LJUBLJANICA Ljubljanica kot lovna voda je razdeljena na dva revirja 30 in 31. Revir 30 se deli na salmonidni in ciprinidni del. Salmonidni del revirja 30 obsega del vodotoka od izvira Ljubljanice do avtocestnega mostu Ljubljana - Koper. V tem delu je dovoljeno vijačiti in muhariti. Naseljuje jo številčna populacija lipana potočne postrvi in šarenke, v spodnjem ciprinidnem delu pa se lovijo kleni, podusti, platnice, krapi, ščuke. Ribolov je mogoč tako z brega kot iz čolna ponekod pa tudi z bredenjem po vodi. V salmonidnem delu je od 1. aprila do 15. maja prepovedan ribolov od izvirov do sotočja obeh Ljubljanic. Prepoved ribolova v tem delu velja zaradi označenih drstiščih (table). Ciprinidni del se začne od avtocestnega mostu in poteka do meje z revirjem 31 ( Komini ). Revir je mešanega značaja, kar pomeni da lahko izvajamo ribolov na belice ali roparice. Ribolov je dovoljen tako z brega kot iz čolna. Pozimi je ta del priljubljeno lovišče za sulca, ki pa se ga običajno lovi ravno iz čolna. Za lov sulca se prodaja posebna dovolilnica samo v RD Vrhnika. Revir 31 se začne, kjer se v Ljubljanico z leve strani izlije Pekov graben(pri Kaminu) in poteka do cestnega mostu v Podpeči. Je mešani revir, kjer so zastopane vse vrste rib, ki živijo v Ljubljanici. Ta revir slovi po velikih platnicah, lipanih, ščukah in sulcih. BISTRA - LJUBIJA BISTRA-LJUBIJA Posebna revirja sta v naši RD Vrhnika rečici Bistra in Ljubija. Naseljujejo ju vse vrste kot v Ljubljanici s tem da so tu beleženi v preteklosti kapitalni ulovi potočne postrvi, lipanov, sulcev in ščuk. Lovi se samo z vijačenjem ali muharjenjem. Reka Ljubija je lovna od izvira do izliva v Ljubljanico. Reka Bistra od izvirov do izliva v Ljubljanico, od 1.4. do 1.6. prepovedan ribolov od izvirov do sotočja obeh krakov Bistre. The rivers Bistra and Ljubija are both special fishing grounds for our fishing club. Both are inhabited by all fish species that also inhabit Ljubljanica and in the past have recorded quite a lot of trophy catches of brown trout, grayling, huchen and pike. Allowed fishing technique is Fly-fishing and spinning. Fishing is allowed on the whole length of the river Ljubija. The same goes for river Bistra, but fishing is closed from the 1st of April to the 1st of June from its two springs to the confluence of both river branches because of marked spawning grounds. RIBNIKI THE PONDS Večje stoječe vode pri nas predstavljajo Ribniki Opekarna, kjer prevladujejo krap, som in drobiž, prisotna pa sta tudi ščuka in smuč. Ribolov je dovoljen na vse naštete vrste z brega in iz čolna, ki ga lahko najamete pri RD Vrhnika. Dovoljeno vijačenje, beličarjenje, krapolov in muharjenje. Ribolov se lahko izvaja povsod razen v gojitvenem ribniku: ribnik na desni, ki je s prekopom povezan z Divjakom Ribnik pri ribiškem domu, ribnik Lokev v Logatcu in Ribčev ribnik pri gradu Bistra so namenjeni predvsem lovu krapa in drobiža z brega z beličarskim priborom. Vijačenje je na teh ribnikih prepovedano. The biggest fishing ponds in our care are the ponds of Opekarna which are inhabited by carp, catfish, some pike and zander and also a lot of coarse fish. The fishing is allowed on all the mentioned fish species from the bank or with a boat that you can rent from the fishing family Vrhinka. The allowed fishing technique is coarse fishing, carp fishing and fly-fishing. Fishing can be done on all ponds except on the breeding pond that is on the right and conjoined with the pond Divjak trough a canal. The pond at the fishing family’s home, pond Lokev in Logatec and Ribčev pond at the castle Bistra are mostly intended for carp fishing and coarse fishing. Spinning on these ponds is not allowed. LJUBLJANICA The river Ljubljanica is split in two fishing districts #30 and #31. Fishing district #30 is divided in two parts. First part is mostly inhabited by fish from the Salmonid family and ranges from the springs to the bridge of the highway Ljubljana-Koper. The allowed fishing technique is Fly-fishing and Spinning. It is inhabited by a numerous population of grayling, brown trout and rainbow trout. The second part is mostly inhabited with fish from the Cyprinid family and has a numerous population of European chub, common nase, Danube roach, carp, huchen (Danube salmon) and pike. Fishing is possible from the bank or a boat, and on some locations it is possible to wade in the water. Fishing is closed in the salmonid part from the 1st of April to the 15th of May from both of the springs to the confluence of both river branches. Fishing is closed because of marked spawning grounds (sign boards). The cyprinid part starts from the highway bridge to the border with fishing ground number 31 (Kamin). The fishing grounds are of a mixed character, which means it allows coarse fishing and spinning for predatory fish. Fishing is slowed from the bank or from a boat. In winter this part is also a very popular fishing ground for fishing the huchen and is mostly done from boats. The permit for fishing the huchen is sold exclusively in the fishing home of the fishing family Vrhnika. Fishing grounds number 31 starts at the point where from the left side the water from Pekov gorge joins with Ljubljanica (at Kamin) and continues to the road bridge in the village of Podpeč. It is also of a mixed character that includes all the fish living in Ljubljanica. These fishing grounds are famous for its large Danube roach, grayling, pike and huchen.
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