IMRO. Copyright House, Pembroke Row, Lr. Baggot Street, D2. Phone: +353 (0) 1 661 4844 Fax: +353 (0) 1 676 3125 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: Vat No: IE 4871521B Registered No: 133321 Irish Music Rights Organisation Eagras Um Chearta Cheolta IMRO Publisher Member Application About IMRO IMRO is a national organisation that administers the performing right in copyright music in Ireland on behalf of its members - songwriters, composers and music publishers - and on behalf of the members of the international overseas societies that are affiliated to it. IMRO's function is to collect and distribute royalties arising from the public performance of copyright musical works. IMRO is a not-for-profit organisation. Music users such as broadcasters, venues and businesses must pay for their use of copyright music by way of a blanket licence fee. IMRO collects these monies and distributes them to the copyright owners involved. The monies earned by copyright owners in this way are known as public performance royalties. IMRO is also prominently involved in the sponsorship and promotion of music in Ireland. Every year it sponsors a large number of song contests, music festivals, seminars, workshops, research projects and showcase performances. Are you eligible for membership? To qualify for publisher membership of IMRO all applicants must have a minimum of ten musical works in their publishing catalogue. Of these ten works, at least five must have received some form of commercial exploitation in the E.U. territory within the past two years. How do I apply? In order to apply you must fill in the attached Application Form and Member Agreement, print them both out, sign them and then submit them to us along with the other documents listed below. The Member Agreement (which includes an assignment of specified rights in your copyright works to IMRO) will only take effect if IMRO accepts your application for membership. If you are in doubt as to the effect of the Member Agreement you are advised to obtain legal advice before signing it Checklist Important: Please ensure that ALL of the following are included as part of your application before forwarding this to IMRO: 1. Fully completed and signed Application Form. 2. Signed Member Agreement. [In the case of a limited company, the company seal should be affixed to the Member Agreement]. 3. Evidence of commercial exploitation for 5 of the minimum of 10 qualifying works (such as details of commercial recordings or broadcasts). 4. Copies of contracts with the writers of the works listed. 5. A catalogue/listing of all works under the publisher’s control. 6. Copy of publisher’s headed notepaper. 7. Completed Works Registration Forms for published works. 8. In the case of a limited company, a copy of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the company and Certificate of Incorporation. 9. In the case of a partnership, a copy of the partnership agreement. 10. In the case of a sole proprietor, a copy of the publisher’s birth certificate, passport or driver's licence. Should you have any further questions or require any assistance with the enclosed forms, please contact our Membership Department at +353 1 661 4844 or by email at [email protected]. *Please notify IMRO if any of the details on this form change. Irish Music Rights Organisation Eagras Um Chearta Cheolta IMRO Publisher Member Application * Denotes mandatory fields which must be completed by applicant(s) *Name(s) of applicant(s): *Trading or Business Name: *Trading Address: *Tax residency area: *Registered office: *Telephone No: Mobile No: Fax No: *Email: Website: Name, Phone & Email of any other person(s) who may liaise with IMRO regarding the company's membership (eg. administrator) *Please indicate the Publisher's company status (tick as appropriate) Limited Company Partnership Sole Proprietor LIMITED COMPANY: Place of Incorporation of Limited Company: Date of Incorporation of Limited Company: D D M M Y Y Y Y Limited Company Registered Number: If the Publisher is a Limited Company, please provide the full names of Shareholders and their Shareholdings: Name of Shareholder Shareholdings 1. 2. 3. 4. Please also state the total share capital, the value of the shares and if any shares remain unallocated Full Names and Nationalities of all Directors: Name of Director Nationality of Director 1. 2. 3. 4. Please provide a copy of the company's Memorandum and Articles of Association & Certificate of Incorporation. 1 of 7 Irish Music Rights Organisation Eagras Um Chearta Cheolta IMRO Publisher Member Application PARTNERSHIP Date Partnership commenced trading D D M M Y Y Y Y If the publisher is a Partnership, please provide the full names of all Partners: 1. 2. 3. 4. Please provide a copy of the Partnership Agreement. SOLE PROPRIETOR Date Sole Proprietor commenced trading D D M M Y Y Y Y Please provide proof of identity in the form of a copy of a birth certificate, passport or driver's licence. *State if you are or ever have been, a member of any other society or organisation administering performing rights anywhere in the world *State if you propose to exclude any country from the territory in which rights are to be administered by IMRO on your behalf Yes Yes No If YES please state which society No If YES please state which country I/We apply for membership of the IRISH MUSIC RIGHTS ORGANISATION LIMITED I/We understand that if admitted, my/our membership will be subject to the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company and that my/our rights, obligations and liabilities will be governed by the Memorandum and Articles and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. (*The Memorandum and Articles of Association can be viewed at *Signature 1. Signature 2. *Date. Date. NB: In the case of a limited Company application, this form must be signed by a company director or the Company Secretary. INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL BE RETURNED Important: you must enclose the following with this application form 1. Evidence of commercial exploitation of 5 works. 2. Copies of contracts with the writers of the works listed. 3. A Copy of the publisher’s headed notepaper. 4. Completed Works Registration Form. 5. Signed Publisher Member Agreement. (In the case of a limited company, the company seal should be affixed to the Member Agreement.) 6. Catalogue listing all works under publisher's control. 7. Limited Company: Copy of Memorandum and Articles of Association & Certificate of Incorporation. 8. Partnership: Copy of Partnership Agreement. 9. Sole proprietor: a copy of the publishers birth certificate, passport or driver's licence. DATA PROTECTION ACT – Please note that the information provided by you on this form will be used by IMRO only for the administration of royalty payments and related activities. For these purposes we may disclose such information to our service providers, agents and overseas affiliates. You have the right, subject to certain exemptions, to obtain a copy of any personal data we hold about you and to correct any inaccuracies in such data. If you wish to avail of any of these rights, please contact us at: [email protected]. Your request will be dealt with as soon as possible and will not take more than 40 days to process. 2 of 7 3 of 7 *Composer(s) *Author(s) *Date Assigned to Catalogue Please note that completed works registration forms will be required for these works (and for any other works in your catalogue) with your application *Work Title Please list below your initial ten works, the composers of which must ALL be members of IMRO or one of its affiliated societies. *Copies of all writer assignments must be enclosed *Publisher Name: INITIAL CATALOGUE - LIST OF WORKS *Recording or Performance Irish Music Rights Organisation Eagras Um Chearta Cheolta IMRO Publisher Member Application Irish Music Rights Organisation Eagras Um Chearta Cheolta Bank Account Details Office use only *All fields are mandatory Important: - IMRO will pay the royalties you earn directly into your bank account by electronic funds transfer so you MUST complete this form. Non-Republic of Ireland accounts: Both Swift & IBAN details must be supplied in order for money to transfer. Please note that only balances exceeding €50 will be transferred to bank accounts outside of the Republic of Ireland. Please write clearly using BLOCK CAPITALS and ensure that the details you provide are correct. *NAME OF IMRO MEMBER: *BANK NAME: *BRANCH ADDRESS: *ACCOUNT NAME: *ACCOUNT TYPE: Current Deposit Other (please specify) *BRANCH SORT CODE: *ACCOUNT NUMBER: *SWIFT CODE: (Non Republic of Ireland accounts) *IBAN: (Non Republic of Ireland accounts) *SIGNATURE OF ACCOUNT HOLDER: *SIGNATURE OF IMRO MEMBER: (If different to above) *DATE: 4 of 7 D D M M Y Y Y Y Irish Music Rights Organisation Eagras Um Chearta Cheolta IMRO Publisher Member Agreement – Sole Trader / Partnership This Agreement is made between (1) Insert Name of Insert Address (the “Publisher”); and (2) IRISH MUSIC RIGHTS ORGANISATION LIMITED, whose registered office is at Copyright House, Pembroke Row, Lr Baggot Street, Dublin 2 (the “Company”) The parties hereby agree as follows:1. Definitions In this Agreement:1.1 Words and phrases which are not defined herein have the same meaning as in the Articles of Association of the Company. 1.2 Unless the context requires otherwise: “Musical Work” means any musical work whether now existing or hereafter composed and, without prejudice to the generality of the expression includes:a. any part of a musical work, b. any vocal or instrumental music recorded on the soundtrack of any Film, c. any musical accompaniment to non-musical plays, d. any words or music of monologues having a musical introduction or accompaniment, e. any other words (or part of words) which are associated with a musical work (even if the musical work itself is not in copyright, or even if the Performing Rights in the musical work are not administered by the Company). The expressions “Performing Right”, “Film Synchronisation Right”, “Performance” and “perform” shall have the meanings respectively given to them in the Company’s Articles of Association. “Rights Assigned” has the meaning given to it in Clause 2 of this agreement. “Rules” means the rules and regulations of the Company adopted by the Company from time to time in accordance with the provisions of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company. 2. Assignment 2. 1 The Publisher, in consideration for the performance by the Company of its obligations under this Agreement, hereby assigns to the Company ALL the under-mentioned rights in Musical Works which now belong to or shall hereafter be acquired by or be or become vested in the Publisher during the continuance of the Publisher’s membership of the Company, and all such parts or shares (whether limited as to time, place, mode of enjoyment or otherwise) of, and all such interests in, any such rights as so belong to or shall be so acquired by or be or become vested in the Publisher (all which rights hereby assigned or expressed or intended to be assigned are hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Rights Assigned”), TO HOLD the same unto the Company for its exclusive benefit during such time as the Rights Assigned continue to subsist and (in accordance with the provisions of the Articles of Association of the Company for the time being in force) remain vested in or controlled by the Company. 2.2 The Rights Assigned under this Agreement are:the Performing Right for all parts of the world. 3. Company’s Obligations The Company hereby covenants with the Publisher that the Company shall from time to time pay to the Publisher such sums of money out of the monies collected by the Company in respect of the exercise of the rights assigned to the Company in the works of its members as the Publisher shall be entitled to receive in accordance with the Rules. 5 of 7 Irish Music Rights Organisation Eagras Um Chearta Cheolta IMRO Publisher Member Agreement – Sole Trader / Partnership 4. Publisher’s Obligations 4.1 The Publisher warrants and represents that the Publisher has good right and full power to assign the rights assigned in the manner aforesaid to the Company, and that the musical works in respect of which the Rights Assigned are hereby assigned or purported to be assigned do not or will not as the case may be infringe the copyright in any other work. 4.2 The Publisher covenants with the Company that: a. the Publisher will at all times hereafter indemnify and keep the Company harmless from and against all loss, damage, costs, charges and expenses which the Company may suffer or incur in respect of any claims which may be made upon or against the Company in respect of or as a result of any exercise by the Company of any of the rights which are hereby assigned or purported to be assigned; and b. The Publisher shall and will so long as the Publisher shall continue to be a member of the Company do, execute, and make all such acts, deeds, power of attorney, assignments to or vesting in the Company or enabling the Company to exercise and enforce the rights assigned or any part thereof as the Company may from time to time reasonably require. 4.3 The Publisher agrees to be bound by the provisions of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company and the Rules, copies of which are available on request or may be downloaded from the Company’s website, 5. General 5.1 This Agreement, the application form submitted by the Publisher to the Company and any document referred to in this Agreement constitute the entire agreement between the parties and supersede all previous agreements and understandings between the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement. 5.2 No provision of this Agreement creates a partnership between the parties or makes a party the agent of the other party for any purpose. Neither party has any authority or power to bind, to contract in the name of, or to create liability for, the other party in any way of for any purpose. 5.3 This Agreement is governed by, and shall be construed in accordance with, the laws of Ireland. IN WITNESS HEREOF the parties have executed this Agreement on insert date SIGNED by the PUBLISHER was affixed hereto: SIGNED by for and on behalf of THE IRISH MUSIC RIGHTS ORGANISATION LIMITED (Director) (Directory / Secretary) 6 of 7 Irish Music Rights Organisation Eagras Um Chearta Cheolta IMRO Publisher Member Application Publisher Application Form Music Type: Having your email address and a knowledge of the type of music that best categorises the music that you write and perform means that we can keep you updated on a regular basis with information that may be beneficial to your career development e.g. notification of seminars, workshops, conferences etc. Please indicate which genre(s) of music you most often write or perform: Rock Pop Traditional Dance Folk Blues R&B HipHop Rap Reggae Educational Country Film/TV Score Library Musical/Stage Advertisements/Jingles Choral Christian Classical New Age Latin Other (Please state) MUSIC CREATION CYCLE A songwriter creates the music IMRO returns all distributable royalties to songwriters, composers and publishers Register/affiliates song with IMRO Music Creation Cycle Businesses generate revenues and pay IMRO fees For further information visit 7 of 7 IMRO licenses businesses/ broadcasters who use the music MCPSI. Phone: +353 (0) 1 676 6940. Fax: +353 (0) 1 661 1316 E-mail: [email protected] internet: VAT No: 8F69341H Registered No: 173672 Irish Music Rights Organisation Eagras Um Chearta Cheolta IMRO. Copyright House, Pembroke Row, Lr. Baggot Street, D2. Phone: +353 (0) 1 661 4844 Fax: +353 (0) 1 676 3125 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: Vat No: IE 4871521B Registered No: 133321 Share of Royalties % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % Mechanical % % Performance % % USA Licence Please indicate which society should licence this work in the USA SESAC BMI ASCAP Dramatico Musical Work: Works Registration Form (Published Works) Duration: WORK DETAILS (of an individual piece of music) Title: Genre/Style: CAE/IPI Number Alternative Titles: ASCAP, MCPS etc % Note 'b': Chain of Title: Use various symbols (*, %, X etc) to link the chain of title of various interests, where known, to the agreements. If the writer/publisher details are unobtainable please show 'UNKNOWN' on a separate line for EACH party. Designation Chain of Title Society Affiliation e.g. IMRO, PRS /Role (See Note 'a') (See Note 'b') Amended Registration: Surname Instrumentation: WRITER & PUBLISHER DETAILS First Name Note 'a': Writer & publisher Designations: Indicate appropriate combination 'C' for the composer; 'A' for author, 'AR' for the arranger; 'SA' for SubAuthor; 'OPI' for 1st Original Publisher; 'OP2' for the second Original Publisher; 'SPI' for the 1st Sub-Author; 'SP2' for the 2nd Sub-Publisher. Signature of Publisher: Date D D M M Y Date D D M M Y Date D D M M Y Date D D M M Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Signature of Writers Signature of Writers Signature of Writers Signature of Writers Name of Company Date D D M M Y Date D D M M Y Date D D M M Y Date D D M M Y Date D D M M Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Each of the undersigned assigns the Irish Music Rights Organisation Ltd. (IMRO) the performing right as defined by the Articles of the Company and agrees to the division of royalties indicated. Signature of Writers: Date D D M M Y Each Writer hereby certifies that, for the purpose of IMRO Rules, the Publisher is to be treated as exploiting the work(s) for the benefit of the person(s) interested therein. (Delete if inapplicable), Information supplied will be used for registered purposes under the Data Protection Act 1988. Guide to Completing IMRO Works Registration Forms ALL ORIGINAL WORKS AND / OR ARRANGEMENTS OF PUBLIC DOMAIN WORKS MUST BE REGISTERED ON THESE FORMS . Work Details: Title: This is the title of one of your songs or musical works (NOT album title). Alternative Titles: Only applicable if the above song is known under a different title. Instrumentation: A brief description of the musical instruments used. Duration: The length of the above song. Genre: The style of the song, eg: pop, traditional, classical. Amended Registration: Tick this box if you have previously registered this work with IMRO/MCPSI and are now amending the details eg. shares, contributor names etc. IMRO will only accept amended registrations if all parties affected by the amendment have signed the form. Dramatico Musical Work: Tick here if your work has been written for the stage eg. opera, musical, incidental music for a non-musical play. Writer & Publisher Details - (All fields are mandatory. Your form will be returned if this section is incomplete): Details for all contributors to the work should be listed in this section. Designation/Role: The role of the contributor, eg: c – composer; a – author; ca – composer & author; arr – arranger of public domain work; op – original publisher; sp – subpublisher. Chain of Title: should show which publisher each writer is linked to if there is more than one writer and publisher. Society Affiliation: Performing rights society of which the work contributor is a member. Enter 'NS' if the contributor is not yet a member of a performing rights society. CAE/ IPI: This is a number assigned to every member of a performing rights society. If your application is currently pending, you can leave this section blank. If any of your co-writers / publishers are currently members of a performing rights society, their CAE number should be written here. If not, you should include a date of birth and address for them. Share of Royalties: The percentage of Performance Royalties (Broadcast / Live performances) and Mechanical Royalties, (CD, DVD sales), each contributor listed should receive on the work. In each column, the total must add up to exactly 100%. USA Licence (for IMRO): There are three performing rights societies in the USA. Please choose if you wish your work to be licensed through BMI, ASCAP or SESAC in the USA. We will default to ASCAP, should the box be unchecked. Please note, if you are an IMRO member for the world, payments from the USA will be directed to you through IMRO. Signature of Writers: The bottom of the form should be signed and dated by all writers and publishers named in the Writer & Publisher Details section of the form. In the case of amended registrations, the contributors named on the original registration must also sign in agreement to the amended registration. Agreement Details: This section should summarise the agreement details between each writer and publisher named on the first page of the registration form. MCPSI. Phone: +353 (0) 1 676 6940. Fax: +353 (0) 1 661 1316 E-mail: [email protected] internet: VAT No: 8F69341H Registered No: 173672 IMRO. Copyright House, Pembroke Row, Lr. Baggot Street, D2. Phone: +353 (0) 1 661 4844 Fax: +353 (0) 1 676 3125 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: Vat No: IE 4871521B Registered No: 133321 Irish Music Rights Organisation Eagras Um Chearta Cheolta Works Registration Form (Published Works) Broadcast Details: This section only applies to pieces of music used for Advertising Jingles, TV Documentaries and Film Soundtracks. Advertising: For music used in advertising, IMRO require the name of the product, specific name of the ad campaign, start and end dates of the ad campaign, duration of the ad, name of the ad agency and clock number / consignment note (if available) TV/Film: If the work is being used specifically for TV or film, please ensure that you complete this section. Commercial Recording Details: For MCPSI: Authority Not Given for First Recording: By ticking this box, you are ensuring that you are contacted should anyone request a licence from MCPSI to record or remix the work. If you leave this box blank, this means that you would be paid the appropriate mechanical licence but you would not be consulted before MCPSI issue the licence. Recording Artist: Name of band or artist. Record Label: If applicable. Recording/Catalogue Number: Usually located on the spine of the CD. Performer Details: Names of artist(s) or group(s) performing the works registered on this form. Additional Titles Form: On the third page of the form, there is space under “Title” for the registration of additional songs or musical works. Please note that titles can only be entered here if the details for works, ie. contributors, shares etc., are exactly the same as the details on the first and second pages of the form, and the only difference in the information between works is the work title. Otherwise a separate form should be used. If you require any assistance completing Works Registration Forms, please contact IMRO's Quality Assurance Department at +353 1 661 4844 or by email at [email protected] (see note 'b' overleaf) Chain of Title D D M M Y Y Y Y IMRO. Copyright House, Pembroke Row, Lr. Baggot Street, D2. Phone: +353 (0) 1 661 4844 Fax: +353 (0) 1 676 3125 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: Vat No: IE 4871521B Registered No: 133321 Irish Music Rights Organisation Eagras Um Chearta Cheolta AGREEMENT DETAILS DATE START DATE END Territory Assigned (unless unpublished for the world) TERRITORY DETAILS Works Registration Form (Published Works) MCPSI. Phone: +353 (0) 1 676 6940. Fax: +353 (0) 1 661 1316 E-mail: [email protected] internet: VAT No: 8F69341H Registered No: 173672 AGREEMENT DETAILS Please indicate the agreement details between each writer and publisher named overleaf. Publisher to Publisher Use a separate line indicating the appropriate Agreement type - 'ESA', 'General Catalogue', 'Part Catalogue', 'Administrator' or 'Specific'. Writer to Publisher Finish BROADCAST DETAILS Note: If the works being registered are used specifically for advertising, TV or Film, IMRO will require additional information as outlined below Y Broadcast Date: D D D M M M M Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y D D D D M M M M Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Name of T.V. Station/Cinema: Production Company: T.V. / Film Prog/Film Title: Y Advertising Product/Campaign Title: Y Episode number: Y Other Campaign Titles M Prog/Film Duration: D M Agency Details: D Clock No: / Consignment Note No: Campaign Dates: Start D PERFORMER DETAILS Stations Broadcasting the ad: Note: If the works being registered are being released commercially, please complete this section Name of Artist/Group performing the works to be registered (required) Record Label: COMMERCIAL RECORDING DETAILS For MCPSI: Authority not given for first recording Recording Artist: Record/Catalogue Number: Additional Titles Form. Instrumentation Irish Music Rights Organisation Eagras Um Chearta Cheolta IMRO. Copyright House, Pembroke Row, Lr. Baggot Street, D2. Phone: +353 (0) 1 661 4844 Fax: +353 (0) 1 676 3125 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: Vat No: IE 4871521B Registered No: 133321 Genre/Style Office Use Only (Stamp ID) Works Registration Form (Published Works) MCPSI. Phone: +353 (0) 1 676 6940. Fax: +353 (0) 1 661 1316 E-mail: [email protected] internet: VAT No: 8F69341H Registered No: 173672 Amended Registration Duration This form is only to be used when the details for each song are the exact same as indicated overleaf. Alternative title, preceded by the letters "AT", may be indicated beneath the principal title. Title Please return completed Works Registration Forms to: IMRO, Copyright House, Pembroke Row, Lower Baggot Street, Dublin 2.
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