The 21st Finnish National Conference on Telemedicine and eHealth “Digitalization and Experimentation Culture” 14.-16.4.2016 M/S Mariella Helsinki-Stockholm-Helsinki Welcome to participate the major Nordic telemedicine and eHealth event in 2016 cruising onboard M/S Mariella on the Baltic sea (Helsinki - Stockholm - Helsinki) Conference will cover themes from updating the knowledge about Nordic eHealth trends and solutions. The latest development will be introduced with citizen empowerment and with new health care technologies. The program is aimed at health care professionals and service providers. Seminar offers unique meeting place and new information to physicians, nursing staff as well as to responsible persons for management, planning and education. Conference includes in Nordic eHealth Day three English speaking sessions and three Finnish speaking sessions and site visits. Conference is arranged in collaboration with Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and the Nordic Council of Ministers. Welcome to listen, discuss and innovate! OHJELMA | CONFERENCE PROGRAM TORSTAI | THURSDAY 14.4.2016 (Suomen aikaa | Finnish time) Tapahtumapaikka | venue: M/S Viking Mariella, kansi 8 | deck 8, conference 11.00 Rekisteröinti | Registration opens Ferry terminal at Katajanokka, Helsinki Session 1 (in English) Chair Head of Development Anne Kallio, MSAH 13.00 Finnish Society of Telemedicine and eHealth opening words President Arto Holopainen Finnish Society of Telemedicine and eHealth 13.10 Greeting from the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health Permanent Secretary Päivi Sillanaukee Ministry of Social Affairs and Health 13.30 EU eHealth Strategy Head of Unit Tapani Piha eHealth & Health Technology Assessment European Commission 16.00 Danish Intersectoral Collaboration in Home Monitoring for COPD Manager Dorte Stigaard (TBC) North Denmark Region 16.20 Swedish EHR Online for Citizens Project Manager Maria Petterson Inera AB 16.40 Nordic eHealth Benchmarking Reasearch Manager Hannele Hyppönen National Institute for Health and Welfare 16.50 - 17.10 Innovations from Corporations 17.10 Break, accommodation 17:30 Ship leaves Helsinki Session 3 (in English) Solutions with Innovation Actions Chair Principal Lecturer Pirkko Kouri, Savonia University of Applied Sciences 17.40 Corporate presentations 14.00 WHO eHealth Policies & Global eHealth Survey 2015 Unit Leader Clayton Hamilton eHealth & Innovation :+25HJLRQDO2I¿FHIRU(XURSH 18.20 Co-creation for New Health Technology Innovations Director Tom Ståhlberg Healthtech Finland 14.30 Delivery of Finnish national eHealth award 18.35 Promoting Innovations in Health Director Jenni Nordborg Sweden’s Innovation Agency VINNOVA 14.40 Coffee break, exhibition and poster presentations Session 2 (in English) Work with computers - Is it now or never? Chair Professor Jarmo Reponen, Oulu University 15.00 My Kanta and Personal Health Record Senior Advisor Teemupekka Virtanen Ministry of Social Affairs and Health 15.20 Iceland National eHealth Services Project Manager Guðrún Auður Harðardóttir Directorate of Health, Iceland 18.50 Public-Private-Partnership - case OuluHealth Chief Administrative Physician Juha Korpelainen Oulu University Hospital 19.05 Nursing eHealth Strategy to Support Innovation Actions Senior Lecturer Outi Ahonen Laurea University of Applied Sciences 19.20 eHealth Innovations in Practical Nursing Senior Adviser Elisabeth Strandberg Swedish Society of Nursing 15.40 mHealth Examples from Norwegian Regions 21.00 A la carte dinner Deputy Director Kristian Skauli (TBC) Food Garden, deck 7 Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services Oikeudet ohjelmamuutoksiin pidätetään | We reserve the right to chamges without prior notice OHJELMA | CONFERENCE PROGRAM Session 5 (in Finnish) PERJANTAI | FRIDAY 15.4.2016 (Ruotsin aikaa | Swedish time) Mitä oikeasti tapahtuu? Puheenjohtaja yliopettaja Paula Lehto, Laurea-ammattikorkeakoulu 10:00 Laiva saapuu Tukholmaan | Ship arrives to Stockholm 16.30 Corporate presentations Vierailut | Site Visits (in English) Chair Raino Saarela, FSTeH 10.00 Site visits at Stockholm New Karolinska Solna University Hospital, T5 -project, data warehouse for vital signs Assisted living Technology and Applications Now and Future Foresight - Alleato Ab Micasa @Home - an Example of Stateof-the-art Implementation of Assisting Devices and Features at Demonstration Apartment 17.00 Minun terveyteni, Case Hämeenlinna Palvelusuunnittelija Ilona Rönkkö Hämeenlinnan kaupuinki 17.20 Mobiilikirjaus erikoissairaanhoidossa Sairaanhoitaja Juha Roni Turun yliopistollinen sairaala 17.40 Kuvallinen etähoito Kotihoidon johtaja Anna-Liisa Lyytinen Helsingin kaupunki Session 6 (in English) eHealth Roadmap Chair Senior Advisor Arto Holopainen, Kuopio Innovation 13.30 Coffee break and exhibition Session 4 (in Finnish) Yhdistyykö vai eikö yhdisty? Puheenjohtaja tutkimusryhmän vastaava Elina Kontio, Turun ammattikorkeakoulu 14.00 Alustukset 10min / Case Apotin yhteensopivuusvaatimukset UNA -hanke, tuleva SOTEtietojärjestelmä kumppanina ODA -hanke, omahoidon digitaaliset arvopalvelut (TBC) Yritysnäkökulma, tuoteintegraatio 14.40 Interaktiivinen paneelikeskustelu Toiminnan kehitysjohtaja Antti Iivanainen, Helsingin kaupunki Tietohallintojohtaja Ari Pätsi, EteläPohjanmaan Sairaanhoitopiiri ODA -hanke (TBC) Toimitusjohtaja Tapio Jokinen, Medixine Oy Kehittämispäällikkö Anna Kärkkäinen, THL/Oper 18.00 Keynote: Future Visions for eHealth President Andy Fischer International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth 18.30 Yhteenveto ja seminaarin päätös | Summary and Closing Words Puheenjohtaja | President Arto Holopainen Suomen telelääketieteen ja eHealth Seura ry. 18.35 Suomen Telelääketieeteen ja eHealth Seura ry:n vuosikokous 20.00 Illallinen | Buffet dinner Viking Buffet, kansi 7 | deck 7 LAUANTAI | SATURDAY 16.4.2016 (Suomen aikaa | Finnish time) 10.00 Laiva saapuu Helsinkiin | Ship returns to Helsinki 15.20 Uutuuksia yritysmaailmasta 15.50 Posteriesitykset, kahvitauko ja näyttely 16.45 Laiva lähtee Tukholmasta | Ship leaves Stockholmn ZZZ¿QMHKHZ¿ Oikeudet ohjelmamuutoksiin pidätetään | We reserve the right to chamges without prior notice Registration | Ilmoittautuminen ZZZWHOHPHGLFLQH¿ REGISTRATION FEES (all fees VAT 0%) Tapahtumapaikka | Venue: M/S Viking Mariella, Deck 8, Conference Viking Line operates from Katajanokka terminal, Helsinki Cruise timetable: 14.4. 17:30 ship leaves Helsinki 15.4. 09:45 ship arrives to Stockholm 15.4. 16:45 ship leaves Stockholm 16.4. 09:45 ship arrives to Helsinki more information at: ZZZYLNLQJOLQH¿ Note! Registration opens at the ferry teminal on Wednesday 14.4. at 11:00 and opening sesison starts at 13:00 Note!<RXKDYHWRKDYHYDOLGLGHQWL¿FDtion omboard. Note! All given time information are in local times is not advised otherwise. Cabin early bird | ennakko 10.2.2016 10.2.-6.3.2016 MEMBER NORMAL MEMBER NORMAL 1 pax A 400 € 430 € 500 € 530 € 2 pax A (cabin mate) 730 € 760 € 930 € 960 € 1 pax Lxb 460 € 490 € 560 € 590 € 2 pax Lxb (cabin mate) 830 € 860 € 1020 € 1060 € 1 pax Suite 880 € 910 € 980 € 1010 € 2pax Suite (cabin mate) 1440 € 1470 € 1640 € 1670 € Registration fees includes participation to conference, conference material, trasportation at Stockholm, chosen cabin, 2 breakfasts, 2 dinners and coffee and lunches according to conference program Note! Registration fee includes one year membership fee for normal registrants Note! Cancallation fee is 150€ between 10.2. – 6.3. After 6.3. full registration fee will be charged. Note! Registration closes March 6th 2016. Exhibition and poster abstracts Conference exhibition area shows new products and projects and scientic posters. More information about exhibition, contacts Mr. Raino Saarela ([email protected]). Poster abstracts deadline 21.2.2016, VXEPLVVLRQVWRVHFUHWDU\#WHOHPHGLFLQH¿6XEPLVVLRQVJXLGHOLQHVFDQEHIRXQGIURP FSTeH web pages at KWWSZZZWHOHPHGLFLQH¿. Information Posters: Pirkko Kouri gsm +358 44 785 6404 VHFUHWDU\#WHOHPHGLFLQH¿ Speakers: Arto Holopainen gsm +358 45 139 3996 SUHVLGHQW#WHOHPHGLFLQH¿ Exhibition: Raino Saarela gsm +358 40 500 1337 [email protected] Practical information: Paula Lehto gsm +358 400 541 479 FRQIHUHQFH#WHOHPHGLFLQH¿
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