Amagasinet-Article - Help Bring My Son Home

Article in A-MAGAZINET March
[Pase 1]
Photograph of hand-written note to Mummy]
British authorities have concluded that
Christine's Norwegian husband has taken the
children away unlawfully, and that the
mother had the right to decide where they
were to live. The Norwegian court has
concluded that they should live with him. ln
Jersey, politicians, diplomats, and attorneys
are involved in the case.
Nobody answers the phone. Christine phones once, then many times. Then even more. Her exhusband doesn't answer. Neither do the kids. She was only going to be away for a few hours, on
day tour from the British island of Jersey to France. Now she is starting to regret going. But it is not
until some hours later while sitting on the ferry and finally gets to talk to somebody at the other end
that she allows herself to seriously become suspicious. Her son's soccer coach phones looking for
him. The team is about to play a match and the boy still has not arrived.
She dials a new number. No luck. The principal at the children's school makes her even more
nervous. The children never made it there, despite the fact that nine hours have passed since her exhusband should have brought them there. Christine panics. The next phone call is to the police.
A-Magazine has earlier cast a spotlight on Norwegian mothers and fathers who have experienced
abduction of their children by their exes. Many of them never see their children again. Norwegian
authorities have strongly gone after countries that do not return abducted children. But these cases
also have another side. Over the lastrlbn years, a total of 179 children have been abducted to
Norway. Despite the fact that many cbuntries rnake great efforts to get the children home again,
considerable number remain in Norway.
Christine knows little about this on that Monday. in April when everything got turned upside down.
Yes, she and her ex-husband had discussions over where the children should live. But Christine
thought she was safe. A court order from a British court had already concluded that she alone would
have the custody and parental responsibility for the children. Under British law, this ruling gave her,
the right to decide where the children would live. ln addition, she had gotten her ex-husband to sign
a contract
that he would not start Norwegian court proceedings over visitation rights. Nevertheless,
the children are now gone. Between the remnants of breakfast and milk glasses on the irfqhgllxb]g
TeK: Karine @sttveit
Photo: Marie Von Krogh
were placed the goodbye letters so that she could not miss them. Half a line from each child, neatly
written on old envelopes: "Mama, we are going to Norway to live with Dad. I love yOu"'
| am upset and embarrassed about what happened afterwards. The
Christine got in Norway is plainly embarrassing.
ofthe network, for parents of abducted children, sighs. Through
his work with the network, he is used to having despairing parents on the line. Most of them fight
against inflexible systems abroad and local courts that refuse to take the Norwegian court decisions
Kjell Schevig, the Head
But it is really not surprising that Norwegian parents are poorly treated abroad when this is the way
Norway itself treats foreign parents. I have been thoroughly involved in this case and it is clearthat
the Norwegian courts have worked against Christine totally from the beginning. She has experienced
much unfairness and dirtytricks in Norway.Theytreated the case as a standard child custody case asi
opposed to a child abduction case, says Schevig.
The case of Christine turned out to be far more complicated than she thought. When the British
court asked to get the children returned nothing happened. When the attorney on Jersey turned to
the Justice department and asked that the Hague Convention on Child Abduction be taken into
account (which Jersey was in the process of ratifying), he was refused. When he, in his next letter,
proposed that the case could be resolved through a judicial comity, as friendly countries try to
resolve court disputes in a diplomatic way, they did not even reply. And when the case came up in
court, the judge concluded that there were no reasons why the children should be returned to
Jersey. He was of the opinion that the custody case should be heard in Norway. lt did not help that
Christine explained that the children had been registered in the Norwegian National Register using
her forged signature. When she submitted in the next court session an expert report from the U.K.
that concluded that the signature was probably forged, this was given no weight.
My experience with the Norwegian court system is that it is completely
acceptable to abduct children in Norway
as long as you are a Norwegian.
Christine looks up while she is turning the pages. She already has established herself in Norway a
short time after the children came here. On one side of the table is the judgement of the Royal Court
of Jersey, declaring that she alone has parental responsibility for the children while the ex-husband
shall have some visitation rights. On the other side of the table is a pile of documents as thick as two
telephone catalogues. The court sessions in Norway add up to nine.
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The lower court, appeal court, supreme court, new start in the lower court, and a new sessio n in
appeal court. Everywhere with the same conclusion: the ex-husband shall have the children. Sh77
shall get to see them sometimes
in the first years, only for eight hours every other week, and only
under the supervision of a person her ex-husband has selected. For many years, hugs, Christmas
gifts, and birthday gifts could only be exchanged in an impersonal visiting room - sometimes behind
locked doors and never alone. This is the type of visitation that parents in serious child welfare cases
get: the same crumbs of family life that drug users and those convicted of violent crimes are
awarded. ln Christine's case, drugs or violence were never a factor. The judge's fear that she would
take the children abroad resulted in her losing parental custody and normal time on the weekends.
A normal, resourceful Norwegian mother would never have gotten so little visitation rights. There is
no doubt about it, said lawyer Tone Linn Tingvold. She has represented Christine in the last court
appearances. What Christine believes to be discrimination is also the reason she has submitted a
complaint with Court of Human Rights in The Hague . There they have concluded that they want to
hear Christine's case.
"Cultural differences were used against her. Small things, such as the fact that she drove her children
to school on Jersey, for example, were interpreted as indicating that she was a controlling person",
explained Tingvoll.
"Have you seen this in other cases as well?"
"Yes absolutely. Foreign parents have a longer way to go in custody cases. We believe that what we
have here in Norway is the answer. Everything can be used against you. I see all the time that the
culture in the parents' homeland is used against individuals."
"How then?"
"l have, for example, represented a father from Romania who was criticized for kissing and hugging
too much. That is the culture there. Now I am representing a mother from Thailand. She is being
criticized for the opposite - that she hugs too little. But also she just follows her own culture",
explains Tingvold. A-magazine has, in connection with this case, been in contact with five lawyers
with experience in child custody
cases. All of them are of the opinion that foreign parents
Norwegian parents with foreign backgrounds
are often met with greater scepticism than ethnic
Norwegian parents.
REQUIRES A REVIEW. The association,Organization against Public Discrimination has worked
long time on this issue. "Based on
whit we can
see, this is a major problem. We see it across the
whole line -we are contacted by women from Africa, Latin-America, Western Europe and Eastern
Europe who have lost the custody of their children to Norwegian fathers. And I am always taken
aback when women lose these type of cases, because normally there has to be strong grounds for
taking the children from the mother," says the Head of the association, Aki de Leon. He sees a lot of
interest in the problem and is of the opinion that a review should be done soon.
"We have this image of ourselves in Norway that we are fair and that prejudice does not affect us.
This picture is not true. Now the judiciary must take this up," he believes.
such as Uganda
I can hardly believe this. These are things we would expect
not from NorwaY.
from countries
On the line from Jersey, the former MP, Gerard Baudains is clearly upset. Earlier that same day, he
had sent an email:" The Norwegian court system is just as corrupt as that of any third world country.
Phone me".
"l think I have used several hundred hours on this case. We have tried everything. Traveling,
meetings, letters, telephone calls. Nothing helped. The Norwegian authorities do not want to listen".
"Who else on Jersey has been involved?"
"Many, very many. The Head of the parliament on Jersey and I have many times discussed this
specific case. I believe most of the MPs are aware of this", says Baudains.
At one time, he was also called in as a witness to account for Jersey's attitude in this case. The
politician travelled to Norway to explain Jersey's point of view - but when he came there, the judge
would not allow his testimony.
At the British embassy, they have also worked a lot on Christine's case.
"ln this case, we actually considered sending a formal note to the Norwegian Justice Department to
complain about the treatment Christine received. But we were afraid of a diplomatic quarrel if we
accused the Norwegian court of discrimination. lt was not usual for us to get involved in a
Norwegian court procedure, so we chose to stick to sending in a diplomatic note in which we
requested the Justice Department to respect the court decision on Jersey.
That is what Patricia Svendsen relates. She was responsible for consular cases with the British
embassy when Christine's case was before the courts. Svendsen no longer works at the embassy and
therefore allows herself to give her personal opinion about abduction cases based on the
experiences she has had for twenty years at the embassy.
"My experience is that when a child first comes to Norway, there is a great probability that it will
stay here - even if there are valid court decisions stating that it should be elsewhere. lt has
happened in case after case. There is no doubt that Norwegian law protects their own", she says.
PLANNED THE ABDUCTION. Christine's ex-husband does not agree that there has been unfairness in
this case. He refutes the statement that he forged her signature to register the children in the
National Registry and emphasizes that he has succeeded through nine Norwegian count sessions. He
does not wish to go into specific details about how he took the children to Norway, but refers to the
court documents. There it is clear that he took the children from Jersey without warning the mother
and that he had planned the abduction over a long time. But given the fact that the Norwegian court
concluded that the children were living in Norway, it was of the opinion that they only were
restoring "the established residence".
court placed more weight on the fact that the children - and to a large degree also Christine had lived in Norway for barely a year in an attempt to fix the marriage and that Christine at that
time took the children home to Jersey without her ex-husband's consent. ln the following court ,y'
sessions, this was considered abduction and used as an argument that Christine was not .on.urn#
with what was in the best interest of the children. The British court decision that showed that she
had parental responsibility and a written agreement between the partners that she could at any
time take the children back to Jersey was not given any weight.
For Christine, the numerous court sessions were an absurd experience. A short time after the
children were abducted, she moved to Norway to be close to them. During the last couple of years,
she had been granted some more visitation privileges. One of the children had, in an earliersession,
asked to live with her permanently without the court taking that into account. This summer, she is
hoping for a new chance.
"l have missed seeing my children grow up. For all parents, it automatically follows that they are a
part of their children's life. The Norwegian court system has taken that away from rne. And nothing
can give me that time back -the reiationship with the children is not like it was six years ago. But
there is a little time left to fight for", she believes, and hopes that the Norwegian legal system wili
turn around in the tenth court session.
"l have never received
a fair hearing here. There has not been equality under the law. And what is
the point of laws if they do not apply to all?" she asks.
the Head, Kjell schevig agrees. He draws a parallel
with the much discussed Skah case, where Norwegian elite soldiers with a link to the lntelligence
Services smuggled two Norwegian-Moroccan children out of Morocco in a sailboat. Like Christine,
the Norwegian mother had moved for a time abroad with the children and the child's father.
THE SKAH CASE. At the network,
"But despite the fact that in Christine's case, there existed clear court decisions and written
agreements which showed that the children would have permanent residence on Jersey and were
only in Norway temporarily, the Norwegian court is of the opinion that they will not be returned to
.lersey. ln the Skah case on the other hand, the Norwegian authorities, in all probability, themselves
contributed to bring the children back to Norway after a long stay in Morocco. lt is shown with all
possible clarity that they are of the opinion that the same rules did not apply for foreigners as for
Norwegians, " believes Schevig.
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Secretary of State Astri Aas-Hansen is sure that the Department of Justice could not have done
anything different in this case.
"The starting point in Norway is that court orders from abroad are not recognized. When children
are abducted to Norway from countries outside the Hague convention, we cannot on our own
initiative take children from the parents in Norway to return them. lt is the Norwegian Children Act
that applies and the judge has to make his decision according
this", says Aas-Hansen.
"ls this not exactly the same thing you accuse foreign authorities for when Norwegian children are
abducted to countries outside the Hague Convention?"
is our great challenge when Norwegian children are abducted
to countries that are outside the
Hague convention and especially to countries without a well-functioning justice system".
"Can we then expect that other countries will respect our court decisions when we do not respect
"We will always argue for Norwegian children being returned to Norway, just as Jersey has argued ttr
us. And to argue is both legitimate and understandable. But to demand that Norwegian courts be
bound to court decisions in other countries I feel is wrong", says the Secretary of State.
"Many lawyers with whom the A-magazine has talked are of the opinion that foreign parents are
disadvantaged in child custody cases?"
"l have seen examples of convention cases where the court, in our opinion, made a wrong
assessment and put weight on the fact that Norway is a better countryto live in. This is contrary to
the convention", says Aas-Hansen. She underlines that Christine's case is not such a convention case.
"What do you do with those?"
-The Department of Justice gives information and gives legal assistance also to those foreign parents
and we have our own contactjudges for convention cases to ensure competence. But courts are
independent, we cannot dictate to them. lf you disagree with a decision, then you have to appeal,"
says the Secretary of State.
That is exactly what Christine has dorie - again and again. ln the beginning, her British lawyers told
her that she could not lose, that her case was so obvious. She has stopped believing this a long time
ago. After having browsed through the rulings, evidence, and documents from nine rounds in the
courts, she goes for a walk to collect her thoughts.
"l feel that nothing I did would have been good enough", she says afterwards.
"l have moved from family and friends to live here, in close proximity to the children. I am willing to
do anything for them. But now I see that it made no difference what I did. My ex-husband was
entirely Norwegian. And I was the mother from abroad.
[Photograph of child's note to Mum]
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orders {rarn abraad are fiet rec$Enlzed. Astri Aas i"lfrnsen, Setretary +f 5*otr'
Ll,* . 'i.,
I nscn tar telcfonen. Chrisfine
I tlrrg*" f**tt 6n gang, sa rnanPe'
I s& enda flare' fiksnrannen henI n* svarer lkke. Ilet gior heiier
sk*l b*re vrer* h*r"
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britisk;e pys Jcrscy til !'rankrike. N&
b*gmner hml fr angre P& alt tl$n hfir
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mak*n burde g* i l'{orgp"
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ikk* rffrt
nsrske foreldre blir dirtig hchandlet i
utlandet nf'r dete er md:ren i'Itrrge
behandler utenlandske foreldne pf
- fi{efl det
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tt Iase rettstvister pii
tisk vie, fikk han ikkr engang $rdr. $g
*r xxken knm ryrJr i tirqremen' k*n"
Icl*d*rt* d*nrmeren med atdet ikke
ssf ns4rl gr$nfi ti} * ret,lrnere harna
til J*rse,q. fi a n nremte barnefrrdelings
x*m rppl*rer x( Il*rfia der+* er blitt
bortfrn fil utlandat au e*spartr*r*,
$/lam*e flv d*m *er aldri barna igien"
liamke myudigteter harg*tt har-dt ut
mot la$d s*rrl ikke rctursrerer b*rt"
fi*rtq barn. !tren rtis$s ulmne har
ogs& en unnen sid*. Be *iste {i Srs$e
er til"trunlrn*n #$ tl6rn btilt h{trtfs}rt
ble han awist' Ila han i ne'st.e lrrev
furesls at sxk*n kruuelroes $eruroat
*ludic{-rl *trrniB':'- sllk nmre land.lbr,
Kjett $e}e,v*g, leder av ueKvsrkrt
S*rtfum.m* f*r f*reldn* msd hurtfor
** I!& ffilr*lte msdre crg f*dre
ctt trlir*ruddFAh*det"
s*il}le sefte i gang nrrske rettxpr*"
Fll{LH}. * Iq er oPPro* og flau over
det roru skj*dds ett*rp*" B*haudlim'
gcn Chr' llar fAtt i ]l*rgt' er r*lt
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xegi'ril Jtmtis*:bpartrnrenw
ogba em at fflitn rok hem$3n til l*aag'
komvensjr:ne* om harn eberttkrin$er,
som J*rsf.y r*r i ferd me.d * ratihxsre,
*rglad i de6"*
nexlxeffr*$ skrtllc hx leltrt dcr$den
Ctristine $enncr panikh*u spre*tg i
kruppen" N**te telefoil er ttl p*litiet"
$.s{ed*hrttetrt-#. Haiuann*n
hrurt m hsrn*, ci lrs$kr{v*t
pe Xxad* kuRsdutrerl trs{arn$a, vi
rlrrrr ttl f$trrg* fur iibo htw p*ppfi.JeS
S*rna duklmt aldri oFP, til. rcrs fur
at det er g$tt ni tinrer ridsn ek*rsan'
g!*r henn* hare endiq tft€r nervs.t,
cm, de*r R:rctda&E$
hadds redd- fl* hriti$k r*tt kretd*
& t"* trnnrn r€hmn*rt) sl{indde det irl"
*$ntirig" tle rikras'nkmen FS l*rscy
srn$srg f$rbfrxn*. Xl*mne \i*nnel**n
hnnme, i tr*d me$ brinixk !mtr' mtt
ti} * be*tsrnrne hvor hqrnn skrxlle b*"
t ttllcgg tladdc hun f*tt cktrnantren til
*s:i1p*re en kmntrakt oIfi frthan ikke
m*lkegtrx pfl ftfxtkbotdef * Plns'
$ert $& hu$ tk&e kau urlns& S se dem'
ikle kornmet.
tlun slir et nl"tt numtYrcr. Fet hjel'
#r ikke" fr*klsrcn Pr& hr*r*ttr s&*le
t aPril f0fi$ d;
F**r .saken ti, flhdlidne vitt* seg
* hll l$ngarner kumPlrs*t enn hun
rmmlig etrlerede k{tril*i{dert rnqX at
hun al*** giwlle ha f*reldru*nxvxr ug
$0ffi!*rffett, I{f, cr bxrn'a
li&evei vskk. tdellnrn fuok*strest*r og
ta mis{an"
ril Norge. TiI tros$ for al nranp land
Sor stcre an$trenplser for * ffi barna
hjern ffin- blir e.n god dcl xv drr* ve
re*rde i Slrrr6e"
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sE$5Sr Om
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*leristine trntlde lruu !"{*r it};sHb ell
re,tts\flennel*e Ii* hrit*k rett hadde
upplevd rnyc urett rrg *klttent *pill i
Nrrge- l)e bth;tndler xak*rl xtrmr en
lwrlig barn*fordelin$urxk i xmdet
regixtrert i d*t trtrslr $r:lker*gi$e.
r*trd lrjeip av trr*ane* fiorfat*krd*
tmrltrrkift" tre h$l i fiffit* rcft$ruflde I* frern en s*kLrynclig r*pplrt fra
Stnrhritansia sonl konkiudrrte nrs{I
at xnet*rskriften *annrtr'nli'gvis var
bied*t helter ikke lagt vr*t p*'
S*{ULEH Au Ffrh,llllfiLIY. - $$in erfa.
r-ing u*d $et nsr$hc re-B$fateB}$[ er
fft d*t *r helt sl'eit &lrsrtf*r*h*r* i
s*rlrp - *s l*nge dx sr nsr*k.
f,hristinr kikker s*u,idr opp nreus
hmr bl*r i paPir*ne" Hun ntablerts
seg i ${cxgu unhredc kurt ttd*tttr at
tr*rr*a [{am hit. pfi den eng *lder,l av
*or-det trigger lqiennelwn ha Huyat
eouff clFJ*r$ey. ssm erklderer at huvt
*k*l h* fureldres$w*cet ftrr harna
*Ies*g, m*na cksm&nn*rl rknl hs nut
ramven Ft d*n andre sidxn
lf$*#r *R rtubsl rned dnlqurnrntrr'
tykk ffirffi r$ ulsfsltkfltado*Br. I{efiE'
pr*ses,*u i s*rtrgF te!tre.r ni rundgr,
'l"ingr*$en, Iagruarm"rr'et[en, l{eye$Gr*f[e ki#rernfit*rrtval$ ny fi flrt :
tit,t*rett*rl *Sily ruride I trs&Iff*ttssf;st-
t*n, t)-stffrlt uled x*mrlle k*nhltts]*tt:
E{tsnranneu h*trnc* *ka! h* barna'
I"lrur *knl I* se dcmr ilr-lant - de fpr*te
*reri* h*r,e fitru *mer &$nenhver ufue,
i:gkun under tileyn av en person eks'
rn*nn*n har valgt *t, I fiere Sr huune
klunnrer, julega*er s$ tlur$**$$Srytr
dermer* b*r*wvekslp* I *t *p*rsmn'
Itrg herak*r*m " trbtr*nt i:ak lfut dor"
r:g*l*ri atcn*. fl*t en den typen ram'
t'mr f*rc,Idre i tung* barnev*nnrmtkcr
f&rl cte sxrleur* steulene $rY familielis
xrm- rusilisbr-llcrre ug vuldadpmte
kan bli tilkjent. I $rristines tilfulle
sirrdetal.irl *&&kk *r* rtr* *Xlervsltl.
tr)tenlmerne* &3'kt ftrr*t tlu* skulle t*
med hnrng ut sv len$et, fCIrte rll at
hun mrlstet h&dt f*r*Iclrea*sv;tret oS
normalt l'eelgesanrv'*r.
- Hn vantig" ressursstcrk nnrsk
mar vill* aldri hu ffim xfl lim x*mr'"
vmr. Ilst cr den ixgen lvil om"
adtukat Tone LiRu Thirlgvald' Hun
hnr repr*rcmtert'*hri*tim i de *iste
rcmrrundam*. Set *hr,i*tine m*ner sr
fom$tilsbehxndling, *r ups irmkeul
at hum tr*r sendt inn em klagp ttl
HBfi n*$hinettigh€evlnnrsr*te* i l"laxg"
ser har m;m k*mkludmt :n*d *t mxm
w:rk*r * s* S{ Shristines "nkci}
- Kultur*lle f*r*Ir,iuller bl* hrukt
mot henRe" $cn* tingn *om et hurr atl"
tid lqjott* barn* ril sk*Xen B'&Jersey,
bl* fffr €k*elHF*l t$lket s*rfi ** hrift
vxr kr:ntrell*r*nde, f$rklarer Ting"
- Flhr du s$t
a&nlre *aker
It, ri:*clutt. Ut*nlnmdsks f*neldre
ktr *n leqgr* wi
i En va*ll*
i Eter-k
rn*t *skelrur*trn**k*€
& 65& [
&'&S'r S$ I
- Ftrv*mlxn rl*?
I vllte attlrl
, hafAms$
- ffi lurr fr:r *ks*mpotr r*Frcrti€qltert
en far fra fin*mnim sqrnr ht* krltis*rt
Tss* Lt*n
*t }rarr LY***t *g:klemte frr my*"
Set *r kcl&re* rl*n
jeg en urnr k* :1'h*i1a"rxl. I{tur h}ir }ui'
ilx*rt f*r det tm6t*i{$a - at hu* kl*tu-
mrar fiur
lite. b{efi *rgsS lrmr fofufr}*
hore strn e6*n hff^ttrff- fmklarer Timg'
vuk*. Crlrutg**lnet hflr i hrrhindslse
rnud, rlmms salc*n t-'aert i lnrntakf m*d
fem adryekaler rn*d erfaring fr* bar
n*Rrrdetrifi &q$*ker" $trrnttialt m$rlsr
a[ uteo]andxke fsreldrc - rW n+rske
{*relSre. m*d ute* lxndsk bxlegrunn
- rlft* firl-lte* rn*ri st*+rrt x[qrf$i$ en$
*tfi i$k li{rfske firreEdxe.
lS*& F"*r**ingea
|tREtIE* K*mffi "t6fi
0ryanis*xJen*fl m$t r:ffe*tlffi diskri'
miner!ryg har lenge i*irbet mct! dEnn*
* Ut fit InEa vi ser, tr*r vi *t dstts sr
cttmrrt pr*blem" Vi ser dst r:ver h*ic
SSSffiBfttE P$ltlHltEf,& -3s$ k*n
ngsrgn tkh* tro del.5]stt"E er $fi$rrlen
fern*fttsr fra lilnd s*r.n ug,*ndu - ikkt
Ie* ml*lbn fra j*rsey *r drlliger*
part*mre*ur*lcdleiu ersan3 Baxcl*in*
#FF!8rt" fi{}}i{Sre s*mme dag h*,r tutt
sendt en x-pn*t: q;[]s*t n$rxke retutsys'
fen:et er like ksrriryt t&nT er hsilkst
ssnr helst lanti i clen redje verden'
t{ing rneglu'
jegtrur jeghxr,trru[* ilere hurulr*
firrrer p& {ls$fi* *akcffi" lii har f*r*glci
nei*er" $r*.tqr, brer.'; [*l*fe*er. [x$€.tliijB hnl' Ilytl^('t' N(}rs&.r nrylrdighe-
tcr ttl ikttt hsre'
" ftrvern har *]icrx'emgasiert s*g
- *trnge, svmrt rnange' tr,* lix
F*rlame*ter pA&Exryogjeg har {l*r*
Si!flSer diskulert drnn* *ak*n *perifikt" Je$ tror de fle$te p*rlar.nent$'
rxedl*'nme*e er klar $ver d*'o, uier
*tt ttd*punlt var
og$ inn-
kdt stlrm vitR*, firr S re$*#igre for
Jerseys hotdming i saken. Politikeren
]{*s# ftrr* f*rkl*re3erst$s
stand;:unkt nretl tia han hr:nr hit,
ville ikke elurumerelr tltrX;lte vltnes
Lsttn"Amrrika' T*st'F.'uxRFs
byrdet h*tts.
" ',,i
biir &*utakt*t
Sst"Eur*pe sum h*r mis$r *:a:**rgen
for sine barn til nsrslcc f+dr*. Ogicg
s{$$sftr irthid n&r kvi*nen t*3rer den"
ne r$psn s*kxr, frr txmtigris skatdet
st*nke grumn*r lil ftrr & taharna fra en
nrcr" *ierl*der i f,or*ninpn" &ki rte
Letlm, I lan erlerllter stmrte intcr*sse
f*r pr*hl*m*{* *S m*ner det sftiir€fi{
har git*reu e* fuar**ffiitlg.
- Vi har et sslvbitde i a\orge *m at t!
*r rmtferdiSrt, *g ilt f$rdflrBm*r ikke
prBfiier *$$"
tlet hi}'$et *t*wxer
!rl{ raA
iings$xker" vi clrem*r at d*t vi hgr h*r
i tr'[ur.Ef, er fa,titeu, iL]t $utst k;tr l*i
brukt mor deg,Jeg ser st*tllg at kultu"
ren i frl-reldrenes i:jerlda:ud bXtr br#m
inn *ver
m*:rer hum.
r'e ste t[]
h*r ntun i*htrct
hrifiske slllbe$$fidc*
m*d thristinos
* I denne sck*n btx tttl lkhrisk
S s*nr!* *n fumrell nt{* til
det nmrske Justis**Fnr*rffi snfst ftlr
* k[*g* B& be,trand]ingen {hrlxt*n.e
Ekk. SIen imtn Yiffi rt*dd fwr dipkt"
rne,ti$ik *emighet- hvix'*i anklager rn
rurrsk rstt ftudiskrim**ering" Ile{ Yer
jo ikfte r*:rnlig ftx *** * blan$e mss inn
i e$ noffik rethtl]fft**$$, *{i l'i valge &
trolde oss til A sende en diplomurisk
m*te etreilsi att$l*der Jtl*rixdepairte'
BI*Rtst tlff! fi rcxpektere retrcl{€n" l.
:lttrrllll I
nelsen yx*Jerxly".
'$et frrrteller Fafffui* j$verldseno
s$rn $ftI- *n*\Iarli$ f,trr konsutrere g.uker vsd den hritirhe ;$nba*qraden
X fl(Enven$Isn€fi f'${}r$* har r*trltrerl fisafi-k0nve!1$ir:*e* n* flur*r:xr*rit"
E+*rrvensj*ll"lr,* {}H blrr!*h*rl$*rirg. €nl*n*etr *r at tlsr{l $kag {tq*ek* f;i
da Christinm sak verscrte i rctten.
$rend*er j*'bber i dagikke lengerved
*r.nbffi*Sen. nS tit[fiter s*g d*rfnr S $
sin perunnligx rne,ning rrrl hxnnehmr'
fprinspsakerl:frsert pS de *3r ar{ng8ne
* Fsr$*i4l* [,]*r*nrsr
ssrfi t]srtFsf*$ $ra *t t+xi$ xt$nl*r B,i+rii$'k$nve*rj*n*m,
S+t lsr$I*r hsr**tr:E'rn ,;t d{3$r:H*$S{x t*i$Ser At'*r hm{ f*r daq *n$telte hern. I $aker Fttsf H&sE:
gs*nu*n*jq]n*fi *kel *n ikk* ffir*$* *r't vt:rr!*'r,in$ *$ f'fv*r i1*t frr **-l,t f$'r
S$rfi*I * h*" rtr*n tll,b***{*rt h*r-r-r*f til *$l:rir:q}*lse:trdildtg, 5!1k Jt 1'lk*11
$k{ii }.Ak*r} f*res B Nrsr6*
hun har h:r$ gleurrnm Sr v*tt nm"
k*rr Arrgiorts
- Mtn srfaringer at n*r *t tlarfi fr{r$t
er fumrnrt titr }{rrgt, urdet st6rs-flnn'
*ynllglrtt fur *t d*t hlir her " selv *m
det finne* gytrdige remskjenrtelser orn
at det slcai vmre et ann€t stcd' Serte
skjer Eary F& SarW Bet er ing*m ttril
uffi ftt nsrsk r*tt be*$'tte'r *ine qgne,
*ier htn"
raen{ ftrr at {trixrine ikke cr *BPt*u
*v hamlxs bes{s, I}*r hriti$l(e r$tws"
FL&HLA EU&TFSf; [HSH}{, fltu:tsrimm
elmnmnn cr ikke ereig i ar der hilr strrt
ur,*ufert$igft*t*r i de*ne s*ken" Flan
tilhakevis*r xt han kr*r fhrJa}"skqt u,n'
derskrillen hennes t'or & rcgistrere
harnr i Fotkeregisteret, *g und*rstrelsqr *t ha{} h*r f*u' rm dh*tr* $*nrrsm
gimel*ene sem vis*r at hun hatlde
tnr*ldrere*en, oS qf, skriftltg *vtal*
he.l*t kt*nne ta bprma rued tilk#e
J*ne*y, hle ikk* Iegt v*.kt P,&.
mmdeu* rrert em atr'tunj. *ppltt*Is*,
Hofi tid stter irt h*rfia hle b*mf'erL
flytt*t hem tiX F{arp fnr * vmre i rlmr'
{Yt:r&e, rm*n
I !{*r et
i harn f,erxt
i er ltgmi mettil
| il*lOrge, er
I detstor
emt}[crde{te ku$
| $annsyrtrc h*sted*tm,
&€fi*n k nemlig mer vekt P& at ! llghet for
Xrarx* * tlg i st*r Sred ogs& fihri*fltte i atdetbltr
* i rt
"maut*rhaddrbdd i N*rffi i *t i iwr
fCIrsk ffi A l*pBt sarnffien ekt*ska' t.
eksmannens santtYkke' I
rwtsn*rdslu hle d*tte rqgn*t
**m bortforing, eg bruk* *nm ct dryui.'tut*6"6$i$dxT
Fnr hardx r!.aryfi mtt$'
lkhe$ g& inn p& {t*t k#nkr*t* hcndelsesforl#S€t da h*n tr* med har*lt til
Fet, tlg at f,hrlsrlne p& et tidspunkt
tsk med barns ldem rilJerc*,Y utqn
!rrle*. *ghtuer vll**n n#rilr:s'sr hvi*
dr ikke glelder for alle? sPmr hrm.
prellsrfl part*xre $r$ ilt hun m*r xam
ni norsk* rct{srunder- }{xn sns}ier
uiser til rensdllkrtn:cntefie" Ber S$r dst &er* *t has trlk med
barng Xi*J*rg*f llt*ti *Yffi$le fftorenu
oS fft hsn hadde planlagt b*rtforkl"
ptr tlver }erlpe tid..Il{tn I *g rned *t
rle* mtr*s r*ffie* k$frklud*me med
*t bnrna brddu i ffimrye, memt* de a[
har ald.ri f:Stt cn rxttfurctig hm"
ring lrel" Ilet hffr ikkc rser$ fi[:]l*t f'*r
- Jcg
hrter"t ar drrn, [h *ime par *rcm* h*r
hun f*tt ti}fu$enr fl$€ tlidr 68tlllser. E$
au barna har i *n tidligererettsrundt
he*Il om $ f;& ber h*s ltennt F]srfire'
ricnl, utcn *t reltcfi her tatl l"lensyn
fil $st, I ssutm*r h*per hun pii em ny
-Jeg h*r rntritst nppvekteit tll b*r'
na r*i.ns" *-kr alle f*rel*tr* er det en
rulrfufut & rr*r* mt dttr at'bfirns's liv'
Pet fior$k* rettx$ystff!}et har fr*t;ltt
meg d*t. Sg hpnt'ing katr gli rn*gl dem
tiden ti.nhak* - fsrh,$id*t ri} bxrna er
lklee xarnt dst var f$r sekc &r sit$en"
lt{en enru{ er dtt lin tid ig}en i kjempe
fnli mener httn, ugh&Per*rSefI*,]t*
he rctts*}'steffiet vil snu i dsn tiends
SKAH-SAHI H. l'lo* Eort{srt.ns-nefi
SieII $chcuig *riig. ltrfln
tsekkrr p*r*ll*Iler til **n m3e *nttalt*
$kah-sah*n, der n*r*iec etitx*idxfer
rned ttlknytning ri} ermmetningptfe"
r*emm srnu$l*t to ilors$tm*r*kft auske
b*m ut av il.{armkks i en *eilb$t, I lik-
h*r med #hristin* f[yttet den nurr"
i er periode ti.l mtla:rdet
salrtrrten Rred txnna ug hamef;rren.
- h{*n lil tr*t* ftrr * det i *tlrin{i*e*
til$ellr trhrelA kt*rt r**silt'gfsrelser *g
sL:riftlige axt*l*r smm viste flt hiixrt'til
*kulls }ru t*xtbu6t*t1 p$ jlersqr*ShstB
ver i N*rp rnidkrtidtg mrcmmr rwrsk
ke mr:rmr
trfl deikkn skal t{LtrakE$Prc* tilier'
*ey, tr $-k*h*a-ken* derir**t, h;m n$rsl$$
mlndigfieilnr *tter rll xann*ynliShet
hidratt til * hente b*rmx tilbak*
rll l,{*rg* ttr*r *t tengre *pFh*}d i{}, Be{$issr rued al} elrulig tydtli$$'
iret $t de meuer d*t iklm xr de $si:lffie
regl*re sr:mgi,*lder ftrr ntrrdrrtenn $S
lrtlend*nger" rn*nmr
**rtigril i*ruI
*tem **.lfuag*rcnd*
- Htm r'i d,n fslrr*r*$t* at *ndr* l*n*n
rkal s*sp!.ture ru"&ru rn*tL+mvgiBr"r.rls*r,
n&rEI ikk* resp*kerer tler*s?
* Ui viE alltid *ngurnentere tirr at
n*rxkelmrn skxi retmm*r** iil lldmrg*"
ahkurtr s{rffi J{-rs{}' har aryurnentert
sxr*{:f,{}r r*s$.
alplrnl*r,rt*re *r
*g filrs$*nl6 S{ex $ krxve *t
notnhr*n.t*l*r skitl L:indsE,fiId re'$.&'
a'.'glmr*3x*r i andtc land, rx.*lmr jeg titr
vxr* fhin, *i*g: *i*&*s*krerfifl r**;
tler* ad!'*kit{er A-r"nr*g*uine.t irur
xmakke* *ruxl, mwm*r ut*rrliuldskN
$hr*idrt *riller sv*kere i Isrn*futtlel$nglrsakrr?
- J*g lur seu eki**inpl*t 6u{ ktr*er:s,|mrxsaker rtr*r d*mls{*.lcn t{tsr vilr
ur**ing har t*llrr*r fuii, *g lagl rutkt
F* at nsrlrge er q{ btdrt [umel & fu:r i'
tr}stt* er i stritl med k*nvenri*ntn,
*i*r .&xs-Ilarns**. $trutl u:ntder*trekcl
r** sek Ikk* *r em *!ik k*n-
s0 C!"!ri*.t!.
l*v* gj*n dmre rned dnr?
iseJeprtementet gir inf*rrn*.*j*n t* asi\,{}k$thiur,$x}d r:5$& tii den
arte-ffilame{sk f'ems}ritrem. 49 vi har
egre k*ntalrt$'tlv,ntn*re for k*nvea'
*j*nssmk*r f*r $ sikm }tcrrxl;letnns*.
- Juxt
$t*m rl*xr*t*Eqilre et uuvhe*Sl#e, vi
!s*nikkx tfiikr*r* dcm. f;r num uenig
i er: avxgirrr*rise, ud rtrall;rNke* *i*r
smtssekrr*.1;rre t:,
{.}et er nkkur$E tl*t ilhBri$$se har
flliffit. Igiien 6S igj*rt. l Lregp*mnclsen
<1* l:riti*kr;rda*k*{sne hq*ust* *r
hun ikhe hxnne tfil]q,6t sake* $Irnnrs
rnr s* *p+nbar. tlet hur hun i*rleqryt
*luttst fi rru p*i" Hteer & lru hlaSd sx6
iglt'nmom klenrrelser, heuis o4q, dohtrftqrrt€r fia ni rettxsumt*r" g*r hun cm
tur for * samlc taRkrme.
- Jeg frrler at inupnting jeg miorde
hl:nnrl bi! hrx n*k, si*r hun enenp'&-.
-jeg har lllt{et fra flpmjlir r:# \tn'
STR€ileE I fkre *r fi$.ic [hr 's{ifi# b*rs se barna .ltt* tiffi*r eru'x*r1:i1r*r: uks, x# lssn *t$sr tilsyn.
&,rlq*kflt$3ri n*nnes iE*n$ *t en v*niig r$i'Sk ffi*r A$#ri rrii$e f'rn f,l:$t sA lft# 5{}r11\iir:{
StxI***krcffier A$tri Aa*"I{sns*lr
*lkk*r p& *t Ju$tt*dss*$*rtts{1{Bt
ikk* kr*nne ha$i*r{,{!fie &nmsrtedes
Utgsnspunktet i Nnrgc er at retts"
kje*nels*r li'* ulaneteL ikt e ane#rj*n'
n**- ff&r trarn h,*rtfrrer til F{tlrgc ftx
laxrf ut*n{hr }{u*g-tt*nu-*nr}*m*n, k*tl
l'i ikke p* rSEt initilltiv ta harn fra tor"
N*tge S:r
r*Mrnsr* d**t:"
&.!s.&s.{$r*$ i1_ t{$.tts }*nn
, ngttc-
*-t er **{ n*rsk harnel&? ss{}} 6i*tt!*tr,
fra uttrnrl-
A$lll'i Ai*$-
<g d,merner*n llilS
t*r dsu.
sier Aas'llatlcan.
" Fr ik$le siette *kkurat der ssmant
d.ert' kri t ilterur utcnlan<"hike mymdighetrr for mtr m&rs$:e tlurs! hlir hsrtfarq
flnr & k* her, i
**rh*trn *t kma.
giorc htn sorl: hetst
fi:s dem- &{un uS ser }*g s{ dst tkkg
-jeg er villig ril
*pilte nnen rnlle hr,x jeg giordc. Lks'
$rla$riqffi *r$xr v*r tran$est helt il*r-$k,
Og,ieg var r$urun fra rtttar:det.
*errtne, rrstn rir?i-tJ/i*tp#l*rrit"
*;I<l.I]*q *r v&r $tulr* riti.*lrdrixr$ n*r
n*rrke furn lrlir hae"tfnsr d] fiur* s*m
$t$r utcnftrr *ia;,rg-k*nt'ensit)neft , {4
irrx*3ute h*rn*s idgxn"ret fotrr
rt-m**grrr{rc*t *'rtr$rxt *r*eifc #*r*fu
$S g.r{t t}}r'}$firrfl xf$kirf f[*ttt"