Curriculum Vitae for arkitekt, PhD

Curriculum Vitae architect PhD. Lotte Marianne Bjerregaard Jensen. Present academic position: Assoc. Professor
Educational Background
2007: Education in University Teaching at DTU
2001 (jan): PhD. Title (Aarhus School of Architecture)
1996: PhD. Studies at Architectural Association School of Architecture, London, PhD/Grad.School, Environment&
Energy, tutorials with Simmos Yannas and Royston Landau.
1995: Design Masterclass Berlage Institute Amsterdam
1993: MA (cand. Arch/ MA Architecture) – Aarhus School of Architecture
2006 .: Head of studies B. eng. Architectural Engineering program
2005-: Associate professor DTU byg/Architectural Engineering (research area: Architectural Engineering, Integrated
Energy Design, Design Processes),
2002-2005: Assistant Professor, DTU byg
2001-2002: (12 months) Teacher, Royal Academy of Art and Architecture, Professor Steen Høyers department.
1995-2000: PhD position at the Aarhus School of Architecture
1993-1994 (13 months). Architect, Susse Fischer Architectural Office, Eleven Danes A/S
Books, Articles, Papers, DTU link:
Projects (only project leader/Project owner position)
Sustainable Transformation and Environmental Design (Funded by the Nordic Build Foundation)
Urbanisation and Infrastructure in the Arctic - Challenges from a Sustainable Perspective
Sisimiut 2014
Third International Workshop on Design in Civil and Environmental Engineering (funded by Cowi Foundation)
DTU 2014
Solarmapping as part of a refurbishment process
Type: OPI (Offentlig Privat Innovation)
Solar decathlon 2012 : Team DTU Denmark (Funded by Realdania Foundation and Industry Partners)
Civil Engineering Futures (funded by Realdania Foundation)
PhD: supervision (co-superviser):
From Integrated design to sustainable design
Type: PhD | Projektstatus: Current
Integreret energidesign af klimaskærmen
Type: PhD |
Integreret energidesign i masterplanning
Type: PhD
Participation in council, board, committee and network
Project evaluation committee for Technology Foundation STW (NL)
Member of PhD assesment committee:
2016 - DTU, Malene Hagen Eriksen’s PhD (DTU representative in the assessment committee).
2014- Aalborg University, Ellen Kathrine Hansen’s PhD.
2013 – DTU, Niels Andreas Castberg’s PhD. (DTU representative in the assessment committee).
2012 - The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts,Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation,
Peter Andreas Sattrup’s PhD.
2009- The Oslo School of Architecture and Design, Johan Bettum’s PhD.
Member of the scientific Committee:
International Workshop on Design in Civil and Environmental Engineering:
2016(Sapienza University Rome, Italy), 2015 (National Taiwan University, Taiwan), 2014 (DTU, Denmark), 2013
(Worchester University, Massachusetts USA), 2011 (KAIST, South Korea).