toilet sponges; dryer balls of rubber and/or wool that are placed in the clothes drying machine with clothing to accelerate the drying process; dish cloths for washing dishes. Klasse 22 Awnings, tarpaulins, textile canopies; hammocks; bags and sacks of textile for packaging, storage and transport; bags of textile material for use with plants or trees; clothes lines, washing lines; bags for washing lingerie and hosiery; laundry wash bags; canvas bags for food storage; protective pouches for storing purses and handbags when not in use. Klasse 24 Textiles and textile goods; dish towels for drying; hand towels and bath towels; bed and table covers; travellers' rugs, textiles for making articles of clothing; duvets; covers for pillows, cushions and duvets; hooded towels, hooded baby bed blankets, kitchen towel sets, kitchen towels; sports towels; cloth napkins for removing makeup; wash cloths; car washing mitts, towels and cloths; shower and bath mitts; bedding, namely, sheet sets, pillow cases and pillow covers; blankets, baby blankets, bed blankets; pet towels; pet washing mitts; plastic or vinyl banners. Klasse 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear; jackets, sweatshirts, socks, underwear, bath robes, hoodies, hooded sweatshirts; shirts, trousers, sweaters, sweatshirts, jackets, baseball caps, visors, scarfs, mittens, headbands, slippers, flip flops. Klasse 27 Carpets, rugs, mats and matting; bath mats; door mats; linoleum and other materials for covering existing floors; wall hangings; wallpaper. Klasse 31 Fresh fruits and vegetables, seeds, natural plants and flowers; foodstuffs for animals; food and beverages for animals; pet foods. Klasse 35 Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; organisation, operation and supervision of loyalty and incentive schemes; advertising services provided via the Internet; provision of business information; retail services for soil additives and scale removing preparations; retail services for bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use, cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations, soaps, perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions, and dentifrices; retail services for lubricants, dust absorbing, wetting and binding compositions, candles and wicks for lighting, scented candles; retail services for pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations, sanitary preparations for medical purposes, dietetic food and substances adapted for medical or veterinary use, food for babies, dietary supplements for humans and animals, plasters, 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 materials for dressings, material for stopping teeth, dental wax, disinfectants, preparations for destroying vermin, fungicides and herbicides; retail services for spectacles, cases for spectacles, sunglasses, cases for sunglasses, protective clothing, footwear and headgear, and decorative magnets; retail services for apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes, air conditioning apparatus, electric kettles, water softening apparatus, water softening apparatus for use in dishwashers and washing machines, air filters for domestic use, water filters, and fragrance diffusers; retail services for paper banners, plastic food storage bags for household use, printed matter, photographs, stationery, adhesives for stationery or household purposes, instructional and teaching material, and plastic materials for packaging; retail services for trunks and travelling bags, bags, sacks, purses, umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks, and clothing for animals; retail services for furniture, mirrors, picture frames, garden furniture, pillows and cushions, pet beds, drying balls of rubber or wool, drying balls of rubber and wool, and plastic or vinyl banners; retail services for household or kitchen utensils and containers, combs and sponges, brushes, articles for cleaning purposes, steel wool, articles made of ceramics, glass, porcelain or earthenware, and toothbrushes; retail services for awnings, tarpaulins, canopies, hammocks, bags and sacks for packaging, storage and transport, clothes lines, washing lines, laundry wash bags, canvas bags for food storage, and protective pouches of textile; retail services for textiles and textile goods, bed and table covers, travellers' rugs, textiles for making articles of clothing, bedding, and covers for pillows, cushions or duvets; retail services for clothing, footwear, and headgear; retail services for carpets, rugs, mats and matting, floor coverings, wall hangings, and wallpaper; retail services for fresh fruits and vegetables, seeds, natural plants and flowers, foodstuffs for animals, food and beverages for animals, and pet foods; providing on-line ordering services in the field of cleaning products; providing technical assistance in the establishment of and/or operation of independent direct sales businesses; business information services in the nature of providing information on business opportunities related to independent direct sales businesses. Klasse 41 Education services; providing of training; training services for independent sales representatives; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.22 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1233245 Int.reg.dato: 2014.06.18 Registreringen 2024.06.18 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501183 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.01.29 Søknadsprioritet: 2013.12.20, EM, 012451738 Gjengivelse av merket: SIGRACELL (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: SGL Carbon SE, Söhnleinstrasse 8, DE-65201 WIESBADEN, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 1 Graphite powder; graphite powder additives (chemical). Klasse 9 Batteries, including flow batteries, including redox flow batteries or vanadium-air batteries, zinc-bromine, ironchrome, sodium-sulphur batteries, sodium-nickelchlorine batteries, molten salt batteries; bipolar plates made from composite structures for use in batteries, 46 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer electric batteries, electric accumulators, electric capacitors, fuel cells for producing electric current; electric components for: electric batteries, electric accumulators, electric capacitors, fuel cells for producing electric current; electric conductors, electric contacts, electric connection parts, electrodes for: electric batteries, electric accumulators, electric capacitors, fuel cells for producing electric current; electrical batteries; electrical accumulators; electrical capacitors; fuel cells for the generation of electrical current. Klasse 17 Carbon and graphite fibre felts, other than for textile use, for use as sealing in batteries, including in flow batteries, including redox flow batteries or vanadium-air batteries, sodium-sulphur batteries, zinc-bromine, ironchrome, sodium-nickel-chlorine batteries, molten salt batteries; sealing materials made from carbon or graphite fibre felts, graphite foil, carbon/graphite powder, composite plastic materials including polymers, having sealing properties for use in batteries, including in flow batteries, including redox flow batteries or vanadium-air batteries, sodium-sulphur batteries, zinc-bromine, iron-chrome, sodium-nickel-chlorine batteries, ZEBRA batteries; sealing materials made from carbon or graphite fibre felts, other than for textile use, for use in batteries, including in flow batteries, including redox flow batteries or vanadium-air batteries, sodium-sulphur batteries, zinc-bromine, iron-chrome, sodium-nickel-chlorine batteries, molten salt batteries; carbon and graphite fibres, sealing fabrics, woven and non-woven fabrics for use as sealing, sealing meshes, braided and bonded fabrics for sealing, felt containing carbon and graphite fibres, all the aforesaid goods not for textile purposes; woven fabrics (other than for textile use) for use as sealing for electrodes for batteries and capacitors; non-woven fabrics, namely felts comprising of carbon fibers and graphite fibers, not for textile purposes, for use as sealing in electrodes for batteries and capacitors; polymer films, moulded and nonmoulded panels (non-metallic), bars (plastic or rubber), non-metallic pipes, plastic products/artificial resins (semi-finished products) containing carbon and/or graphite particles, and/or carbon and/or graphite fibres, foils, profiled and non-profiled sealing sheets; foils, profiled and non-profiled sealing sheets, rods (plastic or rubber), plastic goods (semi-finished products) comprising carbon particles and/or graphite particles, and/or plastic-synthetic resins (semi-finished products) comprising carbon fibres and/or graphite fibres. Klasse 24 Mesh fabrics. (450) 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 cargo conveyor; circular and circular hauler conveyor, underground towing chain conveyor, hand hanging lines, hand hanging crane, mail bag hanging lines, electric hanging lines, electric hanging crane, belt conveyor, link belt conveyor, chain conveyor, carry chain conveyor, roller and rolls conveyor, dust conveyor, circuit shelf as well as vertical and horizontal rotating moving table as parts of conveyors [machines], mechanical pickers, picking conveyor trains, hoists, goods lifts, small goods lifts. Klasse 35 Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions, retailing and wholesale services relating to machines and machine tools, band conveyer machines, picking machines, machines dedicated to the storage industry, sorting plant, pallet conveyors, general cargo conveyor, circular and circular hauler conveyor, underground towing chain conveyor, hand hanging lines, hand hanging crane, mail bag hanging lines, electric hanging lines, electric hanging crane, belt conveyor, link belt conveyor, chain conveyor, carry chain conveyor, roller and rolls conveyor, dust conveyor, circuit shelf, vertical and horizontal rotating moving table, mechanical pickers, picking conveyor trains, hoists, goods lifts, small goods lifts. Klasse 37 Repair and installation services for and of machines and machines tools, band conveyer machines, picking machines, machines dedicated to the storage industry, sorting plant, pallet conveyors, general cargo conveyor, circular and circular hauler conveyor, underground towing chain conveyor, hand hanging lines, hand hanging crane, mail bag hanging lines, electric hanging lines, electric hanging crane, belt conveyor, link belt conveyor, chain conveyor, carry chain conveyor, roller and rolls conveyor, dust conveyor, circuit shelf, vertical and horizontal rotating moving fable, mechanical pickers, picking conveyor trains, hoists, goods lifts, small goods lifts. Klasse 39 Transport; packaging and storage of goods. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.22 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.22 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1233720 Int.reg.dato: 2014.06.18 Registreringen 2024.06.18 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501394 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.05 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.03.24, EM, 012720975 Gjengivelse av merket: CLEANMASTER (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: Int.reg.dato: Registreringen utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: Notifikasjonsdato: Søknadsprioritet: (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Climecon Oy, Lämmittäjänkatu 4 A, FI-00880 HELSINKI, Finland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines; fire-extinguishing apparatus; air flow sensors for use in ventilating apparatus and cooker hoods; air flow measuring, regulating and controlling apparatus; controlling and monitoring apparatus for operating lighting devices, including ultra violet lamps in ventilating apparatus and cooker hoods. Klasse 11 Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes; cooker hoods; cooker hoods with air flow measuring and controlling units; ventilating 1233251 2013.09.23 2023.09.23 201501185 2015.01.29 2013.07.30, DE, 30 2013 044 028.5/07 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: HS News Systems GmbH, Portitzer Strasse 69 c, DE04425 TAUCHA, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 7 Machine tools, band conveyer machines, picking machines, sorting plant, pallet conveyors, general 47 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer hoods for institutional kitchens; flues for ventilating apparatus; lighting devices and fixtures for use in ventilating apparatus, including ultra violet lamps for use in cooker hoods; grease filters and separators being parts of cooker hoods. Klasse 37 Building construction; maintenance, repair and installation of ventilating apparatus. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) (450) (111) (151) (180) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.21 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1233795 Int.reg.dato: 2014.11.19 Registreringen 2024.11.19 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501403 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.05 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et (210) (220) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1233988 Int.reg.dato: 2014.05.09 Registreringen 2024.05.09 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501427 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.05 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.04.09, AU, 1616422 Gjengivelse av merket: SOLCHAYN kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.22 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1234007 Int.reg.dato: 2014.12.05 Registreringen 2024.12.05 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501430 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.05 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.06.10, FR, 14 4 096 608 Gjengivelse av merket: TYLUCYL (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Vetoquinol SA, Magny-Vernois, FR-70200 LURE, Frankrike (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Veterinary products, veterinary pharmaceutical products, veterinary pharmaceutical preparations. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.22 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (450) (111) (151) (180) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.21 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: CSL Behring Recombinant Facility AG, Wankdorfstrasse 10, CH-3000 BERN 22, Sveits (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical preparations and substances; pharmaceuticals for the treatment or prevention of blood and/or bleeding disorders; blood for medical purposes; blood proteins for therapeutic use; pharmaceutical blood products derived from recombinant dna technology. (730) Innehaver: De Longhi Benelux SA, 49, Boulevard Prince Henri, LU-1724 LUXEMBOURG, Luxembourg (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 7 Electric food mixers; electric food processors; electric food preparation machines; electric kitchen machines; electric kitchen machines incorporating an induction cooking (heating) element; electric machines for mixing, kneading, pulping, pureeing, mashing, grinding, mincing, peeling, chopping, slicing, grating, slicing, shredding, blending, beating, whisking, liquidising, sieving, rolling and cutting of foodstuffs; electric machines for peeling fruit and vegetables; electric liquidisers (kitchen machine); electric juice extractors; attachments for electric kitchen machines, all adapted for food processing; electric can openers, knife and scissor sharpeners, all being attachments of electric kitchen machines. Klasse 11 Electric cooking apparatus incorporating a food mixing or a food processing function. (450) 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Int.reg.nr: 1233802 Int.reg.dato: 2014.11.04 Registreringen 2024.11.04 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501405 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.05 Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) EPRIMO (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: eprimo GmbH, Flughafenstrasse 20, DE-63263 NEU ISENBURG, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 45 Legal services, in particular in relation to conducting agency business for others in the energy sector and in relation to arranging and concluding of electricity and gas supply contracts. (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.22 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: Int.reg.dato: Registreringen utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: Notifikasjonsdato: Søknadsprioritet: 1234079 2014.11.12 2024.11.12 201501438 2015.02.05 2014.09.26, DE, 302014061371.9/05 Gjengivelse av merket: IBERORELIEF (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH, Alfred-NobelStrasse 10, DE-40789 MONHEIM AM RHEIN, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical preparations; dietary and nutritional supplements; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic foods and substances adapted for medical use; fiber dietary supplements; probiotic 48 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer supplements; food supplements for dietetic use and medical purposes. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) industrial business for business management in the field of data analysis technology; assistance in the management of industrial and/or commercial companies; services provided by consultants regarding commercial and/or industrial company management and organization; consultancy relating to management of information systems for companies, namely consultancy relating to compilation of mathematical or statistical data on computer media; information technology management consulting, namely consulting in connection with transcription and compilation of mathematical or statistical data in computer databases; market survey, analysis and research services; commercial research and surveys, namely market research and consumer research; economic forecasting services; efficiency expert services in the field of commercial and industrial business. Klasse 42 Evaluations, assessments and research in the fields of science and technology provided by engineers; design and development of computers and software; technical project studies; development (design), installation, maintenance, updating or rental of software; programming for computers; conversion of computer programs and data (other than physical conversion); scientific research for medical purposes. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.22 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1234209 Int.reg.dato: 2014.11.19 Registreringen 2024.11.19 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501460 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.05 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (450) (730) Innehaver: De Longhi Benelux SA, 49, Boulevard Prince Henri, LU-1724 LUXEMBOURG, Luxembourg (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 7 Electric food mixers; electric food processors; electric food preparation machines; electric kitchen machines; electric kitchen machines incorporating an induction cooking (heating) element; electric machines for mixing, kneading, pulping, pureeing, mashing, grinding, mincing, peeling, chopping, slicing, grating, slicing, shredding, blending, beating, whisking, liquidising, sieving, rolling and cutting of foodstuffs; electric machines for peeling fruit and vegetables; electric liquidisers (kitchen machine); electric juice extractors; attachments for electric kitchen machines, all adapted for food processing; electric can openers, knife and scissor sharpeners, all being attachments of electric kitchen machines. Klasse 11 Electric cooking apparatus incorporating a food mixing or a food processing function. (450) 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.22 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.22 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: Int.reg.dato: Registreringen utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: Notifikasjonsdato: Søknadsprioritet: 1234318 2014.04.15 2024.04.15 201501672 2015.02.12 2013.10.17, US, 86094232#@#2013.10.17, US, 86094236#@#2013.10.17, US, 86094237#@#2013.10.17, US, 86094240#@#2013.10.17, US, 86094243#@#2013.10.17, US, 86094245#@#2013.10.17, US, 86094246#@#2013.10.17, US, 86094247 Gjengivelse av merket: LAST GUIDE (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: The Last Guide Company, 4000 23rd Street, USCA94114 SAN FRANCISCO, USA (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Computer and mobile software for obtaining travel information and rankings, ratings, reviews, referrals, and recommendations on products and services for commercial purposes. Klasse 35 Promoting the goods and services of others; providing information about the goods and services of others via a website featuring comments, ratings, reviews and recommendations concerning travel, leisure, social activities, and business services for commercial purposes posted by users; providing information via a website featuring rankings, ratings, reviews, referrals, and recommendations on products and services for commercial purposes. Klasse 43 Providing food and lodging information services, namely, providing restaurant and bar information; providing information in the field of dining; providing information in the field of temporary accommodations for travelers; providing travel lodging information; Int.reg.nr: 1234253 Int.reg.dato: 2014.07.07 Registreringen 2024.07.07 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501664 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.05.23, US, 86290130 Gjengivelse av merket: HyperCube (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: HYPERCUBE RESEARCH, Immeuble Le Galilée, 51 ESP du Général de Gaulle, FR-92800 PUTEAUX, Frankrike (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Data mining software using artificial intelligence. Klasse 35 Advertising; online advertising on a computer network, dissemination of advertising material (leaflets, prospectuses, printed matter, samples); commercial and/or industrial business consultancy in the field of data analysis technology; services provided by professional consultants relating to commercial and/or 49 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer providing online information relating to rankings, ratings, reviews, and recommendations of restaurants, bars, hotels and temporary accommodations. Klasse 45 On-line social networking services. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) reactors, electrical transformers, and electrical transducers; radio frequency and audio frequency chokes, electrical connectors and sockets, earphones, fuses, fuse blocks, fuse clips, fuse holders, electrical heat sinks for use in electronic components, electrical instrument enclosure cases, electrical variable dial knobs, electric meters, microphones, potentiometers, electric relays, electric resistors, semiconductors, electronic sirens, audio speakers, electrical switches, terminal boards, transformers, and electrical wires. Klasse 35 Distributorship services in the field of electronic components; catalog ordering service featuring electronic components; electronic catalog services featuring electronic components; electronic commerce services, namely, providing information about products via telecommunication networks for advertising and sales purposes; mail order catalog services featuring electronic components; online wholesale and retail store services featuring electronic components provided by means of a general merchandise website on the global or local telecommunications network; wholesale and retail store services featuring electronic components provided by means of mail order catalogs; wholesale and retail store services featuring electronic components provided by means of telephone, facsimile, and mail order. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.26 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1234544 Int.reg.dato: 2014.05.19 Registreringen 2024.05.19 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501704 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Gjengivelse av merket: ELISE GUG (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Elise Gug, Store Kongensgade 108, 1.th, DK-1264 KØBENHAVN K, Danmark (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 14 Precious metals and their alloys; goods in precious metals or coated therewith, namely boxes, trinkets, key rings (trinkets), ornaments (jewellery), tie clamps, tie pins; jewellery, precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments. Klasse 18 Leather and imitations of leather, goods made of these materials, namely handbags, shopping bags, key cases, purses, attaché case, briefcases, rucksacks, wallets; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas and parasols; walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery. Klasse 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. Klasse 35 Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; retail and wholesale with precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, jewellery, precious stones, horological and chronometric instruments, leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials, animal skins, hides, trunks and travelling bags, umbrellas and parasols, walking sticks, whips, harness and saddlery, clothing, footwear, headgear, including such sales services via global networks. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.26 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1234558 Int.reg.dato: 2014.07.17 Registreringen 2024.07.17 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501706 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.01.17, EM, 012510905 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: David Wolffe, 36 Glasslyn Road, GB-N88RH LONDON, Storbritannia (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Bags and backpacks adapted or shaped to contain photographic equipment; laptop computer bags, backpacks and carrying cases; tablet computer bags, backpacks and carrying cases; bags adapted for laptops and tablet computers; bags and backpacks adapted to carry safety equipment; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. Klasse 18 Leather and imitations of leather; trunks and travelling bags; travel cases; luggage; suitcases; holdalls; portmanteaux; valises; bags; handbags; shoulder bags; toiletry bags; rucksacks; backpacks; bumbags; sports bags; casual bags; briefcases; attaché cases; music cases; satchels; garment bags and carriers; tie cases; notecases; credit card cases and holders; wallets; purses; leather shoulder belts; backpacks for carrying children; back frames for carrying children; baby carriers worn on the body, pouch baby carriers; backpacks for carrying babies; bags for campers; bags for climbers; hiking bags; bags for skiers; backpacks for skiers; book bags; canvas shopping bags; carry-on bags; baby changing bags; baby changing backpacks; sling bags for carrying babies; diaper bags; tool bags [empty]; tool bags of leather, empty; backpacks adapted to carry tools; courier bags; daypacks; duffel bags; game bags; gym bags; haversacks; knapsacks; messenger bags; overnight bags; saddle bags; school bags; student backpacks; shopping bags; wheeled Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.22 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1234553 Int.reg.dato: 2014.07.10 Registreringen 2024.07.10 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501705 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.01.13, US, 86163871 Gjengivelse av merket: DESIGN CHAIN TO SUPPLY CHAIN (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Mouser Electronics Inc, 1000 North Main Street, USTX76063 MANSFIELD, USA (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Electronic components, namely, antennas, batteries, battery clips, battery holders, battery snaps, electric buzzers, electrical cables, capacitors, electrical circuit boards, electrical clips adapted for use in holding electrical cables and wires and for securing electrical components in place; coils, namely, magnetic and electromagnetic coils, electrical inductors, electrical 50 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer bags; backpacks for cyclists; backpacks for motorcyclists; bags and backpacks adapted to carry first aid equipment; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. Klasse 28 Toys, games and playthings; sporting articles not included in other classes; bags adapted for carrying sporting articles and sports equipment; backpacks adapted for carrying sporting articles and sports equipment; harnesses for use in sports; climbers' harnesses; protective padding for sport; back protectors; bags especially designed for skis, ski boots, snowboards and snowboard boots; bags and backpacks especially designed for skiers; bags especially designed for surfboards; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. (450) 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 skis, ski boots, snowboards and snowboard boots; bags and backpacks especially designed for skiers; bags especially designed for surfboards; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.22 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.26 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1234566 Int.reg.dato: 2014.08.07 Registreringen 2024.08.07 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501708 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.03.04, EM, 012658951 Gjengivelse av merket: WINDO (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Carl Freudenberg KG, Höhnerweg 2-4, DE-69469 WEINHEIM, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 7 Electric machines and apparatus for cleaning, in particular electrical cleaning machines for hard surfaces, in particular window cleaners, window vacuum cleaners; parts of the aforementioned machines, in particular levelling blades. Klasse 21 Articles for cleaning purposes, especially household cloths, window cloths made of leather and artificial leather, dust cloths, cloths for cleaning surfaces, dusters, scouring cloths, multi-purpose cloths, floor cloths, microfiber cloths, sponge cloths, cloths made of nonwovens, cloths made of woven fabrics, scouring pads made of nonwoven material with and without sponge section; steel wool for cleaning, especially steel wool cleaners with and without handles, made of foamed plastic, steel wool pads with soap; sponges for household purposes, especially plastic-coated scouring sponges, cleaning sponges made of viscose or plastic; household or kitchen utensils, especially manually operated, non-electrical cleaning instruments, namely brooms, brushes, dustpans, mops, devices for wringing out mops, toilet brushes, holders for toilet brushes, window cleaning devices, water wipers, household gloves made of latex or plastic; disposable gloves for household or gardening purposes; gardening gloves; kitchen stools, drying devices for laundry, drying racks, rotary clothes dryers, drying mounts, clothes-pegs, ironing boards, sleeve boards, ironing board supports, ironing cloths, iron cleaning cloths; containers for household or kitchen, especially water buckets, pedal bins, waste bins, sorting containers of plastic for laundry; laundry baskets of plastic; non-metallic parts for hand-operated, non-electrical cleaning instruments included in this class; spray bottles for cleaning solution, wiping pads. Int.reg.nr: 1234559 Int.reg.dato: 2014.07.17 Registreringen 2024.07.17 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501707 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.01.17, EM, 012510848 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: David Wolffe, 36 Glasslyn Road, GB-N88RH LONDON, Storbritannia (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Bags and backpacks adapted or shaped to contain photographic equipment; laptop computer bags, backpacks and carrying cases; tablet computer bags, backpacks and carrying cases; bags adapted for laptops and tablet computers; bags and backpacks adapted to carry safety equipment; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. Klasse 18 Leather and imitations of leather; trunks and travelling bags; travel cases; luggage; suitcases; holdalls; portmanteaux; valises; bags; handbags; shoulder bags; toiletry bags; rucksacks; backpacks; bumbags; sports bags; casual bags; briefcases; attaché cases; music cases; satchels; garment bags and carriers; tie cases; notecases; credit card cases and holders; wallets; purses; leather shoulder belts; backpacks for carrying children; back frames for carrying children; baby carriers worn on the body, pouch baby carriers; backpacks for carrying babies; bags for campers; bags for climbers; hiking bags; bags for skiers; backpacks for skiers; book bags; canvas shopping bags; carry-on bags; baby changing bags; baby changing backpacks; diaper bags; sling bags for carrying babies; daypacks; duffel bags; game bags; gym bags; haversacks; knapsacks; messenger bags; courier bags; overnight bags; saddle bags; school bags; student backpacks; shopping bags; wheeled bags; backpacks for cyclists; backpacks for motorcyclists; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. Klasse 28 Toys, games and playthings; sporting articles not included in other classes; bags adapted for carrying sporting articles and sports equipment; backpacks adapted for carrying sporting articles and sports equipment; harnesses for use in sports; climbers' harnesses; protective padding for sport; back protectors; bags and backpacks especially designed for (450) 51 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.22 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1234571 Int.reg.dato: 2014.08.12 Registreringen 2024.08.12 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501709 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.02.12, EM, 012591582 Gjengivelse av merket: products, over a global computer network. (450) (111) (151) (180) (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (210) (220) (540) (730) Innehaver: Invesdor Oy, Aleksanterinkatu 16-18, 3 krs., FI-00170 HELSINGSFORS, Finland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Computer software, in particular computer software for fundraising projects and the implementation of crowdfunding. Klasse 35 Advertising, including promotion, promoting the sale of goods and services of others; business networking services; rental of advertising space; information, consultancy and advisory services relating to all of the aforesaid services. Klasse 36 Financial brokerage services, namely providing financial information via a website for bringing together entrepreneurs and investors; providing financial information via a website for crowdfunding and fundraising of enterprises; financial affairs; monetary affairs; fund raising; crowdfunding; share funding; facilitating and arranging financing; providing financial information via an interactive website for users to arrange fundraising; information, consultancy and advisory services relating to the aforesaid; providing information about investment and funding via a website. Klasse 41 Education; training services relating to management consultancy. Klasse 42 Creating a website for fundraising; maintaining a website for fundraising; computer services, namely interactive hosting services which allow users to publish and share their own content on a website. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.22 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1234584 Int.reg.dato: 2014.09.08 Registreringen 2024.09.08 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501711 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Gjengivelse av merket: Gehwol (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Eduard Gerlach GmbH Chemische Fabrik, Bäckerstr. 4-8, DE-32312 LÜBBECKE, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 3 Cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations, pumice stone and artificial pumice stone, soaps, medicated soaps, essential oils, cosmetics, preparations for cleaning, care and conditioning of the skin and nails; nail repair preparations, false nails; nail varnish removing preparations, deodorants, antiperspirants for personal use. Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical preparations for treating and preventing skin and nail diseases and orthopaedic disorders of the foot; medicated foot bath preparations; skin, foot, nail and leg care preparations for medical purposes; disinfectants, anti-fungal preparations; plasters, for reducing pressure, for preventing inflammation and callus thickening, corn plasters. Klasse 8 Pedicure or manicure instruments, skin and nail clippers, scissors and files, pincers. Klasse 10 Orthopaedic, surgical and medical apparatus, instruments and articles for foot care; apparatus, instruments and articles for chiropody, podology and foot care; equipment and apparatus for hygienic purposes, namely hot-air, steam and UV sterilisers and foot baths, foot massagers, therapeutic apparatus for massage and/or bathing; cushioning pads and cushions, the aforesaid goods for medical purposes. Klasse 44 Medical foot care, cosmetic foot care and hand care. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.22 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (450) Int.reg.nr: 1234573 Int.reg.dato: 2014.08.28 Registreringen 2024.08.28 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501710 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (151) (180) DANCE CENTRAL (210) (220) (540) (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Harmonix Music Systems, Inc., 625 Massachusetts Avenue, Second Floor, US-MA02139 CAMBRIDGE, USA (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Computer game software and electronic game programs, namely, game software recorded on cd-rom and digital video discs for computers; video game software recorded on cd-roms, digital video discs, and cartridges for console and individual, portable gaming systems; video game software that is downloadable from a remote computer site and electronic game software for mobile phones, personal digital assistants, and handheld computers. Klasse 41 Entertainment services, namely, providing an on-line computer game for others over global and local area computer networks; providing information, news, and commentary in the field of computer games, video games, and computer and video games related Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.22 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1234615 Int.reg.dato: 2014.10.21 Registreringen 2024.10.21 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501714 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Gjengivelse av merket: STONKAM (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Sharpvision Co. Ltd., 5/F, #3 Building Huangzhou, Industrial Park, Chebei Rd., Tianhe District, CNGUANGZHOU, GUANGDONG, Kina (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Camcorders; video recorders; flashing lights [luminous signals]; acoustic [sound] alarms; cameras [photography]; sound recording apparatus; monitors [computer hardware]; transmitters of electronic signals; navigation apparatus for vehicles [on-board computers]. Klasse 16 Paper; greeting cards; writing instruments; tags for index cards; catalogues; posters; advertisement boards of paper or cardboard; note books; business cards; picture poster. 52 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer Klasse 35 Advertising; advertising agencies; bill-posting; accounting; business management assistance; importexport agencies; commercial administration of the licensing of the goods and services of others; personnel management consultancy; computerized file management. (450) purposes; ironing boards, covers for ironing boards, wall mountings adapted for ironing boards, flat iron stands; accessories for ironing boards, namely arm boards, mount and ironing board facings; brushes, toothbrushes and electric toothbrushes; electrically operated hair care apparatus, namely brushes; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods, all the aforesaid goods included in this class. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.23 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Int.reg.nr: 1234617 Int.reg.dato: 2014.10.15 Registreringen 2024.10.15 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501715 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.04.25, EM, 012821039 Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) BioSafe (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH, CarlWery-Strasse 34, DE-81739 MÜNCHEN, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 7 Electric household and kitchen machines and apparatus, included in this class, in particular electric kitchen machines and apparatus, including grinders, beaters and kneading apparatus, fruit presses, juice extractors, juice centrifuges, mincing machines, cutting apparatus, electrically powered tools, tin openers, knife sharpening apparatus, and machines and apparatus for making beverages and/or preparing food, beverage pumps for dispensing chilled beverages; electric vending machines for beverages or foods, automatic vending machines; electrical apparatus for sealing plastics packaging); electric waste disposal apparatus, namely garbage disposals and waste compactors; washing machines for crockery; electric machines and apparatus for the treatment of laundry and clothing (included in this class), including washing machines, spin dryers; ironing presses, ironing machines, included in this class; electric household cleaning equipment, including electric window cleaning equipment, electric shoe polishers and vacuum cleaners, wet and dry vacuuming apparatus; pails for all the aforesaid goods included in this class; in particular flexible tubes, pipes, dust filters, dust filter bags, all for vacuum cleaners. Klasse 11 Apparatus for heating, steam generating and cooking, in particular stoves, baking, roasting, grilling, toasting, defrosting and heating devices, water heaters, immersion heaters, slow-cookers, microwave ovens, waffle irons (electric), egg-boilers, deep-fat fryers (electric); electrical tea and coffee makers, espresso coffee machines, automatic coffee machines (included in this class); refrigerating apparatus, in particular refrigerators, chest freezers, refrigerated cabinets, beverage-cooling apparatus, fridge freezers, freezers, ice machines and apparatus; drying apparatus, in particular including tumble dryers, laundry drying machines, hand dryers, hair dryers; infrared lamps (other than for medical use); heating pads (not for medical purposes), electric blankets (not for medical purposes); apparatus for ventilating, in particular fans; extractor hood filters, steam-extraction equipment and extractor hoods for kitchens, air conditioning apparatus and devices for improving air quality, humidifiers, air deodorising apparatus, scent dosing apparatus, other than for personal use; air purifying apparatus; water heaters, storage water heaters and instantaneous water heaters; kitchen sinks; heat pumps; parts of the aforesaid goods, included in this class; taps for dispensing cooled beverages for use in combination with appliances for cooling of beverages. Klasse 21 Small hand-operated devices for household and kitchen use; containers for domestic or kitchen Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.26 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1234634 Int.reg.dato: 2014.10.31 Registreringen 2024.10.31 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501716 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.07.24, EM, 013110069 Gjengivelse av merket: ÇEKAÇ (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Nordex Holding A/S, Nordre Ringgade 2, DK-9330 DRONNINGLUND, Danmark (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 6 Packaging containers of metal, preserving boxes of metal. Klasse 8 Non-electric can openers. Klasse 29 Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs, milk and milk products; edible oils and fats. Klasse 30 Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery, ices; honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt, mustard; vinegar, including wine vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.23 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1234752 Int.reg.dato: 2014.11.14 Registreringen 2024.11.14 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501730 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.05.30, CH, 662609 Gjengivelse av merket: COCOFIT (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Thai Gastro Unternehmen GmbH, Langackerstrasse 17, CH-8708 MÄNNEDORF, Sveits (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 29 Coconut oil, coconut butter, coconut fat, coconut milk for culinary use, powdered coconut milk, coconut milk for cooking, coconut milk powder, desiccated coconuts, coconut oil, processed coconuts; preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs; milk and dairy products; edible oils and fats. Klasse 32 Fruit beverages and fruit juices; coconut-based beverages and beverages containing coconut milk; coconut water (beverage), coconut juice, coconut milk; non-alcoholic beverages excluding mineral and aerated waters; refreshing beverages, energy drinks, nonalcoholic beers; syrups, essences and other preparations for making beverages as well as tablets and powders for beverages and non-alcoholic 53 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) beverages. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.21 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (210) (220) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1234765 Int.reg.dato: 2014.06.09 Registreringen 2024.06.09 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501731 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Søknadsprioritet: 2013.12.13, EM, 012439238 Gjengivelse av merket: Int.reg.nr: 1234772 Int.reg.dato: 2014.07.07 Registreringen 2024.07.07 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501733 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: AAL Association (AALA), Rue du Luxembourg 3, BE1000 BRUSSEL, Belgia (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 16 Photographic and printed matter, namely printed material of all kinds, including books, brochures, prospectuses, catalogues, publicity leaflets, posters, photographs, pictures, calendars; all the aforesaid goods in bound form, being loose-leaf collection or hardcopy versions, included in this class; chromos, postcards, graphic representations, handbooks, instructional material (except apparatus). Klasse 35 Advertising; promotional services; merchandising; publication of publicity texts; dissemination of advertisements; updating, rental and distribution of advertising material, in particular flyers, prospectuses, printed matter; compiling advertising material, for others; public relations; publication of printed matter (including in electronic form), for advertising purposes; arranging and conducting of commercial and advertising events; advertising in all media, including radio, television and cinema advertising, and on-line advertising; business organisational consultancy; sponsorship search; compiling and collating of business information and data into computer databases; computerised file managing. Klasse 36 Financial sponsorship of projects for the purpose of developing new technologies to support independent living for the older generation (assisted living), in particular through the preparation and checking of applications, and the supervision of promotional projects and the coordination of research tasks; financing of science and research, and the implementation and application thereof, financing of science and research, in particular in the field of information technology and the effects thereof (in particular for small and medium-sized businesses and employees thereof); financing of science and research, in particular projects dealing with the know-how exchange between small and medium-sized businesses; financing of science and research, in particular projects dealing with structural change caused by technical advances; financing of science and research, in particular projects dealing with the analysis and prognosis of adaptation processes and measures necessitated by technological change; financing services for the international cooperation, in particular in Europe. Klasse 38 Communication services, namely communication by fibre-optic networks, communication by computer terminals, communication by telephone. Klasse 41 Arranging and conducting of seminars, in particular seminars on project preparation, seminars on cost calculation, seminars on (technical) project management, providing educational information events in the field of information technology and the effects thereof, in particular in the field of the application and propagation of information technology; arranging and conducting of workshops. Klasse 42 Technological research in the field of technology, in particular gerontology, microsystems engineering, rehabilitation technology, robotics, energy technology, consumer technology (video, PC), industrial textiles, CERTIQ (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Atlas Copco Rock Drills AB, Klerkgatan 21, SE-70191 ÖREBRO, Sverige (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Telematic systems consisting of remote and telemonitoring apparatus, namely, remote controls for mining, rock excavation and construction equipment and vehicles, remote control transmitters for mining, rock excavation and construction equipment and vehicles, global positioning system receivers, software and hardware for collecting, recording, tracking, communicating and reporting data pertaining to the location, productivity, operation and maintenance of mining, rock excavation and construction equipment and vehicles and for recording, analyzing, communicating and reporting mine and construction office management information, including financial and human resource information. Klasse 35 Providing business assistance, namely tracking services regarding positioning derived from telematic systems including global positioning technology and remote and telemonitoring apparatus to operators of mining, rock excavation and construction equipment and vehicles for business purposes; providing business information derived from telematic systems including global positioning in the field of mining, rock excavation and construction equipment and vehicle for business purposes; business consultation in the field of mining, rock excavation and construction equipment and vehicle information services. Klasse 42 Remote monitoring services of mining, rock excavation and construction equipment and vehicles, namely, collecting, recording, tracking, communicating and reporting data pertaining to the location, productivity, operation and maintenance of mining, rock excavation and construction equipment and vehicles; remote monitoring, remote control and remote adjustment of operation of mining, rock excavation and construction equipment and vehicles through Internet, extranet and any other global computer and telecommunication networks; technical consultation in the field of mining, rock excavation and construction equipment and vehicle information services. (450) 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.21 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 54 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer telemedicine, technology-oriented programs, technical health monitoring, portable monitoring equipment; scientific technological services; scientific research for medical purposes; design and development of computer hardware and software; technical project studies; design of communication networks. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.25 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: Int.reg.dato: Registreringen utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: Notifikasjonsdato: Søknadsprioritet: 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Int.reg.nr: 1234796 Int.reg.dato: 2014.08.15 Registreringen 2024.08.15 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501736 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.02.17, JP, 2014-011240 Gjengivelse av merket: 1234775 2014.07.15 2024.07.15 201501734 2015.02.12 2014.02.07, DE, 30 2014 023 513.7/10 Gjengivelse av merket: Skeo (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Otto Bock HealthCare GmbH, Max-Näder-Strasse 15, DE-37115 DUDERSTADT, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 10 Physical therapy equipment; hearing protection devices; feeding aids and pacifiers; sex aids; medical and veterinary apparatus and instruments; medical furniture and beds specially made for medical use; equipment for moving patients; medical clothing; prostheses and artificial implants; orthopedic and mobility aids; orthopedic articles, in particular liner for prostheses; artificial limbs; parts and fittings of all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. (450) (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: SEVEN DREAMERS LABORATORIES, INC., 3-14-4 Shiba, Minato-ku, JP-Tokyo 105-0014, Japan (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 7 Clothes-folding machines for industrial purposes; clothes-folding machines for household purposes; clothes-folding machines with wash and dry functions, for industrial purposes; clothes-folding machines with wash and dry functions, for household purposes; clothes-folding machines with dry functions, for industrial purposes; clothes-folding machines with dry functions, for household purposes. Klasse 10 Medical devices for use the prevention of snoring; medical devices for use in the prevention of nasal congestion; medical devices for use in the prevention of nasal airway obstruction; nasal cavity insertion stents used to keep the airway from narrowing; stents for treatment of obstructive sleep apnea; medical apparatus and instruments for treatment of obstructive sleep apnea; medical guidewires; medical catheters; medical apparatus and instruments. Klasse 28 Golf clubs; golf club shafts; golf equipment; sports equipment (other than for climbing, surfing, water-skiing and scuba diving). Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.21 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (450) 55 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.21 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1234806 Int.reg.dato: 2014.09.12 Registreringen 2024.09.12 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501737 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.03.18, CH, 656966 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et and services. Klasse 38 Providing access to databases; providing online forums. (450) (111) (151) (180) kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Swiss Caps Rechte und Lizenzen AG, Husenstrasse 49, CH-9533 KIRCHBERG, Sveits (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 3 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing and scouring preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair tonics for cosmetic use, dentifrices; cosmetic products, soaps, perfumery products, essential oils and hair tonics for cosmetic use in the form of capsules from plant matter; cosmetic products, soaps, perfumery products, essential oils and hair tonics for cosmetic use in the form of capsules consisting of polysaccharide (starch), particularly in combination with Gellan gum. Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical and veterinary products; sanitary products for medical purposes; dietetic substances for medical use; nutritional preparations for medical use, particularly for balanced diets; food supplements; capsules from plant matter for the aforesaid goods; pharmaceutical products, dietetic substances for medical use, nutritional preparations for medical use, particularly for balanced diets and food supplements, all in the form of capsules consisting of polysaccharide (starch), particularly in combination with Gellan gum. (450) (210) (220) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.21 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1234858 Int.reg.dato: 2014.10.16 Registreringen 2024.10.16 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501740 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Gjengivelse av merket: EPRIMO (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: eprimo GmbH, Flughafenstrasse 20, DE-63263 NEU ISENBURG, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 35 Negotiating and concluding of contracts for the supply of electricity, gas and other energy for others. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.21 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1234868 Int.reg.dato: 2014.10.24 Registreringen 2024.10.24 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501741 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Gjengivelse av merket: Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.21 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (546) Merket er et (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Int.reg.nr: 1234808 Int.reg.dato: 2014.08.01 Registreringen 2024.08.01 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501738 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.07.22, BX, 1293127 Gjengivelse av merket: kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Falter Service GmbH & Co. KG, Kaldenhausener Str. 41, DE-47802 KREFELD, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 28 Fishing line. FLIPIT (450) (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Imbull B.V., Van Ostadestraat 149b, NL-1073TK AMSTERDAM, Nederland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Downloadable computer software applications, also for mobile devices. Klasse 35 Advertising; publicity; commercial intermediation services; compilation, systemization, updating and maintenance of information into computer databases; administrative data processing; direct mail advertising; online advertising; pay-per-click advertising, pay-persale advertising, pay-per-view advertising; marketing; promoting the goods and services of others over the internet; promoting the goods and services of others by providing hypertext links to the web sites of others where discounts, offers, deals, coupons, vouchers, promotional codes, promotional contests, rebates, price comparison information, product reviews, links to online retail shops and related information are shared; publication and writing of publicity texts; sales promotion for others; website traffic optimization; provision of space on websites for advertising goods 56 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.21 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1234871 Int.reg.dato: 2014.10.23 Registreringen 2024.10.23 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501742 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Gjengivelse av merket: for use in tracking product and service purchase information for customer service, post-sale product and service support, troubleshooting and repair, and product returns; computer software for use in tracking product and service purchase information for marketing purposes. Klasse 35 Customer relationship management; customer service management for others; advertising and marketing; advertising and marketing services, namely, promoting the goods and services of others; advertising and marketing consultancy; processing warranty registration data for others; providing information via a web site featuring on-line registration services for customers, products, services and subscriptions; providing information via a web site featuring on-line registration services for product and service warranties; consumer and business marketing research and consulting related thereto; development of marketing strategies, concepts and tactics, namely, brand awareness. Klasse 42 Software as a service (SAAS) services featuring software for customer relationship management, marketing of products and services, and post-sale customer, product and service support; software as a service (SAAS) services featuring software for use in registering customers, users, products and services for support services, warranty services, membership services, and rebate, reward and incentive programs; software as a service (SAAS) services featuring software for use in tracking information associated with customers and the purchase of products and services via direct or indirect channels; software as a service (SAAS) services featuring software for use in tracking product purchase information for customer service, post-sale customer, product and service support, troubleshooting and repair, replacement or return; software as a service (SAAS) services featuring software for use in tracking customer information and product and service purchase information for marketing purposes; application service provider, namely, hosting, managing, developing, analyzing, and maintaining applications, software, and web sites, of others in the fields of advertising and marketing. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (561) Translitterasjon (uttale) av merket eller ord i merket: MAYMOUNA (566) Oversettelse av merket eller ord i merket: MAYMOUNA (730) Innehaver: LES GRANDES SEMOULERIES DU MAROC SA, Cité Oukacha Ain Sebaa, MA-20250 CASABLANCA, Marokko (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 30 Flour and cereal preparations. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.21 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1234989 Int.reg.dato: 2014.05.08 Registreringen 2024.05.08 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501764 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Søknadsprioritet: 2013.11.08, US, 86113394 Gjengivelse av merket: (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.23 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1234992 Int.reg.dato: 2014.05.16 Registreringen 2024.05.16 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501765 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Søknadsprioritet: 2013.11.19, EM, 012322699 Gjengivelse av merket: SECTRA (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of a stylized camera design formed by a circle between left and right brackets and a small bracket above and to the left of the circle. (730) Innehaver: Registria Customer Experience LLC, 1621 18th St., #20, US-CO80202 DENVER, USA (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Computer software for use in customer relationship management; computer software for use in managing promotional programs associated with brand and membership loyalty; computer software for use in registering customers, users, products and services for warranty service; computer software for use in registering customers, users, products and services for rebate, reward and incentive programs; computer software for tracking information associated with the purchase of products and services; computer software (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: SECTRA AB, Teknikringen 20, SE-58330 LINKÖPING, Sverige (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Scientific, photographic, cinematographic and optical apparatus and instruments for weighing, measuring and signalling; apparatus for recording, transmission, reproduction, storing and processing of data, information, sound and images; electrical apparatus and instrument for treatment, transmission and communication of signals; electronic encryption units; telecommunications apparatus; device for receiving, processing and transmission of data, information, sound and images; computers; lap top computers; central processing units [processors]; peripherals adapted for use with computers; touch sensitive electronic screens; telephones; mobile phones; printers; magnetic and optical data storage drives; CD 57 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer and DVS discs and other digital recordable media; encoded magnetic cards; SD-cards; SD-cards for computers and telephones; data communications apparatus, information terminals, transaction terminals; communication and radio apparatus for encryption, decryption and authentication of data, information, sound and images; plotters; bar code readers; computer programs; computer operating system software; computer programs for recording, transmission, reproduction, storing and processing of data, information, sound and images; computer programs for medical purposes; computer programs for patient data; computer programs and computer hardware for medical image processing, managing of images, archiving and communication of medical images; computer programs and computer hardware for 3D visualisation of images; computer programs for education; computer programs for pre-surgical planning; computer programs for provision of information through computer networks, document free solutions, workflow monitoring, schedules, statistics, invoicing; computer programs for time reservations and time planning; computer programs for encryption, decryption and authentication; electronic publications; electronic publications within the field technology, telecommunication and medicine; components and parts to all the above goods. Klasse 10 Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments; medical image processing apparatus; screens for medical purposes; touch sensitive electronic screens for medical purposes; image management system for medical purposes; image management systems for archiving and communication of medical images. Klasse 38 Telecommunication; telecommunication regarding encrypted communication; providing access to telecommunication networks; computer transmission services; computer aided transmission of data, information, sound and images; digital transmission and broadcasting services; electronic bulletin board services; IP-communication services (Internet Protocol); telecommunication gateway services; communications by computer terminals; transmission of film and programs; services for the electronic transmission of messages; telecommunication, namely providing access to distributed databases; providing user access to global computer networks; providing access to databases; providing access to electronic bulletin boards; transmission of database information via telecommunication networks; communication services, namely transmission of data, information, sound, images and computer programs, all via wire and/or wireless provision access to networks that covers a large area, local networks and internet; rental of phones; secured data, information, sound and image transmission services. Klasse 42 Science and technology services and thereto related research and design; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and computer programs; software as a service [SaaS]; consultancy services relating to information technology; installation of computer programs; design and development of networks; design and development of networks for encryption, decryption and authentication; consultancy in the field of computer systems and computer programs; computer programming; repair of computer programs [maintenance, updating]; provision of computer programs; rental of computers; rental of computer programs; server hosting; rental of web servers; consultancy in the field of technical and scientific information, including computer technology, telecommunication, electronics and medical technology; encryption, decryption and authentication of data, information, sound and images; interconnection of computer units; technical images analysis services; electronic computer storage; software as a service [SaaS] in the field of recording, transmission, reproduction, storing and processing of data, 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 information, sound and images and within the fields encryption, decryption and authentication and within the field for medical purposes; computerized storing of business information. Klasse 44 Medical services; medical online services; analysis and examination of medical images; online services for analysis and examination of medical images; consultancy services in the field of health care; X-ray services; digital image processing for medical purposes; medical screening. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.23 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1235011 Int.reg.dato: 2014.07.09 Registreringen 2024.07.09 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501767 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.04.22, EM, 012808606 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Niedax GmbH & Co. KG, Asbacher Str. 141, DE-53545 LINZ AM RHEIN, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 6 Installation materials, all of metal, for electric, gas and water supply installations, namely small items of metal hardware, pipe and cable clips, collars, spacing clips, multi-cable supports, carrier trays, slotted iron strip; perforated iron strip, bolt clips and parts therefor, bundle clamps, metal dowels, profile rails and connectors, and parts therefor, flex holders, end caps, terminal sleeves, plug-in sleeves and threaded sockets, screwed cable glands and parts therefor, of metal, in particular reductions, extensions, adaptors, locking screws, elbow screw connectors, nuts and pressure screws, nails, ceiling hooks, toggle bolts; cable support systems of metal, namely cable trays, cable guides, mesh racks, lattice angles, ceiling supports, equipment conduits, cable protection conduits, industrial ducts, wiring conduits, tubes for protecting cables, all being of metal, and parts and fastening devices for the aforesaid goods, of metal; floor-to-ceiling columns of metal for supplying electricity to workplaces; suspension frames of metal for mounting false ceilings and suspended ceilings, and parts and attachment devices for the aforesaid goods, of metal; framework of metal for cable support systems for attaching to floors, ceilings and walls, namely hanging rods, carrying consoles, clamp adapters, head plates; fastening plates, central suspensions, spacer profiles, suspension brackets, angle profiles, mounting plates, fastening elements and rail assemblies, all being of metal, and parts therefor of metal; suspension frames of metal for mounting false ceilings and suspended ceilings, and parts and attachment devices for the aforesaid goods, of metal; ceiling support profiles of metal, and parts therefor of metal; suspension systems of metal, mainly consisting 58 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer of threaded rods, wire cables and chains, and parts therefor of metal; flange fixation systems of metal, mainly consisting of flange clamps, brackets and suspending brackets; cable guiding and support framework of metal for maintaining the functioning of electric installations in the event of fire. Klasse 9 Electrotechnical installation material, namely connecting terminals, terminal strips, terminals, branch terminals and parts therefor; earthing apparatus comprising hoop iron, strap clamps, cable clips, earth terminals, equipotential busbars, terminals, terminal clamps, earthing rods, earthing plates, deep-driven earthing rods, spacers, cross connectors and parts therefor; mounting units for mounting in equipment and installation ducts, namely apparatus supports, apparatus flush-mounting boxes, branch boxes; electrical installation mounting apparatus, in particular plugs, sockets and other contacts (electric connections), switches, junction boxes, covers, keyboards, rockers. Klasse 20 Installation materials, all of plastic, for electric, gas and water supply installations, namely profile rails, cable brackets and multi-cable supports, profiled protective caps, protective strips and rings for edges, cable sockets, pipe and cable clips, series clips; snapin clamps, sliding clamps, cable brackets, nail clamps, multi-cable supports, dowels, terminal sleeves, screwed cable glands and parts therefor, of plastic, in particular reductions, extensions, adapters, nuts, pressure screws, screw plugs, elbow screw connectors, sealing plugs, cable ties; cable support systems of plastic, namely cable trays, cable guides, cable trunking, equipment conduits, wiring conduits, skirting board conduits, corner conduits and floor conduits, all being of plastic, and parts and fastening devices therefor of plastic, namely apparatus supports, apparatus flush-mounting boxes, equipment tanks; cable guide systems for rail transport, mainly consisting of cable trays of plastic, standing posts of metal and attachment devices of metal; hand rails, including with integrated cable guiding, of plastic, and parts and attachment devices for the aforesaid goods, of plastic; fittings of plastic for the aforesaid goods. Klasse 37 Installation, assembly and maintenance of cable guiding and attachment systems. Klasse 42 Technical project studies; engineering services. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, optical data carriers; memories for data processing equipment; software (recorded); software (downloadable); data processing hardware, peripherals adapted for use with computers; data processing equipment and computers; scientific apparatus and instruments for use in vehicles, in particular in aircrafts; apparatus and instruments for communications, high-frequency and control engineering; apparatus and instruments for control of aircrafts; apparatus and instruments for air transport; special purpose containers, adapted to the apparatus and instruments of class 09; fire-extinguishing apparatus; navigational instruments; transmitters (telecommunication); transmitters for electronic signals; sensors; telemetry apparatus; measuring equipment for special mission aircraft, namely satellite and inertial navigation systems, flight mechanical data meters for flight test purposes, wind and turbulence meters, air chemical meters for trace gas measurements, aero magnetic meters, gravity meters; airborne data acquisition and processing systems, namely airborne data processors for calculating and storing of flight data, airworthy computers; navigation systems, namely ILS (instrument landing system), VOR (very-highfrequency omnidirectional radio), MLS (microwave landing system), SSR (secondary surveillance radar), PAR (precision approach radar), DME (distance measuring equipment); airborne systems for calibration of radio navigation aids, namely meters for radio navigation signals, airborne meteorological equipment, namely humidity meters, pressure sensors, temperature sensors; data processing equipment, namely, computers and mass storage units; computer programs for use in monitoring airborne data acquisition and processing systems. Klasse 16 Printed matter; handbooks [manuals] and user instructions for technical equipment; educational and instructional material (except apparatus); printed matter, namely printed educational and instructional material for operation and maintenance of the following measuring equipment for special mission aircraft, namely satellite and inertial navigators, flight mechanical data meters for flight test purposes, wind and turbulence meters, air chemical meters for trace gas measurements, aero magnetic meters, gravity meters, airborne data acquisition and processing systems, namely airborne data processors for calculating and storing of flight data, airworthy computers, navigation systems, namely ILS (instrument landing system), VOR (vhf omnidirectional radio), NDB (nondirectional beacon), TACAN ADF (tactical air navigation automatic direction finder), MLS (microwave landing system), SSR (secondary surveillance radar), PAR (precision approach radar), DME (distance measuring equipment), airborne systems for calibration of radio navigation aids, namely meters for radio navigation signals, airborne meteorological equipment, namely humidity meters, pressure sensors, temperature sensors, data processing equipment, namely computers and mass storage units, computer programs for use in monitoring airborne data acquisition and processing systems; printed educational and instructional material for operation and maintenance of aircrafts, ships, motor vehicles and heavy goods vehicles. Klasse 42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; engineering services; air supported remote reconnaissance in the scope of scientific research; scientific and engineering services in the field of data processing; surveying; planning and execution of scientific expeditions. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.26 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: Int.reg.dato: Registreringen utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: Notifikasjonsdato: Søknadsprioritet: 1235021 2014.06.17 2024.06.17 201501769 2015.02.12 2014.03.05, DE, 30 2014 026 273.8/42 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Optimare Systems GmbH, Am Luneort 15a, DE-27572 BREMERHAVEN, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, 59 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.24 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 suitcases; travelling bags; beauty cases; school bags; satchels; purses; wallets; key cases of leather or leather imitations; umbrellas; parasols. Klasse 25 Footwear; headgear; insoles. Int.reg.nr: 1235026 Int.reg.dato: 2014.07.29 Registreringen 2024.07.29 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501770 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: PRECHEZA a.s, Nábr. Dr. E. Benese 1170/24, CZ75002 PREROV, Den tsjekkiske republikk (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 1 Agricultural chemical preparations, chemicals for forestry, chemicals for industry, products of inorganic chemistry, ammonium nitrate with limestone, chemical additives, ammonium, ammonium sulphate, ferrous sulphate, gypsum (fertilizer), finishing agents being industrial chemicals, bleaching preparations for industrial use, brake fluids, chemical agents, dispersing agents, nitrates, phosphates, urea, amofos (ammonium phosphate for use as fertilizer or to impregnate fabrics), potassium salt, fertilizers, hydraulic fluids, coolants, chemical agents for impregnating textiles and leather, acids, priming putty and glazing putty, binders belonging to this class, chemical agents for production of pigments, solvents in this class, caustics for industrial purposes, alkaline titanate, green vitriol. Klasse 2 Wood stains, anticorrosive preparations, paints, varnishes, coatings, binders for paints, thinners, enamels [varnishes], corrosion inhibitors, fixatives [varnishes] and fixatives for watercolors, putties, titanium white, iron oxide red, iron oxide yellow, iron oxide brown, iron oxide black, pigments for plastics, coatings for rubber industry and for construction. (450) (210) (220) (300) (540) (450) (111) (151) (180) 1235038 2014.08.06 2024.08.06 (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.26 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: Int.reg.dato: Registreringen utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: Notifikasjonsdato: Søknadsprioritet: 1235060 2014.09.04 2024.09.04 201501775 2015.02.12 2014.03.31, DK, VA 2014 00838 Gjengivelse av merket: LARRY VS HARRY (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Larry vs Harry ApS, Linnésgade 16B 3.th., DK-1361 KØBENHAVN K, Danmark (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 12 Bicycles; carrier bicycles; tricycles; delivery bicycles; delivery tricycles; frames for bicycles; bicycle trailers; child bicycle seats; parts and accessories for the aforementioned goods, included in this class. Klasse 25 Clothing, including cyclists' clothing; footwear, including cycling shoes; gloves, including gloves for cyclists; headgear. Klasse 35 Wholesale and retail services in the field of bicycles, carrier bicycles, tricycles, delivery bicycles, delivery tricycles, frames for bicycles, bicycle trailers, child bicycle seats, parts and accessories for the aforementioned goods; wholesale and retail services in the field of clothing, footwear, headgear, gloves; wholesale and retail services in the field of protective clothing and shoes for cyclists, helmets for cyclists; wholesale and retail services in the field of children's tricycles and children's bicyles (toys), scooters (toys) and toy carts; advertising in the field of manufacture, sale and repair of bicycles, carrier bicycles, tricycles, 201501771 2015.02.12 2014.02.07, DE, 20 2014 023 544.7/25 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et Int.reg.nr: 1235055 Int.reg.dato: 2014.09.02 Registreringen 2024.09.02 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501774 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.05.05, SE, 2014/03201 Gjengivelse av merket: MOHN Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.24 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: Int.reg.dato: Registreringen utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: Notifikasjonsdato: Søknadsprioritet: Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.26 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Alfa Laval Corporate AB, Box 73, SE-22100 LUND, Sverige (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 6 Common metals and their alloys; pipes of metal; parts and accessories to pipes of metal; valves of metal (not parts of machines); tanks of metal; nozzles of metal; pressure vessels of metal. Klasse 7 Machine tools; pumps (machines); hydraulic motors (not for land vehicles); hydraulic pumps (machines) pumps (machine- or motor parts); motors except for land vehicles; parts and accessories to aforesaid goods. Klasse 37 Installation, maintenance and repair of machines, motors, pumps and pipe systems. (210) (220) (300) (111) (151) (180) 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Deichmann SE, Deichmannweg 9, DE-45359 ESSEN, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 18 Goods made of leather and leather imitations, namely folding briefcases, briefcases, holdalls, work bags, belt bags and hip bags, bags for campers, document cases, travel baggage, vanity cases, not fitted, travelling sets, straps for handbags, saddlebags, make-up bags sold empty, shoulder bags, beach bags, bags; hand bags; beach bags; shopping bags; sports and leisure bags not adapted to their content; rucksacks; trunks and 60 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer delivery bicycles, delivery tricycles, as well as parts and accessories therefor; all the aforementioned services also provided on the Internet. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.27 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1235065 Int.reg.dato: 2014.09.04 Registreringen 2024.09.04 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501777 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Gjengivelse av merket: Int.reg.nr: 1235061 Int.reg.dato: 2014.09.17 Registreringen 2024.09.17 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501776 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Sigfox, 425 rue Jean Rostand, FR-31670 LABEGE, Frankrike (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Scientific (other than for medical use), nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signaling, inspection, life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus for broadcasting, recording, transmitting or reproducing sound, data or images; magnetic and electronic recording media; data processing apparatus, computers, computer memories, modems, magnetic tapes, facsimile machines, data magnetic or optical media, electric cables, digital optical disks, computer keyboards, printed circuits, printed circuit cards,smart cards, electronic circuit cards, electronic identification cards, software, software packages, computer terminals, video screens, printers for use with computers, electronic machines with a keyboard and/or screen, input or output carriers, magnetic and optical discs; apparatus for collecting, reading out, storing, converting, processing, inputting, broadcasting, transmitting data, information and signals; apparatus for the transmission of data and signals by telephone, fax, telegraph, teletype, telex, cable, satellite or any means of communication; telecommunication and radio communication apparatus, mobile phones and fixed telephones, answering machines; media for recording and reproducing sound, images or signals; telecommunication transmitters and receivers. Klasse 35 Advertising, rental of advertising space; rental of advertising time on all communication media; online advertising on a computer network; commercial or industrial management assistance; business management and organization consultancy; marketing; compilation of information in databases; statistical studies; file management; administration, supervision of computer servers and monitoring of the operation thereof; administration, supervision and definition of telecommunications networks; compilation of information in databases, services for updating computer files; newspaper subscription services; services for arranging subscriptions to telecommunication services. Klasse 38 Telecommunications, namely the transmission of information accessible by any means of telecommunication; secure data transmission services; communications by computer terminals, communications by telephone; transmission of telephone, television, radio information; transmission and reception of information by telex, Internet, satellite, cable, broadcasting, and by any means of communication; transmission of messages and encoded images; data transmission services, in particular packet transmission of information and images, electronic mail and paging services, mailing and transmission of dispatches, exchange of (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of the word "ALICE" in stylized lettering with a crown design above the letter "I" and five Chinese characters under the word "ALICE". The first Chinese character from left to right is transliterated as "Ai" and translated as "love", the second Chinese character is transliterated as "Li" and translated as "beautiful", the third Chinese character is transliterated as "Si" and translated as "silk", the fourth Chinese character is transliterated as "Zhu" and translated as "bead", and the fifth Chinese character is transliterated as "Bao" and translated as "treasure". The Chinese characters and the wording "ALICE" have no significance in the relevant trade or industry or as applied to the goods listed in the application, no geographical significance, nor have any meaning in any foreign language, and not term of art. (566) Oversettelse av merket eller ord i merket: The five Chinese characters in the mark from left to right are transliterated as "Ai", "Li", "Si", "Zhu" and "Bao" respectively. (730) Innehaver: Shenzhen Alice Jewelry Co., Ltd., Floor 3C, Building 19, Cuizhu North Road, CN- LUOHU DISTRICT, SHENZHEN, Kina (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 14 Charms [jewellery]; jewellery; chains [jewellery]; wristwatches; bracelets [jewellery]; precious stones; rings [jewellery]; earrings; jewellery cases [caskets]. (450) 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.26 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 61 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer computerized documents, electronic information exchanges; telephone enquiry services for telecommunications, telephone call transfer or telecommunications services; services for transmitting replies on an online interactive electronic service on a telecommunications network; electronic information dissemination services for global communication networks or private or restricted-access networks; computer-assisted downloading and transmission of data, messages and images; provision of access to a global computer network; providing access to databases; provision of access to search engines; electronic mail services on a telecommunications network; rental of telecommunication apparatus and installations; technical consulting and advice in the field of telecommunications; transmission and reception of data, signals, images and information processed by computers or telecommunication apparatus; mobile telecommunications network services; rental of access time to a database server center. Klasse 42 Rental of software; engineering services; computer management services, services for technical operational and supervisory assistance to computer networks; services for technical operational and supervisory assistance to telecommunication networks; computer programming, computer rental; design of programs for data processing, duplication of computer programs; rental of programs on computer media and via all telecommunications means; design (development) of computer systems and telecommunication systems; studies and research in the field of operating telecommunications networks; technical studies and research in the field of maintenance, servicing, installation and repair of computer and telecommunications hardware; code and format conversion between different types of text; alternate data transfer services; hosting of Internet sites; creation and maintenance of web sites; research and development of new products for companies; computer consulting services for the maintenance of telecommunication networks; information system consulting, advice on information system and information technology analysis, advice on the design of computer systems and networks; processing of signals, images and information processed by computers or telecommunication apparatus; engineering work; technical advice on the operation of telecommunication networks. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 savings banks; lease-purchase financing; financial analyses; financial information; issue of tokens of value; issuing credit cards; business liquidation services, financial; stocks and bonds brokerage; insurance; charitable fund raising; factoring agencies; fiduciary. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.26 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1235122 Int.reg.dato: 2014.09.22 Registreringen 2024.09.22 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501789 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: SLE Schuh GmbH, Rosenberggasse 36, AT-8010 GRAZ, Østerrike (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 18 Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made, namely leather for shoes, leather, unworked or semiworked, bags, bags made of imitation leather, handbags made of leather imitations, handbags, wallets, child-carrier bags, leather belts, leather straps; trunks and traveling bags, umbrellas, parasols, walking sticks, shoe bags. Klasse 24 Textiles and textile goods, not included in other classes; blankets; tablecloths. Klasse 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear, boots; slippers; slippers made of leather. Klasse 35 Advice on the organization and management of companies; procurement services for others [purchasing goods and services for other businesses]; publication of publicity texts; commercial administration of the licensing of goods and services for others; marketing; market research; opinion research; PR [public relations]; online advertising on a computer network; organization of exhibitions and trade fairs for commercial and advertising purposes; organization of fashion shows for advertising purposes; presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; window dressing; writing of publicity texts; sales promotion; rental of stalls; rental of advertising material; advertising by mail order; promotional distribution of samples; distribution of advertising material [leaflets, prospectuses, printed matter, samples]; demonstration of goods for advertising purposes; advertising. Klasse 40 Dyeing of leather; dyeing of shoes; dyeing of fabrics; dyeing of textiles; tanning of hides and skins; leather processing; customization of clothing; fur conditioning; saddlery work; fulling of textiles; waterproofing of woven fabrics; dressing of hides, skins; trimming of fur; cutting of materials. Klasse 42 Biological research; chemistry services; services of a fashion designer; packaging design services; services of chemical laboratories; chemical analyzes; research Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.25 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1235106 Int.reg.dato: 2014.10.21 Registreringen 2024.10.21 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501786 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Gjengivelse av merket: HUIJIN (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of six capital letters "HUIJIN"; the wording "HUIJIN" has no meaning in a foreign language; the mark has no meaning in the trade or industry or as applied to the services listed in the application, nor geographical indications. (730) Innehaver: Central Huijin Investment Ltd., New Poly Plaza, No. 1 North Chaoyangmen Street, Dongcheng District, CN100010 BEIJING, Kina (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 36 Capital investment; banking; mutual funds; funds investment; exchanging money; loan financing; financing services; financial management services; 62 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer and development with regard to new products for others; design and maintenance of websites for others; graphic designer services; material testing for textiles; quality testing; environmental research; material testing; scientific research; scientific laboratory services. Klasse 45 Licensing of industrial property rights. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) (450) (111) (151) (180) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.26 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (210) (220) (540) (210) (220) (540) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.21 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1235198 Int.reg.dato: 2014.11.21 Registreringen 2024.11.21 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501797 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (571) Beskrivelse av merket: At the top, there are two "S"'s with an hourglass between them, and beneath this "SJÖÖ SANDSTRÖM" is written in upper-case letters. (730) Innehaver: Sjöö Sandström Sweden AB, Ringvägen 50 C, SE11867 STOCKHOLM, Sverige (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 14 Horological and chronometric instruments, including wristwatches and wall clocks; watch straps. Int.reg.nr: 1235177 Int.reg.dato: 2014.10.27 Registreringen 2024.10.27 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501795 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Gjengivelse av merket: (450) (546) Merket er et Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.21 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: SARIA Bio-Industries GmbH & Co Verwaltungs- und Beteiligungs KG, Werner Straße 95, DE-59379 SELM, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 39 Transport and storage of waste, refuse and of food industry by-products. Klasse 40 Processing (transformation) and recycling of waste, refuse and of food industry by-products, for use in the animal food, energy, fertilizer and oleochemical industries. (111) (151) (180) Int.reg.nr: 1235181 Int.reg.dato: 2014.12.05 Registreringen 2024.12.05 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501796 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Gjengivelse av merket: (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: BODEGAS URBINA S.L., C/ Gran Via, 54 - 6°H, ES26005 LOGROÑO (LA RIOJA), Spania (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 33 Alcoholic beverages (except beers). (450) (450) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.21 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 SALVA Int.reg.nr: 1235149 Int.reg.dato: 2014.11.20 Registreringen 2024.11.20 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501792 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.10.27, EM, 013406095 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: CASA UM, S.A. DE C.V., Calle Gobernador Rafael Rebollar No. 95, MX-11850 COLONIA SAN MIGUEL CHAPULTEPEC, Mexico (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 33 Alcoholic beverages (except beers). 63 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.21 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1235202 Int.reg.dato: 2014.12.01 Registreringen 2024.12.01 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501798 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.07.22, FR, 14 4 107 129 Gjengivelse av merket: (450) (111) (151) (180) CUBjeans, c'est la taille qui compte, it's the size that counts (210) (220) (540) (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: M. ANTOINE ROY, 90 rue Saint Maur, FR-75011 PARIS, Frankrike VERCAUTEREN FRANCK, 3 rue des Petits Carreaux, FR-75002 PARIS, Frankrike (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 18 Leather and imitation leather; animal skins; trunks and suitcases; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery; wallets; purses (coin purses); credit card cases (wallets); bags; vanity cases (empty); collars or clothing for animals; net bags for shopping. Klasse 24 Fabrics; bed blankets; fabrics for textile use; elastic woven material; velvet; bed linen; household linen; table linen not of paper; bath linen (except clothing). Klasse 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear; shirts; leather or imitation leather clothing; belts (clothing); furs (clothing); gloves (clothing); scarves; neckties; hosiery; socks; bedroom slippers; beach, ski or sports footwear; underwear. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1235244 Int.reg.dato: 2014.10.31 Registreringen 2024.10.31 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501803 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Gjengivelse av merket: kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Hermes International, 24, rue du Faubourg Saint Honoré, FR-75008 PARIS, Frankrike (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 14 Precious metals and their alloys, precious stones, jewelry, jewelry products, necklaces, pendants (necklaces), chokers (necklaces), bracelets, rings, earrings, pendants, brooches, badges (jewelry), cuff links, medals, medallions, charms, tie clips, tie pins, chains (jewelry), boxes of precious metal, jewelry cases (caskets), watch cases not of precious metals, jewel and watch cases not of precious metals, timepieces and chronometric instruments, watches and component parts thereof, chronographs (watches), chronometers, wristwatches, clocks, wall clocks (timepieces), small clocks, watch straps, watch clasps, watch dials, watch cases, watch chains, movements for timepieces, cases for timepieces, caskets, presentation cases for timepieces, key rings (trinkets or fobs). Klasse 18 Leather and imitation leather, handbags, travel bags, backpacks, satchels, schoolchildren's bags and satchels, beach bags, shopping bags, garment bags (for travel), sports bags (other than those designed for products for which they are made), baby-changing bags, plaid bags, reticules (handbags), wheeled bags, sling bags for carrying infants (baby carriers), wallets, purses (coin purses), card cases (wallets), document holders, attaché cases, key cases (leather goods), trinket baskets of leather, trunks and suitcases, traveling trunks, sets and cases intended for toiletry articles (empty), vanity cases, clutch bags (evening purses), powder compacts, saddlery, saddle trees, bridles (harness), bridoons, belts and straps of leather (saddlery), guides (reins), horseshoes, horse collars, stirrups, parts of rubber for stirrups, stirrup leathers, harnesses, reins, halters, halters for horses, fastenings for saddles, bands of leather, shoulder belts (straps) of leather, knee-pads for horses, blinders (harness), horse blankets, covers for horse-saddles, pads for horseback riding saddles, whips, cat o' nine tails, jockey sticks, saddle boxes, riding saddles, bits (harness), harness fittings, wrist straps, leather or leather-board boxes, hat boxes of leather, boxes of vulcanized fiber, parasols, umbrellas, beach umbrellas, umbrella rings, umbrella covers, umbrella sticks, handles for walking sticks and umbrellas, walking-stick seats, suitcase handles, Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.26 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1235234 Int.reg.dato: 2014.11.20 Registreringen 2024.11.20 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501801 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.05.21, BX, 1289948 Gjengivelse av merket: Bamigo (111) (151) (180) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.26 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (546) Merket er et (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Bamigo Besloten Vennootschap, De Stater 20, NL5737RV LIESHOUT, Nederland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. (450) 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.26 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1235235 Int.reg.dato: 2014.10.02 Registreringen 2024.10.02 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501802 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.09.23, CH, 664390 Gjengivelse av merket: CUGAZI (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Novartis AG, CH-4002 BASEL, Sveits (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical preparations. 64 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer collars for animals, leashes for animals, muzzles, coats for animals, bags for animals, harnesses for animals, animal skins, bags for campers, leather laces, leather thread, trimmings of leather for furniture, game bags, furniture coverings of leather, moleskin (imitation leather), small bags and bags (envelopes, pouches) of leather for packaging. Klasse 21 Glassware for use in table art, namely drinking glasses, decanters, glass tableware, cups, vases, porcelain ware for use in table art, oddments tray made of porcelain, porcelain tableware, earthenware for use in table art, trays for domestic use, boxes of porcelain, boxes for tea, boxes for coffee capsules. Klasse 25 Clothing for men, women and children, boots, halfboots, esparto shoes or sandals, beach shoes, clogs (wooden shoes), footwear for sports, bedroom slippers, footwear, slippers, bath sandals, boot uppers, fittings of metal for footwear, fashion accessories for clothing for men, women and children, namely hats, caps, bonnets, gloves (clothing), mittens, mittens, neckties, belts (clothing), money belts (clothing), scarves, pockets (clothing), sashes for wear, shawls, stockings, socks, tights, suspenders, clothing of leather and imitation leather, stoles (fur stoles), furs (clothing), scarf rings, pareus, aprons (clothing). Klasse 26 Lace and embroidery, ribbons and braids, buttons, sequins, hooks and eyes, pins and needles, artificial flowers, shoe fasteners, dress fastenings, fastenings for clothing, sewing boxes, buckles (clothing accessories), shoe buckles, snap fasteners, fastenings for suspenders, broaches (clothing accessories), belt clasps, hat ornaments (not of precious metal), shoe hooks, eyelets for footwear and clothing, shoe ornaments (not of precious metal), hair ornaments, hair pins, hair grips (barrettes), bun pins, zip fasteners, fastenings for clothing, slide locks for bags, badges for wear, not of precious metal. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 power supplies; audio and video adapters; radio receivers; remote controls for toys and audio devices, namely, digital music players and smart phones; holders, mounts, stands and desk stands for use with portable audio devices, digital music players, smartphones, tablet computers and personal computers; chargers and wireless FM transmitters for use with portable computers and instructional software sold therewith; a wireless sound system for use with a digital music player comprising a charging base and speakers; microphones and audio speakers; battery chargers for portable electronic devices; chargers having detachable power supplies for electronic devices, namely, chargers for portable handheld devices, namely, smartphones and digital music players having detachable rechargeable batteries; audio processing accessories for computers, namely, adapters, limiters and compressors; radio transmitter that is connectable to a computer or a digital media player; leather protective covers specially adapted for personal electronic devices, namely, tablet computers, smartphones and portable media players; specialty holsters adapted for carrying personal electronic devices, namely, smart phones; mobile telephone accessories, namely, belt clips; armbands specially adapted for personal electronic devices, namely, smartphones and portable media players; electronic hardware for attachment to portable electronic devices to convert them to point-of-sale terminals, barcode scanners and magnetic strip readers; computer application software for personal electronic devices, namely, software for controlling remote controlled toys; mobile application software for portable computing devices, namely, smart phones and tablet computers; computer graphic software, namely, software for creating drawings in the nature of computer aided design (CAD) software; devices for the recording, processing and reproduction of sound and music; digital interfaces for use with portable electronic devices, namely, personal computers, tablet computers and smartphones for audio recording; plush protective covering for portable electronic devices, namely, smartphones, digital music players, and tablet computers; USB audio interfaces; detachable mounting apparatus for attaching a smartphone to a headstock of a stringed musical instrument. Klasse 35 On-line retail store services featuring accessories for personal electronic devices, namely, tablet computers, smart phones, personal computers, and portable media players. Klasse 42 Designing and hosting an interactive website for persons to create custom designed smartphone covers. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.27 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1235290 Int.reg.dato: 2014.06.24 Registreringen 2024.06.24 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501817 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.06.11, US, 86307137 Gjengivelse av merket: GRIFFIN (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Griffin Technology, Inc., 2030 Lindell Avenue, USTN37203 NASHVILLE, USA (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Protective cases for portable electronic devices, namely, tablet computers, laptop computers, smart phones and digital media players; protective cases for portable electronic devices, namely, tablet computers, laptop computers and smart phones, which are specially adapted to hold card readers for credit cards; polycarbonate protective case for an electronic device for recording, storing and transmitting audio files; fitted plastic films known as skins for covering and providing a scratch proof barrier or protection for electronic devices, namely, tablet computers, laptop computers and smartphones; earphones, ear buds and headsets; earphones and lanyard combinations, sold as a unit, for use with handheld electronic devices; an electronic docking station for charging and storing multiple tablet computers, personal digital media players, and smart phones; combination automobile charger and docking cradle for an electronic device for recording, storing and transmitting audio or video files; electric converters and electrical connectors; electrical cables; electric (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.26 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: Int.reg.dato: Registreringen utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: Notifikasjonsdato: Søknadsprioritet: 1235322 2014.08.05 2024.08.05 201501822 2015.02.12 2014.02.13, IT, MI2014C001384 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: DOT HOLDING S.r.l., Via San Francesco, 19, IT-22066 MARIANO COMENSE (CO), Italia (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Protective masks; sports protective helmets; helmets for sports; sport bags adapted to contain protective 65 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer helmets; gloves for protection against injuries; protective suits against accidents and injuries; protective insulating clothing against injuries and lesions; protective shoes against accidents, irradiation and fire; protective face shields for helmets; optical instruments; glasses; sports glasses; glass shields; pince-nez cords; lenses for glasses; cases for glasses; pince-nez chains; frames for glasses; sunglasses; chronographs. Klasse 18 Vanity cases; bags; hand bags; shoulder bags; sport bags; holdalls; purses; change purses; document holding cases; luggage label holders; leather and imitation leather; card holders; clutch bags; music cases; briefcases; wallets; sporting pouches; kit bags; all purpose sport bags; rucksacks; trunks and suitcases; mountain sticks; saddlery, whips and vests for animals; hide; saddle covers; umbrellas and parasols. Klasse 25 Clothing; footwear; headgear; waterproof clothing; thermally insulated clothing; clothing for cyclists; clothing for skiing; sportswear; underwear; thermally insulated underwear; wind resistant jackets; wind suits; wind resistant waistcoats; thermal jackets; cardigans; sport jerseys; polo shirts; T-shirts; sweaters; jumpers; sweaters for athletics; sweaters for running; sport sweaters; T-shirts for cycling; sport T-shirts and shorts; knitted sweaters; blouses; shirts; casual shirts; undershirts; vests; sport singlets; bodysuits; tights for athletics; sweatshirts; fleece sweatshirts; head sweatbands; neckerchiefs; ties; waist belts; outfits; bermuda shorts; shorts; pants; jeans; leggings; knickers; skirts; leg warmers; gloves; ski gloves; gloves for cyclists; stockings; socks; sports socks; sport footwear; sport boots; cycling shoes; boots; gaiters; bandanas; berets; ski hats; sun visors; sports headgear; ear muffs; balaclavas; scarves; neck warmers; wool hats; suits; swim caps. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 elements for pharmaceutical purposes; dietary supplements, including those adapted for medical purposes; nutritional supplements; dietary supplements for slimming purposes; food for babies; herbs and herbal beverages adapted for medicinal purposes; dental preparations and articles; sanitary preparations for medical use; hygienic pads; hygienic tampons; plasters; materials for dressings; diapers, including those made of paper and textiles; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides; deodorants, other than for human beings or for animals; air deodorising preparations; disinfectants; antiseptics; detergents for medical purposes. Klasse 29 Meat, fish, poultry and game; processed foodstuff based on meat; dried pulses; soups, bouillon; processed olives, olive paste; milk and milk products, butter; edible oils; dried, preserved, frozen, cooked, smoked or salted fruits and vegetables; pollen prepared as foodstuff; prepared nuts and dried fruits as snacks; hazelnut and peanut paste; tahini (sesame seed paste); eggs and powdered eggs; potato chips. Klasse 30 Coffee, cocoa; coffee or cocoa based beverages, chocolate based beverages; pasta, stuffed dumplings, noodles; pastries and bakery products based on flour, desserts based on flour and chocolate; honey, bee glue for human consumption, propolis for food purposes; spices and condiments for foodstuff; yeast, baking powder; flour, semolina, starch for food; sugar, cube sugar, powdered sugar; tea, ice tea; confectionery, chocolate, biscuits, crackers, wafers; chewing gums; ice-cream, edible ices; salt; cereals and cereal-based foodstuff; molasses for food. Klasse 32 Beers; preparations for making beer; mineral water, spring water, table water, soda water; fruit and vegetable juices, fruit and vegetable concentrates and extracts for making beverages, non-alcoholic soft drinks. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.22 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (450) Int.reg.nr: 1235332 Int.reg.dato: 2014.08.18 Registreringen 2024.08.18 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501823 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.26 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1235337 Int.reg.dato: 2014.10.17 Registreringen 2024.10.17 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501825 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.04.17, EM, 012804258 Gjengivelse av merket: MONSTER (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Hollywood Marketing SLU t/a Monster.travel, Capecan Business Centre, ES-38639 GOLF DEL SUR, Spania (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 35 Advertising, including advertising on the Internet; online advertising on a computer network; on-line data processing services; marketing and promotional services; preparation and presentation of audio-visual displays for advertising purposes; sales advisory services; dissemination of advertisements; rental of advertising space, online or otherwise; brand creation; organisation, operation and supervision of customer loyalty schemes; business information provided on-line from a computer database or the Internet; preparation, dissemination and updating of advertising material for use as web pages on the Internet or otherwise; advertising services by means of television screen based text; provision and rental of advertising space; business advisory and consultancy services; business management; business administration; sales promotion; sponsorship, namely providing of advertising and promotional contracts for third parties; telemarketing; commercial advisory services for consumers; sales promotion for goods and services of (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (571) Beskrivelse av merket: There are a world map with green lines, ZER word with dark blue letters at right of the world map and BEST QUALITY wording with again dark blue color under this term on the trademark. (730) Innehaver: ZER YAG SANAYI VE TICARET ANONIM SIRKETI, Incilipinar Mah. Gazimuhtarpasa Bulv., Doktorlar Sitesi C Block Kat:3 Daire: 306, TR- SEHITKAMIL, GAZIANTEP, Tyrkia (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 3 Bleaching and cleaning preparations; perfumery; cosmetics; fragrances; deodorants for personal use and animals; soaps; dental care preparations; abrasive preparations; emery cloth; sandpaper; pumice stone; abrasive pastes; polishing preparations for leather, vinyl, metal, wood. Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations for medical purposes; chemical preparations and chemical 66 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer third parties; providing of advertising space and business contacts, in particular on the Internet; marketing for third parties in digital networks; publicity services; arranging and conducting promotional and marketing events; organizational consultancy regarding customer loyalty programmes; developing marketing activities that include the provision of bonuses; organizational consulting for promoting sales by implementing award, bonus and customer loyalty programmes; providing consumer product information; public relations; consultation and advisory services relating to management and business; market research services; marketing research; the arrangement, preparation, publication and distribution of promotional materials; the provision of assistance in the management of the business affairs or commercial functions of an industrial or commercial enterprise; business research; business and market statistical information; rental of advertising space; provision of information relating to trade development and business opportunity; preparation of reports and provision of information, all relating to the aforesaid services; provision of all the above services via the Internet, online and other electronic media; business advice and consultancy relating to franchising; franchising consultancy services; rental of advertising and promotional space; rental of advertising time on communication media; computerised file management; gathering, arranging and disseminating statistical information; all of the aforesaid relating to travel and temporary accommodation booking services; provision of information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the above services. Klasse 39 Transportation; transport by water; transport by sea; transport by land; transport by air; agency services for arranging cruises; chartering of vehicles or apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water; provision of cruises; salvage of vehicles or apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water; agency services for arranging the transportation of persons; arranging of travel; arranging of travel tours; arranging of excursions; arranging of vehicle rental; tourist reservation agency services; travel reservation services; booking agency relating to travel; provision of travel information; reservation services relating to travel; hire of boats; itinerary planning services; making travel bookings; organising of foreign travel; planning of journeys; provision of the foregoing services and information relating thereto online from a computer database, via the Internet or via any other communications; provision of information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the above services. Klasse 43 Provision of temporary accommodation; provision of lodgings; provision of rooms; provision of holiday accommodation; provision of temporary accommodation; booking/reservation services for restaurants and holiday accommodation; arranging of venues for receptions; provision of the foregoing services and information relating thereto online from a computer database, via the Internet or via any other communications; administration, management, consultation, information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Int.reg.nr: 1235344 Int.reg.dato: 2014.11.06 Registreringen 2024.11.06 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501827 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.05.15, EM, 012876801 Gjengivelse av merket: ALPENFEST (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Lidl Stiftung & Co KG, Stiftsbergstrasse 1, DE-74172 NECKARSULM, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 29 Meat and meat products, fish and fish products, poultry and poultry products, game and game products, sausages and charcuterie, shellfish, not live, goods of shellfish, not live, seafood, not live, goods of seafood, not live; meat, fish, poultry, game, shellfish, vegetable and fruit extracts; preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruit and vegetables, the aforesaid goods including being pickled in sweet and/or sour sauce; preparations made from potatoes; jellies; jams, fruit, stewed, marmalade, fruit puree, sweet spreads made with fruits or vegetables, sweet spreads made with nuts; eggs, milk and milk products, kefir [milk beverage], butter, cheese products, cheese products, milk cream, yoghurt, curds, powdered milk for food purposes, desserts made from fruits, nuts, yoghurt, curds and/or milk cream; prepared nuts, nut mixtures, nut mixtures with dried fruits; edible oils and fats; tinned soups, preparations for making soup, broths; salads consisting predominantly of meat, fish, poultry, game, shellfish, vegetables, fruit and/or milk products; ready meals consisting essentially of meat, fish, poultry, game, shellfish, vegetables, fruits and/or milk products; frozen food consisting predominantly of meat, fish, poultry, game, shellfish, vegetables, fruit and/or milk products; antipasti consisting predominantly of meat, fish, poultry, game, shellfish, vegetables, fruit and/or milk products; dietetic food, other than for medical purposes, consisting predominantly of meat, fish, poultry, game, shellfish, vegetables, fruit and/or milk products. Klasse 30 Coffee, tea cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; coffee, tea, cocoa and chocolate drinks; coffee, tea and cocoa preparations for making alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages; flour and preparations made from cereals, cereals, muesli and wholewheat products; farinaceous food pastes, noodles and noodle products, pizza and pizza products; sushi; bread, open sandwiches, sandwiches, pastry and confectionery, sugar confectionery, chocolate and chocolate goods, chocolate and sugar decorations, in particular for decorating desserts or cakes; ready-made baking mixtures, cake baking mixtures, bread mixes, prepared pastry, cake dough; prepared mixes for pasta; edible ices; puddings, puddings in powder form, preparations for making confectionery, prepared deserts; honey, treacle; yeast, baking powder, starch for food; salt; mustard; mayonnaise, ketchup; vinegar, sauces (condiments), salad dressings; spices, spice extracts, dried herbs; flavorings for food; baking spices, flavourings for cakes; cooking essences; starch for food, potato starch, corn starch; binding agents for sauces, sauce powder; thickening agents for cooking foodstuffs, preparations for stiffening whipped cream; cake frosting (icing), coatings, cake glazes, sugar sprinkles, marzipan, marzipan paste, nougat, nut nougat, baking wafers, vanilla and vanillin sugar, vanilla beans; ready meals consisting essentially of preparations made from cereals, pasta, noodles, rice, bread, pastry and/or confectionery; frozen food consisting predominantly of cereal preparations, farinaceous food pastes, noodles, rice, bread, baked goods and/or confectionery; dietetic food, other than for medical purposes, consisting predominantly of cereal preparations, farinaceous food pastes, noodles, rice, bread, baked goods and/or confectionery. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.27 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 67 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) Klasse 31 Fresh fruits and vegetables; garden herbs, fresh; nuts [fruits]; seeds, natural plants and flowers; dried plants. Klasse 32 Beers, non-alcoholic beer, diet beer, mixed beer beverages; mineral and aerated waters; other nonalcoholic drinks; lemonades; fruit beverages and fruit juices; vegetable juice; smoothies; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. Klasse 33 Alcoholic beverages (except beers), wine, sparkling wines, spirits [beverages], liqueurs, alcoholic cocktails, spirit or wine-based cocktails and apéritifs, beverages containing wine; preparations for making alcoholic beverages. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1235350 Int.reg.dato: 2014.10.13 Registreringen 2024.10.13 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501830 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.07.04, RU, 2014723578 Gjengivelse av merket: Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.22 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1235345 Int.reg.dato: 2014.10.27 Registreringen 2024.10.27 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501828 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.07.17, CH, 663981 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Obchtchestvo s ogranitchennoy otvetstvennostyou "Khamovnitchesky Pivovar", 3, Barykovsky per., RU119034 MOSKVA, Russland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 32 Beers; beer-based beverages and cocktails; must; malt wort; beer wort; extracts of hops for making beer. NO SHORTCUTS (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Scott USA Limited, 1st and 2nd Floors, Elizabeth House, Les Ruettes Brayes, GG-GY11EW ST. PETER PORT, GUERNSEY, Guernsey (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Sunglasses with lenses having no optical sightcorrection function; spectacles and spectacle lenses for protective eyewear; protective masks and helmets; protective spectacles, protective headgear and underwear. Klasse 12 Bicycles, bicycle frames and bicycle components, particularly shock absorbers, handlebar grips, saddles and handlebars. Klasse 25 Clothing, headgear, footwear; protective clothing for cycling, motorcycling, snow sports and motor sports, including gloves. (450) 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.22 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1235381 Int.reg.dato: 2014.12.19 Registreringen 2024.12.19 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201501834 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.12 Gjengivelse av merket: Promafour Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.22 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Promat GmbH, Scheifenkamp 16, DE-40878 RATINGEN, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 17 Insulating materials. Klasse 19 Building materials (non-metallic). (450) 68 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.22 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: Int.reg.dato: Registreringen utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: Notifikasjonsdato: Søknadsprioritet: 1235404 2014.08.28 2024.08.28 (111) (151) (180) 201502026 2015.02.19 2014.02.28, US, 86208196#@#2014.02.28, US, 86208197 Gjengivelse av merket: (210) (220) (300) (540) 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Int.reg.nr: Int.reg.dato: Registreringen utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: Notifikasjonsdato: Søknadsprioritet: 1235457 2014.07.21 2024.07.21 201502029 2015.02.19 2014.07.21, GB, UK00003065083 Gjengivelse av merket: Shadow Realms (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Electronic Arts Inc., 209 Redwood Shores Parkway, Legal Department, US-CA94065 REDWOOD CITY, USA (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Computer game software; computer game software downloadable via a global computer network and wireless devices; video game software. Klasse 41 Entertainment services, namely, providing an on-line computer game; Provision of information relating to electronic computer games provided via the Internet. (450) (546) Merket er et (730) Innehaver: Tangerine Confectionery Limited, Quality House, Vicarage Lane, GB-FY44NQ BLACKPOOL, LANCASHIRE, Storbritannia (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 30 Confectionery, sweets, chocolate, chocolates, gums, gum and sugar confectionery; cereal based snack foods; popcorn; ices, ice lollies, ice cream, frozen confectionery. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.26 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke Int.reg.nr: 1235414 Int.reg.dato: 2014.11.25 Registreringen 2024.11.25 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201502028 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.19 Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of the English monogram "NINEBOT". (730) Innehaver: Ninebot (Tianjing) Tech. Co., Ltd., No. 507-16, Building Comprehensive Office, Science and Technology Industrial Center, North of Yunjing Road, Auto Parts Ind. Park, Wuqing District, CN-301700 TIANJIN, Kina (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 12 Electric vehicles; locomotives; remote control vehicles, other than toys; cycle cars; baby carriages; sleighs [vehicles]; inner tubes for pneumatic tires [tyres]; anti-theft devices for vehicles; sun-blinds adapted for automobiles. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.26 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1235459 Int.reg.dato: 2014.08.08 Registreringen 2024.08.08 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201502030 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.19 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et (450) (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: First Class Beverages of Sweden AB, Skiffervägen 102, SE-22478 LUND, Sverige (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 32 Non-alcoholic beverages; aloe vera drinks, nonalcoholic; powders for effervescing beverages; pastilles for effervescing beverages; beverages enriched with added minerals [not for medical purposes]; beverages enriched with added trace elements [not for medical purposes]; beverages enriched with added vitamins [not for medical purposes]; beverages enriched with added minerals; beverages enriched with added trace elements; beverages enriched with added vitamins; beverages consisting principally of fruit juices; nonalcoholic beverages; beverages containing vitamins; fruit-flavoured beverages; whey beverages; essences for making beverages; extracts for making beverages; vegetable juices [beverages]; non-alcoholic honeybased beverages; hop extracts for use in the preparation of beverages; non-alcoholic honey-based Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.26 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 69 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) beverages; carbonated non-alcoholic drinks; nonalcoholic malt free beverages [other than for medical use]; isotonic drinks; isotonic beverages [not for medical purposes]; peanut milk [non-alcoholic beverage]; tonic water [non-medicated beverages]; syrups for beverages; kvass [non-alcoholic beverage]; malt syrup for beverages; milk of almonds [beverage]; mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic beverages; mineral water [beverages]; peanut milk [non-alcoholic beverage]; preparations for making beverages; powders for effervescing beverages; squashes [non-alcoholic beverages]; syrups and other preparations for making beverages; sarsaparilla [nonalcoholic beverage]; sherbets [beverages]; pastilles for effervescing beverages; tomato juice [beverage]; waters [beverages]. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1235474 Int.reg.dato: 2014.10.24 Registreringen 2024.10.24 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201502032 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.19 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.04.24, EM, 012818175 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Piloxing LLC, 2220 W. Magnolia Blvd., US-CA91506 BURBANK, USA (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Magnetic data carriers, recording discs; compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media; computer software; computer programs [downloadable software); downloadable computer software applications; downloadable music files; encoded magnetic cards; encoded key cards; memory cards for video game machines; recorded computer programs; headphones; smart cards [integrated circuit cards]; magnetic tapes; magnetic tape units for computers; magnetic disks; magnetic data carriers; magnetic identity cards; encoded identification bracelets, magnetic; microphones; optical data carriers; optical discs; games software; recording discs; computer operating programs, recorded; usb flash drives; video game cartridges. Klasse 25 Clothing, namely, tops, bottoms, pants, shirts, skorts, shorts, pajamas, underwear, jackets, tights, t-shirts, sweatshirts, jumpers, pullovers; headgear, namely headbands, caps, hats, visors; footwear, namely, boots, slippers, socks, sports shoes, beach shoes. Klasse 28 Gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes, namely weighted gloves, ballet bars, boxing gloves, dumb-bells, fitness exercise equipment, fitness training belts; controllers for game consoles; punching bags; boxing gloves; weight lifting belts; gymnastic articles; gloves for games; batting gloves [accessories for games]; fitness exercise machines; body-training apparatus; video game apparatus. Klasse 41 Education and providing of training, namely, classes and seminars, including provided over a global computer network; sporting activities; coaching [training]; conducting fitness classes; gymnastic instruction; providing sports facilities; academies [education]; health club services [health and fitness training]; arranging and conducting of workshops; entertainment information; education information; information services relating to recreation; physical education. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.26 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1235469 Int.reg.dato: 2014.10.21 Registreringen 2024.10.21 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201502031 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.19 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of two Chinese characters. (561) Translitterasjon (uttale) av merket eller ord i merket: The transliteration of the two Chinese characters appearing in the trademark is YA YING. (730) Innehaver: ZHEJIANG ELEGANT PROSPER GARMENT CO., LTD., No. 966, West Dongsheng Road, CN- JIAXING, ZHEJIANG, Kina (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 18 Animal skins; pocket wallets; umbrellas; walking sticks; harness fittings; gut for making sausages; trimmings of leather for furniture; leather laces; handbags; travelling trunks. Klasse 25 Clothing; layettes [clothing]; swimsuits; waterproof clothing; masquerade costumes; gymnastic shoes; shoes; hats; hosiery; gloves [clothing]; neckties; straps for clothing; wedding dresses. Klasse 35 Advertising; presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; commercial administration of the licensing of the goods and services of others; marketing; import-export agencies; compilation of information into computer databases; organization of fashion shows for promotional purposes; personnel management consultancy; organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; sales promotion for others. (450) 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 (450) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.26 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 70 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.26 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1235498 Int.reg.dato: 2014.12.05 Registreringen 2024.12.05 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201502036 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.19 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.07.30, FR, 144109250 Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) JUICY SHAKER 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Int.reg.nr: Int.reg.dato: Registreringen utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: Notifikasjonsdato: Søknadsprioritet: 1235708 2014.10.10 2024.10.10 201502067 2015.02.19 2014.04.11, DE, 302014044066.0/09 Gjengivelse av merket: (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: LANCOME PARFUMS ET BEAUTE & CIE, 29 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, FR-75008 PARIS, Frankrike (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 3 Perfumes, toilet waters; bath and shower gels and salts for non-medical use; toilet soaps; body deodorants; cosmetics, particularly face, body and hand creams, milks, lotions, gels and powders; tanning and after-sun milks, gels and oils (cosmetics); make-up products; shampoos; gels, foams, balms and aerosol products for hair care and hair styling; hair sprays; hair dyes and bleaching products; hair waving and setting products; essential oils. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.26 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (546) Merket er et (730) Innehaver: Otto Kern GmbH, Elverdisser Strasse 313, DE-32052 HERFORD, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Spectacles, sunglasses, spectacle cases, glasses bags, spectacles and sunglasses frames. Klasse 14 Jewelry, fashion jewelry, particularly cuff links, tie pins and clips, necklaces, earrings, rings, bangles, bracelets (jewelry), brooches (jewelry), clocks, cases for clockand watchmaking, key rings (jewelry), all the aforesaid goods of precious metal and/or their alloys and/or plated with them. Int.reg.nr: 1235518 Int.reg.dato: 2014.10.14 Registreringen 2024.10.14 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201502037 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.19 Gjengivelse av merket: (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of the device of the variant of Chinese character, which is the trade name of applicant and transliterated as "BEN" and means origin in English, and English words "BX STEEL" in below; the mark has no significance in the relevant trade or industry or as applied to the goods/services listed in the application, no geographical significance, nor any meaning in any foreign language. (730) Innehaver: BENXI STEEL GROUP CORPORATION, No. 103, Yongfeng St., Pingshan District, CN- BENXI CITY, LIAONING PROVINCE, Kina (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 6 Steel, unwrought or semi-wrought; cast steel; steel sheets; steel pipes; steel strip; steel alloys; blooms [metallurgy]. (450) kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.27 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1235799 Int.reg.dato: 2014.06.27 Registreringen 2024.06.27 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201502085 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.19 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Mitsumi Electric Co Ltd, 2-11-2, Tsurumaki, JP-2068567 TAMA-SHI, TOKYO, Japan (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 7 Ac motors and dc motors and their parts [not for land vehicles]; ac generators [alternators]; dc generators. Klasse 9 Integrated circuits; integrated circuit modules; semiconductors; semiconductor devices; connectors [electricity]; switches, electric; electric coils; electromagnetic coils; transformers [electricity]; inductors [electricity]; condensers [capacitors]; pressure Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.26 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 71 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer sensors; acceleration sensors; barometric pressure sensors; ac adapters; dc adapters; tactile switches, electric; micro switches, electric; regulating apparatus, electric; power supply units for light-emitting diodes [led] lighting apparatus; power supply units embedded in printers for use with computers; power supply units embedded in photocopiers; power supply units embedded in cd players; power supply units embedded in computer peripheral devices; power supply units embedded in television apparatus; power supply units embedded in transmitters [telecommunication]; antennas; tuners for television apparatus; tuner for radios; television apparatus; set-top boxes for television apparatus; keyboard switches; streaming devices for tape recorders; magnetic heads for video recorders; magnetic heads for computer peripheral devices; digital cameras; computers; camera modules; mobile phones; computer peripheral devices; high-frequency apparatus; network communication devices; mouse [data processing equipment]; battery chargers; electronic component, namely, microelectromechanical systems [mems] devices; measuring or testing machines and instruments; power distribution or control machines and apparatus; telecommunication machines and apparatus; parts and accessories for telecommunication machines and apparatus; electronic machines, apparatus and their parts. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 surgical bandages and dressings; medical bandages and dressings for skin wounds and deep wounds; medical wound filling material, namely paste, powder, alginate, gel and granulates; medical adhesive bands, strips and discs; skin protective sheets; mouldable skin protective rings; strip paste; adhesive tapes for medical use; plasters; protective skin barrier film, protective skin barrier cream, protective skin barrier paste, protective skin barrier wipes; lubricating deodorants for stoma pouches for medical purposes; lubricating deodorant powder for ostomy bags; deodorizers for ostomy bags; urine absorbing towels, napkins and drip collector pads or envelopes for hygienic use; incontinence pads and envelopes; underwear for incontinence; tampons for hygienic and surgical use; wound cleansers; room deodorants. Klasse 10 Medical and surgical instruments and apparatus; instruments and apparatus for the surgical and medical treatment of ostomy and incontinence; instruments and apparatus for the medical and surgical treatment of the urinary tract system and for pelvic floor reconstruction; urology instruments and apparatus; gynecology instruments and apparatus; instruments and apparatus for the medical and surgical treatment of wounds; surgical and medical devices in the form of stimulating apparatus for the rehabilitation of muscles; ostomy bags; urine bags; envelopes and receptacles for the collection of excretions from the human body; ostomy appliance odour filters; catheters; irrigators and their parts and fitting in the form of drainage tubes, pumps, sleeves, bags and regulators for medical purposes; appliances for washing body cavities; medical probes; urinary condoms; urisheaths; condom catheters, urinals; ostomy belts; abdominal belts; cannulae; anal plugs for medical use; stents; guidewires; biopsy needles; surgical urology dilators; stone extractors; prostheses; implants of artificial material; urethral slings; elastic bandages, supportive bandages, orthopedic bandages; artificial limbs; suture material and apparatus; all for medical and surgical treatment; antimicrobial skin fold management bandages for medical use. Klasse 16 Magazines; printed matter; instructional material; teaching material. Klasse 36 Financial administration of foundations. Klasse 41 Education; providing of training. Klasse 42 Scientific research services; providing of clinical studies. Klasse 44 Health care services; operation of medical clinics; providing of medical information in relation to health care and in relation to discussion forum. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.23 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1235815 Int.reg.dato: 2014.08.19 Registreringen 2024.08.19 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201502086 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.19 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.02.20, EM, 012619003 Gjengivelse av merket: (450) (111) (151) (180) (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of a globe where the upper half consists of black and white stripes, while the lower part is black; the black stripes of the upper half are thinner in the right side, so that they form a light white globe. (730) Innehaver: Coloplast A/S, Holtedam 1, DK-3050 HUMLEBÆK, Danmark (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 3 Non-medicated preparations and substances for protection and care of the skin; anti-septic hand cleanser; medicated shampoo and body washes; adhesive remover preparations. Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical preparations and substances for protection and care of the skin; pharmaceutical preparations and substances for the treatment of skin disorders; pharmaceutical preparations and substances for the treatment of wounds; hygienic, medical and (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.25 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: Int.reg.dato: Registreringen utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: Notifikasjonsdato: Søknadsprioritet: 1235834 2014.10.14 2024.10.14 201502087 2015.02.19 2014.05.13, US, 86279834#@#2014.07.14, US, 86336535#@#2014.10.10, US, 86420636 Gjengivelse av merket: LE LABO (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Le Labo Holding Inc., 233 Elizabeth Street, US-New York NY10012, USA (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 3 Perfumes, aftershaves and colognes; fragrances; hair care preparations; non-medicated skin care 72 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer preparations; non-medicated bath care preparations; scented room sprays; soaps and detergents; cosmetics. Klasse 4 Scented candles. Klasse 35 On-line retail store services featuring fragrances, perfumes, aftershaves, and colognes, non-medicated skin care preparations, non-medicated bath care preparations, hair care preparations, candles, soaps and detergents, and scented room sprays; retail store services featuring fragrances, perfumes, aftershaves, and colognes, non-medicated skin care preparations, non-medicated bath care preparations, hair care preparations, candles, soaps and detergents, and scented room sprays; retail store services featuring personal care products, cosmetics and skin-care products; online retail store services featuring personal care products, cosmetics and skin-care products. Klasse 44 Beauty consultation services. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1235847 Int.reg.dato: 2014.10.16 Registreringen 2024.10.16 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201502089 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.19 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.09.11, TR, 2014/73891 Gjengivelse av merket: Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.23 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1235837 Int.reg.dato: 2014.10.09 Registreringen 2024.10.09 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201502088 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.19 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.05.29, LT, 2014 1140 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of a package design; in the upper part of the mark, there are stripes colored gray and green on a white ground above the green curved line; in the curved line, there is a picture of scissors; in the middle of the mark, there are 3D pictures of roasted pistachios as background; in front of the middle part of the mark, there is white colored wording TADIM on a red rectangular background; there are also white cuved line designs appearing above and below the term TADIM; in the below part of the mark there are a gray curved line and a green ground; on the green and gray ground, two pictures of roasted pistachios in 3D format appear. (730) Innehaver: Tadim Gida Maddeleri Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Sirketi, Gebze Organize Sanayi Bolgesi, 1100. Sok. No:1105, TR-41420 CAYIROVA/KOCAELI, Tyrkia (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 29 Meat, fish, poultry and game; processed foodstuff based on meat; dried pulses; soups, bouillon; processed olives, olive paste; milk and milk products, butter; edible oils; dried, preserved, frozen, cooked, smoked or salted fruits and vegetables; pollen prepared as foodstuff; prepared nuts and dried fruits as snacks; hazelnut and peanut paste; tahini (sesame seed paste); eggs and powdered eggs; potato chips. kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: UZDAROJI AKCINE BENDROVE "ARIMEX", Kirtimu g. 49, LT-02244 VILNIUS, Litauen (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 29 Preserved, dried, cooked fruits and vegetables; prepared nuts. Klasse 30 Flour and preparations made from cereals; bread, pastry and confectionery; ices. Klasse 35 Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods in relation to foodstuffs (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods in retail stores, wholesale outlets, through mail order catalogues or by means of electronic media, through web sites or television shopping programmes. (450) 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.22 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (450) 73 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.22 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1235851 Int.reg.dato: 2014.11.20 Registreringen 2024.11.20 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201502090 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.19 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.06.26, EM, 013032628 Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse 22 Awnings, awnings of textile, waterproof covers [tarpaulins]. (450) JENS S. (111) (151) (180) (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Jens S. Transmissioner AB, Box 903, SE-60119 NORRKÖPING, Sverige (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 35 Retail services for machine tools, motors and engines, pumps, sealing joints, bearings, gearings, machine coupling and transmission components, agricultural implements, hand-operated implements, hand tools and cutlery; retail services for parts and components for machine tools, motors and engines, agricultural implements, hand-operated implements and hand tools; retail services for industrial oils and greases, lubricants; import and export services. Klasse 40 Custom manufacture and assembly services. Klasse 42 Technological services, technological development services, technical inspection services and technical consultancy related thereto; construction drafting. (450) (210) (220) (300) (540) (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1235870 Int.reg.dato: 2014.11.28 Registreringen 2024.11.28 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201502092 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.19 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.05.30, EM, 012922639 Gjengivelse av merket: AVEA Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.23 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1235858 Int.reg.dato: 2014.11.25 Registreringen 2024.11.25 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201502091 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.19 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.08.27, PT, 534936 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.23 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Elgato Systems GmbH, Rotkreuzplatz 1, DE-80634 MÜNCHEN, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Software for mobile terminals for controlling light, in particular automatic lighting scenarios; internet-based applications for design, storage, uploading, downloading, publication, searching, displaying, selecting, linking, categorising and/or sharing of lighting scenarios; firmware for control and display of automatic lighting scenarios. (450) (111) (151) (180) 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.23 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1235871 Int.reg.dato: 2014.11.28 Registreringen 2024.11.28 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201502093 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.19 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.09.23, EM, 013291893 Gjengivelse av merket: kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: ELECTROCELOS - SISTEMAS AUTOMATIZADOS E COMUNICAÇÕES DE BARCELOS, S.A., Rua do Sobreiro, Lugar do Pinheiro, PT-4755-474 RIO COVO (SANTA EUGÉNIA), BARCELOS, Portugal (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 6 Building materials of metal, frames of metal, rigid awnings of metal, decking of metal, metal stanchions, metal barriers, intruder barriers of metal, doors of metal, lift-up metal doors, frames of metal, gates of metal, roller doors of metal, rails of metal, pot hooks of metal, shutters of metal, skylight of metal, locks of metal, metal roofing (awnings), mobile and still. Klasse 7 Motors, electric, other than for land vehicles, control mechanisms for machines, engines or motors, hydraulic controls for machines, motors and engines, pneumatic controls for machines, motors and engines, tension ratchets [machines], chains traction carriers. Klasse 9 Transistors [electronic], electronic programming units, programmable controllers, photocells, remote control apparatus, electric sleeved rails, electronic control units, keyboards, electric locks, automatic security barriers, electric couplings, electric batteries, electricity transformers, light regulators [dimmers], electric, software, interfaces for computers and software drivers. Klasse 11 LED lightings, safety lamps, electric lamps, lighting apparatus and installations. Klasse 19 Non-metallic building materials, non-metal coverings, covers (awnings) in non-metallic materials (structures), doors, not of metal, glass doors. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Datwyler TeCo Holding BV, De Tweeling 28, NL5215MC DEN BOSCH, Nederland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 3 Cleaning preparations, namely sprays and polishing cloths for cleaning LCD, LED and plasma TV screens, tablet computers and smartphones. Klasse 7 Emergency power supplies, in particular for computers; emergency power supply equipment and installations, including UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply) systems. Klasse 9 Electronic apparatus, namely cameras (film apparatus, webcams); audio apparatus, namely speakers and headphones, including being wireless; computers, and parts, accessories and fittings therefor, in particular cable locks, data converters and storage housings; cooling ventilators being computer parts; computer peripheral devices and parts, accessories and fittings therefor, in particular sound cards, card readers, computer mice, USB hubs and electronic switching material; computer carrying cases; accessories and peripheral devices for electronic tablets, in particular cases and keyboards; accessories for e-readers, in particular cases; mobile-phone accessories, in particular holders and stands. 74 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (450) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.27 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 none of the aforesaid products to be used on indoor or outdoor walls. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1235874 Int.reg.dato: 2014.12.04 Registreringen 2024.12.04 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201502094 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.19 Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) HYDEAL-D (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Fidia Farmaceutici SpA, Via Ponte della Fabbrica, 3/A, IT-35031 ABANO TERME (PD), Italia (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 1 Chemical substances and natural, synthetic and semisynthetic polymers used in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry; manures; chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs. Klasse 3 Dermatological and other cosmetic products; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, hair lotions; dentifrices. Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; biodegradable and biocompatible preparations of natural or semi-synthetic origin, known as biomaterials, for medical and surgical use; medical and sanitary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic products for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.23 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1235886 Int.reg.dato: 2014.11.07 Registreringen 2024.11.07 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201502096 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.19 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.11.05, ES, 3534047 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: CAÑAMAS HERMANOS, Cami Aigua Blanca s/n, ES46780 OLIVA (VALENCIA), Spania (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 31 Fresh fruit and vegetables; agricultural, horticultural and forestry products and grains not included in other classes. (450) (111) (151) (180) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.23 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1235883 Int.reg.dato: 2014.12.10 Registreringen 2024.12.10 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201502095 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.19 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.06.30, EM, 013040936 Gjengivelse av merket: Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.22 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1235890 Int.reg.dato: 2014.12.03 Registreringen 2024.12.03 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201502097 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.19 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.11.18, RU, 2014738608 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et (546) Merket er et 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Tuniyants Valery Gennadievich, ul. Leninsky prospect, d. 7, kv. 48, RU-119049 MOSKVA, Russland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 25 Clothing; footwear; headgear for wear; wimples; bandanas [neckerchiefs]; underwear; sweat-absorbent underwear; berets; overalls; boas [necklets]; teddies [undergarments]; half-boots; ski boots; boots for sports; breeches for wear; trousers; football shoes; collars [clothing]; detachable collars; shirt yokes; veils [clothing]; gabardines [clothing]; galoshes; neckties; ascots; leggings [leg warmers]; gaiters; boot uppers; corselets; jerseys [clothing]; vests; sports jerseys; hosiery; brassieres; heels; boxer shorts; hoods [clothing]; hat frames [skeletons]; pockets for clothing; collar protectors; cap peaks; visors [headwear]; tights; slips [undergarments]; combinations [clothing]; wet suits for water-skiing; bodices [lingerie]; corsets [underclothing]; suits; bathing suits; masquerade costumes; beach clothes; jackets [clothing]; fishing vests; stuff jackets [clothing]; leggings [trousers]; liveries; camisoles; sports singlets; cuffs; short-sleeve shirts; mantillas; coats; sleep masks; furs [clothing]; mittens; miters [hats]; muffs [clothing]; footmuffs, not (730) Innehaver: Eric Rahmqvist AB, Värdshusvägen 7, SE-18173 LIDINGÖ, Sverige (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 2 Water colors and paints; toners; all products to be used in schools and for creative education, or as craft material, none of the aforesaid products to be used on indoor or outdoor walls. Klasse 3 Cleaning, polishing and scouring preparations; soaps; lotions for cosmetic purposes; perfumed tissues; premoistened cosmetic wipes. Klasse 5 Disinfectants and antiseptics; impregnated antiseptic wipes; disinfectants impregnated into tissues. Klasse 8 Scissors. Klasse 16 Coloured pens; pastel crayons; children's paint-boxes; coloured lead pencils; adhesives for stationery; pencil sharpener; paintbrushes; modeling clay; inking pads. Klasse 28 Toys. Klasse 35 Retail services regarding toys, water colors and paints, toners, pens and stationery for children; organization of events (home parties) for commercial or promotional purposes; all products to be used in schools and for creative education, or as craft material, 75 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer electrically heated; heelpieces for footwear; bibs, not of paper; fur stoles; ear muffs [clothing]; socks; sock suspenders; beach shoes; sports shoes; paper clothing; paper hats [clothing]; outerclothing; readymade clothing; ready-made linings [parts of clothing]; motorists' clothing; cyclists' clothing; clothing for gymnastics; clothing of leather; uniforms; clothing of imitations of leather; fittings of metal for footwear; maniples; overcoats; panties; parkas; pelerines; ski gloves; gloves [clothing]; pajamas; bathing trunks; shirt fronts; scarfs; pocket squares; dresses; waterproof clothing; headbands [clothing]; garters; stocking suspenders; dress shields; soles for footwear; braces for clothing [suspenders]; lace boots; ponchos; belts [clothing]; girdles; money belts [clothing]; layettes [clothing]; non-slipping devices for footwear; heelpieces for stockings; welts for footwear; chasubles; shirts; wooden shoes; sandals; bath sandals; boots; jumper dresses; saris; sarongs; sweaters; footwear uppers; inner soles; bath slippers; togas; knitwear [clothing]; underpants; shoes; gymnastic shoes; slippers; skull caps; turbans; aprons [clothing]; tee-shirts; dressing gowns; bath robes; top hats; tips for footwear; stockings; sweat-absorbent stockings; shawls; caps [headwear]; shower caps; bathing caps; sashes for wear; studs for football boots; hats; babies' pants [clothing]; trouser straps; pelisses; esparto shoes or sandals; skirts; petticoats; skorts. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) 1235897 2014.10.28 2024.10.28 (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.22 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1235907 Int.reg.dato: 2014.12.19 Registreringen 2024.12.19 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201502103 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.19 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.11.27, EM, 013502653 Gjengivelse av merket: GLOBE D'OR (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Lidl Stiftung & Co KG, Stiftsbergstrasse 1, DE-74172 NECKARSULM, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 30 Chocolate and chocolate goods, also with liquid filling. 201502098 2015.02.19 2014.10.22, IT, BO2014C001382 Gjengivelse av merket: RE PROFUMO (111) (151) (180) Int.reg.nr: 1235900 Int.reg.dato: 2014.12.29 Registreringen 2024.12.29 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201502100 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.19 Gjengivelse av merket: JAGDSTOLZ (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Fulvio Fronzoni, Via Bachelet 6/B, IT-31100 TREVISO (TV), Italia (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 3 Soaps; perfumery; essentials oils; cosmetics; hair lotions; perfumes; preparations for perfuming the atmosphere; preparations for use as room perfumes. Klasse 4 Candles; scented candles. (450) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.23 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Lidl Stiftung & Co KG, Stiftsbergstrasse 1, DE-74172 NECKARSULM, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 33 Alcoholic beverages (except beers), especially spirits. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.25 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: Int.reg.dato: Registreringen utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: Notifikasjonsdato: Søknadsprioritet: 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.25 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.25 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1235938 Int.reg.dato: 2014.10.28 Registreringen 2024.10.28 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201502104 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.19 Gjengivelse av merket: TORRE DEI VESCOVI (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: COLLI VICENTINI - SOCIETA' COOPERATIVA AGRICOLA, Viale Europa, 151, IT- MONTECCHIO MAGGIORE, FRAZ. ALTE (VI), Italia (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 33 Wines. Int.reg.nr: 1235899 Int.reg.dato: 2014.12.12 Registreringen 2024.12.12 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201502099 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.19 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.08.25, SE, 2014/05267 Gjengivelse av merket: (450) Bozita Nordic by Nature (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Lantmännen Doggy AB, Doggyvägen 1, SE-44791 VÅRGÅRDA, Sverige (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 31 Foodstuffs for animals. 76 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.25 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1235941 Int.reg.dato: 2010.11.25 Registreringen 2020.11.25 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201502105 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.19 Søknadsprioritet: 2010.05.25, EM, 009129974 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et emulsion paints, glazes; wood dyestuffs; colour concentrates; dye pastes; varnishes; fixatives (varnishes); glazes; engraving ink; primers; priming agents for paints, lacquers, glazes and preservatives against rust; gamboge for painting; gum-lac; resins, included in this class; wood preservatives; wood mordants; preservatives against deterioration of wood, including with a wax portion; wood preservatives; preservative oils for wood; ceramic paints; anticorrosive preparations; lacquers; glazes; mackle in the form of paint preparations, and in powder form; metals in powder form for painters, decorators, printers and artists; minium; protective preparations for metals; raw natural resins; pigments; anti-rust preparations for preservation; anti-rust oils; soot (colorant); blacks (colorants or paints); silver paste; silvering powders; spray-on paints; spray lacquers; turpentine (paint thinners); substitutes for turpentine (paint thinner); badigeon; thinners for lacquers, in particular synthetic resin varnishes, paints, wood preservatives; gildings; wax-based varnishes for painting wood; distempers; whites [colorants or paints]; varnishes, lacquers, paints, dyes, mordants. Klasse 3 Paint stripping preparations; preparations for removing lacquers and paints and dispersion paints on wood, metal and plastic; paint stripping preparations, in particular paint removing preparations, lacquer removing preparations; facade cleaners; varnishremoving preparations; stain removers; solvents for floor wax (cleaning preparations); preparations for removing coatings, namely stripping preparations, lye, tar and bitumen removers, cement film removers, descalers for household purposes, oil for cleaning purposes; dry-cleaning preparations; cleaning preparations, in particular paint brush cleaning preparations, cleaning, polishing and scouring preparations; rust removing preparations; non-slipping liquids for floors; mould stain removers; wallpaper cleaning preparations; turpentine for stripping purposes; white spirits or turpentine substitutes; bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use. Klasse 8 Seam rollers; wallpapering bars. Klasse 16 Ceiling brushes; printed matter, in particular prospectuses, brochures, flyers; ink pads for applying paint; paint trays; painting, lacquering and structuring rollers; surface brushes in the form of paint brushes for painting large areas, paint rollers, varnish rollers, structured rollers, paint grids, paint trays, round paintbrushes, pressure rollers; painting brushes; canvas for painting; palettes for painters; wide paint brushes; house painters' rollers, in particular paint rollers, inking rollers, varnishing rollers, texture rollers; painting templates; painting tools, in particular stirring rods; painters' brushes; painters' easels; paintbrushes (ring, flat, angle and radiator brushes). Klasse 21 Wallpaper brushes; wallpapering brushes; paint grids. Klasse 40 Custom manufacture of ready-to-use paints from their basic components; consultancy regarding the mixing of paints and the custom manufacture of ready-to-use paints, in particular the composition of ready-to-use paints from their basic components; leather staining, shoe staining, fur dyeing, cloth dyeing and textile dyeing; colour mixing, in particular mixing of ready-touse paints, lacquers, glazes and/or plaster from neutral coloured bases and coloured pastes into the individually required colour, including at all points of sale, for others; lithographic printing; colour mixing consultancy, consultancy with regard to the mixing of paints and the custom manufacture of ready-to-use paints, in particular composition of ready-to-use paints from their basic components; colour mixing consultancy, colour analysis for colour matching, in particular conducted using a spectrophotometer (part of colour mixing); material treatment information; colour separation (electronic); silver-plating; gilding; blending of ready-to-use paints from their basic components (as a service); custom assembling of materials for others. kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Framê Trading srl, Via Sammichele, Zona Industriale Lotto No. 107, IT-70021 ACQUAVIVA DELLE FONTI (BA), Italia (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 30 Coffee, coffee beans, ground coffee, roasted coffee, real coffee, artificial coffee, decaffeinated coffee, soluble coffee, instant coffee, coffee mixtures, coffee essences and extracts, coffee-based beverages, artificial coffee and coffee substitutes and in particular preparations based on coffee flavoured herbs; tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago; food supplements not for medical purposes, included in this class; dietetic substances not adapted for medical use, included in this class, dietetic and energetic foodstuffs, not for medical use, not included in other classes; coffee substitutes [artificial coffee]; cereal bars and cerealbased products for human nutrition; flour and flourbased preparations, bread, pastries and confectionery, ices; honey, treacle; yeast, baking powders; salt, mustard. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.25 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 Int.reg.nr: 1235942 Int.reg.dato: 2014.02.18 Registreringen 2024.02.18 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201502106 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.02.19 Søknadsprioritet: 2013.09.05, EM, 012116026 Gjengivelse av merket: IntelliPaint (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: JW Ostendorf GmbH & Co KG, Am Rottkamp 2, DE48653 COESFELD, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 2 Alizarine dyes; aluminium paints; aluminium powder for painting; aniline dyes; paints; fixatives for watercolors; paints; anti-fouling paints; auramine; mordants, in particular wood mordants; agglutinants for paints; metals in foil and powder form for painters, decorators, printers and artists; silver foil [leaf]; bronze powder; bronzing lacquers; coatings for tarred felt [paints]; thickeners for paints; printing compositions (ink); enamels (varnishes); enamel paints; colour mordants, wood glazes; colorants; colours, in particular 77 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (450) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.05.25 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.06.01 78 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 innsigelser 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Innsigelser Innsigelser i registrerte varemerker jf. varemerkeloven § 26, samt innsigelser i internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer som er besluttet gjeldende i Norge jf. varemerkeloven §§ 71 og 26. (111) (210) (450) (540) Reg.nr.: 280054 Søknadsnr.: 201413337 Reg. kunngjort 2015.02.09 dato: Gjengivelse av merket (111) (210) (450) (540) UDARAND LOCKHEED MARTIN ARTAMIS (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (511) Varer og/eller tjenester: Klasse 5 Farmasøytiske preparater og substanser; dietetisk mat og stoffer for medisinsk eller veterinær bruk; kosttilskudd; probiotiske preparater; vitaminer og mineralpreparater. (730) (750) Reg.nr.: 280236 Søknadsnr.: 201413581 Reg. kunngjort 2015.02.16 dato: Gjengivelse av merket (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (511) Varer og/eller tjenester: Klasse 9 Kommunikasjons-, etterretnings-, overvåkings- og rekognoserings-(ISR) apparat for militære oppdrag og systemer på land, luft og sjø, nemlig datamaskinvare, dataprogramvare for kommunikasjon, etterretning, overvåking, rekognosering, datadeling, arbeidsmengdedeling, måletterretning og kontroll av avfyring av våpen, dataperiferiutstyr, apparater brukt til å kontrollere avfyring av våpen; målsensorer; programvare for å sjekke integriteten til data som genereres i oppdrag eller simuleringer; datamaskinvare og programvare for sensorer, nemlig synlige og infrarøde avbildningssensorer, termiske bildesensorer, radar, sensorer og lasere som brukes for å finne rekkevidde, kommunikasjon, deling av data, deling av arbeidsmengde, identifikasjon av kamp og målangivelse, elektronisk utstyr for sensor og målsporing, alt forannevnte brukt til formål for kommunikasjon, datadeling, arbeidsmengdedeling, måldeteksjon, klassifisering, gjenkjennelse og identifisering. Innehaver: Actavis Group PTC ehf., Reykjavikurvegi 76-78, IS220 HAFNARFJORDUR, Island Innehavers fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua , 0306 OSLO, Norge Innsiger: Johnson & Johnson, One Johnson & Johnson Plaza, US-NJ08933 NEW BRUNSWICK, USA Innsigers fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge Innsigelse inndag: 2015.05.11 (730) (750) 79 Innehaver: Lockheed Martin Corporation, 6801 Rockledge Drive, US-MD 20817 BETHESDA, USA Innehavers fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge Innsiger: Thales Optronique SAS, 2 avenue Gay Lussac, FR78990 ELANCOURT, Frankrike Innsigers fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua , 0306 OSLO, Norge Innsigelse inndag: 2015.05.18 innsigelser (111) (210) (450) (540) Reg.nr.: 280291 Søknadsnr.: 201413279 Reg. kunngjort 2015.02.16 dato: Gjengivelse av merket 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 (111) (210) (450) (540) Reg.nr.: 1222357 Søknadsnr.: 201413063 Reg. kunngjort 2015.02.16 dato: Gjengivelse av merket (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (511) Varer og/eller tjenester: Klasse 12 Båter og deler og tilbehør dertil, nemlig lastebåter, passasjerbåter, hurtiggående motorbåter, motorbåter, jetbåter, lystbåter/yacht, ferjer/motorferjer (launches), seilbåter, båtskrog, båtshaker, styremekanismer/styreinnretninger for skip, propeller for båter, rundholt/spire/bom for båter. Klasse 37 Skipsbygning og skipsreparasjonstjenester. (730) (750) Innehaver: CHINA SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION LIMITED, UNIT 2204, 22/F., 69 JERVOIS STREET, HKSHEUNG WAN, Hong Kong Innehavers fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge Innsiger: CSBC Corporation, Taiwan, No. 3, Jhonggang road, Siaogang district, Kaohsiung, TW- TAIWAN, R.O.C., Taiwan Innsigers fullmektig: Plougmann & Vingtoft, Postboks 1003 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge Innsigelse inndag: 2015.05.15 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (511) Varer og/eller tjenester: Klasse 33 Liqueur containing distilled wine originating from the Médoc region. (730) Innehaver: J.J. Jacobsen L.P., 78 Montgomery Street, Suite 1, GB-EH75JA EDINBURGH, Storbritannia Innsiger: Institut National de l'Origine et de la Qualité (INAO), 12, rue Henry Rol-Tanguy - TSA 30003, FR-93555 MONTREUIL-SOUS-BOIS CEDEX, Frankrike Innsigers fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Rasmussen & Broch ANS, v/ adv. flm. Helene Frich Hanøy for adv. Rasmus Broch, Postboks 4145 Sandviken, 5835 BERGEN, Norge Innsigelse inndag: 2015.05.15 (111) (210) (450) Reg.nr.: 1221969 Søknadsnr.: 201413014 Reg. kunngjort 2015.02.09 dato: Gjengivelse av merket (540) DASSAULT WINE ESTATES (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (511) Varer og/eller tjenester: Klasse 33 Wines. (730) 80 Innehaver: CHATEAU DASSAULT, Château Dassault, FR33330 SAINT-EMILION, Frankrike Innsiger: Monster Energy Co, 1 Monster Way, US-CA92879 CORONA, USA Innsigers fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Innsigelse inndag: 2015.05.08 innsigelser 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Avgjørelser etter innsigelser Formelle avgjørelser i innsigelsessaker jf. varemerkeloven § 29. (111) (210) (450) (540) Reg.nr.: 271498 Søknadsnr.: 201300283 Reg. kunngjort dato: 2013.07.15 Gjengivelse av merket Klasse 39 Transportvirksomhet; innpakning og lagring av varer; organisering av reiser; transport av personer eller varer (i luften, på land eller i vannet); arrangering av transport av personer eller varer (i luften, på land eller i vannet); utleie av kjøretøyer for befordring i luften, på land eller i vannet; utleie av biler, sykler, motorsykler, campingbiler, lastebiler, varebiler, rutebiler, busser, campingvogner og campingbiler; utleie og leasing av kjøretøyer; arrangering av utleie og leasing av kjøretøyer for befordring i luften, på land eller i vannet; utleie og leasing av kjøretøyutstyr og tilbehør; reserveringstjenester for kjøretøyer og transport; sjåførtjenester; utleie og leasing av sjåførkjørte kjøretøyer; transportflåteledelsestjenester; frakttjenester; transporttjenester; kurértjenester (meldinger eller varer); tjenester vedrørenede tauing av kjøretøyer; utleie av transportkjøretøyer; informasjon og rådgivning vedrørende alle disse tjenestene. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (511) Varer og/eller tjenester: Klasse 12 Kjøretøyer; befordringsmidler til bruk på land, i luften eller i vannet; kjøretøyer for bruk i luften, på land eller i vannet; kjøretøyer for reise på land, i luften, med jernbane eller i vannet; motorkjøretøyer for bruk i transport av mennesker; biler for å transportere varer; motorkjøretøyer; biler for transport av mennesker; biler for transport av varer; sportsbiler; åpne biler; campingbiler; husvogner (caravaner); motordrevne husvogner; kjøretøyer i form av varebiler; motordrevne varebiler; minibusser innredet som campingbiler; biler innredet som campingbiler; lastebiler i form av motordrevne landkjøretøyer; lastebiler for transport; kommersielle lastebiler; industrielle lastebiler; sykler; motorsykler; lastebiler; rutebiler; busser. Klasse 35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; kontortjenester; organisering, drift og overvåking av lojalitets- og intensivordninger; annonse- og reklametjenester fremskaffet via internett; produksjon av fjernsyns- og radioannonser og reklame; regnskapsføring og revisjon; auksjonsvirksomhet; varemesser; gallupundersøkelser; fremskaffelse av forretningsinformasjon; forretningsinformasjonstjenester fremskaffet online fra en computerdatabase eller fra internett; utarbeidelse av annonser og reklame for bruk som nettsider; markedsundersøkelser; analyse av respons på annonser og reklame og markedsundersøkelser; forretningstjenester på området utleie av kjøretøyer; transportflåteledelsestjenester; kostnadsanalyser og statistikk vedrørende kjøretøyer; forretningsforespørsler; forretningsundersøkelser; demonstrasjon av computerprodukter; datastyrt filbehandling; innsamling og organisering av data i en hovedfil på området annonsering og reklame for kjøretøyer og utleie av kjøretøyer; organisering av utstillinger for annonsering og reklameformål vedrørende kjøretøyer og utleie av kjøretøyer; detaljsalgstjenester i forbindelse med salg av kjøretøyer og befordringsmidler til bruk på land, i luften, med jernbane eller i vannet. Klasse 36 Forsikringsvirksomhet; finansiell virksomhet; monetær virksomhet; kredittjenester vedrørende motorkjøretøyer; finansielle tjenester vedrørende motorkjøretøyer; finansielle tjenester for kjøp av kjøretøyer; fremskaffelse av finansiering for kjøp av kjøretøyer; finansielle tjenester for leie og leasing av kjøretøyer; forsikringstjenester vedrørende kjøretøyer; finansielle tjenester vedrørende forsikring av motorkjøretøyer; leieog leasingkjøpsfinansiering av kjøretøyer; konsultasjoner vedrørende finansiering ved leasing; konsultasjoner vedrørende kjøretøykostnader og kjøretøyinvesteringer. (730) (750) 81 Innehaver: Europcar International, Immeuble Le Mirabeau 5-6 Place des Frères Montgolfier, FR-78280 GUYANCOURT, Frankrike Innehavers fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Innsiger: Enterprise Holdings Inc, 600 Corporate Park Drive, US-MO63105 ST. LOUIS, USA Innsigers fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Innsigelse inndag: 2013.08.30 Avgjørelse: Innehaver har begjært merket slettet. Slettelsen av det registrerte merket er gjennomført og kunngjort. Grunnlaget for innsigelsen er dermed bortfalt, og innsigelsessaken er hevet. innsigelser (111) (210) (450) (540) Reg.nr.: 271498 Søknadsnr.: 201300283 Reg. kunngjort 2013.07.15 dato: Gjengivelse av merket 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 campingbiler, lastebiler, varebiler, rutebiler, busser, campingvogner og campingbiler; utleie og leasing av kjøretøyer; arrangering av utleie og leasing av kjøretøyer for befordring i luften, på land eller i vannet; utleie og leasing av kjøretøyutstyr og tilbehør; reserveringstjenester for kjøretøyer og transport; sjåførtjenester; utleie og leasing av sjåførkjørte kjøretøyer; transportflåteledelsestjenester; frakttjenester; transporttjenester; kurértjenester (meldinger eller varer); tjenester vedrørenede tauing av kjøretøyer; utleie av transportkjøretøyer; informasjon og rådgivning vedrørende alle disse tjenestene. (730) (750) (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (511) Varer og/eller tjenester: Klasse 12 Kjøretøyer; befordringsmidler til bruk på land, i luften eller i vannet; kjøretøyer for bruk i luften, på land eller i vannet; kjøretøyer for reise på land, i luften, med jernbane eller i vannet; motorkjøretøyer for bruk i transport av mennesker; biler for å transportere varer; motorkjøretøyer; biler for transport av mennesker; biler for transport av varer; sportsbiler; åpne biler; campingbiler; husvogner (caravaner); motordrevne husvogner; kjøretøyer i form av varebiler; motordrevne varebiler; minibusser innredet som campingbiler; biler innredet som campingbiler; lastebiler i form av motordrevne landkjøretøyer; lastebiler for transport; kommersielle lastebiler; industrielle lastebiler; sykler; motorsykler; lastebiler; rutebiler; busser. Klasse 35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; kontortjenester; organisering, drift og overvåking av lojalitets- og intensivordninger; annonse- og reklametjenester fremskaffet via internett; produksjon av fjernsyns- og radioannonser og reklame; regnskapsføring og revisjon; auksjonsvirksomhet; varemesser; gallupundersøkelser; fremskaffelse av forretningsinformasjon; forretningsinformasjonstjenester fremskaffet online fra en computerdatabase eller fra internett; utarbeidelse av annonser og reklame for bruk som nettsider; markedsundersøkelser; analyse av respons på annonser og reklame og markedsundersøkelser; forretningstjenester på området utleie av kjøretøyer; transportflåteledelsestjenester; kostnadsanalyser og statistikk vedrørende kjøretøyer; forretningsforespørsler; forretningsundersøkelser; demonstrasjon av computerprodukter; datastyrt filbehandling; innsamling og organisering av data i en hovedfil på området annonsering og reklame for kjøretøyer og utleie av kjøretøyer; organisering av utstillinger for annonsering og reklameformål vedrørende kjøretøyer og utleie av kjøretøyer; detaljsalgstjenester i forbindelse med salg av kjøretøyer og befordringsmidler til bruk på land, i luften, med jernbane eller i vannet. Klasse 36 Forsikringsvirksomhet; finansiell virksomhet; monetær virksomhet; kredittjenester vedrørende motorkjøretøyer; finansielle tjenester vedrørende motorkjøretøyer; finansielle tjenester for kjøp av kjøretøyer; fremskaffelse av finansiering for kjøp av kjøretøyer; finansielle tjenester for leie og leasing av kjøretøyer; forsikringstjenester vedrørende kjøretøyer; finansielle tjenester vedrørende forsikring av motorkjøretøyer; leieog leasingkjøpsfinansiering av kjøretøyer; konsultasjoner vedrørende finansiering ved leasing; konsultasjoner vedrørende kjøretøykostnader og kjøretøyinvesteringer. Klasse 39 Transportvirksomhet; innpakning og lagring av varer; organisering av reiser; transport av personer eller varer (i luften, på land eller i vannet); arrangering av transport av personer eller varer (i luften, på land eller i vannet); utleie av kjøretøyer for befordring i luften, på land eller i vannet; utleie av biler, sykler, motorsykler, (111) (210) (450) (540) (546) Innehaver: Europcar International, Immeuble Le Mirabeau 5-6 Place des Frères Montgolfier, FR-78280 GUYANCOURT, Frankrike Innehavers fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Innsiger: Société Air France, 45, rue de Paris, FR-95747 ROISSY-CHARLES-DE-GAULLE, Frankrike Innsigers fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge Innsigelse inndag: 2013.10.14 Avgjørelse: Innehaver har begjært merket slettet. Slettelsen av det registrerte merket er gjennomført og kunngjort. Grunnlaget for innsigelsen er dermed bortfalt, og innsigelsessaken er hevet. Reg.nr.: 276733 Søknadsnr.: 201403904 Reg. kunngjort 2014.07.07 dato: Gjengivelse av merket Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (511) Varer og/eller tjenester: Klasse 43 Bevertning og tilbringing av mat og drikke. (730) Innehaver: 4SERVICE AS, Oksenøyveien 16, 1366 LYSAKER, Norge (750) Innehavers fullmektig: Norsk Patentbyrå AS, Postboks 1204 Vika, 0110 OSLO, Norge Innsiger: Choice Hotels International, Inc, 1 Choice Hotels Circle, US-MD20850 ROCKVILLE, USA Innsigers fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Norge Innsigelse inndag: 2014.10.07 Avgjørelse: Innsiger har trukket innsigelsen. Grunnlaget for dette er at innehaver begrenset varefortegnelsen. Innsigelsessaken er hevet. 82 avgjørelser fra Klagenemnda 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Avgjørelser fra Klagenemnda (210) Søknadsnr.: 201102288 (540) Gjengivelse av merket (210) Søknadsnr.: 201108461 (540) Gjengivelse av merket HYPERFUSE (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: 25 Fottøy, klær, hodeplagg. (731) Søker: Nike International Ltd , One Bowerman Drive, OR97005-6453, BEAVERTON, US (750) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS , Postboks 7007 Majorstua , 0306, OSLO, NO Søknad inngitt: 2011.02.25 Patentstyrets avgjørelse av søknaden (2014.05.16): Det søkte merket nektes registrert. Klage på Patentstyrets avgjørelse innkommet: 2014.07.11 Klagenemndas avgjørelse av 2015.02.12: 1. Klagen tas ikke til følge. 2. Varemerkesøknad 201102288 nektes registrert. Multiprop (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: 6 Ceiling supports of metal. 19 Ceiling supports (non-metallic). (731) Søker: Peri GmbH , Rudolf-Diesel-Strasse, 89259, WEISSENHORN, DE (750) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS , Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118, OSLO, NO Søknad inngitt: 2011.07.21 Patentstyrets avgjørelse av søknaden (2014.06.10): Den internasjonale registreringen nektes virkning i Norge. Klage på Patentstyrets avgjørelse innkommet: 2014.08.05 Klagenemndas avgjørelse av 2015.02.12: 1. Klagen forkastes. 2. Internasjonal registrering nr. 743525 gis ikke virkning i Norge. (210) Søknadsnr.: 201107018 (540) Gjengivelse av merket (210) Søknadsnr.: 201204322 (540) Gjengivelse av merket SMARTRUN (541) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: 33 Alcoholic beverages (except beers). (731) Søker: The Absolut Company AB , , 11797, STOCKHOLM, SE (750) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS , Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125, OSLO, NO Søknad inngitt: 2011.06.23 Patentstyrets avgjørelse av søknaden (2014.06.12): Den internasjonale registreringen nektes virkning i Norge. Klage på Patentstyrets avgjørelse innkommet: 2014.08.11 Klagenemndas avgjørelse av 2015.02.12: 1. Klagen forkastes. 2. Internasjonal registrering nr. 1079104 nektes virkning i Norge. (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: 7 Centrifugal pumping systems comprised of electric motor driven centrifugal pumps and electric motors incorporating pre-programmed and programmable variable frequency drive control system for controlling the operation of the electric motor driven centrifugal pumps. 9 Pre-programmed and programmable variable frequency drive control system for controlling the operation of an electric motor driven centrifugal pump. (731) Søker: Xylem Water Solutions AB, 36180, EMMABODA, SE (750) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS , Postboks 7007 Majorstua , 0306, OSLO, NO Søknad inngitt: 2012.04.26 Patentstyrets avgjørelse av søknaden (2014.06.17): Den internasjonale registreringen nektes virkning i Norge. Klage på Patentstyrets avgjørelse innkommet: 2014.08.14 Klagenemndas avgjørelse av 2015.02.12: 1. Klagen forkastes. 2. Internasjonal registrering nr. 112692 gis ikke virkning i Norge. 83 begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Begrensing i varefortegnelsen for internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer Begrensing av liste over varer eller tjenester utført for internasjonale registreringer som er gyldige i Norge. (111) (210) (151) (180) Reg.nr.: 0638177 Søknadsnr.: 200512539 Reg.dato: 1995.03.02 Registreringer 2025.03.02 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.11.17 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse 41 Entertainment; entertainment supplied online via computer databases or via the Internet; cultural activities. Klasse 43 Restaurant services (food services); temporary accommodation; services in connection with the reservation of hotel rooms by travel agencies or brokers. SÉCHERON (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Secheron SA, Rue du Pré-Bouvier 25, CH-1242 SATIGNY, Sveits (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic and optical apparatus and instruments; electric and electronic apparatus, devices, instruments, components and equipment included in this class, including those for electricity distribution and energy use; electric and electronic apparatus and instruments for weighing, measuring, signaling, controlling, checking and monitoring; apparatus for measuring and recording distance and speed and for data acquisition; electromechanical and electronic tachometers and tachographs; indicating instruments; pulse generators; computers and devices for data analysis and processing; electronic monitoring, protection and safety products for vehicles and fixed plants; power shut-off and protection apparatus; switching apparatus and earthing switches; pantographs and electrical outlets; forced-air or natural cooling starting and braking resistors. Klasse 12 Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water, including locomotives and motor vehicles, tramcars and railway vehicles, trolley buses; components and accessories for all the aforesaid goods (included in this class); automatic and manual couplers. (111) (210) (151) (180) Reg.nr.: 0867490 Søknadsnr.: 200513112 Reg.dato: 2005.04.08 Registreringer 2015.04.08 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.12.01 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Unistraw (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Unistraw Holdings Pte Ltd, One Raffles Place, Level #28-02 Tower 1, SG-048616 SINGAPORE, Singapore (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical and medicinal preparations; health and dietary supplements. Klasse 20 Drinking straws, including drinking straws containing flavouring for beverages or pharmaceutical, medicinal or health products. Klasse 30 Beverage flavourings. (111) (210) (151) (180) Reg.nr.: 0868708 Søknadsnr.: 200513557 Reg.dato: 2005.04.22 Registreringer 2015.04.22 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.12.08 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) Reg.nr.: 0854644 Søknadsnr.: 200507746 Reg.dato: 2005.06.15 Registreringer 2015.06.15 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.08.18 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: MIB (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: MIB Ingenieurgesellschaft für Verkehrssysteme mbH, Karl-Marx-Allee 90a, DE-10243 BERLIN, Tyskland (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 37 Supervision of construction works; construction and repair works services, namely, application for railblocking and switching on or switching off an electric overhead contact; realization of construction services. Klasse 42 Technical project planning; technical planning of traffic installations; construction consulting; surveying of sites, buildings and traffic ways; services of a technical or geological expert; technical management within the scope of supervising traffic sequences as far as contained in this class; analysis for the railway operation, namely, checking the trafficability of a closed rail section and reopening after the end of the construction work; awarding of certificates for tested services or products. Klasse 45 Safeguarding of building sites for the railway operation. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Societe Anonyme des Bains de Mer et du Cercle des Etrangers a Monaco, Place du Casino, MC-98000 MONACO, Monaco (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Photographic, cinematographic and optical apparatus; apparatus for recording, transmitting, reproducing sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing and computer equipment. Klasse 28 Games, gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes. 84 begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) Reg.nr.: 0868807 Søknadsnr.: 200513579 Reg.dato: 2005.09.15 Registreringer 2015.09.15 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.12.08 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 (111) (210) (151) (180) Reg.nr.: 1016390 Søknadsnr.: 200911325 Reg.dato: 2009.06.26 Registreringer 2019.06.26 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2009.11.05 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: ARMAND BASI Lattea (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Armand Basi SL, Sant Lluc, 54-64, ES-08918 BADALONA, BARCELONA, Spania (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 18 Leather and imitation leather, goods made of these materials not included in other classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and suitcases; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips and saddlery. Klasse 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Melitta Europa GmbH & Co KG, Ringstrasse 99, DE32427 MINDEN, Tyskland (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 11 Electric coffee, tea and espresso maker; coffee and tea filters (percolators); hot plates; electrical water heaters. Klasse 21 Small household and kitchen utensils, namely filter bodies and holders for opened and closed filter paper inserts for the filtering of liquids; goods for household and kitchen purposes made of glass, porcelain, earthenware, plastic and metal (all included this in class), in particular coffee- and teapots and services; drinking vessels, insulated jugs and containers; glass jugs; non-electric tea and coffee maker. Klasse 29 Products extracted from animal-based in the form of powdered milk for food and vegetable-based powdered milk for food, packed in portions; all the aforementioned goods only for use in coffee-based beverages and exclusively for use in coffee and espresso makers. Klasse 30 Coffee, coffee extracts, coffee substitutes, instant coffee, coffee additives; cocoa; tea, tea extracts, tea substitutes, instant tea, except tea beverages; sugar. (111) (210) (151) (180) Reg.nr.: 0871782 Søknadsnr.: 200600169 Reg.dato: 2005.04.13 Registreringer 2025.04.13 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2006.01.05 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: ILOVE (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: freenet digital GmbH, Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 32, DE10178 BERLIN, Tyskland (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Computer hardware and software; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; scientific apparatus; calculating machines; CDs and CD-ROMs; prerecorded video tapes; encoded cards; machine readable media; publications, electronic, or in electronic form (downloadable); video games; mouse mats; keyboards; spectacles, including reading glasses; spectacles for workstations, spectacle frames. Klasse 45 Personal and social services rendered by others to meet the needs of individuals; security services for the protection of property and individuals; dating services including online and offline dating; operating dating agencies for singles: dating services, aforementioned services, in particular via the Internet. (111) (210) (151) (180) Reg.nr.: 1059810 Søknadsnr.: 201013610 Reg.dato: 2010.07.14 Registreringer 2020.07.14 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2010.12.30 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: KMD (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: KMD A/S, Lautrupparken 40, DK-2750 BALLERUP, Danmark (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic, optical or electronic data carriers; computer software; telephones, including portable telephones; chipcards (encoded); compact discs (memory circuits), compact audio-video discs; computer memories; computer jukeboxes; recorded computer programs; downloadable computer programs; monitors (computer hardware); magnetic computer games (EDP programs), electronic agendas, floppy discs, holograms, headphones; encoded cards, magnetic; integrated circuits (chips); EDP communications equipment; computer interfaces; magnetic encoders; magnetic identity cards; mice (data processing equipment); electronic bulletin boards; optical discs; optical readers; light-emitting electronic pointers; electronic pens; computer printers; totalisators, scanners (data processing equipment); electronic signal transmitters; smart cards (encoded); word processing installations; teaching apparatus; external devices for computers; electronic documentation (downloadable), including user guides and program manuals. Klasse 16 Printed documentation, including printed manuals for users and system developers, instructional and teaching material (except apparatus) for use in instruction regarding data processing and EDP programs. (111) (210) (151) (180) Reg.nr.: 0983837 Søknadsnr.: 200815202 Reg.dato: 2008.10.17 Registreringer 2018.10.17 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.12.04 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: MASSI (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: JM - EV E Hijos SrL, Corró, 199, ES-08401 GRANOLLERS, BARCELONA, Spania (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 18 Leather and imitation leather, goods made from these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and suitcases; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harnesses and saddlery and in particular, sports bags, knapsacks, travelling bags and tool bags. Klasse 25 Clothing, footwear and headgear for sports. 85 begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 (111) (210) (151) (180) Reg.nr.: 1069838 Søknadsnr.: 201103590 Reg.dato: 2010.07.14 Registreringer 2020.07.14 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2011.03.31 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse 35 Advertising; business management, business administration; office functions; computerised file management; cost analysis; employment agencies; business management and organisation consultancy and assistance; industrial assistance; assistance regarding the purchasing of goods and services, for others; bookkeeping; computer data searches, for others; business investigations; business enquiries; systematisation, sorting and editing of information in computer databases (terms too vague in the opinion of the International Bureau - Rule 13(2)(b) of the Common Regulations; compilation and input of information into computer databases; document reproduction; market analysis; market research; company relocation; online advertising on a computer network; opinion polling; publication of publicity texts; efficiency experts; secretarial services; searching for data in computer databases, for others, preparation of statements of account; payroll preparation; preparation of advertising material; preparation of statistical information; business appraisals. Klasse 37 Installation of computer hardware. Klasse 38 Telecommunications; establishing connections to a computer network (telecommunications); computeraided transmission of messages and images; management of and connection to telecommunications traffic (terms too vague in the opinion of the International Bureau - Rule 13(2)(b) of the Common Regulations; electronic mail; fibre-optic network communications; information about telecommunications; communication via videophones; communications by computer terminal; communication by fibre-optic networks; teleconferences (telecommunications); sending of messages; providing of electronic news pages and bulletin boards (telecommunications); telephone communications; providing of user access to global computer networks. Klasse 41 Education; providing of training; arranging and conducting of lectures, conferences, congresses, seminars, symposia and workshops (training); publishing; online publication of electronic books and magazines. Klasse 42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; design and updating of computer software; computer systems analysis; restoration of computer data; copying of computer programs; computer programming; computer system design; research and development, for others; recovery of computer data; computer software installation; data conversion of computer programs and data (not physical); conversion of data or documents to electronic media (physical); monitoring of home pages, for others; computer hardware and software consultancy; rental of computers and computer software; website development and maintenance, for others; computer software maintenance. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: KMD A/S, Lautrupparken 40, DK-2750 BALLERUP, Danmark (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic, optical or electronic data carriers; computer software; portable computers; telephones, including portable telephones; chipcards; compact discs (memory circuits); compact audio-video discs; computer memories; computer jukeboxes; recorded computer programs; downloadable computer programs; monitors (computer hardware); magnetic computer games (EDP programs); electronic agendas; floppy disks; holograms; headphones; encoded cards, magnetic; integrated circuits (chips); EDP communications equipment; computer interfaces; magnetic encoders; magnetic identity cards; mice (data processing equipment); electronic bulletin boards; optical discs; optical readers; light-emitting electronic pointers; electronic pens; computer printers; totalisators; scanners (data processing equipment); electronic signal transmitters; smart cards (encoded); word processing installations; teaching apparatus; external devices for computers; electronic documentation (downloadable), including user guides and program manuals. Klasse 16 Printed documentation, including printed manuals for users and system developers, instructional and teaching material (except apparatus) for use in instruction regarding data processing and EDP programs. Klasse 35 Advertising; business management, business administration; office functions; computerised file management; cost analysis; employment agencies; business management and organisation consultancy and assistance; industrial assistance; assistance regarding the purchasing of goods and services, for others; bookkeeping; computer data searches, for others; business investigations; business enquiries; systematisation, sorting and editing of information in computer databases; compilation and input of information into computer databases; document reproduction; market analysis; market research; company relocation; online advertising on a computer network; opinion polling; publication of publicity texts; efficiency experts; secretarial services; searching for data in computer databases, for others; preparation of statements of account; payroll preparation; preparation of advertising material; preparation of statistical information; business appraisals. Klasse 37 Installation of computer hardware. Klasse 38 Telecommunications; establishing connections to a computer network (telecommunications); computeraided transmission of messages and images; management of and connection to telecommunications traffic; electronic mail; fibre-optic network communications; information about telecommunications; communication via videophones; communications by computer terminal; communication by fibre-optic networks; teleconferences (telecommunications); sending of messages; providing of electronic news pages and bulletin boards (telecommunications); telephone communications; providing of user access to global computer networks. Klasse 41 Education; providing of training; arranging and conducting of lectures, conferences, congresses, 86 begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker seminars, symposia and workshops (training); publishing; online publication of electronic books and magazines. Klasse 42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; design and updating of computer software; computer systems analysis; restoration of computer data; copying of computer programs; computer programming; computer system design; research and development, for others; recovery of computer data; computer software installation; data conversion of computer programs and data (not physical); conversion of data or documents to electronic media (physical); monitoring of home pages, for others; computer hardware and software consultancy; rental of computers and computer programs; website development and maintenance, for others; computer software maintenance. 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 nail care products, sunscreen preparations, sunblocker, shoe polish. Klasse 8 Hand-operated tools; cutlery, forks and spoons; razors; cutlery, table cutlery, runcible spoons, serving cutlery, knives, silver plate. Klasse 9 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signaling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling of electricity, apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; and mechanisms for coin operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; extinguishers; spectacles; parts for eyeglasses, spectacle frames; spectacle temples, spectacle glasses, optical glasses, sunglasses, goggles for sport, goggles, accessories for spectacles, spectacle cases, custom made cases, leather cases and bags for data processing equipment, especially for mobile phones, notebooks / laptops, smart phones, binoculars. Klasse 14 Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes; jewellery, precious stones; chronometric and horological instruments, watches, fashion jewellery, watch bands. Klasse 18 Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery; bags, handbags; travelling bags; school bags; satchels; rucksacks; vanity cases, purses, wallets, briefcases, key cases, cosmetic cases, card cases, leather cases, leather cases with slide locks, hip bags, bum bags, briefcases (leather goods), travelling sets (leather goods), small leather goods, leather accessories not included in other classes. Klasse 20 Furniture, mirrors, picture frames, goods, not included in other classes, of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, amber, pearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics; frames, cushions, decoration cushions, pillows, seat cushions, clothes hangers, magazine rack, clothes racks (furniture), baskets (not of metal), furnishings made of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, pearl, meerschaum and substitutes, or of plastics; curtain holders, not of textile material, bottle closures not of metal; blinds. Klasse 21 Household or kitchen utensils and containers; combs and sponges; brushes (except paint brushes); brushmaking materials; unworked or semi-worked glass (except glass used in building); glassware, porcelain and earthenware not included in other classes; pot covers, flower pots, flower-pot covers, tins, soap dishes and boxes, crockery, tableware, other than knives, forks and spoons, coffee and tea services, drinking vessels, coffee and teapots, glass, cups, cans, jugs, decanters, drinking bottle, cooking, roasting and baking ware, pots, pans, coasters, bottle cooler, wine cooler, champagne cooler, trays, bread baskets, egg cups, candlesticks, candle holders, soap dispensers, perfume sprayer and atomizers, vases, bottle openers, corkscrews, ice pails, salt cellars, pepper pots, pepper mills, napkin rings, napkin holders, knife rests, tea warmer candle holders, pot cloth, pot gloves, under plates, table plates, dishes, salad bowls, storage boxes/cases, oil vinegar cruets, cooking spoons, basting spoons, for kitchen use, mixing spoons, champagne buckets. Klasse 24 Textiles and textile goods not included in other classes, bed and table covers, bad linen, bed sheets, fitted sheets, duvet covers, mattress covers, bed sheets, goods of terry towelling, towels, bath linen, bath towels, beach towels, washcloths, blankets, bedspreads, table linen, table cloths, cloth napkins, table mats, table runners, place mats, linen (111) (210) (151) (180) Reg.nr.: 1172895 Søknadsnr.: 201310719 Reg.dato: 2012.11.22 Registreringer 2022.11.22 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2013.09.05 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Marc O'Polo International GmbH, Hofgartenstrasse 1, DE-83071 STEPHANSKIRCHEN, Tyskland (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Norge (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 3 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps, perfumery, essential oils, body and beauty care products, dentifrices, deodorants, perfumes, colognes, eau de parfum, eau de toilette, after shave, combined shampoo and shower gel product for use on the hair and body, namely "2 in 1" product, cosmetics, make-up products, eye shadow, mascara, eye makeup, lipstick, lip gloss, non-medical lip balm, lip liner pencils, make-up, face powder, blusher, make-up compacts, cosmetic cleansers, make-up remover, cosmetic skin care products, creams for the skin, lotions for cosmetic purposes, cosmetic masks, body lotions, body oils, body gel for cosmetic purposes, body and facial scrubs, shaving substances and substances for after-shave care, after-shave lotions, non-medical bath preparations, bath crystals, shower foam, shower gels, massage oils, nail polish, 87 begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 (111) (210) (151) (180) Reg.nr.: 1181906 Søknadsnr.: 201313693 Reg.dato: 2013.10.09 Registreringer 2023.10.09 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2013.11.14 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (household), cushion covers, decorative cushion covers, pillow covers, seat covers, slipcovers, bedspreads, curtains, drapes, fabrics, textile handkerchiefs, hangings (wall) of textile, quilt bedding mats, tablecloths on the roll, kitchen textiles, dish towels, shower curtains made of textile material or plastic foil, curtain holders of textile materials, towel blankets. Klasse 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear, outerwear for men, women and children, pants, jeans, coats, dresses, skirts, suits, ties, bathing robe, nightwear, aprons for cooking, underclothes, ladies' underwear, undergarments, corsetry, hosiery, socks, belts, suspenders, scarves, hats, shawls, gloves, leg warmers, headbands, swimwear, clothing for children and babies, leisure and city shoes for gentlemen and ladies, children shoes, clothing, footwear and headgear for sports especially jogging, fitness training, gymnastics, yoga, golf, tennis, squash, badminton, water sports, sailing, windsurfing, canoeing, rowing, downhill skiing, cross country skiing, snowboarding, soccer, basketball, handball, volleyball, baseball, in-line skating, skateboarding, roller skating, hockey, ice hockey, ice skating, football, cycling, equestrian sports, jersey clothing, hiking, trekking, climbing and outdoor clothing, hiking, trekking, climbing and outdoor footwear. Klasse 27 Carpets, rugs, mats and matting, linoleum and other materials for covering existing floors; wall hangings (non textile), bath mats. Klasse 35 Retail services, wholesale services, online services or catalogue mail order services in each of the areas of: apparel, garments, fashion accessories, belts, footwear, headgear, cosmetics, personal care, beauty care products, perfumery, essential oils, spectacles, parts for eyeglasses, spectacle frames, sunglasses, accessories for spectacles and sunglasses, eyeglass cases, leather and imitations of leather and articles thereof, bags, handbags, suitcases, luggage, backpacks, umbrellas, parasols, purses, wallets, key cases, cosmetic cases, leather cases, chronometric and horological instruments, watches, watchstraps, jewellery, fashion jewellery, furniture products and decorative products, furniture, mirrors, frames, picture frames, cushions, decorative cushions, pillows, curtain holders, bottle caps, textiles and textile goods, blankets, sheets, fitted sheets, terry linen, towels, bedspreads, quilts (duvets), table linen, tablecloths, placemats, table runners, table cloth on the roll, cloth napkins, kitchen textiles, dish towels, home textiles, shower curtains of textile or plastic foil, curtain holders of textile materials, cutlery, runcible spoons, table cutlery, forks, spoons, knives, silver plate, kitchen and household goods, combs, sponges, brushes (except paint brushes), glassware, porcelain, stoneware, tableware, carpets, rugs, mats, bath mats, rugs, flooring, wallpaper. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Word of Faith International Christian Center, 20000 W. Nine Mile Road, US-MI48075 SOUTHFIELD, USA (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 16 Printed informational publications and educational material covering religious topics, namely, bulletins, booklets, pamphlets, and newsletters. Klasse 45 Evangelical and ministerial services in the nature of conducting church services and promoting Christian beliefs through a religious organization; religious services, namely, ministerial services, evangelical services, preaching services, conducting religious services, and personal religious counseling. (111) (210) (151) (180) Reg.nr.: 1221801 Søknadsnr.: 201412985 Reg.dato: 2014.08.06 Registreringer 2024.08.06 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2014.11.13 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: CUIR D'ANGE (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Comptoir Nouveau de la Parfumerie , 23, rue Boissy d'Anglas, FR-75008 PARIS, Frankrike (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 3 Perfumes. 88 begrensing i varer eller tjenester for nasjonale merker Begrensing av varer eller tjenester for nasjonale registreringer Begrensing i liste over varer eller tjenester utført for nasjonale registreringer. (111) (151) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) Reg.nr.: 277100 Reg.dato.: 2014.08.12 Int. reg. dato: 2014.08.12 Registreringen utløper: 2023.06.12 Søknadsnr: 201307144 Inndato: 2013.06.12 Gjengivelse av merket: Lindbergh (541) (730) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font Innehaver: PWT A/S, Gøteborgvej 15-17, DK-9200 AALBORG SV, Danmark (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 14 Smykker, smykker av edle metaller og legeringer av disse, smykkeimitasjoner, smykker av uedle metaller og legeringer av disse, lærsmykker, perler og vedheng for smykker inkludert perler og vedheng for armbånd og halsbånd, mansjettknapper, slipsnåler, edelsteiner, imiterte edelsteiner, nøkkelringer [smykker]. Klasse 35 Engros- og detaljhandel, også via Internett, med smykker, smykker av edle metaller og legeringer av disse, smykkeimitasjoner, smykker av uedle metaller og legeringer av disse, lærsmykker, perler og vedheng for smykker inkludert perler og vedheng for armbånd og halsbånd, mansjettknapper, slipsnåler, edelsteiner, imiterte edelsteiner, nøkkelringer [smykker], klær, fottøy og hodeplagg, toalettsåper, parfymerivarer, eteriske oljer, kosmetikk, parfymerte toalettpreparater, preparater for rengjøring, pleie og forskjønning av hud, hodebunn og hår, deodoriserende produkter for personlig bruk, lær og lærimitasjoner, og varer laget av disse materialer, kofferter og reisevesker, vesker og håndvesker, reisevesker, reisesett, klesposer for reiseformål, toalettvesker, ryggsekker, sportsbagger, strandvesker, shoppingvesker, skuldervesker, skolevesker, reiseveske av kanvas, dokumentvesker, bokser av lær eller lærimitasjon, dokumentmapper, belter av lær eller lærimitasjoner, poser av lær til emballasje, lommebøker, pengepunger, nøkkelpunger og nøkkelringer av lær (ikke opptatt i andre klasser), paraplyer, parasoller, spaserstokker, spaserstokkseter. 89 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 slettelser 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Trekninger/slettelser begjært av søker/innehaver Følgende vare-, ansvars- og eller fellesmerker er begjært slettet fra varemerkeregisteret av innehaver. (111) (151) Reg.nr.: Reg.Dato.: 306 1973.02.28 90 slettelser Slettelse, varemerkeloven § 43 Varemerkeregistrering nr. 246242, det kombinerte merket GODKJENT - NORSK ØKOTURISME, er slettet, jf. varemerkeloven § 43. Klagefristen for Patentstyrets avgjørelse utløper 2015.07.22. 91 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer i spesifiserte rettigheter Endring av innehaver, eller av innehavers navn og/eller adresse, i spesifiserte varemerkerettigheter, jf. varemerkeloven § 53 og varemerkeforskriften § 29. (111) Reg.nr.: 108261 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19800651 (730) Innehaver: BASF SE, Carl-Bosch-Strasse 38, DE-67056 LUDWIGSHAFEN, Tyskland (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.13 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200713470 (730) Søker: Viking Outdoor Footwear AS, Luhrtoppen 2, 1470 LØRENSKOG, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.07 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201209521 (730) Søker: NetNames Operations Limited, 25 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, GB-E145LO LONDON, Storbritannia (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.19 (111) Reg.nr.: 109912 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19800879 (730) Innehaver: BASF SE, Carl-Bosch-Strasse 38, DE-67056 LUDWIGSHAFEN, Tyskland (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.13 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201501010 (730) Søker: Sjømat Norge, Postboks 5471 Majorstuen, 0305 OSLO, Norge (111) Reg.nr.: 122210 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19843972 (730) Innehaver: Sigdal Kjøkken AS, Trollåsveien 6, 1414 TROLLÅSEN, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.11 Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.19 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201502873 (730) Søker: Bernt Tore Nøstvold, Muslingveien 4, 3154 TOLVSRØD, Norge (740) Fullmektig: ATTORNEY ALEXIA ELLUL WELSH, c/o TrademackFormir, Spinola Road 137, MT-STJ3011 ST JULIANS, Malta Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.08 (111) Reg.nr.: 122916 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19850540 (730) Innehaver: J.R. Simplot Company, P.O.Box 27, US-ID83707 BOISE, USA (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.15 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201502874 (730) Søker: Bernt Tore Nøstvold, Muslingveien 4, 3154 TOLVSRØD, Norge (740) Fullmektig: ATTORNEY ALEXIA ELLUL WELSH, c/o TrademackFormir, Spinola Road 137, MT-STJ3011 ST JULIANS, Malta Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.08 (111) Reg.nr.: 123504 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19841433 (730) Innehaver: Consorzio Casalasco del Pomodero Societa' Agricola Cooperativa, Strada Provinciale 32, IT-IT-26036 RIVAROLO DEL RE ED UNITI (CREMONA), Italia (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.04 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201505020 (730) Søker: Den Grønne Gourmet AS, Postboks 37, 6988 ASKVOLL, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.22 92 overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 (111) Reg.nr.: 127012 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19833374 (730) Innehaver: Viking Outdoor Footwear AS, Luhrtoppen 2, 1470 LØRENSKOG, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.07 (111) Reg.nr.: 153110 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19911738 (730) Innehaver: Bertram LLC, 201 South Biscayne Boulevard, Suite 1500, US-FL33131 MIAMI, USA (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.11 (111) Reg.nr.: 134745 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19873508 (730) Innehaver: Argon Medical Devices Inc, 1445 Flatcreek Road, USTX75751 ATHENS, USA (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.12 (111) Reg.nr.: 163151 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19932041 (730) Innehaver: Vertellus Performance Chemicals LLC, 201 N. Illinois Street, Suite 1800, US-IN46204 INDIANAPOLIS, USA (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.08 (111) Reg.nr.: 136167 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19851870 (730) Innehaver: Vertellus Performance Chemicals LLC, 201 N. Illinois Street, Suite 1800, US-IN46204 INDIANAPOLIS, USA (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.08 (111) Reg.nr.: 166029 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19931957 (730) Innehaver: Vertellus Performance Chemicals LLC, 201 N. Illinois Street, Suite 1800, US-IN46204 INDIANAPOLIS, USA (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.08 (111) Reg.nr.: 137440 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19872419 (730) Innehaver: Viking Outdoor Footwear AS, Luhrtoppen 2, 1470 LØRENSKOG, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.07 (111) Reg.nr.: 167350 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19933121 (730) Innehaver: Vertellus Performance Chemicals LLC, 201 N. Illinois Street, Suite 1800, US-IN46204 INDIANAPOLIS, USA (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.08 (111) Reg.nr.: 140619 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19890040 (730) Innehaver: Gessner AG, Florhofstrasse 13, CH-8820 WÄDENSWIL, Sveits (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua , 0306 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.11 (111) Reg.nr.: 167801 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19941401 (730) Innehaver: Riobeer AG Cleaning Solutions, Schützenmattweg 33, CH-5610 WOHLEN, Sveits (740) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.08 (111) Reg.nr.: 150144 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19910353 (730) Innehaver: Aptalis Pharma SAS, La Prévôté, Route de Bû, FR-78550 HOUDAN, Frankrike (740) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.08 (111) Reg.nr.: 168643 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19933789 (730) Innehaver: Hewlett-Packard Development Company LP, 11445 Compaq Center Drive West, US-TX77070 HOUSTON, USA (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.11 93 overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 (111) Reg.nr.: 223677 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200302921 (730) Innehaver: Curtis Jackson, c/o Sharon Salamone, G-Unit Records, Inc., 264 West 40th Street, 15th Floor, US-NY10018 NEW YORK, USA (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.12 (111) Reg.nr.: 169459 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19933714 (730) Innehaver: Kapman AB, SE-81181 SANDVIKEN, Sverige (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.15 (111) Reg.nr.: 193045 (210) Søknadsnr.: 199800296 (730) Innehaver: Viking Outdoor Footwear AS, Luhrtoppen 2, 1470 LØRENSKOG, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.07 (111) Reg.nr.: 226309 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200310685 (730) Innehaver: Inwido Salg AS, Ulsmågveien 7, 5224 NESTTUN, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Advokatbyrån Gulliksson AB, Box 4171, SE-20313 MALMÖ, Sverige Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.07 (111) Reg.nr.: 213622 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200108074 (730) Innehaver: Vertellus Performance Chemicals LLC, 201 N. Illinois Street, Suite 1800, US-IN46204 INDIANAPOLIS, USA (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.08 (111) Reg.nr.: 226946 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200405942 (730) Innehaver: Varco I/P Inc, 7909 Parkwood Circle Drive, US-TX77036 HOUSTON, USA (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.15 (111) Reg.nr.: 217529 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200206939 (730) Innehaver: Time Out Group Ltd, 125 Shaftesbury Avenue, GBWC2H8AD LONDON, Storbritannia (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.15 (111) Reg.nr.: 228067 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200408846 (730) Innehaver: Accell Nederland B.V., 4 Industrieweg, NL-8444AR HEERENVEEN, Nederland (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua , 0306 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.11 (111) Reg.nr.: 217550 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200114758 (730) Innehaver: Kvänum Kök Aktiebolag, Box 8, SE-53521 KVÄNUM, Sverige (740) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.11 (111) Reg.nr.: 228068 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200408847 (730) Innehaver: Accell Nederland B.V., 4 Industrieweg, NL-8444AR HEERENVEEN, Nederland (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua , 0306 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.11 (111) Reg.nr.: 221992 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200304281 (730) Innehaver: Curtis Jackson, c/o Sharon Salamone, G-Unit Records, Inc., 264 West 40th Street, 15th Floor, US-NY10018 NEW YORK, USA (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.12 (111) Reg.nr.: 228458 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200410061 (730) Innehaver: Posti Group Oyj, Postintalval 7A, FI-00230 HELSINGFORS, Finland (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.08 94 overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer (111) Reg.nr.: 228474 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200410065 (730) Innehaver: Posti Group Oyj, Postintalval 7A, FI-00230 HELSINGFORS, Finland (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.08 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 (111) Reg.nr.: 231509 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200504962 (730) Innehaver: Erik Rosnes, Nylinna 6, 3070 SANDE I VESTFOLD, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.12 (111) Reg.nr.: 233335 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200511938 (730) Innehaver: Interfrukt SA, Berghagan Nord Håndverksveien 13, 1405 LANGHUS, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Norsk Patentbyrå AS, Postboks 1204 Vika, 0110 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.04 (111) Reg.nr.: 228488 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200410074 (730) Innehaver: Posti Group Oyj, Postintalval 7A, FI-00230 HELSINGFORS, Finland (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.08 (111) Reg.nr.: 243479 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200708988 (730) Innehaver: Ta Tolv AS, O.J. Brochsgate 16A, 5006 BERGEN, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.13 (111) Reg.nr.: 228504 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200410182 (730) Innehaver: Posti Group Oyj, Postintalval 7A, FI-00230 HELSINGFORS, Finland (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.08 (111) Reg.nr.: 243861 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200708989 (730) Innehaver: Ta Tolv AS, O.J. Brochsgate 16A, 5006 BERGEN, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.13 (111) Reg.nr.: 228729 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200302102 (730) Innehaver: Norli Libris AS, Vollsveien 2B, 1366 LYSAKER, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.08 (111) Reg.nr.: 249210 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200812005 (730) Innehaver: Ta Tolv AS, O.J. Brochsgate 16A, 5006 BERGEN, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.13 (111) Reg.nr.: 229024 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200411652 (730) Innehaver: BNS Container AS, Postboks 26, Alnabru, 0614 OSLO, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.15 (111) Reg.nr.: 249211 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200812009 (730) Innehaver: Ta Tolv AS, O.J. Brochsgate 16A, 5006 BERGEN, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.13 (111) Reg.nr.: 229042 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200408482 (730) Innehaver: Protid AS, Postboks 49 Teie, 3106 NØTTERØY, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.12 95 overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 (111) Reg.nr.: 251819 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200904953 (730) Innehaver: Ta Tolv AS, O.J. Brochsgate 16A, 5006 BERGEN, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.13 (111) Reg.nr.: 262667 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201105693 (730) Innehaver: Ta Tolv AS, O.J. Brochsgate 16A, 5006 BERGEN, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.13 (111) Reg.nr.: 251820 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200904954 (730) Innehaver: Ta Tolv AS, O.J. Brochsgate 16A, 5006 BERGEN, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.13 (111) Reg.nr.: 262668 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201105692 (730) Innehaver: Ta Tolv AS, O.J. Brochsgate 16A, 5006 BERGEN, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.13 (111) Reg.nr.: 259219 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201010067 (730) Innehaver: Inwido Salg AS, Ulsmågveien 7, 5224 NESTTUN, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Plougmann & Vingtoft, Postboks 1003 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.07 (111) Reg.nr.: 265060 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201113484 (730) Innehaver: Inwido Salg AS, Ulsmågveien 7, 5224 NESTTUN, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Plougmann & Vingtoft, Postboks 1003 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.07 (111) Reg.nr.: 260092 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201012031 (730) Innehaver: Looije Tomaten Holding B.V., Vlietboomgaard 10, NL2672JA NAALDWIJK, Nederland (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.08 (111) Reg.nr.: 268040 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201105788 (730) Innehaver: Visa International Service Association, 900 Metro Center Boulevard, US-CA94404 FOSTER CITY, USA (740) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.11 (111) Reg.nr.: 262631 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201105714 (730) Innehaver: Ta Tolv AS, O.J. Brochsgate 16A, 5006 BERGEN, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.13 (111) Reg.nr.: 268461 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201209519 (730) Innehaver: NetNames Operations Limited, 25 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, GB-E145LO LONDON, Storbritannia (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.19 (111) Reg.nr.: 262666 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201105690 (730) Innehaver: Ta Tolv AS, O.J. Brochsgate 16A, 5006 BERGEN, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.13 (111) Reg.nr.: 268462 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201209520 (730) Innehaver: NetNames Operations Limited, 25 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, GB-E145LO LONDON, Storbritannia (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.19 96 overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer (111) Reg.nr.: 274328 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201313170 (730) Innehaver: Nina Alette Berntsson, Randen 1, 3560 HEMSEDAL, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Linuscare AS, v/Nina Alette Berntsson, Hulbakvegen 301, 3560 HEMSEDAL, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.12 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 (111) Reg.nr.: 281916 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201505356 (730) Innehaver: Activaldi AS, Villaveien 2, 1920 SØRUMSAND, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.19 (111) Reg.nr.: 52053 (210) Søknadsnr.: 63745 (730) Innehaver: Tikkurila Sverige AB, Textilgatan 31, SE-12086 STOCKHOLM, Sverige (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.08 (111) Reg.nr.: 274332 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201313171 (730) Innehaver: Nina Alette Berntsson, Randen 1, 3560 HEMSEDAL, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Linuscare AS, v/Nina Alette Berntsson, Hulbakvegen 301, 3560 HEMSEDAL, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.12 (111) Reg.nr.: 520596 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19941498 (730) Innehaver: Rørentreprenørene Norge, Postboks 5480 Majorstuen, 0305 OSLO, Norge (111) Reg.nr.: 274608 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201313868 (730) Innehaver: PKS NOR AS, Kleivene 39, 3041 DRAMMEN, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.08 Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.15 (111) Reg.nr.: 5691 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19185691 (730) Innehaver: Viking Outdoor Footwear AS, Luhrtoppen 2, 1470 LØRENSKOG, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.07 (111) Reg.nr.: 280633 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201414429 (730) Innehaver: Rush Investment Group AS, Biskop Gunnerus gate 2, 0155 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.06 (111) Reg.nr.: 281311 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201502538 (730) Innehaver: Activaldi AS, Villaveien 2, 1920 SØRUMSAND, Norge (111) Reg.nr.: 68824 (210) Søknadsnr.: 83786 (730) Innehaver: Cornelius, Inc, 380 Jackson Street, US-MN55101 ST. PAUL, USA (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.06 Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.19 (111) Reg.nr.: 281312 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201502537 (730) Innehaver: Activaldi AS, Villaveien 2, 1920 SØRUMSAND, Norge (111) Reg.nr.: 80380 (210) Søknadsnr.: 101537 (730) Innehaver: Bertram LLC, 201 South Biscayne Boulevard, Suite 1500, US-FL33131 MIAMI, USA (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.11 Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.19 (111) Reg.nr.: 281915 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201505358 (730) Innehaver: Activaldi AS, Villaveien 2, 1920 SØRUMSAND, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.19 97 overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer (111) Reg.nr.: 94306 (210) Søknadsnr.: 121261 (730) Innehaver: Roadstar Management SA, Via Passeggiata 7, CH-6883 NOVAZZANO, Sveits (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua , 0306 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.08 (111) Reg.nr.: 94678 (210) Søknadsnr.: 121579 (730) Innehaver: Scottish & Newcastle Limited, 33 Ellersly Road, GBEH126HX EDINBURGH, Storbritannia (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.12 (111) Reg.nr.: 95210 (210) Søknadsnr.: 120960 (730) Innehaver: Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft mbH, Stralauer Allee 1, DE-10245 BERLIN, Tyskland (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.13 98 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 lisenser Lisenser Anmerkning av nye lisenser jf. varemerkeloven § 32 og de alminnelige bestemmelsene til Madridprotokollen, rule 20bis. (210) Søknadsr: (111) Reg.nr. / int.reg.nr: Lisensgiver/ rettighetsInnehaver: 201404357 1198753 Corporate Investment Partners SA, 40, rue de la Libération, 4210 ESCH-SUR-ALZETTE, Luxembourg (LU) Lisenshaver: Metalvalor Deutschland GmbH, Malstatter Markt 2, 4, 66115 SAARBRÜCKEN, Tyskland (DE)#@#METAL VALOR SAS, 231 rue Saint-Honoré, 75001 PARIS, Frankrike (FR) Varer / tjenester som omfattes: 5 Dental amalgams; dental amalgams made with gold; precious metals and alloys of precious metals for dental purposes. 14 Precious metals and their alloys and goods made of these materials or coated therewith. 40 Treatment of materials, especially treatment of dental amalgams, dental amalgams made with gold, precious metals and alloys of precious metals for dental purposes; treatment [transformation] of waste, especially treatment [transformation] of dental amalgams, dental amalgams made with gold, precious metals and alloys of precious metals for dental purposes; sorting of waste, especially sorting of dental amalgams, dental amalgams made with gold, precious metals and alloys of precious metals for dental purposes. Kategori: Ikke-eksklusiv Lisens inngått: 2015.03.17 Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.07 99 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 endringer i fullmaktsforhold 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Endringer i fullmaktsforhold Endring av fullmaktsforhold, jf. varemerkeforskriften § 29. (210) (730) Søknadsnr.: 201501010 Søker: Sjømat Norge, Postboks 5471 Majorstuen, 0305 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.19 (210) (730) Søknadsnr.: 201502874 Søker: HESBY SPORTSENTER AS, Postboks 128, 3101 TØNSBERG, Norge Fullmektig: ATTORNEY ALEXIA ELLUL WELSH, c/o TrademackFormir, Spinola Road 137, MT-STJ3011 ST JULIANS, Malta Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.08 (740) (111) Reg.nr.: 123504 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19841433 (730) Innehaver: Consorzio Casalasco del Pomodero Societa' Agricola Cooperativa, Strada Provinciale 32, IT-IT-26036 RIVAROLO DEL RE ED UNITI (CREMONA), Italia (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.04 (111) Reg.nr.: 136167 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19851870 (730) Innehaver: Vertellus Performance Chemicals LLC, 201 N. Illinois Street, Suite 1800, US-IN46204 INDIANAPOLIS, USA (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.08 (111) Reg.nr.: 0776673 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200203632 (730) Innehaver: Pedro Garcia Brands SL, C/ Italia, 46 - Polígono Industrial de Campo Alto, ES-03600 ALICANTE, Spania (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.07 (111) Reg.nr.: 145193 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19895211 (730) Innehaver: TOP-TOY (Hong Kong) Ltd, Room 1005, 10th Floor, Central Plaza, 18 Harbour Road, HK- WANCHAI, Hong Kong (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.05 (111) Reg.nr.: 105131 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19782027 (730) Innehaver: Toms Gruppen A/S, Toms Allé 1, DK-2750 BALLERUP, Danmark (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.07 (111) Reg.nr.: 160767 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19925754 (730) Innehaver: Toms Gruppen A/S, Toms Allé 1, DK-2750 BALLERUP, Danmark (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.07 (111) Reg.nr.: 121003 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19840223 (730) Innehaver: Smilde Bakery BV, Hamerstraat 12, NL-1135GA EDAM , Nederland (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.15 (111) Reg.nr.: 161775 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19925599 (730) Innehaver: Toms Gruppen A/S, Toms Allé 1, DK-2750 BALLERUP, Danmark (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.07 (111) Reg.nr.: 122916 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19850540 (730) Innehaver: J.R. Simplot Company, P.O.Box 27, US-ID83707 BOISE, USA (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.15 100 endringer i fullmaktsforhold (111) Reg.nr.: 162350 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19930650 (730) Innehaver: Top-Toy A/S, Roskildevej 16, Tune, DK-4030 ROSKILDE, Danmark (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.05 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 (111) Reg.nr.: 171427 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19947397 (730) Innehaver: Rapesco Office Products PLC, Rapesco House, One connections Business Park, Otford Road, GB-TN145DF SEVENOAKS, KENT, Storbritannia (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.15 (111) Reg.nr.: 163098 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19930320 (730) Innehaver: Geilo Idrettslag, v/daglig leder Espen Nordby Andersen, Lienvegen 85 - Geilohallen, 3580 GEILO, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Norsk Patentbyrå AS, Postboks 1204 Vika, 0110 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.15 (111) Reg.nr.: 181380 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19961808 (730) Innehaver: Top-Toy A/S, Roskildevej 16, Tune, DK-4030 ROSKILDE, Danmark (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.05 (111) Reg.nr.: 163151 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19932041 (730) Innehaver: Vertellus Performance Chemicals LLC, 201 N. Illinois Street, Suite 1800, US-IN46204 INDIANAPOLIS, USA (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.08 (111) Reg.nr.: 187139 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19973414 (730) Innehaver: Top-Toy A/S, Roskildevej 16, Tune, DK-4030 ROSKILDE, Danmark (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.05 (111) Reg.nr.: 167350 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19933121 (730) Innehaver: Vertellus Performance Chemicals LLC, 201 N. Illinois Street, Suite 1800, US-IN46204 INDIANAPOLIS, USA (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.08 (111) Reg.nr.: 187140 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19973415 (730) Innehaver: Top-Toy A/S, Roskildevej 16, Tune, DK-4030 ROSKILDE, Danmark (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.05 (111) Reg.nr.: 168210 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19934628 (730) Innehaver: Ten Points AB, Box 74, SE-76121 NORRTÄLJE, Sverige (740) Fullmektig: Awapatent AB, Box 5117, SE-20071 MALMÖ, Sverige Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.13 (111) Reg.nr.: 192458 (210) Søknadsnr.: 199801451 (730) Innehaver: Top-Toy A/S, Roskildevej 16, Tune, DK-4030 ROSKILDE, Danmark (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.05 (111) Reg.nr.: 168258 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19940786 (730) Innehaver: Payless ShoeSource Worldwide, Inc, Topeka, KS, US-, USA (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.13 (111) Reg.nr.: 1978 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200380015 (730) Innehaver: Arts & Crafts AS, Postboks 23, 3401 LIER, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.08 101 endringer i fullmaktsforhold 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 (111) Reg.nr.: 217690 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200205033 (730) Innehaver: Top-Toy A/S, Roskildevej 16, Tune, DK-4030 ROSKILDE, Danmark (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.05 (111) Reg.nr.: 1979 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200380016 (730) Innehaver: Arts & Crafts AS, Postboks 23, 3401 LIER, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.08 (111) Reg.nr.: 209605 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200015746 (730) Innehaver: Toms Gruppen A/S, Toms Allé 1, DK-2750 BALLERUP, Danmark (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.07 (111) Reg.nr.: 218607 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200207814 (730) Innehaver: Top-Toy A/S, Roskildevej 16, Tune, DK-4030 ROSKILDE, Danmark (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.05 (111) Reg.nr.: 210419 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200101510 (730) Innehaver: Toms Gruppen A/S, Toms Allé 1, DK-2750 BALLERUP, Danmark (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.07 (111) Reg.nr.: 219948 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200211889 (730) Innehaver: Toms Gruppen A/S, Toms Allé 1, DK-2750 BALLERUP, Danmark (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.07 (111) Reg.nr.: 210939 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200105380 (730) Innehaver: Toms Gruppen A/S, Toms Allé 1, DK-2750 BALLERUP, Danmark (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.07 (111) Reg.nr.: 221902 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200200797 (730) Innehaver: Top-Toy A/S, Roskildevej 16, Tune, DK-4030 ROSKILDE, Danmark (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.05 (111) Reg.nr.: 213567 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200109213 (730) Innehaver: Top-Toy A/S, Roskildevej 16, Tune, DK-4030 ROSKILDE, Danmark (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.05 (111) Reg.nr.: 222116 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200305017 (730) Innehaver: Top-Toy A/S, Roskildevej 16, Tune, DK-4030 ROSKILDE, Danmark (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.05 (111) Reg.nr.: 215394 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200200558 (730) Innehaver: Toms Gruppen A/S, Toms Allé 1, DK-2750 BALLERUP, Danmark (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.07 (111) Reg.nr.: 224032 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200309456 (730) Innehaver: Toms Gruppen A/S, Toms Allé 1, DK-2750 BALLERUP, Danmark (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.07 102 endringer i fullmaktsforhold (111) Reg.nr.: 227580 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200402910 (730) Innehaver: Cycleurope Sverige AB, SE-43282 VARBERG, Sverige (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.07 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 (111) Reg.nr.: 236106 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200603568 (730) Innehaver: Top-Toy A/S, Roskildevej 16, Tune, DK-4030 ROSKILDE, Danmark (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.05 (111) Reg.nr.: 228673 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200406538 (730) Innehaver: Narong Deeritdecha, 122-124 Soi Sawang, Mahanakorn Road, TH-10500 BANGKOK, Thailand Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.08 (111) Reg.nr.: 244016 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200714122 (730) Innehaver: Toms Gruppen A/S, Toms Allé 1, DK-2750 BALLERUP, Danmark (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.07 (111) Reg.nr.: 229113 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200412407 (730) Innehaver: Ostecompagniet AS, Tevlingveien 23, 1081 OSLO, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.07 (111) Reg.nr.: 250408 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200900597 (730) Innehaver: Top-Toy A/S, Roskildevej 16, Tune, DK-4030 ROSKILDE, Danmark (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.05 (111) Reg.nr.: 229722 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200500764 (730) Innehaver: Ragne Kristin Bentsen Farmen, Johannes Johnsensgate 12, 4021 STAVANGER, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Håmsø Patentbyrå ANS, Postboks 171, 4302 SANDNES, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.07 (111) Reg.nr.: 264313 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201112555 (730) Innehaver: Top-Toy A/S, Roskildevej 16, Tune, DK-4030 ROSKILDE, Danmark (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.05 (111) Reg.nr.: 232228 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200508172 (730) Innehaver: Toms Gruppen A/S, Toms Allé 1, DK-2750 BALLERUP, Danmark (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.07 (111) Reg.nr.: 266817 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201114855 (730) Innehaver: NORDIC GARDEN AS, Borgeskogen 4, 3160 STOKKE, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Protector Intellectual Property Consultants AS, Oscarsgate 20, 0352 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.07 (111) Reg.nr.: 234331 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200600226 (730) Innehaver: Ostecompagniet AS, Tevlingveien 23, 1081 OSLO, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.07 (111) Reg.nr.: 268349 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201110629 (730) Innehaver: Top Toy A/S, Roskildevej 16, Tune, DK-4000 ROSKILDE, Danmark (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.05 103 endringer i fullmaktsforhold (111) Reg.nr.: 271366 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201303778 (730) Innehaver: Ostecompagniet AS, Tevlingveien 23, 1081 OSLO, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.07 (111) Reg.nr.: 272484 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201307133 (730) Innehaver: Top-Toy A/S, Roskildevej 16, Tune, DK-4030 ROSKILDE, Danmark (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.05 (111) Reg.nr.: 281818 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201310601 (730) Innehaver: Facebook Inc, 1601 Willow Road, US-CA94025 MENLO PARK, USA (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.08 (111) Reg.nr.: 52031 (210) Søknadsnr.: 64544 (730) Innehaver: Toms Gruppen A/S, Toms Allé 1, DK-2750 BALLERUP, Danmark (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.07 (111) Reg.nr.: 72559 (210) Søknadsnr.: 92461 (730) Innehaver: Toms Gruppen A/S, Toms Allé 1, DK-2750 BALLERUP, Danmark (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.07 (111) Reg.nr.: 93833 (210) Søknadsnr.: 115580 (730) Innehaver: Total Feuerschutz GmbH, Ladenburg, DE-, Tyskland (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.05.15 104 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 rettelse av internasjonale merker 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Rettelse av internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) Reg.nr.: 0855957 (151) Reg.dato.: 2004.09.28 (180) Registreringen 2014.09.28 utløper: (210) Søknadsnr.: 200508315 (220) Inndato: 2005.09.01 (230) Utstillingsprioritet: (300) Konvensjons- 2004.08.03, US, 78451028 prioritet: (540) Gjengivelse av market: focimeters. Klasse 35 Gathering, input, compilation, processing and systematization of data in central files or databases; management and updating of computer files and databases; data search in computer files for others; compilation and updating of commercial and advertising literature and catalogs of goods and services, including in electronic form online; compilation and updating of customer files; distribution of goods for promotional and advertising purposes; publication of advertising texts; dissemination of advertisements; presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; selection (promotion) of goods and services (for others); marketing services; demonstration of goods; organization of sales and service promotion activities to build customer loyalty; advertising and sales promotion for others, including via telecommunications and/or computer networks; organization of exhibitions and events for commercial and/or promotional and/or advertising purposes; all the aforementioned services being related, inter alia, to machines, apparatus, instruments, tools and equipment for opticians, optometrists and other ophthalmic optics professionals; services for retailing machines, apparatus, instruments, tools and equipment for opticians, optometrists and other ophthalmic optics professionals. Klasse 44 Services of opticians, optometrists and other professionals in the field of ophthalmic optics; information and advice in the field of ophthalmic optics; information and advice in the field of visual correction and comfort; eyesight testing services; services for detecting eyesight defects and disorders. RAPID-ROLL (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Avery Dennison Corp, 150 North Orange Grove Boulevard, CA91103-3596 PASADENA, USA (US) (740) Fullmektig: Protector Intellectual Property Consultants AS, Oscarsgate 20, 0352 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 16 Paper stock; metallized paper in roll form for individual, commercial and inventory purposes for packaging, labels, tags, stickers, printer paper, release liners, laminates and board stock; paper stock and paper in roll form for individual, commercial and inventory purposes for packaging, labels, tags, stickers, printer paper, release liners, laminates and board stock. Klasse 17 Plastic film in roll form for individual, commercial and inventory purposes for packaging, labels, tags, stickers, synthetic paper, printer paper, release liners, laminates and board stock. (111) Reg.nr.: (151) Reg.dato.: (180) Registreringen utløper: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (230) Utstillingsprioritet: (300) Konvensjonsprioritet: 1150645 2012.12.13 2022.12.13 201303010 2013.03.07 2012.06.15, FR, 123927473#@#2012.08.03, FR, 12 3 938 918 (540) Gjengivelse av market: M'EYE E-STORE (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Essilor International (Compagnie Generale d'Optique), 147, rue de Paris, 94220 CHARENTON LE PONT, Frankrike (FR) (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 8 Hand-operated hand tools and implements, in particular for opticians. Klasse 9 Optical apparatus and instruments; optical, facial and/or ophthalmic measurement apparatus; software for measuring and displaying ophthalmic, optical and/or facial parameters; apparatus and instruments for carrying out reading and visual faculty tests; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods, namely, head rests, chin rests and nose rests; spectacles (optics); spectacle frames; spectacles for tests; spectacle fronts; spectacle pads; spectacle lenses; optical goods; reading ladders; separators and removable covers for eyesight testing; power correcting lenses and color filters for eyesight tests. Klasse 10 Pupillometers; corneal reflection pupillometers; 105 fornyelser 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Fornyelser (111) Reg.nr: (180) Registreringen utløper: (111) Reg.nr: (180) Registreringen utløper: 1068 2025.07.01 167918 2025.05.24 109 2025.07.01 167977 2025.06.01 119217 2024.11.22 168010 2025.06.01 121003 2025.05.15 168202 2025.06.15 121089 2025.05.23 168258 2025.06.15 121090 2025.05.23 168264 2025.06.15 121093 2025.05.23 168298 2025.06.15 121124 2025.05.30 168304 2025.06.15 121213 2025.06.06 168413 2025.06.22 121245 2025.06.13 168472 2025.06.22 121467 2025.07.11 168516 2025.06.22 121876 2025.08.15 168643 2025.06.29 122309 2025.09.12 168885 2025.07.27 122928 2025.11.07 169170 2025.08.17 122935 2025.11.07 169326 2025.08.31 122956 2025.11.07 169379 2025.09.07 122983 2025.11.07 169380 2025.09.07 123152 2025.11.21 169459 2025.09.14 123680 2025.12.19 169590 2025.09.28 12647 2025.06.02 169702 2025.06.19 142 2025.07.01 169703 2025.06.19 146 2025.07.01 169991 2025.11.09 157 2025.07.01 170051 2025.11.16 167551 2025.04.06 170107 2025.11.23 167772 2025.05.04 171026 2026.02.08 106 fornyelser 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 (111) Reg.nr: (180) Registreringen utløper: (111) Reg.nr: (180) Registreringen utløper: 1964 2025.07.01 226884 2025.06.02 1978 2025.07.01 226900 2025.06.03 1979 2025.07.01 226902 2025.06.03 1995 2025.07.01 226903 2025.06.03 1999 2025.07.01 226916 2025.06.03 218 2025.07.01 226930 2025.06.08 223449 2025.07.01 226946 2025.06.08 224945 2025.07.01 226963 2025.06.08 226010 2025.03.14 226993 2025.06.13 226630 2025.05.18 226994 2025.06.13 226634 2025.05.18 226999 2025.06.13 226646 2025.05.19 227022 2025.06.14 226658 2025.05.19 227078 2025.06.15 226659 2025.05.19 227102 2025.06.20 226675 2025.05.20 227133 2025.06.20 226694 2025.05.24 227159 2025.06.21 226695 2025.05.24 227168 2025.06.22 226703 2025.05.24 227190 2025.06.22 226710 2025.05.24 227216 2025.06.27 226717 2025.05.24 227230 2025.06.27 226718 2025.05.24 227260 2025.06.28 226734 2025.05.25 227265 2025.06.28 226743 2025.05.25 227525 2025.07.01 226748 2025.05.25 227580 2025.07.22 226827 2025.05.30 227836 2025.08.23 226829 2025.05.30 228061 2025.09.09 107 fornyelser 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 (111) Reg.nr: (180) Registreringen utløper: (111) Reg.nr: (180) Registreringen utløper: 228234 2025.09.21 43065AM 2025.07.01 228458 2025.09.30 46587 2025.06.14 228474 2025.10.04 46759 2025.06.27 228488 2025.10.04 47844 2025.06.14 228504 2025.10.04 520478 2025.05.09 228592 2025.10.11 67160 2025.10.21 228729 2025.10.18 68824 2026.04.29 228771 2025.10.19 753 2025.07.01 229035 2025.11.01 94025 2025.06.05 229042 2025.11.01 94028 2025.06.05 229446 2025.11.19 94279 2025.06.26 229447 2025.11.19 94475 2025.07.24 229453 2025.11.19 94678 2025.08.28 229454 2025.11.19 94695 2025.05.16 229474 2025.11.19 94821 2025.09.18 229620 2025.11.25 229653 2025.11.25 229748 2025.11.28 229805 2025.11.30 230302 2026.01.03 231071 2026.02.28 259 2025.07.01 318 2025.07.01 33 2025.07.01 383 2025.07.01 418 2025.07.01 108 fornyede internasjonale registreringer 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Fornyede internasjonale registreringer (111) Reg.nr: (180) Registreringen utløper: (111) Reg.nr: (180) Registreringen utløper: 0297193A 2025.05.05 0852753 2025.01.17 0492633 2025.05.01 0852976 2025.04.26 0629297 2024.12.30 0854030 2025.04.26 0630197 2025.01.31 0854295 2025.04.29 0633735 2025.03.03 0855052 2025.03.30 0635691 2025.05.03 0855301 2025.04.11 0636021 2025.05.03 0855459 2025.04.11 0636228 2025.05.04 0855493 2025.05.04 0637516 2025.05.02 0856148 2025.01.19 0639670 2025.01.19 0856219 2025.05.06 0840688 2025.01.14 0856768 2025.04.04 0841483 2024.11.09 0857276 2025.05.03 0845056 2024.12.17 0857669 2025.05.03 0848820 2025.04.28 0858530 2025.05.06 0849601 2025.04.28 0858564 2025.05.04 0850062 2025.05.03 0858621 2025.05.03 0851000 2025.04.20 0858905 2025.04.29 0851206 2025.04.29 0858979 2025.04.19 0851500 2024.12.14 0859141 2025.05.02 0851997 2025.05.06 0859147 2024.12.13 0852510 2025.03.22 0859717 2025.05.02 109 fornyede internasjonale registreringer 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 (111) Reg.nr: (180) Registreringen utløper: (111) Reg.nr: (180) Registreringen utløper: 0859823 2025.04.22 0870169 2025.05.03 0860378 2025.05.04 0871613 2025.05.08 0861436 2025.05.06 0871782 2025.04.13 0861620 2025.04.29 0872402 2025.04.01 0862122 2025.05.06 0873514 2025.05.05 0863312 2025.05.03 0873731 2024.11.19 0863416 2025.05.04 0873938 2025.05.06 0863909 2025.05.02 0874101 2025.05.04 0864097 2025.04.25 0874659 2025.05.03 0864143 2025.04.14 0874898 2025.05.03 0864276 2025.05.03 0876300 2025.03.31 0864367 2025.05.06 0876324 2025.03.15 0865894 2025.04.19 0880737 2025.05.04 0866001 2025.05.04 0882756 2025.04.04 0866003 2025.05.04 0902020 2025.03.02 0866184 2025.03.18 0903767 2025.05.05 0866919 2025.05.03 0868253 2025.04.20 0868694 2025.04.20 0869086 2025.05.04 0869732 2025.05.05 0870023 2025.04.15 110 ikke fornyede internasjonale registreringer 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Ikke fornyede internasjonale registreringer (111) Reg.nr: (180) Registreringen utløper: (111) Reg.nr: (180) Registreringen utløper: 0489503 2014.10.29 0841221 2014.10.25 0627805 2014.10.26 0841222 2014.10.25 0836010 2014.10.27 0841512 2014.10.25 0836011 2014.10.27 0841671 2014.10.28 0836485 2014.11.09 0841736 2014.11.03 0837725 2014.10.25 0842073 2014.10.29 0838058 2014.10.26 0842079 2014.10.25 0838700 2014.11.03 0842080 2014.10.25 0838956 2014.10.29 0842267 2014.10.26 0839034 2014.10.29 0842663 2014.10.29 0839054 2014.10.25 0842844 2014.10.29 0839100 2014.10.27 0843112 2014.10.29 0839347 2014.10.28 0844450 2014.10.26 0839842 2014.10.29 0844533 2014.10.29 0840361 2014.10.29 0844920 2014.10.28 0840453 2014.10.27 0844933 2014.10.26 0840455 2014.10.29 0845008 2014.10.25 0840495 2014.11.06 0845066 2014.11.06 0840950 2014.10.29 0845139 2014.10.25 0841212 2014.10.26 0845596 2014.10.29 0841213 2014.10.25 0846179 2014.10.28 0841214 2014.10.25 0846182 2014.10.28 0841218 2014.10.25 0846850 2014.10.28 0841219 2014.10.25 0846925 2014.10.23 0841220 2014.10.25 0847096 2014.10.26 111 ikke fornyede internasjonale registreringer 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 (111) Reg.nr: (180) Registreringen utløper: (111) Reg.nr: (180) Registreringen utløper: 0847233 2014.10.29 0861046 2014.10.27 0847455 2014.10.25 0864938 2014.10.25 0848355 2014.10.25 0866620 2014.11.03 0848590 2014.10.25 0867285 2014.10.29 0848655 2014.10.27 0869830 2014.10.27 0849387 2014.10.25 0871141 2014.10.27 0849397 2014.10.29 0872000 2014.10.28 0849470 2014.10.28 0872566 2014.11.03 0850234 2014.10.29 0872748 2014.10.25 0850446 2014.10.29 0882646 2014.10.26 0850853 2014.10.27 0851520 2014.10.26 0851688 2014.10.29 0852160 2014.10.26 0854343 2014.10.26 0854469 2014.10.27 0854907 2014.10.28 0855278 2014.10.26 0855867 2014.10.29 0856092 2014.11.09 0857100 2014.11.05 0857377 2014.10.25 0857605 2014.11.03 0858322 2014.10.27 0859460 2014.10.25 0860811 2014.11.04 112 slettede internasjonale registreringer Slettede internasjonale registreringer (111) Reg.nr: (180) Registreringen utløper: 0669526 2015.02.06 (Bakgrunn for slettelsen er en overdragelse av samtlige varer til internasjonal registrering nr. 0669526A) 0768323 2015.04.21 1088675 2015.02.27 1107612 2015.03.10 1110139 2015.03.13 1111222 2015.03.04 1121351 2015.02.26 1137344 2015.03.13 1143651 2015.01.28 (Bakgrunn for slettelsen er en overdragelse av samtlige varer til internasjonal registrering nr. 1143651B) 1158242 2015.03.12 1165121 2015.02.26 1165520 2015.03.04 1170499 2015.03.10 1192147 2015.04.02 1197091 2015.03.11 1198647 2015.03.10 1217494 2015.03.12 113 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 administrativ overprøving av foretaksnavn 2015.06.01 - nr 23/15 Administrativ overprøving av registrering av foretaksnavn Administrativ overprøving av registrering av foretaksnavn i henhold til foretaksnavneloven § 3-6 er avgjort i Patentstyret. Krav nummer: Kravstiller: Grunnlag: Registreringsinnehaver: Beslutning: Krav nummer: Kravstiller: Grunnlag: Registreringsinnehaver: Beslutning: 2014024 ESCAPE TRAVEL AS, Postboks 6288 Etterstad, 0603 OSLO, NO Kravet er begrunnet med at foretaksnavnet ITALIAN ESCAPE AS er egnet til å forveksles med det registrerte foretaksnavnet ESCAPE TRAVEL AS med organisasjonsnummer 966 681 454, og varemerkeregistreringene nr. 239867, det kombinerte merket ESCAPE TRAVEL, og nr. 248061, ordmerket ESCAPE TRAVEL. Registreringen av foretaksnavnet ITALIAN ESCAPE AS hevdes på dette grunnlag av kravstilleren å være i strid med foretaksnavneloven § 2-6 nr. 4. Italian Escape AS, Via Della Lungaretta 66, 00153 ROMA, IT, org.nr. 911 979 527. Registreringen av foretaksnavnet ITALIAN ESCAPE AS er i strid med foretaksnavneloven § 2-6 nr. 4, og kravet om administrativ overprøving tas til følge. 2014027 Isurvey AS, Postboks 300, 1377 BILLINGSTAD, NO, Isurvey Group AS, Postboks 300, 1377 BILLINGSTAD, NO, Isurvey Assets AS, Postboks 300, 1377 BILLINGSTAD, NO. Kravet er begrunnet med at foretaksnavnet GRAEBERT ISURVEY AS er egnet til å forveksles med de registrerte foretaksnavnene ISURVEY AS, organisasjonsnummer 896 742 612, ISURVEY GROUP AS, organisasjonsnummer 987 113 367 og ISURVEY ASSETS AS, organisasjonsnummer 996 740 838. I tillegg er varemerkeregistrering nr. 227877, ordmerket ISURVEY, som Isurvey Group AS står oppført som innehaver av i varemerkeregisteret, anført som en del av kravet. Registreringen av foretaksnavnet GRAEBERT ISURVEY AS hevdes på dette grunnlag av kravstillerne å være i strid med foretaksnavneloven § 2-6 nr. 4. Graebert Isurvey AS, c/o Bjørn Juul Busse, 2918 ULNES, NO, org.nr. 911 740 133. Registreringen av foretaksnavnet GRAEBERT ISURVEY AS er i strid med foretaksnavneloven § 2-6 nr. 4, og kravet om administrativ overprøving tas til følge. 114
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