Invitation to PhD defense - Center for Healthy Aging

The Research Unit of the
Department of Occupational
and Physical Therapy
Invitation to PhD defense
MSc Nanna Aue Sobol will defend her thesis
Aerobic exercise in patients with mild Alzheimer’s disease: Impact on
cardiorespiratory fitness, physical function, dual-task performance,
and self-efficacy
27 May 2016 at 14:00
The Big Auditorium, Entrance 50, Bispebjerg Hospital
Assessment Committee
Professor Peter Schwarz, University of Copenhagen
Associate Professor Hans Lund, University of Southers Denmark
Associate Professor Laura D. Baker, Wake Forest School of Medicine, USA
Professor Michael Kjær, University of Copenhagen
Associate Professor Nina Beyer, University of Copenhagen
Professor Steen Hasselbalch, University of Copenhagen
There will be a small reception after the defence.
Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg Hospital, University of Copenhagen