Beth Israel Congregation Rabbi Mordechai Shapiro z”l Sanctuary Weekly Announcements 770 W 40th St. Miami Beach, FL 33140 ph: 305.538.1251 email: [email protected] Rabbi Donald Bixon – Rabbi Parshat Bo ,n zxz Abraham Galbut – President January 16th 2016 6 Shevat 5776 P Erev Shabbat Schedule Candle Lighting Mincha 5:34 PM 5:40 PM Shabbat Schedule Hashkama Minyan Main Minyan No Teen Minyan *Afternoon Youth Groups Rabbi Bixon’s Class Mincha: Maariv Shabbat Ends 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 4:40 PM* 4:40 PM 5:25 PM 6:20 PM 6:29 PM Father Son Learning 50 min after Shabbat ends in Ahavas Torah Sun. Jan. 17th- Friday Jan. 22nd Shacharit: 7:00 & 8:00 AM Mincha: Monday – Thursday 5:45 PM Weekday Class Schedule Tues, Wed, Thurs. 6:20 AM Masechet Avodah Zarah Shiur Tuesday at 9:15 am Women’s Parsha Class Wednesday at 8:00 PM Advanced Talmud Class HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO: Michael Bixon, Rafi Weiss, Gerald Tepler, David Muhlrad, Rebbitzen Barbara Shapiro HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO: Bernice and Edward Stauber Make Reservations and Send in your Journal Ads Our Annual Dinner Honoring Leah and Zvi Klein Keter Shem Tov Award Rabbi Zvi Rosenbaum Keter Torah Award Saturday night February 6th at 8:30 pm Please see our ad blank on our website. Saturday Night January 30th at 8:00 pm Book Review “All Who Go Do Not Return” Written By: Shulam Deen Book is available for purchase on Mazal Tov To - Rachel and Dr. Allen Shaw on the engagement of their grandson Yehudah Kreitenberg to Ahuva Fleischmann -Malkah & Harold Tokayer upon the recent engagement of their granddaughter Ilana, daughter of Judy Neufeld of North Miami Beach to Yehuda Borg of New York City. -Malkah & Harold Tokayer on the birth of their 8th great grandchild, a son, born to Esti and Jake Asher of St. Louis, Mo. Esti is the daughter of Laura and Barry Tokayer of North Miami Beach. Kiddush is Sponsored By Beth Israel and Miriam, Joseph, Jacob, Lily and Nathan in honor of our past president Dr. Howard Abrahams DMD We are grateful to him for all his hard work and continued dedication to Beth Israel Congregation. This Week’s Announcements Are sponsored by Norma and Lenny Reiz and Family in commemoration of the 11th Yahrtzeit of Lenny's beloved father יהודה בן אברהם ה'לוי \ Seudat Shlishit is Sponsored by Elaine and Bob Grover In loving memory of Rachel Leah (Greenstein) Bat Jacov Whose 41st yahrtzeit is on 6 shevat Granddaughter Elaine and Bob Grover Great- Grandchildren Ari, Rachel (Bittman) and Joey Grover Youth Groups Announcements Pre-Groups begin @ 9:15 Regular Groups begin @ 9:45 Pre Groups - 45 Minutes before Mincha Our brand new Junior Cong competition has begun The 2 teams - Spicy Mayo VS Milk Chocolate. The series is 1-1. Please make sure your children come on time for davening! Project Rochel Imeinu – will focus on the communities elderly making monthly visits, making flower bouquets for those living alone, and shabbat. Please reach out to Rabbi G. for volunteer opportunities and sponsorship. TU BSHVAT - IS COMING Chag L'ilanot! In our never ending quest to beautify the youth house both in and out, we are looking for ideas of how best to spruce up the courtyard near the youth house. With limited sun exposure we are looking for creative ideas for our Tu Bshvat program. Those that have experience in this area please reach out to Rabbi G. DVAR TORAH BY: DR. ARI CIMENT NIKE MOTTO: JUST DO IT! DOES THE TORAH AGREE? ֹ הוֹ ֵל וְ אֵ ינו.אַרבַּ ע ִמדּוֹת בְּ הוֹלְ כֵ י לְ בֵ ית הַ ִמּ ְד ָרשׁ ְ ְשׂכַר, עו ֶֹשׂה וְ אֵ ינ ֹו ה ֹו ֵל.ֹ ְשׂכַ ר הֲ לִ יכָ ה בְ יָדו,עו ֶֹשׂה חָ ִסיד א ה ֹו ֵל וְ א, ה ֹו ֵל וְ ע ֹו ֶשׂה.מַ ע ֲֶשׂה בְ יָד ֹו : ָר ָשׁע,עו ֶֹשׂה There are four types among those who attend the study hall. One who goes but does nothing--has gained the rewards of going. One who does [study] but does not go to the study hall--has gained the rewards of doing. Beth Israel Congregation Rabbi Mordechai Shapiro z”l Sanctuary Weekly Announcements 770 W 40th St. Miami Beach, FL 33140 ph: 305.538.1251 email: [email protected] Rabbi Donald Bixon – Rabbi Parshat Bo One who goes and does, is a chassid. One who neither goes nor does, is wicked. (AVOS 5:6) QUESTION/S: According to this ethic, if you go to do a good deed like learning or visiting the sick and you either don’t learn anything that day or the sick person you went to visit was not there, you still get reward for going. But where is the source for such reward? And why should you get reward? Answer/Analysis: Peruse the the fifth aliyah of our parsha: Moshe instructed the elders of Israel on ROSH CHODESH NISSAN to kill their Passover lambs on the 14th OF NISSAN, paint their doorways with the lamb's blood, and remain inside their houses until the morning... Moshe continues to teach the whole Passover service to be observed for all time.. At the end of this powerful aliyah, it says(12:28): ,וַיֵּ לְ כוּ וַיַּ עֲשׂוּ כֵּן,מ ֶֹשׁה וְ אַהֲ רֹן- כַּאֲ ֶשׁר ִצוָּ ה יְ הוָ ה אֶ ת:בְּ נֵי יִ ְשׂ ָראֵ ל עָ שׂוּ- And the children of Israel went and did so; as the LORD had commanded Moses and Aaron, so did they. But wait a second! If the elders are being instructed on the 1st of Nissan to do something on the 14th of Nissan, why does it say that Bnei Yisroel “went and did so”- there could not have been any “did so” because “did so” didn’t occur until the 14th!!?!?!? Quoting a midrash, Rashi beautifully answers the enigma: RASHI: וְ הַ א, וְ כִ י כבַ ר עַ שֹוּ: בְּ נֵי יִ ְשׂ ָראֵ ל,ַויֵּ לְ כוּ וַיַּ עֲשׂוּ , אֶ לֶא ִמ ֵכיוַ ן ֶש ִקבְּ לוּ עָ לֵיהֶ ם,מֵ ראֹש חו ֶֹדש נֶאמַ ר לָהֶ ם מַ ֲעלֶה עָ לֵיהֶ ם כְּ ִאלוּ עַ שֹוּ- So the children of Israel went and did: Now did they already do [it]? Wasn’t this said to them on Rosh Chodesh? But since they accepted upon themselves [to do it], Scripture credits them for it as if they had [already] done [it]. — [from Mechilta]... RASHI Continues: לִ יתֵ ן, אָף הַ הָ לִ יכַה מָ נַה הַ כַתוּב:וַיֵּ לְ כוּ וַיַּ עֲשׂוּ ֹ ִ ַשכַר לְ ע ש ַיה ֹ ְ ש ַכר לְ הָ לִ יכָ ה ו ֹ - went and did: Scripture counts also the going, to give reward for the going and reward for the deed. — [from Mechilta]and so this may be the primary source of how our Tanna in AVOS derives ֹ ְשׂכַ ר הֲ לִ יכָ ה בְ יָדו,הוֹ ֵל וְ אֵ ינוֹ עו ֶֹשׂה- there is an aspect of going that, irrespective of the deed accomplished, is rewardable itself! But the next step is WHY? Why should going count as a mitzvah and which mitzvah would it count as? The answer can be from the other quintessential example of the power of going to do a mitzvah irrespective of whether you can perform an actual deed: Abraham Galbut – President January 16th 2016 6 Shevat 5776 הַ ְקהֵ ל אֶ ת הָ עָ ם הָ אֲ נ ִָשׁים וְ הַ נּ ִָשׁים וְ הַ ַטּף וְ ג ְֵר אֲ ֶשׁר ...בִּ ְשׁעָ ֶרי לְ מַ עַ ן יִ ְשׁ ְמעוּ- Assemble the people, the men and the women and the little ones, and thy stranger that is within thy gates, that they may hear, and that they may learn, and fear the LORD your God, and observe to do all the words of this law. Why should little ones go and hear the reading of the Torah by the king? Surely it is no mitzvah for them as they can’t comprehend what they are listening to!?! Rashi says: the children: Why did they come? So that a reward would be given to those who bring them along- לָתֵ ת ַשכָ ר לִ ְמבִ יאֵ יהֶ ם. — [Chag. 3a] But pretty please rush over and open page 1096 in your stone chumash and read the alternate reading in the hebrew Rashi brought down by the Masechet Sofrim: לקבֵּ ל ַשכָ ר ְמבִּ יאַתַ םַ just the fact that the children were there gave them (the children themselves!!!) a reward beyond any requirement of comprehension but just for being there!!! And so the 2 reasons that הַ לִ יכַהitself (even without performing a deed) is a mitzvah itself is because: 1) there is a training aspect/preparation itself is mitzvah- (fits with the version that the ַטּףare brought to give reward to those bringing them (alts the preparation/)מצוַת ִחינוּך ִ 2) הַ לִ י ַכהis an actual mitzvah itself!!! the ַטּףthemselves although not Bar Mitzvah can actually be Mekayim the mitzvah of הַ ְקהֵ לby being in the right place at the right time.. TAKEAWAY MESSAGE/S: We learn the profound concept that merely intending or going to do a mitzvah is itself a rewardable act disparate from completing the actual deed from the pasuk in our parsha: בְּ נֵי יִ ְשׂ ָראֵ ל,וַיֵּ לְ כוּ וַיַּ עֲשׂוּthey went and “did” even before actually doing anything! Even before saying שה וְ נִ ְשמַ ע ֹ ֶ ַ נַע, the jewish people demonstrated this incredible ability to commit to mitvot/projects/good deeds when they were commanded on Rosh Chodesh Nissan. They are rewarded for their commitment even before “fulfilling the pledge” which reminds us all of how powerful our commitments are even before they are actually fulfilled! Why are we rewarded for merely committing ourselves: learnt from הַ ְקהֵ ל: 1) it is an aspect of training ourselves to be better or 2) it is an actual mitzvah itself- a mystical element of going to do the right thing. TORAH MOTTO: JUST DO IT, BUT YOU DO GET CREDIT FOR THE TRYING ALSO! COMMUNITY NEWS Daughters of Israel Mikvah As of January 1st 2016 the Mikvah on 2530 Pine Tree will have new hours of operation Sunday thru Thursday 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm Friday by appointment only Saturday from 8:00 pm to 10 pm Special circumstances need to be arranged in advance EMUNAH of South Florida Invites you to join the Circle of Life Benefit Dinner recognizing Women Who Make A Difference: Deborah Chames, Gita Galbut, Dana Tangir and student leader Ella Herman, Wednesday evening, February 3, 2016 at the YI of Bal Harbour. Guest Speaker: Rhoda Dermer, wife of Israel's Ambassador to the U.S. For more info contact Co-Chairpersons, Helene Berkowitz, Elle Bienenfeld, Susan Packer, Sandy Spolter or Pam Weiss, 305 538-1222. Geula-Shalvah Chapter of Amit Cordially invites you to attend our annual luncheon Honoring Francine Katz And Malkah Tokayer For their loyal service Sunday February 7th At Tower 41 at 11:30 am Couvert $72 per person Men and women invited Mati Deutsch Chairperson RSVP 305-532-6991 Or 305-588-6993 Live Concert with Uncle Moishe At Jungle Island 1111 Parrot Jungle Trail, Sunday Jan 31st 10:00 -6:00 pm Miami, FL 33132 Great Circus Performance Live shows and Petting zoo Rides Glatt Kosher Food Medical Halacha Seminar With Rav Asher Weiss shlita Sunday Jan 31st at 9:00 am At 7900 Montoya Circle N. Boca Raton FL 33433 For more info contatct [email protected]
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