2-hjuls Container Systemer MGB 60 MGB 60 EURO2 Produkt Productdetaljer Details Product Details MGB 60 MGB 60 MGB MGB 60 140 MGB 60EURO2 EURO2 ཱ MATERIALE OG DESIGN • Komponenter er sprøytestøpt MATERIAL AND DESIGN i polymer fra en spesialutviklet HDPE • • • • • • • • • (High densitycomponents polyethylene). Resirkulerbar. ႑ Polymer injection moulded from specially Værbestandig. Tåler DESIGN frost, varme, og flere kjemikalier. Temperaturer MATERIAL AND designed HDPE fra 40 til + 80°C Polymer components injection moulded from specially ႑႑ – Resistant to decay, frost, heat and many chemicals UV og slagfast provides excellent ageing characteristics designed HDPE ႑ bestandig Special UV-stabilisation Deler i rustfritt Resistant tostål decay,are frost, heat and many chemicals ႑႑ Metal components corrosion resistant Stillegående solidesolid gummihjul Special UV-stabilisation provides ႑႑ Quiet-running rubber tyres excellent ageing characteristics Løftekam samme høyde somasMGB 120 Metalpå components are corrosion resistant ႑႑ Lifting comb at same height MGB 120 DIN i henhold til EN 1501-5 Quiet-running solid rubber tyres ႑႑ norm Suitable for all DIN lifting equipment Kompatibel medwith veiesystemer som erweighing i markedet Lifting comb at same height as MGB 240 systems ႑႑ Compatible identifi cation and Tilpasset chip i henhold til chip iht.equipment RAL 951/1 Suitable for all DINwith lifting ႑႑ Fitted as standard nestGZ in accordance with RAL GZ 951/1 To႑႑typer lokk. Standard ellercation EURO 2 lokk Compatible withstandard identifi weighing Two lid options: lid or and EURO 2 lid systems ႑ Fitted as standard with chip nest in accordance with RAL GZ 951/1 ႑ Two lid options: standard lid or EURO 2 lid KVALITET QUALITY • Sertifikater RAL GZ GZ 951/1 951/1 ႑ Certifiedi henhold accordingtiltoEN EN840 840 and and RAL • Sertifiserte i henhold til DIN EN ISO ႑QUALITY Certifiedsystemer management systems according to9001:2008, DIN EN ISO 9001:2008, • • • • DIN ISO 14001:2004 BS840 OHSAS 18001:2007 ႑ EN Certifi according toog EN RAL GZ 951/1 DIN ENed ISO 14001:2004 and BSand OHSAS 18001:2007 Kvalitetssikring gjennomof eget laboratorium og uavhengige institutter Certified supervision management systems according tolaboratory DIN EN ISO 9001:2008, ႑႑ Constant quality through own and Materiale i høy kvalitet etter de mest avanserte produksjonsprosesser DIN EN ISO 14001:2004 and BS OHSAS 18001:2007 independent institutes konsturert forsupervision lang levetidof Constant quality own laboratory and ႑႑ High quality materials and mostthrough advanced manufacturing processes Alle deler er resirkulerbare independent institutes for long service life Tilsetningsstoffene inneholder ingen miljøfarlige stoffer processes High quality materials and most advanced manufacturing ႑႑ All container parts are recyclable for long service life ႑ Additives are cadmium free and environmentally friendly ႑ All container parts are recyclable ႑ Additives cadmiumgir free and environmentally friendly Dobbel, vinkletare løftekant ekstra sikkerhet ved tømming SIKKERHET OG HÅNDTERING • SAFETY AND HANDLING • Håndtaket er festet i beholder, enkel manøvrering ႑ Double angle rail for highest safety during emptying • Spesielle ribber hindrer at beholdere setter seg fast ved stabling SAFETY ႑ Safe andAND easy HANDLING to manoeuvre • Meget stabilangle på grunn av et ytre safety hjulfeste ႑ CDontinuous ouble rail for during emptying ႑ handle onhighest the body • Åpen løsning på hjulene hindrer ansamling av smuss ႑ S afe and easy to manoeuvre ႑ Special ribs prevent containers from becoming jammed • Enkel som følge av glatte flater og avrundede ႑ when Crengjøring ontinuous stackedhandle on the body • innvendige ႑ PSarticularly pecialhjørner ribsstable prevent containers from becoming jammed ႑ due to external position of wheels Ingenwhen inntrengning stacked av vann når lokket åpnes ႑ Open wheel case prevents accumulation of dirt ႑ EPasy articularly to external position of wheels ႑ to cleanstable due todue smooth surfaces and rounded internal corners ႑ NOopen wheel case when prevents accumulation ႑ water ingress opening the lid of dirt ႑ Easy farger: to cleangrå, duegrønn, to smooth surfaces Standard brun, blå and rounded internal corners ႑ No rød, watergul, ingress opening the lid Opsjon: hvit, when orange FARGER • • COLOURS • Spesialfarger levers på forespørsel ႑ Standard colours: grey, green, brown, blue MGB 60 ཱMGB 60 EURO2 MGB 140 SPESIFIKASJONER ཱMGB 140 EURO2 SPECIFICATIONS AKSEL VOLUM AXLE NOMINAL SPECIFICATIONS (L) VOLUME AXLE Standard aksling Pipe axle Massiv Solid axle aksling Pipe axle (L) NOMINAL VOLUME 60 (L) 60 60 60 140 EGENVEKT EMPTY (KG) WEIGHT (KG) EMPTY WEIGHT 8,5 (KG) 8,5 9,3 9,3 9,4 LASTEVEKT MAX. FILLING (KG)(KG) WEIGHT MAX. FILLING WEIGHT (KG) HJUL, APPROVED (MM Ø) TOTAL WEIGHT (KG) APPROVED 24,0 24 TOTAL 200/250* WEIGHT (KG) 50,0 24,0 23 56,0 50,0 200/250* 70,0 * Nyutviklede fra bildekk, disse modeller.70,0 Solid axle hjul resirkulert 140 10,2 kan leveres56,0 COLOURS ႑ Option colours: red, yellow, white, orange ႑ SSpecial tandard colours: green, blue ႑ colours aregrey, available onbrown, request ႑ Option colours: red, yellow, white, orange ႑ Special colours are available on request EnviroPac AS Kakkelovnskroken 1, 0954 Oslo • P.b. 128, Kalbakken, 0902 Oslo Tel 06130 • [email protected] • www.enviropac.no Salg og service i hele Skandinavia SULO UMWELTTECHNIK GMBH ႛ Bünder Str. 85 ႛ 32051 Herford ႛ Germany ©-SULO - 04/2015 SULO 04/2015 ཱ All dimensions may vary due to production conditions. Theed specifi ed weights are a rounded based on the standard specification. The weight actual weight maydue differ due to production conditions and different specifications. All dimensions may vary due to production conditions. The specifi weights are a rounded averageaverage based on the standard specification. The actual may differ to production conditions and different specifications. MGB 140 EURO2
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