Keynotes: Theater 4

Keynotes: Theater 4
Tuesday 3rd May
3rd-4th May 2016 | Øksnehallen, Copenhagen
10.00 Bruce Wynn, Independent Cyber Consultant, Security Consultant for City of London Police
Cyber Risks - PDFs, Passwords and Passion Fruit – Problems, Precautions, Protection AND Prevention
10.45 In a unique style (involving extensive audience participation), and with a selection of live and vivid demonstrations of the risks
that attacks from ‘the bad guys’ pose to our personal way of life, Bruce will show you what simple precautions we can all take to
mitigate the dangers, and how those precautions can defeat a large number of the risks we all face! He does nothing sophisticated or difficult, but his aim in the session is to:
• Open Your Eyes
• Focus Your Mind
• Stimulate Your Imagination
• Scare you Half to Death
• (Resuscitate You!)
Jacqueline Johnson, Head of IT Security, Nordea
11.00 Ny persondatalov: Udfordringer, begrænsninger og muligheder
11.45 The General Data Protection Regulation blev vedtaget af EU-Kommissionen i december 2015 og vil påvirke alle virksomheder,
der opererer i EU. Der er en udbredt mangel på viden i forhold til, hvilke begrænsninger det i praksis indebærer, når man benytter persondata til profilering af kunder. Overtrædelse af loven kan medføre bøder på op til 4 procent af en virksomheds årlige
Jacqeline Johnsons indlæg belyser lovens hovedpunkter, sætter fokus på nøgleudfordringerne og giver nogle praktiske tip om,
hvor man begynder rejsen til compliance fra en teknisk, administrativ og procesmæssig tilgang. Hun vil også illustrere ’Safe
harbour’-princippet, som er en konsekvens af lovgivningen.
Theo Dimitrakos, Chief Security Research Professional, British Telecom
12.00 Securing the Cloud of Clouds: Trust and security challenges and solutions in multi-cloud open service ecosys12.45 tems
The biggest challenge hindering cloud adoption today is consistently enforcing and managing security policies across many
multi-tenant clouds from different providers.
In this talk we review security, assurance and governance aspects underpinning a response to this challenge and present organisational and technological innovations that enable a multi-provider trusted Cloud ecosystem.
We will also present one exemplar composite solution: a novel service and security management solution that empowers
Cloud consumers to streamline the assembly of high assurance cloud services and to protect their systems, applications and
data in the Cloud, whilst improving the control and visibility of their Cloud security operations.
Rik Ferguson, Special Advisor to Europol EC3 and Project Leader with the ICSPA
13.00 People in glass networks shouldn’t throw stones
13.45 Emerging threats, sure…But what about the ones staring you in the face?
Before you start spending precious budgets and exploring disruptive technologies to combat advanced attackers and new
threats, you still have a lot of work to do. The basics are still not being addressed effectively enough. Out of date infrastructure,
flawed or non-existent patch regimes and the machine that no one is allowed to touch are just some of the real-world issues
that must be addressed as an unavoidable first step on your journey to effective security.
Jesus Luna, Director of Research, Cloud Security Alliance (Europe)
Trusting The Cloud Under A Sky of Uncertainty
Despite the apparent advantages of the cloud, many customers still perceive a lack of transparency and trust with respect to its
usage. But, which are the enablers of a trusted cloud strategy? Do we need cloud certification schemes and SLAs to gain trust
and ensure cloud security? During this talk we will overview the main pillars that are being advocated by the cloud security
community in order to deploy end-to-end trustworthy cloud ecosystems for cloud computing namely transparency, accountability and security assurance mechanisms. Furthermore, we will briefly discuss future challenges associated with the automation of the cloud security life cycle.
Henning Mortensen, Chefkonsulent, DI Digital
Persondataforordningen – sådan overholder du reglerne
I præsentationen gennemgås de nye regler for behandling af personoplysninger overordnet. Herefter gennemgås redskaber,
som DI har udviklet, og som kan bidrage til, at virksomhederne kan komme i compliance med reglerne.
Program: Theater 1
Tuesday 3rd May
3rd-4th May 2016 | Øksnehallen, Copenhagen
Jesper Mikkelsen, Cyber Defense Specialist, Trend Micro
10.30 GAME OVER!!
11.00 205 days from breach to detection?!!??
Why is that? And can we do something about it? The answer is… yes, come and see how
Trend Micro can help identify unknown attacks, malicious behaviour and abnormal activity. Remidiate and prevent further
spread of an infection. From breach detection to breach prevention.
Henrik Akerstrand, Account Executive Nordics, Infinigate
12.00 Understanding User Behavior Analytics: How Outsiders Become Insiders
12.30 Today’s attackers employ a variety of deception tactics allowing them to impersonate legitimate users and bypass existing IT
security defenses. Web applications are often compromised in order to host malware or be turned into a phishing site. Users
who visit these sites then become infected or have their credentials stolen, giving attackers access to your network. Once inside, attackers become insiders. They use stealthy techniques to stay undetected for months. In this session we will examine:
Common tactics used by attackers to target users and assets
How attackers impersonate legitimate users
Best practices for preventing, detecting and containing these threats
Henrik Limkilde, Concept Manager, Security, Axcess
Hackere på ledelsesgangen
Hvordan binder man identifikation, rettigheder, malware-beskyttelse og funktionalitet sammen i et datacenter uden at gå på
kompromis med fleksibilitet og sikkerhed?
It-sikkerhed er kommet på agendaen på ledelsesgangen, men fokuserer desværre kun på nord- og sydgående trafik over firewallen og glemmer derved den øst- og vestvendte trafik, som også findes i et moderne datacenter.
Virtuelle maskiner kommunikerer i ubeskyttede og sammenhængende net, hvor hackere benytter bagdøren eller lukkes ind
af medarbejderne. Axcess/Atea viser, hvordan SDN, malware-beskyttelse, ISE og funktionsadskillelse håndteres i et moderne
datacenter, og hvordan malware kommer ind bag firewallen og bliver fanget, isoleret og sat i karantæne.
Jakob Juel Olsson, Salgsdirektør, Netteam
Netteam Security Customer Case
Bogdan Botezatu, Senior E-Threat Analyst KEYNOTE
14.15 Cybercrime as a Service Drives Next-Gen Antimalware Products
14.45 First account of do-it-yourself malware creation tools dates back in the early 90s with Mister Spock’s Virus Generator Tool. But
modern malware generation toolkits have turned from prank tools into money making machines that are responsible for the
creation of more than 14 million pieces of malware a month.
Florian Vojtech, Sales Engineer Security Consultant - Barracuda Networks, SEC Datacom
Goodbye Cyber Threats - Advanced threat protection and user awareness for physical, virtual and public cloud networks
Barracuda’s NextGen Firewalls are purpose-built to optimize network traffic flows in hybrid environments – adding intelligence
that improves your network while securing it. Unlike traditional port-based firewalls, our firewalls are application-aware, enabling you to regulate application usage and prioritize network traffic. We offer two series of firewalls (X and F series), each delivering advanced next-generation firewall performance and protection, yet for distinctly different environments. The X-Series is
designed for small to mid-market organizations requiring rapid implementation, while the F-Series is ideal for large managed
service providers and highly distributed enterprises.
Program: Theater 2
Tuesday 3rd May
3rd-4th May 2016 | Øksnehallen, Copenhagen
Martin Lee, Technical Lead, Security Research, Talos Outreach EMEA, Cisco
Dissecting Angler with Applied Analytics and Threat Intelligence
We have great pleasure of welcoming Talos, Cisco’s security research and threat intelligence team on stage. Talos is the group
within Cisco that investigates the threats and vulnerabilities that affect the Internet. One example is the Angler exploit kit
which is a major tool for criminals to distribute malware, such as ransomware, to profit from cyber crime. In this presentation
you will learn how the Talos team are able to analyse the data and intelligence available to block and disrupt the operation of
this criminal enterprise. This session will offer you an insight to how Cisco prevents and combats threats by using intelligence
and data sources available in order to secure Internet users.
Kim Elgaard, Solution Specialist, Arrow ECS
Hackers 5 phases to create a breach, and how to protect against it
A walkthrough of the 5 phases of a breach. What are the mechanisms a hacker uses to gain access to a system, and how can
Arrow ECS help you to protect yourself against them.
Andrew Kemshall, Co-Founter & CTO, SecurEnvoy
Embracing the Future of Authentication
This presentation starts with a discussion on leveraging existing data stores for easy deployment and then gives an overview
of the different options for utilizing a mobile phone as your token. It will also discuss new security techniques such as utilizing
split seed records. Finally this presentation will show new ground breaking ways of authenticating users via push, NFC and
Touch ID.
Peter Johansson, Regional Manager Nordics, SEC Datacom
How WatchGuard strives for Simplicity, Top UTM performance and Threat visibility and why it matters to you
Learn how WatchGuard delivers a complete portfolio of Unified Threat Management (UTM) and Next-Generation Firewall
(NGFW) appliances and services delivering the highest performance network security at every price point, while easy to
manage with Visually-stunning data mining tools for identifying, isolating, and stopping network threats before they become a
David Half, Chief Strategy Officer, SMS Passcode
14.00 Cloud Services – Productivity Booster or Security Risk?
14.30 Most likely a bit of both! At no point in time have User Authentication and Cloud Application Control been more important than
it is today. The use of “unauthorized” applications to process corporate data is exploding and more often than not organizations
are blind to the implications of shadow IT in their infrastructure.
CensorNet and SMS PASSCODE join forces to fulfill an ambitious security vision, offering a holistic approach to Cloud Security.
Join this session to see:
How easy it is to control your cloud applications
How multi-factor authentication plays an important role in cloud adoption
How to cast light on your shadow IT
Program: Theater 3
Tuesday 3rd May
3rd-4th May 2016 | Øksnehallen, Copenhagen
Lars Neupart, Direktør KEYNOTE
EUs persondatabeskyttelse - hvor svært kan det være?
Indrømmmet, det er en kompleks ny persondataforordning, som vi lige har fået teksten til. Den skal erstatte den nuværende
danske persondatalov. Denne præsentation undersøger hvordan de mange nye krav til virksomheders behandling og beskyttelse af persondata kan gribes pragmatisk an, og om de processer, der snart skal fungere i virksomhederne, med fordel kan
planlægges sammen med de allerede ret udbredte ISO 27001-processer som mange offentlige og private virksomheder allerede
har indført som et led I deres arbejde med informationssikkerhed.
Jesper B. Hansen, Senior Informationssikkerhedskonsulent, Siscon
14.15 EU-forordningen – ”blot” en ny del af informationssikkerhed
14.45 Ingen grund til panik – endnu!
EU-forordningen er blot endnu et ”krav” til det eksisterende informationssikkerhedsarbejde i din virksomhed (og lidt til).
Kravene bør implementeres som en overbygning på det informationssikkerhedsfundament, der forventelig allerede findes i din
virksomhed. Siscons oplæg giver viden om hvordan op-/udbygningen af dit eksisterende informationssikkerhedsarbejde, gør
det enklere at efterleve og opfylde EU-forordningens krav, på en struktureret og overskuelig måde.
Med dig efter indlægget får du, en pragmatisk tilgang til de opgaver EU-forordningen lægger op til. Du guides igennem en ”todo-liste”, således at du har viden om, hvilke opgaver du fremadrettet skal have på din agenda.
Keynotes: Theater 4
Wednesday 4th May
3rd-4th May 2016 | Øksnehallen, Copenhagen
10.00 Thomas Grane, CIO / IT Direktør, Matas
Hvordan beskytter man Danmarks største kundeklub mod hacking?
10.45 Hør hvilke tanker der ligger bag sikkerheden omkring Clubmatas og om hvordan White hat Hackere kan hjælpe dig på vej, når
man skal beskytte 1.6 mio. danske kvinders data. Thomas Grane fortæller bl.a. også om vigtigheden af at designe den rigtige
infrastruktur og om at holde fast i sine politikker og design principper, uden at det hele bliver et spørgsmål om kun at investere
dyrt i store sikkerhedsløsninger.
Per Thorsheim, Security Advisor, God Praksis AS
12.00 Lessons learned from the hacking of Ashley Madison
12.45 Ashley Madison, the dating site promoting adultery in their slogan “Life is short. Have an affair.” got hacked in July 2015. Mil-
lions of customers’ most intimate details were released in August 2015 by the hackers, after the service owners refused to close
down business. As the biggest public breach of sensitive personal information ever, there are many lessons to be learned in
terms of data protection, hacktivism, crisis management, media handling, and pitfalls that must be avoided.
Marit Hansen, Privacy Commissioner, Data Protection Authority Schleswig-Holstein
13.00 Privacy and Data Protection for Big Data - why Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability are not sufficient
13.45 Big Data is promising solutions for business, administration, and society. But how can it be reconciled with the requirements
of privacy and data protection? The established protection goals from information security – confidentiality, integrity, and
availability – do not provide appropriate guidance for developers, operators, and users. Remedy may be achieved by shifting the
perspective and employing additional privacy protection goals: unlinkability, transparency, and intervenability. This method
can serve as foundation for Data Protection Assessments that are demanded by the upcoming European General Data Protection Regulation to minimize risks for people’s privacy and to ensure compliance for companies.
Jan Camenisch, Principle Research Staff Member, IBM Research
Authentication without Identification: How to Protect On-Line Identity
Today, authentication on electronic media is typically done by identification followed by authorization. We users are forced
to constantly identify ourselves, leaving a trail of personal information. Methods for user authentication are typically weak.
Both put our security and privacy at risk. In this talk we present authentication mechanisms that let service provider authorize
users by requesting only the necessary amount of the user. We show how easy it is to use these advanced privacy-protecting
authentication mechanisms and how they make it easier for service providers to protect user data. Finally, we will discuss a
number of use cases.
Program: Theater 1
Wednesday 4th May
3rd-4th May 2016 | Øksnehallen, Copenhagen
Keld Norman, IT Security Specialist KEYNOTE
Fra gymnasieelev til cyberkriminel hacker på kun 30 minutter
Se, hvor nemt det er at blive cyberkriminel – En gennemgang af hvordan de cyberkriminelle arbejder, hvor de kommunikerer,
og hvilke værktøjer de benytter.
Jesper Mikkelsen, Cyber Defense Specialist, Trend Micro
10.30 GAME OVER!!
11.00 205 days from breach to detection?!!??
Why is that? And can we do something about it? The answer is… yes, come and see how
Trend Micro can help identify unknown attacks, malicious behaviour and abnormal activity. Remidiate and prevent further
spread of an infection. From breach detection to breach prevention.
Henrik Akerstrand, Account Executive Nordics, Rapid7
12.00 Understanding User Behavior Analytics: How Outsiders Become Insiders
12.30 Today’s attackers employ a variety of deception tactics allowing them to impersonate legitimate users and bypass existing IT
security defenses. Web applications are often compromised in order to host malware or be turned into a phishing site. Users
who visit these sites then become infected or have their credentials stolen, giving attackers access to your network. Once inside, attackers become insiders. They use stealthy techniques to stay undetected for months. In this session we will examine:
Common tactics used by attackers to target users and assets
How attackers impersonate legitimate users
Best practices for preventing, detecting and containing these threats
Henrik Limkilde, Concept Manager, Security, Axcess
Hackere på ledelsesgangen
Hvordan binder man identifikation, rettigheder, malware-beskyttelse og funktionalitet sammen i et datacenter uden at gå på
kompromis med fleksibilitet og sikkerhed?
It-sikkerhed er kommet på agendaen på ledelsesgangen, men fokuserer desværre kun på nord- og sydgående trafik over firewallen og glemmer derved den øst- og vestvendte trafik, som også findes i et moderne datacenter.
Virtuelle maskiner kommunikerer i ubeskyttede og sammenhængende net, hvor hackere benytter bagdøren eller lukkes ind af
Axcess/Atea viser, hvordan SDN, malware-beskyttelse, ISE og funktionsadskillelse håndteres i et moderne datacenter, og
hvordan malware kommer ind bag firewallen og bliver fanget, isoleret og sat i karantæne.
Jakob Juel Olsson, Salgsdirektør, Netteam
13.30 Netteam Security Customer Case
Ola Björling, Sr. Channel Manager, MobileIron
Securing the modern enterprise
I will give you a brief overview of the trends that we are seeing in the market, especially related to the mobile devices. With
mobile devices, the enterprise information travels outside the corporate network and can be accessed from anywhere in the
world. The modern operating systems and the new mobile user requirements have fundamentally recast the enterprise security model. MobileIron provides the security foundation for enterprises to manage their mobile operating systems and thus help
them transform their businesses with mobile technologies.
Program: Theater 2
Wednesday 4th May
3rd-4th May 2016 | Øksnehallen, Copenhagen
Martin Lee, Technical Lead, Security Research, Talos Outreach EMEA, Cisco
11.00 Dissecting Angler with Applied Analytics and Threat Intelligence
11.30 We have great pleasure of welcoming Talos, Cisco’s security research and threat intelligence team on stage. Talos is the group
within Cisco that investigates the threats and vulnerabilities that affect the Internet. One example is the Angler exploit kit
which is a major tool for criminals to distribute malware, such as ransomware, to profit from cyber crime. In this presentation
you will learn how the Talos team are able to analyse the data and intelligence available to block and disrupt the operation of
this criminal enterprise. This session will offer you an insight to how Cisco prevents and combats threats by using intelligence
and data sources available in order to secure Internet users.
Kim Elgaard, Solution Specialist, Arrow ECS
Hackers 5 phases to create a breach, and how to protect against it
A walkthrough of the 5 phases of a breach. What are the mechanisms a hacker uses to gain access to a system, and how can
Arrow ECS help you to protect yourself against them.
Andrew Kemshall, Co-Founter & CTO, Infinigate
Embracing the Future of Authentication
This presentation starts with a discussion on leveraging existing data stores for easy deployment and then gives an overview
of the different options for utilizing a mobile phone as your token. It will also discuss new security techniques such as utilizing
split seed records. Finally this presentation will show new ground breaking ways of authenticating users via push, NFC and
Touch ID.
Magnus Jansson, EMEA Security Engineer, Data Security, Check Point
Protect your device with the next generation of mobile security
Today’s cybercriminals are particularly sneaky. They will trick you into installing a malicious app or connect to a rogue Wi-Fi
network and are able to see where you have been and who you plan to meet. They work long and hard at finding new ways
to steal sensitive data from the devices we use and trust the most: our smartphones and tablets. These data-rich devices are
quickly replacing laptops and PCs as our primary screens at work too, making it more important than ever to defend them
against new, advanced mobile threats. But how do you stay one step ahead of sophisticated cyber thieves without stumbling
over security or the end-user experience?
David Half, Chief Strategy Officer, SMS Passcode
14.00 Cloud Services – Productivity Booster or Security Risk?
14.30 Most likely a bit of both! At no point in time have User Authentication and Cloud Application Control been more important than
it is today. The use of “unauthorized” applications to process corporate data is exploding and more often than not organizations
are blind to the implications of shadow IT in their infrastructure.
CensorNet and SMS PASSCODE join forces to fulfill an ambitious security vision, offering a holistic approach to Cloud Security.
Join this session to see:
How easy it is to control your cloud applications
How multi-factor authentication plays an important role in cloud adoption
How to cast light on your shadow IT
Program: Theater 3
Wednesday 4th May
3rd-4th May 2016 | Øksnehallen, Copenhagen
Anders Svensson, Senior Systems Engineer, RSA
12.00 Be the Hunter – Not the hunted
12.30 Been breached or suspect a breach? Come and see how the unique combination of network, log, netflow and endpoint data you
will help you detect, investigate, and rapidly respond to advanced threats before they damage your business.
Michael Sjøberg & Tomas Hellum - Managing partners, LinkGRC
13.30 Aktiv kriseledelse i praksis
14.00 I takt med stigende krav til ledelsen omkring håndtering af fx cybersikkerhedsrelateret hændelser skal kriseledelsen i Danmark styrkes. Vi vil demonstrere et praktisk forløb i en simuleret avanceret krise.